Appendix B The of Aging

Introduction spans that seem to be “programmed” into them accord- ing to species. Mechanisms underlying this programmed The distinction between the effects of aging as a aging could involve an intrinsic genetic component of chronological process and diseases whose prevalence the tissues (24), and/or an extrinsic “neuroendocrine increase with advancing age remains blurred. Condi- pacemaker” (16,17). tions once thought to be inevitable companions of old The genetic version of the biological clock is bol- age are now known to in fact be pathological in origin stered by the observation that the survival time of and thus possibly treatable and preventable. One ex- tissues grafted (or transferred) from an older animal ample is senile dementia, no longer the mysterious fate into a younger one of the same species seems to de- of the very old, but often a clinical manifestation of pend on the age of the donor and is not influenced arteriosclerotic or biochemical brain disease. by the “younger” environment into which it has been Further research may elucidate the mechanisms introduced (24). Similarly, when nuclei from younger underlying aging and their possible connection to age- cells are transplanted into the cytoplasm of older cells, related diseases, leading to the development of medi- the recipients then live longer and regain the ability cal techniques that delay the onset and progression to replicate. These observations all suggest that a of symptoms. While it may not lead to actual exten- “clock” controlling aging does exist and may be located sion of the human life span, such knowledge could re- in the nucleus, possibly in the genetic material (24). duce the prevalence and impact of chronic conditions Genetic diseases that accelerate aging and abbreviate that affect many elderly persons and drain our health life spans further support intrinsic genetic control of care resources, allowing marked improvement in the aging, Werner’s syndrome, for example, is a rare general well-being and productivity of the growing autosomal recessive disease (i.e., the gene for the dis- elderly segment of the population. ease is not carried on a sex chromosome and two The cell is the physiological building block in all copies of it must be present for the disease to appear) higher organisms, including humans. Any investiga- involving retarded growth, premature graying and tion of mechanisms underlying the aging process must loss of hair, cataracts, teeth loss, osteoporosis, aduh- therefore look at how different cell types are altered onset diabetes, generalized atherosclerosis, and a me- over time to produce the structural and biochemical dian life span of 47’ years. Cultured fibroblasts from changes normally associated with aging. Numerous people with Werner’s syndrome exhibit a markedly biological signs of aging have already been identified abbreviated life span (23,53). Hutchinson-Gilford Pro- in cells both within the human organism and grown geria syndrome, another rare “age-accelerating” genetic on artificial media. This section reviews the theories disease, has similar symptoms that appear by age 1 and evidence concerning mechanisms underlying and a median life span of 12 years. More than 80 per- biological aging. cent of the deaths are due to heart disease (23). Lo- calization of the exact gene lesions and their role in Theories about cellular mechanisms accelerating the aging process in these diseases could reveal genetic mechanisms involved in normal aging. of aging The control of aging by a “neuroendocrine pace- maker” extrinsic to the tissues involved is supported Theories about the cellular mechanisms underlying by evidence of progressive changes in neural and en- the aging process can be divided into two broad cate- docrine regulatory systems throughout adult life (17); gories: 1) those involving a “biological clock” that or- such changes would produce a “cascade” of alterations chestrates degenerative processes and determines life in neural, endocrine, and tissue interactions, leading span; and 2) those involving accumulated damage, mu- to the dysfunction of cells in the ovary, liver, and other tations, and waste products in certain cells. target tissues (16). This neuroendocrine pacemaker could produce both cellular and physiological changes BIOLOGICAL CLOCK THEORIES associated with aging. The mechanism driving these The biological clock theory proposes that an orga- regulatory changes may involve the cumulative impact nism is inherently programmed to begin aging at a cer- of specific hormones on the brain over time, After a tain rate according to its chronological age. Evidence certain amount of exposure, negative feedback at the for this theory includes the observation that different hypothalamic level would cause changes in the homeo- species of higher vertebrates have very specific life static set points, causing ahered neuroendocrine out-

