

by Vladimir I. Davydov1, Brian F. Glenister2, Claude Spinosa3, Scott M. Ritter4, V. V. Chernykh5, B. R. Wardlaw6, and W. S. Snyder3 Proposal of Aidaralash as Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for base of the

1. All Russian Geological Research Institiute (VSEGEI), St. Petersburg, Russia 2. University of Iowa 3. Permian Research Institute, Boise State University, Idaho 82735 4. Brigham Young University 5. Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, Russia 6. U.S. Geological Survey

The base of the Permian System was originally defined of local letter-designated stages for the Permian are still being uti- (Murchison, 1841) in the of Russia to lized (e.g. Archbold et al., 1993) despite the fact that the Urals inter- coincide with strata marking the initiation of evaporite national standard has served effectively as a Western Australian ref- deposition, now recognized as the . erence for over one-half century (e.g. Miller, 1932). Similarly, in

Since that time, the base has been lowered repeatedly to China the base of the Permian became stabilized at the unconformity






cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddc dc ddfc

cd dc dc dc dc dc dchfyPdddddTˆc ddfc

cd dc dc dc dc dc dchecdddHwcs9dIc ddfc

cd dc dc dc dc dc ctdchecd@wf†9dcheddddgcyPddTˆcfddcducfyPTu ddfc

include a succession of faunas with post- cd dc dc dc dc dc y8dchecdrcfcxdchedddd‡PTcdcPdddddAˆfddcddddddddddddTˆc ddfc

cd dc dc dcheyPdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddchecdhdcheQddddddddddddddddIfddcdddddddddddddIc ddfc

cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddchecdhdchecdddddddddddddddddfddcdddcddcdddddddc ddfc

cddddddddddddddddHwchedc dc dc dc ddg‡ddcgcdddddhdvhe9dddddddddddddddddfQdd@‰dcQddddddddSc ddfc

cdfdc dc dc dc dc ddgUddcgcdddddhdIhe†RdHcRHc9dddddddddf†RH‰cdc†RdddHcRH‰c ddfc

cdfdc dc dc dv dc ddgdddcgcdhfdd xddc ddfc

cdfdc dv dc dI dc ddgdddcgcdhfQd cdSc ddfc

cdfdc dI dv dd dc ddfctdcdcgtdhf†9dddddchftdrc ddfc

cdfdc dd dI dd dc ddfcUdcdcgUdhfc†RH‰dd‡PddchUd‡Pdddd ddfc

cdfdc dd dS dd dc ddfcddcdcfctdd cddddddvhddddd†9d ddfc

cdfdc dd dc dd dc ddftddcdcf‡8dS cddHwcdIfc‡Pddddddccd cddc ddfc

cdfdc dd dI dd dc ddfUddcdcfUd@‰ ddf‡8dddˆdddcUd cyduhecddc ddfc

cdfdc dd dd ddvc dc ddfdddcdcfddrc c‡Pdddddecy8ddd†ddddcddhfcyPddddddcgcddv ddfc

affinities. Problems in correlating different biotic cdfdc dd dd ddAcPddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcdccddddd cUddddddddddddddcddddcdShedddddddddddcgcddI yPddgddfc


cddddddddddddddddddddddddHwc dd dc dd dd cddcdcdccxdIfcdddd‡PddddddddTˆdd‡PddddcetdddddIcddddddgcUdd@‰ cxddvchecdddgy8ddfc

cd dc dd dc dd dd tdScdcdceddfcdddddddddddddddddddddddSceUdcddddcddddddgcddH‰c ddDchecddddTucyPddddfc

cd dc dd dc dd dd UdrcdcdceddfcddddddcddddddcdddddddddrcctdScddddddcdddd‡Pdc dd chfs9ddddddddddfc

cd dc dd dc dd dd ddedcdceddvcetddddddddddddddddddHcRddecUdresRdddddddddddc c†AcPdhec†9dd@wceddfc

cd dc dd dc dd ddhfctdSedcdceQdAucy8ddchddhftdScgsRddddddSc yPddddddvchexddrfddfc

cd dc dd dc dd ddhfcUdredcdce†RddddddddTˆgQdfc‡PdfUdrchfdd‰ceddhddfyPdddddddH‰dIchecddcfddfc

cd dc dd dv dd ddhfcddcedcdcfcsdwcsRddIgxdfcUddectdS dddTucdde‡PddTˆddcddddddddHwcecddceyPddTˆecddcfddfc

cd dc dd dI dd ddhftdScedcdchec‡ddgtdfcdddecUdr ddddddddeUdddddddcdhfcQdddddddddAcPdddcfddfc

cd dc dd dd dd ddhfUdrcedcdche‡8dSgUdfcdddetddc cs9dddeddddddddcdhfcxdd@cRdHc9ddd@wgddfc

cd dc dd dd dd ddhfdSfdcdchc‡8ddrgdShc‡8dSc †C‰ddddddddddddd dH‰cf†RdH‰cgddfc

cd dc dd dd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddrfdcdchcUdcdvfctdrhcUddrc cddHw‡dddccddd ddfc

ddcfdcdchcQdddAucecUdchtddd ‡8dddvcddd ddfc

provinces with the Urals standard have served to justify cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

cdddddddddddddddddddddddHwfdd dd dd dd ddScfdcdchcxdddddTˆccddchUddS UddcdIcQdd ddfc

cdfdc dd dd dd dd ddrcfdcdcheQdddddAucdSchdddr ctdddddSc†Rd ddfc

cdfdc dd dd dd dd ctdSgdcdchexdddddddd@‰chddScheddTˆhe‡8dddddc cdTˆheddfc

cdfdc cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcfdd cUdrgdcdchecdd†RHcRH‰hctd@‰chctdddIheUddddddI cddAˆchddfc

cdfdc cddddddddddddddddddHwc dcfdd cddcgdcdchecQdc cUdrhecUdddShedddddddS cdddIchddfc

cdfdc cddc dcfdd cddcgdcdchecxdc cddchecddddrfcddcdcecsRdH‰ ddgcddddchddfc

cdfdc cddc dcfdd dcdchectdchfdddddchecddddcfcddcdc ddgcdd†dchddfc

cdfdc cddc dcfddeAˆcdhcddddchfdchecUdvhfdddddchfsRdcfcddddcfddddgddddgQdgcddcheddfc

cdfdc cddc dcfddedIcdhcddddchfdchecddIhc‡Pddddddc cdcddcfQdddgddddgxdvc ddfc

cdfdc cddc ‡PTuyPdc‡8uyPTucyPdTcPdc‡EˆcdTˆcAˆ dcfddvcddcddddTcPdTˆdddddTcPdddgdchetdddvcgcUdcdddddc cQddScfcdddgddddgcdIc ddfc

cdfdc cddc UddddddcUddddddddddddddcUdIcddIcdI dccyPdddIcddcdddddddddddddddddddddgdchc‡8@c9Aˆgcddcdddddv c†RH‰cfUdddgddddgcddc ddfc

cddddddddddddddddddddddddc ddcddddcdddddcdcddcddddcdddcdddcdd dddddddddcddcdddddddcddddddddddcddgdchcBdccxdAgcddcdddddAuc ddddgddddddfc


establishment of a plethora of regional chronostrati- cddddddddddddddddddddddddc dddddddcdd†Rddd‡ddddcddcdddcdddddd dchQdd@c9ddddddddddddHcRdddgdchcxdAˆcdcecyPddddcdddddddTˆc

cd ddecddc ddddcddcddecddd‰cdddddddddddddddd dch†RH‰c†RHwsRHcRHw dcheddAˆdIedddddddvfcs9dIcf‡PdTuc ddfc

cd ddecddc dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd†9dd dc dchedddddded@wcs9dAˆcfxddcec‡8ddddTuyPTˆc ddfc

cd ddecddc dHcRHcRddHcRddHcRddHcRddHwsRddc†Rd dc cyPddddcedchedddddddd@‰ec†9dIcfcddcecUd@wsRdddddAˆ ddfc

cd ddecddc dc ddec‡8cecddddddddvedcheddcdddddrcf†ddcfcQddTucddrhdI ddfc

cd ddecddc dc ddecUdcecdddddddddedcheQdddeddec‡PdddScfc†Rddddddchdd ddfc

cd ddecddc dc ddetdScecddddddddredchexddSeddecUdddH‰c‡8ucfcsRddchdd ddfc

cd ddecddc dc ddeUdrcecdd†9dddScedchecddceddecddcfUddTˆc QdddTˆ ddfc

cd ddecddchecdddTcPdec‡PdcddddddddTcPddTcPdddddTˆcddc dc ddctdSfcddc†RdH‰cctdchetddAucddecddcectddddIc †RdddAuc ddfc

cd ddecddchecdddddddecUddcdddddddddddddddddcddddAˆddc dc dd‡8drfcddcg‡8dcheUddddddSetddvecUdddddcdTˆc sRdd ddfc

cd ddecddchecdddddddecdddvccdedddcddedddddddddddddc d‡PdddddddddddddddddddScfcddcgUddcheQdddddH‰edddIecddddddcddAu cdvc ddfc

cddddddddddddddddddddddddchecdddH‰ddetdddIccdeddScddeddddddcddddddc ddddddddddddddddddddddrcfcddcgdddche†RHwg†ddd‡PddddddddddddTˆcdIc ddfc

cddddddddddddddddddddddddchecddceddcy8ddddccdeddrcQddddddddddddddddc dcfddhfddgcddcgdddc dddddddd@wsRdddddddddAuc cddc ddfc


graphic references. Work of the Subcommission on Per- cdfdd cddchecdSceddddd@c9dccdedSe†9dd@cRHcRdddddddc dcfddhectddgcddcgdddc dddddddd cfdddddddddd cddc

cdvcedd cddchec@‰ceddddH‰c†9ccde@‰ec†RH‰c dcfddhecUddgcddcgdddc ctddes9d†Aˆfddˆs9ddddd cQdc cdddH‰ddfc

cdIcedd cddc dcfddhetdddgcddcgdddc ‡8dSec†RddAˆceddAˆ†9dddddTˆchecxdv cdfddfc

cddcedd cddc dcfddheUdcdgcddcgdddc UddrgcdIcecs9Ic†RdddddAˆhfQAˆc tdfddfc

cddcedd cddc dcfddhedScdgcddcgdddc QddvgcddcfxdvcedddddAˆchexdAˆ Udfddfc

cddcedd cddc dcfddhctdrcdgcddcgdddc †9dAucfcQdcfcQIceQdddddAˆhecQdI dTˆc dSfddfc

cddcedd cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcfddhcUdccdgcddcgdcdc c†Rdddfcxdvfcxdve†RdddddAˆchc†9dvchfddAu cyPd@‰fddfc

