On Air No.104 Front Cover 12/5/05 12:25 pm Page 1 On Air No104 IFC 12/5/05 12:41 pm Page 1 On Air No104 p1 12/5/05 12:56 pm Page 1

May/June 2005 Issue 104

The Official Journal of the Hospital Broadcasting Association

in this issue ... Dear Reader, Well, another Awards Ceremony has come and gone Committee Report ...... 3 and by all accounts an excellent time was had by all. In June’s Travels ...... 4 the centre pages, you will find photos of all the winners. A Guided Tour of the HBA Accounts ...... 5 May I take this opportunity of wishing them many All Our Yesterdays ...... 6 congratulations – and keep up the good work. All Our Yesterdays, A Response ...... 7 We have Garry Lakin to thank for all the photographs Music is the Best Medicine, It’s Official ...... 7 of the Awards. Sincere thanks Garry. If you would like The Radio Academy ...... 8 copies of any of the photographs, please get in touch Winners of the 2005 National Hospital Radio Awards 9 with Garry direct. You can contact him at [email protected]. A Year in the Life of Awards ...... 10 Thank you to everyone who sent me in articles and Meet the Judges ...... 11 photos – I have a wonderful and varied selection and if Meet the Winners ...... 12 your feature didn't appear this time, it won’t be Conference and Football (Part 2)...... 14 discarded but used in a future issue. Awards has been Countrywide ... News from the Stations ...... 16 given priority this time – but I still look forward to hearing Hey Mister, Can We Have Our Radio Station Back? .. 21 from you. You can email me, write, send articles and My Weekly ...... 22 photos on CD or disk; the details are at the bottom of the Regional Rep Details ...... 23 page. Articles are best sent in Word or Quark, photos Who To Contact ...... 24 (clearly marked who, what and when the event took place) can be emailed as jpegs or tifs. If there are any special features or articles you would FRONT COVER PICTURE: like to see, please get in touch with me and I’ll see what Ice Cold in ... Belfast. I can do. The spectacular ice sculpture created especially for the 2005 Hospital Radio Awards Michelle

On Air is the Official Journal of the HBA which is the trading name of the National Association of Hospital Broadcasting Organisations, a Company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 2750147. A Registered Charity No. 1015501. Registered office: Mariners House, 24 Nelsons Gardens, Hedge End, Southampton, SO30 2NE. On Air is distributed free of charge to all member stations of the Association plus interested parties. All material is ©2005 of HBA and may not be reproduced in any form without the written authority of the Editor. Views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of HBA, or the Editor but are the personal opinion of the contributor. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, all advertisements and articles appear in good faith and HBA and the Editor accept no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies.

Address for On-Air: The Editor, On Air, 2 Falkland Close, Boreham, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 3DD Tel: 0870 321 6011 Fax: 0870 321 6019 Email: [email protected] COPY DATE NEXT ISSUE 16th June 2005 On Air No104 p2 12/5/05 1:49 pm Page 1 On Air No104 p3 12/5/05 2:08 pm Page 1

Committee Report

Promotional Film Meetings, etc. This has all taken rather I mentioned last time that Mike Skinner longer than we anticipated but it's better had arranged for the Media Trust to to spend the time getting things right make a short promotional film about than rush into things and have to redo Hospital Broadcasting. At the time of them shortly afterwards. writing, it is still being completed but Five-Year Business Plan Mike is hoping it will be complete in With the Association on a much time for DVDs to have been made and firmer administrative footing now than a included with this edition of ‘On Air’. If few years ago, the EC are beginning to that doesn't happen, copies should be think more strategically about the future available very shortly. Please let Mike direction of the HBA. Where do we know what you think of the film and want to be in five years' time? What what, if any, use you make of it. should HBA have done and being doing by then? Once again, we'd love Charity Law by Nigel Dallard, Secretary to hear your ideas – Phil Moon is the Some of you will be aware that the man to contact. We hope to be able to calling of a General Election has result- present the EC's initial thoughts at the ed in the Charities Bill that was going Grants Autumn Conference. through the House of Lords being lost. It was agreed with PPL that £5,000 It is hoped that the next government, of of their £26,000 donation to HBA, And finally… whatever flavour, will re-introduce it as which we received towards the end of Thanks and congratulations to the soon as possible but at the moment, it's our last financial year (our new financial conference team and the Northern a case of ‘wait and see’. year started on 1st March), is to be used Ireland region for putting on such a good Up in Scotland, there is no delay and to fund a grants programme. PPL have weekend in Belfast. I'm sure everyone by the time you read this, the Scottish indicated that they will likely be provid- who attended will agree when I say it Parliament will be well into the 2nd ing another donation this year and we was a superb weekend – with yet anoth- Stage debate on the Charities and are proposing to allocate a proportion of er excellent awards ceremony on Trustee Investment (Scotland) Bill. And this donation to fund further grants. Saturday evening thanks to Dave not to be left out, the Department of A small subcommittee has been set Nicholson, Chris Cook and their crew. Social Development in Northern up to administer this programme of A number of the awards judges took Ireland is consulting on introducing grants, with its first task to propose its the time to hold a ‘surgery’ on the new charity law too. own terms of reference and modus Sunday morning where they discussed The Executive Committee have allo- operandi. Expect to hear more on this their judging criteria and their thoughts cated some funds to allow us to stage in coming months. We hope to be in a on the entries. They said the general some ‘roadshows’ around the country position to accept applications for con- standard of entries was much higher than to explain the changes in Charity Law sideration by the time of the AGM. in previous years. You can listen to the as and when they happen. More details top three entries in each category on the when we've got a better idea of what is Restructuring website. It is well worth spending the going to change when! Over the last 18 months or so, much time doing this – the winners certainly time and effort has been put into think- deserved their prizes and set an excellent Best Practice Guide ing about restructuring the EC and target for us all to aspire towards. The Executive Committee created a updating the Association's governing The Autumn conference and AGM Policies and Guidelines subcommittee documents. In the end, it was decided will be in Portsmouth 14-16th October many months ago, to work on the pro- that no wholesale changes to the struc- and the Spring 2006 conference and duction of model policies and guidelines ture of the EC were necessary. Where 2006 National Hospital Radio Awards documents that members could easily changes will be made is with the ceremony in . I hope to see adjust to cater for their individual cir- Regional structure. At the time of writ- you at both events. cumstances and then adopt as their ing, Chris Berezai and the Regional own. The first few of these policies are Dirty Work at the Crossroads Reps have yet to finalise their proposals Users of Dennis Rookard’s Hosiprog available and more are in the pipeline. but there will be more of an emphasis drama and feature service must have We'd like to expand this collection to on developing the relationship between wondered what had happened when his become a comprehensive handbook of the HBA and its members at a regional web pages disappeared from the Internet. guidance and model documents but we level. A proportion of the PPL donation Disaster struck when the ISP, used under only have a limited amount of time and is also allocated to fund regional activi- a special charitable arrangement, was sold effort available. We'd therefore very ties for the first time. Once the basic to another provider, who without inform- ing anyone, promptly removed all of the much like to hear from you as to what ideas have been agreed, formal bylaws charitable sites. Fear not, Hosiprog has areas you'd like us to concentrate on. If will be written and adopted by the EC reappeared with a new address. Now it’s you've got any particular skills or knowl- and, in accordance with our Articles of back as Error! Reference source not edge in specific areas and you'd like to Association, (hopefully) ratified by the found, well worth a visit for the latest volunteer your services to assist with membership at the AGM in October. information on their new productions the task, we'd also be very keen to hear With that done, it is hoped we can listings of drama and feature material all from you. Contact John Watson with look at updating our Memorandum & available at £2.50 per CD disc. The site also features show prep pages and an your suggestions and to volunteer your Articles of Association and provide for programme audition links. services. postal elections, proxy voting at General

ON AIR Page 3 May/June 2005 On Air No104 p4 13/5/05 11:09 am Page 1

June’s Travels

I must begin by saying well done to everyone who helped in organising the Conference and Awards in Belfast: that includes Davey Downes and Eileen Mannion along with members of the Northern Ireland Region, John and Marie Harper and the Awards team including Dave Nicholson and Chris Cook – we were looking forward to a good weekend and were treated to a weekend to remember. We had some excellent seminars and those who pre- sented awards were superb. Many congratulations to all those who won awards – there were more entries this year and some of the judges held a question and answer session on Sunday morning at Conference on what they look for. It is a lovely surprise for us all to know who the winners are on the evening of the awards. We began Hospital Broadcasting Week at Conference and I know many of you took part – I was pleased to take part in phone-ins with Whitechapel and Kendal as well as BBC Radio Leicester and BBC Radio Guernsey. At the end of the week, I went to see Exeter, Bath and Redhill. Little did I know when I agreed to visit Redhill that they were to be Station of the Year – they were running an RSL and at the same time I presented a couple of Long Service certificates. I also took part in a programme which I thoroughly enjoyed. Prior to Conference I spent the day with members of Southampton at a Media Day and that evening, stopped off at Radio Lions, Guildford who were holding their members’ evening and I presented Long Service Certificates. The snow was so bad on arrival, I decided not to make the journey home that night and returned next morning instead. The following evening I spent with members of Radio Addenbrooke’s for their mem- bers’ meeting and that weekend, after our Executive Committee Meeting, went to sunny Sussex – to Radio DGH Eastbourne for their awards evening. Having a cousin, aunt and uncle near Eastbourne, meant it was a good oppor- tunity to meet up with them. It has been a hectic few weeks and my most recent visit was to BBC Radio 2 with Nigel Dallard and Mike Skinner to wife Roma, to present the John Whitney meet up with and Paul Award, which is sponsored by the Radio Walters. Terry has been doing a splendid Academy. I would like to thank them very job as our Patron and many of you will much for being with us – it was lovely to have probably heard him mention hospi- see them again. Pictured, top, Terry Wogan with Mike tal radio several times, particularly during My next visit to Birmingham is coming Skinner, HBA Public Relations Manager; Hospital Broadcasting Week. I would like up shortly and the next day I will be off Nigel Dallard, HBA Secretary and seated to say a big thank you to Terry for all he to York for a fund raising day. I look for- June Snowden, HBA President. is doing for us. ward to being in both venues and to see- Above left: celebrations at Exeter Hospital As you are aware, we now have two ing many of you in the not too distant Radio. Patrons and John Whitney came along future. Above right: June and Irwyn Davies at to conference in Belfast, together with his June Snowden Radio Redhill’.

