FUNDING POSSIBILITIES Country Institution / Foundation Type of grant Website / contact Africa Grants for visual artists from South Africa working in a variety of http://www.transartists.nl/funding/funding_in_af media. rica.58.html Argentina Grants for Arts in Europe, for women [email protected] Arizona Arizona Humanities Council Grants for innovative and community-based projects. http://www.azhumanities.org/ggrants5.php (USA) Australia Australian Council http://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/grants Australia NAVA (National Association of Visual Arts) http://www.visualarts.net.au/ Australia NSW (New South Wales) Grants for cultural projects. http://www.arts.nsw.gov.au/ Austria Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Project and production grants/ Scholarship http://www.bmukk.gv.at/kunst/foerderungen/ind Culture ex.xml Austria Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Artists/writers in residence http://www.bmukk.gv.at/kunst/foerderungen/ind Culture ex.xml Austria Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Artists/ writers in residence http://www.bmukk.gv.at/kunst/foerderungen/ind Culture ex.xml Austria Cultural Department of Vienna’s City Municipality Event participation grants and artists in residence programme http://www.wien.gv.at/amtshelfer/kultur/kulturab - Magistrat der Stadt teilung/foerderungen/interkulturell.html Austria Cultural Department of Vienna’s City Municipality Artists, Writers and Dancers in Residence http://www.kulturkontakt.or.at/en/cultural- - Magistrat der Stadt cooperation--arts-sponsorship/artists- inresidence Belgium Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI) Artists/ writers in residence http://www.wbi.be/cgi/bin3/render.cgi?id=0134 996_ Belgium Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI) Artists/writers in residence http://www.wbi.be/cgi/bin3/render.cgi?id=0020 808_ Belgium Fondation SmaArtbe Artists/writers in residence http://infofr.smartbe.be/article.php3?id_article= 471 Belgium Flemish Government - Culture, Youth, Sports Project and production grants http://www.kunstenenerfgoed.be/ake/view/nl/9 and Media - Agency Arts and 03595-Subsidies+Internationaal.html Belgium Flemish Government - Culture, Youth, Sports Artists/writers in residence http://www.kunstenenerfgoed.be/ake/view/nl/9 and Media - Agency Arts and 03595-Subsidies+Internationaal.html Belgium Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF) Artists/writers in residence http://www.vaf.be/vorming-onderzoek/studie- en-werkbeurzen/ Bulgaria National Culture Fund - Национален фонд All http://ncf.bg/?p=104&lang=en#more-104 "Култура" Bulgaria State Institute for Culture Ministry of Foreign http://en.afbulgaria.org/view.aspx?id=8 Affairs Canada Heritage Grants for research, creative artists. enumeration&ln=ln1&userid=&rubr=culture Canada Canada Council of Arts Grants for artistic creations. http://www.canadacouncil.ca/grants/visualarts/ xh127227143690312500.htm Chicago Fundación John David Mooney http://www.mooneyfoundation.org/home.html (USA) Chile Fundación Andes [email protected] CROATIA CECArts Link - Heathcoat Foundation Project and production grants http://www.cecartslink.org/grants/face_croatia. html Cyrpus Cultural and Research Artos Foundation Artists/writers in residence http://www.artosfoundation.org/eng/announce ment.htm Czech Ministry of Culture - Foreign Relations All http://www.mkcr.cz/en/zahranicni-vztahy/grants- Republic for-the-support-of-participants-ininternational- Czech Czech Centres Project and production grants http://www.czechcentres.cz/scc/stranka.asp?I Republic D=287&menu=3637 Denmark Grants for Internacional Performing Arts Exchanges. projects-supported-from-the-eu-culture-2000- or-2007-programme-in-2007- Denmark Danish Arts Council Project and production grants http://www.kunst.dk/english/funding/allavailabl efunding/tilskud/exhibitions-of-danish- artabroad/ Denmark Danish Arts Council International Cultural Exchange Projects http://www.kunst.dk/english/funding/allavailabl efunding/tilskud/grants-for-internationalcultural- Denmark Danish Arts Council International Performing Arts Exchange http://www.kunst.dk/english/funding/allavailabl efunding/tilskud/international-performingarts- Denmark Danish Arts Council International Promotion of Visual Arts http://www.kunst.dk/english/funding/allavailabl efunding/tilskud/promoting-visual- artsinternationally/ Denmark Danish Arts Council Performing Arts Fund - Dramatic Art http://www.kunst.dk/english/funding/allavailabl efunding/tilskud/the-performing-arts-fund/ Denmark Danish Arts Council Residencies abroad http://www.kunst.dk/english/funding/allavailabl efunding/tilskud/residencies-abroad/ Denmark Trade Union for Professional Artists Event participation grants http://www.artisten.dk/sw14158.asp Estonia Estonian Ministry of Culture Arts Programme Events and Projects http://www.kul.ee/index.php?path=0x66 