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laau rdna•21 h at Almanac faith the • 2017 • Credinta Almanahul A l m a n a h u l The romanian ORTHODOX archdiocese in THE americas Credinta, 2007 The faith almanac ,

Almanahul Credinta 2017 , The faith almanac

Front cover: The commemorative year of Patriarch Justinian and of the Defenders of Orthodoxy during Communism in the mitropolia Ortodox˜a RomˆaNà Almanahul Credinţa 2017 — The Faith Almanac 2017 — © 2017 The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of Americas Arhiepiscopiaa Ortodo celorx˜a douà Romˆana Am Îneri Amcierica s, i Canada No reproduction without prior written consent. Published with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan and Archbishop Nicolae Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 1

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THE FAITH ALMANAC Published by the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas Chicago, Illinois Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 2

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Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 3 Cuprinsul/Contents

DANIEL, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române – Cuvânt înainte...... 6 IPS Nicolae, Comemorarea apărătorilor Ortodoxiei în timpul comunismului în România...... 10 HE Nicolae, The Commemoration of the Defenders of Orthodoxy during Communist Times in ...... 13 Calendar Bisericesc 2017 şi date memorabile. Rânduieli bisericeşti pe anul 2017...... 17 The Star-Spangled Banner; O Canada...... 34 Imnul de Stat al României: Deşteaptă-te Române ...... 35 Decision on Church Autonomy ...... 36 Autonomia Arhiepiscopiei noastre...... 38 Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church...... 40 Patriarchs and Primates of the Orthodox Churches ...... 46 Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America ...... 47 Directory of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas...... 50 Auxiliary Organizations of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas...... 55 Clergy of the Metropolia...... 58 Parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas...... 74


Pastoral Schedule/ Itinerar Pastoral 2016 - IPS Mitropolit Nicolae...... 96 Pastoral Schedule/ Itinerar Pastoral 2016 - PS Episcop Ioan Casian...... 104 Tomos of the Holy Synod...... 112 Tomos Sinodal...... 118 Patriarchal Grammata...... 124 Gramată Patriarhală...... 126 PF Daniel - O demnitate mai înaltă înseamnă o responsabilitate mai mare...... 128 Cuvântul ÎPS Nicolae cu prilejul ceremoniei de ridicare în demnitatea de Mitropolit...... 131


The Light of Christ Illumines All...... 138 Revelation and Inspiration in Church Singing...... 145 Orthodox Youth Ministries in Historical Perspective...... 154 Spiritual But Not Religious...... 161 Christian Paideia as Culture-Building in Patristic Antiquity and in Contemporary Society...... 166 Youth Ministry: Connecting Learning with Living the Kingdom...... 171 Reclaiming Formation for Religious Education and Youth Ministry...... 178


Patrons and Sponsors of the 2017 Faith Almanac ...... 185 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 4

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Prea Fericitul Părinte DANIEL Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 6


Cuvânt Înainte al Preafericitului Părinte Patriarh Daniel pentru Almanahul Credinţa 2017 al Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor două Americi Misiune reînnoită pe continentul american a începutul acestui an, 2017, dox Român al celor două Americi, adresăm, cu bucurie părintească, cât şi alegerea Preasfinţitului Părinte L un mesaj de binecuvântare, Ioan Casian de Vicina, propus de clerului şi credincioşilor ortodocşi ro- Congresul constituit al Episcopiei mâni din cuprinsul Mitropoliei Ortodo- Ortodoxe Române a Canadei, ca xe Române a celor două Americi. Episcop ortodox român al Canadei. Anul care a trecut, 2016, a fost un În anul 2016, pe care Sfântul an deosebit de important pentru activi- Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române tatea şi misiunea Arhiepiscopiei Orto- l-a dedicat educaţiei religioase a doxe Române a celor două Americi. tineretului creştin ortodox şi come- Astfel, în Şedinţa de lucru a Sfântului morării Sfântului Ierarh Martir Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Antim Ivireanul şi tipografilor bise- din 28-29 octombrie 2016, s-a aprobat riceşti, ne-am bucurat în mod deose- înfiinţarea Episcopiei Ortodoxe Româ- bit de prezenţa la Bucureşti în cadrul ne a Canadei şi modificarea titulaturii Întâlnirii tinerilor ortodocşi din toată Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a lumea, 1-4 septembrie, a peste 2.500 celor două Americi în Arhiepiscopia de tineri din cadrul Bisericilor Ortodoxă Română a Statelor Unite ale Ortodoxe surori şi din eparhiile Americii. Tot în cadrul aceleiaşi şedinţe Patriarhiei Române, între care şi de lucru s-a aprobat înfiinţarea Mitropo- reprezentanţi ai românilor ortodocşi liei Ortodoxe Române a celor două de pe continentul american. Americi, care să cuprindă Arhiepiscopia Continuând tradiţia anilor oma- Ortodoxă Română a Statelor Unite ale giali şi comemorativi, pe care noi am Americii şi Episcopia Ortodoxă Româ- iniţiat-o începând cu anul 2009, în nă a Canadei. şedinţa de lucru din zilele de 28 şi 29 În acest context, a fost aprobată octombrie 2015, Sfântul Sinod al atât ridicarea în demnitatea de Bisericii Ortodoxe Române a decla- Mitropolit a Înaltpreasfinţitului rat anul 2017 drept Anul omagial al Părinte Nicolae, Arhiepiscopul Orto- sfintelor icoane, al iconarilor şi al Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 7

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 7 pictorilor bisericeşti şi Anul come- Americi, ne rugăm Preasfintei morativ Justinian Patriarhul şi al a- Treimi, Maicii Domnului şi tuturor părătorilor Ortodoxiei în timpul co- sfinţilor, să întărească pe toţi munismului în Patriarhia Română. slujitorii Sfintelor Altare şi pe toţi Această hotărâre sinodală, moti- credincioşii acestei Mitropolii în vată şi de faptul că în anul 2017 se păstrarea şi promovarea credinţei împlinesc 1230 de ani de la întru- ortodoxe, a identităţii şi spiritualită- nirea Sinodului VII Ecumenic ţii româneşti, în cultivarea solidari- (Niceea, 787), care a condamnat tăţii şi comuniunii fraterne! iconoclasmul şi a restabilit cultul Totodată, îndemnăm pe toţi ro- sfintelor icoane, pune în evidenţă mânii ortodocşi să crească şi să edu- importanţa sfintelor icoane pentru ce copiii în iubire faţă de Dumnezeu viaţa şi misiunea Bisericii astăzi. şi faţă de semeni, spre a săvârşi cât Pe de altă parte, Anul comemo- mai multe fapte bune, pentru a rativ Justinian Patriarhul şi al apă- deveni mai milostivi sau mai gene- rătorilor Ortodoxiei în timpul comu- roşi, potrivit îndemnului adresat nismului evocă personalitatea şi nouă de Mântuitorul Iisus Hristos: moştenirea misionară a Patriarhului “Fiţi milostivi, precum şi Tatăl Justinian, la împlinirea a 40 de ani vostru [Cel ceresc] este milostiv!” de la trecerea sa la cele veşnice (Luca 6, 36). (1977-2017), precum şi jertfelnicia Felicităm, cu multă preţuire, pe multor ierarhi, preoţi şi mireni din Înaltpreasfinţitul Părinte Arhiepis- toate eparhiile, care au mărturisit şi cop şi Mitropolit Nicolae şi pe Prea- apărat credinţa creştină ortodoxă în sfinţitul Părinte Ioan Casian, Epis- timpul regimului comunist, prin cop ales al Canadei, pe slujitorii înţelepciune şi tact pastoral, prin cu- Sfintelor Altare şi pe toţi membrii raj şi fermitate în transmiterea cre- comunităţilor ortodoxe româneşti de dinţei, prin mărturisire jertfelnică în pe continentul american pentru mi- timp de prigoană. siunea rodnică pe care o desfăşoară La acest început de activitate şi în slujirea Bisericii lui Hristos, misiune pentru ierarhii, clerul şi dorindu-le tuturor sănătate şi mântu- credincioşii nou înfiinţatei Mitropo- ire, pace şi bucurie, întru mulţi şi lii Ortodoxe Române a celor două fericiţi ani! † DANIEL Arhiepiscopul Bucureştilor, Mitropolitul Munteniei şi Dobrogei, Locţiitor al Tronului Cezareii Capadociei şi Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 8

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His Eminence NICOLAE Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the United States of America and Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 10


Comemorarea apărătorilor Ortodoxiei în timpul comunismului în România

upă rânduiala ultimilor ani, Sf. el a descoperit pe aproapele în parabola Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Samarineanului, care face milă cu străinul D Române a stabilit şi pentru anul şi cu duşmanul său; iar Biserica a îmblân- 2017 două teme: Anul omagial al zit pe oameni, a schimbat raporturile sfintelor icoane, al iconarilor şi al dintre ei, a micşorat distanţele sociale, a pictorilor bisericeşti şi Anul comemorativ potolit patimile omeneşti, a apropiat pe Justinian Patriarhul şi al apărătorilor om de om.” Dacă ne gândim că aceste Ortodoxiei în timpul comunismului. cuvinte au fost scrise în anul 1956, în Temele ultimilor ani se refereau la Sfinte plină prigoană comunistă împotriva Taine sau Sfinţi Părinţi cinstiţi în lumea creştinilor din România, înţelegem mai Ortodoxă. A doua temă a anului 2017 nu bine mesajul Patriarhului Justinian. pare să se încadreze în această tematică Comemorarea Patriarhului Justinian generală, ci abordează o temă privitoare este prilej de amintire în rugăciune şi la preocupările contemporane referitoare reflecţie asupra mărturisirii credinţei în la înţelegerea suferinţei şi a jertfei în Hristos a multor ierarhi, preoţi şi credin- perioada comunistă în România. cioşi în perioada comunismului în Prilejul acestei teme este aniversarea România. Mulţi dintre ei au pătimit ani a 40 de ani de la trecerea în veşnicie a mulţi de privare de libertate şi chinuri, Patriarhului Justinian Marina (1948- chiar până la moarte, în temniţele 1977), cel de-al treilea Patriarh al comuniste, alţii au fost urmăriţi, persecu- Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, slujitorul în taţi, lipsiţi de drepturi pentru îndrăzneala treapta cea mai înaltă a Bisericii din de a se opune doctrinei oficiale atee a sta- România care, printr-o inteligenţă şi curaj tului comunist. Pentru a elimina “duşma- inspirate de Duhul Sfânt, a ştiut să ţină nii poporului, burghezo-moşierimea ex- piept abuzurilor şi încercărilor de tot felul ploatatoare, duşmanii de clasă, chiaburii ale autorităţilor comuniste atee de a îm- şi alte elemente duşmănoase”, cum erau piedica desfăşurarea activităţilor Bisericii catalogaţi cei ce se opuneau regimului şi de a smulge din sufletele românilor cre- ateu, Partidul Comunist din România a dinţa în Dumnezeu. Într-un text din anul preluat şi a implementat modelul sovietic 1956 despre Roadele iubirii de oameni, de penitenciar, celebrul gulag, mai ales Patriarhul Justinian îşi arată inteligenţa pentru deţinuţii politici, organizând 44 de folosirii cuvântului pentru a propovădui închisori şi 72 de lagăre de muncă silnică. învăţătura Mântuitorului, dar şi de a stre- Statisticile arată că în anul 1950 în lagăre- cura îndemn la mărturisire în vremuri le de muncă silnică din România erau în potrivnice: ”creştinismul a întins, prin iu- jur de 80.000 de deţinuţi. Iar în toţi acei bire, sfera noţiunii de OM la toţi oamenii; ani ai persecuţiei, peste 2 milioane de Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 11

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 11 români au cunoscut regimul concentraţio- o bucată de lemn plat ca şi sfânt disc, cana nar comunist. Iar dacă ne referim la sluji- de apă ca şi sfânt potir, două beţe desfăcu- torii Bisericii, aflăm informaţii în paginile te pe care le ascundea în haină, ca şi lucrării “Biserica întemniţată. România: sfântă cruce. Singurul lucru care îi lipsea 1944-1989”, apărut în 1998: din cele era sf. antimis pentru că nu avea sfinte peste 2.544 de nume, 1.725 sunt preoţi moaşte. Se pare că a avut la un moment ortodocşi, iar 31 de ierarhi ortodocşi sunt dat şi sfinte moaşte, dar le-a pierdut, cu amintiţi ca şi scoşi din scaun, sechestraţi multă durere, la o percheziţie la Jilava. sau exilaţi, unii dintre ei fiind declaraţi Credinţa în Dumnezeu trăită atât de morţi în împrejurări suspecte. real prin rugăciune şi Sf. Liturghie i-a Ce ne spun nouă astăzi aceste infor- salvat pe mulţi din mărturisitorii din maţii despre persecuţia comunistă în închisori. Nu pe toţi, căci acest creştinism România şi ce putem înţelege din această a fost trăit de unii până la jertfă pentru imensă suferinţă a unui popor credincios? semeni pe urma jertfei pe Cruce a Nu putem afla răspuns decât dacă ne Mântuitorului. Mircea Vulcănescu, referim la mărturiile celor ce au trecut Valeriu Gafencu şi alţii şi-au dat viaţa în prin temniţele comuniste. Aceste mărturii închisoare pentru a o salva pe a fratelui descoperă puterea credinţei în Hristos, a aflat în aceeaşi suferinţă. Sau au sucombat nădejdii în izbăvire nutrite de cei din suferinţelor îndelungate şi nu au mai văzut închisori. Părintele Sofian Boghiu, unul zorii libertăţii. Arhiepiscopul Justinian al din aceşti mărturisitori, exprimă în Maramureşului şi Sătmarului, trecut la cuvinte puţine această realitate duhovni- Domnul nu demult, exprima foarte concis cească: “Mâncarea puţină, slabă şi mize- valoarea acestei jertfe: “Toţi aceştia care rabilă, lipsa de aer, nemişcarea, făcuseră au pătimit în închisori au fost mielul de din bieţii deţinuţi nişte fiinţe albe-albăs- jertfă pentru iertarea păcatelor poporului trui, slăbiţi pe dinafară, dar tari pe român. Ei au fost aruncaţi în gura celor dinăuntru, cu nădejdea că nu vom muri în fără de Dumenzeu, ca să ispăşească această necropolă.” Sunt cunoscute măr- păcatele noastre, ale tuturor. Ei sunt sfinţi, turiile celor care au petrecut Sf. Paşti în prin sacrificiul lor.” închisoare şi au transformat temniţa într-o Reflecţia care se impune este cea care catedrală în care cântarea “Hristos a se referă la vremurile noastre de libertate înviat!” a zguduit un regim ce se credea şi la modul cum înţelegem să ne trăim atotputernic. Prezenţa preoţilor şi a mona- credinţa creştină. Într-o lume a multelor hilor în închisoare a schimbat celula din înlesniri suntem cu siguranţă tentaţi să loc de suferinţă, de torturi fizice şi psihi- acordăm multe pogorăminte vieţii noastre ce, în chilii monastice din care nu lipsea creştine, începând cu participarea la Sf. rugăciunea, Sfânta Liturghie, nici recita- Liturghie şi Sfintele Taine, continuând cu rea şi învăţarea pe de rost a Sfintei observarea postului şi a altor rânduieli ale Scripturi şi a Filocaliei. Părintele Arsenie Bisericii. Ne-am putea trezi din această Papacioc slujea Sf. Liturghie în închisoa- tentaţie cu gândul la martirii închisorilor re folosind un laţ de sfoară ca şi epitrahil, care, chiar în condiţiile unei hrane cu totul Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 12

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 12 sărăcăcioase, posteau în Vinerea Mare şi Hristos, prin rugăciune, prin suferinţă şi alte zile rânduite de post. iertare, martirii închisorilor şi-au dobândit Reflecţia trebuie continuată cu rugă- o libertate pe care nu o putem înţelege ciune pentru a cuprinde taina martirilor noi, cei aflaţi într-o părută libertate care este taina creştinătăţii, a mântuirii exterioară: libertatea duhului care a trans- prin jertfă. Pe Cruce, Fiul lui Dumnezeu figurat materia şi se bucură de dragostea s-a oferit jertfă pentru mântuirea neamu- lui Dumnezeu. lui omenesc. În temniţă, martirii s-au Aceste puţine cuvinte sunt un în- jertfit pentru credinţă şi neamul românesc demn către preoţii şi credincioşii Arhi- cu nădejdea că jertfa lor va da roade. Şi episcopiei noastre, pornită acum pe un dacă L-au imitat pe Hristos prin jertfă, făgaş nou al misiunii prin ridicarea la trebuie să ştim că L-au imitat şi prin rangul de Mitropolie, ca în anul 2017 să iertarea celor care i-au chinuit. Din nou reflecteze în parohii, conferinţe preoţeşti, Părintele Sofian Boghiu ne descoperă adunări de protopopiat, la bogăţia de această taină a iertării: “Mă gândeam că, înţelesuri a jertfei martirilor închisorilor dacă eu aş fi fost mai bun, nici gardienii comuniste din România. Iar reflecţia să n-ar fi fost atât de răi; aşadar şi eu eram devină prilej de înnoire a trăirii creştine vinovat pentru răutatea lor! Aşa îi puteam în vremurile noastre şi a misiunii pe care ierta pe toţi şi mă puteam ruga pentru ei şi Hristos Domnul ne-a încredinţat-o. Avem aproape că nu mai simţeam suferinţa pe nădejde că acest an istoric pentru preoţii care mi-o pricinuiau. Şi vă spun drept că şi credincioşii parohiilor noastre, pentru atunci când puteam să fac toate acestea şi noua Mitropolie şi noua Episcopie din să mă gândesc la păcatele mele, simţeam Canada, va fi unul binecuvântat cu roade în inimă o bucurie aşa de mare şi o pace şi duhovniceşti şi multe împliniri pastorale. o bogăţie de iubire că parcă zburam, deşi eram în puşcărie.” Prin credinţa în

† NICOLAE Arhiepiscop al Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române din cele două Americi şi Mitropolit al Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor două Americi Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 13

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 13 The Commemoration of the Defenders of Orthodoxy during Communist Times in Romania

n keeping with its custom of recent times of opposition: “Christianity has, years, the Holy Synod of the through love, reached the sphere of the I Romanian Orthodox Church has notion of MAN for all mankind; it has assigned two themes for the year 2017: revealed the neighbor in the parable of the The Year of Homage to the Holy Icons Samaritan, who shows mercy to the and Iconographers, and The Commemo- foreigner and to his enemy; and so the rative Year of Patriarch Justinian and the Church has made people kinder, has Defenders of Orthodoxy during Com- changed relationships among them, has munist Times. The themes of recent years reduced social distance, has calmed had to do with the Holy Mysteries or human passions, has brought man closer Holy Fathers honored throughout the to man.” If we think about how these Orthodox world. The second theme of words were written in 1956, at the height 2017 does not seem to fit into this general of the communist persecution against thematic approach, but rather takes up a Christians in Romania, we understand subject related to the contemporary pre- better the message of Patriarch Justinian. occupation with how we understand the The commemoration of Patriarch suffering and sacrifice of the communist Justinian is an opportunity for remember- period in Romania. ing in prayer and reflecting upon the The occasion for this theme is the witness to faith in Christ of many 40th anniversary of the passing into hierarchs, priests, and believers during eternity of Patriarch Justinian Marina the communist period in Romania. Many (1948-1977), the third Patriarch of the of them suffered many years of privation Romanian Orthodox Church, this servant of freedom, and tortures even unto death in the highest position in the Church in in communist prisons; others were spied Romania who, through an intelligence on, persecuted, deprived of their rights and courage inspired by the Holy Spirit, because they dared to oppose the official knew how to resist the abuses and efforts atheist doctrine of the communist state. In of all kinds on the part of the atheistic order to eliminate “the enemies of the communist authorities to obstruct the people, the exploitative bourgeois boyar progress of the activities of the Church class, the class enemies, the nouveau and to root faith in God out of the souls of riche, and other enemy elements,” as the Romanian people. In a text from 1956 those who opposed the atheist regime on The Fruits of Love for Mankind, were classified, the Romanian Commun- Patriarch Justinian showed his intelli- ist Party borrowed and implemented the gence in using words to proclaim the Soviet prison model, the celebrated gulag, teachings of the Savior, but also to sneak especially for political detainees, creating in an encouragement to witness during 44 prisons and 72 forced labor camps. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 14

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 14 Statistics show that in 1950 there were place of suffering, physical and psychic about 80,000 detainees in forced labor tortures, into monastic cells in which camps. And over the full period of perse- there was not lacking prayer, the Divine cution more than 2 million Liturgy, nor the reciting and learning by came to know the communist concentra- heart of the Holy Scriptures and the tion regime. And if we want to speak of Philokalia. Father Arsenie Papacioc the Church’s clergy, we find our informa- served the Divine Liturgy in prison using tion in the pages of the work entitled “The a length of string as an epitrachilion, a bit Imprisoned Church. Romania: 1944- of flat wood as the Holy Diskos, a cup of 1989,” which appeared in 1998: out of water as the Holy Chalice, and two sticks more than 2,544 names, 1,725 are kept hidden in his clothes as the Holy Orthodox priests, and 31 Orthodox hier- Cross. The only thing missing was the archs are described as removed from their Holy Antimension, for there were no sees, held in isolation or exiled, some of Holy Relics. It seems that there had been them having died under suspicious relics for a time, but they were lost, to his circumstances. great pain, in a shake down in Jilava How does this information about Prison. communist persecution in Romania speak The faith in God that they lived so to us today and what can we understand authentically through prayer and the from this immense suffering of a faithful Divine Liturgy saved many of the prison nation? We cannot find a response unless confessors. Not all though, for this we examine the witness of those who ex- Christianity was experienced by some to perienced the communist prisons. These the point of sacrifice for their neighbor in testimonies reveal the power of faith in the footsteps of the Savior’s sacrifice on Christ, of the hope of deliverance nur- the Cross. Mircea Vulcănescu, Valeriu tured by those in the prisons. Father Gafencu, and others gave their lives in Sofian Boghiu, one of these witnesses, prison in order to save their brethren who tersely expresses this spiritual reality: were going through the same suffering. “The meager, watered-down, and misera- Or they succumbed to their prolonged ble food, the lack of air and exercise, had sufferings and did not live to see the dawn turned the pitiful detainees into blue- of freedom. Archbishop Justinian of white creatures, outwardly weakened but Maramureş and Satmar, who recently powerful within, with the hope that we went to be with the Lord, expressed very would not die in this necropolis.” We concisely the value of this sacrifice: “All know the testimonies of those who these who suffered in prison were the experienced Holy Pascha in prison and sacrificial lamb for the forgiveness of the transformed their dungeon into a cathe- sins of the Romanian people. They were dral in which the song “Christ is risen!” thrown into the mouth of the godless in rattled a regime that thought itself order to make a propitiation for our sins, almighty. The presence of priests and all of ours. They are saints, through their monks in prison changed the cell from a sacrifice.” Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 15

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 15 The reflection to which all this so for them, and I almost ceased to feel the urgently calls us has to do with our times suffering they caused me. And I tell you of freedom and the way we understand to clearly that when I was able to do all this live our Christian faith. In a world of so and to think on my own sins, I felt in my many accommodations we are certainly heart such a great peace and a richness of tempted to grant ourselves many dispen- love that I felt I was floating, even though sations in our Christ life, beginning with I was in jail.” Through faith in Christ, our participation in the Divine Liturgy through prayer, through suffering and and the Holy Mysteries, continuing with forgiveness, the prison martyrs gained a our observance of the fasts and disci- freedom that we cannot understand, we plines of the Church. We can awaken who find ourselves in an apparent exterior ourselves from this temptation by think- freedom: the freedom of the spirit which ing of the prison confessors who, even in transfigured matter and rejoiced in the conditions in which their sustenance was love of God. totally inadequate, fasted on Holy Friday These few words are a challenge to and other fasting days. the priests and faithful of our Archdio- This reflection must continue with cese, which is now setting out on a new the prayer that we may comprehend the footing in its mission by virtue of being mystery of the martyrs, which is the mys- raised to the rank of Metropolia, that in tery of Christianity, of salvation through 2017 we might reflect, in our parishes, sacrifice. On the Cross, the Son of God clergy conferences, and deanery meet- offered Himself for the salvation of ings, on the wealth of meaning of the mankind. In prison, the martyrs sacrificed sacrifice of the martyrs of the communist themselves for the faith and for the prisons in Romania. And may this reflec- Romanian people, in the hope that their tion become an occasion for renewal of sacrifice would bear fruit. And if they Christian life in our times, and of the imitated Christ through their sacrifice, we mission which Christ the Lord has must also know that they imitated Him entrusted to us. We have the hope that this through their forgiveness of their historic year for the priests and faithful of torturers. Again Father Sofian Boghiu our parishes, for our new Metropolia and shows us this mystery of forgiveness: “I our new Episcopate in Canada, will be used to think that if I were a better person, blessed with spiritual fruit and much then the guards would not be so evil; thus pastoral fulfillment. I too was guilty for their evil! Thus I could forgive them all, and I could pray

† NICOLAE Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the United States of America and Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 16


His Grace IOANCASIAN Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 17

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 17 Calendar CreStin Ortodox 2017,



Miercurile şi vinerile de peste an, în afară de cele cu dezlegare, însemnate cu harţi Ajunul Bobotezei (joi, 5 ianuarie) Tăierea Capului Sfântului Ioan Botezătorul (marţi, 29 august) Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci (joi, 14 septembrie) Postul Sfintelor Paşti (luni, 27 februarie – sâmbătă, 15 aprilie) Postul Sfinţilor Apostoli Petru şi Pavel (luni, 12 iunie – miercuri, 28 iunie) Postul Adormirii Maicii Domnului (marţi, 1 august – luni, 14 august) Postul Naşterii Domnului (miercuri, 15 noiembrie – duminică, 24 decembrie)


Miercuri şi vineri, în săptămâna Lăsatului sec de brânză (22 și 24 februarie) Luni şi marţi, în prima săptămână a Postului Sfintelor Paşti (27 şi 28 februarie) În Sfânta şi Marea Vineri (14 aprilie) Vineri înaintea Naşterii Domnului (22 decembrie) NU SE FAC NUNT, I

În toate zilele de post de peste an În ajunul şi în zilele Praznicelor Împărăteşti (1 – 2 februarie; 24 – 25 mai; 3 – 5 iunie; 15 august; 13 – 14 septembrie) De la lăsatul secului de carne pentru Postul Sfintelor Paşti până la Duminica Sfântului Apostol Toma (20 februarie – 23 aprilie) În perioada de la Crăciun până la Bobotează (25 decembrie – 6 ianuarie)

PASCALIA (Data Sfintelor PaS, ti)

2018 – 8 aprilie 2019 – 28 aprilie 2020 – 19 aprilie 2021 – 2 mai Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 18

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 18 I ANUARIE–G ERAR (31 de zile – ziua are 10 ore, noaptea 14 ore) 1 D (†) Tăierea-împrejur cea după trup a Domnului; †) Sf. Ier. Vasile cel Mare, arhiepiscopul Cezareei Capadociei, şi DATEMEMORABILE mama sa, Sf. Emilia (Anul Nou. Tedeum) Duminica dinaintea Botezului Domnului; Ap. 2 Timotei 4, 5-8; 1 January - New Year’s Day Ev. Marcu 1, 1-8; glas 3, voscr. 6 1 Ianuarie 1809 - S-a născut Mitropolitul Andrei 2 L Înainte-prăznuirea Botezului Domnului; Sf. Ier. Silvestru, Șaguna, reorganizatorul Bisericii Ortodoxe episcopul Romei; Sf. Cuv. Serafim de Sarov Române din Transilvania (1846-1873). S-a 3 M Sf. Proroc Maleahi; Sf. Mc. Gordie stins din viaţă la 16 Iunie 1873, fiind 4 M Soborul Sf. 70 de Apostoli; Sf. Cuv. Teoctist; înmormântat la Rășinari, lângă . Sf. Cuv. Apolinaria (Harţi) 4 Ianuarie 1890 - S-a născut în orașul Brăila 5 J Sf. Mc. Teopempt şi Teonas; Sf. Cuv. Sinclitichia Nae Ionescu, profesor de Logică și Metafizică (Ajunul Botezului Domnului. Post) la Universitatea din București, gazetar de talie 6 V (†) Botezul Domnului (Boboteaza – Dumnezeiasca Arătare. Harţi) europeană și promotor al Ortodoxismului și 7 S † Soborul Sf. Proroc Ioan Botezătorul naţionalismului românesc. A încetat din viaţă 8 D Sf. Cuv. Gheorghe Hozevitul şi Domnica la 15 Martie 1940, în București. Duminica după Botezul Domnului; Ap. Efeseni 4, 7-13; Ev. Matei 4, 7 Ianuarie 1839 - Apare la Buzău “Vestitorul 12-17 (Începutul propovăduirii Domnului); glas 4, voscr. 7 Bisericesc”, cea dintâi gazetă religioasă și 9 L Sf. Mc. Polieuct; Sf. Cuv. Eustratie; Sf. Ier. Petru, Ep. Sevastiei morală din România. 10 M Sf. Ier. Grigorie, Ep. Nyssei; †) Sf. Cuv. Antipa de la Calapodeşti; 15 Ianuarie 1850 - S-a născut în satul Ipotești- Sf. Ier. Dometian, episcopul Melitinei Botoșani, Luceafărul poeziei românești, 11 M † Sf. Cuv. Teodosie, începătorul vieţii călugăreşti de obşte din Mihai Eminescu. A încetat din viaţă la 15 Iunie Palestina; Sf. Cuv. Vitalie 1889, în București. 12 J Sf. Mc. Tatiana diaconiţa şi Eutasia 13 V Sf. Mc. Ermil şi Stratonic; Sf. Ier. Iacob, episcop de Nisibe 16 January - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 14 S Odovania praznicului Botezului Domnului; Sf. Cuv. Mucenici din 22 Ianuarie - Gheorghe Asachi, cu sprijinul Sinai şi Rait; Sf. Nina Mitropolitului Veniamin Costachi, deschide 15 D Sf. Cuv. Pavel Tebeul şi Ioan Colibaşul cursurile Academiei Mihăileane, cea dintâi Duminica a 29-a după Rusalii; Ap. Coloseni 1, 12-18; școală românească de învăţământ superior în Ev. Luca 17, 12-19 (a celor 10 leproşi); glas 5, voscr. 8 Moldova. 16 L Cinstirea lanţului Sf. Ap. Petru; Sf. Mc. Danact citeţul 24 Ianuarie - Unirea Principatelor Române, 17 M †) Sf. Cuv. Antonie cel Mare; Sf. Cuv. Antonie cel Nou din Veria Muntenia și Moldova, sub un singur Domnitor, 18 M † Sf. Ier. Atanasie şi Chiril, arhiepiscopii Alexandriei . 19 J Sf. Cuv. Macarie cel Mare şi Macarie Alexandrinul; Sf. Ier. Marcu, mitropolitul Efesului; Sf. Mc. Eufrasia DATEPERSONALE 20 V †) Sf. Cuv. Eftimie cel Mare; Sf. Mc. Eusebiu; Sf. Mc. In, Pin şi Rim 21 S Sf. Cuv. Maxim Mărturisitorul; Sf. Mc. Neofit Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) 22 D Sf. Ap. Timotei; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Anastasie Persul Duminica a 32-a după Rusalii (a lui Zaheu); Ap. 1 Timotei 4, ______9-15; Ev. Luca 19, 1-10; glas 6, voscr. 9 ______23 L Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Clement, episcopul Ancirei; Sf. Mc. Agatanghel; Sf. Părinţi de la Sinodul al VI-lea Ecumenic ______24 M Sf. Cuv. Xenia; Sf. Ier. Filon, episcopul Carpasiei (Tedeum) ______25 M †) Sf. Ier. Grigorie Teologul, arhiepiscopul Constantinopolului; † Sf. Ier. Bretanion, episcopul Tomisului ______26 J Sf. Cuv. Xenofont, Maria, Arcadie şi Ioan ______27 V † Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Ier. Ioan Gură de Aur; Sf. Marciana împărăteasa ______28 S Sf. Cuv. Efrem Sirul, Isaac Sirul, Paladie şi Iacob Sihastrul 29 D Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ignatie Teoforul; Sf. Mc. Filotei Duminica a 17-a după Rusalii (a Cananeencei); Ap. 2 Corinteni 6, 16-18; 7, 1; Ev. Matei 15, 21-28; glas 7, voscr. 10 30 L †) Sfinţii Trei Ierarhi: Vasile cel Mare, Grigorie Teologul şi Ioan Gură de Aur; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ipolit, episcopul Romei 31 M Sf. Mc. doctori fără de arginţi Chir şi Ioan Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 19

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 19 F EBRUARIE–F ÃURAR (29 de zile – ziua are 11 ore, noaptea 13 ore) 1 M Înainte-prăznuirea Întâmpinării Domnului; Sf. Mc. Trifon; DATEMEMORABILE Sf. Mc. Perpetua şi Felicitas 2 J (†) Întâmpinarea Domnului 5 Februarie 1925 - Biserica Ortodoxă Română a 3 V Sf. şi Dreptul Simeon, primitorul de Dumnezeu; fost ridicată la rangul de Patriarhie. Sf. Prorociţă Ana 6 Februarie 1570 - Diaconul Coresi tipărește la 4 S Sf. Cuv. Isidor Pelusiotul; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Avramie Brașov cea dintâi Psaltire în limba 5 D Sf. Mc. Agata şi Teodula românească. Duminica a 33-a după Rusalii (a Vameşului şi a Fariseului); 7 Februarie 1915 - S-a născut în satul Tocileni, Ap. 2 Timotei 3, 10-15; Ev. Luca 18, 10-14; glas 8, voscr. 11 judeţul Botoșani, PF Patriarh Teoctist, al (Începutul Triodului) cincilea Patriarh al Bisericii Ortodoxe 6 L Sf. Ier. Vucol, episcopul Smirnei, şi Fotie, patriarhul Române. Constantinopolului; Sf. Cuv. Varsanufie cel Mare 12 February - Lincoln’s Birthday 7 M Sf. Ier. Partenie, Ep. Lampsacului; Sf. Cuv. Luca din Elada 8 M Sf. Mare Mc. Teodor Stratilat; Sf. Proroc Zaharia (Harţi) 15 Februarie 1785 - Au fost trași pe roată de către Austro-Ungari, Horia și Cloșca, mari 9 J Odovania praznicului Întâmpinării Domnului; Sf. Mc. Nichifor luptători și martiri ortodocși ai neamului 10 V †) Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Haralambie; Sf. Mc. Valentina (Harţi) românesc. 11 S Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Vlasie, episcopul Sevastiei; 20 February - President’s Day Sf. Teodora împărăteasa 12 D Sf. Ier. Meletie, arhiepiscopul Antiohiei; Sf. Mc. Hristea 20 Februarie 1883 - S-a născut în satul Cristești, Duminica a 34-a după Rusalii (a Întoarcerii Fiului risipitor); comuna Mogoș, judeţul Alba, Prea Sfinţitul Policarp Morușca, primul Episcop al Ap. 1 Corinteni 6, 12-20; Ev. Luca 15, 11-32; glas 1, voscr. 1 Românilor din America și Canada. A încetat 13 L Sf. Cuv. Martinian; Sf. Ap. Acvila şi soţia sa, Priscila; din viaţă la 26 Octombrie 1958, în România. Sf. Ier. Evloghie, patriarhul Alexandriei 27 Februarie 1882 - S-a născut în satul Puiești- 14 M Sf. Cuv. Auxentie, Maron şi Avraam Tutova marele compozitor de muzică psaltică 15 M Sf. Ap. Onisim; Sf. Mc. Maior și naţională românească, Gheorghe Cucu. 16 J Sf. Mc. Pamfil şi Valent; Sf. Ier. Flavian, Arhiep. Constantinopolului A murit la 24 August 1932, în București. 17 V Sf. Mare Mc. Teodor Tiron; Sf. Mariamna; 27 Februarie 1879 - S-a născut în orașul Pașcani Sf. împăraţi Marcian şi Pulheria din Moldova, Mitropolitul Visarion Puiu al 18 S Sf. Ier. Leon, Ep. Romei (Sâmbăta morţilor - Moşii de iarnă) Bucovinei și al Transnistriei, fost mai înainte 19 D Sf. Ap. Arhip, Filimon şi soţia sa, Apfia Episcop al Argeșului și apoi al Hotinului. A fost Duminica Înfricoşătoarei Judecăţi (a lăsatului sec de carne); condamnat la moarte de comuniști. Și-a Ap. 1 Corinteni 8, 8-13; 9, 1-2; Ev. Matei 25, 31-46; glas 2, sfârșit viaţa în exil, păstrând neîntinată demnitatea Ortodoxiei românești. A murit în voscr. 2 anul 1958 și a fost înmormântat într-un cimitir 20 L Sf. Ier. Leon, episcopul Cataniei; Sf. Cuv. Visarion rural din Vielles Maison, în Franţa. 21 M Sf. Cuv. Timotei; Sf. Ier. Eustatie, arhiepiscopul Antiohiei 28 Februarie 1863 - S-a născut savantul neuro- 22 M Aflarea moaştelor Sfinţilor Mc. din Constantinopol log român Dr. Gheorghe Marinescu, absolvent (Zi aliturgică. Dezlegare la brânză, lapte, ouă şi peşte) al Seminarului Central din București. 23 J Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Policarp, episcopul Smirnei; Sf. Cuv. Gorgonia 24 V † Întâia şi a doua aflare a capului Sf. Proroc Ioan Botezătorul (Zi aliturgică. Dezlegare la brânză, lapte, ouă şi peşte) DATEPERSONALE 25 S Sf. Ier. Tarasie, patriarhul Constantinopolului Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) 26 D Sf. Ier. Porfirie, episcopul Gazei; Sf. Mc. Fotini Samarineanca (Lăsatul secului pentru Postul Sfintelor Paşti) ______Duminica Izgonirii lui Adam din Rai (a lăsatului sec de ______brânză); Ap. Romani 13, 11-14; 14, 1-4; Ev. Matei 6, 14-21; glas 3, voscr. 3 ______27 L Sf. Cuv. Mărturisitori Procopie şi Talaleu; ______Sf. Rafael de Brooklyn (Începutul Postului Sfintelor Paşti. Zi aliturgică. Canonul cel Mare) ______28 M †) Sf. Cuv. Ioan Casian şi Gherman, din Dobrogea; ______Sf. Cuv. Vasile Mărturisitorul; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Proterie, patriarhul Alexandriei (Zi aliturgică. Canonul cel Mare) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 20

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 20 M ARTIE–M ÃRT, IS, OR (31 de zile – ziua are 12 ore, noaptea 12 ore) 1M Sf. Cuv. Mc. Evdochia; Sf. Cuv. Domnina (Canonul cel Mare) 2 J Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Teodot, episcopul Chiriniei; Sf. Mc. Isihie DATEMEMORABILE (Canonul cel Mare) 3 V Sf. Mc. Eutropie, Cleonic şi Vasilisc 1 Martie 1788 - S-a născut Gheorghe Asachi, 4 S Sf. Cuv. Gherasim de la Iordan; Sf. Mc. Pavel şi sora sa, Iuliana ctitor al culturii române moderne în Moldova. (Sâmbăta Sfântului Teodor – Pomenirea morţilor) 1 Martie 1837 - S-a născut în satul Humulești, 5 D Sf. Mc. Conon din Isauria şi Conon Grădinarul; judeţul Neamţ, genialul povestitor român Ion Sf. Cuv. Marcu Pustnicul Creangă. A trecut la cele eterne la 31 Duminica întâi din Post (a Ortodoxiei); Ap. Evrei 11, 24-26; Decembrie 1889, în Iași. 32-40; Ev. Ioan 1, 43-51; glas 4, voscr. 4 2 Martie 1876 - S-a născut în Hobiţa-Gorj, 6 L Sf. 42 de Mucenici din Amoreea; Aflarea Sfintei Cruci Oltenia, sculptorul român de faimă mondială, 7 M Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Efrem, episcopul Tomisului, Vasilevs, Evghenie, Constantin Brâncuși. Capiton, Eterie, Agatodor şi Elpidie, Ep. din Cherson 8 M Sf. Ier. Teofilact Mărturisitorul, episcopul Nicomidiei 3 Martie 1946 - La Ateneul Român din 9 J † Sf. 40 de Mucenici din Sevastia București, George Enescu a dirijat în primă 10 V Sf. Mc. Codrat, Ciprian, Dionisie şi cei împreună cu ei audiţie oratoriul bizantin “Patimile și Învierea 11 S Sf. Ier. Sofronie, patriarhul Ierusalimului (Pomenirea morţilor) Domnului” de Paul Constantinescu, interpretat 12 D Sf. Cuv. Teofan Mărturisitorul; Sf. Ier. Grigorie Dialogul, episcopul de Filarmonica din București împreună cu Romei; Sf. Cuv. Simeon Noul Teolog Societatea Corală “România” înfiinţată și Duminica a 2-a din Post (a Sf. Ier. Grigorie Palama); dirijată de Dl Prof. Nicolae Lungu. Ap. Evrei 1, 10-14; 2, 1-3; al Ierarhului: Evrei 7, 26-28; 8, 1-2; 6 Martie 1866 - S-a născut la București marele Ev. Marcu 2, 1-12 (Vindecarea slăbănogului din Capernaum); compozitor român, Dimitrie G. Kiriac, a Ierarhului: Ioan 10, 9-16; glas 5, voscr. 5 promotorul muzicii corale naţionale și psaltice 13 L Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Ier. Nichifor, patriarhul românești. Constantinopolului; Sf. Mc. Hristina din Persia 11 Martie 1906 - S-a înfiinţat Parohia Ortodoxă 14 M Sf. Cuv. Benedict de Nursia; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Alexandru preotul Română “Sfântul Gheorghe-Nou” din Indiana 15 M Sf. Mc. Agapie, Plisie şi Timolau Harbor, Ind., acum în Lansing, Illinois. 16 J Sf. Mc. Sabin Egipteanul; Sf. Cuv. Hristodul din Patmos 16 Martie 1888 - S-a născut în Bugeac, 17 V Sf. Cuv. Alexie, omul lui Dumnezeu Basarabia preotul-poet Alexe Mateevici, 18 S Sf. Ier. Chiril, arhiepiscopul Ierusalimului; autorul celebrei poeme “Limba noastră”. A Sf. Nicolae Velimirovici (Pomenirea morţilor) murit ca preot militar la 13 August 1917. 19 D Sf. Mc. Hrisant şi Daria, Claudiu şi Ilaria; Sf. Mc. Marian diaconul Luase parte la luptele de la Mărășești. Duminica a 3-a din Post (a Sfintei Cruci); Ap. Evrei 4, 14-16; 5, 1-6; Ev. Marcu 8, 34-38; 9,1; glas 6, voscr. 6 17 March - St. Patrick’s Day (USA and Canada) 20 L Sf. Cuv. Mucenici din Mănăstirea Sf. Sava cel Sfinţit 20 Martie 1820 - S-a născut Alexandru Ioan 21 M Sf. Ier. Iacob Mărturisitorul; Sf. Cuv. Serapion Cuza, întâiul Domn al Principatelor Unite 22 M Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Vasile, preotul din Ancira; Sf. Mc. Drosida, Române. fiica împăratului Traian 27 Martie 1918 - Proclamarea unirii Basarabiei 23 J Sf. Cuv. Mc. Nicon şi cei 199 de ucenici ai lui cu ţara Mamă. 24 V Înainte-prăznuirea Bunei Vestiri; Sf. Ier. Artemon, Ep. Seleuciei; Sf. Cuv. Zaharia 25 S (†) Buna Vestire (Dezlegare la peşte) DATEPERSONALE 26 D Odovania praznicului Bunei-Vestiri; Soborul Sf. Arhanghel Gavriil; Sf. Mc. Montanus preotul şi soţia sa, Maxima; Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) Sfinţii 26 de Mucenici din Goţia Duminica a 4-a din Post (a Sf. Cuv. Ioan Scărarul); Ap. Evrei 6, ______13-20; al Cuviosului: Efeseni 5, 8-19; Ev. Marcu 9, 17-32 ______(Vindecarea fiului lunatic); a Cuviosului: Matei 4, 25; 5, 1-12 (Predica de pe munte – Fericirile); glas 7, voscr. 7 ______27 L Sf. Mc. Matrona din Tesalonic; Sf. Mc. Filit şi Lidia, soţia sa, cu ______cei 4 fii ai lor 28 M Sf. Cuv. Ilarion cel Nou, egumenul Pelechitului, şi Ştefan, ______făcătorul de minuni 29 M Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Marcu, episcopul Aretuselor, şi Chiril diaconul; ______Sf. Mc. Iona şi Varahisie (Denia Canonului Mare) ______30 J Sf. Cuv. Ioan Scărarul; Sf. Euvula, mama Sf. Pantelimon 31 V Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ipatie, episcopul Gangrei; Sf. Mc. Veniamin diaconul; ______Sf. Inochentie de Alaska (Denia Acatistului Bunei Vestiri) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 21

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 21 A PRILIE–P RIER (30 de zile – ziua are 13 ore, noaptea 11 ore) 1 S Sf. Cuv. Maria Egipteanca; Sf. Mc. Gherontie (Pomenirea morţilor) 2 D Sf. Cuv. Tit, făcătorul de minuni; Sf. Mc. Amfian şi Edesie DATEMEMORABILE Duminica a 5-a din Post (a Sf. Cuv. Maria Egipteanca); Ap. Evrei 9, 11-14; al Cuvioasei: Galateni 3, 23-29; 3 Aprilie 1948 - Trece martiric la cele eterne, Ev. Marcu 10, 32-45; a Cuvioasei: Luca 7, 36-50; glas 8, voscr. 8 Mitropolitul Moldovei și Sucevei, Irineu 3 L Sf. Cuv. Nichita Mărturisitorul şi Ilirie Mihălcescu. S-a născut în anul 1874, în 4 M Sf. Cuv. Iosif Imnograful, Gheorghe din Maleon şi Zosima comuna Pătârlagele-Buzău. A fost profesor 5 M Sf. Mc. Teodul şi Agatopod; Sf. Mc. Victorin şi cei împreună cu el universitar și Decan al Facultăţilor de Teologie 6 J Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Irineu, Ep. de Sirmium; Sf. Ier. Eutihie, din București și Chișinău, adevăratul părinte al Patr. Constantinopolului; Sf. Cuv. Grigorie Sinaitul şi Platonida Teologiei moderne românești. 7 V Sf. Mc. Caliopie; Sf. Ier. Gheorghe Mărturisitorul, Ep. Mitilenei; 12 Aprilie 1457 - S-a urcat pe tronul Moldovei Sf. Tihon, Apostol al Americii Domnitorul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt. După o 8 S Sf. Ap. Irodion, Agav, Ruf, Flegon, Asincrit şi Ermis; Sf. Ier. strălucită domnie de 47 ani, trece la cele Celestin, Ep. Romei (Sâmbăta lui Lazăr – Pomenirea morţilor) eterne la 2 Iulie 1504 și este înmormântat la 9 D (†) Intrarea Domnului în Ierusalim (Dezlegare la peşte) Mânăstirea Putna. Duminica a 6-a din Post (a Floriilor). Toate ale praznicului: Ap. Filipeni 4, 4-9; Ev. Ioan 12, 1-18 (Denie) 16 Aprilie 1879 - S-a născut Părintele Gala 10 L Sfânta şi Marea Luni (Denie); Sf. Mc. Terentie, Pompei, African, Galaction, profesor universitar de Teologie, Maxim şi Dima mare scriitor și traducător al Sfintei Scripturi în 11 M Sfânta şi Marea Marţi (Denie); †) Sf. Ier. Calinic de la Cernica, limba română. A încetat din viaţă la 8 Martie Ep. Râmnicului; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Antipa, Ep. Pergamului 1961, în București. 12 M Sfânta şi Marea Miercuri (Denie); †) Sf. Mc. Sava de la Buzău; 23 Aprilie 1918 - S-a înfiinţat Parohia Ortodoxă Sf. Ier. Vasile Mărturisitorul, episcop de Parion Română “Sf. Gheorghe” din Windsor, Ontario. 13 J Sfânta şi Marea Joi (Denia celor 12 Evanghelii); Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Artemon; Sf. Mc. Elefterie Persul 23 Aprilie 1966 - În Congresul bisericesc din 14 V Sfânta şi Marea Vineri (Zi aliturgică. Denia Prohodului Detroit, Michigan, P. S. Victorin Ursache a fost Domnului); †) Sf. Ier. Pahomie de la Gledin, Ep. Romanului; ales Episcop al Episcopiei Misionare Ortodoxe Sf. Ier. Martin Mărt., Ep. Romei; Sf. Mc. Tomaida Române în America. 15 S Sfânta şi Marea Sâmbătă; Sf. Ap. Aristarh, Pud şi Trofim; 25 Aprilie 1885 - Patriarhia Ecumenică din Sf. Mc. Crescent Constantinopol a recunoscut autocefalia 16 D (†) Învierea Domnului (Sfintele Paşti) Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. Toate ale praznicului: Ap. Fapte 1, 1-8; Ev. Ioan 1, 1-17 25-28 Aprilie 1929 - Congresul bisericesc al 17 L (†) Sfintele Paşti; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Simeon, episcopul Persiei Românilor din America și Canada, ţinut la 18 M (†) Sfintele Paşti; Sf. Cuv. Ioan, ucenicul Sf. Grigorie Decapolitul Detroit, Michigan, cere înfiinţarea Episcopiei 19 M Sf. Cuv. Ioan de la Lavra Veche; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Pafnutie (Harţi) 20 J † Sf. Ier. Teotim, Ep. Tomisului; Sf. Cuv. Teodor Trihina Misionare sub jurisdicţia Sfântului Sinod al 21 V †) Izvorul Tămăduirii; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ianuarie, episcop de Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. Benevent; Sf. Mc. Alexandra împărăteasa (Harţi) 25 Aprilie-14 Mai 1979 - Vizita în USA și Canada 22 S Sf. Ier. Teodor Sicheotul, episcopul Anastasiopolei a Patriarhului Iustin al României, cu prilejul 23 D †) Sf. Mare Mc. Gheorghe, purtătorul de biruinţă; aniversării a 50 de ani dela înfiinţarea Sf. Mc. Valerie Episcopiei Misionare. Este prima vizită a unui Duminica a 2-a după Paşti (a Sf. Apostol Toma); Ap. Fapte 5, Patriarh Român în America. 12-20; Ev. Ioan 20, 19-31; glas l, voscr. 1 29 Aprilie 1933 - S-a înfiinţat Parohia Ortodoxă 24 L †) Sf. Ierarhi Ilie Iorest, Simion Ştefan şi Sava Brancovici, Română “Pogorîrea Duhului Sfânt” din mitropoliţii Transilvaniei; Sf. Ier. Iosif Mărturisitorul din Windsor, Ontario. Maramureş; Sf. Mc. Pasicrat şi Valentin; Sf. Cuv. Elisabeta 25 M Sf. Ap. şi Evanghelist Marcu; †) Sf. Cuv. Vasile de la Poiana Mărului DATEPERSONALE 26 M Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Vasilevs, episcopul Amasiei; Sf. Glafira; Sf. Mc. Chiril, Chindeu şi Tasie din Axiopolis (Cernavodă) Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) (Dezlegare la peşte) 27 J Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Simeon, ruda Domnului, episcopul Ierusalimului; ______Sf. Ap. Marcu şi Zinon ______28 V Sf. Ap. Iason şi Sosipatru; Sf. Mc. Maxim, Cvintilian şi Dadas din Ozovia (Dezlegare la peşte) ______29 S Sf. 9 Mucenici din Cizic; Sf. Cuv. Memnon, făcătorul de minuni 30 D Sf. Ap. Iacov al lui Zevedeu; Sf. Ier. Donat, episcopul Evriei ______Duminica a 3-a după Paşti (a Mironosiţelor); Ap. Fapte 6, 1-7; Ev. Marcu 15, 43-47; 16, 1-8; glas 2, voscr. 4 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 22

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 22 M AI–F LORAR (31 de zile – ziua are 14 ore, noaptea 10 ore) 1 L Sf. Proroc Ieremia; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Eftimie, Ignatie și Acachie 2 M Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Ier. Atanasie cel Mare; †) Sf. Ier. Atanasie DATEMEMORABILE al III-lea (Patelarie), patriarhul Constantinopolului 3 M †) Sf. Cuv. Irodion de la Lainici; Sf. Mc. Timotei şi soţia sa, 4 Mai 1955 - Trece la cele eterne, la Paris, Mavra (Dezlegare la peşte) genialul compozitor român, violonist și dirijor, 4 J Sf. Mc. Pelaghia; Sf. Monica, mama Fericitului Augustin George Enescu și este înmormântat în cimitirul 5 V Sf. Mare Mc. Irina; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Efrem cel Nou Père Lachaise. (Dezlegare la peşte) 7 Mai 1938 - A încetat din viaţă poetul naţional 6 S Sf. şi Dreptul Iov, mult răbdătorul; Sf. Mc. Varvar Octavian Goga. S-a născut la Rășinari-Sibiu, la 7 D Arătarea pe cer a semnului Sfintei Cruci în Ierusalim; 1 Aprilie 1881. Sf. Mc. Acachie şi Codrat; Sf. Alexis Toth Duminica a 4-a după Paşti (Vindecarea slăbănogului de la 9 Mai 1895 - S-a născut în comuna Lancrăm Vitezda); Ap. Fapte 9, 32-42; Ev. Ioan 5, 1-15; glas 3, voscr. 5 judeţul Alba, poetul și filosoful Lucian Blaga. A 8 L †) Sf. Ap. şi Evanghelist Ioan Teologul; Sf. Cuv. Arsenie cel Mare trecut în eternitate la 6 Mai 1961, în Cluj. 9 M Sf. Proroc Isaia; Sf. Mc. Hristofor; Aducerea la Bari a moaştelor 14 May - Mother’s Day (USA and Canada) Sf. Ier. Nicolae 10 M Înjumătăţirea praznicului; Sf. Ap. Simon Zilotul 9-10 Mai 1877 - S-a proclamat Independenţa de (Dezlegare la peşte) Stat a României, prin ieșirea de sub 11 J Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Mochie preotul; Sf. Ier. Metodie şi Sf. Cuv. Chiril, suveranitatea Porţii Otomane. luminătorii slavilor 14 Mai 1978 - Sfinţirea bisericii “Sfântul Ioan 12 V †) Sf. Mc. Ioan Valahul; Sf. Ier. Epifanie, Arhiep. Ciprului, şi Botezătorul” din Montreal, Quebec, de către Gherman, patriarhul Constantinopolului (Dezlegare la peşte) I.P.S. Arhiepiscop Victorin. 13 S Sf. Mc. Glicheria; Sf. Serghie Mărturisitorul 14 D Sf. Mc. Isidor din Hios; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Terapont, Ep. Ciprului 15 Mai 1838 - S-a născut pictorul Nicolae Duminica a 5-a după Paşti (a Samarinencei); Grigorescu, care a pictat și mânăstirile Ap. Fapte 11, 19-30; Ev. Ioan 4, 5-42; glas 4, voscr. 7 “Zamfira” și “Agapia”. Moare la 24 Iulie 1907. 15 L Sf. Cuv. Pahomie cel Mare; Sf. Ier. Ahile, episcopul Larisei; 21 Mai 1916 - Sfinţirea Bisericii Ortodoxe † Sf. Ier. Iacob Putneanul, mitropolitul Moldovei Române “Învierea Domnului” din Hamilton, 16 M Sf. Cuv. Teodor cel Sfinţit; Sf. Mc. Nicolae din Meţovo; Ontario. Biserica nouă e sfinţită de către † Sf. Cuv. Sila, Paisie și Natan de la Sihăstria Putnei Episcopul Andrei Moldovan, la 22 Mai 1960. 17 M Odovania Înjumătăţirii praznicului; Sf. Ap. Andronic şi soţia sa, Iunia; Sf. Cuv. Nectarie şi Teofan (Dezlegare la peşte) 21 Mai 1972 - A fost sfinţită Biserica Ortodoxă 18 J Sf. Mc. Petru, Dionisie şi Paulin Română “Sfinţii Constantin și Elena” din 19 V Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Patrichie, Ep. Prusei (Dezlegare la peşte) Edmonton, Alberta, de către P. S. Episcop 20 S Sf. Mc. Talaleu; Sf. Cuv. Talasie; Sf. Lidia din Filipi Victorin. 21 D †) Sfinţii Mari Împăraţi şi întocmai cu Apostolii, Constantin şi 22 May - Victoria Day (Canada) mama sa, Elena Duminica a 6-a după Paşti (Vindecarea orbului din naştere); 24 Mai 1948 - Prea Fericitul Părinte Justinian a Ap. Fapte 16, 16-34; Ev. Ioan 9, 1-38; glas 5, voscr. 8 fost ales Patriarh al României. 22 L Sf. Mc. Vasilisc şi Marcel; Sf. Părinţi de la Sinodul al II-lea 29 May - Memorial Day, Observed (USA) Ecumenic 23 M Sf. Ier. Mihail Mărturisitorul, episcopul Sinadei; Sf. Mironosiţă Maria lui Cleopa DATEPERSONALE 24 M Odovania praznicului Învierii Domnului; Sf. Cuv. Simeon cel din Muntele Minunat (Dezlegare la peşte) Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) 25 J (†) Înălţarea Domnului (Ziua Eroilor); † A treia aflare a capului Sf. Proroc Ioan Botezătorul ______26 V Sf. Ap. Carp şi Alfeu; Sf. Mc. Averchie şi Elena (Dezlegare la peşte) ______27 S Sf. Mc. Iuliu Veteranul; Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Eladie şi Terapont, ______episcopul Sardei; Sf. Mărturisitor Ioan Rusul 28 D Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Eutihie, episcopul Melitinei; Sf. Ier. Nichita ______Mărturisitorul, episcopul Calcedonului Duminica a 7-a după Paşti (a Sf. Părinţi de la Sinodul I ______Ecumenic); Ap. Fapte 20, 16-18; 28-36; Ev. Ioan 17, 1-13 ______(Rugăciunea lui Iisus); glas 6, voscr. 10 29 L Sf. Mc. Teodosia fecioara; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Olivian ______30 M Sf. Cuv. Isaachie Mărturisitorul şi Varlaam 31 M Sf. Mc. Ermie, Eusebiu şi Haralambie (Dezlegare la peşte) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 23

