AU MALI at T.Ichmnots a 1
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USAID MALI;,____ AMBASSADE AMERICAINS IR U9mako (I.D. USAID/Bamako AU6 31 o state BP. 34 nton D.C. 20520 Bamako.Mex 448 T61. 22-3602 Tilex 448v; Mr. Larry Johnson World Vision Belief & Development Ine. 919 West Huntington Drive Monrovia, California 91010 Subject: Grant No 00-0128-00 Dear Mr. Johnson: Pursuant to the authority contained in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as a:nendedp the Agency for International Development (hereinafter referred to as "A.I.D.") hereby grants World Vision Relief & Development Inc. in Mali (hereby referred to as "tWil)" or the "Recipient"), the awn of $150p000 to. provide technical assistance as outlined in Attachment Two, "Program Description" and Attachiment One, "Schedule." This Grant is made effective and obligation is made as of the date of this letter and shall apply to commitments made by the Recipient in furtherance of program objectives during the period beginni-ng with the effective date and ending March 31, 1990. This Grant is made-to WVIID on condition that the funds will be administered in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in Attachment 1, entitled "Sched~ule", Attachment 2, ontitled "Program Description," and Attachment 3 entitled "Standard Provisions," which have been agread to by your organization. Please sign the original and seven (7) copies of this letter to acknowledge your receipt of the Grant, and return the original and six.(6) copies to the Agreement Office listed below. Sincerely yours, in 1 20521-2050 AU MALI At t.ichmnots a 1. Seliiulo 2. Irogrn Jloseript ion 3. StaPndard ProvisiOns. AC';INOWI)W, l :I) World Vi lon le Dev Iopon t BY: Dot t U -,1;- .. ." ' Appriopriatlo : 72-1191014 II3u.uI0 Plan (od(ti 0SSA-89-2168d-1I13 Projept 1Io.: 688r0247., Tot.1I EstimuIed AmO Uont $12030,364 Tot.l Obligated /Amount $ 150,000 DUlS Number a 014 825 894 Fim.,li ng Souren iSAI )/NW Ii Prjoet Officer . USAi)/allI TealiltAleelAdvi:sor fror Child .Survival, SCHEDULE A. PURPOSE Under this Grant, WVRD will Implement the Gao and Menaka Child Survival Project under the Child Survival portion of the PVO Co-Financing Project (688-0247). The Project will seek to lower to the current high rates of infant and child,mortality and morbidity resulting from malnutrition In the 7th region of Mall. The project is designed to build on and expand the progress already achieved in the region and on World Vision "International's (WVI) experience in the area. It will extend the already existing Centre de Rehabilitation e t iEducation Nutritionelle (CREN) program in the three cercles of .Gao, Menaka and Ansongo in the 7th region of Mali. In addition, the project will provide food supplements to malnourished children and nutritional education for their mothers. The target population is children aged 0-5 years that are particulary "at risk" of malnutrition. The project will provide monthly growth monitoring of weight to age and height to age along with regular nutrition education for the mothers of these children in order to identify and prevent new cases of child malnutrition. B. PERIOD OF GRANT The effective date of this Grant is September 1, 1989 The date through which comitments can be made on this Grant is March 31, 1990. C. AMOUNT OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND PAYMENT 1. USAID/Mali hereby obligates the amount of .$140,000 for the purposes of this Grant. This represents the total intended award and WV¢hD cannot plan on further AID funding. 2. Payment shall be made to the recepient in accordance with procedures set forth in Attachment 3 - Standard Provision 7 A, entitled "Payment - Federal Reserve Letter of Credit (FRLC) Advance". The total obligated amount under D, "Financial Plan", represents the total funds authorized to be expended by the Recipient during the period indicated. Financial reports sha!l be submitted to the Project OfficeY. listed on the second pave of Grant letter. The fipal SF 269 Financial Status Rerport shall include an attachment that shows expenditures for the Grant by line item. 3. It is estimated that additional funds to a total of $1,030,364 may be obligated by A.I.D. subject to availability of funds, to the requirements of the Standard Provision of the Grant entitled "Revision of Financial Plans, and to satisfactory performance of the Grantee in accordance with the provisions of this schedule with special attention to paragraph Fl. below. D. FINANCIAL PLAN The following is the Financial Plan for the Grant. Revision to this plan shall be made in accordance with Standard Provisions of this Grant- entitled "Revision of Grant Budget". i Cost Element Salaries & Benefits - Expatriates $ 20,000 . Salaries & Benefits - National Staff 66,000 Training 5r, 000 Travel 7,500 Supplies & Equipment 23,000 Office Rent &,Other 4,500 Telephone, Telex, Postage 1,500 6,429 Consulting, Surveys & Evaluation Capital Expenditures --Vehicles Total Direct Costs 133,929 Indirect Costs (12% ofp.C. less Capi tal Exp) 16,071 Total 150,000 Budget adjustments: Budget line items in this Grant may be adjusted up to ten (10) percent between major categories without prior approval of AID, provided that the total amount of the Grant shall not exceed $150,000. E. COST SIARING - MATCHING GRANTS Definition: Cost sharing/matching is a required contribution by, the grantee from non-Federal sources toward the total cost of the program, either in cash or in kind, usually described as a percentage of total costs. I The determination as to 'the requirement for a'level of cost sharing/matching is the responsibility of the cognizant program officer. All grants designated by the program office as matching or cost sharing grants will contain the Standard Provisions entitled "Cost Sharing/Matching". The Grantee's Contribution shall be at least 25% of that amount granted by A.I.D. Criteria and procedures for the allowability of cash and in-kind contributions made by grantees to satisfy cost sharing/matching requirements are set forth In paragraph 1k, "Cost Sharing and Matching," of A.I.D. Handbook 13 and "Optional Standard Provisions," entitled "Cost Sharing/Matching". Except for these requirements, no other requirements set forth in the standard provisons are applicable to costs incurred by the grantee from non-Federal funds. .. Cost shairing/matching percentages will be applied to the total cost of the grant program. Cost principles applicable to grants prohibit the accomplishment of cost shar ng/matching through arbitrary limitations on individual costlelements. This is particularly important in the area of indirect costs (overhead). When a negotiated overhead rate agreement is in effect between A.I.D. or another cognizant agen'y and a grantee organization, the negotiated rate will be applied to the agreed upon direct costs to determine-the total cost of the ,rogram, .,and the cost sharing/matching percentage will be applied to the total cost. Unliss otherwise specif)ed in the schedule of the grant, verification that the cost sharing/matching requirement has been met will be made at the end of each funding period or on an annual basis as determined by the cognizant program office. Verilication is based on expenditures. Individual expenditures do not have to be shared or matched provided that the total expendit'res incurred during the designated funding period or year are shared or matched. The grantee must account for the A.I.D funds in accordance with. the standard provisions entitled "Accounting, Audit and Records". However, in the event of disallowances of expenditures from A.I.D. grant funds, the'Grantee may substitute expenditures made with funds provided from non-Federal sources, provided they are otherwise eligible in accordance with the Mandatory Standard Provisions clause entitled Cost Sharing/Matching. 'WYRD will meet the 25% requirement through provision of vehicles and the operational costs, outside consultants and training programs. •F. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS I A detailed implementation plan for the life of project (LOP) and for established phases within the LOP calling for state ments of achievable objectives at each stage, designation of actions and activities to be undertaken and by whom, project amounts to be disbursed against specific line items and attributed to achievements by activity, as3essment of sustal nability and continuity of the program in terms of adequacy 'of funding and local support, in the absence or reduction of funding from AID or other sources, and the identification and definition of a relationship or association for purposes of carrying out the program with a Malian NGO. All 9 f the above should be carried out and reviewed with USAID/ amako within six (6) months of the date of this grant, with the condition that disbursements beyond the six-month date or in excess of the initial $150,000 made available as the first amount provided, whic;,, ver is applicable in the circumstances, will be contingent upon World Vision and USAID/Bamako agreement with respect to the substhdWee and details of the said implementation plan. WVRD/Mall will provide quarterly reports to USAID/Mali. Such reports will indicate progress achieved in major categories of activities, problems encountered and pros pects for operations over the next quarter. WVRD/Mali will require regular reporting from field technicians -under the project and incorporate that material in its regular reports. Financial reports, following the format of AID form 269 will accompany narrative reports. 3. Five copies of all reports shall be delivered to the USAID/Mali Project Manager. Two copies to the Office of Development Information and Utilization, Bureau for Development Support, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. 20523. The title page of all reports forwarded shall include the Cooperative Agreement number, project number, as set forth on the second page of the Cooperative Agreemen't letter, and project title.