Got a story you want to share? Drop Candace an email today! Stories from our partners around the world FOUND: Lost Starry Night Harlequin Toad makes radiant return to science © Fundación Atelopus

For the first time since 1994, biolo- America at these higher altitudes knowledge. We are tremendously gists have documented the stun- have largely vanished over the past grateful to the Arhuaco people for ning black-and-white-spotted Starry three decades as the result of a giving us this opportunity to work Night Harlequin Toad (Atelopus deadly fungal pathogen, it turns out with them.” aryescue). The photo documenta- that the Starry Night Harlequin Toad tion is the result of a unique and has bucked the trend,” said Lina The Starry Night Harlequin Toad, poignant partnership between Valencia, Colombia conservation known as ‘gouna’ to the Arhuaco Global Wildlife Conservation partner officer at Global Wildlife Conserva- people, is classified as Critically Fundación Atelopus—a Colombian tion. “This is a powerful story about Endangered by the IUCN Red List NGO—and the indigenous Arhuaco how working with indigenous and of Threatened Species. Although it people of the Sogrome commu- local communities can help us not had been lost to science for nearly nity in Colombia’s Sierra Nevada just find species lost to science, but 30 years, it has never been lost to de Santa Marta, the tallest coastal better understand how some spe- members of the Sogrome com- mountain on Earth. cies are surviving and how we can munity, who have always lived in conserve the natural world in a way harmony with the toad in their “While Harlequin Toads across Latin that connects spiritual and cultural shared home in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and have historically planting crops or performing spir- after a series of gatherings with the protected the amphibian, its habitat itual ceremonies—that has inspired community, the biologists awaited and the other wildlife living there. their ancestral culture for thousands word from the mamos, who con- of years. sulted with nature about the team’s “The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta intentions and whether they genu- is a place that we consider sacred, For this reason, the Sogrome com- inely shared the community’s inter- and harlequin toads are guardians munity has chosen the Starry Night est in protecting the Sierra Nevada of water and symbols of fertility,” Harlequin Toad as a flagship for their before granting them permission to said Kaneymaku Suarez Chaparro, a community-based project, Amas visit the toad again on a GWC-fund- member of the Sogrome community la Sierra. The project is aimed at ed expedition to get photographs. and a biology student at the Francis- demonstrating that it is possible for co José de Cladas District University. humans to accomplish their goals “It is an incredible honor to be “We manage our resources and con- while maintaining the equilibrium entrusted with the story of the serve our home as the law of origin of Earth, even achieving economic Starry Night Harlequin Toad and the dictates, which means that we live growth through the preservation of story of the Sogrome community’s in balance with Mother Earth and nature. Given their shared interests relationship with it,” said Fundación all of the life here. Now we have a to protect nature, a partnership with Atelopus vice president and biolo- great opportunity to bring together Fundación Atelopus seemed like a gist José Luis Pérez-González. “We two worldviews for the protection natural fit. But for the biologists to were hoping to find one individual and preservation of the Sierra spe- obtain permission to make the eight- of the Starry Night Harlequin Toad, cies: the Western scientific knowl- hour hike to co-document the starry and to our great surprise we found edge and the indigenous scientific, night harlequin toad for the rest of a population of 30 individuals. We cultural and spiritual knowledge.” the world required first building a were full of joy and hope as we had relationship with the indigenous the chance to observe a healthy The Starry Night Harlequin Toad has community. population from a for which not been scientifically documented very few species remain.” in nearly 30 years in part because After four years of dialogue among biologists have not had access to its Fundación Atelopus, Villafaña and The next steps will involve Fun- habitat. However, for the communi- Sogrome spiritual leaders, called dación Atelopus, Suarez Chaparro ty of Sogrome and their representa- mamos, the Fundación Atelopus and Villafaña Chaparro sitting down tive Ruperto Chaparro Villafaña, the team was allowed in April of this with the mamos and authorities of toad is a legitimate authority of the year to see the toad without taking the community to continue discuss- natural world—an indicator that photos (a test of trust the Arhuaco ing the role of the Sierra and its signals when to take actions like call “resisting temptation”). Then wildlife, to establish a monitoring © Fundación Atelopus © Fundación Atelopus program for the Starry Night Har- elevations in the Sierra Nevada lequin Toad, and to bring together de Santa Marta, surprising biolo- both the scientific and spiritual per- gists who associate high-elevation spectives to best continue protect- habitats with dramatic amphibian ing the amphibian. declines.

