﷽ In the name (SWT( the most beneficent Merciful

INDEX Serial # Topic Page # 1 Forward 6 2 Names of Holy Qur’an 13 3 What Qur’an says to us 15 4 Purpose of Reading Qur’an in 16 5 Alphabetical Order of key words in Qura’nic Verses 18 6 Index of in Qur’an 19 7 Listing of referred in Qur’an 91 8 Categories of Allah’s Messengers 94 9 A Few Women mentioned in Qur’an 94 10 Daughter of Mohammed - Fatima 94 11 Mention of Pairs in Qur’an 94 12 Chapters named after Individuals in Qur’an 95 13 Prayers before Sleep 96 14 Arabic signs to be followed while reciting Qur’an 97 15 Significance of Al 98 16 Short Stories about personalities mentioned in Qur’an 102 17 Prophet Daoud () 102 18 Prophet (Hud) 103 19 Prophet () 103 20 Prophet () 107 21 Prophet Isa () 107 22 Prophet & (Ya’qub & ) 108 23 Prophet 124 24 Prophet Lut () 125 25 (Luqman) 125 26 Prophet Musa’s () Story 126 27 People of the Caves 136 28 Lady Mariam 138 29 Prophet Nuh () 139 30 Prophet Sho’ayb () 141 31 Prophet (Salih) 143 32 Prophet Sulayman 143 33 Prophet Yahya 145 34 Yajuj & Majuj 145


35 Prophet () 146 36 Prophet Zulqarnain 146 37 Supplications of Prophets in Qur’an 147 38 Those cursed in Qur’an 148 39 Prophet Mohammed’s hadees a Criteria for 148 Al-Swaidan on Qur’an 149۔Interesting Discoveries of T 40 41 Important Facts about Qur’an 151 42 Important sayings of Qura’n in daily life 151

January Muharram February Safar March Rabi-I April Rabi-II May Jamadi-I June Jamadi-II July Rajab August Sh’aban September Ramazan October Shawwal November Ziqad December Zilhaj


﷽ In the name of Allah, the most Merciful Beneficent Foreword

I had not been born in a household where Arabic was spoken, and nor had I ever taken a class which would teach me the language. No one who taught me to read Arabic could understand except my father, and therefore there was not much I received from reading it. Yet, for years, I had been reading and exploring Allah (swt)'s sacred book, The Holy Qur’an. Though many translations are offered, and there are many opportunities to learn the meaning, I sought an interpretation easy to access and understand. Allah has commanded us to read in His name, and appreciate all of creation, and I have taken it upon myself to aid others in this journey. What follows is a compilation of the many surahs and ayats in The Holy Qur’an, according to meaning, time of usage, and storyline. It is my greatest hope that the youth and generations to follow use this humble book to become acquainted with the blessed book our Lord has bestowed upon us, and to gain more knowledge of the beautiful religion of . It is my sincerest wish that other people may learn more about their Lord and creator through this compilation of knowledge, and that we may all seek Paradise with the entirety of our beings. I would like to quote something that came during a discussion. A respected friend and relative, Brother Shabih Haider mentioned: When you buy any product it comes with owners manual. Explaining how to use .But in case of Islam, the product came first and then came the user’s manual. The Prophet of Islam(pbuh)came to prove every detail, rule, and regulation of the religion, practicing himself to show how practical and feasible it was and thus implemented ’s Will; the, Holy Book

7 Qur’an-e-Majeed is a comprehensive book, one of the latest and the last of the four divine books that were sent by God. Qur’an of course, is not an exception among revealed scriptures in that it is a source of light and guidance, for so were other books. Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet of Islam. It is a unique document in the sense that it is complete and comprehensive to provide guidance to humanity. It is a torch bearer in the field of justice and directs readers from darkness to light. In the words of Ali Quli Qara’i, “Human speech is a human creation, whereas the Qur’an is literally a Divine discourse. No wonder that it is inimitable, for even the blessed of living beings in the realm of divine creation surpasses human contrivance.”

The Qur’an is the most knowledgeable and reliable book for human beings in their day to day lives. It teaches that the source of being is also the source of guidance. Qur’an offers a holy and pure form path of living. Qur’an is a book that has historical stories from the past; it has instructions for present life and guidance for the future.

“This Qura’n could not have been fabricated by anyone besides Allah; rather it is a confirmation of what was (revealed) before it, and an elaboration of the Book, there is no doubt in it, from the Lord of the worlds. Do they say He has fabricated it?” Say, “Then bring a Surah (chapter) like it and invoke whomever you can, besides Allah, should you be truthful”

(Qura’n: 10:37, 38)

Qur’an being a holy scripture revealed to the Prophet of Islam not only introduces the attributes of God, but also emphasizes establishing justice. This is a mission that has always been neglected by mankind, and this neglect has allowed injustice

8 to live on in the most cosmic proportions. Being the last of the God-sent scriptures, there is no wonder then that it should lay so much stress upon justice.

Qur’an shows the very purpose of human creation, that it was not meant to come in this world to achieve material success and not to think about the hereafter. This book not only explains the purpose of creation but also warns us about the life after death. In Qura’nic words our worldly life is short and a test period for the hereafter and that is eternal. In today’s society, more emphasis is placed upon material gains such as education, business, status and lifestyle without paying attention to Qur’anic teachings. Qur’an does not disregard the worldly gains however it teaches that the primary purpose of our life is to prepare for the hereafter along with the worldly gains. It makes a big difference between the two viewpoints. The materialistic point of view takes us through our lifespan with no purpose whereas the Qur’anic viewpoint and lifestyle takes us through the worldly gains with an eye on the hereafter. This way we do not lose the primary goal of our existence. Qur’an suggests a spiritual diet and a program of spiritual rehabilitation. Qur’an gives a light to walk with, enabling the faithful human being to see facts through the practical approach.

“Communities which have lost their moral and spiritual bearings, the Qur’an holds out the great promise of restoration of their spiritual and moral equilibrium through its high spirituality and ethics.” (Reference: Ali.Quli.Qara’i.)

The Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet of Islam in Arabic language but that does not mean that it was exclusively for that region. It was revealed to the region of Arabia which was lowest in human values. True, that it applied to the society of that

9 region of that time. However it is applicable universally. It does not exclude other regions, other continents or times which is infinite. For this particular reason, original Arabic Qur’an has been translated in several languages. In English alone we see quite a few translations ranging from classical Roman English to commonly spoken English. The purpose of this book is to bring to the reader a reference, an index, the key to acquire the original translations and look for details. The very purpose it is printed in short form is to present the topics to one who is eager to look for its application in Qur’an related to our lives.

Qur’an has been translated by different translators; however this book is not a translation but a simple reference book to approach Qur’an to help the reader understand it.

The following are the notes that were collected during ten years of my recitation of Qur’an-e-Majid on daily basis. The important topics and practical aspects of life were taken as notes for personal information. However, upon the advice of certain religious leaders and different speakers, I decided to publish for the benefit of our youth in English. Those who are not as conversant with Arabic or Urdu

Thus, I have made an attempt to present it in short form giving a brief description or a topic with reference to the chapter (surah) and verse (ayah). There are no more than 286 verses in any chapter.

The Qur’an is keen to persuade men to reflect upon and investigate the secrets of nature, so that they may, increase their knowledge and understand the world better, and also attend to the Almighty Allah by this means and get more acquainted with Him. In some verses the Qur’an invites people directly to achieve

10 knowledge and reflect, and in other verses it removes the veil; from some secrets of the universe so as so to provide some new openings to our intellect andto encourage us to conduct more search and investigation. (Reference: Mortoza Shuja’ee)

Qur’an is a revelation from Allah (swt) all Merciful, Gracious and Kind. It’s a Book whereas the verses are explained in detail (41: 2, 3) It’s a Book that balances the Justice, speaks the truth. In Qur’an there is past, present and future. As described “We have revealed the Book that is the truth confirming what was revealed before it: Allah assured with respect to His Servants well acquainted and fully Observant. (35:31) Past are the stories from and to our Prophet (pbuh) Also, in it there is our present: the order to establish prayers, our daily religious duties, how to lead a successful life, family relations, etiquette, business behavior and social duties.

The future is the warning for good and bad character. Reward for the good deeds and punishment for bad. It includes important subjects of day to day life such as: Our dealings with family and friends, fulfilling our religious duties and other obligations. It has been promised that there will be a Day of Judgment to evaluate our deeds. Justice will be done to punish the wrong doer and reward the follower, accordingly.

My sincere hope is that modern generation, in the days of electronic communications, having computers and internet on their finger tips, and other technological means, can approach any topic and search in detail. My belief is that this Glorious Book is like a magnet. Once you get close to it you may find a lot more interesting information: stories, more meaningful verses and other related material. This type of information you may not find anywhere else.

11 Thus with this hope I am trying to lead you to the ocean of knowledge that will satisfy your quest and curiosity for knowledge.

I am indebted to the volunteers who devoted their time to bring these notes in a book form. Especially some of my Qura’nic students namely: Derek, Ishraq Abidiand Laila M.Ali Khan. And my friend who assisted: Aftab Naqvi, who despite his family commitment as assisted me at the final stage spending numerous hours in the library. I appreciate my friendDr Rashed Bhatti, who in spite of his extremely busy schedule devoted a lot of mornings to edit these notes compared to Qura’nic verses.Another name that comes to my mind is Rehan Hussain who exercised his computer skills and performed all the technical tasks as required to meet the print format.to convert the text from WORD to EXCEL. Lastly, to mention the artist of the cover designed by Nawab Taqui Khanof Hyderabad; an architect who has played a major role in interior design of Salar Jung Museum of Hyderabad.At the end I am grateful and thankful to the Almighty Creator that HE and HE alone gave me the guidance and strength to complete this godly project; and of course, my family; two of my granddaughters helped me to finalize the Foreword.

My two grand daughters: Mariam Fatima Haider and Bethool Zehra Haiderwho really spent time to review for a final print. May Allah (sta) bless them .

It will be unfair not to mention my wife, who has been so patient while I was busy collecting data and compiling these notes for the project.

I pray to Allah (sta) that all the readers may get their supplications accepted, to follow the Qura’nic path and pray the same for me.

12 Extreme care has been taken in referring and selecting theses notes, however, if any mistake by over-sight or typographic error, please inform the publisher for future corrections. Also your views will be very much appreciated at the following e mail.

[email protected]

May Allah (sta) give them all the compensation (ajr) for it, Amen

Finally, would like to request you for a sura Fateha for my parents through whose education I was able to reach this stage of my life. Mr. Syed Sadiq. Mrs. Sugra Begumandmy brother Syed Ali Sadiq. Also for my in-laws: Mr. Syed Ali, Mrs. KhadijaBegum and their children.

In this book other than the verses from Qur’an, an attempt has been made to include a few important Islamic etiquettes, useful daily usage proverbs and other handy information.

Islamic calendar, names of daily prayers (compulsory and optional) and a few other articles for your information. Also there are a few selections from internet, an on line article on battle of Ahzab (Qandaq), names of our daily prayers, etc.


Names of Holy Qur’an

قرآن Qur’an .1 قرآن شریف Qur’an Sharif .2 صحیفه Sahifa .3 کالم Kalam .4 مبین Mubeen .5 ذکر Zikr .6 مصحف Mushaf .7 کتاب Kitab .8 کتاب المبین Kitab-e-Mubeen .9 کتابالمقدس Kitab-Muqadd’as .10 ام الکتاب Ummul-Kitab .11 قرآنالمجید Qur’an-e-Majeed .12 کالمالمجید Kalam-e-Majeed .13 الفرقان Al-Furqan .14 المیزان Al-Mizan .15 حمائل Hamayal .16 برھان Burhan .17 مستطر Mustatir .18


15 What Qur’an says to us Holy Qur’an is my name I am a book in elegant print, To know my name, here are some hints.

Rich in cover and nicely bound, In hearts of I am rarely found.

High on a shelf, I am kept, Forgotten there, I am left.

With respect I do get lots of kiss, My main point is what they always miss.

In a melodious voice they recite me, Neglecting the message inside me.

At times I am used for phony swear, My true use is very, very rare.

A miracle I am that can change the world, All one has to do is understand my word.

I have wisdom I have treasure, So much so there is no measure.

I am your savior; I am your guide, But who’s there to follow the bide.

Right from wrong is my fame, Holy Qur’an is my name.


Purpose of reading Qur’an in Arabic

As the story goes: Why do we read Qur’an, even if we can't understand a single Arabic word?

This is a beautiful story, please read till the end and forward to all you know.

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Qur’an. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Qur’an just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur’an do?"

17 The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time; and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a coal basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again. At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.

The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!"

"So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket." The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the Basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

"Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur’an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives.”


Alphabetical Ordering of Key words in Qura’nic verses

The following are the notes that were collected in duration of ten years while I was reciting Qur’an-e-Majid every day. The important topics and practical aspects of life were taken as notes for personal Information. However, upon the advice of certain respected speakers decided to publish it for the use of our youth in English and have made an attempt to present it in the alphabetical order giving brief description or a topic with reference to the subject surah adverse and they will be known as chapter and verses of Qur’an-e-Majid.

Modern generation, having easy access to computers, internet and other electronically means of communications, can approach any topic and search in detail. My belief is that this Glorious Book is like a magnet. Once you get close to it you may find a lot more interesting topics: stories, more meaningful verses (ayah) and other related material. This type of information you may not find anywhere else.

Thus with this hope I am trying to lead you to the ocean of knowledge that will satisfy your quest and curiosity for knowledge.

The first column represents the English alphabets, secondcolumn represents the Surah number (there are 114surahs in Qur’an-e- third column represents the verse number (there are ,(قر ا ٓ ن دیجمMajid no more than 286verses in any sura), fourth and fifth columns denote the Sura name in Arabic and English respectively, the last and the sixth column provides a brief description of the verse. The intent here is for the reader to search for any topic of interest by referring to the table below and research more on it to understand the ocean of knowledge and guidance called ‘Qur’an.’


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse A 61 6 SAFF THE RANKS Jesus’ announcement of our Prophet’s future arrival by the name ا دمحﷺ of Ahmed A 111 1 LAHAB THE FLAME Abi-Lahab ا وببہل in قر ا ٰ ن دیجمA 19 97 MARY Qura’n simple Arabic language inقر آ ن دیجم A 39 28 ZUMAR THE Qur’an COMPANIES Arabic language A 10 49 YUNUS JONAH Every act of Prophet (pbuh) is will هللاfromAllah A 41 46 THEY ARE You are responsible EXPOUNDED for all your actions; good or bad. A 58 4 MUJADILA THE How to negate the H PLEADING previous act WOMAN

Allah :ولصا ت A 33 56 AHZAB THE ALLIES and his هللا send blessing on the Prophet A 29 48 ANKABUT THE SPIDER The Prophet never read or wrote before the arrival of قر آ ن دیجم Qura’n A 53 1 - 18 NAJM THE STAR Mention of معراج ascension


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse A 20 117 - 124 TA-HA TA-HA Adam: Story of Adam and Eveا ٓد م(as) was ا ٓد م(A 2 31 BAQARA THE COW Adam (as asked the names A 5 26 - 31 MAIDAH TABLE Cain andAble اھولیباقلیب SPREAD WITH FOOD was asked ابلیس A 2 34 BAQARA THE COW to Prostrate to ا ٓد م(Adam (as misguidedا سیلبA 2 36 BAQARA THE COW Iblis Adam (as) and Eve آ د م و وحا A 7 19 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Adam (as) was asked to stay away from a Tree. invitation ا سیلب ’A 7 20 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Iblis ا ٓد م(to Adam (as A 7 23 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Supplication of آ د م(Adam (as A 54 9-13 QAMAR THE MOON Story of Noah as)’s)ونح یبنArk A 14 37-41 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM Abraham(Ibrahim) ا ب ر ا میه A 2 135 BAQARA THE COW Religion of Ibrahim ا ب ر ا میھ a)Abraham) A 3 95 IMRAN FAMILY OF Religion of Ibrahim ا ب ر ا میھ IMRAN (a)Abraham A 53 37 NAJM THE STAR Abraham(Ibrahim)


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse also had a Book A 2 260 BAQARA THE COW Abraham: Story of ا ب ر ا میه four birds A 6 74 ANAM THE CATTLE Dialogue between Ibrahim Abraham(as)and

ا ب ر ا میه اچچ آ ز ز Azar A 21 69 AL- THE Ibrahim’s(Abraham) entry in the fire ا ب ر ا میھ ANBIYA PROPHETS A 37 83 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Abraham: The SET THE followers of ا ب ر ا میه RANKS Abraham A 37 98 - 100 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Abraham’s SET THE RANKS A 37 102 - 105 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Instructions to to ا ب ر ا میه SET THE Abraham RANKS ا امسلیع sacrifice Ismail A 37 112 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Prophet-hood in the SET THE progeny of ا ب ر ا میهRANKS Abraham A 57 26 HADID THE IRON God placed holy scriptures on Prophet Abraham andونح(andNuh(as the offspring to ا ب ر ا میھA 51 27 - 30 DHARIYAT THE Abraham SCATTERERS have a son A 57 26 HADID THE IRON The Prophet-hood from the progeny of ا ب ر ا میه Abraham A 28 33-41 QASAS THE STORY Moses’s(as)story


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse A 7 151 QASAS THE STORY Moses’s(as) supplication for his

اہز و ن brother A 2 30 BAQARA THE COW Dialogue between Allah and Angels اعد و وهد A 11 50 HUD HUD A’ad and Hud are brothers A 54 27 - 31 QAMAR THE MOON Story of she-; Prophet A’ad and اعد و ومثد A 33 27 - 35 AHZAB THE ALLIES Addressing the wives of Prophet ﷺ(pbuh) A 43 23 ZUKHRUF ORNAMENTS Love the Ahlul-Bayt ا لہِا تیبل OF GOLD A 30 21 RUUM THE Allah has made ROMANS couples that have love, affection and mercy in their hearts A 31 18 LUQMAN LUQMAN Do not walk on earth rudely with arrogance A 57 20 HADID THE IRON Worldly attractions will not last A 5 6 MAIDAH TABLE و وض Ablution بی م SPREAD when applicable, ُم WITH FOOD A 16 90 AN-NAHL THE BEES A complete verse that has all the rewards and punishment of life A 56 79 WAQIAH THE EVENT Do not touch the Qura’n without


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse و وض ablution A 5 90 MAIDAH TABLE Alcohol and SPREAD gambling is WITH FOOD prohibited A 58 2 MUJADILA THE Control your H PLEADING emotions and anger WOMAN (story of calling your wife a mother) A 22 34 – 36 AL- THE Say‘Allah O’ Akbar’ PILIGRIMAGE (God is Great) before slaughtering ا ہلل ا ربکan animal A 23 21 AL- THE Milk in the belly of MOMINUN BELIEVERS animals A 33 4 - 5 AHZAB THE ALLIES Adopted child: Do not change the surname of adopted child.

the adopted ز ی د A 33 37 AHZAB THE ALLIES Zaid son of the Prophet and his story A 31 13 LUQMAN LUQMAN Luqman and his advice to his son

رضحت امقلن A 33 10 – 27 AHZAB THE ALLIES Battle of Ahzab

ا لخند قKhandaq

جنگ دبز A 5 22 - 40 ANFAL SPOILS OF WAR A 11 50 HUD HUD A’ad and Samudwere brothers A 4 15 NISA THE WOMEN Adultery: married woman adultery


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse A 50 17 QAF Two angels writing good and bad deeds one on each of your shoulder. B 2 2 BAQRA THE COW This book is a guide for the righteous people who fear Allah B 12 1 YUSUF JOSEPH Qura’n is theBookof valuable verses B 39 23 ZUMAR THE Praise of the COMPANIES holyBook B 2 2 BAQARA THE COW Qura’n is theBook of guidance for those هللا who are fearful of B 39 57 ZUMAR THE Qura’n: Follow This قر آ ن دیجمCOMPANIES Book B 4 163 NISA THE WOMEN Past religions: Mention of past religiousBooks B 5 48 MAIDAH TABLE Qura’n approves of SPREAD previous WITH FOOD Books B 53 37 NAJM THE STAR Abrahamalso had a ا ب ر ا میه Book B 36 5 YASEEN YASEEN Qura’n: This Book has been sent down in different stages B 39 1 ZUMAR THE Qura’n: COMPANIES ThisBookwas sent

قر ٓا ن دیجمby Allah B 29 45 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qura’n: Read this Book and offer prayers


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse B 11 110 HUD HUD : Changes in Torah people of theBook was aعی سٰی B 19 30 MARYAM MARY Jesus Prophet with a Book B 45 16 JAASIYA THE also had a KNEELING Prophet, aBook and were given good things B 8 74 ANFAL SPOILS OF Believer: pious WAR person ؤمنمDescription of B 47 2 MOHAM MOHAMMED Believe in what has MED been sent down to Mohammed (pbuh)

:ولصا ت B 33 56 AHZAB THE ALLIES Salawat and his هللاAllah angels send blessing on the Prophet B 49 9 HUJURAT THE Making peace APARTMENT between two S Muslim parties is an act of blessing from هللا Allah B 49 12 HUJURAT THE Back-biting APARTMENT equivalent to eating S meat B 4 11 - 12 NISA THE WOMEN Distribution of property: belongings in will B 24 24 AN-NUR THE LIGHT The parts of bodywill be the witness at the Day of Judgment


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse B 61 10 SAFF THE RANKS The best business is هللاwith Allah B 2 233 BAQARA THE COW Breast-Feeding for infants B 31 14 LUQMAN LUQMAN Breastfed: An infant to be breastfed for two years by mother B 33 5 AHZAB THE ALLIES Adopted son should have biological father’s last name B 2 260 BAQARA THE COW Story of four ا ب ر ا میهbirds B 38 19 SAAD SAAD Birds under David’s د ا و د control B 27 44 NAML THE ANT Bilqis’: Supplication د اعءسیقلبof Bilqis B 33 45 - 46 AHZAB THE ALLIES Bashir and Nazir

as a good ریشبو ی دری news and a Warner B 5 29 MAIDAH TABLE Crow buried SPREAD another crow WITH FOOD B 2 282 BAQARA THE COW Business Contract B 11 85 HUD HUD Honesty in business correct measurements B 61 10 - 11 SAFF THE RANKS The best of thebusiness is to do business with هللاAllah