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put and the observed functional and structural changes mature death and early onset of dementia and various associated with aging. age-related degenerative neurological disorders. This neuroendocrine pacemaker could also produce Aberrant proteins could also accumulate both inside age-related disease by affecting genetic activity, and outside cells due to age-related defects in the leading to disturbances in immune function, prolifera- genetic material or in other protein-manufacturing tion of arterial walls, malignant growths, and other machinery in the cell. The chemicals and structures conditions that are associated with aging and limited responsible for “decoding” and implementing genetic life span in mammals (17). information could alter with age, resulting in struc- It is not known, however, whether observed age- turally faulty proteins that would be unable to func- related changes in hormonal regulation and balance tion normally (31). are a cause or an effect of the aging process (30). Fur- Accumulated insults to the cell over time—whether thermore, the biological clock may have both an in- metabolic, environmental, or viral--could thus lead to trinsic genetic and an extrinsic neuroendocrine com- cellular degeneration, loss of function, cessation of ponent. Much research remains to be done before any division, and cell death with a diminution of function conclusions may be drawn concerning programmed in various body organs. Such acquired lesions could aging. also lead to the formation of malignant cells and can- cer. The damage could be exacerbated by the aging ACCUMULATION OF DAMAGE: FREE RADICALS immune system’s decreasing ability to detect and de- AND OTHER HARMFUL AGENTS stroy aberrant cells and materials in the body. The other major cellular theory of aging involves the Much research remains to be done, however, on the accumulation of physical and biochemical damage to accumulation of either genetic or nongenetic cellular both genetic and nongenetic components of body cells lesions as a function of age, and on the role of such over time. Such cumulative damage would most af- lesions in the aging process. Such knowledge could fect cells that do not normally divide, like liver, heart lead to preventive or therapeutic techniques that pre- muscle, and nerve cells. vent or correct this age-related damage along with any Free radicals are byproducts of cellular metabolism associated debilitating symptoms. that are capable of generating chemical reactions de- structive to parts of the cell. As the cell continues to metabolize over time, such damage may increase. Biological signs of aging Some evidence suggests that free-radical damage may be responsible for decomposition of certain cell parts Certain systemic changes are generally acknowl- and the subsequent accumulation of lipofuscin (“age edged to characterize “normal” aging. Those body pigments”) in various body tissues. Accumulation of functions that decline with age include: renal blood lipofuscin, and of partially digested materials that have flow (44), cardiac output (especially during exercise; also been found in aging cells, may impair cell func- 20), glucose tolerance (1), vital lung capacity (27), and tion and contribute to cell aging (3,4). Thus, the meta- cellular immunity (2). bolic process itself may damage the cell over time and The great variation in the incidence and degree of contribute to aging. such age-related changes and diseases between peo- Accumulated damage with age could also be mani- ple of the same age suggests that individual behavior fested by genetic lesions produced by mutations or me- and influence the aging process. Better un- chanical disruptions of the chromosomes (37,41,48). derstanding of causal factors underlying age-related Such damage could be exacerbated by a possible age- conditions could thus lead to better preventive and related deficiency in genetic repair mechanisms (13,36) therapeutic treatments. and could result in the manufacture of faulty proteins This section briefly reviews what is known and not (e.g., enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters) that can- known about the cellular basis of these and other not work properly (18). biological changes occurring with age, and what con- Several of the genetic ‘(age-accelerating” diseases, in- nections there might be between these changes and cluding xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne’s syn- age-related disease. The etiology and clinical impact drome, seem to involve defects in the cells’ genetic re- of many of these “signs” are not known. pair mechanisms (23)53). People afflicted with either disease show increased frequencies of chromosomal CELL LOSS aberrations and their body cells are unusually sensitive Cell death in certain tissues could contribute to the to the mutation-inducing properties of ultraviolet light. degeneration and death of the organism. In fact, while The symptoms of both of these diseases include pre- it is not the sole cause, the loss of cells in certain re- App. B—The Cc/l Biology of Aging ● 415

