Information to neighbours from Mongstad in compliance with the Major Accident Regulations

The purpose of this brochure is to inform people regulation because flammable substances are outside the Mongstad process plant regarding handled at the facility. substances and situations that could represent a Based on this regulations a safety report, which deals hazard in the event of an undesirable incident. with the latest changes in the plant, will be prepared We will explain the plant’s emergency response for the public. The plant was updated in 2017. measures, and the precautions that should be taken if an undesirable incident, for example a gas leak or Other regulations that govern the activity as well as fire, should occur at the plant. In this manner, audit reports can be obtained upon inquiry to the Equinor wants to contribute to increased Safety Authority ( knowledge in connection with operation of the plant at Mongstad. Activities at Equinor Mongstad Equinor’s activity at Mongstad comprises Equinor Mongstad is one of several major operation of an , a process plant for enterprises in that handle chemicals and refining wet gas and condensate to propane, flammable substances, and is therefore subject to butane and naphtha, a crude oil terminal and a the “Regulations relating to measures to prevent cogeneration plant that is closely integrated with and limit the consequences of major accidents in the refinery. Equinor is also co-owner of the CO2 enterprises where hazardous chemicals occur Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), which is (Major Accident Regulations)”. The facility is the world’s largest facility for testing and operated in accordance with this regulation. development of CO2 capture technologies. The Mongstad process plant is covered by this

personnel inside the fence. These gases are toxic in Information about hazardous chemicals at Equinor high concentrations, and in lower concentrations Mongstad: they can irritate the skin and airways. This primarily poses a risk inside the facility. The facility - LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gases) is equipped with measuring instruments that give a LPG has the hazard category “highly flammable”. warning if the concentration of certain gases LPG is used here as a generic term for propane and becomes too high. butane gases, or mixtures of these gases. Propane and butane occur as gas at normal pressure and General information about the type of hazard for temperature. They can, however, be converted to major accidents and potential impact on people liquid form in connection with compression and/or and the environment. cooling. LPG is classified as extremely flammable Comprehensive analyses are conducted for the gases. These gases are heavier than air, which Mongstad process plant on a regular basis to means that in the event of a leak, they will spread highlight the risk for personnel at the plant, and the along the ground, following low points in the surrounding local environment. Equinor is required terrain. Explosive mixtures can result when the gas by law to establish acceptable risk criteria for is mixed with air. Further mixture with air will employees at the plant and neighbours. These result in the gas no longer being ignitable. criteria have been established in accordance with recognised norms and standards within comparable - Crude oil, petrol and distillate (kerosene, diesel, activity. gas oil, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil) are raw materials and finished products at the refinery. Analyses performed by third parties have concluded Direct contact with these substances is a health that the risk for people in the local environment is hazard. However, the danger of substances well within the established criteria and stipulated spreading outside the refinery area is small, since requirements. The likelihood of a major accident at these products are in liquid form at normal the Mongstad plant that could affect people outside temperatures. Fire/explosion with subsequent the plant is extremely low. The risk analyses formation of smoke and gas is the most significant conclude that third parties, for example neighbours, acute hazard connected with these products. Crude are not exposed to unacceptable risk pursuant to oil and its products also contain benzene and other stipulated norms and assessments. This means that volatile organic compounds or “VOC”. This is an incident inside the plant will not affect buildings, what you can smell when you fuel your vehicle. people or activities outside the company’s area. This Equinor Mongstad works actively to limit exposure assessment has been made following a thorough to benzene and VOC, with measures including study and measures. This means that the enterprise VOC recovery plants at our quays – to recover does not limit activity or construction outside the VOC gas in connection with loading and company’s area, and also that there will normally be offloading. no need to evacuate neighbours in connection with an undesirable incident. However, there could be - Other chemicals exceptions – such as a fire causing smoke, and that Gases such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), sulphur could necessitate evacuation of certain neighbours. dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen (di)oxide (NOx) are released in extremely low and safe concentrations Continuous work takes place to promote during normal operations. In the event of a major improvement measures within health, environment, accident or fire, emission of these gases could be safety and preparedness, as well as to limit the higher and thus represent a health hazard for consequences if such an incident should occur. The

