Available online at https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/nexj Visit our blog at newexplorations.net Vol 1 № 1 (Spring 2020) A Review of Stuart Kauffman’s A World Beyond Physics and Its Parallel with McLuhan’s Reversal of Cause and Effect. Robert K. Logan University of Toronto ABSTRACT A review of Stuart Kauffman’s A World Beyond Physics is made and its parallels with McLuhan’s reversal of cause and effect is made. KEYWORDS: McLuhan; physics; enablement; general systems; extensions of man; media; technology; tool Robert K. Logan
[email protected] 2 New Explorations: Studies in Culture & Communication In A World Beyond Physics, Stuart Kauffman (2019, 10) critiques the “physics-based view of the world” and the notion that physics can ultimately explain all phenomena of the universe including biology and cognition. He wrote, Brilliant physicist Steven Weinberg voiced the physicist thoughts: (1) the explanatory arrow always points downwards from social systems to people to organs to cells, to biochemistry to chemistry and finally physics; (2) the more we know of the universe, he wrote, the more meaningless it appears (ibid.). Kauffman (2019, 12-13) states that Weinberg is categorically wrong and points out, “One thing missing in the world according to physics is the crucial idea of agency… Given agency, meaning exists in the universe.” He then asks "How did the universe get from matter to mattering? In the meaningless, numb universe of Weinberg, where does mattering come from?” Mattering, in Kauffman’s play on words, is simply meaning or information and information is about the informing of a living agent that is able to propagate its organization.