100 Ioway-Otoe-Missouria ~ English [JGT:1992] (Rev. Apr.4, 2007) A n n n n a, an; any; one; the same n/adj. iyá ; (suf.) ...-ya ; iyá ki ~ iyá ŋki ~ Abandoned One (A Cultural Hero) Béñe^iñe (I.) [BAY nyeh een nyeh] ~ n iyá ŋke [ee YAH; ee YAHG kee ~ ee YAHG keh] . (NOTE: The word "a, an" is not Béñe^iŋe (O.) [BAY nyeh ing-eh] ; Beré^iŋe ~ Bedé^iŋe (?) . [NOTE: Literally the usually used, except for emphasis or clarity): name may be rendered: “They Abandoned Him Little One” or “The Dear One They This is a boat, Jé^e báje ke. Left Behind”). He is known as Thrown Away or The Outcast in the traditional That is a house, Gá^e chí ke. Wéka n stories. He is said to have been an orphan boy befriended by a chief's son. He There is a man, (O.) Wá nhe iyá n nahé ke. was accused of having an affair with his friend's wife. Abandoned by the whole There is a man, (I.) Wáñe iyá nki nahé ke. community, he was blessed by a shaggy horse that came from the Heavens. At n length, he proves his earnest loyalty to his friend and as a benefactor to his people Do you see any or anyone ? Iyá arásda je. n n and community]. **SEE: Wéka ; Wórage. I have a kitten, Udwáyiñeya áñi ke. n n n n abdomen; torso, trunk, body n. ñixósda sda ~ ñixósta sta [nyee KHOH There was an old man who Wá nša iyá n chí nchiñe stahn stahn] (lit.: “belly round-round”). abdomen, stomach; belly n. ñíxa lived with his sons. inú wegráchigrè ke. [YEE khah] . Is one of your children not Chí nchiñe ritáwe iyá n ability suf. -gê [-geh] . (NOTE : The suffix denotes an innate natural aptitude, ability, sick? wahíre je. capacity, inclination or propensity. NOTE: While the final "ê" sound may not be n I have only one car. Námañi iyá ki sta áñi ke. written as such, it is always voiced as short “ê”): woman, hinágê; person, **SEE: one; there is/ was. n n man, wá shige (I.) ~ wa sígê (O.) ; male gender, dóge ~ dógê. ** SEE : skill; [DOHkee dah] (It denotes a limited ** a little (bit), dókida ~ dókita ; dórika, talent. n n n quantity of food, activity, ability, etc.). I understand Ioway a little (bit) , able, can, could v.i. ^ú nu [-OO noo] ; -sdu ~ -stu . You are able to do it, Báxoje ich^é dókita upáreha ke; a little (one); a dear one, -iñe, -shiñe Ríre ra^únnu ke. I amalways able to wake up early, Ama irákistu n ke. (I.) [een nyeh ~ sheen nyeh] / -iŋe, -siŋe (O.) [eeng eh ~ sing eh] . ( NOTE : It referrs to We used to be able to put up our own teepees, Chíbothraje n n size or s.t. (or) s.o cherished, esteemed or loved), (a) little deer, tá^iñe (I.) ; hi wógrushisdu wi ke. ** SEE : can, may, used to, will; hñe; ru^áge ~ ru^yáge. tá^iŋe (O.) ; a dear little old lady, hiná^siŋe (O.) . **SEE: a little, small. about; near; approximately adv. aríthduda ~ aríthruda [ah LEE thdroo dah] ; ** a little piece of, shúwe (I.) [SHOO weh] ; súwe (O.) [SOO weh] . I have a aríthtuta (HAM) , The puppies were playing about the house, Súŋkeiñe little piece of meat, Wañí shúwe áñi ke. **SEE: súwe. a little (way; súwe chí aríthruda šgájeñe ke. n n bit), iríkuje [ee DREE koo jeh] , Open the window a little way , Chú ha we ** about, almost, when adv. ^e ~ ^i. And then about sundown, she n n n n iríkuje ijéhi re. a lot of; a great deal of, róha [ROH hahn] ~ dhóha ; got into the water, Idáre bí kúyidà na^e ñuhíñashgu . [From: "Hi nkúñi"]. He n gratúiñe; dáhnahe; gihdó. There is a lot of water; It is filled with a lot of was wounded when we got there, ^Oñe^i hi híwi ke. ** SEE : before; when; n water, Ñí róh ùyu ke [róha +úyu] . What a lot of things ( that ) they two had! ^i. n n Dagúre gihdó añíwa ^ä. [From wéka : "Béñeiñe" (Thrown Away)]. There is a lot of ** about, almost, shú da [SHOO dah]. It was about fifty years ago, Báñi n n n n n n snakes, Waká gratúiñe ke. ** SEE : arás^oge. a lot of people, wa ^síge grébra tháta shú da aré ke ; suf. -nahsu (HAM) [-nah hsoon] (more or less ). n n n n n róha . a lot of (things, anything, everything ), dagúre nahé^su [dah GOO dray There was about ten dollars, it seems, Madhéhga grébra nahsu arášgu . n n nah HAY soon] ~ nahé^su dagúre, It is all what he won! Nahé^su dagúre all kinds of suf. –hsu (HAM) [-hsoo]. There were all kinds of animals; bróge wóhiá ^ä. a while ago, go^ó [go-OH] . My friends