Eighty of the known 96 Harlequin “With the Starry Night Harlequin Toad species are Endangered, Criti- Toad records, we confirm that Sierra cally Endangered or Extinct in the Nevada de Santa Marta is one of wild, according to the IUCN Red List the most important sites for the of Threatened Species, as the result conservation of harlequin toads in of infectious disease, habitat de- Latin America,” said Luis Alberto struction and degradation, invasive Rueda, professor at Universidad del species and climate change. As of Magdalena and Fundación Atelopus 2018, 37 Harlequin Toad species cofounder. “And thanks to the indig- had disappeared from their known enous communities like Sogrome, homes and have not been seen this special place continues to be a since the early 2000s, despite efforts sanctuary for these special .” to find them. The Starry Night Har- lequin Toad is one of four Harlequin Toads with seemingly steady popu- lations living in mid-to-high-level

issues. There is a fascinating sum- to your holiday reading and enjoy mary of the recent Atelopus Surviv- yet more fantastic stories from the al Initiative workshop in Colombia, ASA partnership. We look forward which was convened to develop an to an exciting 2020 as we make eve- essential network and conservation ry effort to support global biodiver- strategy for threatened Harlequin sity conservation targets, including Toads across the Neotropics. As promoting Key Biodiversity Areas a recent boost to this initiative, and amphibian disease mitiga- we share a story from Fundación tion. Getting the New Year off to a EDITORIAL Atelopus announcing the rediscov- strong start, in early 2020 we will ery of the Starry Night Harlequin reveal the recipients of our newly In a bumper Holiday edition of Toad (Atelopus arsyecue) in Colom- launched ASA Conservation Grants the Frogress Report, we bring you bia. We also celebrate some richly and share news from the 9th World exciting updates from new and deserved commendations given Congress of Herpetology (5th-10th established ASA partners all over to members of our community, January 2020), where ASA is run- the world. In a long and inspiring including the IUCN SSC Amphibian ning the Amphibian Conservation list, we share contributions from Specialist Group (awarded the IUCN Research Symposium as a double the Smithsonian Conservation SSC Chair’s Citation of Excellence), session. Biology Institute, Zoological Society Ariadne Angulo (awarded The Harry of London, Froglife, Zoos Victoria, Messel Award for Conservation We sincerely thank all of our Save The ! Ghana, Global Leadership) and Gina Della Togna partners and supporters for their Wildlife Conservation, Synchronicity (awarded the L’Oréal-UNESCO For tireless efforts in amphibian conser- Earth and the Conservation Plan- Women in Science Award). vation, and for helping develop ASA ning Specialist Group. We welcome into a strong and collaborative part- new partners to ASA, including the It has been an eventful and re- nership. May the New Year bring Wildlife Trust of India, Taita Taveta warding year for ASA. Our part- you much peace and happiness, Wildlife Forum in Kenya, Elgon nership has grown and we have and the promise of better things to Wildlife Conservation Organization relished celebrating novel initiatives come for your beloved amphibians! in Uganda, COANA in Argentina, for amphibians in diverse global Grupo RANA in Peru, and the Moni- locations. As 2019 draws to a close, Helen Meredith, PhD tor Conservation Research Society, we are publishing the ASA Annual Executive Director which is based in Canada and works Report for the 2019 fiscal year. We Amphibian Survival Alliance internationally on amphibian trade strongly encourage you to add this Saving the Intermediate Puddle © Daniel Portik

SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana (STF! Gha- The Ankasa Conservation Area The project is expected to benefit na) is dedicating hundreds of work- is one of Ghana’s best-protected co-occurring threatened amphibian ing hours in search of one of West forests. Regardless, there still is species such as Ghana River Frog (P. Africa’s rarest frogs, the critically heavy dependence on Non-Timber ghanensis) and Yapo River Frog (P. endangered Intermediate Puddle Forest Products, including raffia villiersi), as well as non-amphibian Frog (Phrynobatrachus intermedius) palm tapped for a local ‘wine.’ This species including Forest Elephant at south-western Ghana’s Ankasa activity within the species’ habi- (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) and Conservation Area, it’s only known tat puts it in imminent danger of White-breasted Guinea Fowl (Age- home. Since its discovery of three disappearing; thus, offering little lastes meleagrides). individuals in 2001, there have not opportunity to know more about its been any further sightings despite biology and ecology. STF! Ghana, in This project is sponsored by Mo- several focused surveys in other lo- collaboration with Ghana’s Forestry hammed bin Zayed Species Conser- calities, including Tanoé-Ehy Swamp Commission, is, therefore, conduct- vation Fund and Prince Bernhard Forest, Banco National Park, and Taï ing proactive conservation actions Nature Fund. National Park in neighbouring Cote alongside the searches by planting d’ lvoire. Not surprisingly, nothing is 10,000 raffia palm trees to secure known yet about its population sta- the species’ type locality before it is tus, distribution, natural history, and lost. Additionally, we will assist 100 tolerance to threats. Scientists from local palm wine tappers in planting STF! Ghana, therefore, is committing 2,000 seedlings of raffia palm trees an entire year of continuous search- in suitable areas on their farms to es in an attempt to rediscover and reduce pressures on wild palms bridge this knowledge gap. Along- within the species’ habitat; and side this, the team will train local educate an estimated 20,000 local park rangers to incorporate surveys people including school children in their routine wildlife monitoring from surrounding communities on activities to increase the chances of the need to protect P. intermedius. rediscovery. The ASG at the IUCN SSC Leaders meeting This commendation recognises a truly fantastic group of people and is richly deserved.