gions of the body is thought to contribute significantly off and renewed constantly (as in the skin or intestine) to the aging process. Such loss is particularly impor- may decrease with age and lead to a net loss of cells. tant in tissues whose cells are unable to renew them- For example, there is a marked flattening and loss of selves, such as nerve and heart muscle cells. cells in both the inner and outer skin layers of the In certain regions of the brain, nerve cells appear elderly, along with impaired wound healing. to be lost with advancing age (5), reaching 20 to 40 The relevance of a limited number of cell genera- percent loss in some areas (10). Age-related loss of tions to the life span of the organism as a whole, how- neurons in the brain’s cerebral cortex (5,7), cerebellum ever, has not been established. Study of cell lines that (21), and limbic system (45) could be involved in im- continue to proliferate indefinitely, like cancer cells, pairment of cognitive, motor, and learning/emotional might yield clues to the mechanisms underlying the behavior, respectively, in the elderly. Alzheimer dis- limited replicative life spans of normal cells. ease, a type of senile dementia found mostly in older persons, is associated with substantial loss of cells from CHANGES IN CELL MORPHOLOGY specific brain regions, perhaps leading to clinical dis- A decrease in the density of synapses (areas across ruption of learning and memory. which nerve cells signal each other) has been reported The scattered loss of muscle fibers from the heart in certain regions of aging brains in humans (26,45) and their replacement with noncellular fibrous strands and animals (4,19,22). Loss of dendrites (signal recep- is observed in aging animals (29), along with a gener- tors) from certain nerve cells has been observed in ally decreased proportion of muscle to connective the cortex of elderly persons with senile dementia tissue and fat, both in the heart and skeletal muscles. (8,45) and in several brain regions of aging laboratory Alteration in the muscles controlling lung ventilation animals (14,15)32,33)34,50). Degeneration of nerve cell and their responsiveness to neural stimulation, al- axons (signal receivers) is also seen in the brains of though not necessarily involving cell death, may con- old laboratory animals (l9,40). All of these changes tribute to acute and chronic difficulty in breathing. could reduce connectivity between nerve cells in the In the kidney, a deterioration of excretory function brain and possibly cause impaired brain function in with age is accompanied by a steady decrease in the the elderly. For more detail, see the OTA background number of the organ’s microscopic filtering units, or paper, Impacts of , published separately nephrons. Losses of 40 to 50 percent of the maximum as part of this assessment. number of nephrons can occur by age 70 (38). This In addition, the nerve cell’s outer membrane often loss and other age-related cellular changes could be exhibits a loss of transmitter receptors and increased related to functional decline of the kidney in the rigidity with age. Membrane rigidity reduces the ac- elderly, including a decrease in glucose resorption, tive transport of ion exchange, thereby reducing trans- water clearance, and total acid excretion. This reduces mitter efficiency. These changes may also inhibit cell an elderly person’s ability to maintain physiological signaling by altering sensitivity to hormones, growth balance of blood components, and can lead to excess factors, and neurotransmitters. circulating amounts of drugs if dosages are not ad- The increased rigidity observed in the surface mem- justed to account for diminished kidney function. branes of cells other than neurons, including lym- Other organs undergoing appreciable atrophy with phocytes (immune cells) and liver cells, may be due age include the thymus, ovaries, uterus, and testes (29). to a generalized increase in the cholesterol: phospholipid Hormonal changes in the elderly are suspected to con- ratio of the membrane, possibly leading to a decrease tribute to these phenomena (see sections on cancer in cell motility and function. The clinical effects of this and hormonal changes for details and implications). change are unknown. The elastic properties of lung tissue also decline with CESSATION OF CELL DIVISION age and could contribute to the impeded ventilation The mechanisms that control cell proliferation and and reduced rate of metabolic gas exchange seen in limit the replicative life span of normal cells are un- the elderly. Degeneration of the lung parenchymal known, but could be significant in the aging process tissue and a reduction in its capillary bed has been of the cell and the organism as a whole. Evidence associated with emphysema. Further research is based on observations first made by Hayflick (25) sug- needed into the effect of environmental pollutants, in- gests that some cells in the body can reproduce for cluding tobacco smoke, on lung tissue. Chronic ob- a limited number of generations; when grown in tissue structive lung disease, including emphysema, is the culture (i.e., in laboratory dishes with a special mix- fifth leading cause of death among the elderly today, ture of nutrients), they cannot divide indefinitely. In has a rising mortality rate, and is increasing in preva- fact, turnover of cells in areas where they are sloughed lence as a debilitating chronic condition (see app. A). 416 ● Technology and Aging in America

