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Institution / Foundation Type of Grant Website / Contact FUNDING POSSIBILITIES Country Institution / Foundation Type of grant Website / contact Africa Grants for visual artists from South Africa working in a variety of media. rica.58.html Argentina Grants for Arts in Europe, for women [email protected] Arizona Arizona Humanities Council Grants for innovative and community-based projects. (USA) Australia Australian Council Australia NAVA (National Association of Visual Arts) Australia NSW (New South Wales) Grants for cultural projects. Austria Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Project and production grants/ Scholarship Culture ex.xml Austria Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Artists/writers in residence Culture ex.xml Austria Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Artists/ writers in residence Culture ex.xml Austria Cultural Department of Vienna’s City Municipality Event participation grants and artists in residence programme - Magistrat der Stadt teilung/foerderungen/interkulturell.html Austria Cultural Department of Vienna’s City Municipality Artists, Writers and Dancers in Residence - Magistrat der Stadt cooperation--arts-sponsorship/artists- inresidence Belgium Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI) Artists/ writers in residence 996_ Belgium Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI) Artists/writers in residence 808_ Belgium Fondation SmaArtbe Artists/writers in residence 471 Belgium Flemish Government - Culture, Youth, Sports Project and production grants and Media - Agency Arts and 03595-Subsidies+Internationaal.html Belgium Flemish Government - Culture, Youth, Sports Artists/writers in residence and Media - Agency Arts and 03595-Subsidies+Internationaal.html Belgium Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF) Artists/writers in residence en-werkbeurzen/ Bulgaria National Culture Fund - Национален фонд All "Култура" Bulgaria State Institute for Culture Ministry of Foreign Affairs Canada Heritage Grants for research, creative artists. enumeration&ln=ln1&userid=&rubr=culture Canada Canada Council of Arts Grants for artistic creations. xh127227143690312500.htm Chicago Fundación John David Mooney (USA) Chile Fundación Andes [email protected] CROATIA CECArts Link - Heathcoat Foundation Project and production grants html Cyrpus Cultural and Research Artos Foundation Artists/writers in residence ment.htm Czech Ministry of Culture - Foreign Relations All Republic for-the-support-of-participants-ininternational- Czech Czech Centres Project and production grants Republic D=287&menu=3637 Denmark Grants for Internacional Performing Arts Exchanges. projects-supported-from-the-eu-culture-2000- or-2007-programme-in-2007- Denmark Danish Arts Council Project and production grants efunding/tilskud/exhibitions-of-danish- artabroad/ Denmark Danish Arts Council International Cultural Exchange Projects efunding/tilskud/grants-for-internationalcultural- Denmark Danish Arts Council International Performing Arts Exchange efunding/tilskud/international-performingarts- Denmark Danish Arts Council International Promotion of Visual Arts efunding/tilskud/promoting-visual- artsinternationally/ Denmark Danish Arts Council Performing Arts Fund - Dramatic Art efunding/tilskud/the-performing-arts-fund/ Denmark Danish Arts Council Residencies abroad efunding/tilskud/residencies-abroad/ Denmark Trade Union for Professional Artists Event participation grants Estonia Estonian Ministry of Culture Arts Programme Events and Projects Estonia Estonian Ministry of Culture Fine and Applied Arts Grants Estonia Estonian Ministry of Culture Folk Art Grants Europe ECF Step Beyond Grants for the mobility of artists, cultural operators, journalists, exchange/ translators and research. Europe BalkanKult Grants for the mobility of artists, practitioners, ideas and works. Europe UNESCO-Aschberg Grants for artists projects abroad. Finland FRAME Grants for artists residencies programmes abroad. Finland Grants for artists accepted in residency programmes. m France French Institute Grants for artists born in France France National Centre for Visual Arts Support to Artists for Artistic Research emeInst=34&theme=artistes Support for study and research in restoration and preservation of emeInst=46&contenu=soutienla- France National Centre for Visual Arts contemporary art crationrestaurateurs- Onda International - National Office for Artistic France Dissemination Support to tours and mobility- Performing arts france_830/cooperation- France French-German Fund Cultural Fund French-German for third countries culturelle_1031/lesechanges-, France Office French-German for Youth Office French-German for Youth Germany DAAD Grants for artists and musicians in Germany. culturels_20119/fonds-franco- allemand_80868.html Germany List of german foundations. financement-des,1397.html Germany DAAD German Academic Exchange Service DAAD usik-kunst/04981.en.html Germany DAAD Berlin Artists-in-Residence Programme (Berliner Künstlerprogramm) usik-kunst/04981.en.html Germany German Federal Cultural Foundation General Funding http://www.kulturstiftung-des- ze/ Germany/Spa Instituto Cervantes Berlin in Greece J. F. Costopoulos Foundation Project and production grants Greece Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation Scholarships/postgraduate Type of mobility training courses subID=4&lang=en Hungary NKA Förderung (Nationale Kulturfonds), Ungarische Kulturministerium ContainerPage/Kezdolap Hungary Studio of Young Artists Association - Studio C3 Artists/writers in residence Iceland Center for Islandic Art Grants for travel and/or residencies abroad. Iceland Icelandic Film Centre Project and production grants Icelandic-Film-Centre/ Iceland Rannís - The Icelandic Centre for Research Project and production grants research-fund/ India IFA (India foundation of the ARTS) Grants for individuals and organizations. Ireland Travel and Training Bursary of Irish Arts Council. Italy POGAS, GAI Giovani Artisti Italiani Project and production grants 2011 Italy POGAS, GAI Giovani Artisti Italiani Event participation Italy Fondazione per l’Arte Contemporanea – RES.Ò Project and production grants Project _id=20 Italy Querini Stampalia Foundation Artists/writers ml Italy Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Artists/writers in residence Contemporanee Japan Market development grants Korea Grants for Arts and Culture (also Young Artists Support Program) uce_1.jsp Latvia State Culture Capital Foundation Scholarships/postgraduate training courses Latvia Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art Event participation grants Lithuania CAN - K I O S K P R O J E C T S Artists/writers in residence ts/c-a-n/ Malta Malta Council for Culture and the Arts - Ministry Artists/writers in residence for Education, Culture, 185246 Malta Malta Council for Culture and the Arts - Ministry
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