ON AIR Page 4 May/June 2005 On Air No104 p5 12/5/05 3:33 pm Page 1

A Guided Tour of the HBA Accounts

Over the past two years, a number LESS Any unpaid bills of people have commented on the Assets generally refer to what are HBA accounts and many of those com- called fixed assets. This includes com- ments have been along the lines of puters, printers and any large pieces of ‘why are they so complex?’ equipment which have been ‘capi- In an ideal world, we would be able talised’. Naturally the value falls year by to produce a nice simple income and year so we depreciate the asset each expenditure statement, just like the one year, showing its net value only. For you produce at your own station. example, a computer may be depreciat- When your station treasurer produces ed over three years so if it was worth, a set of accounts you are seeing a snap- say £900 when new then after one shot of the financial situation at the year year it would be worth £600, after two end. years £300 and after three years it For very good reasons HBA is a lim- would have no value in the accounts. ited company and this places restrictions by John Harper, Treasurer That doesn’t mean the computer is of on the format of our accounts. In par- no further use to us, just that its cost has ticular we are required to produce year. Again, there is a distinction been spread over three years and its what are called ‘Accruals Accounts’ between restricted and unrestricted book value has been written down to which are intended to give a ‘fair repre- funds. In this section we have to show zero. sentation’ of the financial condition of what money we spent in furtherance of Next we have current assets. These the Association. Of course, this will the charity’s objects and what money include cash in the bank and debtors. only be so if you can understand accru- we spent on overheads and manage- Cash in the bank is an obvious asset but als accounts and to help with this I ment. The Charity Commission are debtors are a little less clear. thought a few words of explanation very particular about this point. We It’s here that you have to put aside may be worthwhile. For those of you have to show whether we are using the your natural reaction to the word debt. who are qualified accountants, please charity’s money in the most efficient In this context it’s not a bad thing. excuse the simplicity of what follows. If way, which is why the management Debtors refers to money that we can you know of a better way to explain all and administration costs are shown as a reasonably expect to receive. For exam- this, then get your article into On-Air separate item. In a similar way to ple, if we have a formal agreement with too. incoming resources each figure is usual- a company to provide sponsorship, then Being a charity some of the terminol- ly broken down in ore detail in the if that money has not been received at ogy is different but the accounts are notes. year end it will still be included and will essentially the same as those produced After the ‘Resources Expended’ sec- appear in the debtors’ figure. by large companies. We begin with a tion, we have a total of our income and Having added up all the various ‘Statement of Financial Activities’ or expenditure, which in business terms assets we then take away the creditors’ SOFA. This is a fancy form of the would be our profit or loss for the year. figure. This is a total of any unpaid bills income and expenditure you produce This figure is then added to the we have which are due in the next in your own station. Being a Charitable profit/loss from previous years and the twelve months. All sorts of things might Company we don’t talk of income and money in the bank when we started. appear in here. For example, last year expenditure but rather about resources This gives us a carry forward figure we paid out grants to stations from a received and expended. which is the net worth of the donation received from the Football So the SOFA begins with ‘Incoming Association. When we do next year’s Association. Until the money was dis- Resources’ which totals all our income accounts, the carry forward figure will tributed it was technically an unpaid for the year. The word ‘resources’ is re-appear as the previous years total. bill. Rather bizarrely, some income can used because we can also list the value In simple terms and using last years also appear in this figure. Suppose we of any donations in kind. The section is accounts : received a donation for a particular pur- further divided into restricted and unre- Incoming Resources 77000 pose and that money can’t be used until stricted funds. Restricted funds are sums Less Resources expended 85000 the next financial year. The word ‘can’t’ of money which were given for a specif- Net income for the year -8000 here is important. If we are restricted in ic purpose. For example, any money Plus Total from previous year spending the money then we can defer given to us for the National Hospital 97000 the income until next year. The money Radio Awards can only be used for the Carried forward 89000 will appear in the assets as cash in the Awards. Unrestricted funds can be used It’s here that we get to the clever bit bank but rather than showing it as for any legitimate purpose. Many of the and this is where the Balance Sheet incoming resources in the SOFA it will figures here are totals which are further comes in. If we total all the assets of the be shown as deferred income in the broken down in the notes that follow charity and take away any outstanding creditors figure of the balance sheet! the accounts. Looking at last years debts, then the total should equal the Again taking last years accounts as an accounts, for example, if you want to carry forward figure we calculated earlier. example : know exactly what the £76,000 of The logic behind this is : Fixed Assets 1000 ‘Resources from activities in furtherance Cash and Assets when company Debtors 14000 of the charities objects’ represents, then formed Cash in bank 77000 if you look it up in the notes you will see PLUS Profits/losses from previous years Total Assets 92000 it was made up subscriptions, confer- PLUS Profit/Loss this year Less Creditors 3000 ence income, awards sponsorship and Is equal to Net Assets 89000 On Air advertising revenue. Current value of any assets And as if by magic, the Net Assets Next we have ‘Resources expended’ PLUS Cash in the bank figure is the same as the carry forward which is what we spend during the PLUS Any money due to us figure we calculated earlier.

ON AIR Page 5 May/June 2005 On Air No104 pp6,7 12/5/05 3:44 pm Page 1

All Our Yesterdays

So what was happening in Hospital Dennis Rookard tional new studio picture. No, this cover Broadcasting back in July 1985? Well looks back at past editions featured the merry team from Tunbridge according to that month’s edition of ON- Wells, who for their outside broadcast AIR edited by Roger Manley, studio secu- of On-Air in aid of Hospital Broadcasting Week rity was a growing problem for some that year, decided to forego the normal member stations. So a talk given by a shop window or tent on a carnival Crime Prevention Officer to members at a ground. They begged, borrowed or recent conference in Newport was stole a large open topped bus, parking it reported in full for those unable to attend. outside their local Town Hall. As for Elsewhere, crafty moves by the getting the signal back to the studio – in record industry to persuade the that age before mobile links or even Government to levy a tax on cassettes mobile phones, it was all down to a was the subject of intense lobbying by cable from a telephone connection with- our Association and others such as in the Town Hall! Talking Newspapers for the Blind all opposed to such a move. The record RELAX AND RECOVER industries’ line was that we were all Creative Visualisation is a CD by using cassettes to steal (?) their pop Kyrin Singleton, an experienced UKCP records and not rushing out to line their registered psychotherapist and teacher pockets with our hard earned cash – as of relaxation with more than 20 years’ if we would, of course. Our submis- experience. She has worked extensive- sion to a Government inquiry was that positive delight in roping in the great ly in the NHS, private practise in most users were not recording copy- and the good of show business to help London, the Channel Islands and New right material. Needless to say it was a us spread the word. England, USA and has a particular inter- battle we won. Elsewhere in this 1990 edition, this est in healing. Interestingly, when the first domestic humble scribe reported on the results of Time spent in hospital often provokes CD recorders became available, they the short lived VERA awards. Now great anxiety and stress both for patients tried again. This time with some suc- come on you old timers, you must and their families. Many of us face chal- cess in that these stand-alone machines remember this predecessor to a certain lenging situations but are unaware of can if you can find one, only use so hospital radio contact. Forget your DJs how to help ourselves. Creative called music encoded discs, the pur- or highly edited promos to show how Visualisation can be a powerful tool to chase price including a disc levy. Pity good your station was. This contest – assist you in your recovery. nobody thought to tell them about those (The VERA standing for Very Excellent Creative Visualisation is so easy to do. computer CD burners we all use today. Radio Awards and devised after a Simply listen to one of the exercises That July issue of On Air also fea- rather drunken conference party at whilst lying in bed or sitting in a chair tured as its black and white cover pic- which a Mrs Vera Partridge suggested beside your bed and follow Kyrin’s gen- ture a tasteful shot of a tram! Not for this claim for immortality) – was very tle guiding voice accompanied by calm- nothing was Editor and total anorak and much for features, documentaries and ing music. Research has shown that if practised enthusiast for this mode of transport the spoken work.The idea being that known as ‘Trams Manley’ who became regularly, even for just ten minutes a entries would go on to the British day, it can gradually bring about a sense famous for creeping in mentions of his Amateur Tape Recording Contest, of inner strength, peace, calm and uplift- greatest love in any conversation. where if successful they would have ment so you will be better equipped to Five years later, Roger had leapt gone on to the International awards deal with distressing situations and aboard his tram and handed over the and even more prizes. In the event feelings. If you would like to order a editorship to another Roger in the shape Douglas Hughes and David Irons or Relaxation CD they are available from of Roger Richards, who in July 1990 Radio Ysbyty gained the first prize of [email protected] price announced that Prince Charles had the Ken Fulstow Shield and I became £4.99 including postage and packing. recorded a special message for Hospital the most hated figure in Wales for pro- broadcasting use. Brains behind this nouncing their station name incorrectly recording session had been Alan at conference. Grimadell who as the new Association Second in this contest were Chairman had in his previous post as Kidderminster, with Winchester coming in public relations officer conducted secret third and Reading in fourth place. negotiations with the Palace. The Interestingly, I often wonder what ever Prince then recorded his message, happened to the Ken Fulstow Shield along which was then mass copied onto cas- the infamous ZOND trophy that had been settes for distribution. presented to the Association by our Dutch 14th-16th October 2005 This edition of our magazine was Hospital Broadcasting colleagues. Autumn Conference, also the Heathrow conference issue As for the contest, it came to an end Portsmouth where it had been announced that for when stations began to drop features 15th October 2005 the coming year our show business and speech based programming in AGM ambassador was to be Tom O’Connor. favour of more music based material. 31st March-2nd April 2006 At the conference, Tom had appeared But the idea of a contest was saved Spring Conference at the to meet the members and give an after when BT stepped in to sponsor a Hilton Hotel, Blackpool dinner speech. Finding these folk was much-expanded event. 1st April-9th April 2006 very much the idea of Alan Grimadell, Finally, a word about the cover of Hospital Broadcasting Week a star struck lad from Derby who took a that July 1990 edition. Forget the tradi-