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 23 I UNIE–C IRES, AR (30 de zile – ziua are 15 ore, noaptea 9 ore) 1J Sf. Iustin Martirul şi Filosoful şi cei împreună cu el 2 V Odovania praznicului Înălţării Domnului; †) Sf. Mare Mc. Ioan DATEMEMORABILE cel Nou de la Suceava; Sf. Ier. Nichifor Mărturisitorul, patriarhul Constantinopolului (Dezlegare la peşte) 1 Iunie 1893 - S-a născut în satul Boteni, 3 S Sf. Mc. Luchilian, Ipatie şi Paula fecioara comuna Conţești, Judeţul Dâmboviţa, marele (Sâmbăta morţilor - Moşii de vară) profesor universitar de Istoria Bisericii 4 D (†) Pogorârea Sfântului Duh (Cincizecimea sau Rusaliile); Universale și adânc mărturisitor al credinţei †) Sf. Mc. Zotic, Atal, Camasie şi Filip de la Niculiţel noastre strămoșești, Teodor M. Popescu, unul Duminica a 8-a după Paşti. Toate ale praznicului: dintre erudiţii recunoscuţi ai învăţământului teologic universitar bucureștean. A trecut la Ap. Fapte 2, 1-11; Ev. Ioan 7, 37-53; 8, 12 cele eterne la 4 Aprilie 1973. 5 L (†) Sfânta Treime 6 M Sf. Cuv. Ilarion cel Nou, egumenul Mănăstirii lui Dalmat 5 Iunie 1779 - S-a născut în Avrig, Transilvania, 7 M Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Teodot din Ancira; Sf. Mc. Zenaida (Harţi) Gheorghe Lazăr, întemeietorul școlii românești 8 J Sf. Mc. Nicandru şi Marcian; Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Mare de la “Sfântul Sava” din București. Moare la Mc. Teodor Stratilat 17 Septembrie 1823. 9 V Sf. Ier. Chiril, arhiepiscopul Alexandriei (Harţi) 5 Iunie 1871 - S-a născut în Botoșani, marele 10 S Sf. Mc. Alexandru şi Antonina; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Timotei, Ep. Prusei istoric român, Nicolae Iorga. A trecut din viaţă 11 D Sf. Ap. Bartolomeu şi Barnaba; Sf. Ier. Luca, Arhiep. Crimeei prin moarte năpraznică, la 27 Noiembrie 1940. Duminica întâi după Rusalii (a Tuturor Sfinţilor); Ap. Evrei 11, 6 Iunie 1948 - Intronizarea Patriarhului Justinian 33-40; 12, 1-2; Ev. Matei 10, 32-33; 37-38 şi 19, 27-30; glas 8, al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. S-a născut la 22 voscr. 1 (Lăsatul secului pentru Postul Sf. Ap. Petru şi Pavel) Februarie 1901, în satul Suiești, judeţul Vâlcea 12 L Sf. Cuv. Onufrie cel Mare şi Petru Atonitul și a trecut la cele eterne la 26 Martie 1977. (Începutul Postului Sfinţilor Apostoli Petru şi Pavel) 14 June - Flag Day (USA) 13 M Sf. Mc. Achilina; Sf. Ier. Trifilie, episcopul Lefcosiei din Cipru 14 M Sf. Proroc Elisei; Sf. Ier. Metodie Mărturisitorul, Patr. Constantinopolului 14 Iunie 1818 - S-a născut, în Bacău, Vasile Alecsandri, “rege al poeziei” cum l-a numit 15 J Sf. Proroc Amos; Sf. Mc. Isihie; Fericiţii Augustin şi Ieronim Mihai Eminescu. A încetat din viaţă la moșia sa 16 V Sf. Ier. Tihon, Ep. Amatundei; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Marcu, Ep. Apoloniadei din Mircești, la 22 August 1890. 17 S Sf. Mc. Manuil, Savel, Ismail, Inochentie şi Felix (Dezlegare la pește) 19 Iunie 1977 - Intronizarea Patriarhului Iustin al 18 D Sf. Mc. Leontie, Ipatie şi Teodul; Sf. Cuv. Erasm României. S-a născut la 5 Martie 1910, în (Dezlegare la pește) comuna Albești, satul Cândești, judeţul Muscel Duminica a 2-a după Rusalii (a Sfinţilor Români); și a încetat din viaţă la 31 Iulie 1986. Ap. Romani 2, 10-16; al Sf. Români: 2 Corinteni 5, 17, 20; 6, 1, 18 June - Father’s Day (USA and Canada) 3-7, 10; 13, 11; Ev. Matei 4, 18-23 (Chemarea primilor 24 June - St. Jean Baptiste Day (Canada) Apostoli); a Sf. Români: Matei 5, 14-16; 10, 32-33, 17-18, 22; 29 Iunie 1819 - S-a născut marele patriot român glas 1, voscr. 2 Nicolae Bălcescu, sufletul revoluţiei din 1848. 19 L Sf. Ap. Iuda, ruda Domnului; Sf. Cuv. Paisie cel Mare Moare în exil, la 29 Noiembrie 1852. (Dezlegare la pește) 20 M Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Metodie, episcopul Patarelor; Sf. Ier. Calist, 30 Iunie 1909 - S-a născut în Ploiești Paul patriarhul Constantinopolului Constantinescu, autorul celor două Oratorii 21 M Sf. Mc. Iulian din Tars şi Afrodisie Bizantine Românești: “Nașterea Domnului” și “Patimile și Învierea Domnului”, unice în toată 22 J †) Sf. Ier. Grigorie Dascălul, mitropolitul Ţării Româneşti; Ortodoxia. Moare la 20 Decembrie 1963. Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Eusebiu, episcopul Samosatei (Dezlegare la pește) 23 V Sf. Mc. Agripina; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Aristocle preotul 30 Iunie 1939 - Intronizarea Patriahului Nicodim 24 S (†) Naşterea Sf. Proroc Ioan Botezătorul (Sânzienele sau Munteanu al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. S-a Drăgaica); † Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Mare Mc. Ioan cel Nou născut la 6 Decembrie 1864, în comuna de la Suceava; † Sf. Ier. Niceta de Remesiana (Dezlegare la Pipirig, judeţul Neamţ și a încetat din viaţă la pește) 27 Februarie 1948. 25 D Sf. Cuv. Mc. Fevronia; Sf. Mc. Orentie şi fraţii săi; Sf. Mc. Livia DATEPERSONALE (Dezlegare la pește) Duminica a 3-a după Rusalii; Ap. Romani 5, 1-10; Ev. Matei 6, Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) 22-33 (Despre grijile vieţii); glas 2, voscr. 3 26 L Sf. Cuv. David din Tesalonic; Sf. Ier. Ioan, episcopul Goţiei ______27 M Sf. Cuv. Samson, primitorul de străini; Sf. Mironosiţă Ioana 28 M Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Mc. doctori fără de arginţi Chir şi Ioan; ______Sf. Mc. Papias ______29 J (†) Sf. Ap. Petru şi Pavel 30 V † Soborul Sfinţilor 12 Apostoli; †) Sf. Ier. Ghelasie de la Râmeţ ______(Dezlegare la pește) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 24

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 24 I ULIE–C UPTOR (31 de zile – ziua are 14 ore, noaptea 10 ore) 1 S †) Sf. Ier. Leontie de la Rădăuţi; Sf. Mc. doctori fără de arginţi Cosma şi Damian, cei din Roma DATEMEMORABILE 2 D Aşezarea veşmântului Născătoarei de Dumnezeu în biserica Vlaherne; †) Sf. Voievod Ştefan cel Mare; Sf. Ier. Iuvenalie, Patr. Ierusalimului; 1 July - Canada Day (Canada) Sf. Ioan Maximovici 1 Iulie 1600 - Mihai Viteazul intră în Alba Iulia ca Duminica a 4-a după Rusalii; Ap. Romani 6, 18-23; Ev. Matei 8, 5-13 domn al Munteniei, Transilvaniei și Moldovei, (Vindecarea slugii sutaşului); glas 3, voscr. 4 înfăptuind unitatea politică a Ţărilor Române. 3 L Sf. Mc. Iachint; Sf. Ier. Anatolie, patriarhul Constantinopolului 2 Iulie 2006 - A fost hirotonit PS Episcop Vicar 4 M Sf. Ier. Andrei, arhiepiscopul Cretei; Sf. Cuv. Marta Ioan Casian de Vicina în Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi 5 M † Sf. Cuv. Atanasie Atonitul; Sf. Cuv. Lampadie Constantin și Elena din Chicago. 6 J Sf. Cuv. Sisoe cel Mare; Sf. Mc. Lucia din Roma 7 V Sf. Mare Mc. Chiriachi; Sf. Cuv. Toma din Maleon; Sf. Mc. Evanghel 4 July - Independence Day (USA) 8 S Sf. Mare Mc. Procopie şi mama sa, Sf. Mc. Teodosia; 11 Iulie 1910 - S-a născut în comuna Socet, †) Sf. Mc. Epictet preotul şi Astion monahul Judeţul Hunedoara, Părintele Profesor Liviu 9 D Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Pangratie, episcopul Tavromeniei, şi Chiril, Ep. Gortinei Stan, profesor de Drept Bisericesc la Sibiu și Duminica a 5-a după Rusalii; Ap. Romani 10, 1-10; Ev. Matei 8, 28-34; 9, 1 București, vestit poliglot și savant de talie (Vindecarea celor doi demonizaţi din ţinutul Gadarei); glas 4, voscr. 5 europeană în Dreptul Canonic. A trecut la cele 10 L Sf. 45 de Mucenici din Nicopolea Armeniei eterne la 1 Aprilie 1973. 11 M Sf. Mare Mc. Eufimia; Sf. Olga, cea întocmai cu Apostolii şi luminătoarea 14 Iulie 2002 - A fost hirotonit și instalat I.P.S Rusiei Arhiepiscop Nicolae Condrea de către P.F. 12 M (†) Cinstirea Sfintei Icoane a Maicii Domnului Prodromiţa de la Muntele Patriarh Teoctist, la biserica “Sf. Ioan Athos; Sf. Mc. Proclu şi Ilarie; Sf. Cuv. Mihail Maleinul; Botezătorul” din Montréal. I.P.S. Sa a fost ales Sf. Veronica; Sf. Cuv. Paisie Aghioritul (Dezlegare la pește) Arhiepiscop la Congresul Electoral din 9 Martie 13 J Soborul Sf. Arhanghel Gavriil; Sf. Cuv. Ştefan Savaitul; 2002 ţinut la parohia “Sf. Treime” din Troy, MI. Sf. Mc. Maria din Persia; Sf. Cuv. Sara 15 Iulie 1885 - S-a născut în Apoldul de Sus din 14 V Sf. Ap. Achila; Sf. Mc. Iust şi Iraclie; Sf. Cuv. Nicodim Aghioritul Transilvania, Prea Sfinţitul Andrei Moldovan, 15 S Sf. Mc. Chiric şi Iulita; Sf. Vladimir, luminătorul Rusiei cel de-al doilea Episcop al Românilor din 16 D Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Atinoghen cu cei 10 ucenici ai lui; Sf. Mc. Iulia America, hirotonit întru Arhiereu la 12 Duminica a 6-a după Rusalii (a Sf. Părinţi de la Sinodul al IV-lea Ecumenic); Noiembrie 1950, de către Mitropolitul Nicolae Ap. Romani 12, 6-14; al Sf. Părinţi: Tit 3, 8-15; Ev. Matei 9, 1-8 (Vindecarea Bălan, în Catedrala din Sibiu. slăbănogului din Capernaum); a Sf. Părinţi: Ioan 17, 1-13 (Rugăciunea lui Iisus); glas 5, voscr. 6 16 Iulie 1972 - A luat fiinţă Muzeul Macedo- 17 L Sf. Mare Mc. Marina; Sf. Ier. Eufrasie, episcopul Ionopolei Român “Alexandru Machedon” în Southbridge, 18 M †) Sf. Mc. Emilian de la Durostorum; Sf. Cuv. Pamvo Mass., pe lângă Biserica Ortodoxă Română 19 M Sf. Cuv. Macrina, sora Sf. Vasile cel Mare; Sf. Cuv. Die; Aflarea moaştelor “Sfântul Arhanghel Mihail”. Sf. Cuv. Serafim de Sarov 18 Iulie 1864 - S-a înfiinţat Universitatea din 20 J †) Sfântul şi slăvitul Proroc Ilie Tesviteanul București. 21 V Sf. Cuv. Simeon şi Ioan Pustnicul; Sf. Proroc Iezechiel; 20 July 1969 - Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin †) Sf. Cuv. Rafael şi Partenie, de la Agapia Veche landed on the moon. 22 S Sf. Mironosiţă şi întocmai cu Apostolii Maria Magdalena; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Marcela 23 D Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Foca; Sf. Mc. Apolinarie, Vitalie şi Valeria 21 Iulie 1973 - Episcopia Misionară Ortodoxă Duminica a 7-a după Rusalii; Ap. Romani 15, 1-7; Ev. Matei 9, 27-35 Română din America a fost ridicată la rangul (Vindecarea a doi orbi şi a unui mut din Capernaum); glas 6, voscr. 7 de Arhiepiscopie. 24 L Sf. Mare Mc. Hristina; Sf. Mc. Ermoghen 23 Iulie 1978 - Biserica Ortodoxă Română “Sfânta 25 M Adormirea Sfintei Ana, mama Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu; Maria” din Boian-Willingdon, Alberta, a fost Sf. Părinţi de la Sinodul al V-lea Ecumenic; Sf. Cuv. Olimpiada şi Eupraxia declarată monument istoric al Prov. Alberta. 26 M Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ermolae; Sf. Mc. Paraschevi din Roma; 30 Iulie 2007 - A trecut la cele veșnice PF †) Sf. Cuv. Ioanichie cel Nou de la Muscel Patriarh Teoctist, al cincilea Patriarh al Bisericii 27 J † Sf. Mare Mc. şi Tămăduitor Pantelimon Ortodoxe Române. 28 V Sf. Ap. şi Diaconi: Prohor, Nicanor, Timon şi Parmena; Sf. Cuv. Pavel de la Xiropotamu 29 S Sf. Mc. Calinic, Veniamin şi Mamant; Sf. Mc. Teodota cu fiii săi DATEPERSONALE 30 D Sf. Ap. Sila, Silvan, Crescent, Epenet şi Andronic; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Valentin, episcopul Umbriei Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) Duminica a 8-a după Rusalii; Ap. 1 Corinteni 1, 10-17; Ev. Matei 14, 14-22 ______(Înmulţirea pâinilor); glas 7, voscr. 8 31 L Înainte-prăznuirea scoaterii Sfintei Cruci; Sf. şi Dreptul Evdochim; Sf. şi Dreptul ______Iosif din Arimateea (Lăsatul secului pentru Postul Adormirii Maicii Domnului) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 25

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 25 A UGUST–G USTAR (31 de zile – ziua are 13 ore, noaptea 11 ore) 1 M Scoaterea Sfintei Cruci; Sf. 7 fraţi Mucenici Macabei (Începutul Postului Adormirii Maicii Domnului) DATEMEMORABILE 2 M Aducerea moaştelor Sf. întâi Mc. şi Arhid. Ştefan; Dreptul Gamaliel; Binecredinciosul împărat Iustinian cel Mare 5 August 1902 - Mitropolitul Transilvaniei Ion Meţianu pune piatra de temelie a Catedralei 3 J Sf. Cuv. Isaachie, Dalmat şi Faust; Sf. Mironosiţă Salomeea; Mitropolitane din Sibiu. Sf. Cuv. Teodora din Tesalonic 4 V Sf. 7 tineri din Efes; Sf. Mc. Tatuil 7 August - Civic Holiday (Canada) 5 S Înainte-prăznuirea Schimbării la Faţă a Domnului; 7 August 1966 - S-a săvârșit hirotonirea întru †) Sf. Cuv. Ioan Iacob de la Neamţ; Sf. Mc. Evsignie; Sf. Nona, Arhiereu a P.C. Arhimandrit Victorin Ursache, în mama Sf. Ier. Grigorie Teologul; Sf. Ier. Fabian, episcopul Romei Catedrala “Sfântul Gheorghe” din Windsor, Ontario. Prea Sfinţia Sa a fost ales la 23 Aprilie 6 D (†) Schimbarea la Faţă a Domnului (Dezlegare la peşte) 1966 în Congresul bisericesc din Detroit, Toate ale praznicului: Ap. 2 Petru 1, 10-19; Ev. Matei 17, 1-9 Michigan, ca Episcop al Românilor din America 7 L †) Sf. Cuv. Teodora de la Sihla; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Dometie Persul; și Canada. A fost intronizat La 21 August 1966, Sf. Ier. Narcis, arhiepiscopul Ierusalimului în Catedrala “Sfânta Treime” din Detroit, 8 M Sf. Ier. Emilian Mărturisitorul, episcopul Cizicului, şi Miron, Ep. Cretei Michigan. În anul 1973 a fost înălţat la rangul 9 M Sf. Ap. Matia; Sf. 10 Mc. care au pătimit pentru icoana lui Hristos; de Arhiepiscop al Arhiepiscopiei Misionare Sf. Gherman de Alaska Ortodoxe Române în America și Canada. S-a 10 J Sf. Mc. Laurenţiu arhidiaconul; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Xist, Ep. Romei; născut la 24 Iulie 1912, în comuna Mânăstioara-Siret, Bucovina. După o viaţă de o Sf. Mc. Ipolit rară sfinţenie și aleasă arhipăstorire 11 V †) Sf. Ier. Nifon, patriarhul Constantinopolului; duhovnicească, a trecut la cele eterne la 16 Sf. Mc. Evplu arhidiaconul Iulie 2001, fiind înmormântat în cimitirul Sfintei 12 S Sf. Mc. Fotie şi Anichit Mânăstiri Putna, la 22 Iulie 2001. 13 D Odovania praznicului Schimbării la Faţă a Domnului; Mutarea 9 August 1601 - Mihai Viteazul a fost ucis moaştelor Sf. Cuv. Maxim Mărturisitorul; Sf. Cuv. Dorotei şi Dositei mișelește pe câmpia Turzii, de către mercenarii Duminica a 10-a după Rusalii; Ap. 1 Corinteni 4, 9-16; Ev. Matei 17, generalului Gheorghe Basta. 14-23; (Vindecarea lunaticului); glas l, voscr. 10 15 August 1517 - S-a sfinţit mânăstirea Curtea 14 L Înainte-prăznuirea Adormirii Maicii Domnului; Sf. Proroc Miheia de Argeș, ctitoria Voievodului Neagoe Basarab. 15 M (†) Adormirea Maicii Domnului 15 August 1714 - Moare ca martir la 16 M Aducerea Sf. Mahrame a Domnului din Edesa la Constantinopol; Constantinopol, împreună cu copiii săi, †) Sf. Martiri Brâncoveni: Constantin Voievod cu cei patru fii ai Domnitorul Constantin Brâncoveanu, ctitor de săi, Constantin, Ştefan, Radu şi Matei, şi sfetnicul Ianache; cultură românească, de biserici și mânăstiri în †) Sf. Cuv. Iosif de la Văratec; Sf. Mc. Diomid Muntenia și Transilvania. 17 J Sf. Mc. Miron preotul, Straton şi Ciprian 16 August 1864 - Domnitorul Alexandru Ioan 18 V Sf. Mc. Flor şi Lavru Cuza decretează înfiinţarea școlii Românești în 19 S Sf. Mc. Andrei Stratilat, Timotei, Agapie şi Tecla Macedonia, la Târnova, lângă Bitolia. 20 D Sf. Proroc Samuel; Sf. Mc. Sever, Eliodor şi Teoharie 19 August 1881 - S-a născut în Liveni-Dorohoi, Duminica a 11-a după Rusalii; Ap. 1 Corinteni 9, 2-12; Ev. Matei 18, marele violonist și compozitor de faimă 23-35; (Pilda datornicului nemilostiv); glas 2, voscr. 11 mondială George Enescu. A încetat din viaţă la 21 L Sf. Ap. Tadeu; Sf. Mc. Vasa, cu fiii ei; Sf. Mc. Donat diaconul, 4 Mai 1955, în Paris, unde este și înmormântat. Romul preotul, Silvan diaconul şi Venust 24 August 1873 - A murit Avram Iancu, marele 22 M Sf. Mc. Agatonic şi cei împreună cu el erou al Românilor din Transilvania, în revoluţia 23 M Odovania praznicului Adormirii Maicii Domnului; Sf. Mc. Lup; din 1848. Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Irineu, episcopul de Lugdunum 24 J Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Eutihie şi Cosma Etolul DATEPERSONALE 25 V Aducerea moaştelor Sf. Ap. Bartolomeu; Sf. Ap. Tit 26 S Sf. Mc. Adrian şi Natalia, soţia sa Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) 27 D Sf. Cuv. Pimen cel Mare; Sf. Mc. Fanurie; Sf. Ier. Osie, Ep. Cordobei Duminica a 12-a după Rusalii; Ap. 1 Corinteni 15, 1-11; ______Ev. Matei 19, 16-26; (Tânărul bogat); glas 3, voscr. 1 ______28 L Sf. Cuv. Moise Etiopianul; Dreptul Iezechia 29 M (†) Tăierea capului Sf. Proroc Ioan Botezătorul (Post) ______30 M †) Sf. Ierarhi Varlaam, mitropolitul Moldovei, şi Ioan de la Râşca ______şi Secu, episcopul Romanului; Sf. Ierarhi Alexandru, Ioan şi Pavel cel Nou, patriarhii Constantinopolului ______31 J Aşezarea cinstitului brâu al Maicii Domnului în raclă Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 26

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 26 S EPTEMBRIE–R ÃPCIUNE (30 de zile – ziua are 12 ore, noaptea 12 ore) 1V † Începutul anului bisericesc; † Sf. Cuv. Dionisie Exiguul (cel Smerit); Sf. Cuv. Simeon Stâlpnicul; Sf. 40 de Muceniţe din DATEMEMORABILE Adrianopol (Tedeum) 2 S Sf. Mc. Mamant; Sf. Ier. Ioan Postitorul, Patr. Constantinopolului 3 Septembrie 1469 - S-a sfinţit mânăstirea Putna, în prezenţa Domnitorului tefan cel 3 D Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Antim, episcopul Nicomidiei; Sf. Cuv. Teoctist;  † Sf. Cuv. Neofit şi Meletie de la Mănăstirea Stânișoara Mare și Sfânt. Duminica a 13-a după Rusalii; Ap. 1 Corinteni 16, 13-24; 6 Septembrie 1817 - S-a născut, în Iași, Ev. Matei 21, 33-44; (Pilda lucrătorilor răi); glas 4, voscr. 2 istoricul și eminentul om de stat Mihail 4 L Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Vavila, episcopul Antiohiei; Sf. Proroc Moise; Kogălniceanu, și a încetat din viaţă la 20 Sf. Mc. Petroniu Iunie 1891, în Paris. 5 M Sf. Proroc Zaharia şi Dreapta Elisabeta, părinţii Sf. Ioan Botezătorul 6 M Pomenirea minunii Sf. Arhanghel Mihail în Colose; Sf. Mc. Eudoxie 4 September - Labor Day (USA and Canada) 7 J Înainte-prăznuirea Naşterii Maicii Domnului; Sf. Mc. Sozont; 8 Septembrie 1866 - S-a născut la Hordou- † Sf. Cuv. Simeon şi Amfilohie de la Pângăraţi Rodna, Năsăud, poetul român George 8 V (†) Naşterea Maicii Domnului (Dezlegare la pește) Coșbuc. Moare la 9 Mai 1919 9 S Sf. şi Drepţii dumnezeieşti Părinţi Ioachim şi Ana; 14 Septembrie 1778 - S-a născut filantropul și †) Sf. Cuv. Chiriac de la Tazlău; †) Sf. Cuv. Onufrie de la Vorona; Sf. Părinţi de la Sinodul al III-lea Ecumenic poetul moldovean Costache Conachi. Moare 10 D Sf. Mc. Minodora, Mitrodora şi Nimfodora la 4 Februarie 1849. Duminica dinaintea Înălţării Sfintei Cruci; Ap. Galateni 6, 11-18; 15 Septembrie 1642 - Are loc Sinodul Ev. Ioan 3, 13-17 (Convorbirea lui Iisus cu Nicodim); glas 5, voscr. 3 panortodox dela Iași, care a aprobat 11 L Sf. Cuv. Teodora din Alexandria; Sf. Cuv. Eufrosin bucătarul Mărturisirea Ortodoxă alcătuită de Mitropolitul 12 M Odovania praznicului Naşterii Maicii Domnului; Sf. Mc. Avtonom, Petru Movilă. Macedonie şi Teodul 28 Septembrie 1847 - S-a născut la Brașov 13 M Înainte-prăznuirea Înălţării Sfintei Cruci; † Târnosirea Bisericii Învierii compozitorul Gheorghe Dima, animator al din Ierusalim; Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Corneliu Sutaşul şi Ciprian, episcopul vieţii muzicale românești. A încetat din viaţă Cartaginei; †) Sf. Cuv. Ioan de la Prislop; Sf. Mc. din Dobrogea: la 4 Iunie 1925, în Cluj. Macrobie, Gordian, Ilie, Zotic, Lucian şi Valerian 14 J (†) Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci (Post) 30 Septembrie 2007 - A fost intronizat, în 15 V †) Sf. Ier. Iosif cel Nou de la Partoş, mitropolitul Banatului; Catedrala Patriarhală din București, PF † Sf. Mare Mc. Nichita; † Sf. Ier. Visarion, arhiepiscopul Larisei Patriarh Daniel, al șaselea Patriarh al Bisericii 16 S Sf. Mare Mc. Eufimia; Sf. Mc. Meletina şi Ludmila Ortodoxe Române. 17 D Sf. Mc. Sofia şi fiicele sale: Pistis, Elpis şi Agapi Duminica după Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci; Ap. Galateni 2, 16-20; Ev. Marcu 8, 34-38; 9, 1 (Luarea Crucii şi urmarea lui Hristos); glas 6, voscr. 4 DATEPERSONALE 18 L Sf. Ier. Eumenie, episcopul Gortinei; Sf. Mc. Ariadna 19 M Sf. Mc. Trofim, Savatie şi Dorimedont Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) 20 M Sf. Mari Mc. Eustatie şi soţia sa, Teopista, cu cei doi fii ai lor: ______Agapie şi Teopist 21 J Odovania praznicului Înălţării Sfintei Cruci; Sf. Ap. Codrat; ______Sf. Proroc Iona 22 V †) Sf. Ierarh Mc. Teodosie de la Mănăstirea Brazi, mitropolitul ______Moldovei; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Foca, episcop de Sinope ______23 S Zămislirea Sf. Proroc Ioan Botezătorul; Sf. Cuv. Xantipa şi Polixenia 24 D Sf. întâia Muceniţă şi întocmai cu Apostolii Tecla; ______Sf. Cuv. Siluan Athonitul; Sf. Petru Aleutul; Sf. Iuvenalie de Alaska ______Duminica a 18-a după Rusalii; Ap. 2 Corinteni 9, 6-11; Ev. Luca 5, 1-11 (Pescuirea minunată); glas 7, voscr. 5 ______25 L Sf. Cuv. Eufrosina; Sf. Cuv. Pafnutie Egipteanul; Sf. Cuv. Serghie de la Radonej ______26 M †) Mutarea Sf. Ap. şi Evanghelist Ioan; ______†) Sf. Voievod Neagoe Basarab; Dreptul Ghedeon 27 M †) Sf. Ier. Martir Antim Ivireanul, mitropolitul Ţării Româneşti; ______Sf. Mc. Calistrat şi Epiharia 28 J † Sf. Cuv. Hariton Mărturisitorul; Sf. Proroc Baruh ______29 V Sf. Cuv. Chiriac Sihastrul; Sf. Mc. Petronia ______30 S Sf. Ier. Grigorie Luminătorul, arhiepiscopul Armeniei; Sf. Mc. Ripsimia şi Gaiani Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 27

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 27 O CTOMBRIE–B RUMÃREL (31 de zile – ziua are 11 ore, noaptea 13 ore) 1 D (†) Acoperământul Maicii Domnului; Sf. Ap. Anania; Sf. Cuv. Roman Melodul; †) Sf. Cuv. Iosif şi Chiriac de la DATEMEMORABILE Bisericani 2 Octombrie 1854 - S-a născut în ipotele Duminica a 19-a după Rusalii; Ap. 2 Corinteni 11, 31-33; 12,  1-9; Ev. Luca 6, 31-36 (Predica de pe munte – Iubirea Sucevei marele compozitor Ciprian vrăjmaşilor); glas 8, voscr. 6 Porumbescu. Moare la 25 Mai 1883. 2 L Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ciprian; Sf. Mc. Iustina fecioara 5 Octombrie 1909 - La Indiana Harbor, lângă 3 M Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Dionisie Areopagitul; Sf. Mc. Teoctist Chicago, Il, se înfiinţează Societatea 4 M Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ierotei, episcopul Atenei culturală “Nicolae Iorga”, pentru citire de 5 J Sf. Mc. Haritina; † Sf. Cuv. Daniil şi Misail de la Mănăstirea Turnu cărţi românești și ajutor frăţesc. 6 V Sf. Ap. Toma; Sf. Mc. Erotiida 7 S † Sf. Mari Mc. Serghie şi Vah; Sf. Mc. Iulian preotul, Chesarie 11 Octombrie 1812 - S-a născut diaconul şi Polihronie bucovineanul Eudoxie Hurmuzachi, istoric 8 D Sf. Cuv. Pelaghia şi Taisia și apărător al drepturilor poporului român. Duminica a 20-a după Rusalii; Ap. Galateni 1, 11-19; Ev. Luca 7, 9 October - Columbus Day Observed (USA) 11-16 (Învierea fiului văduvei din Nain); glas 1, voscr. 7 9 L Sf. Ap. Iacov al lui Alfeu; Sf. Cuv. Andronic şi Atanasia 9 October - Thanksgiving Day (Canada) 10 M Sf. Mc. Evlampie şi sora sa, Evlampia; Sf. Cuv. Vasian şi Teofil 13 Octombrie 1884 - S-a născut în Pârșcov- Mărturisitorul Buzău marele poet și prozator român, 11 M Sf. Ap. Filip, unul dintre cei 7 diaconi; Sf. Ier. Teofan Vasile Voiculescu. Încetează din viaţă în Mărturisitorul, episcopul Niceei București, la 26 Aprilie 1963. 12 J Sf. Mc. Prov, Tarah şi Andronic; Sf. Ier. Cosma, Ep. Maiumei 14 Octombrie 1834 - Domnitorul Alexandru 13 V † Aducerea moaştelor Sfântului Apostol Andrei la Iaşi; Ghica legalizează drapelul naţional Sf. Mc. Carp, Papil, Agatodor, Agatonica şi Florentie 14 S †) Sf. Cuv. Parascheva de la Iaşi; Sf. Mc. Nazarie, Ghervasie, românesc în cele trei culori: roșu, galben Protasie şi Chelsie și albastru. 15 D Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Lucian, preotul din Antiohia 26 Octombrie 1673 - S-a născut în ţinutul Duminica a 21-a după Rusalii (a Sfinţilor Părinţi de la Sinodul al Fălciului Dimitrie Cantemir, Domnitorul VII-lea Ecumenic); Ap. Galateni 2, 16-20; al Sf. Părinţi: Tit 3, 8-15; Moldovei (1710-1711), mare cărturar de Ev. Luca 8, 5-15 (Pilda semănătorului); a Sf. Părinţi: Ioan 17, 1-13 valoare europeană și membru al Academiei (Rugăciunea lui Iisus); glas 2, voscr. 8 din Berlin. Moare în vârstă de 50 de ani, în 16 L Sf. Mc. Longhin Sutaşul Rusia, la 21 August 1723. 17 M Sf. Proroc Oseea; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Andrei Criteanul 31 Octombrie 1784 - S-a început în 18 M Sf. Ap. şi Evanghelist Luca; Sf. Mc. Marin cel Bătrân 19 J Sf. Proroc Ioil; Sf. Mc. Uar; Sf. Cleopatra; Sf. Cuv. Ioan de la Rila Transilvania răscoala lui Horia, Cloșca și 20 V Sf. Mare Mc. Artemie; Sf. Cuv. Gherasim din Chefalonia Crișan, cu binecuvântarea preotului 21 S †) Sf. Cuv. Mărturisitori: Visarion şi Sofronie; Sf. Mc. Oprea; ortodox Ioanăș Cazan. Sf. Preoţi Mărturisitori: Ioan din Galeş şi Moise Măcinic din Sibiel; Sf. Cuv. Ilarion cel Mare DATEPERSONALE 22 D Sf. Ier. Averchie, episcopul Ierapolei, cel întocmai cu Apostolii; Sf. 7 tineri din Efes Data (Date) Eveniment (Event) Duminica a 23-a după Rusalii; Ap. Efeseni 2, 4-10; Ev. Luca 8, 26-39 (Vindecarea demonizatului din ţinutul ______Gherghesenilor); glas 3, voscr. 9 23 L Sf. Ap. Iacov, ruda Domnului, întâiul Ep. al Ierusalimului; ______Sf. Ier. Ignatie, Patr. Constantinopolului; Sf. Cuv. Macarie Romanul ______24 M Sf. Mare Mucenic Areta; Sf. Mc. Marcu, Sotirih şi Valentin 25 M Sf. Mc. Marcian şi Martirie; Sf. Tavita ______26 J †) Sf. Mare Mc. Dimitrie, Izvorâtorul de Mir 27 V † Sf. Cuv. Dimitrie cel Nou, Ocrotitorul Bucureştilor ______(ale cărui moaşte se află în Catedrala Patriarhală); Sf. Mc. Nestor ______28 S † Sf. Ier. Iachint, mitropolitul Ţării Româneşti; Sf. Mc. Terentie, soţia sa, Neonila şi cei 7 fii; ______Sf. Ier. Firmilian, episcopul Cezareei Capadociei 29 D Sf. Cuv. Mc. Anastasia Romana; Sf. Cuv. Avramie şi Maria, ______nepoata sa Duminica a 24-a după Rusalii; Ap. Efeseni 2, 14-22; ______Ev. Luca 8, 41-56 (Învierea fiicei lui Iair); glas 4, voscr. 10 ______30 L Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Zenovie, episcopul Ciliciei, şi sora sa, Zenovia; Sf. Ap. Cleopa ______31 M Sf. Ap. Apelie, Stahie, Amplie, Urban, Aristobul şi Narcis; Sf. Mc. Epimah Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 28

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 28 N OIEMBRIE–B RUMAR (30 de zile – ziua are 10 ore, noaptea 14 ore) 1M Sf. doctori fără de arginţi Cosma şi Damian, cei din Asia 2 J Sf. Mc. Achindin, Pigasie, Aftonie, Elpidifor şi Anempodist DATEMEMORABILE 3 V Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Achepsima, Iosif şi Aitala; Aşezarea moaştelor Sf. Mare Mc. Gheorghe în Lida 1 Noiembrie 1925 - Intronizarea primului patriarh 4 S Sf. Cuv. Ioanichie cel Mare; Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Nicandru şi Ermeu; al României, Miron Cristea. S-a născut în anul Sf. Cuv. Gheorghe Mărturisitorul din Drama (Pomenirea morţilor) 1868, în comuna Topliţa, judeţul Harghita și a 5 D Sf. Mc. Galaction şi Epistimia trecut la cele eterne la 6 Martie 1939. Duminica a 22-a după Rusalii; Ap. Galateni 6, 11-18; Ev. Luca 16, 19-31 (Bogatul nemilostiv şi săracul Lazăr); 2 Noiembrie 1854 - A murit la București, Anton glas 5, voscr. 11 Pann, poet, folclorist, cântăreţ vestit și 6 L Sf. Ier. Pavel Mărturisitorul, patriarhul Constantinopolului; compozitor de muzică psaltică românească. Sf. Cuv. Luca din Sicilia S-a născut în anul 1796 în Sliven, Bulgaria. 7 M Sfinţii 33 de Mucenici din Melitina; Sf. Cuv. Lazăr din Muntele 10 Noiembrie 1688 - S-a tipărit “Biblia dela Galisiei 8 M †) Soborul Sf. Arhangheli Mihail şi Gavriil şi al tuturor București” sau “Biblia lui Șerban Cantacuzino”, cereştilor puteri cea dintâi Biblie românească. 9 J Sf. Mc. Claudiu, Castor, Sempronian şi Nicostrat; 11 November - Veteran’s Day (USA) Sf. Mc. Onisifor şi Porfirie; Sf. Cuv. Matrona; Sf. Ier. Nectarie de la Eghina 11 November - Remembrance Day (Canada) 10 V Sf. Ap. Olimp, Rodion, Sosipatru, Erast, Terţiu şi Cvart; 14 Noiembrie 1905 - S-a născut în orașul Buzău, Sf. Mc. Orest Părintele Profesor Dr. Olimp Căciulă “mândria 11 S † Sf. Mare Mc. Mina; Sf. Mc. Victor, Vichentie şi Ştefanida; Seminarului Chesarie Episcopul din Buzău și al Sf. Cuv. Teodor Studitul Facultăţii de Teologie din București”. A fost 12 D Sf. Ier. Ioan cel Milostiv, patriarhul Alexandriei; †) Sf. Martiri şi director și profesor al Seminarului “Nifon Mărturisitori Năsăudeni: Atanasie Todoran din Bichigiu, Mitropolitul” din București, autor de erudite Vasile din Mocod, Grigorie din Zagra şi Vasile din Telciu; Sf. Cuv. Nil Pustnicul studii de teologie sistematică și traducător Duminica a 25-a după Rusalii; Ap. Efeseni 4, 1-7; Ev. Luca 10, emerit de literatură patristică. Moare la 11 25-37 (Pilda samarineanului milostiv); glas 6, voscr. 1 Februarie 1979 și este înmormântat sub 13 L †) Sf. Ier. Ioan Gură de Aur, arhiepiscopul Constantinopolului, şi streașina Mânăstirii Căldărușani. mama sa, Sf. Antuza 16 Noiembrie 1955 - S-a sfinţit Catedrala 14 M Sf. Ap. Filip, unul dintre cei 12 Apostoli; Sf. Ier. Grigorie Palama, Ortodoxă Română “Sf. Gheorghe” din Windsor, arhiepiscopul Tesalonicului (Lăsatul secului pentru Postul Naşterii Ontario, de către Episcopul Teofil Ionescu. Domnului) 15 M †) Sf. Cuv. Paisie de la Neamţ; Sf. Mc. şi Mărturisitori: Gurie, 16 Noiembrie 1903 - S-a născut în satul Vlădeni Samona şi Aviv diaconul (Începutul Postului Naşterii Domnului) din fostul judeţ Făgăraș, Părintele Profesor 16 J Sf. Ap. şi Evanghelist Matei Academician Dumitru Stăniloae, personalitate 17 V Sf. Ier. Grigorie Taumaturgul, Ep. Neocezareei, şi Ghenadie, de excepţie a Teologiei Ortodoxe Românești patriarhul Constantinopolului; Sf. Cuv. Lazăr Zugravul contemporane și unul dintre cei mai mari 18 S Sf. Mc. Platon, Roman şi Zaheu gânditori ai Ortodoxiei din Secolul al 20-lea. A 19 D Sf. Proroc Avdie; Sf. Mc. Varlaam fost strălucit profesor de Teologie Dogmatică la Duminica a 26-a după Rusalii; Ap. Efeseni 5, 8-19; Sibiu și București și unul din reprezentanţii de Ev. Luca 12, 16-21 (Pilda bogatului căruia i-a rodit ţarina); glas 7, voscr. 2 seamă ai grupării și mișcării ortodoxe din jurul 20 L Înainte-prăznuirea Intrării în biserică a Maicii Domnului; revistei “Gândirea” sub îndrumarea marelui †) Sf. Cuv. Grigorie Decapolitul; Sf. Mc. Dasie; poet naţional, om de cultură și profesor de Sf. Ier. Proclu, arhiepiscopul Constantinopolului Teologie Ascetică și Mistică, Nichifor Crainic. 21 M (†) Intrarea în biserică a Maicii Domnului (Dezlegare la peşte) Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae a trecut la cele 22 M Sf. Ap. Filimon, Arhip, Onisim şi Apfia; Sf. Mc. Cecilia eterne la 4 Octombrie 1993, fiind înmormântat 23 J † Sf. Cuv. Antonie de la Iezerul Vâlcii; Sf. Ier. Amfilohie, în Cimitirul Mânăstirii Cernica de lângă Ep. Iconiei, şi Grigorie, Ep. Acragandelor (Dezlegare la peşte) București. 24 V Sf. Sfinţiţi Mc. Clement, Ep. Romei, şi Petru, Ep. Alexandriei 25 S Odovania praznicului Intrării în biserică a Maicii Domnului; 23 November - Thanksgiving Day (USA) † Sf. Mare Mc. Ecaterina; Sf. Mare Mc. Mercurie (Dezlegare la peşte) 27 Noiembrie 1902 - S-a născut în comuna 26 D Sf. Cuv. Alipie Stâlpnicul, Nicon şi Stelian Paflagonul Dâmboca, judeţul Buzău, Părintele Profesor (Dezlegare la peşte) Ioan G. Coman, savant patrolog, considerat ca Duminica a 30-a după Rusalii; Ap. Coloseni 3, 12-16; cea mai “exemplară întruchipare a geniului Ev. Luca 18, 18-27 (Dregătorul bogat – Păzirea poruncilor); Ortodoxiei Românești”, mare teolog și gânditor glas 8, voscr. 3 27 L Sf. Mare Mc. Iacob Persul; Sf. Cuv. Natanael şi Pinufrie ecumenic, promovând pe plan naţional și 28 M Sf. Cuv. Mc. Ştefan cel Nou; Sf. Mc. Irinarh internaţional irenismul Teologiei Românești. A 29 M Sf. Mc. Paramon şi Filumen; Sf. Cuv. Pitirun trecut la cele eterne la 11 Martie 1987. 30 J †) Sf. Ap. Andrei, cel întâi chemat, Ocrotitorul României; 28 Noiembrie 1918 - Unirea Bucovinei cu ţara †) Sf. Ier. Andrei Şaguna, mitropolitul Transilvaniei; Mamă. Sf. Ier. Frumentie, episcopul Etiopiei (Dezlegare la peşte) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 29

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 29 D ECEMBRIE–U NDREA (31 de zile – ziua are 9 ore, noaptea 15 ore) 1V Sf. Proroc Naum; Sf. Cuv. Filaret cel Milostiv (Tedeum) 2 S Sf. Proroc Avacum; Sf. Mc. Miropi; Sf. Ier. Solomon, Arhiep. DATEMEMORABILE Efesului; Sf. Cuv. Porfirie Kavsokalivitul (Dezlegare la peşte) 3 D †) Sf. Cuv. Gheorghe de la Cernica şi Căldăruşani; 1 Decembrie - Ziua Naţională a României Sf. Proroc Sofonie (Dezlegare la peşte) 1 Decembrie 1918 - Unirea Transilvaniei cu Duminica a 31-a după Rusalii; Ap. 1 Timotei 1, 15-17; România, în urma hotărârii luate la Marea Ev. Luca 18, 35-43 (Vindecarea orbului din Ierihon); glas 1, voscr. 4 4 L † Sf. Mare Mc. Varvara; Sf. Cuv. Ioan Damaschin (Dezlegare la peşte) Adunare Naţională ce s-a ţinut la Alba Iulia. 5 M †) Sf. Cuv. Sava cel Sfinţit; Sf. Mc. Anastasie (Dezlegare la peşte) 6 Decembrie 1903 - A murit la Iași compozitorul 6 M †) Sf. Ier. Nicolae, arhiepiscopul Mirelor Lichiei, făcătorul de Gavriil Musicescu. S-a născut la 20 Martie minuni (Dezlegare la peşte) 1847 în Ismail. 7 J †) Sf. Mc. Filofteia de la Curtea de Argeş; Sf. Ier. Ambrozie, episcopul Mediolanului (Dezlegare la peşte) 7 December - Pearl Harbor Day (USA) 8 V Sf. Cuv. Patapie; Sf. Ap. Cezar, Tihic şi Onisifor 9 Decembrie 1984 - S-a sfinţit Biserica 9 S Zămislirea Sfintei Fecioare Maria de către Sf. Ana; Ortodoxă Română “Sfântul Nicolae” din Sf. Prorociţă Ana, mama Prorocului Samuel (Dezlegare la peşte) Woodside, New York, de către I.P.S. 10 D Sf. Mc. Mina, Ermoghen şi Evgraf (Dezlegare la peşte) Duminica a 27-a după Rusalii; Ap. Efeseni 6, 10-17; Arhiepiscop Victorin. Ev. Luca 13, 10-17 (Tămăduirea femeii gârbove); glas 2, voscr. 5 13 Decembrie 1693 - Își dă obștescul sfârșit 11 L Sf. Cuv. Daniil Stâlpnicul şi Luca cel Nou Mitropolitul Moldovei Dosoftei, ctitorul poeziei 12 M †) Sf. Ier. Spiridon, episcopul Trimitundei, făcătorul de minuni române culte, prin tipărirea vestitei sale (Dezlegare la peşte) Psaltiri în versuri, traducând în limba română 13 M †) Sf. Ier. Dosoftei, mitropolitul Moldovei; și principalele cărţi liturgice. † Sf. Mari Mc. Eustratie, Auxentie, Evghenie, Mardarie şi Orest; Sf. Mc. Lucia din Siracuza 16-22 Decembrie 1989 - Comemorarea 14 J Sf. Mc. Tirs, Calinic, Filimon şi Apolonie naţională a tinerilor martiri români care și-au 15 V Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Elefterie, episcopul Iliriei, şi mama sa, jertfit viaţa pentru eliberarea României de sub Sf. Mc. Antia; Sf. Mc. Suzana jugul dictaturii comuniste. 16 S Sf. Proroc Agheu; Sf. Teofana împărăteasa (Dezlegare la peşte) 17 D Sf. Proroc Daniel şi Sfinţii trei tineri: Anania, Azaria şi Misail 19 Decembrie 1885 - S-a născut în Galaţi, în (Dezlegare la peşte) numeroasa familie a Preotului Gheorghe Duminica a 28-a după Rusalii (a Sf. Strămoşi după trup ai Savin, marele profesor de Apologetică și Domnului); Ap. Sf. Strămoşi: Coloseni 3, 4-11; Teologie Fundamentală Ortodoxă, al Ev. Luca 14, 16-24 (Pilda celor poftiţi la cină); glas 3, voscr. 6 Facultăţilor de Teologie din Iași și București, 18 L †) Sf. Cuv. Daniil Sihastrul; Sf. Mc. Sebastian şi Zoe; Ioan G. Savin, personalitate marcantă și Sf. Ier. Modest, Arhiep. Ierusalimului (Dezlegare la peşte) prodigioasă a teologiei și culturii românești. A 19 M Sf. Mc. Bonifatie; Sf. Aglaia; Sf. Ier. Grichentie, Ep. Etiopiei 20 M Înainte-prăznuirea Naşterii Domnului; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Ignatie trecut la cele eterne la 22 Februarie 1973, în Teoforul, episcopul Antiohiei vârstă de 88 de ani, fiind înmormântat în 21 J Sf. Mc. Iuliana din Nicomidia; Sf. Mc. Temistocle Cimitirul Mânăstirii Cernica de lângă 22 V †) Sf. Ier. Petru Movilă, mitropolitul Kievului; București. Sf. Mare Mc. Anastasia (Zi aliturgică) 20 Decembrie 1768 - S-a născut Mitropolitul 23 S Sfinţii 10 Mucenici din Creta; Sf. Ier. Pavel, Arhiep. Neocezareei 24 D Sf. Cuv. Mc. Eugenia (Ajunul Crăciunului) Moldovei Veniamin Costachi. Filantrop și Duminica dinaintea Naşterii Domnului (a Sf. Părinţi după trup susţinător al culturii românești. A înfiinţat ai Domnului); Ap. Evrei 11, 9-10; 32-40; Ev. Matei 1, 1-25 Seminarul din Socola și a zidit marea (Genealogia Mântuitorului); glas 4, voscr. 7 Catedrală din Iași. A murit la 16 Dec. 1846. 25 L (†) Naşterea Domnului (Crăciunul) 22 Decembrie 1889 - S-a născut Nichifor 26 M †) Soborul Maicii Domnului; †) Sf. Cuv. Nicodim cel Sfinţit Crainic, în satul Bulbucata-Vlașca, renumit de la Tismana; Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Eftimie Mărturisitorul, Ep. Sardei 27 M † Sfântul Ap., întâiul Mc. şi Arhidiacon Ştefan; profesor universitar la Facultăţile de Teologie Sf. Cuv. Teodor Mărturisitorul (Harţi) din Chișinău și București, mare poet naţional 28 J Sfinţii 20.000 de Mucenici din Nicomidia și apologet al Ortodoxismului românesc, 29 V Sfinţii 14.000 de prunci ucişi din porunca lui Irod; creatorul școlii literare gândiriste, Sf. Cuv. Marcel şi Tadeu (Harţi) deasemenea mare gazetar și surghiunit 30 S Sf. Mc. Anisia fecioara; Sf. Cuv. Teodora; Sf. Cuv. Leon politic. A trecut la cele eterne la 20 August 31 D Odovania praznicului Naşterii Domnului; Sf. Cuv. Melania Romana; 1972, în București. Sf. Mc. Hermes Duminica după Naşterea Domnului (a Sfinţilor Iosif Logodnicul, 25 December - Christmas Day David Prorocul și Iacob, ruda Domnului); Ap. Galateni 1, 11-19; 26 December - Boxing Day (Canada) Ev. Matei 2, 13-23 (Fuga în Egipt); glas 5, voscr. 8 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 30


Însemnări / Notes: ______

Date Importante / Important Dates: Date Eveniment / Event ______Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 31

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The Honourable Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 32


Her Majesty QUEEN ELIZABETH II of the United Kingdom Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 33

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The Right Honourable JUSTIN TRUDEAU Prime Minister of Canada Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 34


The National Anthem of the United States of America Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream: ’Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war’s desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.” And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

O, CANADA The National Anthem of Canada

O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 35

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 35 DES, TEAPTÃ -TEROMÂNE! “Un răsunet”, Marșul Anului 1848 de Andrei Mureșanu (1816-1863) IMNULNAŢIONALALROMÂNIEI Deșteaptă-te, Române, O mamă văduvită dela Mihai cel Mare din somnul cel de moarte, Pretinde dela fiii-și azi mână d’ajutori, În care te-adânciră barbarii de tirani! și blastămă cu lacrimi Acum ori niciodată în ochi pe orișicare croiește-ţi altă soartă, În astfel de pericul s’ar face vânzători! La care să se’nchine și cruzii tăi dușmani! De fulgere să piară, de trăznet și pucioasă, Acum ori niciodată Oricare s’ar retrage din gloriosul loc, să dăm dovezi la lume Când patria sa mama, cu inima duioasă, Că’n aste mâini mai curge Va cere ca să trecem prin sabie și foc! un sânge de roman; Și că’n a noastre piepturi N’ajunse iataganul barbarei Semilune, păstrăm cu fală-n lume A cărui plăgi fatale Triumfător în lupte, și azi le mai simţim; un nume de Traian! Acum se vâră cnuta în vetrele străbune, Dar martor ne e Domnul, Înalţă-ţi lata frunte și cată’n jur de tine, că vii nu o primim! Cum stau ca brazii’n munte voinici sute de mii; N’ajunse despotismul Un semn ei mai așteaptă cu’ntreaga lui orbie, și sar ca lupii’n stâne, Al cărui jug de seculi ca vitele-l purtăm; Bătrâni, bărbaţi, juni, tineri, Acum se’ncearcă cruzii, din munţi și din câmpii! în oarba lor trufie, Să ne răpească limba, Priviţi, măreţe umbre: dar numai morţi o dăm! Mihai, Ștefan, Corvine! Româna naţiune, ai voștri strănepoţi, Români din patru unghiuri, Cu braţele armate, acum or niciodată cu focul vostru’n vine, Uniţi-vă în cuget, uniţi-vă’n simţiri! “Viaţă’n libertate ori moarte!” strigă toţi. Strigaţi în lumea largă că Dunărea-i furată Pre voi vă nimiciră a pizmei răutate Prin intrigă și silă, viclene uneltiri! și oarba neunire la Milcov și Carpaţi! Dar noi pătrunși la suflet Preoţi cu crucea’n frunte, de sânta libertate, căci oastea e creștină, Jurăm că vom da mâna, Deviza-i libertate și scopul ei prea sfânt! să fim pururea fraţi. Murim mai bine’n luptă, cu glorie deplină, Decât să fim sclavi iarăși în vechiul nost’ pământ! Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 36


Decision No. 14079 of the December 12th, 1974 of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church

— The Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America is and remains an autonomous diocese. — The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, based on the Permanent Synod’s decision of July 12, 1950 as well as on the Most Rev. Archbishop Victorin’s official letter No. 163 of June 8, 1973 recognizes and renews that status of autonomy as follows: 1. The jurisdictional territory of the Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America on Orthodox parishes with members of Romanian origin—or associated by religious faith or affiliation encompasses the United States of America, Canada, South America and Pacific Area. 2 The Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America is governed by its own Statutes and By-Laws, without any interference from outside, having to maintain canonical, dogmatic and spiritual ties with the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church—from which it receives the Holy and Great Chrism—according to the Holy Canons and to the hierarchical structure of the . 3 The Archbishop is elected by the Church Congress of that Diocese, composed of the clergy and lay delegates of the parishes, according to the provisions set forth in the Statutes of the Archdiocese as well as in the laws of the United States of America on whose territory the Archdiocese has its headquarters. 4. The local Church Congress is the authority that proposes to the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church to confirm the election as well as to elevate the newly elect- ed (Archbishop) to the hierarchical level, in the event that he does not already have it. 5. The spiritual authority of the Archbishop derives from that of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, which grants him investiture through Patriarchal Gramata in public and ceremonial fashion. 6. The Archbishop, together with the legislative, executive and disciplinary organs of the Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America rules the Diocese in a self- governing way, having the right and the liberty to appoint priests, deans, counselors and employees, to grant Church distinctions and ranks, to apply punitive sanctions, to have an innerself economical and financial administration, to publish on the account of the Archdiocese magazines, periodicals, bulletins, almanacs, books of religious ritual and education, to supervise and rule all the ecclesiastical and cultural activities of the parishes. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 37

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7. The Archbishop is a rightful member of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, with the right to vote on matters concerning his Diocese. The Holy Synod’s positions or decisions regarding the relationship between the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Romanian State are not obligatory for the Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America nor for the priests and faithful under his jurisdiction, all of them living in countries with political and social systems different from that of Romania. 8. The parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America are owners de jure and de facto of the personal and real property they posses, having to administer them in conformity with the Statutes of the Archdiocese as well as with the laws of the respective states. The Romanian Patriarchate does not claim any rights of personal or real property on the parishes within the jurisdictional territory of the Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America. 9. The Romanian Orthodox Missionary in America enjoys the right to establish and maintain inter-Orthodox, inter-Christian and ecumenical relationships with the religious organizations on its jurisdictional territory, having to observe the dogmatic teaching and canonical rules of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church. Its Archbishop is the only Hierarch invested with the authority to represent it canonically and legally. 10. In order to be aided in his leadership activities, the Archbishop may have an Auxiliary Bishop. This one enjoys the right to be honored according to his rank and is, as the Archbishop, a member of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The Auxiliary Bishop to be is recommended by the Archbishop in agreement with the Archdiocesan Council. The procedure for his confirmation and his elevation to the Hierarchical level is the same as for the Archbishop with the exception that he is installed by the Archbishop. — The Holy Synod recommends that the Romanian Orthodox Missionary Archdiocese in America take into account all the above in amending its Statutes. Bringing to Your Eminence’s knowledge all the above for their implementation, we brotherly embrace you in our Lord Jesus Christ.

