Bs"d, Tevet 5778, December 2017 World Torah Assembly In the presence of HaRav HaGaon, David Lau, shlit"a, Chief Rabbi of and president of the Chief Rabbinate Council, Outstanding Torah Achievement awards were conferred upon distinguished , Heads of Rabbinic Academies and Torah projects, that were noted for their significant, exclusive and singular contribution on behalf of teachers of Torah and their students, wherever they may be. The awards were conferred at the World Torah Assembly, before a large crowd of participants, in , celebrating 70 years of Israel's statehood and 50 years to the reunification of Jerusalem. Presented at the assembly were learned lectures on the variant methods of Torah learning, in our era, and on the observance of Halacha in the medical realm and the Halachic utilization of modern technologies.

Picture on right: HaRav HaGaon Rabbi David Lau shlit"a - Chief Rabbi of Israel, Mr. Eliezer Sheffer, Chairman World Organization of Orthodox Communities and Synagogues, HaRav Avichai Katzin - Head of "Reishit" Bet Midrash. Award Recipients, sitting from right to left: HaRav Zvi (Herschel) Schachter- rosh and Rosh Kolel, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University, New York, HaRav Yaakov Ariel - Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan, HaRav Dr. Ratzon Arussi - Rabbi of Kiryat Ono, and member of Chief Rabbinate Council, HaRav Chaim David Kowalsky - Rosh Beit Midrash "Meorot HaDaf HaYomi", HaRav Eliezer Melamed - Rabbi of Yishuv "Har Bracha" and Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Dov Begun - Head of "Machon Meir". In collusion with Knesset member, HaRav Eli Ben Dahan - vice Minister of Defense

Granting of awards to distinguished recipients

HaRav Dr. Ratzon Arussi, Rabbi of Kiryat Ono and HaRav Eliezer Melamed, Rabbi, Yishuv "Har HaRav Dov Begun, Head, "Machon Meir" HaRav Yakov Ariel, Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan member of Chief Rabbinate Council Bracha" and Rosh Yeshiva

HaRav Avichai Katzin, Granting Life Achievement award, HaRav Herschel Schachter, Rosh Kolel, Yeshivat HaRav Chaim Dovid Kowalsky, Rosh Bet Mr. Eliezer Shefer, Chairman Head of Bet Midrash posthumously, to Rabbi Yisrael Rose, z"l Rabeinu Yitzchak Elchanan, Yeshiva University, NY Midrash "Meorot HaDaf HaYomi" World Organization of Orthodox "Reishit" Communities and Synagogues