100 Ioway~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) A n n n n a, an; any; one; the same n/adj. iyá ; (suf.) ...ya ; iyá ki ~ iyá ŋki ~ Abandoned One (A Cultural Hero) Béñe^iñe (I.) [BAY nyeh een nyeh] ~ n iyá ŋke [eeYAH;eeYAHGkee~eeYAHGkeh] .(NOTE: Theword"a,an"isnot Béñe^iŋe(O.) [BAYnyehingeh] ;Beré^iŋe~Bedé^iŋe(?) .[NOTE: Literallythe usuallyused,exceptforemphasisorclarity): namemayberendered:“TheyAbandonedHimLittleOne”or“TheDearOneThey Thisisaboat, Jé^ebájeke. Left Behind”). He is known as Thrown Away or The Outcast in the traditional Thatisahouse, Gá^echíke. Wéka nstories.Heissaidtohavebeenanorphanboybefriendedbyachief'sson.He Thereisaman,(O.) Wá nheiyá nnahéke. was accused of having an affair with his friend's wife. Abandoned by the whole Thereisaman,(I.) Wáñeiyá nki nahéke. community, he was blessed by a shaggy horse that came from the Heavens. At n length, heproveshisearnestloyaltytohisfriendandasabenefactortohispeople Doyouseeany oranyone ? Iyá arásdaje. n n andcommunity]. **SEE: Wéka ;Wórage. Ihaveakitten, Udwáyiñeya áñike. n n n n abdomen; torso, trunk, body n. ñixósda sda ~ ñixósta sta [nyee KHOH Therewasan oldmanwho Wá nšaiyá nchí nchiñe stahn stahn] (lit.:“bellyroundround”). abdomen,stomach;belly n. ñíxa livedwithhissons. inúwegráchigrèke. [YEEkhah] . Isone ofyourchildrennot Chí nchiñeritáweiyá n ability suf.gê [geh] .(NOTE :Thesuffixdenotesaninnatenaturalaptitude,ability, sick? wahíreje. capacity, inclination or propensity. NOTE: While the final "ê" sound may not be n Ihaveonlyone car. Námañiiyá ki staáñike. written as such, it is always voiced as short “ê”):woman,hinágê;person, **SEE: one;thereis/was. n n man,wá shige (I.)~wa sígê(O.) ;malegender,dóge ~dógê.** SEE :skill; ** alittle(bit), dókida~dókita [DOHkeedah] ;dórika, (Itdenotesalimited talent. n n n quantity of food, activity, ability, etc.). I understand Ioway a little (bit) , able,can,could v.i. ^ú nu [OOnoo] ;sdu ~stu .Youareable todoit, Báxojeich^édókita upárehake; alittle(one);adearone, iñe,shiñe Rírera^únnu ke.Iamalwaysable towakeupearly,Amairákistu nke. (I.) [eennyeh~sheennyeh] /iŋe,siŋe(O.) [eengeh~singeh] .( NOTE :Itreferrsto We used to be able to put up our own teepees, Chíbothraje n n sizeors.t.(or)s.ocherished,esteemedorloved), (a)little deer,tá^iñe (I.) ; hi wógrushisdu wike. ** SEE : can,may,usedto,will;hñe;ru^áge~ru^yáge. tá^iŋe(O.) ;adearlittle oldlady,hiná^siŋe(O.) .**SEE: alittle,small. about;near;approximately adv. aríthduda~aríthruda [ahLEEthdroodah] ; ** alittlepieceof, shúwe (I.) [SHOOweh] ;súwe (O.) [SOOweh] .Ihavea aríthtuta (HAM) ,Thepuppieswereplayingabout thehouse,Súŋkeiñe littlepieceof meat,Wañíshúwe áñike. **SEE: súwe. alittle(way; súwechíaríthruda šgájeñeke. n n bit), iríkuje [eeDREEkoojeh] ,Openthewindowalittleway ,Chú ha we ** about,almost,when adv. ^e~^i.Andthenabout sundown,she n n n n iríkuje ijéhire. alotof;agreatdealof, róha [ROH hahn] ~dhóha ; gotintothewater,Idárebíkúyidà na^e ñuhíñashgu .[From:"Hi nkúñi"]. He n gratúiñe;dáhnahe;gihdó.Thereisalotof water;Itisfilledwithalotof waswoundedwhen wegotthere,^Oñe^i hi híwike. ** SEE : before;when; n water,Ñíróh ùyuke [róha +úyu] .Whatalotof things( that )theytwohad! ^i. n n Dagúregihdó añíwa^ä. [Fromwéka :"Béñeiñe"(ThrownAway)]. Thereisalotof ** about,almost, shú da [SHOOdah]. Itwasabout fiftyyearsago,Báñi n n n n n n snakes,Waká gratúiñe ke. ** SEE : arás^oge. alotofpeople, wa ^síge grébra tháta shú da aréke ; suf. nahsu (HAM) [nahhsoon] (moreorless ). n n n n n róha . a lotof (things,anything,everything ), dagúrenahé^su [dahGOOdray Therewasabout tendollars,itseems,Madhéhgagrébra nahsu arášgu . n n nahHAYsoon] ~nahé^su dagúre,Itisallwhat hewon!Nahé^su dagúre allkindsof suf. –hsu (HAM) [hsoo]. Therewereallkindsof animals; brógewóhiá^ä. awhileago, go^ó [goOH] .Myfriendscameawhile about one half were males, Wanúhsjehsù ñe ke; ukíthrehsu dógeñe ke. n n n n ago ,Go^ó hi taroajíñeke. alongwhileago;alongtimeago, th^ída ...,only,by (two's,three's,etc. )suf.sda [sdahn] ~sta ~sra .about n [THEEdah] .It'ssaidthatyouwerecomingalongwhileago ,Th^í hšjida two, only two, by two's, núwesda . about; (it's) like that prep. rahúhñenáhe. [Fromwéka n:"Há nwenaIchí ndošŋe"(DayandHisSons)] .** SEE: long aréhgeda~arékeda;aréxkeda (I.) [ahDRAYhgaydah] . Nowthen,that's n n ago;th^í;th^ínahge. what I'msayingit'sabout ,Aréhgeda náhe^su dagúresu aréihánaheke. n n ** atatime, ...sta [sdah] ,Handittome,twoatatime ,Núwesta ú k^u about prep/adv. ihgé ~ ithgé ~ ithké (old) [ee HGEH] . What about it? n n re. halfaday, há weukíthre~ha wókithre [hahnWOHkeethdeh] . Idrove Dáhga je? [ída+ihgé>a+je] ,Isitso ?Dáhge je?.** SEE : íge^aréke ; my( car )halfaday ,Hawókithre uhégwadhehajéke.[NOTE: Iwillgo( on ) ** aboutto,almost,goingto;moreorless;will,shall (futuresuf.) hñe, n n Saturday,Hawókithredajéhñeke.] . inaline,inarow, ída nara~ída rara hna (interrogative/infixedform) ;tahñe (occursafter1st/2ndpersonpluralfuture [EEdahnnahdrah] .They (two )werestandinginaline alongthesidesofthe tense): tipi,Aréá^thañiída nnara unáyi nwike.onceaday, há nwehe [há nwe+ Youareaboutto sink, Uríthwesdáhñe ke. n áhi] [HAH weh heh] . Onceaday ,hetakesustotown,Há wehe chínada Becausehe'saboutto getback, Gríhna chi. Iwasaboutto loveher, Hegráhihñe íge^àre. wawáñiwike .**SEE: every. sucha,hjéhse [hjehhseh] (HAM) .Ihavenever Washegoingto giveittome? Unk^u ntahna je. seensuchan animal,Wanúhjehjéhse he^(é)átaskúñike. Whata...!, n n n n I'mabout finishedworking. Gasú wa^ú hatúsda hñe ke. anách^ [ahACH] (HAM) .Whata person!Wá ^shigeanách^ . He’sabout tocome/goingtocome. Húhñe ke. abandon;giveup,letgo,leave;throwaway,discard v.t. bé [BAY] :(I..., You all were about to come, right/ Rahútáhñe ke;Aréhga. habé;you...,rabé;we...,hi nbéwi;they...,béñe) .Iwillgoawayandleave you, correct? Ribé hajéhñeke. Andthentheflyingboatnowwasabout readytogo,Ídarebájegit^a n n ** abandons.o.,leaves.o. (behind ) v.t. béré :(I...,habéhajé;you...,rabé gasú réhda na. [FromWéka n:"DorénaWahrédwa"(TwinHolyBoys)]. sdé;we...,hi nbéwihi nnáwi;they...,béñearáñe) . beabandoned,beleft;leave ** CirclingAboutTheest (EagleClanpersonalname )(WW) , s.t.,throwaways.t.;causes.t.~s.o.beabandoned,left;giveaway Chíe^daWi nxe(Mi) [chi+ésa n+da+wawí nxe]. s.t. v.i. béréhi [BAYDRAYhee] : (I...,béréha;you...,béréra;we...,béréhi nhiwi; ** goroundabout;avoid v.t. iráweda [eeDRAHwaydah] ~sewárada .He they...,béréhiñe) .Ithrewaway thetrash,Epúxebéréh ake. wentroundabout theriver,Ñíxà njeiráweda réke. n ** abandon one's land (or) property whilefleeingfrompursuer(s); ** talkabout v.t. ix^á hi [eeKHAHhee]. Itisthemanwe( two )werejust n n n makeonegetoutoftheway v.t. ugíñije [ooGEEnyeejeh] :(I...,uhágiñije; talking about ,Wa ^sígeix^á hi náhearégo^ó. [ix^á n+hi n+hi] .Iam you..., urágiñije; we..., hógiñijèwi; they..., ugíñijeñe). Isawthewolfandran talking about my father, Hí nkaré ix^é gragi [hí nka+(a)ré n n n leaving (behind )mygroceries,Shú taátanaú ^euhégrañije haná ŋeke. íx^(a)+(h)é+gra+ig(é)+(h)i]. thinkabout,believe v.t. iré [eeDRAY] .(gi^thú = ** SEE: divorce;flee;leave;throwaway. syn..) Herspiritthinksof me,herownone,(Aré)íngrará sgu n,wanáxi, abandonedcampsite,villagesite;ruins (anthropologicalsite )n chíréxrige [i+(hi) n+r(é)+ásgu n]. [From:"Hi nkúñi"(MyGrandmother)] .** SEE : iré. [CHEEDRAYdreegeh] ;chínoréxrige. **SEE :réxrige;uréxrige. “a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 101 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] ** travel about (an implied thought conveyed by other words ), máñi náhe abundant;abound;plenty;bealot (of) adj/v.t. ;have,own,possesss.t.; n n n [MAHnyeeAHheh]. Youaretravelingabout ,Ramáñi sdà seke. give birth, be born v.i. tú [TOOH] ; tû (DOR) : (I..., hatú n; you..., ratú n; n above;over;inadditionto;plus prep. agrí [ah GLEE] (It is usedwith we..., hi ntú nwi; they..., tú nñe). We (the Bear Clan )areabundant (have many numbersonly) . members ) ~ We have plenty , Híne hi ntú nwi ke. There are a lot of twelve,“tenabove two” grébra nagrí nnúwe blackberries,Ékiramagretú nke.Didyouhavealotof plums?Ká nje n n n nineteen,“tenabove nine” grébra agrí sá ke ratú nje. bereallyabundant,gratú niñe (I.) ,gratú niŋe(O.). Theticks n n n fiftyfour,“tenfiveplus four” grébra tháta agrí dówe werenotreallythatabundant lastsummer,Tókešdatagréhgegratú niñe ninetysix,“tennineplussix” grébra nsá nkeagrí nšagwe škúnañeke. ** SEE : birth,born;have;own,possess;išé,ušé,wóše,tún. (NOTE :Thenumberseleventonineteen(1119)maybeabbreviatedbydropping n n thefirstword “grébra n(ten)”anduseonly “agrí n+(thenumber)” .Asin: abuse;mistreat v.t. iró^theta [eeDROHTHAYtahn] :(I...,iható^theta ;you..., n n n n twelve agrí nnúwe isró^theta ;we...,hí no^theta wi;they...,iró^theta ñe).Ifyoudrink (liquor ),you nineteen agrí nsá nke will abuse yourself, Sráhda nšge, irákiro^theta n hñe ke. Mother, you n n (NOTE :Thenumbersabovetwenty(21,22,23etc.)mustkeepthewholenumber. mistreatedus ,Hí na,wíwasro^theta wiki. ** SEE : laughat. n n Asin: accelerator (car)(lit:“steponit”) n. mí grianáyi [MIGgreeahAHyee] . twentyone grébra nnúweagrí nya nki accent.** SEE : speakdifferentwords. twentytwo grébra nnúweagrí nnúwe n n accept;take,get;seize,grasp v.t. rúdhe [DRUH they] :(I...,hatúdhe;you..., thirtythree grébra dáñiagrí dáñi n seventyfive grébra nsáhmaagrí ntháta n stúdhe;we...,hí rudhewi;they...,rudhéñe). ** above;upabove,up;abovethere;upstairs adv. má ngri~ma ngrí; Iaccepted itfromMr.Wall, Mr.Wallidáwatúdhe . n n [wa+(ha)+t>rúdhe] má grida [MAHG gree dah]. I come from above , Má grida wáhu ke n n Iaccepthis hand( inagreement ), Ná wehagítudhe ke. (wa+há+hu) .I'mreturningbackhomeupabove ,Má grida hagréhñeke. [ha+gi+t>(r)údhe] n above, up above (here) n/adj. má gridagi. above; upward (s) adv. Iacceptyours, Ritúdhe ke. n n má grigu .Fromtoptobottom (lit. “From above it starts coming and down [ri+(ha)+t>(r)údhe] belowitcomesupon”),Má ngrigu nwahúnakúwairógre.He(Son of God ) ** SEE : get;have;take,Takeit! camedown from above , Má ngrigu nwajíke.Hethrewitup (theballinthe ** accept s.t. for another person, (at request of that person or with the air ),Má ngrigu nhékúhike [kúhi=up] . abovetoward adv. má ngridagu n. intention of taking it to that person ) v.t. girúdhe: (I..., hagitúdhe; you..., The eagle traveled above towards the clouds, Xrá maxú má ngridagu n ragisdúdhe; we..., hi ngirúdhewi; they all..., girúdheñe). I thank you, (my n n máñike. above adv. ma ngríwa (showingdirectionofmotion ). I'mgoing younger)sister,foraccepting theshawlforme ,Aha,hi táŋe,mí githatha n up stairs, Bhí ma ngríwà je ke (...wa + há + je). She Arrives From hi ragistúdhe ki; n NOTE: ** accept some things (several things ) for another person v.t. Above , Ma grída WaJíMi (Owl Clan Member , Missouria Tribe(?)). [ n HH#15 onOtoeMissouriaCensus1880 :“Ma(koke)5 (thHHmember) Monketah wagírùdhe: (I..., wágitùdhe; you..., warágisdùdhe; we..., hi wagírùdhewi; they wahcheme,OneWhoCameFromAbove,sis(terin)lawofAgehiyea,Bouncing, all..., wagírùdheñe). He accepted them for us (the gifts ), (Wók^u n) 40(yearsold) .”(MBK) ].** SEE: high;up;upward. wá wagirùdhe ke.Iaccepted thebooksforus ,Wawágaxewá wagitùdhe ** directlyabove adv. abóthda (DOR) [ahBOHthdah] : ke [wa+(há)+wa+gi+ t > (r)údhe] .(My)Grandpa!Didtheyget theponies Thepinetreestands Námpyùbra nchí for you?Hi ntugó,suŋéwa rigírùdhe ñeje.Didyougetsomethingfor me, n n directlyabove thehouse, abóthda náyi ke. Hi nágisdudhe je. **SEE: gi(Grammarotes). Wewalkeddirectlyabove ÑíShùjeabóthda accident: have an accident when counting coup on an enemy (in an n theRiver, hinmáñi wike. attempttobringhonor,prestigeandacclaimforoneself )(DOR) ;fireapopgun n Godsitsdirectlyabove , Waká daréabóthda (DOR)v.i. watúxe [wahTOOkhay] (arch.) ;watóxe (DOR) :(I...,hapátuxe;you..., seeingus, wawádamínake. swátuxe).[NOTE :“Watóxeke,Hehadacoupaccident,”issaidwhenperson“A” n ** directlyabove~below adv. ahádadaekíruda hšji (DOR) [ahHAHdah usesthebuttofhisgun,etc.,tostrikehisenemy,person“B”,andthenthehardness oftheblow,jarstheguntofire,woundingtheattacker,person“A”(DOR) ].** SEE : dah eh KEE droo dahn hshgee] . He sits directly above ( or below) me, mistake. Ahádadaekíruda nhsji hi ngíminake. accidently hurt another; do s.o. wrong; hurt s.o. by accident (or) ** from above, ahádadawa (DOR) . I come from above in those n n mistake; do wrong (not deliberately ); sin v. wa^ú xa šige (DOR ) [wah mountains,Ahéma^shidagá^eahádadawa hahúke. upabove (inthe OOH khahn shee geh] : (I..., wá^u nxa nšige; you..., wará^u nxa nšige; we..., country ),upcountry,upnorth, umérida [ooMAYdreedah] ;omérida (DOR). n n n n n n n hi wá^u xa šigewi; they..., wa^ú xa šigeñe). They hurt me accidently , TheOmahaIndiansliveabove( country)fromthePeople,Umá ha n n n Wa^ú xa šigí ñeke. Pá kauméridawachíñeke[omérida (DOR);omareta (HAM)]. upabove (ona n n ** accidentlyflyoff v.i. wašdájeréhi (DOR )[wahSTAHjayDRAYhee] :(I..., river,stream ),upstream, iróma ha [ee DROH mah hahn] .I'mgoingtofish n n n n hadúšdájeréha;you...,sdúšdájeréra;we...,hi šdájeréhi wi;they...,wašdájeréñe). upabove there (upstream ),Idáiróma ha hóhéthigehajéke. ** SEE : high; (NOTE :Itissaidwhenoneisholdinganobject,anditfliesoffaccidently,andthenit top;upward;má^ši. issaidto“wašdájeréhi~šdájeréhi’)(DOR) .Theboywasswingingtherope absent; invisible; not be present, visable, manifest; be invisible adj/v.i. when it flew off and accidently hit the window, Chidóiñe hawébri n n n n n n n n tá ^i škúñi~tá ^i škúñi, [TAHeenSHKOOnyee] :(I...,hi tá ^i škúñi;you..., ruwí nxenachú nha nwewašdájeréhike. ritá n^i n škúñi; we..., wawatá n^i n škúñiwi; they..., tá n^i n škúñiñe). Today,Iwish n n n n accompany; join; have been together with; follow adv/v.i. tógre ~ thatIhadbeenabsent ,É^ehá wegimí^ehi tá ^i škúñi sge. ** SEE : show, n n gratógre (withalovedone,friend,relative )[TOHgray/grahTOHgray] .(Between ) visible;tá ^i . n n RaymondandIIamthestronger,Raymondtógre mírehi bríxeke. abundance; abundant; be an abundance n/adj/v.i. róha [DROH hahn] . n n “Youwerewith me,”that'swhathesaid,“Rírehi nátogre ke,”arée^i Thereisanabundance ,Róha ke.Theyhadanabundance offood,they n n hú . But I accompanied my own ones , Nú^a míne wégratógre ke say, Warúje róha dána añí nñe áñe ke. ** SEE : plenty; well supplied; [wa

“ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh © 102 IowayOtoeMissouria~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) accuse; suspect v.t. iráraje [ee DRAH drah jay] : (I..., ihádaraje; you..., istáraje; addition (aroomtoahouse );shed;leanto;extrapaneloffence n. ukígre we..., hí nrarajewi). Butthen,Ididn'twanttoaccuse you, my own one, [oo KEE gdray] ; make a fence, addition, shed (old) v.t. ukígre: (I..., n Nú^aarédarírearídaraje hu . ** SEE: talkabout;talkagainst;igé;wíge . uhákigre;you...,urákigre;we...,hókigrewi;they...,ukígreñe).Didyoubuildan n ache n. ñích^e [YEEchay] . addition albedroom?Ayá chíiñeurákigre je. ** SEE: also;étax^a;wéxa. achieve. ** SEE: attain. address n. uríchiwida~uríchida [oo DREE chee dah] (Lit: "where you live") . acorn;head (or) endofpinus (glanspinus) n. búje [BOOjay] . [NOTE :Inthe ...;speaktos.o. v.t. ugích^e [ooGEEcheh] :(I...,uhágich^e;you...,urágich^e; TraditionalStoryof“RabbitTricksHisGrandmother”,heplucksoutoneofhiseyes we...,hógich^ewi) .Theleaderaddressed everyoneinthemorning (NAC) , andhangsitonabushwhileheplayshistrick.Whenhereturned,hefoundthata Dotá nha n iráweha n hérodada wógich^e ke; addressee, the person crowhadeatentheeyes.Inturn,hetookanacornandreplacedhiseyewithit.And adressed n. éwaganàha [AYwahgahAHhah] (Lit:"theonewhoistalkedto") . thatiswhyRabbitshavebulgingeyes. Wéka n"GroundSquirrelbitesIshjinki"). n adhere;stick onsurface v.rt. =raha. ** big... n. búhkuxàñe (I.) ,búhkuxà je (O.) . adhere;stick on;clingto v.t. aráha [ah RAH hah] :(I...,u(há)dakigre;you..., ** PickingAcorns ,BújeRugwá ,( BeaverClan name).[ NOTE: HH#23on n urákigre; we..., hókigrewi) .Youarecoveredwith burrs,Mi xágearíraha OtoeMissouria Census 1880: "(B)a?(tha) 4(th HH member) Poocha Roqua, ke.Andovertheirwholebodythereclung onlyleeches,itseems,Idaré PickingAcorns,s(on)ofMájije(Marcheche),CharlesArt,30years(old)." (MBK) . n n n Andagain,thefather'snameappearsontheOtoeAllotmentRoll18911907,asage íro bróge chébrù hgesra aráha wàsgu . [From "Doré na Wahrédwa" (Twin Holy 44 (BBC) . **SEE: pinus;Wéka nnaWórage . Boys)] .** SEE: cling;glue;opinion;stickon;aráha. n n acre n. máya wigú dhe [MAHyahnweeGOOthey] .(Lit:"landmeasurement"). ** ...;stickto;befast (asglue,arootintheground ) v.i. aráhgawe [ahDRAH Everyone was to receive 160 acres , they said, Máya n wigú ndhe húya n hgah way] ~ aráthkawe (old) : (I..., ádahgawe; you..., asráhgawe; we..., grébra nagrí nsakwéiráweha naréwók^u nñehñearé^su ngáreáñe. há nnahgawewi) .Thetreestumpswerereallystuckin theground,so,all n across;cross (over) ;(go) over prep/adv/v. agrí,agrída [ahGREEdah] ;ruché daylongtheboyshavebeendiggingstumps,Náhújearáhgawe da nañe n n ~ruch^é [drooCHAY/drooCHAY] ~rujé (?) ~rutá (pl.) ;arúche: (I...,hadúche; ke,Hédarehá wethréjechi doiñenáhújegigójeñeke. ["Ioway Community n Hall"]. you...,stúche;we...,hi ruchewi;they...,rutáñe). n admit;consent,agree;bewilling v.t. išdá [eeSHDAH] :(I...,ihášda n;you..., Themanisacross there,ontheotherside,Wáŋedagrída dáheke.A n n irášda n; we..., hí nšda nwi) .Iadmit thatweshouldgonow,Hi néhñeke, raccoonwentacross thelogbridge,Miŋkéya naxámañiruché ke.We n n n n n willcross theriver,Ñíhinrújedáhñeke.Theywentacross ,itseems, Gašú ihášda ke.Weagree too,Héda hi šdá wike. ** SEE: agree. n admonish. ** SEE: scold. Rutá ránàsgu . They (two) canoed across the wide river, Báje n n adopt~adoption n/v.t. wa ^shík^aregrá^u (TD) [wahnSHEkahrehGRAH umínawina ñíxanje rutá wi ke. (So) the two crossed it, it seems, n n n n n Rutá wàsgu n. oon] :(I...,wa ^shík^arehegrá^u ;you...,wa ^shík^areregrá^u ;we...,wa ^shík^are hi ngrá^u nwi; they..., wa n^shík^are grá^u nñe). I adopt him (he adopts me ), ** ...;crosswise;wide,broad prep. arúche.Hispipebaglayacross the n n n Wa ^shík^are hi grá^u ke (TD) ,(i.e.,Mythought,andothersaccepthim (TD) ). sacredsage,Ráhnuwewósaetáwexáxòjedaarúche dahá^eke; go..., The Sauk & Foxs adopted me [in place of a deceased one ], Tháke crossover v. iré: (I...,ihajé~ijé;you...,isré;we...,hi nnáwi;wetwo...,hi nné; wa n^shík^are hi ngra^u nñeke. [W.hani njíje, hani nxjí n, kiirús (take foroneself), you..., isráwi; they..., rutáñe; they two..., rutáwi) .Wetwowentacross town, n n n wana gí herehí (“replace the ghost”, i.e., adopt a child to replace a deceased Chínaiwí ne ke.Willyougoacross ?Ríresréhna? ** SEE : agrí ;ruché; one) (WW) ]. arúche;cross. **[NOTE: TheIowayshadseveraltypesoftraditionaladoptionsoccurredbetween n act,act (like/as) ;be,do,make;pretend(be,like )v.t. ^ú [OO] :(I..., families.Theywerealwayssponceredbyspecificfamiliesorindividuals.Therewere ha^ú n; you..., ra^ú n; we..., hi núnwi). They( two )do(actlike) thatoldman, no political or honorary “tribal” adoptions, as occurs in recent years. It was a Ishjinki( TheTrickster ),Wá nshaIshjí nkiihgáre^ú nwike.Youarejust personalbondingwhichbroughtanotherintothefamilycircleandbycourseintothe like an( the )Otoe(s),Jiwérera^ú nhsjike.Hewantstoactlike alittle tribe. The individual being adopted accepted the role and the responsibilities boy,Ichí ndoñe^ú ngúna. seriously. n The FamilyAdoptionofapersonintheplaceofonewhohadpassedawaywas ** ActPatiently , Wayí Hsjihi (Bear Clan name ). [ NOTE: #52 on Ioway themorecommonpractice.( TheSauk&Fox,KickapooandPotawatamicontinueto CensusLists#1&#2,1880: "52.Waiintchi/WayínkhcihiTun(ap^i)Tempered practicethisform ).Whensomeoneofthefamilypassed,Whenafamilylostafamily (AlsoTransposedAs: HeActedVeryPatiently/HeWasTheCauseOfHisTrueDisposition ), member,especiallyachild,theywouldadoptanotherchild/adultintheindividual's Danl.Tohi.sonof#54Tóhi." (Noothernameultilized) (MBK) ].[ NOTE: DanToheeis place.Theotherpersonwaschosentotakeontheroleofthechildorelderwhohad mentioned in Geo. Nuzum's Biography of Ioway Indians of Kansas & , passed. It strengthened the ties between families, provided for the family to get 1880.ItstatesthatheisamemberoftheIowasof , and married Lucy throughthegriefandthefamilyroleswouldcontinuetobeperformed(aschild,elder, Campbell,anIowayofWhiteCloud,KS,foronemonthinorabouttheyearof1890, hunter, advisor, etc.). This was usually done within the tribe itself, even between andthenreturnedtoOklahoma.Theyhadnochildren]. **SEE: pretend. clans. Occasionally, a person of another tribe may be adopted, and this practice actiondonewithmouth,teeth;bybiting/talking instr.prf. ra~dha: continues to this day among some tribes. Societies, like the Medicine Dance ra^édhe, eat up, devour; ragráge, gnaw; ragwá, peck; rahdá n, drink; replaced deceased a member by adopting individuals from the community and rahówe,sip;ráje,name;radówe,breakwiththemouth;raxége,mark initiatingthemasmemberstotaketheplaceoftheonewhohaddied. withtheteeth;etc. The Pipe Dance or Calumet is an elaborate formal adoption for making n n relations, most often with someone of another tribe. Often it was a part of active,lively adj. thámike~thámi ke [THAHmekay] :(I...,hi thá mik e;you..., establishingtradingrelationsormakingpeacewithanothertribe,asbetweentheOtoe rathámike; we..., wawathámikewi). She is a very active old lady, Aré n andOmahaortheIowayandDakotaetc.Inmostcases,childrenwereadoptedby hinásiñethámike dà nake; be...,diligent;bebusy (asagoodworker ) v.i. the other's family, creating a bond between the children, their families, and by n n sgá . He worked hard so as to getfinishedearly,Sgá wèxa ke,uxré extension to the two tribes. This ceremony was called Wayanwe ("Sings over wa^ú nrustá ngú nnana; make...byfillingaleanhorsewithfoodand Them"). The Sacred Pipes were not smoking types of pipes, but ceremonial making it "thámike" (active, swift ) (old) (DOR) wathámike: (I..., decoratedstemsorwithoutcatlinitestonebowls. hapáthamike;you...,swáthamike;we...,hi nwáthamikewi). Ifedthatblackhorse AnIndividualAdoption byanindividual,familymemberorachildlessperson to make him fast and lively , Shúñe théwe hapáthamike ke; make canbecreatedforthemutualbenefitofthepartiesinvolved. [FromstatementsbyLanceM.Foster.ovmber3,2005]. activebysittingon (it) v.t. (NOTE :Itissaidofaspiritedhorse) withámike: We recognize an informal adoption, between parties, out of love and respect. n (I..., hapíthamike; you..., swíthamike; we..., hi wíthamikewi). Youmadethat Thisisalwaysrecognizednevertheless,inprivateandinthepublic,because wesaid horsecomealive whenyourodehim,Shúñegá^eshwíthamike ke. theyare my“brotherandsisters”,etc.However,nofeast,oranyotherceremonyis n n adam'sapple; larynx n. dot^ústa sta [dohTOOstahnstahn] (Lit.:"roundinthe performed to sanction this relationship. And these kinships are still upheld and throat"). recognized. add,plus;addition (thetermusedinthemathprocessofaddition) adv. na: One form is referred to as making an “ Indian Friend ” This kind of a two added to two (they are) núwe na núwe aré dówe(ñe) relationshipcarriesthroughoutlife.Itisrecognizedassuch,as“thepeople”knowit four ke. because, the relationship is often done at a public gathering, as at an Iróshka or fourand twoaresix dówena núwearéságweñe NativeAmericanChurchprayer. ** SEE: numbers;agrí n. “a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 103 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] MyDadusedtosay,thatitwashardtocallsomeone"friend",becausehesaid, ** ...;afterward (s) ;past adv. étagi [EHtahgee]. (NOTE: Itisusedintelling n n that–that"friend"comesbeforeanybody,sometimesevenbeforeyourownbrother. time]. It is after teno'clock,Bígu dhegrébra étagi aréke. Itisfive Andtheygetandreceivedthebesttreatmentfromyourownfamily.Longtimeago, minutesafter twoo'clock,Bígu ndhetháta nnúweétagi aréke ; not...;no theyusedhorses,andsuch,buttodaythebestwecanuseisaPendleton,and,orsuch

itemstoaffirmthisrelationship. laterthan;exactlyat,rightat (acertainmoment ) adv. exáskuñi.The But today, traditional "adoptions" are not practiced anymore. There may be Pawnee Grill will not serve breakfast after nine thirty, Pawnee Grill n n n some exceptions, but most actual adoptions are the legal adoptions by the District hérodada warúje bígu dhe sá ke nokíthre exáskuñi urík^u skúnañe ke. Courts. The way that a person can become a member of a Tribe or Nation, is Do not come home after six ( o'clock ), Bígu ndhe ságwe exáskuñi grá mandated by the tribe's Constitution and ByLaws. That is the way it is for the skúñire. ** SEE: clock;étagi;éxa~exáskuñi. Ioways, and I assume that most constitutions are similar in language, and that the ** ...awhile prep. tóriñegi [TOHdreenyaygee] .Afterawhile ,theyoung criteriaformembershipisalsosimilar.ThedifferenceintheNorthernandSouthern colt approached ( me ), Tóriñegí súŋe súwe jihú ke. (tóriaxka ~ tóriahga Ioways,isthattheNortherngroupdonothaveabloodquantum,asopposedtothe SouthernIoways.Inthemid'80'sWeloweredtheblooddegreerequirementdown (HAM));...nextspring,infuturesprings adv. tóribèda (DOR)[TOHdree to1/8from1/4.FormembershipwiththeNorthernIoways,Ibelievethatoneofthe Baydah] . n n n itemsforcriteria,isthatyouneedonlytoprovedescendency]. ** day...day;eachday,everyday adv. há wejírena;há we yá dahe; n [FromstatementsbyJoyceBigSoldierMiller.ovmber5,2005]. há wek^íra [HAHwayJEEdraynah;~YAHdahhay;~KEEdrah].(And)sothey n n ** SEE: PipeDance;SacredPipe;Húnge. ]. did, (hunting) day after day , Há we k^irá hsji ihgú ^ú ñe. [From Wéka n: adults n. núñegi (Lit:"aftertheyaregrownup" (children)). "Há nwenaIchí ndošŋe"(DayandHisSons] ;day...tomarrow adv. hérodaétagi advantage:nottobetoone'sadvantage n. igíchexi. **SEE: notgoodfor [HAYdrohdahAYtahgee] .Thedayaftertomarrow willbeSunday,Héroda one. n n étagi Há weXóñita aréhñeke. ** SEE: dánañiétagi .not...;exactlyat advice;counsel;counsel,advise,givegood... v.t. wíruch^e~irúch^e~ n conj. exáskuñi. **SEE: after; afterward(s) ; the day... adv. há we iróch^e; wiróch^e [WEEdroo chay] : (I..., iháduch^e; you..., isrúch^e; we..., n n rustá gi [HAH way droo SDAH gee]. After(to)dayitisfinished,Há we hí nnuch^ewi;they...,irút^añe). Igivethemadvise ,Wíhaduch^e ;Wegive n n n rustá gi.Allthepeoplewenthomethedayafter thepowwow,Wa síge them advise , Hi wíruch^e wi; You give us advise , Wíwasduch^e wi; brógewóya nwewashíhá nwerustá ngi agréñeke. They (two) gaveusadvise ,Wíwarut^a wi.Iadvise you,myson,tolisten, n n n ** one...another (consecutively ) prep. ekíkigre [eh KEE kee gdray]. For Unáxu ne,iríduch^e ,hi yí ño. fourteen generations the Ioway, Otoe & Missouria People lived in the n n n advisor;chief;leader n.wá ŋegšhi;wá ŋehi (?) .**SEE: wá ŋegihi;leader. Nebraskaregion,theysay,BáxojeJiwéreÑút^achiirótu nwahiagrí ndowe afar;farover;yonder adv. hárida [HARdreedah] .Isawhimcomingfrom ekíkigre iróta nwàhiMáya nÑíbrahgeídachíñedamínañeáñeke. afar ,Hárida arégúátake. ** belyingone...another v.t. híawawa [HEEyahwahwah] ~hyáwawañe afraid; fear; be afraid (visible danger )n/v.i. nagwé [nah GWAY] ~nagwá; n (From: yá hiwe, be lying) . The trees were leaning out all along the lake. n nágwe ~ nágwa : (I..., hanágwe; you..., ranágwe; we..., hi nágwawi; they..., Thosewhohaddied,theytiedthemon(them),itseems,Nájégixeépona nagwáñe). Iamnotafraid ofyou,Rinágwe škúñike.Youareafraidof hiáwawañe ;Aréwa nshíget^áñearéwégruhgijeñàsgu n.[From:"Hi nkúñi" nothing,Dagúniŋeranágwe ke.Areyouafraidof me?Hi nná:gwaje (MyGrandmother)].** SEE: hid áda;hinánaŋe. [hi n+n>ra+nagwé>a]. Hewasafraidof them,hisownones (hisrelatives ), ** go...s.o.;follow v.t. uxré [OO khray] : (I..., uháxre; you..., uráxre; we..., n n Wegránagwà sgu [wa>e+gra+nagwé>a+w(i)+asgu ]. hóxrawi;they...,uxráñe).I'mgoingafter myfriend,Hi ntárouháxre hñeke; ** cause,makes.o.tobeafraid v.t. nagwéhi [nahGWAYhe] :(I...,nagwéha; go...us,you,them (pl.) wóxre [WOHkhray] .Whydidyoufollow after us? n you...,nagwéra;we...,nagwáhi wi;they...,nagwáhiñe)."Bequiet!"Youmake I wanted to follow them , Dagúra^u nna wó waraxra wi je. Wó haxre n n n me afraid , Xápa re, nagwéhi na ke [nagwéhi+hi +r>na] . They Are hagú take. ** SEE: follow;uxré. go...gets.o.,s.t. v.t. agúhi [ahGOOhee]. Afraid (Of Me ) (or) LittleAfraid n. (I.) (Wolf Clan name) Nagwáiñe~ I went after him/ it, my own one, Aré égragu hahí . I went after/ got Nagwáñe. (Nagwáye (SK )). them,myownones,Wégragu hahí .** SEE: agú;agúhi. n cause, make s.o. be afraid, scared v.t. naxíhi [nah KHEE he] : (I..., afternoon n. bikúyigu [bee KOO yee goon]. (Lit.: "Sun low towards", i.e., it is n naxíha; you..., naxíra; we..., naxíhi wi; they..., naxíhiñe). Youwillmake your towards evening). Let'sgoseeourunclethisafternoon ,Bikúyigu njé^e little sister afraid withthosestories,Wórageháreritáñinaxíra hñeki ; hi njégahá ndí nnetò [hi n+adá+hi n+ré] ;at,nearsundown adv. bikúyigi; fear;tobeafraid,fears.t. n/v.i. naxíre~náxire (visibledanger )[nahKHEE bikúyigu n. n dray] :(I...,hanáxire;you...,ranáxire;we...,hi náxirewi;they...,naxíreñe).Isyour afterwards;itisthen;andthen;andatthat conj. arédare [ahDRAYdah nieceafraidof thedark?Ritósgemiuhádhenaxíre je. ** SEE: fear;scare; dray] . Afterwards then, Turtle said: "Well, we have won!" he said, it n unáxire;wanáxi. seems,Arédare Kéta :"Hau,hóhiwike,"é,áñeke. [FromWéka n:"Udwá nkena after;while; since prep/conj.suf. gi [gee] .After hecryed,hedidit,it Mishchíñe"(MuskratandtheRabbit)].**SEE: after;afterwards;akídagi~hagidagi. n n n n seems,Xágegi ^ú àsgu .After wework,Hi ^ú wigi .After youate, again;andthen adv. shigé (I.), sigé (O.) [sheGEH] .[NOTE: Thiswordisused thenIate,Warájigi hédarewá:jike [wa+há+ruje]; after;befinished when the subject in the sentence is the same as in the previous sentence. It is n n v. rustá gi~rusdá gi [drooSDAHgee] .After hehadspokenhesatdown frequently utilized in the narration of Wéka n (Traditional Stories)]. Again [Lit.:hefinishedspeaking] ,Ich^érasdá ngi mínake .Thegirlsgotmarried, (Mother)Earthspeaking,said:"Let'stryitagain!",ShígeMáya néwana: after theyweregrownup,Ichí nmi niñenúñegi warúxeñeke.Itwasafter Shigéhi n^ú ntañi;Thenagain,asecondtime,Rabbitroared,andthen wetookallotmentsthatthewhitepeoplecameandthe( huntingof )game the land shook beyond (the first time) , Éda shíge inúha n hótu n. Shíge n n n n n n animals disappeared, Máya wathrége hi ^ú wigi náhe^shu má^u ki máya éda gihúhu ke. [From Wéka n: "Mishjí nñe na Náthaje" (Rabbit and the agíñedawanúhsjesénañeke. [From:"Máya nJaré^su n(TheIowayTreaty)"]. (After ) Grasshoppers)]. TheBear(Brothers)wenttosomeland,andinturn,hesaw n n n theyateandtheywenthome,Warújewinagráwike. (NOTE: gi isomitted). some footprints, Máya tá da uwárè; Shíge wá ^shige thígre wáda ke. (ki (DOR;MAX)). [Fromwéka n:"BearClanOriginStory"] ; ...there adv. šgéda.Shestartedagain ** ...;afterward(s) adv. agídagi~agídage;hagídagi~hakídage (LWR) (there ) she came to a camping site, Gúnaŋa sigé chíréxrige šgéda n n n [ahGEEdahgeh] .After wework,Hi wa^ú wihagídagí [NOTE: Seetheentry grí^àsgu . [From:"Hi nkúñi"(MyGrandmother)].**SEE: héda n. above]. After breakfast,IwenttoStillwater,Hérodadawarújehagídagí , Stillwaterwajéke. ** SEE: afterwards.

“ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh © 104 IowayOtoeMissouria~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) ** ...; ...and...; in turn; over..., over and over, anew; repeatedly ** longtime...,sometime...,awhile...,awhileback adv. go^ógi [goOH adv/v.t. píhi [PEEhee] .(NOTE: Thiswordindicatesthattheactionisrepeating (or) gee] (Less than a year ago ). It is some time ago that I've been fishing, n continuous]. Youdiditagain ,Píhi ra^ú ki;Weranagainandagain , Go^ógi hógithigeháhike; ashorttime...,amoment... adv. gó^ogi n n n Píhi dá nahi náŋewináhe^su (allthetime,constantly );Hemadehimself [GOohgee] .Iarrivedashorttimeago totellyouthenews,Gó^ogi hají intoachildagain ,Píhi chi nchíŋekik^ú nke;Hetakesmebackagain aréwórageurígidágehñeke; averyshorttime...,justaminute... adv. n n (always,againandagain ),Píhi háhdaá ñi rake;Hekickeditagain ,Píhi go^ówexa [goOHwaykhah] .Isawaflashaoffirejustaminuteago ,Péje nahdágeke.Theylaydownagain ,Píhi hiáwañeke;Shegotmarried dásti nsti ngo^ówexa átake. again (anothertime,repeatedly),Píhi wároxeki;Hemarriedagain (another ** (a) long time...; way back adv. ; behind, before prep. naŋéri ~ n n time, repeatedly ), Píhi mí graŋeki;Itiedmybagwithitagain (always na kéri [nahngKAYlee] (Ayearormoreago ).Fortysixyearsago (1890),The using the same string ), Wósa píhi ihégruthda ke; We are going away chiefssignedatreatyandwealltookallotments,Na nkéri báñigrébra n again ,Sigépíhi hi nnáweke; dóweagrí nságwewáŋegihimásu nunáŋenaarémáya nwathrégehi n^ú nwi ** nowand... adv. píhik^ína.Hewassmokingandthesmokewentup ke. [From wórage: "Máya n Jaré^su n (The Ioway Treaty"]. TheSundaybefore last now and again (as) he sat puffing, it seems, Ráñi hí nna shóje jirára hí n [Lit. "Sunday before (and) beyond"] , Há nwaxòñita n na nkérida étagi. The n n n mínàshgu . ** SEE: jirára; time and..., from time to time adv. píhi otherday [Lit."Daybeforestanding"] ,Há wena kéri daha. n k^irána.Fromtimetotime Iusedtogotochurch,Píhik^irána chíxoñšda ** notlong... adv. th^íŋèda [THEEGehdah] .Itwasnotlongago (that)I wájestu nigiáreke. usedtogoeveryday,Th^íŋèda há nwek^iránahajésdunigiáreke. n ** ...;oncemore;asecondtime. inúha [eeOOhah] .Hedidnotspeak agony;suffer exceedingly v.i. itháredána. **SEE: hurt;pain. tothemagain (asecondtime ),Inúha nwógich^eshkúñe. agreewiths.o.;(be)agreeable,pleasant;getalong with another; get n ** ...;anew,renew;return...,back adv. háhda.Takemebackagain ! used to s.t. adj/v. umáje ~ umá je [oo MAH jay] : (I..., uhámaje; you..., Píhi háhda áñí nra re. They got back thereatnoon,Bímàsigiáreidá urámaje; we..., hómajewi; they..., umájeñe). They (those two) get along well n háhda agríñeke. ** SEE: back;háhda. with each other, Ukima je wi. You will be unable to get used to it n ** ...and...;only,but suf. –šta~šda [sdah] ;shra (GW) ;shna (DOR). He (flying ), my grandson, the Buzzard said, Umá je sdu^áge hñe ke, n comes again and again to eat (he only comes to eat) , Warúje húsda ke; hi tágwa,Hégeé .[Fromwéka n:"Ishjí nkinaHége"(IshjinkiandtheBuzzard)]. n n You do nothing but work and never have fun, Rí^e áma ra^ú sda na; ** ...;bewilling,concent;admit v. išdá [eeSHDAH] :(I...,ihášdá n;you..., Wóya nweníŋera^ú nke;Somemenhavecomeforyouagainandagain , irášdá n; we..., hí nšdá nwi; they..., išdá nñe). "I agree ," (he said); And so, the n n n n n n Wán^shigeútaarígwajšda ^ú ñeke. [FromWéka :"Há wenaIchí došŋe"(Dayand Buzzardflew(with)Ishjinkisittingontopofhim,"Ihášdá ke,"Héda n n HisSons)].**SEE: continue. Hégegit^á rénaIshjí kiahádaamínašnake. [Fromwéka n:"Ishjí nkinaHége"]. n against; for; from prep.prf. infix gi... [gee] . He lied against me, Ah!~Ahh!Aww!;Indeed!Well! (emphatic)intj. hê~hêê:: [Heeeh!] ;^šu n n Hi gí tohgeke. (ki (DOR;HAM)). ** SEE: gi. ....gáda~gáta [gahdah] ;káta [SHOO] .Ahh!Mygrandson!Hê, Hi tágwa.What'sbeingdonetoher; n n n (LWR).…. against thehill,ahégada .** SEE: amáha. indeed ,what'sthematter?,hethought,Dagúre^ú na^šu hu ch^éñi,iré . ** ...thewall prep. uxdá~úxda [ooKHDAH] ;u^xá.Heputithereagainst [From Wéka n:"Ichí ndo^iñenaWahísje"(TheLittleBoyandhisSister)]. ** SEE: nahé^šu n; n n thewall ,Uxdá igígréke; ...thewind,current prep. máha [MAHhahn] . ^šu . Thebuffaloherdslowlyrambledonagainstthewind, Chéuróha nmáha n ahead(of);forward,infront;up...;later(on),inthefuture adv/v. torí thrijéhchihidádaaráñeke.Iwouldhavetogoagainstthe strongnorth [tohDREE] ;torída: (I...,hatóri;you...,ratóri;we...,hi ntóriwi;they...,toríñe).Iam wind tofindourstrayedcattle,Umédhegitatájeda nnake,Achdáchéhka (standing )infront ofthebuilding,Chíxàñearéhatóri hadáheke.The n n n wéñigreñedanáhe^su máha hajéke. ** SEE: hári;umáha. dogwalkedahead ,Suŋkéñitorí wamáñiki. ** SEE: torída;torígu . ** over...;opposite (to) ;evenwith prep. ekíruda n; pushhard...withs.t. ** ...; ...of most of the rest; excell(ing); the best (modifier prf.) n (asastick )thatglancesoff (DOR) v.t. wax^áhe [wahKHAHhay] ~wa^áhe~ warú...wexa(stu )[wahDROO...waykhah] . [NOTE: Thephraseisusuallyrendered awáx^ahe : (I..., apáx^ahe (hapáx^ahe) ; you..., swax^áhe; we..., hi nwáx^ahewi; as: "warúpiwèxa" . It conveys doing s.t. with skill and expertise generally, but in they...,wax^áheñe) .Usingtheshovel,Ipushedagainst therock,glancing Ioway, when using "wéxa" , it is always interpreted as meaning: "the best; the winner"]: n off ,Máhawak^éaréha^ú nainóhapáx^ahe ke; push...s.t.repeatedly Thewomansewsreallywell betterthantherest . n n v.redupl.wax^áx^ahe. **SEE: file;pushagainst;éxa ;gix^áhe;wax^á ;waxí. Hinágewawádhu njewarúpiwèxa ki. aged,olden,oldtime;fromold;former;ancient,archaic,antique;be Themansingsbetterthantherest (Thereareothersequallyskilled). old adj/v.i. th^ídawere [THEE dah waydray] .Allthephoto(graphs)( lying Wáŋeiyá nwewarúpi ke.(I.) n n there )arefromoldtimes ,I jéwagaxebrógedáhaŋeth^ídaware ñe. ** SEE: Wáŋeiyá wewarúpiwéxa ke.(O.) ago;oldage. My(younger)sisteristhewinner ofthedancecontest.(I.) My(younger)sisterdancedbetterthanmost oftherest.(O.) Agent,Agency;BureauofIndianAffairs (BIA )Superintendent, "their n n Hi taŋewashíwarúpiwéxa ki. father" ; Government Officials n. á je híñe [AH jay HEE nyay]. ** SEE: gru;iró;iróka n;iñe~iŋe;dána;warúpi;wegru;wéxa. When...wetelltheagent ,...itseemswearetalkingtoastick,Shú n...ánje n ** StandsAhead(OfOthers) (Also) StandingAhead (Otoe Bear híñe hógiragewida...Ná hu gich^ewi íthkexji. [From: "Letters: Two Crows, et.al."] . n n Clan member) Wéxa Náyi . [ NOTE: HH#02 on Oto Missouria Census 1880 : ** SEE: itúga híñe. ≈ n n n n "Tu(nap^i)Ot(oe),1 (st HHmember) Wahonnaryea (Also)weqanayinStanding ago adv. ú da [SHOHdah] .Fiftyyearsago ,Báñigrébra tháta sú da . Ahead,h(ea)dofhousehold&husbandofHotahcreme, (oEnglishnamegiven)." ** SEE: n ma dádàñida. (MBK) ]. Also, on the Otoe Allotment Roll 18911907 , the name, Josiah Headman ** ...;long...;sometime... adv. th^í~ th^ída [TH^EEdah] .My(younger) (Wayhanaee) appears,Age55years. n n n Brother,yououghttohavedonethislongago ,Hi thúŋe,th^ída járegú ** ...;first,firstone;thebeginning n/adj. pagrá [pahGRAH] ~págra; n n n n n n ra^ú sge pínu ke. [From Wéka : "Máya Wadáhe (Everywhere Being)"] ;agreat pagrá naha [pahGRAHnahhah] ;pagrá dahe [pahGRAHdahhay] .Hestarted while..., a real long time... adv. th^íhšji [THEE hshjee] ~ th^íhji ~ fromthebeginning ,Págra njíreidáwáhuke.Hewastherefirst whenI th^íhšjida;th^íhšjidàhge~th^íhjidàhge. (NOTE: Itmayreferrtoapasttime, gotthere,Págra nidánáhe^ihahíke.Thewentahead (atthefirst) n n perhapsbeforethelifetimeofthespeakerortheremotepast) .Myfriends,they tohunt,Watóhtapagrá dagixrárañàsgu .[From:"Hi nkúñi"(MyGrandmother)]. were saying a long time ago that you were coming, Hi ntáro th^íhjida The first sacred bundle had some fresh scalps tied to it, it seems, n n rahúwi,áñena.Iwaitedonyou,andforalongtime , you all did not Warúxawe págra igí dahá^e wanáthu xúha iréshkañashgu . [From: come, Aríkidawi, nú^a th^íhji rají skúñewi ke. [From Wéka n: "Udwá nke na "Hi nkúñi" ].** SEE:pagrá n. Mishchíñe"(MuskratandtheRabbit)] .[síkhschitathke (DOR)).** SEE: th^ínahge. ** Stands Ahead ~ Stands First (Bear Clan first born name) , n n ** long...;atfirst,at;inthebeginning adv. pagrá da [pahGRAHdah] . Pagrá Dàhe(Mi =fem. )(WW) [pagrá n+dahé] . Long ago, in the beginning , God made Our Mother Earth, Pagrá nda , Waká ndaHínaMáya n^ú naréke.

“a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 105 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] ** ...ofone'sopponent;reachthegoal...ofanother;winthestakeand n saveone'sbet,property,etc. adv/v.i. iróhi [eeDROHhee] :(I...,iróha;you..., ** SEE: live;lively;ix^á . n n iróra; we..., iróhi nwi; they..., iróhiñe). The ( tribal ) chairman won (the ** ...;bealive;be,live,exist v.i. ñí [YEE] ;í (LWR) :(I...,ñí;you...,sdí ~ n n n election ) far ahead (of the rivals ),Chairmanaréuhínairóhidà nake. srí ~stí ;we... [dual] ,hínahe;we... [plu.] ,hanáhe;they... [plu.] ,hínahehuñe). Iam n ** SEE: attain;reach;win. anIndian,Wa ^sík^okeñimiñí ki. ** SEE: aré;nahé. aid~aide.** SEE: help. all; whole, entire; harmonious; circle, circular; cyclic (?) adj. bróge aim,aimat,takeaimat v.t. iráwathu [ee RAH wah thoo] : (I..., ihápathu; [BROHgeh] ;próke (DOR) .Ifhecomes,wewillall go (becausehecame ), you..., isdáwathu; we..., hí nnawathuwi; they..., iráwathuñe). aim at s.o., s.t. Jídabróge hi nnétahñeke.Youallbringsomething,Bróge wasríñajiwi with a bow & arrow v.t. má iráwathu; ...a gun at s.o., s.t. v.t. ke.Weall bringsomethinggood,Bróge píhá ngrañehiwike.Godgave iyóchi niráwathu.Iaimed thegunat thedeer,Iyóchi ntáihápathu ke. tobaccotoyouruncles (theIndianpeople )andthegrasshoppershavetaken Thetwoboysaimed thebow&arrowat thetree( target ),Chi ndóiñená it all away from them, Dhijéga ráñi Waká nda wók^u n náthaje bróge dáremáiráwathu wike. wanáshe ki. [Wéka n: "Mishchíñe na áthaje" (Rabbit and Grasshoppers)]. [NOTE: ** ...lowat v.t. wakúye.Youmustaim lowat it,Swákuye hñeke. “Bróge”refersto“thewholevillageornation;aroundtheentirecampcircleofthe The deer stood at a distance, so I aimed low , Tá harídahe ^shú n aré village”(DOR) ]. n n hapákuye ha^ú ke; ...low atsuddently v.t. wakúyeréhi (DOR) (?) . ** ...,...kindsof;...such adj. brógehšu [BROH geh hshoo] ~brógehšu ~ n n ** SEE: gun;suddently;réhi;wakúye. bróge^šu ~ brógexšu ~ brógeksu (HAM). All kinds of animals, n air;wind;drafty,windy n/adj. táje [TAHjay] ;tháthaje [THAHthahjay] [NOTE: Wanúhjebrógeksu (HAM) ;...,everything adj. akíwatha [ahKEEwah n The term "tháthaje" may also infer "chills", that is, body chills as from a fever thahn] (DOR) .Iwinandkeepitall (everything ),Iróhanaakíwatha áñike. n (LWR) ]. Thereisnowindtoday,Há wegitáje níŋeke.Yesterdayitwas (akiwoasa (MAX)). reallywindy ,Dánañidatháthaje dá nnake. ** ...around (standing) adj. dada.Theburningtreeswerestandingall n n airplane;jet,"flyingboat" n. bajégit^a ~bájegit^á [BAHjaygeeTAH] ; around ,Nádák^odáda ñeke.Theywereallstanding hereandthere, n bajékít^a (LWR) . Hyádada ñeke; ...around (lying) ;...over;strewn;bescatteredaround n alarm;forewarn. ** SEE: alert;scare. adj/v.i. pópoge [POH poh geh] : (I..., hi pópoge; you..., ripópoge; we..., Alas! ** SEE: indeed;Exclamations (thetopic). wawapópogewi;they...,wapópogeñe).Thetrashwaslyingallaround onthe n alcohol (anykind );whiskey n. péhñihgáiñe (I.) ;péhñihgá^iŋe(O.) [PAYhnyee ground, Épuxe mayá da pópoge ke. They were lying all over on the n n HGAH ing ay] (Lit: "fire water white little") . Grandama would always say: grass, it seems, Xámida ayá ñe wapópoge wàsgu ; ...atonce adv. Alcoholisnogood!.Hi nkúñi"Péhñihgáiñepíshkuñiki,"amáarée^ihú n. éswenagina. ** SEE: suddently. alert; give alarm (by waving s.t. ); forewarn; scare; give alarm of an ** ...crowdedtogether adj. brógekix^e [BROHgehkeekhay] .Inthecity, approachingdanger (or)foe (bywavingablanket )(DOR) v.t. wawáha [wah all the houses are crowed together , Chínaxáñedadárechíbrogékix^e n WAH hah] :(I...,wápaha;you...,waswáha;we...,hi nwáwahawi;they...,wawáhañe). adáheñe ke; ...day(long) adv. há we thréje [HAH way THRAY jay] . Shewaswaving atowelatmethatthehousewasonfire,Chídak^óna Tomarrow,Iwillbeworkingallday ,Hérodahá nwethréje wá^u nhñeke. aréwak^óya n^ú nnahi ngíwawàhaki. Wewillbeworkingallday ,Há nwethréje hi nwa^ú ndahñeke.Yesterday, n n ** ...,frighten,scareone;feelinsecure,liveindread v.t. náhire [AH herodeallday ,Dánañihá wethréje sú k^áminake; ...gone;drained; n hee ray] (nághire (DOR)): (I..., hanáhire; you..., ranáhire; we..., hi náhirewi; they..., topullthrough adj/v. rihóje~rixóje [dree HOH jeh] :(I...,hajíhoje;you..., n náhireñe). Wearescaredtodeath( alertto )atornadocoming,Tát^a we sríhoje; we..., hi nríhojewi; they..., rihójeñe). Today, I will drain the ditch n n gúhi náhire wike. ** SEE: scare;ikí. water,Há wegixrógehajíhoje hñeke. ** SEE: allgone;drain. alfalfa;blue clover n. uthrátó~úthrató (LWR). [ooTHRAHTOH]. ** Allgone!.It'sdisappeared/gone!It's (all) usedup! intj. Sénañeke alighton;upon,landon;be on;jumpdown v.t. ahí [ahHEE] :(I...,áhi [a+ [SAY nah nyeh kay]; ** Allgone!It'sEmpty!It's (all) usedup! intj/v.i. n ha(I)+hí] ;you...,aráhi;we...,há hiwi;they...,ahíñe) .Theeaglealightedon the Rihójesénañeke ; Allready!Allright!O.K.! intj. Háu [HOW] ;Hó~ n n topofthecedartree,Xrábadhíudwágedaahí ke. Ahó (masc.) [ahHOH] /Há~Ahá (fem.) ;Gasú ke (masc.) ,Gasú ki (fem.) [gah n ** ...on,landon;comedown (to) ;jumpdown v.i. t^á wejí [TAHway sohn kee] .;Píke (masc.) ,Píki (fem.) [pee kee] ; Allright!;If it'sso,all JEE] .Ihopethatwhen(God)comesdownto thisland,hewilltakemy right! intj. Aréshge,gashú nke~ki. n n n n n grandmother for me, (Waká da) máya jégi aré t^á we jí hi kúñi ** ...kindsof;ofeverykind;ofwhateverkind adj. dagúre^xshu (I.) n n n n mi táwe é^e hi girudhešge iháre ki. [From: "Hi kúñi" (My Grandmother)] ; (DOR) [dahGOOdraykhshoon] ;dagúre^shu (O.) (DOR) [dahGOOdrayshoon] .All n ...overthere;jumpover v.i. it^á we [eeTAHway] ~itéwe (GM) .Itlit kindsof grass;anyandallkindsof grass,Xámidagúre^shu n.Allkinds n overthereontopoftherock,Aréínoahádada(i)téwe ke. ** SEE: comes of animals,wanúhjedagúre^shu .** SEE: different. n n down;itéwe;t^á wejí. ** ...night adv. há hoši [HAHhohshe] .Theyprayallnight longinthe alike; like so, thus; be like that; in like manner, in the same way; teepee,Chiródadahá nho šiwaróxiñeke. n n resemble adj/v.t. íhge [EEthgeh] ~íthke (old) :(I...,í hge [i+hí (me)+hge] ; ** ...ofonemind;...ofoneplace;...together adv. iyánkiwahmá [eeYAH you...,iríhge;we...,wíwahgewi [i+wáwa(us)+hge] ;they...,wíhgewi [i+wá(them)+ n keewahHMAH] .Thecouncilmencouldnotagreeandthuswerenot(all)of hge] ).Iwillneverbelikethat ,Aréí hgejeñíŋe.We'llneverbethus , one mind , it seems, Wíruch^e wa nsíge i šdá n skúñinana aré náhe^sú n Hí nrewíwahgé jeñíŋe.You'llneverbethus ,Iríhge hdáwiriñíŋewike. iyá nkiwahmà skúñiñàsgu n. Put ( them ) all together in one place , They'llneverbethus (like that ),Ihgé hdawiñíŋewike.Hereitwaslike Iyá nkiwahmà hijéhi re; ...one's property (having it) with him v.t. that ,Ihgé igiáreki. Yes!Sheusedtobelikethat ,Aréihgé igiáreke.It n akígrañihge [ahKEEgrahnyeehgeh] ~akígrañithke (old) .Welefttownwith will never be like we used to be way back, Na kérida dáhge n n n n all our belongings , Dagúrañi bróge há kigràñihge wi ke. ** SEE: hi máñiwi(da) wíwahge hdawi ñíŋe ke. [From: "Máya Jaré^su " (The Ioway akígrañihge. Treaty] . Well, in the same way , you all give it to them, Hau, ihgé wók^u nwi re. Therefore, they ( the grasshoppers ) are as if they chewed tobacco, Aréna ( náthaje ) ráñi rashgíge ihgé hji. [From Wéka n: "Mishchíñe na áthaje"(RabbitandtheGrasshoppers)].