VOLUME 55 ISSUE 3 October 2015

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 74th ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015-2016 PRESIDENT ELECT JULY 22-25, 2016 REPORT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Dr. Janet Sigal, USA YOKOHAMA, JAPAN Tokyo, Japan. October 2015 [email protected] Conference Theme Past President: Dr. Tara Pir, USA [email protected] PSYCHOLOGY FOR WORLD EQUALITY, Dear Colleagues, President Elect: Dr. Machiko Fukuhara, ACCESS AND WELL-BEING JAPAN [email protected] On August 3, 2015 in Toronto, I Treasurer: Dr. Robert D. Clark, USA Machiko Fukuhara, had the great honor of experiencing [email protected] 'high five’ with Dr. Janet Sigal, ICP, Secretary: Dr. Cecilia Cheng, CHINA PhD, ICP President- Inc. President 2015-16. Then I real- [email protected] Elect DIRECTORS AT LARGE ized that two major responsibilities, Term expires 2016 Chair and Coordinator of President-Elect, ICP, Inc. as well as Dr. Diana Boer, GERMANY Coordinator (chair), of the Local Dr. Yoshiko Kato, JAPAN the 74th Annual Confer- Arrangement Committee for the 74th Term expires 2017 ence and Jubilee Birthday Polly Dy, Esq., PHILIPPINES Year of the International ICP, Inc. Conference, Yokohama, Dr. Richard Velayo, USA are in front of me. Psychologists (ICP, Inc.) Term expires 2018 I understand that my tasks in Dr. Anna Laura Comunian, ITALY Dr. Sandra E. S. Neil, AUSTRALIA Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to share relation to the conference and in Non-Voting Board Representatives ideas and engage in face-to-face discussion with capacity of President-Elect and UN NGO Chair colleagues! The International Council of Psychol- Chair of the Local Arrangement Dr. Florence Denmark, USA Committee are: 1) Coordinate Con- International Association Liaison Chair ogy (ICP2016) will be held at the same location Dr. Martin Mrazick, CAN during and after our meeting. There will be ample ference preparation and manage- Continuing Education Chair opportunities to meet psychologist colleagues ment, 2) Select staff and committee TBA members, 3) Manage needed agree- Interest Groups & IP Research: from all over the world. Dr. Varda Muhlbaur, ISRAEL Pacifico Yokohama is one of the most distin- ments and contracts, 4) Manage Coordinator for Regional & Area guished convention ceners in Japan. It is located conference finances in collaboration Chairs: Dr. Sandra E.S. Neil, AUS. with the Treasurer and Sec-General, Membership Chair: on the waterfront of Yokohama Bay and consists TBA of a Conference Center, an Exhibition Hall, a ho- ICP, Inc., 5) Announce the confer- Students: Dr. H. Takooshian, USA tel and the National Convention of Yokohama. ence theme and call for proposals, Long Range Conference Planning: Drs. Fukuhara, Nagy-Tanaka, Kato The buildings, modeled after a yacht sail and a 6) Act as the chair of the scientific Parliamentarian: Dr. Florence Denmark, shell, are impressive from both the sea and land committee and participate on the USA sides. paper reviewing committee with Contracts: Scientific subcommittee members, Newsletter Editor: A.M. O’Roark [email protected] 7) Invite speakers, 8) Decide the Acting Sec-General: N. Quatrano program, for example, setting the [email protected] time and date for academic sessions Website Manager: JP Abilla and board meetings, 9) collect infor- [email protected] mation for hotels and negotiate the CONTENTS prices with them, and 10) Act as Section I—Leader’s Reports 1 Liaison with ICP2016. I realize these are unbelievably demanding Section II—Long Range, Member, and International News 6 responsibilities. However, I will strive to do my best with the help Section III—Administrative 14 and close communication of all WWW.ICPWEB.ORG [continued on next page]


Con’t from page 1 PAST PRESIDENT REPORT members. Therefore, I will need strong support and col- laboration from you. The 74th ICP, Inc. Conference is actually the com- memorative anniversary of the 75th, because it was founded in December, 1941. It will be held July 23-July Tara Pir, PhD, USA 24, 2016 at Pacifico Yokohama, with Board meetings on Past President the 22nd and 25th in Yokohama, Japan. The theme of the Conference is “Psychology for World Equality, Access and Well-being.” There will be many talks in the aca- At our 73rd Annual Conference of demic program for prospective participants including ses- the International Council of Psy- sions by the keynote speaker, invited speakers, interest chologists (ICP, Inc.), held in To- groups, and discussion hours. Besides all of this, you will ronto, Canada, we achieved our be able to enjoy delightful Japanese cultural demonstra- goals. Many aspects of our conference, including the sci- tions during lunchtime and the evening reception hour. entific program, the human rights summit, the awards ICP, Inc. continues its mission 1) to advance the sci- ceremony and both the outgoing and incoming board ences and practice of psychology and to support the use meetings reached our objectives in all of these elements: of psychological knowledge to promote social health and collaborated with similar organizations, generated net- justice, 2) to contribute to world peace and human rights working opportunities, and promoted ICP’s goals in the for all peoples by helping to empower those under repre- context of APA meetings. sented ethnic and culturally diverse groups, 3) to encour- All of our Executive Directors, Board Members, and age global wellness through promotion and integration of Members did their very best to share and promote ICP’s health and mental health services, and 4) to foster interna- mission and goals. Our innovative project received excel- tional professional development, networking, communi- lent feedback from par- cation as well as mentoring friendships among psycholo- ticipants. gists, allied mental health professionals and social scien- Several significant tists. (Taken from “the Letter from the President, cele- items were discussed th brates its 70 Year,” by Dr. Ann O’Roark). This philoso- which will affect our phy will continue to be the foundation of this Conference. business in the future. We are a unique psychological association that is in- One of these is the term viting interdisciplinary members to participate. Also, we of office for President are open to and encourage close collaborations, Interest Elect and Secretary Group joint research, academic and friendly exchanges changed from 2 years among members, prospective members and nonmembers to 1 year. Outgoing Board Meeting 8/1/15 of diverse backgrounds from all over the world hoping Another innovation that they will contribute to the wellness of people and is the proposed ListServ that promises to improve com- peace in the world. munication and the sharing of information, safely. The deadline for the call for presentations is Decem- Also, Dr. Janel Gauthier, President of IAAP was our ber 1, 2015. To simplify the process, the form will be guest at the Board meeting. Dr. Gauthier shared his per- available to be completed online this year, on the ICP spective and experience with similar innovations that website. have been effective in IAAP. Please do not miss this meaningful and informative In my new responsibilities as Past President, I hope to opportunity! build a new Nominating and Elections Committee. This year, we have a few open positions including the follow- The following, in alphabetical order, are members of the ing: International Advisory Committee. I am grateful to you President Elect for your assistance and help: To serve one year as President Elect, one year as Drs. Cecilia Cheng, Florence Denmark, Anna Guil, President and one year as Past President. Chock Hiew, Ludwing Lowenstein, Sandra Neil, Ann Secretary O’Roark, and Tara Pir. To serve three years (may serve a second term) Director at Large (2 positions) Machiko To serve three years