Ariadne Angulo also received a very important recognition of her achievements in amphibian con- servation during this last day of the meeting. She was one of the recipi- ents of The Harry Messel Award for Conservation Leadership. This award recognizes exemplary service to the IUCN SSC, especially from individuals who have made a specific contribu- tion to species conservation on the ground or through their leadership, as part of the work of an SSC Spe-

© Ariadne Angulo cialist Group or Task Force. Ariadne combines her commitment to the The fourth IUCN Species Survival day to discuss priorities and chal- coordination of global efforts with Commission (SSC) Leaders meeting, lenges and whether to establish an a passion for developing amphibian where the leadership of the IUCN Amphibian and Reptile Conservation conservation in Latin America. Since and SSC meet to discuss the func- Committee. 1984, when the award was initiated, tioning, growth and integration of this is the first time that SSC has species conservation work, was held The last day of the meeting was bestowed this award in recognition in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, especially significant for ASG. Dr. Si- of specific work with amphibian October 6-9, 2019, with the support mon Stuart gave a very heartfelt and conservation. Moreover, out of 72 of the Environment Agency Abu moving tribute to Dr. George Rabb, IUCN SSC awardees until 2019, only Dhabi (EAD). This meeting brought arguably the father of the global four worked in Latin America and together over 350 conservationists amphibian conservation movement only 16 were women, which makes from around the world, including and staunch supporter of the ASA, this recognition timely. Neverthe- ASG co-chairs Prof. Phil Bishop and Amphibian Ark, ASG, and all things less, it was not the first time that Dr. Dr. Ariadne Angulo, Programme Of- amphibian. The ASG also received a Ariadne Angulo, who was born in ficer Sally Wren, and Amphibian Red Chair’s Citation of Excellence at the Peru and raised in Brazil, has been List Authority Global Coordinator meeting. ASG received this impor- recognized for her work. In 2015, Jennifer Luedtke. tant commendation in recognition she received an IUCN SSC Chair’s of its outstanding contributions in Citation of Excellence in recognition Amphibians had a prominent pres- delivering the Species Strategic Plan of her tireless, conscientious, and ence at the SSC Leaders meeting as during the 2017-2018 period. ASG dedicated leadership of amphibian ASG was requested to participate in is a fantastic example of how an conservation, including through the several sessions. Prof. Bishop pre- IUCN SSC specialist group can build Amphibian Specialist Group and Am- sented on ASG’ planning approach a welcoming global community that phibian Red List Authority. Among in plenary during the first day of the serves and delivers science and Ariadne’s many contributions to meeting and was congratulated by conservation action. It comprises a amphibian conservation, she served many fellow specialist group chairs. wonderfully committed team of ex- as Interim Executive Director of ASA In addition, an ASG poster that perts who are striving to make this from 2017-2018 during Dr. Helen same day received much interest world a better place for amphibians. Meredith’s maternity leave – a role from meeting participants. Ariadne she embraced with great tenacity Angulo was invited to represent whilst bringing ASG and ASA ever ASG during a panel discussion on closer together. diversity in leadership and member- ship during a parallel session on the Congratulations, ASG and Ariadne! second day, and ASG was also tasked The Amphibian Survival Alliance is with facilitating an amphibian and grateful for all that you do, and is reptile breakout session on the third very proud of you! Atelopus Survival Initiative workshop © Parque Explora © Parque

Harlequin Toads (Atelopus spp.), and was attended by 40 Atelopus ex- (CPSG), also a partner of ASA. a species-rich genus with a wide perts and conservationists from 11 ASA was represented by our Com- distribution in the Neotropics, are different countries, including seven munications and Partnership Officer among the most threatened group where Harlequin Toads occur. These Luis F. Marin da Fonte, who not only of amphibians in the world. The experts represented at least 30 helped co-facilitate the workshop, Atelopus Survival Initiative (ASI) is a institutions, including ASA partners but also got to know about the collaborative effort that unites and Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC), incredible work these organizations mobilizes national and international Amphibian Ark (AArk), the IUCN SSC are doing around amphibian conser- conservation groups, governments, Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG), vation and prospect new partners academic institutions, zoos, and the Smithsonian Conservation Biol- for ASA across Latin America. other interested organizations to ogy Institute, and a variety of Latin implement substantial, long-term, American universities, museums, en- ASA partners