most serious incidents that can occur in connection from a potential undesirable incident. Alarm with operation of the plant are considered to be: notification for Equinor Mongstad is the evacuation alarm. The process plant’s - Leakage of oil and gases that subsequently ignite. neighbours may be able to hear this when it is Ignition of hydrocarbons under pressure, or gas, tested at 12:00 hours every Monday. could cause significant harm to people, animals The alarm is only used as an internal alert in the and material assets. The probability of such a event of incidents where the objective is to significant gas leakage is extremely low, and the reduce the number of people inside the plant. likelihood of such a gas leak causing consequences Neighbours do not need to take any action if outside the fences around the Mongstad plant are they hear this alarm. even lower. The police will be notified if a major accident occurs, or if there is a risk of such an incident. In - Explosive fire in tanks or vessels containing such case, the Police are responsible, in hydrocarbons in liquid or gas form can occur after consultation with Equinor Mongstad and the 110 the vessel is exposed to the strain from a fire. In emergency centre, for assessing the need to alert extreme situations, such an incident can arise in a neighbours and others in the surrounding area, later stage of a fire. The probability that escalation and to potentially initiate evacuation. of fires would lead to consequences outside the Notification will then take place in accordance gates around the Mongstad plant are extremely with the Police notification procedures. low, but smoke development can occur. If this Announcements may also be made by radio via happens, follow the instructions in the table on the NRK Hordaland. next page. A dedicated emergency response plan has been The facility is constructed to avoid such situations, drawn up for Equinor Mongstad which safeguards and it is equipped with safety functions and both internal circumstances as well as in relation to alarms. Continuous monitoring of all these partners in the event an accident should occur. functions takes place in the control room. What is done at Mongstad in the event of an The Petroleum Safety Authority (PTIL) is the incident? supervisory authority for our facilities, and it Equinor operates and maintains the facilities with a verifies that the activity takes place in high level of focus on safe operations and accident accordance with rules and regulations. prevention. The enterprise places great emphasis on Municipal authorities, the Norwegian the so-called ”barrier mind-set”. This means that we Environment Agency and the Norwegian have a system with several built-in safety barriers Coastal Administration also take part in this and procedures. work. This can include: Preparedness and notification • Human factors – behaviour and competence Accidents can occur despite high safety • Technical factors – gas and fire alarms and control standards. The industrial safety team at systems. Mongstad consists of personnel from our own • Organisational factors – control systems and safety organisation who have received training in how delegate system. to handle accident situations. The industrial safety team has the task of implementing If an undesirable incident should occur, emergency measures to reduce the extent of the damage response personnel will be mobilised immediately,

and other response staff will be called in to At all time the personnel at Mongstad includes crew safeguard other important functions. The members with special training in handling emergency emergency response organisation conducts regular situations. If the alarm sounds, a dedicated crew will training exercises on simulated incidents in the also be on site quickly to staff all important positions. facility. A dedicated emergency response plan has Equinor also cooperates with the local fire service been established for the Mongstad facility, which departments. In the event of a major accident, describes various potential hazard situations, how Equinor Mongstad will provide information about the to deal with such situations and notification incident as soon as possible. routines. If additional information is desired beyond what is The facilities at Equinor Mongstad operate 24/7 contained in this document, you can contact Equinor and they have a professional response team on-call Mongstad via the switchboard at tel. 56344000. The round the clock. switchboard is operated from Stavanger between 07.00-17.00 on weekdays and during weekends, but during evenings/night-time the call will go to the security guard at Mongstad. Explain the issue and ask to speak with the senior guard or operations manager at Equinor Mongstad

The following actions must be taken if there is a warning of potential significant smoke development:

Name and address for the enterprise: Equinor ASA, Mongstad 56, 5954 Mongstad

Read more about the activities at the facility at: • • •