Kiahk According to the orders of the Coptic Orthodox Church First Edition

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The Holy Psalmody of Kiahk Published by St. George and St Joseph Church Montreal, Canada Kiahk 1724 A. M., December 2007 A. D.

St George & St Joseph Church 17400 Boul. Pierrefonds Pierrefonds, QC. CANADA H9J 2V6 Tel.: (514) 626‐6614, Fax.: (514) 624‐8755 http://www.stgeorgestjoseph.ca

Behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is His Name. Luke 1: 48 - 49

Hhppe gar isjen +nou senaermakarizin 8mmoi 8nje nigene8a throu@ je afiri nhi

8nxanmecnis+ 8nje vh etjor ouox 8fouab 8nje pefran.

His Holiness Pope Shenouda III Pope of , and of the see of Mark

Peniwt ettahout 8nar,hepiskopos

Papa abba 0enou+ nimax somt Preface

We thank the Lord, our God and Saviour, for helping us to start this project. In this first edition, our goal was to gather pre‐translated hymns, and combine them with Midnight Praises in one book. God willing, our final goal is to have one book where the congregation can follow all the proceedings without having to refer to numerous other sources. We ask and pray to our Lord to help us complete this project in the near future. The translated material in this book was collected from numerous sources: ™ Coptichymns.net web site ™ Kiahk Praises, by St George & St Shenouda Church ™ The Psalmody of Advent, by William A. Hanna ™ Arabic Kiahk Psalmody ™ Translated hymns by St. George & St. Joseph Church community Finally, we ask the Lord to make this book a blessing to everyone who uses it for the glory of His Holy Name.

Table of contents

The Praises of Kiahk ...... 3 Midnight Praising ...... 11 The Lord’s Prayer ...... 11 The prayer of Thanksgiving ...... 12 The Beginning of the midnight Praisings ...... 15 Psalm 50 ...... 18 Hymn for the Resurrection ...... 21 Kiahk’s Canticle ...... 25 A Praise chanted after Kiahk’s Canticle ...... 33 The First Canticle ...... 37 Explanation of the First Canticle (Lobsh) ...... 40 Hymn after First Canticle ...... 42 Monday Psali ...... 45 Psali Adam for Monday Theotokia ...... 49 Monday Theotokia ...... 51 Monday Lopsh ...... 57 Tuesday Psali ...... 60 Hymn for Tuesday Theotokia ...... 62 Tuesday Theotokia ...... 63 Tuesday Lopsh ...... 69 Psali Adam on the Second Canticle ...... 71 The Second Canticle ...... 75 Explanation of the second canticle ...... 78 Hymn after the second Canticle ...... 79 Wednesday Psali ...... 82 Hymn Watos for Wednesday’s Theotokia ...... 84 Wednesday Theotokia ...... 86 Wednesday Lopsh ...... 92 Thursday Psali ...... 94 The Burning Bush ...... 96 Thursday’s Theotokia ...... 98 Thursday’s Lopsh ...... 108 Psali Adam on the Third Canticle ...... 110 The Third Canticle ...... 113 Watos Psali for the three saintly children ...... 118 Psali Watos on the Third Canticle ...... 121 Greek verses for the three children ...... 124 Psali Watos for the Three Saintly Children ...... 125 The Commemoration of the ...... 126 Hymn for St. , the Father of All ...... 133 A Praise of our Fathers Sts. Maximus and Domadeus ...... 135 Doxologies of Kiahk ...... 137

Kiahk Psalmody Page 1 Second Doxology of Kiahk ...... 138 Doxology for the Great Lent and Kiahk...... 140 Doxology for Saint Mark ...... 142 Doxology for Saint Georges ...... 143 Doxology for Saint Pilopater Mercurius ...... 144 Doxology for Saint Joseph ...... 145 Friday Psali ...... 147 Praise Watos to the Virgin Mary From Friday Theotekia ...... 149 Friday Theotokia ...... 151 Friday Lopsh ...... 155 The Saturday Psali ...... 158 A Praise to the Virgin St. Mary From Saturday Theotekia ...... 161 Saturday Theotokia ...... 163 First Watos Lobsh (Sherenes) ...... 169 Second Watos Lobsh (Sherenes) ...... 170 Conclusion of the Watos Theotokia ...... 172 The Fourth Canticle ...... 175 Praise to be chanted before Sunday Psali ...... 179 Sunday Psali ...... 182 Praise on Aikoty ...... 186 Sunday Theotokia ...... 189 Seven Parts on the Interpretation of the Incarnate Birth ...... 191 Interpretation ‐ Part 1 ...... 191 Interpretation ‐ Part 2 ...... 194 Interpretation ‐ Part 3 ...... 197 Interpretation ‐ Part 4 ...... 200 Interpretation ‐ Part 5 ...... 203 Interpretation ‐ Part 6 ...... 206 Interpretation ‐ Part 7 ...... 210 Praise for St Mary ...... 211 A Coptic hymnal for St. Mary...... 217 Ya Mariam ...... 218 Psali Adam on Teoi‐enhekanos (Ainahos) ...... 220 Your love embraced me (Amdah fel batool) ...... 223 Conclusion of the ADAM Theotokia ...... 233 Your Mercies O My God ...... 235 The Morning Adam Doxology ...... 237 Introduction to the Creed ...... 246 The Orthodox Creed ...... 246 Ending of Midnight Praising ...... 247 Synexarium of Kiahk ...... 249 The Coptic alphabet ...... 251

Page 2 St George & St Joseph Church The Praises of Kiahk by Hegomen Kamel

Translated by Coptichymns.net http://www.coptichymns.net/module‐pagesetter‐viewpub‐tid‐1‐pid‐613.html

The praise of Kiahk (also called ʺ7 and 4ʺ) on the Eve of Sunday is the praise of every eve of Sunday all year, since Sunday is the day of the Resurrection when the Church stays awake until daybreak. Eventually, it contacts the dawn of eternity, whose sun never leaves, because the Lord , the true Light, the Sun of Righteousness, will be its light. This article explains the parts of the Midnight Praise during Kiahk.

The Prayer of the Midnight Hour: It begins with the Agpeya prayer in which the gospel of the meeting with the virgins who lit their lamps (Mat 25:1‐13) is read, then the gospel of repentance out of love for Christ, offering feelings of their love with the fragrant oil which the woman poured (Luke 7:36‐50). Then it concludes the appointed times of the Lord for the little flock separated from the world whom the Lord became their share (Luke 12:32‐46).

ʺArise, O you sons of lightʺ:

The Midnight Praise begins with the hymn ten theenou, ʺArise, O you sons of light so we may praise the Lord of powers.ʺ Here the mystery of watchfulness is disclosed. Watchfulness is standing in the light of Christ in order to praise the Lord of powers, because in His light, we shall see light. In the light of Christ, Christʹs person is revealed to us, so we praise Him. Thus, the Lord Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12) ʺwho has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christʺ (2Cor 4:6). And concerning this the Apostle goes on saying, ʺYou are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of the darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober...But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation (1Thess 5:4‐8). Indeed, those who have the right to rise with the sons of light are those who shine their lamps. Because of this, this hymn is considered permission for the possessors of the shining lamps to enter the wedding with the bridegroom when the cry comes, ʺBehold the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him.ʺ Because of this, the Apostle says, ʺAwake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you lightʺ (Eph 5:14).

The Word ʺWatchʺ:

It is one of the most repeated words in the Bible. Watchfulness is spiritual gratification. It is difficult to become accustomed to it devoid of the church praises, for watchfulness in praise and glorification with the saints is practicing being with God. It is preparation for an everlasting meeting with the heavenly bridegroom. Watchfulness, in the beginning, is heavy work. It ends with the love of Christ and His grace leading to a customary and delightful desire which the person seeks out with diligence.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 3 The Divisions of the Midnight Praises

The First Canticle (hos):

It is the praise of the Prophet after crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 15). ʺLet us praise the Lord for with glory he is glorified...ʺ The Red Sea was a symbol of baptism which is considered a complete barrier between Pharaoh and his soldiers and between the people that passed through the wilderness with their God. Also, the Church with the baptismal crossing of its children, currently in the wilderness of this world, sings the praise of victory and salvation (the song of Moses). It sings it every day until it sings it in complete victory and triumph in eternity. ʺAnd I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb...ʺ (Rev 15:1‐4).

From what preceded, we see a powerful connection between the church of the in its symbols and the with its perfection in the heavenly glory. Indeed, todayʹs Church sings the song of victory while it is passing the sea of this world in assurance of triumph and lifting of its spiritual soul in its unseen war with Satan and assurance of Godʹs power in it and assurance of the insignificance of Satan who plunged as lead in the sea and has no rest ‐‐in the baptismal font.

An exercise:

Read (Exodus 15) and learn it and sing it every night. You will find your spiritual life in the power of victory and triumph and the lifting up of the spirit the length of the journey of our lives for the sake of our faith in God who conquered Satan with the Cross. This high spirit will give us certain victory and power in our spiritual war.

The Second Canticle (Psalm 135):

ʺGive thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.ʺ It is the praise of thanksgiving which the Church offers to God for the sake of His love for us ‐‐ which saved us when it crossed with us the sea of death. He sustained us and supports us today in the wilderness and nourishes us with His body and His blood and His love and His tenderness, and guides us with His dwelling in us. This is the Spirit which takes from what is Christʹs and gives to us...

Indeed, thankfulness is the nature of the struggling Church every day since it ʺis not a gift without surplus except that which is without thanks.ʺ (Mar ) We thank Him because He bears our bodily weaknesses and the weakness of our nature, and He washes our feet from the filth of the world with repentance and confession, and He leads us from glory to glory.

The Third Canticle: (The Praise of the Three Saintly Youths)

It is the praise of the three saintly youths. (It is a writing in the Holy Bible and the Protestants omitted it in the Beirut edition). It can be summed up that the king commanded the elimination of the three youths in the fiery furnace. Even though the fire did not go out, it did not touch them with any harm. The king found the presence of a fourth person walking with them in the midst of the furnace and this person resembled

Page 4 St George & St Joseph Church the sons of the gods. This canticle is sung by the church with the tune of joy in order to reveal to us these beautiful meanings:

™ That the fire of the world is necessary for the trials of the church, but God is in the midst of the furnace changing the fire into cool dew. ™ That inner peace does not mean the cessation of trials and sufferings from us. But it does mean the presence of God with us in the midst of the fire. Tribulation in is not resolved by its disappearance but with the passing of the Lord with us in it and with His carrying the cross with us and the everlasting presence with us. Stephen was being stoned and was seeing the Son of Man standing on the right of the majesty. ™ That praise carries meanings of triumph with the power of the cross. With [the mystery of] the fourth, the resemblance of the sons of the gods, we cheer, ʺpraise Him, glorify Him, and exceedingly exalt Him.ʺ ™ This praise gathers into one view its presence at the present distressing time and its presence in the joyful eternity. Thus, it is in the fire of the world and it is in the presence of God and the heavenly bliss. ™ This praise is consistent with the Lordʹs promise, ʺand the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.ʺ (Mat 16:18)

The Congregation of the Saints (The Diptych)

After the praise of the third canticle, and the churchʹs feelings of the presence of God with the three saintly youths in the fiery furnace, this world, the feelings of the worshippers progress into the depth of the communion between the struggling church and the victorious church. The one purpose and the one spirit assembles them, and also the membership in the one body. What brings them closer together is the longing for meeting the Lord on the clouds where we will be with the Lord always. (1Thess 4:17) They find between them the tie of a unifying love. The heavenly support the earthly with prayer and the earthly express their wish to them with prayer. What is called death does not separate them from one another because it is not death but a crossing and a transfer.

The diptych begins with the intercessions of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and the and the rest of the heavenly ranks, and , then the prayers of the saints beginning with the fathers the patriarchs, then the apostles and prophets and and ascetics and monks. The entreating intercession is special to the Virgin, the archangels, the rest of the heavenly ranks and John the Baptist. Intercession here means the powerful liberty in granting the request to the level of trust in the fulfillment even if the time has not yet come and the Lord says, ʺWoman, what does your concern have to do with Me?ʺ But He changed the water to wine.

As for the rest of the apostles, prophets, the fathers the atriarchs and the martyrs ‐ they are the cloud of witnesses who are for us in heaven asking on our behalf night and day. Each of them strives to be like his predecessor, imitating his way of life, asking for his help. Those present beneath the altar in heaven pray on behalf of the persecuted and hard pressed for the sake of the name of Christ. And the 144,000 virgins ask on behalf of those who desire a life of chastity and holiness in Christ. And the victorious at the sea of crystal ask on behalf of our youth struggling, even to blood, against sin, etc.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 5

The diptych is a glimpse from the moments of transfiguration on the peak of the high mountain of the Lord (the church) where the Lord Jesus is [lofty] between Moses and Elijah. And at a lower level of the mountain (in the church), Peter, James and John become aware of them, heavy with sleep while saying, ʺLord, it is good for us to be here.ʺ

The transfiguration is nothing but the state of prayer that gathers the Lord and His saints without being distinguished between the elements of time or place... Truly, it is eternity.

The Fourth Canticle (Psalms 148, 149, 150)

Some say that the midnight service ends with the diptych and the doxologies. Because of this, the fourth canticle begins with (ELEYCON YMAC – eleyson eemas) and it is sung: ʺSing to the Lord a new song.ʺ

The fourth canticle is made up of Psalms 148, 149, and 150 and it is all about praise. Praise is the work of the , and the continuous act of the church in heaven, and the act of His saints and the succession of animals, plants, and material things. God is glorified in an unequaled picture in His saints ‐‐ ʺPraise God in all His saints.ʺ

The Mystery of the Incarnation: The Theotokias

Indeed, the personality of the Virgin, the Mother of God, has above the greatest importance concerning the mystery of the incarnation. We cannot taste or touch it and feel or live it and take its blessings except after comprehending the divine connection between the divine and human natures in the divine factory (the womb of the Virgin Mary). Since the mystery of incarnation is the foundation of all mysteries of Christianity, the prophets became expert in the Old Testament with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in casting the large light on this mystery‐‐that is in their description for the Virgin as the Second Heaven. Thus the Virgin is not a box which has a jewel from which we took the jewel and discarded the box. NO! These words are dangerous for two reasons: First: Because God the Word became flesh. He took from the flesh and blood of the Virgin and was weaned with her milk (Heb 2:14).