cddcedd cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddHwc ddhtdSccdgcddcgdcdc cs9dvcfdIgdIfcdddcdAˆhexdIchfddddTuhe‡PdddH‰cfddfc

cddcedd dd dd dd ddgcy8drccdgcddcfctdcdc †9IcfQdvcectdSfcQdddddIhecddccyPdddddddTˆd@c9dddddTucecy8d@whddfc

cddcedd dd dd dd‡PdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddSecdgcddcfcUdcdc cxdvfxdAˆecUdcfc†RdddddvchcddddddddHwsRdddH‰c†RddddddddddddH‰chddfc

cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddrecdgcddcfcddcdc dIfcQdIecQdAucyPdceddddIcgyPdddHwc csRddddHwcheddfc

cddddddddddddHcdwcdd dd dd dd cddcecdgcddcfcddcdc ddfc†9dec†RddddddccgddddScec‡Pddd@w ddfc

cddc dd dd dd dd tdScecdgcddcfcdScdv Qdvcfxdvcfcddcdddd‰‡dH‰ce‡8d†RH‰c ddfc


mian Stratigraphy (SPS) has focused on achievement of cddc dd dd dd dd Udrcecdgcddcftdrcdd xdAufcdIceddddd‡dddddd`cecy8dSc

cddc dd dd dd dSfcdgcddcfUdctdr cddddddddddcedddddd‰dd†9dfdddH‰c ddfc

cddc dd dd ctdrfcdgcddcfddcUdc sRddddddd‡Pdd@c9ddddSc†9dTˆcd@wc ddfc

cddc dd ‡PddddTˆhfcUdcfcdgcddcectdScddv s9dddd@‰c†Rddd‰cc†ddAˆdr ddfc

cddc dd ddgc‡8dHws9dIhftdScfcdgcddcecUdrcddI c†9ddd‰cfdddddddddddc ddfc

cddc dd cdddTcPdgyPddTcPTuc ddgcUdcec†9dhfUdrcfcdgcddcecddccddd †Rddddfdd@cRddddddc ddfc

cddc dd cddddddd‡PTcPdddddddddddddddddddTcPdddddddfcdScfxdvcheddgcdgcddcetdSctddd ddfd@‰c ddfc

cddc dd cQdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddSfcdrc9ddccddcheddgcdgcddceUdrcUddd QdddTˆdc ddfc

cddc dd c†ddddddddddd@‰ddddddddcddddcdcddddcdcdddcfcdvc†Rdctdrcecdddddddddgcdgcddceddedddd †RdddddD ddfc

cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddcdrcdddddddddddddddcddddddcdddIfcdAˆec‡8dfcQddddddddgcdgcddcctdSedddd csRdH‰ ddfc

cdddddddddddddddddHwheddhddddddHcRddcdccdcdcRHcRdddddddcdHcRddcdcRdfcQdAucy8dSfcxdde‡dddgcdgcddccUdredcdd ddfc

cddcedd dd c†RdddddH‰gddeUdddgcdgcddccddcctdcddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddfc

cddcedd dd sRHwhddeddddgcdgcddccdSccUdcdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddHwcecdd@wcdd ddfc

ddctdcddgcdgcddctdrccddc cddc cddredS ddfc international standards and nomenclature for all subdi- cddcedd dd

cddcedd dd ddcUdcddgcdgcddcUdecddc tdSc tdScctdr ddfc

cddcedd dd ddcdScddgcdgcddcddecddc Udrc UdrccUdc ddfc

cddcedd dd dd dd ddddrcddgcdgcddcdSecddc dS ctdSetdSc ddfc

cddcedd dd dd dd ddddeddgcdgcddcdrecdSc ctdr ‡8@‰eUdrc ddfc

cddcedd dd dd dd dddSeddgcdgcddddcecdrc cUdc UdrcedS ddfc

cddcedd dd dd dd dddreddgcdgcddddcecd cddc ctdSectdr ddfc

cddcedd dd dd cyPddddddddddddddddddddddddddddceQdgcdgcdddScecd cddc cUdrecUdc ddfc

cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddScexdgcdgcdddrcecd tddc tdScecdSc ddfc

cdddddddddHwgdd cd dd cdheddrcecdgcdgcdddfcd c‡8dSc c‡8drcetdrc ddfc

cddc dd cd dd cdheddfcdgcdgcdddfcd ‡8d@‰c cUdSfUd ddfc

cddc dd cd dd cdhctdSfcdgcdgcdddfcd‡Pdd c‡8d@‰ td@‰fdd Qdfc

cddc dd cd dd cdhcUdrfcdgcdgcdddfcddddd cUd@‰c Udrcfdd xdfc

cdfc visions of the Permian System. The recent consensus cddc dd cd dd cdhcddcfcdgcdgcddSfcdd@‰dc‡Pd td@‰ ctdSgdS

cddc dd cd dd cdhtdScfcdgcdgcddrfcddrcdcUdd c‡8drc ‡8drgdr cdfc

cddc dd cd dd cdhUdrcfcdgcdgcddcfcddccdcdddgdTcPTˆfy8dS Uddvfctdc cdfc

cddc dd cd dd cdhddgcdgcdgcddchcdcdddfctdddddAe‡PddH‰ ctdddAˆcecUdc cdfc

cddc dd cd Qd cdgctddgcdgcdgcddchcdcdcdf‡8dddddrcy8d@w ‡8dcddAˆecddc cdfc

cddc dd cd xd cdgy8ddgcdgcdgcddchcdcdcdc‡8c8dddH‰d‡PddH‰c UddddddIecddcfcydc cdfc

cddc dd cd cdhfyPddddddddddddddddddddgcdgcdgcddce‡Pdcecdddcd‡8dddHwcedddHwc ctddddddddecdScec9dddc cdfc

cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddgcdgcdgcddveUddvecdddcddd@w ‡8@whcdrcecƒdddddddc cdfc

cddddddddddddHwc cd cd cd ddddgcdgcdgcddIctdcdIecdddcQddrc Udrchtdf‡8‰ddddddc cdfc

cddcedd cd cd cd ddddgcdgcdgcdddcUdcddecddSc†Rd ctdSheUdf8ddddc cdfc

cddcedd cd cd cd ctdcddgcdgcdgcQddcddcddecddr ‡8drheddfcsRddddd cdfc

cddcedd cd cd cd cUdcddgcdgcdgcxddcddcddecddc UdSchedSh‡ddd ‡8 cdfc

cddcedd cd cd cd cddcddgcdgcdhddddScddecddc ctd@‰chctdrfc9ddd‰ Ud cdfc

(Jin et al.,1997 ) recognized three , with standards cddcedd cd cd cd tdScddgcdgcdhddd@‰cQdecddc cUdrhecUdcfc†Rddddc dd cdfc

cddcedd cd cd cd Udrcddgcdgcdhd†@‰exdecddc tdSchecdSchcddc dd cdfc

cddcedd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcd dSeddgcdgcdvcgdcfcd UdrchetdrcfddddddSc dd cdfc

cddcedd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddHwheddcd ctdreddgcdgcdIcgdcfcd ddhfUdgddddddrchfctdd cdfc

cddcedd dc ddcd y8dceddgcdgcdScgdcfcdec‡Pd ctdShfdShcddd cUdd cdfc

cddcedd dc ddddddddddddddddddddSceddgcdgcdhdcfcdecUdd cUdrhectdrfc‡Pdddˆc cddd cdfc

cddddddddddddddddddddddddddv ddddddddddddddddddddrceddgcdgcdIcgdcfcdetddd cddchecUdcfcUddddIc cddd cdfc

cddc cdgdd dccdddddddc‡Pdcddc ddhfcdeddfddgcdgcddcgdcfcdcy8ddS c‡PdTˆhtdddTˆhtdScfcddccddc tdcd cdfc

cddc cdgdc dccddddcddcUddcddc ddhfcdedSfddgcdgcddcgdcfcddddcdr cBdddIhUd†9dAˆcgUdrcfcdddddSc Udcd cdfc

cddc cdgdI dccdddddddˆdddcddc ddhfcdctdrfddgcdgcddcgdcfcddddddc dccdhddc†ddIcgddfddcddddH‰c ddcd cdfc

cddc cdgdd dvcdddddd†dddddddc ddhfcdcUdcfddgcdgcddcgdcfcdddcddc cUddddhdddddddcfctdSectdS ddcd cdfc

cddc cdgdd dAˆddddddddddddddc ddvchecdcdScfddgcdgcddcgdcfcQdScddc tddddSgctd@wchcUdrecUdr‡8 dScd cdfc

cddc cdgdd dddHcRHcRddHcRddddddhfQdAˆhecdcdrcfddgcdgcddcgdcfc†C‰tddc UddddrgcUdrhecddcecdd‡8d ctdrtd cdfc

†9dAˆchcdddgddgcdgcddcgdchUdddTˆ ddddScgcddchetdScecQdddd cUd‡8d cdfc for the Lower Permian Series located in the cddc cdgdd

cddc cdgdd c†9dAˆhcddSgddgcdgcddcgdchddˆddI QdddrcgcdScheUdrcec†Rddddddc cddddd cdfc

cddc cdgdd †9dAˆcgcddrgddgcdgcddcgdcgctd†dddd †dddhtdrcheddhcsRddc cdddcd cdfc

cddc cdgdd c†RdAugcddcgddgcdgcddcgdcgcUdddHwchfyPdddShUdhectdS cddScd cdfc

cddc cdgdd cyPdc‡8cfcs9dTˆfcddcgddgcdgcddcgdcgcdd@wchfcddddd@‰hddhecUdr cdH‰cd cdfc

cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddccdcdddddgdddddc‡Pdc‡PddTcPddd‡8dcg†9dAucetddcgddgcdgcddcgdcgcd@‰ cQddddhedShecddc cd cdfc

cdddddddddddHwhfddedddddddccdcdddddgddcddcUdd‡8ddddddddddddcddTuec†RddTˆcUddcgddgcdgcddcgdcgtdrcgcddcgdddddchdrhecdSc cd cdfc

cddcecd ddeQdddcddccdcdddddgdddddcdddd‚9dddcdddddddcddddTuecs9dAˆdddcgddgcdgcddcgdcgUdhcddcfcUdˆhfdchecdrc cd cdfc

cddcecd ddeƒddddddctdcddddddddddddddddcddddedddcdddddddcddcdddTue†RdddcdcgddgcdgcddcgdcgddhcddddcecddAuchctdchetd cd cdfc