جنگ دبز B 3 123 - 129 IMRAN FAMILY OF Battle of Badr IMRAN

جنگ دبز B 8 80 ANFAL SPOILS OF Battle of Ahad


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse WAR B 9 38 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Battle of Trenches

جنگ دنخق B 33 10 - 27 AHZAB THE ALLIES Battle of Ahzab,

جنگ دنخق Khandaq B 55 * RAHMAA THE Surah 55: 33 times it N BENEFICIENT says: “Which of your Lord’sbounties will you deny?” C 2 67 - 71 BAQARA THE COW Story of the was not (عی سی) C 3 55 IMRAN FAMILY OF Jesus IMRAN crucified C 61 30 SAFF THE RANKS There should be no conflict between your claims and your practice. C 58 2 MUJADILA THE Control your H PLEADING emotions and anger WOMAN (story of calling your wife a mother) C 10 22 YUNUS JONAH People take credit doings هللاfor Allah C 33 57 AHZAB THE ALLIES Allah cursed those who displease Him and His Prophet ﷺ C 51 52 DHARIYAT THE Magician: The SCATTERERS Prophet was called a magician or acrazy man C 11 15 HUD HUD Those who only want comfort of the


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse world are rewarded here only C 20 2 TA-HA TA-HA Qura’n: Religion is made simple and comfortable C 11 24 HUD HUD Comparison of a Muslim and C 2 282 BAQARA THE COW Business Contract C 4 101 NISA THE WOMEN Prayer: Conditions for prayer

while travelingصالۃرصق C 2 227 - 237 BAQARA THE COW Divorce: Conditions طالق of C 57 9 HADEED IRON Clear

قر ٓا ن :.communication

Charityد کٰو ۃ ; C 2 177&215 BAQARA THE COW C 57 18 HADID THE IRON Charity: If you give in charity you will get more in return هللاfrom Allah C 64 14 TAGHABU The Ill-mannered wives N Manifestatio and children n of Losses C 8 28 ANFAL SPOILS OF Children and wealth WAR are the test from هللاAllah C 2 23 BAQARA THE COW Allah’s challengethatهللا there is no other book like the

قر ٓا ن دیجم Qura’n challengeهللاC 17 88 ISRA JOURNEY BY Allah’s NIGHT that there is no


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse other book like the

قر ٓا ن دیجمQura’n C 11 13 HUD HUD Qura’n is a challenge C 22 73 AL-HAJJ THE A challenge to grab PILIGRIMAGE something out of a fly’s mouth C 5 67 MAIDAH TABLE Command for SPREAD Prophet WITH FOOD Mohammad(pbuh) to deliver the دمحم message alone C 15 26 - 28 HIJR REOCKY Creation of the TRACT Universe C 10 3 YUNUS JONAH Universe was created in six days C 16 4 AN-NAHL THE BEES Humans are created with a drop of semen. C 22 5 AL-HAJJ THE Creation of humans PILIGRIMAGE C 23 12 – 16 AL- THE Creation of humans MOMINU BELIEVERS N C 25 59 AL- THE Creation of the FURQAN CRITERION universe in 6 days C 36 77 YASEEN YASEEN Human beings are conceived from nothing but a drop of najasat

(Semen)اجنست C 51 56 DHARIYAT THE Purpose of SCATTERERS creationof life


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse C 40 60 MOMIN THE Theory of creation BELIEVER and different stages of life. createdهللاC 51 56 DHARIYAT THE Allah SCATTERERS humans and to praise Himself C 30 21 RUUM THE Allah has made ROMANS couples that have love, affection and mercy in their hearts C 33 35 AHZAB THE ALLIES Men and women guard your chastity is the هللا C 2 255 BAQARA THE COW Allah Creator of the universe created theهللا C 2 29 BAQARA THE COW Allah universe with seven skies C 21 35 AL- THE All the creations will ANBIYA PROPHETS die one Day C 5 26 - 31 MAIDAH TABLE Cain and Able اہلیب و اقلیب SPREAD WITH FOOD C 2 256 BAQARA THE COW No compulsion in religion C 8 29 ANFAL SPOILS OF God Consciousness: وقتی ٰ WAR Piety C 7 26 ARAF THE HEIGHTS God consciousness is the best of وقتی ٰ costumes C 29 6 ANKABUT THE SPIDER with اہجد conscious C 4 94 NISA THE WOMEN Condition of Jihad.


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse C 7 77 ARAF THE HEIGHTS She Camel C 26 154-158 SHUARAA THE POETS She-Camel was killed C 54 27 - 31 QAMAR THE MOON Story of She camelpunishment. C 7 189 ERAF The HEIGHTS Created from single cell. C 51 51 – 56 DHARIYAT THE Created Jinn and SCATTERERS Human for Ibadat. D 65 4 TALAQ DIVORCE Duration of stay after divorce D 38 71-85 SWAD SWAD Dialogue between and Allah D 37 102-112 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Abraham’s Dream SET THE RANKS D 2 50 BAQARA THE COW Musa: Division of ومٰیسNile by Moses D 57 20 HADID THE IRON Material World only Temporary; It’s only a delusion D 56 18-19 WAQIAH THE EVENT Drinks in heaven

جنت D 36 77 YASEEN YASEEN Human beings are conceived from nothing but a drop of najasat

(Semen)اجنست D 3 185 IMRAN FAMILY OF Every soul will taste IMRAN death D 21 35 AL- THE All the creations ANBIYA PROPHETS willdie one Day is the one هللاD 53 44 NAJM THE STAR Allah


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse who brings death and gives life D 55 26 RAHMAA THE Everything will die N BENEFICIENT one day D 34 14 SABA Solomon’sdeath

make وبکنعت D 29 41 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Spiders their home very delicate D 2 154 BAQARA THE COW Those who die in the are هللا way of Allah not dead D 2 220 BAQARA THE COW Conditions of Divorce D 47 4 MOHAM MOHAMMED Those who die in the are هللا MED path of Allah eternal D 9 108 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Demolition of the of Zira. D 13 26 AR-RAD THE Earnings depend on هللاTHUNDER the Will of Allah D 4 34 NISA THE WOMEN Responsibilities and Duties of husband and wife D 10 67 YUNUS JONAH Day is for work and night is for rest D 19 11 MARYAM MARY Praise the Lord day and night D 4 34 - 35 NISA THE WOMEN Relationship between husband and wife and disciplinary matters. D 2 226 - 237 BAQARA THE COW Divorce: Conditions of


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse D 2 232 BAQARA THE COW Gentle treatment when youdivorce women. Do not prevent them from marrying other person. D 2 228 BAQRA THE COW Waiting period after ع ِّد ۃ divorce for a wife D 4 22 - 24 NISA THE WOMEN The women prohibit to marry D 4 11 - 12 NISA THE WOMEN Distribution of property belongings in will D 9 65 – 4 TALAQ Divorce Waiting period for divorced woman. ینب D 14 6 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM People of ’s denial ofا رسا لیئ blessings هللاAllah D 16 30 AN-NAHL THE BEES People with unlimited desires in heaven D 16 90 AN-NAHL THE BEES Definition of good and bad deeds D 31 16 LUQMAN LUQMAN If you do the smallest good deed there is a return for it, you will be rewarded D 3 164 IMRAN FAMILY OF Prophets sent for IMRAN our direction and guidance D 33 57 AHZAB THE ALLIES Allah cursed those who displease Him


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse and His Prophet (p) D 35 13 THE Day and night: Allah ORIGINATOR made. D 16 102 AN-NAHL THE BEES Qura’n is the means of guidance and direction

د هحیب ;D 5 4 – 5 MAIDAH TABLE Dietary Laws SPREAD WITH FOOD D 16 106 AN-NAHL THE BEES Follow the revelation of God; stay away from the disbelievers D 2 30 BAQARA THE COW Dialogue between and Angels هللاAllah D 2 47 - 61 BAQARA THE COW Dialogue between and Prophet هللاAllah and the (ومٰیس) Moses ا رسآ لیئstory of Israel D 7 161 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Dialogue between andومسٰی Moses فر وع ن D 6 74 ANAM THE CATTLE Dialogue between Ibrahim (as) and

ا ب ر ا میه اچچ آ ز ز Azar D 38 73 - 78 SAAD SAAD Satan’s refusal to prostrate and the dialogue D 27 15 - 44 NAML THE ANT David: Story of David and Solomon D 38 30 SAAD SAAD Solomon was David’s son


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse D 34 13 SABA SABA Sulayman’s death D 38 17 - 26 SAAD SAAD د ا ُو د David’s story D 38 19 SAAD SAAD Birds under David’s د ا ُو د control D 3 35 - 48 IMRAN FAMILY OF Mary: Dialogue Mary IMRAN ٰیسیعand Jesus (رممی) D 5 67 MAIDAH TABLE Command for محمد(SPREAD Prophet (pbuh WITH FOOD to deliver the message alone D 7 92 - 101 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Dialogue between Allah and Shoaib

د هحیب ;D 5 4 - 5 MAIDAH TABLE DietaryLaws SPREAD WITH FOOD D 38 18 CWAD CWAD David’s sign of Prophet hood was mountains to sing D 27 7 NAML THE ANT Solomon was the heir of David. E 20 117 - 124 TA-HA TA-HA Adam: Story of and ٓادم(Adam (as Eve misguided ا سیلبE 2 36 BAQARA THE COW Iblis Adam (as) and Eve آ د م و وحا made the هللاE 2 30 BAQARA THE COW Allah statement that He is sending a Prophet on earth E 58 2 MUJA- THE Control your DILAH PLEADING emotions and anger


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse WOMAN (story of calling your wife a mother) E 31 18 LUQMAN LUQMAN Do not walk on earth rudely with arrogance E 50 7 QAF QAF Earth being spread out and cast mountains on it E 4 77 NISA THE WOMEN Temporary world – hereafter is everlasting E 36 82 YASEEN YASEEN Nothing is eternal E 3 7 IMRAN FAMILY OF Qura’n: Some IMRAN meanings of Qura’n are esoteric and some are non- esoteric E 46 30 AHQAF THE SAND Qura’n: Etiquette HILLS when Qura’n isbeing recited E 49 2-3 & 49 HUJURAT THE Etiquette of Talking APARTMENT to our prophet S Muhammad (pbuh) E 4 24 NISA THE WOMEN Etiquette to behave with women you have relationship E 24 27 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Etiquette: Knock the door and say Salaam before entering the house E 33 53 AHZAB THE ALLIES Etiquette to enter the house of Prophet. E 62 2 JUMUAH THE The Prophet’s


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse CONGREGATI instruction to teach ON and educate the nation E 24 60 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Elderly women do not fall under Mahram and Na-

رحمومیا رحمم Mahram E 7 31 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Excessiveness is ا سالم Haram in Islam E 51 49 DHARIYAT THE Everything was SCATTERERS created in mates E 13 26 AR-RAD THE Earnings depend on هللاTHUNDER the Will of Allah E 2 224 BAQARA THE COW Do not make Allah’s name an excuse in your oaths. E 35 13 FATIR THE Day and night made ORIGINATOR by Allah. F 2 185 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: in the Holy month of and its conditions for exceptional people. was called ومسٰیF 2 51 BAQARA THE COW Musa in for 40 nights. goes in ومسٰیF 20 10 TA-HA TA-HA Moses search of fire in cold night at a desert area ا ب ر ا میه F 21 69 AL- THE Ibrahim (as)’s ANBIYA PROPHETS entry in the fire F 62 9 JUMUAH THE Go to Friday Prayer CONGREGATI when called


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse ON F 62 10 JUMUAH THE After the Friday CONGREGATI prayers disperse ON through the land is the هللاF 29 60 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Allah Provideroffood to all F 57 24 HADID THE IRON Frugality is not a likes هللاquality Allah F 2 183 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you. F 2 184 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: For a fixed number of days and other exemptions. F 2 185 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: in the Holy month of Ramadan and its conditions.

wasقر ٓا ن دیجمQura’n also revealed in this month. F 2 187 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: timing of fasting before you. F 57 22 HADID THE IRON Fortune:Luck F 2 275 BAQARA THE COW Interest on loan forbidden F 66 1 TAHRIM THE Do not change what made هللاPROHIBITION Allah permissible to حالل رحا م forbidden F 33 5 AHZAB THE ALLIES Adopted son should have biological father’s last name F 39 57 ZUMAR THE Qura’n: Follow This


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse

قر ا ٰن دیجمCOMPANIES Book F 47 3 MOHAM MOHAM Faithless follow MED MED false hood, Faithful follow truth F 37 142 SAFFAT SAFFAT Yunus was swallowed by a F 22 73 AL-HAJJ THE A challenge to grab PILIGRIMAGE something out of a fly’s mouth and Angeles هللاF 33 56 AHZAB THE ALLIES Allah send peace to the Prophet(pbuh) and his Family F 33 33 AHZAB THE ALLIES Prophet: Members of the Prophet’s

are ا لہ ا للی ن ت family pure and pristine F 2 2 BAQARA THE COW Qura’n is the book of guidance for those who are هللا fearful of F 5 114 MAIDA TABLE Jesus prayer for SPREAD food from ٰیسیع.WITH FOOD Heaven F 2 187 BAQRA The COW. Fasting timings in Ramadan F 2 187 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: timings for Roza and other meetings F 20 130 TA-HA TA-HA Prayer timings: Magrib, Isha, ZohrainFajr رهظ،رصع،رغم ت،اشع


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse F 5 1 MAIDAH TABLE Fulfill the SPREAD obligations WITH FOOD G 4 116 NISA THE WOMEN God: Oneness وتدیحofGod ,is the only هللاG 37 1 - 4 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Allah SET THE The qualities of God RANKS G 47 19 MOHAM MOHAMMED Know there is no هللاMED God except Allah and هللاG 64 12 TAGHABU THE Obey Allah N MANIFESTATI the Prophet, ON OF Prophet is just a LOSSES messenger of God is aware of ﷲا G 41 40 FUSSILAT THEY ARE God EXPOUNDED everything and sees everything. G 64 17 TAGHABU THE Give in the name of هللاN MANIFESTATI Allah ON OF LOSSES G 24 1 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Qura’n: the Book of guidance G 26 2 SHUARAA THE POETS Qura’n: the Book of guidance guides usهللاG 13 27 AR-RAD THE Allah THUNDER when He wishes to . G 14 3 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM Guided and misled people. G 3 164 IMRAN FAMILY OF Prophets sent for IMRAN our direction and guidance G 16 102 AN-NAHL THE BEES Qura’n is the means of guidance and


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse direction . G 2 2 BAQARA THE COW Qura’n is the book of guidance for those who are هللا fearful of G 50 45 QAF QAF Prophet: The Prophet is not a tyrant but a guide for Qura’n قرآن مجید G 33 59 AHZAB THE ALLIES Hijab: Guidelines for اجح ت G 5 90 MAIDAH TABLE Alcohol and SPREAD gambling is WITH FOOD prohibited G 2 67 - 71 BAQARA THE COW Story of the golden calf G 50 9 QAF QAF Rain fall is to grow gardens and harvest the grain H 36 77 YASEEN YASEEN Human beings are conceived from nothing but a drop of najasat

(Semen)اجنست H 17 19 KAHAF People of the Half of theQura’n: @ تا CAVE H 66 1 TAHRIM THE Do not change what made هللاPROHIBITION Allah to حالل permissible رحا م forbidden H 11 59 HUD HUD People of هللاHudopposed Allah


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse H 28 38 QASAS THE STORY Pharoh's order to Haaman to build a tall tower H 29 39 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qaroon and Pharaoh’s and Harman at the time ومسٰیof Moses H 33 59 AHZAB THE ALLIES Hijab: Guidelines for اجح ت H 16 4 AN-NAHL THE BEES Humans are created with a drop of semen. H 22 5 AL-HAJJ THE Creation of humans PILIGRIMAGE H 23 12 - 16 AL- THE Creation of human MOMINU BELIEVERS process. N H 36 77 YASEEN YASEEN Human beings are conceived from nothing but a drop of najasat

(Semen)اجنست created هللاH 51 56 DHARIYAT THE Allah SCATTERERS humans and Jinn to praise Himself H 30 21 RUUM THE Allah has made ROMANS couples that have love, affection and mercy in their hearts H 29 41 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Spiders makeعنکبوت theirhome very


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse delicate H 50 9 QAF QAF Rain fall is to grow gardens and harvest the grain H 27 62 NAML THE ANT Supplication: for Good Health ,هللاH 47 7 MOHAM MOHAM If you helpAllah MED MED He will help you and make your feet steady H 4 77 NISA THE WOMEN Temporary world – hereafter is everlasting H 22 2 AL-HAJJ THE details PILIGRIMAGE H 7 46 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Wall between Heaven and Hell H 37 40 - 51 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Heaven : Description

جنت SET THE of RANKS H 52 17 - 27 TUR THE The Description of MOUNTAIN Heaven H 52 20 TUR THE Pairs (in Heaven) MOUNTAIN H 56 19 WAQIAH THE EVENT Drinks in Heaven

جنت H 37 63 - 68 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Hell : Description of منہج SET THE RANKS H 2 196 - 200 BAQARA THE COW Hajj: Pilgrimage for Muslims and their (جح و رمعۃ ).conditions جح H 9 3 TAUBAH REPENT- Hajj: Pilgrimage ANCE


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse H 5 1 MAIDAH TABLE Hajj Pilgrimage: جح SPREAD Rules for WITH FOOD Hunting, Shroud H 2 173 BAQARA THE COW Halal and Haram

د هحیبmeat H 16 115 AN-NAHL THE BEES Halal and

د هحیبHarammeat H 7 31 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Excessiveness is ا سالم Haram in Islam هللا H 47 16 MOHAM MOHAM Hypocrites; Allah MED MED has sealed their hearts. H 5 42 MAIDAH TABLE Honesty: Judges SPREAD should be honest WITH FOOD H 9 119 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Be with those who are truthful, and Honest H 11 85 HUD HUD Honesty in business correct measurements H 55 9 RAHMAA THE Be honest in your N BENEFICIENT measurements, business dealings. H 4 128 –136 NISA THE WOMEN Relationship of husband and wife H 4 34 – 35 NISA THE WOMEN Relationship between husband and wife and disciplinary matters. H 29 29 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Lut’s people wereHomosexuals H 7 80 - 84 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Homosexualityprohi


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse bited in Islam H 26 165-173 SHUARAA THE POETS Homosexuality prohibited in Islam. H 33 53 AHZAB THE ALLIES Do not enter the Prophet’s house unless permission is granted, do not stay long after ….. H 19 17 MARYAM MARY Hijab:Example of wearing aرممیMary اجح ت scarf H 33 59 AHZAB THE ALLIES Hijab: Guidelines اجح ت for H 9 61 - 63 TAUBAH REPENT- Prophet: Harming ANCE the Prophet H 66 1 - 4 TAHRIM THE PROHIB- : The story of ITION honey, warning to the wives of the prophet H 40 39 GHAFER Hereafter: Life eternal H 6 32 ANAM THE CATTLE Hereafter/The life here is an amusement Hereafter eternal H 57 9 HADID THE IRON HE is the One who sends clear communications. H 27 7 NAML THE ANT Solomon was the heir of David. I 6 71 ANAM THE CATTLE Islam: Importance of Islam


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse I 16 19 AN-NAHL THE BEES Most important words of Qur’an. I 49 14 HUJURAT THE Accepting Islam vs. APARTMENT Embracing Islam S I 8 2 - 4 ANFAL SPOILS OF People of

وقتی Pietyٰا امین WAR I 20 114 TA-HA TA-HA Supplication to increase our knowledge I 46 29 - 31 AHQAF THE SAND Importance of HILLS Reciting Qura’n I 6 54 ANAM THE CATTLE Salaam: سالمImportance of I 9 36 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Important 4 months of Islam. . I 2 275 BAQARA THE COW Interest on loan forbidden I 64 14 TAGHABU The Ill-mannered wife N Manifestatio and children n of Losses I 2 234 BAQARA THE COW Idda. Waiting period for widow after her Husband passes away I 2 233 BAQARA THE COW Breast- Feedingforinfants I 65 6 TALAAQ DIVORCE Idda I 65 6 TALAAQ DIVORCE Nurse her infant was askedا سیلبI 2 34 BAQARA THE COW Iblis to Prostrate to ا ٓد م(Adam (as


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse refusal ا سیلب I 7 11 - 18 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Satan’s to prostrate; Iblis’s pride misguided ابلیسI 2 36 BAQARA THE COW Iblis Adam (as) and Eve ٓادم وحوا invitation ابلیس ’I 7 20 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Iblis ا ٓد م(to Adam (as I 20 120 TA-HA TA-HA Iblis’s suggestion toا سیلب Adam. I 4 43 NISA THE WOMEN Intoxication – do not pray while intoxicated I 4 93 NISA THE WOMEN Do not kill the innocent I 3 53 - 59 IMRAN FAMILY OF Isa: Story of Prophet ٰیسیع IMRAN Isa I 14 33 - 41 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM Abraham(Ibrahim) ا ب ر ا میه I 2 135 BAQARA THE COW Religion of Ibrahim ا ب ر ا میه I 3 95 IMRAN FAMILY OF Religion of Ibrahim ا ب ر ا میه (IMRAN (a I 53 37 NAJM THE STAR Abraham(Ibrahim) ا ب ر ا میه also had a Book I 57 26 HADID THE IRON God placed holy scriptures on ونح(Prophet Nuh (as and Prophet ا ب ر ا میه (Ibrahim(as


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse I 6 74 ANAM THE CATTLE Dialogue between Ibrahim (as) and

ا ب ر ا میه اچچ آ ز ز Azar I 2 260 BAQARA THE COW Ibrahim: Story of four birds entryا ب ر ا میه I 21 69 AL- THE Ibrahim ANBIYA PROPHETS in the fire I 37 83 SAFFAT THOSE WHO The followers of SET THE Abraham(Ibrahim) RANKS I 37 98 - 102 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Abraham’s(Ibrahim) SET THE Dream RANKS I 37 102 - 105 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Sacrifice: SET THE Instructions to RANKS Abraham(Ibrahim) to sacrificeا ب ر ا میه و ا امسلیع Ismail I 62 2 JUMUAH THE The Prophet’s CONGREGATI instruction to teach ON and educate the nation I 37 106 - 111 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Sacrifice of Ismail ا امسلیع SET THE RANKS I 37 112 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Prophet-hood in the SET THE progeny of ا ب ر ا میهRANKS Ibrahim I 51 24 - 30 DHARIYAT THE Ibrahim(Abraham) to have a ا ب ر ا میه (SCATTERERS (as son I 57 26 HADID THE IRON Ibrahim in the progeny onus.


