Salim Abd Al
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SECRET // 20330220 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STATES COMMAND HEADQUARTERS , JOINT TASK FORCE GUANTANAMO U.S. NAVAL STATION , GUANTANAMO BAY , CUBA APOAE09360 CUBA JTF- GTMO- CDR 20 February 2008 MEMORANDUMFORCommander, UnitedStates SouthernCommand, 3511NW 91st Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under Control (CD) for Guantanamo Detainee, ISN 000189DP (S) JTF - GTMO Detainee Assessment 1. ( S) Personal Information : JDIMS/ NDRC ReferenceName: RafdatMuhammad Faqi Current/ True Name and Aliases: Salim Abd al- Salam Umran al-Ghuraybi, Luqman al- Libi, Luqman al- Zalaytani Hakim Luqman, Abu Abd al-Rouf Place of Birth: Zletan, Libya (LY) Date ofBirth: 1 March 1961 Citizenship: Libya Internment Serial Number (ISN) : 000189DP 2. (U//FOUO) Health: Detainee is in good health. 3. (U ) JTF-GTMOAssessment: a. (S ) Recommendation : JTF-GTMO recommends this detainee for Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) . JTF-GTMO previously recommended detainee for Continued Detention Under Control on 13 July 2007 . b . ( ) Executive Summary Detainee is assessed to be a Libyan Islamic Fighting Group ( LIFG) guesthouse operator and was identified as a former explosives trainer and a veteran jihad fighter . is assessed to have participated inhostilities against US and 1 Analyst Note: The LIFG is a National IntelligencePrioritiesFramework (NIPF) Counterterrorism( CT) Priority 1 Target. Priority 1 targets are defined as Issues, opportunities, or threats that rise to , or are expected to rise to, the level of interest of the President, Vice President, DNI, and NSC/ HSC Principalsand Deputies. This includes CLASSIFIED BY : MULTIPLE SOURCES REASON : E.O. 12958, AS AMENDED , SECTION 1.4 ( C DECLASSIFY ON : 20330220 SECRET NOFORN 20330220 SECRET NOFORN 20330220 JTF - GTMO -CDR SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN 000189DP (S) Coalition forces in UBL’s Tora Bora Mountaincomplex. Detainee has familial ties to LIFG members, and was associated with senior members of al-Qaida includingNashwan Abd al Razzaq Abd al- Baqi, aka (Abdul Hadi al- Iraqi), ISN -010026DP (IZ-10026) and Ali MuhammadAbdul Aziz al- Fakhriaka (Ibn al- Shaykh al-Libi), ISN -000212DP (LY 212). Detainee attended multiple training camps, received explosivestraining from senior al Qaida explosives expert Midhat Mursi al-SayyidUmar, aka (Abu Khabab al-Masri). Detainee occupied al-Qaida and extremist affiliated facilities in Pakistan and Afghanistan. [ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONABOUT THIS DETAINEEIS AVAILABLEINAN SCI SUPPLEMENT. -GTMO determined this detainee to be : A HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies A MEDIUM threat from a detention perspective Of MEDIUM intelligence value ( S ) Summary of Changes: The following outlines changes to detainee's assessment since the last JTF-GTMO recommendation. (Changes in this assessment will be annotated by to the footnote .) Added reportingdetainee served as a trainer Added detainee’s admissionheoperatedan assessedLIFG guesthouse Addeddetails to detainee’sRecruitmentand Travelsectionand Trainingand Activities section Added identificationof detainee at al-Qaida associatedfacilities Added reportingof detainee at UBL’sTora Bora Mountaincomplex Added reportingof detainees associates 4. (U ) Detainee'sAccountof Events: The following section is based, unless otherwise indicated, on detainee's own account. These statements are included without consideration of veracity, accuracy, or reliability. a. S//NF) Prior History: Detainee attended the Zletan Institute of Teachers in Libya from 1980 to 1981, where he studied English, history, geography, and other general education courses . Detainee was originally enrolled in religious studies , but changed to English because he wanted to travel outside of Libya. From 1981 to 1985, detainee studied at the Ibn Manzur Institute in Tripoli, LY. Detainee received military training one hour a day, but that terroristgroups posea clear and immediatedangerto U.S. persons or interests. This includesthose preparingto employ WeaponsofMassDestruction. 