ON AIR Page 6 May/June 2005 On Air No104 pp6,7 13/5/05 8:24 am Page 2

All Our Yesterdays ... A Response

I particularly like On-Airs latest fea- Wizard Alf Partridge’s giant satellite ture by local thespian Dennis Rookard. dish, Ron Jones conning Rookard into Having been part of all our yesterday’s starting a diet, the conference hotel in (as Max Boyce would say, ‘I was Hull going up in flames, and someone there!’) – I wish to add a little extra. called Grimmo giving a hypnotist a large Re ISSUE On Air 102 – Dennis wad of loot in order for him to put the mentioned the front cover of On-Air audience under a spell – and to tell which carried a picture of Frankie them that when they woke up they had Vaughan, our very first Ambassador. to remember to vote for Grimmo and Frankie became our second his gang at the AGM. My lawyers are Ambassador as we couldn’t find anyone looking at that one! else to take it on. Year three though, Moving on to ISSUE 103, Dennis was no problem – we were turns his attention to On-Airs first approached! colour front page of Linda McCartney I did grace the pages of our national (August 1991). How did it happen? I magazine in those days with a regular was asked by Linda if I would like to column called the Hype Page, which interview her. You bet. We had met later became Chairman’s Chat (see twice previously on the occasions when issue 40 Jan 1990). In that particular I interviewed her husband Paul, the first issue, I commented on the fact that interview in 1983. Linda was totally nearly 16% of delegates attending a natural, generous of her time and recent conference were attending for unpretentious. At the end of the inter- very sad it was to read about the clo- the first time. view she gave my wife Louise a copy sure of that great hospital radio station, With regards to conference, we all of her cookbook in which she wrote a after all the brilliant work by Peter enjoyed two conferences a year; even message. I asked Linda if in return for Losch and his team – unbelievable! in 1983 (Manchester and Watford). publishing three of her recipes in On- The large teddy bear Dennis men- From 1970 (Hull then Durham) to Air ,could we have a signed cookbook tions, was last seen in Peter Milward’s 1995 (Hull then Peterborough) two as a competition prize. Yes came the territory and the wooden spoon conferences a year – the only exception answer; the winner of the signed cook- launched by Nuneaton’s Radio Anker – being in 1982 when indeed one was book was a young lady from Guernsey. well, I will offer £20 for its safe return. held and that was Scarborough. My We also received an invite to meet To everyone in Ireland, I will be in source of information on this is a ‘limit- Linda again when Paul was in concert. Belfast on June 16th and Dublin June ed edition’ tee shirt. The Tour Third We all met up eight months later at 17-18th. Don B is arranging the Belfast Reprint purchased at the Goodies stall – Southend-on-Sea – an acoustic concert entertainment and you’re all welcome and on the back of the tee shirt every that I shall never forget – with Paul say- to join the party. conference listed from 1970 to 1995, ing Hospital Radio is important stuff. Alan Grimadell and it still fits! Paul and Linda McCartney eventually (former Chairman and President) Issue 40 contains Dennis Rookard’s became Ambassadors for Great Room 95 Sheltered Accommodation, column where he mentions, ‘Technic Ormond Street’s ‘Radio Gosh’. How Toggsville by the seaside Music – The Best Medicine I noticed this article in the Scotsman feet and listened to music. He com- effective strategy in combining distrac- recently. I spoke to Glasgow Caledonian pared a second group of 20, who had tion and feeling of control. University and they have furnished me undergone similar surgery but did not ‘The music brought by the partici- with this press release. I have asked Dr listen to music. He found those who lis- pants was varied and included punk, Raymond MacDonald and Laura Mitchell, tened to music when recovering from dance, rock, classical and folk. The who conducted the research, if we might their operation felt less anxious than most surprising choice was the Prodigy's have a copy of their full report. those who did not. Firestarter, not music you would imme- This is evidence of what we have been A second study by Dr Laura Mitchell, diately think of as relaxing but the per- saying for about 75 years – hospital radio asked people to plunge one of their son who chose it put up with the pain can ease recovery. It will be nice to have hands into a bucket of extremely cold five times as long while listening to it.’ something to refer to when anyone chal- water and the time they kept it The findings by Dr MacDonald and lenges this. immersed was recorded. Those who Dr Mitchell were presented at the John Watson, Chief Executive listened to music of their own choice British Psychological Society's Annual Music can be a painkiller and lessen experienced less pain from the water Conference on 31 March 2005. anxiety – according to psychologists at and were able to tolerate their hand in Dr MacDonald, a keen saxophonist Glasgow Caledonian University. Two the bucket for longer than those who himself, added, ‘These two studies research studies at the university have were subjected to mental arithmetic as reveal more about the role of music in found that people listening to music a means of distracting them from the our lives and way we deal with pain. may feel less pain and that music can discomfort. Those who listened to They may point the way for further relieve the symptoms of anxiety for peo- music also felt more in control of the sit- research into the use of music in settings ple recovering from surgery. uation than those who listened to like hospitals. On a lighter note perhaps The first study by Dr Raymond audiotaped humour. this explains why listening to some MacDonald involved 20 people who Dr Mitchell said, ‘The study showed music eases our passage through the had undergone minor surgery on their that music appeared to be the most pain barrier on the gymnasium bike’.

ON AIR Page 7 May/June 2005 On Air No104 p8 12/5/05 3:46 pm Page 1

The Radio Academy

At the National Hospital Radio on it as a career (and who am I to say make up your contacts for the future, Awards, the Director of the Radio that you can’t be in it for both!), the for advice or career development. Academy, John Bradford, invited you Radio Academy has plenty to offer you. The beauty about Radio Academy to join the organisation. From one day Masterclasses that travel Membership is that you can use it in so So why should you? around the country plucking many different ways. It provides you We asked their Regional and unsuspecting industry personnel from with a comprehensive directory of all Development Officer, Marina Lois to their beds and self proclaimed ‘social radio stations and individual contacts explain why. lives’ on a Saturday to speak to all from its website ‘The Radio Academy has nothing to assembled about how to get into radio www.radioacademy.org and soon to offer me!’ whilst improving current practices, to be launched a portal for industry jobs, ‘Oh really? Well I wouldn’t be so conferences that focus on the latest access to education, training and plenty sure about that ...’ developments and discussions that are of fun at events. Whatever the motivation behind you facing the industry. From evening quiz It’s the only place in the UK radio approaching your station to offer your nights and pub-crawls, to unique industry that BBC, Commercial, help, I can guarantee one thing without audiences with the great and good who Community, Hospital and Student having even met you.It’s got right under at some point or other will have to Radio can come together in the same your skin in a way you would never answer the question you’ve been dying room and be heard and just when you have predicted. Thankfully, you won’t to put to them for years. thought membership could not get any have been the first and you most In a nutshell, the Academy provides a better, we throw in free entry and a certainly will not be the last, to be forum to celebrate radio whilst giving glass of wine at the evening events and bitten by the radio bug! you access to people you would 10% off a new annual subscription to So what could be better than otherwise not be able to find. It allows the Radio Magazine. Oh and have I meeting up and sharing your stories you socialise within your local area mentioned the most astonishing thing of with like minded, afflicted individuals, whilst introducing you to personnel all? All this for a mere £1.50 a month. picking up a few pointers and having from around the country. And although So, tell me again why the Radio some fun along the way? it’s not a very sophisticated thing to Academy has nothing to offer you?... Whether you are in radio for have to say out loud (let alone in To join the Radio Academy, visit pleasure, or maybe have set your eyes print!), all the people that you meet will www.radioacademy.org

Just to say thanks for a great weekend in Belfast. THANK YOU Like many, it was my first visit to Northern Ireland and it was certainly a beautiful city. The Northern Ireland team must have worked two solid days getting delegates May I take this opportunity to thank to and from the airports. When I arrived on Friday afternoon at Belfast City airport, everyone who has either spoken to someone was there to meet us and they were still working when I went to see Ulster me personally or by e mail expressing HR and Mater HR later on Friday evening. their thanks and congratulations on They were then getting people from the airport on Saturday for the conference and this years Awards show. awards dinner. Then only to spend what looked like twelve hours solid getting the I would like to thank everyone mass of people to their flights on Sunday ... a special thanks to them all. involved in getting the show up and The hotel was really nice and although there may have been a problem on Friday running. They are Don Bannister, night, it was isolated and I can't think anything else which went wrong. In fact the Marie and John Harper, Eileen food was 'out of this world'. Luckily I was able to get on the bus tour of Belfast on Friday and it was certainly Manion, Davey Downes, Cosmic amazing going down roads, which were already familiar names from the television Electronics and especially Chris news. Some other delegates went on Sunday expecting to get a cheap deal. But when Cook, without him the show just they mentioned HBA they also got the tour for FREE! wouldn’t happen. The John Rosborough seminar on Saturday was really good. He certainly knew his Thanks again to Paul Robinson for stuff about radio. Shame about the delegate from a Midlands HBA who seemed to giving up his spare time to come out ask a lot of questions! to Belfast to host the show. It goes The HBA Awards on Saturday night were also good. Particularly liked the welcome without saying that great thanks go to from UTV's husband and wife team. As a first time visitor to NI, ‘Welcome to the the Northern Ireland region for sort- mainland’. Thought the death of the Pope was handled very well. ing out the transport and getting my It’s only a shame we saw the same old station names and presenters appearing as winners – I know that's not HBA's problem. It just would be nice to see some new guests to and from the hotel. names! I have taken on board the sugges- I must have missed the ramble on Sunday morning but it gave me a chance to visit tions and ideas put forward at the the trade show and the chaps from 'Westcountry Broadcast’ were particularly helpful Meet The Judges seminar on Sunday and I must have spoken to them for half an hour or longer. morning. One person who cannot go without mention is Marie Harper, who with husband I appreciate that the final details of John worked tirelessly before, during and after the conference. each award weren’t issued until late Finally, I visited the Titanic Exhibition on Saturday afternoon at the City Hall. While October, but a lot depends on spon- I was there Ena Montgomery, along with Noel Hyndman and Pat Lynch walked past. sorship. Later when returning to the Europa they were standing outside and thinking she was attending the Conference I had a brief conversation with Ena. But although I did men- It is my intention to have the same tion the HBA conference I am not at all certain she knew it was on. Although she did categories again next year so please tell me she returns to Belfast with her local magistrates next week. Pat and Noel are part start now, if you haven’t already, of NAHBO's past and I remembered seeing them in old copies of On Air. putting material away for your entries. Thanks again for a great weekend. Dave Nicholson Iain (also known as Smurf for those in the know!), Radio Lion, Guildford