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse ینب I 14 6 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM People of Israel’s denial of ا رسا لیئ blessings هللاAllah I 45 16 JAASIYA THE Israelites also had a KNEELING Prophet, a book and were given good things I 6 71- 83 ANAM THE CATTLE Story of Ibrahim Star, Moon and Sun I 2 47 - 61 BAQARA THE COW Dialogue between and Prophet هللاAllah and the (ومسٰی) Moses story of Israel ینب ا رسا لیئ invitation ا سیلب I 20 120 TA-HA TA-HA Iblis’s to Adam I 5 32 MAIDAH TABLE Killing one innocent SPREAD is like killing the WITH FOOD whole humanity is Just – does هللاJ 9 70 TAUBAH REPENT- Allah ANCE not cause hardship

J 24 24 AN-NUR THE LIGHT The parts of body will be the witness at the Day of Judgment J 37 52 - 62 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Day of Judgment: SET THE Description of

ایقمت RANKS the J 45 15 JAASIYA THE On the Day of KNEELING Judgment, those who do good will be rewarded


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse J 12 101 YUSUF JOSEPH Joseph’s Supplication J 4 94 NISA THE WOMEN Condition of Jihad. J 5 114 MAIDA Table spread Jesus prayer for with food food from ٰیسیع.Heaven was a عی سٰی J 19 30 MARYAM MARY Jesus Prophet with a Book raised هللاJ 4 158 NISA THE WOMEN Jesus: Allah and saved Jesus (as) J 3 35 - 48 IMRAN FAMILY OF Mary: Dialogue and(مریم) IMRAN Mary ٰیسیعJesus J 5 17 MAIDAH TABLE Jesus : Declines that SPREAD he is the son of God WITH FOOD قرآن J 4 135 NISSA The women Justice in was not ٰیسیع J 19 88 - 90 MARYAM MARY Jesus the son of God J 5 72 MAIDAH TABLE Jesus prayed to as the only هللاSPREAD Allah وتدیح – WITH FOOD God was not ( ٰیسیع) J 3 55 IMRAN FAMILY OF Jesus IMRAN crucified J 61 6 SAFF THE RANKS Jesus announce our Prophet’s future arrival by the name ا دمح ﷺ of Ahmed J 50 16 QAF QAF Allah’s (s) proximity as close as your jugular vein J 5 42 MAIDAH TABLE Honesty:


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse SPREAD Judgesshould be WITH FOOD honest in the یبن Yunus ویسن J 10 98 YUNUS JONAH town. J 37 138 –148 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Jonah: The fish ویسن SET THE swallows Jonah RANKS J 37 140 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Jonah: SET THE Dua(Supplication) of ویسن RANKS Jonah J 29 6 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Jihad with conscious اہجد created هللاJ 51 56 DHARIYAT THE Allah SCATTERERS humans and Jinn to praise Himself J 72 2 JINN JINN respect for قر آ ن دیجمQura’n J 4 77 NISA THE WOMEN Jehad: Answer the call for. J 9 38 – 40 TAUBAH REPEN- Jehad: go for it TANCE when asked K 5 32 MAAIDAH Table spread Killing one innocent with food person is like killing one whole nation. K 20 114 TA-HA TA-HA Supplication to increase our knowledge K 2 30 BAQRA THE COW Almighty appoints the Khalifa K 11 24 HUD HUD Comparison of a Muslim and Kafir K 9 23 TAUBAH REPEN- Those who are kafir . relativesاکفر TANCE


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse K 4 93 NISA THE WOMEN Do not kill the innocent K 33 10 – 27 AHZAB THE ALLIES Battle of Ahzab

ا لخند ق Khandaq L 2 282 BAQARA THE COW Longest verse in the Qura’n L 6 32 ANAAM The Cattle Life is nothing but an amusement and the one for righteous hereafter. L 57 22 HADID THE IRON Fortune Luck L 40 39 Forgiver The Forgiver This life is only a passing enjoyment غافر hereafter is the abode to settle L 9 74 TAUBAH REPEN- Do no lie while TANCE invoking God’s name L 31 19 LUQMAN LUQMAN Do not talk with a loud voice ; be moderate L 2 275 BAQARA THE COW Interest on loan forbidden

to Allah قر ض ہنسحL 5 12 MAIDAH TABLE Loan SPREAD WITH FOOD

قر ض ہنسحL 57 11 HADID THE IRON Loan to Allah L 51 56 DHARIYAT THE Purpose of creation SCATTERERS of life is the light of هللاL 24 35 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Allah ل ونز ا سم ٰو ا ت the universe is the one هللاL 53 44 NAJM THE STAR Allah who brings death and gives life


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse L 30 21 RUUM THE Allah has made ROMANS couples that have love, affection and mercy in their hearts L 29 8 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Love your Parents L 43 23 ZUKHRUF ORNAMENTS Love the Ahlul Bayt

ا لہ ا للی ن ت OF GOLD L 31 13 LUQMAN LUQMAN Luqman’s advice to his son L 54 33 – 39 QAMAR THE MOON People of Lut and وقم their punishment ولط L 11 77 – 84 HUD HUD People of Lut L 27 54-59 NAML THE ANT Lut’s advice to his people, homosexual Supplication ولطL 29 28-37 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Lut’s Dua L 15 59 – 77 HIJR REOCKY Lut: Story of Prophet ولط TRACT Lut L 33 40 AHZAB THE ALLIES Our Prophet was the last of the Prophets L 40 39 MOMIN THE Life here is an BELIEVER amusement but Hereafter is eternal L 31 13 LUQMAN LUQMAN Luqman’s advise to

رضحیلقما ن his son L 10 69 YUNUS JONAH Do no lie. M 36 20 YASIN YASIN A man orders all to follow the Messengers (see 66:11) M 40 28-29 GHAFIR A man from the


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse Pharaoh’s court orders all to follow the Messengers (See 66:11) M 4 22-24 NISA The women Those women prohibited to marry. M 37 109 - 126 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Mentions of the SET THE Prophets sent by هللاRANKS Allah M 37 147 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Mention of SET THE Morethan100,000 RANKS Prophets sent by هللاAllah and هللاM 64 12 TAGHABU THE Obey Allah N MANIFESTATI the Prophet, ON OF Prophet is just a LOSSES messenger of God

wasقر ٓا ن دیجمM 44 3 DUKHAN THE The Qura’n DROUGHT sent in the Holy Night, and there are warnings for mankind M 51 49 DHARIYAT THE Everything was SCATTERERS created in mates M 30 21 RUUM THE Allah has made ROMANS couples that have love, affection and mercy in their hearts M 31 19 LUQMAN LUQMAN Do not talk with a loud voice ; be moderate M 3 7 IMRAN FAMILY OF Qura’n: Some IMRAN meanings of


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse Qura’nare esoteric and some are non- esoteric M 27 16 NAML THE ANT Moses: The story of and his موس ی Moses 2 miracles (all together 9 miracles) رضحومتسٰیM 10 74 – 92 YUNUS JONAH Moses M 11 96 – 101 HUD HUD Moses: The story of ومسٰیMoses M 24 61 AN-NUR The light Musa’s prayer for Haroon to be his assistant. M 20 9 TA-HA TA-HA Moses’s storyومسٰی(as) ومیسM 26 8 – 68 SHUARAA THE POETS Moses’s (as)story goes in ومسٰیM 20 10 TA-HA TA-HA Moses search of fire in cold night at a desert area M 20 18 TA-HA TA-HA Moses’s Walking stickومسٰی(as)

army فر وعن M 10 90 YUNUS JONAH Pharaoh’s ومسٰیfollows Moses M 40 28-35 MOMIN THE Momin of Moses’s BELIEVER time & his advice

فر وعن Pharaoh ومسٰیordered Moses to be killed M 29 39 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qaroon and and at the time


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse ومسٰیof Moses M 24 61 NUR THE LIGHT Mahram and na

رحمم و یا رحمم .mahram M 2 50 BAQARA THE COW Musa: Division of Red Sea by Musa M 2 51 BAQARA THE COW Musa was called in for 40 nights. M 16 106 AN-NAHL THE BEES Mudrik: one who became Kafir after accepting Islam M 2 47 – 61 BAQARA THE COW Dialogue between and هللاAllah (ومٰیس )ProphetMoses and the story of ینبا رسآ لیئ Israel M 7 101- 161 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Dialogue between and ومسٰیMoses

فر وع ن Pharaoh M 7 101 - 177 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Moses’ Miracle: Moses’ story to be taken as historical evidence M 28 3 - 48 QASAS THE STORY Moses: Story of ومسٰیMoses M 28 7 QASAS THE STORY Verse to Moses’s و یح as) mother) M 28 34 QASAS THE STORY Moses’s (as) supplication for his brother Aaron M 28 76 QASAS THE STORY Qaroon was from people ومسٰی'Moses as sent toومسٰیM 51 38 DHARIYAT THE Moses


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse SCATTERERS Pharaoh with a manifest authority M 3 35 – 48 IMRAN FAMILY OF Mary: Dialogue and (مریم) IMRAN Mary

د رکی ا ۃZachariah M 19 17 MARYAM MARY Mary: Example of wearing مریم Mary حجاب a scarf M 15 6 HIJR REOCKY Muhammad: People TRACT calling Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the madman M 51 52 DHARIYAT THE Magician: The SCATTERERS Prophet was called a magician or a crazy man M 5 67 MAIDAH TABLE Command for SPREAD Prophet WITH FOOD Mohammad(pbuh) to deliver theدمحم ﷺ message alone M 21 107 AL- THE Prophet: Our ANBIYA PROPHETS Prophet a source of mercy for the universe M 3 61 IMRAN FAMILY OF Mubahila: Verse ابمہل هIMRAN of M 2 158 BAQARA THE COW Signs of Allah are Safa and

اعشبر ا ہلل افصو رمو ا Marwa M 50 7 QAF QAF Earth being spread out and cast mountains on it


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse M 59 21 HASHR THE EXILE Had Qura’n been sent on mountain it ۔would be in pieces M 22 73 AL-HAJJ THE A challenge to grab PILIGRIMAGE something out of a fly’s mouth M 57 20 HADID THE IRON Material world only temporary; Itis only a delusion M 20 130 TA-HA TA-HA Midnight صالةاللیلPrayers M 2 173 BAQARA THE COW Halal and Haram ذبیحهmeat M 16 115 AN-NAHL THE BEES Bismillah before slaughter, Halal and ذبیحهHaram meat M 23 21 AL- THE Milk in the belly of MOMINU BELIEVERS animals N M 7 151 ARAAF The Heights Musa’s supplication for Haroon M 31 14 LUQMAN LUQMAN Breastfed: an infant to be breastfed for two years by mother M 65 6 TALAAQ DIVORCE Nursing: The mother should be paid for nursing her infant M 33 6 AHZAB THE ALLIES The Prophet’s wives are nation’sMothers M 2 177 BAQARA THE COW Description of true Muslim M 11 24 HUD HUD Comparison of a Muslim and Kafir M 2 178 BAQARA THE COW Punishment for murderer.


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse M 6 60 ANAM THE CATTLE Mortality M 20 130 TA-HA TA-HA Prayer timings:Magrib, Isha, Zohrain ظهر،عصر،مغرب،عشاء M 10 4 – 5 YUNUS JONAH Sun: for daily timing; Moon: for months M 11 85 HUD HUD Honesty in business – correct measurements M 55 7 RAHMAA THE Be honest in your N BENEFICIENT measurements, business dealings. M 55 8 RAHMAA THE Be accurate in your N BENEFICIENT rights measures. M 9 108 – TAUBAH REPEN- Demolition of the 110 TANCE Mosque of Zira. M 14 3 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM Guided and misled people M 33 50 – 51 AHZAB THE ALLIES Prophet: The number of women the Prophet can marry M 4 22 – 23 NISA THE WOMEN Those whom we are prohibited to marry

رحمم و یا رحمم M 24 31 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Those whom you may marry and those who you may not marry محرمونامحرم M 24 61 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Marry: Whom we


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse may marry M 33 35 AHZAB THE ALLIES Men and women guard your chastity M 2 232 BAQARA THE COW Gentle treatment for a divorcee. Not to prevent them from getting marriedto another person. M 2 222 BAQARA THE COW Menstruation period of woman. M 2 223 BAQARA THE COW Marital relationships. M 9 36 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Four sacred months. M 20 28-30 TA-HA TA-HA Musa’s request for his brother Haroon. N 9 21 TAUBAH REPEN- Good news of TANCE Heaven. N 11 69 HUD HUD The good news to Ibrahim. N 20 8 TA-HA TA-HA The beautiful names اسماءالحس نیof Allah was ٓادم(N 2 31 BAQARA THE COW Adam (as asked the names N 6 84 – 86 ANAM THE CATTLE Names of Prophets N 33 5 AHZAB THE ALLIES Adopted son should have biological father’s last name N 64 17 TAGHABU The Give in the name of هللاN Manifestatio Allah n of Losses N 10 71 – 73 YUNUS JONAH Noah (as)’s رضحونتحstory N 11 23 – 48 HUD HUD Story of Noah نوح(as)


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse N 26 105 - 122 SHUARAA THE POETS Noah’s (as) story نوح N 11 50 HUD HUD Noah (as)’s nations; عادوهودA’ad and Hud نظر لگنا :N 12 67 YOUSUF JOSEPH Nazar N 29 14 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Noah (as)’s teachings for 950نوح years N 37 79 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Noah: Praise نوح SET THE of(as)’s patience RANKS N 57 26 HADID THE IRON God placed holy scriptures on نوحProphet Nuh and Prophet Ibrahim Ark نوح(N 54 9 -13 QAMAR THE MOON Noah‘s(as N 71 1 – 28 NUH NOAH Supplication for our parents by Prophet نوح(Noah (as N 2 50 BAQARA THE COW Musa: Division of by Moses was ومسٰیN 2 51 BAQARA THE COW Moses called in for 40nights. goes in ومسٰیN 20 10 TA-HA TA-HA Moses search of fire in cold night at a desert area N 44 1 – 8 DUKHAN THE The significance of DROUGHT the Night of Qadr لن لةا دقلز

wasقر ٓا ن دیجمN 45 2 JAASIYA THE Qura’n KNEELING sent the Holy Night


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Surah # Surah # Verse Alphabet لن لنا دقلز of Qadr N 33 45 – 46 AHZAB THE ALLIES Bashir and

as a ریشبو ید ریNazir witness and a Warner N 10 67 YUNUS JONAH Day is for work and night is for rest N 19 11 MARYAM MARY Praise the Lord day andnight N 58 4 MUJADILA THE How to negate the H PLEADING previous act WOMAN N 65 6 TALAAQ DIVORCE Nursing: The mother should be paid for nursing her infant O 5 89 MAIDAH TABLE Do not swear as a SPREAD lie. WITH FOOD O 5 89 MAIDAH The Table Do not lie for Oath Spread with Do not swear. Food O 4 116 NISA THE WOMEN God: Oneness of God O 5 72 MAIDAH TABLE Oneness: Jesus asهللاSPREAD prayed to Allah وتدیح.WITH FOOD the only God O 44 2 DUKHAN THE The Qura’n is an DROUGHT open Book. and the هللاO 64 12 TAGHABU THE ObeyAllah N MANIFESTATI Prophet, Prophet is ON OF just a messenger of LOSSES God O 2 83 BAQARA THE COW Parents and Orphans


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse O 2 215 BAQARA THE COW Charity for Orphansand others. O 4 6 NISA THE WOMEN Orphans—be honest with their property, take care of them O 6 152 ANAM THE CATTLE Orphans: Taking care of orphans O 4 103 NISA THE WOMEN Prayer: Fulfill obligations of prayers on time O 47 12 MOHAM- MOHAM- Those who over-eat MED MED are like animals O 2 224 BAQARA THE COW Do not make Allah’s name an excuse in your oaths. P 20 130 TA-HA TA-HA Prayer timings: Magrib, Isha, رجف رهظ رصع رغم ت Zohrain اشعء P 10 4 – 5 YUNUS JONAH Punishment: The conditions of Hell P 2 2 BAQRA THE COW This book is guide for the righteous people P 5 3 Maida The Table Pork prohibited to spread eat. P 2 35 BAQARA THE COW Adam (as) prevented to approach the Tree was asked ابلیسP 2 34 BAQARA THE COW Iblis to Prostrate to ٓادم(Adam (as P 37 79 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Noah: Praise for نوحSET THE patience


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse RANKS P 7 158 - 161 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Dialogue between and مو ٰسیMoses فرعون Pharaoh فرعون P 10 90 YUNUS JONAH Pharaoh’s army follows موس ٰی Moses P 10 92 YUNUS JONAH God saves Pharaoh’s body to preserve for future generations P 28 38 QASAS THE STORY Pharaoh’s order to Haman to build a tall tower P 40 36 MOMIN THE Pharaoh orders Hamanفرعون BELIEVER to build a tall tower. فرعون P 40 25, 26 MOMIN THE Pharaoh’s BELIEVER order to slaughter boys and to kill Moses P 29 39 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qaroon and Pharaoh’sand Haman at the time مو ٰسیof Moses was مو ٰسیP 51 38 DHARIYAT THE Moses SCATTERERS sent to Pharaoh with a manifest authority P 37 111 – SAFFAT THOSE WHO Mentions of the 140 SET THE Prophets sent by هللاRANKS Allah P 37 147 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Around 124,000 SET THE Prophets sent by هللاRANKS Allah


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse P 37 112 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Prophet-hood in the SET THE progeny of Abraham ابراهیم RANKS P 50 16 QAF QAF Allah’s proximity as close as your jugular P 11 114 HUD HUD Prayer Times P 17 78 ISRAEL ISRAELET Prayer Timings P 24 58 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Pray three times a day Fajr, Zohr, Isha فجر،ظهر،عشاء P 4 103 NISA THE WOMEN Prayer: Fulfill obligations of prayerson time P 31 17 LUQMAN LUQMAN Perform prayers regularly P 29 45 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qura’n: Read this Book and offer prayers P 62 9 JUMUAH THE Go to Friday Prayer CONGREGATI when called ON P 4 101 NISA THE WOMEN Prayer: Conditions for prayer while travelling P 62 10 JUMUAH THE After the Friday CONGREGATI prayers disperse ON through the land P 4 43 NISA THE WOMEN Intoxication – do not pray while intoxicated P 19 11 MARYAM MARY Praise the Lord day and night created هللاP 51 56 DHARIYAT THE Allah SCATTERERS humans and Jinn to


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse praise Himself P 39 23 ZUMAR THE Praise of the Holy قرآن مجیدCOMPANIES Book Qura’n P 59 21 HASHR THE EXILE Had Qura’n been sent on mountain it ۔would be in pieces P 47 15 MOHAM- MOHAM- Paradise: MED MED Description of Paradise P 50 6 QAF QAF Perfection of the sky doesn’t هللاP 30 6 RUUM THE Allah ROMANS break the Promise, it is eternal, but mostpeople do not know it P 29 8 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Love your Parents P 49 9 HUJURAT THE Making peace APARTMENT between two S Muslim parties is an act of blessings from هللا Allah is the هللاP 29 60 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Allah Provider of food to all is the All هللاP 51 58 DHARIYAT THE Allah SCATTERERS Provider, Powerfuland Strong is best هللاP 62 11 JUMUAH THE Allah CONGREGATI provider ON P 61 30 SAFF THE RANKS There should be no conflict between your claims and your practice.


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse P 66 1 TAHRIM THE Do not change what هللاPROHIBITION Allah madepermissible to forbidden حالل حرام P 24 24 AN-NUR THE LIGHT The parts of body will be the witness at the Day of Judgment P 36 36 YASEEN YASEEN Pairs P 30 21 ROME ROME Pairs P 39 6 ZUMAR THE Pairs COMPANIES P 52 20 TUR THE Pairs MOUNTAIN P 53 45 NAJM THE STAR Pairs P 43 11 ZUKHRUF ORNAMENTS Rain: sent from sky OF GOLD for agriculture. P 20 130 TA-HA TA-HAA Midnight

صالۃا لیللPrayers refusal ا سیلب P 2 34 BAQARA THE COW Satan’s to prostrate; Iblis’s pride refusal ا سیلب P 7 11 to 18 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Satan’s to prostrate; Iblis’s pride P 38 77 – 78 SAAD SAAD Satan’s refusal to prostrate and the exit.