**SEE: like;resemble;same;so;thus;ighé; ighésge. n alive;bealive;live,exist v.i. ix^á [eeKHAH] . Iam..., ihax^á n youare..., irax^á n you... [plu.] irax^á nwiasdá nse he~she~itis..., ix^á we(ustwo)... [dual] hi nx^á n we... [plu.] hi nx^á nhánahe they... [dual] ix^enáhe [ix^á n+hínahe] they... [plu.] ix^áheñe [ix^á n+náheñe] ) “ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh © 106 IowayOtoeMissouria~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) n ** ...ready;befinished v.i. irústa [eeDROOsdahn] .Theyhadallready TheAllotmentActwasamendedonFebruary28,1891,allowingforeachenrolled killed it when we got there, Irústa n ch^éhiñe^i hi nhíwike.Dinneris Indian80acresforagricultureor160acreswhenlandsallotedwereonlyvaluablefor n n n grazingpurposes. ready , Warúje irústa ki ~ Gasú ki; Gasó ki (LWR) ; ...the time; n TheIowayswhooblidginglyselectedallotmentsites,tooktheminblocksalongor always;still adv. th^í nahge [THEEnahhgeh] .I'vebeenaroundhereall n n neartheCimarronRiver,southofpresentPerkins,Ok.,inanefforttoduplicatetheir thetime ,Th^í nahge jewánayi ke. [NOTE: Mína(allthetime;still;sitting); former village tradition. The chief and their families chose adjacent tracts and máñi(havebeen;walking)"aremoreoftenappliedtodesignatearegularorhabitual reconstructed a village of bark houses and tipis. It was established two miles action,asin:Iamalwaysdrinkingwater,Ñíhatáhdahamáñike. **SEE: always; southeast of Perkins, south of the river, and served as the center for Ioway tribal máñi; mína ; ...the time; always; everytime adv. áma ipóshiwe ~ governmentandceremonials.(MRB). ámepóshiwe [AHmayPOHsheway] .Heusedtotellme( that )allthetime , FortyTwo Ioways refused to select sites. In April, 1891, scattered sites were Amaipóshiwe úngiragesdan^ú nigéàreke.Heusedtosendmeallthe arbitrarilyselectedforthem.Eachofthe109OklahomaIowaswerealloted80acres time ,Amepóshiwe mí nnerémi nsdunke. ofreservationland.Theyreceivedatotal8,685acres.Aremaining270,681acres were declared surplus and opened for nonIndian settlement in the "Run of 1891" allhisbrothers;allhersisters n. inúñi~inúñe [eeOOnyee] .Allhis (Sept. 22nd). ByDecember,1895,anumberofIoways became disappointed and brothers (or hersisters) aregooddancers,Inúñi washígrapíiŋeke. went to live and marry among the Otoes.(MRB) In doing so, the Southern Ioways all:in... adj. gabénawi (?) (DOR) [gahBAYnawe] .Inall therewereseventeen permanentlylosttheremnantrepresentativemembersofseveralclans. n n men,Gabénawi agríshama wa shíge (DOR). (Qapenawi (DOR)); nothing In1894,159Northernallotteesreceived11,768acres.ManyNorthernIowaswere at... intj. wóthaŋe (DOR) [WOH thang eh] . There is nothing left at all , not allotted lands because of government oversight. (MRB) . "It is not right for my n Wóthaŋe jé ke ~ Wóthaŋe níŋe dá na ke ~Wóthaŋeníŋehšjike. (DOR). peopletotakeallotments....Butifweholdthelandincommonandtilltheground, ** SEE: allgone. we will have a home as long as the world is under the heaven." (Mitchell Deroin, 1895. (BBC). ** be...right;bewell,"walkgood" .or. "journeywell" v.i. pímáñi [PEE n The Commission approved on January 17, 1907, a final schedule for 885 Otoe MAH nyee] .MayyoutravelaGoodRoad/Path !Náwu Píurámañi ho. Missouriaallottees.(BBC) ]. ** SEE: Treaty. [NOTE: This expression referrs to having balance or harmony ("Wapána") in all allow to proceed undisturbed (amovingobj.)v.t. gasú n nahéhi ~ gasú n aspects of one's life, the harmony of an interrelatedness of people, society and/ or n n nature. This harmony is symbolized in the Sacred Circle, frequently referred to náhehi [gah SOO nah HEY hee] : (I..., gasú nahéha; you..., gasú nahéra; we..., n n n presentlyasthe"medicinewheel"bytribesinthenorthernplains,whocraftasymbol gasú nahéhi wi; they..., gasú nahéhiñe). The fox watched the snake pass, n n of the Sacred Circles or "medicine wheels"by cutting out abuffalo rawhide circle allowing ittogobyundisturbed ,Minsrékewaká adánagasú nahéhi ke. transversed by intersecting cross pieces, representing the four directions. They ** SEE: leave;letalone. usually wrap them with dyed porcupine quills or beads and serve as spiritual almost; just about adv. gásware [GAH swah dray] ; kásware (LWR) ; tóha n adornments] . (?) (LWR) . They almost bet me, Gásware ú hiñe ke [(u+hi n(me) +hí), uhí = n (I...,píhamáñi;you...,pírámáñi;we...,píhí máñiwi;they...,pímáñiñe).Are beat] ; ...;justabout adv. jináhge~jináthke (old) (DOR) .Thebabywas youallright/well ?~Howareyoudoing?~How'sitgoing?Pí ramáñi almost asleep, Mamáiŋe yá njinahge ke; ..., about, will adv. hñe. je; get...right v.i. pígrijé [PEEgleeJAY] :(I...,píhagríje;you...,píragríje; Theyarealmost finished,Rusdáñehñe ke. ** SEE: about;sú nda. n n n n n we...,pí hi gríjewi; they...,pí gríjeñe).Igotallright ,Pi hagríje ke.My alone; bare; only; but adj/conj/suf. sda ~ sta [sdahn] ~ thra ~ sra . grandmother got up and started on ( again ), it seems; she's all right , it Theboyalone ,chi ndóiñesdan.Ifhe'salone then,shedidnotwanther n n n n n seems; she wasn't weak, it seems, Hi kúñi náyi jirána gráshgu ; Pí man,Nahásda sgare,wáŋegigú naskúñiki [náhe+sda n+sge(if) +aré] ; n n n grijá shgu ; Brí nara shkuñàshgu . [From Wéka n: "Hi nkúñi" (My Grandmother)] ; ** I/me... mí nšdan; you... ríšdan; he/she/they... aréšdan; we... n Yes!...right! intj. Hu ;Hau;Aho~Aha (masc.~fem. ).**SEE: allright. hínešdan.Youalone loveme,Ríšdanhi nrégrahike; n n **... (Asaninferredreferencewhenusinginclusivepronominalprefixeswithplural ** ...;lone;theonlyone;tobe... adj/v. išdášda ~ištášta [eeSDAH] ~ suffixes). ištá n~išdá n~isrá n~ishná.Thentheboywenton;alone hewenton,it they(allofthem)... ...ñe n n n seems, Idáre rásgu ; íšda rá^àsgu . [From Wéka n: "Máya n Wadáhe (Everywhere them(allofthem)... wa...wi n n n Being)"]; God alone cannot be excelled, Waká da isdá hšji éxa skúñi we(allofus)... hi ...wi n us(allofus)... wawá...wi wahíke.Healone tookthewhole( thing ),Ishdá brógerúdheke; ...; n you(allofyou)... ra...wi isolateoneself,byoneself adj/v. arúthra ki [ah ROO thrahn kee] .Alone you(allofyou)... ri...wi and isolated on a hilltop, he prayed and fasted, Arúthra nki ahérida, **SEE: they;them;us;we;you (Fordualandpluralforms) ;"Grammarotes". waróxinawarújeskúñike. ** SEE: fast. n alligator,crocodile n. wórahoje (GM) (Lit:“sucksthemin”) [WOHlahhohjay] ; ** let... (amovable,animateobj .) v. ^šú náhehi [SHOOAHhayhee] :(I..., woráhoje~woráxoje (LWR) ;waráxoje (LWR) . ^šú n náheha; you..., ^šú n náhera; we..., ^šú n náhehi nwi; they..., ^šú n náhehiñe). allotment (ofreservationland)[aU.S.governmentterm],(Lit:“splitup(the)land”). Leave himalone !^Šhú nnáhehi re.Leave themalone !^Šú nnáhe wahi n n. máya wathrége (old) [MAHyahnwahTHLAYgeh] . re.Youleave mealone !^Šú nnáhe hi nnare; let... (ahorizontalorliving n [NOTE: ItreferrstotheU.S.Governmentterminationofvarioustribalreservations obj. )ga^šú náhehi [SHOOAHhayhee] :(I...,ga^šú nháŋaheha;you...,ga^šú n throughouttheUnitedStatesincludingOklahomaIndianTerritorypriortostatehood haŋáhera;we...,ga^šú nhaŋáhehi nwi;they...,ga^šú nháŋáhehiñe). Youallleave undertheGeneralAllotmentActofFebruary8,1887.OnMay2,1890,Congress mealone !Ga^šú nháše hi nnawire. dissolved all lands occupied by the Ioway, Ponca, , Otoe Missouria, Pawnee,Sac&FoxandotherTribesinOklahomaTerrirory. (BBC) . along;near adv. chéje;chéjeda [CHAY jay dah] .Itisalong,close tothe May 8, 1890, the Jerome Commission met in the Quaker Meeting House at the water,Ñíchéjeda ke.Hewasrunningalong thecreek,X^ówechéjeda Ioway village nearpresentday Fallis and Wellston,OK.DavidH.Jeromesaidto inaŋeraheke. ** SEE: follow;chéje(da);uwé. n JoeVetter:"...Itisforyourgoodtodowhatwewantyoutodo.Youareaman,not ** ...with;togetherwith (me;you;him ) tógre [TOHgray] ;inú .Hewas aboy."Vetterreplied: alongwith us,Aréwáwatogre náheke.Iwentalong totownwith (my) "We are Indians and whenever we own anything, someone comes along and mother,Hí nnagratógre chínawáhihiki. [wa+há+hí+hi]. takesit....Wemadeatreatyalongtimeago,andweareafraidofthis."Thevillage wassuppliedwithagoodspring,grazingareasforthehorsesandadequatespacefor ** ComingAlongWithThemFemale (BearClansecondbornfemale thecornfields. (MRB) . name) ,WaTógreHùMi (WW) .[NOTE: #49&134onIowaCensusLists#1&#2, ByMay20,1890,theCommissioncompleted"agreement".Thegovernmentforbid 1880: "49. Watógrémi/ Watókremi (Tun)(ap^i) Going With Someone (Also anyonetotakethevillagesiteasanallotmentwhichincludedtheirnearbycemetary. TransposedAs: FemaleWhoGoesWithThem ),Mrs.agatash,dau(ghter)of#133Hú On August 5, 1890, Commissioner Thomas J. Morgan noted the tribes were skúnyemi(SheIsotComing),Emma(fullOtoe)" (MBK) ]. strongly opposed to taking allotments and as such,shouldbe induced to take their ** FloatingAlong (BearClanhorsename) ,UgráJirè~Ugráchide (WW) . allotments. ** SEE: accompany;getalongwith;together;with;inú n;tógre. n Even earlier, Agent E.C. Osborne had noted on July 8, 1889: "The and ** get...;getusedtos.o.,s.t. v.i. umá je [ooMAjay] .Thosetwoget Otoes, ...are all violently opposed to taking allotments in severalty and...refuse along wellwitheachother,Ukíma nje wike. to...considertheallotmentbill.Theprovisions...willhavetobeforcedupon(them) andtheirallotmentsselectedforthem,asIdonotthinktheyeverwillbewillingto agreetoanyofitsprovisions...." “a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 107 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] n ** go... v.i. ré [DRAY] ;máñi [MAHnyee] .Hewasgoingalong singing, always;ever adv. áma~áma [AH mahn] .Youalways sendhim,Ríre Ya nwerá heke [yá nwe+ré+náhe] .Hewent along andkeptoneatingcandy, áma nrérasdunke.Heisalways abletowakeupearly.Aréáma nikisdun n n Inú wará na [wa+ré+na] náñi wébrixe rujé màñi ke. He went along by ke. (eiiáma (MAX)); ...;allthetime;every time adv. áma ipóšiwe~ n n walking,Uwámàñike.Someweregoing(along) ,Iyá ará ñena. [NOTE: ámepóšiwe [AH may POH she way] ~áma póšiwe.Healways usedtotellme, Theywentonby ,itseems,Iyá nra ñenásgu n]. ** SEE: goalongin/by;follow;uwé. Aréámepóšiwe úngiragesra n^ú nigéáreke.Heusedtoalways sendme, ** go...back v.i. grahé [grahHAY] .Shewasgoingalong walking;She Aréámepóšiwe mí nnerémi nsdunke; n n keptongoingalong back,itseems,Máñigrahá sgu [grahé+asgu ].[From ** ... (repeatedly;habitually );only,nothingbut adv. ^šda n~^šta n~^šra n Wórage:"Hi nkúñi"(MyGrandmother)]. ** SEE: grahé;gúhe. ~^šna.Wealways eatatnoon,Bíma n^shidahi nwáruje^šdan.Heis ** walk... v.i. máñi [MAHnyee] .Iwaswalkingalong ,Hamáña gúheke always doingbadthings,Píshkùñe^ú nmáñi^šna .Healways receives n [ha+máñi + ha+gúhe]. Heiswalkingalong andplantingseeds,Máñi na them,Warúdhe^shna ^ú ke (DOR). Healways makesmistakes (Hedoes n n wamá jeuyúke. ** SEE: walk;máñi . nothingbutmakemistakes), Warúthaŋe^šna ^ú ke. (DOR). n alongsideof,beside,nextto adv. arágra da (ahDRAHgrahndah] ;wináx^ahe [we ** ... (butnotinonecontinuousaction) suf.v. máñi [MAH nyee] ; mína [MEE nah] . AH kh^ah hay] ~wináx^axe (syn.?) (winakh^aghe (DOR)).Myfatherwalked [NOTE: Mína (still;allthetime;insittingposition) andMáñi (havebeen...;walking,going) n n whileIranalongside (tokeepup),Hí kamáñinami^earágra da haná?e areapplied (withanintransitiveverb) todesignatearegularorhabitualaction]. He's hamáñi ke. They lay the (prayer) staff alongside the feather fan and always cryingforhismother,Ihú naxrímáñi ke.Ihavebeen reading n n n gourd rattle, Wíbru másu na péxe witháx^e arágra da hiwéhiñe ke. the book (day to day ), Wawágaxe hadáje hamáñi ke. He has been Thatmanistalkingwhiletheonealongside isbeingnoisy,Wá n^shige running around,Náŋemáñi ke.Iamalways eating,Wájihamína ke. n n it^ánahearágra da urús^ata ke. ** AlwaysRaining~Raining (Often )(EagleClanname) ,ÑíyuMáñi ** ...of (NOTE :Thetipiortraditionalhouse/lodgeisusuallysetupwiththedoor (Mi fem. ); (Niumani (SKN); Ñiyú Máñi (WW)). ** SEE: all the time; always; facingEast;thus,theNorth&Southare“alongthe”sides.) ; oneithersideof forever;áma;ipóšiwe;máñi;mína;ÑíyuMáñi. thefire (or)door adv. á^thañi;a^tháñi;a^thániŋe(JY) .[ NOTE: Thebackof ** OneWhoAlwaysForecasts (Clannameukn.) ,Watáñe (?)(Catlin). thetipiorlodgeontheWestsideisthenamed“hédaje(da) ”.Itisaplaceofhonor, [NOTE: Itcouldbe:Wadáñe,TheySeeSomething]. aswellas,theplacetokeepsacredbundlesandrelatedarticles.Theleaderwhoisin am:Iam. [NOTE: “Iam”(1stpers.formof:tobe )asusedinEnglishforahelping charge of the Native American Church prayer service, as in other spiritual verbisgenerallyunderstood,asin:I’mgoinghome,Hagréke.I’mgoingtotown, ceremonies,seatsinthe hédajeda ,theWestside.]. Inatipiorbarklodge,the Chína wajé ke. The country where I am (walking ), Máya n tá ndare hamáñi (ke). youngpeopleandwomensleepalongthesides ,themenatthebackand How do you think I am? Dámi nhge hi nsráyi n (je). I am with you, my own one, theoldpeoplethey'dlaywiththeirbackstothefire,bythedoorinthe Rígratògre. East,itseems,Aréchíbothrajenáhachíhéda nichí ndoiñeshúwehináge Also, the verb is understood with passive verb conjugations, such as occurrs in n n n adjectivesusedasverbs:Iamtaller,Mí nrehi nthréjeke.]; héda á^thañida ayá ñeke;wáŋehédajeda ayá ñeke;añechí^ogeasgída n n n n n **….(1stpers.sg. of“ nahé:tobe”) mí ~mináhe~mi náhe [meAHhay] . š^ágehiwénananá kepéjeasgídagrayá ñàsgu . n n Iam anIoway( Indian ),Báxojemí ke (FM). [NOTE: Iam ~actlikeanIoway, already; complete(d); befinished adv/v. irúšda [ee DROO shdahn] ;tatáñida n n n n n n n Báxojeha^ú ke; prn/v.phrase [MEEnay] (From: (DOR) .... míre~mí re~mí ne ~ dadáñida(?):(I...,hí rusda ;you...,rírusda ;we...,wíwarusda wi;they..., n wírusda nñe). ALSO: (I..., ihátusda n; you..., isdúsda n; we..., hí nnusda nwi; they..., mí^e+aré).No,Iam (the )Muskrat,Hiŋego,Udwá kemíre ke ; ....~ irúsda nñe). Already I completed the work, Irúsda n wa^ú n hatúsda n ke. are;be,exist,live (be possessed of a quality ) v.i. ñí.Iam anIndian, n Yousaythatalready youhavethefire?Péjerírusda nisáje.Yesterday,I Wá ^shik^okñiñíke. ** SEE: be;míre~míne;ñí;nahé. readied thegarden,Dánañitawó^eiñeihátusda nke. amen! intj. Haú [HOW] ; Hó ~ Ahó [ah HOH] (masc.) ; Há ~ Ahá [ah HAH] ** ... adv. tatáñida ~dadáñida (DOR). Ishjínkesaid:IwassayingitasI (fem.) . stood( that )already hehasgonealittleways( distance )formybenefit, Americans; calverymen; halfbreed; white people (arch.) ; swords n. n n n n n Tatáñida háriyiŋehi gíhito,ihádaheke,Ishjí ke,áñeke (DOR) . (ocompi Mahí Xáñe (I.) [mahHEEKHAHnyay] ;Mahí Xá je (O.) [mahHEEKHAH (MAX)).** SEE: dánañi(da);rusda n. jay] (arch.) (lit.: “knives long”) . Futhermore, if there are any Americans n n n n n also;and...;again;included;inaddition;andbesides adv. éda [EHdah] ~ working on this reserve..., Shú wá ^shige Mahí Xá je wayére máya n n n héda~héda ;hédare;igé;shigé;ku~ke(?)(HAM) .Also wearegoingto ródadawa^ú ñeshke.... [From:"Letters,May8,1879,(TU)"]. ** SEE: ma^ú ke~ go, Éda hinéhñeke.Ijumpedupandalso thedog( sitting )ranoff, ma^ú nki. Hatá nwàjigre héda su nkéñi náŋe hiré ke. And also his footsteps were among,amongst prep.suf. idánahe [eeDAHnahhay] ;kíwa^the [KEEwahthey] ; n n invisible,Thigréetáwehéda tá i škúñe. Iwishforyoutoeatmealso, wida [wedah] (DOR) .Alotofgeesewereamong themwhentheyarrived n n n n n n soIcome,Mí^ehéda hi najehagú ta;édahajíke. [FromWéka n:"Mishjíñena there,itseems,Mi xéxá jedáhnaheídanahé ^iahíwasgu . [From wéka : AhériWaráshruje”(RabbitandDevouringHill)]. "DorénaWahrédwa"].Hestoodinthewoodsamongst theoaks,Uxráweda n [NOTE:Héda isusedatthecloseofthesentenceorafterboththewordswhichit bútu kíwa^the aré dahé ke. He's a Sauk ( Indian ), but he likes to be n n connects]. Oh,mybrotherinlaw,also (you)mysister,Hi tahó,hi taŋé among thewhitepeople,AréThákearéke;Ma^thú nkewida gráhimína. n n héda .Iandalso you~Iand you,Mí^erí^ehéda .Heatenothing; Among theAmericans,youdidnotgivethehorsetome;ThereforeIwas n Also hedidnotdrink,Warújeskúñi;ñírahdáskúñihéda .** SEE: again; not happy returning here, Madhú nkewidà súŋe u nrák^u n skúñi^wi ke; n and(then);then;áñe;aréda(re);éda/héda. [From:“Letters,Feb.1880,Mú njeXá nje(WT)"].**SEE: n aréchihi gíroskúñihagúke. alter(nate);everyotherone;change adj/v. akíta [ahKEEtahn].alternate between. n n days,há weakíta .** SEE: change;differ. ancestor(s).**SEE: ahádada. although,eventhough;inspiteof conj. nú^akó^o ~nu^ákó^o [OOah ancient,aged,antique conj. th^idáware [theeDAHwaydray] (lit.:“longtime n n KOHoh] ;shú ...nú (DOR). Ihavethoughtaboutit,although Ihaven'tmade ago from it goes”. The bridge planks were really ancient , Náx^a n n up my mind, Ihátayi nu^á kó^o ha^ú skúñi ke. I don't have any nóbrahgeth^idáware hšjike. ** SEE: aged;old. money, although I want to buy a shawl, Ma ndhéxga hi nniŋe ki, nu^á kó^o mi ngídhadhahegrúmihagú ndaki.( Even )though Iamanoldman, n n n n n Shú hi wá shadá nanú .(DOR).** SEE: but;even;if;still;however. n altogether, entirely, totally adv. háŋe ~ háŋa (lying position )(?) ; ha ka n (DOR) (?). They bet altogether 34 blankets, Mí 34 háŋe n kíragewègrashu ñe (DOR).** SEE: all;everything.

“ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh © 108 IowayOtoeMissouria~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) n n n and;itis conj. na~na [nah] ~a;ku [koo ](HAM) .[NOTE: Itisusedwhenthe Also,angelicspiritswereregularlyreferredtoas“OurGrandfathers:Hi túga ”,as twoactionsarebythesamesubject,atthesametime] .Theytwowentand ..., theywereakintoallCreationandmankind.Assuch,theywereone'srelationsand Ráwina ....Iamsittingand writingsomething,Hamínana wápagaxeke. forefathers of the present generations. The term is inclusive for one's own grandmothers, female relatives and female Holy Spirits, although specific reference [In English, the "and" canbe omitted,but is included in IowayOtoe] .Hewent couldbe madebysimplycallingonorsayingthepersonalnamefemalerelativeor withhimeatingcandy,Inúwarána nañiwebrirújemàñike.Sittingina femalespirit].**SEE: Grandfathers;GuardianSpirit;messenger;Waká nda. n canoe, they crossed the river (Lit: “They two sitting in boat and they two anger; bad temper n. wóšga píškuñe [WOH shgahn PEE shkoon nyeh] (Lit: n crossed river”),Bajéumínawina ñíxà jerutáwike. [Atothertimes,"and" “waysnogood”);néruma (O.) (LWR) (?) .Thatoldladyhasalotofanger , n canbeomittedinIowayOtoe] .Sitdownand drinkthiswater,Ñíjé^eráta Hiná^šiŋewóšga npíškuñe wéxaki ; ...ananimal (bypushingorpunching amínane. [“a ”isusedtosetoffnounsandverbsinsequence] .Frommorning atit )v.i. wawáruthi [wahWAHdroothee] :(I...,hapáwaruthi;you...,swáwaruthi; tillnight (Lit:“Atthemorningitstartsfromand nightitcomesup”),Hérodada we..., hi nwáwaruthiwi; they..., wawáruthiñe).Wesaytothechildrentonot n wajíràna há heirógre. anger therabbits (inthecagesbypunchingatthem ),Ichí nchi niŋegahí nwige, n ** ....;also;inaddition conj. héda [HAYdahn] .Youand me,Mí^erí^e Míšjiŋewaswáwaruthi škuñewike. n n héda .** SEE: also;héda . ** ... (or) confusebytalking (or) biting v.t. radáñiŋe~radáñiñe [rahDAH ** ... conj. ku (HAM) ;ke (?) (HAM) . [NOTE :Usedwhenjoiningseveralsubjects nyeengeh] (DOR) .[NOTE: Thistermissaidwhenonebecomesconfusedwhenseveral n (HAM) ].Thechiefsand thebraves (soldiers) ,Wáŋegihiwa kwásoseku persons talk to him at the same time]: (I...,hadádañiŋe;you...,rasdádañiŋe;we..., (HAM) . hi nnádañiŋewi; they..., radáñiŋeñe). Everyone began talking and I just n **...itis(then);thatis;thatitis conj. aré~haré~háaré [HAHahDRAY] . became confused and angered , Wa ^síge bróge ukíkit^añe ujíreñenàre Anditis theystartedhome,itseems,Aré gúwàšgu n.Shediedandthen radáñiŋehi nñeke; ...and make crazed, frantic (with pain by pushing/ theyheldafeast,T^ánaaré kigóñeke.And Ihopeinthefuture...,I punching, stabbing ) v.t. wadániŋe ~ wadáñiñe [wah DAH nyeeng eh] : (I..., hope he takes my grandmother for me, Haré é^e tórigi..., é^e hapádañiŋe;you...,raswádañiŋe;we...,hi nwádañiŋewi;they...,wadáñiŋeñe).Iwas n n hi gírudhešgeiháreki.And thatisthelast,Háaré gahéda . [Fromwéka n: angryandcrazyto (ward)you,Ripádañiŋeke.Hewasangryandcrazy “Hi nkúñi”(MyGrandmother)].**SEE: aré. to (ward)you,Riwádañiŋeke. ** ...then;...thenitis conj.adáre~ádare [ahDAHdray] ;hédare~hedáre ** bequickto... v.i. nathgíjígre [nahTHKEEGEEgrlay] :(I...,hanáthgihajígre; n [heyDAHdray] ~héjare.Andthenitis (that )shesawit,Adáre adášgu . you..., ranáthgirajígre;we...,hi nnáthgihi njígrewi;they...,nathgíjígreñe).Those Andthen hewentback( thebear ),Adáre (máto )háhdagrášgu n.And peoplereallygetmadquick ,Wa n^sígega^enahé^su nnáthgijígragrañe n n then my grandmother saw it then, and lo, Hédare hi kúñi wádàšgu ke (or) náthgijígredà nnañe ke. n n nahéšge. [Fromwéka :“Hi kúñi”(MyGrandmother)]. angry,beangry;getmad adj/v.i. náhgi~nahgí;rixóge~rihóge;ušíŋe **...so;...then;itisthen;thereupon prep/conj. aréda (I.) [ahDRAYdah] ; (DOR) ;dáge(?) . arédare;áchda (O.) .Andso shepackedupfoodandstartedout,Aréda ** be...,getmad v.i. náhgi~nahgí [nahHGEE] ;náthki (DOR) :(I...,hanáhgi; n n warújewak^í nagú^àšgu .Andthenitis (that )shewalkedalongwith you...,ranáhgi;we...,hi nnáhgiwi;they...,nahgíñe) .“Whyareyouangry ?,”the n n n n n n him, it seems, Arédare inú máñi grášgu ^a. [From wéka : “Hi kúñi” (My Mouse said, “Dagúre^ú na ranáhgi (je),” Hi dúñe é. [From Wéka n: Grandmother)] .**S EE: aré. “Ichí ndo^iñe na Wahísje” (The Little BoyandhisSister)]; be...beyondbound;be n ** ...;andthen;then prep/conj. éda~héda [HEYdah] ~arédare;áñe [AH enraged;furious v.i. nahgídá na (DOR) .Thecowsknockeddownthe n nyay] ~áchda [AHchdah] (O.) ;áŋe[AHGay] ~á ge [AHgay] : fence and old man Tucker was extremely angry , Chéhga náwata n Andnow theGreatSpiritgavemen (mankind )tobacco,Añe Waká da wašíweñenawá nshaTuckernahgídá nna ke; be...witheachother v.t. n n n n wá shige ráñi wók^u . [From Wéka : “Mishjí ñe na áthaje” (Rabbit and the kígrináhgi : (I..., hakígrináhgi; you..., rakígrináhgi; we..., hi nkígrináhgiwi; they..., Grasshoppers)]. Andthen theyenteredthesweatlodge,Achda yúgwechí kígrináhgiñe) .Thatfamilywasalwaysangrywitheachother ,itseems, n ugwáñe ke . [NOTE: The terms “áñe; áchda” begin a story or introduce a new Chúyuhá^eáma kígrinahgiñeke. (gigrínathki (DOR)). scene]. ** be...; get mad; scold v.i. rixóge ~ rihóge [dree KHOH geh] ; rix'óge; And then all the grasshoppers wanted to take tobacco from men ríxoge :(I...,hajíxoge;you...,sríxoge~sdíxoge;we...,hi nríxogewi~hi nníxogewi; n n n (mankind ),Éda náthajebrógeráñiwá shigewanáse [FromWéka :“Mishjí ñena they...,rixógeñe). Themanwasangry athiswifewhoburnedthefood, áthaje”(RabbitandtheGrasshoppers)]. Thedogjumped (up) andthen thecat n n Hinágewóha daxúhinawáŋerixóge ke.Rabbitsaid:“Don’tbeangry !” ran ( that was sitting ), Suŋkéñi t^á wàjigre héda udwáyiŋe náŋhiré ke. AŋeMishchíñe:“Rixóge škúñere,”éke. (dihoke (HAM);tshichoge (MAX)). And then (that being so ) we will go to the prayer meeting, Arédare n n be...alittle;beinbadhumor,mood (witheachother?) v.recpr. kigríxoge : hi waroxi hi né hñe ki . [NOTE: “Éda, héda, arédare” indicate a change to a (I..., hakigríxoge; you..., rakigríxoge; we..., hi nkigríxogewi; they..., kigríxogeñe). different subject or person from that in the previous sentence, to a secondary Hetookoureaglefeathersandwe(two)arealittleangry withhim,Xrá characterinthestory]. n n n n n n má su hi téwewarúdhenahi kigríxoge ke . be...withs.o.;beoffended And , as I was saying, Aréshu áŋeihémi náheke. [NOTE: The terms by another v.t. giríxoge; kídhixoge : (I..., hagijíxoge; you..., ragisríxoge; “áñe;áŋe”areusedbychildrenandadults,whenthereisahesitanceinspeakingfor n wantofwords,ortoclearifyone'sideas]. we..., hi giríxogewi; they..., girixógeñe). Iamangrywith you,Rigijíxoge n anew: tell old news anew (as if for the first time telling it ); tell again v.t. ke.Youareangrywith thosetwoboys,yourownones,Chi dóiñenúwe rachége [drah CHAY geh] : (I..., hadáchege; you..., sdáchege; we..., hi nnáchegewi; há^ewaregríxoge ke. ** SEE: hate,ušíŋe. they..., rachégeñe). You told us the ( old ) news all over , Wórage animal (people,nations,animals );fourlegged (ceremonialterm );game (animals n wawasdáchege ki .Itisalwaysgoodtotell thetraditionalsacredstories hunted ) n. wanúhje ~ wanúhšje [wah OOH sjay] ~ wanúje; wanú che n n n again ,Píadárewéka waráchege ñeke .** SEE: new;renew;again. (FM)(DOR) ; wanó che ~ wanó hche (GM) . All kinds of animals , n n angel;holyspirit n. wanáxixóñita [wahAHkheeKHOHnyeetah] (Lit:“Spirit Wanú che hshu (HAM) . His sons were very successful in hunting game n n n n n n Holy”); hi túga [heen TOO gah] (old) (Lit: “My Grandfather (s) ”); Waká da iyá (animals ), Ichí chiŋe étawe kínagra warúpi danáñe [From Wéka : "Há we na n n Ichí ndoš?e"(DayandHisSons)].** SEE: kinágra. [wahKAHdaheeYAH] (Lit:“aholy( one );aGodlikespirit”);Waká dawawáyi n n ankle n. thíka [THEEkahn] ; anklebone n. thiká wáhu. anklejoint etáwe (Lit: “God messenger his”). [From: Rev. Moses Merrill: "Wakanda Iyinge Jesus n ChristWawagaxeEtawe"(God’sSon,JC’sStory)]. n. thiká šòga (CUR) . anklerattle n. wíthrage (SKN).** SEE: rattle. n [NOTE: In traditional times, the concept was described as “a Godlike spirit: anklets (ofangoragoatfur ) n. táhgahí (lit.:“sheepfur”) [TAHhgahHEE] (FM) ; n n n Waká da iyá ”. The term was rendered obsolete under the influence of earlyday táhgaxúha (lit.:“sheephide”) (SM) ;thíruxi~thírux^i~thírux^i (lit.:“foot n ChristianmissionariessoastoallowaclearChristianreferenceto“God”intheword benderrs”) (old) (FM) ;thíka arúhgije(lit.:“anklestieon”)(FM) .Theyname n “Waká da”. These Holy Spirits may manifest themselves in human, animal, bird, them“sheepfur ”or“sheephide ,”thoseanklets thatthefancy~feather plant,tree,ormineralform. (bustle ) dancers wear when they dance at powwows and ( tribal ) dances. Also,“theytiethemon( their )ankles,”theycallthem,Táhgahí ntáhga xúha héda n igáñe ke, anklets. Wóya nweda héda n washída arúhgijeñe. n n Héda thíka aruhgije igáñeke. ** SEE: willow;arúhgije. “a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 109 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] n announcer, camp caller, herald n. wirówathe [we DROH wah they] (FM) ; ** talkabout...thing v.t. íx^a hi [eeKHAHhe] .Iamtalkingabout my n n n n Ishjí ki (arch.) .**SEE: Ishjí ki. father,Hi káreix^é gragike [NOTE: íx^a ha (Italkabouthim) +(e)gra (myown annoy.** SEE :bother. one) ]. ...time.** SEE: at;time. ...way .** SEE: way. ...where,...place; n n n n n another,other prn. géhnaha [GEHHnahhah] ;géhaŋe;géhnaŋe;géhnaha^e. where, wherever adv. tá da ~ ta dá [tahn DAH] ; tá do (?); ta dáhksu This plate is clean, the other ( one ) is dirty, Wahgé jé^e thúgra ke; n (HAM) ;he^su (anydirection) ~he^so (LWR). Anywhere yougo,prayfirst, géhnaha théwarake.Thatdogissitting( and )another( onelying )haslaid Ta ndáre^su nwasdéstá nsedašge,Itú nnewaróxiwire. down,Suŋkéñigá^emínake,Idáregéhaŋeyá nke.Thisismyhat,( and ) n apart;moveapart;differ adv/v.i. kirá [kee LAH] :(I...,hakíra;you...,rakíra; another(onesitting )ishis,Jé^ewógraŋemí taweke;Géhnaŋeétaweke. n n we...,hi kírawi;they...,kiráñe) .Iwillgoapart fromhome( thefamily )and Anotherisdancingnow,Gasú géhnaha^e washíke. n n live in the city, Chúyu wákira hñe ke; éda chína xá je hachí hñe ke. ** ...one;adifferentone prn. idá da [eeDAHdah] .Hedoesn'twant n n ** SEE: kirá;kirára;ikíra;ikírara. thiscandy,buthewantsanother one,Náñiwèbri jé^egú naskúñike; n n n n n n apart;separate(ly) adj. kíruka [KEElookahn] .Youtwo( boys )goapart ! Idá da gú na ke. Let's play another game, Wašgáje idá da hi ^ú to . n n Rírekíruka ráwire.Letus( two )goseparately toPonca(City),Ponca ...one;another's prn. idá dawštawe (?)(HAM). n n n hi kíruka hi néto. ** SEE: divide. [keekee] ** one...;eachother;together prf. kiki .They( themany )see n n n n n apparent.** SEE: present;visible;show;tá ^i ,tá ^i hi. oneanother ,Akíki hdañeke.Theypityeachother ,Na t^úkiki dañeke. n n n n appear;bepresent,visable v.i. utá ^i ~utá^i [ooTAHeen] ;otá^i (LWR) : [NOTE : There is a difference when speaking of two persons or entities). They (I..., uhi ntá n^i n; you..., uritá n^i n; we..., wówatà n^i nwi; they..., wóta n^i nwi).There (two )likeeachother ,Ki gráhiwike.TheIowaysandOtoesunderstand appeared twolittlepigeonsplayinginthewindow,Rújenúwesgájewina oneanother ,BáxojeJiwéretógreupáreki ñeke.They( two )talkeditover n n n n n n n n árechúha wedawóta ^i arásgu [wa (themtwo) +utá ^ i +aré+ (it/theyare) + withanother( one ),Ukíki t^àwasgu . oneafter... ,ekíkigre.Theykept n n n coming one after another , Ekíkigre ahúñe ke. There was descended ásgu (itseems) ]. cause to...,bevisible v.i. utá ^i hi. **SEE: show,visible; tá n^i n;tá n^i nskúñi. fourteengenerations,itseems (Lit.:“Theycausedtobebornoneafteranother n n n ** punchats.t.underthesurfaceoftheground (or) waterandmake fourteen (times) ”), Agrí dowe ekíkigre irótu wàhiñe ášgu . ** SEE: each; n n it... v.t. watá ^i (DOR) [wahTAHeen] :(I...,hapáta n^i n;you...,swáta n^i n;we..., other;ki;kiki. hi nwáta n^i nwi; they..., watá n^i nñe).Ishjinkipunchedat thegroundsquirrel ** WomanBearThatWalksOnAnother'sBack ,UkíweMi (Bear andmade itappearfromundertheground ,theysay,itseems,Ishjí nki Clanname) ~OkíwiMi~OkíweMi (GeorgeCatlin) .[NOTE :u(in/into;within) n n n n n +ki(oneself)+hiwé(reachlyingposition;godownfalling)(or)uwé(gothrough; thíñe^iñewatá ^i áñasgu . ["Thíñe^šñeIshjí kiRéArábru xe"(GroundSquirrelBites Ishjinki)]. travel) = ukíwe (he, she goes along by him, herself)]. [NOTE: HH#8onOto ** ...,comeout;emerge,exit;dawn v.i. axéwe [ahKHAYway] :(I...,áxewe; Missouria Census 1880 : “Ma(koke) 4 (th HH member) Okiwemi/Ikewameever n you...,aráxewe;we...,há nxewewi;they...,axéweñe).Todaythesunappeared , Fails/SheThatObeys,moth(erin)lawofThingapuska(Thi jeP^oske) [Gov.Chief] , n BushyTail(Geo.Arkikita),40(yearsold) ."(MBK) ]. **SEE: Akíkida;uk^íwe;uwé; Há wegi bí axéwe ke. And then the Bear Clan Brothers appeared n n =we. outsideofthecave( standing ),itseems,ÉdaTú nap^iinúñimayá chiída n answer.**SEE: say. axéweñeadáhašgu .[From:dáhe (bestanding) ]. ** SEE: ComingOut (thename ). n ant (insect) n. ragáñišge [lah GAH nyee sgeh] ~ rágañisge ~ ragáñiške. appetite; be hungry; hunger n/adj/v.i . xráñi [KHRAH nyee] : (I..., hi xráñi; [W.raagákànàšge]. you...,rixráñi;we...,wawaxráñiwi;they...,waxráñiwi). **SEE: hungry. antelope n. táto, (lit.:“bluedeer”) [TAHtoh] ;tádo (LWR) . ** haveno,loseone's...;rejectfood v.i. idáraskuñi [eeDAHdrahSHKOO n antique.**SEE: old. nyee] : (I..., ihatáraskùñi; you..., isdáraskùñi; we..., hi dáraskùñiwi; they..., idáraskùnañe) antler;deerhorn n. hé;táhe (lit.:“deerhorn”) [TAHhay] . (Elk)Antlers . I just was so worried about him drinking I lost my appetite ,É^edaníñkihi^ú nnaú nrusanaigúihatáraskúñi ki. Filled Out (Elk Clan ame) HúmPe^Rešje [húm(a), elk ; pé, forehead ; n apple n. shéxáñe (I.) [SHAYKHAHnyay] ., séxá je (O.) . crab~wild... n. ri(sró)je, drawout ];Xómpe xretca (SKN) . n shé (I.) ,sé (O.) . ...butter n. shé waxgúawáxruje. ** SEE : butter. anus,butt;tail n. thí je [THEEjay] . applique;sewribbonwork,patches;patch v.t. awáhdage~awáthdage anxiety;anxious. **SEE: apprehension. n n n [ah WAH dah geh] :(I...,ápahdage;you...,aswáhdage;we...,ha wahdagewi; they..., any;some,one adj. iyá [eeYAH] . Ididnotseeany (deer),(Tá)Iyá áta awáhdageñe).** SEE: sew. n skúñike . ...andeverykindof;allkind(s)of adj. dagúrehshu (I.) ; applywax;gumup;shut,stopup,close,seal v.t. éxri [EHkhree] ;agíxri [eh n n dagúre^su (O.). Allkindof grassgrowsontheplains,Máya bràhge GEE khree] :(I...,é:xri;you...,eréxri;we...,héxriwi;they...,éxriñe) .“Atnight, n n n dárexámidagúrehshu núke; in...manner,way adv. toróhksu (HAM). closeup theireyeswithwax,”hesaidtothem,itseems,“Há hegiisdá n n n ** SEE: a,an;anything;something. híwe wawágixri wi re,” wíge^ášgu . [From Wéka : "Ichí do^iñe na Wahísje" (The n ** ...body;anyone;somebody;he~she prn. wayére^hkšu [wahYEHdray LittleBoyandhisSister)] . Andthentheyapplied thewax( sealed )totheireyes, n n n n hkshoon] ,wayérehksu (HAM) ;tánahaaréhksu (HAM) ; é^e.** SEE: somebody, itseems,Hédareisdáhíwewéxriñàšgu . [FromWéka :"WahrédwanaDoré"(The TwinHolyBoys]. someone;whoever;é^e;tánaha. n apprehension.** SEE: alarm;alert;concern;dread;fear;scare;wonder;worry; ** ...how;in...manner/way adv. toróhksu (HAM). ...more;asecond n n Ñíhñèk^áreirúgra . time,again adv. inúha [eeOOhahn] .Iusedtobeabletoridehorses, Expressions of apprehension : “I wonder what delay's him?” “I (buttoday) Idonotanymore ,Súŋehi nwamínastu nke;inúha nha^ú nskúñi n wonder what he can be doing?” “I wonder why he does not return?”. ke.Andtheydidnotsayathingagain ,Edainúha dagúéskínañeke. n n n n (NOTE :Alltheabovephrasesarerenderedin :Dáhga na^shu ^ú ná jeke (I.) ; ...one **SEE: somebody. n n n Dáhga naséhehgegáre .(O.) ,(Dáthka nashéhethkegáre (old ))]. ** ...thing;something n./prn. dagúre~dagú [dahGOOdray] ;dagúrahksu approachs.t.;getnear,gotoward v.t. ajére [ahJAYdray] [a+jí+ré]:(I..., (HAM). I’ll go, but I will not buy anything , Iwájé hñe, nú^a dagúre ájere (a + ha (I) +jére); you..., arájere;we...,há njerewi;they...,ajáreñe). “The hadúmi skúñe hñe ke. I couldn't do anything to him, Aré dagúre n fireapproaches you,”hesaidtoher,itseems,“Péjearíjeréke,”ígiàšgu . ha^watú^yageke,That'swhytheycouldn'tdoanything tome,Aréchi [FromWéka n:"WahrédwanaDoré"(TheTwinHolyBoys] .