cddcecd ddeU‰cdddd‡8dcddcddfcs9dcddddddd‡8ddddddddcddcddcd†RddTuesRdddcyAˆceddgcdgcddcgdcgddgcddddddcetdddddhcUdcheUd cd cdfc

cddcecd ddeQddddddddScddddSgxdddddHwsRddddHcRdddcddcddcdesRddTues9ddddIceddgcdgcddcgdcgddgcQdddddceUddddrhcddchedd cd cdfc

cddcecd dde†RdHwcsRH‰cdddH‰gcddHwc ddcdfsRddTuc†RddddveddgcdgcddcgdcgdShddddScedddddchcddchedS cd cdfc

cddcecd dd ddcdgs9ddTˆfdIeddgcdgcddcgdcgdrgcUddddrceddcdSchcdddTugctdr cd cdfc

ddcdhdddAˆceQdvcddgcdgcddcgdcgdcgcddcddectdddH‰chcdddddTˆfcUdc cd cdfc southern Ural Mountains of and Russia, the cddcecd dd

cddcecd dd yPddddddddddddddddddddddddcdgcUd†9dIcexdIcddgcdgcddcgdcfctdcgcddddSecUddˆchecddcdddDfcddc cd cdfc

cddcecd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcdgcddcxddcecddcddgcdgcddcgdcfcUdvfcddddddretddddchecdddddH‰ftdSc cd cdfc

cddcecd cd cdhecdddddddddddddddddddddSccQdddddddcddgcdgcddcgdcfcddAucetddddddceUd cdddHwgUdrc cd cdfc

cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddrccxdˆgddgcdgcddcgdcfcddddddcUdddddScedddddchecddchdS cd cdfc

cQdc cd cd cd dSfdIgddgcdgcddcgdcftdcddddˆddddddrcddddddSchecdScgctdr cd cdfc

dc cd cd cd ctdrfddgddgcdgcddcgdcfUddddH‚ddd†9ddctddddddrchecdrcgcUdc cd cdfc

cddc cd cd cd cUdcfddgddgcdgcddcgdcfddHwecdddvxddcddddddShfcdhcdSc cd cdfc

cxdc cd cd cd cdScfddgddgcdgcddcgdcectdcfcdddAˆdScxdddddrhftdhtdrc cd cdfc

dc cd cd cd tdrcfddgddgcdgcddcgdcecUdcfcdc9dddreddcdSchfUdhUd cd cdfc

dc cd cd cd Udgddgddgcdgcddcgdcecddcgc†9ddceddddrchfddhdd cd cdfc

dc cd cd cd ctdSgddgddgcdgcddcgdcetdSch†Rdcedddd dSgctdSf‡PddTˆ cd cdfc

dc cd cd cd cUdrgddgddgcdgcddcgdceUdrchfctddddhfctdrgcUdrfUddddA cd cdfc

cd cdfc Middle Permian Series references in the dc cd cd cd cddcgddgddgcdgcddcgdcedd ‡8ddˆchfcUdcgcddcfdd

dc cd cd cd cddcgddgddgcdgcddcgdcedS UdddIchfcddcgcdScfdd cd cdfc

dc cd cdhecyPddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcgddgddgcdgcddcgdcedr ddc‡SchfcdScgcdrcfdddddc cdfc

dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcgddgddgcdgcddcgdcedvhfctddddrchfcdrcgtdhcdSc cdfc

dcecd cd cd cdc‡dddcgddgddgcdgcddcgdcedAuchecddddS tdhUdfcddddd cdfc

dcecd cd cd cdcUdcdcgddgddgcdgcddcgdcedddTuchedddc UdvcgddfcdddddIc cdfc

dcecd cd cd cdcdScdcgddgddgcdgcddcgdcedddddTˆcgy8dddAˆchfddAˆgdSfcddccddc cdfc

dcecd cd cd cdcdrcdcgddgddgcdgcddcgdceddcdddDcf‡PddddddIchectdddAˆcfdrfcddccddc cdddeddd@ cdfc

dcecd cd cd cdddedcgddgQdgcdgcddcgdcedddddH‰cfUddddd†RdchecUdcddAˆfdcfcdddddSc ddvcxd@‰ cdfc

dcecd cd cd cddSedcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcedd@whdddddd cddddddAectdcgcdd@‰c cUddIctdrc cdfc

dcecd cd cd cddredcgddgUdgcdgcddcgdceddrchdddddd cddddHwcecUdcecddddddc cddddcUd cdfc

dcecd cd cd cddcedcgddgQdgcdgcddcgdceddhedddddS td@wgcddcecddddddd cddddcdd cdfc

dcecd cd cd cdScedcgddgxdgcdgcddcgdceddhfsRH‰ Udrcgcddc td†9dddS cdfc

cd cdrcedcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcedd ddhcddcedddddddd Udcxdddr cdfc American southwest, and the Upper Permian dcecd

dcecd cdddTuhfdTˆc cyPdddddddddddfdcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcedd dShcdScecsRddddd ctddvcQddc cdfc

dddddddddddddddddddcftdddddddTcPTcPddTˆddAcPdcdcdddddddddddddddddddddddddddfdcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcedd ctdrhcdrc cUddDcxdSc cdfc

dc cdrcfUdc‡ddddddddddddddddddddcdcdddddddgcdhc‡dSfdcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcedS cUdchcdgdddddd cddH‰cc@‰c cdfc

dc cdgdd‡8dddddddddddddddcdddddddd†9dcddgcdhcUdrfdcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcedc cddchcdgdddddd cdfc

dc cdgQdddddd†9dddcdcdddddddddddddeddddgcdhcddcfdcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcedAˆc cdSchcdgddedS cdfc

dc cdg†RdHcRdc†RddcdcdddddHcRdddddcUdddSgcdhcdScfdcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcctddAu cdrchcdgdddddr cdvcec

dc cd cdddH‰gcdhtdrcfdcgddgcdgcdvcfcddcgdccUddddTˆ tdhecdfctdddddc cdIcec

dc cd cdhUdgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcgdccddccddD UdhecdfcUdc cddcec

dc cd cyPddTuc cdhdSgdcgddgcdgcdrcfcddcgdccdddddH‰ ddhecdfcddc cddcec

dc cd dddddddd cdgctdrgdcgddgcdgcdvcfcddcgdctddHwc ddhecdfcdddTu cddcec

dc cd ctd@wccs9dvc cdgcUdcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcgdcUd ddhecdfcddddddc cddcec

dc cd cUdrfxdIc cdgcddcgdcgddgcdgcdgcddcgdcdd ddhecd cddcec

cddcec Series and Erathem boundary in South China. dc cd cddccddccddc cdgcddcgdcgddgcdgcdIcfcddcgdcdd ddhecde9dddddTˆ

ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcddccddccddcedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcgdddd dddTucgcde†RdddddI cddcec

ddddddddHcRHwc cdecQdvftddchcd dddcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcgdddd d†9dddgcdhdd cddcec

dcecd cdvccxdAucc‡8dSchcd dddcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcgdddd ‡PddTˆhedc†ddSgcdhdd cddcec

dcecd cdIceQddTc8d@‰chcd dddcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcgdddd UddddAˆchddddH‰gcde9ddddddS cdecddcec

dcecd cddce†RddddH‰ dddcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcgdddd d@ws9dIchddHwhcde†RddddH‰ cddcec

dcecd cddc Qddcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcddcfctdcddhfctdre†9dvhdchecd cddcec

dcecd cddc xddc ddgcdgcddcfcddcfcUdcddhfcUdcecxdIhdchecd cddcec

ddTucd cddc cddc ddgcdgcddcfcddcfcddcddhfcddcfQdvcgdchecd cddcec

ddddddvc cddchedTcP@chc‡Pd c‡PdhfddgcdgcddcfcddcftdScddhfcddcfxdIcgdchecd cddcec

dcsRddAu cddcheddd@‰‡PTuyPdTuy8ddcdcddddddddddTc8dd‡dcPdddcfddgcdgcddcfcddcfUdrcddhfcddcfcddcgdchecd cddcec

dcesRdddd cddchedddccUddddddddddddcdcddddddddddddddddddddddcfddgcdgcddcfcddcfddeddhfcddcfcQdvgdchecd cddcec


The GSSP for the base of the Permian and basal dcfcsRd cddchedddAˆddddddcddddddcdcddddcddcdddddddddddcddc‡PddddgcdgcddcfcddcfdSeddhfcddcfcxdIgdchecdhcddcddhddcd dcheddddddddddddddddddddddddddddedddddddddddcddddddcddddddcQddd†9ddddddcddddcUdddddgcdgcddcfcddcectdreddddhecddcgQdvcfdchecdhcddcddhddcd cddcec

dc dHcRdddddddcddddddcddddddc†Rddc†CcRHcdcddddcddddddgcdgcddcfcQdcecUdceddddvchcddcgxdIcfdchecdhcddcdddddddddddddddddddddcdd cddcec

dchfcddTuc ddddddgcdgcddcfcxdcecddceQdddIchcQdcgcQdvfdchecdhcddcddddddddddddcdcddddddcdd cddcec

dchfcxddddTu ddddddgcdgcddcgdcecdSce†RdddvhcxdcgcxdIfdchecdhcQdddddd†9ddddddcdcddddddddd cddcec

dchfctd@cRddTˆ cddccddchedcecsRdddgcdgcddcgdcetdrcgdAˆchdchddfdcgdddddddTucfc†Rdddddc†RdddddcdcdddHcRddd cddcec

dchfcUdresRdA cddc cddccdSchedcgddgcdgcddcgdceUdhQdAˆhdvhQdvcedcgdddddddddTuc cddcec

dchfcdSc cddc cddccdrcedcgdcgddgcdgcddcgdcedSh†9dIhdIhxdIceddTugsRdddddddddddTˆc cddcec

dchfc@‰c cddc cddctdfdcgdcgddgcdgcddcgdcctdrhc†9dvcgddhcQdveddddTˆgcd@wecsRdddIc cddcec

dc cddc cddcUdfdcgdcgddgcdgcddcgdccUdche†9AˆgddhcxdIeddcddIgcdrchdvgddddfddddhfdTˆc cddcec

dc c9dTucfcddc cddcdSfdcgdcgddgcdgcddcgdccddchec†9AˆcfQdheddeddddddgcdhctdIgddddfddddhfddAˆ cddcec

dc c†RddTucecddc cddcdrfdcgdcgddgcdgcddcgdccddchf†dAˆfxdheQdvcddd@wcgcdhcUdd‡Pdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd†Icdddddddddhfcddcec

dc csRddTuccddc cddcdcfdcgdcgddgcdgcddcgdctddddddddddddddddddIfcdvchxdIcdd@‰hcdhtddddddddcddddddddddddddddddddddd@‰dcdcdddddddddhfcddcec


