GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations. K.A.O., Kent Archives Office. (p.n.) indicates reference to the place-name. Aalsurn, Holland, early woodworking Astley Monument, Maidstone, 128, 130. plane from, 197. Astleys (The) of Maidstone. By Admiralty, successor of Navy Com- Robert H. Goodsall, 125-141. missioners of 1618, 8L Astronomer Royal (John Flamsteed), Admiralty Lands Records, quoted, 83- 154. 84, 90. Atriplex, seeds, Romano-British votive Albinus, walling of Romano-British use, 2, 23, 24, 57-58. towns, 106, 108. Avebury, MSS, K.A.O., 204. Allen, A. F., on Roman building at Avery, Margaret, 123. Chalk, 207-208. Ashford, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Allen, William, New Cross Turnpike Aylesford, School records, K.A.O., 203. Trust, 1789, 169. Allington, Astley estate, 132. Baker, John, Canterbury, 234. Allington Castle, 1629, 125. Baker, Mathewe, shipwright, 1586, 81. Almond, James, 1685, 83. Balfour-Browne, F. L., 3. Altar, Romano-British temple at Balmuildy (Roman), 106. Springhead, 24. Banning, parish records, K.A.O., 203. America, immigration from Kent, Barrow, Norfolk, 133. 1826-1828, 236-243. Bargrave, Mrs., apparition to, of Mrs. Amets Hill, Stockbury (p.n.), 65. Veal at Canterbury, 1705. By Frank Ampthill, Bedfordshire (p.n.), 65. Higenbottam, 154-166. Anderson, P., 3. Barking, 76. Anglo-Saxon, casket, 197 ; cemetery Bartholomew, J., 2. at Polhill, 225 ; woodworking plane Bartholomew, P., 2. from Sarre, 196-201. Barton Court Estate records, K.A.O., Antonine pottery at Springhead, 6. 205. Antonine Wall, 106.
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