PRESIDENT OF THE HOLY SYNOD †JUSTINIAN Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

SECRETARY OF THE HOLY SYNOD † Bishop ANTONIE PLOIEȘTEANUL Patriarchal Vicar Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 38


Decizia Nr. 14079 din 12 Decembrie 1974 a Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române

— Arhiepiscopia Misionară Ortodoxă Română în America este și rămâne o eparhie autonomă. — Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, în baza hotărârii Sinodului Permanent din 12 Iulie 1950 și pe temeiul adresei No. 163 din 8 Iunie 1973, a I. P. S. Arhiepiscop Victorin, recunoaște și reînnoiește acest Statut de autonomie, după cum urmează: 1. Teritoriul jurisdicţional al Arhiepiscopiei Misionare Ortodoxe Române în America asupra parohiilor ortodoxe cu enoriași de origine română—sau afiliaţi prin credinţă religioasă ori rudenie—cuprinde Statele Unite ale Americii, Canada, America de Sud și Aria Pacificului. 2. Arhiepiscopia Misionară Ortodoxă Română în America se conduce după statute și regulamente proprii, fără nici un amestec din afară, având a păstra legături canonice, dogmatice și spirituale cu Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române—de la care primește Sfântul și Marele Mir—în conformitate cu sfintele canoane și cu structura ierarhică a Bisericii Ortodoxe de Răsărit. 3. Arhiepiscopul este ales de către Congresul Bisericesc al acelei eparhii, alcătuit din delegaţii clerici și mireni ai parohiilor, în conformitate cu prevederile Statutului Arhiepiscopiei, precum și cu legile Statelor Unite ale Americii, pe teritoriul cărora Arhiepiscopia își are sediul central. 4. Congresul Bisericesc local este autoritatea care propune Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române confirmarea alegerii, precum și ridicarea noului ales la treapta arhieriei, în cazul că acesta nu o are. 5. Autoritatea spirituală a Arhiepiscopului derivă din aceea a Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, care îi acordă învestitura prin Gramata Patriarhală, în cadru public și solemn. 6. Arhiepiscopul, împreună cu organele legislative, executive și disciplinare ale Arhiepiscopiei Misionare Ortodoxe Române în America, își conduce eparhia în mod de sine stătător, având dreptul și libertatea de a rândui preoţi, protopopi, consilieri și funcţionari, de a acorda distincţii și ranguri bisericești, de a aplica sancţiuni disciplinare, de a avea o administraţie economică și financiară proprie, de a edita pe seama eparhiei reviste, ziare, buletine, almanahuri, cărţi de cult și educaţie religioasă, de a supraveghea și îndruma întreaga activitate bisericească și culturală a parohiilor. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 39

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7. Arhiepiscopul este membru de drept al Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, cu drept de vot asupra problemelor care privesc eparhia sa. Poziţiile sau deciziile Sfântului Sinod cu privire la relaţiile dintre Biserica Ortodoxă Română și Statul Român nu sunt obligatorii pentru Arhiepiscopul Arhiepiscopiei Misionare Ortodoxe Române în America și nici pentru preoţii și credincioșii de sub jurisdicţia sa, aceștia trăind în ţări cu sisteme politice și sociale diferite de acelea ale României. 8. Parohiile Arhiepiscopiei Misionare Ortodoxe Române în America sunt proprietarele de drept și de fapt ale bunurilor mobile și imobile pe care le deţin, având a le administra în conformitate cu Statutul Arhiepiscopiei și cu legile statelor respective. Patriarhia Română nu revendică drepturi mobiliare sau imobiliare asupra parohiilor de pe teritoriul jurisdicţional al Arhiepiscopiei Misionare Ortodoxe Române în America. 9. Arhiepiscopia Misionară Ortodoxă Română în America se bucură de dreptul de a stabili și întreţine relaţii interortodoxe, intercreștine și ecumenice cu organizaţiile religioase de pe teritoriul ei jurisdictional, având a respecta învăţătura dogmatică și rânduielile canonice ale Sfintei Biserici Ortodoxe de Răsărit. Arhiepiscopul ei este singurul ierarh investit cu autoritatea de a o reprezenta canonic și legal. 10. În sprijinul activităţii sale de conducător, Arhiepiscopul poate avea un Episcop-Vicar. Acesta se bucură de dreptul de cinstire potrivit rangului său și este, ca și Arhiepiscopul, membru al Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. Episcopul Vicar în devenire este recomandat de către Arhiepiscop, în înţelegere cu Consiliul eparhial. Procedura confirmării și ridicării lui la treapta de arhiereu este aceeași ca cea prevăzută pentru Arhiepiscop, cu deosebirea că instalarea lui se face de către Arhiepiscop. — Recomandă ca la amendarea Statutului Arhiepiscopiei Misionare Ortodoxe Române în America să se ţină seama de cele de mai sus. Aducând la cunoștinţa Înalt Prea Sfinţiei Voastre cele de mai sus pentru îndeplinire, Vă îmbrăţișăm frăţește în Domnul nostru lisus Hristos.


SECRETARUL SFÂNTULUI SINOD † Episcop ANTONIE PLOIEȘTEANUL Vicar Patriarhal Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 40


The Dioceses and Members of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church (with the date of ordination as bishop)

PATRIARCH His Beatitude DANIEL CIOBOTEA Archbishop of , Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrogea, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church and President of the Holy Synod (ordained as bishop at 04.03.1990) Aleea Dealul Mitropoliei no. 2 · 040161 - Bucharest IV Tel: +40.21.406.71.61 / Fax: +40.21.406.71.62 Web site: · E-mail: [email protected] ASSISTANT BISHOPS His Grace VARLAAM PLOIESTEANUL, Assistant to the Patriarch (20.12.2009) Aleea Dealul Mitropoliei no. 25 · 040161 - Bucharest IV Tel: +40.21.406.71.61 / Fax: +40.21.406.71.62 E-mail: [email protected] His Grace IERONIM SINAITUL Assistant to the Patriarch (29.05.2014) Aleea Dealul Mitropoliei no. 25 · 040161 - Bucharest IV Tel: +40.21.406.71.61 / Fax: +40.21.406.71.62 E-mail: [email protected]

I. METROPOLITAN SEE of MUNTENIA AND DOBROGEA METROPOLITAN: His Beatitude Patriarch DANIEL ARCHDIOCESE of BUCHAREST ARCHBISHOP: His Beatitude Patriarch DANIEL ASSISTANT BISHOP: His Grace TIMOTEI PRAHOVEANUL (30.10.2014) Intrarea Patriarhiei no. 21 · 040162 - Bucharest IV Tel: +40.21.337.49.57; Fax +40.21.337.43.56 2. ARCHDIOCESE of TOMIS ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence TEODOSIE PETRESCU (03.04.1994) Str. Arhiepiscopiei no. 23 · 900732 Constanţa, jud. Constanţa Tel: +40; Fax: +40 3. ARCHDIOCESE of TÂRGOVIŞTE ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence Metropolitan NIFON MIHĂIŢĂ (24.11.1985) Str. Mihai Bravu no. 5-7, 130004 - Târgovişte, jud. Dâmboviţa Tel: +; Fax + 4. ARCHDIOCESE of ARGEŞ AND MUSCEL ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence CALINIC ARGATU (17.11.1985) Bd. Basarabilor no. 1 · 115300 Curtea-de-Argeş, jud. Argeş Tel: +40; Fax +40 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 41

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 41 5. ARCHDIOCESE of BUZĂU AND VRANCEA ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence CIPRIAN SPIRIDON (22.09.2002) Aleea Episcopiei no. 3 · 120043 Buzău, jud. Buzău Tel/Fax: + 6. ARCHDIOCESE of DUNĂREA DE JOS ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence CASIAN CRĂCIUN (18.02.1990) Str. Domnească no. 104 · 800201 Galaţi, jud. Galaţi Tel: +40; Fax +40 7. DIOCESE of SLOBOZIA AND CĂLĂRAŞI BISHOP: His Grace VINCENŢIU GRIFONI (2.02.1994) Str. Episcopiei no. 2 · 920023 Slobozia, jud. Ialomiţa Tel: +40 243 23.17.11; Fax +40 8. DIOCESE of ALEXANDRIA AND TELEORMAN BISHOP: His Grace GALACTION STÂNGĂ (01.09.1996) Str. Carpaţi no. 15 · 140059 Alexandria, jud. Teleorman Tel: +40; Fax +40 9. DIOCESE of GIURGIU BISHOP: His Grace AMBROZIE MELEACĂ (15.10.2000) Str. Portului no. 13 · 080015 Giurgiu, Jud. Giurgiu Tel: +; Fax: + 10. DIOCESE of TULCEA BISHOP: His Grace VISARION BĂLŢAT (12.10.1997) Str. Mircea Vodă, no. 6A · 820134 Tulcea, jud. Tulcea Tel/Fax: +40 II. METROPOLITAN SEE OF MOLDOVAAND BUCOVINA METROPOLITAN - His Eminence TEOFAN SAVU (15.09.1991) Str. Ştefan cel Mare no. 16 · 700064 Iaşi, jud. Iaşi Tel: + 40; Fax: + 40 1. ARCHDIOCESE of IAŞI ARCHBISHOP - His Eminence TEOFAN SAVU ASSISTANT BISHOP: His Grace CALINIC BOTOŞĂNEANUL (25.03.1991) Str. Ştefan cel Mare no. 16 · 700064 Iaşi, jud. Iaşi Tel: + 40; Fax: + 40 2. ARCHDIOCESE of SUCEAVAAND RĂDĂUŢI ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence PIMEN ZAINEA (24.06.1982) Str. Vasile Bumbac no. 2 · 720071 Suceava, jud. Suceava Tel: +40; Fax: +40 3. ARCHDIOCESE of ROMAN AND BACĂU ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence IOACHIM GIOSANU (01.05.2000) Str. Alexandru cel Bun no. 5 · 611065 Roman, jud. Neamţ Tel: +40; Fax: +40- 4. DIOCESE of HUŞI BISHOP: His Grace CORNELIU ONILĂ (21.11.1999) Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu no. 19 · 735100 Huşi, jud. Vaslui Tel: +40; Fax:+40 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 42

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 42 III. METROPOLITAN SEE OF TRANSYLVANIA METROPOLITAN: His Eminence LAURENTIU STREZA (11.08.1996) Str. Mitropoliei no. 24 · 550179 Sibiu, jud. Sibiu Tel: +40 269 21.15.84; Fax: +40 1. ARCHDIOCESE of SIBIU ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence LAURENTIU STREZA ASSISTANT BISHOP: His Grace ILARION FĂGĂRAŞANUL (07.06.2015) Str. Mitropoliei no. 24 · 550179 Sibiu, jud. Sibiu Tel: +40 269 21.15.84; Fax: +40 2. ARCHDIOCESE of ALBA IULIA ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence IRINEU POP (21.11.1990) Str. Mihai Viteazul no. 16 · 510010 Alba Iulia, jud. Alba Tel: +40 258 81.16.90 · Fax: +40 258 81.27.97 3. DIOCESE of BISHOP: His Grace SOFRONIE DRINCEAC (21.02.1999) Str. Roman Ciorogariu no. 3 · 410017 Oradea, jud. Bihor Tel/Fax: +40 259 13.34.87. 4. DIOCESE of COVASNA AND HARGHITA BISHOP: His Grace ANDREI MOLDOVAN (15.08.2008) Str. Patriarhul Miron Cristea no. 5 · 530112 Miercurea-Ciuc, jud. Harghita Tel/Fax: +40 266 12.44.53. 5. DIOCESE of DEVAAND HUNEDOARA BISHOP: His Grace GURIE GEORGIU (5.08.2001) Str. Avram Iancu nr. 2 · 330025 Deva, judetul Hunedoara Tel/Fax: + IV. METROPOLITAN SEE of CLUJ, MARAMUREŞ AND SĂLAJ METROPOLITAN: His Eminence ANDREI ANDREICUŢ (25.02.1990) Piaţa Avram Iancu no. 18 · 400117 Cluj-Napoca, jud. Cluj Tel: +40 264 43.10.04; Fax: +40- 1. ARCHDIOCESE of VAD, FELEAC AND CLUJ ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence ANDREI ANDREICUŢ ASSISTANT BISHOP: His Grace VASILE SOMEŞANUL (15.08.1998) Piaţa Avram Iancu no. 18 · 400117 Cluj-Napoca, jud. Cluj Tel: +40 264 43.10.04 int. 223; Fax: +40 264 59.51.84 2. DIOCESE of MARAMUREŞ AND SĂTMAR BISHOP: His Grace IUSTIN HODEA (17.04.1994) Str. Avram Iancu no. 5 · 430313 Baia Mare, jud. Maramureş Tel: +40 262 21.46.14; Fax: + 3. DIOCESE of SĂLAJ BISHOP: His Grace PETRONIU FLOREA (1.10.2000) Str. Avram Iancu nr. 29A · 450143 Zalău, jud. Sălaj Tel./Fax +40 360 10.03.21 V. METROPOLITAN SEE OF OLTENIA METROPOLITAN: His Eminence IRINEU POPA (06.10.1991) Str. Mitropolit Firmilian, nr. 3 · 200381, Craiova, jud. Dolj. Tel: +40 Fax: + 40 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 43

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 43 1. ARCHDIOCESE of CRAIOVA ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence IRINEU POPA 2. ARCHDIOCESE of RÂMNIC ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence VARSANUFIE GOGESCU (30.09.2001) Str. Arges nr. 53 · 240175 Râmnicu-Vâlcea, jud. Vâlcea. Tel: +40 250 73.11.70; Fax: +40 250 73.11.72 ASSISTANT BISHOP: His Grace EMILIAN LOVIŞTEANUL (14.11.2009) Str. Arges nr. 53 · 240175 Râmnicu-Vâlcea, jud. Vâlcea. Tel: +40 250 73.11.70; Fax: +40 250 73.11.72 3. DIOCESE of SEVERIN AND STREHAIA BISHOP: His Grace NICODIM NICOLAESCU (19.08.2001) Str. I. Gh. Bibicescu nr. 6 · 220103 Drobeta Turnu Severin, jud. Mehedinţi Tel: + 40 252 33.30.48; Fax: + 40 252 33.30.39 4. DIOCESE of SLATINA AND ROMANATI BISHOP: His Grace SEBASTIAN PAŞCANU (25.03.2001) Str. Fraţii Buzeşti nr. 15 · 230080 Slatina, Jud. Olt Tel: +40 249 42.10.26; Fax: + 40 349 41.68.61 VI. METROPOLITAN SEE OF BANAT METROPOLITAN: His Eminence IOAN SELEJEAN (20.07.1994) Bd. C.D. Loga no. 7 · 300021 Timişoara, jud. Timiş Tel: +40 256 49.02.87; Fax: + 1. ARCHDIOCESE of TIMIŞOARA ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence IOAN SELEJEAN ASSISTANT BISHOP: His Grace PAISIE LUGOJEANUL (18.02.2006) Bd. C.D. Loga no. 7 · 300021 Timişoara, jud. Timiş Tel: +40 256 49.02.87; Fax: + 2. ARCHBISHOP: His Eminence TIMOTEI SEVICIU (08.02.1976) Str. Episcopiei no. 60-62 · 310084 Arad, jud. Arad Tel: +40 257 28.18.56; Fax: + 3. DIOCESE of CARANSEBEŞ BISHOP: His Grace LUCIAN MIC (01.10.2000) Str. Mihai Viteazul no. 11 · 325400 Caransebeş, jud. Caraş-Severin Tel: +40 255 51.64.12; Fax: +40 255 51.64.02 VII. AUTONOMOUS METROPOLITAN SEE OF BESSARABIA METROPOLITAN: His Eminence PETRU PĂDURARU (01.09.1990) ASSISTANT BISHOP: His Grace ANTONIE DE ORHEI (24.05.2014) Str. 31 August no. 161 · 2004 Chişinău · Republic of Moldova Tel: +373; Fax: +373.

ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESES ABROAD VIII. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLIS FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN EUROPE METROPOLITAN: His Eminence IOSIF POP (15.03.1998) 1 Boulevard du Génèral Leclerc · 91470 Limours · FRANCE Tel. +33 · Fax: +33 1 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:09 AM Page 44

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 44 ASSISTANT BISHOP: MARC NEMTEANUL (07.05.2005) 62 rue Mazarin · 33000 Bordeaux · FRANCE E-mail: [email protected] 1. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE FOR ITALY BISHOP: His Grace SILUAN ŞPAN (21.10.2001) Via Ardeatina n° 1741 · 00134 Roma · ITALY Tel/fax: + · Fax: + E-mail: [email protected] 2. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE FOR SPAIN AND PORTUGAL BISHOP: His Grace TIMOTEI LAURAN (25.05.2008) C/Malaga, 5, 28810 · Urb. Zulema · Villalbilla · Madrid · SPAIN Tel/Fax: 0034-91.879.23.24 E-mail:[email protected]; ASSISTANT BISHOP: IGNATIE MUREŞEANUL (11.12.2011) Saint Michael and All Angels Church · Lawns Lane · Farnley Leeds LS125ET West Yorshire · ENGLAND Tel. +44.07961.974.121 · Fax: +33 1 IX. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLIS FOR GERMANY, CENTRAL AND NORTH EUROPE METROPOLITAN: His Eminence SERAFIM JOANTĂ (11.03.1990) Further Strabe 166-168 · D-90429 Nurnberg Tel: +49 (0) 911.323.69.10 · Fax: +49 (0) 911-323.69.12 ASSISTANT BISHOP: SOFIAN BRAŞOVEANUL (11.05.2003) Paul-Heyse-Str. 19 · D-80336 Munchen Tel: +49 (0) 89.660.60.884 · Fax: +49 (0) 89.545.720.58 E-Mail: [email protected] 1. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE FOR NORTHERN EUROPE BISHOP: His Grace MACARIE DRĂGOI (2.05.2008) Hasslingbyvagen 7, 136 91 Haninge - Stockholm, Sweden Tel: + 46.853.035.600; Fax: + 46 853.035.601 E-Mail: [email protected] X. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLIA OF THE AMERICAS METROPOLITAN: His Eminence NICOLAE CONDREA (14.07.2002) 5410 N. Newland Ave. · Chicago IL, USA 60656 · Tel: +1.773.774.1677 Fax: +1.773.774.1805 E-mail: [email protected] 1. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF CANADA BISHOP: His Grace IOAN CASIAN TUNARU (2.07.2006) 2000 Boulevard Marie, Longueuil (Saint Hubert), QC J4T 2B1, CANADA Tel: + 1.514.804.3285 · Fax: + 1.514.485.4718 XI. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE IN HUNGARY BISHOP: His Grace SILUAN MĂNUILĂ (8.07.2007) Grosza Park 2 · 5700 Gyula · HUNGARY Tel/fax: +36 66.361.281 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 45

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 45 XII. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE IN SERBIAAND MUNTENEGRU (DACIA FELIX) BISHOP: His Grace DANIIL STOENESCU (01.04.2001) Ul. Zarko Zrenianina nr. 60 · 26300 Vârşeţ, SERBIA Tel: +38.113 831 071 XIII. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE FOR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEELAND BISHOP: His Grace MIHAIL FILIMON (27.04.2008) 103 Porteous Road · Melton West 3337 · Victoria · AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 3.8746.5208 E-Mail: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 46


Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church

His All Holiness BARTHOLOMEW I, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch His Beatitude THEODOROS II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa His Beatitude YOUHANNA X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East His Beatitude THEOPHILOS III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine His Beatitude KYRILL, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia His Beatitude IRINEJ, Patriarch of Serbia His Beatitude DANIEL, Patriarch of Romania His Beatitude NEOFIT, Patriarch of Bulgaria His Beatitude ILIA II, Archbishop of Metschetis and Tiflis, and Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia

Primates of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches

His Beatitude CHRYSOSTOMOS II, Archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus His Beatitude HIERONYMOS II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece His Beatitude SAWA, Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland His Beatitude ANASTASIOS, Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania His Beatitude RASTISLAV, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 47

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Archbishop Demetrios (GOA) Chairman Metropolitan Joseph (AOCA) Bishop John (MP) First Vice-Chairman Second Vice-Chairman Bp. Gregory (ACROD) Archbishop Michael (OCA) Secretary Treasurer Coordinator for Committees Bp. Maxim (Serbian) Coordinator for Agencies and Endorsed Organizations Bp. Gregory (ACROD) Committee for Canonical Affairs Met. Methodios (GOA)– Chairman Met. Hilarion (ROCOR) Met. Athenagoras (EP) Bp. Maxim (Serbia) Committee for Canonical Regional Planning Met. Nicolae (Romanian) - Chairman Met. Iakovos (GOA) Met. Nicholas (GOA) Bp. Daniil (Bulgarian) Met. Tikhon (OCA) Committee for Church and Society Met. Savas (GOA) - Chairman Bp. Anthony (AOCA) Bp. Maxim (Serbian) Bp. Irinej (Serbian) Committee for Clergy Matters Bp. John (MP) - Chairman Bp. Antoun (AOCA) Bp. Nicholas (AOCA) Committee for Ecumenical Relations Bp. Demetrios (GOA) – Chairman Bp. Alexander (AOCA) Bp. Melchisedek (OCA) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 48

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 48 Committee for Financial Affairs Met. Antony (UOC) – Chairman Committee for Legal Affairs Bp. Daniel (UOC) – Chairman Bp. Andonios (GOA) Committee for Liturgy Bp. Andonios(GOA)- Chairman Met. Evangelos (GOA) Abp. Benjamin (OCA) Bp. John (ROCOR) Committee for Military Chaplaincy Met. Isaiah (GOA) - Chairman Abp. Nikon (OCA) Bp. Daniel (UOC) Abp. Peter (ROCOR) Committee for Monastic Communities Abp. Kyrill (ROCOR) - Chairman Met. Tikhon (OCA) Met. Gerasimos (GOA) Bp. Longin (Serbian) Committee for Pastoral Practice Met. Joseph (AOCA) - Chairman Bp. Sevastianos (GOA) Bp. Theodosy (ROCOR) Abp. Mark (OCA) Committee for Theological Education Bp. Ilia (Albanian) - Chairman Met. Nikitas (EP) Abp. Michael (OCA) Bp. John (AOCA) Bp. Alexander (OCA) Committee for Youth Bp. Thomas (AOCA) - Chairman Met. Alexios (GOA) Bp. Irineu (OCA) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 49

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 49 Canonical Jurisdictions Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America ( American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA ( Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA ( Albanian Orthodox Diocese ( Patriarchate of Antioch Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America ( Patriarchate of Moscow Russian Orthodox Church ( Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) ( Patriarchate of Serbia in North and South America ( Patriarchate of Romania Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas ( Patriarchate of Bulgaria Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada, and Australia ( Patriarchate of Georgia Georgian Orthodox Church Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 50

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 50 THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLIA OF THE AMERICAS 5410 North Newland Aveue · Chicago, Illinois 60656-2026 e-mail: [email protected]

Metropolitan: His Eminence Nicolae 5410 N Newland Ave Chicago IL 60656-2026 Tel: 773-774-1677; Fax: 773-774-1805; Email: [email protected] Bishop: His Grace Ioan Casian 2000 Boulevard Marie, Longueuil (Saint Hubert), QC J4T 2B1, Canada Tel: 1-514-804-3285; Email: [email protected] Vicar: V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Apostola 34 Gold Street, Shrewsbury, MA, 01545-4009 Tel: 508-845-0088; Fax: 508-845-8850; Email: [email protected] THE ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL President: His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae 5410 N. Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026 Tel: 773-774-1677; Fax: 773-774-1805; Email: [email protected] Vice-President: His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian 2000 Boulevard Marie, Longueuil (Saint Hubert), QC J4T 2B1, Canada Tel: 1-514-804-3285; Email: [email protected] Vicar: V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Apostola 34 Gold Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545-4009 Tel: 508-845-0088; Fax: 508-845-8850; Email: [email protected] Secretary: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian Ene 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 Tel/fax: 585-924-8737 Email: [email protected] Treasurers: Mr. Viorel Moroşan 2570 N. Ridge Ave, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Tel: 847-670-0133; Email: [email protected] Mr. Marius Mihălceanu 4285 Mount Sinai, Windsor, ON N9G 2G7 Tel: 519-966-8247; Email: [email protected] Auditor: Mr. Alexandru Şuba 24860 Grove Pond Way, Olmstead Falls, OH 44138-2362 Tel: 440-793-6213; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 51

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 51 Clergy Members V. Rev. Fr. George Bâzgan 12903 90 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5E 3L7 Tel/Fax 780-473-0029; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Mihai Cărpenişeanu - Dean 14833 San Jose Street, Mission Hills, CA 91345-2130 Tel/Fax: 818-361-3743 V. Rev. Fr. George Chişcă - Dean 6340 Boul Saint-Michel, Montreal, QC H1Y 2E7 Tel: 514-727-3527; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Ion Gherman - Dean 24920 Deerfield Drive, North Olmsted, OH 44070-1234 Tel: 440-734-3054; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Mircea Panciuk - Dean 11024 165 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5X 1X9 Tel: 780-456-7737; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. George Săndulescu 1960 Tecumseh Road E, Windsor, ON N8W 1E1 Tel: 519-258-1824; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Nicolae Clempuş 3686 Windy Ct., Tucker, GA 30084 Tel: 770-939-1213; Email: [email protected] Lay Members Mr. Constantin Alexandru 31-23 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11370 Tel: 212-288-9615; Email: [email protected] Mr. Adrian Pătru 505 Rue Saint Francois, Apt. 210, Brossard, QC, J4X 2W9 Tel: 450-812-7094; Email: [email protected] Mr. Doru Mihail Gînscă 7 McFarlane Drive, Cambridge ON N3C 4J9 Tel: 519-220-1760; Email: [email protected] Mr. Cătălin Gheorghiu 1101 Des Carrieres, Apt. 103, Montreal QC H2S 3M8 Tel: 514-507-2547; Email: [email protected] Mrs. Anca Daian 14420 SE Allen Rd, Bellevue, WA 98006 Tel: 425-890-0862; Email: [email protected] Mrs. Ileana Ruxandra Dascălu - AROLA President 802 N. Decatur Street, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 Tel: 607-210-3005; Email: [email protected] Mr. Tudor Stroescu - ROYA President 12 Scammel Road, Winnipeg MB Tel: 204-227-3489; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 52

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 52 THE ARCHDIOCESAN SPIRITUAL CONSISTORY President: V. Rev. Archim. Nikodim Bibarţ 1534 N. Formosa Avenue #1, Los Angeles, CA 90046-3681 Tel: 323-874-9980; Email: [email protected] Vice-President: V. Rev. Fr. Viorel Ţencaliuc 503-205 Shaughnesy Boulevard, North York, ON M2J 1J9 Tel: 416-491-1738; Email: [email protected] Clergy members: Rev. Fr. Călin Barbolovici 1840 E Square Lake Road, Troy, MI 48085-3389 Tel: 248-879-8977; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Sandu 4602 Boulevard Decarie Apt 1, Montreal QC H3X 2H5 Tel: 514-485-4718; Email: [email protected] Lay members: Ms. Lia Roberts 711 Rancho Circle, Las Vegas NV 89107 Tel: 702-878-5534; Email: [email protected] Mr. Cristian Geagiu 2525 Ave. Aubert, Brossard QC J4Z 2V6 Tel: 450-676-4003; Email: [email protected] Eparchial Inspector: V. Rev. Fr. Lucian Puşcariu 381 Ouenn Street South, Hamilton, ON L8P 3T8 Tel: 905-527-7895; Email: [email protected]

DEANERIES New York, New England and Eastern USA V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Apostola - Dean 34 Gold Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545-4009 Tel: 508-845-0088; Fax: 508-845-8850; Email: [email protected] Ohio and Central USA V. Rev. Fr. Ion Gherman - Dean 24920 Deerfield Drive, North Olmsted, OH 44070-1234 Tel: 440-734-3054; Email:[email protected] Western USA V. Rev. Fr. Mihai Cărpenişeanu - Dean 14833 San Jose Street, Mission Hills, CA 91345-2130 Tel/Fax: 818-361-3743 Ontario and Eastern Canada V. Rev. Fr. George Chişcă - Dean 6340 Boul Saint-Michel, Montreal, QC H1Y 2E7 Tel: 514-727-3527; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 53

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 53 Alberta and Western Canada V. Rev. Fr Mircea Panciuk - Dean 11024 165 Avenue, NW Edmonton, AB T5X 1X9 Tel: 780-456-7737; Email: [email protected]


Chairman: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian Ene 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 Tel/fax: 585-924-8737 Email: [email protected] Members USA Eastern Deanery: Ms. Anca Violeta Munteanu The Three Holy Hierarchs Church, Syracuse NY 914 Crawford Ave. Syracuse NY, 13224 Tel: 315-446-6186; Email: [email protected] USA Central Deanery: Ms. Doina Tuş Annunciation Cathedral, Cleveland OH 20350 Parklane Dr. Rocky River OH, 44116 Tel: 440-333-5067; Email: [email protected] USA Western Deanery: Ms. Ioana Groza Holy Ressurection Church, Sacramento, CA 3201 Murchinson Way, Carmichael, CA 95608 Tel: 916-972-0334; Email: [email protected] Eastern Canada Deanery: Presb. Mihaela Ţăpuc Saint Matthew Church, Ottawa, ON 25Rue du Cygne, Gatineau ON J9A 2Z9 Tel: 819-775-3281; Email: [email protected] Western Canada Deanery: Ms. Veronica Ciocan Sts. Constantine and Helen Church, Edmonton, AB 10136 153 St. NW 16, Edmonton AB, T5P 2B4 Tel: 780-484-7420; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 54


Chairman: His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian 2000 Boulevard Marie, Longueuil (Saint Hubert), QC J4T 2B1, Canada Tel: 1-514-804-3285; Email: [email protected] Members: Rev. Fr. Călin Barbolovici, V. Rev. Fr. George Bâzgan, V. Rev. Fr. Nicolai Buga, V. Rev. Fr. Mihai Cărpeniseanu, V. Rev. Fr. Theodor Damian, V. Rev. Fr. Ion Gherman, V. Rev. Fr. George Săndulescu. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION AND PUBLICATIONS

Co-Chairman: V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Apostola 34 Gold Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545-4009 Tel: 508-845-0088; Fax: 508-845-8850; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian Ene 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 Tel/fax: 585-924-8737 Email: [email protected] Members: Rev. Fr. Iulian Aniţei, V. Rev. Fr. George Bâzgan, V. Rev. Fr. Nicolai Buga, V. Rev. Fr. Theodor Damian, V. Rev. Fr. Ion Gherman, V. Rev. Fr. Vasile Mureşan, and V. Rev. Fr. George Săndulescu. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 55

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 55 AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS Officers of the Association of Romanian Orthodox Ladies’ Auxiliaries (AROLA) Chairman: His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae 5410 N. Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026 Tel: 773-774-1677; Fax: 773-774-1805; Email: [email protected] President: Ileana Ruxandra Dascălu Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church, Rochester, NY 56 Andrews St., Victor, NY 14564-1262 Tel: 607-210-3005; Email: [email protected]

Vice-President: Ms. Veronica Ciocan Sts. Constantine and Helen Church, Edmonton, AB 59005 132 Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB T5E 0Y1 Tel: 780-964-7427; Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Ms. Florentina Zagorodski Holy Resurection Romanian Orthodox Church, Hamilton, ON 19 Murray St. W, Hamilton, ON L8L 1B1 Tel: 905-529-1663; Email: [email protected]

Tresurers: USA Presb. Flavia Ene Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church, Rochester NY 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 Tel/fax: 585-924-8737; Email: [email protected] Canada Ms. Daniela Stroescu St. Demitrios Church, Winnipeg MB 103 Furby Street, Winnipeg MB R3C 2A4 Tel: 204-475-4238; Email: [email protected]

Communication Advisors: Eastern USA Deanery Presb. Cristina Voicu Life Giving Fountain Church, Long Valley NJ 132 Califon Rd, Long Valley, NJ 07853 Tel: 973-342-6767; Email: [email protected] Central USA Deanery Ms. Claudia Roşca Annunciation Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, Rocky River, OH 31390 St. Andrews St., Westlake, OH 44145 Tel: 440-360-7334; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 56

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 56 Western USA Deanery Ms. Anca Daian Sts. Joachim and Anna Romanian Orthodox Church, Seattle, WA 4202 34th Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98199 Tel: 425-890-0862; Email: [email protected]

Eastern Canada Deanery Ms. Gabriela Constantinescu St. George Church, St. Hubert, QC 2000 Bd. Marie, St. Hubert QC J4T 2B1 Tel: 450-676-5915; Email: [email protected]

Western Canada Deanery Ms. Liliana Ioniţă St. Demitrios Church, Winnipeg, MB 103 Furby Street, Winnipeg MB R3C 2A4 Tel: 204-775-6472; Email: [email protected]

Public Relations: Ms. Cristina Krintea Life Giving Fountain Church, Long Valley, NJ 132 Califon Rd, Long Valley, NJ 07853 Tel: 623-363-7609; Email: [email protected]

Spiritual Advisors: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian Ene Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church, Rochester NY 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 Tel/fax: 585-924-8737 Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Ion Gherman Annunciation Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, Cleveland OH 24920 Deerfield Drive, North Olmsted, OH 44070-1234 Tel: 440-734-3054; Email:[email protected]

President Emeritus: Presb. Mihaela Ţăpuc Saint Matthew Church, Ottawa, ON 289 Spencer Street, Ottawa ON K1Y 2R1 Tel: 819-775-3281; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 57

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Officers of the Romanian Orthodox Youth in the Americas (ROYA) Chairman: His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae 5410 N. Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026 Tel: 773-774-1677; Fax: 773-774-1805; Email: [email protected] President: Mr. Tudor Stroescu (St. Demetrios Church, Winnipeg, MB) 12 Scammel Road, Winnipeg MB Tel: 204-227-3489; Email: [email protected] Vice-President USA: Andrea Dumitrescu 14420 SE Allen Rd, Bellevue, WA 98006 Vice-President Canada: Rareş Răducu 156 Roywood Dr, Toronto, ON, M3A 2E4 Tel: 647-863-1929; Email: [email protected] Spiritual Advisors: Rev. Fr. Nicolae Clempuş 3686 Windy Ct. Tucker GA 30084 Tel: 404-518-1042; Email: [email protected] Rev. Hieromonk Atanasie Popescu 5410 N. Newland Ave, Chicago, IL 60656 Tel: 914-803-6813; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 58


CLERGY OF THE METROPOLIA Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 59

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 59 PRIESTS

Rev. Fr. Vasile Aileni 68 Cherrystone Drive, Toronto, ON M2H 1S1 Tel: 647-348-5501; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Protosingelos Andrei Aioanei 5410 N Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026 Tel: 773-774-1677; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Ilie Iulian Aniţei 2795 FM 306 New Braunfels, TX 78132-4243 Tel: 830-743-2693; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Apostola - Dean 44 Midland Street Worcester, MA 01602-4217 Tel: 508-756-9866; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Teofil Arsene 71 Chemin de la Paix, Chelsea, QC J9B 1A7 Tel: 819-607-1559; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Lucian Azoiţei 23 Child Drive, Aurora, ON L4G 1Y4 Tel: 647-893-3190; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Timotei Avram 525 Lincoln Road, Reading, PA 19606 Tel: 267-549-2163; Email: [email protected] Rev. Hieromonk Daniel Baeyens (retired) Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Mihai Bălan 1350 Red Rock St., Las Vegas, NV 89146 Tel: 702-715-0835; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Călin Barbolovici 1840 E Square Lake Road, Troy, MI 48085-3389 Tel: 248-879-8977; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. George Bâzgan 12903 90 St. NW Edmonton, AB T5E 3L7 Tel/Fax: 780-473-0029; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Archimandrite Nikodim Bibarţ 2440 N Euclid Ave. Upland, CA 91784 Tel: 323-874-9980; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Radu Bordeianu Associate Professor of Theology, Duquesne University 415 Tyburn Dr., Wexford, PA 15090 Tel: 412-396-6526; Email: [email protected] Rev. Hieromonk Cyrille Bradette 168 Chemin Louisa, Wentworth, QC J8H 0C7 Tel: 450-533-1114; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Archimandrite Dr. Avacum Aurelius Bucălae (retired) 121-1435 Larose Street, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7X9 V. Rev. Fr. Nicolai Buga 723 N Bodine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123-2913 Tel: 215-922-7060; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 60

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 60 Rev. Hieromonk Paisie Buhnilă 308328 Hockley Rd., Mono, ON L9W 6N4 Tel: 519-942-3489; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Petruţă Busuioc 895 Lancaster Rd, Newcastle, ON, L1B 0G6 Tel: 905-448-3157; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Nicolae Filip Cărbune 5524 N. Odell Ave, Chicago, IL 60656 Tel: 773-780-1874; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Mihai Cărpenişeanu - Dean 14833 San Jose Street, Mission Hills, CA 91345-2130 Tel/Fax: 818-361-3743 V. Rev. Fr. Simion John Cătău 48682 Tremont Drive Macomb, MI 48044-2115 Tel: 586-295-1718; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Ion Ceauşu 10200 Ave. du Bois-de-Boulogne, Ap. 304, Montreal QC H4N1K8 Tel: 514-331-6488; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. George Chişcă - Dean 6340 Boul Saint-Michel, Montreal, QC H1Y 2E7 Tel: 514-727-3527; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Constantin Ciubotariu 3610 Boul Toupin, Saint-Laurent, QC H4K 1Z5 Tel: 514-344-4384; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Nicolae Clempuş 3686 Windy Court, Tucker, GA 30084 Tel: 770-939-1213; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Mihail Cristea 250 Davis Dr. #710, Newmarket, ON L3Y 7T7 Tel: 416-897-3111; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Gabriel Curpene 21059 Wilbeam Ave #16, Castro Valley, CA, 94546 Tel: 510-677-4250; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Dr. Theodor Damian 3018 50th Street, Woodside, NY 11377-1338 Tel: 718-626-6013; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Rev. Fr. John Downie (temporary serving) 16 Romanian Avenue, PO Box 823, Southbridge, MA 01550 Tel: 774-230-2542; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Corneliu-Iulian Dragomir 502 10th Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 2B4 Tel: 604-540-1822; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Marius Daniel Dumitrescu 45-03 48 Avenue, Woodside, NY 11377 Tel: 917-592-2571; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Ene 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 Tel: 585-924-8737; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 61

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 61 V. Rev. Fr. Ion Gherman - Dean 24920 Deerfield Drive, North Olmsted, OH 44070-1234 Tel: 440-734-3054; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Teodor Gârlonţa 2200 Valley View Pkwy. apt. 4127, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Tel: 916-375-9978 V. Rev. Archimandrite Nicolas Giroux (retired) Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. David Hudson 9165-31 Nesbit Ferry Rd, Alpharetta GA 30022 Tel: 678-352-9522; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Dumitru Ilieş 2600 Scofield Ridge Pk, Austin TX 78727 Tel: 512-547-9446; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Valentin Ilieş 12411 La Bodega St, San Antonio, TX 78233 Tel: 512-919-2776; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Ioan Ioniţă P.O. Box 613, Schererville, IN 46375-0613 Tel: 708-870-6098; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Ioan Jifcu (retired) 94 Eighth Avenue Timmins, ON P4N 5R4 Tel: 705-264-8276; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Marius Mihai Lazăr 3126 Racine Ave, Norfolk, VA23509 Tel: 757-692-9821; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Nicu Liuţa 1932 8th Avenue, New Westminter, BC V3M 2T4 Tel: 778-379-5315; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Vasile Lungeanu Estado Miranda, El Hatillo, El Carmen, Via La Union, Casa El Vegote, Caracas, Venezuela Tel: 58/212-435-2366; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Constantin Lupaşcu 10350 Bois de Boulogne ap 419, Montreal, QC H4N 1L2 Tel: 514-332-9850; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Adrian Manea 299 Rue Evans, Kirkland, QC H9H 3L8 Tel: 514-691-4686; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Victor Malanca 310-85 Furby Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2A2 Tel: 204-256-8288; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Olimpiu Mărginean Tel: 450-983-3050 Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Dorin-Călin Marincaş 10 South Point Lane, Saskatoon, SK S7T 1C1 Tel: 306-931-7163; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 62

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 62 V. Rev. Dr. John McGuckin Union Theological Seminary AD 416 3041 Broadway, New York, NY 10027 Tel: 212-280-1592; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Vasile Moisi 62 Autumn Grove SE, Calgary, AB T3M 0H1 Tel: 403-203-2959; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Vasile Mureşan 1731 Evergreen Ln, Park Ridge, IL 600068 Tel: 773-870-5694; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr Mircea Panciuk - Dean 11024 165 Avenue, NW Edmonton, AB T5X 1X9 Tel: 780-456-7737; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Constantin Traian Petre 5625 Ave. Platon #204, Brossard, QC Tel: 450-904-1323; Email: at.constantin@yahoo V. Rev. Fr. Ioan Pop 28 Ashglen Court, Toronto, ON M1 T 3X3 Tel: 416-444-9095; Rev. Hieromonk Atanasie Popescu 5410 N. Newland Ave, Chicago, IL 60656 Tel: 914-803-6813; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Ioan Poptelecan 9889 Tamarack Cove, Woodbury, MN 55125-4848 Tel: 651-270-2347; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Paul Porcescu 4202 34th Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98199-1309 Tel: 206-434-1911; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Lucian Puşcariu 381 Quenn Street South, Hamilton, ON L8P 3T8 Tel: 905-527-7895; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Nicolae Regoş - retired 306 Hound Run Pl, Casselberry, FL 32707 Tel: 407-695-1885 Rev. Fr. Theodor Regoş - retired 5465 Arrowind Road NW, Lilburn, GA 30047-5833 Tel: 770-935-9193 Rev. Fr. Florian Radu Roman 594 John Hix Rd., Westland, MI 48186 Tel: 248-918-7086; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Dumitru Rusu Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Ovidiu Sabău 2330 Fremont Ave., Reading, PA 19605-3021 Tel: 610-921-5433; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Daniel Sandu 4602 Boulevard Decarie Apt.1, Montreal, QC H3X 2H5 Tel: 514-485-4718; Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 63

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 63 V. Rev. Fr. George Săndulescu 1960 Tecumseh Road, E Windsor, ON N8W 1E1 Tel: 519-258-1824; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Aurel Sas (retired) 9341 Roping Cowboy Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89178 Tel: 702-259-9435; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Ciprian I. Sas 1812 N. Prospect Rd., Peoria, IL 61603 Tel: 309-682-5824; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Timothy A. Sas 5219 Kingstone St., Duluth, MN 55804 Tel: 218-525-8387; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Nicolae Simion 172 Salem Street, Wakefield, MA 01880 Tel: 781-246-8677; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. George Şchiop 6160 Gates Avenue, Ridgewood, NY 11385-3300 Tel: 718-366-9053 V. Rev. Protos. Vincenţiu Temirov 1572 Mountain Rd., Middletown NY 10940-7122 Tel: 845-386-3998; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Grigorie Ţăpuc 25, Rue du Cygne, Gatineau, QC J9A 2Z9 Tel: 819-775-3281; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Viorel Ţencaliuc 73 Shippigan Crescent, North York, ON M2J 2G1 Tel: 416-909-4429; Email: [email protected] V. Rev. Fr. Gheorghe Ţiu 555348 Mono Amaranth Townline, Amaranth, ON L9V 1L7 Tel: 519-925-5009; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Liviu Ungur 320-33 Boul Brunswick, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QC H9B 1P4 Tel: 514-683-0783 Rev. Fr. Ionuţ Georgian Voicu 196 Bartley Rd., Long Valley NJ 07853 Tel: 973-342-6767; Email: [email protected] DEACONS

Rev. Dn. Valentin Despoiu 2220 E Chapman Avenue #50, Fullerton, CA 92831 Tel: 714-336-4939; Email: [email protected] Rev. Dn. Joaquin Dryden 23845 Cibolo View, San Antonio, TX 78266-1760 Tel: 800-371-3646; Email: [email protected] Rev. Hierodeacon Mardarie Tofan 308328 Hockley Rd., Mono, ON L9W 6N4 Tel: 519-942-3489 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 64


Rev. Fr. Giulian Vasile AILENI V. Rev. Protosingelos Rev. Fr. Andrei AIOANEI Ilie Iulian ANIŢEI

V. Rev. Protopop Rev. Fr. Teofil ARSENE Rev. Fr. Timotei AVRAM Nicholas APOSTOLA

Rev. Fr. Lucian AZOIŢEI Rev. Hieromonk Rev. Fr. Daniel BAEYENS Călin BARBOLOVICI Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 65

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V. Rev. Fr. Mihai BĂLAN V. Rev. Fr. George BÂZGAN V. Rev. Archim. Nicodim BIBARŢ

Rev. Fr. Radu BORDEIANU Rev. Hieromonk Cyrille V. Rev. Fr. Archm. Dr. BRADETTE Avacum Aurelius BUCĂLAE

V. Rev. Fr. Nicolai BUGA Rev. Hieromonk V. Rev. Fr. Petruţă BUSUIOC Paisie BUHNILĂ Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 66


Rev. Fr. Nicolae Filip V. Rev. Dean V. Rev. Fr. CĂRBUNE Mihai CĂRPENIȘEANU Simion John CĂTĂU

Rev. Fr. ION CEAUȘU V. Rev. Dean Rev. Fr. George CHIȘCĂ Constantin CIUBOTARIU

V. Rev. Fr. Nicolae Rev. Fr. Mihail CRISTEA Rev. Fr. Gabriel CURPENE CLEMPUȘ Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 67

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V. Rev. Fr. Dr. Rev. Fr. John DOWNIE Rev. Fr. Corneliu-Iulian Theodor DAMIAN DRAGOMIR

V. Rev Fr. Marius Daniel V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian ENE V. Rev. Dean DUMITRESCU Ion GHERMAN

Rev. Fr. Teodor GÂRLONŢA V. Rev. Archm. Nicolas V. Rev. Fr. David HUDSON GIROUX Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 68


Rev. Fr. Dumitru ILIEȘ Rev. Fr. Valentin ILIEȘ V. Rev. Fr. Ioan IONIŢĂ

V. Rev. Fr. Ioan JIFCU Rev. Fr. Marius Mihai LAZĂR Rev. Fr. Nicu LIUŢĂ

V. Rev. Fr. Vasile Rev. Fr. Constantin V. Rev. Fr. Victor MALANCA LUNGEANU LUPAȘCU Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 69

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Rev. Fr. Adrian MANEA Rev. Fr. Olimpiu Rev. Fr. Dorin-Călin MĂRGINEAN MĂRINCAȘ

V. Rev. Dr. John MCGUCKIN Rev. Fr. Vasile MOISI V. Rev. Fr. Vasile MUREȘAN

V. Rev. Fr. Mircea PANCIUK V. Rev. Constantin Traian V. Rev. Fr. Ioan POP PETRE Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 70


Rev. Hieromonk V. Fr. Ioan POPTELECAN Rev. Fr. Paul PORCESCU Atanasie POPESCU

V. Rev. Fr. Lucian PUȘCARIU Rev. Fr. Nicolae REGOȘ Rev. Fr. Theodor REGOȘ

Rev. Fr. Florian Radu Rev. Fr. Dumitru RUSU V. Rev. Fr. Ovidiu SABĂU ROMAN Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 71

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 71

V. Rev. Fr. Daniel SANDU V. Rev. Fr. George V. Rev. Fr. Aurel SAS SĂNDULESCU

Rev. Fr. Ciprian SAS Rev. Fr. Timotei SAS V. Rev. Fr. Nicolae SIMION

Rev. Fr. Gheorghe ȘCHIOP V. Rev. Protosingelos V. Rev. Fr. Grigorie ŢĂPUC Vincenţiu TEMIROV Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 72


V. Rev. Fr. Viorel V. Rev. Fr. Gheorghe ŢIU Rev. Fr. Liviu UNGUR ŢENCALIUC

Rev. Fr. Ionut Georgian Rev. Dn. Valentin DESPOIU Rev. Dn. Joaquin DRYDEN VOICU

Rev. Hierodeacon Mardarie TOFAN Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 73

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 73 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 74

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 74 Parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas United States of America

CALIFORNIA HAYWARD ASCENSION OF THE LORD ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION...... 1836 B St., Hayward, CA 94541 ...... Tel: 510-677- 4250 Priest: Rev. Fr. Gabriel Curpene...... [email protected] 21059 Wilbeam Ave. #16, Castro Valley, CA 94546 ...... Tel: 510-677-4250 Chanters: Claudia Curpene...... [email protected] 21059 Wilbeam Ave. #16, Castro Valley, CA 94546 ...... Tel: 510-340-1203 Ana Valeria Moure...... [email protected] 5193 Saddle Brook Dr, Oakland, CA, 94619 ...... Tel: 510-290 -7138 Octav Geormaneanu...... [email protected] 100 Grand Ave, Apt. 715, Oakland, CA, 94612 ...... Tel: 925-639-7078 Parish Council President: Viorel Moţoc ...... [email protected] 5305 Edgewater Dr., Newark, CA, 94560 ...... Tel: 650-520-4370 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Stela Filimon ...... [email protected] 16008 Cambrian Dr, San Leandro, CA, 94578...... Tel: 510-332-2255 SACRAMENTO HOLY RESURRECTION ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... Priest: Rev. Fr. Teodor Alin Gârlonţa ...... [email protected] 886 Shasta Circle, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 ...... Tel: 916-375-9978 Parish Council President: Camelia Podoreanu...... [email protected] 2200 Royale Rd, Sacramento, CA ...... Tel: 916-207-4594 Chanter: Augustin Lazăr...... [email protected] 6413 Navion Drive, Citrus Heights, CA 95621...... Tel: 916-721-3342 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Ana Avram...... [email protected] 7084 Canevalley, Citrus Heights, CA 95621 ...... Tel: 916-459-5338 Religious Education: Ioana Groza...... [email protected] 3201 Murchinson Way, Carmichael, CA 95608 ...... Tel: 916-972-0334 Youth Director: Teodora Gârlonţa...... [email protected] 886 Shasta Circle, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 ...... Tel: 916-667-6060 TORRANCE STS. ARCHANGELS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 4102 Hickman Drive, Torrance, CA 90504 ...... Tel/Fax: 310-214-8336 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Mihai Cărpenişeanu...... [email protected] 14833 San Jose Street, Mission Hills, CA 91345-2130...... Tel/Fax: 818-361-3743 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 75

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 75 Chanter: Horaţiu Diaconescu 14556 Magnolia Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 ...... Tel: 818-442-1852 Parish Council President: Ecaterina Chirică ...... [email protected] 10030 Harvest Ave, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 ...... Tel: 562-864-7719 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Maria Rusu 5230 Cahuenga Blvd, N. Hollywood, CA 91601 ...... Tel: 818-505-0769 Youth Director: Daniel Rusu...... [email protected] 511 19th Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 ...... Tel: 562-544-8821

UPLAND ELEVATION OF THE HOLY CROSS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 2442 N. Euclid Ave, Upland CA 91784 ...... Tel: 323-874-9980 Priest: V. Rev. Archimandrite Nikodim Bibarţ ...... [email protected] 2440 N. Euclid Ave, Upland, CA 91784...... Tel: 323-874-9980 Deacon, Religious Education and Youth Director: Rev. Dn. Valentin [email protected] 2220 East Chapman Ave. #50, Fullerton, CA 92831...... Tel: 714-992-4939 Chanter: Monah Efrem Ancutei...... [email protected] 2442 N. Euclid Ave, Upland, CA 91784...... Tel: 909-694-1720 Parish Council President: Mihai Gabor...... [email protected] 123 S Figueroa St. #707, Los Angeles, CA 90012 ...... Tel: 818-720-0637 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Elisabetha Gina Totka 7949 Romaine St, #4, West Hollywood, CA 90046-7136...... Tel: 323-848-9898


FAIRFIELD HOLY BRANCOVEANU MARTYRS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION Services held at: St. George Greek Orthodox Church: 238 West Rocks, Norwalk CT 06851 Mailing Address: 2490 Black Rock Tpke #331, Fairfield, CT 06825 Tel: 203-252-4493 ...... [email protected] Administrator Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian Ene ...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Parish Council President: Costel Mutescu...... [email protected] 23 Hale Street, Westport, CT 06880 ...... Tel: 203-252-4493 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Violeta Breaz ...... [email protected] 25 Lovell Pl, Stratford, CT 06615 ...... Tel: 203-543-3049 Religious Education: Iulia Booth...... [email protected] 84 William Henry Dr, Monroe, CT 06468...... Tel: 203-308-1107 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 76

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 76 GEORGIA ATLANTA ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH...... 2875 Winder Hwy, Dacula GA 30019 ...... Tel: 404-518-1042 Priest: Rev. Fr. Nicolae Clempuş...... [email protected] 3686 Windy Ct, Tucker, GA 30084...... Tel: 404-518-1042 Chanter: Marian Dima...... [email protected] 1245 Wilkes Crest Dr, Dacula, GA 30019...... Tel: 678-677-2361 Parish Council President: Petru Ioan Cherchezan...... [email protected] 1920 Daisy Lane, Hoschton, GA 30548 ...... Tel: 404-542-7876 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Viorica Cherchezan ...... [email protected] 1920 Daisy Lane, Hoschton, GA 30548 ...... Tel: 404-454-3302 Youth Director: Claudiu Dima ...... [email protected] 1245 Wilkes Crest Dr, Dacula, GA 30019...... Tel: 678-788-5716 Religious Education: Roza E Clempus...... [email protected] 3686 Windy Ct, Tucker, GA 30084...... Tel: 404-384-9297

ILLINOIS CHICAGO STS. CONSTANTINE AND HELEN ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL...... 5410 N Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026...... Tel: 773-353-7416 ...... Fax: 773-774-1805 His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae V. Rev. Fr. Vasile Mureşan...... [email protected] 5410 N Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026...... Tel: 773-353-7416 Rev. Hieromonk Atanasie Popescu ...... [email protected] 5410 N Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026...... Tel: 773-353-7416 Rev. Fr. Nicolae Filip Cărbune ...... [email protected] 5410 N Newland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60656-2026...... Tel: 773-353-7416 Religious Education: Violeta Vancea ...... [email protected] 7626 Kildare Ave, Skokie, IL 60076 ...... Tel: 847-942-8632 INDIANA FORT WAYNE ST. MARY’S ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 2902 Evans Street Fort Wayne, IN, 46806-1436 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Ioan Ioniţă ...... [email protected] PO Box 613, Schererville, IN 46375 ...... Tel: 708-870-6098 Parish Council President: Larry Petrie...... [email protected] 928 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805 ...... Tel: 260-482-5791 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 77

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 77 NEW ST. GEORGE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH PO Box 613, Schererville, IN 46375...... Services held at: Descent of the Holy Ghost Orthodox Church ...... 750 W. 61st St, Merrillville, IN 46410 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Ioan Ioniţă ...... [email protected] PO Box 613, Schererville, IN 46375-0613...... Te: 708-870-6098 Parish Council President: Michael Dec ...... [email protected] 1936 Bluebird Dr, Munster, IN 46321...... Tel: 219-923-9727

MASSACHUSSETS BOSTON / WAKEFIELD ST. PARASCHEVA ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 171 Water Street, Wakefield, MA 01880-3011...... Tel: 781-224-4158 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Nicolae Simion ...... [email protected] 172 Salem Street, Wakefield, MA 01880...... Tel: 781-246-8677 Chanter and Youth Director: Emanuel Sabău ...... [email protected] 50 Goddard Ave, Brookline, MA 02445 ...... Tel: 267-332-6910 Parish Council President: Ioan Rasinariu...... [email protected] 5 Newcomb Ave, Lynn, MA 01905 ...... Tel: 781-632-1570 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Florentina Anastasoaie...... [email protected] 32 Normandy Ave, Apt. 402, Cambridge, MA 02138...... Tel: 617-354-2332 Religious Education: Daniela Loghin...... [email protected] 34 Maple Rd, Westford, MA 01886...... Tel: 978-458-5852 SOUTHBRIDGE ST. MICHAEL ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 16 Romanian Avenue, PO Box 823, Southbridge, MA 01550 ...... Tel: 508-765-5276 Priest and Youth Director: Rev. Fr. John Downie (temporary serving) ...... [email protected] 16 Romanian Avenue, PO Box 823, Southbridge, MA 01550...... Tel: 774-230-2542 Parish Council President: Spiro Thomo...... [email protected] 25 Bruce Lane, Southbridge, MA 01550 ...... Tel: 774-200-8043 Chanter: Maria Mironidis...... [email protected] 4 Clockedile Dr, Oxford, MA 01540 ...... Tel: 774-200-4547 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Sandra Nasto ...... [email protected] 93 Colonial Dr, Sturbridge, MA 01566...... Tel: 508-344-8653 Religious Education: Mary Dowling ...... [email protected] 9 Wedgewood, Sturbridge, MA 01566...... Tel: 508-735-2253 WORCESTER/SHREWSBURY ST. NICHOLAS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH...... 34 Gold Street, Shrewsbury, MA, 01545-6238...... Tel: 508-845-0088 ...... Fax: 508-845-8850 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 78

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 78 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Apostola ...... [email protected] 44 Midland Street, Worcester, MA, 01602-4217...... Tel: 508-756-9866 Chanter: Timothy Rucho ...... [email protected] 44 Elm Street, Apt. 309, Worcester, MA 01609-2599 ...... Tel: 508-754-0062 Parish Council President: George Demake...... [email protected] 26 Modoc St, Worcester, MA 01604-1966 ...... Tel: 508-753-6297 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Christine Toda...... [email protected] 2-1 Tuck Farm Road, Auburn, MA 01501-2462...... Tel: 508-832-6271

MICHIGAN WESTLAND ST. SIMION ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 821 Newburgh Road, Westland MI 48185 Administrated by the Metropolia