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JUDGES DECISIONS Radio Addenbrookes have been broadcasting. Entries were All stations that have been highly com- Commended required to submit a five- minute compila- mended or commended can be found HR Exeter tion. under www.hbauk.com then select HR Maidstone Gold Mark Bexley, Harrogate HR membership/search directory. Radio Fox Highly Commended Valley Park Radio Ron Robertson, Victoria Radio Network STATION OF THE YEAR Victoria Radio Network Mark Daniels, Royal 1 Radio, Glasgow Commended Sponsor: BBC Radio 2 Ross Sutherland, Grampian HR This is the main award in the competition. BEST SPECIALISED MUSIC Entries were required to submit a maxi- Sponsor: PPL Matthew Tunstill, HR Chelmsford mum15-minute stand-alone documentary Entries were required to be five-minute style recording featuring extracts from their duration showing the judges the presenter's STATION PROMOTION station output during 2004, giving the judges knowledge of the music in question. Eg an Sponsor: Contact Centre Professional an insight into the station, the hospitals they event guide/what's on feature relating to the Either a station promotion or programme broadcast to, style of presentation and pro- show. These programmes could include trailer up to a maximum of 60 seconds was gramme content. jazz, classical, country, religious etc. required. What the judges were looking for Gold Radio Redhill Joint Gold Inverness HR is how well the promo or trailer put the Silver Whitechapel AM Rugby HR message across and whether they think it Bronze Rookwood Sound Bronze HR Perth would attract the ear of the listener. Highly Commended Highly Commended Gold Radio Tyneside HR Chelmsford Truro HR Silver Radio Clatterbridge Northern Air Radio Tyneside Bronze Victoria Radio Network Commended Commended Highly Commended HR Basingstoke Grampian HR HR Perth Bath HR Radio Redhill Barnsley HR Harrogate HR Rookwood Sound Commended Kendal HR Seaside HR Devizes HR Radio West Middlesex Victoria Radio Network HR Chelmsford Inverness HR PRESENTER OF THE YEAR MALE BEST SPEECH PACKAGE Radio Fox Sponsor: City Beat, Belfast Sponsor: IRN Radio Link Both male and female presenters were Stations were invited to submit a recording required to submit a five-minute entry showing of a maximum of five minutes taken from a BEST CHILDREN'S OUTPUT the judges the diversity of their presentation programme or interview that had been Sponsor: CBBC and awareness of the listeners. broadcast during 2004. The judges were The judges were looking for material pro- Gold Alex Grundon, Whitechapel looking for material that kept the attention of duced by stations with the young listener in Silver Dave Lockyer, Valley Park Radio the listener. The material must have origi- mind. Entries were required to submit a ten- Bronze Dave Bee, Northern Air nated from the station presenters and not minute compilation of programming designed Highly Commended from any other source. especially for the younger listeners. John Murray, Victoria Radio Network Gold Whitechapel AM Gold Radio Cherwell Steve Catchpole, HR Maidstone Joint Silver HR Chelmsford Silver Radio Northwick Park Commended Radio Redhill Bronze Truro HR Matt Andrews, Whitechapel Highly Commended Highly Commended Dave Harries, Bath HR HR Wey Luton & Dunstable HR Gerry Rigley , Bath HR Radio Northwick Park Rainbow Radio (Grampian HR) Phil Smith, Rugby HR Commended Commended Matthew Wade, HR Chelmsford Ashford HBS Only five stations were chosen for judging HR Perth Northern Air PRESENTER OF THE YEAR FEMALE THE JOHN WHITNEY AWARD Winchester HR Sponsor: The Radio Academy Gold Rebecca Devally, Whitechapel York HR Silver Diane Clarke, Tunbridge Wells This award was open to anyone working in Bronze Claire Grout, Warrington BEST SPORTS OUTPUT hospital radio whether part of the presenta- Highly Commended tion team, an engineer, fundraiser or hospi- Sponsor: On Air tal visit. Entries for this category were to be Laura Haldane, Victoria Radio Network Entries were required to submit a ten- Carly Playle, Bath HR written (no recordings required). The spon- minute compilation for this award, which sor, the Radio Academy issued the following Commended includes both studio sports output along Natasha Braybrook, Riverside Radio guidelines. with material broadcast from sporting events This award is to be made to the man or Lucy Earing, Bath HR i.e. football or rugby commentaries. The Faye Grantham, HR Chelmsford Samantha woman who has made a quite outstanding judges were looking for the presenter's contribution to Hospital Radio over a period Jenkins-Holmes, HR Chelmsford knowledge of sport and also the diversity of Leona Jones, Winchester HR of years. The terms of reference are quite the sports coverage of the station. intentionally broad in order to encompass all Gold Radio Cavell SPECIAL EVENT possible worthy recipients. The winner may Silver Radio Link be drawn from broadcasting but might Sponsors: Patientline/HR Goodies Bronze Radio Cherwell As in previous years this award recognises a equally be found from a technical or admin- Highly Commended istrative background. They may have one-off programme broadcast by a station dur- York HR ing 2004. A 15-minute compilation from the worked for a single station, a series of sta- Radio Fox tions. The written nomination should programme was invited. It had to be a one off Commended event and not part of the station’s normal day- explain why the candidate has made a real HR Wey and long lasting impact. to-day output. The judges were looking for Rookwood Sound something different from normal programming, All entries should be made on the stations eg outside broadcasts, coverage of a hospital official letter heading (no photocopies) and event, etc. BEST NEWCOMER should be no more than 300 words. Gold HR Plymouth Sponsor: Downtown/Cool FM Belfast Winner: Colin Johnston, Victoria Radio Silver Radio Redhill This award was open to anyone who Network Bronze Radio Cherwell joined a hospital radio station during 2004. Highly Commended The judges are looking to hear what they The Awards were organised by the Radio Link have achieved on air in the short time they National Hospital Broadcasting Association On Air No104 pp10,11 12/5/05 2:25 pm Page 1

APRIL Patientline are at Conference. They The 2004 awards show in Leeds A Year in the agree to consider sponsorship. comes to an end. Host Paul Robinson Life of Awards NOVEMBER says , Are you doing it again next year?’ Further discussions with Radio 2. My reply is , ‘We’ll see’. They agree to sponsor Station of the Later that evening or maybe it’s now Year. Oh am I a happy man. morning and a few of bottles of wine Although I still haven’t got all the has been consumed, Chris Cook says money I need to stage the event, I can ‘yes, we’ll do Belfast’. Paul Robinson now tell the stations what all the cate- agrees to host again and the work on gories are this time around. Nine this the 2005 awards start. year. Thank you letters are sent out to the Meet up with John Bradford from sponsors and everyone involved in the the Radio Academy who agrees to 2004 Awards. The sponsor letter says, sponsor a new award to be called The ‘hope you can help again next year!’ John Whitney Award. I answer all queries and there were Visit my trophy supplier and agree on many, from winners and losers. design of award. Accounts are sorted with the Treasurer who tells me we have a surplus of DECEMBER around £900 to go to next year’s event. Still trying to raise money. Patientline That’s a start ... only another £24,000 agree to come on board. Belfast to find! International Airport considering some sponsorship. MAY Letters sent out to the two sets of After two weeks in a darkened room Dave Nicholson, judges, the sifters and main judges, ask- I speak to CBBC, PPL and IRN. ‘Will Vice President of HBA ing for their help again this year, at the you sponsor again next year?’ The same time recruiting some new judges. reply? ‘Yes.’ Unfortunately neither has the unenviable task each It’s Christmas. I forget about Awards EMAP nor GMG can help. So who year of co-ordinating the – at least for a fortnight. can we approach? Hospital Radio Awards. A discussion with the Northern We asked him to tell us JANUARY Ireland region leads to over 40 letters how he brings it all together Still looking for cash. Gary King being sent out. I wait with baited across the year comes up with the idea of an On Air breath. Advertisers award. Belfast International tion of their win in the 2004 awards. Airport decides not to support the JUNE/JULY The EC says the money can go to help awards as they are giving the money to It’s holiday time and little response is with this year’s awards. the Tsunami Appeal. Can’t question coming back from letters. Getting there. that decision. Meet with Cosmic, Chris Cook, September was a good month. A col- Closing date for Awards is reached. Davey Downes, Eileen Manion and league of mine, Shona Harper, who Royal Mail call, ‘Can you please empty Don Banister in Belfast to discuss next has her own recruitment company, says your PO Box now!’ So I fill the boot of year’s theme. ‘No, no’ I said when a she will sponsor an award. Also the EC my car with envelopes and head home. suggestion was made that I film the say they will help with the prize money. Sort out entries into categories and introduction to the Awards on top of Meet BBC Radio 2 Controller, Leslie send them to the sifting judges with the one of Harland and Woolfe cranes. Douglas at a Radio Academy event. news I need their decisions in ten days’ The outcome – write to me and I’ll see so I can issue a top ten nomination list. AUGUST if we can help. Two stations call asking what cate- FEBRUARY gories will be in next year’s awards. I OCTOBER Didn’t think I would do it but I man- reply that Children’s, Specialised Music My man in Belfast, Don Bannister, age to produce the list. Top ten entries and Special Event and also Station of has given me a few contacts out there. now being sent to final judges. the Year and Presenter of the Year, even The result is that City Beat agrees to Guest for the Awards evening being though we haven’t the sponsorship yet. sponsor Presenter of the Year and sorted. Replies from letters sent out in May Downtown Radio wants to become By the end of the month, the final have not been successful. involved. It looks as we may have some results from the judges come in. extra categories this time round. Information passed to trophy company SEPTEMBER At the HBA AGM it is agreed I will to have awards engraved. I am informed by the EC that they issue a top ten nomination list. I also Chris Cook starts on the details of the have received a cheque from Victoria inform members of the categories, show, never off the telephone asking Radio Network for £2,000, which was telling them there are extra categories for info. given to them by their Trust in recogni- this year. Marie Harper gives me daily grief

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wanting to know who is attending the booked. Chris calls ‘I’ve ordered an ice Guest start to arrive, rehearsals run late meal, who is staying overnight. What sculpture!’ Why? ‘It’s part of the theme’ but it all comes together even if we are time will their flights get in and at comes the reply. five minutes late in starting, the sound which airport. John Rosborough of U105 wins the goes wrong at the top of the show and MARCH new Belfast licence and gives us a I lose my script. donation towards the event. First of the month. Disaster strikes. Eleven o’clock, the show is running late I’m told that the show will be broad- The trophy company says their supplier and the satellite feed terminates at cast on Hotbird. Get info out to sta- has lost our order. After frantic tele- 11.30pm. We do it with seconds to spare. tions. phone calls and threats to sue, they The show ends, Paul Robinson asks report that the supplier has given me APRIL are you doing it again next year? NO is open choice from their catalogue to Arrive in Belfast to find Davey my reply. Paul says to Chris are you choose new award trophies at the same Downes has arranged three live radio doing it again next year? NO says cost of the originals. Obviously I choose interviews that afternoon. It’s the 1st Chris. Three am, well why not! a more expensive one and get them to April could this be an April Fool? NO, Roll on Blackpool. Now off to the agree to ship them out to Belfast free of so off we go fighting through the Belfast darkened room! charge. traffic. The trophies were kindly supplied by The show gets closer. Guests are Saturday ... the day of the show. Morpeth Trophies.

Many of you have asked who judged BEST SPORTS OUTPUT what at this year’s National Hospital The Judges Andrew Friend Radio Awards. They were: Output Producer, Tyne Tees TV SPECIAL EVENT Bill McGregor STATION OF THE YEAR Alan Soady Freelance Sports Journalist Paula Rogers Senior Broadcast Journalist, Real Radio Mick Lowes Promotions Producer for BBC Radio 2 Leeds Head of Sport, BBC Radio Newcastle Ken Phillips Neil Gardner Producer of Richard Allinson On Radio Executive, Content and BEST PROMOTION/TRAILER Saturday and The Album Chart on Standards OFCOM Paul Robinson Media Consultant BBC Radio 2 Mike Parr John Rosborough Alan Dedicoat Breakfast Presenter BBC Radio Managing Director, U105 Belfast Head of Continuity BBC Radio 2 Newcastle Barney Harwood Presenter CBBC

PRESENTER OF THE YEAR SPECIALISED MUSIC BEST CHILDREN’S OUTPUT MALE Jill Drew Chris Jarvis Presenter CBeebies Paul Bajoria Public Relations Officer PPL Ltd Paul Smith Head of CBBC Producer of Mastermind BBC Radio 4 Ian Harkness John Rosborough Broadcast Journalist BBC Radio Kent ON AIR PRESENTATION Managing Director U105, Belfast Alex Hall Barney Harwood Presenter CBBC Bill Young Late Show Presenter, BBC North Programme Controller City Beat 96.7 Leeds NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR Paul Robinson Media Consultant PRESENTER OF THE YEAR SPEECH PACKAGE Mark Warr News reader Tyne Tees FEMALE John Perkins TV Ally Ballingall Managing Director, IRN Alistair McDowell Managing Director Tay FM, Dundee Jonathan Morrell Head of Marketing, Downtown Radio Bill Young Journalist and News Reader Tyne Tees Belfast Programme Controller City Beat 96.7 TV and the ITN News channel Simon Nicks Ian White JOHN WHITNEY AWARD Breakfast Presenter Galaxy 102 Senior Broadcast Journalist BBC North John Bradford Manchester Leeds Director of Radio Academy

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GOLD SILVER BRONZE Radio Redhill Whitechapel AM Rookwood Sound GOLD SILVER BRONZE MALE PRESENTER OF THE YEAR HR Plymouth Radio Redhill Radio Cherwell Sponsored by City Beat, Belfast GOLD Radio Cherwell SPEECH PACKAGE Sponsored by IRN