ز وکٰۃ P 2 43,110 BAQARA THE COW Zakat and Prayer P 2 83 BAQARA THE COW Be good to Parents and Orphans. P 9 22 TAUBAH REPEN- Respect your


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse TANCE parents P 29 8 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Love your Parents forدعاء P 46 15 AHQAF THE SAND Supplication HILLS the Parents and Progeny P 71 28 NUH NOAH Supplication for our parents by Prophet نوح(Noah (as P 46 16 AHQAF THE SAND Don’t even say “Uff” ”اُف“ HILLS to your parents P 24 2 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Sex: Punishment for premarital sex P 2 178 BAQARA THE COW Punishment for murderer. P 5 38 MAIDAH TABLE Thief: Punishment SPREAD of thief – cannot cut WITH FOOD off whole hand, just fingers. P 54 33 – 39 QAMAR THE MOON People of Lut and theirpunishment P 54 41 – 42 QAMAR THE MOON Pharaohs and their punishment P 4 11 – 12 NISA THE WOMEN Distribution of property,belongings in will حج P 9 3 TAUBAH REPEN- Pilgrimage TANCE P 2 196 - 200 BAQARA THE COW Pilgrimage for Muslims and their جحو رمعۃ.conditions P 5 1 MAIDAH TABLE Pilgrimage: Rules for ,Hunting – حج SPREAD WITH FOOD Shroud P 3 200 IMRAN FAMILY OF God Consciousness/


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse تق وی IMRAN Piety P 8 29 ANFAL SPOILS OF God Consciousness تق وی WAR Piety P 8 2 – 4 ANFAL SPOILS OF People of Iman - تقٰوی Taqwa ایمان WAR Piety P 8 74 ANFAL SPOILS OF Believer: pious : مؤمنWAR person Description of. P 14 3 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM Guided and misledpeople P 14 6 IBRAHIM ABRAHAM People of Israel’s denial of بنی اسرآئیل blessingsهللاAllah P 16 30 AN-NAHL THE BEES People with unlimited desires in heaven P 33 33 AHZAB THE ALLIES Prophet: Members of the Prophet’s are اھاللبیت family pure and pristine P 53 4 NAJM THE STAR Prophet: The Prophet speaks only هللاat the Will of Allah P 21 5 AL- THE Calling our Prophet ANBIYA PROPHETS (p) a poet P 33 40 AHZAB THE ALLIES Our Prophet was the last of the Prophets P 59 7 HASHR THE EXILE Accept whatever the Prophet gives and refrain from whatever the Prophets prohibits :صلوات P 33 56 AHZAB THE ALLIES Salawat


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse and his هللاAllah angels send blessing on the Prophet (p) P 33 52 AHZAB THE ALLIES Prophet’s wives can not marry any other person P 33 53 AHZAB THE ALLIES Do not enter the Prophet’s house unless permission is granted, do not stay long after ….. P 58 4 MUJADILA THE How to negate the H PLEADING previous act WOMAN P 33 32 AHZAB THE ALLIES Wives of our Prophet (pbh) P 42 23 SHURA SHURA The Prophet didn’t ask the reward for his work but the love for his relatives. P 31 14 LUQMAN LUQMAN Respect: your parents sent theهللاP 21 25 AL- THE Allah ANBIYA PROPHETS Prophet P 33 37- 40 AHZAB THE ALLIES The . Q 4 77 NISA THE WOMEN Prayers and Zakat s challenge ’ هللاQ 2 23 BAQARA THE COW Allah to bring at least one chapter قرآن مجیدalikeQura’n s challenge‘ هللاQ 17 88 ISRA JOURNEY BY Allah NIGHT that there is no other book like the قرآن مجیدQura’n


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse ,is the only هللاQ 37 1 – 4 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Allah SET THE The qualities of God RANKS Q 57 24 HADID THE IRON Frugality is not a likes هللاquality Allah Q 12 1 YUSUF JOSEPH Qura’n is the book of valuable verses. Q 39 23 ZUMAR THE Praise of the Holy قرآن مجیدCOMPANIES Book Qura’n Q 16 102 AN-NAHL THE BEES Qura’n is the means of guidance and direction . Q 2 2 BAQARA THE COW Qura’n is the book of guidance for those who are هللا fearful of Q 39 57 ZUMAR THE Qura’n: Follow This قرآنمجیدCOMPANIES Book Q 5 48 MAIDAH TABLE Qura’n approves of SPREAD previous books WITH FOOD Q 11 13 HUD HUD Qura’n is a challenge Q 54 17 QAMAR THE MOON Qura’n came in a simple and easy form Q 54 32 QAMAR THE MOON Qura’n was made easy to understand Q 29 48 ANKABUT THE SPIDER The Prophet never read or wrote before the arrival of قرآن مجیدQura’n Q 20 2 TA-HA TA-HA Qura’n: Religion is made simple and comfortable


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse Q 24 18 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Qura’n explains and teaches the verses clearly Q 27 76 AN-NAML THE ANT Qura’n: Everything is mentioned in the قرآن مجیدQura’n Q 17 19 KAHAF People of the Half of theQura’n: @ تا CAVE Q 39 27 ZUMAR THE Qura’n: Everything COMPANIES is mentioned in the قرآن مجیدQura’n Q 56 77 – 78 WAQIAH THE EVENT Qura’n contains everything Q 7 204 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Qura’n: Respect Recitation of

قر ٓا ن دیجم Qura’n Q 46 30 AHQAF THE SAND Qura’n: Etiquette قرآن HILLS when Qura’n is being recitedمجید Q 56 79 WAQIAH THE EVENT Do not touch the Qura’n without وضوء ablution Q 72 2 JINN JINN Jinns respect for

قر ٓا ن دیجمQura’n Q 3 7 IMRAN FAMILY OF Qura’n: Some IMRAN meanings of Qura’n are esoteric and some are non- esoteric Q 4 82 NISA THE WOMEN Qura’n: People think over Qura’n Q 29 45 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qura’n: Prayer keeps you away from


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse Q 50 45 QAF QAF Prophet: The Prophet is not a tyrant but a guide

قر ٓا ن دیجمforQura’n Q 36 5 YASEEN YASEEN Qura’n: This Book has been sent down in different stages Q 39 1 ZUMAR THE Qura’n: This book

قر ٓا ن COMPANIES was sent by Allah دیجم Q 44 1 – 8 DUKHAN THE The significance of DROUGHT the Night of Qadr لن لةا دقلز Q 44 2 DUKHAN THE The originalQura’n is DROUGHT preserved with حم ول خفو ط Allah

قر ٓا ن Q 44 3 DUKHAN THE The Qura’n DROUGHT was sent in theدیجم Holy Night, and there are warnings for mankind

was sent قر ٓا ن دیجمQ 45 2 JAASIYA THE Qura’n KNEELING the Holy Night of لیلتالقدر Qadr Q 44 46 DUKHAN THE Shortest verse of قرآن مجیدDROUGHT Qura’n Q 2 282 BAQARA THE COW longest verse of قرآن مجیدQura’n Q 59 21 HASHR THE EXILE Qura’n: had it been sent on mountain it ۔would be in pieces Q 7 189 NAML THE ANT Supplications of


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse pairs mentioned in قرآن مجیدQura’n Q 28 76-82 QASAS THE STORY Qaroon: Qaroonwas from Moses’ people. قارون Q 29 39 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qaroon and Pharoh's and Haman at the time of مو ٰسیMoses Q 36 5 YASEEN YASEEN Qura’n: A revelation of the Mighty. R 28 82 QASAS THE STORY Qaroon: The story of قارون Qaroon R 2 187 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: timings for Roza and other meetings R 2 185 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: in the Holy month of Ramadan and its conditions for exceptional people. R 42 23 SHURA SHURA The Prophet didn’t ask the reward for his work but the love for his relatives. R 2 221 BAQARA THE COW Relationship between husband and wife. R 31 14 LUQMAN LUQMAN Respect: your parents R 16 106 AN-NAHL THE BEES Follow the revelation of God; stay away from the disbelievers R 59 7 HASHR THE EXILE Accept whatever the


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse Prophet gives and refrain from whatever the Prophet prohibits R 11 15 HUD HUD Those who only want comfort of the world arerewarded here only R 45 15 JAASIYA THE On the Day of KNEELING Judgment, those who do good and bad will be rewarded R 31 16 LUQMAN LUQMAN If you do the smallest good deed there is a return for it, you will be rewarded R 66 8 TAHRIM THE PROHIB- Result of repentance ITION turn to Allah. R 31 18 LUQMAN LUQMAN Do not walk on earth rudely with arrogance refusal ابلیس R 2 34 BAQARA THE COW Satan’s to prostrate; Iblis’s pride refusal ابلیس R 7 11 – 18 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Satan’s to prostrate; Iblis’s pride R 38 77 – 78 SAAD SAAD Satan’s refusal to prostrate and the order to exit. R 2 256 BAQARA THE COW No compulsion in religion R 20 2 TA-HA TA-HA Qura’n: Religion is


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse made simple and comfortable R 29 45 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Qura’n: Read this Book and offer prayers R 31 17 LUQMAN LUQMAN Perform prayers regularly R 29 48 ANKABUT THE SPIDER The Prophet never read or wrote before the arrival of قر ٓانمجیدQura’n R 2 185 BAQARA THE COW Fasting: in the Holy month of Ramadan and its conditions. wasقر ٓانمجیدQura’n also revealed in this month. R 2 223 BAQARA THE COW Marital relationships. R 4 128 - 134 NISA THE WOMEN Relationship ofhusband and wife R 4 24 NISA THE WOMEN Etiquette to behave with women you haverelationship with. R 4 34 NISA THE WOMEN Responsibilities and Duties of husband and wife R 41 46 FUSSILAT THEY ARE You are responsible EXPOUNDED for all your actions; good or bad. R 10 67 YUNUS JONAH Day is for work and night is for rest R 4 34 – 35 NISA THE WOMEN Relationship between husband


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse and wife and disciplinary matters. R 9 23 TAUBAH REPEN- Those who are kafir . relativesکافر TANCE R 5 2 MAIDAH TABLE Signs of: Respect the شعائرهللاSPREAD signs of Allah WITH FOOD R 7 204 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Qura’n: Respect Recitation of قر ٓانمجیدQura’n R 46 30 AHQAF THE SAND Qura’n: Etiquette قرآن HILLS when Qura’n is being recitedمجید R 72 2 JINN JINN Jinn respect for قرآن مجیدQura’n R 10 12 YUNUS JONAH Allah: Remember during هللاAllah difficult times R 65 1 – 5 TALAAQ DIVORCE Respect the women R 50 9 QAF QAF Rain fall Is to grow gardens and harvest the grain S 24 61 NUR THE LIGHT Relationship defined قرآن مجید by Qura’n S 6 58 – 60 ANAM THE CATTLE Supplication of Yunus. S 44 46 DUKHAN THE Shortest verse of قرآن مجیدDROUGHT Qura’n S 16 4 AN-NAHL THE BEES Humans are created with a drop of semen. is not to be هللاS 7 143 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Allah seen S 20 11 TA-HA TA-HA The sound came:


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse هللاl am Allah made the هللاS 2 30 BAQARA THE COW Allah statement that He is sending a prophet on earth :صلوات S 33 56 AHZAB THE ALLIES Salawat and his هللاAllah angels send blessing on the Prophet (pbuh) S 38 71-85 SWAD SWAD Dialogue between Satan and Allah S 40 60 MOMIN THE Theory of creation BELIEVER and different stages of life. S 53 4 NAJM THE STAR Prophet: The Prophet speaks only هللاat the Will of Allah S 40 60 MOMIN THE Supplication: Allah BELIEVER says call me I will answer is the All هللاS 51 58 DHARIYAT THE Allah SCATTERERS Provider, Powerful and Strong for هللاS 57 23 HADID THE IRON Thank Allah what you have and don’t be sorry for what you did not get S 61 2 – 3 SAFF THE RANKS Do what you say and say what you do S 6 54 ANAM THE CATTLE Salaam: سالمimportance of S 24 27 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Etiquette: Knock the door and say


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse beforeسالم Salaam entering the house S 5 2 MAIDAH TABLE Signs of: Respect the

اعشبر ا ہللSPREAD signs of Allah WITH FOOD S 2 158 BAQARA THE COW Signs of Allah are

اعشبر ا ہللافصرمو ا S 7 151 ARAAF The Heights Musa’s supplication for Haroon S 33 5 AHZAB THE ALLIES Adopted child: Do not change the surname of adopted child. S 63 10 THE Spend from UN HYPOCRITES whatever is given to you S 2 267-268 BAQARA THE COW Stinginess not encouraged in Islam S 49 12 HUJURAT THE Avoid much APARTMENT suspicion S S 29 52 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Witness: Allah is sufficient between wasابلیس (S 2 34 BAQARA THE COW Iblis(Satan asked to Prostrate ) آ د م ہیلع to Adam (as ا لسالم ابلیس S 7 11 – 18 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Satan’s refusal to prostrate; Iblis’s pride S 38 77 - 78 SAAD SAAD Satan’s refusal to prostrate and exit.


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse (Satan)ابلیسS 2 36 BAQARA THE COW Iblis misguided Adam (as) ٓادموحوا and Eve (Satan) ابلیس ’S 7 20 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Iblis invitation to Adam ٓادم(as) S 33 5 AHZAB THE ALLIES Adopted son should have biological father’s last name S 51 27 – 30 DHARIYAT THE Ibrahim ابراهیم(SCATTERERS (Abraham)(as to have a son S 19 17 MARYAM MARY Mary: Example of wearing a مریم Mary حجاب scarf S 24 2 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Sex: Punishment for premarital sex S 7 23 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Supplication of ٓادم(Adam (as of دعاءS 3 38 IMRAN FAMILY OF Supplication زکریا(IMRAN Zakariah (as Supplication لوطS 29 30 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Lut’s S 12 101 YUSUF JOSEPH Joseph’s Supplication S 37 139-160 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Jonah: Dua: SET THE Supplication of یونس RANKS Jonah S 28 33 – 34 QASAS THE STORY Moses’s (as) supplication for his هارون brother Aaron S 27 44 NAML THE ANT Bilqis: Supplication دعاءبلقیس of Bilqis S 27 19 NAML THE ANT Supplication for the Parents Solomon


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse S 35 41 FATIR THE Supplications of the انبیاءORIGINATOR Prophets سلیمان Solomon S 40 60 MOMIN THE Supplication: God BELIEVER asks us to supplicate دعا to Him S 34 13 SABA SABA Sulayman’s death S 9 36 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Four sacred months. S 66 11 JINN JENIE Supplication of the Pharaoh’s wife S 20 114 TA-HA TA-HA Supplication to increase our knowledge S 27 62 NAML THE ANT Supplication: Dua for good health for دعا S 46 15 AHQAF THE SAND Supplication HILLS the parents and progeny S 71 28 NUH NOAH Supplication for our parent by Prophet نوح(Noah (as S 26 69 – 85 SHORA THE POETS Supplications of Ibrahim for Kaba. S 20 115 - 124 TA-HAA TA-HAA Adam: Story of and ٓادم(Adam (as Eve S 15 59 – 77 HIJR The Lut: Story of لوط ROCKYTRACT Prophet Lut لوط S 27 54 NAML THE ANT Lut:Story of Lut S 29 28-37 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Lut:Story of Lut S 10 71 – 73 YUNUS JONAH Noah’s (as)story نوح S 11 23 – 44 HUD HUD Story of Noah نوح(as)


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse S 2 260 BAQARA THE COW Story of four birds حضرتابراهیم نوحS 26 105 SHUARAA THE POETS Noah’s (as)story S 11 62 – 67 HUD HUD Saleh: Story of Prophet Saleh صالح(as) S 11 84 HUD HUD Shoaib: ProphetShohaib قومشعیب(as) S 11 96–101 HUD HUD Moses: The story of مو سیMoses S 20 9 TA-HA TA-HA Moses’s storyمو ٰسی(as) S 26 8 – 68 SHUARAA THE POETS Moses’s موس ٰی as)story) S 7 101 - 177 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Moses’ Miracle: Moses’ story to be taken as historical evidence S 27 7 NAML THE ANT Moses: The story of and his 2موس ٰی Moses miracles (all together 9 miracles) S 27 16 NAML THE ANT Solomon was the hire of David. S 28 3 QASAS THE STORY Moses: Story of مو ٰسیMoses S 28 82 QASAS THE STORY Qaroon: The story of قارون Qaroon مو ٰسی(S 20 18 TA-HA TA-HA Moses’s (as Walking stick S 27 15 NAML THE ANT David: Story of David and داودSolomon


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Alphabet # Surah # Verse داودS 38 17 – 26 SAAD SAAD David’s story S 27 18 NAML THE ANT Solomon’s story سلیمان S 27 44 NAML THE ANT Solomon’s story سلیمان S 34 14 SABA SABA Solomon’s deathسلیمان S 38 22 SAAD SAAD Solomon was David’s son S 34 12– 21 SABA SABA : The story of in the بلقیس Sheba city of Saba S 22 34 – 36 AL-HAJJ THE Say ‘in the name PILIGRIMAGE of Allah’ before slaughtering an هللا اببر animal فرعون S 40 25 MOMIN THE Pharaoh’s BELIEVER order to slaughter boys S 37 102 - 105 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Sacrifice: SET THE Instructions to RANKS Abraham to sacrifice اسماعیل Ismail S 37 106 - 111 SAFFAT THOSE WHO Sacrifice of Ismail اسماعیل SET THE RANKS S 7 77 ARAF THE HEIGHTS She Camel P 11 64 HUD HUD She Camel S 26 160 - 175 SHUARAA THE POETS Punishment to people of Thamud S 54 27 – 31 QAMAR THE MOON Story of She-camel; Prophet A’ad and عادوثمود Thamud S 66 1 – 4 TAHRIM THE Honey: The story of


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse PROHIBITION honey, warning to the wives of the prophet(pbuh) make عنکبوتS 29 41 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Spiders their home very delicate created the هللاS 2 29 BAQARA THE COW Allah universe with seven skies S 50 6 QAF QAF Perfection of the sky S 10 4 –6 YUNUS JONAH Sun: for daily timings; Moon: for months S 26 78-88 SHUARAA THE POETS Supplications of Prophet Abraham(as) S 66 11 TAHRIM THE Supplications of PROHIBITION Firaun’s wife S 9 119 TAUBAH REPEN- Those who are TANCE truthful, honest. T 40 60 MOMIN THE Supplications: but BELIEVER for those who are proud of themselves. T 2 35 BAQARA THE COW Adam (as) prevented to approach the Tree T 7 19 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Adam was asked to stay away from a Tree. T 6 58 – 60 ANAM THE CATTLE Prophet is a guide and Knower T 54 27 – 31 QAMAR THE MOON Story of she-camel; Prophet A’ad and


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse عادوثمودThamud نوح T 29 14 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Noah (as)’s teachings for 950 years T 62 2 JUMUAH FRIDAY The Prophet was instructed to teach and educate the nation –التوراۃ T 5 44 MAIDAH TABLE Torah instructionsهللاSPREAD Allah WITH FOOD T 11 110 HUD HUD Torah: Changes in Torah T 28 38 QASAS THE STORY Pharoh's order to Haman to build a tall tower T 4 82 NISA THE WOMEN Qura’n: People think over Qura’n for هللاT 57 23 HADID THE IRON Thank Allah what you have and don’t be sorry for what you did not get T 20 130 TA-HA TA-HA Prayer timings: Magrib, Isha, Zohrain ظهر،عصر،مغرب،عشاء T 4 101 NISA THE WOMEN Prayer: Conditions for prayer whileصالۃقصر traveling T 5 38 MAIDAH TABLE Thief: Punishment SPREAD of thief – cannot cut WITH FOOD off whole hand, just


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse fingers. T 50 45 QAF QAF Prophet: The Prophet is not atyrant but a guide قرآن مجیدfor Qura’n T 9 119 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Those who are truthful, honest. T 47 3 MOHAM MOHAMMED Faithless follow MED false-hood, Faithful follow the truth U 8 28 ANFAL SPOILS OF Children and wealth WAR are the test from هللاAllah U 46 16 AHQAF THE SAND Don’t even say “Uff” ”اُف“ HILLS to your parents U 24 64 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Allah knows everything of the Universe. is the هللاU 2 255 BAQARA THE COW Allah Creator of the universe U 15 26 – 28 HIJR REOCKY Creation of the TRACT Humans U 10 3 YUNUS JONAH Universe was created in six days U 25 59 AL- THE Creation of the FURQAN CRITERION universe in 6 days U 50 38 QAF QAF Created the universe in six days is the light هللاU 24 35 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Allah of the universe

ونز ا لسم ٰو ا ت U 21 107 AL- THE Prophet: Our ANBIYA PROPHETS Prophet a source


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse of mercy for the universe V 16 30 AN-NAHL THE BEES People with unlimited desires in heaven V 12 1 YUSUF JOSEPH Qura’n is the book of valuable verses. W 31 19 LUQMAN LUQMAN Do not talk with a loud voice ; be moderate W 65 6 TALAAQ DIVORCE Idda the waiting period after divorce W 57 20 HADID THE IRON Material World only Temporary; It’s only a delusion W 11 15 HUD HUD Those who only want comfort of the world are rewarded here only W 7 46 ARAF THE HEIGHTS Wall between Heaven and Hell W 2 154 BAQARA THE COW Those who die in the are هللاway of Allah not dead W 64 14 TAGHABU THE Ill-mannered wife N MANIFESTATI and children ON OF LOSSES W 9 34 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Do not hold, accumulate, wealth beyond your needs W 33 50 – 51 AHZAB THE ALLIES Prophet: The number of women the Prophet can marry


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse W 33 27 – 35 AHZAB THE ALLIES Addressing the wives of Prophet ﷺ(pbuh) W 33 6 AHZAB THE ALLIES Prophet(pbuh) The Prophet’s wives are the nation’s Mothers W 66 1 – 4 TAHRIM THE Honey: The story of PROHIBITION honey, warning to the wives of the prophet(pbuh) W 4 128 - 134 NISA THE WOMEN Relationship of husband and wife W 10 67 YUNUS JONAH Day is for work and night is for rest W 4 34 - 35 NISA THE WOMEN Relationship between husband and wife and disciplinary matters. W 2 221 BAQARA THE COW Marriage between Muslims and non- Muslim women. W 33 35 AHZAB THE ALLIES Men and womenguard your chastity W 2 234 BAQARA THE COW Waiting period for widow after her Husband passes away “Idda” W 33 53 AHZAB THE ALLIES Respect Prophet’s wives. W 4 24 NISA THE WOMEN Etiquette to behave with women you have relationship


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse W 24 60 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Elderly women do not fall under Mahram and Na- Mahram محرمونامحرم W 65 1 – 5 TALAAQ DIVORCE Respect the women W 20 18 TA-HA TA-HA Moses’s Walkingمو ٰسی(as) stick W 31 18 LUQMAN LUQMAN Do not walk on earth rudely with arrogance W 49 2 HUJURAT THE Do not walk ahead APARTMENT of the Prophet S W 33 45 – 46 AHZAB THE ALLIES Bashir and Nazir as a بشیرونذیر witness and a Warner قرآن مجیدW 44 3 DUKHAN THE The Qura’n DROUGHT was sent in the Holy Night, and there are warnings for mankind W 5 6 MAIDAH The Table Wudhu: Hygiene in Spread Islam. وصیتW 4 176 NISA THE WOMEN The Will W 10 49 YUNUS JONAH Every act of Prophet (p) is from WillهللاAllah W 53 4 NAJM THE STAR Prophet: The Prophet speaks only هللاat the Will of Allah W 29 48 ANKABUT THE SPIDER Prophet never read


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse or wrote before the arrival of Qura’n قر ٓانمجید W 13 26 AR-RAD THE Earnings depend on هللاTHUNDER the Will of Allah gives as هللاW 24 38 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Allah much as He Wills W 4 11 – 12 NISA THE WOMEN Distribution of property ,belongings in will W 33 32 AHZAB THE ALLIES Wives of our Prophet (pbh) Y 5 6 MAIDAH TABLE Hygiene: wudu. SPREAD WITH FOOD یونس :(Y 10 98 YUNUS JONAH Jonah(Yunus stuck in the belly of whale Z 37 142 SAFFAT SAFFAT Yunus was swallowed by a fish Z 22 34 HAJJ THE Say “Allah O’ Akbar” PILGRAMAGE before slaughtering an animal of دعاءZ 3 38 IMRAN FAMILY OF Supplication IMRAN Prophet Zakariah

ز رکی ا (as) the adopted زیدZ 33 37 AHZAB THE ALLIES Zaid son of the Prophet and his story Z 9 108 TAUBAH REPENTANCE Demolition of the Mosque of Zara. ذ بوۃ ; Z 2 177 BAQARA THE COW Zakat Charity Z 20 130 TA-HA TA-HA Prayer timings:


Surah Chapter Brief verse

Name description TOPIC

Alphabet # Surah # Verse Magrib, Isha,Zohrain ظهر،عصر،مغرب،عشاء Z 24 58 AN-NUR THE LIGHT Pray three times a day Fajr, Zohr, Isha فجر،ظهر،عشاء Z 2 110 BAQARA THE COW Zakat and Prayer زب وۃ 2 43 BAQARA THE COW Zakat and Prayer زب وۃ

Listing of Prophets Referred in Qur’an Traditions tell us that there were 124,000 prophets appointed by God to guide humanity. Of these, Qur’an mentions twenty-six by

92 names. It briefly mentions another three without stating their names. We know a few dozen more from their mention in the traditions and in the .