TROY HOLY TRINITY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 1850 E Square Lake Road, Troy, MI 48085-3389 ...... Tel: 248-879-2667 Priest: Rev. Fr. Călin Barbolovici ...... [email protected] 1840 E Square Lake Road, Troy, MI 48085-3389...... Tel: 248-879-8977 Chanter: Jon Miklea 22915 Allor St, Saint Claire Shores, MI 48082...... Tel: 586-260-8297 Parish Council President: Dumitru Puiu 2210 Forest Mead Dr, Sterling Heights, MI 48314 ...... Tel: 586-739-2295 Ladies’ Auxilliary President: Olivia Marandici 39137 Byers Dr, Sterling Heights, MI 48310...... Tel: 586-977-9198 Religious Education: Mirela Manga 2686 Townhill, Troy, MI 48084

MINNESOTA SOUTH SAINT PAUL ST STEFAN ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH...... 350 5th Avenue N, South Saint Paul, MN 55125...... Tel: 652-451-3462 Priest: Rev. Fr. Ioan Poptelecan...... [email protected] 9889 Tamarack Cove, Woodbury, MN 55125 ...... Tel: 651-270-2347 Chanter: Liviu Olteanu ...... [email protected] 5765 Royal Oaks Dr, Shoreview, MN 55126 ...... Tel: 651-269-4113 Parish Council President: Cătălin Constantin DDS ...... [email protected] 16335 Gladys Lane, Minnetonka, MN 55345...... Tel: 646-515-6607 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Isabella Maria Constantin...... [email protected] 16335 Gladys Lane, Minnetonka, MN 55345 ...... Tel: 646-645-0850 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 79

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 79 NEVADA LAS VEGAS ST. GEORGE & ST. DIMITRIOS THE NEW ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF LAS VEGAS ...... 1250 South Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146...... Tel: 702-440-4244 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 29113, Las Vegas, NV 89126 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Mihai Bălan ...... [email protected] 1250 South Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 ...... Tel: 702-715-0835 Parish Council President: Panta Stanciu 1250 South Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 ...... Tel: 702-301-3630 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Floarea Constantin 1250 South Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 ...... Tel: 702-677-4927 Youth Director: Camelia Bratu ...... [email protected] 1446 Romanesca Dr, Henderson, NV 89052...... Tel: 702-205-1713

NNEW JERSEYEW ROCKAWAY THE LIFE GIVING FOUNTAIN ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION...... 132, Califon Rd, Long Valley, NJ 07853...... Tel: 973-342-6767 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Ionuţ Georgian Voicu ...... [email protected] 196 Bartley Rd, Long Valley, NJ 07853 ...... Tel: 973-342-6767 Parish Council President: Cristina Maria Niţulescu ...... [email protected] 6 Orchard Drive, Randolph, NJ 07869...... Tel: 862-324-6623 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Gheorghina Comsulea ...... [email protected] 38 Chestnut St, Mine Hill, NJ 07803 ...... Tel: 973-723-4558 Sunday School Director: Mariana Pâslaru...... [email protected] 142 Lakeside Blvd, Hopatcong, NJ 07843...... Tel: 908-447-2235


MIDDLETOWN ST. DUMITRU ROMANIAN MONASTERY AND CAMP ...... 1572 Mountain Rd, Middletown, NY 10940-7122...... 845-386-3998 V. Rev. Protos. Vincenţiu Temirov...... [email protected] Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 80

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 80 NEW YORK ST. NICHOLAS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 4503 48th Avenue, Woodside, NY 11377-6553...... [email protected] ...... Tel: 718-784-4453 Priest: Rev. Fr. Marius Daniel Dumitrescu ...... [email protected] 45-03 48 Ave, Woodside, NY 11377 ...... Tel: 917-592-2571 Chanter: Leonard Milea...... [email protected] 45-26 44 St, Sunnyside, NY 11104...... Tel: 347-671-3828 Parish Council President: Cristinel Sacarin ...... [email protected] 23 Beachwood Rd, Roslyn, NY 11576 ...... Tel: 516-205-4740 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Mirela Mila Rus...... [email protected] 109 Belvedere Dr, Yonkers, NY 10705...... Tel: 516-884-1983 Sunday School Director: Psa. Daniela Melania [email protected] 45-03 48 Ave, Woodside, NY 11377...... Tel: 347-806-0446 Youth Director: Ana Grecu ...... [email protected] 48-03 66th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 ...... Tel: 646-932-6778

STS. PETER AND PAUL ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Services held at: Saint George Episcopal Church, Astoria, 27th Ave. & 14th St. 14-22 27th Avenue, Astoria, NY 11102...... Tel: 718-626-6013 ...... Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Dr. Theodor Damian...... [email protected] 3018 50th Street, Woodside, NY 11377-1338...... Tel: 718-626-6013, 917-892-6013 Chanter: Claudia Damian...... [email protected] 3018 50th St, Woodside, NY 11377...... Tel: 718-626-6013 Parish Council President: Dr. Napoleon Săvescu...... [email protected] 2126 Broadway Avenue, Astoria, NY 11106-4533...... Tel: 718-931-1700 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Elena Burchea...... [email protected] 31-20 54th St, #1E, Woodside, NY 11377...... Tel: 212-748-9346 Youth Director: Alex Orza...... [email protected] 41-44 39th Place, Sunnyside, NY 11104 ...... Tel: 718-482-7903 Religious Education and Chanter: Irina Elena Aniţului ...... [email protected] 310 West Price, Apt. B, Linden, NJ 07036...... Tel: 914-409-3483

ANNUNCIATION (BUNA VESTIRE) ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION Meeting at: 72nd Street and 47th Avenue, Woodside, NY 11377 Mailing address: 7408 46th Avenue, Elmhurst, NY 11373-2925 Priest: Rev. Fr. Vasa Gilezan (temporarily serving) 71-07 65 PL, 3L, Glendale, NY 11385...... Tel: 718-456-6131 Chanter: Cătălin Condurache ...... [email protected] 30-18 50th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Parish Council President: Lucian Costi 34-21 71 St, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 ...... Tel: 718-458-2108 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 81

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 81 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Mariana Talabacu 63-36 75 Pl. Ap. 1L, Sunnyside, NY 11104 ...... Tel: 718-326-7022 ROCHESTER/VICTOR HOLY TRINITY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian Ene...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Chanter: Constantin Claudiu Bărdăzău...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 585-755-9601 Parish Council President: Andra Mihaela Niculescu ...... [email protected] 44 Framingham Ln, Pittsford NY 14534-1038...... Tel: 585-255-0112 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Ileana Ruxandra Dascălu ...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 607-210-3005 Youth Director: Ioan Dascălu ...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 607-210-3005 Religious Education: Ileana Ruxandra Dascălu...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 607-210-3005 SYRACUSE THE THREE HOLY HIERARCHS: BASIL, GREGORY AND JOHN ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION Meeting at: Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church...... 325 Waring Road, Syracuse, NY 13224...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Mailing address: 4931 Ernest Way, Clay NY13041-8660 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Adrian Ene...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Chanter: Constantin Claudiu Bărdăzău...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 585-755-9601 Parish Council President: Laurentiu Fratostitanu...... [email protected] 4931 Ernest Way, Clay NY 13041-8660 ...... Tel: 585-255-0112 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Djulieta Hantatuc ...... [email protected] 5395 Regina Circle, Clay NY 13041 ...... Tel: 315-751-7851

OHIO CLEVELAND/ROCKY RIVER BUNA VESTIRE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL ...... 7140 Fitch Rd, Olmsted Township, OH 44138...... Tel/fax: 440-356-1126 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Ion Gherman ...... [email protected] 24920 Deerfield Dr, North Olmsted, OH 44070-1234 ...... Tel: 440-734-3054 Chanter: Vasile Cicârlan 15562 Holland Rd, Brook Park, OH 44142...... Tel: 216-298-3065 Parish Council President: Marius Ion ...... [email protected] 185 Summerset Dr, Hinckley, OH 44233 ...... Tel: 216-534-2868 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Claudia Roşca ...... [email protected] 31390 Saint Andrews St, Westlake, OH 44145 ...... Tel: 440-360-7334 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 82

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 82 Religious Education: Mariana Somogyi...... [email protected] 6061 Pearl Rd, Parma Hts, OH 44130...... Tel: 440-843-3970 Youth Director: Nicholas Prescurea ...... [email protected] 18605 Ponciana Ave, Cleveland, OH, 44135...... Tel: 216-267-2121

PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA HOLY TRINITY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 723 N. Bodine St, Philadelphia, PA 19123-2913...... Tel/Fax: 215-922-7060 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Nicolai Buga...... [email protected] 723 N. Bodine St, Philadelphia, PA 19123-2913...... Tel/Fax: 215-922-7060 Attached Priest: Rev. Fr. Timotei Avram...... [email protected] 525 Lincoln Rd, Reading, PA 19606 ...... Tel: 267-549-2163 Parish Council President: Ioan Vaida...... [email protected] 127 Waverly Ave, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 ...... Tel: 856-503-7905 Chanter: Petru-Bogdan Manea ...... [email protected] 298 W Valley Forge Rd, King of Prussia, PA 19046...... Tel: 267-760-5662 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Psa. Rodica Buga...... [email protected] 723 N Bodine St, Philadelphia, PA 19123-2913...... Tel: 215-922-7060 Religious Education: Psa. Simona Avram...... [email protected] 525 Lincoln Rd., Reading, PA 19606...... Tel: 267-549-7510 Youth Director: Pavel Emil Stan ...... [email protected] 223 N 34th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104...... Tel: 267-471-8209

READING SF. ANDREI ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 5640 Boyertown Pike, Stonersville (Birdsboro), PA 19508-8624...... Tel: 610-921-5433 Mail Address: 2330 Fremont Ave, Reading, PA 19605 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Ovidiu Sabău...... [email protected] 2441 Elizabeth Ave, Temple, PA 19560...... Tel: 610-438-7167 Chanter and Religious Education: Daniela Sabău ...... [email protected] 2330 Fremont Ave, Reading, PA 19605...... Tel: 610-921-5433 Parish Council President: Ştefan Popovici ...... [email protected] 1065 Grandell Ave, Reading, PA 19605 ...... Tel: 610-914-5093 Youth Director: Darius Sabău ...... [email protected] 2441 Elizabeth Ave, Temple, PA 19560

TEXAS AUSTIN ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION ...... 200 Monaco Dr, Cedar Park, TX 78613 ...... Tel: 512-547-3081 Priest: Rev. Fr. Dumitru Ilieş...... [email protected]; [email protected] 200 Monaco Dr, Cedar Park, TX 78613 ...... Tel: 512-547-9446 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 83

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 83 Chanter: Gabriel Teofil Ilieş...... [email protected] 1502 Serene Oak Dr, Cedar Park, TX 78613...... Tel: 737-444-7778 Parish Council President: Mirela Ivan Glass ...... [email protected] 5102 Woodview Ave, Austin TX 78766 ...... Tel: 512-299-0404 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Manuela Avram 11058 El Salido Pkwy, Austin, TX...... Tel: 512-577-8937 Religious Education: Claudia Ivan...... [email protected] 5705 Woodrow Ave, Austin, TX 78254...... Tel: 512-988-9004 Youth Director: Roxana Stefan 15510 Ranch Rd. 620 N, Austin, TX 78717

HOUSTON HOLY PROTECTION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD ORTHODOX MISSION [email protected] 13850 Beechnut St, Houston, TX 77083 ...... Tel: 281-741-0591 Priest: Rev. Fr. Ilie Iulian Aniţei ...... [email protected] 2795 FM 306, New Braunfels, TX 78132-4243...... Tel: 830-743-2693 Chanter: Tim Krill...... [email protected] 14706 New Kent Ct, Sugar Land, Texas 77498 ...... Tel: 281-923-7437 Parish Council President: Edward Haddad ...... [email protected] 14227 Marina Bay Ln, Sugar Land, Texas 77498 ...... Tel: 832-423-4394 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Nabila Shaghoury ...... [email protected] 19306 Suffolk Hollow Ln, Richmond, TX 77407 ...... Tel: 281-823-2745 Religious Education: Lisa Thompson Caruthers...... [email protected] 427 Fox Briar Ln, Sugar Land, Texas 77478...... Tel: 713-828-6728 Youth Director: Macrina Anitei ...... [email protected] 2795 FM 306, New Braunfels, TX 78132 ...... Tel: 830-312-0811

NEW BRAUNFELS SAINT JOHN CASSIAN ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION ...... 303 W. Ramsey Rd, San Antonio, TX 78216...... Tel: 512-919-2776 Priest: Rev. Fr. Valentin Dumitru Ilies ...... [email protected] 12411 La Bodega St, San Antonio, TX 78233 ...... Tel: 512-919-2776 Parish Council President: Daniel Rosca ...... [email protected] 8943 Burnt Path, Helotes, TX 78023...... Tel: 916-257-2741 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Elena Tofan...... [email protected] 253 Midnight Dr, San Antonio, TX 78260 ...... Tel: 214-562-1615 Religious Education: Robert Urban...... [email protected] 3838 Lockhill, Selma, TX 78239...... Tel: 210-421-9088 Youth Director: Boris Condrea ...... [email protected] 6310 Indigo Forest, San Antonio, TX 78239...... Tel: 210-517-8144 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 84

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 84 VIRGINIA FREDERICKSBURG ST. CALLINICUS OF CERNICA ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION...... Services held at: Nativity of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church: 12326 Spotswood Furnace Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Mailing Address: 5825 Plank Rd, Suite 113-20, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Tel: 540-408-4121 ...... [email protected] Administrator Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Ene ...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Chanter and Parish Council President: Ionut Lupu-Pitulice...... [email protected] 3 Lorraine Court, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 ...... Tel: 540-408-4121 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Mihaela Giorgiana Coman...... [email protected] 10 Timberland Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22407...... Tel: 703-901-7245

NORFOLK NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION ...... Services held and Mailing Address at: Lafayette Presbyterian Church 1821 Lafayette Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23509...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Priest: Rev. Fr. Marius Mihai Lazar...... [email protected] 3126 Racine Avenue, Norfolk VA 23509...... Tel: 757-692-9821 Parish Council President: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Ene ...... [email protected] 56 Andrews Street, Victor, NY 14564-1262 ...... Tel: 585-924-8737 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Rodica Dumitru...... [email protected] 725 Little Neck Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452...... Tel: 757-332-2667

WASHINGTON SEATTLE STS. JOACHIM AND ANNA ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION ...... 4202 34th Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98199-1309...... Tel: 206-765-9100 Priest: Rev. Fr. Paul Porcescu...... [email protected] 4202 34th Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98199-1309...... Tel: 206-765-9100 Chanter and Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Ileana Cotuţiu ...... [email protected] 1001 Northup Way apt # B, Bellevue, WA 98008...... Tel: 425-829-6416 Parish Council President: Cătălin Dumitrescu...... [email protected] 14420 SE Allen Rd, Bellevue, WA 98006 ...... Tel: 425-749-0908 Religious Education: Ileana Marin ...... [email protected] 3646 Woodlawn Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103 ...... Tel: 206-604-1831 Youth Director: Andreea Elaine Dumitrescu ...... [email protected] 14420 SE Allen Rd, Bellevue, WA 98006 ...... Tel: 425-749-0908 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 85

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 85 CANADA

ALBERTA BOIAN (WILLINGDON) ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Township Road 562 & Range Road 143, Willingdon, AB...... Tel: 780-456-7737 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Mircea Panciuk ...... [email protected] 11024 165 Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB, T5X 1X9...... Tel: 780-456-7737 Chanter: Daryl Toma...... [email protected] Box 418, Willingdon, AB, T0B 4R0...... Tel: 780-367-2528 Parish Council President: Willis Soprovich Box 59, Hairy Hill, AB, T0B 1S0...... Tel: 780-768-3932 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Janet Bezovie ...... [email protected] Box 373, Hairy Willingdon, AB, T0B 4R0...... Tel: 780-768-2436 Churches Affiliated with the Boian (Willingdon) Parish: Priest: V. Rev. Protopop Mircea Panciuk (See address above) HAIRY HILL: St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church MALIN: Holy Cross Romanian Orthodox Church CALGARY SF. ANDREI ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH...... PO Box 21089, Calgary, AB, T2P 4H5...... Tel: 403-230-5223 Priest: Rev. Fr. Vasile Moisi...... [email protected] 62 Autumn Grove SE, Calgary AB, T3M 0H1 ...... Tel: 403-203-2959 Chanter and Parish Council President: Sherban Comănescu ...... [email protected] 179 Millrise Dr. SW, Calgary, AB, T2Y 2G4 ...... Tel: 403-254-1730 EDMONTON STS. CONSTANTINE AND ELENA ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 9005 132 Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E 0Y1...... Tel/Fax: 780-475-1422 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. George Bâzgan...... [email protected] 12903 90 St. NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E 3L7 ...... Tel: 780-473-0029 Chanter: Antoniu-Viorel Ciocan...... [email protected] 6021-213 St., Edmonton, AB...... Tel: 780-484-7420 Parish Council President: Ioan Meila...... [email protected] 660 Henderson Street, Edmonton, AB T6R 2R8...... Tel: 780-439-9310 Ladies’ AuxiliaryPresident: Psa. Maria Bâzgan ...... [email protected] 12903 90 St. NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E 3L7 ...... Tel: 780-473-0029 ROYA President: Emanuela Iorga...... [email protected] 10432-118 St, Edmonton, AB ...... Tel: 780-700-7568 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 86

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 86 BRITISH COLUMBIA VANCOUVER ST. NICHOLAS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... ...... [email protected] 8683 Harvie Rd, RR 15, Surrey, BC, V4N 3G5...... Tel/Fax: 604-513-8923 Priest: Rev. Fr. Corneliu-Iulian Dragomir...... [email protected] 502 10th Ave, New Westminster, BC, V3L 2B4...... Tel: 604-540-1822 Parish Council President: Florin Cioată ...... [email protected] 8683 Harvie Rd, Port Kells, Surrey, BC, V4N 3G5 ...... Tel: 604 240-4624 Chanter: Ştefan Fronea ...... [email protected] 1760 Morgan Ave, Port Coquitlam, BC...... Tel: 604-552-0761 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Ligia Dragomir ...... [email protected] 502 10th Ave, New Westminster, BC, V3L 2B4...... Tel: 604-540-1822 Youth Director: Valerica Mihăilă ...... [email protected] 8683 Harvie Rd, Port Kells, Surrey, BC, V4N 3G5 ...... Tel: 604-760-1724 Religious Education: Izabela Lazăr...... [email protected] 8683 Harvie Rd, Port Kells, Surrey, BC, V4N 3G5 ...... Tel: 604 341-5282 NEW WESTMINSTER ST GEORGE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH...... 1932 Eighth Ave, New Westminster, BC, V3M 2T4 ...... Tel: 604-522-4360 Priest: Rev. Fr. Nicu Liuţa ...... [email protected] #508-1288 W Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4R3 ...... Tel: 778-379-5315 Parish Council President: Gheorghe Şerban 729 Colborne St, New Westminster, BC...... Tel: 604-526-1440 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Diana Stocco Şerban 1214 Edingurgh St, New Westminster, BC...... Tel: 604-525-2590 Religious Education: Livia Liuţa #508-1288 W Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4R3 ...... Tel: 778-379-5315

MANITOBA WINNIPEG ST DEMETRIOS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 103 Furby St, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2A4...... Tel: 204-775-6472 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Victor Malanca...... [email protected] 310-85 Furby St, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2A2 ...... Tel: 204-256-8288 Parish Council President: Claudian-Constantin Gheorghe 163 Harris Blvd, Winnipeg, MB, R3J 3P3...... Tel: 204-837-1173 Chanters: Terry Holunga 874 Banning St, Winnipeg, MB, R3E 2H9 ...... Tel: 204-783-9080 Dan-Gheorghe-Toma Ulici 91 Stainwood Pl, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 3J7...... Tel: 204-475-7475 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 87

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 87 Musat Lazariuc 84 Talbot Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R2L 0T2...... Tel: 204-253-4794 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Liliana Ioniţă 22 Harding Cres, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 4N8 ...... Tel: 204-452-2182 Religious Education: Bonita Maria Holunga 651 Sherburn St, Winnipeg, MB, R3G 2K8...... Tel: 204-774-8644 Daniela Stroescu ...... Tel: 204-475-4238 12 Scammel Rd, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 4P7 Youth Director: Maria-Cristiana Gheorghe...... [email protected] 163 Harris Blvd,Winnipeg, MB, R3J 3P3 ...... Tel: 204-837-1173 ROYA Contact Person: Tudor Stroescu ...... [email protected] 12 Scammel Rd, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 4P7...... Tel: 204-475-4238 ONTARIO HAMILTON HOLY RESURRECTION ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 278 MacNab St. North, Hamilton, ON, L8L 1K4 ...... Tel/Fax: 905-529-1663 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Lucian Puşcariu...... [email protected] 381 Quenn Street South, Hamilton, ON, L8P 3T8 ...... Tel: 905-527-7895 Chanter: Paun Sekesan 192 Hugson St. North Ap. 710, Hamilton, ON, L8L 7Z9 ...... Tel: 905-528-6704 Parish Council President: Neculai Bunu...... [email protected] 55 Greti Dr, Hamilton, ON, L9B 0E3...... Tel: 905-869-6300 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Ioana Puşcariu ...... [email protected] 381 Quenn Street South, Hamilton, ON, L8P 3T8 ...... Tel: 905-527-7895 Religious Education: Alexandra Predescu ...... [email protected] 49 South Oval St, Hamilton, ON, L8S 1P2...... Tel: 905-975-5695 Youth Director: Darius Caimac ...... [email protected] 106 Ontario Ave, Hamilton, ON, L8N 2X2...... Tel: 905-526-9089 KITCHENER STS. PETER AND PAUL ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH...... 74 Frederick St, Kitchener, ON, N2H 2L7 Priest: Rev. Fr. Lucian Azoiţei...... [email protected] 23 Child Drive, Aurora, ON, L4G 1Y4 ...... Tel: 647-893-3190 Chanter and Parish Council President: Luca Lazăr ...... [email protected] 59 Newcastle Dr, Kitchener, ON, N2R 1X2 ...... Tel: 519-578-6400 MISSISSAUGA ST. APOSTLE ANDREW ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 4030 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, ON, L4W 1M4...... Tel: 905-282-9481 ...... Fax: 905-282-0807 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Gheorghe Ţiu ...... [email protected] 555348 Mono Amaranth Townline, Amaranth, ON L9V 1L7...... Tel: 519-925-5009 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 88

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 88 Parish Council President: Dorin Pana...... [email protected] 3369 Burdock Pl, Mississauga, ON ...... Tel: 416-220-3140 NEW MARKET ST. PARASCHEVA ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION Services at: 227 Church Street, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 4C5...... 416-897-3111 Priest and Parish Council President: Rev. Fr. Mihail Cristea [email protected] 250 Davis Dr. #710, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 7T7 ...... Tel: 416-897-3111 Chanter: Dan Dimitrie Popovici ...... [email protected] 28 Lilly McKowan Cr, Mt. Albert, ON, L0G 1M0...... Tel: 905-473-6877 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Dana Călin ...... [email protected] 47 Abilene Court, Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 0S6...... Tel: 905-737-7141 Religious Education: Ligia Popovici...... [email protected] 28 Lilly McKowan Cr, Mt. Albert, ON, L0G 1M0...... Tel: 289-319-1203 OSHAWA ST. STEPHEN THE GREAT AND ST. NEKTARIOS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 261 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, ON, L1H 3M3...... Tel: 905-448-3157 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Petre Busuioc...... [email protected] 895 Lancaster Rd, Newcastle, ON, L1B 0G6 ...... Tel: 905-448-3157; Cel: 905-924-2324 Parish Council President: Dan Grebenişan ...... [email protected] 7 Head Land Crescent, Whitby, ON, L1R 1Z9...... Tel: 905-441-1687 Chanter: Marian Iacobuţ...... [email protected] 209-199 Upper Canada Dr., Toronto, ON, M2P 1T3...... Tel: 647-970-8853 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Ioana Alina Busuioc...... [email protected] 895 Lancaster Rd, Newcastle, ON, L1B 0G6 Religious Education: Andreea Barbulescu ...... [email protected] 220 Ormond Dr, Oshawa, ON, L1G 6T5...... Tel: 905-259-2200 Youth Director: Catinca Serban 27 Kressman Crt, Whitby, ON, L1P 0A1...... Tel: 647-787-6066 OTTAWA ST. MATTHEW ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH...... 19 Cordova St, Ottawa, ON, K2G 1M9...... Tel: 613-878-1263 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Grigorie Ţăpuc...... [email protected] 25 Rue du Cygne, Gatineau, QC, J9A 2Z9...... Tel: 819-775-3281 Choir Director: Iosif Viorel Onuţ...... [email protected] 20 Jackman Terrace, Ottawa, ON, K2L 4E2...... Tel. 613-435-2929 Parish Council President: Emanuil Huluţă ...... [email protected] 142 Shearer Cres, Ottawa, ON, K2L 3W4...... Tel: 613-592-2561 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Doina Popescu...... [email protected] 58 Shadetree Cres, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7R2 ...... Tel: 613-225-6213 Religious Education: Psa. Mihaela Ţăpuc...... [email protected] 25 Rue du Cygne, Gatineau, QC, J9A 2Z9 ...... Tel: 819-775-3281 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 89

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 89 Youth Director: Daniel Ţăpuc...... [email protected] TIMMINS ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 94 Eighth Ave, Timmins, ON, P4N 5R4 Priest: Vacant TORONTO ALL SAINTS ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 545 Danforth Rd, Toronto, ON, M1K 1C9 ...... Tel: 647-400-5910 Priest: Rev. Fr. Vasile Giulian Aileni ...... [email protected] 68 Cherrystone Dr, Toronto, ON, M2H 1S1...... Tel: 647-400-5910 Chanter: Cosmin Mardare...... [email protected] 2095 Roche Court, unit 245, Mississauga, ON, L5K 2C8 ...... Tel: 647-406-4043 Parish Council President: Eugeniu Bivol ...... [email protected] 775 Steeles Ave West, Apt. 711, Toronto, ON, M2R 2S8...... Tel: 647-836-7710 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Catalina Pitica...... [email protected] 58 Robertsfield Crescent, Scarborough, ON, M1R 2X3...... Tel. 647-886-2493 Religious Education: Elena Neagu...... [email protected] 34 Spanish Moss Way, Toronto, ON, M2H 3E7 ...... Tel: 647-795-0446 Youth Director: Rares Raducu ...... [email protected] 156 Roywood Dr, North York, ON, M3A 2E4 ...... Tel: 647-863-1929 SF. DUMITRU / SF. TREI IERARHI ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 526 Carrville Road, Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 6E6 Services held at: 2800 Don Mills Rd, North York, ON, M2J 3B6 Priest and Parish Council President: V. Rev. Fr. Viorel Ţencaliuc...... [email protected] 73 Shippigan Crescent, North York, ON, M2J 2G1 ...... Tel: 416-909-4429 Chanter: Ipodiacon Emanuel Ţencaliuc...... [email protected] 4752 Cherry St, Whitchurch Stouffille, ON, L4A 7X4 ...... Tel: 416-629-2374 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Serb Cecilia/Caius ...... [email protected] 15 Wicox Rd, Maple, ON, L6A 3V9 ...... Tel: 905-303-3138 Religious Education: Daniela Iliescu...... [email protected] 229 Banbrooke Cres, Newmarket, ON, L3X 2W5 ...... Tel: 905-954-0855 Youth Director: Nemtanu Mihaela...... [email protected] 14 Benalto Rd, Toronto, ON, M2A 2R8 ...... Tel: 647-781-4411 HOLY CROSS ORTHODOX MONASTERY ...... Rev. Hieromonk Paisie Buhnilă 308328 Hockley Rd, Mono, ON, L9W 6N4...... Tel: 519-942-3489 WINDSOR ST. GEORGE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL ...... 1960 Tecumseh Rd. E., Windsor, ON, N8W 1E1...... Tel/Fax: 519-253-9333 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. George Săndulescu...... [email protected] 1960 Tecumseh Rd. E, Windsor, ON, N8W 1E1 ...... Tel: 519-258-1824 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 90

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 90 Parish Council President: Valentin Zamfir ...... [email protected] 782 Dynasty Ave, Windsor, ON, N9G 2S2...... Tel: 519-967-9181 Chanter: Ileana Enciu...... [email protected] 506 Janette Avenue #2, Windsor, ON, N9A 4Z5 ...... Tel: 519-258-0347 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Mirela Colgiu ...... [email protected] 1075 County Rd, # 22, Belle River, ON, N0R 1A0 ...... Tel: 519-727-5365 Religious Education and Youth Director: Carmen Ognean...... [email protected] 2356 Chateau St, Windsor, ON., N8P 1N2 ...... Tel: 519-551-0067

DESCENT OF THE HOLY GHOST ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 2895 Seminole St., Windsor, ON, N8Y 1Y1 ...... Tel: 519-948-0818 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Simion John Cătău...... [email protected] 48682 Tremont Dr, Macomb, MI, 48044-2115...... Tel: 586-295-1718 Chanters: Ioan Bogdănel...... [email protected] 1818 Shepard Rd. East, Windsor, ON, N8Y 1T5 ...... Tel: 519-988-0394 Bruno Tomescu...... [email protected] 2363 Norcrest, Windsor, ON, N8P 1V3...... Tel: 519-800-1646 Parish Council President: Florin Fodor ...... [email protected] 3355 Bruce Ave, Windsor, ON, N9E 1W6...... Tel: 519-967-0202 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Sherry Staudt ...... [email protected] 836 St. Mary’s Ave, Windsor, ON N8S 2T9...... Tel: 519-944-3690 Religious Education: Psa. Marina Codrea 2895 Seminole Street, Windsor, ON, N8Y 1Y1 ...... Tel: 226-961-2101

QUEBEC GATINEAU ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTODOX CHURCH ...... 45 St. Jean Bosco, Gatineau (Hull) QC, J8Y 3G3 ...... Tel: 819-607-1559 Priest: Rev. Fr. Teofil Arsene...... [email protected] 71 Chemin de la Paix, Chelsea, QC, J9B 1A7...... Tel: 819-607-1559 Chanter: Mihaela Tudorache ...... [email protected] Parish Council President: Vasile VanJurec...... [email protected] 1412 Roger Stevens Dr, North Gower, ON, K4M 1B3 ...... Tel:613-229-7788 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Paula Arsene ...... [email protected] 71 Chemin de la Paix, Chelsea, QC, J9B 1A7...... Tel:819-607-1559 Religious Education: Iulian Amohnoaie...... [email protected] 398 Paul Bertiaume, Gatineau, QC J9J 3Y4...... Tel: 819-332-0693 MONTRÉAL ST JOHN THE BAPTIST ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL...... 1841 Masson St, Montréal, QC, H2H lAl...... Tel: 514-727-3527 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 91

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 91 Priest: V. Rev. Fr. George Chişcă ...... [email protected] 6340 Boul. Saint-Michel, Montréal, QC, H1Y 2E7...... Tel: 514-727-3527 Chanter: Marius Grosuliac 301 rue Scott, Chateugauy, QC, J6J 4H7...... Tel: 450-844-1788 Parish Council President: Marius Finca 249 Cypihot, Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC, H9X 4A7...... Tel: 514-380-8064 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Liliana Finca 249 Cypihot, Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC, H9X 4A7...... Tel: 514-380-8064 Religious Education: Luminita Hartner 3076 Ch. de la Cote-de Liesse, Montreal, QC, H4N 2P3...... Tel: 514-299-8905 Youth Director: Ionuţ Grosuliac 301 rue Scott, Chateugauy, QC, J6J 4H7...... Tel: 450-844-1788 HOLY ARCHANGELS MICHAEL AND GABRIEL ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH [email protected] 2430 Ave. Charland, Montreal QC, H1Z 1C1 Priest and Religious Education: Rev. Fr. Constantin [email protected] 3610 Boul Toupin, Montreal, QC, H4K 1Z5...... Tel: 514-814-4627 Chanter: Paula Mădălina Enache ...... [email protected] 2430 Avenue Charland, Montreal QC, H1Z 1C1...... Tel: 514-814-4627 Parish Council President: Gabriel Grosu...... [email protected] 2430 Avenue Charland, Montreal QC, H1Z 1C1...... Tel: 514-814-4627 Youth Director: Justin Cotarla ...... [email protected] 2430 Avenue Charland, Montreal QC, H1Z 1C1...... Tel: 514-814-4627 ST. DEMETRIOS THE NEW ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION [email protected] Meeting at: L’Eglise St. Jude, 10120 Avenue d’Auteuil, Montreal QC, H3L 2K1 Priest: Rev. Fr. Ion Ceauşu...... [email protected] 10200 Ave. du Bois-de-Boulogne, Ap. 304, Montreal QC, H4N 1K8; Tel: 514-358-5121 Parish Council President: Sorin Surdila ...... [email protected] 418 rue de Saint Servan, Laval, QC, H7X 4B4...... Tel: 450-969-5532 Chanter: Daniela Bochis ...... [email protected] #98, Avenue Jolliet, Candiac, QC, J5R 5P1...... Tel: 450-845-7111 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Amalia David...... [email protected] 1133 Rue Pierre Quenneville, Laval, QC, H7L 5N9 ...... Tel: 438-874-2505 SAINT HUBERT ST. GEORGE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ...... 2000 Boulevard Marie, Longueuil (Saint-Hubert), QC, J4T 2B1 Priest: Rev. Fr. Daniel Sandu Paul...... [email protected] 5313 rue David, Saint-Hubert, QC, J3Z 1H7...... Tel: 450-676-5596 Attached Priest: Rev. Fr. Traian Petre Constantin...... [email protected] 1520 Rue Baron #203, Greenfield Park, QC, J4V 1B6 ...... Tel: 450-904-1323 Chanter: Valentin Botu...... [email protected] 1520 Rue Baron #205, Greenfield Park, QC, J4V 1B6 ...... Tel. 450-812-0575 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 92

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 92 Parish Council President: Cristian Geagiu ...... [email protected] 2525 Ave. Aubert, Brossard, QC, J4Z 2V6...... Tel. 450-676-4003 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Gabriela Constantinescu ...... [email protected] 3340 Ave. Bernard, Brossard, QC, J4Z 2B8 ...... Tel. 450-676-4866 Religious Education: Adrian Pătru ...... [email protected] 505 St. Francois #210, Brossard, QC, V4X 2W4...... Tel: 514 467 3166 SHERBROOKE STS. CONSTANTINE AND HELEN ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION Services at: 610 Papineau, J1E 1Y4, Sherbrooke, QC...... Priest: Rev. Fr. Constantin Lupaşcu ...... [email protected] 10350 Bois de Boulogne Apt. 419, Montreal, QC, H4N 1L2 ...... Tel: 514-332-9850 Parish Council President: David Gabriel ...... [email protected] 2613 Rue Du Taurus, Sherbrooke, QC, J1E 0E9...... Tel: 819-346-4830 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Carmen Colacel...... [email protected] 1054 rue Du Baron, Sherbrooke, QC, J1E 1C8...... Tel: 819-569-4167 WENTWORTH MONASTÈRE ORTHODOXE DE LA PROTECTION DE LA MÈRE DE DIEU Higoumene: Hieromoine Cyrille Bradette ...... [email protected] 168 Chemin Louisa, Wentworth, QC, J8H 0C7 ...... Tel: 450-533-1114

SASKATCHEWAN KAYVILLE ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AND STS. PETER AND PAUL ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH PO Box 74, Kayville, SK S0H 2C0...... Tel: 306-475-2345 Priest: Vacant Parish Council President: John Bistritzan, Ormiston, SK, S0H 3H0...... Tel: 306-475-2593 Chanters: John Bistritzan, Ormiston, SK S0H 3H0...... Tel: 306-475-2593 Affiliated with the Kayville Parish MARCELIN: St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church SASKATOON HOLY TRINITY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 131 Avenue F North, Saskatoon SK Priest: Rev. Fr. Dorin-Călin Marincaş ...... [email protected] 10 South Point Lane, Saskatoon, SK, S7T 1C1...... Tel: 306-931-7163 Chanter: Ioan Cristian Soica 103-225 Ave. L South, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 6A2...... Tel: 306-491-9874 Parish Council President: Ioan Paul #354 Wakaw Crescent, Saskatoon, SK, S7J 4E2...... Tel: 306-241-3310 Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Elisabeta Rus 122 Dickson Crescent, Saskatoon, SK, S9N 7L4 ...... Tel: 306-341-3183 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 93

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ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES ST. ANDREW ROMANIAN ORTHODOX MISSION Priest: Vacant Parish Council President: Sergiu Ionescu Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Luiza Briscan Youth Director: Dany Pop

VENEZUELA CARACAS IGLESIA ORTODOXA RUMANA SAN CONSTANTINO Y SANTA ELENA Oficina: Urb. Los Caobos * Av. La Sallé * Edf. Poncho * Pent-House Dirección Iglesia: Calle A, Urb. El Portón de los Olivos Entrada de la Lagunita Country-Club, El Hatillo Caracas, Venezuela Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Vasile Lungeanu...... [email protected] Estado Miranda, El Hatillo, El Carmen, Vía La Unión, Quinta El Vegote * Caracas Tel: +58/212-435-2366 Chanter: Preoteasa Mioara Lungeanu Parish Council President: Paul Bunescu ...... Tel: 00584142856051 Edif. Ventuary Nr. 63, Terasa A de Club Hipico, Calle Ecuador Estado Miranda Ladies’ Auxiliary President: Anca Bogdănescu Sanchez ...... Tel: 00584123278040 Quinta Alta Mira. Edificiul Alto Convento Torre Sur, Ap. 94, El Marchez-Caracas. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 94

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THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 96 2016 PASTORAL ITINERARY of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae

January Jan 1 St. Basil the Great – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Jan 3 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Jan 6 Epiphany – Divine Liturgy at the Elevation of the Holy Cross parish, Upland, CA Jan 7 St. John the Baptist – Divine Liturgy at the Elevation of the Holy Cross parish, Upland, CA Jan 10 Divine Liturgy at Holy Archangels parish, Torrance, CA Jan 17 Divine Liturgy at the Protection of the Mother of God parish, Dacula, GA Jan 21-23 Meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of South America, Mexico City, Mexico Jan 24 Divine Liturgy at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Mexico City, Mexico Jan 30 Holy Three Hierarchs – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Jan 31 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity parish, Troy, MI

February Feb 2 Meeting of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Feb 7 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Feb 14 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Feb 21 Divine Liturgy at the Episcopal Cathedral, Baia Mare, Romania Feb 24 Meeting of the National Ecclesiastical Assembly, Bucharest Feb 25 Meeting of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Bucharest Feb 27 Blessing of the Corner Stone and Divine Liturgy at St. Herman Monastery, Băneasa, Constanţa District Feb 28 Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest

March March 6 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL March 13 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Resurrection parish, Hamilton, ON March 20 Sunday of Orthodoxy – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL; Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St. Dimitrios Greek Church, Elmhurst, IL March 25 Annunciation – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago March 27 Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, New York Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 97

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 97 ITINERAR PASTORAL 2016 al IPS Mitropolit Nicolae

Ianuarie 1 ian Sf. Vasile cel Mare – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 3 ian Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 6 ian Boboteaza – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Înălţarea Sf. Cruci, Upland, CA 7 ian Sf. Ioan Botezătorul - Sf. Liturghie la parohia Înălţarea Sf. Cruci, Upland, CA 10 ian Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Arhangheli, Torrance, CA 17 ian Sf. Liturghie la parohia Acoperământul Maicii Domnului, Dacula, GA 21-23 ian Şedinţa Adunării Episcopilor ortodocşi din America de Sud, Mexico City, Mexic 24 ian Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala ortodoxă grecească Sf. Sofia, Mexico City, Mexic 30 ian Sf. Trei Ierarhi – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 31 ian Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Treime, Troy, MI

Februarie 2 feb Întâmpinarea Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 7 feb Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 14 feb Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 21 feb Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala episcopală din Baia Mare, România 24 feb Lucrările Adunării Naţionale Bisericeşti, Bucureşti 25 feb Şedinţa Sf. Sinod, Bucureşti 27 feb Sfinţirea pietrei de temelie şi Sf. Liturghie la mănăstirea Sf. Gherman, Băneasa, jud. Constanţa 28 feb Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Patriarhală din Bucureşti

Martie 6 martie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 13 martie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Învierea Domnului, Hamilton, ON 20 martie Duminica Ortodoxiei – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL; Vecernia pan-ortodoxă la parohia ortodoxă greacă Sf. Dimitrie, Elmhurst, IL 25 mar Buna Vestire – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 27 martie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, New York Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 98


April April 3 Divine Liturgy at the All Saints parish, Toronto, ON April 8 Eparchial Council meeting, Chicago, IL April 10 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Joachim and Ana, Seattle, WA April 16 Archdiocesan Symposium of Spirituality, Fordham University, New York April 17 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity parish, Philadelphia, PA April 23 St. George – Divine Liturgy Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL April 24 Palm Sunday – Divine Liturgy at the Resurrection parish, Sacramento, CA April 25-30 Matins for Holy Week at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL

May May 1 Holy Pascha – Resurrection Service; Divine Liturgy; Vespers at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL May 2 Holy Pascha – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL May 3 Holy Pascha – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL May 6 Life Giving Fountain – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL May 8 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Resurrection parish, Hamilton, ON May 15 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL May 21 Ss. Constantine and Helen – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL May 22 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL May 28 Divine Liturgy at the Nativity of the Lord and Ss. Constantine and Helen parish, Stuttgart, Germany May 29 Divine Liturgy at the Nativity of the Lord and Ss. Constantine and Helen parish, Stuttgart, Germany

June June 5 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL June 9 Ascension of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL June 12 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL June 18-25 Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, Crete June 26 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Chania, Crete June 29 Ss. Peter and Paul – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL June 30-July 2 Archdiocesan Congress at Holy Ressurection parish in Hamilton, ON Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 99

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Aprilie 3 aprilie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Toţi Sfinţii, Toronto, ON 8 aprilie Şedinţa Consiliului Eparhial, Chicago, IL 10 aprilie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Ioachim şi Ana, Seattle, WA 16 aprilie Simpozionul de Spiritualitate Ortodoxă, Universsitatea Fordham, New York 17 aprilie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Treime, Philadelphia, PA 23 aprilie Sf. Mare Muc. Gheorghe – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 24 aprilie Duminica Floriilor – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Învierea Domnului, Sacramento, CA 25-30 aprilie Deniile din Săptămâna Patimilor la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL

Mai 1 mai Sf. Paşti – Slujba Învierii, Sf. Liturghie şi Vecernia la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 2 mai Sf. Paşti – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 3 mai Sf. Paşti – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 6 mai Izvorul Tămăduirii – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 15 mai Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 21 mai Înălţarea Domnului; Sf. Împăraţi – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 22 mai Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 28 mai Sf. Liturghie la parohia Naşterea Domnului şi Sf. Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena din Stuttgart, Germany 29 mai Sf. Liturghie la parohia Naşterea Domnului şi Sf. Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena din Stuttgart, Germany

Iunie 5 iunie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 9 iunie Înălţarea Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 12 iunie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 18-25 iunie Sfântul şi Mare Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe, Creta, Grecia 26 iunie Sf. Liturghie la biserica Sf. Ap. Petru şi Pavel, Chania, Creta, Grecia 29 iunie Sf. Apostoli Petru şi Pavel – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 30 iunie-2 iulie Congresul Arhiepiscopiei la parohia Învierea Domnului din Hamilton, ON Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 100


July July 1-2 80th Archdiocesan Congress at the Holy Resurrection parish, Hamilton, ON July 3 Re-consecration of the church service and Divine Liturgy at the Holy Resurrection parish, Hamilton, ON July 10 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL July 17 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL July 20 St. Prophet Elijah – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL July 23 Romanian Summer Festival – Divine Liturgy at the New Gracanica Serbian Monastery, Third Lake, IL July 24 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL July 31 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL

August Aug 6 Transfiguration of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Aug 7 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Aug 14 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Aug 15 Dormition of the Mother of God – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Aug 21 Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew parish, Mississauga, ON Aug 28 Divine Liturgy at the Life Giving Fountain parish, Long Valley, NJ Aug 29 Beheading of St. John the Baptist – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL

September Sept 4 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Joachim and Anna parish, Seattle, WA Sept 8 Nativity of the Mother of God – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago Sept 11 Divine Liturgy at the Annunciation parish, Cleveland, OH Sept 14 Elevation of the Holy Cross – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago Sept 18 Consecration of the church service and Divine Liturgy at the Elevation of the Holy Cross parish, Upland, CA Sept 24 Divine Liturgy at St. John Cassian Mission, San Antonio, TX Sept 25 Divine Liturgy at St. Mary parish, Austin, TX Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 101

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Iulie 1-2 iulie Cel de-al 80-lea Congres al Arhiepiscopiei, parohia Învierea Domnului, Hamilton, ON 3 iulie Resfinţirea bisericii şi Sf. Liturghie la parohia Învierea Domnului, Hamilton, ON 10 iulie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 17 iulie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 20 iulie Sf. Prooroc Ilie – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 23 iulie Festivlul Românesc de Vară – Sf. Liturghie la mănăstirea sârbească New Gracanica, Third Lake, IL 24 iulie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 31 iulie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL

August 6 aug Schimbarea la faţă a Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 7 aug Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 14 aug Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 15 aug Adormirea Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 21 aug Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Andrei, Mississauga, ON 23 aug Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 28 aug Sf. Liturghie la parohia Izvorul Tămăduirii, Long Valley, NJ 29 aug Tăierea capului Sf. Ioan Botezătorul – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL

Septembrie 4 sept Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Ioachim si Ana, Seattle, WA 8 sept Naşterea Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 11 sept Sf. Liturghie la parohia Buna Vestire, Rocky River, OH 14 sept Înălţarea Sf. Cruci – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 18 sept Sfinţirea bisericii şi Sf. Liturghie la parohia Înălţarea Sf. Cruci, Upland, CA 24 sept Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Ioan Casian, San Antonio, TX 25 sept Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Maria, Austin, TX Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 102


October Oct 1 Protection of the Mother of God – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity Serbian Church, Pittsburg, PA Oct 2 Divine Liturgy at the Descent of the Holy Ghost parish, Windsor, ON Oct 4-6 VIIth Meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA, Detroit, MI Oct 9 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Oct 14 St. Parascheva – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Oct 16 Divine Liturgy at St. Parascheva parish, Wakefield, MA Oct 23 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios the New Monastery, Middletown, NY Oct 26 St. Dimitrios the Great Martyr – Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest Oct 27 St. Dimitrios the New – Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest Oct 28-29 Meeting of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Bucharest Oct 30 Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest

November Nov 6 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Archangels Cathedral, Paris, France Nov 7 Meeting of the Romanian Orthodox Bishops from Western Europe and America, Limours, France Nov 8 Holy Archangels – Divine Liturgy at the Eparchial Center of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia for Western Europe, Limours, France Nov 13 Divine Liturgy at St. John the Baptist Cathedral, Montreal, QC Nov 20 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Nov 21 Entrance into the Temple of the Mother of God – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Nov 27 Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew parish, Reading, PA Nov 30 St. Andrew – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago

December Dec 4 Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, Shrewsbury, MA Dec 6 St. Nicholas – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Dec 9 Eparchial Council Meeting, Chicago, IL Dec 11 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Dec 18 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Dec 25 Nativity of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Dec 26 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Dec 27 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Chicago, IL Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 103

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Octombrie 1 oct Acoperământul Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la parohia ortodoxă sârbească Sf. Treime, Pittsburg, PA 2 oct Sf. Liturghie la parohia Pogorârea Duhului Sfânt, Windsor, ON 4-6 oct Cea de-a VII-a sedinţă a Adunării Episcopilor Ortodocşi din SUA, Detroit, MI 9 oct Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 14 oct Sf. Cuv. Parascheva – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 16 oct Sf. Liturghie la aprohia Sf. Parascheva, Wakefield, MA 23 oct Sf. Liturghie la Mânăstirea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Middletown, NY 26 oct Sf. Dimitrie, Izvorâtorul de mir – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Patriarhală din Bucureşti 27 oct Sf. Cuv. Dimitrie cel Nou – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Patriarhală din Bucureşti 28-29 oct Şedinţa Sf. Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti 30 oct Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Patriarhală din Bucureşti

Noiembrie 6 noi Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Arhangheli, Paris, Franţa 7 noi Întâlnirea Episcopilor Ortodocşi români din Europa Occidentală şi SUA, Limours, Franţa 8 noi Sf. Arhangheli Mihail şi Gavriil – Sf. Liturghie la Centrul Eparhial al Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române pentru Europa Occidentală, Limours, Franţa 13 noi Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Ioan Botezătorul, Montrel, QC 20 noi Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 21 noi Intrarea în Biserică a Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 27 noi Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Andrei, Reading, PA 30 noi Sf. Apostol Andrei – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL

Decembrie 4 dec Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Shrewsbury, MA 6 dec Sf. Nicolae – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 9 dec Şedinţa Consiliului Eparhial, Chicago, IL 11 dec Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 18 dec Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 25 dec Naşterea Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 26 dec Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL 27 dec Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi, Chicago, IL Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 104


2016 PASTORAL ITINERARY of His Grace Ioan Casian

January Jan 1 St. Basil the Great – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Jan 3 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Jan 6 Epiphany – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Jan 7 St. John the Baptist – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Jan 10 Divine Liturgy at St. George parish, St. Hubert, QC Jan 17 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Jan 24 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Jan 30 Holy Three Hierarchs – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Jan 31 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios/Three Hierarchs parish, Toronto, ON

February Feb 2 Meeting of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Feb 7 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity parish, Rochester, NY Feb 14 Divine Liturgy at the Descent of the Holy Spirit parish, Bacău, Romania Feb 19 Divine Liturgy at the Metropolitan Center, Limours, France Feb 21 Divine Liturgy at the Metropolitan Center, Limours, France Feb 24 Meeting of the National Ecclesiastical Assembly, Bucharest Feb 25 Meeting of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Bucharest Feb 28 Divine Liturgy at St. Spiridon the New Cathedral, Bucharest

March March 6 Divine Liturgy at the Protection of the Mother of God Monastery, Wentworth, QC March 13 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON March 20 Sunday of Orthodoxy – Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s parish, Gatineau, QC; Pan- Orthodox Vespers at St. Elias Antiochian Church, Ottawa, ON March 25 Annunciation – Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios the New Mission, Montreal, QC March 27 Divine Liturgy at St. Mina Mission, Ste-Therese, QC Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 105

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Ianuarie 1 ian Sf. Vasile cel Mare – Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 3 ian Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 6 ian Botezul Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 7 ian Sf. Ioan Botezătorul – Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 10 ian Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Gheorghe, St. Hubert, QC 17 ian Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 24 ian Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 30 ian Sf. Trei Ierarhi – Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 31 ian Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Dumitru/Sf. Trei Ierarhi, Toronto, ON

Februarie 2 feb Întâmpinarea Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 7 feb Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Treime, Rochester, NY 14 feb Sf. Liturghie la parohia Pogorârea Duhului Sfânt, Bacău, România 19 feb Sf. Liturghie la Centrul Mitropolitan, Limours, Franţa 21 feb Sf. Liturghie la Centrul Mitropolitan, Limours, Franţa 24 feb Şedinţa Adunării Naţionale Bisericeşti, Bucureşti 25 feb Şedinţa Sf. Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti 28 feb Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Spiridon cel Nou, Bucureşti

Martie 6 mar Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Acoperãmântul Maicii Domnului, Wentworth, QC 13 mar Sf. Liturghie la Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 20 mar Duminica Ortodoxiei – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Maria, Gatineau, QC; Vecernia pan-ortodoxă la parohia antiohiană Sf. Ilie, Ottawa, ON 25 mar Buna Vestire – Sf. Liturghie la misiunea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Montreal, QC 27 mar Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Mina, Ste-Therese, QC Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 106


April April 3 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON April 8 Eparchial Council meeting, Chicago, IL April 10 Divine Liturgy at the All Saints parish, Toronto, ON April 16 Archdiocesan Symposium of Spirituality, Fordham University, New York April 17 Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew parish, Reading, PA April 23 St. George – Divine Liturgy at St. George parish, St. Hubert, QC April 24 Palm Sunday – Divine Liturgy at St. George parish, St. Hubert, QC April 28 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios the New Monastery, Middletown, NY; Matins at St. Nicholas parish, New York April 29 Royal Hours – St. Dimitrios the New Monastery, Middletown, NY; Lamentations Service at St. Nicholas parish, New York April 30 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios the New Monastery, Middletown, NY

May May 1 Holy Pascha – Resurrection Service; Divine Liturgy; Vespers at St. Nicholas parish, New York May 2 Holy Pascha - Divine Liturgy at Sf. Dimitrios the New Monastery, Middletown, NY May 3 Holy Pascha - Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, New York May 6 Life Giving Fountain - Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON May 7 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON May 8 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON May 10-11 Meeting of the Dialogue of Orthodox and Catholique Bishops of Canada, Toronto May 12 Meeting of the Canadian Conference of Orthodox Bishops, Greek Metropolis of Toronto May 15 Divine Liturgy at St. George parish, St. Hubert, QC May 21 Ss. Constantine and Helen – Graduation Ceremony at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York May 22 Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, Queens, NY May 29 Divine Liturgy at Three Hierarchs Church, Marseille, France

June June 5 Divine Liturgy at St. George parish, St. Hubert, QC June 9 Ascension of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at Ss. Archangels parish, Montreal, QC June 12 Divine Liturgy at St. John the Baptist Cathedral, Montreal, QC Jun 18-25 Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, Crete June 26 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Chania, Crete June 29 Ss. Peter and Paul – Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrie the New Mission, Montreal, QC June 30-July 2 Archdiocesan Congres at Holy Ressurection parish in Hamilton, ON Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 107

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Aprilie 3 april Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 8 april Şedinţa Consiliului Eparhial, Chicago, IL 10 april Sf. Liturghie la parohia Toţi Sfinţii, Toronto, ON 16 april Simpozionul de Spiritualitate al Arhiepiscopiei, Fordham University, New York 17 april Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Ap. Andrei, Reading, PA 23 april Sf. Gheorghe – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Gheorghe, St-Hubert, QC 24 april Floriile – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Gheorghe, St-Hubert, QC 28 april Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Middletown, NY; Denia celor 12 Evanghelii la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Woodside, NY 29 april Ceasurile Împãrãteşti la Mãnãstirea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Middletown, NY; Prohodul Domnului la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Woodside, NY 30 april Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Middletown, NY

Mai 1 mai Sf. Paşti – Utrenia, Sf. Liturghie şi Vecernia la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Woodside, NY 2 mai Sf. Paşti – Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Middletown, NY 3 mai Sf. Paşti – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Woodside, NY 6 mai Izvorul Tãmãduirii - Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 7 mai Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 8 mai Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 10-11 mai Întâlnirea Episcopilor Ortodocşi şi Catolici din Canada, Toronto 12 mai Întâlnirea Conferinţei Episcopilor Ortodocşi din Canada, Mitropolia Greacă din Toronto 15 mai Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Gheorghe, St-Hubert, QC 21 mai Sf. Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena – Festivitatea de absolvire la Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Sf. Vladimir, New York 22 mai Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Queens, NY 29 mai Sf. Liturghie la biserica Sf. Trei Ierarhi, Marsilia, Franţa

Iunie 5 iunie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Gheorghe, St-Hubert, QC 9 iunie Înălţarea Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf Arhangheli, Montreal, QC 12 iunie Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Sf. Ioan Botezătorul, Montreal, QC 18-25 iunie Sfântul şi Mare Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe, Creta 26 iunie Sf. Liturghie la biserica Sf. Petru şi Pavel, Chania, Creta 29 iunie Sf. Apostoli Petru şi Pavel – Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Montreal QC 30 iunie – 2 iulie Congresul Arhiepiscopiei, parohia Învierea Domnului, Hamilton, ON Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 108


July July 3 Re-consecration of the church service and Divine Liturgy at the Holy Resurrection parish, Hamilton, ON July 10 Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter and Paul parish, Kitchener, ON July 17 Divine Liturgy at St. Steven the Great/St. Nectarios parish, Oshawa, ON July 20 St. Prophet Elijah – Divine Liturgy at St. Matthew parish, Ottawa, ON July 24 Divine Liturgy at St. Parascheva/St. Elijah Mission, Newmarket, ON July 31 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON

August Aug 6 Transfiguration of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Aug 7 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Aug 14 Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, Surrey, BC Aug 15 Dormition of the Mother of God – Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, Surrey, BC Aug 21 Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, Surrey, BC Aug 28 Consecration of the church service and Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity parish, Saskatoon, SK

September Sept 4 Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s parish, Gatineau, QC Sept 8 Nativity of the Mother of God - Divine Liturgy at the Ascension of the Lord parish, Hayward, CA Sept 11 Divine Liturgy at the Annunciation parish, Cleveland, OH Sept 14 Elevation of the Holy Cross – Divine Liturgy at St. Mina Mission, Ste- Therese, QC Sept 17 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Sept 18 Consecration of the church service and Divine Liturgy at the Elevation of the Holy Cross parish, Upland, CA Sept 25 Divine Liturgy at St. George parish, St. Hubert, QC Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 109

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Iulie 3 iulie Slujba de resfinţire a bisericii şi Sf. Liturghie la parohia Învierea Domnului, Hamilton, ON 10 iulie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Ap Petru şi Pavel, Kitchener, ON 17 iulie Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Ştefan cel Mare/Sf. Nectarie, Oshawa, ON 20 iulie Sf. Prooroc Ilie – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Matei, Ottawa, ON 24 iulie Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Cuv. Parascheva/Sf Ilie, Newmarket, ON 31 iulie Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON

August 6 aug Schimbarea la faţă a Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 7 aug Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 14 aug Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Surrey, BC 15 aug Adormirea Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Surrey, BC 21 aug Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, Surrey, BC 28 aug Slujba sfinţirii bisericii şi Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf Treime, Saskatoon, SK

Septembrie 4 sept Sf. Liturghie la parohia Naşterea Maicii Domnului, Gatineau, QC 8 sept Naşterea Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Parohia Înălţarea Domnului, Hayward, CA 11 sept Sf. Liturghie la parohia Buna Vestire, Cleveland, OH 14 sept Înălţarea Sf. Cruci – Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Mina, Ste-Therese, QC 17 sept Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 18 sept Slujba de sfinţire a bisericii şi Sf. Liturghie la parohia Înălţarea Sf. Cruci, Upland, CA 25 sept Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Gheorghe, St-Hubert, QC Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 110


October Oct 1 Protection of the Mother of God – Divine Liturgy at the Protection of the Mother of God Monastery, Wentworth, QC Oct 2 Divine Liturgy at the Descent of the Holy Ghost parish, Windsor, ON Oct 9 Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s parish, Timmins, ON Oct 14 St. Parascheva – Divine Liturgy at St. Parascheva/St. Elijah Mission, Newmarket, ON Oct 16 Divine Liturgy at St. Parascheva/St. Elijah Mission, Newmarket, ON Oct 22 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios the New Mission, Montreal, QC Oct 23 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios parish, Winnipeg, MB Oct 26 St. Dimitrios the Great Martyr – Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest Oct 27 St. Dimitrios the New – Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest Oct 28-29 Meeting of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Bucharest Oct 30 Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest

November Nov 6 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Resurrection parish, Hamilton, ON Nov 8 Holy Archangels – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Archangels parish, Montreal, QC Nov 12 Divine Liturgy at St. Mina Mission, Sainte-Therese, QC Nov 13 Divine Liturgy at St. Steven the Great and St. Nectarios parish, Oshawa, ON Nov 20 Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s parish, Timmins, ON Nov 21 Entrance into the Temple of the Mother of God – Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s parish, Timmins, ON Nov 27 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON Nov 30 St. Andrew – Divine Liturgy at the Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, ON

December Dec 4 Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew parish, Mississauga, ON Dec 6 St. Nicholas – Divine Liturgy at St. Matthew/St. Hristina parish, Ottawa, ON Dec 9 Eparchial Council Meeting, Chicago, IL Dec 11 Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas parish, New York, NY Dec 18 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios the New Mission, Montreal, QC Dec 25 Nativity of the Lord – Divine Liturgy at St. George parish, St. Hubert, QC Dec 26 Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios the New Mission, Montreal, QC Dec 27 Divine Liturgy at the Holy Archangels parish, Montreal, QC Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 111

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Octombrie 1 oct Acoperământul Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Acoperãmântul Maicii Domnului, Wentworth, QC 2 oct Sf. Liturghie la parohia Pogorârea Duhului Sfânt, Windsor, ON 9 oct Sf. Liturghie la parohia Adormirea Maicii Domnului, Timmins, ON 14 oct Sf. Cuv. Parascheva – Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Parascheva/Sf Ilie, Newmarket, ON 16 oct Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Parascheva/Sf Ilie, Newmarket, ON 22 oct Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou din Basarabi, Montreal, QC 23 oct Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Dumitru, Winnipeg, MB 26 oct Sf. Dimitrie, Izvorâtorul de mir – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Patriarhală, Bucureşti 27 oct Sf. Cuv. Dimitrie cel Nou – Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Patriarhală, Bucureşti 28-29 Lucrările Sf. Sinod, Bucureşti 30 oct Sf. Liturghie la Catedrala Patriarhală, Bucureşti

Noiembrie 6 nov Sf. Liturghie la parohia Învierea Domnului, Hamilton, ON 8 nov Sf. Arhangheli Mihail şi Gavriil – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Arhangheli, Montreal, QC 12 nov Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Mina, Sainte-Therese, QC 13 nov Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sf. Nectarie, Oshawa, ON 20 nov Sf. Liturghie la parohia Adormirea Maicii Domnului, Timmins, ON 21 noi Intrarea în Biserică a Maicii Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Adormirea Maicii Domnului, Timmins, ON 27 nov Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON 30 noi Sf. Apostol Andrei – Sf. Liturghie la Mãnãstirea Sf. Cruce, Mono, ON

Decembrie 4 dec Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Andrei, Mississauga, ON 6 dec Sf. Nicolae – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Matei şi Sf. Mc. Hristina, Ottawa, ON 9 dec Şedinta Consiliului Eparhial, Chicago, IL 11 dec Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Nicolae, New York, NY 18 dec Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Montreal, QC 25 dec Naşterea Domnului – Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Gheorghe, St-Hubert, QC 26 dec Sf. Liturghie la Misiunea Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, Montreal, QC 27 dec Sf. Liturghie la parohia Sf. Arhangheli, Montreal, QC Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 112


TOMOS1 OF THE HOLY SYNOD of the Autocephalous Romanian Orthodox Church proclaiming the establishment of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas and the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada, amending the territorial division of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas, and changing its title into the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the United States of America,

THE HOLY SYNOD OF THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, To its beloved clergy, monastics and pious faithful in the Romanian Patriarchate, Grace, joy, and peace from God, and from Us, hierarchal blessings!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Romanian immigration on the North established in His Holy Church special American continent started around the ministries, and by sending down the Blessed middle of the nineteenth century. At the and Life-Giving Spirit on His Holy beginning of the twentieth century, there Disciples and Apostles, He strengthened were more than 150,000 Romanians in the them to preach the word of His Gospel, U.S. and Canada. Currently, the North sending them into the whole world to teach American continent is home to more than all nations. Through His parables and 700,000 Romanians or Romanian-speaking teachings, our Savior guided us to multiply people, preservers of Romanian spirituality, the talents given to each of us by our civilization, and culture, and of Orthodox Heavenly Father; we, His servants, being religious life, in the context of the the first-called to fulfill this sacred duty, multicultural and multi-confessional society trusting in the divine reward for our labors of that part of the world. as deacons, priests, and bishops. The founding of the Romanian Orthodoxy began making inroads on Orthodox parishes in the United States and the North American continent during the Canada took place on a canonical and eighteenth century. It experienced signifi- statutory basis, maintaining the principles of cant development particularly in the nine- organization and functioning of the teenth and twentieth centuries, with the Romanian Orthodox Church. Through its migration of populations from Orthodox hierarchs, members of the Holy Synod, the countries. Under these circumstances, Romanian Patriarchate cared for its children ecclesiastical organization took place on who chose to live in those geographical ethnic grounds. areas, where they founded parishes and dioceses.

