SNOWPOLIS: Technology Park in Kainuu Itä-Suomi, Finland

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SNOWPOLIS: Technology Park in Kainuu Itä-Suomi, Finland SNOWPOLIS: Technology Park in Kainuu Itä-Suomi, Finland SYNTHESIS Snowpolis Technology Park1 is an European Regional Development Fund co-financed project located in the town of Sotkamo in the Kainuu region of eastern Finland. The overall objective of the Snowpolis project was to establish the basic infrastructure and operations for an international technology park specialised in three areas: wellness and sports technology, nutrition technology and technologies related to snow and winter conditions. At the end of 2006 there were a total of 19 companies located in Snowpolis ranging from sports technology, nutrition technology, to winter technologies and various other fields. It is estimated that about 60 jobs have been created as a result of the project. The direct outcome of the project was the successful launch of the development organisation, Snowpolis Ltd and the establishment of co-ordination activities for the technology park development. The Snowpolis project team directly carried out core activities, such as managing the construction of physical infrastructure (constructed as a separate project with local and national funding) and the establishment of the development company and its services. They also coordinated other development activities and projects related to Snowpolis, such as the creation of research and development facilities (R&D) and units; marketing Snowpolis in order to attract companies; and offering technology services to the enterprises operating in the Snowpolis Technology Park. As a result, the indirect impact of the project has been the attraction of new educational and R&D activities to Snowpolis Technology Park and the creation of a number of other development projects that have supported the overall technology park activities. The novelty in the Snowpolis approach has been the ability to mobilise and co-ordinate a cluster of interrelated activities of various public and private sector organisations. This has enabled the development of new knowledge intensive activities in a region where there has traditionally been very little high technology activities. Snowpolis has significantly increased linkages between actors in the local innovation system. It has also set the clustering of R&D and business activities in motion in the field of sport and winter technologies. By mid-2007, although this process is still at an early stage, nine key development and educational organisations were closely networked with Snowpolis. A specific innovative element of the Snowpolis concept has been the adoption of the “Vuokatti-lifestyle”2, based on high quality of living, versatile leisure-time possibilities, safe living environment and beautiful surrounding nature. The lifestyle and living environment has been used as a tool to attract much needed human resources for the new technology park. This approach is most visible in the measures to offer educational and business opportunities to the students, who have come to Sotkamo to be able to combine their studies and sport and encourage them to stay. So far this approach has proven to be successful in terms of attracting young, well educated people from outside of the region to live in Sotkamo. Some of this influx comes for a fixed period of time while others are 1 2 interested in relocating to the region permanently as long as appropriate job opportunities are available. The main success factors for the project were the decision to target three different areas of activity to create critical mass and to spread risks inherent in focusing on only one key technology; the ability to mobilise a broad network of actors; and to encourage these actors to invest and establish new activities in the region. Background information Country: Finland Region: Itä-Suomi (East Finland) Project title: Snowpolis teknologiakylä (Snowpolis technology park) Key words: clusters and business networks; technological and market innovation; employment and labour market Duration of project: 1 June 2004 – 30 November 2006 Funding: total budget €870,018 ERDF contribution €435,009 national budget €217,505 regional budget €217,504 ERDF Objective: Objective 1 2 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Snowpolis is a rather new technology park located in the village of Vuokatti near the town of Sotkamo in the Kainuu region of Finland. Vuokatti has a long tradition as a recreation and holiday centre especially in winter tourism and sports. The initiative to establish a new technology park with an aim to utilise this tradition and an environment favourable for studying winter conditions was launched in 2001. The ERDF co-financed Snowpolis technology park project was a key element in a series of projects, which facilitated the setting up of the park infrastructure and the development concept and the growth of R&D activities and businesses in the selected technology areas. The purpose of the Snowpolis Technology Park initiative, to which the project contributed, was to build a centre of expertise in the fields of sport and wellness technology, nutrition technology and winter technology; and in this way to support the creation of new knowledge intensive business areas to support the local economy. The specific task of the Snowpolis Technology Park project was to coordinate the construction of the technology park infrastructure, to support business creation and development; to plan research activities and allocate resources to the area; to ensure quality and expertise of the implementation of companies’ development projects; and to strengthen the educational environment. This was carried out by establishing a dedicated development