Thus, the Virgin is not just a box for the divine body. Second: If she was just a box, those who say this destroy the mystery of the incarnation from the view of its benefits to mankind. So the intention of the mystery of the incarnation is what the church says in the Theotokia of Friday: ʺHe took from what is ours and gave us what is His.ʺ He took our flesh ‐‐ He was born with it; He acted and worked with it; then with it He died; and with it He rose; and He raised us with Him; He ascended with it; thus He lifted us up with it to the heavens, and He sat at the right of His Father, and He prepared a place for us (Eph 2:5,6)... Thus He became the firstborn among many brethren, and He is bringing them to glory (Heb 2:10). Consequently, the expression of the box and the jewel is an expression that separates the body of the Virgin from the body of Christ. Subsequently, it is a separation of the body of Christ from my body. Indeed, this separation leads us to the person isolated from God. The truth is that Christianity is built on an important foundation: ʺIt is not I who live, but Christ lives in me,ʺ (Gal 2:20) our believing in the inability of the person to comprehend God without God.

From the marvelous symbols that the Theotokias record for us in this matter:

Page 6 St George & St Joseph Church ™ The Holiest of Holies: It is symbolic of the Virgin in that it is separated from the rest of the temple, anointed and consecrated for the incarnation of God in it. With this the Virgin became the living model to the way that makes us participants in the divine nature ‐‐ not unless there is the detachment from sin and the sanctifying of the heart and its consecration to God. ™ The Ark Overlaid with Gold: The ark made with wood that does not rot, overlaid with gold. For the wood that does not rot is a symbol for the purity of the Virgin and the gold is a symbol for the divinity. This is a symbol that all the heavenly gifts are not from our wooden nature, but it is a heavenly gift of gold that covers our nature. ʺThe Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you.ʺ In addition to this, we put in front of our eyes that purity is a divine grace related with the presence of God with us. ™ The Covering of the Ark with the Cherubim Overshadowing it: This expression is synonymous with the saying of the Bible, ʺThe power of the Highest will overshadow you.ʺ This symbol uncovers to us the depth of Godʹs concern for us who overshadows us with His caring and protects us with the protection of His wings so that the sun shall not strike us by day nor the moon by night. ™ The Golden Pot and the Manna that was Hidden in it: If the golden pot received honor in the Old Testament with the placement of the manna in it, so the Virgin with her giving a body to Christ has received great honor and carried the True Manna and presented Him to us ‐‐ that whoever eats from it will never die. ™ The Golden Lampstand Carrying the Light: It was a symbol for the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Light. ʺWe exalt you, O Mother of the True Lightʺ because she carried the True Light that gives light to every person that comes into the world. The Virgin is a lampstand. Subsequently, the church (i.e. the community of believers) became lampstands. ʺAnd the lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.ʺ (Rev 1:20) It also alludes to the seven orders of the church. ™ The Golden Censer ‐‐ a symbol of the Virgin. The gold is a symbol of her purity, and the censer carries the live coal of divinity and does not burn. The censer is used in prayer, and therefore the Virgin lays for us the way of being with God ‐‐ that is prayer. ™ The Rod of Aaron that Blossomed: It was a symbol for the conception of the Virgin without a blemish. ™ The Blossom of Incense: It was a symbol of the Virgin whose fragrance spread in the world. ™ The Burning Bush which was Blazing with Fire and was not Burned: It was a symbol of the divine conception from the Virgin. ™ A comparison between the Virgin the Mother of Salvation ‐‐ and Eve the mother of death. ™ The Ladder which Saw ‐‐ firm on the earth and ascending to heaven and the angels descending on it... It was a symbol for the Virgin whose body God used for coming down from heaven to our nature. Then He ascended our nature to His heaven. ™ Mount Sinai: The word of God coming down on it was a symbol of the Virgin, the carrier of the Word. ™ The Mountain which Saw and had Cut a Rock from: It was a symbol of the Virgin from whom Christ took a body from without anyone touching the mountain.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 7 ™ The Gate that the Prophet Saw Closed, not opened or a person entering it. ʺBecause the Lord God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut.ʺ (Ezekiel 44:2) This was a symbol of the Virgin, the Ever‐Virgin. ™ A symbol for the Virgin is that she is the city of God, the dwelling of the joyous (Ps 87:7). ʺThe Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.ʺ (Is 60:3) ™ The cloud is a symbol of the Virgin: ʺBehold, the Lord rides on a swift cloud, and will come into .ʺ (Is 19:1) ™ Mary is the Rational Paradise that the Second Adam dwelt in (the Lord Jesus). ™ Mary is a new second heaven that the Sun of Righteousness shined from. (Mal 4:2) ™ Mary is the dough of all mankind who presented herself to Christ so that He would take a body from her. ™ Mary is the woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet, and the twelve stars crown her head. The woman is the Virgin, the sun is Christ, and the moon is John the Baptist, and the twelve stars are the pure apostles. (Rev 12:1‐2) ™ She became higher than the Cherubim and elevated above the Seraphim because she became a for God carried by the Cherubim and the Seraphim. ™ the prophet said about her, ʺBehold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel which is translated, ʹGod with us.ʹʺ ™ The Tablets of the Covenant Written with the Finger of God were a symbol of the Virgin from whom the Word of God took flesh. And from the marvelous expressions which were recorded in the Theotokias:

ʺThe Father looked from heaven and did not find anyone that resembles you, He sent His Only‐Begotten, He came and took flesh from you.ʺ ʺThe unincorporeal incarnated; and the Word took a form; and the One without a beginning began; and the eternal became temporal; and they handled the incomprehensible; and they saw the unseen.ʺ (The Wednesday Theotokia)

ʺHe did not cease to be God and became a Son of Man, but He is the true God, He came and saved us.ʺ ʺThe womb that fell under the condemnation and gave birth to children with heartache became a spring for the absence of death.ʺ (Friday Theotokia)


Connected with the four Canticles and the seven Theotokias are seven Epsalias. The word ʺepsaliaʺ means a hymn. The hymn in our Coptic Church is distinguishable in that the reply in each verse ends with the name of Jesus. An example of this:

™ The Epsalia for Monday: ʺMy Lord Jesusʺ ™ The Epsalia for Tuesday: ʺYour Holy Name My Lord Jesus is...ʺ is in its phrasing. ™ The Epsalia for Wednesday: ʺThe sweet name full of glory is that of our Lord Jesus Christ...ʺ is in its phrasing.

Page 8 St George & St Joseph Church ™ The Epsalia for Thursday: It begins with the clause, ʺO Lord Jesus Christ who...ʺ ™ The Epsalia for Friday: It begins with the clause, ʺOur Lord Jesus Christ, give a sign (the Cross).ʺ ™ The Epsalia for Saturday: Every verse ends saying, ʺMy Lord Jesus Christ, my Good Savior.ʺ ™ The Epsalia for Sunday: Every verse ends saying, ʺMy Lord Jesus Christ, help me.ʺ

With this we discover that the Coptic hymn is a dialogue with the Name of Salvation, the Name of Jesus Christ. It is not just a regular song. The Coptic fathers truly brought out the value of repeating the name of Jesus for the salvation of the person. It even became the center of their worship, and they breathed it since there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. This is a brief summary about the daily Church praises, especially the Eve of Sunday. During the month of Kiahk, hymns (epsalias) and beautiful praises for every canticle and Theotokia are interposed in. And with this the evening gathering is transformed into a night we spend in heaven pertaining to the topic of the divine incarnation by way of the Virgin Mary. In this doctrine, the saintly fathers discuss in their worship with all depth:

™ ʺWhoever does not believe that Saint Mary is the Mother of God is foreign to God.ʺ (St. ) ™ ʺI am Your sister from the house of our father. I am Your mother since I carried You within me, and I am Your daughter from water and blood with which ™ You bought me and baptized me.ʺ (Mar Ephraem) ™ ʺMother and throne and virginʺ (Glorification) ™ ʺHer Embryo is her Creator and she was made by His hands.ʺ (Glorification) ™ ʺHail to the saint, the mother of all living.ʺ (Theotokia of Tuesday) ™ ʺRejoice, O Mary the mother and servantʺ (The Liturgy) ™ ʺThe honor of the virgin is not from her being created a queen but from her sitting on the right of the Father.ʺ ™ ʺShe is the rational net that catches Christians.ʺ (Lobsh of Friday)

How should we praise in the Church?

Besides the great awe of this inheritance, yet how much we distort it whenever the worship is changed to just a ritual and this appears a lot in:

™ The competition of voices in the church, so that some people try to reply and sing the hymn before the people in church. They cannot even bear staying in church unless their voices are apparent to the people. The truth is that the hymns are a delight and a personal pleasure as a means for worship and the spiritual highness resembling the angels. ™ The loud voices in the praises are not from the character of the angels. But it is a means by which the enemy misleads us so that by it we lose the tranquillity of the hymn and its magnificence.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 9 ™ Chanting and praising ‐‐ it is prayer ‐‐ then how do we stand for prayer? Possibly we stand for prayer with submission, but at the moment of chanting the submission escapes. Indeed, worship uses the senses from the raising of hands and heart and thoughts and tunes that express the depth of the soul more than it expresses the words. ™ And above all of this, we ought not forget that ʺMy house shall be called a house of prayer.ʺ We should say again, ʺArise, O you sons of light to praise the Lord of powers...ʺ We ought to say, ʺLet us praise with the angels..ʺ We should say, ʺMy heart and my tongue praise the Trinity.ʺ Let us praise the praise of the four incorporeal beasts, ʺHoly, holy, holy,ʺ and with the twenty‐four priests cast our crowns before the throne and chant the new hymn, ʺFor He redeemed us out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,ʺ and also say with them, ʺWe thank You, O Lord God Almighty ...Amen. Alleluia.ʺ ™ Truly, the successful Kiahk evening gathering is that which the church is transformed to a part of heaven. May God have mercy on us for the worthless evening gatherings which is not credited to us, but on the contrary is reckoned as judgment on us.

Page 10 St George & St Joseph Church

Midnight Praising Pixumnos 8nte 8tvasi 8mpi8ejwrx

4en 8Vran 8m8Viwt nem 8Pshri nem In the Name of the Father, the Son, and Pi8pneuma ecouab@ ounou+ 8nouwt@ Kuri8e the Holy Spirit, One God. Lord have

8elehson Kuri8e euloghson@ 8amhn. mercy, Lord bless, Amen.

Doxa Patri ke 8Uiw ke 8Agiw 8pneumati. Glory be to the Father, the Son and te Holy Spirit.

Ke ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn Now, and ever and unto the ages of ages.

8e8wnwn@ 8amhn. Amen.

}eu,h 8Nkuriakh The Lord’s Prayer

Ariten 8nem8psa 8njos qen ouse8pxmot Our Lord, make us worthy to pray


Je Peniwt etqen nivihoui mareftoubo Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed

8nje pekran mares8i 8nje tekmetouro@ be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy

petexnak marefswpi 8m8vrh+ qen 8tve will be done on earth as it is in heaven. nem xijen pikaxi penwik 8nte ras+ mhif Give us this day our bread of tomorrow,

nan 8mvoou ouox ,a nh8eteron nan 8ebol and forgive us our trespasses, as we

Kiahk Psalmody Page 11 8m8vrh+ xwn 8nten,w 8ebol 8nnh8ete ouon forgive those who trespass against us.

8ntan 8erwou@ ouox 8mperenten 8eqoun And lead us not into temptation, but 8epirasmos@ alla naxmen 8ebolxa deliver us from the evil one. In Christ pipetxwou qen Pi8,ristos Ihsous Jesus, our Lord. For Thine is the kingdom, pen[ois@ je cwk te +metouro nem +jom the power and the glory, forever. Amen. nem pi8wou sa enex amhn

Pi8slhl 8nte pisep8xmot The prayer of Thanksgiving

Marensep8xmot 8ntotf Let us give thanks to the beneficent and 8mpireferpecnanef ouox 8nnaht@ 8Vnou+ merciful God, the Father of our Lord, God

8Viwt 8mPen[ois ouox Pennou+ ouox and Savior, Jesus Christ. Penswthr Ihsous Pi8,ristos.

Je afer8skepazin 8ejwn@ aferbohcin For He has covered us, helped us,

8eron@ af8arex 8eron@ afsopten erof guarded us, accepted us to Him, had af+aso eron af+totoen@ afenten sa compassion on us, supported us, and 8e8xrhi 8etai ounou cai. brought us to this hour.

8Ncof on maren+xo 8erof@ xopws Let us also ask Him, the Lord our God, the

8ntef8arex 8eron@ qen pai 8exoou ecouab Pantocrator, to guard us in all peace this vai@ nem ni8exoou throu 8nte penwnq@ qen holy day and all the days of our life. xirhnh niben@ 8nje pipantokratwr P[ois pennou+.

8Vnhb P[ois 8Vnou+ pipantokratwr@ O Master, Lord, God the Pantocrator, the

8Viwt 8mpen[ois ouox Pennou+ ouox Father of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus

Penswthr Ihsous Pi8,ristos. Christ.

Tensep8xmot 8ntotk kata xwb niben@ We thank You for every condition,

Page 12 St George & St Joseph Church nem ecbe xwb niben@ nem qen xwb niben. concerning every condition, and in every


Je aker8skepazin 8eron@ akerbo8hcin 8eron@ For You have covered us, helped us,

ak8arex 8eron@ aksopten 8erok@ ak+8aso guarded us, accepted us to You, had

8eron ak+totoen@ akenten sa 8e8xrhi 8etai compassion on us, supported us, and ounou cai. brought us to this hour.