GOLD SILVER BRONZE Alex Grundon Dave Lockyer Dave Bee SILVER GOLD SILVER SILVER Whitechapel AM Valley Park Radio Northern Air Radio Northwick Park Whitechapel AM Radio Redhill HR Chelmsford FEMALE PRESENTER OF THE YEAR SPECIALISED MUSIC AWARD Sponsored by PPL Sponsored by City Beat, Belfast

BRONZE Truro HR GOLD SILVER BRONZE GOLD GOLD BRONZE Rebecca Devally Diane Clarke Claire Grout JOHN WHITNEY AWARD Inverness HR Rugby HR HR Perth Whitechapel AM HR Tunbridge Wells HR Warrington Sponsored by The Radio Academy STATION PROMOTION Sponsored by Contact Centre Professional BEST SPORTS OUTPUT Sponsored by On Air

GOLD SILVER BRONZE WINNER Colin Johnston GOLD SILVER BRONZE Radio Cavell Radio Link Radio Cherwell Victoria Radio Network Radio Tyneside Radio Clatterbridge Victoria Radio Network On Air No104 pp14,15 12/5/05 3:52 pm Page 1

Conference and Football ... Part Two

Last time, I reviewed our trips to Midland League) is right next door. In Hull, Glasgow, Oldham and Jersey. fact we find this out by accidentally tak- In Part Two, we begin with Spring ing the wrong fork in the lane leading to 1999 Conference at Coventry. the ground and end up in United’s ground by mistake. We eventually get it Spring 1999 right and park in Town’s ground. Coventry Conference The game is pretty decent and ends Coventry City are at home, so every- up all square at 1-1. Much of the one expects us to head for Highfield amusement during the game is directed Road. Wrong! Chris has eyed both the at the steward of Bedford United’s fixture list and a road map and decided clubhouse who ignores his club’s that it’ll be much more fun if we head reserve team game and watches the 45 minutes north to Tamworth, where Town match from the top of the steps one of Chris’ ‘other’ teams (of which that actually overlook the fence separat- there are several) are playing. This time ing the two grounds. I make a mental it’s the glorious Whites, aka Salisbury note that I have to come back and see a City FC, who are the visitors to the game at Bedford United but unfortu- Lamb Field, home of Southern League nately I hear that they’ve moved now, Premier Division Tamworth. Having by Chris Berezai so that’s not to be. persuaded everyone that this is the Regional Manager game to see and that ‘the choir’ will be Spring 2000 in attendance (of which more later), we Liverpool Conference actually fill two cars and head up the The game gets under way and soon The choice is staggering. Everton are A444 and A5, easily finding the ground enough the choir starts up. Me and at home at Goodison Park and one or by the old trick of spotting the flood- Fiona know all the songs so join in and two opt for this softie Premiership non- lights from a nearby flyover. After just soon the rest are all there with us. sense, whilst Kenny and Charlie traipse one detour into a trading estate, we roll Great! We are the huge away support! off to Southport in the GM Vauxhall into the car park, stump up the Some Tamworth youngsters unwisely Conference. This is far too posh for the entrance fee and take our place in the start trying to compete with us, until die-hards, so me, Garry, Tom and Ian covered standing area. This time’s they’re silenced by Gary (the leader of from Hillingdon opt for a trip across the attendees are myself, Garry and Tom the ‘choir’) with a bellowed roar of road to the railway station and a short from Barnet and I think Charlie from ‘Haven’t you lot got some home work excursion up the local line to watch Rookwood and the boys from Swindon you should be doing?’ Skelmersdale United take on Mossley in and Reading. We also have our first Cue laughter all round. Eventually the North West Counties League. We female in tow – my then other half, we wander around the ground, watch- get off the train at Skelmersdale and out- Fiona, whose parents live in Salisbury, ing the second half from behind the side the station we find a taxi. In fact, it and who has accompanied me to sever- goal Salisbury are attacking. Well, play- appears to be the only taxi. Not expect- al Salisbury matches, both home and ing towards anyway. The Whites grab ing much trade from the train station away (in fact, on one memorable occa- ‘Don’t worry’ says Fiona ‘the then. We all pile aboard and ask him to sion, she nearly started a fight at choir will be here’. Two minutes take us to the ground. Mr Taxi driver Merthyr when she took exception to a seems to know where the rugby ground group of Merthyr fans’ biased view of before kick off and four blokes is but we tell him that we don’t do egg- proceedings, coupled with the fact that pile into the stand singing ‘We chasing and he eventually manages to she knew the offside rule and they are the famous Salisbury!’ at deposit us at White Moss Park. We clearly didn’t.). ear-crunching level. book him for the return trip at 4.45. Five minutes from kick off and Garry ‘That’ says Fiona ‘is the choir’. The ground is cheerfully run-down Lakin is bemoaning the lack of away but the welcome is warm. As usual in fans and asking if ‘we’re the only ones a goal to huge cheers from all of us but non-League circles, the people on the here who will be cheering for unfortunately Tamworth spoil the fun gate are generally happy to see you, Salisbury’. Fiona gives him a knowing by scoring twice and running out win- grateful for your admission money and smile. ‘Don’t worry’ says Fiona ‘the ners. We all trek back to Coventry hav- pleased that you’ve actually made the choir will be here’. Two minutes before ing had a terrific afternoon. effort to turn up. Both Ian and I buy kick off and four blokes pile into the Autumn 1999 Skelmersdale United pin badges to mark stand singing ‘We are the famous Bedford Conference our visit and the four of us take seats in Salisbury!’ at ear-crunching level. ‘That’ ‘Not a lot of choice is there?’ is the the large Stand to watch a says Fiona ‘is the choir’. comment when the subject of football totally inept performance The nickname was coined at an earli- comes up in the bar on Friday evening. from the home side as er Salisbury game at Merthyr when Fiona All are scolded by Chris, who has Mossley win 4-1. Still, it’s said that these four travelling nutters, already sussed that Bedford Town are the biggest score we’ve seen who follow the Whites everywhere and at home on Saturday afternoon in the to date on one of the HBA keep up a barrage of singing all the way Ryman League Division One. So the Conference trips so we aren’t through the game, were like Rent-a-Choir usual suspects – Me, Garry, Charlie, complaining. and the name stuck! Basically, they are Tom, Kenny and Arthur from Swindon, four really nice guys, whose main passion and Gary and Robin from Reading – all Unofficial Trip in life just happens to be the Whites. head over to the New Eyrie for Jenner Park, Barry, They sing, they shout encouragement Bedford Town’s match with Braintree June 2000 and abuse and have a laugh with every- Town. The ground is on the edge of In June, we have the one. Totally harmless, total football fans, the town and unusually, the home of first unofficial HBA gath- great to stand next to at a game. Sort of. Bedford United (Spartan South ering for football since the

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Conference and Football contd

Jersey trip. OK, it’s only me, Garry had been at home on the Saturday spoil, although I do take the opportunity Lakin and Fiona but it’s still sort of afternoon ... I spend the rest of the to point out the supreme irony – Garry HBA. Garry spends 24 hours in Wales ramble cursing the perpetrators of the may not have made it to Conference, to watch The Mighty Dragons – that’s afore-mentioned forty questions. May but instead the Conference – the GM Barry Town to you lot – take on the Wicked Witches of Thrake blight Vauxhall Conference, that is – has Boavista of Portugal in the Champions their crops for a thousand years. come to him. League qualifiers at Jenner Park. Barry Spring 2001 Autumn 2001 gallantly go down fighting. OK, they got stuffed 3-0 but we enjoyed the night Birmingham Conference Newcastle Conference out anyway. The regulars don’t even go to We don’t go to a game. I have no idea Conference!! The reason for this is that why. I suspect that I’m grounded by Colin Autumn 2000 Garry Lakin has picked this very week- Powell who tells me that I’m an HBA Aberdeen Conference end to inflict a lifetime of suffering on Officer and have to attend the AGM and The start of the Great Football the lovely Karen Hite by marrying her. should really take my responsibilities seri- Drought has begun and it’ll be October Instead of traipsing off to Brum, we’re ously. ‘Why start now?’ I wonder ... 2002 before we get to another game at a church in North London and it’s together. Not that we know it at the the last day of the football season. Of Spring 2002 time. Aberdeen had the infamous ‘forty course, the Gods have conspired to Erskine Bridge Conference questions’ tabled at the AGM and as an make this one day, the most important A great excuse not to go to a game – Officer of the HBA, I have to attend in Garry and Karen’s life, the same day there aren’t any on! It’s Cup Final day the meeting – on a Saturday afternoon. that Garry’s beloved Barnet FC take on and it’s either Celtic v Rangers on the The Reading boys laugh and swan off Torquay United in a winner-takes-all telly or nothing. I briefly toy with the to Pittodrie to watch Aberdeen play scenario at the foot of the Football idea of jumping in the car and heading Dunfermline in the Scottish Premier League. If Barnet win, they stay in for the border when I discover the hotel League (although Gary from Reading Division Three. If they don’t, Torquay doesn’t have Sky and we can’t watch chooses to wear his Reading scarf and stay up and Barnet are relegated back the English Cup Final but in the end nearly gets thrown out when it’s mistak- into non-League football. Of all the put up with the Auld Firm. Good en for a Dunfermline one). The follow- games to miss, it had to be this one, did- choice too, the FA Cup Final was dire. ing morning, we go on the ramble. n’t it Garry? The wedding is a great In the final episode of our football Which takes us down to the sea, a occasion but a few miles down the trips, we come up to date with the mere 500 yards from the hotel. Which road at Underhill, Barnet are losing Theatre of Chips, Charlie amuses the takes us past the home of Cove their League status. Garry still has a crowd at Maidenhead and we see Rangers, of the Highland League. Who wonderful day that nothing is going to Game of the Season at Harrogate ...

