Alcock Convention, 44 Alcock, Rutherford, 21, 40, 42, 44, 47
Index Alcock Convention, 44 brokers: freight 77, 80, 100, 138; recruiting Alcock, Rutherford, 21, 40, 42, 44, 47 crews, 143–44, 148, 262 Asiatic Petroleum Com pany, 193 Brothers and Elders Society (Gelaohui), Augustine Heard & Com pany, 66 103 Austrian Lloyd Com pany, 131 Bruce, Frederick, 29, 30, 31–32 bureaucratic capital/ist, 204–5, 243 Bank of China, 291–92 Burmese Bengal Steamship Com pany, Barlow, Tani, 4 131 Beibei, 208, 209, 283, 340n89, 350n117 Butterfield & Swire: 74; comparison with Beijing- Hankou Railway, 118 trading firms in India, 91–92; Beiyang regime/government: authority comprador’s letter, 161; Niuzhuang- over shipping, 187, 223, 257, 342n14; Shantou route, 82; personnel, 137; treated by powers as central govern- relationship to China Navigation ment, 180–81, 228, 336n1; Yu Xiaqing’s Com pany, 75–76, 106, 107, 325n36 relations with, 192, 201, 211, 223, 338n32 Bergère, Marie Claire, 188, 204, 209, 292 Cai Pei, 221 Bickers, Robert, 19, 157, 161, 335n99 Cai Zengji, 246, 277 Bird, Isabella, 155, 170 Canton: Cantonese in China Merchants Blakiston, Thomas, 46–47 Com pany, 80, 84, 185; Navigation Bombay Steam Navigation Com pany, 130 Administrative Bureau, 258; opposi- Boxer Rebellion, 52, 53, 126, 336n1 tion to Jiang Jieshi, 224; recruitment of British India Steam Navigation Com- steamship crews, 331n23; rice trade, 59, pany: comparison with British firms in 73; role in shipping network, 32, 37, 45, China, 92; expansion overseas, 91; 54, 65, 99, 101, 162, 190; trade, 24, 26, government mail contract and 46. See also Seamen’s
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