Ecbe vai ten+xo ouox tentwbx Therefore, we ask and entreat Your

8ntekmetagaocs pimairwmi@ mhis nan goodness, O Philanthropic One. Grant us ecrenjwk ebol mpai ke 8exoou ecouab to complete this holy day, and all the days

vai@ nem ni8exoou throu 8nte penwnq@ qen of our life, in all peace in Your fear. xirhnh niben nem tekxo+.

8Vconos niben@ pirasmos niben@ 8energia All envy, all temptation, all the work of

niben 8nte 8Pstanas@ 8pso[ni 8nte xanrwmi Satan, the counsel of wicked men and the

euxwou@ nem 8ptwnf 8e8pswi 8nte xanjaji rising up of enemies, hidden and manifest. nhetxhp nem nhecouwnx 8ebol.

Alitou 8ebol xaron@ nem ebolxa Take them away from us and from Your

peklaos thrf@ nem 8ebol pai ma ecouab people and from this holy place that is 8ntak vai. Yours.

Nh de ecnaneu nem nheternofri saxni But those things which are good and

8mmwou nan@ je 8ncok pe etak+ profitable do provide for us, for it is You

8mpiersisi nan@ 8exwmi 8ejen nixof nem who have given us the authority to

ni8[lh@ nem 8ejen +jom thrs 8nte pijaji. trample on serpents and scorpions, and

upon all the power of the enemy.

Ouox 8mperenten eqoun 8epirasmos@ alla And lead us not into temptation, but

naxmen 8ebolxa pipetxwou. deliver us from the evil one.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 13 4en pi8xmot nem nimetsenxht nem By the grace, compassion and

+metmairwmi 8nte pekmonogenhs 8n0hri@ philanthropy, of Your Only‐Begotten Son, Pen[ois ouox Pennou+ ouox Penswthr our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Ihsous Pi8,ristos.

Vai 8ete ebolxitotf 8ere pi8wou nem Through whom the glory, the honor, the pitai8o nem pi8amaxi nem +8proskenusis@ dominion, and the adoration are due unto er8prepi nak nemaf@ nem Pi8pneuma You, with Him, and the Holy Spirit, the ecouab 8nreftanqo ouox 8nomoousios Life‐Giver, who is of one essence with nemak. You.

+nou nem 8nshou niben@ nem sa 8enex 8nte Now and at all times, and unto the ages of ni8enex throu@ 8amhn all ages. Amen.

Page 14 St George & St Joseph Church

The Beginning of the midnight Praisings 8Nxh 8mpi8slhl 8nte 8tvasi 8mpi8ejwrx

Tenchou 8e8pswi nishri 8nte piouwini Arise, O children of the Light; let us praise

8ntenxws 8eP[ois 8nte nijom. the Lord of hosts.

Hopws 8ntef er8xmot nan 8m8psw+ 8nte That He may gant us the salvation of our nen2u,h. souls.

4en 8pjin8cren8oxi 8eraten 8mpek8mco Whenever we stand before You in the swmatikws. flesh.

Aliou8i 8ebol xiten pennous 8mpixunim Cast away from our minds the slumber of

8nte +ebsi. sleep.

Moi nan P[ois 8noumetrefernumvin@ Grant us sobriety, O Lord, that we may xopws 8ntenka+ 8nten8oxi 8eraten know how to stand before You at times of

8mpek8mco 8m8vnau 8nte +proseu,h. prayer.

Ouox 8ntenouwrp nak 8e8pswi And ascribe unto You the befitting

8n+doxologia 8eter8prepi@ ouox glorification and win the forgiveness of

8ntensasni 8e8p,w 8ebol 8nte nennobi our many sins: Glory be to You, O Lover etos@ Doza si vilan8crwpe. of mankind.

Hhppe de 8smou 8eP[ois ni8ebiaik 8nte Behold, bless the Lord; all you servants of

P[ois@ Dozasi .. the Lord: Glory ..

Kiahk Psalmody Page 15 Nhet8oxi 8eratou qen 8phi 8mP[ois@ qen You who stand in the house of the Lord; in

niaulhou 8nte 8phi 8mPennou+@ Doza si .. the courts of the house of our God: Glory ..

8N8xrhi qen ni8ejwrx fai 8nnetenjij 8e8pswi By night lift up your hands; O you saints

nhecouab 8smou 8eP[ois@ Doza si .. and bless the Lord: Glory ..

P[ois ef8e8smou 8erok 8ebolqen Ciwn@ The Lord bless you from Zion; who made

vh8etafcami8o 8n8tve nem 8pkaxi@ Doza si .. heaven and earth: Glory ..

Mare pa+xo qwnt 8mpek8mco P[ois@ Let my cry come before You, O Lord; give maka+ nhi kata peksaji@ Doza si .. me understanding according to Your

words: Glory ..

Ef8e8i 8eqoun 8mpek8mco 8nje pa8axi8wma@ Let my supplication come before You; kata peksaji matanqoi@ Doza si .. deliver me according to Your words:

Glory ..

Ere na8svotou bebi 8nou8smou 8eswp aksan My lips shall utter praise; for You teach 8tsaboi 8enekmecmhi@ Doza si .. me Your statutes: Glory ..

Palas ef8e8erou8w qen neksaji@ je My tongue shall speak of Your words; for

nekentolh throu xanmecmhi ne@ Doza all Your commandments are si .. righteousness: Glory ..

Maresswpi 8nje tekjij 8e8vnaxmet@ je Let Your hand become my help for I have

nekentolh aier88e picumin 88erwou@ Doza chosen Your precepts: Glory .. si ..

Ai[iss8wou 8mpekoujai P[ois@ ouox I long for Your salvation, O Lord; and

peknomos pe tameleth@ Dozasi .. Your law is my delight: Glory ..

Es8ewnq 8nje ta2u,h ouox es8e8smou 8erok@ Let my soul live and it shall praise You;

Page 16 St George & St Joseph Church ouox nekxap eu8eerbo8hcin 8eroi@ Doza si .. and let Your judgements help me: Glory ..

Aiswrem 8m8vrh+ 8nou8eswou 8eaftako@ I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek kw+ 8nsa pekbwk je nekentolh You servant for I do not forget Your

8mpierpouwbs@ Doza si.. commandments: Glory ..

Doxa Patri ke 8Ui8w@ ke agi8w 8Pneumati@ Glory be to the Fathe and to the Son; and Doza si .. the Holy Spirit: Glory ..

Ke nun ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn Now and forever; and unto the age of all

8e8wnwn 8amen@ Dozasi .. ages, Amen: Glory ..

Pi8wou 8m8Viwt nem 8Pshri nem Pi8pneuma Glory be to the Father and the Son; and

ecouab@ isjen +nou nem sa 8enex 8nte the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever,

ni8enex throu 8amen@ Dozasi .. Amen: Glory ..

Pi8wou nak pimairwmi 8n8agacos@ ,ere Glory be to You, O good One; the Lover of

tekmau 8mparcenos nem nhecouab throu mankind. Hail to Your Mother, the virgin,

8ntak@ Doza si .. and all Your saints: Glory ..

Doxa si 8omonogenhs@ 8agi8a }rias Glory be to You, O Only Begotten One; O

8ele8hson 8hmas@ Doza si .. Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us: Glory


Mareftwnf 8nje 8Vnou+@ maroujwr Let God aris, and let all His enemies be

8ebol 8nje nefjaji throu@ marouvwt scattered, and let all that hate His Holy

8ebol qa8txh 8mpefxo 8nje ouon niben Name flee from before His face: Glory .. ecmos+ 8mpefran ecouab@ Doza si ..

Peklaos de marefswpi qen pi8smou As for Your people, let them be blessed, a

8exananso 8nso nem xan8cba 8ncba eu8iri thousand thousand fold, and ten thousand 8mpekouws@ Doza si .. ten thousand fold, doing Your will: Glory


Kiahk Psalmody Page 17 P[ois ek8e8aouwn 8nna8svotou@ ouox 8ere O Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall

rwi jw 8mpek8smou. show forth Your praise.


"almos +ebi Psalm 50

Nai nhi 8Vnou+ kata peknis+ 8nnai@ nem Have mercy upon me, O God, according

kata 8p8asai 8nte nekmetsenxht to Your lovingkindness; according to the

ek8eswlj 8nta8anomi8a@ 8e8keraqt 8nxou8o multitude of Your tender mercy, blot out 8ebolxa ta8anomia@ ouox ek8etouboi my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly

8ebolxa panobi@ je ta8anomi8a 8anok from my iniquity, and cleanse me from

+swoun 8mmos@ ouox panobi 8mpa8mco 8ebol my sin. For I acknowledge my 8nshou niben. transgressions, and my sin is ever before


8Ncok 8mmauatk aiernobi 8erok@ ouox Against You, You only, have I sinned, and pipetxwou aiaif 8mpek8mco 8ebol@ xopws done this evil in Your sight, that You may

8ntekmai qen enksaji@ ouox 8ntek8[ro be found just when You speak, and

ekna[ixap. blameless when You judge.

Hhppe gar qen ou8anomi8a auerboki 8mmoi@ Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,

ouox qen xannobi 8atamau [isswou and in sin my mother conceived me.

8mmoi@ xhppe gar akmenre 8cmh@ nhetxhp Behold, You desire truth in the inward

nem nh8ete 8nseouwnx 8ebol an 8nte parts, and in the hidden part You will

teksovi8a aktamoi 8erwou. make me to know wisdom.

Ek8enoujq 8ejwoi 8mpeksenxuswpon Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be ei8etoubo@ ek8eraqt ei8eoubas 8exote clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than

ou,iwn@ ek8e8criswtem 8eoucelhl nem snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness,

Page 18 St George & St Joseph Church ouounof@ eu8ecelhl 8nje nikas that the bones which You have broken

etcebi8hout. may rejoice.

Matasco 8mpekxo sabol 8nnanobi@ ouox Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out

na8anomi8a throu ek8esoljou. all my iniquities.

Ouxht 8efouab 8ek8esontf 8nqht 8Vnou+@ Create in me a clean heart, O God, and ou8pneuma efsoutwn aritf 8mberi qen renew a steadfast spirit within me. nhetsaqoun 8mmoi.

8Mperberbwrt 8ebolxa pekxo@ ouox Do not cast me away from Your presence, Pek8pneuma ecouab 8mperolf ebol xaroi. and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Moi nhi 8m8pcelhl 8nte pekoujai@ ouox Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,

8n8xrhi qen ou8pneuma 8nxhgemwnikon and uphold me with Your generous Spirit. matajroi@ ei8e8tsabe nianomos xi Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,

nekmwit@ ouox ni8asebhs eu8ekotou xarok. and sinners shall be converted to You.

Naxmet 8ebolqen xan8snwf 8Vnou+@ Deliver me from blood guiltiness, O God, 8Vnou+ 8nte taswthri8a@ ef8ecelhl 8nje the god of my salvation, and my tongue

palas qen tekdike8ousunh@ P[ois shall sing aloud of Your righteousness. O

ek8e8aouwn 8nna8svtou@ ouox 8ere rwi jw Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall 8mpek8smou. show forth Your praise.

Je 8eneakouws souswousi naina+ on For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I

pe@ xan8[lil 8njofjef 8mpek+ma+ 8e8xrhi would give it; You do not delight in burnt

8ejwou@ pisouswousi 8nte 8Vnou+ offering. The sacrifices of God are a

ou8pneuma eftennhout pe@ ouxht broken spirit. A broken and a contrite

eftennhout ouox efcebi8hout vai 8nne heart ‐ these, O God, You will not despise. 8Vnou+ sosf.

Aripecnanef P[ois qen pek+ma+ Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion,

Kiahk Psalmody Page 19 8eCiwn@ ouox nisobt 8nte Ierousalhm build the walls of Jerusalem. Then You

maroukotou@ tote ek8e+ma+ 8ejen shall be pleased with the sacrifices or xansouswousi 8mmecmhi@ ou8anavora righteousness, with burnt offering and

nem xan8[lil@ tote eu8e8ini 8nxanmasi whole burnt offering; then they shall offer

8e8pswi 8ejen pekma8nerswousi@ bulls on Your altar. Alleluia. Allhloui8a.


Page 20 St George & St Joseph Church Hymn for the Resurrection Ecbe +8anastasis Tennav

Tennau 8e8t8anastasis 8mPi8,ristos@ ouox We look at the resurrection of Christ, and tenouwst 8mvh8ecouab Ihsous Pi8,ristos we worship the Holy Jesus Christ, our

Pen[ois vhetoi 8nacnobi 8mmauatf. Lord; who alone is without sin.

Tenouwst 8mpek8stauros 8w Pi8,ristos@ We bow down to Your Cross, O Christ; tenxws ten+8wou 8ntek anastasis@ je and we praise and glorify Your

8ncok gar pe Pennou+@ ouox 8ntenswoun resurrection. For You are our Lord and we

8nkeouai an 8ebhl 8erok@ ouox qen pekran know none but You, and after Your Name semou+ 8eron. we are called.

Doxa Patri ke 8Uiw ke 8agiw 8Pneumati. Glory be to the Father, and the Son and

the Holy Spirit.

Amwini throu nipistos@ 8ntenouwst Come all you believers, let us bow down

8n8tanastasis 8mPi8,ristos@ je xhppe to the resurrection of Christ. Behold,

8ebolxiten pef8stauaros@ af8i 8nje 8vrasi through His Cross, joy has entered into

8eqoun 8epikosmos thrf. the whole world.

Maren8smou 8eP[ois 8nshou niben@ ouox Let us bless the Lord continually, and

8nten+8wou 8ntef8anastasis@ je glorify His resurrection. For He was aferxupomonin@ ouox afqomqem 8m8vmou patient and destroyed death by His death. xiten pefmou.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 21 Kenun ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn Now and forever; and unto the age of all

8e8wnwn amhn. ages, Amen.