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Con’t from page 2 UNITED NATIONS REPORT Serving ICP is a very honorable position, as ICP is the oldest international organization of its kind in the world with a great history of accomplishments. ICP needs people with strong humanistic values, significant commit- ment, and skills to contribute to the growth and wellbeing UN NGO Representative of this great organization. Florence L. Denmark, PhD I look forward to working with all of you in my new USA position as we all support ICP going into 2016. INTRODUCING THE ICP Best wishes, INTERNS Tara ICP has selected five wonderful interns for this year. The photos below of the 2015 ICP Toronto convention are pro- Pictured below (From left to right): Sonia Javani, Tamara vided courtesy of Dr. Pir. We thank her for sharing them. Alaryan, Amanda Gooden, Niki Davis, Massoma Alam: Three have written a paragraph introducing them- selves. Sonia Javana: My name is Sonia Javani and I am a Graduate Psychol- ogy Student at . Being George Gharibian, PhD, Sandra E.S. Neil, an Iranian Ameri- PhD, Machiko Fukuhara, PhD, Florence Den- can coming from mark, PhD, Janel Gautier, PhD, Tara Pir, PhD, the Middle East Ardalan Zamani, J.D. Toronto, CA with multilingual and multicultural background experi- ences, I have al- ways been inter- ested in Interna- tional Psychology and its interaction with global issues. I am particularly in- terested to under- stand, develop and L-R: Mark Borkheim, PhD, Ardalan Zamani, JD, practice a psycho- George Gharibian, PhD., Tara Pir, PhD. IMCES logical science that panel presentation, Aug 2, 2015 Toronto, CA is culturally inclusive, serves the public interest, promotes global perspectives, and addresses most concerns of global importance. I am honored to have the opportunity to intern in the foremost leading human rights related institution and help implement ICP's missions of addressing their areas of concern. Amanda Gooden: My name is Amanda Gooden, I am a Toronto native that moved to NYC to get my masters degree in psychol- Outgoing Board Meeting 8/1/15, Toronto, CA ogy at NYU. I have an interest in the criminal justice sys- tem, especially how psychology plays a role in the court-

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PAGE 4 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER Con’t. from page 3 attorney's office where I was exposed to the legal side of forensic psychology. There I learned first hand the effects psychology has in the courtroom. Currently with The in- ternational Council of Psychology at the UN, I want to extent my knowledge of criminal justice and create sim- ple solutions that can be generalized internationally. Niki Davis My name is Niki Davis and I moved from here from Canada to pursue my Masters degree in Psychology. I am very interested in how psychology intersects with public policy and specifically how the goals of the United Na- tions can be operationalized and measured. My research interests also include exploring issues related to gender and sexuality. Turn the World UN Blue “Turn the World UN Blue” is a global UN campaign DO YOU KNOW THESE ICP LEADERS? by the United Nations Department of Public Information to light important buildings, monuments, landscapes and iconic structures around the world in “UN Blue” to mark the 70th anniversary on 24 October, 2015, and mark United Nations Day. Images and videos of the lighted structures will be part of a large-scale press and social media outreach effort using the hashtag #UN70, and will be seen by millions of people around the world. We encourage DPI-associated NGOs to participate in this initiative, and develop your own, innovative initia- tives at the local level to join in the spirit of turning the world UN Blue for this worldwide celebration. You may choose to partner with a local authority, or another NGO, or work independently. If you use electricity to “turn UN blue” we encourage low carbon options such as energy efficient light bulbs or renewable energy technology when possible. No effort would be considered too small, and we look forward to seeing innovative NGO solutions to “turning the world UN Blue” in every corner of the globe. Please post photos and videos on social media platforms using the hashtag #UN70 – including Twitter, Facebook, Insta- gram, Snapchat and other platforms. This campaign offers a unique opportunity for NGOs associated with the De- partment of Public Information to showcase their commit-

ment to the UN to a global audience, and help promote the message of peace, development and human rights for all. We will be watching social media on the day, and in the meantime queries or information about your plans can be sent to section4d[at]un[dot]org.


PAGE 5 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER next IP 55.4. DIRECTOR AT LARGE REPORT The 50th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference, 29 September – 2 October Gold Coast, Queensland. Dr. Sandra E. S. Neil I was an invited Panel Member for the Forum on the Director at Large APS and its Relations With International Psychology As-

World Regional and Local Area sociations at the 50th Australian Psychological Society Chair Coordinator Annual Conference, Golden Jubilee 29th September to AUSTRALIA the 2nd October 2015. Panellists included Professor Mike Knowles (APS), International Council of Psychologists (ICP) World Professor Paul Martin (IAAP), Professor Lyn Littlefield Peace Summit – “The Endangered People and (IAAP), Professor Simon Crowe (IUPsys), Dr Sandra Children Human Rights World Summit 2015” 1st Neil (ICP), Professor Iain Montgomery (IPCP) and Dr August 2015. Toronto, Canada. Saths Cooper (Discussant). While the benefits of the APS’s hosting of the 2010 This important symposium was presented by the In- Congress of the International Association of Applied Psy- ternational Relations and Human Rights Interest Group chology (IAAP) are many and varied, one of critical im- for the 73rd Annual ICP (International Council of Psy- portance is the deepening of the connection not only be- chologists) Conference 1st – 3rd August 2015, Toronto, Canada. tween Australian psychology and international psychol- The Human Rights Summit was held on Saturday 1st ogy but also between Australian and international psy- August chaired by Dr Sandra E.S. Neil PhD, MA, BEd, chologists. Thus the aim of the forum was to review the BA, FAPS, Clinical and Family Psychologist, World Area nature of the relations between the APS, or its members, Chair Coordinator (ICP), with Emerita Professor Dr. Flor- and major international psychological associations. This ence L. Denmark PhD, Pace Distinguished Research Pro- includes the IAAP, the International Union of Psychologi- fessor, Pace University (USA) as Discussant. cal Science (IUPsyS), the International Council of Psy- Program: chologists (ICP) and the International Project on Compe- 1. Professor Machiko Fukuhara, PhD, Professor Emerita tence in Psychology (IPCP). Conclusion: Outcomes in- in Counselling/Clinical Psychology, Tokiwa Uni- cludes raising awareness of the existence and relevance versity, Mito City, (Japan); “Endangered People these associations as well as aiding the development of and Human Rights”. personal or institutional strategies in connection with 2. Dr. Sandra E.S. Neil PhD, MA, BEd, BA, FAPS, them. Clinical and Family Psychologist (Australia);“Towards Healthy Families and Com- passionate Values in Clinical Practice in Austra- lia”. 3. Professor John Thoburn PhD, ABPP, Department of Clinical Psychology, Seattle Pacific University (USA); “Evolving Beyond Tribalism and Terror- ism: New Wine Requires New Wineskins”. 4. Dr. Robert L. N. Silverberg MD, BS, BA, FAAP Phy- sician in Psychological Medicine (Australia); “The Development of Tolerance”. 5. Professor Justina E. Aire, Ph.D., Professor of Psy- chology, St. George's University, Grenada (West Indies); “The Boko Haram Saga: An emerging challenge for Psychologists”. 6. Discussion and Summary; Emerita Professor Dr. L-R: Dr Mike Knowles, Professor Paul Martin, Pro- fessor Lyn Littlefield, Professor Simone Crowe, Pro- Florence L. Denmark PhD, Robert S. Pace Distin- fessor Iain Montgomery and Dr. Saths Cooper guished Research Professor, Pace University Thanks to Dr. Neil for the photo (USA). Professor Denmark made some very astute observations: these will be made available for the WWW.ICPWEB.ORG