can support the ASI in range-wide conservation measures vironmental agencies, and NGOs. a number of ways. We are looking for this unique group of amphibians. for funding to implement the goals The workshop was co-organized by of the initiative and for expertise As a first step to accomplish this, a GWC and Parque Explora, with the and initiative partners. Together 4-day workshop was held in Me- support of the Amphibian Survival we can restore Harlequin Toads dellin, Colombia with key experts Alliance (ASA), AArk, and ASG, and and protect their habitat. If you are and Harlequin Toad conservation- thanks to the kind donations of the interested in joining this critical ini- ists working across the Atelopus Zoological Society for the Conser- tiative, please contact Lina Valencia range countries. The objectives of vation of Species and Populations at [email protected] the workshop were to create an (ZGAP), Philadelphia Zoo, and ASA Atelopus network and to formulate partners German Herpetological a roadmap of actions to be imple- Society (DGHT) and the Smithsonian mented collectively by the ASI. Conservation Biology Institute. The workshop structure followed the The workshop was held in Parque guidelines developed the IUCN Con- Explora from 4-7 November 2019, servation Planning Specialist Group Papua New Guinea’s first public display for native frogs © Zoos Victoria Victoria © Zoos

The first phase of on-ground work Water Frog (Rana daemeli). All four and breeding, in PNG for PNG frogs, to strengthen a secure future species occur on the Park grounds. in advance of the likely arrival of for Papua New Guinea frogs was chytrid in PNG. recently completed at the Port Establishing the display was un- Moresby Nature Park. Part of a derpinned by two workshops on Much of the country’s frog fauna larger, long-term strategy to mitigate frog husbandry for the Park’s Life comprises small species with poorly the likely impacts of the Amphibian Science staff and complemented by known captive needs, ie. the large Chytrid Fungus on PNG frogs, the installation of off-exhibit tanks for number of microhylids. As such, and project has seen the country’s first tadpoles and metamorphs. Critical recognising that the Park’s keepers public display for PNG frogs installed for successful frog husbandry, the are just starting out on the journey at the Nature Park. Melbourne Zoo’s Park has an expanding live food unit of caring for frogs, husbandry skills frog husbandry specialist, Damian that receives regular input from staff will develop with common hardy Goodall, spent a week sharing his at Melbourne Zoo’s Invertebrate species before moving on to the expertise with the Park’s frog and Department. more challenging less well-known reptile keepers, Ryan Reuma and species. Dagie Solomon. A 1 x 0.6 x 0.6m All available evidence points to New glass aquarium was fitted-out with Guinea being the only large land- The work is part of a long-term sis- filtration and irrigation systems, mass yet to be affected by chytrid ter zoo partnership between the Na- lighting to support live plants and (see Bower et al., 2019; “Island ture Park and Zoos Victoria, which meet the frogs’ UV requirements, of opportunity: can New Guinea has facilitated visits by more than and natural landscaping to highlight protect amphibians from a globally 30 staff sharing expertise across the the frogs to Park visitors. A major emerging pathogen?”). Accordingly, gamut of zoo operations. focus was ease of maintenance and we are being proactive and devel- recording climatic parameters like oping capacity for frog husbandry Damian Goodall, Melbourne Zoo temperature and humidity. The ex- ([email protected]); and Chris hibit’s first inhabitants, White-lipped Banks, Zoos Victoria (cbanks@zoo. Tree Frogs (Litoria infrafenata) and Green Tree Frogs (Litoria caerulea) have settled in well. It is planned to add further displays for Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) and Save the Frogs!, ASA and Froglife meet in Cambridge, UK © Froglife

In September 2019, UK charity group which included local events, cies across the globe and provided Froglife organised a conference at training courses and amphibian and seven themes for amphibian conser- the David Attenborough Building, reptile surveys. It was encouraging vation initiatives. Her work involves Cambridge with speakers from Save to hear of the number and variety forming international partnerships the Frogs!, the Amphibian Survival of events being hosted in the county and developing funding opportuni- Alliance (ASA) and Cambridgesh- and of the range of amphibian and ties for crucial amphibian conserva- ire Amphibian and Reptile Group reptile conservation initiatives being tion programmes worldwide. (CPARG). The aim was to bring carried out by CPARG. together conservation organisations The last talk of the day was from working in the UK and globally to Next, followed Dr. Laurence Jarvis, keynote speaker Dr. Kerry Kriger, form partnerships and share ideas Science & Research Manager from Founder, Executive Director & and successes. Froglife who spoke on the research Ecologist from the