Nirasi throu setwmi 8ero 8w}ce8otokos@ All joy befits you, O Mother of God, for

je 8ebolxito+ autasco 8nAdam through you, Adam returned back to

8epiparadisos@ 8eas[i 8nousolsel 8nje Eu8a@ Paradise. And Eve gained grace to replace 8e8vma 8mpes8mkax8nxht@ 8eas[i 8n+8eleuceri8a her sadness. Through you, she gained

8nkesop@ ecbh+ nem pioujai 8n8e8wnion. freedom once more as well as eternal


Anon de xwn maren+8wou ne@ xws And we too, let us glorify you as a

ou8axo 8nte +8anastasis@ je ,ere treasure of the resurrection. Hail to the

picusauros ettob@ 8etaner8apoleuin sealed treasure through which we were 8mpiwnq ebolxitotf@ ,ere chetasmisi given life. Hail to her who gave birth to

nan 8mPi8,ristos Pennou+@ ouox af+ nan Christ, our Lord, who gave us life through

8mpiwnq 8ebolxiten tef8anastasis. His resurrection.

8K8smarwout P[ois ma8tsaboi 8enekmecmhi. Blessed are You, O Lord, teach me Your


Nistrati8a 8naggelikon@ autwmt qen The angelic hosts were amazed when they 8pjin8crounau 8erok@ 8eauopk nem saw You counted among the dead. Yet,

nirefmwout@ ouox akqomqem 8n+jom 8nte You destroyed the power of death, O

8vmou 8wPiswthr@ ouox aktounos Adam Savior. You raised Adam with You and

nemak@ ouox akaif 8nremxe 8ebolqen freed him from hades. Blessed …. 8amen+@ 8K8smarwout ..

Ecbe ou nisojen nem ninexpi nem nirimi@ Why did you mix fragrant oil, weeping

tetencwt 8mmwou nem nou8erhou@ 8w and mourning with each other, O

nimachths 8nte P[ois@ peje piaggelos desciples of the Lord? The luminous

etxiebrhj 8ebol@ qaten pi8mxau 8nnixiomi at the tomb said to the women carrying 8mfaisojen@ anau de 8ncwten ouox ari8emi@ the spices: “Look and be aware that the

Page 22 St George & St Joseph Church je af8oxi 8eratf 8nje Piswthr@ ouox Savior has risen from the dead.” Blessed .. aftwnf 8ebolqen nhecmwout. 8K8smarwout ..

8Nswrp 8emasw auihs 8mmwou 8epek8emxau The women rushed very early to Your

8nje nixiomi 8mfaisojen eunexpi@ alla tomb carrying fragrant oil while crying. af8oxi 8eratf xijwou@ 8nje piaggelos But the angel stood before them saying: efjw 8mmos nwou@ je 8pshou 8mpirimi “The time of weeping is over, do not cry, afxeri 8mperrimi@ alla arixiwis but preach the resurrection to the 8n+anastasis 8nni8apostolos@ 8K8smarwout apostles.” Blessed .. ..

Nixi8omi 8mfaisojen au8i 8epek8mxau@ nem The women came to Your tomb carrying pi8scoinofi 8wPiswthr@ ouox auswtem fragrant oil and incense, O Savior. They

8epiaggelos efjw 8mmos nwou@ je ecbeou heared the angel say to them: “Why do tetenkw+ 8nsa vhetonq nem you seek the Living among the dead.” nirefmwout@ ouox 8ncof xws nou+ And He, being God, is risen from the aftwnf 8ebolqen pi8mxau@ Do,a Patri .. grave. Glory …

Tenouwst 8m8Viwt nem 8Pshri nem We worship the Father, and the Son and Pi8pneuma ecouab@ qen +metouai 8nte the Holy Spirit, one in essence. And we

+ousi8a@ ouox 8ntenws 8ebol nem proclaim with the Cherubim saying:

Ni,eroubim@ je 8,ouab 8,ouab 8,ouab “Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord.” Now

8ncok P[ois@ Ke nun.. and forever …

Aremisi 8w +parcenos 8m8vref+ 8m8pwnq@ You gave birth, O Virgin, to the Giver of ouox arenoxem 8nAdam 8ebolqen 8vnobi Life; and you saved Adam from sin (3

('g) @ 8are+ 8m8pounof 8nEu8a@ 8n8tsebi8w times). You gave joy to Eve instead of

8mpes8mkax8nxht@ ouox areer8xmot nan@ sorrow, and granted us life and salvation

8m8pwnq nem 8vnoxem@ 8ebolqen 8ptako nem from corruption and alteration. You 8psib+@ 8areswpi nan 8nou8prostaths@ became our intercessor before God our

Kiahk Psalmody Page 23 naxren 8Vnou+ penrefsw+@ Savior, who was incarnate of you. Amen vh8etaf[isarx 8ebol 8nqh+@ amen Alleluia, Lord have mercy, Lord have allhloui8a@ Kuri8e 8ele8hson Kuri8e mercy, Lord have mercy. 8ele8hson Kuri8e 8ele8hson.


Page 24 St George & St Joseph Church

Kiahk’s Canticle Pi

Hws 8eP[ois qen ouxws mberi@ xws O sing unto the Lord a new song, sing eP[ois pkaxi thrf@ xws eP[ois 8smou unto the Lord all ye earth. Declare among

8epefran@ xisennoufi 8mpefoujai 8n8exoou the heathen His glory, and among all qa8txh 8n8exoou@ saji 8mpefwou qen people His wonders. For great is the Lord niecnos nem nef8svhri qen nilaos throu@ and greatly to be praised. He is to be je ounis+ pe P[ois ouox 8f8smarwout feared above all gods. Alleluia. 8emasw@ 8foi 8nxo+ 8ejen ninou+ throu. Allhloui8a.

}na8smoue 8eP[ois 8nshou niben@ 8nshou I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise niben ere pef8smou naswpi qen rwi@ shall continually be in my mouth. My soul es8esousou 8mmos qen P[ois 8nje shall be proud in the Lord and the humble ta2u,h@ marouswtem 8nje niremraus shall hear and be glad. O magnify the ouox 8ntouounof@ ma oumetnis+ 8mP[ois Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name nemhi@ ouox maren[isi 8mpefran xi ousop. together. Alleluia. 'a'l.

Vhetxemsi xijen ni,eroubim ouonxk O You who dwells above the Cherubim, 8ebol 8mpe8mco 8nEvrem nem Beni8amin nem shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin, and

Manassh@ matounos tekjom 8amou Manasseh. Stir up Your strength, and

8e8vnaxmen@ matascon 8Vnou+@ mare come and save us. Bring us back, 0 God,

Kiahk Psalmody Page 25 pekxo 8erouwini 8e8xrhi 8ejwn ouox and let Your face shine upon and we shall

en8enoxem@ 'a'l. be saved. Alleluia.

Afrek 8tve ouox af8i 8epesht@ ou8gnovos He bowed the heavens also, and came

afswpi qa nef[alauj@ afolf 8ejen down, and darkness was under His feet,

ni,eroubim ouox afxalai@ afxalai 8ejen and He rode upon a , and did fly; nitenx 8nte nichou@ af,w 8nou,aki 8nlix yes, He did fly upon the wings of the

naf@ 8skw+ 8erof 8nje tef8skunh@ 'a'l. wind and made a pavilion round about

Him. Alleluia.

Hantenx 8n8[rompi euosj 8nieb 8nxat@ The wings of a dove are covered with

ouox neskemo+ qen ouotouet 8nte silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.

ounoub@ qen 8pjinte vhetqen 8tve cws When the Almighty scattered kings in it, 8nxanmetourwou 8e8xrhi 8ejws eu8eoubas they became as white as the snow in

8m8vrh+ 8nou,iwn qen Celmwn. 'a'l. Salmon. Alleluia.

Pitwou 8nte 8Vnou+@ pitwou etkeni8wout@ The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan, a pitwou et[hs@ pitwou etkeni8wout@ high hill as the hill of Bashan. Why leap

8aqwten tetenmeu8i@ 8exantwou eu[hs you, you high hills? This is the hill, which

pitwou 8etaf+ma+ 8nje 8Vnou+ 8eswpi God desires to dwell in, You , the Lord 8nqhtf@ ke gar P[ois ef8eswpi 8nqhtf sa will dwell in it forever. Alleluia. 8ebol@ 'a'l.

As8oxi 8erats 8nje +ourw saou8inam mmok@8 The queen did stand at Your right hand,

qen xan[i8xbws 8nieb 8nnoub esjolx arrayed in vesture of unwoven gold,

esselswl qen ouco 8nrh+. 'a'l. adorned in varied colors. Alleluia.

Cwtem taseri 8anau rek pemasj@ Listen, O daughter, and see, and incline

8ari8pwbs 8mpelaos nem 8phi thrf 8nte your ear, forget your people and your

peiwt@ je 8apiouro er8epicumin 8epesai@ je fatherʹs house. Because the King did desire

ouhi 8ncof pe P[ois@ 'a'l. your beauty, for He is your Lord. Alleluia.

Page 26 St George & St Joseph Church Eu8eouwst 8mmof 8nje niseri 8nte Turos@ The daughters of Soor worship Him and

qen xandwron eu8eerlitaneuin 8mpekxo@ the richest of the people of the earth offer 8nje niramaoi 8nte nilaos nte 8pkaxi@ 'a'l. you gifts. Alleluia.

8P8wou thrf 8n8tseri 8m8pouro 8n8esebwn@ All the glory of the daughter of the King is

esjolx qen xan8sta+ 8nieb 8nnoub within, arrayed with gold ringed esselswl 8nouco8nrh+@ eu8e8ini 8eqoun garments, adorned in varied colors. To the

8mpiouro 8nxanparcenos xivaxou 8mmos@ King, the virgins follow her and all her

eu8e8ini 8eqoun 8nneske8svhri throu@ eu8e8enou friends with her. They shall enter with 8eqoun qen ouounof nem oucelhl@ gladness and rejoicing, enter the temple of

eu8eenou 8eqoun 8epiervei 8m8pouro. 'a'l. the King. Alleluia.

Ounis+ pe P[ois ouox 8f8smarwout Great is the Lord, and greatly He is 8emasw@ qen 8cbaki 8mPennou+ xijen blessed in the City of our God. On His

peftwou ecouab@ ef8eouwss qen oucelhl Holy Mountain. All the earth is filled with

8nje 8pkaxi thrf@ nitwou 8nte Ciwn joy. The mountains of Zion, on the sides of ni8svirwoui 8nte pemxit +baki 8nte pinis+ the north, the City of the great King.

8nouro. 'a'l. Alleluia.

Nefsen+ qen nitwou ehouab@ 8aP[ois mei Its foundations are in the holy mountains. 8nnipulh 8nte Ciwn 8exote nimanswpi The Lord loved the gates of Zion more

throu 8nte Iakwb@ ausaji ecbh+ than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious

8nxan8xbhou8i eutaihout@ +baki 8nte things are spoken of You, O City of God.

8Vnou+@ 'a'l. Alleluia.

Ciwn +mau najos je ourwmi nem ourwmi The mother, Zion, says that Man dwelt in

afswpi 8nqhts@ ouox 8ncof pet[osi her, and He is the Highest. Who

afxisen+ 8mmos sa8enex@ 'a'l. established her forever. Alleluia.

Paggelos mP[ois xikwt 8m8pkw+ 8nouon The encamps them that

niben eterxo+ qatefxh@ ouox fear Him, and delivers them. Taste and see 8fnanaxmou@ jem+pi ouox 8anau je that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man

Kiahk Psalmody Page 27 ouxelje pe P[ois@ 8wouniatf 8mpirwmi that trusts in Him. Alleluia. 8eterxelpis 8erof@ 'a'l.

Vh8etafcami8o 8nnefaggelos He who makes His angels, spirits and His

8exan8pneuma@ ouox nefrefsemsi 8nousax ministers, a flaming fire. Alleluia. 8n8,rwm@ a'l.

Vh8etaf,w 8nnefmanmosi xijen ni[hpi@ He who makes the clouds His chariot, He vhecmosi xijen nitenx 8nte nichou@ a'l. who walks upon the wings of the wind.


8Cmou 8eP[ois@ nefaggelos throu@ Bless the Lord, you His angels who excel nhetjor qen toujom@ et8iri 8mpefsaji@ in strength, who do His commandments.

8smou 8erof nefdunamis throu@ Praise Him all His hosts, His servants who nhetvwsen 8ntaf et8iri 8mpefouws@ 8smou do His will. Bless the Lord from the

8eP[ois 8ebolqen nivhou8i@ 8smou 8erof heavens. Bless Him in the highest.

8ebolqen nhet[osi@ a'l. Alleluia.

8Mpe8mco 8nniaggelos +naer2alin 8erok@ Before the angels I will praise You and ouox +naouwst naxren pekervei worship towards Your holy temple. ecouab@ a'l. Alleluia.

Nivhou8i sesaji 8m8p8wou 8mVnou+@ picami8o The heavens declare the glory of God, and

8nte nefjij pi8stere8wma xiwis 8mmof@ the firmament tells His great work. Day pi8exoou jw 8nousaji 8mpi8exoou@ ouox speaks words unto day and night unto piejwrx ouwnx 8nou8emi 8ebol 8mpi8ejwrx@ night shows knowledge. Neither from xansaji an ne@ oude xanjinsaji an ne@ speech nor words. Alleluia. a'l.

Nh8ete 8nseswtem an 8etou8smh 8apou8qrwou Those whose voices are not heard, their senaf 8ebol xijen 8pxo 8m8pkaxi thrf@ voices have gone out through all the earth, ouox nousaji auvox sa aurhjs and their words reached to the end of the

Page 28 St George & St Joseph Church 8n+oikoumenh@ 'a'l. world. Alleluia.