Sl. Prophet Name in Prophet Qura’nic Chapter No English Arabic Reference Sura # Name Name 1 Prophet Adam Adam Our father & 2(35 – 38) Our mother 2 Prophet Idris Idrees 21(5:85) 3 Prophet Nuh Nuh Noah’s Ark 71(6-28) 4 Prophet Hud Hud The storm of 11(5:50 -53) Anger 5 Prophet Saleh Saleh She Camel 27(5:45 46) 6 Prophet Abraham Ibrahim Destroyer of 14 idols 7 Prophet Lot Lut The sky 29(5:28) rained meteors 8 Prophet Ismail The 37(5:83 - slaughtered 110) one 9 Prophet Issac Ishaq 21(5:73) 10 Prophet Jacob Ya’qub Yusuf’s father 12(5:6) 11 Prophet Joseph Yusuf O you who is 12 very truthful

12 Prophet Jethro Sho’ayb Musa’sFather 7(5:85 – 93) -in-law 13 Prophet Moses Musa One who 20(5:9 – 38) fought the Pharos 14 Prophet Aaron Heron Musa’s 21(5:48) brother 15 Prophet Khidr Khidr One who 18(V:?) guided Musa 16 Prophet Samuel Name not in Qur’an 17 Prophet David Da’ud Had the 38(5:10) strength to


bend steel 18 Prophet Solomon Sulayman Called in 34(5:12) Bilquis’ throne 19 Prophet Ayub Ayub The patient 38(5:41 – 44) one 20 Prophet Ilyas Ilyas 37 21 Prophet Zulkifl Zulkifl 21 22 Prophet Al-Yasa Al-Yasa 6 23 Prophet Yuhana Yunus A journey in 10 the deep water 24 Prophet Luqman Luqman Not a 31 prophet 25 Prophet Zakariah Imran Mary’s 3(V:38) father 26 Prophet John the Zachariah Mary’s uncle 3(V:37) Baptist 27 Prophet Jesus Isa Called on 61(V:6) cross 28 Prophet Muhammad 47,73 & 74 Muhammad(pbuh)

Categories of Allah’s Messengers

There are four broad categories of Allah’s messengers and they are: Messengers– 124,000 Nabi (نبی) Nabi .1 Prophets – 313 Rasool(رسول) Rasool .2 Superior– 5(ا ولا زعلم) Ulul-Azm .3 Ulul Azm are : Noah (as), Abraham (as),Moses, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) The Leaders-2 (امام) Imam .4 Imams (Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had the highest rank, among all other prophets. And that he was the last of the prophets, sent for the whole universe.

94 A few women mentioned in Qur’an Not by name, with the exception of Mariam * (chapter 19)

There are five women mentioned in the Qur’an. 1 HawahProphet Adam’s wife: Eve. 2 Prophet Noah’s wife. 3 Prophet Moses’ mother 4 Prophet Lut’s wife. 5 Aa’siyaFiraun’s wife. 6 Mariam (Jesus’ mother) Surah Mariam (19).* *(Ref: 66:10, 11 and 12) 7 Abu-Lahub’s wife

Daughter of Prophet the authentic historian, in his book The Daughters of ,ویسیط ’Siyuiti‘

-(talks about our holyMuhammad (pbuhانب ِت ز وسلRasool Fatima(s.a.l.h) the authentic historian, in his book The Daughters ,ویسیط ’Siyuiti‘ : talks about our holy Lady Fatima Zahra, Prophet’sتنب ز وسلof Rasool favorite daughter, He says that “Amar bilMaroof” (do the good deeds) and”nahi-anil-munkir”(stay away from bad ones)to do well and to refrain from a wrong doing. There are two chapters sent in the Qur’an, to honor the birth of our Lady Fatima and convey the good news:The Abundance (Al-Kauser108) and to curse her enemies:The Flame (Al-Masd -111).

(Reference: Maulana Syed Nabi Raza Abidi of SABA) Mention of Pairs in Qur’an

Surah Name(Chapter Name) Ayats Number(Verse #) 2 187 7 189 16 72 30 21*

95 35 101 36 36 39 6 42 11 43 12 51 49 53 45 78 8

*Very explicit verse. Important, expressing relationship, love, Compassionand comfortfor a couple.

Pairs, although there are quite a few places in Qur’an the word ;is mentioned, however, in chapter(30) verse (21) 30:21”زوجZawj“ exclusively describes the purpose and worth of the relationship between husband and wife: “And of His signs is that He created for you Mates from your own selves That you may take comfort in them, And He ordained affection and mercy between you. There are indeed signs in that for people who reflect.” (Ref: Y.A. note 35, 36)

Chapters named after Individuals in Qur’an

Qur’an has 114 surahs (chapters), and some are named after individuals such as:

1 Prophet Yunus (Chapter - 10). 2 Prophet Hud (Chapter 11) 3 Prophet Yusuf (Chapter - 12). 4 Prophet Ibrahim (Chapter - 14). 5 Mariam (Chapter - 19). 6 Luqman (Chapter – 31). 7 Prophet Mohammed (pbuh: Chapter – 47). 8 Muzzammil (Chapter – 73). 9 Muddassir (Chapter - 74).

96 10 Prophet Noah (Chapter - 71).

Some of the people mentioned in Qur’an:

Noah’s People, Lut’s People, Pharos’ People, People of the Cave, The Israelite Prayers before sleep

Once the Holy Prophet (pbuh)said toImam Ali (Alhs) “Oh Ali virtues daily before you go to sleep at night. 1 Sleep after giving away four thousand dinars (Arabic currency) as sadaqah (charity). 2 Sleep after reciting whole Qur’an. 3 Sleep after paying off the cost of Heaven. 4 Sleep after establishing truce between the two quarrelling parties. 5 Sleep after performing pilgrimage.

Imam Ali replied, “O’ Prophet of Allah, it is impossible for me. How can I do all that?”

The Prophet (pbuh) told that: 1 Sleep after reciting Sura-e Fateha four times. This is equivalent to giving away four thousand dinar as Sadaqah. 2 Sleep after reciting Qul-Ho-Allah-O-Ahad three times. This will amount to reciting of whole Qur’an at a time. 3 Sleep after reciting Durood-sharif ten times which will be equivalent to the cost of Heaven. 4 Sleep after reciting Astagfa’r ten times which will give you rewards of establishing truce between two quarrelling parties. 5 Sleep after reciting the Kalemah four times and this will give benefit (Sawab) of pilgrimage.

97 Prophet Ali (A.S) said “O’ Prophet of Allah, now I will perform all these acts daily before going to sleep at night.”

Allah . (Under Allah’s protection)

Arabic signs to be followed while reciting Qur’an

Please follow these signs whilereciting the HolyQur’an. م  Must stop ج  Very short stop قف  Advisable to stop ص  Permissible to stop  Stop End of verse o زص  Should not stop صل ال  Must not stop

It is forbidden to touch the written or printed words of the Holy وضو Qur’anwithout Wudu. Do not touch the Qur’an without ablution (56:79)


Significance of Surah Al Hamd

The Holy Prophet(s) told one of his companions, Jaber-Ibne Abdullah Ansari, “Sura Al-Hamd is the foundation of Qur’an and it is (shifaa) cure for every disease except death. This sura encircles the three stages of faith: 1. Firm conviction of faith 2. Affirmation by tongue 3. Performance by body limbs The summary of Qur’an is faith and deeds and both of them are in Sura al-Hamd. In one of the tradition, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said that reciting of sura Al-Hamd is equivalent to the recitation of two-third of Holy Qur’an. Allah has exalted the Holy Prophet inSura Al-Hijr verse Number 87 which says” Muhammad(pbuh), we have given you the seven most repeated (verses) and the Great Qur’an”. It is reported that this sura was revealed twice. The Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S.) narrated from Holy Prophet(s) “Allah has shown special favor to me by giving this Sura and making it equivalent to Holy Qur’an and it is one of the noblest treasures of “Arsh”. Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (as) said “Satan had cried four times. First when he was thrown out on refusing to prostrate (respectable) to Adam, second time when he was sent down to earth, third time when the Holy Prophet(s) was assigned prophet hood and last time when Sura Al-Hamd was revealed. Sura al-Hamd can be divided in to two parts; one part relates to the praise of Allah and the other part related to the needs and prayers of His servants. This Sura is also called Sura-e-Fateha. Fateha means “beginning”. This also confirms that the Holy Qur’an was already collected and put in the present form during the life time of the Holy Prophet(s). Moreover, it is otherwise

99 confirmed by the famous tradition of “Thaaqalain” which means two heavy things i.e. the Holy Qur’an and his Pure Progeny. Sura al-Hamd reads as follows:

BismillahhirRahmaan- nir-Raheem

1 AlHamdolillaheRabbilAalameen. 2 Ar-Rahmaannir Raheem. 3 MalikeYoumeddin 4 IyyakanabudowaIyyakaNastaeen. 5 EhdinasSiraatalMustaqeema, 6 SiraatalLazeenaAnamtaAlaihim 7 GhairilMaghzoobeAlaihimWalazzalleen.

English translation of the verses:

1 All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the Universe, 2 The Beneficent, the Merciful and 3 Master of the Day of Judgment. 4 (Lord), you alone do we worship and from You Alone do we seek assistance. 5 (Lord), guide us to the right path, 6 The path of those to Whom You have granted blessings, 7 Who is neither subject to (Your) anger norhave gone astray.


When anyone praises any creatures of Allah, whether a living thing or non-living being; every praise directly or indirectly refers to Allah. Nothing is praise-worthy except Allah.  It is customary to start any important work with a respectable person hence it is better to start the mission with the Everlasting being which is Allah. There is tradition that any work started without Allah’s name is doomed to be a failure. That is the reason that when the first Revelation started, Allah says in Sura al-Alaq “(Muhammad), read in the name of your Lord who created (all things). Sura al-Hud (11:41) “(Noah) said, Embark in it. It will sail in the name of Allah, in His name it will sail and in His name it will cast anchor….” Sura al-Namal(27:30) “It reads, ‘From Solomon: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful”. Hence every sura of Holy Qur’an starts with Bismillah so that the Divine mission of guidance of humanity is accomplished without any loss. Only Sura al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah because it starts with a declaration of war with the criminals of hence Allah’s names of Rahman and Raheem is improper.  The name Allah includes his other attributes. The attribute of al-Rahman is available to the humanity at large whether Muslim or Non-Muslim but the attribute of al-Raheem is especially for pious and obedient faithful. Allah repeatedly reminds His servants that if they repent sincerely for their sins then He will forgive them as it is mentioned inSura al-Zumr(39:53) “Muhammad(pbuh), tell my servants who have committed injustice to themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is All-forgiving and All-merciful” Rabb means the master or owner, responsible for the sustenance of His creation.Aalameenmeans the universe Hence “Rabb-ul- Aalameen” means the Master who manages the affairs of the universe. It includes all of His creation whether having life or otherwise.

101 Malik is derived from al-milk which means possession, sovereign or king. In any meaning it shows the total control of affairs. “Youmeddin” means the Day of Judgment. So Allah is the controller of the Day of Judgment. Day of Judgment is the pivoting factor for all individual and social deeds for the betterment of human society. It is said that on the Day of Judgment the servants will be questioned about namaz, ifnamazis accepted then other deeds will also be accepted. That is why we should pray namazpunctually which in turn will remind us of the Day of Judgment preventing us from committing sins. The literal meaning of(“Deen”) religion is reward or compensation and the purpose of Day of Judgment is the reward for good deeds and punishment for the sins. “IyyakaNabudo-Wa-IyyakaNastaeen” means we only worship You and seek assistance from You only. When we ask for help, Allah will cause to arrange for our help as He is“Musabeb- ul-Asbaab.” When we completely and thoroughly understand the foregoing verses that Allah is Beneficent and Merciful, He is the sustainer and the absolute controller of the Day of Judgment, then we become pure servant of Allah released from the clutches of worldly distractions and solicit His help and guidance. “Ehdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem”: We are praying Allah to guide us to the Straight Path. Straight Path is the path of piety, justice and faith. It is recommended to pray for the continued guidance from Allah at least ten times a day. Our connection with Allah is like a light bulb which gives light as long as it is connected with the power station. The moment this connection is severed, we are in the darkness. Every person is at different level of faith. Even the Holy Prophet (s) used to pray “RabbeZidniIlma” meaning “O Allah, increase my knowledge”. Allah says in Holy Qur’an Sura al-Mariam verse 76 “Allah further enlightens those who seek guidance…..”. Imam Ali (a.s.) says “ O Allah, continue the favors You bestowed on us in the past by which we submitted so that we may continue to pray”. Put

102 it differently, Straight Path is the path of worship of Allah and following His commandments. Sura al-Anaam (6:161) “(Muhammad), tell them ‘My Lord has guided me to the right path, a well-established religion and the upright tradition of Abraham, who was not a pagan”. Sura al- Yaseen (36:60,61) “Children of Adam, Did We not command you not to worship Satan? He was your sworn enemy. Did We not command you to worship Me and tell you that this is the Straight Path”. Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq said “By God, we are the Straight Path” “AnamtaAlaihimGhairilMaghzoobeAlaihimWallazzalleen”: Sura al-Nisa verse 69 “ One who obeys Allah and the Messenger is a friend of the Prophets, saints, martyrs, and the righteous ones to whom Allah has granted His favors.” Sura (16:106) “No one verbally denounces his faith in Allah-unless he is forced-while his heart is confident about his faith. But those whose breasts have become open to disbelief will be subject to the wrath of Allah and will suffer a great torment” Sura al-Fateha (1:6) “He will punish the hypocrites and the pagans who have evil suspicions about Allah. It is they who are surrounded by evil and have become subject to the wrath and condemnation of Allah. He has prepared for them Hell, a terrible place to live” Sura al-Aale Imran (3:112) “…..They have incurred the wrath of Allah unto themselves and have been struck with destitution for their rejection of the revelations of Allah and for unjustly murdering the prophets. It is all because of their transgressions and rebellion.

Short Stories about personalities mentioned in Qur’an

(رضحت د ا ود ) (Prophet David (a s Had the knowledge of Zubur, a book sent to him for his prophet Hud (that’s the only book not available right now) also he was

103 very well-off and when he used to pray from his deep down soul then his voice was so melodious that the birds in the woods and from mountains used to gather and some used to be passed out. He was given the kingship of a large estate it’s mentioned quit a few placesinQur’an (2:45) However he used to change his appearance at night and go out and look after his people. It said one day and angle met him in the form of human being and said to David that if he had not taken his personal expenses from the people’s treasury hen he would have been the best of the humans. Since then he quit taking his expenses from public treasury. From then he learned to make the war iron outfit. He was given the ability to mold steel into strings with his bare hands. Then from the same money he used to pay charity and develop the skill to stretch iron rods into thin strings without hammer or burning in fire he used to mold and make it like that. The Family it said he had a 190 children and each of them claimed the succession to his estate. At the time of his death a questioner came that only Suleiman (Solomon) was able to answer and this is how he succeeded his father’s kingship and became a king. The next day David died and Salaam ruled for 700 years. Prophet HUD (a s) Prophet HUD had come for the people of A’ad. They were very tall and strong people, and they used to be idol worshippers. Prophet HUD used to condemn them and tell them not to, but they and هللاrefused to listen to him. So Prophet Hud prayed to Allah dark clouds and heavy rains started pouring on them. The people gathered under the cloud and heavy wind blew and a tornado destroyed them all.

Prophet Ibrahim (as) “And recite to them the story of Ibrahim” (Shakir: 26:69-104) Prophet Ibrahim was born in the heart of the ; in the city of Babylonia, also called UR, to a seventy-five year old father

104 by the name of Tarikh. He grew up in a typical atmosphere at the time; civilians were deeply connected to the wooden idols that they worshipped, and rejected the belief of Allah almighty.Though their idols could not speak, move, or function themselves, the disbelievers of the town were emotionally attached to these wooden sculptures they had created by themselves.

His father died at an early age so he was raised by is uncle Azer, an idol worshiper. Azer was an excellent sculptor. He used to make idols and sell them in the market. Often he will ask Ibrahim to sell them but Ibrahim used to make fun of them. He used to reticule the idols by pointing out different features, e.g.; their ears or nose etc. People in those days used to worship wooden idols and offer them food and sweets. Azer was well known to the people and had the reach to the Nimrud’s court. He did not appreciate Ibrahim ridiculing their . Azer refrained to do so. Ibrahim was destined to stand against his own family. He was endowed with spiritual understanding from an early age. During his early childhood he realized that his uncle made strange statutes. And he asked about what he was making. Azer replied that they were statues of god. Ibrahim was astonished and spontaneously Ibrahim rejected the idea. From a very young age, Ibrahim began to question the belief of the idol-worshippers. He had a strong disliking for these sculptures that people were calling god. He questioned his adopted father as he could not understand how a sane person was able to create something, and worship his own craft. He was left in awe when he visited the temple and witnessed how people were crying and praying to an immobile wooden sculpture.

Thus Ibrahim set out to find another option—something more reliable to believe in; a being that could manage the entire universe. He found peace in the sky; though he had never been near it, he was left in amazement as he witnessed the celestial bodies and all that Allah had provided for him. He came to an understanding: Allah does not need anything from his creations; he is all-seeing and all-knowing, and his signs are present in the

105 rising sun, the transformation from night to day, and the stars shining brilliantly in the hours of darkness.

Hence Ibrahim’s anger began to build up for the idols. He abandoned his adopted father’s house and set out to demolish the idols with an axe. As he was destroying them, his anger began to subside and he felt content as he fulfilled his vow to show the people that their idols could not even protect themselves.

As a child he used to play with these statues .Azer refrained him from doing so since they were respected. gods. Years passed Ibrahim grew up, so the hatred for these idols in his heart. He noticed these idols did not eat, drink or talk, thus a lifeless wooden man made statue. These people had a big temple for them and used to go to pray. What surprised Ibrahim was how these people behaved when they entered thetemple.They bowed and started to cry, begging and imploring their gods for help; as if they were listening! Ibrahim felt quiet angry at their behavior. ` Ibrahim left home and went to mountain. As the night fell and covered with darkness he saw a star;. He said “this is my Lord”. But when it set he said “I like not those that set”. Then he saw the moon rising and said “this is my Lord”, but that also disappeared. When he saw the sun setting up, he said “This is my Lord this is greater”----Ibrahim rejected the idea. “Verily, I have turned my face towards Him Who has created the heavens and the earth and I am not of idol worshippers (musrikeens)”then the sun rose the dawn broke; Ibrahim said my God is not the one that disappears. Its always there, it has been there and it will remain there. My God is the one that never disappear Ibrahim went back to the town’s temple. It was a day that the town’s people were all out for the annual celebration. Ibrahim decided to enter the temple, took an ax and broke quite a few idols and made a necklace that he hung around the neck of their biggest idol. When the town’s people returned and saw the damage they knew that it was none other than Ibrahim. He was

106 asked and Ibrahim’s’ reply was that of one of the messengers of Allah. He said why don’t you ask the one, the biggest of your gods. Their reply was they (their gods) don’t speak Ibrahim said then what is the purpose of worshipping a god that doesn’t talk, help or speak. Nimrud, the emperor, was angry and ordered the punishment to cast Ibrahim in to a big fire. The people gathered and arranged a huge fire then the catapult was shot Ibrahim was thrown into the fire. But with the Grace of Allah the fire was turned into a cool garden and Ibrahim was saved. Not too many people became convinced, although they were surprised that Ibrahim was saved. Lut and are the two names mentioned that they were not only convinced by Sarah married Ibrahim. They both left the town went towards Ur then to another called Haran and then to .(Ref: ; translated by: Sheik Muhammad Gemeiah of ) Ibrahim gets married: Ibrahim got married to Sara, a young girl of elevated tribe, but had no issues for long. Later on he got married to Hajara,(Hajar) and had a so, Ismail () .Nature played its role that the two had jealousy since Hajar had a so. Ibrahim decided to take Hajar and Issac towards Mecca, which was nothing but a WAST DESSERT. Finally Ibrahim reaches Mecca. Left Hajar and the child and went in search of rebuilds Kaba, leaves Hajar and Ismail alone goes looking for fire in a cold night returns with the prophet-hood .Meanwhile Hajar is looking for water, the infant is thirsty in the hot sun and blazing desert sand. Hajar is running back and forth between the mountains of Safa-Marwa, Ismail is rubbing his heals on sand and here comes the water. Hajar is surprised to see the bubbling water in dessert so she says “Zum- Zum “a Hebrew word to stop. Ibrahim went back to see Sara and he had a son from Sara, named Isaac. He was 13 years younger than Ismail.