SECTION II: MEMBER and INTERNATIONAL NEWS summers with his sons while teaching and engaging in AVE ATQUE VALE research, throughout Central America, New Zealand and Australia, Europe, and the Middle East. On these trips, he established deep and life-long professional and personal Thomas David Oakland, PdD friendships, and laid the foundation for the field of educa- 1940—2015 tional psychology in many countries. In all, he lived and worked in more than 50 countries on six continents. (Excerpted from h t t p : / / Through his dedication to the development of training gainesville/obituary.aspx? programs across the globe, Tom is warmly known as one pid=174457881) of the 'Founding Fathers of International School Psychol- Dr. Thomas David Oakland, a nationally and interna- ogy. tionally renowned school psychologist, test developer, Though Tom's heart always would remain in Texas, teacher, mentor, and humanitarian, died March 4, 2015 at he left Texas in 1995 to become the Chair of the Depart- his house in Gainesville, FL. He was 75. ment of Educational Psychology at the University of Flor- Tom often spoke of having had an idyllic childhood ida (Gainesville). While there, his research and writing in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He was much loved, and sur- became more prolific, and his areas of interest also ex- rounded by a large Scandinavian-immigrant family. His panded to include temperament and adaptive behavior. leisure time was spent fishing and swimming in Lake His work as a forensic psychologist also flourished; his Michigan, going to Chicago Cubs baseball games, and test of adaptive behavior continues to be one of the deter- spending summers on relatives' farms. One of his dreams mining standards for intellectual ability for death-row was to build a cabin in Northern Wisconsin with his sons, inmates. where they could spend summers. He officially retired from the University of Florida as He held many leadership positions in school, both at Professor Emeritus in 2013. Even in retirement, he con- Mary D. Bradford High (Kenosha), and at Lawrence Col- tinued his dedication to his field. When not traveling in- lege (Appleton). It was at Lawrence that he met his first ternationally to participate in conferences or symposia, he wife--Judy (Defferding) Higgins--and mother of his two spent the majority of his waking hours working at home, beloved sons, David and Christopher. which he considered his sanctuary. In all, he authored or Upon graduation from Lawrence, he began his career edited 12 books, more than 200 chapters and articles, and as a middle-school teacher, before completing the doc- 11 psychological tests. toral program in educational psychology at Indiana Uni- During his career, Dr. Oakland also was a Fulbright versity in 1967. That same year, Dr. Oakland became a Scholar at the University of Brasilia, and was a member Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at of the faculty of psychology at the University of Hong the University of Texas at Austin, where he remained for Kong, and the Iberoamerican University in San Jose, 27 years. Costa Rica. He was a diplomat in the fields of psychol- During those years, he was a dedicated father, ogy, forensic examination, and professional neuropsy- scholar, and community leader. He rose to the position of chology. Chair of the School Psychology Department at the Uni- Recognized internationally, he received numerous versity of Texas. He co-founded the Allandale Neighbor- awards of distinction from state, national, and interna- hood Association. He hosted an on-going nightly tional professional associations, recognizing his out- neighborhood-kids baseball game, went with friends and standing contributions. He also provided leadership for neighbors to get ice cream in a neighbor's antique fire many organizations, both domestic and international. He truck, took his sons fishing and coached their soccer was the Founder and President of the International Foun- teams. dation for Children's Education. Despite his success and Following his divorce, Tom successfully combined recognition, Dr. Oakland asked that his peers and friends academic responsibilities with those of being a single par- call him 'Tom' which they did with affection. ent. One of Tom's first books, Divorced Fathers, was Thomas Oakland was a modest person, humble, open, written during this period; it was dedicated to his two and engaging. He trusted and believed in the goodness of sons. It also was during this time Tom's interest in and people, a trait that endeared him to all he met. He will be commitment to psychological and educational characteris- remembered for his generosity, infectious laughter, re- tics of children and youth, learning disabilities, and inter- fined card-playing skills, story-telling ability, extraordi- national issues began. He travelled internationally most nary command of the English language and editing skills, WWW.ICPWEB.ORG [continued on next page]


Con’t. from page 6 Police said Underwood's wife, Sherry Underwood, 48, unique dancing style, high moral tenets, love of country, who is disabled, told police that her husband had a large and desire to be a good person. bag of cash she believed he had taken from Professor Dr. Oakland's family would prefer any donations be Oakland. given to the Dr. Thomas Oakland International School "She knew he was unemployed and had no funds of his Psychology Fellowship at the University of Florida. own, and all of a sudden he had a bag of cash," Tobias said. ******* Oakland was a prominent professor of education until his The information below is cited from this online news arti- retirement in 2010, and a former Fulbright Scholar, ac- cle. It can be read with photos by using this link: cording to the University of Florida. He'd also authored or edited 12 books and hundreds of articles. professor-thomas-oakland-was-bludgeoned-before-house- "Dr. Oakland was an exemplary world-class scholar in the fire-suspect/ field of school psychology, and a dedicated teacher, re- searcher and mentor to his students during his 15 years as a College of Education faculty member," said Glenn RETIRED UNIV. OF FLORIDA PROFESSOR GAVE Good, dean of the College. SUSPECT $37K BEFORE ALLEGED MURDER "We will continue to be inspired by his extraordinary By CRIMESIDER STAFF AP March 6, 2015, 1:32 PM commitment to the college and his profession, his caring and love for his family, compassion for his students and GAINESVILLE, Fla. - A retired University of Florida graduates, and his grace and humor." professor was killed by an ex-convict to whom he'd given Court records show Underwood Jr. has a long rap sheet: $37,000 in what authorities described as a "Good Samari- In 2014 he was convicted of swindling, fraud and dealing tan" relationship, police said. stolen property. He's also been convicted on drug charges, At first, authorities believed that the professor, Thomas forgery and grand theft. AP Oakland, 75, had died in a house fire on Wednesday. But an autopsy found that he'd been fatally struck in the head and body and was likely already dead when fire con- PROFESSOR SINGGIH DIRGA GUNARSA sumed his Gainesville home. Dear ICP friends, Police opened a homicide investigation and immediately began searching for a man whom the professor had been This is to inform you, particularly those who knows Pro- helping financially for the past few years. fessor Singgih Dirga Gunarsa personally, that he has Late Thursday, the U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugi- passed away on Jan 6, 2015 at the age of 80. tive Task Force apprehended 37-year-old Stephen Under- He is one of the first and prominent psychologists in In- wood Jr. in Jacksonville. Underwood had been released donesia, particularly in Child & Developmental and sport from prison Dec. 22 after convictions for fraud and traf- psychology. ficking in stolen property, according to state records. He is one of the first Indonesian ICP members (as a mat- For years before his death, Oakland had been a ter of fact, he was the one who recruited me to ICP), he "Good Samaritan" who was trying to help Under- used to be the area chair of ICP Indonesia, and a very wood out, police said. Over the year before Under- close friend of Prof Dr Seisoh Sukemune of Japan. wood went to prison, investigators believe Oakland May he Rest in Peace. gave him more than $37,000 in cash, Gainesville Po- lice spokesman Officer Ben Tobias said. Sarlito Sarwono "Apparently, Underwood knew Oakland kept cash in the Prof. Dr. Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, psychologist house," Tobias said. University of Indonesia, Underwood, a day laborer who is currently unemployed, Persada Indonesia University, is being held on charges of murder, arson, burglary and Pancasila University, grand theft. Jakarta. Indonesia


PAGE 8 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 ANN MARIE O’ROARK RECEIVES DISTIN- MEMBER NEWS GUISHED CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNA- TIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AWARD FROM DR. JOAN DIGIOVANNI: The International Council of Dear ICP Friends, Psychologists, Inc.(ICP,Inc.) I have not been able to participate in conferences recently presented the 2015 Frances and hope to see you in Yokohama in 2016. Mullin Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Psychology to Dr. O’Roark at Anyone interested in contributing to the Women’s Interest rd Group for a 2016 symposium, please contact me or Varda their 73 Annual Conference Mulbauer. Our email addresses are below. and Board Meeting in Toronto, Ontario Canada, August 3, I have moved again. The new address is below with a 2015. poster of last year’s art show. Ann Marie has been active in international psychological as- 1700 Mission St. #7, S. Pasadena, CA 91030. Cell is 626- sociations since 1978 when she 319-2805. Email: [email protected] became a member of ICP, Inc. and the International Associa- Email for Dr. Mulbauer: [email protected] tion of Applied Psychology (IAAP) at the Congress in Hope to hear from you soon. Munich, Germany. A valedictorian graduate of the American High School in Nürnberg, Germany, she went Joan DiGiovanni, PhD, Member 1983. on to be elected to and awarded the Uni- Co-Chair ICP, Inc. Women’s Interest Group versity of Kentucky Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award for academic excellence, nobility of character and leadership. Ann Marie received Masters and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University of Florida After serving as Deputy Secretary of the Education and Arts Cabinet, then as Assistant State Treasurer in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, she dedicated her career to independent prac- tice, specializing in executive assessment, strategic plan- ning and organizational development. In addition to her own AO’ Consulting practice, tailoring contracts with hospitals, banks, industrial firms, government agencies and fine arts associations, she collaborated in joint ven- tures with psychological consulting firms and academic institutions – Behavioral Counseling Services [FL], The American Management Association [NY], the Center for Creative Leadership [NC], Eckerd College ]FL], Organ- izational Renewal, Inc. [DC], Creative Interchange Con- sultants International [FL]. She has authored and co- edited more than 12 books; made more than 140 profes- sional presentations in 21 countries; is a Fellow in four APA divisions, a Fellow of the Society of Personality As- sessment (SPA) and a Diplomate of the American Board of Assessment Psychology (ABAP). As APA division 13 representative to the American Psychological Association (APA) Council, she co-sponsored the motion for APA recognition of ABAP and sponsored the motion and was lead author of the final document adopted as policy for Education and Training Guidelines for Doctoral and Post -Doctoral Consulting Psychology / Organizational Con- sulting.