1SYNOD TOMOS nr. 1/2016, issued under the decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, nr. 9138 of 28-29 October 2016, under Article 133, paragraph 2 of the Statute for the organization and functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church, and made public on 30 October 2016 in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Bucharest, dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helen and St. Dimitrios the New, patron saint and protector of Bucharest. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 113

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 113 We remember with gratitude the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the hierarchs who have wisely shepherded the Americas, noting the legitimacy of the faithful in the United States and Canada: requests of the parish representatives from Policarp Moruşcă (1935-1939), who organ- the U.S. and Canada, requested that the ized the Romanian Orthodox Diocese in Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox America and Canada; Bishop Andrei Church approve the establishing of the Moldovan (1950-1963); and Archbishop Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Victorin Ursache (1966-2001), in whose Americas, and its organization into two time the diocese was elevated to the status separate eparchies; the elevation to the of Archdiocese. Since 2002, the Orthodox rank of Metropolitan of the Romanian faithful have been shepherded by His Orthodox Archbishop of the Americas; Eminence Archbishop Nicolae Condrea. the creation of the Romanian Orthodox The intensification of the presence of Diocese of Canada and the organization Romanian Orthodoxy on the North of elections for the position of Bishop of American continent and the pastoral- the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of missionary needs of the faithful have made Canada, nominating for this dignity His increasingly clear the necessity of organiz- Grace IOAN CASIAN OF VICINA, ing a Romanian Orthodox Metropolia, to Vicar-Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox support and develop religious life, in fellow- Archdiocese of the Americas. ship with the other Orthodox eparchies in Taking into account the canonical, the United States and Canada, and in pastoral-missionary, and administrative and cooperation and respect with central and ecclesiastical arguments, as well as those local authorities and other organizations. concerning the administrative-territorial The Holy Synod of the Romanian organization of the dioceses, presented by Orthodox Church, analyzing in its working the Congress of the Romanian Orthodox session of February 25, 2016 the pastoral Archdiocese of the Americas in support of needs of the Romanian faithful of the the proposal for the establishment of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, and taking note of the desire to Americas and its suffragan eparchies; have a Metropolia with two suffragan ep- On the basis of Art. 7 para. (1) of the archies, mandated His Eminence NICOLAE, Statutes, namely: “The establishment, the Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of the dissolution, territorial modification and Americas, to commence proceedings for the changes of title of the metropolias, establishment of the Romanian Orthodox archdioceses and dioceses are decided Diocese of Canada, and for changing the through decrees of the Holy Synod, taking title of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese into account the pastoral-missionary needs, of the Americas, in order to establish the and taking into account the administrative- Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the territorial organization of the state”; and Americas, to include the two eparchies. para. (2) “The title of metropolitans, arch- To fulfill the mandate given by the bishops, and bishops is that of the diocese Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox that they shepherd”; Church through its decision nr. 2054 of 25 On the basis of Art. 14, letter j) of the February, 2016, His Eminence NICOLAE, Statutes, according to which the Holy Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of the Synod “approves, by a majority of two Americas, convened the Congress of the thirds of the members present, the creation, Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the dissolution, territorial modification and Americas at the Holy Resurrection Parish changes of titles of the eparchies and in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada) from July metropolitan churches belonging to the 1 - 3, 2016. Romanian Patriarchate”; The Members of the Congress of the As a result of the vote expressed, the Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 114

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 114 Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox establishment of diocesan deliberative and Church, through its decision nr. 9138, executive bodies, according to the new adopted at its working session of 28-29 pastoral and administrative realities, as well October 2016, approved the establishment as the organizing of activities according to of the ROMANIAN ORTHODOX the provisions of their own statutes and DIOCESE OF CANADA, based in St. regulations. Hubert/Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as a Therefore, through this SYNODAL suffragan diocese of the Romanian TOMOS, we make known the decision of Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox through its detachment from the Romanian Church to establish the Romanian Ortho- Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas, dox Metropolia of the Americas and the and the Diocesan Bishop of the new Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada, Diocese will bear the title of Romanian as well as to change the name and jurisdic- Orthodox Bishop of Canada. tion of the Romanian Orthodox Archdio- It also approved the territorial cese of the Americas into the Romanian modification of the Romanian Orthodox Orthodox Archdiocese of the United States Archdiocese of the Americas following the of America. Moreover, we paternally advise establishment of the Romanian Orthodox the clergy and the faithful established on the Diocese of Canada, and the changing of North American continent to support the its title to the ROMANIAN ORTHODOX organization of the new eparchies, through a ARCHDIOCESE OF THE UNITED fruitful collaboration with their hierarchs STATES OF AMERICA, and the estab- and other representatives of the Metropoli- lishment of the ROMANIAN ORTHO- tan Administration. DOX METROPOLIA OF THE AMERI- We entrust the Archpastors of these two CAS, which will include the Romanian eparchies, and also all the priests, monks, Orthodox Archdiocese of the United and Orthodox Christians in the area of the States of America and the Romanian new Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of Orthodox Diocese of Canada. At the same the Americas, to the mercies of our Good time, the Holy Synod approved the God, to the prayers of the Holy Apostle amendment of the Diptychs of the Andrew the First-Called, the Protector of Romanian Orthodox Church, by includ- Romania, and to the prayers of all the ing in position nr. 10 the Romanian protector saints of the parishes and Orthodox Archbishop of the United States monasteries under this Metropolia. of America, and the Romanian Orthodox Thus, together in one mind and one Metropolitan of the Americas. heart, let us glorify the Father, the Son, and In the same decision the Holy Synod the Holy Spirit, the Trinity consubstantial entrusted to the Diocesan Bishops of the and undivided. Amen! Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas the task of adopting ecclesiastical statutory and regulatory measures for the

THE PRESIDENT OF THE HOLY SYNOD OF THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, † D ANIEL Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of and Dobrogea, Locum Tenens of Caesarea of Cappadocia, and Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 115

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 115 † TEOFAN † LAURENŢIU Archbishop of Iaşi and Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of and Bucovina Metropolitan of Transylvania

† ANDREI † IRINEU Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj and Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureş and Sălaj Metropolitan of Oltenia

† IOAN † PETRU Archbishop of Timişoara and Archbishop of Chişinău, Metropolitan of Banat Metropolitan of Bessarabia and Exarch of Regions

† IOSIF † SERAFIM Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of Western Europe Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of and Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg Western and Middle Europe and Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of Germany, and Central and North Europe

† NIFON † TEODOSIE Honorary Metropolitan, Archbishop of Târgovişte Archbishop of Tomis and Patriarchal Exarch

† PIMEN † IRINEU Archbishop of Suceava and Rădăuţi Archbishop of Alba Iulia

† VARSANUFIE † IOACHIM Archbishop of Râmnic Archbishop of Roman and Bacău

† CALINIC † CIPRIAN Archbishop of Argeş and Muscel Archbishop of Buzău and Vrancea

† CASIAN † TIMOTEI Archbishop of Lower Danube Archbishop of Arad

† NICOLAE † JUSTINIAN Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of the Americas Honorary Archbishop, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Maramureş and Sătmar

† CORNELIU † LUCIAN Bishop of Huşi Bishop of Caransebeş

† SOFRONIE † NICODIM Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Oradea Bishop of Severin and Strehaia

† VINCENŢIU † ANDREI Bishop of Slobozia and Călăraşi Bishop of Covasna and Harghita Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:10 AM Page 116

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 116 † GALACTION † AMBROZIE Bishop of Alexandria and Teleorman Bishop of Giurgiu

† SEBASTIAN † VISARION Bishop of Slatina and Romanaţi Bishop of Tulcea

† PETRONIU † GURIE Bishop of Sălaj Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara

†DANIIL † SILUAN Deputy-Bishop (administrator) of Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Episcopate of Dacia Felix Hungary

† SILUAN † TIMOTEI Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Italy Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Spain and Portugal

† MACARIE † MIHAIL Romanian Orthodox Bishop of North Europe Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Australia and New Zealand

† VARLAAM PLOIEŞTEANUL † IERONIM SINAITUL Patriarchal Vicar Bishop Patriarchal Vicar Bishop

† TIMOTEI PRAHOVEANUL † CALINIC BOTOŞĂNEANUL Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of Bucureşti Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of Iaşi

† ILARION FĂGĂRĂŞEANUL † VASILE SOMEŞEANUL Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of Sibiu Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj

† PAISIE LUGOJEANUL † ANTONIE DE ORHEI Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of Timişoara Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of Chişinău

† MARC NEMŢEANUL † SOFIAN BRAŞOVEANUL Vicar Bishop of Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of of Western Europe Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg

† EMILIAN LOVIŞTEANUL † IOAN CASIAN DE VICINA Vicar Bishop of Archdiocese of Râmnic Vicar Bishop of Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas

† IUSTIN SIGHETEANUL † IGNATIE MUREŞEANUL Assistant Bishop of Romanian Orthodox Assistant Bishop of Romanian Episcopate of Maramureş and Sătmar Orthodox Episcopate of Spain and Portugal Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 117

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TOMOS SINODAL1 al Bisericii Ortodoxe Autocefale Române pentru proclamarea înfiinţării Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor două Americi şi a Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române a Canadei, pentru modificarea teritorială a Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a celor două Americi şi pentru schimbarea titulaturii acesteia în Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Română a Statelor Unite ale Americii,

SFÂNTUL SINOD AL BISERICII ORTODOXE ROMÂNE, Preaiubitului cler, cinului monahal şi dreptcredincioşilor creştini din cuprinsul Patriarhiei Române, Har, bucurie şi pace de la Dumnezeu, iar de la Noi, arhiereşti binecuvântări!

Domnul şi Mântuitorul nostru Iisus continentul Nord american se situează către Hristos a aşezat în Sfânta Sa Biserică slujiri mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea. La începutul deosebite iar, prin trimiterea Preasfântului secolului al XX-lea existau deja peste şi de viaţă făcătorului Duh peste Sfinţii Săi 150.000 de români în SUA şi Canada. În Ucenici şi Apostoli, i-a întărit pe aceştia să prezent, locuiesc peste 700.000 de români propovăduiască cuvântul Evangheliei Sale, sau vorbitori de limbă română, păstrători ai trimiţându-i în toată lumea să înveţe toate spiritualităţii, civilizaţiei şi culturii româ- neamurile. Prin pildele şi învăţăturile Sale, neşti, precum şi ai vieţii religioase orto- Mântuitorul ne-a îndrumat să înmulţim doxe, în contextul societăţii multiculturale talanţii dăruiţi fiecăruia de Tatăl Ceresc, şi multiconfesionale din acea parte a lumii. noi, slujitorii Lui, fiind cei dintâi chemaţi la Fondarea parohiilor ortodoxe româ- împlinirea acestei sfinte îndatoriri, încreză- neşti în Statele Unite ale Americii şi Canada tori în dumnezeiasca răsplătire a ostenelilor s-a făcut pe baze canonice şi statutare, noastre ca diaconi, preoţi şi arhierei. păstrând principiile de organizare şi Pe continentul Nord american, Ortodo- funcţionare ale Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. xia a pătruns începând cu secolul al XVIII- Patriarhia Română, prin ierarhii ei membri lea. Ea a cunoscut o dezvoltare însemnată ai Sfântului Sinod, s-a îngrijit de fiii ei, care îndeosebi în secolele al XIX-lea şi al XX- au ales să trăiască în acele zone geografice, lea, odată cu emigraţia populaţiei din unele unde s-au înfiinţat parohii şi eparhii. ţări ortodoxe. În aceste condiţii, organizarea Ne amintim, cu recunoştinţă, de ierar- bisericească s-a făcut pe baze etnice. hii care au păstorit cu înţelepciune şi jertfel- Începuturile imigraţiei românilor pe nicie credincioşii din Statele Unite ale

1TOMOS SINODAL nr. 1/2016, emis în temeiul hotărârii Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, nr. 9138 din 28- 29 octombrie 2016, conform prevederilor art. 133, alin 2 din Statutul pentru organizarea şi funcţionarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, şi făcută public la data de 30 octombrie 2016, în CATEDRALA PATRIARHALĂ din Bucureşti, cu hramul Sfinţii Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena şi Sfântul Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, ocrotitorul Bucureştilor. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 119

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 119 Americii şi din Canada: Policarp Moruşca constatând îndreptăţite solicitările reprezen- (1935 – 1939), care a organizat Episcopia tanţilor parohiilor din America şi Canada, Ortodoxă Română în America şi Canada; au solicitat Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Episcopul Andrei Moldovanu (1950 – 1963); Ortodoxe Române să aprobe înfiinţarea precum şi Arhiepiscopul Victorin Ursache Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor (1966 – 2001), în vremea căruia Episcopia două Americi şi organizarea ei în două a fost ridicată la rangul de Arhiepiscopie. eparhii distincte; ridicarea la rang de Din anul 2002, credincioşii ortodocşi sunt Mitropolit a Arhiepiscopului ortodox păstoriţi de către Înaltpreasfinţitul Părinte român al celor două Americi; înfiinţarea Arhiepiscop Nicolae Condrea. Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române a Canadei şi Intensificarea prezenţei ortodoxiei organizarea de alegeri pentru slujirea de româneşti pe continentul Nord american şi Episcop al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române a nevoile pastoral-misionare ale credincioşi- Canadei, nominalizându-l pentru această lor au făcut din ce în ce mai evidentă nevoia demnitate pe Preasfinţitul Părinte IOAN organizării unei Mitropolii ortodoxe româ- CASIANDE VICINA, Episcop-vicar al ne, care să susţină şi să dezvolte viaţa Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a celor bisericească, în frăţietate cu eparhiile două Americi. ortodoxe din Statele Unite şi Canada şi în Luând în considerare argumentele de relaţii de conlucrare şi respect cu autorită- ordin canonic, pastoral-misionar şi admi- ţile de stat centrale şi locale, precum şi cu nistrativ-bisericesc, precum şi pe cele alte organizaţii. privind organizarea administrativ-teritorială Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe a eparhiilor, prezentate de către Congresul Române, analizând în şedinţa sa de lucru Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a celor din 25 februarie 2016 nevoile pastorale două Americi, în sprijinul propunerii de ale credincioşilor români din Arhiepisco- înfiinţare a Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Româ- pia Ortodoxă Română a celor două ne a celor două Americi şi a eparhiilor ei Americi şi luând act de dorinţa de a avea sufragane; o Mitropolie cu două eparhii sufragane, În temeiul prevederilor art. 7, alin. (1) l-a mandatat pe Înaltpreasfinţitul Părinte din Statut, respectiv: “Înfiinţarea, desfiin- NICOLAE, Arhiepiscopul ortodox român al ţarea, modificarea teritorială şi schimbarea celor două Americi, să demareze procedu- titulaturii mitropoliilor, arhiepiscopiilor şi rile de înfiinţare a Episcopiei Ortodoxe episcopiilor se fac prin hotărâri ale Române a Canadei şi de modificare a titu- Sfântului Sinod ţinând seama de cerinţele laturii Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a pastoral-misionare şi luând în considerare celor două Americi, în vederea înfiinţării organizarea administrativ-teritorială a Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor două statului”; şi alin. (2): “Titulatura mitropoli- Americi, care să cuprindă cele două eparhii. ţilor, arhiepiscopilor şi episcopilor este cea Pentru îndeplinirea mandatului a eparhiei pe care o păstoresc”; încredinţat de Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Conform prevederilor art. 14 lit. j) din Ortodoxe Române, prin hotărârea nr. Statut, potrivit cărora Sfântul Sinod “apro- 2054 din 25 februarie 2016, Înaltprea- bă, cu o majoritate de două treimi din nu- sfinţitul Părinte NICOLAE, Arhiepiscopul mărul membrilor prezenţi, înfiinţarea, des- ortodox român al celor două Americi, a fiinţarea, modificarea teritorială şi schim- convocat Congresul Arhiepiscopiei Orto- barea titulaturii eparhiilor şi mitropoliilor doxe Române a celor două Americi la aparţinătoare Patriarhiei Române”; Parohia Învierea Domnului din În urma votului exprimat, Sfântul Hamilton, Ontario (Canada), în perioada Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, prin 1-3 iulie 2016. hotărârea nr. 9138, adoptată în şedinţa sa de Membrii Congresului Arhiepiscopiei lucru din 28-29 octombrie 2016, a aprobat Ortodoxe Române a celor două Americi, înfiinţarea EPISCOPIEI ORTODOXE ROMÂNE Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 120

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 120 A CANADEI, cu sediul la St. Hubert şi administrativ-teritoriale, precum şi /Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ca sufragană organizarea activităţilor potrivit prevederi- a Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor lor statutelor şi regulamentelor proprii. două Americi, prin desprinderea din Arhi- Drept urmare, prin acest TOMOS SINO- episcopia Ortodoxă Română a celor două DAL facem cunoscută hotărârea Sfântului Americi, iar Chiriarhul noii Episcopii va Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române pri- purta titulatura Episcopul ortodox vind înfiinţarea Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Ro- român al Canadei. mâne a celor două Americi şi a Episcopiei De asemenea, a aprobat modificarea Ortodoxe Române a Canadei, precum şi teritorială a Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe schimbarea titulaturii şi jurisdicţiei Arhie- Române a celor două Americi ca urmare piscopiei Ortodoxe Române a celor două a înfiinţării Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române Americi în Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Româ- a Canadei şi schimbarea titulaturii aces- nă a Statelor Unite ale Americii. Totodată, teia în ARHIEPISCOPIA ORTODOXĂ ROMÂNĂ îndemnăm părinteşte pe clericii şi credin- A STATELOR UNITE ALE AMERICII, precum şi cioşii stabiliţi pe continentul Nord ameri- înfiinţarea MITROPOLIEI ORTODOXE ROMÂ- can să sprijine organizarea noilor eparhii, NE A CELOR DOUĂ AMERICI, care va cuprin- printr-o fructuoasă conlucrare cu chiriarhii de Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Română a lor şi cu ceilalţi reprezentanţi ai administra- Statelor Unite ale Americii şi Episcopia ţiei din această Mitropolie. Ortodoxă Română a Canadei. Totodată, Încredinţăm pe arhipăstorii celor două Sfântul Sinod a aprobat şi modificarea eparhii, precum şi pe toţi preoţii, monahii şi Dipticelor Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, binecredincioşii creştini din cuprinsul noii prin includerea la poziţia nr. 10, a Mitropolii Ortodoxe Române a celor două Arhiepiscopului ortodox român al Statelor Americi, milostivirii Bunului Dumnezeu, Unite ale Americii şi Mitropolitul ortodox rugăciunilor Sfântului Apostol Andrei cel român al celor două Americi. Întâi Chemat – Ocrotitorul României, Prin aceeaşi hotărâre, Sfântul Sinod a precum şi rugăciunilor tuturor Sfinţilor încredinţat Chiriarhilor din Mitropolia ocrotitori ai parohiilor şi mănăstirilor din ortodoxă română a celor două Americi această Mitropolie. grija adoptării măsurilor statutare şi regu- Astfel, într-un cuget şi cu o inimă, lamentare bisericeşti pentru constituirea împreună să preamărim pe Tatăl, pe Fiul şi organismelor deliberative şi executive pe Sfântul Duh, Treimea Cea deofiinţă şi eparhiale, conform noilor realităţi pastorale nedespărţită. Amin !


† D ANIEL Arhiepiscopul Bucureştilor, Mitropolitul Munteniei şi Dobrogei, Locţiitorul tronului Cezareei Capadociei şi Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române † TEOFAN † LAURENŢIU Arhiepiscopul Iaşilor şi Arhiepiscopul Sibiului şi Mitropolitul Moldovei şi Bucovinei Mitropolitul Ardealului

† ANDREI † IRINEU Arhiepiscopul Vadului, Feleacului şi Clujului Arhiepiscopul Craiovei şi şi Mitropolitul Clujului, Maramureşului şi Mitropolitul Olteniei Sălajului Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 121

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 121 † IOAN † PETRU Arhiepiscopul Timişoarei şi Arhiepiscopul Chişinăului, Mitropolitul Banatului Mitropolitul Basarabiei şi Exarh al Plaiurilor

† IOSIF † SERAFIM Arhiepiscopul Ortodox Român al Europei Occidentale Arhiepiscopul Ortodox şi Mitropolitul Ortodox Român al Europei Român al Germaniei, Occidentale şi Meridionale Occidentale şi Meridionale şi Mitropolitul Ortodox Român al Germaniei, Europei Centrale şi de Nord

† NIFON † TEODOSIE Mitropolit onorific, Arhiepiscopul Târgoviştei Arhiepiscopul Tomisului şi Exarh Patriarhal

† PIMEN † IRINEU Arhiepiscopul Sucevei şi Rădăuţilor Arhiepiscopul Alba Iuliei

† VARSANUFIE † IOACHIM Arhiepiscopul Râmnicului Arhiepiscopul Romanului şi Bacăului

† CALINIC † CIPRIAN Arhiepiscopul Argeşului şi Muscelului Arhiepiscopul Buzăului şi Vrancei

† CASIAN † TIMOTEI Arhiepiscopul Dunării de Jos Arhiepiscopul Aradului

† NICOLAE † JUSTINIAN Arhiepiscopul Ortodox Român al celor Arhiepiscop onorific, două Americi Episcopul Ortodox Român al Maramureşului şi Sătmarului

† CORNELIU † LUCIAN Episcopul Huşilor Episcopul Caransebeşului

† SOFRONIE † NICODIM Episcopul Ortodox Român al Oradiei Episcopul Severinului şi Strehaiei

† VINCENŢIU † ANDREI Episcopul Sloboziei şi Călăraşilor Episcopul Covasnei şi Harghitei

† GALACTION † AMBROZIE Episcopul Alexandriei şi Teleormanului Episcopul Giurgiului Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 122

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 122 † SEBASTIAN † VISARION Episcopul Slatinei şi Romanaţilor Episcopul Tulcii

† PETRONIU † GURIE Episcopul Sălajului Episcopul Devei şi Hunedoarei

† DANIIL † SILUAN Episcop-locţiitor (administrator) al Episcopul Ortodox Român al Episcopiei Daciei Felix Ungariei

† SILUAN † TIMOTEI Episcopul Ortodox Român al Italiei Episcopul Ortodox Român al Spaniei şi Portugaliei

† MACARIE † MIHAIL Episcopul Ortodox Român al Europei Episcopul Ortodox Român al de Nord Australiei şi Noii Zeelande

† VARLAAM PLOIEŞTEANUL † IERONIM SINAITUL Episcop-vicar patriarhal Episcop-vicar patriarhal

† TIMOTEI PRAHOVEANUL † CALINIC BOTOŞĂNEANUL Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Bucureştilor Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Iaşilor

† ILARION FĂGĂRĂŞEANUL † VASILE SOMEŞEANUL Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Sibiului Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Vadului, Feleacului şi Clujului

† PAISIE LUGOJEANUL † ANTONIE DE ORHEI Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Timişoarei Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Chişinăului

† MARC NEMŢEANUL † SOFIAN BRAŞOVEANUL Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Române a Europei Occidentale Ortodoxe Române a Germaniei, Austriei şi Luxemburgului

† EMILIAN LOVIŞTEANUL † IOAN CASIAN DE VICINA Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Râmnicului Episcop-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a celor două Americi

† IUSTIN SIGHETEANUL † IGNATIE MUREŞEANUL Arhiereu-vicar al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Arhiereu-vicar al Episcopiei Române a Maramureşului şi Sătmarului Ortodoxe Române a Spaniei şi Portugaliei Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 123

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 123 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 124


† D a n i e l, By the Grace of God, Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrogea, Locum Tenens of Caesarea of Cappadocia, and Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church To our beloved clergy, monastics, and faithful Orthodox Christians in the God-beloved and protected Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, and to all listeners and readers of this

PATRIARCHAL GRAMMATA1, Grace, joy, and peace from God, and from Us, archpastoral blessings!

Our Savior Jesus Christ established in zation and the pastoral-missionary work of His Holy Church special ministries and the hierarchs in the United States and dignities by sending the All-Holy and Life- Canada, and taking into account the request Giving Spirit upon His Holy Disciples and of the members of the Congress of the Apostles, thus strengthening them to preach Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in the the word of His Gospel, celebrate the Holy Americas, to establish the Romanian Mysteries, and guide the faithful on the path Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, with of salvation (cf. Matthew 28:19); and the two distinct suffragan eparchies, one for the Apostles, through the grace of the Holy United States of America, and one for Spirit, established in cities bishops, priests, Canada, and for the Romanian Orthodox and deacons to shepherd the Church of Archbishop of the Americas to be elevated Christ (cf. Acts 20:28). to the rank of Metropolitan, according to Therefore, as a minister of the Church canonical tradition, ecclesiastical statutes, of Christ in the dignity of Patriarch of the and ancient practice regarding appropriate Romanian Orthodox Church, considering honor toward the dignity accruing to certain that in the past 26 years the Holy Synod of episcopal sees; our Church has approved the establishment, Knowing the role that the Romanian re-establishment, or reactivation of several Orthodox Church has had in organizing dioceses, both inside and outside our bor- church life in the American space, founding ders, to meet numerous current pastoral- a diocese during the time of Patriarch Miron missionary, cultural, educational, social and Cristea, in 1930, a diocese pastored with philanthropic needs for the benefit of the great dedication and sacrifice by the worthy Orthodox people; Bishops Policarp Moruşcă (1935-1939), Appreciating the ecclesiastical organi- who organized the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate in America and Canada, and

1PATRIARCHAL GRAMMATA OF ELEVATING TO THE DIGNITY OF METROPOLITAN, NO. 1/2016, issued by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church nr. 9138 of 28-29 October, 2016, under Art. 133, paragraph 2 of the Statutes for the organization and functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church, and made public on 30 October, 2016, in the Patriarchal Cathedral, dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helen and St. Dimitrios the New, protector of Bucharest. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 125

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 125 Andrei Moldovan (1950-1963), as well as Metropolitan upon His Eminence Archbishop Victorin Ursache (1966-2001), Archbishop Nicolae Condrea. during whose time the Episcopate was Therefore, through this PATRIARCHAL elevated to the status of Archdiocese; GRAMMATA we make known the decision Given the rich activity started in 2002 by of the Holy Synod of the Romanian His Eminence Archbishop Nicolae Condrea; Orthodox Church to elevate to the dignity of In order to meet the needs of the Ortho- Metropolitan His Eminence Nicolae dox Romanians in this part of the world, Condrea, who will bear the title Romanian taking into account the great geographical Orthodox Archbishop of the United States distances and the different legislative frame- of America and Romanian Orthodox works in the United States and Canada, for Metropolitan of the Americas. the good organization of the ecclesiastical As prescribed in Apostolic Canon 34, life of the Romanian communities, and their we expect His Eminence to show honor and representation in relation to other jurisdic- obedience to the Patriarch of Romania, and tions in the United States and Canada; to the Holy Synod of the Romanian Ortho- In light of canonical regulations, and dox Church; to continue to enhance the based on Art. 7, para. (1) of the Statutes, work done so far in this archdiocesan see; to namely: “The establishment, dissolution, work in communion with the other hierarchs territorial modification, and changes of ti- of the Metropolitan Synod of the Romanian tles of Metropolias, Archdioceses, and Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas; to Dioceses are decreed by the Holy Synod, show love of nation, and fatherly care for taking into account pastoral-missionary the parishes and monasteries, the values of needs, and taking into consideration the the Orthodox faith, for Christian culture, for administrative-territorial organization of theological and religious education, and the state”; and para. (2) “The title of Metro- parental love towards the clergy and politan, Archbishop, and Bishop is that of Orthodox Christians, young and old, the eparchy they shepherd”; making Himself a guide to all for the According to Art. 14, letter j) of the unwavering preservation of the Orthodox Statutes, according to which the Holy Faith and our Church’s ancient rites. Synod “approves, by a majority of two- We entrust His Eminence Nicolae thirds of the members present, the establish- Condrea, Romanian Orthodox Archbish- ment, dissolution, territorial modification, op of the United States of America, and and changes in the titles of the eparchies Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of the and metropolias belonging to the Romanian Americas, to the mercies of our Good God, Patriarchate”; to the prayers of the Holy Apostle Andrew The Holy Synod of the Romanian the First Called, Protector of Romania, and Orthodox Church, through its decision to the prayers of all the protector saints of nr. 9138/2016, has approved the establish- the parishes and monasteries in the ment of The ROMANIAN ORTHODOX territories of the Romanian Orthodox METROPOLIA OF THE AMERICAS, Metropolia of the Americas. and of THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX Thus, with one mind and one heart, let DIOCESE OF CANADA, as well as the us glorify together the Father, the Son, and territorial modification of the Romanian the Holy Spirit, the Trinity consubstantial Orthodox Archdiocese in the Americas and undivided. Amen! and the change of its title to The ROMANIAN ORTHODOX ARCHDIO- † D ANIEL CESE OF THE UNITED STATES OF PATRIARCH OF ROMANIA AND AMERICA. At the same time, the Holy PRESIDENT OF THE HOLY SYNOD OF THE Synod approved conferring the rank of ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 126


† D a n i e l, Prin harul lui Dumnezeu, Arhiepiscopul Bucureştilor, Mitropolitul Munteniei şi Dobrogei, Locţiitorul tronului Cezareei Capadociei şi Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Preaiubitului cler, Cinului monahal şi dreptcredincioşilor creştini din de Dumnezeu păzita Mitropolie Ortodoxă Română a celor două Americi, precum şi tuturor ascultătorilor şi cititorilor acestei

GRAMATE PATRIARHALE1, Har, bucurie şi pace de la Dumnezeu, iar de la Noi, arhiereşti binecuvântări!

Mântuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos a Apreciind organizarea bisericească şi aşezat în Sfânta Sa Biserică slujiri şi lucrarea pastoral-misionară a ierarhilor din vrednicii deosebite prin trimiterea America şi Canada şi luând aminte la solici- Preasfântului şi de viaţă făcătorului Duh tarea membrilor Congresului Arhiepiscopi- peste Sfinţii Săi Ucenici şi Apostoli, ei Ortodoxe Române a celor două Americi, întărindu-i pe aceştia întru propovăduirea de a se înfiinţa Mitropolia Ortodoxă Româ- cuvântului Evangheliei Sale, săvârşirea nă a celor două Americi, având două epar- Sfintelor Taine şi călăuzirea credincioşilor hii sufragane distincte, una pentru Statele pe calea mântuirii (cf. Matei 28, 19), iar Unite ale Americii şi alta pentru Canada, Sfinţii Apostoli, prin harul Sfântului Duh, precum şi de a fi ridicat la rangul de au aşezat în cetăţi episcopi, preoţi şi Mitropolit Arhiepiscopul ortodox român al diaconi, spre a păstori Biserica lui Hristos celor două Americi, conform tradiţiei (cf. Fapte 20, 28). canonice, a prevederilor statutare bisericeşti De aceea, ca slujitor al Bisericii lui şi a practicii mai vechi, privind cinstirea Hristos în vrednicia de Patriarh al Bisericii după cuviinţă a demnităţii dobândite de Ortodoxe Române, luând aminte că, în unele scaune episcopale; ultimii 26 ani, Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Cunoscând rolul pe care Biserica noastre a aprobat înfiinţarea, reînfiinţarea Ortodoxă Română l-a avut în organizarea sau reactivarea mai multor episcopii, atât în vieţii bisericeşti din spaţiul american, interiorul, cât şi în afara graniţelor ţării aceasta înfiinţând o eparhie în vremea Patri- noastre, pentru a răspunde nenumăratelor arhului Miron Cristea, în anul 1930, eparhie cerinţe pastoral-misionare, cultural-educa- păstorită cu multă dăruire şi jertfelnicie de ţionale şi social-filantropice ale zilelor noas- vrednicii episcopi Policarp Moruşca (1935 tre în folosul poporului dreptcredincios; –1939), care a organizat Episcopia

1GRAMATĂ PATRIARHALĂ DE RIDICARE ÎN DEMNITATEA DE MITROPOLIT nr. 1 / 2016, emisă în temeiul hotărârii Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române nr. 9138 din 28-29 octombrie 2016, conform prevederilor art. 133, alin 2 din Statutul pentru organizarea şi funcţionarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, şi făcută public la data de 30 octombrie 2016, în CATEDRALA PATRIARHALĂ din Bucureşti, cu hramul Sfinţii Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena şi Sfântul Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, ocrotitorul Bucureştilor. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 127

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 127 Ortodoxă Română în America şi Canada şi Drept urmare, prin această GRAMATĂ Andrei Moldovanu (1950 – 1963), precum PATRIARHALĂ facem cunoscută hotărârea şi de Arhiepiscopul Victorin Ursache (1966 Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Ro- – 2001), în vremea căruia Episcopia a fost mâne privind ridicarea în demnitatea de ridicată la rangul de Arhiepiscopie; Mitropolit a Înaltpreasfinţitului Părinte Ţinând cont de bogata activitate Nicolae Condrea, care va purta titulatura începută în anul 2002 de către Înaltpreasfin- de Arhiepiscop ortodox român al Statelor ţitul Părinte Arhiepiscop Nicolae Condrea; Unite ale Americii şi Mitropolit ortodox Pentru a răspunde nevoilor românilor român al celor două Americi. ortodocşi din această parte a lumii, consta- Din partea Înaltpreasfinţiei Sale aştep- tând distanţele mari şi cadrul legislativ tăm, aşa cum îndeamnă Canonul 34 Apos- diferit în Statele Unite ale Americii şi în tolic, cinstire şi ascultare faţă de Patriarhul Canada, pentru buna organizare a vieţii României, precum şi faţă de Sfântul Sinod bisericeşti a comunităţilor româneşti şi al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române; să continue reprezentarea în relaţie cu celelalte jurisdic- şi să sporească lucrarea desfăşurată până în ţii din America şi Canada; prezent în acest scaun arhiepiscopal; să lu- În lumina rânduielilor canonice şi în creze în comuniune cu ceilalţi ierarhi din temeiul prevederilor art. 7, alin. (1) din Sinodul Mitropolitan al Mitropoliei Orto- Statut, respectiv: “Înfiinţarea, desfiinţa- doxe Române a celor două Americi; să ara- rea, modificarea teritorială şi schimbarea te iubire de neam şi grijă părintească pentru titulaturii mitropoliilor, arhiepiscopiilor şi parohii şi mănăstiri, pentru valorile credin- episcopiilor se fac prin hotărâri ale ţei ortodoxe, pentru cultura creştină, pentru Sfântului Sinod ţinând seama de cerinţele învăţământul teologic şi religios, precum şi pastoral-misionare şi luând în considerare dragoste părintească faţă de clerul şi drept- organizarea administrativ-teritorială a credincioşii creştini, tineri şi vârstnici, statului”; şi alin. (2): “Titulatura mitropoli- făcându-se tuturor călăuză pentru păstrarea ţilor, arhiepiscopilor şi episcopilor este cea neştirbită a dreptei credinţe şi a rânduielilor a eparhiei pe care o păstoresc”; Bisericii noastre străbune. Conform prevederilor art. 14 lit. j) din Încredinţăm pe Înaltpreasfinţitul Pă- Statut, potrivit cărora Sfântul Sinod rinte Nicolae Condrea, Arhiepiscopul or- “aprobă, cu o majoritate de două treimi din todox român al Statelor Unite ale Americii numărul membrilor prezenţi, înfiinţarea, şi Mitropolitul ortodox român al celor do- desfiinţarea, modificarea teritorială şi uă Americi, milostivirii Bunului Dumnezeu, schimbarea titulaturii eparhiilor şi mitropo- rugăciunilor Sfântului Apostol Andrei cel liilor aparţinătoare Patriarhiei Române”; Întâi Chemat – Ocrotitorul României, pre- cum şi rugăciunilor tuturor Sfinţilor ocroti- Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe tori ai parohiilor şi mănăstirilor din cuprin- Române, prin hotărârea nr. 9138/2016, a sul Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor aprobat înfiinţarea MITROPOLIEI ORTO- două Americi. DOXE ROMÂNE A CELOR DOUĂ AMERICI şi a EPISCOPIEI ORTODOXE ROMÂNE A CANADEI, Astfel, într-un cuget şi cu o inimă, precum şi modificarea teritorială a împreună să preamărim pe Tatăl, pe Fiul şi Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a celor pe Sfântul Duh, Treimea Cea deofiinţă şi două Americi şi schimbarea titulaturii nedespărţită. Amin ! acesteia în ARHIEPISCOPIA ORTODOXĂ RO- MÂNĂ A STATELOR UNITE ALE AMERICII. † D a n i e l Totodată, Sfântul Sinod a aprobat PATRIARHUL ROMÂNIEI ŞI conferirea rangului de Mitropolit Înalt- PREŞEDINTELE SFÂNTULUI SINOD AL preasfinţitului Părinte Arhiepiscop BISERICII ORTODOXE ROMÂNE Nicolae Condrea. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 128

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 128 O demnitate mai înaltă înseamnă o responsabilitate mai mare Cuvântul Preafericitului Părinte DANIEL, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, adresat în Catedrala patriarhală cu prilejul Ceremoniei de ridicare în demnitatea de Mitropolit a Înaltpreasfinţitului Părinte Arhiepiscop Nicolae al celor două Americi, duminică, 30 octombrie 2016

n Biserica Ortodoxă, slujba de ridicare polit “pentru a spori în dreapta credinţă, în la rangul de mitropolit este plină de dra gostea cea către Dumnezeu şi către Î semnificaţii teologice şi duhovniceşti, aproapele şi în toate faptele cele bune”. fiind de fapt momentul prin care chiriarhul După sfârşitul Sfintei Liturghii, a avut unei eparhii, în urma alegerii de către loc citirea Tomosului Sinodal de înfiinţare a Sfântul Sinod, este recunoscut în mod pu- Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor două blic şi solemn de Biserică în noua demnitate Americi şi apoi Gramata patriarhală, de mitropolit şi prezentat clerului şi credin- documente oficiale de recunoaştere şi de cioşilor prezenţi la slujba de ridicare în rang prezentare a noului mitropolit, prin care sau de întronizare. acesta primeşte oficial, în public, învestirea Solemnitatea slujbei, departe de a fi sau confirmarea canonică de păstorire a noii doar o simplă ceremonie formală, în care mitropolii, pe baza hotărârii Sfântului Si- sunt prezentate însemnele rangului noului nod. Apoi, noului mitropolit i-au fost acor- mitropolit, este menită de fapt să eviden- date în mod solemn însemnele mitropolita- ţieze rolul de învăţător al dreptei credinţe, ne: mantia arhierească, crucea pectorală, de slujitor al Sfintelor Taine, de arhipăstor engolpionul, camilafca însemnată cu Cruce al clerului şi credincioşilor din eparhia sa şi cârja arhierească, fiecare având o şi de apărător al unităţii bisericeşti din mi- semnificaţie aparte: tropolia încredinţată lui. Mantia arhierească, de culoare roşiati- Această slujbă de ridicare în demnitatea că, aminteşte de jertfa Domnului Iisus de mitropolit a conţinut rugăciuni de mulţu- Hristos, “Cel îmbrăcat în veşmânt stropit mire şi cerere rostite în timpul Sfintei Litur- cu sânge”(Apocalipsa 19, 13) şi simboli- ghii, deoarece prin Sfânta Liturghie se rea- zează o lucrare cerească sau îngerească. Ea lizează cea mai vie legătură duhovnicească este haina de arhipăstor, învăţător şi a lui Hristos cu Biserica Sa, cea mai bogată slujitor al eparhiei în lucrarea de păzitor şi comunicare şi cea mai intensă comuniune călăuzitor al oamenilor pe calea mântuirii, dintre Hristos, Capul Bisericii şi Biserica împreună cu îngerii păzitori şi călăuzitori Sa, care este Trupul Său tainic sau mistic. trimişi de Dumnezeu în lume. Sfântul Astfel, învăţăm că după cum Hristos a Simeon al Tesalonicului spune că mantia este “darul lui Dumnezeu Cel purtător de trimis pe Ucenicii Săi în lume să înveţe, să 1 boteze şi să păstorească toate popoarele (cf. grijă, cuprinzător şi acoperitor” . Iar Matei 28, 19) şi le-a făgăduit: “Iată, Eu cu voi Sfântul Gherman al Constantinopolului sunt în toate zilele până la sfârşitul veacu- spune că râurile sau pliurile mantiei în- seamnă “învăţăturile ce izvorăsc necontenit lui”(Matei 28, 20), tot aşa El cheamă şi trimi- 2 te la misiune pastorală noi slujitori ai Săi. din cele două Legi” , Vechiul şi Noul Testa- ment, “care trebuie să izvorască deplin din Rugăciunea de mulţumire şi cerere este mintea şi gura arhiereului”3. adresată Mântuitorului Iisus Hristos, Arhie- reul Cel veşnic, ca să ajute pe noul mitro- Crucea pectorală simbolizează crucea Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 129

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 129 lui Hristos, fiind semn al biruinţei Lui Facere 38, 18), dar şi de toiagul lui Aaron Hristos asupra păcatului şi asupra morţii, (cf. Numeri 17; şi Evrei 9, 4), Arhiereu al dar şi simbol al lucrării jertfelnice a Păsto- Vechiului Testament, care însă prefigura pe rului cel bun pentru mântuirea oamenilor. Arhiereul veşnic Hristos, despre Care car- Ea aduce aminte de cuvintele Domnului tea Apocalipsei spune că: “Se numeşte Hristos: “Cel ce voieşte să vină după Mine Credincios şi Adevărat şi judecă şi Se să se lepede de sine, să-şi ia crucea şi să-Mi războieşte întru dreptate (…) şi este îmbră- urmeze Mie”(Marcu 8, 34), de îndemnul cat în veşmânt stropit cu sânge şi numele Sfântului Apostol Pavel: “Iar mie să nu-mi Lui se cheamă Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu (…) fie a mă lăuda decât în crucea Domnului şi El îi va păstori cu toiag de fier” nostru Iisus Hristos!”(Galateni 6, 14), dar (Apocalipsa 19, versetele 11, 13 şi 15) ca un şi de glasul Bisericii: “Iată, prin Cruce a păstor drept. venit bucurie la toată lumea!” (Slujba Pe scurt, cârja arhierească simbolizea- Utreniei de Duminică). ză demnitatea, dreptatea şi responsabilita- Engolpionul, după învăţătura Sfântului tea arhipăstorului de suflete, care va da sea- Simeon al Tesalonicului, simbolizează “pe- mă în faţa Dreptului Judecător pentru cei cetea şi mărturisirea credinţei cea din încredinţaţi lui spre păstorire părintească pe inimă”, având zugrăvită pe el icoana Mân- calea mântuirii, după cum îndeamnă Sfân- tuitorului Iisus Hristos purtând Evanghelia tul Apostol Pavel, zicând:“Ascultaţi pe mai- iubirii smerite şi milostive pe braţul stâng, marii voştri şi vă supuneţi lor, fiindcă ei lângă inimă, iar cu mâna dreaptă binecu- priveghează pentru sufletele voastre, având vântând; sau purtând globul pământesc, să dea de ele seamă” (Evrei 13, 17). De arătând că El, Arhiereul veşnic este Panto- aceea, cârja arhierească dăruită noului Arhi- cratorul, Atotţiitorul şi Mântuitorul lumii. păstor este numită în cartea Arhieraticon: Atunci când pe engolpion se află imprimată toiag de sprijin şi întărire –pentru cei ascul- icoana Maicii Domnului, aceasta simboli- tători, iar pentru cei neascultători şi nesta- zează “puterea mijlocitoare şi ocrotitoare a tornici – toiag de deşteptare şi îndreptare. Preacuratei, căreia i se încredinţează arhi- Prin urmare, arhipăstorul are datoria ereul”, ea fiind Mama Arhiereului Hristos, sfântă de a păstra cu fidelitate adevărul de- apărătoarea, protectoarea şi călăuzitoarea plin al mesajului evanghelic (cf. 1 Timotei tuturor arhiereilor, preoţilor şi diaconilor. 6, 20; 1, 3 ş.u.; 2 Timotei 3, 14) şi de a lucra Totodată, engolpionul simbolizează şi ma- cu timp şi fără timp pentru a binevesti rea responsabilitate a arhiereului în Biserica Evanghelia lui Hristos şi a face roditoare lui Hristos, zidită pe temelia sfinţilor apos- credinţa apostolică (cf. 2 Timotei 4, 1-4). toli (cf. Efeseni 2, 20), întrucât lui, ca urmă- Această mare responsabilitate de a ve- tor şi moştenitor al aceluiaşi dar şi har ghea permanent ca dreapta credinţă mântui- dumnezeiesc, i se încredinţează grija pentru toare a Bisericii să fie păstrată de către toţi Biserică, precum odinioară ucenicului iu- preoţii, diaconii şi credincioşii din eparhie bit, Ioan, Domnul Iisus i-a încredinţat-o pe explică de ce la toate slujbele ei Biserica Mama Sa (cf. Ioan 19, 26-27), ea fiind icoa- pomeneşte pe episcopul arhipăstor, iar na vie a Bisericii, întrucât arată lumii pe episcopii sufragani pomenesc pe mitropoli- Hristos. Astfel, înţelegem că noul arhipăs- tul lor, cerând lui Dumnezeu: “dăruieşte-l tor primeşte de la Însuşi Hristos Arhiereul sfintelor Tale Biserici în pace, întreg, cin- veşnic responsabilitatea de a păstori Biseri- stit, sănătos, îndelungat în zile, drept învă- ca locală încredinţată lui, deoarece “nimeni ţând cuvântul adevărului Tău!” (cf. 2 nu-şi ia singur cinstea aceasta, ci dacă este Timotei 2, 15). chemat de Dumnezeu” (Evrei 5, 4). Comuniunea sau legătura permanentă a Cârja arhierească aminteşte de toiagul preoţilor, diaconilor şi credincioşilor din de sprijin pentru călători (cf. Facere 32, toate parohiile, precum şi a monahilor şi 10), păstori (cf. Ieşire 4, 2) şi nobili (cf. monahiilor din mănăstiri şi schituri, cu Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 130

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 130 arhipăstorul lor canonic este semnul sau primele veacuri ale Bisericii “om al lui dovada menţinerii acestora în dreapta Dumnezeu” (cf. 1 Timotei 6, 11), “slujitor credinţă şi în comuniunea Bisericii Ortodo- al lui Hristos şi iconom al tainelor lui xe universale de azi, din toate timpurile şi Dumnezeu” (cf. 1 Corinteni 4, 1), învredni- din toate locurile. cindu-se de îndoită cinste, ca unul ce se Mitropolitul, ca arhipăstor întâistătător osteneşte “cu (vestirea) cuvântului şi cu şi bun chivernisitor al eparhiei încredinţate învăţătura” (1 Timotei 5, 17). lui de Dumnezeu spre păstorire, dar şi ca Astăzi, prin voia lui Dumnezeu, împreu- veghetor asupra Mitropoliei, precum şi ca nă cu întreaga Biserică Ortodoxă Română, reprezentant al acesteia în Sfântul Sinod, cu reprezentanţi ai clerului şi credincioşilor trebuie să-i adune şi păstreze pe toţi păsto- din Mitropolia ortodoxă română a celor do- riţii lui în Biserica lui Hristos şi în iubirea uă Americi, în prezenţa reprezentanţilor au- Preasfintei Treimi, călăuzindu-i prin rugă- torităţilor centrale ale statului român, săr- ciune, cuvânt şi faptă pe calea mântuirii sau bătorim ridicarea la demnitatea de Mitro- a dobândirii vieţii veşnice. polit a Înaltpreasfinţitului Părinte Nicolae. Chiriarhul Mitropolit este arhipăstor Calităţile teologice, pastorale şi admi- pentru eparhia sa, dar în acelaşi timp el este nistrative deosebite pe care Înaltpreasfinţia coliturghisitor, coresponsabil şi împreună- Sa le-a arătat în slujirea de chiriarh al slujitor în şi pentru Biserica cea una, sfântă, Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române a celor sobornicească şi apostolească a lui Hristos. două Americi, vreme de 14 ani, ne îndreptă- Mai precis el este întâiul slujitor al lui ţesc speranţa că lucrarea pe care o începe Hristos pentru clerul şi credincioşii din astăzi ca mitropolit va fi o lucrare binecu- eparhia sa, înţeleasă nu ca fragment dintr-un vântată de Dumnezeu şi mult folositoare întreg, ci ca o epifanie sau manifestare într- românilor ortodocşi care vieţuiesc pe conti- un loc şi un timp anume a Bisericii sobor- nentul american, dar având dorul de-a re- niceşti sau universale a lui Hristos din toate vedea România şi de-a păstra comuniunea timpurile şi toate locurile, după cum Hristos- cu poporul român. Domnul nu este parţial sau fragmentar pre- De aceea, cu multă bucurie, Vă încre- zent în Sfânta Euharistie, ci întreg prezent în dinţăm, Înaltpreasfinţia Voastră, de spriji- fiecare părticică din Sfânta Euharistie, pe nul nostru personal şi al ierarhilor Sfântu- care o primeşte cel ce se împărtăşeşte, potri- lui Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, în vit făgăduinţei Sale: “Cel ce mănâncă trupul lucrarea sfântă la care aţi fost chemat, spre Meu şi bea sângele Meu rămâne întru Mine slava Preasfintei Treimi, binele Bisericii şi Eu întru El” (Ioan 6, 56). noastre şi mântuirea celor binecredincioşi! Marea demnitate şi responsabilitate de a mărturisi şi sluji, prin cuvânt şi faptă, † D A N I E L prezenţa şi lucrarea lui Hristos Marele- Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Preot sau Arhiereul veşnic în Biserica Sa, explică de ce episcopul a fost numit încă din

3 Note bibliografice SF. GHERMAN AL CONSTANTINOPOLULUI, Explicare despre Sfânta Biserică, Liturgica generală, p. 1Liturgica generală, Pr. Ene Branişte, Ed. Institutului 624. Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti, 1993, p. 624. 2 SF. GHERMAN AL CONSTANTINOPOLULUI, Explicare despre Sfânta Biserică, în Liturgica generală, Pr. Prof. Ene Branişte, Ed. Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Bucureşti, 1993, p. 624. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 131

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 131 Cuvântul Înaltpreasfinţitului Nicolae cu prilejul ceremoniei de ridicare în demnitatea de Mitropolit