international themes of Froglife. These included charity Save the Frogs! Kerry gave The afternoon started with an intro- tunnel mitigation research, includ- an inspirational and dynamic talk on duction by Froglife’s Chief Executive ing a successful case study of tunnel amphibian conservation and envi- Officer, Kathy Wormald, followed monitoring at a site in northern ronmental education from across by a talk by Steven Allain from the England; the latest figures from the world. He detailed some of the Cambridge and Peterborough Am- Froglife’s long-standing Toads on many and varied successful events phibian and Reptile Group (CPARG). Roads project; an update on their held for Save the Frogs! Day from Steve shared the activities of the juvenile toads research study; the USA, Africa, India, Bangladesh Garden Wildlife Health; and some and . Kerry’s talk of the interesting conservation and provided insight into the incredible research projects being conducted variety of environmental education at the Hampton Nature Reserve in initiatives which have been inspired Peterborough. by Save the Frogs! and of the range in amphibian conservation success Dr. Helen Meredith, Executive stories from across the globe. Director of the ASA, then gave a motivating talk on global amphibian partnerships. She highlighted the in- credible diversity in amphibian spe- © Left photo by Claudio Soto Azat. Right photo by the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile World’s Last Loa Water Frogs Get a Helping Hand In late June a team of conservation- Now the international conservation tion president. “This is important ists and government officials in Chile community—including Global Wild- because water frogs across the evacuated what may be the world’s life Conservation, the Amphibian Andean highlands in South America last-known 14 Loa Water Frogs Survival Alliance and the IUCN SSC need our help. The story of the Loa (Telmatobius dankoi)—a species Amphibian Specialist Group—are Water Frogs is a cautionary tale, one considered Critically Endangered calling on the Chilean government that should spur us to action for all by the IUCN Red List of Threatened not to stop at the rescue, but to other water frog species before they Species and found only in a single restore the Loa Water Frog’s habitat also potentially decline to only a few stream outside of Calama, Chile— and formally protect it as a sanctu- individuals left.” just before their habitat dries up ary or reserve. almost completely from the illegal Read more about the rescue ef- extraction of water, leaving the frogs “Global Wildlife Conservation is forts malnourished and barely holding on. proud to be committed to the con- servation of water frogs, a unique As part of the rescue mission, and charismatic group of frogs that the animals were relocated to the have gained notoriety over the last National Zoo of Chile, where the few years thanks to Romeo the zoo’s specialists have been success- Sehuencas Water Frog,” said Don fully nursing them back to health. Church, Global Wildlife Conserva- L’Oréal – UNESCO For Women in Science Award Dr. Gina Della Togna has been of the Smithsonian Tropical Re- recently awarded with the L’Oréal search Institute. She has been work- – UNESCO For Women in Science ing for more than 10 years in the Award for her work on the devel- development of Artificial Reproduc- opment of Artificial Reproductive tive Technologies (ART’s) including Technologies for the conservation hormonal stimulation for gametes of endangered amphibian species in collection, sperm cryopreservation, Panama. The philosophy behind the stimulation and synchronization of L’Oréal – UNESCO For Women in Sci- reproductive behaviors and artificial ence Award is to support and to em- fertilization for power women who have dedicated such as Atelopus zeteki, Atelopus their lives and careers to science. Dr. limosus, A. certus, A. glyphus, A. Della Togna is a Research Professor varius, Anotheca spinosa, Craugas- at the Universidad Interamericana tor evanesco, Strabomantis bufoni- de Panamá and Research Associate formis, among others. An update from the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project The Panama Amphibian Rescue and using assisted reproduction meth- in Panama City, who have a world- Conservation Project was created ods to induce spawning in different class amphibian exhibit and informal in 2009 as a partnership between species, with a goal to ensure that educational curriculum to share with Zoo New England, Cheyenne Moun- we breed unrepresented founder casual visitors and visiting school tain Zoo, Houston Zoo, Smithsonian animals. We are also cryopreserving groups. A team of educators on the National Zoo, and the Smithsonian live amphibian sperm as a safeguard Qrius bus visits schools in rural areas Tropical Research Institute to build against unintended genetic bottle- and conduct amphibian-based edu- captive populations of species at necks from captivity. cation and outreach activities there. risk of from the deadly Annually around August 14th we amphibian chytrid fungus. Together We have begun releasing surplus- participate