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PAGE 9 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 Con’t. from page 8 ICP HAPPENINGS FROM NEW YORK, NY ICP, Inc. honors Dr. DR. O’Roark for her dedi- cated leadership within On June 30 in NYC, 75 psychologists and students cele- ICP, Inc. across 37 brated the 100th year of Dr. , at a gather- years as President, as ing arranged by Frank Farley and Manhattan Psycho- Secretary, as Director logical Association President Harold Takooshian. In this At Large, as Area Chair photo by Dinesh Sharma, Dr. Bruner is seated among sev- and for organizational eral ICP members and other distinguished colleagues (l to innovations. She intro- r): duced the Early Career Evgeny Osin, Ambassador Hamid Al-Bayati, Dmitry Award, the InAbsentia Graduate Student Leontiev, Uwe Gielen, Rafael Art Javier, Leonard Poster Exhibit and the Davidman, Dr. Bruner, Florence Denmark, Frank Creativity & Personality Farley, Judy Kuriansky, Sharon Brennan, Oliver Interest Group. She Sacks, Henry Solomon, Dinesh Sharma. coordinated annual symposia for presenta- tion at liaison confer- ences and congresses [APA, IAAP, International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS). As editor of the INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST(IP) she re-activated publishing of papers and studies as an extra section, International Understanding (IU), which was the title of the earliest ICP, Inc. publication. She has been unstinting with assistance to requests from elected and appointed lead- ers as well as with presentations and publications about the mission and history of ICP,Inc. Her generosity in mentoring and coaching work with colleagues is widely acknowledged and appreciated. Her work on manage- rial characteristics and effective leadership appear in volumes published by IAAP, IUPsyS, ICP, Inc. as well as in several languages and her book, Quest for Execu- tive Effectiveness served as a textbook for academic On June 30 in NYC, 35 psychologists and students heard courses in the US and the Philippines. a session on Positive Psychology in Russia, with Evgeny Osin and Dmitry Leontiev from Moscow, and Michael Ann Marie O’Roark, for all you have done to support Ivanov and Yuliya Komarova. This was chaired by His and encourage fellow psychologists, for opening win- Excellency Hamid Al-Bayati of the UN. In the photo dows of opportunity for others for whom English is a below (l to r), Drs. Leontiev, Komarova, Ivanov, (seated) second language and for providing an internationally Osin. grounded, theoretically integrated leadership model,

the first one published by a woman, as well as introduc- ing “calibration consultation” and constructing the first model for an International Organizational Con- sulting Process, we are proud to present to you the 2015 Mullen Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Psychology.

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On June 30 in NYC, four editors/authors celebrate the INTERNATIONAL NEWS release that day of their new book Pathfinders in Interna- tional Psychology (Rich & Gielen), l to r: Harold Ta- kooshian, Uwe Gielen, Judy Kuriansky, Dinesh Ronald P. Rohner, Ph.D., University of Connecticut, Sharma. This new volume contains an original chapter Storrs, Connecticut, USA on the legacy of ICP past-President Charles D. Spielber- ger, authored by colleague and ICP past-President Ann [email protected] Marie O'Roark. Ronald P. Rohner, Ph.D., is Pro- fessor Emeritus of Family Studies and Anthropology at the Univer- sity of Connecticut (UCONN), Storrs, CT, USA. He is also Direc- tor of the Ronald and Nancy Rohner Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and Re- jection located on the UCONN Campus. Additionally, he serves as Executive Director and is former President of the International Society for Interpersonal Accep- tance and Rejection. He is the author of Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory (IPARTheory), its associ- ated measures, twelve books, and more than 200 articles and other publications.

MESSAGE FROM SEISOH SUKEMUNE From Dr. Chok Hiew, CANADA Good News: Seisoh Sukemune is attending the ICP, Inc. conference in Yokohama next year and making reserva- tions to stay at the convention hotel—Yokohama Pacifico. He intends to give a short talk in the symposium that I am organizing to honor him. I asked him for a message for you to announce in IP. He sent the following:

“Greetings to my friends in ICP! "I am fine now despite having being confined to a wheelchair in my daily life. Fond memories of my lifelong past association with ICP persist. I value having contributed to the Sukemune-Bain Award for young scientists. I look forward to welcoming you to Japan next year.”

Seisoh Sukemune


IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 11 Con’t. from page 10 Encourages promising psychologists to continue inno- vative research and programs in this area APA DIV 52 REQUEST For more information, please see our website http:// International Leadership Network being formed by Jean Lau Chin, President Division 52. She is planning a pro- gram for APA in Denver 2016. All assistance appreciated. The deadline for proposals is March 1, 2016. Please feel free to distribute this call as you see fit. Thank you for Contact information: your time. Jean Lau Chin, ED.D., ABPP Email: [email protected] SECOND TRANSPERSONAL Tel: 516-206-4626 RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM, Website: LONDON, SEPTEMBER 2016 Diversity and Leadership (Chin & Trimble, 2014) ISBN:978-1-4522-5789-1 Sage Publishers The Second Transpersonal Research Colloquium (TRC)!online-store/ on September 15th -16th, 2016 will be co-sponsored by c1kay/!/Books/c/10986147/offset=0&sort=normal the EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research, the Adelphi University Integral Transpersonal Institute, the Transpersonal Con- 158 Cambridge Avenue, Rm 323 sultancy, and the Transpersonal Section of the British Garden City, NY 11709 Psychological Society (BPS). Our host for the TRC 2016 Email: [email protected] will be the BPS Transpersonal Section. In the hope that

you will attend both events, the TRC 2016 will immedi- ICP Member Nancy Sidun has provided the instruc- ately precede the 20th annual conference of the BPS tions to join this network: Transpersonal Psychology Section on September 17th – Once you have joined PsychWire, please join the Division 18th 2016. 52 International Leadership Network: Diverse and Global. A TRC 2016 Call for Submissions, together with full It’s really very easy to do. details for those wishing to attend one or both events will 1) go to and the opening page will ask if be circulated and be available on the Transpersonal Re- you would like to join. Fill in the required information search Network (your email, create a password, etc.) and then you will be ( and on the a member of PsychWire. BPS Transpersonal Section’s website (http:// 2) Once you are member of PsychWire, in the search box microsite/transpersonal-psychology-section/news). enter International Leadership Network. And click that you would like to join it. IUPsyS [IUPS] YOKOHAMA 2016 CONGRESS 3) You are done!!!! It’s really as simply as that. INVITED SYMPOSIUM TOPIC [s]

Social Psychology; Industrial / Organizational; Personal- $50,000 grants available for the advancement of ity Assessment; Psychometrics; Behavioral; Decision knowledge about gifted children Making ORGANIZER Please find information regarding the Call for Proposals Dr. Ann Marie O’Roark for the American Psychological Foundation’s (APF) 2016 International Council of Psychologists, Inc. Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grants, which support “… Private Practice Consultant: 400 Misty Morning Lane activities related to the advancement and application of St. Augustine, Florida 32080 knowledge about gifted children.” 1 904 4613382 telephone/fax The Esther Katz Rosen Fund: 1 904 315 8758 cell Enables and enhances development of identified gifted TITLE: Understanding leadership. Beyond stagnating and talented children and adolescents models and quantative quagmires