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Countrywide ... News from the Stations

JUNE STRIPS IN BATH PILGRIM HOSPITAL RADIO raising funds for the station and activities 30 YEARS OLD include Prize Draw Raffles, sales of Pilgrim Hospital Radio has been novelties, collections and sponsored providing a dedicated service to the entry in the local Sea Bank Marathon. patients of Boston’s Pilgrim Hospital for PHR recently hosted the East of 30 years. It is not only going strong, it is England Area meeting of HBA which a growing concern. was a particular pleasure and privilege. The station was started in 1974 by The meeting was attended by HBA Mel Kennedy and his brother Martin President, June Snowden and together with their associate Mike representatives of many of the stations Carson. In those early days they in the region as well as several PHR broadcast to the patients from a space, members. The occasion provided an on the ground floor of the relatively opportunity to meet and exchange ideas Taking a breather outside the studio, pic- new hospital, which was no bigger with colleagues from other stations and tured from left to right: Miles Warburton, than a broom cupboard. The hospital to share common problems. Philip Cawte and Julie Hazelwood with authorities must have appreciated the It’s not all work and no play at PHR, June Snowden Photo: Alan Yeodal valuable contribution to patient welfare there are social events arranged A week after the Belfast conference, provided by PHR because they later throughout the year. A supper cruise June Snowden had been visiting offered larger accommodation on the along Boston’s River Witham took place friends in Bath and decided to visit Bath hospital’s first floor which served well in September and in January this year Hospital Radio. until in 1989. This was the time when we had a tour around Radio On arrival, she was immediately operations returned to the ground floor Lincolnshire followed by a meal at The handed a paintbrush. The decorating is into a purpose built suite comprising Big Wok, Lincoln. These social the final stage of over a year’s hard two studios, a library and an office, gatherings allow members who work work which has seen the launch of a which can be used as a third studio if different nights and normally leave appeal to refit the studios and fortieth necessary. The new accommodation messages for each other, to get together. anniversary celebrations to installation. was officially opened by the then PHR recognises that its volunteers June was shown one of our newly Mayor of Boston, Councillor Geoff are its most valuable asset and that their rebuilt studios, thanks to our Station Moulder. This suite is still the station’s hard work and commitment enable the Engineer Nigel, which will provide our home for the 25 voluntary staff who station to provide a professional service main hospital the Royal United with a broadcast between 7pm and 10pm to the patients.The first 30 years have stereo signal to the new Patientline Monday to Friday. been happy and successful.The new bedside entertainment system that is to Pilgrim Hospital provides care for Patient Entertainment System should be installed this year. A just reward for patients from a large rural area around provide fresh opportunities for the everyone’s hard work. Boston and for some of the future; may the next 30 years be as neighbouring small towns. One such is happy and successful as the last. RADIO BROADGREEN the coastal holiday town of Skegness CELEBRATE 30 YEARS which hosts variety shows throughout A PANTOMIME Radio Broadgreen in Liverpool are the year. Well known artistes appearing FOR RADIO? celebrating thirty years on the air this in Skegness have, from time to time I have always been a lover of year. They are presently the only agreed to interviews by PHR which pantomimes at Christmas time, from a hospital station serving the Liverpool have been recorded for subsequent very early age. So when I started to do area and currently broadcast to three broadcast; Daniel O’Donnell and Ken hospital radio, after I had been trained, major departments within Broadgreen Dodd are two which are well I had often wondered what it would be Hospital, including the North West remembered but many stories could be like to combine the two and perform a Cardio-thoracic Centre and Renal told from over the years. pantomime actually on the radio. The Dialysis Unit. Further expansion of the Great importance is attached to ward scenery and costumes would be so service is hopeful when current new visiting. PHR has a number of simple, as listeners could let their wards and theatres are completed later dedicated members who go on to the imagination run riot! this year. wards to meet and greet patients, With a staff of over 40 dedicated seeking their requests for their favourite volunteers of differing ages, patients are music. Family and friends are often treated to a whole cross section of visiting the patients at the same time music and are actively encouraged to and they are invited to select participate in requests and quizzes. dedications to be played for the patient When no presenter is on live, they after visiting time is over. Mainstream have an excellent play out music match easy listening music is most popular, system which ensures they are on air Daniel O’Donnell being the most 24/7. Their sports department makes requested artist. If a patient wants sure local football is well covered with something different, however, then it full commentary on every Liverpool will be played, providing, of course, the and Everton home game. item is held in stock. Lists are kept of Pictured, Andy Meadows (Will Pinky Pants); The feedback they get from staff and the most requested artists and music is Marcos Kallou (seated), sound engineer; patients is superb and hopefully they selected from these lists for times when Andy Roberts, Sheriff of Nottingham; Andy can grow and grow. requests are insufficient to fill a Ball, Sir Guy of Gisborne; Jane Bryson, programme slot. Robin Hood. The top of a head is Shaun Here’s to the next thirty! Most PHR members participate in Cooke, the narrator, Alan a Dale

ON AIR Page 16 May/June 2005 On Air No104 pp16,17 12/5/05 3:48 pm Page 2

Countrywide ... News from the Stations

Well, two years ago, I became the General Hospital, Derbyshire Royal station treasurer (for my sins) and so Infirmary, Derbyshire Children’s decided in 2003 to flex my treasurer Hospital and Nightingale Continuing muscles and propose the idea at a Care Unit from Studio One under Ward committee meeting! It went down well 2 of the Derby City General Hospital. (to my surprise and relief) and I began to put pen to paper. It was only at this THAT WAS THE stage that I realised how much hard WEEKEND THAT WAS work actually went into writing one My first experience of the HBA and several months later, my first Conference. pantomime ‘A Ladin’ was recorded (my Indeed, that was the weekend that own story). Sure, it was very rough was. No, it didn’t start with a kiss, it around the edges and only had a small Pictured, left to right: Andy Ball, Paul started with us missing our flight from cast but those who took part had a fun Child, Alison Hedger, Andy Meadows, Jane Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport. Yes, time performing it and we put it on to Bryson, John Bryson, Robin Barnard, Ryan you did read that right. What you may Cd for posterity. It was also a great Oram, Andy Meadows and Shaun Cooke. ask are a West Midland Hospital Radio learning curve for me but inspired by its Missing from the group Samantha Alison group doing flying from Liverpool. success, I decided to have another go and Steve Cooper Well, our Chairman is very prudent the following year. on some fantastic accents and invent with our funds. So, for 2004, I decided to go one some wonderful ad libs. Things could only get better and they better and involve even more members. The following weeks we recorded did. Meeting up belatedly at the I also decided to use an existing story the songs (which totalled seven and Europa, there was just time for a wash and decided upon that great English were all home made) and the whole and brush up before our first duty of classic,Robin Hood! This was also pantomime was produced onto a the evening, a visit to a real Belfast pub chosen as it had a large range of double CD (complete with outtakes). over the road for a long awaited glass characters and plenty of smaller bit The station had also purchased a of the real black stuff. Dinner followed roles. So I put pen to paper in April and Myriad playout system so the as did more of that black stuff and at by September I had a massive 44 page pantomime was added on, with the long last, a comfortable bed in a script. I also decided to plan the intention of playing it once per day over luxurious bedroom, as I eagerly looked pantomime more carefully (part of that the Christmas period for the patients forward to my first experience of the learning curve) and started by doing a and staff. HBA Spring Conference. story board and building the characters So that is the story so far, of how to A Spring Conference in Spring around that. To really make a radio turn the dream of a radio pantomime, into weather in the vibrant city of Belfast pantomime work, you need to use a reality. I know that I have got a great and what an experience it turned out to plenty of word play and quite a few sense of achievement out of writing it and be. From Rowland Myers, who started corny jokes. I also decided to have a we have all had a fun time in recording it! the proceedings at 9.30am on Saturday narrator at the beginning of each scene. And this year, who knows how big our morning by making trails and promos, In true pantomime traditions, the radio pantomime will become. It’s worth such an interesting and informative principle hero (Robin) was played by a all the effort, so all you budding writers, listen via John Rosborough and his lady, the dame was a man (I decided to why not give it a try! verbal walk down the highway of thirty give Robin Hood a mum) and I gave the Andy Roberts years of broadcasting experience to the merry men a comic twist as well! Hot (Mr T to his colleagues) final repartee and suggestions from the headed Will Scarlett became the very Harlow Hospital Radio Awards panel, it was all so interesting I mild mannered Will Pinky Pants, Little wished I could have been in two places John became very Little John (vertically INTERVIEW at the same time. challenged) and Maid Marion became WITH MAYOR One must never forget the great Maid Marilyn (as in Monroe ... boo boo value of spending a weekend in the bi do!). Oh and as I wrote the company of like minds epitomised all pantomime, I took the main baddie role the weekend and in every conversation as the Sheriff of Nottingham (boo, hiss!) by their understanding of the sole I did stay pretty true to the traditional purpose of our involvement, the patient. story of Robin Hood, except for the Finally, the HBA Awards ceremony, scene when Robin and Friar Tuck what an occasion. The contributions storm Hairy Mary’s dairy to rescue were many and varied. Maid Marilyn. The cast swelled to 14 For me personally came a pivotal and I had allocated characters to moment at 8.45pm when our President presenters and sent outscripts, several called for a minute’s silence upon the weeks before the recording date. This death of Pope John Paul II. As a time I used a sound engineer to monitor Catholic, at that moment I felt pride the levels and add in the sound efforts. and humility. I also took the role of director Anyone who sits in front of a hospital (complete with clapperboard) and we radio microphone, walks the wards in devoted an entire Sunday to read The Mayor of the City of Derby, search of requests, anyone who is a through and record the pantomime. It Councillor Ruth Skelton, was member of a hospital radio station, are still amazes me how perfectly interviewed by Bill Wilson, Chairman all winners in my book. respectable presenters can let their and Head of Sport of Radio Link and Ray Brown, Programme Controller imagination run away with them to put was broadcast live to the Derby City Dudley Hospital Radio