Cisuralian Stage has been ratified by the Inter- dc c‡dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcfdcgdcgddgcdgcddcgdcUdddddddddHwfcs9dvcecdAuhcddcddrchcdhUddddddcdcddddddcdddddddcddddddd dc cUd†Rdddedddˆfcddchecddcfdc dd cddcgdcdd xdIcecdddTugcQdcQdhetdhdd†9dddcdcddddddddddddddcddddddddccdcddddddcddddhfcddcec

dc tdSccsRddddddAˆcecddchecdScfdc dd„8f‡8gcddcgdcdS cddcecdddddddfcxdvxdvchUdhddc†Rddcdcdwsdwc cddcec

dc UdrcecsRdHc9dIcecddchetdrcfdccddcdcdddTucecƒddecy8dgcdddTufdcdr cQdcecQdc‡dddgdIcdIchdd cddcec

dc ddhecddcecddcheUdgdccddcdcdcdddTcPdd‰d‡Pdddd‡PdTcPdddddddcedddc cxdvecxd‡8@wcfctddcddchdd cddcec

dc cy8ddcecddcheddgdccddddcdcddddddddcdddddddddddddcddddddcedddc dIfdd@‰g‡8dd‡ddchdS cddcec

dc dddddddddTˆddchedSgdccddddcdcdddcddcdcdcdddcdddcdddcddddddcedddc ddfddrcgUdddd‰dvgctdr cddcec

dc dddddHwcdddddchedrgdccd†9dcdcddddddddcdddddcddddddScddddddceddddddddddddddddddddddddvceddgctd@‰ddcdIgcUdc cddcec

dv dddcfctdddddchctdcgdccdc†9cdcdddHcRddcdcRddcdcRdddrcddddddcedd cdIceddgcUd‰cddcddgcddcecdddd@ cddcec

dI QdScf‡8dcsRddTugcUdcgdc sRdccdddHwfdS cddceQdgcdddddd‡ddgtdScecdddH‰ cddcec

dd †C‰cfUdScesRdddcfcdScgdc cdgcddcgdr cQdcexdvchedd‰dvcfUdrcecddc cddcec

dd d@‰cfsRdcfcdhdcgdc cdgcddcfctdc cxdvecdIcheddcdIcfddfcddddddc cddcec

dd @‰hecdddddIcgdcgdc cdgcddcfcUdc dIecddcheddcQdcfdSfcQdddddc cddcec

dddcgdcgdc cdgcddcfcddc ddecddcheQdcxdddddddcfcxdcedv cddcec

national Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) at dd dd dddvgdcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcdddddddddddddddddddddddddddecQdchexdvcddc‡dddIgdddddd cddcec

dd dddAˆcfdcgdcgddgcdgcddcfcdddddddddddddddddddddddddddvccxdvhecdIcQd‡8dcddfdddddd cddcec

dd ddAufdcgdcgddgcdgcddc cdIcedIhecddcxdddScQdvcedHwccddd cddcec

dd ddddTuedcgdcgddgcdgcddc cQdceQdhecQdccdd@‰cxdIcfcdddddvc cddcec

dd ctd@cRddTˆdcgdcgddgcdgcddcfdd cxdvexdvchcxdvcddrecddcfcdddddIc cddcec

dd cU@‰es9dddcgdvgddgcdgcddcfdS dIecdIchedA„ddvecQdvfcddccddc cddcec

dd c@‰cec†Rddcgddgddgcdgcddcectdr QdecddcheQdd‰dIecxdIfcQddddSc cddcec

dd csdcgdcgddgcdgcddcecUdc †dvccQdche†9ddddvceQdvcec†Rddd‰c cddcec

dd dIgddgcdgcddcecdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddIccxdchec†9dddIcexdIcgcddd cddcec

dd ddgddgcdgcddcecddc s9dvedddddddcg†9dddvecQdce‡Pdddddd cddcec

dd ddgddgcdgcddcecdSc cxdIeddc‡ddScgc†9ddIecxdve8ddddddd cddcec

dd ddgddgcdgcddcec@‰c QdvcQd‡8d@‰ch†9ddvcedIecsRddddS cddcec

ddvcfddgcdgcddc xdIcxddd@‰hec†9dAˆeQdvcfddd‰ cddcec

Aidaralash Creek, Aktöbe (formerly Aktyubinsk) region, dd dd ddAufQdgcdgcddc cQdvcdd@‰chf†9dAˆcxdIcc‡Pddddd@c cddcec

dd cs9dTˆexdgcdgcddc c†dA„ddr c†9dAˆcQdvcUdddddH‰c cddcec

dd †9dAˆccdgcdgcddcedTucgyPTcPdddddddddddddddddddddd‰dv †9dAˆxdIcddHwc cddcec

ddgcddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddchfc†RdAucdgcdgcddcedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcdI c†9dA„dd cddcec

ddgcdddddddddddddddddddddddHw dc c‡ddddgcdgcddcctdc dddd †9dd‰dvc cddcec

ddgcddc dc ‡8ddddvcfcdgcddccUdc Qddd c†9dddIc cddcec

ddgcddcddddcdddTcPddddcfc‡PdddeddedddTcPddddddeddeAˆcddcedc Ud@c9dAˆfcdgcddccddc xdcdvc cddddv cddcec

ddgcddcddddcddddddddddcfcUddddctddvcddddddddddddctddedAˆddcedc dH‰c†9dAˆcecdvcfcddccdSc cdddIc UddddI cddcec

ddgcddcdccddddcddddˆcgcddcsdcUddIcdddˆcddcddddcUddvcdddddcedc c†RdAc‡PddAˆfcddcc@‰c cddddc ddddddvc cddcec

ddgcddcddd@‰dddddddIccddddddddcecddddcdddAˆdddddddcdddIcdddddcedc 8ddddIfcddc cddddc ctdccdddAˆ cddcec

ddgcddcddH‰cddddcdddvcddddddddcydˆddddcecddddcedddddddcdcdddcedc †9‰dddfcddc‡Pdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcdc cUdddddddI cddcec

ddgcddcdcecddddcdddAˆcfs9dddddddddddddddddcedddddddddcQddcedc cdddfcddcUddddddddddddddddddddddddddcsRdddddddddddddc cdddddddddvc cQdcec


northern Kazakhstan. It is defined by the first occur- ddgcddcdcecdHcRdddddAcfc†RddddHwsRddddHcRdcedddHwsRddc†Rdcedc c‡PTˆdddfcddcddgcddˆcdhfdcgcdˆcedddc s9ddAˆ ddgcddc dv y8dddddSfcddcdSgtddIcddTcPdddddddcddTuyPddddIcedddcgddddhfcxdddI dcec

ddgcddc dI cddd@wsRd fcddcdrgUdddcddddddddddddcddddddddddScedddcgdddd Qddd dcec

ddgcddc dd cdddrcefdTˆecddcdcgddddcdcdddcdcddcdcdcddddddcdrcedddcgdddd †ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dcec

ddgcddc dd cdddfcQdAˆccddcdcgddddddcddScdcddcdcddddddddcdedddddvgQddSgdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dcec

ddgcddc cdddTˆc‡Eˆcdddddddcddcdd dd c†9dAˆcddcdcgdccdddcdd‰cdcddcdcdddccdddcdedddddIgcdd‰gdd cd dcec

ddgcddc cddddIcUdIcdddddddcddcdd dd †9dIcddceddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddgUddddcfdd cydc cd dcec

ddgcddc cddcddcdddcQdddcddcddddd dd c†Rdcddc dddddSgddhdd cyPddddc cd dcec

ddgcddc cdddddddddv†Rdddddcddddd dd cddddc dddddrgdddddcfddgddedddTcPdddddddddcddddcddddcgcd dcec

ddgcddc cddcddddddAueddddcddddd dd cddddc dddcgQddddcectddfctddvcdddddddddddddddcddddcdddScgcd dcec

ddgcddc cdddddddddddddddddcd@‰dd dd cddc dddcgxddddce‡8dSfcUddIcd@‰ddccded@c9dcdcddcdddrcgcd dcec

ddgcddc cdddHcRHwsdcRdHwsdc@‰cdd dd cddc dddcgcddddce8dH‰fcddddcdccddccdedcedcddddcdddhcd dcec

ddgcddc dd cQdc yPTufddScgcdcddchetddddcdAˆddccdedAc8dcdccdcdhecd dcec

cxdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd‰cgcQdddcheUddddddddddccdeQdddScddddcddddcgcd dcec

rence of the isolatus in the ddgcddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddgcdddddddddddddHw QdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddfcƒdddvhedHwsRHcRdddccde†RdH‰cddddcddddcgcd dcec

dd †9dd cdd@wsRdddddddHwfcddd‰cdI csdc cd dcec

dd c†RdcddddTˆc ‡PddH‰ cddddddd cd dcec

dd cQddddIchfc‡8d@w cdd†Rddd cd dcec

dd c†9wcddchf‡8ddhfyPddddecddccsRdeddddcdddddddcdddddTˆfcdddddcddcddddddddTcPdcd dcec

dd tddchf8dddAufddddddddddddhfddddcdddddddcddddcdAucecddcddcdd‡ddddddddddddcd dcec

dd ddTc8ddc dddddTucddecd ddcddddcddcddddddddddddddddddddd‚Rddddddddddcd dcec

dd cgdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddecdddddcdddddddddddddddddddddecdddddddddcd dcec

ddf‡PdTˆcfdc ‡PdcdddTcPdddc dd`ccsdw sRdHwcdd ddc9ddddddddddddd@wcecddddddddddddddddddcddcd dcec

ddfUdddIcfdc Bddcdddddddddc dd dd ddc†RddHcRdHcRddH‰fcdddHcdwsRdddHcRdddcddcd dcec

ddfddcddcfd‡Pddddddddc xddcddcdddcddc cddc ddhfddddfdd cd dcec

ddfddcddcfdddddddddddc cddcddcddddddc cQdv dShfddddvcedd cd dcec

cddcQddddddddc cxdAˆc drhfddcdDcedd cd dcec

S. wabaunsensis chronocline. This level closely approx- ddfddcddcfdddcddcdcddc ddfdddddcfddddddcdcddc cddc†RdHcRdddc QdIc dchfddd@‰cedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dcec