alongside many different we have built significant capacity for bred animals into the wild in order groups and stakeholders in a week- amphibian conservation in Panama to compare the effectiveness of long ‘Golden Frog Day Festival’ with and now have 8 full-time employees different post-release monitoring frog-themed activities, talks, exhibi- and a 5,000 sq ft facility that houses methods, including using radiotrans- tions, sporting events and parades. an ex situ collection of 2,000 adult mitter-tagged animals, mesocosms, frogs of 12 at-risk amphibian spe- and mark-recapture survey-based cies. methods. Our current research into mitigating the effects of the amphib- Our current facility improvement ian chytrid fungus includes trials goal is to constructing a dedicated studying the mucusome of animals 1,600 square foot insect production in the captive collection, with a goal facility on site to ensure capacity to breed more resilient individuals. to feed our growing collection of We are also conducting research amphibians that are housed in 7 into the idea of environmental refu- modified shipping containers. We gia from the chytrid fungus with a manage our captive populations goal of selecting reintroduction sites using the Zoological Information where frogs have a higher chance of Management System (ZIMS) and are persisting. researching the causes of spindly leg syndrome, to improve our cap- Our primary education and out- tive rearing survival rates. We also reach is conducted by a team at have an active research program the Punta Culebra Nature Center © Brian Gratwicke © Allan Channing 18th meeting of the African Amphibian Working Group At the beginning of October, the South Africa. It was an incredible tion Ghana. They presented two Amphibian Survival Alliance attend- and vibrant event, gathering almost talks about the fantastic work the ed the meeting of the African Am- 40 researchers from several African group is conducting in Ghana. Mark- phibian Working Group in George, and European countries. ASA was Oliver Rödel, from Frogs & Friends, represented by its Communica- gave a very important talk about the tions and Partnership Officer, Luis Critically Endangered Nimba Toad, Fernando Marin da Fonte. He gave a microendemic and very peculiar a talk about our work and took the amphibian species from West Africa. opportunity to make contacts with potential new partners working During the event, three of our ACRS with amphibian conservation in the Future Leaders of Amphibian Con- African continent. servation had the chance to meet again and to have a nice time to- Among the 32 talks presented in gether. Besides Luis, Kirsty Jane Kyle the meeting, it was great to see and Fortunate Mafeta Phaka (both several ASA partners presenting from South Africa) also attended the the amazing work they conduct in meeting and presented talks about Africa. Joshua Weeber, from En- their work. dangered Wildlife Trust, gave an incredible talk about his work with Congratulations to the organizers of the Critically Endangered Table this amazing event! We are looking Mountain Ghost Frog in South Af- forward to meeting all of you again rica. Francis Osei-Gyan and Michael in Namibia at the next meeting! © Luis Fernando Marin da Fonte © Luis Fernando Akrasi represented herp Conserva- Bringing Conservation to Life: Beautiful short film released by Synchronicity Earth Conservation is about people… and Amphibian Fund, which provide ‘Bringing Conservation to Life’ planet. This is the message of our core support for the Amphibian was produced by filmmakerChris strategic partner Synchronicity Survival Alliance, they also focus on Scarffe and features stories from Earth’s new film ‘Bringing Conser- freshwater ecosystems, high and Mabuwaya Foundation (Philip- vation to Life’, which we are delight- deep seas protection, the Congo Ba- pines), Save Vietnam’s Wildlife ed to share with you. Synchronicity sin, and overlooked and endangered (Vietnam), Mbou Mon Tour and species in Southeast Asia. Earth specialise in overlooked and Dynamique des Groupes des underfunded species and ecosys- (Democratic The following film, released on their Peuples Autochtones tems, and the plight of amphibians Republic of the Congo). tenth anniversary, tells inspiring is high on their agenda! stories from the Philippines, Viet- Find out how Synchronicity Earth They seek out partners who are nam and the Democratic Republic of support amphibian conservation on ‘small but mighty’ and try to build the Congo, where the conservation our website. their capacity to undertake work of each species (Philippine Croco- that would otherwise struggle to get dile, Sunda Pangolin and Bonobo) is funding and support. In addition to dependent on the communities who their Amphibian Programme and are proud to protect them. CPSG Participates in Global Amphibian Assessment CPSG Mesoamerica and the Uni- versity of Costa Rica School of Biol- ogy have worked together in the last 16 years to use the IUCN Red List guidelines to better understand the status of amphibians in Costa Rica, increasing the robustness of conser- vation status assessments over time.