ON AIR Page 17 May/June 2005 On Air No104 pp18,19,20 12/5/05 3:40 pm Page 1

Countrywide ... News from the Stations

EMMA FINDS HER FEET Radio Cumbria, one hour show, My Theatre on 5th May. I'm glad to say we Hi everyone.I'm Emma-Louise, a Choice had a really good response from the trainee radio presenter currently work- • Darren Milby of Bay Radio, ex patients when giving the tickets away. ing at NHR here in Nottingham.I'm a Hospital Radio, one hour show, My Phil Luderman and The Drifters have bubbly,confident and lively 19 year old Choice agreed to be our patron and have since but that hasn't always been the case. • Anne Hopper of BBC Radio been very supportive to HRM. All through my school life, I was bul- Cumbria, one hour show, My Choice Myself, (Ken Lockerby), Phil lied both physically and mentally. • Tim Collin, MP for Westmorland Luderman and The Drifters travelled to Bullies would hit me, call me horrible & Lonsdale, one hour show, My London on 18th April to be inter- names and once they nearly poured a Choice viewed at the BBC regarding work bottle of hydrochloric acid over • Taffy Thomas, MBE, story teller, between Hospital Radio Medway and me.Thankfully I managed to escape. two hours of My Choice and story The Drifters. My parents were worried and kept me telling There are more interviews planned, off school on numerous occasions. • Colin Berry, BBC Radio 2, live including Meridian TV, who wish to Then, a couple of years ago my par- telephone interview interview The Drifters and also want to ents noticed I was losing vast amounts • Paul Robinson, live telephone inter- visit Hospital Radio Medway. of weight and I was suffering from view Another interview that took place on severe jaundice. My hands and feet • June Snowden, live telephone 19th April, was with the Kent were orange, my hair was falling out interview Messenger Newspaper. They are very and I was five stone and weak. • And we even had one of BBC interested in Hospital Radio Medway I was diagnosed with severe food Radio Cumbria’s presenters, Joe and what we've been doing over the allergies to wheat, gluten and yeast. I Costin, who came and presented a two past couple of weeks, what's coming up had been damaging my body for years hour Sixties show. He is an ex hospital in the future for Hospital Radio by eating these substances, unaware radio presenter Medway and the partnership between that they were slowly ruining my None of our guests had ever been HRM and The Drifters. insides. into the Kendal Hospital Radio studio Hospital Radio Medway haven't With daily medication and my ambi- since we invested a lot of money into only been with The Drifters, we've tion to be a radio presenter in hand, I the computerised equipment; they were been with a young, talented local band was more determined to succeed than taken aback with the set up. It has been called The Shades, who have gigs in ever. Radio presenting is my dream job good PR for Kendal Hospital Radio. and around the Medway towns. and I heard that by joining hospital I think you could say we have Hospital Radio Medway are sup- radio you get all the experience you pushed the boat this week and used porting, together with The Drifters, a need. So I contacted NHR at HB Week to promote Hospital concert to be held for Olivia Clark, a Nottingham's QMC Hospital and here Broadcasting as far as possible. young girl who sadly lost her hands and I am! EVERYONE has made me feel John and the team feet due to meningitis. so welcome and I look forward to com- @ Kendal Hospital Radio And finally, Hospital Radio Medway ing here. We go out regularly and will be asking ex-boxers to show us fundraise together. We're like family MEDWAY MADNESS their moves, dance moves that is, as and it's brilliant. I've put my past behind Hospital Radio Week went really we'll be with the Kent Ex-Boxers me and I'm focusing on being the well and there are some interesting Association on 15th May. Last year this BEST radio presenter I can possibly be. things ahead for Hospital Radio event was a great success and I'm sure I look forward to the day those bullies Medway. it will be the same this year. hear me on commercial radio; then I During Hospital Radio Week, Ken Lockerby can sit back and smile because I will Hospital Radio Medway were at the Fundraising Co-ordinator have the last laugh. Blacklion Leisure Centre, Gillingham, & Publicity Officer Don't give up on your dreams, just for a day of fun and entertainment for Hospital Radio Medway stay strong and you'll make it! all. We held a radio workshop for the Emma-Louise Dyer fifteen-hundred people who attended. RNP REMINISCE NHR Nottingham The workshop involved putting togeth- And so as HBA Week finishes, we er a half hour radio show, then present- reminisce on the exciting week we have CARRY ON KENDAL ing the show live at the Leisure Centre. had at Radio Northwick Park. An update on Kendal Hospital Radio The winner would have the chance Last week marked Hospital Radio fundraising during Hospital to go to Invicta FM to create a demo Awareness Week and as part of the Broadcasting Week ... we raised tape. celebrations, RNP members recorded a £2,890.00, a fantastic amount of money Also during Hospital Radio Week, version of 'My Way' by Frank Sinatra. but we are now all worn out. we interviewed the Chief Executive of Plans are to sell the record to raise • 2,500 raffle ticket books sold @ £1 the Hospital, Andy Horn; Paul Clark, money for the radio station that relies a book of five tickets local MP and the Mayor of Medway, totally on donations from the public. • Bag packing in Asda Friday Sue Haydock. Lauren Rich, Chairman evening, 5pm till 7pm. Gee, that gets Hospital Radio Week also saw Phil your back! And Asda have now offered Luderman, Manager of The Drifters, us bag packing every quarter and also who came to the studio along with Ray SCINTILLATING SEASIDE December 17th, 12 noon till 9pm Andrews, entrepreneur and Alan SEASIDE HOSPITAL RADIO, serv- And to top that off, they have asked Randal, restaurateur to be interviewed ing Southlands Hospital in Shoreham KHR to cover all their charity events on air. Whilst on air we gave listeners and Worthing Hospital, took part in this • We did loads of interviews with: the chance to win tickets to see the year’s Hospital Broadcasting Week. • Nigel Dyson, Manager of BBC The Drifters live at Chatham Central On Saturday, 2nd April, volunteers

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Countrywide ... News from the Stations

from the station took part in a street films; Ram is well known in the Asian collection in Southwick, Shoreham and community and does a lot of work in Lancing. They were hoping to break bringing new sounds to the young fans . last year’s record of £307.22. Our next guest was Janice, the As part of the week of events, Hospital’s catering manager with two Woolworths invited the station back to big breakfasts for Gurpreet and Chris the store in Shoreham to play requests plus a very large jug of coffee. Janice for shoppers in the store as well as spot stayed for a few tunes . questions to win prizes supplied by the The patients able to get down to the store and the Radio station. studio, came in to say hello and had Volunteers were around the Adur their favourite tune played; some stayed District from 9am until 5pm willing to for an interview about living in the East accept donations towards the running End. We heard some very good stories, of the hospital radio service. some funny, some sad; a lot about the During the past year the studio in war years and how life was in those Shoreham has been connected to times. Worthing hospital where we are wait- Sarah Jory, HBA Ambassador, drops in for The afternoon brought the ing to be connected to the HospiCom a chat Woodside top ten favourite requests. bedside entertainment system provided Ambassador, Sarah Jory, also dropped The number one song remains Frank by HTS Limited. Once the station has in for a chat during the special week, Sinatra followed by The Beatles, Patsy been connected by HTS, Seaside will helping out with the weekly Cline and Willie Nelson. be heard by the patients in Worthing. Wednesday night request programme The evening guests came from Solar The work of connecting the two and sharing memories of her early life Radio Sky 879 / internet radio station hospitals has been paid for by the two in Hospital Radio in Exeter. and included Gary Spence, who was League of Friends in Worthing and SHR member ,Sean Dunderdale Woodside Radio station manager for six Southlands Hospitals. said, ‘National Hospital Broadcasting years with Keith Renton, one of Solar’s Eric Ruell Week has given us an opportunity to management team who was very Publicity Officer celebrate all that's good about hospital impressed with the way the station Seaside Hospital Radio radio, playing requests and helping the runs and the dedication of the patients take their mind of what can be Woodside presenters.The two stations SARAH VISITS a strange and, often, lonely environ- have a close relationship with each SCUNTHORPE ment for them. The reaction on the other as both stations are twenty years Volunteers at Scunthorpe Hospital wards was tremendous’. old this year. Radio were joined by a host of special The station, which recently marked guests to help celebrate National its 53rd year of broadcasting, also used Hospital Broadcasting Week. the week to launch a fresh appeal for The station, which broadcasts to new volunteers. patients at Scunthorpe General, decid- Sean said, ‘As with many other char- ed to hand over its main request pro- ities nowadays, we really are struggling grammes to key figures from North to get new people offering to help out, Lincolnshire. even just an hour a week. We're hop- Brigg and Goole MP, Ian Cawsey, ing the publicity we received from who is also the station’s President, Hospital Broadcasting Week will attract helped launch the special week of pro- a few new faces to SHR’. grammes by reading out bingo numbers for hospital patients. It was a return to WOODSIDE Chris Middleditch and Gurprett Mudhar his original roots for the MP, who is a MARATHON SHOW busy with their 24 hour broadcast former member of SHR and revealed Chairman Chris Middleditch and We had two very special guests: the on air that before entering politics he'd press officer Gurpreet Mudhar under- once been a bingo caller on first being Junior Giscombe, who had took a 24 hour show to raise the the hit records with Mama Used to Say, Cleethorpes’ seafront. awareness of the station for Hospital Next up was the Mayor and which reached no. 7 in the charts for Broadcasting Week. The day started at 13 weeks in 1982. Junior told Chris Mayoress of North Lincolnshire. They 5am when Chris and Gurpreet arrived read requests and shared with the lis- that he has a new album coming out at the station to prepare for the many soon and a single and we spoke about teners stories from the year in office, guests. The show started at 7am on 5th including a visit to Buckingham Palace. the way music has changed over the April and the first guest to arrive was years. You can hear Junior on Solar The Mayor also revealed that the Stephen Timms, local M P for Mayoral Car was about to be sold off Radio, the connoisseur of soul stations Newham which was a good start to the every weekday afternoon. on E-Bay, the first time such a vehicle show. Mr Timms talked about himself had been auctioned in such a way. The second surprise guest to knock as we were anxious to know about the on the door was Tony Monson from Speaking after the event, Councillor man and not the politician. His Phillip Wood said, ‘it was the first time Solar. Tony is the other part of the man- favourite tracks were from The Beatles. agement team who drove across he'd been in a radio studio and told the The next guest was Ram Hanns, a station’s volunteers he'd been particu- London to be with us on such a special local Asian pop star. Ram spoke about evening. We spoke about radio in gen- larly impressed with what he'd seen’. his new album that is due out in the National Hospital Broadcasting eral and Tony had a few requests summer and his work in Bollywood before leaving for a meeting.

ON AIR Page 19 May/June 2005 On Air No104 pp18,19,20 12/5/05 3:40 pm Page 3

Countrywide ... News from the Stations

The early evening turned into late tives of the Hospital Broadcasting night with the requests still coming from Association: Phil Moon, Deputy Chief the patients. Gurpreet aka Sister Love, Executive of the HBA and Mike started her show with her customary Skinner, the HBA’s Head of Public love songs to slow the evening down Affairs. and to take us into the morning of 6th April when the breakfast show took us USING AUDIO BOOKS to 7am. ' Are there any restrictions on us A very big thank you to Gurpreet, using Audio Books on our station?' This Sue and Roger for their support and the was a question posed to me a few team from Woodside who were all out- months ago by a member station. After standing. making several enquiries, I have ascer- Chris Middleditch, Chairman was a co-founder of Radio Redhill at the former Redhill General Hospital, tained that indeed there are restrictions along with his father, the late Les on using this material for broadcast. LONG SERVICE TO Fowler. I spoke with Harper Collins and the HOSPITAL RADIO Richard Shaw, a Merstham resident, reply from them was very clear and as RECOGNISED joined Radio Redhill in 1975, very follows: The President of the Hospital shortly after the station started regular 'They would need clear permission Broadcasting Association, the umbrella programmes in February 1975. for use of the stories on a story by story organisation which co-ordinates the After carrying out the presentations basis. Approach would have to be activities of hospital radio stations all on air on Sunday afternoon, June made to each publisher to check if we over the United Kingdom, June Snowden stayed on to take part in a have reproduction rights to grant per- Snowden, was a guest at Radio Redhill special programme entitled “‘President’s mission. If not, then we would direct during its special programmes on FM to Top 3’, in which she described the them to the correct rights holder'. celebrate its 30th Birthday. work of the Hospital Radio Association So, beware when using anything like Her very pleasant task was to present and chose her three favourite records. this on tape or CD. It is owned by two Radio Redhill members with their Also in the studio to celebrate Radio someone and to use it without permis- 30 Years Long Service Certificates. Redhill’s Gold Award as ‘Station of the sion would probably breach copyright. Andrew Fowler, who lives in Redhill, Year’ were two other senior representa- Mike Skinner, PR

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ON AIR Page 20 May/June 2005 On Air No104 p21 12/5/05 2:38 pm Page 1

Hey Mister, Can We Have Our Radio Station Back?