ddfcsdwgdcRHwc †9dc cydcPddddddchfdd@‰fdddddddddddddddddddddddHwsRHwc dcec

dd c†Rddddddddddddddddddddddddddchfdd‰c ddfdc dcec

dd dc dchfdddddc dSfdc dcec

ddhecd cddc dc dchfQddc ctdrfdv dcec

ddhecd cddc dc dchfxddddc cUdcfdI dcec

ddhecd cddc dc dchfcddddc cddcfdd dcec

ddhecd cd cddc cd dc cdTˆ dchfcddddc tdScfdd dcec

ddhecd cd cddc cd dc cQdAuc dchfcddddc Udrcfdd dcec

ddhecddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddc c†9ddddddddddddddddddddddc dv ddgdd dcec

ddhecddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddH‰ddddddddddddddddddddd dc xddddddddddddddddddddddchfcddddd ddgdd dcec

ddhecddddddddddddddddddd cddddddddddddddddddddd‡Pdddddddddddddddddc cQdˆ dvhfcddc dScddceQd dcec

cxdAˆc dIhfcddddd drtddcexd dcec

imates the traditional boundary definitions based on ddhecddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddc ddhecd cddddddddddddddddddddddc cddddddddddddddddddddc QdIc ddhfcdddddhfctdcUddcecd dcec

ddhecd cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddc †Rdc ddhfcdddddhfcUdcdddcecd dcec

ddhecddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddc ddhfcdddddhfcdddddScecd dcec

dd ddvc cdhfcdddddrcecd dcec

dd ddddddddddddddddddAuhfddddhfcdddcdfcd dcec

dd cddddddchddddvchecddScdfcd dcec

dd dTˆcdTuyPTˆcgcyduhfcddc‡dScgdddddddchecdd‰cdfcd dcec

dd ddIcddddddAcPdTcPdddddTcPdhcQd‡8@‰cgddddddgcdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhdcec

dd ctdddcddddddddddddddddddddddhcxdd@‰heddddIcfcdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddHcdweddhdcec

dd cUdddcdddcddcdcddddddcdcddddddddgddrchedddddcfcddc ddhdcec

dd cdddddddddddcddddddddcdcddddddddgddvcheddcddcfcddc ddhdcec

dd cdHcRdddddddcddddddddcQdddddddddddddddddIcheddddScfcddccddccddcdddTˆcc‡EˆedddTˆccddccddcec‡EˆedddTˆcdccddcddhdcec


ammonoid cephalopods and fusulinacean foraminifers. dd Qd cdddTu cQdd†9ddddhdIhcdddddIcfcddctddIcddcdd†9dccdddeddcddcUddvcddcecdddeddfdccddcddhdcec

xd ddfcyPTˆdddddTˆ cxddc†RdddhQdvcgcddddddcfcddcUdddcddcddcxdctdddvcddddScdddIcddcetdddvcdddTˆcdddddcddhdcec

cd ctddcyPdddddddddcddAuyPddc QdvchfxdIcgcddddddcfcddcddddcddcddctdcUdcdIcddddrtddddcddceUdcdIcc‡ddIcdddddcddhdcec

cd cUdddddddddddddddddddddddcfcyPddTuc xdAuhfcQdvgcddHcRdcfcddcdddddddcdd‡8dcdddddcdddd‡8dddddddceddddd‡Pd‰ddcdccddcddhdcec

cd tddddddcddddddcdddcddddddcfdddddddd cQddddTˆhcxdI cddddddddddcddddScd@c9ddddcddddccdddddddd@c9ddddddScdccddcddhdcec

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c c Since the orginal proposal of the Permian (Murchison, 1841), the c base of the System has been subject to frequent regional redefini- Figure 1 Upper tectonostratigraphic map of the tions. Even in the type areas of the Ural Mountains, it has been low- southern Ural Mountains. Limestone pattern depicts the eastern margin of the Russian Platform. The vertical- and horizontal- ered repeatedly following recognition of post-Carboniferous affini- striped patterns depict the Ural Sub-basin and the Aktöbe Sub- ties of from beneath the original (Kungurian) base of the Sys- basin respectively. Together they comprise Belsk Depression tem. As considered further herein, the , , and (not labeled) of the Pre-Uralian Foredeep. The two main Asselian were added in sequence beneath the Kungurian. Elsewhere, stratigraphic sections considered for the GSSP for the base of separate and largely independent chronostratigraphic standards Permian System, Aidaralash and Usolka, are identified. Other evolved. As an example, problems in recognition of the Carbonifer- important Permo-Carboniferous sections of the region are ous/Permain boundary in Australia resulted in proposal of the indicated. The Aidaralash Creek section has now been ratified by “Kamilaroi” to embrace both systems (David, 1950), and sequences the IUGS as the GSSP for the base of the Permian System.

Episodes, Vol. 21, no. 1 12

beneath the Chihsian, the approximate correlative of the Kungurian, ical Congress (Glenister and Wardlaw, 1996). The present Episodes without appropriate consideration of successive lowering of the base publication represents the final step in full ratification. in the Urals. Such practices are counterproductive. So long as strati- A stone and concrete marker with a plaque has been erected at graphers are content to utilize local references, there is no incentive the Aidaralash Creek section, Aktyubinsk (currently Aktöbe) mark- to develop a common international language for geological time. ing the geographic and stratigraphic location of the GSSP (Figure General recognition of the desirability of international stan- 3C). An agreement has been reached (Summer 1997) with the dards for all intervals of geological time followed publication of the Aktöbe Regional Geological Survey of Kazakhstan through Efim I. Knizhnik, Deputy Director, regarding accessibility of the site at pioneering investigations of the - Boundary Com- Aidaralash; the Aktöbe Regional Geological Survey has graciously mittee (McLaren, 1977). The initial proposal of the Aidaralash sec- offered to provide the following: tion of northern Kazakhstan (Figure 1) as Global Stratotype Section ● Organize official legislative action to establish a permanent sci- and Point for the Base of the Permian System was approved infor- entific preserve for the GSSP site. mally by the International Congress on the Permian System of the ● Maintain accessibility to the Aidaralash section and site of the World, Perm, Russia, in 1991. Following additional detailed investi- GSSP for all scientists and improve the access road from the gations, the Aidaralash section (see Figure 2) was proposed formally main highway. (Davydov et al., 1995), and subsequently approved successively by ● Make improvements to road cut at the base of the section (Figure the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary Working Group, Subcommis- 3B). sion on Permian Stratigraphy, full Commission of the International ● Erect a permanent monument to mark the location of the GSSP. Commission on Stratigraphy, International Union of Geological ● Construct permanent markers identifying the position of individ- Sciences, and the 1996 Beijing meeting of the International Geolog- ual beds.

Figure 2 Stratigraphic column of portion of the section at Aidaralash Creek, Aktyubinsk (currently Aktöbe) region, southern Ural Mountains, northern Kazakhstan. Included are beds 19, 20 and portion of 21. Position of the Carboniferous/Permian boundary proposed on the basis of is included, as are previously proposed boundaries based on fusulinaceans and ammonoids. Bed numbers (e.g. 19) and subdivisions (e.g. 19.5) represent designa- tions widely used in recent Soviet/Russian literature e. g., Chuvashov et al. (1993), Bogoslovskaya et al. (1995), and in the Guidebook for the excursion to the southern Ural Mountains (Permian Congress, Perm, 1991); “a”, “f”, “c” indicate ammonoid, fusulinacean, and conodont occurrences, respec-- tively. Zero meters mark the first occurrence of Streptognathodus isolatus, which developed from an advanced morphotype in the S. wabaunsensis chronocline. This arbitrarily chosen point in an evolutionary continuum has been ratified by the IUGS as defining the base of the Permian System.

March 1998 13

Figure 3 Aidaralash Creek section Aktyubinsk (currently Aktöbe) region, southern Ural Mountains, northern Kazakh-stan. View is to the north, across vegetated creek bed. Nearly vertical beds are exposed in the west flank of an anticline; apparent dip of strata in photo-graph is to the east.

3A. General overview of the Asselian and portion of the section. Sequence boundaries (Snyder and Gallegos, 1997) are visible in strata corresponding to Beds 22 and 25. Sequence boundaries occurring at Beds 29 and 40 are not in the photo. 3B. Close-up of GSSP for the base of the Permian System and coincident Upper Carboniferous boundary. GSSP for the Carboniferous/Per- mian boundary is at the base of Bed 19.5f, which is coincident with 19.3a and 19.2c (Figure 2). The road excavated at the base of the section exposes essentially every bed; cov- ered intervals can be cleared readily. White dots along the road are sam- ple bags. 3C. Close-up of boundary marker and temporary monument erected at Bed 19.5f in 1997.

dent lower subdivision of the Artinskian. In turn, he subdivided the History of C/P boundary definition in Sakmarian, and referred the lower interval to the independent Asselian Stage (Ruzhencev, 1954). The base of the Asselian and Urals the coincident Permian System was designated, thereby, on the appearance of the ammonoid families Paragastrioceratidae, Metale- Dunbar (1940) provided a summary statement on the progressive goceratidae, and Popanoceratidae, concurrent with the first inflated early downward extension in definition of the base of the Russian fusulinaceans referable to “Schwagerina” (i. e. Sphaeroschwage- Permian. In its original sense (Murchison, 1841), this base coincided rina). with the initiation of evaporite deposition that is now referred to the The base of Asselian Stage, defined by reference to both Kungurian regional stage. Karpinsky (1874) identified clastic suc- ammonoids and fusulinaceans received progressively greater recog- cessions that Murchison had included in the British Millstone Grit as nition and eventually official Russian status (Resolutions of the being younger, transitional between Carboniferous and Permian, and Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee of Russia and its Perma- termed them the Artinskian Series. His subsequent classic study of nent Commissions — Resolution on Carboniferous/Permian bound- the abundant ammonoid fauna (Karpinsky, 1889) led him to add the ary. St. Petersburg, 1992, p.52-56) following Ruzhencev’s original interval to the Permian. Further study, especially of ammonoids, per- proposal. The ammonoid boundary divided the Shumardites-Vidrio- mitted Ruzhencev (1936) to recognize the Sakmarian as an indepen- ceras Genozone below and the Juresanites-Svetlanoceras Genozone

