Bongsan Tal Um As a Social Satirical Comedys
Windows to ICH Windows to ICH scriptures. While yuhui mocked Confucian scholars, the According to Chujae Giyi ( , “Collective Essays Yangban playing act made fun of noblemen. 'e masks of the of Chujae”) by a late Joseon dynasty瑼뱊笫沌 poet Cho Su-sam Bongsan noble characters portray the /rst nobleman with a double ("%&5-"43#), the mask dancer Tak Munhan, who lived from cle* lip, the second nobleman with a cle* lip, and the bache- the late eighteenth to the early nineteenth century, performed lor son of the head family with a crooked face and nose (Fig. the Monk Manseok dance. 'e phrase in the book, “Hwang Talum as a "). 'ese distinct features are a way of expressing the popular Jini struts with her face down, and Monk Manseok, dressed consciousness that rejects social inequality and criticizes the in a robe, dances while staggering around ( privileges of the nobility. )” matches the scene of the nojang澳㦇䑗婡俸逆澘触 playing act Social Satirical On the other hand, the Nojang (old monk) playing 焪圾圾薊銿糦in the present-day mask drama, in which the robed nojang act was constructed using the traditional Monk Manseok /rst appears, taking faltering steps and struggling to keep his dance. 'e elements performed, centering around chaebung footing. 'erefore, it can be inferred that the nojang playing Comedys (makeshi* wooden stage decorated with silk in /ve colors), act of today’s mask drama originated from the folktale of which can be found in the recently discovered color painting Monk Jijok and Hwang Jini. Nakseongyeondo ( ), correspond with sanhui Secondly, Bongsan Talchum carried highly progressive featured in the chapter訒䧯㵯㏨ of seonggi ( , performances themes for the time, re2ecting the popular consciousness Jeon Kyung Wook such as puppet shows and mask dramas)與⚧ in Volume " of that rejected the established order and demanded new values.
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