2 SECRET 20330220 SECRET NOFORN 20330220 JTF - GTMO -CDR SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under Control (CD) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN -000189DP (S) never served on active duty . Detainee changed his date ofbirth from 1961 to 1963 in an effort to avoid his two years of obligatory military service . From 1985 to 1986 , detainee taught English at the Liberation Day School in al-Qara , LY . Detainee left the school and worked on his father's farm from 1986 until it was sold in 1992.2 b . (S//NF) Recruitment and Travel: Approximately 1992, detainee urged people against attending Libyan government- sponsored public meetings. The Libyan government briefly detained him and sent him an official letter warning him to cease his actions which they viewed as civil unrest. Detainee used his share of the money from the sale of his family's farm to fund his travel to Saudi Arabia. In 1992, detainee left Libya and traveled to Mecca, Saudi Arabia (SA), but left Saudi Arabia the same year to avoid deportation back to Libya because he could not secure a Saudi residence permit because he did not have a valid passport. An individual named Ahmed al-Masri helped detainee obtain a Pakistan (PK) visa , and detainee traveled to Peshawar, PK. In Peshawar, detainee stayed at the Libyan Guesthouse in the Hayatabad residential area with a group of Libyans for approximately six months, until the summer of 1993. Inthe summer of 1994, detainee traveled to Tajikistan on a dawa mission, but had an accident while fishing and lost his fingers. (S NF) Training and Activities: Inresponseto Libyan-Pakistaninegotiationsfor the deportationof all LibyansfromPakistan, detaineefled to a Tajikrefugeecamp in Taloqan, AF. Detaineebrieflyreturnedto Peshawar, stayingfirst at the HouseofArabs (Baytal Arab) at the BabuCamp on the outskirtsofPeshawar, andthen at the Ghundfamilyrefugee camp outside Peshawaruntil 1997. Detaineetook a job teachingthe Koranat the MohamadiaUniversityin DhiraGhaziKhan, PK . It was duringthis time detaineemethis wife. Detaineetraveledto Kabul, AF in 1999and taught at the Abu Bakral-Sadiq school. A mannamedThou al-Nouranhelpeddetainee find a home. Detaineelivedwithhis wife inthe KaleeMoussaarea ofKabuluntil 5 August 2001when he sent his wife withher family in DhiraGhaziKhanto have a baby. Detaineehad severalLibyanfriends live with himafter his wife's departure. The group of Libyans livingwith himopeneda reliefagency for Libyansto help refugees. This groupincludedZuhayr, Abdal-Samir, Abu al-Douda, Faisal, Abd al-Hakim, Thou al-Nurayn, Abd al-Aziz, Abd al-Rahim Asadullah, and al- Sadiq Hammadi, andthey calleddetainee'shousethe LibyanGuesthouseinthe WazirAkbarKhan area of Kabul. Detaineehas deniedreceivingany Islamictraining. After the US and Coalitionforcesbombingcampaignbeganin Afghanistanin October2001, detainee fled with Abu Suhaybaka (AshrafSalimAbd al- SalamSultan), ISN -000263DP (LY 2 000189 302 09 - -2002 3 000189 302 09 -MAY-2002 4 000189 302 09- MAY-2002, Analyst Note: A variant of Ahmedal- Masriis Ahmedal-Mousry. Dawa is an Islamic dedicationto spread Islamthroughreligious instructionand missionaryoperationsabroad. A numberof detainees claimedto have been involved in this activity as a cover for theirjihadist activitiesabroad. 5 Note: DhiraGhazi Khanis located near Multan, PK . 3 SECRET NOFORN 20330220 SECRET NOFORN 20330220 JTF - GTMO -CDR SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN 000189DP (S) 263 ); and Abu Ali al-Jazairi aka (Abdulli Feghoul), ISN 000292DP (AG-292 ), first to Jalalabad, then towards the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.º 5. ( U) Capture Information : a. ( S //NF) LIFG member Abu Hazim al-Libi reported the LIFG used a guide to move LIFG members and their families from Jalalabad to Pakistan. The second group to move included Umar and Luqman, reported as probably Awad Khalifah Muhammad Abu Bakr Abu Uwayshah al-Barasi, ISN 000695DP (LY- 695 ); and detainee respectively . During the cross country trip , detainee changed his mind about fleeing to Pakistan and turned back. Detainee was reported in Tora Bora and is assessed to have fought along side, and then fled Afghanistan with, a group of al-Qaida and Taliban fighters led by UBL appointed military commander in Tora Bora, LY-212. The group crossed the Afghani-Pakistani border in the Nangarhar region inmid - December 2001. Their Pakistani contact convinced them to surrender their weapons and gathered the group in a mosque where Pakistani forces immediately arrested them . Detainee was transferred to US custody on 31 December 2001 b . ( S) Property Held: 5,005 Pakistanirupees Miscellaneousitems, includinga watch, prayer beads, and a tube of first aidcream . ( S ) Transferred to JTF- GTMO : 5 May 2002 d . (S//NF) Reasons for Transfer to JTF-GTMO: To provide information on the following Jihad Wahl Training Camp curriculum Guesthouses and safe houses in Afghanistanand Pakistan Refugeecamps inPakistan The fall ofKabuland the subsequent evacuation SituationinTajikistanduring 1993 and 1994 6 >000189 302 09-MAY-2002, Analyst Note: LY - admitted to being captured by Pakistani authorities with LY 189 and AG-292. See 000263 SIR -JUL -2004, 000263 KB(S) 29- SEP-2004, 000263 302 10-APR -2002, and 000263 MFR 18-APR -2003. 7 -314 /19833-05, AnalystNote: Hazimidentifieddetaineeas LuqmaninTD -314 /44768-04 8 TD -314 / 45055-04, IIR7 7393396