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PAGE 12 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 Con’t. from page 11 FEES: Full ($125), Graduate students or retired ($75), Undergraduate students ($60), ATOP interns ($30), 4 or ABSTRACT more in a group will receive 20% off Presentations from the United States, Germany, the Phil- ippines and the Ukraine provide background information Fee includes: Breakfast, homemade organic lunch, re- for discussing the state of psychological evidence related search package, handouts, film viewing and discussion to the nature, understanding and impact of leadership be- with Visionary Speaker, Experiential sessions, physical havior. “Diversity in Harmony” as it is experienced in release, meditation, aromatherapy, Bach flower remedies, scientific examinations of leadership under a generic, chakra balancing, pre-post test, collective gratitude and comprehensive rubric is a challenging discussion frame- celebration gift. work. Theory building appears stagnant following the Please mail check to ATOP, 135 Cedar Street, Cliffside demise of initial concept formulators and precipitators of Park, NJ 07010 streams of research. Research on leadership effectiveness is scattered. Moreover, the discipline offers fractal-like Register early as space in this workshop is limited! data on impact under circumscribed circumstances or re- Receive Continuing Education Credits for the following garding adjustments required for 360-degree effective- professions: Marriage & Family Therapy, Social Work, ness, or with varying skill-levels present in group mem- Mental Health Counseling, Creative Arts Therapy, and bers. Papers will report how leader behaviors effect em- Psychoanalysis ployee well being in Europe; a call for models and prac- tices that are diverse, global and inclusive of differences, that are sustainable and platforms for providing viable training and development education. Please send me any information you’d like posted in upcoming issues. Dr. Ani Kalayjaian: Workshop All past issues are available via a Announcement Pinterest Portal: https:// Saturday, 31 October, 2015 pin/257831147393441584/ Disaster Relief, Meaning-Making If any of the URLs do not work and Emotional Intelligence in that format, just email me for the desired back-issue, or visit our website: http:// Disaster Relief, Rehabilitation, Mindfulness & Empathy Cheers, and thank you for your work, HOW CAN YOU MAKE YOUR LIFE MORE MEANINGFUL? Chris Attend this Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Relief Certifi- Founding Director cate Program Transforming Self, Family, Work, Home and Global Environments Utilizing the 7-Step Integrative GRANTS Healing Model Henry P. David Research and Travel Grants One $1,500 Research Grant to support of ongoing re- Facilitator: Dr. Ani Kalayjian, Founder ATOP search in behavioral aspects of population studies or hu- Meaningfulworld man reproductive behavior. One $1,500 Travel Grant to support for a non-U.S. reproductive health/population Visionary Speaker: Lisa Danylchuk & Christine Forner, science professional to travel to and participate in the Psy- Meditation & Yoga for Complex Trauma and Disassocia- chosocial Workshop, held in conjunction with the Popula- tion tion Association of America annual meeting. For more information, please visit: PLACE: 185 East 85th Street, Mez #4, NYC 10028, 2nd david.aspx. Deadline: December 1, 2015. floor, corner of 3rd Avenue APA International Conference Attendance Grant TIME: 9:00 am Breakfast & Registration APA's Travel Grants for U.S. Psychologists to Attend International Conferences – up to $400 for conference registration fees at international meetings held outside the

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IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 13 Con’t from page 12 mentoring.aspx. Deadline: December 1, 2015. United States and Canada. For more information, please visit: Frances M. Culbertson Travel Grant $1,500 to support conference-grant.aspx an early career woman from a majority world country Deadline: November 1, 2015 who is in the early stages of her career to attend a confer- ence in psychology (preference for the International Con- Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International gress of Psychology, Yokohama, ICP2016). Recipients of Relations Award the grant also receive a two-year affiliate membership in An award by the Society for the Psychological Study of the American Psychological Association. For more infor- Social Issues of $1000 is given to "the best paper or arti- mation visit: cle of the year on intercultural or international relations". culbertson.aspx. Deadline: February 15, 2016. Originality of the contribution, whether theoretical or em- pirical, will be given special weight. The competition is JOB DETAIL: Advertised by UNDP, Duty Station open to non-members, as well as members of SPSSI, and New York, USA graduate students are especially urged to submit papers. For more information, please visit: CHIEF, WORLD HUMANITARIAN SUMMIT SECRETARIAT award.aspx?tab=2 Deadline: March 1, 2016. The position of ‘D1, Chief – World Humanitarian Summit CONFERENCE INFORMATION Secretariat’ will be located in the Office for the Coordina- The 27th Greater New York Conference on Behavioral tion of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in New York. The Research will take place at St. Francis College, New York Chief will report to the Under-Secretary-General for Hu- City, USA on November 6, 2015. The conference theme manitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator is: Promoting Peace for Children and Adults. Faculty, through the Director of the Corporate Programmes Divi- graduate students, and undergraduate students are invited sion (CPD). to attend. For more information, contact [email protected] More details at:

3rd Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology (CRCP2016), Hosted in Port au Prince, Haïti, Nov. 7-11, 2016, with the theme "Promoting Caribbean Health with Multiculturalism and Multilingualism: Challenges and Opportunities." For more information visit: to view the Call for Submissions. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PSYCHOLOGY - ICP2016 BRIDGING TO A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IN * EXCITING OPPORTUNITY * TRAVEL GRANTS GLOBAL HEALTH TO ATTEND ICP2016 IN YOKOHAMA JAPAN APA announces a call for applications for the APA- ORAL/POSTER PRESENTATIONS: USNC/Psychology Travel-Mentor grants to attend the SUBMISSION DEADLINE: NOV 1, 2015 International Congress of Psychology, July 2016, in Yokohama Japan ( Grants of up to For submission information, see ABSTRACTS $2400 are available to U.S. based Early Career and Graduate Student research psychologists who want to The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) invites all persons wishing to report original re- collaborate internationally, and to Mid-career/Senior search, innovative projects or novel programs related to research psychologists with experience in international global health to submit abstracts to be considered for collaborations/conferences. The program is funded by presentation. Abstract submission deadline: the National Science Foundation. Eligible recipients November 1, 2015 must be engaged in research that falls under the pur- view of NSF programs in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences. For more information, please visit:




economic divides, barbaric wasting of life – large scale EDITOR’S REPORT and small scale. Up close and tragic is the murder of ICP, Inc. long time member Thomas Oakland, professor emeri- tus at the University of Florida. One of his clients, a re- leased convict, stole from him, killed him and set fire to Ann Marie O’Roark, PhD, his home in Gainesville. Tom was a leader in interna- ABAP tional psychology and a colleague many of us held in high regard. His obituary is included in this IP. October, 2015 St. Augustine, FL In spite of the sorrows of living that crowd our minds and hearts, somehow the ICP, Inc. group manages to con- ICP, Inc. is more similar to Doc- tinue to hope for and give support to this small effort to tors Without Borders than it is share the knowledge and practices that promote health other international scientific asso- and constructive living into the darkest corners. ciations. With a smaller constitu- You are invited to contribute your talent, your time ency, annual meetings and wellbeing values providing a and your knowledge, framework and a focus, the international council of psy- chologists will become 75 years old in December of 2016. Ann Marie O’Roark, PhD., ABAP, IP EDITOR The President Elect is already planning on jubilee cele- brations in Yokohama next July. Dr. Takooshian, the chair of the commemorative committee, is working on a poster and considering publication options. He provided BANKING AND RECORDS the first poster and was a co-editor for the 50th anniver- sary book. The similarity with the Doctors Without Borders is in the fact that the hardy band of colleagues forged from the first US association of women psychologists who con- Ms. Nancy L. Quatrano, USA tinue to support and prepare innovative programs have an impressive track record. They have stretched out to take science and wellbeing information to more and more October, 2015 Hastings, Florida, USA places around the globe, often the first professional psy- I flew to Toronto for the 73rd confer- chology group to hold a meeting in that region. ence and had the honor of meeting some of you in person The value being emphasized changes with pressing that I've “met” over the years through my work with ICP. issues of the times. Beginning with the hope for peace And, I missed meeting many others that I would have among nations and concern for the people who went into loved to meet in person. I hope that this IP issue finds battle and their families, the early papers and workshops everyone doing well. reported about children’s needs and supported summer I arrived in Toronto as your contracted Banking and trips for children to meet children in another land. Other Records manager, and came home with the temporary wellbeing needs that have been highlighted include: appointment of Acting Secretary General. While I’ve women, nationally persecuted psychologists, human been working to help with membership and dues solicita- rights, disadvantaged and disenfranchised populations, tion, collection and documentation as well as do the bank- and professional standards of ethics and practice. ing, tax filing and corporate business, and assist the treas- While internal discussions waver around bylaws, urer and conference committees for almost two years policies and procedures needing to be followed or be re- now, the new title officially includes all of those tasks. vised entirely, around the benefits of recruiting tons of For this newsletter, I’m going to put on the treasurer’s new and young members and of respecting wisdoms hat since the new interim treasurer isn’t settled yet. available from experienced and seasoned seniors, the as- As you are probably all aware by now, Past President sociation manages to continue its life journey. Thirty Pir’s dream was to lower and equalize the ICP dues struc- years is a long life for most small businesses, so ICP Inc. th ture to enable many more to join, including those who are can celebrate loudly their 75 . members of multiple, and sometimes much more expen- The big picture shows a world of high technology, endless wars and terrorizing, massive migrations, great sive, organizations. Effective Aug 1, 2015, the dues for