Preafericirea Voastră, Preafericite Părinte Patriarh Daniel, Înaltpreasfinţiţi şi Preasfinţiţi Părinţi, Preacuvioşi şi Preacucernici Părinţi, Domnule consilier prezidenţial, Domnule secretar de stat, Onoraţi invitaţi, Iubiţi credincioşi şi credincioase,

rimele gânduri pe care aş dori să vi le curând imigranţi sosiţi din ţările ortodoxe împărtăşesc în aceste momente so- ale Europei şi Orientului Mijlociu. P lemne sunt cele de recunoştinţă către Istoria românilor-americani a început Dumnezeu pentru toate binefacerile Lui şi în jurul anului 1895 prin valul de emigrări pentru chemarea mea la o slujire înnoită a masive în special din Transilvania, Buco- românilor ortodocşi din America. Acum 14 vina şi Banat, teritorii româneşti ce se aflau ani am fost chemat la slujirea de Arhiepis- atunci sub stăpânire austro-ungară. Putem cop, hirotonit şi întronizat la Montreal prin vorbi de mai multe valuri ale imigraţiei mâna fericitului întru adormire Părinte românilor în America, cea a pionierilor Patriarh Teoctist, în prezenţa ierarhilor dele- căutând un trai mai bun (1895-1924), cea a gaţi ai Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe “devenirii întru români-americani” (1924- Române, dar şi a ierarhilor, preoţilor şi cre- 1948), cea a exilului anticomunist (1949- dincioşilor de pe continentul american 1989) şi ultima, cea după căderea comunis- reprezentând Arhiepiscopia noastră şi alte mului în România. Demersurile pentru Biserici Ortodoxe. Chemarea de astăzi a- construirea primei biserici româneşti de pe dresată de Sfântul Sinod prin glasul Întâi- continentul american au fost începute în stătătorului ei, Preafericitul Părinte Patriarh 1901 prin cumpărarea unui lot de 40 de acri Daniel, este înnoirea aceleia de acum 14 ani în Boian, Alberta, Canada de către emi- prin ridicarea la demnitatea de Mitropolit al granţii români originari din Boianul Buco- românilor ortodocşi din cele două Americi. vinei. Biserica a fost ridicată în următorii Ortodoxia a fost vestită în America prin ani şi sfinţită în 1905. În anul 1902 a fost misiunea călugărilor ruşi de la mănăstirea înfiinţată Parohia Ortodoxă Română din Valaam ajunşi în Alaska în 1794. Misionari Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, având hra- ca Sfântul Gherman sau Sfinţii Inochentie mul Sfântul Nicolae, iar în 1904, românii şi Tihon, Mitropoliţi ai Moscovei, şi mărtu- din Cleveland, Ohio au hotărât să întemeie- risitori cu preţul vieţii ai Ortodoxiei, ca ze prima Parohie Ortodoxă Română din Sfântul Iuvenalie sau Sfântul Petru Aleutul, Statele Unite, cu hramul Sfânta Maria. A au luminat locuitorii Alaskăi prin cuvântul urmat o perioadă de intensă organizare bise- Evangheliei propovăduit în diferite dialecte, ricească a românilor ortodocşi din America au botezat şi au adus la dreapta credinţă culminând cu înfiinţarea Episcopiei Misio- mulţime de localnici. Mai apoi, Ortodoxia a nare Ortodoxe Române din America şi coborât pe continentul american, la mulţi- Canada la Congresul din aprilie 1929 de la mea americanilor convertiţi adăugându-se parohia Sfântul Gheorghe din Detroit. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 132

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 132 Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Româ- Dumnezeu la lucru în persoana misionaru- ne a aprobat la 1 noiembrie 1930 înfiinţarea lui şi al smereniei sale că cele propovăduite acestei Episcopii. vin de la Dumnezeu, nu sunt rodul reflecţiei Se cuvine să amintesc aici slujirea jert- umane, înţelegerea chemării noastre misio- felnică a celor 3 ierarhi ai Episcopiei, deve- nare este descoperită de cuvintele Sfântului nită Arhiepiscopie în anul 1973: Episcopul Apostol Pavel: nu în cuvinte meşteşugite, Policarp Moruşca (1935-1939), Episcopul nici în înţelepciunea omenească să ne pu- Andrei Moldovanu (1950-1963) şi Arhie- nem nădejdea, ci să ne facem descoperitori piscopul Victorin Ursache (1966- 2001). În ai înţelepciunii lui Dumnezeu. În acestea ne vremuri tulburi, de instabilitate politică şi arătăm primitori ai Duhului lui Dumnezeu socială, cei trei ierarhi au împlinit o misiune şi grăitori ai înţelepciunii Lui, iarăşi după sfântă de organizare a vieţii religioase a ro- cuvintele Sf. Pavel: “Iar noi n-am primit mânilor ortodocşi din America, de păstrare duhul lumii, ci Duhul cel de la Dumnezeu, a relaţiilor cu Biserica Mamă, Biserica ca să cunoaştem cele dăruite nouă de Ortodoxă Română, de cultivare a dialogului Dumnezeu; pe care le şi grăim, dar nu în cu- inter-ortodox şi inter-creştin pe pământ vinte învăţate din înţelepciunea omenească, american. Nu putem uita perioada de adân- ci în cuvinte învăţate de la Duhul Sfânt” (I că tulburare produsă de instalarea regimului Cor 2,12-13). comunist în România care a condus la ab- Dar această înţelepciune o vestim lumii senţa unui ierarh român în America între acesteia. Dacă ne dorim purtători ai anii 1939-1950, la divergenţe profunde în- Duhului, trebuie să discernem şi alt duh, cel tre preoţi şi credincioşi privind viitorul or- al lumii şi al vremii. Iar lumea în care trăim ganizării Episcopiei Misionare Ortodoxe este cuprinsă şi adânc tulburată de un duh Române din America şi Canada până la străin de creştinism, viclean şi stăruitor în a- scindarea acesteia în două Episcopii. Tim- 1 îndepărta pe om de Dumnezeu până la a pul nu a vindecat această rană pe trupul Or- nega orice influenţă a lui Dumnezeu în lu- todoxiei româneşti din America până astăzi, me şi, ca urmare, a falsifica orice valoare deşi cauza politică care a provocat această care are legătură cu Dumnezeu. Ceea ce dezbinare a dispărut acum 26 de ani. până nu demult era respectat ca şi valoare a Istoria de peste 100 de ani a Ortodoxiei lumii şi a societăţii, acum este pus sub sem- româneşti în America ne îndeamnă să luăm nul întrebării pentru a fi înlocuit cu alte aşa aminte la misiunea la care suntem chemaţi zise valori. Vorbim aici de apărarea vieţii, astăzi, ierarhi, preoţi şi credincioşi. În urmă de familie, de educaţia copiilor, de respect cu mai mulţi ani, Arhiepiscopia purta în pentru semen, de dragoste de frate şi de chiar numele ei titlul de “Misionară”. Acest neam. În această lume a cultului înstrăinării titlu proclama o evidenţă, aceea a chemării de Dumnezeu trebuie să fim vestitori ai misionare a Arhiepiscopiei, chemare reîn- cultului care se cuvine Dumnezeului adevă- noită astăzi prin ridicarea la rang de Mitro- rat şi să demascăm falsele închinări. polie. Vorbind despre misiunea noastră pe Care sunt mijloacele acestei misiuni? pământ american, este potrivit să păstrăm în Lumii care îl alungă pe Dumnezeu trebuie minte cuvintele Sfântului Apostol Pavel să îi vestim pogorârea lui Dumnezeu la adresate creştinilor din Corint: “Iar cuvân- lume, în creaţia Sa. Aceasta vestire se referă tul meu şi propovăduirea mea nu stăteau în la întruparea Fiului lui Dumnezeu şi la şan- cuvinte de înduplecare ale înţelepciunii sa oferită omului de a deveni ca Dumnezeu, omeneşti, ci în adeverirea Duhului şi a pute- de a se îndumnezei. Lumii străine de rii, pentru ca credinţa voastră să nu fie în Hristos, Dumnezeu întrupat, trebuie să îi înţelepciunea oamenilor, ci în puterea lui vestim învăţătura ortodoxă despre unirea cu Dumnezeu” (1 Cor 2, 4-5). Hristos în sfintele taine, despre “părtăşia la Identificăm aici un principiu al misiunii strălucirea dumnezeiască a Fiului”, după creştine, acela al recunoaşterii puterii lui cuvintele lui Nicolae Cabasila. Prima preo- Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 133

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 133 cupare a fiecărui slujitor este să împlinească Misiunea Mitropoliei noastre din Ame- cât mai fidel rânduiala ortodoxă a slujbelor, rica se arată complicată, dificilă şi delicată, iar prima grijă a fiecărui credincios este să implicând o mare responsabilitate, dar şi un participe la aceste slujbe. Viaţa liturgică a simţ al nădejdii creştine în ajutorul lui parohiilor se continuă şi dincolo de cadrul Dumnezeu pentru împlinirea ei. Putem să predicii de la Sfânta Liturghie şi alte taine ne întoarcem aici la cuvintele Sfântului prin lecţii de catehism şi de studiu biblic Apostol Pavel: “Eu am sădit, Apollo a udat, pentru toţi credincioşii. dar Dumnezeu a făcut să crească. Astfel nici Educaţia religioasă a copiilor, tinerilor cel ce sădeşte nu e ceva, nici cel ce udă, ci şi adulţilor a fost preocuparea principală a numai Dumnezeu care face să crească” (1 Arhiepiscopiei noastre în ultimii ani şi va Cor. 3, 6-7). Numai această conştiinţă a rămâne cea a Mitropoliei care se naşte împreunei noastre lucrări cu Dumnezeu ne astăzi. Vorbind de educaţia tinerilor, cred că poate întări în această misiune. trebuie să recunoaştem complexitatea abor- În acest moment binecuvântat al che- dării acestei teme. Constatăm că duhul vre- mării mele la slujirea de Mitropolit al mii este acela al izolării, al lipsei sau puţinei românilor ortodocşi din America gândul comunicări personale. Copii şi tinerii noştri meu se îndreaptă către preoţii şi credincioşii petrec mult timp la computer şi mult prea noştri din America, reprezentaţi aici de puţin la activităţi împreună cu cei din gene- Preasfinţitul Părinte Ioan Casian şi patru raţia lor la Biserică. Avem nevoie de un preoţi cu responsabilităţi în Arhiepiscopie. efort deosebit să învăţăm cu toţii, ierarhi, Tuturor Ie adresez cuvânt părintesc îndem- preoţi, profesori de religie, părinţi, cum să nându-i la rugăciune şi împreună lucrare. Îi ne adresăm tinerilor şi cum să îi ajutăm să îndemn să ne rugăm unii pentru alţii pentru înţeleagă şi să trăiască credinţa ortodoxă. a ne întări Dumnezeu în misiunea noastră De acest efort depinde modul cum tinerii pentru românii din cele două Americi care noştri vor continua să rămână ortodocşi, să îşi mai aşteaptă încă păstorii şi altarele la îşi trăiască credinţa atunci când vor pleca care să se închine. Să ne rugăm unii pentru din casa părintească şi biserica unde au alţii pentru a ne lumina Dumnezeu în creş- crescut pentru a merge la universitate şi mai terea şi educarea copiiilor şi tinerilor noştri. apoi pentru a-şi rândui viaţa de familie. Să ne rugăm unii pentru alţii ca Dumnezeu Educaţia creştină serioasă primită în familie să ne păzească în dreapta credinţă, vrednici şi biserică este darul cel mai de preţ pe care mărturisitori ai Tradiţiei adevărate a îl putem face copiilor noştri pentru a-i pre- Bisericii Ortodoxe. găti pentru lumea în care trăim. Să ne rugăm împreună pentru viitorul Iar dacă am vorbit de copii şi de tineri, în unitate al tuturor creştinilor ortodocşi din se cuvine să ne aplecăm cu aceeaşi seriozi- America. Şi mai cu seamă să continuăm să tate şi asupra educaţiei adulţilor. Pentru fa- ne rugăm pentru unitatea românilor orto- miliile tinere cu copii, trebuie să învăţăm să docşi din America. Ridicarea Arhiepiscopi- răspundem la întrebările complicate privind ei la rang de Mitropolie este împlinirea unui familia creştină, viaţa şi apărarea ei din pân- gând mai vechi pentru o mai bună organiza- tecele mamei, aducerea pe lume a copiilor re a ortodocşilor români risipiţi nu pe un cu toate provocările lumii contemporane, continent, ci pe mai multe, căci SUA şi Ca- creşterea şi educaţia copiilor în familie şi în nada nu sunt doar două ţări ci, după mări- Biserică. Dacă vorbim de credincioşi adulţi, me, sunt două continente, la care se adaugă în familie sau singuri, trebuie să ne aplecăm şi cel sud-american. Mitropolia noastră cu luare aminte asupra problemelor lor, de oferă acum cadrul administrativ bisericesc la cele de integrare în societate, trecând prin potrivit pentru unitate a tuturor românilor ispitele lumii moderne ale însingurării şi ortodocşi prin cuprinderea mai multor epar- neîmplinirii, până la cele legate de sfârşitul hii. Pentru împlinirea acestei misiuni sfinte vieţii şi pregătirea pentru veşnicie. aduc ca rugăciune către Domnul cuvintele Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 134

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 134 Episcopului Policarp Moruşca, misionarul faţă de ierarhii, preoţii şi credincioşii noştri şi vizionarul: “Aşa Doamne, împărate, din America de-a lungul anilor şi până la Iisuse Hristoase, dăruieşte-mi mie putere să acest moment binecuvântat pe care l-aţi pot revărsa stropi de rouă peste sufletele organizat în Catedrala Patriarhală. Vă asi- arse de amarul înstrăinării; din flacăra cre- gurăm de recunoştinţa şi rugăciunea noastră dinţei mele să pot aprinde candela suflete- pentru sănătatea şi bunul spor duhovnicesc lor, să se simtă toţi una cu Biserica mamă şi şi pastoral al Patriarhului românilor orto- cu sufletul Neamului românesc, acelaşi aici docşi de pretutindeni. şi pretutindeni.” Mulţumesc membrilor Sfântului Sinod Preafericirea Voastră, iubiţi fraţi pentru dragostea arătată prin prezenţa la întru Hristos, acest eveniment. Mulţumesc Preasfinţitului Episcop Ioan Casian şi părinţilor din Statele În aceste momente de reînnoită chema- Unite ale Americii şi Canada care s-au re la misiune, îl rog pe Bunul Dumnezeu şi- ostenit să participe la acest eveniment şi îi I cer cu umilinţă să mă călăuzească spre îm- încredinţez de dragostea, dorinţa şi nădej- plinirea acestei misiuni. În rugăciunile me- dea mea de a continua împreuna-misiune pe le, cer mila şi ajutorul Maicii Domnului şi pământ american. Mulţumesc domnului mă încredinţez mijlocirilor Sfântului Ierarh consilier prezidenţial Sergiu Nistor şi Nicolae, ocrotitorul meu, şi a Sfinţilor Îm- domnului secretar de stat Victor Opaschi păraţi Constantin şi Elena, ocrotitorii Cate- pentru prezenţă şi cuvintele adresate. dralei noastre din Chicago. Mă încredinţez, Mulţumesc celor care, de aproape sau de asemenea, rugăciunilor Preafericirii de departe, din România, din America sau Voastre şi tuturor părinţilor Mitropoliţi, Ar- din Germania, aţi dorit să fiţi prezenţi la hiepiscopi şi Episcopi, membrii ai Sfântului acest eveniment şi îl rog pe Dumnezeu să Sinod, precum şi tuturor slujitorilor sfinte- ne călăuzească tuturor paşii spre lumina lor altare şi fraţilor ortodocşi români cerân- Împărăţiei Sale. du-le cu smerenie să nu îi uite pe cei aflaţi departe, dincolo de ocean. Aduc cuvânt de mulţumire Preafericirii Voastre pentru dragostea părintească arătată Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 135

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WORDS OF WISDOM Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 138

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 138 The Light of Christ Illumines All Lecture at the 80th Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in the Americas, Hamilton, ON, July 2, 2016

’ve had two conversions in my life. The perhaps not. I didn’t care. I felt complete first happened when I was in high and happy in myself, and at peace with I school, when the pastor at our church whatever was happening around me. preached a sermon that really caught my At that point I started a relationship attention. It was like one of those cartoons with the church, one which has obviously that shows someone with a light bulb above continued to this day. I went to church his head, as if I had been living in a totally every Sunday even though my parents did dark room for years, and I had learned not. They switched back and forth between certain things about the room so that I could thinking my enthusiasm was nice and basically make my way around without thinking it was annoying. But I was in the hurting myself – and then the light went on. church as often as I possibly could be, and I didn’t feel as if everything had changed, took as much of it into myself as possible. because I knew the basic outline of things. Now for the second conversion. But the way I saw the world after I heard that sermon that Sunday morning would I had decided during university to go to never be the same. The way I practiced my seminary and study to become a pastor. I faith would never be the same. Truthfully, I was Protestant at the time. I wanted to can’t remember the words he said or even follow where I knew God was leading me. the scripture passage that he based his While I was in seminary, I took a course in sermon on, I only know that until that point which we studied St. Paul’s First Letter to I had never thought about God as a real the Corinthians in the original Greek text. being who existed apart from me, who At the end of the course, on the day when all knows me and loves me, who is willing to the students would choose which passage forgive me of my sins and draw me to they would exegete (that means you analyze Himself. The light bulb above my head that the passage to try and discover exactly what day was the discovery that my Creator was the author meant) for our final papers, on real, and that He had become, of His own that day I wasn’t in class. Everyone chose will and because of His love, my Redeemer. the good passages: marriage, the rights of I knew for the first time that all three words the clergy, spiritual gifts, speaking in of this sentence are absolutely true beyond tongues, the love chapter, the resurrection the shadow of a doubt: God, loves, me. chapter, and so on. First Corinthians is full I know that this happened at the end of of treasures, and guess what? Every one of summer vacation because I remember them had been snapped up by my going to school on the first day and feeling classmates. The professor called me that very different. My life had a different night and told me there was only one purpose, because my life had a different passage available – I Corinthians 11:23-26. Lord. I didn’t go around thumping people I had to write my paper on that. The on the heads with my Bible, but I distinctly Eucharistic passage. I was very remember wishing that my friends would disappointed. The church I belonged to at experience the same sense of peace and joy that time offered communion once a month, that I had found. As a point of fact, many and did not hold it in high regard. Exegeting of them did indeed come to understand that the Eucharistic passage (to me at that time) Jesus Christ was and is their Savior, perhaps was like saying all my classmates had won because of my friendship with them and a trip to Jerusalem but I was going to the Prince Edward Island Potato Museum. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 139

AlmanahulTHE FAITH Credint ALMANAC, a 22017 0 1 7 139 But something happened that I didn’t Galatians that he did not confer with flesh expect. My passage started with these and blood. Our Lord did not appear to him words: “For I received from the Lord that in flesh and blood, but in visions! Who which I delivered to you.” That’s the 23rd taught St. Paul the Christian faith? Jesus verse of chapter 11, St. Paul speaking in the Christ Himself did. St. Paul talks about his first person. I had never thought about visions in a number of places. And our those words before – what could they Lord taught him so much, and so well, that possibly mean? What does it mean that St. when he finally went to Jerusalem, the Paul received something from the Lord? disciples who had known Jesus personally And how did he deliver it to the for the whole of His ministry on earth found Corinthians? I started by trying to find out that St. Paul knew more about our Lord and if there were any other places St. Paul wrote His teachings than they themselves did. words like these, and there aren’t. But And St. Paul had never met Jesus! while I was looking I discovered something So when St. Paul said that he received in his writings that I had never seen before something from the Lord, it means that he – a three year gap in St. Paul’s life. saw a vision of the risen Christ who After he was blinded on the road to conveyed truth to him in words clearer than Damascus, St. Paul continued on his way the ones you’re hearing from my mouth and was healed in Damascus by Ananias, a right now. And what was revealed? Back to Christian. The book of the Acts of the First Corinthians: “The Lord Jesus, on the Apostles does not say anything about St. same night in which He was betrayed, took Paul between that time (his healing by bread, and when He had given thanks, He Ananias) and the time he presented himself broke it and said, ‘Take, eat, this is My body to the apostles in Jerusalem. His letter to the which is broken for you…” and so on. I Galatians, however, has some clues: “But discovered that the opening words were when it pleased God … to reveal his Son in telling me that what was to follow was no me, that I might preach Him among the less than a new revelation of God’s law from Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with Mount Sinai, then found myself reading the flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem Eucharistic passage. A Protestant who to those who were apostles before me, but I believed this was the weakest and most went to Arabia, and returned again to meaningless passage, the most boring, Damascus. Then after three years I went up found that it was just the opposite. God to Jerusalem” (Galatians 1:15-18a). Three showed me that this passage I regarded as years is a long time. What kind of a man the most insignificant had been set up by St. converts to a new religion then runs off to a Paul as the most important passage in the place where there are no other followers of book. It tells us that the words of that that religion? Does that make sense? It passage are a direct quote from the Risen only does when you add the words from Savior Himself, making them equal in First Corinthians into the mix: “for I importance to the gospels. received from the Lord that which I I was blown away. I couldn’t believe delivered to you.” St. Paul went to the place that these words had been in the scriptures where Moses received that 10 my whole life and I had never really read Commandments, (Mount Sinai is in Arabia), them. But I had a question: if these were and received another law, a New Testament, actual words of Jesus, then the gospels a completion of the mosaic code. should support them, right? Could I find But how did he receive this new law? something in the gospels that said the same St. Paul saw visions of the Risen Christ on thing I had discovered in St. Paul? an ongoing basis while he was in Arabia. Oh yeah. In the 6th chapter of St. Did you hear what I just said? Visions of John’s gospel Jesus taught a large group of the Risen Christ! This is why he said in His disciples that the Eucharist would be Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 140

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 140 the central connecting point between with you. I want something similar to Himself and them after He ascended into happen to you. I want you to be able to tell heaven. His body and blood. “I am the someone about your own conversion living bread which came down from experience. Now I know that you’re firmly heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will a part of the Romanian Orthodox Church, live forever, and the bread that I give his my and that you’re not going to change. But flesh, which I shall give for the life of the that’s not what I mean. This is the reason I world” (John 6:51). wrote the book Help I’m Bored in Church. That’s clear, but there’s more. What I want you to constantly ask yourself: happened when the disciples heard Jesus say where is my mind when my body’s in this? Did they rejoice that God had given church? Everyone finds church boring such life, such sacred food, such miracles to sometimes, so what should you do about it? mankind? No they did not. A few verses You’re not going to stop attending church, later we learn that, “from that time many of so … what can you do? Are you just going His disciples went back and walked with to stand there and be bored? That would be Him no more” (John 6:66). They left Him. the same as if you were cold but didn’t take They really thought He was telling them the effort to put on a coat. “Oh, I’m cold but they had to become cannibals. Again, as had I’m worthless and ignorant and I don’t happened so many years before, a light went deserve a coat.” Who would say that? And on in my head. I had found myself in the yet people do it all the time in church. “Oh, gospels (I mean to say, people just like me), I’m bored but I’ll just stand here and suffer but it was not a happy sight. Those people and think about other places I could be.” had believed in God, like me. They had That might be some people, but it’s not you! given up everything to follow Christ, like But now let me jump ahead a few years me. They had sat and listened to His from where I left off in my story, to the first teaching. But when they heard about the time I celebrated the Presanctified Liturgy Eucharist, they doubted Him, and even as a priest. The day before the liturgy, which rejected Him. Like me. Like me! is a liturgy we perform during certain My wife still remembers that time in weekdays of Lent, I pored over the my life, as I struggled to get my mind and liturgical books so that I would do it right. I heart around this breathtaking discovery. knew what to do, but I knew I would also be How could it be that I had been a part of a nervous. And I was alone, I never served supposedly Christian church for so many anywhere as an assistant priest. But in the years, and had been lead so far astray? As same way that I had read First Corinthians a Protestant, I could feel the yearning in my many times, but only really read it when I soul, I knew that there was something I was was writing that paper, a certain phrase missing. And now I had discovered what it popped out of the Presanctified Liturgy at was – the Eucharist. The body and blood. me and made me wonder. Between the two I won’t go into how I discovered the Old Testament readings, the priest holds in Orthodox Church. That’s for another day. his right hand a candle and the censer, turns The story is in a book called Coming Home: toward the people, and sings, “The light of Why Protestant Clergy are Becoming Christ illumines all.” Orthodox by Peter Gillquist. I’m chapter 14. The light of Christ illumines all. What a It will suffice for me to say today that being beautiful phrase. forced to exegete the Eucharistic passage But the placement of the phrase back in seminary clearly was a providential confused me. There are two Old Testament event that changed my life, and I maintain, readings in the Presanctified Liturgy – why saved my soul. place this phrase between them? It would Now before I go on, I want to tell you seem that the time to speak of light would why I’m sharing these conversion stories Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 141

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 141 be immediately after the little entrance, illumine all. which is like a little entrance at Vespers, Let’s look at the elements of this when the priest raises the censer and says particular liturgical act. First, there’s the “Wisdom let us attend,” and the people sing candle. We’re used to the priest carrying a Gladsome Light, the Φς λαρν. That candle after Pascha, but in this case, he hymn talks about light - starting with the holds one during Lent. This is, I believe, first word. But no. The priest immediately connected to another part of the liturgy. If announces the first reading, which is always you go to a Presanctified liturgy (and all of from the book of Genesis, the first book of you should), you’ll notice the priest praying the Bible. After that, we might expect the long prayers for the catechumens (those phrase “the light of Christ illumines all” to who are considering joining the Orthodox introduce a New Testament reading, since it Church) and those preparing for refers to Jesus, but no. These words illumination. Illumination is the important introduce a second Old Testament reading, part. Those preparing for illumination were, this one from Proverbs. To make matters and still in some churches today are, those more complicated, the second Old who will be baptized into the faith on Great Testament reading is followed by what and Holy Saturday, the day before Pascha. seems like a long prokeimenon, where the Lent was an especially intense time of priest sings “Let my prayer arise as incense preparation for them. In an ancient book before you, and the lifting up of my hands describing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, as an evening sacrifice” – five times. The the author says, “…the chair is placed for word prokeimenon ready means “to set the bishop at the Martyrium in the great something before,” that is, it announces a church, and all who are to be baptized sit reading from scripture. But the readings around, near the bishop, both men and have already happened, and so the women, their godparents standing there prokeimenon announces, well, nothing. The also. Besides these, all the people who wish priest doesn’t get ready to read anything to hear come in and sit down – the faithful during the prokeimenon of the Presanctified only, however… Beginning from Genesis Liturgy, in fact, he spends the whole time he goes through all the Scriptures during censing around the altar table. those forty days, explaining them, first Let me sum up what I’m saying here, literally, and then unfolding them because it’s a little complicated, and I spiritually.” realize that not everyone shares my Those who were preparing for baptism, fascination with liturgical history and obviously all adults, were taught the truths theology. One might expect that the phrase of Christianity so that the light would go on “the light of Christ illumines all” to appear in their minds – the way it happened with in one of two places, 1) just before the me. The bishop taught them so that the light scripture readings, or 2) announcing a New bulb would go on, and they would Testament reading. But it doesn’t. So why understand the truths of the triune God. A is it there? And more to the point, what does conversion. This is the meaning of the it mean? candle in the priest’s hand – illumination. Well, I have good news and bad news. So you would see and feel the light. You’re The bad news is that no one is really sure not preparing for baptism, but you can why it’s there, and St. Gregory, the one who certainly experience conversion. wrote the liturgy, did not give us his I want you to ask yourself right now – reasoning. But the good news is that we can what would it take for you to have the light still gain great spiritual benefit from go on? What would you need to do in order looking at the phrase and meditating on to believe, really believe, that God knows what it says to us today. Because, indeed, you and loves you? That in Jesus Christ the light of Christ does, at least potentially, God has given you the perfect gifts of Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 142

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 142 salvation, love, purpose, and hope? I want sure that he didn’t go to seminary. And I you to consider this question every time have a doctorate. And he did my petition. you light a candle, make the candle you Where did nonsense like that come from light in the church an icon of you, of your during a beautiful service of prayer in the spiritual life. Make it an icon of your church? I know where it came from – from unwavering belief that God knows you and my selfishness, my arrogance, my loves you and has a plan for your life that’s foolishness. As soon as I noticed this silly better than anything you can possibly thought I asked for God’s forgiveness, and imagine. When you look at an icon of the instantly a second thought came on the Nativity, you remember that moment in the heels of the first, telling me how wonderful life of our Lord. When you light and look at and humble I was. See how sin blind-sided the candle, it too depicts a moment in time, me with pride, then false humility, then only the moment is your moment, your pride because of my false humility? How icon, your light, your illumination. Do you messed up is that? See how persistent sin understand what I’m saying? is? The more you think you’re not sinning, Secondly, the priest holds the censer. the more and more blind you are to how He doesn’t swing it, but only blesses the much sin has its fingers around your throat. people with it. And that’s the purpose of the It’s a train wreck: One car goes flying off censer – we use it to give honor to things the track and the others follow, smashing that are holy. We cense the altar, the icons, into one another and breaking apart. the gifts, the people, and the space inside But back to my sentence. Human the church in order to pronounce these beings, who sin constantly, can become things holy, set apart for the glory of God. It holy because of the death and resurrection fills our senses with beauty – the beauty of of Jesus Christ. What does it mean that we the censer itself, the sound of the bells, the can become holy? “Holy” describes things smell of the incense, and the love of the that are set apart for the glory of God. Holy priest for you as he calls you holy and calls things act as a bridge between this world you to holiness. This is the light of Christ and the Divine. My Bible is holy because it that illumines all; that human beings, who brings me to God. My TV is not holy sin constantly, can become holy because of because it doesn’t bring me to God. See? the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And when the priest censes you during the Human beings, who sin constantly, can services of the church, he’s telling you that become holy because of the death and you are holy and calling you to become resurrection of Jesus Christ! holy. You can be set apart for the glory of Let me take that sentence apart piece God, you! The only Bible that some of by piece. First, we sin constantly. Every those around you will ever read, the only day, God gives me the opportunity to see icon they will ever look upon. You can just how sinful I can be. During Lent a become an inspiration, a lesson, a model, a couple of years ago, I was standing with a bridge to the Divine. group of priests during a pan-Orthodox But how does it happen that we who sin Vespers service. A bishop was there, and he constantly can become holy? We become was nodding to each of us during the holy because of the death and resurrection ektenia, directing who would take which of Jesus Christ. Because of Him. You can petition. When he nodded in my direction, go from the very depths of uselessness to since I was next in line, the priest next to me the very heights of sainthood because Jesus (who apparently wasn’t paying attention) died for you and rose again from the dead. did the petition. My petition. As soon as he Here’s how that happens. That which makes did, an offense rose in my heart, and a little you a plaything of the demons, sin, always voice told me that my voice was better than results in one of two things, suffering and his, and… come to think of it I’m pretty death. Sometimes it results in both. These Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 143

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 143 are the only results of sin, and they always In Genesis, which is a word meaning accompany sin. When you disobey God, “beginning,” we learn about how the world one of these two becomes your reward. was created and how everything came into God does not simply wipe sin away. being. In Proverbs, we have the wisdom of Since we choose to sin, we create the the ages expressed in easy to remember consequences, and they cannot be simply sayings like “The fear of the Lord is the ignored. To do that, God would need to take stronghold of a holy man” (10:30), and away our free will – He would have to say, “there is a road that seems to be right with “You chose to sin but I am going to reverse men, but the ends of it reach into the depths that choice because I know that’s not really of hell” (14:12), and “Trust in the Lord with what you wanted.” Love is impossible all your heart, and do not exalt your own without free will, and so God allows us to wisdom” (3:5). The Book of Proverbs tells fall as a function of His love for us. Can you us that there is a way that God wants us to imagine what the world would be like if live, and that way is the way of God did not let us choose whatever we righteousness. wanted, even suffering and death? You Then there’s the prophecy of Isaiah. could jump out of a twenty story window Whereas Genesis tells us our origins and and God would have to run over and catch Proverbs tell us how God wants us to live, you so that your sin would not bring about Isaiah tells us that God has a plan for its normal fruit. Life would be insane. mankind; it tells us that God has planned a What can God do to help us? series of incursions into human history in Something almost unimaginable. Rather order to bring about salvation. Genesis and than let us suffer the wages of sin, God took Proverbs deal with the whole world and all them into Himself. As if your child stole a time, but Isaiah talks about specific times car and you told the judge that you wanted and events that were enacted by God to be the one to go to jail. This is God’s Himself and which point to His love for us solution to the problem. He suffered. He and his desire that we should all be saved died. You sinned, He suffered. You sinned, and come to experience communion with and He died. And when He rose from the Him. The book points, as all the Old dead, He conquered suffering and death. So Testament prophets do, to Jesus Christ. when God forgives us of our sin, it’s not just Isaiah acts as a spiritual introduction to the a “hey I saw what you did but that’s OK New Testament when he writes: “the Spirit we’ll just look the other way.” No. He of the Lord is upon me because He anointed forgives us of our sin by saying, “You me. He sent me to proclaim good news to deserve to suffer and die for the choices the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to you’ve made. But fear not. I have suffered preach liberty to the captives and recovery and died for you.” of sight to the blind, to declare the That’s what happens when the priest acceptable year of the Lord, the day of censes you. recompense, and to comfort all who mourn” (61:1-2). You may remember that Third, we have the scripture reading in this was the passage read by our Lord in the the Presanctified liturgy, the reading from synagogue in Nazareth in St. Luke’s gospel the Old Testament books of Genesis and (4:16-21) when He announced His Proverbs. And (now here’s a test) from what Messiahship and ministry to the world. other Old Testament book do we read during the Lenten season? Isaiah. These So what is the meaning of the scripture three books of the Bible really summarize readings in the Presanctified Liturgy, as in the witness of God’s love toward mankind all liturgies and services of the church? from the creation of the world until the They tell us that the coming of Christ as the second coming of our Lord Jesus. light of the world is the culmination of a great plan put into motion by God from the Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 144

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 144 creation of the world. It is not a new thing, thrive because of the priests, or the censers? it’s not a religion, it’s not one among many Is the evidence of the power of the gospel philosophies of life. It’s the truth of all the contained in the gold covered books or the world and of all time. The entire Old candles? No! The church survives and Testament points to the New, and the New thrives because of the gathered people, as Testament points to Jesus. The light of you are gathered here today. As in previous Christ, brothers and sisters, illumines all. times of persecution, when grandfathers hid This is the faith to which I want you to icons and grandmothers whispered prayers convert. Even if you’re baptized in the into the ears of babies, we too are under church, you have to, at some point, make it persecution, and must rise to the challenge. your own. It is true that many who were Our persecutors do not kill us or close our born Orthodox do not choose to be churches, because they don’t know or care Orthodox, some leave the church and some that we exist. Our persecutors are prosperity, hang around like people living in a dark the TV, the music industry, binging on room who only know the basic outlines of Netflix ‘til dawn, the public schools, and the things that room contains. But this is not Sunday morning sports leagues. Prosperity, you. You are going to be in the church, live entertainment, materialism and self- in the church, gain your nourishment from centeredness. Ask yourselves if you have the church. the wherewithal to resist. One Sunday many years ago I went to At the beginning, I told you about two church early on a Sunday morning. My conversions in my life, the day I met Jesus wife called me just before the start of Christ and the day I learned that His body Orthros to tell me that I had taken the keys and blood would fill me with Him. These to her car – I had used her car the day before events happened because of people who – and she had no way to get to church. I had loved the church and shined the light of to go back home and get her, since she was Christ on me. The light bulb is still shining, the choir director and my kids comprised some days brighter than others, but it has the bulk of the choir. I ran outside and dove never gone out. It can’t. in my car and took off. It had been many Now I’ll end with this. You can leave years since I drove anywhere at mid- today and completely forget me and the morning on a Sunday. As I drove, I was words I’ve spoken. That’s fine. But don’t go amazed at how alive the village was. away today and forget the light of Christ. It People driving, doing lawn work, a kids’ illumines all, and that includes you. soccer game at the local park, picnics and joggers. It seemed busier than ever, on Fr. David R. Smith Sunday morning. By the time I got back to St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church church, I was sad and angry. I felt like no of Syracuse, NY one was going to church anymore. I hope it makes you a little sad and angry too. Does the church survive and Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 145

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 145 Revelation and Inspiration in Church Singing

Summary worship from the tradition of the Within the framework of Christian synagogue, after the Edict of Milan (313) worship, art, architecture, and church the Church Fathers began to create their own hymns and songs that corresponded to music, although parts of a liturgical whole, 2 converge toward a common goal, that of the spirit of the New Covenant. From the revealing and manifesting the presence of first Christian century, St. Paul exhorted the God to the faithful who cross the threshold faithful to praise God with spiritual songs of the place of worship. Artists have always (Eph. 5:19-20, Col. 3:16). Later on his idea sought the moment of inspiration. would materialize out of historical necessities (practical, missionary, and In ecclesiastical art, revelation and dogmatic), as a way to combat heresies. The inspiration constitute the occasion for man’s heresies of the first Christian centuries – meeting with God and the apprehension of especially Gnosticism – were promulgated the mystery and the unfathomable depths of through songs with simple melodies, the divinity in symbols: word, icon, and song. texts of which contained schismatic This work entitled “Revelation and teachings. The Holy Fathers found the Inspiration in Orthodox Church Music” antidote by also responding to the heretics captures the canonical, technical, and through songs, but with orthodox texts. charismatic elements which can confer After the 4th century we can speak of a authenticity and perenniality upon church Christian hymnography or hymnographic music when it is in tune with contemporary poetry, developed on aesthetic and history but also anchored in the Tradition of theological lines with the purpose of its forebears. affirming and confirming the Eastern Revealed Hymnography Christian identity. The entire hymnographic treasury which we find today in our service The two actions, revelation and books represents the inspired creation of the inspiration, represent two ways of discovery Holy Fathers, beginning with the first of “something” (a hidden truth, an unseen documents, “Church Order,” from the phenomenon, a talent), having a very broad Apostolic Constitutions and going all the spectrum of development in the intimacy of way to the finalization of the menaia in the the human spirit: religion, philosophy, art, 11th century. The hymnographic poetry of science, or politics. Petre Ţuţea considered our liturgical books is not just an inspired them “forms [of discovery] of the ways of creation, but is considered in Orthodox the Lord (…) which, when attributed to man theology as belonging to the collection of is inspiration – a divine favor accorded to documents which preserve the steadfast the person with grace – and revelation – a teachings of the Holy Tradition, along with direct action of divinity” (Petre Ţuţea, The the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils, Word That Edifies (1990), an interview 1 the Canons of the Holy Fathers, the conducted by Vartan Arachelian). confessions of faith and catechisms of the Church singing is the common prayer Church, the monuments of Church art, and of the Church and a component of divine the traditions and practices accepted by the worship. If in the early historical period – Church.3 If the means of the transmission of the first three Christian centuries – we divine Revelation are the Holy Scriptures speak more of an inheriting of forms of and the Holy Tradition, then the Church’s Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 146

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 146 liturgical books are books revealed by God. disposition of composers and interpreters who demonstrate their spiritual vocation for Inspiration in Song the art of church music. With regards to the Avoidance of dilettantism, poor music that accompanies the sacred texts of musical taste, sloppy singing, without the Orthodox Church, the history of church respect for appropriate style and sometimes music shows that there has been a great deal uncanonical, both in the acts of composing of freedom in stylistic, syntactical, and and interpreting, is accomplished through a morphological approaches in church serious approach to the mission of the singing, differing according to epoch and musician – chanter, singer, melodist, geography. Sometimes a certain “disorder” director, composer, teacher – by seeing has resulted from the lack of very precise Church music as art and integrating it into boundaries being clearly articulated by the rich family of Christian art: synodal authorities with regard to church iconography, architecture, music, and singing – there not existing in church music liturgical rubrics. anything similar to the “iconoclastic In the first place, church music must controversies” of Christian iconography – have all the attributes of the secular music but also sometimes coming from the desire which we hear interpreted rigorously by to outshine the Tradition of our forebears, professionals and is “successful” to the through the desire of some for innovation in extent to which the public, both the the musical arts. Especially the musically refined and more unrefined, contemporary generations have been shows its satisfaction with the measure in affected by this “passion,” the desire to be which a score comes to life in concert. In the original at any cost, unlike the great art of church music there is not a lower composers of the Byzantine epoch and the standard of knowledge – on the contrary we great figures of the history of medieval understand that in the careless interpretation Romanian church music, who remained of church music it is not just the ears of the faithful to their forebears, with every new faithful that are offended, but, being a song idea in their art being confirmed in capital addressed directly to God, no matter how letters by Tradition.5 “longsuffering and merciful” He might be, In support of this idea that the the limits of divine righteousness and authenticity of church music is legitimized judgment must not be tested by the through its faithfulness to Tradition, I will incompetence of those who glorify Him.4 appeal to three sources that I consider In the art of church music there are exemplary through their content and some essential landmarks that can guide the through their scientific approach: Sorin musician on a pathway that will bring him Dumitrescu, Nicolae Gheorghiţă şi honor both in the sight of man and of God. Achilleus G. Haldeakis. His creative work is not left to chance. In Sorin Dumitrescu fascinates through the first place, Orthodox church music is his discourse that is inventive and eminently vocal. The texts of the songs innovative, but also full of substance.6 He have their source in the Holy Scriptures and creates the portrait of a medieval artist and in Holy Tradition, understanding that the puts it in a place of honor, focusing the light hymnographic poetry of our service books of divine grace on it, referring obviously to is a revealed creation of the Holy Fathers, iconographers and founders of monasteries. as we have already said. If we do not start However, in terms of mentality, the medie- from this premise then we find ourselves in val iconographer cannot be distinguished troubled waters, giving room to every kind from the medieval musician. The striking of confusion, uncertainty, and absence of similarities between iconographers, found- divine authority. These revealed texts from ers of churches, and composers7 have our liturgical books are placed at the persuaded us to present the opinion of this Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 147

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 147 critic that is gifted with so much perception Tradition.11 Otherwise it will be slightly about Romanian iconography, bringing a suspected and criticized as something beneficial perspective to church music as foreign which, through seduction, well. We have been guided in our endeavor inattention, and ambiguity has succeeded in – of extrapolating from the thinking and attaching itself as a parasite on the common logic of the “visual” realm to that of the trunk of revealed music. Value in Eastern “auditory,” from iconographers to singers, Christen-dom will not be validated through from iconography to hymnography – also startling originality or an avant-garde due to the lack of quality information in this movement that comes with insolence to specialized field and of any other competi- 8 create a crisis for previous traditions, but tive approach, believing that in this way we through the élan of daring based on the will help in fertilizing the domain that is so authority of previous models. close to iconography, that of church singing. If the modern mentality is educated to The exigencies of a methodology that would put everything in its path in crisis, “man disprove or prove our conclusions can be without ideas,” constantly confronted with “amended” if, through an excess of zeal Revelation, is inclined to humbly doubt either we or our sources have exaggerated himself, just for the fact that he has merited the existent reality. the splendor, majesty, and otherworldly For Sorin Dumitrescu, medieval man is profoundness of his creation, or that he “man without ideas,” his ideation drawing would have the capacity to perceive it and its material solely from “the mind of Christ” 9 master its content. In painting, the artist will (1 Cor. 2:16). The faith that structured him accord an important role to the heavenly typologically caused him to appropriate for vision in the construction of an iconic vision himself the contents of the Canons, the and, implicitly, in the elaboration of an Books of Holy Scripture, the Fathers, and iconographic model. The heavenly revela- the Hagiography, to the extent that these tion12 precedes the earthly vision. The medi- became all his own themes, visions, and eval Eastern reality is very circumspect ideas. In other words, the “ideology” of the about advancing personal images, rarely medieval artist is faith, but when faith appealing to personal imagination, which weakened, ideologies came in its place, the ceases to represent the first cause of the modern mentality pivoting around doubts renewal of expression. In this the distinction and misgivings, man being in subjection to between the forms of church culture and his own opinions. those of lay culture is clear. Extrapolating to We see here a paradox: “man without music, revelation precedes inspiration. Just ideas” has his creative mechanisms struc- as the vision of the iconographer is the icon tured upon “certitude,” while modern man is of the revelation of the saint, the inspiration constantly overcome by “metaphysical of the master composer is the revelatory unrest and dilemmas.”10 Thus we find incarnation of Tradition. The heavenly indirectly in medieval man ideas that are vision includes the foundation of extraordi- original in content through the incarnation nary heavenly information received by of discoveries into visions, but this leads to means of the revelation of Holy Scripture. solutions lacking personal vanity, for their Thus are born the unique and salvific icons framework is in revelation, based on the of the Archangel, the Holy Trinity at the notoriety of a prestigious previous model. Oak of Mamre, the Resurrection, the Medieval man sets out with the idea of Transfiguration, and the entire iconographic creating something never before seen, to program of Orthodox houses of worship. compose something never before heard, as From this perspective we note that icono- he knows is pleasing to God. But his work graphic art is much more anchored in the will be never before seen or heard as long as revelation of Holy Scripture. Regarding it remains incorruptible and confirmed by music, however, Scripture speaks very little. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 148

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 148 What is described in Scripture is “seen,” and of the long-ago originator of the musical the word becomes icon, but technical details idea often being lost. We must not, about music are entirely missing. Thus, however, ignore the fact that the musical art will be more anchored in relationship between master and disciple Tradition, which is more “heard,” being was a very strict one, both from the communicated orally. Yet both of these perspective of a respect like that due to a pathways of the transmission of Revelation parent and the fact that the disciple was are inspired with equal authority. Rigor and expected to continue the master’s composi- akrivia will, however, find a greater echo in tional style. In this sense, a miniature which iconography, which more frequently falls symbolically reproduces a scene with under the scrutiny of the critics than music, Protopsaltis Ioannes Gklykys seated in the the technical “inadequacies” of which can center and authoritatively dominating his be more easily ignored. We should mention two disciples – Maestru Ioannes the fact that in the thinking of some of the Koukouzelis and Xenos Korones who are Desert Fathers13 (3rd-4th centuries), singing seated on the right and left of their master –, ought to be “thrown out” of monastic prac- is meant to show just this relationship tice to make more room for readings from between the teacher and his pupil (Ex. 1). Holy Scripture, reciting psalms, the Our With regard to inspiration as a syner- Father, and the Creed. The attitude of these gistic phenomenon of the composer being desert dwellers has been explained by divinely guided toward a never-before- Father Petre Vintilescu14 and Hieromonk heard creation, another miniature shows the Makarios of Simonopetra.15 As a result, same Ioannes Gklykys (Ex. 2) “with quill in their desire to eliminate singing from liturgi- his right hand, in front of the unwritten cal practice has been attributed to “monastic pages of a codex, awaiting divine inspira- reverence and zeal,” and to their preference tion in order to write down the song. In the for prayer in its recited form rather than upper right, manus Dei blesses the work of song.16 Hieromonk Makarios of Simonopetra the melodist while he, in a position that is believes that these opposite tendencies not perpendicular and from which he does arrived at a moment of “reconciliation” in not even directly see Him, seems to incline the 9th century, when the cathedral office his ear toward God, seeking to hear and to (asmatikos) was unified with the simple one give a sonoral interpretation of the divine – the ascetical monastic pole, – after which gesture.”20 the presence of church singing would no Finally, a third source to which we longer be challenged by anyone. appeal is that of Achilleus G. Haldeakis, a A second source that supports the professor at the National and Kapodistrian theme proposed in our title belongs to University of Athens. Concerned about the Professor Nicolae Gheorghiţă and it refers condition of contemporary Greek church to a well-contoured epoch of Byzantine music, more and more in danger of losing music in the period of its glory, under the its authenticity through the ignoring of the same medieval mentality.17 In the medieval rules of composition and the appearance of Byzantine period, melodic formulae were an imbalance between tradition and adopted and adapted to new texts, without freedom, the renowned specialist analyzes, this being seen as plagiarism or composers in colloquial language, two compositions of being sanctioned as “infractors,” for this Petru Berechet – Robii Domnului – one in was “a creative principle which consisted in the 8th Tone and the other in the 1st Tone. the conscious and deliberate allegiance of Written almost simultaneously, the two the composer to the values of tradition.”18 compositions are contrastive, not only in Composers copied one another without their tones but also in their style. The first – giving credit “and without being afraid that in the 8th Tone – recapitulates the entire they were or were not original,”19 any trace previous tradition, while the other – in the Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 149

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 149 1st Tone – is composed in an innovative negation of the old, then renewal appears as technique (almost synoptically), in this way an experience with uncertain results. responding to the new liturgical One of the features of church art is its requirements of this period and proving perenniality. Even liturgical objects are itself to be in line with history. In these two specially created from materials that compositions Petru Berechet “has taken endure, symbolizing the eternality of God. care to give his action symbolic value In the same way monophonic Byzantine art, through the choice of the respective ikoi: but also architecture and church iconog- the polyeleos which encapsulates the raphy endure for ages. Byzantine music has ancient tradition was composed in the final a history of over 1500 years. Its develop- ikos of the Byzantine Octoechos, while the ments over time have preserved the genetic polyeleos which inaugurates a renewed characteristics of the seeds of the first tradition was composed in the first ikos. An Christian millennium which consecrated it, end and a beginning. I ask: Can there be a even when after 1453 it extended into the better musicological symbolism to Balkans and was sung, for example, in accentuate the break between tradition and Romanian, passing through a process of innovation?”21 localization and indigenization, or when, at Conclusion the beginning of the 19th century, harmony and polyphony overtook the monophony of In its forms of organization the art of the kliros and launched it into the vertical church music makes use of all the character- plane in various harmonic or contrapuntal istics specific to secular music, albeit not hypostases. freedom without limits. Regarding secular With regard to the quality of singing in music and especially contemporary music, church, there remains genetically imprinted Paul Collaer says “there are no limits except in the human being a quest for perfection – those imposed by the lowest frequencies and heights difficult to achieve in this world, in the highest frequencies that the ear can which art is perfectible. What should be capture. The rest is about nothing other than clear is the fact that when music achieves its the imaginative capacity of the creators and purpose of “converting” anyone who the ability they prove in organizing the crosses the threshold of the place of language which is their own and which they worship, that music is not only inspired and have chosen and elaborated for their own revealed, but itself “reveals,” unveils God use.”22 In church music there is no absolute to men. This mystery of “Jacob’s Ladder” is freedom, just as there is not absolute freedom incarnated wherever personal effort is in the authentic Christian life. The mode of strengthened by the charisma23 that God organization of the auditory materials and the has placed in the heart, mind, and voice of procedures of musical expression in secular those who are chosen. music usually follow a predictable path: formation, confirmation, development and In closing we share a fragment from apogee, until, arriving at a moment of crisis, “The Vision of the Awesome Judgment” from the hagiography of St. Niphon, Bishop they make room for other forms of 24 expression. When renewal comes as a natural of Constantia. The vision, the veracity of phenom-enon, as a consequence of the which has not been challenged by anyone, extension of the expressive capacity of offers details in conformity with the language, there is a living connection between Revelation of Holy Scripture about the tradition and innovation. History offers us Final Judgment and it constitutes an eloquent exam-ples: the transition from Ars important source of inspiration for the Icon antiqua to Ars nova, from linear polyphony to of the Judgment found on the exterior walls functional polyphony, from modal to tonal to of monasteries in Moldova. In comparison atonal. But when the new comes as a with the biblical reference, where the accent shocking confronta-tion, through the total is on “judgment,” the vision carries St. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 150

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 150 Niphon beyond the threshold to the eternal angelic choir, creating pleasure and joy in table of the Great Heavenly Feast – a the hearts of the saints with the sweetness of mystical Eucharistic banquet where all the the song. And it was amazing that the saints are present together in a space angelic hosts did not continuously sing the qualitatively superior to the Adamic same song, but there was an unbounded Paradise, in the Kingdom of Heaven. The variety of songs and newness in the songs proportions of the event seen and heard by they sang. When the seven circles of angelic St. Niphon, surpassing the power of human hosts had completed their all-holy doxology, imagination, make it impossible for him to the choir of the Archangels began to sing the find words to describe certain moments. He Trisagion: Michael sang and Gabriel retained a clear memory that the hosts of the responded; then Raphael sang and Uriel archangels sang, but not just any song. A responded. An extraordinary harmony was song that reached perfection: it was heard. The four pillars of fire, the “uninterrupted and endless,” “the hosts did Archangels, were elevated above all; their not continuously sing the same song, but song was flaming and piercing. there was an endless variety and newness in Moved by the unspeakable sweetness, the songs they sang,” and the effect was all the saints at the heavenly banquet then sanctifying: “it warmed the holy hearts with began to sing the greatness of God. Thus the a joyful pleasure to the endless ages,” angelic song resounded everywhere, within bringing an “unspeakable and unspoken and without – the all-holy song which joy.” enflamed the holy hearts with a joyful (...) “Then there came a profound pleasure unto endless ages. After he had silence. The eyes of St. Niphon received a seen all this three times, Blessed Niphon, pure, unmixed light so he could see. The being in a great ecstasy of vision, heard the first angelic host, which surrounded the voice of God telling him, “Niphon, Niphon, banquet, was assigned to perform an your prophetic vision was beautiful. Write uninterrupted and unending song. It was down in detail all that you have seen and overcome with an unspeakable and heard, for this is what will come to pass. unspoken joy. Immediately the divine and And I have showed these things to you awesome angelic choir began an because you are My faithful friend, My unspeakable doxology. The hearts of the beloved son and heir of My kingdom. So saints leaped with joy and delight. From the rest assured, now that I have vouchsafed first angelic choir the magnificent song of you to see these awesome mysteries, of My doxology went on to the second host, the great love for those who humbly worship seraphim. It then began to sing a mystical My Kingdom and Dominion. For I rejoice song with great artistry. The doxology to look upon the meek and humble one who resounded like a sevenfold sweetness in the trembles at My words.” ears of the saints, who rejoiced unspeakably After He had said these things, the with all their senses. Their eyes saw the Lord delivered him from that awesome and unapproachable light, they smelled the scent most wondrous vision, which had held him of the fragrance of Divinity, their ears heard in its grip for two weeks. When he came to the divine song of the all-holy Powers, their himself he was filled with dread and sighed mouth tasted the Body and Blood of the with sorrow. His tears flowed in torrents Lord Jesus Christ anew in the Kingdom of (...).25 Heaven, their hands felt eternal good things and their feet danced to the sound of the Rev. Dr. Stelian Ionaşcu feast. Thus all their senses were filled with unspeakable joy. After a little while the Patriarch Justinian Orthodox second angelic host passed the divine song Theology Faculty, Bucharest on to the third, the fourth, and on to the last Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 151

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 151 Notes similar to those which unfortunately make up the greater part of the current iconographic production in the entire 1 The Explanatory Dictionary of the orthodox space. We must mention that the iconographic offers several definitions for the two words. For language is completed by that of the hymnographic inspiration, I have chosen “thought”, “idea”, an poetry, and together they shape the same revelatory and unexpected “solution” which appears in one’s conscience; holy functions.” You can find further details in Leonid a creative, spontaneous capacity of the human intellect. Uspensky, Boris Bobrinskoy, Stephan Bigam, Ioan Bizău, As for revelation, I have chosen “disclosure”, “discovery” What Is the Icon?, translated by Vasile Manea, Reunion or the “unveiling” of a certain quality or of a certain Publishing House, Alba Iulia, 2005, pp. 129-130; 135. hidden truth etc.; the disclosure of God’s will towards 5 Talking about the art of the icon, Ioan Bizău considers someone gifted with super-rational abilities; the work that any departure from the truth of faith and from the through which God shows Himself to the world He mystical, dogmatic, ascetic and sacramental experience created, first through the prophets of the Old Testament, of the Church leads to heresy precisely through the then through His Son, in order to uncover, in a flagrant separation from the principles of the Tradition: supernatural manner, His nature and His will. (DEX, 2nd “…an extra twirl, a “prettier” face, a more seductive red, edition, Bucharest, 1998, p. 495 and p. 932). a languishing smile, an enigmatic, à La Gioconda glance, 2 Rev. Ph D Professor Viorel Sava, “The Ecclesiastical a more “naturalist” perspective etc., these are all pietistic Song and Church Art in the Byzantine Tradition – Its elements or artistic tricks which disturb the spiritual Place and Significance within the Divine Cult”, in order submitted to the Christian heart through the Theological Dialogue, the Roman Catholic Theological intermediation of the icon. The extra twirl added to the Institute of Iaşi, year VII (2004), no. 14, p. 160. iconic face corresponds to the courtly “flourish” in the 3 See: Isidor Todoran, Ioan Zăgrean, Dogmatic Theology, romance which pesters the singing of the High Mass.” a Theological Seminar Manual, pp. 78-79. (Leonid Uspensky, Boris Bobrinskoy, Stephan Bigam, 4 Ioan Bizău, What Is the Icon?, p. 114) The indignation against the escalation of common sense 6 in Church art can also be seen in the manner in which Sorin Dumitrescu, The Ostensories of Petru Rareş and their churches are built or painted these days: “In a country Celestial Model, Anastasia Publishing House, 2001, p. 397. 7 such as modern day Romania, whose holy land is walked Leonid Uspensky says: “Architecture, painting, music, by many wretches, who are not punished by anyone and poetry… they become parts of a single liturgical whole who raise – as piety strikes them! – distorted and which by no means diminishes their significance, but barbarously disproportionate churches, with illiterate implies in each case the renunciation of an individual architectures, exasperatingly barren and altogether role, of self-assertion. From forms of art each with untheological, and all this in the name of the indisputable different goals, they become varied means of expression, tradition of ours, that of becoming founders. Nothing can each in its own domain, of one and the same thing – the aid us more than finding once again the true image and essence of the Church” in: Leonid Uspensky, Vladimir the true competences which compose the spiritual Lossky, Spiritual Guidance in the World of Icons, Sofia definition of the founder.” (Sorin Dumitrescu, The Publishing House, 2006, pp. 41-42. Ostensories of Petru Rareş and their Celestial Model, 8 There is a visible discrepancy within the volume of Anastasia Publishing House, 2001, p. 59). Also, the information as far as specialised literature goes for the “Stoglav” Synod in 1551 argues that icons can only be theology of the icon versus the theology of music. By made as an ecclesiastical work by “pure hands”, which simply listing the works of Romanian authors or means that the iconographer is asked “to be humble, translations, we notice the high number of books which clement, not to talk in vain, not to laugh [without good approach the church paintings and the icons, and only a reason], not to be peevish, envious, a drunkard, a thief, a few which deal with the theology of music. Painting: killer, to carefully guard the purity of his body and of his Rev. Gabriel Herea, The Eschatological Message of the soul. (…) and when some apprentice strays off from the Christian Liturgical Space. Architecture and Icon in 15th orderliness and from the commandments of this testament to 16th century Moldavia. Karl A. Romstorfer Publishing and begins to live a dishonest life by drinking and being House, Suceava, 2013, 507p. / Gabriel Bunge, The Icon disgraceful, he should be permanently removed from of the Saint Trinity of the Pious Andrei Rublev or “The working on the icons and should be ordered to never Other Holy Ghost”, 2nd edition, foreword and translation again attempt to carry out such a venerable task, to be by Deac. Ioan I. Ică Jr., Deisis Publishing House, 2006, fearful and to consider what the Writ says: Cursed be the 182p. / Nicolai M. Tarabukin, The Meaning of the Icon, one who does the Lord’s work negligently. (Jeremiah, 48, translation and afterword by Vladimir Bulat, edition 10) (…)” The language of the liturgical art is not an worked on by Adrian Tănăsescu Vlas, Sofia Publishing “inharmonious and barren” territory, as it might have House, 2008, 252p. / Father Dumitru Stăniloae, A seemed to someone unenlightened. Thus, this symbolic Theology of the Icon, afterword by Adrian Matei language is not a neutral and disorderly perimeter, where Alexandrescu, edition worked on by Ştefan Ionescu- any miserable, dull, edulcorated improvisation is allowed, Berechet, Anastasia Publishing House, 2005, 262p. / Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 152

