Santa Clara Law Santa Clara Law Digital Commons Faculty Publications Faculty Scholarship 11-2004 The ituaS tional Character: A Critical Realist Perspective on the Human Animal Jon Hanson Santa Clara University School of Law David Yosifon Santa Clara University School of Law Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Law and Economics Commons, Law and Society Commons, and the Legal History Commons Automated Citation Jon Hanson and David Yosifon, The Situational Character: A Critical Realist Perspective on the Human Animal , 93 93 Geo L. J. 1 (2004), Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Scholarship at Santa Clara Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Santa Clara Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
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[email protected]. Articles The Situational Character: A Critical Realist Perspective on the Human Animal JON HANSON* & DAVID YOSIFON** Th is Article is dedicated to retiring the now-dominant "rational actor" model of human agency, together with its numerous "dispositionist" cohorts, and replacing them with a new conception of human agency that the authors call the "situational character." Th is is a key installment of a larger project recently introduced in an article titled The Situation: An Introduction to the Situational Character, Critical Realism, Power Economics, and Deep Capture. 1 That introduc tory article adumbrated, often in broad stroke, the central premises and some basic conclusions of a new app roach to legal theory and policy analysis.