8P[ois ef8e+ 8nousaji 8nnhetxisennoufi The Lord gives word to the evangelists of qen ounis+ 8njom@ ouox 8pouro 8nte nijom His great strength and the King of the

pepimenrit@ 'a'l. powers is the Beloved. Alleluia.

Ouwnx 8ebol 8mP[ois ouox mou+ 8epefran@ Profess to the Lord; call upon His Name; xiwis 8nnef8xbhou8i qen niecnos@ saji and make known His deeds among the

8nnef8svhri throu@ sousou 8mmwten qen nations; talk of all His wonders. Take

pefran ecpuab@ 'a'l. pride in His Holy Name. Alleluia.

8Ftaihout 8mpe8mcom P[ois 8nje 8vmou 8nte Precious in the sight of the Lord is the

nhecouab 8ntaf@ 8w P[ois 8anok pe pekbwk death of His saints. O Lord, I am Your

nem 8pshri 8nte tekbwki@ akswlp servant, and the son of your handmaid: 8nna8snaux@ +naswt nak 8nousouswousi You have loosed my bonds. To You I will

8n8smou +na+ 8nnaeu,hm 8mP[ois qen offer the sacrifice of praise and pay back

niaulhou 8nte 8phi 8mPennou+@ 8mpe8mco my vows unto the Lord now in the 8mpilaos thrf@ qen 8cmh+ 8n Ierousalhm@ presence of all his people, in the courts of

'a'l. the Lordʹs house, in the midst of

Jerusalem. Alleluia.

Ou8svhri pe 8Vnou+ qen nhecouab ntaf@8 Wondrous is God in the assembly of His

8Vnou+ 8mPisrahl 8ncof efe+ 8noujom saints. He is the God of Israel and He will

nem ou8amaxi 8mpeflaos@ ni8cmhi give strength and comfort unto His

marouounof@ maroucelhl 8mpe8mco people. The righteous rejoice and are glad

8m8Vnou+@ marouounof qen ouounof before God; And are blessed with bliss.

8f8smarwout 8nje P[ois 8Vnou+@ 'a'l. Blessed be the Lord God. Alleluia.

Mour 8ntekshfi 8epek8aloj vhete Gird your sword upon Your thigh, O Most

ouon8sjom 8mmof@ 8n8xrhi qen tekmetberi Mighty. With Your glory and Your

nem peksai [wlk mama+ 8ariouro@ 'a'l. majesty, ride prosperously and rule. Alleluia.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 29 Ek8exwmi 8ejen ouxof nem oubasiliskos@ You shall tread upon the serpent and the

ouox ek8eqomqem 8noumou8i nem ou8drakwn king of the scorpions. And break the lion je aferxelpis 8eroi +nanaxmef@ and the dragon. Because He has set His

+near8skepazin 8ejwf je afsouen paran@ love upon me, therefore will I deliver him:

'a'l. I will set him on high because he has known my Name. Alleluia.

8Vnoxem 8nte ni8cmhi ef,h qaten P[ois@ The salvation of the righteous is of the

ouox 8ncof pe pounas+@ qen 8pshou Lord and He is their strength. In the time 8m8pxojxej P[ois ef8eerbo8hcin 8erwou of trouble, He will help them and save

ouox ef8enaxmou@ ef8etoujwou 8ebolqen them from the wicked, because they trust

nirefernobi@ je auerxelpis 8erof@ 'a'l. in Him. Alleluia.

Nic8mhi marouounof qen ouounof@ Let the righteous rejoice with joy. They

8ani8cmhi ws 8ebol ouox P[ois afswtem cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and

8erwou@ ouox afnaxmou 8ebolqen He delivered them out of their distress. nouxojxej throu@ 8fqent 8nje P[ois The Lord is near the strong‐hearted and

8nnhettennhout qen pouxht@ ouox the He saves the humble spirit. Alleluia. nhetcebii8out qen nou pneuma 8fnanaxmou@ 'a'l.

Naswou niclu2is 8nte ni8cmhi Many are the afflictions of the righteous

8fnanaxmou 8nje P[ois 8ebol 8nqhtou but the Lord delivers them out of them all.

throu@ P[ois na8arex 8enoukas throu@ He keeps all their bones and none of them

ouai 8ebol 8nqhtou 8nnefloflef@ 'a'l. shall break. Alleluia.

Ououwini 8afsai 8nni8cmhi nem ouounof A light is sown for the righteous, and

8nnhetsoutwn qen pouxht@ ounof ni8cmhi gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice

qen P[ois@ ouwnx 8ebol 8m8vmeu8i 8nte in the Lord, you righteous, and give

tefmet8agios@ 'a'l. thanks at the remembrance of His Holiness. Alleluia.

Page 30 St George & St Joseph Church Pi8cmhi ef8eviri 8m8vrh+ 8mpibeni ouox The righteous shall flourish like the palm

ef8e8asai 8m8vrh+ 8mpisensifi 8nte tree; he shall grow like the cedar of pilibanos@ nhetrht qen 8phi 8mP[ois Lebanon. Those that are planted in the

eu8evori 8ebol qen niaulhou 8nte 8phi house of the Lord shall flourish in the

8mPennou+@ 'a'l. courts of our God. Alleluia.

Rwf 8mpi8cmhi safermeletan 8n+sovi8a@ The mouth of the righteous speaks the

ouox peflas safsaji 8m8pxap@ pinomos wisdom, and his tongue talks of the

8m8Vnou+ ef,h qen pefxht@ ouox judgment. The law of God is in his heart 8neftatsi 8nnou8sla+. 'a'l. and none of his steps shall slide. Alleluia.

Nhecouab ntak8 eu8esmou erok@ 8p8wou 8nte Your saints shall bless You and speak with

tekmetouro eu8esaji 8mmof@ 8fna8iri the Glory of Your kingdom. Those who 8m8vouws 8nnh8eterxo+ qatefxh@ ouox fear Him will proclaim His will and He

ef8eswtem 8epoutwbx ouox ef8enaxmou@ will hear their cry, and will save them.

P[ois na8arex 8eouon niben ecmei 8mmof@ The Lord preserves all them that love 'a'l. Him. Alleluia.

Ounof 8ejen P[ois ouox celhl ni8cmhi@ Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O you

sousou 8mmwten ouon niben etsoutwn righteous, and shout for joy, all you that qen pouxht@ 8e8xrhi 8ejen cai eu8etwbx are upright in heart. For this, everyone

8e8pswi xarok 8nje ouon niben ecouab qen that is righteous shall pray unto You in

oushou efsoutwn@ 'a'l. the time when You may be found.


Marouersorp 8ntaxon 8n,wlem 8nje Let Your tender mercies speedily come

nekmetsenxht@ je anerxhki 8emasw@ upon us and protect us for we are brought

8aribo8hcin 8eron 8Vnou+ Penswthr@ ecbe very low. Help us O God our Savior for

8p8wou 8mpekran P[ois ek8enaxmen@ ouox the sake of Your name O Lord and save

ek8e,a nennobi nan 8ebol ecbe pekran us. Forgive us our sins for the sake of Your ecouab@ 'a'l. Holy Name Alleluia.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 31 Marou[asf qen 8tek8klhsi8a 8nte peflaos@ Let them exalt him in the congregation of

marou8smou erof xi 8tkacedra 8nte His people, and praise Him in the ni8presbuteros@ je af,w 8noumetiwt assembly of the elders. For He has made

8m8vrh+ 8nxaneswou eu8enau 8nje Himself families like a flock. The

nhetsoutwn ouox eueounof. righteous shall see it and rejoice. Alleluia.

Afwrk 8nje P[ois ouox 8nnefouwm The Lord has sworn an oath that He will

8n8xchf je 8ncok pe piouhb sa enex kata not retract. You are a priest forever after

8ttaxism 8mMel,isedek@ 'a'l. the order of Melchizedek. Alleluia.

8Vnou+ ef8esenxht qaron ef8e8smou 8eron God be merciful unto us, and bless us,

efeouwnx 8mpefxo 8e8xrhi ejwn ouox shine Your face upon us and bless us.

ef8enai nan@ 'a'l. Alleluia.

8P[ois noxem 8mpeklaos@ 8smou O Lord save Your people and bless Your

8etek8klhronomi8a@ 8amoni 8mmwou@ [aso sa inheritance, shepherd them and lift them

8enex@ 'a'l. up forever. Alleluia.

Nim pe pisabe ouox ntefarexenai ouox Who is wise, let him keep these and

nseka+ 8eninai 8nte P[ois@ 'a'l. understand the mercies of the Lord.


8Cmou eroi 8smou eroi is +met8anoi8a ,w Bless me. Lo, the repentance. Forgive me.

nhi 8ebol@ naio+ nem na8snhou 8slhl O my fathers and my brethren pray for

8e8xrhi ejwi@ qen ou8agaph ++xo erwten me. In love, I ask you to remember me. aripameu8i.

Do[a Patri ke Uiw ke 8agiw 8Pneumati, Glory to the Father and to the Son and to

ke nun ke a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto 8e8wnwn the ages of ages.

8Amhn 'a'l Kuri8e 8ele8xson@ Kuri8e Amen. Alleluia. Lord have mercy. Lord

Page 32 St George & St Joseph Church 8ele8xson@ Kuri8e 8ele8xson@ have mercy. Lord have mercy.


A Praise chanted after Kiahk’s Canticle Agios Otheos Agios Eshiros

Agios O Theos Agios Yes‐sheros Agios Athanatos Amen Alleluia

Holy God Holy Mighty in His glory Holy is the Living God Amen Alleluia

By the help of the Mighty God The great Lord of lords Iʹll explain the meaning of Amen Alleluia

How beautiful is its meaning There is none, but our God We praise Him high in His heaven Amen Alleluia

Michael and and Souriel All praising Him saying Amen Alleluia

The heavenly Cherubim And the mighty Seraphim They also glorify Him Amen Alleluia

Heavenly hosts of light And all the spiritual ranks Continuously praise Him Amen Alleluia

Myriads of myriads Ranks around the Throne Proclaiming before the Lord Amen Alleluia

The four Around the Throne of God Pleading on our behalf Amen Alleluia

The first is like a lion A figure without body Bowing to the King of Zion Amen Alleluia

The second is like a calf A sign of sacrifice Proclaiming unceasingly Amen Alleluia

Kiahk Psalmody Page 33

The third is like an eagle Soaring in the heavens Pleading before the Only‐Begotten Amen Alleluia

The fourth has a face of man Asking forgiveness on our behalf Before the Lord our God Amen Alleluia

A scene encountered with light They praise God who is seated Up above on His throne Amen Alleluia

Scenes with diversities Seraphim with six wings Praising continuously Amen Alleluia

The twenty‐four elders Priests of the high order To Him they surrender Amen Alleluia

The stars and the orbits Praise Him throughout the way Up high in the heavens Amen Alleluia

Lucifer has become Satan after his pride When he ceased to say Amen Alleluia

Pitiful is the one who hears it In the midst of the congregation And does not sing with it Amen Alleluia

Alleluia is praise Hymns and songs We cry out saying Amen Alleluia

Alleluia is glorification For a mighty Lord Its unique and great memorial Amen Alleluia

Alleluia is pleasure And it gives satisfaction To utter two thousands Amen Alleluia

Alleluia is joy And it is a sweet language It saves from damage Amen Alleluia

Alleluia is exaltation For a merciful God Who is generous for generations Amen Alleluia

Alleluia is memorial For the great God of Wonders We praise in great numbers Amen Alleluia

Alleluia is a hymn A praise and rejoice And itʹs the best choice Amen Alleluia

Page 34 St George & St Joseph Church

Blessed is the Creator Existent before the ages Filling all places Amen Alleluia

Blessed is the Mighty Unseen and incomprehensible He is adorable Amen Alleluia

He created the waters The fire and the earthʹs ground He made it from void Amen Alleluia

Blessed is the zealous Lord Merciful and forgiving All deeds He is covering Amen Alleluia

Purity for the righteous Fulfilled by Alleluia Let us all say together Amen Alleluia

King David prophesied And by it glorified Words which are divinely prepared Amen Alleluia

In the book of the Psalms The hundred and fifty one psalms And at the end of every psalm Amen Alleluia

It is prayed at all times To the Creator of the heavens And is explained in the canticles Amen Alleluia

A fraction for the Korban Hippe Evshe Neman In it the faith is clear Amen Alleluia

David the pure proclaimed Mary the Virgin Lady On the ten strings Amen Alleluia

By the organ and the harp The cymbals and the strings The timbrel and chorus Amen Alleluia

He said, O daughter of Zion Your Lord loved you and chose you Listen and incline your ears Amen Alleluia

For her he also said She is the high mountain of God Above all other types Amen Alleluia

He called her Zion And said she is the chosen one From whom God will be human Amen Alleluia

Again he named her The Queen who is Embraced by light Amen Alleluia

Kiahk Psalmody Page 35 He called all the nations To clap hands and praise Singing hymns and praises Amen Alleluia

He said, ʺBlessed is the man Who is adorned with mercy For the poor and the down‐trodden Amen Alleluia

For God will save him And grant him many goods To satisfy him for many years.ʺ Amen Alleluia

Lord, we ask of You Keep Pope Shenouda the Great Our Patriarch and grant him wisdom Amen Alleluia

Also keep in safety The ones who watch over us Our metropolitans and Amen Alleluia

And keep, O Lord of lords All the beloved ones Who are present and absent Amen Alleluia

And also protect the reader Who said it to the audience And living it in abundance Amen Alleluia


Page 36 St George & St Joseph Church

The First Canticle Pixouit 8nxws 8nte Mw8ushs pi8provhths

Tote afxws 8nje Mw8ushs nem nenshri Then Moses and the children of Israel 8mPisrahl 8etai xwdh 8nte P[ois ouox sang this song to the Lord and spoke

afjos ecroujos@ je marenxws 8eP[ois@ saying, ʺLet us sing to the Lord for He has

je qen ou8wou gar af[i8wou. triumphed gloriously.ʺ

Ou8xco nem ou[asi8xco afberbwrou 8e8viom@ The horse and its rider He has thrown into

oubo8hcos nem ourefxwbs 8ebol xijwi@ the sea. The Lord is my strength and song

afswpi nhi 8nouswthri8a. and He has become my salvation.