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 152 Leonid Uspensky, Boris Bobrinskoy, Stephan Bigam, 14-34, Music no.3/2002, pp. 72-97, Music no.1/2004, pp. Ioan Bizău, What Is the Icon?, translation by Vasile 54-78. / ‘Aθανασίου Θ. Βουρλη, ∆ογµατικοηθικαι οψεις Manea, Reunion Publishing House, Alba Iulia, 2005, της ορθοδόξου ψαλµωδίας, Αθηναι, 1994. 194p. / Rev. Serghei Bulgakov, The Icon and the 9 Sorin Dumitrescu, The Ostensories…, p. 24. Honouring of the Holy Icons, translated by Hieromonk 10 Sorin Dumitrescu, The Ostensories…, p. 26. Paulin Lecca, with a critical study by Rev. Nikolai Ozolin 11 and an argumentation by Sorin Dumitrescu, Anastasia “…Andrei Rublev painted his work in an extremely Publishing House, 2000, 194p. / Leonid Uspensky, traditional manner, as he was content with only few Theology of the Icon in the Orthodox Church, changes, often times overlooked, of his models. It is introductory study and translation by Teodor Baconsky, through this in particular that his artistic mastery can be Anastasia Publishing House, 1994, 261p. / Jim Forest, seen, as well as his true ingenuity as an icon painter. That The Icon in Prayers, translation by Mavrichi Ionuţ, Pro is because the highest task of the icon painter is not to Vita Publishing House, 2006, 160p. / John Baggley, create something original and never seen before and often Gateways to Eternity. Icons and their Clerical to amaze or bewilder the viewer. New iconographic types Significance, annex by Richard Temple, translation from are comparatively rare. Together with the preaching of English by Ioana Caragiu, Sofia Publishing House, the Church which he serves for in his own way, the icon Bucharest, 2004, 251p. / Mihaela Palade, Iconoclasm in painter is tasked with “keeping the entrusted the Modern Times, Sofia Publishing House, Bucharest, establishment” (2 Tim 1, 14). The more faithfully he does 2005, 207p. / Michel Quenot, The Icon – a Window to the this with his time and through his means, the more self- Absolute, translation, foreword and annotations by Rev. denial there is as he “keeps the Tradition” (1 Cor 11, 2), PhD Vasile Răducă, Encyclopaedic Publishing House, the clearer he speaks its “tongue”, the more likely it is Bucharest, 1993, 118p. / + Petroniu Florea, The Orthodox that he will paradoxically and effectively become a Icon, the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Oradea, creator, as the example of the great Fathers of the Church Bihor and Sălaj, Oradea, 2002, 259p. / Hieromonk Mihail shows. He does not change the “tongue”, which would Gheaău, Theophany. Brief Biblical and Artistic Foray render those living in his time unable to understand him in the History of the Icon of “The Baptism of God”, the and his descendants altogether the same, but rather he Metropolitan Church of Moldavia and Bucovina, opens its unsuspected profoundness and accommodates it Doxology, Iaşi, 2010, 283p. / Goergios Kordis, in words in order to make them accessible to others as Hierotypos. The Theology of the Icon after the Holy well. (…) Rublev’s Triptych … never lost any of its Fathers, translation from Greek by Mihai Coman and religious expressive force. On the contrary, you feel that Cristina Costena Rogobete, edition worked on by it has more and more to “say” as ages go by. And Octavian Gordon, Byzantine Publishing House, 212p. / nevertheless, every detail can be found in older models. Leonid Uspensky, The Theology of the Icon in the In this sense, Rublev is not, therefore, in any manner Russian Orthodox Church, translation from Russian by “original”. His ingenuity is rather based on the fact that Elena Derevici, Patmos Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, by intercepting the old iconographic tradition of his 2005, 280p. / Dumitru Vanca A., The Icon and the Church, he reaches a profundity and a clarity which had Catechism Lesson, Reunion Publishing House, 2005, never been reached before until then and which could 326p. / Egon Sendler, The Icon, the Image of the Unseen. never be reached again later on, not even with the most Elements of Theology, Aesthetics and Technique, precise “replicas”. (…) It is for good reason that when translation from French by Ioana Caragiu, Florin Caragiu talking about monk Andrew, the old sources highlight in and nun Ilie Doiniţa Teodosia, Sofia Publishing House, particular his great grace which, more than his artistic Bucharest, 2005, 268p. / Leonid Uspensky, Vladimir ingenuity, has led not only to the “canonisation” of his Lossky, Spiritual Guidance in the World of Icons, Sofia Triptych at the 1551 synod, but also to his official Publishing House, 2006, 236p. / Nikolai Gusev, Mihail canonisation in modern times (1988). He would never Dunaev, Rafail Karelin, Iconographic Reference Book, have been able to paint the Triptych without profound Sofia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, 365p. / grace, without wholeheartedly giving up any sort of Dionysus of Fourna, The Interpretation of the Byzantine earthly ambitions against the sublime sacrament, which Paintings, Sofia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000, has to be obeyed by any icon painter. It is significant that 343p. Music: Vasile Grăjdian, Singing as Theology his name never appears on any of his works…” (Gabriel (studies and theology articles on the liturgical songs), the Bunge, The Icon of the Saint Trinity of the Pious Andrei “Lucian Blaga” University Publishing House, Sibiu, Rublev or “The Other Holy Ghost”, 2nd edition, 1998, 243p. / Idem, The Theology of the Liturgical Songs foreword and translation by Deac. Ioan I. Ică Jr., Deisis in the Orthodox Church – Identity Aspects of the Publishing House, 2006, pp. 135-136). 12 Liturgical Orthodox Songs, the “Lucian Blaga” A definition of the celestial apparitions, in Sorin University Publishing House, Sibiu, 2000, 258p. / Dumitrescu’s view: “…showings and sightings of Corneliu Cezar, Treaty on Sonology, Anastasia Publishing meanings, intentions, Godly projects, seen and House, 2003, 317p. / Nicolae Teodoreanu, “For a discovered through all sorts of kidnappings, through the Theology of Music” (I, II, III) in Music no.3/2001, pp. revealed words of the Holy Writ or of the theological Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 153

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 153 work or through the shimmer of certain meanings and can and keep it intact. Love the humbleness of Christ and implications, owed to faith.” Sorin Dumitrescu, The wherever you go, don’t be a clever teacher, but rather a Ostensories…, p. 27. simple-minded apprentice, and God shall grant you 13 ***, Clerical Sources, 1. Patericon, Alba Iulia, 1994, 460p. humbleness! (***, Clerical Sources, 1. Patericon, Alba 14 Petre Vintilescu, On the Hymnographic Poetry in Iulia, 1994, pp. 217-218). 17 Ritual Books and the Church Songs, Peace Publishing Nicolae Gheorghiţă, “From Neume to Interpretation or House, Bucharest, 1937, p. 232. on the Compositional Process in the Byzantine Music”, in 15 Makarios the Simonopetrite, The Lenten Triodion The Annals of Putna VIII/2012, 1, pp. 389-408. 18 Explained – The Mystagogy of the Liturgical Time, Maria Alexandru, “Religious songs, a form of musical Deisis Publishing House, Sibiu, 2000, see note 10 for Philokalia. Liturgical songs in the 13th – 17th centuries pages 18-19, p. 396. from Byzantium in Wallachia”, in Church History, 16 A brother once asked father Siluan, saying: what am I Christian Mission and Cultural Life (II). Romanian to do, father, how can I gain my humbleness? For I am so Christianity and the Organisation of the Church in the lured to idleness, sleeping and napping. And when I get 13th – 14th centuries. News and New Interpretations. up, I struggle greatly at the singing of the psalms as I The actions of the annual scientific communication cannot defeat the drowsiness, nor can I sing my psalms sessions of the Romanian History and Christian Studies half-heartedly. And the old man answered him: son, it is Committee, Lacu-Sărat, Brăila, 28th-29th September, first and foremost a thing of pride to say the psalms out 2009. The “Dunărea de Jos” Archiepiscopate Publishing loud, as it seems to you that you sing, and a brother House, Galaţi (2010), apud: Nicolae Gheorghiţă, “From always does so. Secondly, it turns your heart to stone and Neume to Interpretation…”, p. 408. 19 never lets you humiliate yourself. Hence, should you seek Nicolae Gheorghiţă, “From Neume to Interpretation…”, humiliation, you should stop singing. And when you say p. 408. your prayers, let your mind seek the power of the ghost 20 Nicolae Gheorghiţă, “From Neume to and let yourself sit in front of God, in front of He who Interpretation…”, p. 386. The divine inspiration is also tries your heart and insides (Psalm 7, 10). And when you the underlying foundation of one of the great wake up, before anything else, let your mouth praise hymnographers of Byzantium, Saint Roman the Melodist, God; then read the Creed and “Our Father”. Afterwards, celebrated on the 1st of October: “It is said about Saint slowly begin your canon, sighing and remembering your Roman the Singer (the Melodist), originally from the sins and the anguish within which you shall work. And citadel of Edessa, that he left his home country in order to the brother said: father, ever since I became a monk, I go to Ţarigrad, where he lived in a monastery of the All- have been singing the services of the canon and the Holy God-Bearer Master and Ever-Virgin of Blachernae psalms according to the tradition of the 8 keys. The old and where he spent his nights at vigil. It is said that he man answered: it is for this that humiliation and sorrow was very God-fearing and virtuous, watching over the run away from you. Keep the elder fathers in your mind, imperial feasts, and that he would pray the whole night. as they were never servants of the church and knew For this is why he was able to gain this gift from the neither keys nor hymns, and only few psalms, but still Master: during the vigil of the Birth of Christ, as he was glowed like candles in the world; as there was father Paul in the same church of Blachernae, he fell asleep with the Simple and father Pambo and father Apollo and the fatigue. Then he had a vision of the All-Holy, holding a other God-bearer fathers, who brought back the dead and book and saying unto him: “Open your mouth and eat had great powers and were granted command over the this gift, which I give to you.” He felt that he had opened devils. Not through singing, hymns or keys, but through his mouth and swallowed that book. And then, once praying with a broken heart and through fasting, through daytime came, he stood in the pulpit and piously began which the fear of God ceaselessly grows in one’s heart reading the kontakion of the vigil, which is: “Today the and the weeping becomes stronger, and all sin is removed Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One”, and the from man and the mind becomes whiter than snow. And others which he sung with such voice and gentleness that singing led many to the lowest points of this world, not it was right away obvious how his gift came from the only laymen, but also priests, for they were heir to them Heavens and not from the people, and everybody was in immorality and in other disgraceful ardours and this amazed. For it was not only this kontakion he sung, but cast them away. Singing is therefore for laymen. This is also the ones of the Saviour’s vigils, of the All-Holy and what all people do in churches. Take heed, son, there are of all saints.” (Fragment from Of the Wonders of Virgin many troops in the Heavens and nothing is written of any, Mary, Doxologia Publishing House, Iaşi, 2013). though they sing in all 8 keys; a troop sings ceaselessly, 21 Achilleus G. Haldeakis – The Musical Studies Hallelujah! Another: Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord Department of the University of Athens, Tradition and Almighty (Isayah 6, 3), another: Blessed be the glory of Innovation in Byzantine Music, in: the Lord in His place (Ezekiel 6, 12). Therefore you, son, follow the fathers, if you wish to gain humbleness muzica-bizantina-69236.html, visited on the 1st of through prayer, by guarding your mind as much as you October, 2015. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 154

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 154 22 Paul Collaer, Correspondance avec des amis precisely, the manner (religious, doctrinarian, musiciens, présentée et commentée par Robert communitarian etc.) through which that age, style or Wangermée, Mardaga Publishing House, Bruxelles, cultural form are able to facilitate, answer or on the 1996, p. 460. contrary, reject the co-operation with the visionary- 23 “Charisma can also be technically explained as a providential power of the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Sorin productive mystical energy, either predicable or potential, Dumitrescu, The Ostensories…, p. 21.) either updated or still not updated by the morphologies, 24 Archim. Petroniu Tănase, The Life and the Teachings the stereotypes, the habitus or by the horizon of of Saint Hierarch Nifon, the Episcopate of Roman and foreboding, expectation or disposition, existing within a Huşi Publishing House, 1993, reedited in 201, 109p. cultural style or age. Charisma represents the synergetic 25 Archim. Petroniu Tănase, The Life and the availability of an age, style or cultural form, or more Teachings…, pp. 54-55.

Orthodox Youth Ministries in Historical Perspective Presentation at the 9th Symposium of Orthodox Spirituality organized by the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in the Americas and Fordham University on April 16, 2016 on the theme Youth Religious Education - Wisdom from Christian Tradition for Contemporary Society

Introduction in that same year with nearly 300,000 Historians of education have acknowl- teachers educating over 3 million students. edged that religious institutions engage in a Despite these compelling statistics showing wide variety of formal and informal educa- the influence of and preference by families tional programs to complement the family for a faith-based education, the study of and broader community. The history of religion and education has not quite cap- American education abounds with religious tured the attention of scholars as a signifi- groups seeking to carve out a space for cant line of inquiry and not surprisingly, the themselves, or to safeguard their particular Orthodox Church is also rather invisible in outlook; from the Catholic opposition to the mainstream scholarship. The history of the common school movement in the nine- Eastern Orthodox Church in the United teenth century, to the extraordinary rise of States, its ethnic groups, structures, and the Christian Day School movement over institutions has much to contribute to the one hundred years later. Throughout the larger American educational and religious twentieth century, we see groups challeng- landscape, particularly with respect to ing Bible reading, school prayer, evolution, youth and youth religious education. and release-time religious classes in public For the purpose of the symposium schools. Others have challenged the consti- today, I will broadly examine the signifi- tutionality of using public funds to support cance and growth of what are termed transportation costs and textbooks to “youth ministries” as they emerged within parochial or denominational schools. the Greek Orthodox Church in America According to statistics provided by the US during the twentieth century. As part of my Department of Education, approximately larger ongoing research on the Greek 1.77 million students were being Orthodox Church’s educational institutions, homeschooled in 2011. In addition, 22,000 I will also discuss the evolution of the religiously oriented schools were registered parochial school system and language Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 155

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 155 schools, and conclude with a contemporary summarized in the Scout Oath, which is still example of how these ministries operate recited today: today to engage youth into the life of the Scout Oath (or Promise) Church and to promote a distinctly Orthodox worldview. On my honor, I will do my best How can we understand the term To do my duty to God, and my country, “ministry”? The word ministry, derived And to obey the Scout Law; from the Latin ministerium to denote To keep myself physically strong, servant, is defined today as the “the act of mentally awake, and morally straight.i serving.” According to the Greek Archdio- cese, the term ministry refers to “a gather- Scouting was, in fact, embraced by the ing of the faithful who share the same ages first wave of Greek immigrants. As early as and common interests.” The mission of 1917, and only a few years prior to the youth ministries is “to strengthen the rela- formal organization of the Greek Orthodox tionship of young Orthodox Christians with Archdiocese, there is evidence for Boy …Christ, encouraging them to become Scout Troop No. 1 in New York City led by active sacramental participants in the life of Major Pantelis Sioris and Demetrios J. the Body of Christ.” Theophilatos. According to one newspaper account, the troop held its meetings “‘under By defining the attendance to youth as a church,’ that is, in its basement.” With the a ministry, the Church has assumed a passage of restrictive immigration laws in responsibility to “serve” youth, yet it also 1924, the assimilation of Greek Orthodox offers them the opportunity to experience communities into American culture and the Faith as participants. As a religious society proceeded. It was also a time of institution, the Greek Orthodox Church in intense church building. This period saw an America has played an important role in Orthodox Church continuing to express a socializing young people into the life of the commitment to its youth, galvanized by church community through a variety of other religious groups’ response to its youth, educational programs and through youth- and in response to the perceived ills of a oriented ministries. The Church showed a changing society. In May 1955, the Boy commitment to youth and an open Scout publication, The Crusader (published mindedness and flexibility when adopting by the Protestant Committee on Scouting) certain programs. In the process, it reported that “the spiritual heads of various prompted Church leaders towards inter- branches of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Orthodox cooperation. Church” organized a committee on Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Scouting. This committee was made up of Greek, Carpatho-Russian, Syrian, and Scouting, for example, became an Russian clergy who had been working important ministry within the Orthodox together for several years to cultivate a Church. During a period of heightened relationship with the national offices of the immigration, urbanization, and industriali- Boy Scouts of America. In 1960, the Eastern zation, also known as the Progressive era, Orthodox Committee on Scouting [EOCS] the Boy Scouts of America was established was established by the newly created in 1910, just two years after Lord Robert Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops Baden-Powell (1857-1941) founded the in the Americas (SCOBA), and which is organization in England. American Chris- now known as the Assembly of Canonical tian reformers expressed concern over Orthodox Bishops of the Americas. youth and especially immigrant youth during this period. The reform impulse with The Eastern Orthodox Committee on its emphasis on a “muscular Christianity,” Scouting (EOCS) devoted time to creating on fitness, morality, and citizenship, can be Orthodox specific awards, standards, and Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 156

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 156 symbols for both the Boy Scouts and Girl organizations. There are currently 100 Cub Scouts. One significant award that the Scout/Boy Scout troops chartered to Committee developed and continues to be Orthodox Churches in America. earned by Scouts today is the Alpha Omega Orthodox Youth Organizations Award. The requirements the Committee created for this award during the 1950s and The formalized programming of Boy 1960s centered upon the four values of Scouts and Girl Scouts entailed a flexible Christian Faith, Christian Hope, Christian relationship with a Protestant-based nation- Love, and Christian Participation. Boys and al organization. Secular, ethnic, and frater- girls had to demonstrate a thorough nal associations also existed that involved understanding of their Orthodox faith by Orthodox youth on many different levels studying and executing two service projects. and strictly along ethnic lines. But clergy Upon public examination before their and lay leaders sought to bring youth closer pastor, they received the award in a public to the Church. They tried to formally organ- ceremony at the close of a church service. ize a youth group as early as the 1930s but What did young boys and girls need to succeeded in the 1950s with the establish- learn? Among other things, they had to learn ment of GOYA, the Greek Orthodox Youth and explain: the iconography and of America, along with the establishment of architecture of the Orthodox Church, the a national Youth Office under Archbishop vestments of the clergy, the Ten Command- Michael. Initially, the Church was chal- ments, the Seven Sacraments, the Nicene lenged by secular organizations, which felt Creed, and the parts of the Liturgy. that the Church was competing for its youth, Understanding the transformational act of and by parish communities, which were prayer within the Orthodox Church was a unable or unwilling to invest in the develop- vital component of the requirements. The ment of youth programming. However, by instructions asked children to “Define 1958, there were chapters in nearly every prayer. Why do you pray?” and think community with a membership of 30,000 carefully upon its meaning. Children devel- young people in the 18-25 age bracket. With oped service projects, many of which a decline in membership during the 1960s, revolved around supporting the needs of the the Church recognized that in order to church parish. With an emphasis on char- revitalize the youth program, reorganization acter building activities and outdoor pro- needed to take place. Junior and senior grams, Scouting underpinned the overall groups were created to capture high school philosophy of the Orthodox Church where teenagers as well as young adults. By the the ultimate goal was and still is “to live a 1980s, the GOYA ministry operated within worthy religious life.” By bringing children four fundamental Orthodox principles: into the space of the church, it not only Worship, Fellowship, Witness, and Service. allowed for religious instruction, but the Youth programs expanded to encompass Scouting program affirmed the Church’s elementary school children in the programs ministry in “serving” its youth and acknowl- known as HOPE (Holy Orthodox Primary edging their centrality within the life of the Education for children in K-2nd grades) and Church. Archbishop Iakovos, in the 1960s, JOY (Junior Orthodox Youth for children in had hoped that Scouting could potentially grades 3 through 6). Their age-appropriate become, in his words, “the medium for the activities included sports, cultural, social, enactment of a missionary movement and religious events reflecting the needs and among the youth…” Orthodox Scouting interests of the participants. Today, the troops experienced growth throughout the Archdiocese rounds out these ministries 1960s and 1970s with the influx of new with altar servers, the Orthodox Christian immigrants from Greece. Today, 70% of Fellowship, which operates on college Scouting troops are chartered to faith-based campuses, and Camping. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 157

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 157 Greek Orthodox Schools network of community stakeholders as well A discussion on the importance of as national and international organizations, youth and the Greek Orthodox Church which enabled a flow of information and would not be complete without a discussion ideas. The Archdiocese availed itself of this of more formal educational programs, network to advance its educational agenda which are also considered ministries. Greek in the larger public realm. Orthodox parochial schools and afternoon How did the Archbishop’s outlook for a language schools have functioned under the renewal or “resurrection” of an Orthodox aegis of the Church since the first wave of consciousness in America shape his educa- Greek immigrants settled in the United tional philosophy? For the Archdiocesan States, although not exclusively. The conti- parochial schools and afternoon language nuities of religion, culture, and education schools during the 1960s and 1970s, a manifested themselves in the US in distinct Greek Orthodox education reflected a ways as Greek immigrants built their synthesis of Hellenism and Christianity that secular and sacred institutions. In 1922, the had been fashioned out of the ideological Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and prerogatives of the newly independent South America was established to organize Greek kingdom of the 1830s when the and unite the independent church parishes Church also assumed the cultivation of in the western hemisphere. In 1931, the Greek identity as one of its functions. Faith, Archdiocese created the Supreme Board of nationalism, Hellenism, and education Education to oversee Greek language became intertwined with liberation and education, having recorded a total of 456 resurrection. This narrative of historical language schools by 1938. cultural continuity was brought forward into When Iakovos was appointed Arch- the twentieth century. In advocating for the bishop in 1959, he called for a resurrection expansion of parochial and language of an Orthodox consciousness, particularly schools, the Archdiocese articulated several in the area of education. He assumed his reasons why parents should send their role during a pivotal time in New York that children to these Orthodox schools. I will helped to reinforce the Church’s relation- read three from their statement: ship to education. Most Greek immigrants a) Only in the Greek School will your arriving after the liberalization of immigra- children be protected from bad company tion laws in 1965 made New York City and that may lead to juvenile delinquency. its boroughs their final destination. The b) Only the Greek School can keep our strides made during the Civil Rights Move- children within the frame of Greek ment not only underpinned the liberal Orthodoxy, and lead them from the school immigration legislation but also bolstered desk to the Church Choir, to the Greek ethnic pluralism, ethnic studies programs, Orthodox Youth and to the Community or and bilingual education. Educational institu- the Ladies Philoptochos Society. tions were undergoing tumultuous change. c) The Greek Language should be Desegregation and integration efforts considered as a sacred cause. The played out in the public schools; denomina- Hellenic consciousness, the Greek tional schools attempted to retain their Language and the Greek Orthodox Faith student populations in the face of “white comprise an indivisible triad. Only the flight;” the rhetoric and reality of juvenile Greek School can give all three together delinquency served to reinforce the impor- to our children. tance of religious and moral training, and we also see bilingual education working its Greek school became a foundational way through the public schools. The Archdi- compass for life, amplifying the trinity of ocese, with its headquarters in the heart of Hellenic-centered learning, language, and Manhattan, was an important part of a larger faith. The Archdiocese’s Department of Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 158

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 158 Education integrated language, religion, and Greek Orthodox education. In New York, history more fully into their curriculum by the Archdiocese promoted this holiday by the 1980s. Besides emphasizing the devel- sponsoring community-wide programs held opment of language skills, and the study of in local institutions of higher education, Greek history, the curriculum combined which included special religious services, religious education with a study of the speeches or lectures by distinguished history of the Orthodox Church. The five scholars and artists, and musical and dance year program for religious studies encom- performances. Celebrating this holiday in a passed four categories: Christian Worship, university or college setting symbolically which entailed the study of the ecclesiastical served to reinforce the intellectual Orthodox year, the significance and value of prayer, underpinnings of the holiday. and the meaning and development of the Although the formal curriculum might Divine Liturgy; the second theme outlined not have provided systematic religious the Story of Christ and His Church and the education, the physical ordering of the historical development of the Church. The school space and the practice of Orthodox third theme exposed students to Christian rituals reflected a profoundly Orthodox Literature and the writings of the Church environment with its Byzantine-style icons fathers, while the final component taught of saints, photographs of the Patriarch and them about world religions. Archbishop, displays of traditional works of While religious education fell under art, and the recitation of prayers at the start the larger subject area of the Greek Studies and close of the school day. Proximity to an Program, sources are not clear as to how Orthodox Church meant that an Orthodox much religious instruction was feasible. It priest would be present to bless students on was an ambitious course of study and important feast days or to visit and speak certainly competed with the tightly packed with them in their classrooms; that students language, cultural, and history components. would participate in religious services on a Religious education did occur in other regular basis, listen to hymns, venerate ways, which were less formal and far less icons, and partake of the Eucharist. systematic, but which projected a distinct Proximity to an Orthodox Church meant understanding of the Church’s relationship that the Church could minister to its youth to the education of its youth. so that its youth could live the Faith. The celebration of holidays reinforced Conclusion the inseparable nature of Orthodoxy and education. For example, the celebration of What I have highlighted thus far are Greek Letters and Learning in honor of the three different types of ministries, formal three most influential early Christian and informal, that have been developed thinkers, the Three Hierarchs, is one such through the Greek Orthodox Church. What significant holiday. Gregory the Theologian, happens in practice today serves not only as John Chrysostom, and Basil of Caesarea are a reminder of the Orthodox Church’s commemorated together as the patron saints historic commitment to its youth but also as of education on January 30th. This religious a reminder that we ought to celebrate the celebration became a state holiday in fruits of that historic labor. Greece beginning in 1842. As early as 1936, I’d like to conclude my talk by briefly the Archdiocese mandated every parish to looking at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox celebrate Greek Letters and Learning. Church community in the Bay Ridge section Students would perform in plays, recite of Brooklyn. This community has its origins poems, and read essays. This served to in the 1960s, operates a parochial school inculcate students with their religious and built in 1980 with a current enrollment of national identity by continually stressing the 150 students in grades kindergarten through prominence of the Church in sustaining 8, and an afternoon language school with Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 159

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 159 150 students. This community has about preliminary survey among ten adults who 200 participants in the Girl Scouts USA volunteer to coordinate, facilitate the troops & Boy Scouts of America combined programming, and administration of these and another 200 youth in the HOPE, JOY, ministries. A couple of interesting things GOYA, and YAL ministries. The Scouting emerged from the surveys. First, all the and HOPE/JOY/GOYA youth ministries, volunteers are college educated, attended a which operate along different lines but with Greek Orthodox parochial school or similar goals, promote an inclusive language school, and participated in church Orthodox Christianity by minimizing or youth programs when they were growing eliminating the ethnic component from its up. Second, the main reason each gave for verbiage in the guidelines. Service and offering their time was “to give back to the volunteerism underscore all the individual community.” Finally, these adult volunteers and group projects the students undertake believed that church youth ministries impart within their respective ministries. Religious three overarching values: an Orthodox education occurs in a prescribed fashion for identity, positive character development and the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts as they work leadership skills, and a sense of service and towards their Orthodox awards, while such community. Their work ensures that the education manifests itself through a wide Orthodox Church will continue to be a array of activities for youth in the stakeholder in the development and growth HOPE/JOY/GOYA programs and around of youth. And it reflects a continuity of the four components of Worship, Fellow- living the faith through service. ship, Service, and Witness. What is most striking is that the Fevronia K. Soumakis operation of these ministries is contingent Adjunct Assistant Professor, upon an active group of lay volunteers, Teachers College, Columbia University many of them parents whose children New YorkCity, NY participate in these activities. I conducted a

Endnotes - May 1955 The Crusader, Box Y11 Scouting Movement, Folder AK, Archives of the Greek Orthodox - National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Archdiocese of America, NY, NY (hereafter AGOAA). accessed June 23, 2016, - “Alpha Omega Award Requirements for Boy Scouts of digest/d13/tables/dt13_206.10.asp?current=yes. the Eastern Orthodox-Catholic Faith,” Box Y11 Scouting Movement, Folder AF, Scouting Movement, AGOAA. - National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Private Universe Survey, 2011-2012 Religious - Angelo Gavalas, “A Vibrant Youth Ministry Since Orientation, accessed June 23, 2016, 1959,” in History of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, ed. Miltiades B. Efthimiou and George A. Christopoulos (NY: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Department North and South America, 1984), 328. Ministries, accessed April 1, 2016, - According to the Boy Scouts of America, “More than nistries. 100,000 Scouting units are owned and operated by chartered organizations. Of these, approximately 70 - Jay Mechling, “Children in Scouting and Other percent are chartered to faith-based organizations, 22 Organizations,” in The Routledge History of Childhood percent of all units are chartered to civic organizations, in the Western World, ed. Paula Fass (London: and nearly 8 percent of all units are chartered to Routledge, 2013), 421. educational organizations,” accessed April 1, 2016, i Ibid. - “Greek Americans Genuine Patriots,” The High Point sheets/chartered-organizations-and-the-boy-scouts-of- Enterprise (High Point, North Carolina). September 17, america/ 1918. - Author conversation with George N. Boulukos, April - Jay Mechling, “Children in Scouting and Other 12, 2016. Organizations,” 421. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 160

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 160 - Angelo Gavalas, “A Vibrant Youth Ministry Since See: Celebration of Greek Letters, the Greek Press, and 1959,” 332. the Arts, 1964-1966, Box V43, Folder AH, Education - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Department Collection, AGOAA. Ministries, accessed April 1, 2016, - To sistima paideias tis Ellinikis Orthodoxou Archiepiskopis Voriou kai Notiou Amerikis scholikon nistries. etos 1971-1972 [The school system of the Greek - Basil T. Zoustis, “Essays of the Education Department Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America: for the 1937-1938 School Year,” Box V11, Folder AS, curriculum and instruction, for the school year 1971- Education Collection, AGOAA. 1972], Box V12, Folder SD, Education Collection, AGOAA. - For example, the Archdiocese joined the Non-Public School Committee, a strong coalition of religious groups in - Kanonismos Anotatou Ekpaideutikou Symbouliou New York City to advocate for their fair share of Title I scholion kai didaskalon tis Ellinikis Archiepiskopis services to parochial schools. Fueled by the importance of Amerikes Voriou kai Notiou [Regulations of the Supreme bilingual education, the Archdiocese and Greek American Board of Education of schools and teachers of the Greek educators who worked in the public school system Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America], advocated for Greek language instruction under the 1936, Box V12, Folder AA, Education Collection, Bilingual Education Act and secured the teaching of Greek AGOAA. in several public schools throughout New York City. - Emmanuel Hatziemmanuel, “A Curriculum of Greek - The entire statement written by the Archdiocese’s Studies for the Schools of the System of Education of the Department of Education in the mid-1960s reads as Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South follows: America,” 1982, Box V12, Folder SH, Education For the Happiness of All Greek Orthodox Families Collection, AGOAA. Mothers! Additional Sources 1. Send your children to the Greek Orthodox Kindergartens and the Greek Orthodox Schools. Primary: 2. Only in the Greek School can your child from a - Interviews with lay volunteers and clergy at Holy Cross young age make close friendships with other Greek Greek Orthodox Church, Brooklyn, NY. Orthodox children. - Holy Cross, Brooklyn, NY website and newsletters 3. Only in the Greek School will your children be accessed at protected from bad company that may lead to juvenile - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Department delinquency. Ministries, accessed April 1, 2016, 4. Only the Greek School can keep our children within the frame of Greek Orthodoxy, and lead them from nistries the school desk to the Church Choir, to the Greek Secondary: Orthodox Youth and to the Community or the Ladies - Byers, Michele and Evangelia Tastsoglou. “Negotiating Philoptochos Society. Ethno-Cultural Identity: The Experience of Greek and 5. The Greek Language should be considered as a Jewish Youth in Halifax.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 40, sacred cause. The Hellenic consciousness, the Greek no. 2 (2008): 5-33. Language and the Greek Orthodox Faith comprise and - Cremin, Lawrence. American Education: The indivisible triad. Only the Greek School can give all three Metropolitan Experience, 1876-1980. New York: together to our children. Harper and Row, 1988. 6. Large communities were dissolved, when they stopped teaching the Greek language to their children. - Fass, Paula, ed. The Routledge History of Childhood in the Western World. New York: 7. Thousands of American School children are taught a foreign language in thousands of American Routledge, 2013. Public Schools. Why should not our children be taught - Moskos, Charles C. Greek Americans: Struggle and Greek? Success. 2nd ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 8. Only the Greek School can develop in our Publishers, 1989. children love and admiration for Greece, which is loved - Smith, Christian. “Theorizing Religious Effects among and admired and respected generally by all Americans American Adolescents” Journal for the Scientific Study of and all mankind. Religion 42, no. 1 (March 2003): 17-30. 9. Only the Greek language reminds your children - Youniss, James, Jeffrey A. McLellan, and Miranda that they belong to the Greek Orthodox Church. Yates. “Religion, Community Service, and Identity in Take care not to bring unjust harm upon the American Youth.” Journal of Adolescence 22 (1999): children. 243-253. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 161

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Spiritual But Not Religious Presentation at the 9th Symposium of Orthodox Spirituality, Fordham University, New York City, NY April 16, 2016

Your Eminence, Your Grace, “It is finished!” proclaims Christ from the Very Reverend & Reverend Clergy, Cross; the work to save mankind is now Distinguished Professors and Symposium complete. Nothing more needs to be done. Participants, But a response is required from you, and Glory to Jesus Christ! from me, to this act of sacrificial love that makes our perfection as humans possible. am here today not so much as a As we gather in these final days of the seminary chancellor/CEO, and evil Great Fast of 2016 to contemplate what I administrator, but more in my capacity lessons we have to learn from the wisdom as a sessional professor of Evangelization of the early church, and how we apply it & Missiology. It is from this discipline that today, it is very important that we remem- I might have something to contribute to our ber that to seek wisdom is to seek Christ efforts today. I want to begin with these and the Mind of the Church. The Word words from Col.1:21-23…. Incarnate is the true wisdom of God re- And you, who once were alienated and vealed to us in the Incarnation where God enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet become a Servant, taking on our weak and now He has reconciled in the body of His mortal nature but remaining Lord of all. flesh through death, to present you holy, The followers of the Nazarene have and blameless, and above reproach in His always been considered “counter cultural” sight – if indeed you continue in the faith, and yes, even strange. Why would you grounded and steadfast, and are not moved interfere and remove babies left on rocks to away from the hope of the Gospel which die of exposure and raise them as your own you heard, which was preached to every when infanticide was the “cultural norm?” creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, Why feed lepers and provide care for the became a minister. (Col. 1:21-23) sick, those in prison and the dying? Why St Paul, in writing to the Church in create hospitals and universities, all of Colossae, takes the term “fullness,” as it was which have Christian foundations? These used by the Gnostics, with their “secret” or so-called Mathew 25 ministries are not an “superior” knowledge and re-directs the option for Christians. They are the stand- term to Jesus. The Apostle to the Gentiles is ards set for our own Day of Judgment. telling us that Christ Jesus IS the fullness, We, who have “put on Christ,” are odd. Himself. Jesus is everything, God in the In their 1989 publication titled “Resident fullness: and in His human nature, resurrect- Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony,” ed and ascended to the right hand of the Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon Father. He is the uncreated and glorified provided us with “a provocative Christian Head of all creation. It is through Jesus assessment of culture and ministry for Christ that the perfect “communion” that we people who know that something is were created for in the beginning and lost wrong.”1 through our disobedience is now possible. This book had a profound influence on Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 162

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 162 me as I began to understand, as a priest in matter in the words typical of a couple of the Episcopal Church, when I first read this professors: The church is crucial for book, the saying that: “he who weds himself Christian epistemology. We would not know to the zeitgeist soon finds himself a enough to be moral without the colony. widower.” This German word, zeitgeist, can ….From a Christian point of view, the world be rendered in English as the “spirit of the needs the church, not to help the world run age” that is passing away. It has been said, more smoothly or to make the world a better even in podcasts, that former Episcopalians and safer place for Christians to live. or Anglicans like me, who are now part of Rather, the world needs the church because the Orthodox Church, are like “Viet Nam without the church the world does not know vets, suffering from flashbacks when signs who it is. The only way for the world to of the zeitgeist appear in the Orthodox know that it is being redeemed is for the world.” It is has been said that these church to point to the Redeemer by being a converts keep the Orthodox Church from redeemed people. The way for the world to having conversations about any of these know that it needs redeeming, that it is issues for fear that they will once again find broken and fallen, is for the church to themselves without a “safe harbor” to enable the world to strike hard against escape changing times. I reject this type of something which is an alternative to what polemic. What I accept is that there are the world offers. lessons for those of us who are Orthodox to Unfortunately, an accommodationist learn when we come to terms with the fact church, so intent on running errands for the that our faith makes us “odd” and indeed, world, is giving the world less and less in counter cultural. We are radically out of step which to disbelieve. Atheism slips into the with the so-called mainstream of our day church where God really does not matter.2 when we are faithful to the “paradosis” that We Orthodox Christians have much to we have received down through the ages. learn by looking at other groups of Chris- Let me return to Resident Aliens, the tians and their churches—in particular, section under the title: People Who Follow those who have chosen in recent decades to a God Who is Odd. wed themselves to the spirit of the age in “…many Christians do not fully order to be relevant. Many of these appreciate the odd way in which the church, churches, known by the title “Mainline when it is most faithful, goes about its Protestant,” were often much admired and business. We want to claim the church’s imitated by the Orthodox, who saw the “oddness” as essential to its faithfulness. power and prestige of the Episcopalians in …whenever a people are bound together in American Society as a goal for the trans- loyalty to a story that includes something as planted Orthodox of the so-called strange as the Sermon on the Mount, we are “diaspora.” Presbyterian Sunday Schools put at odds with the world. This makes were good for our children; the Methodist necessary the demanding business of being have nice after-school programs, etc. The the colony of God’s righteousness in a world decline of these once thriving American that refuses to acknowledge God as denominations has been rapid; endowments sovereign. Our assertion of the indispensa- of money left by deceased members keep bility of the church for Christian living is things going. Decades of low call theology more than the practical observation that life produced anemic followers and depleted is difficult and thus we need a little help numbers. Hauwerwas and Willimon have from our friends. It is also a claim about been proven to be prophets from the 1980s. how the church enables us to be moral in the Let me give you some statistics to help first place. The church not only gives us the demonstrate just how fast the decline in support we need in being moral, it also membership runs, parallel with the teaches us what being moral is. To put the revisionist theology that began to dominate Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 163

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 163 these churches in the 1960s. Texas, titled: The Triumph of Faith: Why the US membership per 1,000 US World is More Religious Than Ever, makes population: the case that Pew got it wrong. Naomi United Church of Christ – 1960: 12.4 – Schaefer Riley comments that in reading 2010: 3.2 Stark we see that “God is not dead. Despite the predictions of academics and liberal Episcopal – 18.1 – 6.1 religious leaders, the world is becoming Presbyterian USA – 23.0 – 8.7 more faith-filled, not less.”4 Stark docu- United Methodist – 54.7 – 24.9 ments that there is “no increase in the num- Evangelical Lutheran – 29.3 – 13.63 ber of the world’s self-professed atheists and no triumph of reason over revelation.” Stark Just one example of things going the is critical of the Pew results claiming an other way would be the 6-year old Anglican increase in the number of Americans with no Church in North America, a traditional religious affiliation, cit ing that the response group of Anglicans in official dialogue with rates are too small to justify Pew’s claims. the OCA, which has grown larger than the Riley notes that Stark’s real battle “is with entire Anglican Church in Canada and has the intellectual elites of the West, who have planted over 515 new congregations in six been declaring the demise of religion for years. centuries and have been advancing a So, is the lesson to be learned here secularization thesis for decades. For them, today the fact that secularism has won the religious belief is a susceptibility of the fight? Is it game over? Last year a Pew illiterate and ignorant. With education, in Research Survey, announcing a sharp rise in their view, people see the foolishness of the number of Americans claiming no their ways and abandon their beliefs. religious affiliation, so called “nones” — So, who is right, Pew or Stark? Let me not NUNS but NONES – caused quite a stir. share a personal habit of mine that Increasing cases in the courts involving demonstrates that religious belief is alive issues of “religious liberty” and what and well in North America. My wife has appears to be a rise in anti-Christian actions learned to accommodate my sometimes in this land of the free and home of the brave quirky ways. She knows that whenever we may cause one to wonder if “life in the go into a major bookstore I always head colony” was the only place for Christians. towards the section that is usually labeled The “Benedict Option,” a phrase made “Spirituality.” We have all heard our friends known this past year by Orthodox author, and relatives say that they are “spiritual but Rod Drehrer, has also gained traction. This not religious.” Spiritual remains largely is a dramatic change from the 1980s & undefined in this context. This is why it is 1990s when the Orthodox churches in North used by major book sellers as a catch-all America were growing with large numbers term. This portion of the store is often quite of new converts. Martin Marty even large. This tells us that people are searching predicted that the 21st century might well be the spirituality/religion shelves. I always the “Orthodox Century” as people sought look to see what is new and what is selling. out the Church of the Apostles. What This tells me what people are interested in happened in our Orthodox Churches that at the moment. I will then look, often in has brought the zeal and growth of the 80s vain, for a book about the Orthodox Church & 90s to a flat line? Has the “God is Dead” or Orthodox Christianity. It is rare but movement finally overtaken Christian sometimes I find one. Maybe an Orthodox culture in our land? Study Bible in the Bible section. Educated A recent book by a sociologist with a people, people who read and like books, are specialty in matters of religion, Rodney buying these books, or these major Stark, a professor at Baylor University in bookstores would not have them for sale. Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 164

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 164 Stark challenges the thesis that never good when Caesar is seen as the pro- educated people will embrace a secularizing tector and the Gospel is seen as not capable agenda. But, with education spreading fur- of standing on its own merit. Stark says that ther than ever through modern technology monopoly destroys competition, and com- and affluence, why has interest in matters petition causes growth and interest.7 religious not faded? Stark notes that during Europe is another story. Churches are the Dark Ages, as we call them, in Europe empty, especially in Western Europe where the religious dominance of the day stifled people have rejected a staid and lifeless the mind and prevented enlightenment. Christianity often overtaken with mere However, we must understand that 90% of cultural identity. Christian life has been the population lived in rural areas and replaced not with a triumph of secularism churches were to be found mostly in towns but with a growing Islamic presence that is and urban centers. Quoting Stark: “There- quite demanding of its followers and a rise in fore hardly anyone could have attended a return to some expression of “super-natural church. Moreover, even after most Europe- belief.” Here are some current statistics: ans had access to a church, whether Catholic In Austria 28% now believe in fortune or Protestant, most people still didn’t attend, tellers; 32% believe in astrology; and 33% and when forced to do so, they often 5 in lucky charms. 20% of Swedes believe in misbehaved.” reincarnation and half the population of We Orthodox are not part of the picture Iceland have embraced a return to a belief painted here, but we can still see that the in “Huldufolk” or hidden people like elves poor and less educated are not by definition and trolls.8 more pious. Stark goes on to show that In a recent trip to Scotland I was a- today in many parts of the world it is the mazed at the rise of New Age religious ex- more educated who choose to lead a pression and the abandonment of churches religious life. This is certainly true in the and Christianity. United States, where college-educated If Martin Marty was right that, with the Americans are more likely to attend collapse of the communist yoke and the religious services than their counterparts number of seekers in Western Society rising, with only a high-school diploma. It should this is going to be the Orthodox Christian be noted that in majority Muslim countries Century, where are we, 16 years in? I am not the attendance at the mosque is highest sure we are off to a good start. among those with a college education. In this context it also noteworthy that it is the What do we have to learn? I want to well-educated who find Western culture share something from my time this past most offensive. August in Poland where I was chaplain to Syndesmos. Young Orthodox Christians What else do we have to learn from the from 16 countries were participants. Over shifts and changes of our day? In the and over I heard from them that what they Christian World much is being written about want and need are stronger apologetics for the so-called “Global South.” The scholar, the Orthodox faith. Especially those living Philip Jenkins, has been tracking this in Western Europe said that they were growth of Christianity in the Southern Hem- defenseless when their friends called them isphere for many years.6 The Gallop World haters and backwards when they expressed Poll has been doing annual research since traditional Orthodox beliefs. They were not 2005, and we see that the once dominant asking for the Orthodox Churches to “get Catholicism of Latin America is being modern.” They were asking for ways to overtaken by Pentecostal forms of Protes- better understand their own faith tradition tant Christianity. Dr. Stark argues that state and to articulate that faith, in love and sponsorship of religion is today a hindrance charity, to others. to the growth of the faith community. It is Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 165

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 165 Do I have all the right answers? No. presbyter Alexander Schmemann, was once Our Orthodox ecclesiology, when it asked what the Orthodox Church needed to functions correctly, does provide us with the experience a revival. He responded that we forum to find our way in a very complex need “nothing.” We simply need to begin to 21st Century. God willing we have a small exercise the charisms, gifts, that we already start today. But, please, let’s not get caught possess. If this is true, then let us begin in up in second-guessing the Savior. Let’s earnest. Our time is now. remember the words from St. Paul to the Church in Colossae that point us to Jesus as The Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield the “fullness” and to learn from the wisdom St. Vladimir Seminary, of the early Church that gives us our Yonkers, NY foundation to engage the world in our own time & place. Our well-known seminary dean, Proto-

Notes Street Journal, January 4, 20165 Stark, p. 416 Jenkins, Philip, The Next Christendom: The Coming Global 1 Hauerwas, Stanley & Willimon, William H., Resident Christianity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, Aliens: A Provocative Christian Assessment of Culture 20117 Stark, p. 578 Stark, p. 45 & 6-7 and Ministry for People Who Know That Something is 5 Stark, p. 41 Wrong, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN. 1989 6 Jenkins, Philip, The Next Christendom: The Coming 2 Ibid. pp. 93-94 Global Christianity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 3 Stark, Rodney, The Triumph of Faith, ISI Books, UK, 2011 Wilmington, DE, 2015, p. 193 7 Stark, p. 57 4 Riley, Naomi Schaefer, “The God Profusion”, The Wall 8 Stark, p. 45 & 6-7 Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 166

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 166 Christian Paideia as Culture-Building in Patristic Antiquity and in Contemporary Society Presentation at the 9th Symposium of Orthodox Spirituality, Fordham University, New York City, NY April 16, 2016

I. Late Antiquity and the Patristic Mind. by submitting them to the same educational There were very fixed methods of process of enculturation they had received, schooling in late Antiquity. The precise along with the duty to sustain it. methods of education (or Paideia) were so The Christian Fathers from the late well established that they not only third century onwards deliberately “re- amounted to an historical civilization which fitted” this model to more precise we now call the classical era, but also evangelical ends. They clearly valued instituted a system of education in schools Greek Paideia immensely, but wished to that endured well through the Middle Ages make changes in the ideal form of civilized and even into the dawn of the 20th century values it often represented. Some examples in Europe. The link between educational of this can be briefly mentioned: systems and a sense of larger civilization Origen of Alexandria describes philoso- and concomitant values is the key point I phy as a handmaiden to theology–his curric- wish to reflect on this morning. The ulum has been shown to us from the letter of ancients had established a pattern of his student St. Gregory Thamatourgos. He civilized values based around the classical saw education as an ascentive and coherent system of approaching science, law, politics movement from grammar, to literary analy- and literature through the resolving lens of sis, to mathematics, astronomy, philosophy rhetorical study: a concept that translates as and finally theology. “public discourse” today. St. Gregory Nazianzen in the mid The ancient methods of schooling were fourth century railed against the Emperor predominantly based on textual transmis- Julian the Apostate’s edict De sion - a “great books course” we might call Professoribus, in which the emperor, trying it, along with a rehearsal of interpretive and to revitalize the pagan cult, demanded that recitative techniques. The interpretation if Christian intellectuals did not believe in skills allowed a class of teachers to emerge the gods about which Homer spoke, they who would advocate a set of core textual ought not to be allowed to teach the narratives (such as Homer, and the Poetic material in schools. It was an attempt to ban and Philosophical canons) that summed up all Christians from the intellectual the civilization that was admired in an professions. Gregory saw at once that it was idealized and summary form; and the an illegitimate move to bar Christians from recitative responses inculcated prepared the redefining society's civilized values. His same intellectual class for political and response was to comment: “How foolish social leadership roles. These people of the (alogos) it was of the man to think he could educated class were largely the same deprive us of our Logos.” (Contra wealthy agents that constituted the body of Julianum). The pun works here because political leaders that continued to support Logos is not only the word for rationality, the values in which they had been formed, but also covers the system of teaching and and in which they formed their successors writing as well as being the personal title of Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 167

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 167 the Eternal Son of God. Gregory all his life extent that it is now a doctrine without a loved to read his Homer. It was the one philosophical foundation. But that is a story book of his library he would never lend out for another day. to his friends. Just to make sure Julian's The Fathers, in short, created a culture decree would have no effect if it was with which they launched the Gospel into sustained (it wasn't in the end), St. Gregory their world. They would have strongly stood rewrote the rules for good writing in against that part of Protestant religious sen- schools using the biblical books as digests sibility (seen in Barth for example among and sample-examples for the schoolroom. others) which sees human culture as some- Ever afterwards his own writings, his thing detached from evangelical mission. poems and theological orations became The Fathers embedded their kerygma in the standard material for literary analysis in the refinement of their Hellenistic culture and Byzantine world. His manuscripts were made something new: Christian Hellenism. copied just a little less than the Bible, and While the early Fathers did this at a high his works became the skeleton of the educational level among the literati, other Medieval Greek curriculum. generations of monks and bishops and theo- Other examples from the same time logians have also continued that tradition can be readily found: as for example, the across every diocese and parish, at a more two Apollinarii, father and son, who also set common level – and this time addressed to out to rewrite the biblical texts in better all the faithful, in the form of setting new Greek for schoolrooms. Or St. Jerome who terms of heroic examples. I mean by this, was commissioned by Pope Damasus to how the Christians from early days encultu- revise the Itala Latin Bible and thoroughly rated into a world that venerated great recompose it in good Latin as the Vulgate. warrior heroes (such as Ajax or Heracles We owe the very preservation of pagan and Achilles), new models of story-telling literary and scientific and philosophical that lifted up new heroes who were humble, culture to the Christian monks, who so and merciful, and prayerful, and humorous carefully preserved and copied them – something the ancient greats could never through long ages. Consider also the manner be because their pride forbade it. The in which Byzantine monks of the Studium Christian educationalists in short created the monastery in 9th century Constantinople genre of hagiography (lives and legends of invented joined-up writing to be able to the saints of Christ) to offer inspiring mo- transmit ancient and contemporary texts dels which could then be read and preached, more quickly. Such examples accumulate to and which (certainly in the form of the an immense investment in people-power Evergetinos, for example) came eventually and money-resources that the church, over to form the substrate of popular culture past centuries to the present, has placed in across the entire Christian East, alongside educational enterprises; manifesting and the more formal curricula of the schools. working out its inherent love of culture – Such examples were in St. Basil’s mind actually creating a very large part of the when he argues in his “Guide to the civilized intellectual culture of the present Education of the Young” that the Church western world that now sometimes must take that attitude to civilization and the scornfully looks down on the Church as a culture of the times, such as that adopted by dead weight in cultural development – but is the Israelites leaving Egypt, who were told often ignorant of its own past and its to "despoil their oppressors." This Old immense debt to the Christian tradition for Testament narrative resonated with the early basic elements of its secular grundschrift – church, of course, because the secular such as the doctrine of human rights for imperial society had heavily penalized them example; which secular society took from in the previous centuries – but symbolically the Church and deracinated to such an the Byzantines decided they would be like Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 168

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 168 the Israelites who stole the Egyptians’ gold difficulties of learning and “advancing in as they fled into the desert – in the sense of age and wisdom.” And we live in a society taking Hellenistic culture and picking out and an age which has little understanding of for themselves what they wanted from it. asceticism: sees it only as a pathology or a This is the key. The selective analysis of challenge to happiness: never as a life- contemporary culture. St. Gregory the giving and fundamentally humanizing force theologian called it “plucking the roses but of clarity and illumination of mind and soul. clipping the thorns.” They did not want all Which leads me to the point of the real of it: they wanted the best bits – maybe the crisis of culture in our modern era – which portable bits considering they were off into is that our contemporary civilization has the desert. come very close to losing all facility with Now let us move to Part Two of the the semantics of the tradition of faith (– not talk. Because we have never really left the just the traditions of asceticism and how state of being on a desert pilgrimage in so ascesis can be a joyful manner of returning far as we are Church. And today, still in a to humanity, a royal road to a simpler and desert of sorts, perhaps an even more happier lifestyle, less consumerist, more challenging one than the Sinai wilderness, healthy and fundamentally more joyful) – we urgently need to check our luggage once but has actually lost even more base-foun- more to see what we can adjust about the dational language for articulating humani- relation of ecclesial and cultural items we ty’s place in the cosmos. Religion has lost its want to carry onwards on our backs. hold on the modern intellectual mindset. Once, in ancient times, we Christians shared II. What this Suggests to me in the a great religious framework with both Jews Modern era. and Pagans. Now the very foundations of By modern era I mean “real modern religious language have become incompre- era,” that is the post post-modern era. I labor hensible to immense sections of society. that sentence because it is time to say a large Vast numbers of people have never heard “No”: a new Orthodox “OHI day,” to all that the Jesus story. I shall tell you a true story, relativism of spirit that postmodernism has though you may not believe it: A priest brought into intellectual culture in our friend told me how he stood in a line in a lifetime, and which was seized upon by the cheap jeweler's store in London in 1975. He many tendencies in the arts and popular wanted his watch strap replaced. In front of culture to justify a rather hopeless, direc- him were two young people, boy and girl, tionless hedonism, as an allegedly smart with an equally young man serving behind response to humanity's sense of a loss of the glass counter. The young man was direction. If all human sense of direction – buying his girlfriend a gold necklace. “We telos as the Fathers would call it following would like a gold necklace of a cross Aristotle and the Gospel – is humanly creat- please,” he said. “Certainly, sir,” said the ed, then any projected end or meaning is as assistant. “Would you like a plain one or one good as any other. This is the great lie of with a little man on?” This was in no way post-modernity that has seeped into popular meant as a joke. This young Londoner had culture and reasserted its ever present no concept of what that once universal tendency to fight off all forms of asceticism. symbol meant. But asceticism is critical for all forms of You see, even our Christian children education. Imagine the human learning have heard more about Superheroes than process without discipline: without disci- Jesus. And would Jesus be attractive any pline in the teacher-student relationship; more when Superheroes can do so much without the discipline of practice and more in the modern myth-making work- repeated endeavor – fighting against the shop. Who wants the wounded healer when grain at many times - to master the the blue and red Superman is a more Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 169

