The Other Classical Body: Cupids As Mediators in Roman Visual Culture
The Other Classical Body: Cupids as Mediators in Roman Visual Culture The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Mitchell, Elizabeth. 2018. The Other Classical Body: Cupids as Mediators in Roman Visual Culture. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. Citable link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// use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