CHANGES IN MATERIALS INSIDE THE CELL latory functioning (43). It is possible that the age- related loss of hormonal function—implicated in dis- The possible accumulation of damage to the cell’s orders ranging from diabetes to immune deficiency internal machinery underlies one of the major theories of aging discussed earlier. Such a cumulative effect (see section on hormonal changes) -could stem from a loss of available receptors, whether by a decrease is especially important in cells that do not normally in their production, an increase in their breakdown, divide frequently (e.g., liver parenchymal cells) and or a “masking” of the receptors by a competing those incapable of dividing at all (e.g., nerve, muscle, protein. and egg cells). Such damage could be due to accidents, disease, and/or the effects of normal metabolism over time that may adversely affect such vital cell functions CHANGES IN CELLULAR PROTEIN AND EXTRACELLULAR MATERIALS as protein synthesis. As cells metabolize they produce deleterious by- There is evidence of changes in cell protein with age, products. Free radicals, for example, are extremely both through changes in the amount and kind syn- reactive substances given off by the mitochondria (the thesized, and in their structural integrity over time cell’s “energy generators”) during respiration that can (30). In general, there seems to be an overall decrease trigger chemical reactions destructive to cell struc- in rate of protein synthesis in most of the tissues of tures. A major consequence of such oxidative damage older animals (46). Protein synthesis is vital to the is lipid peroxidation, (39) which has been implicated maintenance of cells, many parts of which “wear out” in the formation of lipofuscin, a yellow-brown “age pig- with time and are replaced continuously. Malfunction- ment” found in some nerve, muscle, and liver cells of ing of the synthetic process could lead to the general old animals and humans (29,30), It is not known disrepair and degeneration of a cell. whether lipofuscin interferes with cellular function, In several tissues, synthesis of structural proteins but drugs that inhibit the formation of lipofuscin in ceases in the adult (e.g., cartilage), child (tooth den- mice resulted in a mean extension of life span. tine), or even before birth (eye lens proteins). During In old cells, damage to the intracellular sac that con- aging, these proteins may be progressively altered, tains digestive enzymes may also occur, resulting in leading to diminished function. Structural changes in a leakage of destructive enzymes out into the cytoplasm the lens proteins of the eye, for example, could “stiffen” that damages the cell (30). Other malfunctions could the lens, hindering the ability to focus and resulting result from the accumulation of partially degraded cell in the deterioration of near vision that is almost univer- parts that would normally be totally degraded into sal in the elderly. Cataracts, a clouding of the lens, may reusable components after they have “worn out.” also result from structural changes in lens proteins Senescent nerve cells often collect abnormal fila- (35). ments that progressively fill the cell body and den- One of the most well-known biological aging proc- drites, replacing the normal cellular “skeleton” thought esses involves structural changes in certain extra- to be vital to many cell functions. This condition is cellular proteins that are normally responsible for the found in normal aging and, to a greater extent, in such structural integrity of many tissues. For example, diseases as Down’s syndrome and senile dementia cross-linking of collagens—proteins that lend strength (12,28). Similarly, massive quantities of filamentous and stability to joints, tendons, and the skin—reaches protein have been observed to accumulate in aging a constant level at maturation (49). The cross-links, cells in tissue culture. The effect of such changes in however, seem to be damaged with advancing age cellular architecture is unknown, but they may in- (possibly by free radicals) to produce a stiffening of terfere with some functions, including the internal connective tissue and thickening of basement mem- movement of cell components. branes, both of which may impede cell function. This Another vital class of cellular proteins is the recep- may contribute to the loss of elasticity in the skin of tor proteins that are specifically adapted to receive elderly persons. chemical signals from outside the cell in order to mod- Cross-linking of collagen in joint cartilage may con- ify