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IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 15 Con’t. from page 14 Volunteering is a sure fire way to get more than your money’s worth from any organization. What you'll gain full professional members is $50.00. Students will remain will exceed what you put into it. Invite colleagues, associ- at the $10 rate voted and changed in Paris. Members who ates and students to join this wonderful organization. Vol- renewed their membership after July 15 of 2015 at the old unteer to help in any way that you can—just let President rate of $100 for the “A” countries, will be credited with Sigal know you’re interested and I’m sure she’ll find you paid membership through the 2016 year. a job you’ll love to learn. As you can imagine, on the surface, this change will Plan to submit a proposal for the 2016 convention in drastically impact the income to the organization. The Japan next year and submit your news and papers to Edi- only way around that is to be sure to enroll as many new tor O’Roark on a regular—and timely basis. full professional members as possible. The current mem- ICP, Inc. is your organization and it strives to be here bership is at 75 full professional members and 23 paid to encourage, to mentor and lead the way for profession- students. At the new dues rate, that is only $3980 in dues als and affiliated professionals. Ensure that it continues on income, which frankly, won’t even pay my salary. after its 75th anniversary in 2016. Get involved and stay ICP needs 125 new full professional members during involved. the 2016 year to cover expenses. That means everyone Best wishes to all. needs to be recruiting and doing it gladly. ICP is a great Nancy Quatrano organization at $100 a year, but now for $50? It’s the best offer in the industry. There is no limit to the value of the student members, either. Their energy, innovative ideas and knowledge of technology will ensure that ICP, Inc. continues to grow and thrive as the valuable mentoring and support organi- zation that it has been for almost 75 years, now. On the other side of the balance sheet are expenses. I am one of your largest ones. The only larger expense is the conference, which for the past two years, has relied on operations funds and donations along with conference funds to break even. But I can tell you from physically being at this conference, the conference is a very valuable annual event, for members and new members alike. There is nothing that can compare with face to face discussions and revelations. There is no practice for a young professional to learn to do presentations, that is better than to present in a professional, yet kind environ- ment such as this conference. But back to expenses that member involvement can reduce? Someone has the graphic skills, patience and technical knowhow to do this newsletter production. I wish I could impart how valuable this work has been for me. I’ve learned exciting and powerful things; I’ve grown as a person as well as a production person. But, this is something those wonderful new students could manage, I would bet my next cup of tea on that! And how about taking on the ever-unpopular office of the treasurer? Now that may not be a student role, at least not early on, but someone in our membership can do this and could mentor others to step in down the road. No organization can exist without members to volun- teer to help with all the many tasks that need doing not only to keep the organization going from a Board per- spective, but for it to grow and meet its goals and objec- tives.



ICP CALL FOR SERVICE Distinguished Contribution: Frances Mullen Award Contact: Anna Laura Comunian, Chair CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR SERVICE AS [email protected] SECRETARY GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER The International Council of Psychologists, Inc. Encouragement of Early Career Research Award: Board of Directors authorized the re-opening of a call for Seisoh Sukemune/Bruce Bain applicants for the role of Secretary General for the asso- Contact: Cecilia Cheng ciation. Applications for this administrative role are not [email protected] restricted by citizenship, race, gender, age or sexual orien- tation. Special consideration will be given to persons with experience in office management, background in Feminist Research and Service: a professional discipline associated with health and Denmark-Grunvald Award wellness, as well as experience in professional associa- Contact: Dr. Donna Goetz, Chair tions. The position is not full time. Compensation will be [email protected] discussed related to expected operating expenses and some travel allotment.

Interested members should contact Board Secretary InAbsentia Research and Cecilia Cheng at [email protected] Graduate Student Posters: The Dayan-O’Roark Awards

IP EDITOR WANTED Submission Deadline: 4 weeks before conference These awards are to encourage participation by those CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR IP students who are unable to attend the conference and want to present their research work. Or, students who EDITOR may be attending, but will not be presenting pa- Interested parties should contact Ann O’Roark at pers. Posters remain on display throughout the entire [email protected]. conference. Judges are ICP members in attendance who will assess content and clarity of the information for Skills might include good knowledge of APA style, prizes: 1st Place:$100 (1); 2nd (2): $50 each. solid grammar and firm knowledge of the English Contact: Anna Laura Comunian language, as well as knowledge of software pro- [email protected] grams such as Microsoft Word, and a publishing software of which there are many. 2015 AWARDS TORONTO, CANADA


With the 2015 conference now in the history books, it’s time to look for nominees for the 2016 awards! If you have a nominee or would like more information about any of the ICP, Inc. awards, please contact the person shown under the award! Thank you.

Advanced International Psychology Research and Service: The Fukuhara Award Contact: Ann Marie O’Roark, Chair [email protected] Fukuhara Award winner Dr. Merry Bul- lock, with Dr. Fukuhara, Toronto, CA





BYLAWS STATUS UPDATE ICP, Inc. 74th CONFERENCE During the 2015 Incoming Board Meeting, a team agreed YOKOHAMA, JAPAN to examine the bylaws and board rules and regulations to discuss updating those administrative tools. Scientific Proposals Invited Discussions are ongoing and we’ll keep you all updated as we get information. Dr. Robert Silverberg agreed to Due date: DECEMBER 1, 2015 head up that committee, while several past presidents and board members agreed to assist. Submissions open Nov 1 at the Website: ICPWEB.ORG FROM THE BOARD SECRETARY Studies, papers and ideas! Cecilia Cheng, Ph.D CHINA

Below are the 2015 board meeting minutes from the 73rd Annual Board Meetings and conference in Toronto, Canada. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Clark for his kind assistance in notes taking during my absence because I needed to attend two duty trips for my Faculty during the same period. JULY 22-25, 2016 Cecelia Cheng

 Only typed abstracts in English will be D R A F T considered. Use MS Word in Times New Toronto, Ontario, Canada Roman 10 pt font Minutes of Board Meeting – 1 August 2015  Abstracts should include problem or ob- Attendees: Tara Pir, President, Chair jectives, methods, results and Conclu- Janet Sigal sions. Do not include references, charts Florence Denmark or graphs. Machiko Fukuhara  Submission of abstract constitutes agree- Yoshiko Kato Robert Silverberg ment to register, arrange for own travel Sandra Neil and lodging plans and to be present at the Ann Marie O’Roark scheduled time and place for the session. Robert D. Clark, Secretary pro tem Requests for schedule changes cannot be Nancy Quatrano (guest) Janel Gauthier (IAAP. guest) accepted. Letters of invitation will be 1 – Opening, Call to Order: The meeting was opened by provided. Dr. Pir at 9:20AM. Roll call was taken and it was deter-  Presentation must be on a flash drive and mined that a quorum was present. The first order of busi- be compatible with the Microsoft Office ness was to approve the Agenda for the meeting. The software on a standard laptop published agenda was approved with the following two  Email [email protected]