Episodes, Vol. 21, no. 1 14 above, the latter reflecting first appearances of the characteristically Sequence stratigraphy along Aidaralash Creek Permian families Metalegoceratidae, Paragastrioceratidae and Popanoceratidae. The boundary favored by fusulinacean workers is Upper Paleozoic strata of Aidaralash Creek were deposited on a nar- almost coincident, separating the Ultradaixina bosbytauensis- row, but persistent, shallow marine shelf that formed the western Schwagerina robusta Zone below from the Sphaeroschwagerina boundary of the orogenic highlands. The sequence stratigraphy vulgaris aktjubensis-S. fusiformis Zone. More recently, a chrono- reflects repeated shelf to fluvial-deltaic cycles. Our general mapping morphocline of streptognathodid conodonts has offered a basis for and detailed measurements of stratigraphic sections are built on the an even more precise and widely recognizable boundary definition, pioneering work of Ruzhencev (1951, 1952, 1956) and Khvorova marked by the appearance of the “isolated nodular” morphotype of (1961). Only a summary is presented here. Streptognathodus, S. isolatus Chernykh, Ritter, and Wardlaw Permo-Carboniferous strata exposed along Aidaralash Creek (1997). These three boundary definitions are not competitively can be described using a series of lithofacies. A mudstone-siltstone destructive, since for practical purposes they are coincident. As an (SLT, Figure 2) facies, containing abundant fine plant debris, is interpreted as the background, offshore sediment; this facies reflects example, at the Aidaralash section the conodont boundary occurs 27 the abundant terrigenous input from deltaic sources. Very fine, fine, m above the base of Bed 19, the fusulinacean boundary a mere few medium, and gravelite sand facies (VF-C, Figure 2) represent event meters higher at 33 m, and the ammonoid boundary that originally beds. Some sandstone beds display simple grading with rippled tops defined the base of the Asselian occurs 55 m above the base of Bed which may represent unreworked sediment gravity flows. However, 19 at the 19/20 Bed boundary (Figure 2). most of the sandstones occur as horizontally stratified, amalgamated beds 5 to 30 cm thick; internal stratification is defined by 0.5 to 5 cm thick graded intervals with common ripples. These horizontally Aidaralash as GSSP stratified sandstone beds are interpreted as storm deposits or as wave- and storm-reworked sediment gravity flows. Paleocurrent Introduction data suggest that a large and persistent delta complex developed to the northeast and supplied sand that was periodically transported Many C/P boundary sections in the southern Ural Mountains of Rus- southwestwardly to the Aidaralash area. Preservation of storm beds sia and Kazakhstan have been studied in detail, and can be correlated and hummocky cross stratification suggests that much of the section confidently with the newly established boundary stratotype along was deposited below fair weather wave base. The coarse grain size Aidaralash Creek. However, each of these other sections has attrib- and sedimentary structures within gravelite beds (C, Figure 2) sug- utes that detract from its scientific merit to serve as the GSSP. For gest sediment gravity flow deposition and wave current reworking of example, the classic condensed section along the Usolka River, the upper portions of the beds. Sandstone beds occur in thickening deposited along the margin of the Pre-Uralian Foredeep (Figure 1), upward cycles with or without discernable coarsening. Fusuli- is exceptionally rich in conodonts; these afford precise correlation naceans tend to occur within the base of sandstone beds. Polymictic with Aidaralash (Chuvashov et al., 1993), but other critical pebble to cobble conglomerates form conspicuous fining-upward groups are only rarely associated. successions 10 to 50 m thick. These interbedded conglomerates and The Aidaralash Creek section is located in the Aktöbe (for- sandstones are typically poorly cemented. Limestone and well- merly Aktyubinsk) region of the southern Ural Mountains of north- indurated sandstone clasts predominate, but also included are meta- ern Kazakhstan, approximately 50 km southeast of the city of morphic, granitic, rhyolitic to andesitic volcanic, and greenstone Aktöbe (Figure 1). The stratigraphic section there is readily accessi- clasts. Basal contacts are typically scoured into underlying shelf ble, and is characterized by an uninterrupted succession of strata sandstone successions. across the C/P boundary that contain abundant and well-preserved Conglomerate beds mark the most obvious Aidaralash conodont, ammonoid, and fusulinacean faunas. Associated micro- sequence boundaries. These fluvial-deltaic conglomerate-sandstone fossils, such as radiolarians, small foraminifers, and palynomorphs successions grade upward into transgressive marginal marine should provide additional important bases for correlation, and paleo- sequences (beach and/or upper shoreface), to a maximum flooding magnetics have been investigated (Khramov and Davydov, 1984, unit (typically with ammonoids, conodonts, and radiolarians). This 1993). gradation usually occurs within a stratigraphic thickness of a few to Current consensus on the position of the C/P boundary has 10 m. The maximum flooding zone is overlain by a regressive evolved, in large part, from studies of ammonoids (Ruzhencev, sequence (offshore to shoreface to delta front), which in turn is 1936, 1945, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1954) and fusulinaceans (Rauser- capped by an unconformity with the overlying conglomerate. The first conglomerate in the stratotype section occurs 685 m above the Chernousova, 1940; Rosovskaya, 1952) from the Urals. Ruzhencev base of the Permian boundary and represents the first significant investigated many sections, but principal among them, and the focus break within the Cisuralian stratigraphic section at Aidaralash to the present statement, was Aidaralash Creek. Resulting publica- Creek. Possible sequence boundaries (Figure 3A) occur 72 m (Bed tions (Ruzhencev, 1950, 1951, 1952) contain detailed documenta- 22), 118 m (Bed 25) and 286 m (Bed 29) stratigraphically above the tion of the succession of ammonoids and fusulinaceans, and together Carboniferous-Permian boundary; however, there is no evidence of with the sedimentologic data of Khvorova (1961) provide the frame- subaerial exposure at these beds. No sequence boundary is exposed work for the modern understanding of regional Late Paleozoic within the Gzhelian portion of the section. Therefore, no unconfor- stratigraphy. A series of recent investigations addressed placement mity occurs within the section from 555 m below to 685 m above the of the C/P boundary (e.g. Pnev et al., 1978; Davydov and Popov, Carboniferous-Permian boundary, and the first sequence boundary 1986; Bogoslovskaya et al., 1995), as have numerous reports from occurs at Bed 22 (72 m above the boundary). recent issues of Permophiles (e.g. #19, November 1991: Utting, p. # 2–5; 21, November 1992: Jin, p. 3–4; Wardlaw, p. 5–7; Nassichuk Ammonoid biostratigraphy and Rui Lin, p. 11–15; Henderson, p. 15–16; #22, June 1993: Glenis- ter, p. 2–5; Chuvashov, Chernykh and Mizens, p. 11–16; #23, Ruzhencev (1950, 1952) placed the boundary between the Orenbur- November 1993: Utting, p. 1–4; Davydov, p. 5–8; Spinosa et al., p. gian and Asselian stages at the contact between Beds 19 and 20 in 9–11; #24, June 1994: Ross and Ross, p. 3–6; #25, November 1994: the Aidaralash Creek section (Figure 2), and subsequently this Glenister and Wardlaw, p. 2–3; Chernykh and Ritter, p. 4–6). Col- became generally accepted as the Carboniferous/Permian boundary. lectively these investigations have led to formal ratification of the In a recent reexamination of the ammonoid biostratigraphy of this first appearance of the conodont Streptognathodus isolatus, 27 m section, Bogoslovskaya et al. (1995) supported Ruzhencev’s choice, above the base of Bed 19 in the Aidaralash section, as the GSSP for and documented a greater level of ammonoid diversity than previ- the base of the Permian System. ously known from there. They recognized 9 species from Bed 19

