WIPO/GRTKF/IC/2/16: Informe (Annex 1)
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ANEXO I LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES I. ÉTATS/STATES (dans l’ordre alphabétique des noms français des États) (in the alphabetical order of the names in French of the States) AFRIQUE DU SUD/SOUTH AFRICA Sipho George NENE, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva MacDonald NETSHITENZHE, Director, IPR Policy, Department of Trade and Industry, Pretoria Fiola HOOSEN (Ms.), Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva ALGÉRIE/ALGERIA Nor-Eddine BENFREHA, conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève ALLEMAGNE/GERMANY Jürgen SCHMIDT-DWERTMANN, Deputy Director General, Federal Ministry of Justice, Berlin Hans Georg BARTELS, Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Justice, Berlin Almuth OSTERMEYER-SCHLÖDER (Mrs.), Counsellor, Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Protection of Nature and Nuclear Security, Bonn Rainer DOBBELSTEIN, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mara Mechtild WESSELER (Mrs.), Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva ANGOLA João Da Silva CONSTANTINO, Director General, National Institute for Cultural Industries (INIC), National Directorate of Entertainment and Copyright, Ministry of Culture, Luanda Damião João Antonio Pinto BAPTISTA, Jurist, National Institute for Cultural Industries (INIC), National Directorate of Entertainment and Copyright, Ministry of Culture, Luanda ARABIE SAOUDITE/SAUDI ARABIA Ibrahim AL-MUTAIRI, Patent Researcher, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Patent Office, Riyadh OMPI/GRTKF/IC/2/16 Anexo I, página 2 ARGENTINE/ARGENTINA Marta GABRIELONI (Sra.), Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra AUSTRALIE/AUSTRALIA Ian HEATH, Director General, Commissioner of Patents and Registrar of Designs, IP Australia, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Woden Jessica WYERS (Ms.), Assistant Director, Development and Legislation, IP Australia, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Woden Sally PETHERIDGE (Ms.), Environment Australia, Canberra Joan SHEEDY (Ms.), Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra Dara WILLIAMS (Ms.), Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva AUTRICHE/AUSTRIA Günter AUER, Ministry of Justice, Vienna Anton ZIMMERMANN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva AZERBAÏDJAN/AZERBAIJAN Gulnara RUSTAMOVA (Ms.), Leading Specialist, National Center of Patent Examination, Baku BAHREÏN/BAHRAIN Abdallah Mohammad AL-SULEITI, Acting Head, Heritage Department, Directorate of Archeology and Heritage, Ministry of Information, Manama BARBADE/BARBADOS Nicole CLARKE (Ms.), Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva OMPI/GRTKF/IC/2/16 Anexo I, página 3 BELGIQUE/BELGIUM Geoffrey BAILLEUX, conseiller adjoint, Office de la propriété industrielle, Ministère des affaires économiques, Bruxelles Alain TACQ, conseiller adjoint, Service du droit d’auteur, Ministère de la justice, Bruxelles Vicky LEENTJES (Mlle), expert, Biodiversité, Ministère de l’environnement, Bruxelles Simon LEGRAND, premier secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève BOLIVIE/BOLIVIA Julio Gastón ALVARADO AGUILAR, Ministro de Primera, Misión Permanente, Ginebra BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE/BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Melika FILIPAN (Mrs.), International Trademark Examiner, Institute for Standards, Metrology and Intellectual Property, Sarajevo Dragana ANDELIC (Mrs.), First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BRÉSIL/BRAZIL Antonio PATRIOTA, Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Maria Beatriz AMORIM PÁSCOA (Mrs.), Coordinator of Technical Cooperation, National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Rio de Janeiro Maria Hercília PAIM FORTES (Mrs.), Biotechnology Patent Examiner, National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Rio de Janeiro Francisco CANNABRAVA, Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Marcos TERENA, General Coordinator, Indigenous Rights, Brasilia BULGARIE/BULGARIA Dimiter GANTCHEV, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva OMPI/GRTKF/IC/2/16 Anexo I, página 4 CANADA John CRAIG, Legal Analyst, Intellectual Property Policy, Department of Industry, Ottawa Edith ST-HILAIRE (Ms.), Senior Policy Analyst, Information and Technology Trade Policy Division, Ottawa Anna Marie LABELLE (Ms.), Business Portefolio, Intellectual Property and Trade Law, Industry Canada, Department of Justice, Ottawa George BOTULYNSKY, Manager, Copyright Policy, Department of Canadian Heritage, Hull Brian ROBERTS, Senior Policy Advisor, Environment and Traditional Knowledge, International Relations Directorate, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Gatineau Jock LANGFORD, Senior Policy Advisor, Biodiversity Convention Office, Department of Environment, Hull Simon BRASCOUPÉ, Director, Aboriginal Affairs, Department of Environment, Ottawa Sylvia