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IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 19 Con’t. from page 18 United Nations Report: Please see attached report prepared by Dr. Denmark that details activities of additions: solicitations of volunteers to judge the in ab- the committee over the past year. That report sentia posters; and, call for participants for a Monday highlights the various activities of members of the night dinner, August 3. It was moved and seconded committee. Dr. Sigal recommended that the ICP (Denmark/Sigal) to approve the agenda with the two addi- newsletter highlight in more detail the activities tions (7 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain). of this committee. Dr. Silverberg commented 2 – Board Attendance: See above for those in attendance that the work of Dr. Denmark in establishing per- at the meeting. Dr. Robert Silverberg was asked to serve sonal relationships at the UN has been significant as a voting member of the board in order to establish a and invaluable for ICP. He further offered that it quorum. Dr. Silverberg agreed. is hard to imagine another person being able to 3 – Minutes: The minutes from the board meeting of 14 duplicate such respect and accomplishment. July 2014 (Paris, France) were reviewed and approved (7 Members present praised and thanked Dr. Den- yes; 0 no; 0 abstain). mark for these contributions. 4 – Board Reports: Dr. Pir, President’s Report: Please see attached report Awards Committee Report: Please see attached re- prepared by Dr. Pir. The following items from her port prepared by Dr. O’Roark that details activi- report were highlighted: ties of the committee over the past year. Dr. Dr. Pir’s efforts to emphasize ICP, Inc.’s role in pro- O’Roark is ending her term this year as chair of moting social justice in the world and its shared the committee. There is one addition to her re- mission with other organizations such as Division port: 2015 Early Career International Psychol- 52 of APA. ogy Research (Bain-Sukemune Award) recipient Dr. Sigal, President-Elect Report: Please see attached will be Joshua D. Wright, M.A., doctoral candi- report prepared by Dr. Sigal. The following items date at Western Ontario University. The awards from her report were highlighted: are accompanied by a stipend of $200 to cover  She thanked those who assisted in the planning and part of recipient’s travel costs to the annual con- development of the 73rd Conference singling out ference. Nancy Quatrano (Banking & Records Manager) and Liaison Reports: There was no summary report. Dr. Ann Marie O’Roark. However, the new chair for this committee will  She mentioned the Woman’s Summit that will be be Martin Mrazek. taking place this August. Dr. Yoshito Kato Report – ICP 2016: Dr. Kato  She has been elected as chair of the NGO Commit- th tee on Aging. reported on planning for the 2016, 74 ICP, Inc. conference in Yokohama. Dr. Edit Nagy-Tanaka  She expressed disappointment that Dr. Joy Rice who had asked that the 73rd Conference of ICP, Inc. will be co-coordinating the conference with Dr. be moved to three days before the start of the Kato. She urged Board members to bring stu- American Psychological Associations convention dents to Japan for the conference. could not be in attendance at the current conference. Dr. Sandra Neil: Please see attached report pre- Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Quatrano (Banking & Re- pared by Dr.Neil that details activities over the cords Manager) made the presentation on the past year. She shared with the Board a booklet budget (see attached report). In summary she em- titled “The endangered people and children hu- phasized: man rights world summit 1st August 2015” pre-  The financial status of ICP, Inc. is currently good in pared to accompany the presentations. A digital part due to the generosity of its members and to copy of the booklet will be prepared and made careful management of resources. available with these minutes.  Due to the changes in dues structure, it will be nec- 6 – Proposals: Prepared by Dr. Tara Pir essary to increase membership in order to maintain Proposal #1 – “Proposal to change the length of the a viable fiscal position going forward for ICP, Inc. term for the ICP Executive Committee positions There were no other Board Reports. from two years to one year”. 5 – Standing Committees and Working Group Reports: Moved and seconded (Sigal/Neil).

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IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 20 Con’t. from page 19 7 – Review of ICP Bylaws: Amendments, Revisions: Drs. Pir & O’Roark Discussion: Concern was raised that the current length of terms placed an undue burden on those  Dr. O’Roark indicated that the Bylaws have gone serving the organization. The proposed change through multiple revisions over the years and that would likely encourage others to serve in ICP, Inc. in her experience this is her fifth time assisting leadership positions. with revisions. Action: The Proposal was approved to take effect  Because of the complexity of the needed revi- August of 2016 (7 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain). sions and that there was insufficient time to de- vote to the revisions, Dr. Pir recommended that a Proposal #2 – “Proposal to require that members of ICP Taskforce be created to develop and refine the Board of Directors attend two annual Board Meetings, revisions in order to submit a proposal to the either in person or electronically (e.g., via conference Board. The Taskforce will consist of Drs. Silver- call or Skype); and require that members of the Execu- berg and O’Roark as co-chairs with Drs. Pir and tive Committee and ICP Board correspond, communi- Denmark as members. Other ICP members may cate, and respond to email on an ongoing basis.” volunteer and/or be asked to assist and comment Moved and seconded (Sigal/Fukuhara). on revisions. Discussion: Concern was raised that it has been and 8 – Points of Discussion: may be in the future difficult for Board members to Secretary General Position: physically participate in board meetings. The option to attend the meetings electronically would increase  Dr. Clark, Former Executive Secretary of the In- the likelihood that a meeting quorum can be main- ternational School Psychology Association tained. In addition, an additional meeting of the (ISPA), was asked to serve, however he declined. Board will facilitate addressing pressing actions  Another candidate had submitted a proposal to items in a timelier manner. Concerns about time serve, however, it was determined that her skills zone differences and technology complications were were not a good match for ICP at this time. discussed. Dr. Gauthier of IAAP and Dr. Clark of  Nancy Quatrano, who has served as the Banking ISPA addressed that this manner of Board meetings and Records Manager, was asked to consider con- for their respective organizations was feasible and tinuing in this position for the coming year. She successful. agreed to serve in this capacity. It was moved and seconded (Sigal/Neil) that her stipend for this Action: The Proposal was approved (7 yes; 0 no; 0 position be increased from $3000 to $5000 for the abstain). Logistics of the additional Board meeting year. The Proposal was approved (7 yes; 0 no; 0 were to be discussed at the 3 August 2015 Board abstain). In addition, the Board unanimously meeting. agreed to thank Nancy for her professionalism Proposal #3 – “Proposal to establish an ICP LISTSERV and care in managing the affairs of ICP over the and to provide ICP Board of Directors with email ad- previous years. dresses associated with ICP’s website”. Moved and Volunteers to Judge In Absentia Posters: Dr. seconded (Sigal/Silverberg). O’Roark Discussion: Nancy Quatrano spoke to the complex-  Dr. O’Roark asked for three volunteers to judge ity and time consuming nature of sharing informa- the in absentia posters and to recommend award tion with the Board by having to enter each email winners. address separately. She spoke of the research she  In addition, volunteers were asked to write to had done in identifying the feasibility of setting up those who had submitted the posters thanking such a listserv and the nature of its security. Others them for their work and offering comments. expressed a desire to insure that the listserv con- forms to country specific security (e.g., spam laws)  Dr. Clark volunteered and Dr. O’Roark will so- requirements. The Board was assured that confiden- licit two others to assist. tiality and security requirements could be met. Dr. Janel Gauthier, IAAP President, guest presenta- Action: The Proposal was approved (7 yes; 0 no; 0 tion. abstain). Logistics of setting up the listserv and Dr. Gauthier, who is presenting at this year’s ICP confer- where and how it will be hosted will be discussed at ence, sat in as a guest at the Board meeting. the 3 August 2015 Board meeting. WWW.ICPWEB.ORG [continued on next page]

IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 21 Con’t. from page 20  In Conclusion: Dr. Gauthier sees lots in common between the two organizations and hopes that such  He was asked to address how ICP and IAAP may collaboration could serve as a model for other or- continue their involvement and/or increase in- ganization’s collaboration. volvement in mutually appealing areas. He made the following points: 9 – Adjournment: It was moved and seconded (Sigal/  Listserv and IAAP Experiences: Dr. Gauthier Neil; 12:50PM) to adjourn the Board meeting. The mo- indicated that IAAP has used their listserv quite tion was approved (7 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain). successfully over the recent years. He offered 10 – Monday, 3 August 2015, 9:15AM the new Board that IAAP might be of assistance in helping ICP will meet. set up its own listserv. Respectfully submitted,  Tandem Alliance with ICP: Dr. Gauthier indi- Robert D. Clark cated that it might be time to develop an MOU between the two organizations so that more for- D R A F T mal and clearer lines of collaboration can be es- Toronto, Ontario, Canada tablished. In discussion this idea was well re- Minutes of Board Meeting – 3 August 2015 ceived by the Board. Thus, Dr. Gauthier will take Attendees: the idea to his Executive Committee and explore Janet Sigal, President, Chair options. He will share with ICP a template IAAP Tara Pir has used for other such MOU arrangements. De- Florence Denmark pending on the development of the MOU, it might Machiko Fukuhara be adopted by 2016. Yoshiko Kato  ICP Website consultation: Dr. Gauthier sug- Robert Silverberg gested that IAAP’s publisher, Wiley, also hosts Sandra Neil their website. He indicated that if the ICP Board Ann Marie O’Roark agrees, he may inquire of Wiley about assisting in Robert D. Clark, Secretary pro tem hosting the ICP website. He also indicated that Nancy Quatrano (guest) IAAP’s membership is also increasing in age so 1 – Opening, Welcome & Call to Order: The meeting was that his organization is exploring other means to opened by Dr. Sigal at AM. Roll call was taken and it involve members and to solicit and attract new was determined that a quorum was present. The first or- members. IAAP is exploring social media net- der of business was to approve the Agenda for the meet- works for this purpose. ing. The published agenda was approved with the follow-  Membership Taskforce: Though IAAP’s mem- ing two additions: It was moved and seconded (/) to ap- bership is at its highest on record, the association prove the agenda (7 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain). knows that it must continue to develop new mem- 2 – Board Attendance: See above for those in attendance bers and support existing members. Thus, IAAP at the meeting. Dr. Robert Silverberg was asked to serve has appointed a taskforce to develop ideas on how as a voting member of the board in order to establish a to increase and maintain its membership levels quorum. Dr. Silverberg agreed. between their congresses. As with the point above, the use of technology to meet these goals 3 – Appointments: is being explored.  ICP Main Representative to UN: Florence Den-  Strategic Planning: IAAP is looking at develop- mark, PhD. ing a strategic plan to advance its mission and to  Technology & Social Media: Emily Dow, PhD. continually look forward in promoting the asso-  Webmaster: TBD ciation 4 – Membership: A main initiative of the incoming Board  Montreal, 2018: The next ICAP will take place is to retain loyal ICP membe3rs and to recruit additional then. Dr. Gauthier offered that an MOU between members. Members of the incoming board will discuss ICP and IAAP to jointly work together on a pro- possible approaches to recruitment of new members. posal(s) for the conference to meet shared inter-  It is essential to involve more members in ICP ests and goals. activities  We need to offer members something that other organizations do not.

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IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 22 Con’t. from page 21 CALL FOR 2016 DUES  Membership coordinator: Sandra Neil, PhD. 5 – ICP Conference:  Frequency: Dues can be paid at the web-  Long Range Planning Committee: site—easier now than ever!  Submissions Process:  President-Elect & Program Chair: Complete the membership form  Co-Sponsorship of Regional Conference (Tara Pir initiative): online, then click on the Pay  Type of ICP Conference: e.g., Cutting edge pres- entations Here button and off you go to 7 – 2016 Budget: our secured PayPal merchant  Income and Expenses Report - Nancy Quatrano location.  ICP Dues 8 – Other Issues: Dues are to be paid by Jan 1 of 9 – Adjournment: It was moved and seconded (Sigal/ Neil; 12:50PM) to adjourn the Board meeting. The mo- each year. Dues paid after Feb 1 tion was approved (7 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain). will be subject to a $15 sur- Respectfully submitted, charge, so please pay on time.

Robert D. Clark Click below! PAY MY DUES Or visit www.IcpWeb.Org

Dr. Pir presents Sukemune/Bain Early Ca- reer Research Award to Joshua D. Wright, Dr. Pir presents Fukuhara Canada award to Dr. Bullock

NEXT IP DEADLINE is December 10, 2015. All submissions should be sent to Editor Ann O’Roark, at [email protected].

All ICP publications follow the current APA publication style manual . Articles of 250-300 words are suitable for the quarterly newsletter, while longer works, papers and publications can often be showcased in the semi-annual Interna- tional Understanding, our journal-like publica- tion designed to share more in-depth works.

The next IU is tentatively scheduled for Decem- ber/January. Publisher


IP VOLUME 55, NO. 3 OCTOBER INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF PSYCHOLOGISTS PAGE 23 GUIDELINES FOR HOSTING AN Chair, Workshops Chair, InAbsentia Student Posters INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF Chair, and Awards Chairs. PSYCHOLOGY ANNUAL CONFER- Costs for participating in the Congress are another factor. The Board will expect that the registration fee will be rea- ENCE AND BOARD MEETING sonable, that there is a range of good hotel rates (particularly including inexpensive ones), and that travel costs can be kept as low as possible. Despite efforts to The International Council of Psychology, Inc holds an keep costs low, travel is expensive for young psycholo- annual scientific program and Board meeting each year in gists, and for psychologists from the developing world accord with the policy of freedom of movement of scien- and transition countries. It is therefore important to pro- tists . The conference host (local arrangements commit- vide a plan that will guarantee special fees, housing, and tee) must be a member of ICP,Inc. To establish the feasi- support for those colleagues. bility of submitting an application, a potential applicant A balanced budget needs to be provided in outline. It is might begin with an overview of some logistical issues important to show realistically how the income for proposing a Congress venue: (registration fees and other) will cover your costs. It may be helpful to consult the preceding organisers of Confer-  Is there a conference venue to host at least 100 par- ences in drafting the budget. The budget is reviewed by ticipants? (50)? (30)? the President and the Treasurer, who can offer advice.  Are there sufficient hotel rooms close to the confer- ence venue Send questions or proposals to President Janet Sigal,  Is there a scientific community to develop or sponsor at: [email protected]. the program?

Proximity in time and site to other major professional congresses. ICP operates in alliance with the Interna- tional Association of Applied Psychology [IAAP, quad- rennial congresses], the International Union of Psycho- logical Science [IUPsyS, quadrennial congresses that meet in between the IAAP cycles]; the American Psycho- logical Association or the Canadian Psychological Asso- ciation; with options for meeting near allied professional association on intervening years. Proximity in time and site to other major professional congresses. ICP operates in alliance with the Interna- tional Association of Applied Psychology [IAAP, quad- rennial congresses], the International Union of Psycho- logical Science [IUPsyS, quadrennial congresses that meet in between the IAAP cycles]; the American Psycho- logical Association or the Canadian Psychological Asso- ciation; with options for meeting near allied professional association on intervening years. Geographical Rotation among continents and countries attempts to guarantee broad geographical coverage, prox- imity to other major professional conferences, or in re- gions where psychologists may not have presented a sci- entific program previously. The scientific community in the conference country is especially invited to participate in the scientific program. Communication: There is a requirement for intensive and frequent communication between the Board Presi- dent, Scientific Program Chair, Local Arrangements


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