Vai pe Panou+ +na+8wou naf@ 8Vnou+ He is my God and I will glorify Him, my

8mpaiwt +na[asf. fatherʹs God and I will exalt Him.

P[ois petqomqem 8nnibwts@ P[ois pe The Lord is a man of war, the Lord is His

pefran@ nibere[wouts 8nte Vara8w nem name. Pharaohʹs chariots and his army He

tefjom thrs afberbwrou 8e8viom. has cast into the sea.

Hanswtp 8n8anabaths 8n8tristaths His chosen captains also are drowned in

afjolkou qen 8viom 8nsari. the Red Sea.

Afxwbs 8e8xrhi 8ejwou 8nje pimwou@ The depths have covered them; they sank

auwms 8e8qrhi 8epetshk 8m8vrh+ 8nou8wni. to the bottom as a stone.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 37 Tekou8inam P[ois as[i8wou qen oujom@ Your right hand, O Lord; has become

tekjij 8nou8inam Panou+ astake glorious in power. Your right hand, O nekjaji. Lord; has dashed the enemy in pieces.

4en 8p8asai 8nte pek8wou akqomqem And in the greatness of Your excellence;

8nnhet+oubhn@ akouwrp 8mpekjwnt You have overthrown those who rose up afou8omou 8m8vrh+ 8nxanrwou8i. against You. You sent forth Your wrath; it

consumed them like stubble.

8Ebolxiten Pi8pneuma 8nte pek8mbon af8oxi And with the blast of Your nostrils the 8eratf 8nje pimwou@ au[isi 8nje nimwou waters were gathered together; the flood

8m8vrh+ 8nousobt@ au[ws 8nje nijol qen stood upright like a wall and the depths

8cmh+ 8m8viom. were congealed in the heart of the sea.

Afjos gar 8nje pijaji@ je +na[oji The enemy said, ʺI will pursue, I will

8ntataxo@ 8ntavws 8nxanswl@ 8nta8tsio overtake, I will divide the spoil, my desire

8nta2u,h@ 8ntaqwteb qen tashfi@ 8nte shall be satisfied upon them, I will draw tajij er[ois. my sword, and my hand shall destroy


Akou8wrp 8mpek8pneuma 8afxobsou 8nje You blew with Your wind, the sea covered 8viom@ auwms 8epesht 8m8vrh+ 8noutatx them, they sank like lead in the mighty

qen xanmwou euos. waters.

Nim et8oni 8mmok qen ninou+ P[ois@ nim Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods?

et8oni 8mmok@ 8eau+8wou nak qen nhecouab Who is like You, glorified in His saints,

8ntak@ euer8svhri 8mmok qen ou8wou@ ek8iri amazing in glory, performing wonders? 8nxan8svhri.

Aksouten tekou8i nam 8ebol afomkou You stretched out Your right hand, the

8nje 8pkaxi@ ak[imwit qajwf 8mpeklaos earth swallowed them. You in Your mercy

qen oumecmhi@ vai 8etaksotpf@ ak+jom have led forth, the people whom You have

Page 38 St George & St Joseph Church naf qen teknom+@ euma 8nemton efouab redeemed. You have guided them, in Your

nak. strength, to Your Holy habitation.

Auswtem 8nje xanecnos ouox aujwnt@ The people will hear and be afraid, sorrow

xannakxi au[i 8nnhetsop qen will take hold of the inhabitants of

Nivulistim. .

Tote auihs 8mmwou 8nje nixhgemwn 8nte Then the cheafs of Edom will be amazed,

Edwm@ niar,wn 8nte Nimw8abiths the mighty men of Moab, trembling will

ou8scerter pe 8etaf[itou. take hold of them.

Aubwl 8ebol 8nje ouon niben etsop qen All the inhabitants of Canaan will melt

4en 8p8asai 8nte pek8jvoi marouer8wni@ sa By the greatness of Your arm they will be

tefsini 8nje peklaos P[ois satefsini as still as stone, till Your people pass over

8nje peklaos@ vai 8etak8jvof. O Lord, till Your people pass over whom You have purchased.

Anitou 8eqoun tojou xijen outwou 8nte You will bring them in and plant them in

tek8klhronomi8a@ nem 8eqoun the mountain of Your inheritance, in the 8epekma8nswpi etsebtwt@ vai 8etakerxwb place, O Lord, which You have made for

8erof P[ois. You to dwell in.

Pekma ecouab P[ois vh8etausebtwtf In Your sanctuary, O Lord, which Your

8nje nekjij@ P[ois ekoi 8nouro sa 8enex hands have established, the Lord shall

nem isjen 8p8enex ouox 8eti. reign forever and ever.

Je au8i 8eqoun 8e8viom 8nje ni8xcwr 8nte For the horses of Pharaoh went with his Vara8w nem nefbere[8wouts nem chariots and his horsemen into the sea. nef[asi8xco.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 39 AP[ois en pimwou 8nte 8viom 8e8xrhi And the Lord brought back the waters of

8ejwou@ nenshri de 8mPisrahl naumosi the sea upon them but the children of qen petsou8wou qen 8cmh+ 8m8viom. Israel went on dry land in the midst of the


As[i de nas 8nje Mariam +8provhths Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of 8tswni 8n 8Aarwn 8mpikemkem qen nesjij@ Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand, and all

ouox au8i 8ebol samenxhs 8nje nixi8omi the women went out after her with

throu qen xankemkem nem xanxws. timbrels and with praises.

Aserxhts de qajwou 8nje Mariam esjw And Miriam answered them saying, ʺLet

8mmos@ je marenxws 8eP[ois@ je qen us sing to the Lord for He has triumphed

ou8wou gar af[i8wou. gloriously.

Ou8xco nem ou[asi8xco afberbwrou 8e8viom@ The horse and its rider, He has thrown

je marenxws 8eP[ois@ je qen ou8wou gar into the sea.ʺ Let us sing to the Lord for

af[i8wou. He has triumphed gloriously.


Explanation of the First Canticle (Lobsh) "ali Adam

4en ouswt afswt@ 8nje pimwou 8nte With the split, the waters of the sea split;

8viom@ ouox 8vnoun etshk@ afswpi and the very deep, became a walkway. 8nouma8mmosi.

Oukaxi 8nacouwnx@ 8a8vrh sai xijwf@ A hidden earth, was shone upon by the

Page 40 St George & St Joseph Church oumwit 8natsini aumosi xiwtf. sun; and an untrodden road, was walked


Oumwou efbhl 8ebol@ af8oxi 8eratf@ qen The flowing water, stood still; by a

ouxwb 8n8svhri@ 8mparadoxon. miraculous, act of wonder.

Vara8w nem nefxarma@ auwms 8epesht@ Pharaoh and his chariots, were drowned; nenshri 8mPisrahl@ auerjinior 8m8viom. and the children of Israel, crossed the sea.

8Enafxws qajwou pe@ 8nje Mw8ushs And in front of them was, Moses the

pi8provhths@ sa8ntef[itou 8eqoun@ xi Prophet praising; until he brought them, 8psafe 8nCina. to the wilderness of Sinai.

8Enafxws 8e8Vnou+@ qen tai xwdh 8mberi@ And they were praising God, with this

je marenxws 8eP[ois@ je qen ou8wou gar new psalmody; saying, ʺLet us sing to the af[i8wou. Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.ʺ

Hiten nieu,h@ 8nte Mw8ushs Piar,h Through the prayers of, Moses the

8provhths@ P[ois 8ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w Archprophet; O Lord grant us, the 8ebol 8nte nennobi. forgiveness of our sins.

Hiten ni8presbi8a@ 8nte +ceotokos ecouab Through the intercessions, of the Mother

Maria@ P[ois 8ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w 8ebol of God Saint Mary; O Lord grant us, the 8nte nennobi. forgiveness of our sins.

Tenouwst 8mmok 8w Pi8,ristos@ nem We worship You, O Christ, with Your

Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ Good Father; and the Holy Spirit, for You

je ak8i aksw+ 8mmon. have risen and saved us.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 41 Hymn after First Canticle

The Lord said to Moses Tell your people to depart Lift up your rod over the sea And they shall find an entrance

So Moses rose at night Hit the sea with the rod And Israel went on dry ground Through the midst of the sea

The sea was divided in half And they departed together And they walked on ground At the bottom of the sea

The pillar of fire was a guide Throughout the way Before the children of Israel To illuminate their path

They walked on ground and rocks In the midst of the sea And the waters were a high wall On their right hand and their left

They walked on ground and rocks In the midst of the sea And the waters were a high wall On their right hand and their left

The pillar of cloud went before them And separated the two camps And Pharaoh was in darkness And his servants could not see

The said Let us flee from them Before the children of Israel For the Lord fights for them

The Lord said to Moses Stretch your hand over the sea That the waters may come again Upon the Egyptians

The chariots of Pharaoh Drowned in the midst of the sea And his servants died And the darkness blocked their sight

A vicious storm began In the midst of the high sea The waves and tides relapsed And the waters shut and closed

Pharaoh surely drowned Along with all his horsemen None remained of them And settled at the bottom of the sea

The sun shined at that time When this monster drowned And Israel was courageous Crossed the sea and walked

Joyfully they crossed the sea Walking on ground and rocks They almost flew like eagles And descended on top of the mount

Page 42 St George & St Joseph Church

Then Moses praised the Lord Along with the children of Israel With all the ranks and chiefs Singing a joyful song

Moses and the Israelites Spoke in one tongue saying Let us sing to the Lord For He has triumphed gloriously

The horsemen and the chariots Were thrown in the Red Sea And Israel was saved From shame and humiliation

This is the Lord my God I glorify His Great Name This is the Lord my God Maker of all great things

He abolished the army by His Might The Lord God is honored Pharaoh and his horsemen Drowned in the sea

The best of his horsemen Drowned in the midst of the sea And all his warriors At the bottom of the sea settled

The waters covered them And were taken to the depths As you cast stones And the waters shut them in and closed

Your Mighty Right Hand, O Lord Is glorified by Its actions Your Mighty Right Hand, O Lord Destroyed all its enemies

Who is like You, O God Among the other gods You are glorified in Your saints Who marvel at You

You have stretched Your hands And the sea swallowed them You led Your people by Your justice To the place of rest

Miriam, Aaronʹs sister, Took a timbrel in her hands And all the women went out after her With timbrels and dances

Miriam, the prophetess, Sang before them and said And the women along with her Playing the cymbals and timbrel

Singing a joyful song Saying in one voice Let us praise the Lord For He triumphed gloriously

The chariots and the horsemen Were drowned in the Red Sea What a great joy for Israel For their salvation from the Egyptians

The waters of the sea split And the very deep became a walkway And Moses crossed in it But the enemy fell to their damnation

Kiahk Psalmody Page 43 An unseen ground The sun shined upon it A path which was covered They walked on it

The liquid water stood Before Moses and Aaron In a marvelous way Miraculously

Pharaoh and his horsemen drowned; In the bottom of the sea And Israel crossed away Through the Red Sea

And Moses praised before them Till they reached the harbor In peace and happiness In the wilderness of Sinai


Page 44 St George & St Joseph Church

Monday Psali "ali 8Adam 888m8p8exoou 8mpi8snau

Ani8ana anso 8nso@ nem ni8ana 8ncba Thousands and thousands, and myriads of 8ncba@ sexws se+8wou@ 8mPa[ois Ihsous. myriads, praise and glorify, my Lord


Bon niben ecnajos@ je Pa[ois Ihsous@ Everyone who says, my Lord Jesus, is ouon oushfi 8ntotf@ esrwqt 8mpijaji. likened to a sword, casting down the


Ge gar 8alhcws@ ak[isi 8emasw@ 8n8xrhi For truly You were exalted, in heaven, and qen nivhou8i@ nem xijen pikaxi. on earth.

Dikeos gar niben@ 8etauranaf 8m8Vnou+@ All the righteous people, who have

se8ermeletan@ qen pinomos thrf. pleased God, meditated upon, all the laws.

8Ere 8Vnou+ ,h@ 8mpou8mco 8ebol@ 8ere And God is always, present before them,

pefran ecouab@ qen rwou 8nshou niben. and His holy name is always in their


Ze8os 8emasw@ 8nje nekmetsenxht@ Exceedingly great, are Your compassions,

piref+xap 8mmhi@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous. O fair Judge, O my Lord Jesus.

Yl pe Emmanouhl@ +8trovh 8mmhi@ God is Emmanuel, the true food, the

Kiahk Psalmody Page 45 pi8sshn 8nte 8pwnq@ va +met8acmou. Immortal, tree of Life.

:wou+ 8eqoun xaroi@ 8nalogismos throu@ Gather all, of my senses, to praise and 8ntaxws 8nta+8wou@ 8mPaqois Ihsous. glorify, my Lord Jesus.

Ihsous pe pa[soi@ Ihsous pe Panou+@ Jesus is my Lord, Jesus is my God, Jesus is

Ihsous pe 8txelpis@ 8nni8,risti8anos. the hope, of Christians.

Kata kouji kouji@ ten8iri 8mpekmeu8i@ In every small thing, we remember and

ten+8wou 8mpekran@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous. glorify, Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus.

Lwiji niben etxwou@ maren,au 8nswn@ All bad defects, let us cast away, and let us marentoubo 8nnenxht@ 8eqoun 8e8vran purify our hearts, in the name of my Lord. 8mP[ois.

Mare 8vran 8mP[ois @ swpi 8n8qrhi 8nqhten@ Let the name of the Lord, abide within us, 8ntef8erouwini 8eron@ qen penrwmi so that He may shine upon, our inner

etsaqoun. being.