Ibrahim Sacrifices his son: Hazrat Ibrahim had a dream that he was slaughtering Ismail. Ibrahim thought that God ordered him to sacrifice his son. He told

107 his dream to his son; Ismail said he was ready for it. Father and son got ready for the action and Ibrahim blind folded, he placed a knife on Ismail’s’ throat, just at that moment brought a lamb and replaced Ismail. Thus Ismail was saved and yet Ibrahim’s sacrifice was accepted. Ibrahim had a great desire to have prophet hood in his progeny. He did dua for it and God accepted his dua. These events of jogging between Safa-Marwa, stoning the and offering the sacrifice; are just not rituals but eternal part of hajj. Ibrahim was also a Nabi, a Rasool and also an Imam. He was one of the five very important messengers of God. His two sons were Ismail (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac). Prophet Idris (a.s) Prophet Idris was the 5th generation of Adam (as). He was the great grandfather of Noah (as). He had received quite a few Journals periodicals. He was the first human being to write, he was the master of calligraphy, astronomy and accounting. As people learned the written word, grounds were prepared for them to be further educated. God gave him 30 scriptures He introduced the system of weights and measurements. His name in Torah is mentioned as “Akhnuk”

He wanted to see the heaven and hell and after that tour “Malak-ul-Maot” with the Will of God he was kept there and never returned. Prophet Isa (Jesus) (a s) Isa was the youngest Prophet. He lived a very simple life. He used to eat tree leaves; used to sleep on barren ground under the sky. When the people blamed Prophet Mariam that she had a child without husband and asked how was that possible? She pointed toward her new-born. The infant answered, “I am the Prophet of God, and I brought a religion and a Book.” The reason Muslims do not believe in is because they call Jesus the son of God and not the Prophet of God.

108 Prophet Jacob & Joseph (Yaqoob & Yusuf) سورة یوسف- (Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12 God blessed Jacob with copious wealth, a large family and a high position in society. Jacob showed his gratitude, in part, by generous. Every day, it was his wont to have one of his sheep slaughtered. He will send a crier out morning and evening proclaiming, “Whoever would like a meal, come to the house of Jacob!” Yusuf is mentioned in Qur’an 27 times, 25 in surah 12.alone This is the only chapter dealing with a complete story under one heading. This is the only story that revolves around the theory of . There is more than one person who had a dream. They are: Jacob, Yusuf, Zulaikha, the fellows in prison and finally the king himself. Yes, its romantic but primarily based upon aman’s character and firm commitment in the Oneness of God. Hence, Qur’an calls it the best of the stories! As we read: “We narrate to you the best of narratives, By Qur’an revealing you were certainly one of those who did not know.” (12:3) When tribal chiefs of asked the Holy Prophet about the cause of the migration of the children of Jacob to Egypt from , this surah was revealed. Yusuf was Jacob’s favorite son. Jacob’s first wife was . She had six sons. Then Jacob also had two more slave girls through them he had three more sons. When Leah died, Jacob married her younger sister . Rachel had Yusuf, and a daughter. The word “Yusuf” in Hebrew means, “To have more.” His mother gave the name, as she desired to have more children after Yusuf.

There was a tree in Jacob’s house. Whenever a son was born, a new branch would grow. As soon as that son reached puberty,

109 Jacob would cut the branch and give it to the boy to be used as a staff. On the birth of Yusuf, no such branch grew. Jacob prayed to sent a heavenly branch for Yusuf. The هللاIn reply Allah .هللاAllah brothers envied him for this divine favor.

(Reference: Maulana Z .Haider pp. 974)

It is the most detailed of any stories in the Qur’an and is full of description of vicissitudes of human life, and therefore, deservedly appeals to men and women of all classes. It paints in vivid colors, with their spiritual implications, the most varied aspect of life. Jacobs old age and the confidence between him and his beloved son, Yusuf, the older brother’s jealousy, their plot, Jacobs grief, the sale of Yusuf into slavery, for a petty price, carnal love contrasted with purity and patience and fortitude, chastity, fake charges, prison, the divine gift of interpretation of dreams, evil life and spiritual life, innocence raised to honor, forgiveness and benevolence, matters of administration, humility in glory, final love and the ultimate triumph of piety and truth.

Yusuf’s Dream:

He had a few dreams. The very first was one when Yusuf was about 9 years old. He had a dream that a light had enveloped the whole environment. Every creature was singing the song of s glory. Then the sun, the moon, and eleventh stars made’هللاAllah ,هللاobeisance to Him. As soon as Jacob, also a prophet of Allah heard about the dream, he knew its interpretation immediately.

Jacob advised Yusuf not to relate this dream to his brothers who hated and envied him because they saw their father loved him more than all of them, and that Yusuf was a very beautiful boy, a .bestowed on him as a distinctive excellence هللاgift of Allah Yusuf had a dream that he revealed to his father in which he saw 11 stars, the sun, and the moon. Yusuf said “Oh my father surely I saw 11 stars, the sun and the moon, and they

110 were prostrating to me.” Jacob said “Oh my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers, they will devise a plan against you.” Yusuf dreamed another dream that all the brothers planted their staves in the earth, but his grew higher and higher and reached the sky. Then a violent storm destroyed the staves of his brothers, leaving his staff intact. Jacob told him that the dream showed his .هللاhigh position near Allah

His brothers became furious with jealousy and hatred; all negative and wicked characteristics are the promptings of Satan, an open enemy of man. In Yusuf’s story there is good and evil contrasted in many different ways. The brothers of Yusuf proposed to kill him so that the favor of their father might be given to them alone, but one of them suggested throwing him in a well, in which case some travelers passing would pick him up and removing him to a far country and they would be free from the charge of murder. The plots having been formed, they approached their father to let Yusuf go with them to play and enjoy. Jacob had strong misgivings and apprehensions. In the end they prevail upon him and took Yusuf with them, Yusuf accompanied them for the outing. They threw him in a well. On their return, they told their father that while they were attending to their own affairs a wolf might devour was with Yusuf in his sufferings and sorrows and هللاYusuf. Allah reassured him that one day they would stand before him, seeking his help, not knowing that he was their betrayed brother. They stained Yusuf’s shirt with the blood of a goat and showed it to the father to convince him that while they were playing a wolf had devoured Yusuf, who was guarding their things. Jacob did not believe them. He saw that there had been some foul play. Since a prophet of Allah, he had faith and patience to bare the sorrow of separation for a long time.

A caravan picks up Yusuf

111 A caravan of merchants passing through the dessert was looking for some water. They came to the well and threw a bucket for water. In return what they saw was a young handsome lad. To them it was an item of precious inventory. Yusuf came up with a bucket, which was laid down to fetch some water from the well. The merchants were surprised and decided to take Yusuf to Egypt’s famous market for auction. The brothers, who were visiting the well daily, came to claim Yusuf as a “runaway slave.” demanded the sale price but dared not, haggled over the price, lest their plan, to get rid of him, should be defeated.. Collecting a few dirhams (Arab currency) happily returned home. The caravan took him to Egypt. The shrewd merchants bought Yusuf for the paltry sum of a few dirhams.

Yusuf sold in the market:

The news of a caravan with Yusuf in Egypt spread like wild fire. The king appointed his favorite minister to check it out. Zulaykha got the news and became interested in the sale, an auction. The leader of the caravan delayed Yusuf’s arrival since there was a high demand. Saying we are tired of the journey, we got to rest, and bathe in the Nile and only then shall we bring Yusuf to the market. The bids went higher and higher since the king was interested in it. Yusuf goes to the Palace:

An “Aziz”, a wazir,a high official of the court, recognized the inner beauty of Yusuf and picked him up. The wazir agreed for the asking price and purchased him when he was put for sale in a public auction. Thus began the next chapter of Yusuf’s life. God established Yusuf in the land of Egypt to prepare the way for fulfillment of His promise to him. Yusuf’s brothers and the caravan drivers had abused him and used him to reach their own short-sighted goals.

112 All the while, God reigned supreme over His affairs, turning their efforts to push Yusuf down into the very means for lifting him up. In Egypt, (Qura’n 12:21)

The wazir took him to his palace and instructed his wife to make his stay honorable so that they might adopt him as a son. So, firmly established Yusuf in the land and taught him the هللاAllah interpretation of dreams, and when he reached the prime of life, rewards هللاHe gave him wisdom and knowledge, because Allah those who are good.

Yusuf vs. Zulaikha:

was a very beautiful lady. She was the wife of a ,(زلیخہ) Zulaykha very highly elevated minister of the court, the wazir who purchased Yusuf But she was interested in Yusuf from day one. She was deeply impressed with this handsome young man. She tried to seduce him. She desired him very much. As Yusuf was one s chosen devotees, HE enabled him to avert both evil’هللاof Allah and lechery from himself. Once in her bedroom she grabbed and rent his shirt from behind. Both of them raced towards the door. There they met her husband outside the door. At once she saw trouble and put the blame on Yusuf and said “there is no other penalty for a man who wanted outrage your wife but imprisonment or grievous punishment.” Yusuf was found with his dress disarranged. She wanted the inference to be drawn that he had assaulted0 her and she had resisted. Yusuf said it was she who wanted to seduce him. He had to tell the truth. A witness from her family testified Yusuf’s shirt was torn at the back, he must obviously have been retreating and Zulaykha must have been tugging him from behind. Everybody knew the guilty party. The husband was convinced that indeed it was a woman’s ruse. He asked Yusuf to ignore the affair and ordered his wife to ask

113 forgiveness for her sin. As mentioned in Farman Ali’s translation became interested in Yusuf since her (زلیخہ) that Zulaykha husband was unable to perform and produce an offspring. He was a eunuch.

(Ref: Yusuf Ali 1784)

Women Gossip & wonder:

In the city the high society women gossiped. The wazir was quite concerned about the rumors going around. In the days following this incident,. Tensions were high in the Aziz’s household. The Aziz kept close tabs on his wife. He made Yusuf work outside the house for a while so he would be away from Zulaikha. Despite all these arrangements news of the incident leaked through other members of the household. People were gossiping “Aziz’s wife is seeking to seduce her man servant.

Sumptuous Banquet by Zulaykha:

When she heard their slandering, she invited them to a sumptuous feast and gave each of them a knife and a fruit (an orange) to wait till she calls

After a lengthy meal citrus fruits, oranges, were distributed with a knife to peal to every guest, with the instructions to wait till she signals to cut. Yusuf was arranged to stay behind the door and to pass by only when ordered. When this scene was set, Zulaikha signaled Yusuf to pass-by at the same time to peal the fruit, when Yusuf went through there were 40 guests who had cut their hands instead of the fruit and 9 passed out.

114 Now Zulaikha had the chance to prove her attraction toward Yusuf and that Yusuf was not just an ordinary slave but a God sent handsome young man, not to be found elsewhere.

. She called for Yusuf to come out before them. When they saw him, the women were so wonder-struck with his beauty that they cut their hands instead of the fruit! Qur’an calls it that they said! Women looked at him and said “Hash-a-Lillah” (12:31) Oh no it is not a human being! It could be an , for Yusuf was so handsome. He is not a human, unless an angel all the women agreed that no man had a right to resist their solicitations, so in her tragic guilt threatened Yusuf with (زلیخہ) ,Zulaykha imprisonment and disgrace. Yet in spite of having seen the clear proofs of his innocence, the men, as a political move, sent him to prison for a time, until the scandalous gossip of the town regarding the high officials wife had ceased.

To save their face Yusuf was sent to the prison.

The boy who was watching outside the bedroom where Yusuf and Zulaikha met was her first cousin. He was a very young boy.

Yusuf in the Prison

There came into the prison two young men after him. They were employed in the court of Pharaoh. One was a cupbearer and the other a baker. They were both disgraced. The former dreamed that he was pressing grapes, and latter that he was carrying bread, but the birds ate it. They saw in Yusuf a man of God endowed with his wisdom. Therefore, told him their dreams and s chosen one; Yusuf was’هللاasked him to interpret. Being Allah fulfilling his duty even in the prison. It was his mission, his duty. All he could do to the polytheist Egyptians was teaching the

115 He had the heritage of a great man .هللاGospel of unity of Allah renowned for wisdom and truth such as Ibrahim (as), Ishaq, and Jacob, whose faith he followed.

Dream interpretation: Yusuf had the ability to ,هللاAs a chosen prophet of Allah understand and interpret signs and events aright. The dream of the righteous prefigures events correctly. Yusuf could look back to his father’s (Jacob, Ishaq & Ibrahim) up to Ibrahim, the upright, who through all adversities kept his faith pure and wane through.

Yusuf told them that the cupbearer would again serve wine to Firoun, while the baker will be crucified. He asked the cupbearer to mention him to his master, but Satan made him forget to mention. Thus Yusuf remained in prison for a few more years.

The king’s dream: One day the king told his courtiers that he had a dream and saw seven fat cows being devoured by seven lean ones, and seven green ears of corn and seven others that were withered. None of the courtiers knew how to interpret the dream because they were afraid that the dream was a satanic interpretation of the future. They were afraid that if their interpretation was wrong they would be punished. At this time the cupbearer remembered Yusuf and how his interpretation was true. The cupbearer told Firoun that he knew Yusuf in prison, if permitted to ask he might give its interpretation. He went to Yusuf and said the king summoned him. Yusuf said, “No, I will not come out. Tell the king to admit that I was not at fault. It was Zulaikha that did wrong.” The king sent a messenger to bring Yusuf. Yusuf told the ,هللاmessenger that his innocence was well established before Allah but before he came out of prison there should be a public inquiry. Then the king sent for the ladies concerned. Among them came Zulaykha. The king demanded the whole truth. Zulaykha confessed that it was she who attempted to seduce Yusuf but undoubtedly he was a truthful man of virtue.


So the king admitted his innocence. He asked Yusuf to interpret was truthful ,هللاthe dream for the king. Yusuf, the prophet of Allah from childhood. He was a “Siddiq” (truthful), one who always spoke the truth. He said that there would be seven years of abundant harvest. Of them they should take a little for their sustenance and store the rest for the rainy days. There would follow seven years of dreadful famine, which will consume all the stores that were saved in the good years. That would be followed by a year of rain in which people would press wine and oil.

Yusuf is released from the prison

Upon Yusuf’s explanation, the king was convinced and offered him a position. Yusuf said, “: You will find me an honest person. I could be in charge of your granaries.” So Yusuf became in-charge of granaries and the treasurer. Yusuf became a minister:

The king was much impressed and appointed Yusuf as his confidential minister a wazir. Yusuf wanted to do real service to the people of Egypt. He under-took the hardest task of organizing reserves in the times of plenty, against the lean years to come. He gave هللاwas put in charge of granaries and storehouses. So Allah Yusuf authority in the land and bestowed His favors upon him. He does not allow the reward of those who are good to go to waste. Yusuf was put in control of agricultural planning, economic forecasts, and financial savings. Yusuf ordered to save the wheat that hadn’t yet ripened in insulated ware houses so that it wouldn’t ripe early and would be preserved for longer. This way, the insulated warehouses were able to keep the grains for as long as seven years. He also implemented tax revenue to all wealthy farmers. Those who refused to pay were not given rations from government warehouses. This way, the poor received free wheat ration but wealthy people were required to pay levis and taxes for their rations,. In order to maintain equality in society


There was a wide spread famine in all of Arabia, Northern Africa, Syria, Iraq, and Palestine. On account of Yusuf’s foresight and his able administration; bread was available in Egypt only. People affected by famine were all coming to Egypt to obtain their rations. So the brothers of Yusuf also came to Egypt and called on him. Yusuf recognized them but they did not. He treated them liberally. The ten brothers had come. Yusuf asked them to bring their other brother, Benjamin. The brothers replied “his father had kept him with him so they would be able to get his share also.”

They went back to Jacob and asked him to send Benjamin with them so that they could bring more grain. Jacob said he could not trust them with Benjamin after what they did to Yusuf. Jacob knew that Yusuf was alive, but he had to be patient; so he said was the best of guardians. Jacob wanted his sons to know هللاAllah that their undertaking to guard Benjamin had no credibility in his opinion; as was in the case of Yusuf. On both occasions Jacob did not trust his sons.

When Jacob’s children got ready to leave for Egypt, Jacob, a man of wisdom and experience, aware of the possible suspicions of the people of Egypt, suggested not to enter from a single door but to enter from different doors in town (12:67). They did as advised by Jacob..

Yusuf keeps the brother:

his own brother, He ,(بنیامن) Yusuf was delighted to see Benjamin told him not to worry as he was going to keep Benjamin with himself. After taking the provisions, when they were departing Yusuf asked a steward to put his own drinking silver cup in Benjamin’s saddle-bag; and then it was announced that Yusuf’s silver cup had been stolen. As they were about to leave, a steward stopped them and searched their bags, and found the silver cup in

118 s plan to allow’هللاBenjamin’s bag. So he was detained. It was Allah Yusuf to keep his brother with himself because under the law of the land he could not detain his brother otherwise. The brothers were shocked and said that if Benjamin had stolen, it was no wonder; his brother Yusuf had stolen before. Yusuf knew well his half brothers were worse in the degree of evil.

:Shock (یبن وقعی ت ) Jacob’s

One brother stayed there, and the others went back to Jacob and told him what had happened. Jacob was greatly disturbed. His eyes became white with sorrow and he fell into a silent melancholy, yet he hoped that it was all being done so that the All Knowing, might bring his sons back to him. He ,هللاAllah asked his sons to go in search of Yusuf and Benjamin and advised because those who did ,هللاthem to have faith in the mercy of Allah .despair and lost hope هللاnot believe in Allah

They returned to Yusuf and offered him what little they had and begged for his favor. Yusuf could no longer hold for himself. He has هللاsaid: “I am Yusuf and this is my brother Benjamin,. Allah verily will not deprive those who هللاbeen gracious to us; for Allah obey and follow His laws and commands and endure.” (12:90) He gave them his shirt and asked them to put it on his father’s face to restore his eyesight, and then to bring the whole family to him. When the garment was put on Jacob’s face his eyesight was what هللاrestored. He said, “Did I not tell you? I knew from Allah you do not know.” The sons asked their father to pray for them will forgive هللاand that their sins are forgiven. Jacob said, “Allah you. HE is oft-forgiving and kind.”

Jacob in the Court of Yusuf: When they went back to Yusuf, he gave his father and mother a place of honor and seated them on his side on the throne and they fell before him in homage.

119 The father, the brothers, and the aunt fell down in prostration before Yusuf. It’s important to clarify here that this prostration but just to pay homage to divinely هللاwas not that as if to Allah This sajdah was the ,هللاchosen representative of Allah interpretation of Yusuf’s dream. In keeping with his character as a Yusuf in all humility attributes every thing ,هللاprophet of Allah The .هللاgood and worthy not to himself but to the grace of Allah divine grace is always based on knowledge and wisdom. Then Yusuf said, “Oh my father, this is the meaning of my earlier dream. My Lord has made it come true.” He was gracious in getting me out of prison, and bringing you out of the desert to me after the discord created by Satan between my brothers and me for my Lord is the gracious to whomsoever He pleases. He is, indeed, all knowing and all wise.

The later part of his rule, This story reveals not only the character of a person but also a young man’s determination, love, and respect for his family and total هللاAnd trust in Allah .هللاmost of all faith and fear of Allah obedience, strong faith; all in accordance with the Qura’nic teachings. To practice daily life in the light of his faith and religion, realizing the insignificance of this material world. It’s a story that was true back then and it holds truth even in this day and time. A story that is not bounded by time and space but jelled together to ,It took place in Egypt .هللاhuman character and their love for Allah when its boundaries expanded to Jordan and Libya as they appear today.

Yusuf gets married:

s grace this story has a happy ending. If I may say’هللاDue to Allah rewards those who follow his guided path (Sirat alهللاthat Allah s will, whether’هللاMustaqeem) Since Yusuf, always followed Allah in pain, destitute, prison, happiness, kingdom or royal rule—he in his actions. Thus after all هللاnever forgot the presence of Allah exams that he went through, he was rewarded.

120 Once while the emperor of Egypt, much bigger state back then than what it is today, as mentioned earlier, it included Jordon and Syria also, the king was riding his horse with all the pomp and promptly passing through the bazaar he saw an old woman a beggar by the road side. The king inquired who that was, and it turned out to be Zulaykha. Yusuf said how come you’re in this rewards people according to their هللاcondition? She replied “Allah deeds” Yusuf summons her in the palace, prays for her, she once again becomes young and beautiful and gets married to Yusuf. His age was 110 years. Before I bring this to a close, I would like to mention here one verse of this chapter: from Holy Qur’an:

Indeed there is a lesson in their narratives of men of understanding. It is not a forged tale, but a confirmation of what went before it and a detailed exposition of all things and a guide and a mercy for those who believe. (12:111)

Zulaykha‘s Dreams:

She had three different dreams. Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his English translation has further elaborated on the story by shedding light on Zulaykha history. The translator says that she was a pretty princess of a large empire west of Egypt. She had three dreams. First: that she was getting married to a young handsome person. Second dream was: She was getting married to a young handsome prince. The third dream was that it was a young handsome prince of Egypt. She had these three different dreams and yet was unable to identify the person. Thus all the engagement, marriage proposals, by her father was rejected. Finally the king sends an emissary to Egypt with a request for the prince to marry Zulaykha. This appointed emissary reaches Egypt with the proposal asked the Minister for his hand to marry Zulaykha. This particular minister is high up in the cabinet and one of the favorites of the king. The

121 minister kept on refusing, however, upon the emissary’s insistence the minister agreed to marry Zulaykha.

Here in the kingdom, the news is celebrated with grandiose. Zulaykha wedding arrangements are done at a high scale. Her “palki” (ancient custom where the bride is carried in a carriage by three or four men at each 4 corners) is decorated with gems and diamonds and there ere gold cables sworn with pearl and diamonds as curtains to protect her veil. However she could peak through this jeweled curtain. She was unable to see the minister’s face only to be disappointed that he was an Egyptian, a prince but not that handsome face that she saw in her dream! She was like a bride jilted at the altar. It was too late to return the wedding procession so it went through. Later she realized that he was also eunuch. But Zulaykha kept thinking of the young, handsome Egyptian prince.


What did the brothers desire in trying to get rid of Joseph and what actually happened? How did the Courtier’s wife, encouraged by the corrupt women of her acquaintance, tried and failed to seduce Joseph and how ?listened to his prayer and saved him from her vile designs هللاAllah How wrong was it of the cupbearer to forget Joseph, and yet how his very forgetfulness kept Joseph safe and undisturbed in prison until the day came when he should tackle the great problems of Pharaoh’s kingdom? The reader is urged to query these questions and conclude moral of this historical event mentioned in Qura’n.