* *SEE: n n afterawhile. dagúre mí ^u ru^yakiñeke . ...thing;everything,alotofthings n. approach;becoming,keepcoming v.i. gúhe [GOO hay] ;hí [HEE] : (I..., n dagúrenahé^su [dahGOOlaynahHAYshoon] .Thatoldmanhasanything to hagúhe; you..., ragúhe; we..., hi ngúhewi; they..., agúhañe). He saw some n n sell,Góshidawá shanahédagúrenahé^su irúmi ke. approaching ,Iyá ngúhe da [gúhe+adá] .Theyapproached theplacewhere theysatdown,itseems,Gá^o nšnanáhadaidáguhe ñàsgu n[gá^e( overthere ) +umína( sittingin )náha+da( itisat )idá( there )+agúheñe( theyapproached )+ ásgu n (it seems )]. Whentheyapproached him,hedeparted,Idáhí ñeda, hiréke. **SEE: gú;hí. “ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh © 110 IowayOtoeMissouria~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) n n ** ...; go towards s.t., get near; approach v.t. iróda we (GM) (?) ; Theywerekillingwhenwearrived, Ch^éhihínahe^ihi híwike. n wikíware;...andcausetoflee (asananimal or bird ) v.t. wahádhe :(I..., Youallusedtoswimeveryday, Há wek^iránarañíwawiigiáreke. Theysaidyou'dbethere, Arérahíhnahèáñeke. hapáhadhe; you..., swahádhe; we..., hi nwáhadhewi; they..., wahádheñe). The TheboyswheretherewhenIarrived Chí ndóiñeidénahé^ihahíke. coyote pups fled their cave when we approached them, Maháchidawa n there, máñikathi shúwe náŋeñe^i hi wáhadhe wi ke. ..., creep up on and ** SEE: am;be;is;was;were;aré;igiáre;hí nne;nahé;ríhe;ríre~dhíre;ñe/ causetoflee (asananimalitsden or abirditsnest ) v.t. gráje (DOR) : (I..., wi. n hegráje;you...,regráje;we...,hi grájewi;they...,grájeñe) .Thequailfled flying ** ... (fromv., tobe) v. ríhe [DREEhay] ~ríha (GM) ~rihé .( NOTE: Itseems over the grass when we approached them riding horses, Tósta^iñe tobeusedonlyforpluralstatementsinthe3rdperson): n hádheñnaagít^añena^isúŋk^amínanahi wágraje wike. ** SEE: flee;áje. n approval;approve .** SEE: permission. Theknivesare onthetable, Máhi wárujeahádaidárihè ke n approximately. ** SEE: about. Theknifeisinthebox, Máhi kógeródaidáŋeke. n n n apricot (lit.:“plumyellow”) n. ká jedhi[KAHjayTHEE] . Theknivesare inthebox, Máhi kógeródaidá rihè ke. April (CultivatingMoon)(lit.:“TheyDigTheEarth”).Mék^añe [MAYkahnnyeh] ~ Theyare there, Idáríhe ke. n n Mé^xañe (I.) (FM); Ma^k^e (O.). [W. Hóirogí nnawirá (Fish Month); P. Peopleare standingthere, Wa ^sígenáyi ríhe ke. n ashi nshta (Rains); Os.Waábi(PreparingGround)(or)I'wabi (Planting Moon); Peopleare sittingthere, Wa ^sígeidámínaríhe ke. Om. Miúo nthi?e (othing Happens) (SEE: March); D. Magaokadawi (Geese Lay Peopleare lyingthere, Wa n^sígeya nríhe ke. Eggs), Watopapiwi (Waters Able To Be Paddled); L. Wihákakta Cépapi (Crack Themanisstandingthere, Wa n^sígenáyi ndáheke. BonesforMarrowFat);Cr.BaaapáaleKalasáauk)PlantsareVisible)]. Themanissittingthere, Wa n^sígemínanáŋeke. apron n. toríwagrañe [tohDREEwahgrahnyay] (I.) ;watóriwagra (O.) (lit:“They Themanislyingthere, Wa n^sígeyá nháŋeke. hangs.t.infront”). n Heislyingontheground, Máhadáháŋeke. arbor,brusharbor;shade n. irówadhe [eeDROHwahthey] ;irówa dhe (TD); atháda (?)[ahTHAHdah] . ...;atraditionalfamilylodge,wigwam (arch.) HOWEVER, NOTE: n. chákirutha [CHAkeedroothah] . Aplateis(standing)there, Wáhgeidádahéke. are;were (pluralverbformfor tobe )v. náhe ~nahé [nahHAY] : Aplateisthere, Wáhgeidáríheke. Iam, mináhe youare sdá nse ** ...;be;exist (possessedofaquality )v.i. ñí [nyee] :(Iam,ñí;youare,stí n~ heis náhe sdí n~srí n(GM) ;weare,híñiwi;theyare,híñe). IamanIowayIndian,Báxoje we2are hi nnáhe ñíke.TheysayI'maworkingman,Wa^ú nwa n^sígeñáñeke (ñí+áñe) . weare há nahe (wi) They say you are a working man, Ríre wa^ú n wa n^síge sdi n áñe ke . youare asdá nse(wi) Theysayheisaworkingman,Aréwa^ú nwa n^sígeáñeke .Theysaywe theyare anáhe(ñe) n n n they2are hínahe(wi) are working men, Hí ne wa^ú wa ^síge híñi áñe ke . We are poor, n n Waxwáda híñiwike.TheyarethepeopleIthought,Wá shigeñehíñe We2arehere, Igíhi nnáhe. najéke. We(all)arehere, Igíhanáhe. ** ...;theyare,he/she/itis (GM) v. gíhi: Theyarehere, Igíanáhe. these(thatare)outside, tágrigínaha those(thatare)outside, tágridénaha Iwasthere, Idámi nnáhe. this(itis)outside, tágrigínaha Iwasherewhentheycame, Igími nnáhe^iajiñeke. that(onethatis)outside, tágridánaha. Iwassayingit, Aréihánáheke. ** SEE: náhe;ríhe;be. n Youwasthere, Idásdá se. ** ... (as in ) just as one is (are), without property, friends, etc. , Hewasthere, Idánáhe. iróthaŋ^ehšji [ee DROH thahng ehhshgee] .Wewillprayforyou,justaswe n Hesaidthathewouldcome, Aréjíhnaheéke. findyoutobewithout (anything ), Iróthaŋ^ehsjiwáhi nígiróxetáñike. Hesaiditwouldgetdry, Búdhehnáheéke. ** ...unable (asin )theyareunable,rus^ákiñe. ** SEE: cannot. Evidentlyhewashere, Igínahé^i(y)aréke. argue v.t. kidáge [keeDAHgeh] .** SEE: quarrel. Arickara~Arickaree~Ree (Indians,Tribe,Language )(lit:“SandPawnees”)n. We2werethere, Idí nnahe . PáñiBúsa [PAHnyeeBOOsah] ;PáñiBútha (arch.) . [NOTE :TheArickaraPeople We2arehere, Igíhi nnáhe. speakaCaddoanlanguagerelatedtoPawnee,andareregardedtohavebeenapartof Sincewetwowere, Hanáhegi. thePawneeNorthBand()inthepast,butseparatedfromthemtoliveinthefar We(all)arehere, Igíhanáhe. Northern Plains, where they become neighbors to the Hidatsa and Mandan Tribes. Youallwerehere, Igíasdá nse. Their traditional societies and culture show much similarity to the Pawnees. Theysaidyou'dbethere, Rahíhnaheáñeke;éwañe. Presently,theArickararesideintheareasofWhiteShieldandNewTown,N.Dak.on Theysaidit’draintowarrow, Hérodañíyuhnaheáñeke. theFortBertholdReservation]. n n n n Theyarehere, Igíanáhe. arise; stand (up) v.i. náyi ~nayí [AH yeen] : (I..., hanáyi ; you..., ranáyi ; n n n n Justastheygotthere,lo!, Ahínahesge. we...,hi náyi wi;they...,nayí ñe). Arising ,hewenttohim,Nayí na idágre ke. ** SEE: getup;stand(ing);dahé;nahé. Williamwaswithhim, Williaminúnahèke. arithmetic. ** SEE : addition; division; mathematics; numbers; subtraction; Iwaswithhim, Mí nreinúnahèke. times. Iwasworkingwhenhecame, Wá^u nnahé^ijíke. ArkansasCity,KS (CowleyCo.) n. Ñíhga Chína [YEEhgahCHEEnah] ~ I’llbeworkingwhenyoucome, Wá^u nnahéhñekerajída. Ñíxga Chína (lit:“whitewatertown”). Thereheis, Gosínahéke. ArkansasRiver n. ÑíHgá~ÑíThgá~ÑíXgá (lit:“whitewater”). Hewaswithme, Aréinúminahèke. arm n. agráhje [ah GRAH hjay] ~agráhšje~agráche~agráchi~aráthje. (ashche (MAX)).** SEE : armpit;leftarm~hand;agráhje. HewastherewhenIgotthere, Idánahe^ihahíke. n ** armbands n. agráhjearúgije ~aráthjearúgije (lit: “ arm tie on”) ~ Hewaswiththem, Inú wanáheke. arúgijedáhaje (lit: “ band shinning”) . ...guard (from bowstring ),armlet; Hesaidthathewouldcome, Arérahíhnaheéke. braclet n. awóthke;áwothke (DOR) . Once uponatime,therewasachief, Há nweya nwáŋegíhi níya nnaháñeke. ** Arm Piercing Honor (a mourning ceremony ) n. agráhje waxróge. theysay, ** SEE : agráhje waxróge ~ agráhje wíxroge. ** SEE : Whitman, W. The Otoe . Whilewewereworking,hewentby, Hi nwá^u nhanahé^i,arágruweréke. pp.5961;Skinner,A.IowaSocieties .JAAMNH.1915:11.696,pp.7076. “a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 111 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] ** armpit n. ró^thi [DROHthee] ~róxthri (old) . forearm n. agráhje ** reach (a place, not one's home ),havecomehere;approach v.i. hí thúiñe (I.) ~agráhjethúiŋe(O.) . bendthearm,bringingthehandto [HEE] : (I..., hahí; you..., rahí; we..., hi nhíwi; they..., ahíñe) . Then, we arrived theshoulder,doubleup v.t. agráhjeru^šíye (DOR) .** SEE : bend;ru^síye. over there (at Tulsa ), where the (InterTribal ) dance was held, Éda ída n n n armor;tools; instruments n. wí^u [WEEoon] . tá ^wàšiñedaaréhi hí wike.Whentheyapproached thedeer,itfled, n n n army n. dotá xáñe (I.)(old) ;dotá xá je (O.)(lit:“warpartylarge”) [dohTAH Táidáahí ñeda,hádheke. ** SEE: ajére;gúhe;gihí. KHAHjay] . ** arrivebackhome; (have ) comeback (home ) here,returnhere v.i. n n around;vicinity;move v.rt. =ša ;=su . grí [GLEE] : (I..., hagrí; you..., ragrí; we..., hi ngríwi; they...,agríñe) .Wearrived n n around;near;inthevicinity adv/prep. é^sa [EHshahn] ~é^su [EHshoon] ~ home hereatnoon,Bimásigiárehi ngrí wike.Wewillarrivebackhome n n éša .Theyrakedallaround thehouse,Chíésa brógerujígeñeke. ** SEE : there at one o'clock, Bigú ndhe iyá nkidàre idá háhda hi ngrí tahñe ke. édo. around;aroundabout (avoiding ); (go) awayfrom v.t. gixé [gee [NOTE : “gré” = be coming, going back home. ** SEE: come; go, going; gré ]. n KHEH] ~ gixá; iráweda . ** SEE : [Entry Below] . He went around about arrivegoingback (goingbacktoaplace,notone'shome ) v.i. gí [GEE] :(I..., n (away from )theroad,Na^u gixá réke. around,round;goaround, hagí;you...,ragí;we...,hi ngíwi;they...,agíñe) .Thechildrenarrived backthere n avoid; circle around and around adv/prep/v.i. iráweda [ee DRAH way atschool, Chi nchíŋewógu ndheagí ñeke. n n n dahn] ~iráweda da (continuously ).Youmustgoaround them,Wiráweda ** arrivefors.o. (atacertainplace );havearrived,gonefor~to (benefit n ke [Wiráraweda n].Iavoided(went around )them,Wihadaweda ke.He ofs.o. )v.t. gihí.Hearrived~went forme( mybenefit ),Hi ngíhi ke.I n wentaroundandaround thehouse,Chíiráweda réke. ** SEE : wrap. arrived atschoolfor you,myown (child ),Wógu ndhe Chíidárigráhi ke. n ** ...,round;circlearound&around prep/v.t. urú^ša [ooRLOOshahn] We went for them yesterday, Dánañi hi nwagíhi wike. arrive going n n n ~orú^sha (asaclockhand );iráweda da .** SEE:[EntryAbove].Theysang back;goonby,pass v.i. jigré .**SEE: goby~goonby. arrivehaving n n allaround thevillage,Chínaurú^sa yá weñeke.Hecircled( around ) s.t. v.t. añí hí. There he is, having arrived with it (s.t. not his own n n n the village neighing, it seems, Chína urú^sa hótu chi ^a. [From wéka : property )[NOTE :Itissaidwheninsightofthespeaker] ,Séañíhí ke. Therehe “Béñeiñe”(ThrownAway)] .** SEE : about (circlingabout );wrap. ...aboutthere is having arrived (at a place, not his home ) having it with him (his own adv/prep. šewárada [shayWAHdrahdah] .Theboneslayaroundaboutthere property )[ Saidwhenheisinsightofthespeakerandtheoneaddressed ],Ségráñi n n inthegrass,Xájedawahúšewárada yá ya háŋeñeke. hí ke. arrivelying v.i. jiwé,(Asin:bíjiwe,newmoon) . arrivesitting ** allaround adv. weñígre . Theburnttreeswerestandingallaround , v.i. jínaŋe. arrivestanding v.i. jída. Náweñígre daxúdádañe. ** SEE : wéñigre. ** on~uponarriving (attheland,house ) whereyouarearrive šédahí. ** be around v.i. dahé [dah HAY] .You'vebeen around here,Sewá Upon arriving attheholyprayertipi,youmustbesilentandsit down n radásenake ~Sewáradaséna ke~Sewáranayi ke.I'vebeen around quietly,Séda rahí šge, Chíbothrajeda, xáp^awire.Githwéwire.Upon hereallthetime,Th^ínahgejewánayi nke.He'sbeenaround here,Aré arriving ,Iwilldo~makeit(WhenIreachyourland~lodge,I'lldo~ n iwánayi ke. ** SEE: dahé. bearound v.i. jidá [jeeDAH] .Iwasaround makeit),Sédahi ha^u nhñeke. n n there,Iwá:jidá: náyi ke.Youwerearound here,Iwásdá seke. be ** arrive (atcertainposition );become,turninto;pass,gopast,goby) n n around; í thweiñe (I.)riseup (smoke ),getup; í thweiñe (I.) comeintoa v.t. gigré.Iarrived (became )thereasaBear,IdáreMatóhagígreke. certainposition;begin,commence prep/v.i. jirá [jeeRAH] ;jidá.Hewas [ALSO: Shewentto~turnedintoaBear,Matórána [ré+na] ke ]. (around )there,Jiré ke.Hewasaround ,Jira náheke.betraveling arrow n. má [MAH] .Heturnedhimselfintoanarrow ,theysay,Má jígre n n around v.i. máñi nahé. You are traveling around , Ramáñasda se áñeke. [FromWéka n:"MáDaxúxi”(BurntArrow]) . shootanarrow v.t. má^ú n [ramáñi+asdá se]. hírehí (lit: “do (an) arrow ( and ) cause (it) to go”). Now you will shoot an n n ** carryaroundwater v.t. ñík^í . haulwater ,ñíkú dage. carry arrow , Gasú n má ya n ra^ú n hiré rahñeke.Ididit , I made the arrow water ,ñíágu. [NOTE :Todonothingbut“carrywater”,astohaveasabusiness]. leave, Mí^emá ha^ú nhiré hake; shootarrow;anarrowshoot n/v.i. n n n circlearound. ** SEE :around;round;circlearoundandaround. (ABOVE) . máikú je.Doyouknowhowtoshootarrows ?Má wíku je wasdú pi n goaround (about );avoid;goaroundinacircle adv/prep. iráweda [ee je.Ishot thedeerwith twoarrows ,Támá núweiháku je ke.Hewas n DRAHwaydah]. Youmustgoaround ,theenemycamp,Rírewíraweda ho, shotwithanarrow (anditpiercedhim ),Máhduikú je ñeke. (DOR). ukíhjechína. laying all around; be scattered around, strewn v.i. ** arrowfeathers n. míradage [MEdrahdahgeh] (CUR) [NOTE: ra(withthe n n n pópoge[POHpohgeh] .Thereweremanyhorseslayingallaround (scattered mouth )+=dage( bind )]. arrowhead ,mítu ~mí tu [MEtoohn] (má+itu n n n about )thathadbeenkilled,Súŋepópogá sgu ch^éwahi ñe. [From:"Hi nkúñi" (front;fore)) .** SEE: máhdu. arrowpoint ,nábadhe~námbathe [AHmbah (MyGrandmother)] .** SEE : warúbru(bru). they] (CUR) ~mábathe (lit: “end of the stick, arrow”) . ** SEE: bádhe; nábadhe. ** run around, be running around; live here and there v.t. náŋe bluntarrow n. má^p^ósge (lit:“arrowswelledup”) [MAHPOHshgeh] [NOTE: máñi. [NOTE: Thephraseismeantinthecontemporysenceof“s.o.whoisdoing Anarrowthatismadetotapertoalargeroundedend,whichboyswouldusetokill addictivebehaviors,thatliveswithwhoeverwillsupporttheirirresponsibleliving”]. birds. [L/D.wíwoshtake;míwosdage]. v.i. náŋemáñi .Theysaythatsheis~hasbeenrunningaround ,Aré n náŋdmáñi máñináhe^su áñeki. ** SEE: wéñigre;wéñigrunáŋe. ** ARROWGAMES: DislodgingArrowsGame n. má^bósge [MAHBOH ** stickinaround;bestuckinaround adj/v.t. ugíxe [ooGEEkhay] ;ugíxa shgeh] (lit: “arrow with a shot, blast + undo, dislodge”) ~ Móske (DOR) ~ ~arúgixe .Differentkindsofroastedmeatwerestuckinaround thefire, Móposke (SKN) ~ Mamuqpe (MNR). [NOTE: They would shoot a number of Wañíkirárawawáthru nnapéjeugíxà sgu n. turnaround v.i ruwí nxe arrows in atree,andindividuallytrytodisplacethembyshootingatthem.Itwas [droo WEEN khay] : (I..., hadúwi nxe; you..., sduwí nxe; we..., hi nnúwi nxewi; they..., said that the gamepreviously held a religoussignificance,butthemeaningbecame ruwí nxeñe). AndwhenIturnedaround theEagleSpirithaddisappeared, obsolete and lost after firearms became available]. Let's play Dislodging n n Hédahadúwi nxe ^iXráWanáxisénakihike. walkaround;takeawalk Arrows (game ), Mábosge hi ^ú táho. (DOR). [L/D. wíwostake; L. miwoshtake] . v.i. nathráje [nah THRAH jay] : (I..., hanáthraje; you..., ranáthraje; we..., ** SEE : bóxrosge. Shooting Arrows Game (or) Target Practice n. n hi nnáthrajewi; they..., nathájeñe). Theygotbacktherewalking aboutnoon makú je [mahKOOjay] . time,Bímá nsigíareidáháhdanathráje naagríñeke. ** arrow (inClanames.SeeunderparticularClan ). arrest; bind, tie up; tie together v.t. ruhgíje [droo GEE jay] ~ rúhgije; ** ArrowFlying~AlightsOnTheArrow/Ground~Arrow ruthkíje (old):(I...,hadúhgje;you...,sdúhgije;we...,hi nnúgijewi;they...,ruhgíjeñe). ArrivesStanding , Majíje(Mi) (PersonalPigeonClaname ).[ NOTE: HH That'swhatthey'ddo,withrope,they'darrest (tieup )them,Aréwa^u nñe #23onOtoMissouriaCensus1880 :“(RujéClan)(Incorrectlygivenas Arúhwa n hnahe,wiká nhiañíñenawíruhgije ñehñeke. Clan ),(Headof HH) Marcheche/Ma TcitceLitOnTheGround/Arrow,Charles Art, 30y(rs) (husband of) Mahhootahwame, Four Clouds (Owl C.), Pearl Art.” arrive (cominghere );have (or had )comehere (tothisplace,notone'sown )v.i. (MBK) ]. AndontheOtoeAllotmentRoll18911907,thename,CharlesArt(Mar jí [JEE] :(I...,hají;you...,rají;we...,hi njíwi;they...,ajíñe) .Hearrived herefrom cheche)appearsasage44years. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Citygu n wají ke. arrive (going ); get (somewhere ); “ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh © 112 IowayOtoeMissouria~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) ** BitingOffArrow~EatingHisArrows MáGràtuge (Personal ** assoonas (a comparison );justnow;justas (soon as );themoment BearClaname), [má+gra( one’sown )+ratúge( biteoff )]. that;firsttime prep. géda n.Assoonas youshowup,Géda nritá n^i n n **Blunt Arrows n. (astoryname) MáBošge [má+bósge( byshooting )] . ki.Andjustas theywokeup,Iarrivedhome,Arégéda ikíwinahagrí [NOTE: Nameofagiantwhowaspokedtodeathinhisvulnerable spot]. **SEE: ke.Ihavejust( now )saidthat,Géda nséhake. assoonas;second; A.Skinner,“TraditionsoftheIowaIndians”, JAFL ,v.38,1925.#15. ** SEE: shoot. following;nextto prep.suf. iróxre.Assoonas hecompleteshiswork, ** BreaksArrowWoman , MáDòyeMi(ClanUnknown ).[NOTE: HH heisgoingtoleave,Iróxrewa^ú nrusdá ndaréhñeke. assoonas;just #29onOtoMissouriaCensus1880 : “(WolfClan(?)).5(thHHmember)Mato now~justas prep.suf.wóhañe (I.) ;wóxa nje (O.) ;téda n(?) .Assoonas yeame (MáDoyeMi), Broken Piece Of Arrow, d(aughter of) Wattahcoco, daycame...,há nwegríwóhañe .Theyoungmansawhim,assoonas (Wadák^oke),ShriveledByHeat,60(yearsold).” (MBK) ]. the old man went in the house, Wá nsha nahá chí ugwésge wóxa nje ** CarryingTheArrow(s)~KeepingTheArrow , MáñiMàñi n ichí doiñeadáske (DOR) . ** SEE : soon. [NOTE :Inmakingcomparisons,one [má ( arrow ) + añí ( have ) + máñi ( progressive )] ~MáñiWáñi. [má+añí+wa mayuseasuperlativeformorsomequalityofoneobjectmaybeaffirmedanddenied (them )+añí( have )( duplicative )].(ClanUnknown ). to the other subject: This is good. That is bad. Jé^e pí ke. Sé^e píškuñi ke. ** Eating Her Arrows Woman , MáGrùjeMi (Personal Bear Clan Whichisbetter?Thisistheonlygoodone,Tánahapíje.Jé^ešda npíke.]. ame).[NOTE :HH #7onOtoMissouriaCensus1880:“Tu(napiClan)5(thHH ** actas,doas,solike;imitate, emulate, mimic v.t. ^ú n.Youact(do member)Moncroocheme/ManKrutcemi,EatingArrows,w(i)f(eof)(secondwife like)theOtoes ,Jiwérera^ú nke. beasitwassaid (or) thought;beof of)(?)Shungaska/SungéThka,WhiteHorse(Chief).”(MBK) ]. onemindandsaidso adv.phrase jehgánaseé (DOR) . Itisas Isaidit Also: wouldbe ,Jehgánaseheke. It isas youthoughtitwouldbe ,Jehgánasese n ** LittleEatingHerArrowsWoman , MáGrùjeMi^iŋe (BearClan ki. justas;assoonas;themomentthat conj. géda .** SEE: géda n; Personalame), [má+gra( one’sown )+rujé( eat )+iŋe( little;dear )]. [NOTE : wóhañe~wóxa nje (above) . justasoneiswithoutfriends,property,etc. HH #1 on Oto Missouria Census 1880: “H(úma: Elk Clan) 3(rd HH member) adv. iróthaŋéhšji.I’llseeyou,justas Iam( without ),Iróthaŋehjiarítake. Moncroochemeinga/ManKrutcemiiñe,EatingArrows,w(i)f(eof)(secondwife) n Harregarrow/Hankara,(Harikara).”(MBK) ]. We’llprayforyou,justas weare ,Iróthaŋehjiwahí nigiroxetáhñike. ** FishWithAnArrow~FishSeizesAnArrow ,HóMáRàdhe ascent,incline,slope,upgrade n. ukúgre (DOR) .** SEE: hillside. ash (tree,wood,leaves ) n. náhga~náxga (lit:“woodwhite”)[AHhgah] ; tastúñe (Bear ClanPersonal ame) . [NOTE : HH #3 on Oto Missouria Census 1880: n “Tu(napiClan)3(rdHHmember)Homorathe,FishwithAnArrow,bro(ther)in (CUR) .SacredPipestemsaremadeofash ,Ráhnuwehúgrenáhga i^ú ñe l(a)wtoMunchahunsha,BigBlackBear,JoeJoleny(?)”]. ke. ** FlyingArrow ,MíRaji (mítu n+ré+jí) (Clan Unknown ). [NOTE: #88on ash, ashes, wood ashes n. áxoje [AH khoh jay] ~ háxoje (GM) . [NOTE : xóje Iowa Census Lists #1 & #2, 1880: “88. Mánracé/ Meratci ( Clan Unknown ) (grey)]; uxríŋe[ooKHREEGay] ;mášuje (arch)(MAX). Theyusewoodashes n n n FlyingArrow,Jno/InoDor(w)ty(HeadofHH),husbandofAyá nshkunyemi/Hi topolishandshinesilverwork,Háxoje^ú nawadáhajewidáya ya ñeke. neskunnemiFemaleNotLyingOnIt[herbed]/MissingFromHerBed (MBK)”]. ** SEE : wind;urúbru~urúbrubru;uxríŋe. And on the Otoe Allotment Roll 18911907, the name, John Doty (Melachee) ashamed; shamed, a shameful way (the condition, state of, feeling ); (be ) n appearsasage42years. ** SEE: jíje. bashful,shy,embarrass n/adj/v.i. wiróšita [weDROHsheetahn]. Wetwo n n ** MakingArrows, MáThkàGáxe(Lit: “Arrows White Makes”]. (Bear areshamed (causedtobeinashamefulcondition ), Wiróšita hí ñike. [From ClanPersonalame ).[NOTE:HH #5onOtoMissouriaCensus1880:“Tu(napi Wéka n:“Béñeiñe”[TheOutcast:“TheyThrewHimAway”] . Clan) (HH Head) Maskagaka/Manckakaxe,Making Arrows, (Govt. Chief).” ** ashamed;beshamed;shame,embarrass n/adj/v.i. iróšige [eeDROHshe (MBK) ]. n geh] ; irúsike (HAM) : (I..., ihátosige; you..., isdósige; we..., hi nósigewi; they..., (?) (MBK). (Clan Unknown ). n ** Wounding Arrow , MáGáxe ; MáHège irósigeñe). My father, Iamashamed ,Hó:Hí ko,ihátošige ke. [From ** SEE: wound;gáxe. n n n n Wéka :“Béñeiñe”(TheOutcast:“TheythrewHimAway”]) . beashamedofoneself, artery,vein;sinew,cord n. iká hi [eeKAHheen] ~ikáhi ~ikáhi. heart kiróšige : (I..., hakitósige; you..., rakisdósige; we..., hi nkirósigewi; they..., artery,aorta, náhjeiká nhi n. kirósigeñe). When you talk against someone, you are only ashaming arthritis n. wahúgich^e (lit: “bones hurt”) . Náwe riwáp^ošge ki. yourself,Wayére^šu nirat^á^irach^éšge,ríwa^u nrakisdóšige šda n. be Wahúgich^earéhgaje,Yourhandsareswollen.Isitarthritis? ashamed of s.o. v.t. giróšige : (I..., hagítosige; you..., ragísdosige; we..., as; when; if conj.suf., da; šge. As we came, we found him there, n n n hi gírosigewi;they...,girósigeñe). BecauseIcannotdance,heisashamed of Hi gríwida , idá náŋ^e hi nógrewi ke. My grandmother married when n n n n me,Washíhadú^agechií girosige ke. shewasagirl,Hi kúñichi míñeda wáruxašgu .[“Hi nkúñi”(MyGrandmother)]. [DROH khee] n n ask (fors.t. );request,beg v.t. róxi ~dóxi;dá. [NOTE: “da”isa [Wéka song: “Doré na n If it was I, I would fly, Mírešge , hét^a nugúñi. v.rt. EX: Dáhgeje,Isitso?]:(I...,hatóxi;you...,rasdóxi;we...,hi nóxiwi;they..., Wahrédwa”(TwinHolyBoys)]. róxiñe). Asking first, I got it from Grandpa Joe, Tóxina pagrá nda as;because;since conj.suf., chi.As theykilledagreatmanyanimals, n n n Hi túga Joe idá watúdhe ke . I did whatever they ask ed me to do, theywenthome,Wanú jeróha ch^éwahiñechi agríñeke.Oneofthe n n Dagúrea achiñedaha^ú ke (LWR) .** SEE :Da!. youngerones (ofthebrothers )didnotgo,because hetookcareofthehouse n n ** ask;call,name;tell,sayto v.t. igé [eeGEH] ~igá;iŋá(?) .[NOTE: “iŋa~ (he watched it ), Shíñe náha iyá ré skúñi, shíñe náha chí wakídašgu . n n n n iŋé”maybeonlyaglosscontraction“igé”or“i gé”]:(I...,iháge;you...,iráge;we..., [FromWéka :"Há wenaIchí doš?e"(DayandHisSons)] . as;when;before conj.suf. n n n hí gawi;they...,igáñe). Theyasked me,butIwouldn’tdoit,Mí^eí gañe ^i. They had already killed it as we got there, Irúšdá ch^éhiñe^i n n n nu^áha^ú skúñike [(h)i +ig(e<a)+ñe]. ** SEE : ask (innamesbelow) . ask hi híwi ke. When we arrived, they were killing it, Ch^éhi hínahe^i n n n aquestion; inquire v.t. iwá xe~íwa xe [eeWAHkhay] :(I...,ihápa xe;you..., hi nhíwike.Hewasshotbefore wecame,^Oñe^i hi nhíwike.Whenwe iswá nxe; we..., hi nwá nxewi; they..., iwá nxeñe). Indian people always ask gotthere,theywereshot,Wa^óñe^i hi nhíwike.Itwasfinishedas we someoneofanothertribe:“Whattribeareyou?(Whoareyourpeople)”, arrived,Rusdá nñe^i hi nhíwike. ÁmaWa nšík^okeñiukíhje:“Wá nshigerítawewayéraje,”wíwa nxañeke. ** as (s.t.)as (acomparisonofonethingtoanother );oneonanother,oneon n n aquestion; inquiry n. wíwá xe (lit:“somethingaboutask”) . askfors.t. topofanother prep. égiha (DOR) .Itisas warmas Spring,Bé(hu)aré n (asafavor );pray v.i/v.t. giróxi [gee DROH khee] ~wagíroxi;waróxi [wahDROH égiha mašjéke. asif prep/suf. hge;thke (old) .Itseemsasif Ihad n khee] :(I...,hagíroxi;you...,ragíroxi;we...,hi gíroxiwi;they...,giróxiñe). Weaska broken my leg muscles, K^a húka n hanáwaxe jigréhge .Butitseems favor ofyouall,Hí nwa rigíroxi wike.Iasked myfatherforsomething, that I have broken my leg below the knee, Nú^a húwe hanáwaxehge . Hí nkawégradoxi ke [w(e<a)+há+gra+(gi)róxi]. Youcanask thatboy ** SEE : Age (above ). aslongas (acomparison )prep/suf. máñišge.Aslong (standing )overthere,Chi ndóiŋega^ídadàhawarági sdoxi ke. as I live, ix^á nha hamáñišge . asmanyas (theywere ) (a comparison ) ** asktogoalong (s.o. or someofone'sowngroupwithhim~her) v.t. egráhe prep. tanáñenáha.Asmanyas theywere,eachoneputitonthesticks n n n [eh GRAH hay] : (I..., ehégrahe; you..., erégrahe; we..., hí grahewi; they..., egráheñe). toroast( themeat ),Tánañenáha akíwasa wakíwathru ñeke. Sometimes people come to ask me for help, Há nwe iyé^su n wá n^shige angráha áthi najíñe(ke).Theycometoask forprayerandtheybringa n n n n n gift, Waró(xi) hé^su wat^úna hé^su a gíña ají(ñe) wóhegrasa haki . [Wórage:“BáxojeMi nKe”(IamanIoway]. “a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 113 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] ** do s.t. without asking (or) consulting an elder, an authority (or) ** at;in;after;since;before (time ) suf. gi: n superior v.t. ihúhiníŋe[eeHOOheeIGeh] .We’lltakeitfromyouwithout atthistime;today;daybreak há wegi consultinganyone (or askingpermission ),Ihúhiníŋehi nwarínasehñeke. sincehehascome (or) at~in húhegi ** Ask For Instructions , Wíroxíñe (lit: “They Ask About, For S.t.”). (his )coming (IowayWolfClaname) .TheyAskForWater ,ÑíGidáñe (IowayWolf at sundown (or) in the bikúyegi evening Claname) .[NOTE: #105onIowaCensusLists#1&#2,1880:“105.Nikita n n nye, Mi(jíraje), They Asked For Water, Elisha Deroin(stepsonof#103,Mao Thendaylightcame,Hedárehá wegi grí^ášgu .They( the outsiders ) khra/Maure,CornTassel). (MBK) ].AndontheOtoeAllotmentRoll18911907, came back again at the morning ( time ), ( Ukíhsje ) agráñena hérodagi . thename,JohnDoty(Melachee)appearsasage42years]. [Wéka n:"Béñeiñe”(TheOutcast:“TheythrewHimAway”]) .At (in)themorning,I’m n n n n n asleep; lie asleep; go to sleep v.i. yá , yá ya ; iyá [ee YAH] : (I..., hayá ; goingtoRedRock,RedRockidáheródagi wájike.Ieatat noontime, you...,rayá n;we...,hi nyá nwi;they...,yá nñe). Andthenthey (two ) laydown~ Bímašigi wáruje ke. Today, he visits at hisgrandma,Há nwegi ikúñi n n went to sleep , it seems, Idáre yá wasgu [yá n + wi (those two ) + ásgu n]. igrákiwaraki. at,inthere adv/suf. náŋe.** SEE : sitting;náŋe. n Theybothkeptgoingtosleep ,Yá hiràmínawa^ä. [FromWéka n:"Béñeiñe” ** at;inlikemanner adv. ihgé;ithké (arch) .ItwasasifhesaidthatI n n n (The Outcast: “They threw Him Away”]). You were lying down asleep , Rayá wasswiftat running,Hi k^á thageéihgé hšji. ** SEE : ihgé. n n n n n n rayá ke.Nowwe’lllaydowntosleep ,Gašú hi yá hi yá wihñeke. ** atatime adv. sda n~sta n.twoatatime,núwesdan.Handittome ** SEE : lie (down); yá n; yá nya n. asleep, lie asleep, be asleep; sleep v.i. three at a time ,Dáñisdan únk^u nne. at all; be nothing left at all n iyá : (I..., iháya n; you..., iráya n; we..., hí nya nwi; they..., iyá nñe).Thenyou (all ) adv/v.i.. níŋe.Nowthereisnothingleftatall ,Gasú n(bróge )níŋeke; n n were asleep there alongside the campfire, Añé péje idáre arágra da Wóthaŋeníŋedá nake (or) Wóthaŋeníŋehšjike (or) Wóthaŋejeke (DOR) ; iráya nwike. atfirst;inthebeginning adj. pagrá nda.Atfirst ,Godmade( causedit n n n n n ** asleep; be almost asleep v.i. yá jináhge [YAH jee AH hgeh] ~ yá to exist ) the earth, Waká da máya aré pagrá da ñíhike. at, in the n n n n jináthke (old) : (I..., háya hajínahge; you..., rayá rajínahge; we..., hi yá front; before one's face adv. tórida~torída.Nowyoustandatthe hi njínahgawi;they...,yá njináhgañe). Ialmostwentasleep whengrandpawas front ofme,Gasú ntórida innagínàyi nke.IntheSoldierDance,theflag talkingtous (admonishing ),Hi ntúgawíwegrach^èwi^ihayá nhajínahge ke. bearerdancesatthefront ,Wakwásosewašíñeda,pá nhkaañínáhatórida [w+i( from ich^é)+a( from wawa,“ us ”)+we(>a)+gra( poss. )+ch^é(ich^é) uwéwašíhñeke. +wi( plu. )+^i( when )].[yanchinathke (DOR) ].asleep;beinadeepsleep;be ** atlast,finally;justnow;still adv. kó^o.Atlast ,theyareeating, deadtired adj/v.i. isdách^é [ee SDAH cheh] (lit: “dead eyes”).Andthen, Kó^o warújeñe ke. (At last ), Forgive us ( of our trespasses, mistakes ), n n thosetwowerereallysleepy ,itseems,Hedáreisdách^e wásgu . ** SEE: (Wawágiruthage náha ) Aré kó^o wawágirusda réhi ho. [Wvrohae: Prayers n tired;ix^á níŋe. (“Waróxi”).Hamilton&Irvin,1850] n n ; atlast,finallynow,atlast(Aftersolonga ** asleep;goasleep,gonumb,benumb (arm,foot,hand ) v.i. urútha tha n n n n while ); at this (very ) time, moment; just now adv. gašú ~ gašú gi. ~ unátha tha (?) . My feet are asleep (lit: “feet to me are asleep”), Thí n n n n n Now,atlast !Gasú ke (or) Gasú hšjike.Ifonesitsforaverylongtime, ú rutha tha ke. Are your feet gone asleep too? (lit: “feet to you are n n n n theysay:“You( all )goatlast !”,Th^íhjimínašge,“Gasú gi ragrawi,”áñe asleep”),Héda thíúrirutha tha (je). ke. at last; that's the last, (it’s) thusfar;theend adv. gáheda~ assent.**SEE: agree. gahéda n. He finished his writing at last, Wawágaxe etáwe gáheda assist.**SEE: help;aide. rusdá nke. assistant;fireman n. 1. wagíxra [wahGEEkhrah] assistant,attendant,helper. ** atlast;“Atlastthen,Icameonback.”(NOTE :Thetraditionalendingtoa 2.ñikúwadhe [nyee KOO wah they] ; nikówatha (SKN). [NOTE: Anoldtermforthe wékanstory) ,Arégahédahagúke.Thenhegotahorseverymuchlike assistantsthatservedthewarbundleceremonialsandprewarjourneypreparations. himinhisplace,itseems,Andsoatlastthen,Icome back , Hédare ].** SEE : Usually,theywerenephewsofthewarleaderoroftheKeeperoftheBundle n n réxeki~réxege. shúñeihgéwèxaarégrá^wàšgu .Arégahédahagú ke. [Wéka :"Béñeiñe”(The Outcast:“TheythrewHimAway”]) astray, go astray;stray,wander v.i. wéñigre(ré) [WAY knee gdray]: (I..., .Thatisthelast ;(as)Iamtalkingformyself, n wéñigre jé; you..., wéñigre sdé; we..., wéñigre hi nnáwi; they..., wéñigre aráñe). it seems. Today, that is the end , it seems, Há aré gahéd ix^a hegragi n n n n Sheleftherchildrenandwentastray ,theysay,Chi nchíŋewegrábena ^ašgu .Há wegiharégahéda hàšgu (ki). ["Hi kúñi"(MyGrandmother)] . n n wéñigrearáñeke. ** SEE : stray. atnight adv. há heda. [NOTE: tonite,há hegi ]; atsunrise/atdawn,bí at;to;by prf. i. (NOTE :Inreferencetoathirdpoint,neitherthesubjectorthe axéweda; atsunset,atsundown, bikúyida;bikúyigi. objectofthesentence (LWR). Aneigboringlocation). ** SEE : i(InBáxojeJiwére ** at once; turn over suddently (or) at once adv. wašdáje réhi. section ).: Quickly! Turn over the potatoes before you burn them, Há n^egi re. at/tous wíwa Dújewahigidóxañiwašdájeréhire. ** SEE : wašdáje;réhi . atthattime laughat išá adj. gáreda (?) ; attheedge,end (oftheworld )n. iháŋda.Hebroughtit havenousefors.t./s.o. istáge back( asacredbundlefrom )attheendoftheworld ,Máya niháŋda wáñigri aimat iráwathu ki [wa (from )+añí (havingit )+grí (arrivebackhome )] . ["Warušge”(TheGiants)] ; at n dreamto~about ihá je this (very )time,moment;justnow.** SEE : now;gašú n. shootat,with,by ikúje ate.** SEE : eat. finds.o.atsomeplace irúgre attached (key in door; saddle on pony ); be (back) in place; be fast, firm, visitats.o. ikíwara fastened; be in connection with; bear blossoms, fruit, buds, etc. n n n ** at,to;in;on,upon;when suf. da: (gáda~káta (LWR) (?)) adj/v.i. uráth^i [oo DRAH theen] : (I..., uhádath^i ; you..., usdáth^i ; we..., n atfirst;longago pagrá da hórath^i nwi; they..., uráth^í nñe) . Fruit (“that which is attached or is borne by a n n atsixo'clock bígu dheságweda tree”), nórath^i náha (arch) (HAM) .You’regoingtoattach thebridleto on,uponthetable wárujeda thehorse’smouth,Shúñeíwíkà nhi nusdáth^i nhñeke.attached,find; atyourhouse,whereyoulive uríchiwida hit,strikeat,on;runin .** SEE : backinplace. inthecity chináda attack one’s opponent (or) adversary, enemy, chasing them (compelling n Again, at the lake, they slept at night. Shigé jegíxeda re idá há heda them to abandon their property to their pursuers ) v.t. giše [gee SHAY] (DOR) : n yá ñe ke. In (at) the morning, they arrived at your sisterinlaw's, (I...them, wéše; you...them, waréše; we...them, hi nwéšewi; they...them, wéšeñe; Hérodada rihaŋada idáhiñeki.Thebowlwas( sitting )at theedgeofthe they...us,wéwešeñe). n table,Wahgóyuwárujeihá ŋida idánáŋeke. attain,acheive,obtain;reach;hit;win,beat v.t. úhi~uhí [OO he] :(I..., uháhi;you...,uráhi;we...,hóhiwi;they...,uhíñe). Weattain edhappinesswith n n sobriety,Isdábredhehi wóhi wida;gasú wawágirowike. ** SEE : win.

“ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh © 114 IowayOtoeMissouria~English [JGT:1992] (Rev.Apr.4,2007) ** attain, find; hit, strike at/ on;runinto v.t. iróji n~irúji n: (I..., Oh,....! (vocative) túmi~hi ntúmi n n n ihádoji n;you...,isdoji n;we...,hi nnóji nwi;they...,iróji nñe). ** SEE : irógre.without my..., hi túmi our...,hi túmihi téwi my...s,hi ntúmiwáñi our...s,hi ntúmihá nñiwi~hi nwañiwi attaining (tobe ) v.t. škúñi~škúñe.Hediedwithoutattaining tobethe my&your...,hi ntúmihá nñi our(us2)...s,hi ntúmihá nñi~hi nwañi chief,Waŋégihiškuñi wanáxireke. your..., ritúmi your...,ritúmiritéwi~sdínwi attempt;aneffort;power;strength;strong,bestrong n/adj/v.i. bríxki your...s,ritúmiwásdin your...s,ritúmiwásdinwi [BREE khkee] .Myoneattempt tosingatthedrum,butIhadnodrumstick, his/her...,itúmi ther...,itúmietéwi Bríxki mí ntawedáreinúwàya nwehñeke;nú^aréxená^iñeníŋeke [ináwa ttheir...s,itúmiwáñiñe (withthem )+u+ha(I)+yá nwe( sing )]; attempt,try; prove;taste;tryon ttheir(thosetwo)...,itúmiañíwi clothes v.t. i^úje :(I...,ihá^uje;you...,irá^uje;we...,hi n^ujewi;they...,i^újeñe) . ttheir(thosetwo)...s,itúmiwáñiwi Iattempt todogoodinschool,Wógu ndhedapí^ú nihá^ujeke. Amancallsthechildrenofhisaunt (hisfather’ssister )“mynehewand attempttooffend v.t. iráwagrahe [eeDRAHwahgdrahhay] [NOTE :Itissaidwhen n n n n n something is intended to hurt one and it does not]: (I..., ihádapàgrahe; you..., myniece”,Wáŋeiya kiitúmi ichi chi ŋeetáwe:“Hi tósgeHi tósgemi”, isdá(s)wàgrahe; we..., há nwàgrahewi; they..., iráwagraheñe). You thought that wíga^éke.Butawomanwillcallthechildrenofheraunt (herfather’s sister ) “my son and my daughter”, Nú^a hinágeya n itúmi ichi nchi nŋe you’d try to offend me when you went away,butIwasglad,itseems, n n n n etáwe:“Hi yíŋenaHi yúŋe”,éhñeke. Sdágigréra^ihi sdáwagrahe isdágu . n n aunt n. (maternal, a mother’s sister; mother’s brother’s wife ) ihú [ee HOO] . ** MakesAnAttempt ,Wígre^ú (Mi). [NOTE: #63onIowaCensusLists [NOTE : In Ioway, Otoe Missouria kinship, a mother’s sister (or) any relative she #1 & #2, 1880: "Wíkreumi/ Wígreumi (R)(úje: Pigeon Clan) Female Who calls“sister”isreferredtoas“Hína~Hí nna(mymother).”ThisistrueforallSiouian Makes An Attempt, Experiment/ TakingNotice of (Something), Emma Hollowell, tribes].** SEE : mother. daughterofHinkisocemi(PhoebeH.)&Húshkunye(Benj.Hollowen) (MBK) ]. TheIoway,OtoeMissouriaPeoplecalltheiraunt [ALSO NOTE :#88onIowaCensusLists#1&#2,1880:"Mánracé/ Meratci (their mother’s sister ) “my mother or hína” and their children are “their n (WolfClan(?))FlyingArrow,Jno/InoDor(w)ty (HeadofHH) ,husbandofAyán brothers and sisters”, Báxoje Jiwére Ñút^chi ihú inúñi etéwi “Hína” shkunyemi/ Hineskunnemi Female Not Lying On It [her bed]/ Missing From igáñeke;Hedáichi nchi nŋeetéwe:“Inúñi”,wígáñeki. HerBed (MBK) ]. automatic.** SEE : auto;éwak^i n^i n;kiwárè. attendant; assistant; fireman; helper n. 1. wagíxra [wah GEE khrah] . 2. auto;automobile;car;wagon n. námañi~námañe~namáñi [AH mah n n ñikúwadhe [nyee KOO wah they] ; nikówatha (SKN) . [NOTE: An old term for the nyee] (lit:“woodwalking”);éwak^i ^i námañi (lit:“something( that )movesbyit n n n assistantsthatservedthewarbundleceremonialsandprewarjourneypreparations. self (or) selfpropelled wagon”); námañi á p^a je ~ ámp^a je, námañi Usually, they were nephews of the war leader or of the Keeper of the Bundle ]. n n n p^á p^a je~p^ámpa je (lit:“spongy (or) springywagon”);námañikiwárè (lit: ** SEE : réxeki~réxege. “wagonitselfitgoesalong”). attention, notice; mindfulness, awareness, heed; focus, concentration; n Autumn ~ Fall (Season) n. NátoXwàñi ~ Natóxwañe (lit: “green leaves care n. wáda we [WAH dahn way] . pay (or) giveattention,heed;watch n n n shed”); Cháñi (LWR); Táñirègi (lit: “winter returning”) (GM)(DOR). [W. Câni ~ v.t. [ah DAH way] : (I..., áta we; you..., arásda we; we..., n n n n n (over) adá we Caanî;P.Tâgàkðà (WhenLeavesFall);Om.Tó ga xtho ;Os.Tó ~Tá ;Q.Kasnísni n n n há da wewi;they...,adá weñe). Us,whenwewerechildren,we’dbepaying (BlowsColdOn&Off);D/L.Pta nyétu ] n . attention to our family ( our elders ), Híne ichí chiñe hiñeda chúyu n n n n ** Autumn;Harvest (season) ;EarlyHarvest n. warúda~waróta ~ hi grada wewi hi máñiwi. n waróta~waróda [wahDROHdahn] .[NOTE :Itrefersto“Whenfoodisready”,which ** getattention,attractattentionbynudging,poking,punchingwith occurred after the summer buffalo hunt. A ceremony was held by the Red Bean n n (finger, elbow, stick ) v.t. wathú ~ wathú [wah THOO] : (I..., hapáthu ; you..., MedicineLodge(SEE: Whitman,W.“TheOtoe”,p.120121).Followingthefeast swathú n; we..., hi nwáthu nwi; they..., wathú nñe). I don’t like for you to be anddance,thecornwasharvested.Somegreencorn(milkears)wereboiled,then (getting myattentionby)pokingat me,Mí^ehi nswathu n^ihi ngrahiškuñi spreadoutonthehuskstodry,thenscrapedoffforstorage.Otherfreshearsofcorn ke. (lit:“I[emphatically ]meyoupokeat(togetattention)whenme(it)likesnot were partially husked and braided together in long strings. Also some would be roasted in ashes or in earthen roastingpits. This is the first of two seasonsofthe [declarativesentencemarker ]”); callattentiontos.t.;pressonwith (hand, n n n Fall]: finger, thumb ) v.t. withú~withú [we THOO] : (I..., hapíthu ; you..., swithú ; n n n we...,hi wíthu wi;they...,withú ñe). I’mcallingattentionto theworkofthe ThisHarvest warúta njé^e n n n n tribalcommittee,Dotá ha wa ^sík^uñiwa^ú náhahapíthu hñeke. last... warúta ngi ** attention; pay attention to noone; be unconcerned (while doing last... warúta nrida something ) v.t. wadána [wahDAHnah] .[NOTE :Thetermdenotestheexpressionof [NOTE :Itreferstotheseasonof warúda ;duringthetimeof warúda inpastyears]. an indifferent mood]: (I..., hapádana; you..., swadána; we..., hi nwádanawi; they..., the... before(or)during...beforelast warúta nridaétagi n wadánañe). WhenIwasdoingmybeadwork,Ipaidattentiontonoone, next... warúta da Wí nthuyiñemítaweha^ú nna^imí^epádanaki [(ha)+p<wadána] . [NOTE : The above list taken from James O. Dorsey MSS (NAA 4800), n SmithsonianInstitute,Wash.,D.C.1890]. [W.Waroghí;Warochúí]. attitude;manner;way(s) n. wóšga .[WOHshgahn] ;havinggoodways adj/v.i. ** Autumn;LateHarvest n. waháxi [waHAHkhee]. [NOTE: Thisisthesecond wóšga ngrapí~wóšga ngrapí niñe (I.)~wóšga ngrapí niŋe (O.). n seasonoftheAutumn.Thetimewhenthematurecornhashardenedonthestalks. attracts.o.'sattention v.t. wathú .** SEE : attention. Each family would save its seed kernals for replanting in the next year.Then,the August n. HúmaYochíŋe “ElkWhistle”(I.) (LWR). [HOOmahYOHchingeh] ; Hóma driedearswereshelledoffthecobs,andpoundedintocornmealinalogmortor,or Hotáñe “Elk Call” (O.) (DOR) ; Ché Kirúxe “Buffalo Breed ~ Rutting” (I.) crushed on a flat stone by a small stone corn crusher]. [wahághi (DOR)]. [W. (FM)(SKN) .[W.Watojóxhíwirá (CornPoppingMonth);P.Wadhápipšëe (CornisinSilk); Wahághi]: Om.Únpo nhuta nike (WhentheElkCall);Os.Xdhathíbi (Yellow(Sun)FlowerMoon);D/L. n Wasuto wi (AllThingsRipening);L.WihákaktaCépapi (CrackBonesforMarrowFat);Cr. ThisLateHarvest waháxijé^e Bikaa apíisshishiia (Heat Waves On Grass)]; August; harvest (season) n. last... waháxigi n n waróta ~waróta~waróda [waDROHdahn] . [NOTE :Itrefersto“Whenfoodis last... waháxirida ready”.ThetimeofGreenCornharvest&cornroasting.Thefirstoftwoseasonsof [NOTE: Itreferstotheseasonof waháxi inpastyearsbeforelast waháxi ]. the Fall. This is the season before the corn matures or dries out on the stalks]. the... before(or)during...beforelast waháxiridaétagi [W.Wahághi;Waro Lû] ; ** SEE : Autumn;waháxi;waróta n. next... waháxida authority;authorization;authorize. ** SEE : permission. [NOTE : The above list taken from James O. Dorsey MSS (NAA 4800), Smithsonian Institute, Wash., D.C. 1890]. [W.Wahaghí (ripening)] . ** SEE : aunt n. (paternal, a father’s sister; mother’s brother’s wife ) itúmi [ee TOO me] . Autumn;waháxi;warúta n. [NOTE : In Ioway, OtoeMissouria kinship, a “real Aunt” can only come through paternaldescentorbymarriage.Itisanyrelativethatmyfathercalls“sister”.This available. ** SEE : plenty. n n n istrueformostSiouiantribes].(íni n(CUR)). avoid;goround (about) v.t. iwéda [eeWAYdahn] :(I...,ihápeda ;you...,iswéda ; we..., hi nwéda nwi; they..., iwéda nñe). They’re no good! You must avoid them,Arépíškúñañeke;Wiráweda nke.

“a”inpapa;“a n”as“aw”inyawn;“ch~Č~č”inchair;“dh”inthe;“e”inthey(Final“e”aswet);“g”ingive;“i”asski;“i n”inhee;“j”inJake;“k”inkey;“ñ”incanyon © 115 BáxojeJiwéreÑút ˀachi~Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.Apr.4,2007) [JGT:1992] n n ** avoid;goround (about) v.t. iráweda~iráweta [eeDRAHwaydahn] :(I..., ** Big Axe, I thwe Xáñe. (Clan unknown; presumably a warrior name ). ihádaweda n;you...,isdáweda n;we...,hí nraweda nwi;they...,iráweda nñe). Wemust [NOTE: AprominentIowayanddistinguishedwarriorunderMahúThka (WhiteCloud avoid thatholeintheroad,Náwu nk^ójejárehínnaweda nhñeke. I, 17841834). He was one of seventeen signers of the Ioway Treaty, lead by n ** avoidcrossingastream (bygoingaroundtotheheadofthestream instead Wayí Wéxa [“Wyinwahhu: Hard Heart” sic. ] on September 16, 1815 at Portage desSioux. Miner, W.H. TheIowa . CedarRapids,TheTorchPress.1911. ].Acertificate ofcrossingit ) v.t. iráwedaré (old):(I...,ihápeda nhajé[NOTE :Anirregularuse n n n n n was issued to him by Lewis & Clark endorsing friendship between the Otoe of1.p.,insteadofihádapeda ];you...,isdáweda sdé;we...,hí naweda wihi náwi; MissourisandtheUnitedStates.ThedocumentwaskeptbytheDentfamilythrough n they..., iráweda ñe aráñe). They say that they ( Lewis & Clark ) avoided the years and ultimately the document was presented to the Oklahoma Historical crossing the Missouri River in their travels, Aré ÑíŠúje dášware SocietybyRhodaDentCompton. iráweda nñearáñe ^iidámáñiñàšgu n. n awake;sober v.i. ikí [eeKEE] ;ikíre (LWR) :(I...,iháki;you...,iráki;we...,hí kiwi; they..., ikíñe). My uncle tells me: “Are you awake ?” Hi njega u nnáge, “Iráki je.”. awake,be,stayawake;watch,lookfors.o.~s.t.;wink n n n n n adj/v.i. dá we [DAHway] :(I...,hadá we;you...,radá we;we...,hi dá wewi;they..., dá nweñe). Thechildrencouldnotstayawake ,Ichí nchiñedá nwe škúñañe n n n ke.Therefore,heislookingfome,Arédahi grada we náyi . [Froman OMativeAmericanChurchPrayerSong] ; **cause (or) makes.o.~s.t.wink v.t. dá nwehi. HeMakesYou Wink (a spirit in a traditional wekan) Dá nwerihi (ALightning Tree Spirit ). “Greetings,FirstOnesitting.Whatnamedotheycallyou?”‘HeMakes You Wink’, they call me,” “Ho! Tórisdaŋa. Ráye dagwírikina je,” n n “Dá werihii gañeke.” [FromWéka n:"DorénaWahrédwa"(TwinHolyBoys)] . ** SEE : watch;adá nwe. awaken (or) makeawakebypushings.o. v.t. waxíge [wahKHEEgay] (old):(I..., hapáxige;you...,swaxíge;we...,hí nwáxigewi;they...,waxígeñe). Becarefulyou don’t awaken the baby, Ada nwewi re; Mamáiñe swaxíge škúñiwi re. ** SEE : oppose; wósga n waxíge. awaken (or) make awake (by pressing againstone ) v.t. wixíge [weeKHEEgay) (old) :(I...,hapíxige;you...,swíxíge;we..., hí nwíxigewi; they..., wixígeñe). My little granddaughter awaken s me at nightasshesleeps,Ha nhedahi ntagwamiiñeiya nya ndahi ngwixíge ke. awful,awfully adv. gra...iñe (I.)(or) gra...iŋe (O.). Itisawfuldirty,his n pants,Arégrathéwaraiñe,unáthun . [NOTE :Ininformalconversation,Ioway speakerssometimesdropfinalsyllablesofaword,suchasintheabovemaybeheard as“grathewarai n”] . awkward. ** SEE : weak. awayfrom;avoiding;around v.t. gixé~gixá [geeKHEAY] :(I...,héxe;you..., réxe;we...,hí ngíxewi;they...,gixéñe). Afterthattime,hestayedawayfrom thebeerandthebars,Arédareñípùpuxeuráta nñegixéke. awayfrom home, the house; no one at home adj. chíxròsge (lit: “house empty”) [CHEEkhrohshgay]. Inthesummer,myuncleisawayfromthehouse ashis familygoescampingatpowwows,Masjédahi njégachíxrosgechichúyu bróge uya nwe washída chíñe tahñe ke. away from the path, road; n driveoff,travelofftheroad v.t. náwu gixówa [CHEE khroh shgay] . It’s wherethehighwaycurvessharplynearPawnee,thatatruckloadofcattle traveled away, off the road and turned over on its side, Ta ndáre náwo há^e ru^síyewèxada náhe^su n, Pawnee asgída, námañi xá nje chéhga n wáñinàhe^su náwogixówanauwáthredawasdájeréhike. ** SEE : going along;gixé;uwé. n ** awayfromthespeaker;facingawayfrom adv. étadaga ^túhwa (old) (DOR). comeawayfrom v.t. wagú [wah GOO] :(I...,wágu [wa+hágu] ; you...,warágu;we...,hí nwáguwi;they...,wagúñe). We( two )cameawayfrom theprayerservicefeelinggood (spirituallyuplifted ),Gírowawahi^iwaróxi n dórihehi wágu ke. away;makego away v.t. gigréhi [gee GRAY hee] : (I...,gigréha;you...,gigréra;we...,gigréhí nwi;they...,gigréñe).Willyouplease makethemgoaway ?Gigré wahi tahó. awhile:after awhile adv. tóriñegi [TOHdreenyaygee] (LWR). Afterawhile ,the buffaloswentby,Tóriñegi chéuwérañàšgu n. awl; bone awl n. wahúge (lit.: “boner (or) pierce s.t.”) [wah HOO gay] ; wahú n mathíka (lit:“boneneedle”). [NOTE :Formerly,theawlwasmadefromthehafted humerousboneofabeaver].(wahogre (SKN)). aww (hesitation ),ahhh;and;then;well;andthen intrj/conj. áñe [AHnyay] (I.) ;áŋe~^áŋe [AHGay] (O.).[ NOTE: Theterms“áñe/áŋe”areusedbychildren and adults, when there is a hesitance in speaking for want of words or to clearify one'sideas].Awww ,Idon’tknow,Áñedá. n n axe n. í thwe [EEthway] . bigaxe n. í thwegít^oge(lit:“breakingaxe”)[EE n thway GHEE toh gay] . littleaxe,hatchet; tomahawk, í thweiñe (I.) [EEthway n n n yeenyay] ;í thweiŋe (O.) . axe,stoneaxe, í noí thwe. ** SEE : adze;hew. “ŋ”as‘ng’insing;“o”asnote;“p”aspie;“r”asinSpanish‘pero’;“s”assay;“š”heardas“s”or“sh”;“th”asthick;“u”assure;“u n”asintoo; “x”asgutteral"loch";“^”~“ˀ”(=glotalstop)asinuh’oh ©