Pygmalion Scheduled (Or March 12,13,14
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Friday, March 6, 1964 ECHO TAYLOR UNIVERSITY — UPLAND, INDIANA VOL. XLIV —NO. 9 George B. Shaw's "Pygmalion Scheduled (or March 12,13,14 Pygmalion, a full length play by transformation, approved of the 12th 13th and 14th. George Bernard Shaw, will be pre project as a scientific experiment, The flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, sented at Taylor on March 12, 13, but did not agree with the inhu is portrayed by Marilyn Domhoff; and 14 at 8:15 in Shreiner Audi man treatment that Higgins gave Professor Higgins is played by torium. out to Eliza. Pickering is as intelli Bob Finch; and Colonel Pickering, Mr. Shaw wrote the play to im gent as Higgins, but he has man Higgin's Phonetician cohort, is press upon the public the impor ners becoming a gentleman, which portrayed by Tom Allen. are quite conspicious in Higgins tance of phoneticians in modern The other members of the cast by their absence. day society. include Cliff Robertson, Marion Pickering observes that Higgins Dodd, Eleanor Hustwick, Margo The plot involves Henry Hig- has brought Eliza up from one Dryer, Darlene Young, Ann Lentz, gins, an English speech teacher, grade of living in the direction of Dale Dickey, Gale Strain, and Bob who attempts to transform a Bob Finch, Eleanor Hustwick, and Tom Allen practice a scene another and in the process has Finton. cockney flower girl, Eliza Doo made her unfit for both lives. for the Trojan Player's production of Pygmalion. little, into an English lady by Tickets for the play may be Higgins thinks of himself as a teaching her to speak cultivated purchased prior to the date of very sufficient man until the hand English. When Henry hears Eliza scheduled performances at Sammy of fate intervenes and provides speak, he boasts to a friend that Morris desk for $1.00. Tickets will an interesting chain of events he could turn her into a lady in also be available at the door prior Dr. Borchers and Dr. White Join which will be aired at 8:15 March three months. Eliza overhears the to each evening performance. boast and challenges him to make it good. University Teaching Staff From the start, Higgins treats During the first semester of membership in Phi Alpha Pheta Eliza as his social inferior, and the next academic year, we will and Pi Lamda Pheta. She is she threatens to back out of her have a distinguished visiting pro listed in "Who's Who in the part of the bargain. fessor visiting on our campus. Dr. Midwest," "Who's Who in Educa Mr. Higgins also meets some Exotic Activities For Tour Gladys Borchers, who has retired tion," "Who's Who among Amer opposition from Eliza's father. Mr. from the University of Wisconsin, ican w o m e n," "Directory of Doolittle. Mr. Doolittle is a com For the past few springs the choose at their discretion from will be the first in a succession of American Scholars." mon drunk who never had much Taylor Drama, Art, and Music de the fascinating array of entertain visiting professor who will repre Dr. White will come to us as to do with his daughter until she partments have planned a Fine ment attractions. One of the ex sent various departments and de- Dr. (Mrs.) Francis Ewbank. She is became involved in high society. Arts Tour, whereby Taylor stu cellent production available will be visions of the college for a semes to be married during the summer Through his craftiness, he obtains dents can avail themselves of ex the presentation of KING LEAR ter or a year. to Mr. William Ewbank, a British five pounds from Higgins. Hig otic cultural experiences. These in the Goodman Theatre. Dr. Borchers, who Is an author schoolteacher, who will be teach gins refers Doolittle to a million tours have been stimulating events Reservations for the tour will ity in the field of speech and ing part-time at Taylor in the aire who is impressed by Doolit- in past years, and this year is be first opened to present and past speech education, will serve as a math dept. tle's morality. Doolittle eventual planned to be no exception. The students of the Fine Arts and consultant, teacher, and as a stim Both Dr. White and Mr. Ew ly becomes a famous lecturer on group of students who decide to go drama classes, after which the ulator for both faculty and stu bank are members of the Meth morality, earning 3000 pounds a will be leaving for Chicago early general student body may sign up dents. odist church and are active in year. Friday morning, April 10. They for the remaining places. This program is envisioned as evangelical work. Both are also Higgins' fellow phonetician, will spend a hectic Friday and an intellectually