“With every character in the story there are problems, and the هللاwhole is a beautiful balanced picture of the working of Allah Providence in man’s chequered destiny.”–Mainly, its Yusuf’s spotless cheater. (Reference: A. Yusuf Ali)

122 Writer’s Recommendation: Try to see the “Story of Prophet Joseph” on U-Tube, an Iranian production of 41 episodes, in English. Most of these stories are partially about personal character building and ethic, but this story emphasis: character building… and character building.

Yusuf in his childhood had a dream that the sky opened and there was a bright light and with it the whole world was lightened and the ocean was swaying high and low and the fish were praising God. Yusuf remained on a high mountain where there was much greenery, and he was wearing a very expensive nice (acronym) and the sun and moon were prostrating with 11 stars. The expensive outfit was that of prophet-hood (nabuwat). The bright light was the emperor. The sun was Prophet Jacob, and the moon his aunt (mother’s sister) who had adopted him at a young age. At the time he related this dream to Prophet Jacob, the father said not to mention to any of his brothers, however, his sister in- law was listening and she released this information to her brothers. Jacob had three wives; with them he had eleven sons and one daughter. Out of that only Yusuf and Benjamin and a sister were from one wife.

Prophet Jacob’s Dream:

Wolves were attacking Yusuf. Out of them the oldest one was defending Yusuf. And the earth opened and Yusuf went under. While these guys asked their father to take Yusuf out, they gave him all kind of trouble; to the extent when he was thirsty they did not give him water to drink instead splashed it on his cheeks.

123 Yusuf Ali has written the following couplets: In my reading experiences, compared to a few other translators Abdullah YUSUF Ali is the only translator going into such a depth of this story. In my opinion, this is also a co-incidence that having a name like “Yusuf” had the understanding to write in such a detail.

“One is cast down to the earth, and on

Is lifted on high like the glorious son,

Blessed is he who has wit to learn

How the favor of fortune may change and turn.

Whose head is not raised in high estate?

Nor his heart in misfortune made desolate.” (AYA API VI)

(Ref: App VI. Yusuf Ali.)

40 women were invited to showing of Yusuf—9 passed out.

Seven years in prison

When Yusuf was released from Prison, it demonstrates that Yusuf had a command of language for the Amir to make him a minister. At this time he was 33 years old. And at the same time he became Nabi and ended up living for one hundred and twenty years.

Yusuf began his carrier in Egypt as a slave, but in the end all of Egypt became servants to Yusuf.

According to some traditions, Jacob sent a letter addressed to Yusuf for the release of his son, Benjamin, the letter indicated his noble ancestry from Ibrahim (as).

124 His paternal aunt had adopted Yusuf at a young age since she was childless. And when Jacob came to take him back she tied him a scarf around his waist that was from Issac. She claimed that he stole to make a lame excuse to keep him back in her house.

The shirt that Yusuf sent to cure his father’s blindness had come from Gabriel and was given to Ibrahim (as). It smelt of perfume. had increased the smell هللاAnd when they brought it back Allah ten times so Jacob would know it was Yusuf’s.

Maulana Syed Farman Ali (MSFA)

Prophet Khidr (A S)

Khidr is mentioned in Surah Al- Kahaf (18) and plays the role of a teacher or a guide for Prophet Moses. He was a wise man who acted upon God’s Will. Seemingly, things that were normally not acceptable, however, had some relevance. There are three incidents mentioned in Qur’an about Khidr. Some people called him a prophet and some an angel. Refer to our story on Moses. Prophet Musa met Prophet Khidr and requested him to accompany him on his journey. Khidr refused saying you will not have the patience to understand my actions. Musa promised to be silent, watching his actions.

The first incident: there was a boat and a sailor crossing the river. Khidr and Musa joined him. When they reached the other shore, Khidr made a hole in the boat. Musa was wondering why and asked, but Khidr reminded him of his promise to stay quiet. The second incident was going through a town. They were hungry so they asked the townspeople for food, but they refused. There was a dismantle wall on their way that Khidr built. Musa inquired once again, but Khidr refused and reminded Musa of his promise. Musa

125 asked for one more chance. The third incident was meeting a young boy in a town. Khidr murdered the boy. Musa was shocked and once again demanded Khidr to explain the reason. Khidr said, “Remember you had promised not to ask these questions, now I will explain and then we will depart.” “The reason for the first incident for the hole in the boat was that the king on the other side of the river was ruthless. He would seize all the boats coming to the shore except for the defective ones; so I put a hole in the boat. The second incident, when we rebuilt the wall, there was a treasurer hidden for some orphan boys. And finally the boy who was murdered would grow up to be a rascal, and bring a bad name to his parents. His parents were obedient and good servants to God. All these actions were done upon God’s Will. Now that I have told you we will depart” Prophet Lut (AS)

Prophet Lut was Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) cousin. At that time there were five different towns populated and were between Egypt and Syria. This is the first nation mentioned in the Qur’an that practiced Homosexuality. Prophet Lut constantly tried to show them the bad effects of the act but the people ignored it. Finally sent some angels in shape of humans to Prophet Lut. His هللاAllah wife informed the towns-people about the arrival of the angels. The towns-people intended immoral relations with them. Prophet Lut got concerned but the angels said that they came to bring s punishment on those people and that Prophet Lut was’هللاAllah supposed to leave in the dark and leave his wife behind and not to look back. Thus the nation of Lut was destroyed.


Luqman was a wise man (Hakim). He was a slave. In surah 31, he has given 10 valuable advices. He was the grandson of Prophet Ayub, Prophet Ibrahim’s brother and nephew (sister’s son). He lived from the periods of Prophet Daoud Prophet Yunus, almost

126 1000 years. He was a carpenter and then he became a wise man. He had very limited hours of rest, mostly he would spend his time in the service of humanity. Whatever good and bad happened in his life, he expressed neither happiness nor sorrow and took it as an act of God. These were some of the reasons why God made him a wise person. One time an Angel approached him and asked him if he wanted to be King of the land, and Luqman responded, if it is God’s order I consent, but if it is not excuse me it is too much of a burden on my shoulders and I don’t deserve that kind of responsibility. Luqman says that you should respect both of your parents but if both the parents tell you to do different things at the same time then you should listen to your mother first. One time Prophet Luqman’s master told him and other slaves to go pick fruits. The other slaves ate the fruits while picking them and told Luqman to join them so that no one gets in trouble but Luqman refused and when they went home the other slaves told the master that Luqman ate some fruits. Hearing this master got very angry and called Luqman. Luqman told the master to give the slaves a medicine that would make them throw up so that they can see the contents of their stomach and so the master saw that the other slaves were lying.

Prophet Moses Musa

“We recite to you from the history of Moses and Firoun with truth, for people who disbelieve” (28:3)

:Name (ومٰیس) Musa’s

The name Moses appears 131 times in the Qur’an. Readers may find most of the story in surah Baqara (2), Tahaa


(20), Shora (26) and Qasas (28) Also in some other chapters of Qur’an. There are many other references in Qura’n. Interestingly enough, the later chapters (suras) begin with the same verse; the first two verses (ayah) are exactly the same, starting with Taa Si’in Mi’im. In Hebrew the word Mu means tree and SA means water, referring to Moses being placed in the river and surviving or came up as a “green-tree”.

Prophet Moses: Moses was one of the prophets of God. The story you are about to read is just a part of his real life mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in detail. Pharaoh was a cruel and cunning king who declared him to be the god of his time. He punished the Israelite and those who defied his proclamation to be a god. He was very cruel and unjust to the Israelite of whom Moses was one. Pharaoh, in order to eliminate Israelite as a nation, ordered that every infant baby boy born to Israelite to be killed. With the Will of God Musa was born and saved. Also, amazingly, he was raised in Pharoh’s palace. To avoid any confrontation with the real messenger of God he had ordered all new-born infant boys to be killed, only the girls survived. But God has His own ways to do the right things without any ones realization. It is said that in the process about 10 thousand (some say as many as 70,000) boys were killed. God had ordered (wahi: revelation, inspiration) Musa’s mother to have the baby sailed in a bassinet (20:39 & 28:7).

.Fears (فرعون) Pharaoh’s

Pharaoh was warned by the scholars of ancient scriptures that a son among Israelite would bring destruction to his kingdom. He passed orders that made all male children born to the Israelite to be killed. When Moses was born, the midwife was determent either to kill him or inform Pharaoh for the monetary reward, but the wonderful beauty of the baby so enchanted her that she changed her mind. Instead, she advised Musa’s mother to take

128 care of the boy and hide him from Pharaoh’s people. She went out to report that a dead girl was born and had been buried. Pharaoh’s spies came to search Musa’s house. Musa’s sister hid him in the oven, but Musa’s aunt, not knowing that the infant was hidden there, lit the oven flames had started shooting out. The informers searched the house and finding flames coming out of the oven did not go near it. When Musa’s mother heard of the oven being lit, she came full of grief to see what had happened to her baby. She found Moses sitting in the flames and playing with them.

was a ,( ُ جر لیق وبصز ) Pharaoh’s cousin brother, Juzkil Subur carpenter. Musa’s mother came to him and asked him to make a bassinet, wooden basket, to sail Moses down the Nile. She asked Juzkil to keep this a secret and that he promised. However, when he reached Pharaoh’s palace, he wanted to reveal the secret. Juzkil, after completing the project, went to Pharaoh’s court to earn a medal by informing the bassinet he built. With the grace of God he could not deliver any words. He was rendered speechless and tried to explain through hand signals but to no avail. Pharaoh became upset and ordered his immediate removal from the court. Juzkil came home and could speak normally again. He tried again to tell Pharaoh, but this time he lost his eye site. As before Pharaoh became very furious and Juzkil was thrown out of the court. On his return Juzkil went to Musa mother and accepted Moses as a prophet of God. So, where God wants to safeguard someone, He finds the way to do so and there is no barrier in His way.

Moses in Pharos’s Palace:

“Nurse him, and when you fear for him, cast him into the river and neither fear nor grieve, for WE shall return him to you and make him one of the apostles” (28:7)

129 A channel from the Nile passed into the palace gardens of Pharaoh, Musa bassinet was smoothly sailing through the Nile, toward Pharaoh’s palace. It was a beautiful day, nice and warm weather, considering the pleasant weather Pharos’ wife, , had asked for a tent to be pitched on the banks of Nile to go out for bathing with her first ladies. Asiya was bathing. She noticed a bassinet floating in the river. They picked it up and were surprised to see this handsome baby boy in the bassinet and brought the baby out to ask her husband’s permission to raise the infant. Pharaoh resisted first but then gave in to his wife’s demand. Thus Musa was raised in Pharaoh’s palace. Musa’s mother was very worried and concerned about his whereabouts. God had promised to take care of him and also to have her nurse him. Moses had to be nursed and Pharaoh’s wife tried different wet-nurses to feed the baby but Moses would not accept any.0.Musa’s sister was following the bassinet of the palace gardens. She approached Asiya and said she knew a lady who could feed the baby. Asiya asked her to be presented. Thus Musa’s mother came in to feed the baby and of course, Moses accepted his mother’s milk. God never allows his prophets to be under a common man’s obligation Thus Moses mother became the wet nurse for Moses and for years they were together. Asiya became friendly with Moses’ mother and confided in her that she was also a believer of unity of God. was brought up in the very lap of his enemy. Pharaoh’s wife, Asiya became confidant and she was also a God fearing person, thus shared her feelings with Moses’ mother and kept it a secret from Pharaohs. Together they dreamed secret dreams of a day when he would rise up to destroy the Pharaoh. One of Pharaoh’s daughters had white patches on her body. Scholars of ancient scripture had predicted that a human child would come floating in the river and if the saliva of that child was placed on the patches, then the marks would disappear. When Musa came floating in the box, it was picked up and the astronomers were consulted to know if the baby was the promised delivery of Israelite. They said he was not. Asiya said

130 that the child might benefit them. The child’s saliva was tried on the skin and the white patches on girl’s body disappeared.

Mosesleaves Pharaoh’s palace.

Once, while walking around the town, Moses noticed two men fighting. Pharaoh’s cook and an Egyptian Qabti (one who is obsessive) were beating a poor Israeli Jew. The Israeli asked Moses to help. He went to stop them and throw a blow on Qabti, with the result that the Qabti died on the spot. Musa felt bad and was scared of Pharaoh. The next day he saw the same Qabti in a similar fight Mosesrealized that it was a mistake to get involved, and prayed to God to keep his deed hidden from the men of Pharaoh, so he left town.

Moses goes through hardship:

When Pharaoh received the news of Musa’s deed, he ordered Moses to leave the town. Musa walked in the desert looking for another town to live-in He had been walking for 8 days with no food or water walking under the hot sun of the desert. Moses It is said that they had only skin on his bones. The reward for enduring was not that far off. God brought him to an oasis, where he saw a well. Shepherds were giving water to their flocks while two girls waited to give water to their flocks. The shepherds were drawing water for their own flocks but none drew water for the girls. These two girls were Safura and Safra, daughters of the prophet Shoaib, who was very old and could not water his flocks himself which compelled the young ladies to go out. However, their modesty and personal nobility prevented them from going into the crowd of males. Moses went over the girls to help and asked the shepherds to draw water for the girls but they refused. Moses drew water himself for the girls’ flocks.

Moses gets married:

131 The young and pretty girls were thankful to Moses. They were impressed wit his instant help, strength and build. They went home and mentioned the incident to their father. Moses was invited to their home to meet their father. Moses went to their house and met Shoaib offered him food.and security. One of the daughters suggested employing Moses because he was so strong and trust-worthy. Shoaib agreed. Moses was asked to marry one of the girls. In return Moses had to look after the heard of lamb for eight years as Maher, instead Moses preferred to stay for ten years.

Moses was a shepherd: Moses worked as a shepherd for Prophet Shoaib as a predecessor to becoming a Prophet because it taught him how to take care and lead his people. Shepherds primary duty is to take care of his heard and protect them from attacks and the shepherds have to be very vigilant., to protect the heard from external attacks. Every Prophet one way or the other had worked, besides for earning their livelihood, to be trained for their future assignment.

Moses on the mountain: On his way back to Egypt, in the desert, it was a dark and cold night. He left his wife and went in search of fire that he saw up on a mountain. He ended up having the call for God. Moses went to Moses .هللاMount Sinai (koh e toor) with a desire to see Allah was not because he was unsure but because هللاdesire to see Allah ifهللاMoses asked Allah .هللاhe wanted to witness the glory of Allah he could see Him.” My Lord! Show (yourself) to me that I may look at You.” (7:143) the reply was to witness if the mountain could withstand the light (tajalli.) If it could remains firm in its place. But when his Lord manifested His glory to the mountain, it crumbled to a heap of dust, and Moses fell down unconscious. In a fraction of a second there was a bright light to blind the eyes. Moses realized that it was not possible to see something that thus ,هللاbright. But Moses had the fortune of speaking with Allah he is called the good “Kaliim Ullah.”(One who speaks to

132 God) On his return home he was asked by his wife where he was, .هللاhe replied that he was coming from Allah

Musa and the Prophet-hood.:

While driving the heard of sheep, Moses ran after a lamb running toward the mountain. There he saw a bright light like lightening in .(طورجبل) (the sky. He went to the koh-e- Toor (Toor mountain There he heard the big noise. Moses asked to have an audience with God. God asked him to remove his sandals and he addressed Moses. God awarded him two miracles, brightness in the palms of his hands and the serpent of his staff. Moses also asked for a helper to accompany him to Pharaoh’s court, his brother Haroon God permitted him to take Haroon along and spread out .(اہز و ن ) the words of wisdom and truth. Musa left the mountain to go to Pharaoh’s palace.Musa’s first miracle was a staff, which would turn into a serpent. Musa became frightened but was told to pick it up and hold it and not be afraid of the serpent. The serpent was walking stick again! The second miracle was to have his palms shine. God ordered him to go to the town and ask people to accept God’s religion. God assured him not to be afraid of anyone n the path of publicizing the religion. Now Moses had these two miracles a tool for the worldly people to demonstrate and convince.

Musa‘s Mission: Moses had to free the Israelite from Pharaoh’s slavery, cruelty and to spread the word of unity of God and to preach the religion Moses wanted a helper to assist him in spreading God’s .هللاof Allah word. HE was permitted to appoint Haroon his cousin brother as his lieutenant. He went to preach the word of God and met with heavy opposition, yet did not give up. He kept on trying until the last minute.

Musa goes to Pharaoh’s Court: (Chapter 26)

133 When Moses came before Pharaoh to tell him that he was a Prophet from the Lord of the Worlds, Pharaoh was sitting in his court with his ministers and chiefs around him relying upon their own superior wordily power aided by the magic which was a part of the Egyptian religion. Confronting them stood two men: Moses with his mission from God and his brother and lieutenant Haroon. (Aaron) They declared that there was no god but the Pharaoh laughed at him. Pharaoh recognized (هللاone God (Allah Moses and remembered that he had killed an Egyptian and therefore sent him to prison. Pharaoh used to through people of his dislike in front of beasts so he ordered Moses to be thrown in front of the lions. The lions came kissing Musa feet instead of attacking him. Pharaoh was scared.

.(ؤمنم): Musa: the first Momin Moses is called the first pious man (momin) of his time (7:143). A ““Momin”” is a person who is solely devoted to God and molds his life according to the commandments of God. (a pious person.)

Musa’s Miracles: Moses showed his two miracles: shining palm and staff into a serpent. The serpent opened its mouth so wide that the Pharaoh was afraid of being sucked in. Pharaoh thought he was a magician and ordered his own magicians to accept the challenge and show their magic to defeat Musa wonders. Once the village tribes were thirsty for water and there was none to be found. God ordered Moses to strike his staff on a stone and there came 12 springs of water gushing for 12 different tribes of the village (7:160)

The rod was the Miraculous Rod, which was made to act as a great sign to prove the benefice of Moses being the Apostle of God. It has been reported that the Rod was on different mystic usage to Moses and acted differently in different situations of his needs. When Moses saw for the first time his Rod becoming a dreadful huge serpent, he was frightened. Moses was

134 commanded not to fear but to hold it with the assurance of its returning to its original state. (Ref SVM Ahmed Ali pp 970 #1362)

Musa’s demands: Moses saw Pharaoh’s unreasonable, unjust and cruel treatment and felt that they ,(ینب ا رسآ لیئ) toward his brotherhood, the Israelite were mistreated. Thus, he asked Pharaoh to do justice to all, treat them equally as those Egyptians. But Pharaoh did not change his attitude and continued to persecute the Israelite. In the Qur’an surah 26) Moses) (کافر) God has addressed Pharaoh as Kafir insisted that there was one and one God, and that he was his messenger. Pharaoh declined.

Moses vs. the Magicians: When Pharaoh saw the serpent he believed that it was a magic and that Moses was pulling a fast one on him. He said that Moses should compete with his magicians. All the big and small magicians of the town were called in to defeat Moses through their magic. Moses was asked to show his serpent, which he did. The magicians took it as magic. They used tricks to make it seem as if they had turned rope into snakes. However, Musa serpent swallowed these snakes. The magicians were amazed. They then realized that it was not magic but the hard truth. Moses asked them to submit to God who had awarded this miracle to him. The magicians believed Moses and accepted Islam. Pharaoh was very upset. He was angry not only with Moses but also at the magicians. The magicians were paid employees. Pharaoh said to them that they would be dismissed. However the magicians refused to go back to Pharaoh and went along with Moses saying he was truthful and the messenger of God.

Allah’s curse on Pharaoh: Upon rejection of Musa appeal and refusal to accept Islam, sent at least three curses on هللاshowing cruelty to Israelite, Allah Pharaoh.

135 First there was a heavy cloud of grasshoppers that devastated the whole fertile crop so that nothing was left for the people to eat. Pharaoh still did not give in. Secondly he sent a rain that brought small frogs all over the town. So, whatever they ate they were swallowing frogs.

The third curse (7:171) was a mountain lifted above the Egyptians like a cloud and it was to fall upon them so they would all be crushed. They asked for pardon and the mountain was removed. Finally, Musa asked God to send the chastisement (azab) for the people of Israel. God asked Moses to go to the Nile River. The river was high and the currents were strong. Moses asked how to deal with it. The response was for him to throw his staff in the river. Immediately, the river parted in two so that Moses and his followers could walk through to the other side. Pharaoh’s army followed but drowned as the water returned to its original position.

The following points are very important to understand in Musa’s story: His mother was afraid that Firaun’s army was on the watch. She was afraid for infants’ crying, may create some noise for the people outside. Musa did not accept any wet-nurse to feed. His sister was following the bassinet on the riverside and reached Firaun’s’ palace. She recommended a “suitable lady” might accept; that was Muses’ mother.

His mother came and breast fed the baby that’s what Musa accepted. Musa’s nine miracles: 1. Walking stick becomes serpent 2. Drought 3. Locus 4. Lace 5. Frogs

136 6. Hands would come out bright and shiny. 7. Parting the water of Nile. 8. Famine 9. Death of the sons of Egypt

People of the Cave (Al Kahf.)