March 1998 15

(19.2c = 19.3a, Figure 2) and 13 from Bed 20 (20.0f = 20.1a, Figure ing from older deposits, although not documented for Aidar- 2). A consequential turnover at that level was suggested, including alash, cannot be excluded; termination of the Prouddenites-Uddenites lineage at the top of Bed 3) taxonomy is in a state of flux, and regional interpretations differ 19, and introduction of two important Permian species, Svet- substantially. lanoceras primore and Prostacheoceras principale in Bed 20. Several ammonoid lineages can be identified as crossing the C/P boundary (Bogoslovskaya et al., 1995). The ancestral species of Prostacheoceras, P. principale from Bed 20, appears to be closely A number of Russian specialists examined conodont successions related to the Carboniferous Vidrioceras but is a more abvanced rep- resentative of the group. Artinskia irinae from Bed 19 and Artinskia from Aidaralash as well as the basinal shales at Usolka, and a sum- kazakhstanica from Bed 20 constitute a possible chronocline that mary analysis was provided by Davydov et al. (1992). More detailed crosses the C/P boundary. Above Bed 19 several Carboniferous gen- investigations have followed, including refined sampling of the C/P era are represented by new Permian species, including Daixites boundary interval (Chernykh and Ritter, 1994, 1997). These latter antipovi, Prothalassoceras serratum, Glaphyrites angustilobatus, authors collected a total of 53 samples from all suitable horizons and G. rarus, and this boundary corresponds to that between the Shu- within Beds 3 through 37 of the Aidaralash section, and reported mardites- Vidrioceras Genozone below and the Svetlanoceras-Jure- many horizons yielding well-preserved conodont elements with sanites Genozone above (Bogoslovskaya et al., 1995). These abundances ranging from 5 to over 100 specimens per kilogram. ammonoid changes at the boundary of Beds 19 and 20, therefore, Small numbers of reworked Late Devonian and Moscovian con- offer advantages for serving in definition of the GSSP, notably that odont elements were noted in some faunas; these are generally rec- the new appearances seem to usher in distinctive ammonoids with good correlation potential. There are serious problems, however: ognizable on preservation as well as identity. The Conodont Alter- 1) ammonoids of critical stratigraphic significance are rare; those ation Index is 1.5–2.0. that represent the only plausible chronocline, Artinskia irinae-A. Conodont faunas throughout the sampled interval at Aidar- kazakhstanica, are scarce indeed; alash, Beds 3 through 37, are dominated by Pa elements of Streptog- 2) there exists an interval of 27.5 m between the last documented nathodus. The C/P boundary is defined (Chernykh and Ritter, 1994) Carboniferous ammonoid occurrence at Bed 19/5 (Bed 19.5f = by the first appearance of “isolated-nodular” morphotype, S. isolatus 19.3a, Figure 2) and the first Permian occurrence in Bed 20 Chernykh, Ritter, and Wardlaw (1997), which developed from an (both Bogoslovskaya et al., 1995). advanced “non-isolated nodular” morphotype in the S. “wabaunsen- 3) ammonoid genera from the Urals may occur elsewhere, but sis” chronocline. This arbitrarily-chosen point in the evolutionary most species appear to be endemic. continuum lies 27 m above the base of Bed 19 at Aidaralash, and can be recognized readily elsewhere. In the basinal shales at Usolka, it Fusulinacean biostratigraphy occurs in the lower part of Bed 16 (Chuvashov et al., 1990), and in Fusulinacean distributions at the Aidaralash section were docu- the cyclic successions of the American Midcontinent it is identified mented by Ruzhencev (1950, 1952) in connection with definition of in the Glenrock Limestone Member and the base of the overlying the Orenburgian/Asselian boundary. He noted the first occurrence of Bennett Shale, Red Eagle Formation of Kansas (Chernykh and Rit- inflated “Schwagerina” (= Sphaeroschwagerina) at the base of Bed ter, 1994; Boardman et al., 1994; Ritter, 1995; Wardlaw, Boardman 20 at Aidaralash, coincident with the appearance of distinctive new and Nestell, in press). Some nomenclatural problems have yet to be Permian ammonoid families and genera. Subsequently, Pnev et al. resolved, but it appears that specific names proposed in the two sys- (1978) reported “Sphaeroschwagerina” from Bed 17, and for a time tematic papers (Ritter, 1995; Wardlaw et al., in press) will be accept- the C/P boundary was lowered to the base of Bed 10 (base of the Ultradaixina bosbytauensis-Schwagerina robusta fusulinacean able. The first occurrences of Streptognathodus invaginatus and S. Zone). However, restudy of the “Sphaeroschwagerina” from Bed 17 nodulinearis, also morphotypes of the “wabaunsensis” morphocline, by a colloquium of specialists resulted in reassignment to Lichare- nearly coincide with the first occurrence of S. isolatus in many sec- vites, a similarly inflated genus that occurs in Beds 14 through 26 at tions and can be used as accessory indicators for the boundary. It Aidaralash and is widespread from Spitsbergen to China. should be emphasized that although an arbitrarily-chosen point Recent studies of fusulinaceans from Aidaralash have revealed within a single conodont chronocline is being chosen for definition that changes in the dominant lineages across the boundary interval of the boundary, every other line of evidence (biological, sedimento- are gradual (Davydov et al., 1992). However, the base of the logical, geochemical, geophysical) should and actually is being uti- Sphaeroschwagerina vulgaris aktjubensis-S. fusiformis Zone can be lized to effect correlation to that point. identified precisely and correlated confidently from Spitsbergen (Nilsson and Davydov, 1997) through the Russian Platform, the Urals, Central Asia, China and Japan (Davydov et al., 1994 ). For Magnetostratigraphy practical purposes it corresponds to the boundary between the Oren- burgian and Asselian as defined by Ruzhencev. At Aidaralash, it Utilization of magnetostratigraphy to aid in recognition of the C/P coincides with the contact between Beds 19/5 and 19/6 (19.5f and boundary is difficult because the Kiama Hyperzone is characterized 19.6f, Figure 2) 6 m above the conodont boundary and 22 m below by long stable intervals of reverse polarity separated by only narrow the original ammonoid boundary. At this horizon, Ultradaixina prac- subzones of normal polarity. However, Khramov and Davydov tically disappears, Schellwienia becomes scarce, and species of (1993) reported that most of the Ultradaixina bosbytauensis-Schwa- Sphaeroschwagerina first appear. Other fusulinacean lineages, such gerina robusta fusulinid zone just below the C/P boundary in Aidar- as Schwagerina, Dutkevitchia, Rugosochusenella and Ocellina, also alash is characterized by normal polarity. This same stratigraphic/ intersect this boundary as well. Additional data from approximately polarity relationship occurs in the Nikolsky section of the southern 10,000 oriented thin sections from Aidaralash may eventually pro- Urals and the Belaya River section of the northern Caucasus vide important morphometric bases for refined correlation. (Khramov and Davydov, 1984), and in the Ivano-Darievka section in Despite their undoubted value in correlation, there would be significant problems in defining the C/P boundary on fusulinaceans: Donets Basin (Khramov, 1963; Davydov, 1986). It may also corre- 1) fusulinaceans were benthic organisms, and their distribution is spond to the normally polarized magnetic zone established within somewhat provincial; the Manebach Formation of the Thuringian Forest (Menning, 1987). 2) most were confined to shallow water carbonate facies, but they Thus the normal polarity zone may prove useful in characterizing the may have been redeposited in deeper turbidite facies; rework- interval immediately below the C/P boundary.

Episodes, Vol. 21, no. 1 16

Davydov, V I, 1986, Precise definition of Carboniferous/Permian boundary Summary and formal proposal in Donets Basin and the North Caucasus according to paleomagnetic cri- teria: Sov. Geol., 12, p. 74-76. Davydov, V I, Barskov, I S, Bogoslovskaya, M F, Leven, E Y, Popov, A V, In summary, the stratigraphic section at Aidaralash Creek fulfills, Akhmetshina, L Z, and Kozitskaya, R I, 1992, The Carboniferous-Per- better than any other known section, all of the basic requirements for mian boundary in the former USSR and its correlation: Int. Geol. Review, effective service as GSSP for the base of the Permian System. It v. 34, no. 9, p. 889-906. enjoys historic priority and excels in overall scientific merit. Expo- Davydov, V I, and Popov, A V, 1986, The section of the Upper Carbonifer- sure and accessibility presently are adequate and both will be ous and Lower Permian deposits of south Urals: In Boundary Deposits of improved and maintained by the Aktöbe Regional Geological Sur- the Urals, Pre-Urals Area and Central Asia, p. 29-33. vey of Kazakhstan. Future access will be guaranteed by means of Davydov, V I, Barskov, I S, Bogoslovskaya, M F, and Leven, E Y, 1994, Car- legislative action to create a scientific preserve. The state of knowl- boniferous-Permian boundary in stratotype sections of the southern Urals and its correlation: Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2, 3:32-45 edge for relevant geologic characteristics for the section is advanced. (In Russian and English). Evidence from sedimentology and analysis of the conodont Davydov, V I, Glenister, B F, Spinosa, C, Ritter, S M, Chernykh, V V, Ward- chronomorphocline confirm that there is no significant hiatus in sed- law, B R, and Snyder, W S, 1995, Proposal of Aidaralash as the GSSP for imentation across the boundary interval. Redistribution in space of the base of the Permian System, Permophiles 26, p. 1-9. fusulinaceans is probable, and advantageous, but with the exception Dunbar, C O, 1940, The type Permain: its classification and correlation: Bull. of a small percentage of conodont specimens, there is no evidence of Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 24, p. 237-281. reworking in time. Conodonts provide a chronomorphocline across Glenister B F, and Wardlaw B R, 1996, Report of the Carboniferous-Permian the boundary that serves for definition, and similar clines probably Boundary Working Group, Permophiles 29, p. 4-5. occur in the fusulinaceans. For practical purposes, historic bound- Jin, Yu-gan, Wardlaw, B R, Glenister, B F, and Kotlyar, G V, 1997, Permian aries for ammonoids and fusulinaceans are coincident with that pro- chronostratigraphic subdivisions: Episodes, v. 20, p. 10-15. Karpinsky, A P, 1874, Geological investigation in the Orenburg area: Berg- posed in the conodont definition of the C/P boundary. Jour., II, Verhandl. Miner. Gesellsch. IX, p. 13-31. For the reasons cited, the first occurrence of Streptognathodus Karpinsky, A P, 1889, Über die Ammoneen der Artinsk-Stufe und einige mit isolatus within the S. “wabaunsensis” conodont chronocline, 27 m denselben verwandte carbonische Forman: Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St- above the base of Bed 19, Aidaralash Creek, northern Kazakhstan, is Petersburg, ser, 7, 37(2), 104p. hereby confirmed as GSSP for the base of the Permian System. Sec- Khramov, A N, 1963, The Paleozoic paleomagnetism: Leningrad, Nedra, p. tions adjacent to Aidaralash in the south Urals, such as Usolka, will 1-283. serve as subsidiary references. However, ICS Guidelines (Cowie et Khramov, A N, and Davydov, V I, 1984, Paleomagnetism of Upper Car- al., 1986) discourage formal proposal of parastratotypes. boniferous and Lower Permian in the south of USSR and the problems of structure of the Kiama Hyperzone: Transactions of VNIGRI, p. 55-73. Khramov, A N, and Davydov, V I, 1993, Results of paleomagnetic investiga- Acknowledgements tions. Permain System: Guides to Geol. Excursions in the Uralian Type Localities. Occasional Publ. ESRI, New Series, no. 10, p. 34-42. We express our gratitude to Dora Gallegos, Albertson College of Khvorova, I V, 1961, Flysch and lower molasse formations of southern Idaho, for reviewing the manuscript and to Dale Kerner, Boise State Urals: Transactions of Geological Institute of Academy of Sciences of University, for the photograph in Figure 3C. National Science Foun- USSR, Issue 37, p. 1-352. dation (Grant EAR-9219428; Petroleum Research Fund PRF30215- McLaren , D J, 1977, The Silurian-Devonian Boundary Committee. A final ac8) provide funding for research during the 1991, 1993 and report—The Silurian-Devonian Boundary: IUGS Ser. A, 5, 35p., 1995). Stuttgart. Menning, M, 1987, Magnetostratigraphy, in Lutzner, H (ed.), Sedimentary and Volcanic Rotliegendes of the Saale Depression: Excursion Guide- book Symp. Rotliegendes in Central Europe. Centr. Inst. Phys. Earth, References Potsdam, p. 92-96. Miller, A K, 1932, Metalegoceras jacksoni of the Irwin River Coalfield, Archbold, N W, Dickins, J M and Thomas, G A , 1993, Correlation and Western Australia: Amer. Jour. Sci. 24, p. 433-442. of Permian marine faunas in Western Australia: Geol. Surv. West. Aus- Murchison, R I, 1841, First sketch of the principal results of a second geo- tralia Bull., 136, p. 11-18. logical survey of Russia: Phil. Mag., Ser. 3, 19, p. 417-422. Boardman, D R, Miller, K, and Nestell, M K, 1994, Carboniferous-Permian Nilsson, I, and Davydov, V I, 1997, Fusulinid biostratigraphy of Upper Car- boundary strata in the Manhattan, Kansas region: Spring Field Trip 1994, boniferous Gzhelian and Lower Permian (Asselian-Sakmarian) succes- Midcontinent Section SEPM, Working Group, 60 p., 17 sion of Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway. Permophiles No. 30, p. 18-27. pls. Peterson, D N, and Nairn, A E M, 1971, Paleomagnetism of Permian redbeds Bogoslovskaya, M F, Leonova, T B, and Skholin, A A, 1995, The Carbonif- from the southwestern United States: Geophys. J. R. Astronom. Soc. vol. erous-Permian boundary and ammonoids of the Aidaralash section, 23, p. 191-207. southern Urals: Jour. Paleontology, 69, p. 288-301. Pnev., V P, Polozova, A N, Pavlov, A M, and Faddeyeva, I Z, 1975, Strato- Chernykh, V V, and Ritter, S M, 1994, Preliminary biostratigraphic assess- type section of the Orenburgian Stage, south Urals (Nikolskoye village): ment of conodonts from the proposed Carboniferous-Permian boundary Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geol. 6, p. 100-109. stratotype, Aidaralash Creek, northern Kazakhstan: Permophiles 25, p.4-6. Pnev, V P, Polozova, A N, Pavlov, A M and Faddeyeva, I Z , 1978, Aidar- Chernykh, V V, and Ritter, S M, 1997, Streptognathodus (Conodonta) at the alash section is a key section of the Asselian Stage: Trans. Leningrad Carboniferous-Permian boundary stratotype section, Aidaralash Creek, Mining Inst. 73, p. 90-98. northern Kazakhstan: Jour. Paleontology, v. 71, p. 459-474. Chernykh, V V, Ritter, S M, and Wardlaw, B R, 1997, Streptognathodus iso- Rauser-Chernousova, D M, 1940, Stratigraphy of the Upper Carboniferous latus new species (Conodonta): Proposed index for the Carboniferous- and the Artinskian Stage of the western slope of the Urals and data on the Permian boundary: Jour. Paleontology, v. 71, p. 162-164. fusulinid faunas: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Geol. Nauk Trudy, Ser. Geol. 7 Chuvashov, B I, Chernykh, V V, and Mizens, G A, 1993, Zonal divisions of (2), p. 37-104. the boundary deposits of Carboniferous and Permian in sections of dif- Resolutions of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee of Russia and ferent facies in the south Urals: Permophiles 22, p. 11-16. its Permanent Commissions — Resolution on Carboniferous/Permian Chuvashov, B I, Dupina, G V, Mizens, G A, and Chernykh, V V, 1990, boundary. St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 52-56. Report on Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian sections, western Ritter, S M, 1995, Upper Missourian-Lower Wolfcampian (Upper Kasimov- slope of the Urals and pre-Urals: Uralian Branch U.S.S.R. Acad. Sci., ian-Lower Asselian) conodont biostratigraphy of the Midcontinent, Sverdlovsk, 368p. U.S.A.: Jour. Paleontology, v. 69, p. 1139-1154. Cowie, J W. Ziegler, W, Boucot, A J, Bassett, M G, and Remane, J, 1986, Rosovskaya, S E, 1952, Fusulinids of the Upper Carboniferous and Lower Guidelines and statutes of the International Commission on Stratigraphy Permian of the Southern Urals: Trans. Palaeont. Inst. Acad. Sci. USSR, v. (ICS): Cour. Forsch. Inst. Senckenberg 83,14p. 40, p. 5-50. David, T W E, 1950, The Geology of the Commonwealth of Australia, W. R. Ross, C A, and Ross, J R P, 1987, Late Paleozoic sea levels and depositional Browne (ed.): Edward Arnold Publishing, London, v.1, 714p. sequences: Cushman Found. Foram. Res., Spec. Publ. 24, p. 137-149.