Estonia Estonian Ministry of Culture Fine and Applied Arts Grants http://www.kulka.ee/?mid=77 Estonia Estonian Ministry of Culture Folk Art Grants http://www.kulka.ee/?mid=82 Europe ECF Step Beyond Grants for the mobility of artists, cultural operators, journalists, exchange/ translators and research. Europe BalkanKult Grants for the mobility of artists, practitioners, ideas and works. http://balkankult.org/bk/ Europe UNESCO-Aschberg Grants for artists projects abroad. www.unesco.org/culture/aschberg Finland FRAME Grants for artists residencies programmes abroad. http://www.frame-fund.fi/ Finland Grants for artists accepted in residency programmes. http://www.taiteenkeskustoimikunta.fi/default.ht m France French Institute Grants for artists born in France http://www.institutfrancais.com/ http://www.cnap.fr/index.php?page=infos&idTh France National Centre for Visual Arts Support to Artists for Artistic Research emeInst=34&theme=artistes http://www.cnap.fr/index.php?page=infos&idTh Support for study and research in restoration and preservation of emeInst=46&contenu=soutienla- France National Centre for Visual Arts contemporary art crationrestaurateurs- Onda International - National Office for Artistic France Dissemination Support to tours and mobility- Performing arts http://www.onda.fr/onda.php http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/actions- france_830/cooperation- France French-German Fund Cultural Fund French-German for third countries culturelle_1031/lesechanges- http://www.ofaj.org/bourses-mobilite, France Office French-German for Youth Office French-German for Youth http://www.ofaj.org/bourses-culture Germany DAAD Grants for artists and musicians in Germany. culturels_20119/fonds-franco- allemand_80868.html Germany List of german foundations. http://www.france-allemagne.fr/Le-fonds-de- financement-des,1397.html Germany DAAD German Academic Exchange Service DAAD http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/m usik-kunst/04981.en.html Germany DAAD Berlin Artists-in-Residence Programme (Berliner http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/m Künstlerprogramm) usik-kunst/04981.en.html Germany German Federal Cultural Foundation General Funding http://www.kulturstiftung-des- bundes.de/cms/en/foerderung/offen/grundsaet ze/ Germany/Spa Instituto Cervantes Berlin www.cervantes.de in Greece J. F. Costopoulos Foundation Project and production grants http://www.costopoulosfoundation.org Greece Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation Scholarships/postgraduate Type of mobility training courses http://www.onassis.gr/sectpage.php?secID=3& subID=4&lang=en Hungary NKA Förderung (Nationale Kulturfonds), http://www2.nka.hu/OPPortal/portal/cn/Default Ungarische Kulturministerium ContainerPage/Kezdolap Hungary Studio of Young Artists Association - Studio C3 Artists/writers in residence http://studio.c3.hu/studio_english/index.html Iceland Center for Islandic Art Grants for travel and/or residencies abroad. http://www.cia.is/ Iceland Icelandic Film Centre Project and production grants http://www.icelandicfilmcentre.is/About-The- Icelandic-Film-Centre/ Iceland Rannís - The Icelandic Centre for Research Project and production grants http://www.rannis.is/english/funding/icelandic- research-fund/ India IFA (India foundation of the ARTS) Grants for individuals and organizations. http://www.indiaifa.org/ Ireland Travel and Training Bursary of Irish Arts Council. http://artscouncil.ie/en/available_funding.aspx Italy POGAS, GAI Giovani Artisti Italiani Project and production grants http://www.giovaniartisti.it/iniziative/movinup- 2011 Italy POGAS, GAI Giovani Artisti Italiani Event participation http://www.giovaniartisti.it Italy Fondazione per l’Arte Contemporanea – RES.Ò Project and production grants http://www.fondazioneartecrt.it/news.php?page Project _id=20 Italy Querini Stampalia Foundation Artists/writers http://www.querinistampalia.it/arte_cont/furla.ht ml Italy Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Artists/writers in residence http://www.ffeac.org/root.page Contemporanee Japan Market development grants http://www.bunka.go.jp/ Korea Grants for Arts and Culture (also Young Artists Support Program) http://arko.or.kr/home2005/eng/introduce/introd uce_1.jsp Latvia State Culture Capital Foundation Scholarships/postgraduate training courses http://www.kkf.lv/#43 Latvia Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art Event participation grants http://www.lcca.lv/?page_id=44 Lithuania CAN - K I O S K P R O J E C T S Artists/writers in residence http://www.kioskprojects.org/index.php?/projec ts/c-a-n/ Malta Malta Council for Culture and the Arts - Ministry Artists/writers in residence http://www.maltaculture.com/content.aspx?id= for Education, Culture, 185246 Malta Malta Council for Culture and the Arts - Ministry
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