CLASSROOM RESOURCES ON WORLD WAR II HISTORY AND THE JAPANESE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE Available from the Twin Cities chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) (Updated September 2013) *Denotes new to our collection Contact: Sally Sudo, Twin Cities JACL, at
[email protected] or (952) 835-7374 (days and evenings) SPEAKERS BUREAU Topics: Internment camps and Japanese American WWII soldiers Volunteer speakers are available to share with students their first-hand experiences in the internment camps and/or as Japanese American soldiers serving in the U.S. Army in the European or Pacific Theaters during World War II. (Note: limited to schools within the Twin Cities metropolitan area.) LIST OF RESOURCES Materials are available on loan for no charge Videocassette Tapes Beyond Barbed Wire - 88 min 1997, Mac and Ava Picture Productions, Monterey, CA Documentary. Personal accounts of the struggles that Japanese Americans faced when they volunteered or were drafted to fight in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II while their families were interned in American concentration camps. The Bracelet - 25 min 2001, UCLA Asian American Studies Center and the Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA Book on video. Presentation of the children’s book by Yoshiko Uchida about two friends separated by war. Second grader Emi is forced to move into an American concentration camp, and in the process she loses a treasured farewell gift from her best friend. Book illustrations are interwoven with rare home movie footage and historic photographs. Following the reading, a veteran teacher conducts a discussion and activities with a second grade class.