company and by delivering management and coordination activities to the public-private partnership behind the park. From 2001 to the end of 2006 the development of Snowpolis consisted of a feasibility study project and three linked development projects, of which the ERDF funded “Snowpolis Technology Park” was the third stage and concentrated in launching the activities and services of Snowpolis. In addition, from 2004 to 2005, a separate construction project with a budget of €5.15m was carried out to build facilities for the technology park. This project was financed by local and national sources. The building covers a total of 3,700 square metres. A second phase was under construction in 2007 and has been constructed purely with private funding. The Snowpolis project aims to extend the development of a Snowpolis business environment by strengthening the R&D activities in wellness technology, exercise, sport travel, nutrition technology and technology related to winter conditions. More specific objectives were to launch several new R&D projects; to establish the role of Snowpolis technology park in the Finnish science and technology park network; to increase the visibility of Snowpolis technology park internationally; and to support the establishment of new enterprises in the selected areas. The Snowpolis Technology Park has become a meeting place for companies, scientific research, and training and development organisations. As a result of successful management and launch of the project (and a separate follow-up project), the technology park today provides business incubator services for new companies, testing opportunities for products and technologies related to snow and cold conditions, as well as the research and development services of educational institutes. Besides launching the management activities for the new technology park, the idea of the Snowpolis project was to support the establishment of activities in the three selected fields of activity and to support their development in Vuokatti area. In order to achieve this main 3 task, the Snowpolis project has been managing a network of independent operators in private, education and public sector to initiate and support various activities in this network. These activities include the new R&D laboratories, various development projects and collaboration with educational institutes to establish new activities related to education and research, such as PhD education programme in sports technology, international sports oriented high school studies and a new check-up station for testing physical condition. The main beneficiaries of the project are SMEs in three focus areas (sport, nutrition and winter technologies) that receive dedicated services, facilities, a testing environment and (indirectly) a highly skilled workforce for their business. Also university research and educational units now have an environment where they can work in close interaction with businesses. The town of Sotkamo has benefited in the form of a development organisation that provides business and innovation services and generates high skill private sector jobs in the region. Educational organisations have now at their disposal a specialised operational environment that supports their educational activities. The main results of the project have been the creation of a new business environment for enterprises working in the focussed areas. Indirectly the Snowpolis project has supported the establishment of new educational and R&D activities, such as new study programmes, R&D laboratories and the creation of various other development projects by assisting with negotiations, providing facilities and by creating a credible operational environment and development concept for investors to become convinced. In terms of educational development projects, a sports technology unit of the University of
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by UEF Electronic Publications WELLBEING TOURISM IN FINLAND: Finland as a competitive wellbeing tourism destination Henna Konu, University of Eastern Finland Anja Tuohino, University of Eastern Finland Peter Björk, HANKEN School of Economics WELLBEING TOURISM IN FINLAND: Finland as a competitive wellbeing tourism destination Henna Konu, University of Eastern Finland Anja Tuohino, University of Eastern Finland Peter Björk, HANKEN School of Economics University of Eastern Finland – Centre for Tourism Studies Kuninkaankartanonkatu 7, P.O. Box 86 57101 Savonlinna – FINLAND Cover photo: Laura Koskinen Layout: Anja Tuohino, Laura Koskinen ISBN 978-952-61-0585-7 (PDF) Savonlinna 2011 Summary: The aim of this report is to examine Finland’s attributes and competitiveness as a wellbeing destination. This is done using Finnish case studies: describing and analyzing perceptions and opinions of tourism professionals, experts, entrepreneurs and regional developers of the Finnish laboratory areas, namely Jyväskylä, Vaasa and Vuokatti/Kainuu regions, in order to identify the competitive advantages of Finland as a wellbeing tourism destination. The model of a sustainable wellness destination by Sheldon and Park (2009) is applied as a framework for this study. Following this framework supporting factors and resources of wellness tourism, core wellness resources and attractions, wellness destination policy and planning, and wellness destination development and management are examined in the Finnish context complemented by the case studies. For instance, the following issues are discussed: 1) the unique selling points and value creating attributes of the areas, 2) networking and destination management in the areas, 3) information acquisition, 4) innovation driving forces, and 5) ideas and visions for the Nordic Wellbeing concept.
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