cell function. For example, cells in the adrenal gland tribute to osteoarthritis (age-related degradation of the are instructed by chemicals from another gland via extracellular matrix that provides cartilage elasticity such receptors to release stress hormones into the has also been implicated in degenerative arthritis). blood. Certain kinds of receptors in the cell cytoplasm Cross-1inking may also contribute to the thickening of (fluid interior) seem to undergo an age-related de- the basement membrane of the kidney’s glomeruli crease in number that has been correlated with de- (minute structures responsible for initial filtration of creased responsiveness of the cell to certain hormones, the blood). This could impede filtration and exacer- including sex hormones, disrupting their usual regu- bate the loss of excretory competence with age. App. B—The Cell Biology of Aging ● 417

The protein mesh maintained on the surface of Although usually not malignant, age-related prolifera- almost all cells also seems to be biochemically altered tion of smooth muscle cells in the arteries may con- with age. The matrix is normally involved in cell at- tribute to atherosclerosis (47). tachment, shape, migration, and perhaps in cell Cancerous growths seem to be largely triggered by division–functions that could be affected by altera- interactions between noxious agents (e.g., radiation, tion of its constituent proteins. chemical exposure, and viruses) and characteristics of Other extracellular components varying with age the host, including genetic factors, hormonal balances, contribute to the development of diseases more preva- immunological responsiveness, and nutritional status— lent in the aged. Deposition of lipid-containing plaques all of which are more likely to be impaired in the along the inner walls of arteries, or atherosclerosis, elderly (see ch. 4 and relevant sections of this ap- occurs mostly in the elderly and underlies many forms pendix). of cardiovascular disease. Deposition of amyloid (a An inherited or acquired genetic component, in- waxy substance consisting of proteins and sugars) in cluding a possible age-related decrease in ability to re- blood vessels, characteristic of a variety of diseases, pair mutated and otherwise damaged DNA, may pre- is found consistently in the elderly and mainly in the dispose an individual to the birth and spreading of kidneys, heart, pancreas, adrenal gland, and central malignant growths. Several “age-accelerating” genetic nervous system (29). The clinical impact of such de- disorders, like Werner’s syndrome, Bloom’s syndrome, posits is undetermined but could involve impaired and xeroderma pigmentosa, involve increased inci- function of these organs. dence of certain cancers that are suspected to stem Disorders involving decrease in bone mass (oste- from faulty DNA-repair mechanisms. oporosis) or in the calcium content of the bone (oste- Altered hormone levels in the elderly have been omalacia) account for a large portion of chronic linked to some cancers: postmenopausal cancer of the disabilities in the elderly, including increased suscep- uterus has been associated with continued presence tibility to fracture due to a weakening and brittleness of estrogen, both in its natural and ingested forms; of the bones (see ch. 3). Defects in vitamin D metabo- increased breast cancer with a rise in prolactin; and lism, hormone imbalances, and inactivity have all been increased prostate cancer with the drop in testoster- implicated in disturbing the complex balance between one observed in elderly men. the continual absorption and deposition of bone by Finally, the loss of immune function in the elderly specialized cells. (discussed in the following section) may include a de- creased ability to detect and kill aberrant or cancerous ABNORMAL CELL PROLIFERATION AND CANCER cells after they have formed, thus facilitating the birth Hyperplasia, or the abnormal proliferation of cells and growth of cancers. in certain body tissues, is often observed in the elderly. Although these genetic, endocrine, environmental, Cancer, or malignant neoplasia, is second only to car- viral, hormonal, and immunologic factors are all diovascular disease as a cause of death in the United suspect, the relationship between the aging process States (see app. A). The chances that a person will de- and the markedly increased incidence of cancer in the velop cancerous growths within a 5-year period rise elderly compared to the general population remains from 1 in 700 at age 25 to 1 in 14 at age 65. The over- largely a mystery. all incidence of cancer peaks between ages 40 and 80, THE AGING IMMUNE SYSTEM although certain forms of cancer (e.g., leukemia, lym- phoma, and prostatic cancer) are more prevalent in When the body is invaded by a potentially harmful older age groups. foreign substance, or “antigen,” including bacteria and Hyperplasia is found in a variety of localized regions viruses, an immune reaction is triggered. The immune in the elderly, including hyperplastic and malignant reaction involves the binding and “deactivating” of the growths in the endocrine glands and various types of antigen by one of two agents present in the blood and cancers in the skin, bladder, gastrointestinal (particu- body tissues: immune cells (T-lymphocytes or T-cells) larly the colon), urinary, and reproductive tracts. Some produced by the lymph tissue that directly attack the formations, like “polyps” or small growths in the co- antigen, or proteins in the blood known as antibodies lon and bladder, may be a localized reaction to gen- produced by specialized immune cells (B-lymphocytes eralized cell loss and seem to presage local cancer for- or B