Chapter 18 This story is treated as a parable, containing spiritual levels of the highest value. The “ as-hab-ul-Kahf” (the dwellers of the cave were seven young Christian men who lived in Ephesus, a city on the west coast of Asia Minor They lived in a society which was completely idolatrous, although they themselves were believers in only one God, as the true followers of prophet Isa. They were very pious people, just before the time of. Isa. They numbered between five and seven How many? Allah O’ Alim. Only God knows better. The king at the time worshiped Idols and was very oppressive. He forced the people of his town to follow his practice. Those who refused were punished. However, there were some very pious people who believed in the unity of God and would not pray to idols. These people were very pious and wanted to escape from his kingdom. They planed to go for hunting and leave the town. They were five of them, presumably. On their way they met a farmer with his dog. The farmer joined them with his dog since he was also a god fearing person. Since the kings forces were trailing them, in order to covered the cave with a هللاevade them they hid in a cave. Allah tree, spider webs, and a dog. The cave got covered with a sheet of rock. The Long Sleep: They slept in this cave for many years. Not realizing that a long time had lapsed since they slept. It is said that they, probably, slept for 300 years. When they woke up they were wondering had they slept for a night or two! They were also hungry. But the cave

137 mouth was almost sealed and they could not move it. Thus they started praying to God, one after another, to provide the opening. Prayers to lift the Cave lid:

I beg you to open the door. Three of the men ,هللا Oh Allah offered prayers as follows:

The first person said: I hired a laborer to do work for me, he worked half a day, I wanted to pay for the full, he refused and left without taking the compensation. I bought a calf, from his money which grew into a heard of cows. When he had difficult times, he came and asked for his money, I offered the heard of cows he could not believe. If that I did in the fear of God, I beg to open the door. The door opened one third. The second person said: There was a severe drought; a woman in need came begging for grains. I asked to have sex in return, she refused. It happened again and again, three times. Each time she refused. The fourth time when she was in dire need of it, she agreed but she was trembling with fear of God so I let her have the ration without fulfilling my satanic desire and asked that if his repentance (tauba) was accepted please openهللاAllah the door—the next one third was open. The third person said he had a cup of milk for his father who was a sleep at night he waited all night for him, ignoring the heard sheep he had to graze and that killed some of them. If that was in the fear of God, please accept his prayers, the rest of the door opened. Old currency: One of them embarked to buy some food from the store. However, when he went to buy some food from the merchant he was informed, a crowd gathered and they said that his money was times and that(دقیانوس)very old. It was from Daqyanus 249-251 AD he had been long gone. The shopkeeper was shocked since the king had died many years ago. He was brought to the town’s judge. The judge asked where the money came from and he once again said it was his. So the judge ordered him to go to the king.

138 He thought the king was the old oppressive person, but he was dead and the new king was righteous. Back to the Cave: When the people of the town found one of them in the market, who went there to buy food, they wanted to know who he was and where he came from. He told them their story. They went with him to the cave. The man went inside in advance and informed his comrades that emperor was coming with his scholars to see them. They fell prostrate before Allah and prayed that the sleep might come over them again. So, when the royal entourage came they were asleep. They decided to build a masjid over them. He was brought to the town’s judge, and they were, so they could remain pious and dutiful to their God.

(رضحۃ رممی) Lady Mariam Mary

One of the pious ladies mentioned in the holy Qur’an. She was the daughter of Imran (A.S) and niece of Prophet Zachariah (See Surah 19). He was the one who took care of her. She was not married and she got a son. When she had labor pains she went in the Kabah. She sat in the shade of a palm tree when she had labor. The tree was a dry tree when she got near it (19:25). When she sat under the tree and leaned against it the tree become fresh. The trees branches came out and a bunch of dates were hanging down. She could reach and grab them with her hands. (Isa)Jesus was delivered right there. She was at that time she was at that time ten or eleven years old. A water fountain came from the ground that she drank water and it was night time. Then the Lord’s instructions came in order to be thankful do fasting and she prostrate. People came and surrounded her while she was praying. When the people asked Prophet Mari am how come you

139 delivered without being married she referred them towards the infant. We asked you a question and you referred to an infant who doesn’t even talk (19:29). Prophet Isa responds I am the person of God and I have brought the Book and I am the Prophet هللاof Allah

Haroon was a bad character of that time and the Israelite referred Mariam as if she was Haroon’s sister. She was Prophet Zacharia’s niece.

Prophet Nuh ونح (Noah) The following facts have been gathered from the Quran sura, Chapter 71 and different translations` as mentioned below:

Prophet Noah’s (as) original name was probably Abdul Malik. he was crying for 500 years so his name هللاFrom the fear of Allah was changed to Nuh. Nuh means the one who does “nauha” (keeps crying). Prophet Noah (as) was born after Prophet Adam (as) and there were ten messengers in between them. He was also known as Adam-e-Saniye meaning someone who was like Adam (as). It was because when Noah (as) sailed in his Arc the whole world had drowned. Prophet Noah (as) delivered the message of God for 950 years and yet there was no response. Every day they would throw stones in front of his house so much that it would make a big pile in front of his house and he would There is a sura in Quran for the prophet Noah. Noah was one of the earlier prophets who came after Adam & Eve. Noah basically had the same message of Oneness of Allah and the goodness of humanity. However, as in other cases the Umma (community) was not willing to give up the comfortable life style and widely accepted practice of idle worshipping doing what one may like to do without any condition; compared to the teachings of Noah.

Noah’s age:

140 Noah lived for almost over 2,000 years! (It’s only a guess) His teachings were for 950 years. He used to preach during the day and night (71:5) people will throw stones calling him a mad man. At the end of the day Noah will gather all the stones, clear it and repeat the same next day. It went on for years. He had no more than 80 people under his teachings and the rest refused to follow him.

Noah asked for Punishment (chastisement):

Finally Noah got tired of this rugged nation and prayed to Allah to send them a curse. A team of angels came to convince Noah to take back his request for punishment. Once Noah agreed and waited another 350 years. Again there was no change in their attitude. Noah went back to pray for Allah and call upon for punishment to be sent. This time the angels came. And announced that Allah may send flood of water therefore Noah had to build a boat (ship) and carry his followers and a pair of each of the animals (birds, pets and all other animals) the flood will be so fierce that the whole town will be submerged it. And there will be no survivors other than those in Noah’s boat! To proceed with the plan step one was to grow date, palm trees. So, the angels brought him some seeds from sky and ask Noah to sow the seeds for the purpose. While Noah was busy tilling the sand and sowing seeds, people called him a gardener and said how come you said to be a prophet of God and here you are sowing seeds as a Gardner? Noah ignored the ignorant and continued following Allah’s orders. The tree grew tall now he was to chop them and trim wood from trees to build boat. In the second phase when they saw him cutting wood they called him a carpenter. They said being a carpenter he was claiming to be a prophet. They were also wondering about the use of a boat in the desert. However, Allah had promised His prophet to obey, so did Noah.

Noah’s boat:

Once again Noah did not budge to listen to the ignorant people. It was a three storied boat. The ground level was for animals, second floor for supplies and equipment and the third for passengers. It was said they

141 were only 80 followers of Noah on it. The boat had all that was to be saved from drowning in water. When the boat was about to be ready they called the prophet of Allah that he had no sense that in the desert he was building a boat! Not realizing that Noah was working on Allah’s command the One who has total control of the whole universe. One who can plan, design and implement all at the same time by just making the intent to do so. Anyway, Noah got the boat completed. Now he called people to join him or else they will be drawn as a curse and punishment. Again only that handful few of the followers joined him and the rest thought it was a joke. Noah’s son was also one of those who refused, also Noah’s wife refused to obey. Noah asked to leave his son behind who refused to join saying that on top of the mountain the water cannot reach and he will be saved. Noah said it’s a punishment (chastisement) that will not save any person as assured by Allah. But he did not listen and was drawn. Noah gathered his followers and a pair of each of the animals and got set in the boat. Sky opened the gates of water and the earth had large holes pouring water all over. Thus the boat was elevated and floating as if in the sea of water. The boat sailed and saw the ignorant being drawn including Noah’s son. It shows that near Allah the relation ship does not count but the deeds of the person are judged. The boat sailed it went to Kaba (in Mecca) and did twaf (circumvent) seven times and settled on top of Mount Ararat. (Later in 1953 a Russian aircraft discovered the remains of the boat on a mountain on Turkish border.

Prophet Shua’eb (Jethro) Shua’eb (as) Musa, after walking in the desert for 8 days with no food and water reached a town where he saw a few people near the well, fetching water. There were a couple of girls standing by while other men were taking the water. Musa asked for the reason and the girls replied they were awaiting their turn after the men finished. Musa helped them fetched the water from the well and on their invitation followed to their house and met their father, Prophet Shua’eb.

142 Shua’eb was impressed with Musa’s character offered the shelter from Firaun’s army and suggested to marry one of his daughters. The condition was to look after his herd of sheep for 8 years or 10; Musa preferred 10; and lived there for ten years.

Shua’eb offered him food in return for looking after his heard of sheep but Moses declined saying he watched over the heard for God’s sake and not for a return.

And it was Prophet Shoaib’s walking stick that Prophet Moses got. Prophet Sho’ayb had two daughters who went to fetch the water from the well. Musa saw a crowd gathered near the well, and there were a couple of girls waiting for their turn. He went over and asked if he could help since they were waiting for all the men to get their water tumblers filled first. Musa helped them at the well, and carried the water tumblers to their home. (See Musa’s story*)

Shua’eb was impressed with Musa’s character offered the shelter from Firaun’s army and suggested to marry one of his daughters. The condition was to look after his herd of sheep for 8 years or 10; Musa preferred 10; and lived there for ten years.

Shua’eb offered him food in return for looking after his heard of sheep but Moses declined saying he watched over the heard for God’s sake and not for a return.

Moses stick was that of Adam’s. Shua’eb daughter kept offering it to Moses, but Shua’eb says it’s the wrong one but she replied “this is the stick that keeps coming to my hand always” and Shua’eb concludes that it must be intended for. Musa

Pharoh asks his minister to build a tower to reach God, and tower was demolished.

143 Prophet Saleh

Prophet Saleh was asked by the people of Thamud to show them a miracle to prove that he was the messenger of God. After 1600 years of trying to teach them, he showed them a miracle. So he brought them a “She-Camel “that appeared from the mountains. God instructed them to share the pond water with the She-Camel, so one day the people would drink and the next day the She- Camel. The people did not follow these rules instead they cut the legs off of the She-Camel, killing her. As a chastisement Fire rained from the sky and they were all burnt in it. The She-Camel was also a sign of Allah (swta). The people of that time were not honest in their weights and measures. For these reasons they had been punished.

made a masjid in a cave and used to worship in (ع) Prophet Saleh it. Nine people from his nation decided to kill him but stones rained down on them.

(امیلسن ) Prophet Suleiman SOLOMAN

Most of his story is in Surah 27 and also David is mentioned in (27:15). He was the son of Prophet Daood (David) and had a vast kingdom. His kingdom extended to a large area. As mentioned in Syed Farman Ali’s translation and tafseer (page 603). His army was about 100 Quos (a Quos longer than a mile) long out of it 25Qouswere men, 25 Qous Jims, 25 Qous birds, and other 25 Qous animals. Once while his army was passing by a family of ants going through and they were afraid to be ruined by the horse stomps. Prophet Sulayman overheard and smiled at it (27:119).

A Missing Bird:

144 One day while Sulayman was addressing his country men their was a bird missing from his canopy and he inquired about the missing Hud-Hud and a little later the Hud-Hud returned and brought the news of a Queen ruling in a neighboring land who was worshipping some other idols. Sulayman asked who could bring the throne of the Queen. She was the queen of Saba also her name was Bilquis and the daughter of Malik bin Rayan. The thrones she had was 30 yards cubic and it was decorated with silver and gold and ensemble with precious jewels. There was some pearls hanging on it made up of Yakut and Zamarrud (a diamond) and Pukhraj (different diamonds: Jade and pearl etc.)Sulayman sent a letter to Bilquis. She was impressed with Sulayman’s rule that even a bird brought the message. In return Bilquis sent 500 slaves men dressed in women costume and jeweler and 500 women’s decorated in men; jewelry and costumes and then mounted on horses with silver horse riding pads and 1000 silver bricks. All this equipment was sent back to Sulayman. The intent of this gift was to test the knowledge and ability of Sulayman. to see if he was a worldly person who may accept all of it; otherwise if he was a saint or a pious person may recognize the difference between men and women and will not accept the glittering silver and gold merchandise. Thus Sulayman rejected all the gifts and asked his court if they can bring Bilquis’ throne one of the jinn said he could bring it before one blinks his eye but Sulayman’s nephew, Asif-bin-Barquia knew the holy 99 and he said he could bring faster than that; and هللاnames of Allah that he did. In order to protect her throne she had saved it in a safe place and locked it.

Bilsques’ throne comes to Suleiman

Bilquis had hid the jeweled throne locked away in her room but .sitting on it (ع) when she left she was surprised to see Suleiman Asif bin Burkhia (Sulayman’s nephew) is the one who brought the .did get married (nikah) with Bilquis (ع) throne. Prophet Sulayman

145 Bilquis was also amazed to see the reflection of her feet on floor and thought it was a lake (or pool) and picked up her skirt! She used to worship the sun then she accepted Islam.

Prophet Yahya

Prophet Yahiya out of all the Prophets was the one who had the most physical tortures done to him. Prophet Yahiya was a very devout boy. He memorized Torah at the age of four and by age ten he used to follow all the Ten Commandments. His lifestyle was very simple, sometimes he used to eat dry pieces of bread, and he would cover his body in burlap. He used to do a lot of prayers The king of Palestine, Hero Dames, wanted to marry his sister’s daughter and asked Prophet Yahiya if he could and he said, “No you cannot and you should not”. Prophet Yahiya’s niece knew if she married the king then she would be the queen, and she said to the king if you want to marry me then the dowry would be Yahiya’s head, so he was beheaded. Yahiya’s head was presented to her as a gift.

Yajuj and Majuj ()

These two characters were naughty and huge they had become a problem of the people of that time in that town. Yajuj and Majuj were from the family of Nuh (Noah) they used to live in caves and were called the people of the mountains. They were very tall, mighty, and strong. They were also great warriors. They were bothering their people of their time and Zul-Qarnain came to help them.

146 Prophet Yunus

Prophet Yunus taught for a long period of time and it was in vain, except for two people who became his decuples. Prophet Yunus got tired of his people and asked Allah to send a punishment. One of his disciples was Abid and the other was Zahid. One of them requested Yunus not to ask for punishment yet, however Prophet Yunus asked for it and a given date and time was announced. Yunus took Abid with him and went towards the mountain to avoid the situation. However Zahid remained back and called the townspeople and explained to them a big punishment of God was due soon. They all came out and offered their prayers and asked to be saved from the punishment. The punishment was postponed. Yunus came back to town thinking it was over, but when he saw these people he went towards the river thinking they will not trust him anymore. He gets in a boat to cross the river. The river had raised high waters. The captain of the boat had to draw names of the passengers to sacrifice one of them. Yunus’ name was chosen and he was thrown into the water. A fish swallowed him and in the belly of the fish he prayed and offered supplication and asked for forgiveness for sending punishment to his people. God accepted it and he was put back on the shore alive after forty days.

He used to do a lot of fasting and prayer to the extent that angels used to be surprised. One time with permission “Malak-ul-Maot” (the angel of death) came to see him and Idris asked him to extract his soul to feel the difficulty of the situation so “Malak-ul- Maot” did it and put it back. Idris asked him to take him to the skies and show him heaven and hell and after that tour with the Will of God he was kept there and never returned.

(د ا رقلنین) Zul-Qarnain Is a character mentioned in surah Al-Kahaf (18)He was a pious person who helped the people of his time and saved from the

147 disturbing activities of Yajuj and Majuj(Gog and magog). Zul- qurnain was very tall and helpful. He was able to bend the iron rods. Melt the steel, copper and pour it between the two mountains to block the entry of the vagabond activities of the two evil forces.

َو َقا َل َربُّ ُک ُم ا ْد ُع ْونِ ْی اَ ْس َت ِج ْب َل ُک ْم اِ َّن الَّ ِذ ْی َن یَ ْس َت ْکبِ ُر ْو َن َع ْن ِعبَا َدتِ ْی َسیَ ْد ُخلُ ْو َن َجھَنَّ َم َدا ِخ ِر ْین (40:60 )Surah Ghafir for supplications from Allah

Supplications of Prophets in Qur’an

 Only a few have been quoted here for the purpose of reference. Please see Qur’an e majid for more. The chapter on Prophets (#21) has at least 15 names mentioned.  Supplications of the Prophets (Ambia)

148  When My servants ask you about Me, (tell them) I am indeed near-most. I answer the supplicant’s call when he calls Me. So let them respond to Me, and let them have faith in ME,

so that they may fare rightly.(2:186, Ali Quli Qara’i).

Prophet Chapter # Verse # Solomon(Suleiman) 27 19 Solomon(Suleiman) 35 37 Ayub 5 114 Adam 5 114 Jesus(Isa) 5 114 Abraham(Ibrahim) 14 37 Abraham(Ibrahim) 14 38 Abraham(Ibrahim) 14 40 Abraham(Ibrahim) 14 41 Abraham(Ibrahim) 14 44 Joseph(Yusuf) 21 74 – 89, 101 Moses(Musa) 28 16 Yahya 3 37 Zakariah 3 38

Those Cursed in Qur’an

Although there are enemies of Islam mentioned in the Qur’an, such as has cursed only one هللاFiroun and Haman and Qaroon; however, Allah .in Surah 111 ابولہب”kafir by name and that is “Abu-Lahab

Prophet Mohammed’s (pbuh)Hadees (Criteria for Paradise)

is promised ( جنة) said paradise (یبنﷺ) (Prophet Muhammad (pbuh to those who follow these six steps:

1. Speaking the truth

149 2. Fulfill promises 3. Cover our privates. Save our privates from haram abstain from zina,(illegitimate sex) 4. Don’t look at non-mahram. Lower your gaze. 5. Don’t eat haram food. 6. When some one entrusts you with an object, keep it safe and return it in good condition.

Interesting Discoveries of Dr. Tariq-Al-Swaidan on Qur’an

Very interesting discoveries of Dr. Tariq Al Swaidan might grasp your attention: Dr. Tariq- Al Swaidan discovered some verses in the Holy Qur’an that mention one thing is equal to another, i.e. men are equal to women. Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that the number of times the word man appears in the Holy Qur’an is 24 and number of times the word woman appears is also 24, therefore, not only is this phrase correct in grammatical sense but also true mathematically, i.e.24 = 24. Upon further analysis of various verses, he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole Holy Qur’an where it says one thing is like another.

See below for astonishing results of the words mentioned number of times in Arabic Holy Qur’an: 1 Dunia World: (a name for life) 115&Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115. 2 Mala’ika (Angels) 88&Shayateen (Satan) 88. 3 Life 145&Death 145. 4 Benefit 50&Corrupt 50.

150 5 People 50&Messengers 50. 6 Iblees (king of ) 11&Seek refuge from Iblees 11. 7 Museebah (calamity) 75&Thanks 75. 8 Spending (Sadaqah) 73&Satisfaction 73. 9 People who are mislead 17&Dead people 17. 10 Muslimeen 41&Jihad 41. 11 Gold 8&Easy life 8. 12 Magic 60&Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60. 13 Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32&Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth) 32. 14 Mind 49&Noor 49. 15 Tongue 25&Sermon 25. 16 Desite 8&Fear 8. 17 Speaking publicly 18& Publicizing 18. 18 Hardship 114&Patience 114. 19 Muhammad (saw) 4&Sharee'ah Muhammad (saw) teachings 4. 20 Man 24&Woman 24.

And amazingly enough have a look how many times the following words appear: 1 Salat Prayer5 times. 2 Month 12 times. 3 Day 365 times. 4 Sea 32 times. 5 Land13 times. 6 Sea + land = 32 + 13= 45 7 Sea = 32/45*100 %= 71.11111111% 8 Land = 13/45*100 %= 28.88888889% 9 Sea + land 100.00%

Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers 71.111% of the earth, while the land covers 28.889%.

Is this a coincidence? Question is that who taught Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) all this?

151 Reply automatically comes in mind that ALMIGHTY ALLAH taught him. This is what the Holy Qur’an also tells us. Verse no. 87 of Sura (Chapter no. 17) Al-Anbia LA ILAHA ILA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZ-ZALIMEEN

Important Facts about Qur’an Golden Koran Soldfor 1.1 Million Pounds

London: A 13th century Koran, written in gold, was sold for more than 1.1 million pounds, three times the expected price, to an unnamed bidder here, auctioneer Christie’s said on October 24. The volume which is signed Yahiya ibn Muhammad ibn Umar, set world record for the sale of a Qur’an and for an Islamic manuscript. “Written in 1203 AD entirely in gold, with marginal notes in silver, it is the earliest known complete, dated Qur’an, written in gold in the world,” a spokesman for Christie’s, where the sale took place said. A few Arabic sayings that are commonly used, without understanding its application. Here they are given with the proper situation for their application. Also, the five wajib namaz with their nawafils (optional) prayers.

Important sayings of Qura’n in our daily life. Bismillah: Before you enter the house, or startب ِ ْس ِم هللا something new, or enter a new venture always say: “In the name .”ofٰ ALLAHA(sta) the Beneficent Merciful ,:When a project is completedا َ ْل َح ْم ُد ِ ِّل ِ .” achievedٰ a goal, reached your destination say “ I thank ALLAH Insha-Allah:Once you intend to do something, orا ِ ْن َش ا َء ّهللا ِ accept the invitation say “With the consent of ALLAH(sta) I Intend to do”.


Subhan-Allah: When someone has done a ُس ْب َح ان َّ هللاِ good , winning a prize or medal, achieving excellence in debate, say “Its Glorification of ALLAH(sta)”. Fi-Aman-Illah: When you say good-byeف ِی ْْ ا َ َم ا ِن هللا ِ say: “In the security of ALLAH(sta)”.

Daily Prayers Namaz Mandatory Optional Rakats 15 (دجہت)Fajr(Morning) 2 2+ 11 Zuhar(Noon) 4 8 12 Asar(Noon) 4 8 12 8 و( رت)Maghrib(evening) 3 4 + 1 Isha(evening) 4 2 6 Total 17 34 51

Arabic Names English Arabic Names English Equivalents Equivalents Allah God Injeel Adam Adam Ishaq Isaac Ayyub Job Ismael Ishmael Daood David Isa Jesus Firoun Pharaoh Jalut Habeel Abel Jibreel Gabriel Haroon Aaron Qabeel Cain Ibrahim Abraham Lut Lot Ilyas Elias Majuj Magog Imran Imran Mariam Mary

Eid Prayers Not wajib (compulsory) but mustahib (optional) and its better to do it.

153 References: Qur’anic Translations English: Urdu: Mir Farman Ali ۔V۔Ahmed Ali, S Quli Qara'i, Ali Maqbool Ahmed Yusuf Ali, Abdullah Zeeshan Haider Jawadi Other than Qura’n: God’s Emissaries by Shaykh Rizwan Arastu Stories of the Prophets by Sheikh Muhammad Gemeiah

َوآ ِخ ُر َد ْع َواھُ ْم َأ ِن ا ْل َح ْم ُد ِ َِّلِ َر ِّب ا ْل َعا َل ِمی َن ْ Completed on Nov 18th, 2016 AD 18صفراملظفـّر1438ھجری