Nim gar qen ninou+@ et8oni 8mmok P[ois@ Among the gods O Lord, who is like You, 8ncok pe 8Vnou+ 8mmhi@ et8iri 8nxan8svhri. You are the true God, the Performer of


83marwout 8alhcws@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ Blessed are You indeed, with Your good

nem Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ nem pi8Pneuma Father, and the Holy Spirit, O my Lord

ecouab. Jesus.

Ou8arwmata@ 8en8asensouenf@ pe Pekran An aroma, that is very expensive, is Your

ecouab@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous. holy name, O my Lord Jesus.

PiHihb 8mmhi@ 8nte 8Vnou+ 8Viwt@ 8ari The true Lamb, of God the Father, have

ounai neman@ qen tekmetouro. mercy on us, in Your kingdom.

Page 46 St George & St Joseph Church Rwf gar 8mPekiwt@ etoi 8mmecre qarok@ For the mouth of Your Father, has given

je 8ncok pe Pashri@ 8anok ai8jvok 8mvoou. witness for You, saying ʺYou are My Son, and today I gave birth to You.ʺ

Cetwounou xarok@ 8nje ni

niCeravim@ se8snau 8erok an. and the Seraphim, and they can not see You.

Tennau 8erok 8mmhni@ xijen We look at You every day, upon the altar,

pima8n8erswousi@ ten[isi 8ebolqen and we partake of Your body, and Your pekswma@ nem pek8snof ettaihout. honored blood.

Umnologi8a niben@ et qen pinomos thrf@ All the blessings, of the law, do not have

8mmon 8xli 8nqhtou@ f8 tencwnt 8erok. anything, that resembles You.

Vai pe pi8wni 8mmhi@ ecnasensou8enf@ 8eta This is the true stone, that is of great price,

pirwmi 8n8eswt@ +8mpete8ntaf afsopf. which the merchant sold, all that he had

and bought it.

8ntef8erou8wini 8eron@ qen penrwmi upon us, in our inner being. etsaqoun.

8"olsel 8nnen2u,h@ perou8wt 8nnenxht@ The beauty of our souls, and the joy of our

pe Pekran ecouab@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous. hearts, is Your holy name, O my Lord


8W pisan8xchf@ ouox 8nnaht@ va pimhs O the Compassionate, and the kind One,

8nnai@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous. plenteous in mercies, O my Lord Jesus.

0au[ak 8nnoutenx@ 8nje ni

Kiahk Psalmody Page 47 8Fnaxwtp 8nje 8vrh@ nem piiox qen The sun and moon, shall disappear in

poushou@ 8ncok de 8ncok pe@ nekrompi time, but You are the same, and Your 8mpaumounk. years will never end.

4en oumetfairw8ous@ 8nte By the care, of Your goodness, the heavens

tekmet8agacos@ akriki 8nnivhou8i@ ak8i were lowered, and You came down to us. 8epesht saron.

Hws shini 8mmhi@ ouox niref+ vaqri@ As a true physician, and a healer, You

akercerapeuin@ 8nnenswni throu. have healed all, our sicknesses.

Joust 8e8qrhi 8ejwn@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ Look upon us, O my Lord Jesus, with the

qen oubal 8nnaht@ 8nte tekmet8agacos. merciful eye, of Your goodness.

qo 8nqrhi 8nqhten@ 8nouxht efsoutwn@ Implant in us, an upright heart, that we ecren8smou 8erok@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous. may bless You, O my Lord Jesus.

}+xo 8erok@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ 8ari ounai I entreat You, O my Lord Jesus, to have

neman@ qen tekmetouro. mercy upon us, in Your kingdom.

Loipon ansancwou+@ 8e+8proseu,h@ And whenever we, gather for prayer, let maren8smou 8epiran@ 8nte Pa[ois Ihsous. us bless the Name, of my Lord Jesus.

Je tenna8smou 8erok@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ We bless You, O my Lord Jesus, deliver us

naxmen qen Pekran@ je anerxelpis through Your Name, for we have hope in

8erok. You.

Ecrenxws 8erok@ nem Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ That we may praise You, with Your Good

nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ ke ak8i aksw+ Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have 8mmon risen and saved us.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agi8w P'n'ati@ ke Glory be to the Father and the Son, and

Page 48 St George & St Joseph Church nun ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn 8e8wnwn the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto,

8amhn. the age of all ages. Amen.


Psali Adam for Monday Theotokia

Be strengthened in faith O you who believe in Christ And praise the joy of the world Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Begin by signing yourself With the sign of the Cross And praise at all times Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Repent from doing evil And hold on to the Law And praise at all times Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Gabriel, who was sent, came From the Holy Father He announced to the Virgin Maria‐Ti Parthenos

When he told her, she accepted The tidings of the angel And with the Spirit of God, she conceived Maria‐Ti Parthenos

The salvation of the human race And of the entire world From the pure Virgin Maria‐Ti Parthenos

They called you many names You are called righteous O, you the holy saint Maria‐Ti Parthenos

The Lord of Glory chose you According to the Psalmist With His Holy Spirit adorned you Maria‐Ti Parthenos

The Divine Light adorned you With the dwelling of my Lord Jesus The One from the Trinity Maria‐Ti Parthenos

They called you the censer Made of pure gold And a famous tabernacle Maria‐Ti Parthenos

You bore the Son of Righteousness In your womb, O Virgin and bride Who received what you have received Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Kiahk Psalmody Page 49

Zephaniah proclaimed About the birth of Christ That He will descend as dew and rain Maria‐Ti Parthenos

The Pantocrator The Life‐giver of all people You gave birth to the Son of Man Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Blessed are you, O Mother of God Blessed are you, O Mother of The Holy You are of the seed of David Maria‐Ti Parthenos

From you the Divine appeared Christ the King of glory United with Humanity Maria‐ Ti Parthen

On you we have hoped And we ask you, O Mother of Christ Do not forsake us Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Your praise is precious and pleasant Above the whole world Your honor increased greatly Maria‐Ti Parthenos

You are exceedingly higher Than the righteous fathers And surpassed all measures Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Everlasting and worshipped Unique in essence and Holy He chose the daughter of David Maria‐Ti Parthenos

You are the Mother of Christ And to all the world You are truly declared Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Without you who could have Witnessed the glory of Christ When He appeared in the world Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Moses desired to see Him The face of the Holy God He couldnʹt see a glance of His Light Maria‐Ti Parthenos

We ask you to guide us To please the Holy Lord So He may lead us to the city Maria‐Ti Parthenos

You became a pure sanctuary For the dwelling of my Lord Jesus And in your womb, you did carry Maria‐Ti Parthenos

He drank the milk of your paps The Creator of all lives You carried Him in your bosom Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Do not forget, O Mary; The Christian people Before the Great God Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Page 50 St George & St Joseph Church O Mary, help us Before Jesus Christ To lead us to the harbor Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Hail to the Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus Christ Through her we gain victory Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Hail to Saint Mary Ti The pride of the whole world Maria‐Ti Parthenos

Peace be to the people; Who are present with us To be saved and redeemed Maria‐Ti Parthenos

I conclude my words with Praising the mother of God Mary, the gate of Heaven Maria‐Ti Parthenos


Monday Theotokia }ce8odoki8a 8m8p8exoou 8mpi8snau@ 8h,os adam

Pisorp Part 1

Adam 8eti 8efoi@ 8nemkax8nxht@ af+ma+ While Adam was sad, God was pleased, to

8nje P[ois@ etascof etef8ar,h. bring him back, to his leadership.

Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order

to save us.

Pi8snau Part 2

Eua ch8etaferxal 8mmos@ 8nje pixof@ Eve who was tempted, by the serpent, was

as[i8apovasis@ 8ebolxiten P[ois. condemned, by the Lord.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 51 Je qen ou8asai@ +na8crou8asai@ 8nje ʺFor in abundance, I will greatly multiply,

neemkax8nxht@ nem nefi8axom. your sorrows, and your sighs.ʺ

Afsenxht 8nje P[ois@ xiten Yet God felt compassionate, through his

tefmetmairwmi@ af+ma+ 8nkesop@ 8e8ais love for man, and was pleased, to free her

8nremxe. once again.

Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order

to save us.

Pisomt Part 3

Ihsous Pi8,ristos piLogos@ etaf[isarx@ Jesus Christ the Word, who came and took afswpi 8nqhten@ 8annau epef8wou. flesh, he dwelt in us, and we saw His


8M8vrh+ 8m8p8wou@ 8nou0hri 8mmauatf@ Like the glory of the only Son, of His 8ntotf 8mPefiwt@ af+ma+ 8e8vnaxmen . Father, He was pleased, to redeem us.

Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order

to save us.

Pi8ftoou Part 4

Nafnau qen nibal@ 8m8provhtikon@ Isaiah has seen, the mysteries, of 8epimusthrion@ 8nte Emmanouhl. Emmanuel, with prophetic insight.

8Nje 8Ysa8has@ pinis+ 8m8provhths@ ecbe Wherefore, the great prophet, shouted out

Page 52 St George & St Joseph Church vai afws 8ebol@ efjw 8mmos. proclaiming, and saying.

Je aumisi nan 8nou8alou@ au+ nan ʺFor unto us a child is born, unto us a son 8nou0hri@ vh8etere tefar,h@ ,h xijen is given, the government shall be, upon

tefnaxbi. his shoulder.

8Vnou+ vh8etjor@ 8n8exousiasths@ ouox He is God the powerful, and the pi8aggelos@ 8nte pinis+ 8nso[ni. Counselor, the Angel, of the great


Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order

to save us.

Pi8etioou Part 5

Rasi ouox celhl@ 8w 8pgenos 8nnirwmi@ je Rejoice and be happy, O human race, for

pairh+ 8a8Vnou+@ menre pikosmos. God so revealed, His love to the world.

Hwste 8ntef+@ 8mpef0hri 8mmenrit qa@ That He gave, His beloved Son, for those

nh8ecnax+ 8erof@ ecrou8wnq sa 8enex. who believe in Him, so that they may live


Au[ro gar 8erof@ xiten tefmetsenxht@ For He has overcome, by His mercy, and

ouox afouwrp nan@ 8mpef8jvoi et[osi. sent unto us, His Almighty Arm.

Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order

to save us.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 53 Pisoou Part 6

Vh8etsop@ vh8enafsop@ vh8etaf8i@ palin He who is, and who was, who has come, on 8fnhou. who is to come again.

Ihsous Pi8,ristos piLogos@ 8etaf[isarx@ Jesus Christ the Word, who was incarnate,

qen oumetatsibt@ afswpi 8nrwmi without alteration, became a perfect man. 8ntelios.

8Mpefjws 8mpefcwq@ oude 8mpefvwrj@ Without alteration of His being, or

kata 8xli 8n8smot@ menensa +metouai. mingling or separation, of any kind, after the unity.

Alla ouvusis 8nouwt@ ouxupostasis But He is of one nature, one hypostasis,

8nouwt@ ou8pros8opon 8nouwt@ 8nte 8Vnou+ and one person, for God the Word. piLogos.

Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon.. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us.

Pisasf Part 7

chetaumes Pi8,ristos 8nqhts@ pimax 8snau prophets, where Christ the second Adam,

8nAdam. was born.

Hina 8nteftacso 8nAdam@ pixouit 8nrwmi@ In order to bring Adam, the first man, pi 8ebolqen 8pkaxi@ epiParadisos. who was made of dust, back to Paradise.

Ouox 8ntefbwl 8ebol@ 8ntapovasis And to absolve, the decree of death

Page 54 St George & St Joseph Church 8m8vmou@ je Adam 8ncok oukaxi@ saying, ʺAdam you are from dust, and to

8,natascok 8e8pkaxi. dust you shall return.ʺ

Pima gar 8etaf8asai@ 8mmof 8nje 8vnobi@ For in the place, where sin has abounded,

aferxou8o 8asai 8nqhtf@ 8nje pi8xmot the grace of Christ, has abounded more. 8mPi8,ristos.

Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order

to save us.

Pi8smhn Part 8

"u,h niben rasi@ ouox se8er,wreuin@ All the souls, rejoice and sing, with the nem ni8aggelos@ euxws 8e8Pouro angels, and praise Christ the King. Pi8,ristos.

Euws 8ebol eujw 8mmos@ je ou8wou qen Proclaiming and saying, ʺGlory to God in nh8et[osi 8mVnou+@ nem ouxirhnh xijen the highest, on earth peace, and goodwill

pikaxi@ nem ou+ma+ qen nirwmi. toward men.ʺ

Je afbwl gar 8ebol@ 8mpijin8i 8e8cmh+@ For He has destroyed, the middle wall,

afqwteb qen oujwk@ 8n+metjaji. and killed the enmity, with perfection.

Afvwq 8mpi8sqi 8njij@ 8nte +metbwk@ 8nte He has torn, the verdict of slavery,

Adam nem Eua@ af8aitou 8nremxe. pronounced on Adam and Eve, and He

freed them.

8Nje vh8etafmasf nan@ qen 8cbaki He who was born for us, in the city of

8nDauid@ kata 8psaji 8mpi8aggelos@ David, is our Savior Jesus, as the angel penCwthr Ihsous. said.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 55 Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us.

Pi82it Part 9

Ououwini pe 8Vnou+@ 8efswp qen God is light, He abides in light, and the

piou8wini@ xan8aggelos 8nouwini@ angels of light, sing unto Him. eterxumnos 8erof.

8Api8ouwini sai@ 8ebolqen Maria@ a The light has shone, from Mary, and

8Elisabet misi@ 8mpi8prodromos. Elizabeth, gave birth to the forerunner.