directly “neutralize” antigens, helps regulate the pro- mented. The metabolism of many hormones also duction of antibodies by B-ells. Antibody production declines with age, however, resulting in no net change is aided by “helper” T-ells and hindered by “sup- in the basal levels. pressor” T-ells. T-ells can also directly kill cancerous, The age-related decrease in function of many hor- transplanted, or otherwise aberrant cells and are mones could be alternatively explained by an age- thought to be responsible for cell-mediated or acquired related decrease in the effect of some hormones on immunity (e.g., the resistance to a specific disease ac- their target tissues or organs. Glucose intolerance, for quired after vaccination). example, is more prevalent among the elderly and may Aging is accompanied by a marked decrease in the be due to a reduction in insulin sensitivity (and there- immune system’s ability to respond to invasion by fore reduced ability to metabolize glucose) in peripheral harmful substances, as well as an increase in autoim- tissues of older persons (11), coupled with an inherited mune reactions (immune reactions to the body’s own disposition towards the illness. Behavioral changes materials). The B-cells that produce antibodies de- associated with aging, including an increase in obesity crease in number and activity with age. T-cell func- and decrease in exercise, may also contribute to these tion exhibits the sharpest decline: direct T-cell attack changes. of antigens decreases with age along with helper T- This decreased effect of hormones on their target cell activity, while activity of the suppressor T-cells tissues may also provide a basis for age-related changes increases (46,52). As a result, the strength of immune in presentation of illnesses, response to treatment, and response to infectious agents and aberrant cells is re- ability to respond to stress. For example, the heart of duced in the elderly. an older person is generally less responsive to stimula- The aging immune system is also less able to distin- tion by catecholamine, a hormone that normally guish foreign invaders from native materials, leading causes the heart to pump harder and faster. As a to injury of the patient’s own tissues by autoimmune result, elderly people are less able to maintain ade- reactions (9,42). Age-related deposits of antibody- quate blood pressure in response to postural stress antigen complexes are often found in organs with ex- or bleeding. tensive capillary beds like the kidneys, lungs, liver, and the brain, and may contribute to localized tissue dam- Conclusion age (29,52). There is speculation that rheumatoid ar- thritis may be due to some type of autoimmune re- The aging process probably involves a complex in- action to tissues in the joints. teraction of several mechanisms, possibly including Age-related morphological changes in the immune both a ‘(biological clock” and accumulated cellular le~ system have been associated with the above functional sions with age. Examination of aging on the cellular abnormalities seen in the elderly. In particular, the level, however, is only part of the integrative approach thymus undergoes a progressive decrease in size with necessary to a full understanding of the process. Much age, accompanied by a loss of function. Involution of work remains to be done on the biochemical, cellular, the thymus begins at puberty and leads to an approx- systemic, organismic, and even population levels imate 85-percent decrease in mass by age so in hu- before a viable theory may be developed to explain mans (29). In addition, bone marrow is increasingly why and how people age. Such knowledge could, in replaced by fat and fibrous tissue in the elderly, with turn, lead to medical techniques that prevent or miti- a general reduction of both immune and red blood cell gate the symptoms of aging and age-related diseases production in peripheral tissues. that afflict many elderly people and drain the Nation’s Such age-related decreases in immune function medical and social service resources. could render the elderly more vulnerable to infectious diseases, including pneumonia and influenza, which Appendix B references remain fourth in leading killers among the elderly today (see app. A), and could contribute to the age- 1. 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