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 169 masculine model of the god among us? So it to human culture, a new set of is that the great mythmaking machine of philosophical, moral, and even quasi- popular media, especially fostered in recent religious parallels are introduced into the decades by an influx of archaic Japanese curriculum almost by sleight of hand; mythologies of the gods, and vaguely- mainly because they have not been called Buddhist philosophies of the superior self, out or recognized, or brought into the light have systemically replaced the Christian of day – for the extensive value system they Gospel of Humble and loving Kenosis in the really are. St. Nicholas of Myra is barred at pre-educational platform of kindergarten the school door. But Santa Claus riding hagiography: a stage of educational devel- Thor’s sky chariot is more than welcome. opment which is crucial. The Cross exalted is banned at Pascha; but When this stage gives way to formal the Saxon Goddess of Spring, Yeostre (that curricular development, and the child leaves is Easter), and her familiar spirit of the Hare the creative play of the kindergarten where is once more a familiar sight. base levels of hero-narrative have been So let me conclude. We are faced, established, and enters into the formal therefore, with two great challenges today if school system, even in those systems of we are to rise up to the level of the great and schooling which do have a religious wise fathers of our past heritage who so dimension in the school charter (hardly a masterfully set out to create a new civilized thing to be taken for granted anywhere in culture and system of education so that America) the child will find that the within three centuries of Jesus’ death they dimension of religious paideia is set aside had turned the world around from a pagan from the real curriculum in a kind of silo. into a Christian imperium. Well where else could it go? Into the First we need to turn our attention at the parishes for some form of Sunday school? serious level of Church reflection: great But here it is often handled by the very well- hierarchs and clergy, and seminary profes- meaning, but perhaps less professionally sors and teachers – and stop worrying about skilled, and there it is often mutated into a how we might refine and transmit the form of advancing doctrinal and liturgical niceties of our traditions – and see instead catechesis – which is certainly useful but is how the ship has left the dock already. The not fulfilling the fundamental role of a issue is how we might rescue some form of paideia that is truly engaged in the whole religious Christian catechesis that is mean- curriculum. The exiling of Religion to the ingful to the growing child – and can be silo is an endemic part of the problem today. communicated easily enough to young par- Its sub-text is that anyone maintaining ents so as to engage their primary participa- religious ideas in a scientifically advanced tion in it. We need to collaborate once more world is akin to advocating a medievalist across multiple levels of the Church to be mindset and needs to be locked out of the more welcoming to the notion of education school grounds: some kind of bizarre cultist. as a life-long process: one that involves That clarion call of America, the “separation openness, welcoming, tolerance, and above of church and state” has been extended so all wisdom and a willingness to listen. far into the educational system that religion Secondly (and here I repeat the term has become a bogey word to raise within collaborate - for we Orthodox are very more or less any school walls today. Less guilty of having spent too much time than two generations back hardly any maintaining our internally variegated silos American would have thought that the instead of collaborating on the pressing doctrine of separation could possibly mean needs of the Church in the modern world) the abolition of religion from the US school we need to get together and join resources system. And yet we see, time after time, that to think out in this day and age how modern having locked out the Christian dimension culture can be healed by the Orthodox Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 170

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 170 Christian religious spirit, and how our have never forgotten, that I heard from a religion can learn new semantic ways of young believer many years ago whom I had communicating with contemporary culture, asked why they had stopped going to especially in the educational domain, church. It was a clarion call to wake up instead of doing what we normally do – when they said: “The priest says a lot of ignoring it, or making the Church out to be things in the church – but it always comes a separated oasis in the larger sea of a hostile across to me that he does not really believe culture. No doubt this is often how it seems what he is saying; just going through the to have become to our Orthodox faithful motions of it.” The young are convinced today. But this sense of being a minority in only from the heart. If the heart is not first a pagan hedonistic culture is nothing new to there in the communicator, the mind will not the Church. It was the quintessential con- be allowed to follow. text of the great Fathers of antiquity and If we were to be convinced, to truly they turned to that culture and made out of it believe, that this issue of how our Church new systems of education, that eventually connects with the education and formation resulted in the Western Christian Civiliza- of young believers in the present world- tion that is presently being eroded by a cultural context, is in a state of real crisis, directionless form of hedonism and a deep- one that demands serious reflection and rooted despair as regards the possibility of significant changes in missionary strategy meaning in a human life. We in modern and prioritization of ecclesial resources, America especially, with its so many re- then we might be more motivated to rise up sources, cannot allow Orthodoxy to self- and address it with some urgency; but to do identify as a world-fleeing movement; an that well, we really need each other's archaism that shrinks from contemporanei- resources; and that, in turn , should signal to ty, and likes to dress itself in medieval garb us that the end of living in small-horizoned in its head as well as in its liturgical rites. We Orthodox silos is long overdue, and that have to step up once more to the great efforts going into sustaining it are challenge: the moral and philosophical counterproductive to the real mission of the challenge lying behind the crisis of Orthodox Church in the present age. dwindling attendance at our church litur- gies, our loss of the young. That loss is often Fr. John A. McGuckin explained in the oft repeated statement of Union Theological Seminary and the young, whenever we give them a chance Columbia University, to speak: “I cannot see the relevance of it. I New York City, NY cannot understand the language that is used there.” Or let me end with one other thing I Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 171

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Youth Ministry: Connecting Learning with Living the Kingdom Presentation at the 9th Symposium of Orthodox Spirituality, Fordham University, New York City, NY April 16, 2016

his paper will briefly look at what and the heart that are so essential to we are trying to accomplish in youth participating with God in youth formation. T ministry, especially as we make the Let me dive into spiritual formation of connection between what youth learn in the our youth by stating that good youth work classroom and how they live out their lives makes the connection between what the as members of the Kingdom of God here student learns in the classroom and how and now on earth. We will look at youth they live out their daily life. For the purpose ministry in terms of Spiritual formation and of this paper, Youth Ministry often takes development of identity in our youth as place outside of the classroom, while not Children of God. In doing so, we will reflect dismissing the classroom, but rather taking upon the Holy Scriptures and the Divine what has already been taught and learned by Services of the Church, examine the our Christian Education Teachers, and wisdom of the Fathers, and just as helping the young person incorporate that importantly, reach into layers of experience information into their daily life in words and and practical expression to generate deeds. Our young people are inundated with dialogue of what spiritual formation looks information – some of it very good and like in the classroom and beyond. some of it not beneficial for their formation Today, the Church needs well-trained and salvation. Every person with whom our and well-equipped youth workers for the young people come in contact, the bishop, long term. Too often we see youth ministry the priest, the deacon, the youth worker, the as a stepping stone to “real ministry” as a church school teacher, the parent, relatives, time in waiting for ordination or a secular and everyone else in the community, have job. We must be serious about raising up the task of helping youth form their identity. and forming young people by training The real question for the Church, youth workers that commit their life to parents, and those involved in youth youth ministry. America needs educators ministry, is who is teaching and forming the and youth workers who know the faith, identity of our young people? Who will know Orthodox theology, have diverse have the hearts and minds of our youth – the talents, range in age, and are models of world or the Church? Will they be children committed servants of Christ from each of this world or children of the Light?1 Will stage of life. In addition, it is with years of they be members of the Body of Christ2 experience working with young people that living in this world or merely members of we as clergy and youth workers begin to this world lost to the Kingdom of God?3 The fully understand the immense task before world is continuously teaching our children us. With many years of ministering with through the schools and through media in its and to young people in Christ, clergy and various forms of television, radio, movies, youth workers develop the eyes, the ears, social media, and whatever new forms of Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 172

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 172 media will arrive later today. As the Body of permanent place now in the story of Christ, we are called to pass the faith down salvation as citizens of the Kingdom of to our peers and to the next generation. God. Without this “Maranatha” – this What are we as the Church doing to excel desire for “Lord Come,” there is no beyond what the world is doing in teaching “Memory Eternal.”6 We can say that Youth our youth? Some think this is a lost cause, Ministry is about guiding and helping our while others think we can form young youth so that their names may be written in people with just forty-five minutes in the the Book of Life.7 It is in this reality that classroom each week. The reality is that the Christians can bring hope and life to our world is consuming our young people while American Communities. some sit back and debate if our Church Youth Ministry is where theology for school curriculum needs updating, should young people begins to come alive. It is we use this social media or the like for our where the theory of the classroom is opened youth group, should we hire a youth director before their eyes and their hearts and they or get by on volunteers. Yes, while all of that see God in each person and in each moment is very much needed, we must do so much of their life. Youth Ministry is about more. The Church should not be afraid, nor opening the hearts and minds of young stand by idly with the advances in people to constant prayer and a constant communications. The apostles and the desire to belong – to belong as citizens of fathers of the Church were well trained and the Kingdom. Youth Ministry is where successful in communicating to the crowds partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ and society of their time.4 As we served at opens the noetic heart and mind to see that the Holy Altar together, Father Alexander Christ Himself dwells within each of us. It Schmemann would often say, “Maranatha – opens the way for young people to Lord Come.”5 In many ways these words understand “that God desires mercy and not form my image of Youth Ministry or what burnt offering.”8 It opens the heart and stands at the heart of forming young people mind to see that real love for one another as children of God in His (God’s) image and and for God is far more powerful than all of likeness. the kingdoms of this world. That true riches Youth Ministry is about developing in lie in relationship with God and His people our youth the yearning for the very and not in possessions which become presence of the Lord – the yearning for the obsolete in a short time and rot and decay. It full establishment of the Kingdom of is understanding and living our Lord’s Heaven here and now – the yearning for the words, “A new Commandment I give to end of the nonsense of this fallen world and you, that you love one another; as I have the restoration of the Kingdom in all places. loved you, that you also love one another. Not in the sense of avoiding the world, but By this all will know that you are my fully engaging the world as a citizen of the disciples, if you have love for one Kingdom. It is the yearning for the another”(John 13:34-35). To convey, teach, fulfillment of the story of salvation and the and inspire this message of hope and love, end of our wandering in the desert of this we need well trained, educated, inspired world. It is not a hopelessness and a desire youth workers who are actively working on to end one’s life, but rather a great desire to their own salvation. really live as full human beings with an When I was a young, twenty-three- understanding that all that happens now is year-old priest, a ninety-six-year-old parish- more than just preparation for our place in ioner once told me that life begins at around the Kingdom and the story of salvation. In age seventy, as it takes that long to figure fact, it is an understanding that this life is out what is really important and what really our very working on our own salvation, our matters in life. As a young priest, I won- place in the story, and it is our finding our dered if this was correct. Now, over thirty- Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 173

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 173 seven years later, I am convinced this saintly regard what our Lord warns of this woman was right. We need the elders to be mentality as recorded in Luke 12:16-20. present in the lives of our youth and we need The Church needs just the opposite. She youth workers of all ages in order to present needs the Elder, (men and women) who to our youth, people at various stages of love Christ, who love His Church, who love their journey in life. Many elders have the people of the community, to continue ministered in forming young people and working and standing as witness of the guiding youth to Christ and their knowledge presence of God in the community. This is and experience can help lead our efforts to something only the Elder can do, as the mentor new youth workers. Our elders of Elder is now free in personhood and in the Church, who have really begun to live understanding of their ultimate journey, and life in full contemplation of the Kingdom of has a fuller understanding of the necessity God, are essential models to our youth and to “lay aside every care of life” that stands young adults. St. Basil speaks to us about in their way to the Kingdom.10 Many of our forming young people and the importance young people have been separated from the of our extended families. St. Basil Elders and hence miss out on this vital gift recognizes the time of childhood and youth given by God for the formation of young as the time for change and learning saying, people. Saint Theophan the Recluse writes, What clearer proof of our faith could But suppose someone has turned there be than that we were brought up toward God, suppose he has come to by our grandmother, a blessed woman, love His law. Is the very going toward who came from among you? I have God, the very walking on the path of reference to the illustrious Macrina, by Christ’s law, already necessary and will whom we were taught the words of the it be successful merely because we most blessed Gregory, which, having desire it to be? No. Besides the desire, been preserved until her time by one must also have the strength and uninterrupted tradition, she also knowledge to act; one must have active guarded, and she formed and molded wisdom…It is necessary for someone me, still a child, to the doctrines of who already has the desire to walk on piety. But, after we received the power the indicated path to the Lord to be of understanding, and reason had been shown (by someone who has already perfected in us through age, having journeyed that way) in addition all the traversed much of the earth and sea, deviations that are possible on this whenever we found any who were path, so that the traveler may be walking according to the traditional warned in advance about this, may see rule of piety, we claimed them as our the dangers that are to be encountered, fathers and made them the guides of our and may know how to avoid them.11 9 soul on the journey to God. Our methods of teaching need to Just like in Saint Basil’s time, our youth become cutting edge and at the same time need to be placed in front of those that walk bring with them the wisdom of the Elders of in piety and righteousness, so that they too the Church. We need to do better than the will know what Godly people look like and world in this regard, because we have so how they act, so that they may do the same. much more to offer and the stakes are a In many ways American Society has matter of spiritual life and death. The Good lost the role of the Elder. The tradition of News of God is an exciting and respect for our Elder, of the one who has continuously relevant message and way of lived life and has the wisdom of life life that cries out to be shared and lived by experience, has been lost as though their all, precisely because it is life-giving and days of giving are over. We know in this filled with great joy. To some the Church Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 174

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 174 appears to be a century or so behind the and teens leave these young people ill- world in capturing the imagination and eyes prepared to make responsible and educated and hearts of our young people. Yet at the choices. In addition, they are confronted same time, the Good News of Christ is with these choices without the extended needed more than any other time family surrounding them and with parents throughout all of human history. The who are absent or often ill-equipped to message of Christ needs to be made alive understand the conflicting issues. Ideally, today, as the Church has the most to offer children ought to be protected from such young people, so that they may live and issues until they are old enough to deal with have great joy and purpose in life. them maturely. The reality of our time, To truly care about the salvation of our however, is that our society is so permeated youth, and really seek to form them as with immoral and unethical behaviors that children of God – as disciples and leaders of we as the Church, and as parents, must act the Church, we must take seriously that we to equip our children to respond in a are raising up a generation of disciples and meaningful and responsible way to all of leaders for Christ and His Holy Orthodox these issues.12 In many ways, these Church. There is no greater task than challenges are forming the identity of our raising up a generation of young people to young people. Perhaps we need to be more serve and love God. No greater task exists mindful of the words of our Lord, that in this world for educators and parents, and “Whoever receives one such child in my no greater reward awaits each of us in this name receives me; but whoever causes one world than to know that we have passed the of these little ones who believe in me to sin, faith down to the next generation intact and it would be better for him to have a great even greater and more alive than what we millstone fastened round his neck and to be received. drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew In 1999, I wrote the following in my 18:5-7). doctoral project concerning youth, The biblical texts of Paul’s letter to Timothy and of Jeremiah’s first chapter Young people today are confronted stand out as reminders to us of the with moral and ethical choices at a significant impact and place that young younger age than in past decades. people can and do have in the life of the They are tempted to partake of illicit Church. They also stand as examples of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. They are what we must teach and equip our young confronted with choices of whether or people to likewise do. St. Paul says, not to participate in pre-marital sexual relations – heterosexual or Command and teach these things. Let homosexual, whether or not to view no one despise your youth, but set the pornography in secret or on their believers an example in speech and family television or over the Internet conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Till connection from their own bedroom, I come, attend to the public reading of [and today I would add the IPad or scripture, to preaching, to teaching. Do personal phone]. not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophetic utterance More often than not through these when the council of elders laid their influences and choices, the youth are hands upon you. Practice these duties, encouraged to reject and abandon their faith devote yourself to them, so that all may in God. These are among the many choices see your progress. Take heed to confronting young people today. Often they yourself and to your teaching; hold to are encountering these issues as early as that, for by so doing you will save both their pre-teen years. The numerous moral yourself and your hearers (1 Timothy and ethical choices confronting pre-teens 4:11-16). Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 175

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 175 A similar reference is made of Jeremiah know that youth ministry was about life and saying, “But the LORD said to me, ‘Do not death. The late night talks in the hotel lobby say, “I am only a youth”; for to all to whom with groups of teens quickly led from small I send you, you shall go, and whatever I talk to the deep issues in life facing our command you, you shall speak. Be not young people. The questions our youth afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver asked were often about physical life and you, says the LORD’” (Jeremiah 1:7-8). death matters, but more important they Youth Ministry is helping young people were ultimately about spiritual life and understand where they fit into the story of death. I have often said that I fear not salvation and just how important their part is physical death – but I greatly fear spiritual in the story. It is helping young people know death. Physical death comes with the hope that they belong to the story of salvation and of passage from this world to the Kingdom most importantly they are members of the of Heaven, but spiritual death leads to Kingdom of God, members and partakers as darkness and oblivion. children of the Light.13 They are seeking to From my early days at St. Vladimir’s be clothed with the garment of light given in Seminary, I remember the gentle, insightful the formation of Adam by God in paradise woman, Sophie Koulomzin, as she wrote and tragically lost by Adam and Eve.14 As her book Our Church and our Children. Saint Gregory Palamas reminds us, what we Koulomzin reminds us that teaching youth lost in the garden is shown again in the is so much more than simply conveying Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor information, or simply filling time with and in Christ’s Resurrection as a promise to them. Koulomzin reminds us that, “As our come for each of us who seek and choose to children reach adolescence, they have to truly be Children of God, as children of the come to terms with the concept of the Light.15 Therefore, our young people must Church as the Body, the incarnation of God know the story of salvation, both in and out in our life: (They need to ask the questions) of the classroom. They must come to know What is the Church? What is my place in it? what was lost in paradise and what has been What does it mean for us? What is its place gained in the Resurrection and that they in the world?”16 In short, youth work, belong to that story and must be equipped to teaching our children, is much more than participate in that story in a positive, life- keeping our youth busy and out of trouble, giving, Christ centered way, in everyday it is about helping young people form their life, in each situation, and in each person identity. they encounter. In a document being prepared on To know the story of salvation means Spiritual Formation of Youth for the we must also be good theologians – as good Antiochian Archdiocese, our committee theology leads to good youth ministry. struggled with the question of what does Youth Ministry without a solid foundation working with young people look like in in right theology will set our youth adrift terms of forming the youth of the Orthodox and ultimately lead to spiritual death. Youth Church. Ministry is about the eschaton – it is In general terms, our job as youth eschatological – it is about salvation. workers within the Orthodox Church is Orthodox Youth Ministry is not accidental. to foster spiritual formation, or growth It is a deliberate effort to transform lives in spiritual maturity, among our young and save souls. people. In some circles, this process is As a young youth worker over thirty- referred to as “discipleship,” which is five years ago, I was told my job was “to an accurate and Biblical description of keep the kids busy and out of trouble.” I the process of spiritual growth. From quickly came to understand that youth our perspective as we consider both the ministry was so much more. I came to Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 176

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 176 wonderful potential that our young Listen to that beauty. What then is people have in Christ, and the spiritual beauty of soul? Temperance, mildness, dangers that confront them, we are almsgiving, love, brotherly kindness, interested in producing the next tender affection, obedience to God, the generation of disciples... And of course, fulfillment of the law, righteousness, what we don’t want to do is to create contrition of heart. These things are the disciples of ourselves; rather, we want beauty of the soul. These things then true disciples of Jesus Christ, or in are not the results of nature, but of other words, spiritually mature men moral disposition. And he who does not and women. possess these things is able to receive This document later goes on to discuss, them, and he who has them, if he as part of the formation of our young becomes careless, loses them. people, we are helping them form their For as in the case of the body I was identity: saying that she who is ungraceful A major part of having an identity is cannot become graceful; so in the case having a narrative. To a large degree, of the soul I say the contrary that the we think of who we are in terms of the graceless soul can become full of narrative of our lives. Our lives are grace… You cannot alter grace of body, stories, and we are shaped by those for it is the result not of moral stories, but we also try to shape the disposition, but of nature. But grace of stories, and to a certain degree, we may soul is supplied out of our own moral succeed. We have a natural tendency to choice.19 try to make sense of life by under- Formation of our youth, as Saint John standing it as a narrative. This is clearly Chrysostom reflects, is about choosing to something recognized by the Church; be formed as a beautiful person from narrative characterizes the Holy within. The gifts of the Spirit are essential Scriptures in general, and we might in forming the identity of Children of God. think in particular of the parables used Our task is no less than to help form by Christ. Narrative is present in every children who are beautiful in their identity aspect of Church tradition, from Saints’ and personhood before God and His people. lives and Church history to Ultimately, the Church in America hymnography and iconography. There- needs to gather her Bishops, Priests, and fore, a major factor in helping teens to Lay Leaders on the Archdiocesan and discover their identity in Christ, is Diocesan levels, and the Parents, Educators, helping them to see themselves as part Youth Workers, and Young People to dive of the Church’s narrative, and to see into the depths of Orthodoxy and articulate Christ and His Body at work in their 17 anew—based on the Scriptures, the Fathers personal narratives. of the Church, the Divine Services, the In forming the identity of our young Holy Fathers and Mothers throughout people we would do well to remember the history as well as this present day—a fruits of the Holy Spirit, “But the fruit of the deliberate path forward in genuinely Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, developing a current, effective, Orthodox kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, approach to Youth Formation, that will self-control.”18 Saint John Chrysostom address the unique needs and circumstances similarly reflects on the spiritual person, as of Orthodoxy in America. This dialogue he speaks on inner beauty. and direction should generate educated youth workers and present concrete Let us turn I say to the soul. Look upon material on how to deeply and broadly form that beauty, or rather listen to it: for the identity of our young people as Children thou cannot see it since it is invisible - Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 177

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 177 of the Light working on their salvation here really is—the Body of Christ—and a great in North America in the twenty-first beacon of light and hope to this very century. If we do this, and if we are troubled world. successful, then we will be raising up strong and fervent disciples and leaders for the V. Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Purpura Holy Orthodox Church and for this great Chairman of the Antiochian nation. Filling the Church with Children of Archdiocese's Department of Youth and the Light who sing in their hearts and minds Parish Ministries “Lord Come” will show the Church as She

Notes Advice on Raising Children (Mount Herman, California: Conciliar Press, 1989), 7-8. 1 Eph 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:5-11 12 Joseph F. Purpura, “Moral and Ethical Issues: 2 Colossians 1:18 Confronting Orthodox Christian Teens Across North 3 Matt. 6:10, 19:24 America” (D.Min. doctoral project, Pittsburgh 4 Acts 2:41 Theological Seminary, 1999) 1. 13 5 Cf. 1 Cor. 16:22. Father Alexander Schmemann was Eph 5:8, John 8:12, Matt 5:14, John 3:19-21, 1 dean of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary during my five and a Thessalonians 5:5-11. half years at the school September 1973 - December 14 Gen 3:8-24 The nakedness of Adam is that he lost the 1978. Clothing of Light given when God breathed life into 6 Memory Eternal is a short hymn said and sung at the him. After disobeying God and losing the clothing of Orthodox Christian funeral and memorial services for the Light God then clothed Adam and Eve with skin dead. Asking God to remember the person who has according to Genesis (Orthodox Study Bible). died, is asking God to keep the person alive in His mind 15 Gregory Palamas, “Homily Thirty-Five Delivered on and hence alive in reality. If we are remembered by the the Feast of the Transfiguration,” ed. and trans. Lord we are alive with Him in the Kingdom, just as Christopher Veniamin in St Gregory Palamas: The Christ promised the thief on the cross. “Then he (the Homilies (Dalton, PA: Mount Thabor Publishing, 2014), thief on the cross next to Christ) said to Jesus, “Lord, 275-276; Matt. 17:1-2; Matt. 28:1-7. remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And 16 Sophie Koulomzin, Our Church and Our Children Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1975), will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:42). 102. 7 Psalm 69:28, Revelation 3:5, Rev. 21:27, Luke 10:20. 17 “Working Document of Spiritual Formation,” 8 Hosea 6:6; Matthew 9:13. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Department 9 Basil, “Letter CCIV,” Nicene and Post- Nicene Fathers of Youth Ministry, Daniel Bethancourt, 2016. of the Christian Church, Second Series, Vol. VIII (Grand 18 Gal. 5:22 Rapids, MI: WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 19 John Chrysostom, “Homily II: Eutropius having been 1975), 245. found outside the Church had been taken Captive,” 10 From the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom from Nicene and Post- Nicene Fathers of the Christian the priestly prayers as the priest prepares for the Great Church, Vol. IV (Grand Rapids, MI: WM. B. Eerdmans Entrance with the diskos and chalice. Publishing Company, 1975), 264. 11 Theophan the Recluse, Raising Them Right: A Saint’s Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 178

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 178 Reclaiming Formation for Religious Education and Youth Ministry Presentation at the 9th Symposium of Orthodox Spirituality, Fordham University, New York City, NY April 16, 2016

s we think about youth ministry and than 70% of the population not fitting the youth religious education, there are parish model). Because of technology, a A three issues that I believe are im- community can be built independent of portant for our conversation. I believe these geography. The internet may have led to us have made it far more difficult to hand being the most connected people in history forward the Orthodox Christian Faith and but it also may have led us to being the most Way of Life (as I call them) to this next disconnected from one another. generation. First, the issue of loss of connec- As a powerful example of the fraying tion between young people with the “flesh connections among people, and thus nega- and blood” community of faith. Second, that tively affecting parish life, Sherry Turkle in education and youth ministry has largely Reclaiming Conversation talks about how been reduced to a ministry of entertainment. so many people today “would rather text Third, the continuing narrowing of Ortho- than talk,” leading to conversation being dox Christian self-understanding and ex- endangered. She writes, “Most endangered: pression into forms of monastic piety. the kind (of conversation) in which you Perhaps in a mode of wishful thinking, I listen intently to another person and expect would like to suggest a reclamation of for- that he or she is listening to you; where a mation in youth ministry and education as a discussion can go off on a tangent and circle possible long term remedy. back; where something unexpected can be discovered about a person or an idea. And Fraying Connections there are other losses: In person, we have Professor Nancy Ammerman often access to the messages carried in the face, speaks of the “fraying connections” be- the voice, and the body. Online, we settle for tween people and communities. She points simpler fare: We get our efficiency and our to a number of factors, including economic chance to edit, but we learn to ask questions and social. For example, around 50% of that a return email can answer.” (Reclaiming people under 35 years of age will move in Conversation, 2015, p. 22-3) five years across county lines; 42% of 30- somethings have been in a job two years or Individualism less. Following the work of Jeffrey Arnett Christian Smith in his landmark work on emerging adulthood, she notes that it Soul Searching (2009) has argued quite takes longer to become an adult today than persuasively that American teenagers have it did a generation ago, specifically marriage accepted the basic principle of and beginning a family, when someone is individualism. This too has led to the frayed most likely to return to parish life. She connections among people. Smith writes, points to how parishes orient their programs “…Each individual is uniquely distinct around families with children at home, a from all others and deserves a faith that fits demographic that is only around 21% of the his or her singular self; that individuals American population today (leaving more must freely choose their own religion; that Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 179

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 179 the individual is the authority over religion not uncommon to hear of family’s splitting and not vice versa; that religion need not be their Sundays between two Christian practiced in and by a community; that no communities. This week we are Orthodox; person may exercise judgments about or next week we are Catholic. I spoke at a attempt to change the faith of other people; parish with a high number of intermarried and that religious beliefs are ultimately members on our second Sunday of Lent, interchangeable insofar as what matters is “Western Easter.” Everyone noticed that not the integrity of a belief system but the attendance was down. In fact one of the comfortability of the individual holding Readers came to me to apologize for leaving specific religious beliefs.” (p. 147) before Liturgy began because he had to go We can see the fraying in our parishes to another Christian community for Easter and in our religious education programs. services with the “other side” of his family. While I cannot quantify it, the single big- In effect, within Orthodox Christianity, gest challenge in parish religious education we have ecumenical families, practicing programs is the intermittent attendance of ecumenical Christians, probably participat- students. As I often hear, a class might have ing in the sacraments of the other ten or twelve students enrolled, but after the communion. Quite possibly, they are find- first or second week, only three or four ing these other communities more engaging students attend, and it’s seldom the same and inspiring. three or four students. Parish involvement Finally, when there is a free Sunday has become an optional activity for many morning for a family, it has become the Orthodox Christians. According to time to just stay at home, sleep in, or go out Krindatch, 60% of Orthodox respondents to breakfast. Church attendance is an stated that one can be a good Orthodox optional activity. Christian without going to church every Sunday. (Orthodox Church Today, 2008). Education as Entertainment The Pew Forum studies indicate that In this challenging intermittent environ- “regular” church attendance now means ment, each education session must stand once a month. alone as an independent session, with no Again, there is nothing systematic in connection to what happened previously or my study of this, but what are the likely will happen subsequently. This is hardly causes? First, for parish life, sports on good educational practice. As a result, Sunday. Sunday morning was once a privi- educational time has become entertainment leged space of the Christian church. It is no time for young people. While we’ve always longer. Now a parish must compete with the had “coloring book” Sunday schools, we local sports league for a family’s Sunday can now add “watching video” Sunday morning schedule. Smith’s research would school to the mix. confirm this observation when he writes, “In In an age of information overload, this the ecology of American adolescents’ lives, entertainment approach, rather than the sys- religion clearly operates in a social-structur- tematic study of a topic, to education is ally weak position, competing for time, en- problematic. While one can argue that ergy, and attention and often losing against Sunday school was hardly a good educa- other, more dominant demands and commit- tional model, at least it had consistency of ments, particularly school sports, television, presentation. and other electronic media. (Soul Searching, p. 161) Religion simply occupies a largely Digital Disruption of Education losing structural position when it comes to Digital resources, especially online, most adolescents’ obligations, schedules, that can be used for teaching the faith have routines, and habits. (p. 161) proliferated at a dizzying speed. Because of Second, inter-Christian marriage. It is the ability of anyone to create a blog, or Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 180

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 180 anyone with a digital video camera to networks. They can engage in evangelism present theology, the teacher now is a and social welfare work through numerous curator or a projectionist, cueing up the secular and parachurch organizations latest videos for students. As a result, there devoted to missions and social justice. Such is no need to actually teach and engage in options may be perceived as superior conversation about religious topics. because of their flexibility, allowing for Education has been reduced to information listening, learning, worshipping , and transmission, “banking education,” as service at any time and in any location. Freire named it, and entertainment sessions. Waking up early and dressing for church And since a young person may never need can appear quite unnecessary in such a to say very much about his or her faith (we world.” (Spiritual Formation in Emerging Orthodox tend to be private about these Adulthood, 2013, p. 90). matters), there’s no need for outlets of faith, Narrowing of the Orthodox Tradition other than sacramental participation. As Smith writes, “The new world of The late Antiochian Orthodox educator, knowledge, and perhaps human conscious- John Boojamra, once wrote that the church ness that flows from it, is for better or worse, is liturgy, but it is more than that increasingly visual, decentralized, unclassi- (Foundations of Orthodox Christian Educa- fied, disjointed, unregulated, fragmented, tion, 1989, p. 30). Sadly, John’s observation and unevaluated. Alien to it, therefore, are has been forgotten. Increasingly, it appears many of the continuities and organizing that the Orthodox Tradition is narrowing its principles of historical tradition, canon, au- forms of expression in a retro-Orthodox thority, rules of order, systematic doctrine, revival of past liturgical forms, whether and many other features that have historical- Byzantine, Arabic, or Slavic. All one has to ly defined American religions. Youth social- notice in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese is ized into the new digital order may therefore the revival of Byzantine music and liturgical find the substance of historical religious styles and formalism that are more “old traditions difficult to assimilate.” (Soul world” than new world. From watching Searching, p. 180) “On the other hand, attendance patterns in parishes, it would American youth now have easy access to appear that this revival is appealing to only masses of information about an endless a particular audience and might not be array of religious systems and spiritual appealing very well to assimilated Greek practices that might broaden their religious American Orthodox Christians. Not helping horizons and kindle new spiritual interests.” matters is the increasing monastic piety and (pp. 180-181) the ultra-conservatism/fundamentalism and all that comes with it. As a result, the local As a possible result, even this too has parish and wider Church could be appealing led to a disengagement from the traditional to a smaller segment of the Orthodox sources of education and ministry: the life population. of the Orthodox parish. As Setran and Kiesling have written about the matter In the book Googling God, Mike Hayes (albeit from an Evangelical perspective): names seven categories of young people. Eclipsed, no interest in spiritual or religious “In our ‘downloadable’ world, many matters; Private, little use for outward ask whether or not the local church is really displays of religiosity; Ecumenical, those all that necessary. Emerging adults have with an openness to other Christians; access to Christian teaching on television, Evangelical, those who flock to worship through online sermons, and through Web- services and tend to have an emotional based Bible studies and blogs. They can attraction to the Church, these are often worship along with downloaded praise fundamentalists; Sacramental, those in tune music. They have opportunities for fellow- with the liturgy and sacraments, prayerful ship with friends and through social Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 181

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 181 and enjoy the rituals; Prophetic, active in communities. This could be quite at odds service projects; Communal, those with a with the “Whateverism” of the typical great regard for social ministry groups, faith American teenager and young adult, and sharing and retreats. (Googling God, 2007, quite possibly the growing “liberalism” in pp. 14-23). the next generation. Coupled with Smith’s Hayes argues that the Church needs to observation in the young that the overly minister to all of these types. He suggests religious are to be avoided because of their that to date our ministry to young people has apparent intolerance, this creates the been a one size fits all approach that is no possibility that the Church becomes longer effective. His approach is helpful and irrelevant to the lives of the next generation, suggests that for Orthodox youth ministry making it increasingly likely that they will and education to be successful we should be walk away from the Church, if they haven’t broadening our appeal, not narrowing it. For already left, because they find themselves at example, in Orthodox settings, I would ar- odds with the Church’s position on issues. gue that we too have a group of people who Christian Smith writes, “For most teens, are Sacramentally minded and a group who nobody has to do anything in life, including are Prophetically minded. We also have a anything to do with religion. ‘Whatever’ is culturally minded group, people who partic- just fine, if that’s what a person wants.” ipate in Church life for the connection to (Soul Searching, p. 143) “Most teens their ethnicity. So, we offer plenty of pro- embrace a very strong ethos that forswears grams that engage young people with judging any ideas or people that may be liturgical life, social and charitable service different. When each individual has his or work, and cultural programs. But what her own unique and self-authenticating about those young people who are more experiences and felt needs and desires, it is Ecumenically minded? Can they find a impossible for any other (alien) individual place in an Orthodox parish ministry? And to properly evaluate or judge those chosen in our case, the narrowing becomes more beliefs, commitments, desires, or lifestyle. problematic when we define programs The typical bywords rather are, ‘Who am I based on ethnic roots or jurisdictional to judge?’ ‘If that’s what they choose, family? What is the place for a well-assimi- whatever,’ ‘Each person decides for lated fifth or sixth generation American himself,’ and ‘If it works for them, fine.’” Orthodox teenager, child of a religiously (Soul Searching, p. 144) mixed home, who attends an excellent Reclaiming Formation Roman Catholic high school that already emphasizes service to others, where youth Returning to Nancy Ammerman, she ministry means learning Byzantine chant, suggests that parishes become places of all night vigils, or folk dancing? conversation. She says, “spiritual lives need spiritual communities.” A statement from The challenge with this narrowing is Sherry Turkle’s Reclaiming Conversation that it marginalizes other forms of expres- about family could easily be applied to a sion and self-understanding, from the more church community: “We need family assimilated to the more moderate practition- conversations because of the work they do er of Orthodoxy. As jurisdictional expres- – beginning with what they teach children sions continue their revival, the post- about themselves and how to get along with jurisdictional programs like CrossRoad or other people. To join in conversation is to OCF will become challenging. In effect, imagine another mind, to empathize, and to quite possibly OCF and CrossRoad in the enjoy gesture, humor and irony in the short run are returning young people to a medium of talk. As with language, the church that does not exist in their parish. capacity to learn these human subtleties is Part of the narrowing is the growing innate. But their development depends on social conservatism of Orthodox Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:11 AM Page 182

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 182 the environment in which a child is placed.” Hayes writes, “When the truths of reli- (Reclaiming Conversation, p. 165) gious faith butt up against the ambiguities of To build on this I would describe the life itself, especially life within American spiritual community as a gathering place for culture, young adults need to set critical rea- people with multiple interests, a community soning skills alongside their strong adher- with role models, that strives to excel in its ence to a faith tradition in order to navigate practices of the Christian faith (The work of through that ambiguity and through the dark Dorothy Butler Bass is particularly interest- nights of the soul that we all experience.” ing in this area.). I believe that the ministeri- (Googling God, p 13). al task of the Church is to create a conversa- Dn. Nicholas Denysenko has said that tion space that is open to the critical we can no longer expect people “to blindly exploration and questioning that is needed accept the information we offer, even the for a mature adult faith to emerge, an act of received Tradition of the Church.” In our formation. post-modern, post Christian environment, Elsewhere I have written, “Formation is any information we provide is subject to the hands of a community -- the Church – question and challenge. Thus the need for that touches the life of the person in a conversation, question, challenge, is more lifelong process leading to that person important in the educational ministry than becoming God-like (theosis) or complete ever before, allowing for the individual and becoming a contributor to that construction of knowledge that is occurring community. It occurs through instruction, in the learner, but through the formative interaction, experiences, role models, con- potential of a community that finds the versations and dialogue, and questions and sources of a faith tradition meaningful, life- responses, all of which lead that person to giving, and applicable to practices in our become a well-informed member of that contemporary situation. community. Formation occurs through rit- ual, familial, communal, and societal, Anton C. Vrame, Ph.D. ecclesial, and liturgical activities. Formation Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America happens through relationship: the learner Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology with God, the learner with a community— family, Church, and the world.” (Vrame, OCREA paper, p. 19) Almanac-2017:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/6/17 9:12 AM Page 183

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OUR PATRONS AND SPONSORS Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 174


Business Phone: 204-775-6973 TEE FOUR AUTO & BODY LTD. 999 ERIN ST. (Between Sargent & Ellice) Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2X1 TERRY TED TIM TOM Residence Residence 204-783-9080 204-774-1224 Best wishes in the New Year 2017! To His Eminence Archbishop Nicolae and His Grace Ioan Casian, to Rev. Fr. Victor Malanca and all the clergy and all their families in the Archdiocese, and also to all our friends and relatives. Tom & Elisabeth, Gregory & Tammy, Alexander, Isaac and Christian Holunga Many years, with health, prosperity, peace and our good Lord’s blessings. l

Our prayers unto the Holy Trinity. With the saints give rest, O Christ, our God to the souls of Thy departed servants Archbishop Victorin and Archmandrite Vasile (Vasilachi) and make their memory eternal! Veșnica lor pomenire! From Rev. Fr. Victor Malanca and the Congregation of St. Demetrios Romanian Orthodox Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba. l

Best wishes in the New Year 2017! To His Eminence Archbishop Nicolae and His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian, our good friend and spiritual teachers, Rev. Fr. Victor Malanca and Glenn and Petronella Vanderweyde, and all the clergy and their respective families in the Archdiocese and also to all our friends and relatives. Terry & Brenda Billy, Demetrios and Brandy, Brittany-Christina Lynn, Camryn Justinian, Theodore and Amanda, Gaylene and Ronald, Magdalena and Ian, Christopher, Ashley-Marie. Holunga Family, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Happy New Year 2017! La mulţi ani cu sănătate, prosperitate, pace și fericire! Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 175

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Copiii participanţi la Olimpiada de religie de la biserica “Învierea Domnului”, Sacramento, CA Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 176


Sfinţirea bisericii parohiei Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci din Upland, California 18 septembrie 2016. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 177

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Sfinţirea bisericii parohiei Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci din Upland, California 18 septembrie 2016. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 178


Sfinţirea bisericii parohiei Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci din Upland, California 18 septembrie 2016. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 179

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Botezul micuţei Giuliana, fiica lui Mihai şi Elena Gabor. Naşii: Ciprian şi Mirela Filip, şi Alexandru şi Ana Hatfaludi. Oficiat de IPS Arhiepiscop Nicolae la biserica Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci din Upland, CA, 17 septembrie 2016. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 180


Botezul micuţei Giuliana, fiica lui Mihai şi Elena Gabor. Naşii: Ciprian şi Mirela Filip, şi Alexandru şi Ana Hatfaludi. Oficiat de IPS Arhiepiscop Nicolae la biserica Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci din Upland, CA, 17 septembrie 2016. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 181

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IPS Mitropolit Nicolae alături de preoţii slujitori şi credincioşii Catedralei Sf. Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena din Chicago, IL.

Program de 1 decembrie la Catedrala “Sf. Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena” din Chicago, IL. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 182


Concert de Colinde la Catedrala Sf. Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena din Chicago, IL.

Copii de la Şcoala Duminicală a Catedralei Sf. Împăraţi din Chicago, IL Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 183

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Obiceiuri şi tradiţii de Crăciun şi Anul Nou - Ediţia a IV-a Eveniment organizat de Catedrala “Sf. Împăraţi” din Chicago, IL Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 184


Copii de la Şcoala Duminicală a Catedralei “Sf. Împăraţi” din Chicago, IL

Profesoarele de la Şcoala Duminicală de la Catedrala “Sf. Împăraţi” din Chicago, IL. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 185

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Copii de la Şcoala Duminicală a Catedralei “Sf. Împăraţi” din Chicago, IL Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 186


IPS Nicolae la tabăra de vară “Sf. Filoteia” a Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române din cele două Americi. Faith and Heritage Center, Allegan, MI Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 187

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Tabăra de vară “Sf. Filoteia” a Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române din cele două Americi. Faith and Heritage Center, Allegan, MI Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 188


The parishioners of “St. Nicholas” parish, Shrewsbury, MA. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 189

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Grupul de dans “Mioriţa” al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Sf. Maria din Dacula GA la Festivalul Românesc de Toamnă 2016

Pr. Nicolae Clempuş cu grupul de tineri al parohiei Sf. Maria din Dacula GA la împodobitul bradului de Crăciun 2016 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 191

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Credincioşii parohiei Sf. Ştefan din South Saint Paul Minnesota după Sfânta Liturghie la cea de-a 92-a aniversare. 25 Septembrie 2016. Pr. Ioan Poptelecan

Copiii parohiei Sf. Ştefan împreună cu D-na Alina Ciubotaru şi părintele Ioan Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 192


Sobor de preoţi cu prilejul celui de-al doilea hram al mănăstirii “Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou” din Middletown, NY; Înălţarea Domnului, 2016

Sfinţirea picturii bisericii mănăstirii “Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou” din Middletown, NY cu prilejul hramului, 23 octombie 2016 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 193

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Sfinţirea picturii bisericii mănăstirii “Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou” din Middletown, NY cu prilejul hramului, 23 octombie 2016 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 194


Liturghie arhierească cu prilejul hramului mănăstirii “Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou” din Middletown, NY, 23 octombrie 2016. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 195

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Liturghie arhierească cu prilejul hramului mănăstirii “Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou” din Middletown, NY, 23 octombrie 2016.

Slujba parastasului la hramul mănăstirii “Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou” din Middletown, NY 23 octombrie 2016. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 196

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 208 ilor parohiei “Sf. Nicolae” din Queens, NY. ş Pr. Marius Daniel Dumitrescu în mijlocul credincio Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 197

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Copii la Sfânta Împărtăşanie în biserica “Sf. Nicolae” din Queens, NY.

Interiorul bisericii “Sf. Nicolae” din Queens, NY. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 198


Biserica Sf. Ap. Petru şi Pavel, New York. Crăciun 2015: Prof. Irina Aniţului aduce copiii şi tinerii la Sf. Impărtăşanie.

A 23-a ediţie a Simpozionului “Eminescu” organizat la New York de către Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România, Filiala americană, Institutul Român de Teologie şi Spiritualitate Ortodoxă şi de către Societatea română creştină “Dorul” (înfiinţată în 1903), sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2015. În imagine câţiva dintre prezentatori: profesorii Valentina Ciaprazi, Ştefan Stoenescu, Doina Uricariu, Consulul general al României la New York, D-na Ioana-Gabriela Costache, Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian, Cristian F. Pascu, preşedintele Societăţii “Dorul”, profesorii Alina Feld, Doru Tsaganea şi ziaristul Grigore Culian. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 199

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Duminica, 25 ianuarie 2015 la Biserica Sf. Apostoli Petru şi Pavel, New York, după Sf. Slujbă, s-au desfăşurat lucrările celui de-al 23-lea Simpozion dedicat Unirii Principatelor Române. În imagine, o parte dintre participanţi (Foto: Alex Marmara).

Pr. Theodor Damian şi o parte din Familia de Duminică a Bisericii Sf. Ap. Petru şi Pavel, New York (Foto: Alex Marmara). Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 200

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 212 Sărbătoarea Floriilor, 2016 la Biserica Sf. Ap. Petru şi Pavel, New York. Pr. Theodor Damian, centru, şi o parte dintre enoriasi (Foto: Alex Marmara). Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 201

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 213 Pr. Daniel Ene în mijlocul credincioşilor bisericii Sf. Treime din Victor, NY Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 202

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 214 itul Ioan Casian, ţ itul Nicolae, Preasfin ţ părintele Atanasie Popescu - Catedrala Chicago şi părintele Paroh Ion Gherman. Credincioşi ai Catedralei Buna Vestire din Cleveland Ohio împreună cu Înaltpreasfin Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 203

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 215 i a parohiei Buna Vestire din suburbia: 7140 Fitch Rd. Olmsted Township, Ohio. ţ Complexul noii proprietă Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 204


Înaltpreasfinţitul Mitropolit Nicolae în mijlocul credincioşilor din parohia “Sfântul Andrei”, Reading, PA.

Grupul de colindători ai Parohiei Sfântul Andrei, Reading, PA. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 205

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Glory to God for all things. Holy Protection Mission taking shape in Houston, Texas, 2016.

The newly build facility for Holy Protection Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 206


Faithful of Holy Protection Mission in Houston, Texas celebrating Sunday of Orthodoxy in 2016 as they were building their place of worship

Fr. Iulian Anitei along with the newly elected Parish Council, Chanters, Ladies' Auxiliary (AROLA) President, the Director of Religious Education and the Youth Director Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 207

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 219 IPS Nicolae în mijlocul credincioşilor Misiunii “Sf. Maria” din Austin, TX Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 208


Liturghie arhierească la Misiunea “Sf. Maria” din Austin, TX, 8 noiembrie 2015.

Botezul lui Ilie Ioan-Matei la biserica “Sf. Maria” din Austin Texas Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 209

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IPS Nicolae în mijlocul credincioşilor Misiunii “Sf. Ioan Casian” din San Antonio, TX

Pr. Valentin Ilieş alături de credincioşii Misiunii “Sf. Ioan Casian” din San Antonio, TX Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 210

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 222 ia Sa în mijlocul credincioşilor alături de părintele paroh, părintele Daniel Ene şi părintele Cornel Dragomir ţ Nicolae Condrea. Înaltpreasfin Duminică 10 Aprilie 2016, instalarea părintelui Octavian Paul Porcescu ca preot paroh al bisericii Sf. Ioachim şi Ana, Seattle WA, de către IPS Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 211

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 223 ş i Ileana Gavri ş i Elena,” Edmonton, AB, împreună cu profesoarele ş Gabriela Luca-Dămian, Veronica Ciocan coala Duminicală a parohiei “Sf. Constantin Ş Copiii de la Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 212

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 224 i Elena,” Edmonton, Alberta. ş ii parohiei “Sf. Constantin ş O parte din credincio Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 213

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 225 a în ţ itului Părinte Episcop Ioan Casian în luna August 2016! ţ Iată mai departe o serie de imagini: ii şi a Taberei Sf. Veronica a Preasfin ţ mijlocul comunită Cu multă bucurie vă împărtăşim bucuria noastră, a tuturor membrilor bisericii Sf. Nicolae din Vancouver B.C. pentru prezen Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 214

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 226 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 215

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THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 230 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 219

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 231 a în ţ itului Părinte Episcop Ioan Casian în luna August 2016! ţ ii şi a Taberei Sf. Veronica a Preasfin ţ mijlocul comunită Cu multă bucurie vă împărtăşim bucuria noastră, a tuturor membrilor bisericii Sf. Nicolae din Vancouver B.C. pentru prezen Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 220

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Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 233 itul Ioan Casian la Hramul Bisericii Sf. Dumitru din Winnipeg, MB - 2016 ţ Preasfin Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 222

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 234 Sf. Dumitru - 2016 itul Ioan Casian şi Părintele Victor Malanca, alături de dansatorii grupului “Balada” din Winnipeg, la Hramul Bisericii ţ Preasfin Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 223

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Societatea Română din Manitoba a chemat la concurs pe amatorii de pescuit la copcă - Whiteshell Provincial Park - 2016

Ne pregătim pentru Sfintele Paşti închistrând ouă la Biserica Sf. Dumitru, Winnipeg, MB - 2016 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 224


Bărbaţii celebrează Ziua Mamei la Biserica Sf. Dumitru, Winnipeg, MB - 2016

Doamnele cântând “La Mulţi Ani” de Ziua Tatălui, Biserica Sf. Dumitru, Winnipeg, MB - 2016 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 225

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Ambasadorii Pavilionului Românesc, Festivalul Internaţional Folklorama, Winnipeg, MB - 2016, Alexandra Ioniţă, Maria Nagy, Alexandra Marie, Tiberiu Ivan

Cei mai tineri dansatori ai grupului “Balada” din Winnipeg, Festivalul Internaţional Folklorama - 2016 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 226

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 238 ional ţ Folklorama - 2016 a” din Regina, alături de dansatorii grupului “Balada” din Winnipeg la Festivalul Interna ţ Dansatorii grupului “Miori Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 227

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IPS Nicolae alături de Pr. Lucian Puşcariu în mijlocul credincioşilor parohiei “Învierea Domnului” din Hamilton ON. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 228


Preasfinţitul Ioan Casian alături de preotul paroh Lucian Puşcariu şi Consiliul Parohial al bisericii “Învierea Domnului” din Hamilton ON.

Corul parohiei “Învierea Domnului” din Hamilton ON. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 229

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 241 ei împreună cu credincioşii parohiei Sf. Ap. Petru şi Pavel din Kitchener, ON. ţ Pr. Lucian Azoi Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 230

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 242 ii Ştefan Cel Mare şi Nectarie din Oshawa, ON. ţ Enoriaşi din Biserica Sfin Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 231

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Consiliu Parohial al Bisericii Sfinţii Ştefan Cel Mare şi Nectarie De la stânga la dreapta: Dan Grebenişan, Emil Popescu, Pr. Petre Busuioc, Cristi Atanasiu, Ion Cotoc, Ovidiu Popescu

Taina Cununiei familiei Atanasiu în Biserica Sfinţii Şfefan Cel Mare şi Nectarie Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 232


Pr. Paroh Grigorie Ţăpuc şi Părintele Protopop Mircea Panciuk în mijlocul credincioşilor Parohiei Sf. Matei şi Sf. M. Mc. Hristina din Ottawa, la sărbătoarea de Hram.

Biserica Sf. Apostol Matei şi Sf. Mare Muceniţă Hristina din Ottawa în construcţie. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 233

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Înaltpreasfinţitul Nicolae în vizită pastorală la parohia “Toţi Sfinţii” din Toronto, ON.

Pr. Vasile Aileni, parohul bisericii “Toţi Sfinţii” din Toronto, ON. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 234

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 246 ii” din Toronto, ON. ţ i Sfin ţ tul Nicolae alături de Pr. Vasile Aileni în mijlocul credincioşilor parohiei “To ţi Înaltpreasfin Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 235

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P. Vasile Mihoc susţinând o conferinţă la parohia “Toţi Sfinţii” din Toronto, ON.

Pr. Vasile Aileni alături de doamna preoteasă la masa oferită comunităţii de Buna Vestire. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 236


Hramul Sfântului Mare Mucenic Dimitrie, Izvorâtorul de Mir - 30 octombrie 2016 Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 237

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Hramul Sfântului Mare Mucenic Dimitrie, Izvorâtorul de Mir - 30 octombrie 2016

Serbarea de Crăciun a copiiilor de la parohia Sf. Dumitru şi Sf. Trei Ierarhi din Richmond Hill, ON. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 238

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 250 The altar servers: Antonie Spiridon, Mihai Ghitau and Christos Ioan Papadatos Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 239

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 251 St. George's Cathedral, Windsor, Parish-Council, Andrei Enciu, Ladies Reunion Club President: Mirela Colgiu. V. Rev. Fr. George Sandulescu, Parish Priest, President: Valentin Zamfir, Vice-President: Carmen Ognean, Treasurer: Adrian- Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 240

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 252 St. George's Cathedral, Windsor, On., Choir: Choir Director: Daniela Burghelea Gheorghiu. V. Rev. Fr. George Sandulescu, Parish-Priest. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 241

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 253 Daniela Mihaela Florentina Anghel. St. George’s Cathedral Sunday school religious group. Coordinators: Preoteasa Alexandra Sandulescu and Carmen Ognean, teacher: Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 242

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 254 Ladies Reunion Club, of St. George's Cathedral, Windsor. V. Rev. Fr. George Sandulescu, Parish-Priest, Ladies President: Mirela Colgiu. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 243

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 255 anniversary celebration of Fr. Simion Catau as the parish priest. Metropolitan Nicolae and Bishop Ioan Casian with members and friends of Descent of the Holy Ghost Church attending the 25th Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 244

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 256 Members of the Descent of the Holy Ghost Church. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 245

Almanahul Credint, a 2 0 1 7 257 Descent of the Holy Ghost children and parents at the Fall Harvest Party. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 246

THE FAITH ALMANAC 2017 258 Descent of the Holy Ghost children and parents at the Fall Harvest Party. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 247

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Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce din Mono ON Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 248


Hramul mănăstirii “Sf. Cruce” din Mono, ON.

Preasfinţitul Ioan Casian în timpul Sf. Liturghii la mănăstirea cu hramul “Sf. Cruce” din Mono, ON. Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 249

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Mănăstirea Sf. Cruce din Mono ON Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 250

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Misiune şi Slujire Ortodoxă în America

Aflat sub patronajul Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române din cele două Americi, Radio Credinţa a început să emită online la 11 noiembrie 2012, prin intermediul propriului website (, 24 de ore din 24! Se adresează tuturor categoriilor de vârstă. Unele emisiuni sunt cu adresă specială pe grupe de vârste (copii, adolescenţi, studenţi) în care pe lângă teme specifice se încearcă promovarea valorilor moralei creştine.

Web: Email: [email protected] Almanac-2017-Pictures:Almanac-2006 (1&2colors) 4/5/17 11:33 AM Page 252


Parabola judecăţii viitoare din Evanghelia de la Sf. Matei capitolul 25 este un permanent îndemn la a ne cerceta faptele şi a nu-l uita pe semenul aflat în neputinţă. Este surprinzător faptul că în parabolă şi cei de-a dreapta, cei care au împlinit faptele milei creştine, şi cei de-a stânga, cei care nu au împlinit aceste fapte se întreabă când l-au văzut pe Hristos flămând sau însetat sau gol sau bolnav sau în temniţă. Fiecare dintre noi avem marea ispită de a nu-l recunoaşte pe cel aflat în nevoi şi, mai ales, de a nu-l recunoaşte pe Hristos pe chipul acestui semen. De aceea, orice strădanie de a-l identifica pe cel flămând sau gol sau bolnav şi a-i îndemna pe ceilalţi să-l ajute, trebuie considerat un mare ajutor pentru mântuire. Asociaţia Sf. Cuv. Parascheva şi-a propus să împlinească, după puteri, acest îndemn. Sunt multe nevoile celor din jurul nostru. Dar nu trebuie să le ignorăm, nici să ne descurajăm că mijloacele noastre sunt puţine. Cel aflat în nevoi aşteaptă poate doar o vorbă bună, un îndemn la credinţă şi speranţă. + Arhiepiscop Nicolae Organizaţia Caritabilă Sf. Paraskeva a luat fiinţă la data de 16 iunie 2010 având ca scop întrajutorarea copiilor orfani sau cu o situaţie socială precară din România. Cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu şi binecuvântarea IPS Arhiepiscop Nicolae se desfăşoară o activitate intensă concretizată prin mai multe acţiuni de strângere de fonduri pentru cazurile care au intrat în atenţia organizaţiei. Statutul de 501©3 a fost obţinut la data de 18 martie 2011. Ajutaţi-ne să putem ajuta ! În momentul de faţă în România sunt peste 350 000 de copii fără adăpost, hrană şi asistenţă medicală. Cu toţii avem o responsabilitate faţă de aceşti copii, nu putem fi indiferenţi. Haideţi să îi ajutăm să aibă o viaţă mai bună ! Saint Paraskeva Orthodox Charity 5410 N. Newland Ave., Chicago, IL 60656 Tel: 773-774-1677 Web: Email: [email protected] Covers 2017:Covers 2006 4/5/17 11:05 AM Page 1

laau rdna•21 h at Almanac faith the • 2017 • Credinta Almanahul A l m a n a h u l The romanian ORTHODOX archdiocese in THE americas Credinta, 2007 The faith almanac ,

Almanahul Credinta 2017 , The faith almanac

Front cover: The commemorative year of Patriarch Justinian and of the Defenders of Orthodoxy during Communism in the Romanian Orthodox Church mitropolia Ortodox˜a RomˆaNà Almanahul Credinţa 2017 — The Faith Almanac 2017 — © 2017 The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of Americas Arhiepiscopiaa Ortodo celorx˜a douà Romˆana Am Îneri Amcierica s, i Canada No reproduction without prior written consent. Published with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan and Archbishop Nicolae Covers 2017:Covers 2006 4/5/17 11:05 AM Page 2

Cărţi duhovniceşti, documentare şi muzică religioasă din România. Stocul nostru de produse este actualizat zilnic şi este în creştere continuă. Aprovizionarea o facem de la depozite şi edi- turi din toată ţara. Suntem receptivi la solicitările şi sugestiile dumneavoastră.

De două ori pe an sunt aduse din România un număr de peste 400 de titluri de carte religioasă oferite credincioşilor spre zidirea sufletească şi apropierea lor de Dumnezeu.

Romarch Bookstore 5410 N. Newland Ave. Chicago, IL 60656 Tel: 773-774-1677 Web: Email: [email protected]