March 1998 17

Ruzhencev, V E, 1936, New data on the stratigraphy of the Carboniferous Claude Spinosa is co-director of the and Lower Permian deposits of the Orenburg and Aktyubinsk regions: Permian Research Institute, Boise Prob. Sov. Geol. 6, p. 470-506. State University and Professor in the Ruzhencev, V E, 1945, Structure-facies analysis of the Sakmarian-Artinskian Department of Geosciences. He deposits of the Pre-Urals and its significance for petroleum studied ammonoid biostratigraphy exploration: Nauk SSSR , Paleont. Inst. Trudy 29, 220p. Ruzhencev, V E, 1951, Lower Permian ammonoids of the south Urals. I . and paleobiology at the University of Ammonoids of the Sakmarian Stage: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Paleont. Inst. Iowa. He has worked on the biology Trudy 33, 188p. of Recent Nautilus in the central Ruzhencev, V E, 1952, Biostratigraphy of the Sakmarian Stage in the Aktyu- equatorial Pacific Ocean and Per- binsk region of the Kazakh SSR: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Paleont. Inst. Trudy mian ammonoid biostratigraphy of 42, 90p. North America and the Ural Moun- Ruzhencev, V E, 1954, Asselian Stage of the Permian System: Doklady tains. Presently he serves as Secre- Akad. Nauk SSSR 99(6), p. 1079-1082. tary of the Subcommission on Per- Ruzhencev, V E, 1956, Lower Permian ammonoids of the south Urals. II. mian Stratigraphy and editor of its Ammonoids of the Artinskian Stage: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Paleont. Inst. Trudy 60, 275p. newsletter, Permophiles. Snyder, W S, and Gallegos D M, 1997, Sequence Stratigraphy along Aidar- alash Creek and the Carboniferous/Permian GSSP, Permophiles 30, p. 8- 11. Snyder, W S, Spinosa, C, Davydov, V I, and Belasky, P. 1994, Petroleum geology of the Pre-Uralian Foredeep with reference to the Northeastern Pre-Caspian Basin: Int. Geol. Review 36, p. 452-472. Wardlaw, B R, Boardman, D R, and Nestell, M K, in press, Conodont sys- tematic, in Boardman, Nestell and Wardlaw, Uppermost Pennsylvanian- lowermost Permian conodont biostratigraphy of Kansas and Oklahoma: Kansas Geol. Surv. Bull. Scott M. Ritter is a graduate of Brigham Young University (BYU) and post-graduate of the University Vladimir I. Davydov is Senior Sci- of Wisconsin-Madison. Since 1991, entist of the All Russian Geological he has been teaching stratigraphic Research Institute (VSEGEI), and is paleontology and carbonate sedi- currently visiting Research Professor mentology at BYU. His research at the Permian Research Institute, focuses upon the conodont bios- Department of Geosciences, Boise tratigraphy and sequence stratigra- State University. Since 1977 he has phy of Late Carboniferous-Early concentrated on Upper Paleozoic Permian strata in the USA and stratigraphy and fusulinid biostratig- southern Urals. He was Chairman raphy in various regions of CIS as of the South-central Section of the well as Arctic Norway and most Geological Society of America and recently in the Western U.S. and Car- is currently a Corresponding Mem- nic Alps. His scientific background ber of the Subcommission on Per- also includes research interest in mian Stratigraphy. magnetostratigraphy, biogeochem- istry, paleoclimatology, graphic cor- relation, and sequence stratigraphy. He is a Corresponding Member of the Sucommission on Permian Stratigraphy.

Brian F, Glenister is A. K. Miller Bruce R. Wardlaw is Chief Paleon- Professor of Geology, University of tologist of the U. S. Geological Sur- Iowa. Trained in Australia, he has vey, current Chair of the Subcommis- served in American academia for the sion on Permian Stratigraphy, and past 38 years. His research on Paleo- chief of a large ecosystem history, zoic cephalopods, especially ground water, and stratigraphy pro- ammonoids and conodonts provides ject to better assess restoration val- background for active participation ues for the South Florida ecosys- in International Commission on tems. He has worked on Permian Stratigraphy deliberations ranging brachiopods, Carboni- ferous-Trias- from the Devonian through . sic conodonts, carbonate petrology Most recently, he served as Chair of and stratigraphy. His current inter- the Subcommission on Permian est is the refined conodont bios- Stratigraphy and working groups for tratigraphy of Upper Carboniferous the Carboniferous-Permian Bound- and Permian. ary and Middle Permian Guadalu- pian Series. He is also Correspond- ing Member of the Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Vot- ing Member of the Permian-Triassic Boundary Working Group.

Episodes, Vol. 21, no. 1 18

Valerie V. Chernykh received his Walter S. Snyder is co-director of Ph. D. from the Mining Institute of the Permian Research Institute, the Geological Faculty in Sverdlovsk. Boise State University and Professor He has been at the Institute of Geol- in the Department of Geosciences. ogy and Geochemistry of the Ural He has worked on a variety of Upper Branch of the Russian Academy of Paleozoic stratigraphic and struc- Sciences since 1981, where he tural problems while a graduate stu- presently holds the position of Lead- dent at Stanford University (1972– ing Scientist in the Laboratory of 1977), a Research Associate at Lam- Stratigraphy and Paleontology. In ont-Doherty Earth Observatory of 1989 he received the D. S. on the Columbia University (1977–1981), a theme“ Methodological Basis and Research Scientist with Phillips Practice of Construction of Zonal Petroleum Company (1981–1984), Biochronological Scales”. His and at Boise State University (since research interests include: evolu- 1984). His research interests include tionary biology, micropaleontology, regional tectonics, basin analysis general and applied stratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy. He is a theory of systems. More recently his Corresponding Member of the Sub- research has been focused on commission on Permian Stratigraphy. Devonian through Permian stratig- raphy and micropaleontology of Ural Mountains.

Hutchison ‘Young scientist’ Fund

William Watt Hutchison, "Hutch" to his many friends around the world, was a Scots-born Canadian geologist who served Canada and the IUGS in myriad dynamic and creative ways. Most notably, he served as the IUGS Secretary General (1976-1980) at a pivotal time in its history, and as IUGS President (1984-1987). The same boundless energy, enthusiasm, skill in communications, and ability to foster teamwork that characterized his work with the IUGS also carried him to preeminent scientific administrative positions in the Canadian Government, where he served as Director General of the Geological Survey of Canada and as Assistant Deputy Minister of Earth Sciences. His distinguished career was terminated in 1987 by his untimely death at the age of 52, following a painful struggle with cancer.

One of Hutch's last wishes was to establish under IUGS auspices a memorial foundation intended to promote the professional growth of deserving, meritorious young scientists from around the world by supporting their participation in important IUGS-sponsored conferences. The first 3 beneficiaries of the Hutchinson "Young Scientist Foundation" attended the 28th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Washington, D.C., in 1989.

Currently, income earned as interest on the Hutchison fund is insufficient to sustain comparable grants every four years without seriously eroding the principal. For that reason, the IUGS made no grants from the fund for the 30th IGC, preferring instead to strengthen the fund by allowing it to earn interest for a longer period of time and by appealing for donations from the international geologic community. It is expected that grants from the fund will again support deserving young scientists to attend the 31st IGC in the 2000. The Hutchison "Young Scientist Foundation" is a worthy cause that honors a fine, caring man and a distinguished, public-spirited scientist and administrator. The foun- dation also celebrates and promotes those things that gave Hutch the most professional satisfaction: geology, interna- tional scientific collaboration, and stimulating young minds.

The IUGS welcomes contributions to the Hutchison "Young Scientist Foundation." Please send donations to:

Dr. John A. Reinemund P.O. Box 890 Leesburg, VA 20178 USA Fax: +1 703 777 4463 Tel: +1 703 777 1491

Checks in US dollars or Visa/Mastercard (please include account number and expiration date) are preferred in order to avoid the high cost of currency conversions. Residents of the U.S.A. are reminded that charitable gifts of this nature are tax deductible.

March 1998