Greek Vase Painting
STATE OF THE DISCIPLINE Greek Vase Painting JOHN H. OAKLEY Abstract degree of emphasis on various aspects such as inter- This article presents a synthesis of the developments in pretation of subject, collecting, typology, cataloguing, the field of Greek vase painting during the last 15 years. chronology, and attribution. Although scholarship I first place various types of publications and fields of continues today in all these areas, more emphasis is inquiry into a historical context and then consider the current state of research in the various subareas. I close being placed on context, trade, shape, the technical with comments on emerging practices and trends in the aspects of production, the history of collecting, and field and some of the major problems that need to be theoretical approaches in interpreting the images— addressed.* especially the so-called “genre” or “everyday life” im- ages—than previously. Each year, hundreds of publications on Greek vase introduction painting appear, almost all of which are collected and The study of Greek vase painting has long held an briefly summarized every two years in the Bulletin Ar- important position in the field of classical archaeology, chéologique: Céramique of the Revue des Études Grecques. with serious studies of Greek painted ceramics begin- This important scholarly resource was initiated in 1960 ning in earnest during the 18th century.1 The term by Henri Metzger and is now continued by a group of itself, Greek vase painting, is interpreted slightly differ- successors under the leadership of Maffre. The most ently by different scholars; some, for example, include recent issue is the joint product of six experts: Bellelli, painted vases from the Greek Bronze Age, while oth- Dupont, Fontannaz, Frère, Maffre, and Siebert.2 Since ers do not.
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