(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0072836A1 Mills (43) Pub
US 20140072836A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0072836A1 Mills (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 13, 2014 (54) H2O-BASED ELECTROCHEMICAL (52) U.S. Cl. HYDROGEN-CATALYST POWER SYSTEM CPC ....................................... H0IM 8/06 (2013.01) USPC ............................................... 429/8; 429/422 (75) Inventor: Randell Lee Mills, Cranbury, NJ (US) (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: BLACKLIGHT POWER, INC., An electrochemical power system is provided that generates Cranbury, NJ (US) an electromotive force (EMF) from the catalytic reaction of Appl. No.: 14/005,851 hydrogen to lower energy (hydrino) states providing direct (21) conversion of the energy released from the hydrino reaction (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 30, 2012 into electricity, the system comprising at least two compo nents chosen from: H2O catalyst or a source of H2O catalyst; (86) PCT NO.: PCT/US12A31639 atomic hydrogen or a source of atomic hydrogen; reactants to form the H2O catalyst or source of H2O catalyst and atomic S371 (c)(1), hydrogen or source of atomic hydrogen; and one or more (2), (4) Date: Nov. 21, 2013 reactants to initiate the catalysis of atomic hydrogen. The electrochemical power system for forming hydrinos and elec Related U.S. Application Data tricity can further comprise a cathode compartment compris (60) Provisional application No. 61/472,076, filed on Apr. ing a cathode, an anode compartment comprising an anode, 5, 2011, provisional application No. 61/482.932, filed optionally a saltbridge, reactants that constitute hydrino reac on May 5, 2011, provisional application No. 61/485, tants during cell operation with separate electron flow and ion 769, filed on May 13, 2011, provisional application mass transport, and a source of hydrogen.
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