came a while about one half were males, Wanúhsjehsù ñe ke; ukíthrehsu dógeñe ke. n n n n ago , Go^ó hi taro ajíñe ke. a long while ago; a long time ago, th^ída ..., only, by (two's, three's, etc. ) suf. -sda [-sdahn] ~ -sta ~ -sra . about n [TH-EE dah] . It's said that you were coming a long while ago , Th^í hšjida two, only two, by two's, núwesda . about; (it's) like that prep. rahú hñe náhe. [From wéka n: "Há nwe na Ichí ndošŋe" (Day and His Sons)] . ** SEE: long aréhgeda ~ arékeda; aréxkeda ( I.) [ah DRAY hgay dah] . Now then, that's n n ago; th^í; th^ínahge. what I'msaying it's about , Aréhgeda náhe^su dagúresu aré ihánahe ke. n n ** at a time, ...-sta [-sdah] , Hand it to me, two at a time , Núwesta ú k^u about prep/adv. ihgé ~ ithgé ~ ithké (old) [ee HGEH] . What about it? n n re. half a day, há we ukíthre ~ ha wókithre [hahn WOHkee thdeh] . I drove Dáhga je? [ída+ihgé>a+je] , Is it so ? Dáhge je?. ** SEE : íge^aré ke ; my ( car ) half a day , Hawókithre uhégwadhe hajé ke. [NOTE: I will go ( on ) ** about to, almost, going to; more or less; will, shall (future suf.) hñe, n n Saturday, Hawókithreda jé hñe ke.] . in a line, in a row, ída nara ~ ída rara hna (interrogative/ infixed form) ; tahñe (occurs after 1st/ 2nd person plural future [EE dahn nah drah] . They (two ) were standing in a line along the sides of the tense): tipi, Aré á^thañi ída nnara unáyi nwi ke. once a day, há nwehe [há nwe + You are about to sink, Uríthwe sdá hñe ke. n áhi] [HAH weh heh] . Once a day , he takes us to town, Há wehe chínada Because he's about to get back, Grí hna chi. I was about to love her, Hegráhi hñe íge^àre. wawáñiwi ke . **SEE: every. such a, hjéhse [hjeh hseh] (HAM) . I have never Was he going to give it to me? Unk^u n tahna je. seen such an animal, Wanúhje hjéhse he^(é) áta skúñi ke. What a...!, n n n n I'm about finished working. Gasú wa^ú hatúsda hñe ke. anách^ [ah ACH] (HAM) . What a person! Wá ^shige anách^ . He’s about to come/ going to come. Hú hñe ke. abandon; give up, let go, leave; throw away, discard v.t. bé [BAY] : (I..., You all were about to come, right/ Rahú táhñe ke; Aréhga. habé; you..., rabé; we..., hi nbéwi; they..., béñe) . I will go away and leave you, correct? Ribé hajé hñe ke. And then the flying boat now was about ready to go, Ídare báje-git^a n n ** abandon s.o., leave s.o. (Behind ) v.t. bé ré : (I..., habé hajé; you..., rabé gasú réhda na. [From Wéka n: "Doré na Wahrédwa" (Twin Holy Boys)]. sdé; we..., hi nbéwi hi nnáwi; they..., béñe aráñe) . be abandoned, be left; leave ** Circling About The est (Eagle Clan personal name ) (WW) , s.t., throw away s.t.; cause s.t. ~ s.o. be abandoned, left; give away Chíe^daWi nxe (Mi) [chi+ésa n+da + wawí nxe]. s.t. v.i. bé réhi [BAY DRAY hee] : (I..., bé réha; you..., bé réra; we..., bé réhi nhiwi; ** go round about; avoid v.t. iráweda [ee DRAHway dah] ~ sewárada . He they..., bé réhiñe) . I threw away the trash, Epúxe bé réh a ke. went round about the river, Ñíxà nje iráweda ré ke. n ** abandon one's land (or) property while fleeing from pursuer(s); ** talk about v.t. ix^á hi [ee KH-AH hee]. It is the man we ( two ) were just n n n make one get out of the way v.t. ugíñije [oo GEE nyee jeh] : (I..., uhágiñije; talking about , Wa ^síge ix^á hi náhe aré go^ó. [ix^á n + hi n + hi] . I am you..., urágiñije; we..., hógiñijèwi; they..., ugíñijeñe). I saw the wolf and ran talking about my father, Hí nkaré ix^é gragi [hí nka+(a)ré n n n leaving (Behind ) my groceries, Shú ta átana ú ^e uhégrañije haná ŋe ke. íx^(a)+(h)é+gra+ig(é)+(h)i]. think about, believe v.t. iré [ee DRAY] . (gi^thú = ** SEE: divorce; flee; leave; throw away. syn..) Her spirit thinks of me, her own one, (Aré) íngrará sgu n, wanáxi, abandoned campsite, village site; ruins (anthropological site ) n chí réxrige [i+(hi) n+r(é)+ásgu n]. [From: "Hi nkúñi" (My Grandmother)] . ** SEE : iré. [CHEE DRAY dree geh] ; chínoréxrige. **SEE : réxrige; uréxrige. “a” in papa; “a n” as “aw” in yawn; “ch ~ Č ~ č” in chair; “dh” in the; “e” in they (Final “e” as wet); “g” in give; “i” as ski; “i n” in hee; “j” in Jake; “k” in key; “ñ” in canyon © 101 Báxoje-Jiwére- Ñút ˀachi ~ Ma ˀúŋke (Rev.
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