The 11th October 1980 will remain closed so suddenly. Well, actually not a great deal. We a significant date in my personal history. Over the years RADIO GOSH had did, of course, express our concern and I had taken a day off work to be the collected national awards for its annoyance but, at the end of the day, it host to national TV, press and radio at broadcasting ability and many other was their hospital and not ours. Great Ormond Street Hospital, hospital radio stations all over the UK You may also ask, ‘what is the big Bloomsbury, London WC1. would look to us for guidance and deal?’ The hospital just replaced one The reason was the launch, ably information, especially if part of their radio station with another one. assisted by (including the audience comprised children. Unfortunately, it has not been as simple much loved Goldie), of RADIO GOSH The studio from where all RADIO as that and to this day, Radio Lollipop is – the brand new radio station designed GOSH programmes were broadcast not properly functioning on all to entertain young patients of the live had become one of the focal points cylinders. It is, so I understand, bereft hospital. I was the newly appointed of the hospital, and this was never of enough volunteers to function, other publicity and press officer for the station more evident when say a footballer, than to play a pre-recorded tape to and I was in equal measures excited, band or pop star would appear on which no-one bothers to listen to. but decidedly nervous, at meeting the RADIO GOSH for an interview. The Indeed, why should the patients tune press. The number of journalists who ‘interview’ actually comprised a into that? Might as well listen to Radio came into the hospital reception area package of live ‘on air’ interviews (not One. for our early morning press conference only listened to on 301 metres medium It is also my understanding that the was pleasing, if not a little surprising. wave but watched by loads of children patients and the doctors and nurses The BBC press office had certainly on the other side of the glass studio within the hospital, would like to see done their homework. partition), dishing out autographs, RADIO GOSH back on the airwaves. The man from ‘Gay News and posing for photographs and finally Also, I have a long list of celebrities Bondage Weekly’ nearly threw me until undergoing a quick tour of some of the wanting me to book them in for their I recognised him as the journalist from wards. RADIO GOSH appearance. the Mirror. Sometimes this was followed by Furthermore, the entire RADIO So a station was born and, after a some liquid refreshment in Studio 2 GOSH team (still intact and still Blue Peter special programme, went out with RADIO GOSH personnel. This spending time in Studio 2 together) is over the airwaves. I celebrated with could be a perk of the ‘job’, never more ready, able and willing to move back to another dozen or so RADIO GOSH so when a group like ‘Legs & Co’ Studio 1. volunteers all day long at a nearby visited the hospital. Gosh, how those Is not the motto of the hospital ‘the public house (or ‘Studio 2’ as it soon girls could drink! children first and always’? Well, I think came to be known). How cool is that to meet one of your the children are getting a pretty raw After an initial period, broadcasting idols when you are ill in hospital? No deal at the moment and this makes me hours were soon extended with wonder the medical staff thought upset, annoyed and angry to a degree patients listening on the MW band via RADIO GOSH was a factor in the that I have rarely experienced before, an ‘induction loop’ system – once recovery of patients. RADIO GOSH especially when I, (and everyone else famously, but incorrectly referred to by was up front, close and personal and at RADIO GOSH) can see no valid a young nurse as a ‘seduction coil’ the kids loved it. justification for the closure. system. We were fortunate to secure Behind the scenes, our ambassador, So, how about it – can we have our the services of top harmony group Sir Paul McCartney, worked with quiet radio station back? I am sure that Blue ‘Wall Street Crash’ who produced efficiency but provided hugely Peter would love to come back and jingles for us. influential support, whilst our chairman help celebrate the re-opening of Fast forward to December 2003. of 23 years, Peter Losch, laboured RADIO GOSH. January 2005 would The hospital informed us that RADIO tirelessly to ensure that the equipment be fine. GOSH was to be closed. What? worked and presenters were behind the Peter Goodman Come on, it’s a mistake surely? As a microphone at the right times – and so ( Please note these are my personal certain well-known tennis player might much more besides. views and not those of RADIO GOSH). say ‘you cannot be serious?’ Well, they So what happened? were, and the keys were duly handed Why the change? back. I had always believed in the adage So come on, throw in your After 23 years and two months of that you should never tinker with a tuppence worth. successful broadcasting by entertaining winning formula. Why would the I am sure you must have children with a lively mix of music, hospital management think otherwise? some feelings on the events at games, quizzes and celebrity interviews, In our place, so the hospital informed we were off the air – just like that. us, would follow Radio Lollipop – a Great Ormond Street Hospital. Bang! station providing radio entertainment Do you think the Hospital As a founder member of RADIO but with an added element of ‘play’ for Trust made the right decision GOSH that hurt, really hurt, and our the children. But why would this be or do you have sympathy with ranks of volunteers (now numbering necessary since the hospital employs the hospital radio team? about 40) were equally upset, bemused professional play leaders? As and bewildered. Of some concern was mentioned, all this happened 12 Please send your comments the fact that some of our members months ago, and you may ask, ‘what to the Editor; you will find the thought that they had done something did RADIO GOSH do about this address on page one . ‘criminal’ for the station to have been summary dismissal?’

ON AIR Page 21 May/June 2005 On Air No104 p22 13/5/05 11:14 am Page 1

Spreading the Joy Through the Airways

Sandwiched between the main block Wells High Street and look in a shop and at my bad jokes’. and the A& E department of the Kent see us broadcasting live. It sounds a Diane started at the hospital after a and Sussex Hospital is an old mortuary. touch freaky but it’s all to show donors traumatic personal experience left her Fortunately, the mortuary no longer where the money is going’. feeling low and she readily admits that echoes to hushed whispers of respect. Chris also helps train the newcomers the biggest reward is the time it gives her These days it hums to the music and chat who are put straight on air to sink or away from the stresses and strains of of Hospital Radio Tunbridge Wells. swim. Diane Clarke was one of those normal life. ‘It gives me the most The studios are a very professional who rose to the surface. Having been a tremendous lift, it really does’, she says. set-up event though all the crew are presenter for over a year, Diane ‘For about three hours every Sunday I amateurs with limited budget. ‘From remembers all too clearly her radio come in and sit in my hermetically sealed outside you cans still see the top of the debut. ‘I was frightened the first time and box and when I’ve finished I can say, Chapel window’ Diane, one of the I said ‘Please, please don’t leave me ‘Now where was I? It’s lovely’. presenters points out. ‘But inside you’d alone in the studio’ I was shaking so Hospital Radio Tunbridge Wells has never have a clue’. ‘We are meant to much I couldn’t get the 45s back in their been going now for 42 years, serves Kent have a ghost called George’ says Chris, sleeves!’ and Sussex, Penbury and Tonbridge the Station Manager. Over the weeks, Diane became Cottage Hospitals and has spawned There are four of us in the tiny studio comfortable in front of the microphone. ‘I some famous television celebrities and and the only one looking a little perturbed played an Elvis song and I said ‘that was DJs of county wide fame – not bad for a at the talk of ghosts is Anette Parris – fantastic to dance to, wasn’t it? Uh. OK, charity based in a mortuary! originally from Denmark – which may Matron’s coming back quick get into (Our sincere thanks to Tim Ashton for explain why she collects requests from bed!’ No, no! Your own bed!’ ‘ I don’t his article, which appeared in My patients around the ward rather than know if they think I’m a lunatic but, at Weekly, April 2nd 2005 and reproduced presenting a show. ‘I’m not certain I could least from in here, I can’t hear the groans by kind permission to the HBA). handle the studio controls anyway,’ confides Anette, who is retired and finds hospital radio a great way to fill her time. ‘ I love people and going round the wards and having chats with everyone. The good thing is I get feedback on the radio programmes and they’re all waiting for me, all chatting across the ward trying to think of request – egging each other on’. There are certain familiar favourites requested time and time again. ‘Daniel O’Donnell, the Irish lad, he’s very popular with the ladies and then there’s classical music too, sometimes a bit of Abba’. I accompanied Anette on a tour of the wards and she introduced me to Mary, who has been in and out of hospital for three years and because Anette began taking requests three years ago, they’ve suggested the record was a secondary issue to just chatting with someone. ‘I love the patients’, Anette explains.’I feel that every time I go into the ward I’m giving them something because they’re happy to talk to me. If people want to just chat, then I’ll sit and listen to their bursary stories. If Anette is the frontline, then Chris Manser, part time Station Manager and Programme Controller, is the support team. A full time BT engineer, he’s been at the station since 1981 after joining on the advice of a school teacher. ‘ A lot has changed then’ he admits ‘a bit for the better. We’ve now got a computer, which catalogues tracks and automatically builds an hour of music for a sixties show or an eighties show, it saves a lot of time.’ It is certainly needed as there are over 68,000 tracks in the station’s library! Until recently, the station was on air for 40 hours a week but Chris, with the help of a £5,000 lottery grant, has recently expanded the service to go on air 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A lot of time is given over to fundraising through sponsorship and street collecting. To air the street collectors, the radio team will do outside broadcasts. ‘ You could be wandering the streets of Tunbridge

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Regional Reps details REGION REP ADDRESS PHONE E-MAIL Regional Chris Berezai 1 Bryn Rhosyn 0870 321 6005 [email protected] O fficer Forest View Morriston Swansea SA6 6DB

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All HBA Regional Reps now have national rate (0870) telephone numbers. The majority of Reps have now routed the number to their home phone number and thus are able to receive calls made to the new number. Hopefully the remainder will set up their numbers within the next few days. As with the existing 0870 numbers for other members of the Executive Committee, the HBA gets a very small commission on all calls made to these numbers. We would ask, therefore, that if your Regional Rep is not a local call for you, please use the 0870 number. It should cost you no more but the HBA will recover a small percentage of the cost from your telecoms provider. On Air No104 p24 12/5/05 1:48 pm Page 1

Who to Contact on the Executive Committee

Chief Executive Deputy Chief Executive John Watson Phil Moon 13 Trinafour, Perth, Perthshire PH1 2SS 82 Greenleaf Gardens, Polegate, E Tel: 0870 321 6000 Sussex BN26 6PH e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0870 321 6014 Main contact with statutory e-mail: [email protected] bodies. Ambassadors Sub committee chairman. Special projects

Treasurer John Harper General Secretary 50 Neale St, Fulwell, Sunderland, Nigel Dallard SR6 9EZ 54 St. Annes Close, Badger Farm, Tel: 0870 321 6004 Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4LQ Fax: 01268 565759 Tel: 0870 321 6003 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Financial matters (other than General correspondence, Company subscriptions) Secretary, annual review

President June Snowden Vice President P.O. Box 76, Ely, CB6 3WH David Nicholson, MBE East Cottage, Milbourne Hall, Milbourne, Tel: 0870 321 6009 Newcastle upon Tyne NE20 OEB e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0870 321 6016 Station visits, represent HBA e-mail: [email protected] publicly, print and present long Station visits, represent HBA publicly Awards sub committee chairman, service certificates present long service certificates

Technical Adviser Public Relations Manager Geoff Fairbairn Mike Skinner 6 Batchelor Way, Uckfield, East Sussex Flat 6, 4 Blunt Rd, South Croydon CR2 7PA TN22 2DD Tel: 0870 321 6012 Tel: 0870 321 6008 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Technical matters Press & public relations, charity profile

Administrator/Membership Regional Manager Chris Berezai Marie Harper 1 Bryn Rhosyn, Forest View, Morriston, 50 Neale St, Fulwell, Sunderland, SR6 9EZ Tel: 0870 321 6017 Swansea, SA6 6DB e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0870 321 6005 Point of contact for outside bodies e-mail: [email protected] on all HBA matters. HBA EC diary. Regional meetings, contacts, Membership records, address changes setting up a region etc. and all subscriptions

Sales & Advertising Editor Michelle Newstead Executive Gary King 2 Falkland Close, Boreham, Chelmsford, 62 Chanctonbury Road, Burgess Hill, Essex CM3 3DD West Sussex RH15 9EY Tel: 0870 321 6011 Tel: 0870 321 6026 Fax: 0870 321 6019 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] All Corporate sales for HBA On Air magazine

Webmaster Terry Savage IT Co-ordinator Chris Hughes PO Box 421, Uxbridge UB10 8SP 21 Mattaysens Way, St Mellons, Cardiff CF3 OPL Tel: 0870 321 6018 Tel: 0870 765 9616 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] On Air No104 IRC 12/5/05 12:48 pm Page 1 On Air No104 Rear Cover 12/5/05 12:30 pm Page 1