The September workshop is part of the Second Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA2), coordinated by the IUCN/Conservation Interna- tional Global Species Programme,

© Brian Gratwicke and done in collaboration with AArk, Amphibians are disappearing more of Threatened Species assessors Fundación Pro Zoológicos (FUN- quickly than birds and mammals. and Amphibian Ark in Costa Rica DAZOO), the University of Costa Rica This was the shocking finding of the in September to assess the status of School of Biology and CPSG Mes- first Global Amphibian Assess- amphibians there. oamerica. After review by the IUCN ment completed in 2004. Now, ex- Red List and AArk, CPSG will share a more detailed report of the results. perts are gearing up for a second Costa Rica is home to a reported global assessment to determine 215 amphibian species. Of these, the conservation status of amphib- experts found about 30 percent to ians all over the world. As part of be threatened. Species of “Least that effort,CPSG Mesoamerica Concern” increased to 134—from collaborated with Costa Rican 100 in 2004—while “Extinct” species amphibian experts, IUCN Red List increased from two to three. Conserving amphibians in agricultural landscapes Hello all. We are the COANA initia- less, very few conservation projects Institute of Buenos Aires (Buenos tive, a new partner of ASA. have been carried out in this region, Aires University and National Coun- none of them involving amphibians cil of Scientific Research and Tech- We devote our work to conserve in agro-ecosystems. COANA is an nology) The education and outreach amphibians in agricultural land- amphibian conservation initiative activities are coordinated along with scapes and pristine remnants of carried out by biologists, educators, NGOs, governmental agencies and temperate grasslands from Argen- and conservationists. It involves Universities and are performed in tina. The Rio de la Plata Grasslands research, education, and outreach rural communities. COANA aims to are the main complex of grassland activities, which take place mainly in develop, based on scientific evi- ecosystems in South Argentina. Our stud- dence, management recommenda- America and constitute ies are focused on tions that integrate productive and one of the most produc- measuring and de- conservation objectives, reducing tive areas in the world. scribing the effects of the tension of conflicts between The entire region has agricultural activities farmers and biodiversity. been the scene of the on amphibian assem- development of a vast blages. These activities livestock industry and are coordinated with a rapid and dramatic researches and stu- increase in intensive dents of the Ecology, agriculture. Neverthe- Genetic and Evolution An introduction to the Elgon Wildlife Conservation Organization ence Program to map and track the programs to the public and schools amphibian diversity distributions in communities where we work. across Uganda’s protected areas. These programs are the hallmark Participants will learn how to find of our initiative to change human and identify amphibians and reptiles perceptions about amphibians. to help scientists identify conserva- tion concerns for the amphibian and AMPHIBIAN HABITAT PROTECTION reptilians. AND PRESERVATION: Elgon Wildlife Conservation Organization seeks COMMUNITY CONSERVATION out opportunities to leverage its ACTION: EWCO is promoting conservation impact by identifying community-based conservation by and protecting landscapes of high Elgon Wildlife Conservation Organi- empowering and providing tools to ecological integrity with high snake zation (EWCO) is the first and only communities adjacent to amphib- and frog species diversity. NGO that is dedicated to promoting ian habitats and the public to help Amphibian conservation and re- promote amphibian conservation in IN SITU AMPHIBIAN CONSERVA- search in Uganda. EWCO encourages their communities. Thus, creating TION: EWCO is actively conducting the conservation of the amphibians, healthier ecosystems and increased in situ conservation projects to in- their natural ecosystems and imple- awareness of the issues amphib- crease the diversity and abundance ments positive change in human at- ians, and other wildlife faces in our of flora and fauna native to Uganda. titudes towards the amphibian and rapidly developing world. reptilian diversity through integrated programs. CONSERVATION EDUCATION OUTREACH: EWCO is dedicated to CITIZEN SCIENCE: The amphibian providing amphibian presentations, count in Uganda is a Citizen Sci- radio talks, and other educational Conservation of endangered Peruvian frogs The Giant Junin Lake Frog, Telma- degradation of their habitat, and the Basin,” our efforts are focused on re- tobius macrostomus, and Junin’s presence of invasive species have searching new localities with a frog Wancha, Telmatobius brachydac- caused an incredible decrease. presence, and engaging students tylus are two endangered frogs about frog conservation. from the center of Peru, specifi- Because of this situation, the NGO cally found around Lake Junin (the GRUPO RANA and its allies created In 2018, we received our first grant second biggest lake in Peru). Before a conservation program called “The from “NatGeoExplorer” thanks to 2000, these frogs were abundant, High Andean Amphibian Conser- National Geographic Society, and we but overexploitation, alteration, and vation Initiative of the Lake Junin identified new localities with frog populations, surprisingly in places near local communities. Then, we won our second grant thanks to The Rufford Foundation, this project’s objective was to promote good environmental practices, conduct environmental education programs, and to collect biological information from the frogs. We use methodology from Amphibian Ark’s “The Vanish- ing Frogs” to educate children and to start a pilot protocol to search for frogs. In total, 163 students from seven different schools were