BATT (Ms.), Senior Counsel, Aboriginal Law and Strategic Initiatives, Department of Justice, Ottawa Cameron MAC KAY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva CHILI/CHILE Jose Pablo MONSALVE MANRIQUEZ, Jefe, Departamento de Propiedad Industrial, Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción, Santiago CHINE/CHINA QIAO Dexi, Director General, International Cooperation Department, State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), Beijing WEN Xikai (Ms.), Deputy Director General, Legal Affairs Department, State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), Beijing XU Zeng pei, Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department, China Academy of Engineering, Beijing ZENG Yanni (Ms.), Project Administrator, International Cooperation Department, State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), Beijing GAO Si (Ms.), Deputy Director, Legal Division, National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC), Beijing YI Jian, Official, China Academy of Engineering, Beijing OMPI/GRTKF/IC/2/16 Anexo I, página 5 Peter Kam Fai CHEUNG, Deputy Director, Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region COLOMBIE/COLOMBIA Ana Maria HERNANDEZ SALGAR (Sra.), Asesora, Grupo de Política y Negociación Internacional, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Santafe de Bogotá Luis Gerardo GUZMAN VALENCIA, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra CONGO Delphine BIKOUTA (Mme), premier conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève COSTA RICA Alejandro SOLANO ORTIZ, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra CÔTE D'IVOIRE Kouassi Michel ALLA, chef du Service de la coopération et DER, Ministère de la culture et de la francophonie, Abidjan Desiré-Bosson ASSAMOI, conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève CROATIE/CROATIA Irena SCHMIDT (Mrs.), State Official, State Intellectual Property Office, Zagreb DANEMARK/DENMARK Niels Holm SVENDSEN, Chief Adviser, Danish Patent and Trademark Office, Taastrup Veit KOESTER, Head of Division, Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Ministry of the Environment, Copenhagen ÉGYPTE/EGYPT Mohamed TAWFIK, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Permanent Mission, Geneva Ahmed Ali MORSI, Professor, Head, Arabic Language and Folklore Department, Faculty of Literature, Cairo University, Advisor to the Minister of Culture for Popular Heritage, Cairo OMPI/GRTKF/IC/2/16 Anexo I, página 6 Hassan EL BADRAWI, Counsellor, Department of Legislative Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Cairo Gamal Abdel Rahman ALI, Legal Consultant, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), Cairo Nermine AL ZAWAHRI (Mrs.), Second Secretary, Department of Specialized Agencies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo Ahmed ABDEL-LATIF, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva EL SALVADOR Ramiro RECINOS TREJO, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra ÉQUATEUR/ECUADOR Roberto BETANCOURT RUALES, Embajador, Representante Permanente, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Rafael PAREDES PROAÑO, Representante Permanente Alterno, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Esteban ARGUDO CARPIO, Director Nacional de Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos, Instituto Ecuatoriano de la Propiedad Intelectual (IEPI), Quito Homero LARREA, Funcionario, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Quito ESPAGNE/SPAIN María Jesús UTRILLA UTRILLA (Sra.), Vocal Asesor de Relaciones con la Unión Europea en materia de Propiedad Intelectual, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Madrid María NOGUEROL (Sra.), Consejera Técnica, Cooperación Multilateral, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Madrid Emilia ARAGÓN SÁNCHEZ (Sra.), Jefe de Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Madrid Asha SUKHWANI (Sra.), Técnico Superior Examinador, Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica, Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Madrid Ana PAREDES (Sra.), Consejera, Misión Permanente, Ginebra OMPI/GRTKF/IC/2/16 Anexo I, página 7 ÉTATS-UNIS D’AMÉRIQUE/UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Linda LOURIE (Ms.), Attorney-Advisor, Office of Legislative and International Affairs, United States Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, D.C. Gordon CRAGG, Chief, Natural Products Branch, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Frederick Richard DRISCOLL, Senior Conservation Office, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES/ETC), Department of State, Washington, D.C. Sayuri RAJAPAKSE (Ms.), Attorney-Advisor, Office of Policy and International Affairs, United States Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Daniel ROSS, Economic Officer, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Dominic KEATING, Intellectual Property Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva Michael A. MEIGS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Jean-Paul