stimulating pro qualified teachers of the Bible. Colonel Pickering, financier of the Saturday taking in some of the International Day gram of campus visitors available wealth of entertainment, culture, to both teachers and students. and society in this city eulogized Features Haitian, by Carl Sandburg as the "Hog Seven States Included Butcher of the World." Raymond Joseph The entire group is scheduled This year International Day In Chorale Spring Tour for the Chicago Symphony on Fri will be held on March 6. During day afternoon, for a Chicago Art the day a chapel service, a lunch The Taylor University Chorale Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio. Museum tour on Saturday morn eon, a film, a banquet, and an eve is now preparing for its annual For the concerts, the Chorale ing, and for the musical HOW TO ning program will all emphasize spring tour which will begin March plans to present a varied reper SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITH the theme of the day which is 27 in East Liverpool, Ohio, and toire, including sacred classics OUT REALLY TRYING on Satur "Crown Thy Good with Brother conclude April 5, in Spencerville, from the sixteenth to the twentieth day afternoon. Walter Hendl will hood." Ohio. century, Negro spirituals and be conducting the Chicago Sym The chapel speaker will be Mr. This year's tour will take the hymns. phony, and the Art Museum tour Raymond Allside Joseph, who is Chorale to the east coast and in Purpose of Tour Twofold will consist of paintings from the at present working on his doctor clude such states as Delaware, During a recent interview, the "Decade of the Armory." ate in anthropology at the Uni Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Chorale director, Professor Marvin Friday and Saturday evenings versity of Chicago. Mr. Joseph is Dean, stated that the purpose of are left open for the students to a native of Haiti. Board Accepts Gift such a concert tour was twofold. During the usual lunch hour a "First to glorify God through the Patton Announces special luncheon in the Kerwood For Faculty Housing ministry of music, and second, to Room will be attended by the in properly represent Taylor through ternational students on campus, The Board of Trustees of Taylor Painting Contest this medium." the members of the International University recently voted to ac The Shilling Painting Contest, Day Committee, Mr. Joseph, and Forty of the 75 Chorale mem cept from two of Taylor's out open to all students on campus, invited guests. DR. FRANCIS WHITE bers have been chosen to go on standing benefactors. Mr. and will be held April 25-27. Students A film on Siam will be shown the tour. Students were carefully Also joining the faculty will be Mrs. John Worthman of Fort are urged to begin oil and water- in L-7 at 4:30 in the afternoon and selected on the basis of musical Dr. Francis White. Dr. White will Wayne, a partial gift of 27% color paintings now. Still life, again at 5:30. Any student who and vocal ability. The Chorale be coming to us from Beaver Falls, acres of land, ten of them wooded, landscape, or figure paintings wishes to may view this half-hour cabinet, meeting with Professor Penn., where she has been serving for faculty housing. This property, should be 11 inches by 14 inches long movie. Dean, made the final decisions as as professor of English at Geneva located immediately west of the or larger. Abstractions of the In place of the evening meal to each student's capabilities. College. Before that, she was a new campus site, will be made same size are also eligible. will be a banquet for all students. member of the faculty at Asbury available to faculty and staff at Itinerary Varied For the first time, a prize of $15 During the meal a fashion show of College in Wilmington, Kentucky, cost plus development expense. In The itinerary of churches in will be offered for the best pencil, costumes from foreign countries and also at Wheaton College, addition, the faculty will own the which the Chorale will present con conte crayon, pen and ink, felt pen, will be presented. Wheaton, Illinois. land. The property is bordered on certs has been compiled through charcoal, scratchboard or etching At 8:00' p.m. a program will be Dr. White holds her masters the west by Ellison Road, on the the recommendations of students, process drawing. Entries in this given in Maytag gymnasium to degree from Wayne State Uni south by the old interurban line, faculty, and the University church category should not be smaller which all students will be welcome. versity, and her Ph. D. from the on the east by highway 69, and mailing list. Among the eastern than 9 inches by 12 inches.