© Jhusely Navarro engaged in the importance of sav- ing the Junin frogs. They collected The next steps are to implement an governments, the local communi- biological information like weight, environmental education program ties, partner NGOs, our participating length, life stage, abundance, and in all the Junin schools and repeat schools, and especially ASA to allow habitat quality in streams near their activities to have students assist in us to share our work. schools. With these techniques, monitoring the frogs’ habitat with they are ready to assist in the study quality data that can be used by of the frogs with specialists and to stakeholders, specialists, and teach- promote conservation projects with ers. We are grateful to Junin Na- their teachers. tional Reserve, DenverZoo, the local Global trade in amphibians To ensure that the global trade in makes Japanese amphibians popu- work on the trade in amphibians in amphibians is not threatening a spe- lar targets for wildlife traffickers. Southeast Asia. This will include on cies, Monitor studies this trade and Monitor found two endemic subspe- the ground market surveys, online highlights potential conservation cies of Sword-tailed Newt, Cynops surveys, legislative reviews, trade concerns and legal issues. Previous ensicauda ensicauda and Cynops e. data and seizure data analysis and studies for instance included work popei, Anderson’s Crocodile Newt reviews of the biological impact of on the trade in amphibians endemic Echinotriton andersoni and Miyako harvest quota. to the Nansei Islands (Japan). For Toad Bufo gargarizans miyakonis amphibians, 45 species of frogs and available in the international pet toads and 33 species of salamanders markets. The Anderson’s Crocodile and newts are known to occur in Newt is protected under Japanese Japan, with at least 62 being en- legislation. Currently Monitor is demic. This high rate of endemism preparing a large programme of Reconnecting poverty-alleviation to biodiversity conservation in Kenya’s Eastern Arc Mountains The Taita/Taveta Wildlife Forum (ii) providing support to livelihood ecological survey on the occurrence has several activities are ongoing generation of the local community of the Caecilian. Also, a Species in Sagalla hill aimed at the con- through introduction of appropriate Conservation Action Plan was devel- servation of the Sagalla Caecilian alternative livelihoods (fish-farming, oped working in conjunction with (Boulengerula niedeni), an endemic bee-keeping, improved bananas) as Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Forest and critically endangered spe- well as training in appropriate farm- Service, Nature Kenya, and National cies occurring in an area about 4 ing techniques (organic/conserva- Museums of Kenya, among others. km2. The activities are; (i) aware- tion agriculture, terracing, contour ness creation on the existence and lines) so as to maintain soil fertility, Capacity building of the CFA and extinction risk faced by the Sagalla soil moisture and minimise soil ero- the WRUA is an ongoing activity as it Caecilian among other species due sion; (iii) habitat restoration through takes time for the local community to human activities that include raising of native tree seedlings and to grasp and internalise these con- draining of wetlands, clearing of planting (in the forest, school com- cepts through training and provision native vegetation and use of agro- pounds, on-farm and riverine areas), of appropriate learning materials. chemicals in farming, among others; strengthening the management of the forested areas through introduc- tion of integrated natural resource management through preparation of a “ Participatory Forest Man- agement Plan” and formation of a “Community Forest Association (CFA)” as well as preparation of a “Sub-catchment Management Plan” and formation of a “Water Resource Users Association (WRUA)” and an © Taita/Taveta Wildlife Forum Forum Wildlife © Taita/Taveta © Wildlife Trust of India Trust © Wildlife Wildlife Trust of India: Ground actions for species recovery Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) is an Species Recovery is one of the the conservation of endemic anuran impact-driven nature conserva- strategic areas which targets the diversity in India, especially in the tion organization with a focus on recovery of populations of threat- Western Ghats and north-east India. addressing the pressing needs ened species. Conducting popula- These areas are known to harbour of wildlife and their habitats and tion surveys of lesser-known species many endemic and threatened spe- implementing long-term measures and reinforcing population through cies of anurans. WTI would work for population recovery of species conservation translocations to towards conservation of the taxa as well. reduce direct and indirect threats to in these regions under its Species the species and its habitat are the Recovery strategy. WTI has a team of about 150 pro- approaches to achieve an increase fessionals from diverse backgrounds in population and distribution range – conservation biologists, sociolo- of the species, as the case may be gists, wildlife veterinarians, to downgrade the Red List conser- rehabilitators, managers, lawyers, vation status of the target species and communication specialists, regionally or globally. all converging their expertise to conserve wildlife in India. Projects The taxa covered under Species Re- cover forest ecosystems of global covery till now are mammal (mark- biodiversity hotspots such as the hor Capra falconeri; tigerPanthera Himalaya and the Western Ghats on tigris; wild buffalo Bubalus arnee, the one hand and neglected ecosys- eastern swamp deer Rucervus tems such as wetlands and rivers as duvaucelii ranjitsinhi; wild buffalo well on the other. The conservation Bubalus arnee) bird (sarus crane An- goals are achieved under nine broad tigone antigone), and reptile (Ghari- strategic areas by implementing site- al Gavialis ganegticus). With experi- specific actions benefitting ecosys- ences in a range of taxa, WTI intends tems and populations. to utilize the skills and resources for