8A pi8Pneuma ecouab@ nexsi qen Dauid@ The Holy Spirit, woke up in David, and je twnk 8ari2alin@ je 8api8ou8wini sai. said ʺArise and sing, for the light has


Aftwnf 8nje Dauid@ pixumnodos So David the Psalmist, and the saint, rose ecouab@ af[i 8ntefkucara@ up and took, his spiritual stringed

8m8pneumatikon. instrument

Afxwl 8e+ek8klhsia@ 8phi 8nte ni8aggelos@ He went to the temple, the house of the

afxws aferxumnos@ 8e+8Trias ecouab. angels, he praised and sang to, the holy


Je qen pekouwini@ P[ois en8enau 8eouwini@ Saying ʺIn Your light, O Lord we will see

maref8i 8nje peknai@ 8nnh8etswoun 8mmok. light, let Your mercy come, to those who

know You.ʺ

Piouwini 8nta8vmhi@ vh8eter8ouwini@ 8erwmi O true Light, that shines upon, every man, niben@ ecnhou 8epikosmos. that comes into the world.

Page 56 St George & St Joseph Church Ak8i epikosmos@ xiten tekmetmairwmi@ You have come into the world, through

a+kthsis thrs@ celhl qa pekjin8i. Your love for man, and all the creation, rejoiced at Your coming.

Aksw+ 8nAdam@ 8ebolqen +8apath@ You have saved Adam, from the

Eua 8nremxe@ qen ninakxi 8nte 8vmou. seduction, and delivered Eve, from the pangs of death.

Ak+ nan 8mpi8Pneuma@ 8nte +metshri@ You gave unto us, the Spirit of sonship,

enxws en8smou 8erok@ nem nek8aggelos. we praise and bless You, with Your angels.

Afsai swmatikws@ 8ebolqen +parcenos@ He shone in the flesh, taken from the

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us.


Monday Lopsh Lwbs 8Adam 8ejen +ceodokia 8mpi8snau

Palas gar etjwjeb@ ouox My weak and sinful tongue, is not

8nref8ernobi@ na8sjemjom an 8esaji@ able, to speak of, your honor O Mary. 8mpetaio Maria.

Adam gar peniwt@ pisorp 8ncami8o@ Adam our father, the first creation, by

qen nenjij 8m8nouV+@ pidhmiourgos. the hands of God, the Creator.

Hiten 8pso[ni 8nEu8a@ tensorpi Through the advice of Eve, our first

8mmau@ afouwm 8nje Adam@ mother, Adam ate from, the fruit of

Kiahk Psalmody Page 57 8ebolqen 8poutax 8mpi8sshn. the tree.

Af8i xijen pengenos@ nem +8kthsis So came to our race, and all the thrs@ 8nje pi8ersisi@ 8nte 8vmou nem creation, the authority of death, and

8ptako. corruption.

8Ebolxiten Maria@ +ce8otokos@ Through Mary, the Mother of God, autasco 8nAdam@ 8etefar,h Adam was restored again, to his

8nkesop. authority.

Is niourwou et[osi@ Dauid nem The two exalted kings, David and Colomwn@ euerxumnos 8eros@ Solomon, sing unto her, and honor

eu+taio nas. her.

Dauid pi8provhths@ saji 8epestai8o@ David the Prophet, spoke of her honor, afmou+ 8eros@ je +baki 8nte 8Vnou+. and called her, the city of God.

Colomwn de on@ pi8ek8klhsiasths@ And also Solomon, the Ecclesiastes,

qen pijw 8nte nijw@ 8mpairh+ 8efjw this is what he says, in the Song of 8mmos. Songs.

Je taswni ta8svhri@ ch8etjhk 8ebol@ My sister and my spouse, the perfect

pi8scoi 8nte ne8xbws@ ou8arwmata pe. one, the smell of your garments, is an aroma.

Niparcenos throu@ menre pitoubo@ O all you virgins, love purity, in order

xina 8ntetenswpi 8nseri@ 8nchecouab to become daughters, of Saint Mary. Maria.

Je ouhi 8ebolxitots@ 8a8pgenos For through her, all women, find

8nnix8omi@ jimi 8nouparrhsi8a@ 8mpe8mco favor, before the Lord. 8ebol 8mP[ois.

Page 58 St George & St Joseph Church Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni And we too, hope to win mercy,

8eunai@ xiten ne8presbia@ 8ntotf through your intercessions, with the 8mpimairwmi. Lover of mankind.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 59

Tuesday Psali "ali 8Adam 8m8p8exoou 88m8psomt

Amou saron 8mvoou@ 8w penhb Pi8,ristos@ Come to us today, O Christ our Master,

8ariouwini 8eron@ qen tekmecnou+ et[osi. shine upon us, with Your exalted divinity.

Ouwrp 8e8qrhi 8ejwn@ 8mpai nis+ 8n8xmot@ Send to us, this great grace, of Your Holy

8nte pek8Pneuma ecouab@ 8mParaklhton. Spirit, the Paraclete.

Hina 8ntasaji@ 8nxankouji 8ntai8o@ ecbe So that I may speak, with great honor, pekran ecouab@ ouox 8et8smarwout. about Your Holy, and blessed name.

Vai 8etaf[i8wou@ qen rwou 8nni8cmhi@ This is He who was glorified, by the

nhecouab 8ntak@ 8etsop xijen pikaxi. mouths of, Your righteous saints, who lived upon the earth.

Nai etswrem 8ebol@ qen nitwou 8nsafe@ By those wondering people, in the barren

qen ou8xko nem ou8ibi@ qen oujaf nem mountains, threatened by hunger and

ou8wjeb. thirst, frost and cold.

Eu8erqa8e 8euxejxwj@ ouox eu[i8mkax@ They were needy and suffering, and

kata 8psaji 8mPaulos@ pi8apostolos. afflicted, according to, .

Alla pekran ecouab@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ But Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus,

etsop nwou 8nnas+@ qen nouxojxej upheld and delivered them, in all their

throu. sufferings.

Page 60 St George & St Joseph Church Pekran ecouab@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus, saved

ecnoxem 8mmwou@ qen noucli2is throu. them from all, their afflictions.

8Ncof etsop nwou@ 8nou8trovh 8nwnq@ For them it was, a living food, which filled

essans 8nnou2u,h@ nem nouswma eusop. their souls, and their bodies too.

8Ncof etsop nwou@ 8noumoumi 8mmwou For them it was, a fountain of living water, 8nwnq@ esxolj qen tou8sbwbi@ 8exote sweeter than honey, in their mouths. pi8ebi8w.

Ausanviri 8erof@ sare pouxht ounof@ When they call upon it, their hearts 8ntesviri 8ebol@ 8nje toukersarx. rejoiced, and their bodies, blossomed.

Ausansaji 8erof@ sare pounous When they uttered it, their minds were

[iouwini@ 8ntefsenaf 8e8p[isi@ 8nje enlightened, and their hearts ascended, to poukexht. the heights.

Loipon ansancwou+@ 8e+8proseu,h@ And whenever we, gather for prayer, let maren8smou 8epiran@ 8nte Pa[ois Ihsous. us bless the Name, of my Lord Jesus.

Je tenna8smou 8erok@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ We bless You, O my Lord Jesus, deliver us

naxmen qen Pekran@ je anerxelpis through Your Name, for we have hope in

8erok. You.

Ecrenxws 8erok@ nem Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ That we may praise You, with Your Good

nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ ke ak8i aksw+ Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have

8mmon risen and saved us.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agi8w P'n'ati@ ke Glory be to the Father and the Son, and

nun ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn 8e8wnwn the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto, 8amhn. the age of all ages. Amen.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 61 Eswp ansaner2alin@ marenjos And whenever we sing hymns : Let us

qen ou8xloj@ je Pen[ois Ihsous say tenderly : “O our Lord, Jesus Pi

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agiw Glory to the Father : And the Son and

Pneumati@ ke nun ke 8a8i ke istous@ the Holy Spirit : Now, and forever : 8e8wnas twn 8e8wnwn 8amhn. And all the ages. Amen.


Hymn for Tuesday Theotokia

O Mary, I’m your servant Baptized in the name of your Son You gave me a promise I ask you to fulfill

O Mary, by your prayers And your chaste purity And your virtuous life Put me in Paradise

O Mary, you are my crown My honor among the crowd Praising you among my guests Cools and quenches me

O Mary, Iʹm carrying A heavy burden My trust in you To help me O, my pride

Iʹm running out of time Unaware and forgetting While Satan is offering Many attractive traps

O Mary, Iʹve seen his deeds Attractive and very sweet He calls on me to the treat Iʹve not lost hope yet

O Mary, I am concerned With this heavy load Do not let me stray I want to repent and live

O Mary, you mystery revealed The hidden became declared The judge dwelt in your womb Let Him forgive me

My hope is you, O Mary Intercede to your Holy Son To grant me forgiveness And let Jesus strengthen me

Page 62 St George & St Joseph Church

O Mary, I request of you To clear me of my dues For you are my medicine Your prayers cure me

O Mary, you are an ointment To heal the greatest cut You are always favored For you enlightened my heart

O Mary, I plead you to keep Your promise and guide me For the time is at hand To reach the harbor in peace

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob All desired the Lord His covenant was from you A mystery now revealed

This is my happiness To rejoice in fulfilling my promise For your praise is an enjoyment As a medicine which heals

The fathers and the brethren The pious and religious Save them from tribulation And help my abject self

Our Pope the Patriarch A good and honest shepherd Grant him a long life For his honor pleases me


Tuesday Theotokia }ce8odoki8a 8m8p8exoou 8m8psomt@ 8h,os adam

Pisorp Part 1

Pi8,lom 8nte pensousou@ 8t8apar,h The crown of our pride, the head of our

8mpensw+@ 8ptajro 8mpentoubo@ pe Maria salvation, the confirmation of our purity,

+Parcenos. is the Virgin Mary.

:h8etasmisi nan@ 8m8Vnou+ piLogos@ Who for us gave birth to, God the Word,

vh8etafswpi 8nrwmi@ ecbe penoujai. who became man, for our salvation.

Menensa 8creferrwmi@ 8ncof on pe And after He became man, He is also God,

Kiahk Psalmody Page 63 8Vnou+@ ecbe vai asmasf@ esoi wherefore she gave birth to Him, while a

8mParcenos. Virgin.

8C[osi 8nje +8svhri@ 8nte pesjin8erboki@ Exalted is the wonder, of her pregnancy,

pesjinmisi on@ ou8atsaji 8mmof pe. and her delivery, is unutterable.

Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will, and the pleasure of 8mPefiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came

afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.

Pi8snau Part 2

Ounis+ pe 8pwou@ 8nte teparceni8a@ Maria Great is the glory, of your virginity, O

+Parcenos@ ch8etjhk 8ebol. Virgin Mary, the perfect one.

8Arejem 8xmot@ P[ois sop neme@ 8nco te You have found grace, and the Lord is

+moki@ ch8eta Iakwb nau 8eros. with you, you are the ladder, which Jacob


Estajrhout xijen pikaxi@ es[osi sa Set firmly on the earth, reaching to

8e8xrhi 8e8tve@ 8ere ni8aggelos@ nh8ou 8epesht heaven, where the angels, come down

xiwts. upon it.

8Nco pe pi8sshn@ 8etafnau 8erof 8nje You are the bush, which Moses has seen,

Mw8ushs@ efmox qen pi8,rwm@ ouox flaming with fire, and was not consumed. nafrwkx an.

8Ete vai pe 8p0hri 8m8Vnou+@ 8etafswpi This is the Son of God, who dwelt in your

qen teneji@ 8mpe pi8,rwm 8nte womb, the fire of His divinity, did not

tefmecnou+@ rwkx 8mpeswma. consume your body.

Page 64 St George & St Joseph Church 8Nco te +koi@ 8mpou + 8jroj 8eros@ You are the field, that was not planted, but

8aretaou8o 8ebol@ 8noukarpos 8nwnq. you did give, the fruit of life.

8Nco pe pi8axo@ 8etafsopf 8nje Iwshv@ You are the treasure, that Joseph bought,

afjem pimargariths@ efxhp qen and he found the pearl, hidden in its

tefmh+. midst.

Afjem penCwthr@ Ihsous qen teneji@ Our Savior Jesus, was found in your

8are8jvof 8epikosmos@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. womb, you gave birth to Him for the

world, so He might save us.

Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will, and the pleasure of

8mPefiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came

afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.

Pisomt Part 3

preaching of the prophets.

,ere ch8etas[i 8nte piaggelos@ 8m8vrasi is with you, hail to you who accepted, the

8mpikosmos. joy of the world.

8mpi8e8pthrf@ ,ere ch8etas8m8psa 8mmou+ of all, hail to her who is worthy to be

8eros@ je 8cmau 8mPi8,ristos. called, the Mother of Christ.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 65 niben. the Provider of everyone.

8ejwn. intercede for us.

Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will, and the pleasure of 8mPefiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came

afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.

Pi8ftoou Part 4

8Are san ouai@ +niatf 8mmo@ 8w If someone contemplates, about you, O

+Parcenos ecouab@ ouox 8mmasnou+. holy Virgin, and Mother of God.

Nem pimusthrion@ etoi 8n8svhri@ And about the mystery, full of wonder,

8etafswpi 8nqh+@ ecbe penoujai. which dwelt in you, for our salvation.

8Fna,arwf men@ ecbe +met8atsaji 8mmof@ He would keep silent, for he cannot utter, 8fnatounosten 8e8pswi@ 8eoujinerxumnos. he would make us, rise up for praise.

Ecbe +metnis+@ 8nte vh8etoi 8n8svhri@ Because of the greatness, of the wonderful,

8nref8erpecnanef@ etoi 8nouco 8nrh+. Maker of all things.

PiLogos gar etonq@ 8nte 8Vnou+ 8Viwt@ For the living Word, of God the Father,

8etaf8i 8epesht 8e+nomos@ xijen 8ptwou came down to give the Law, on mount

8nCina. Sinai.

Afxwbs 8n8t8ave@ 8mpitwou qen ou8,remts@ He covered the peak, of the mountain,

nem ou,aki nem ou8gnovos@ nem with smoke darkness and mist, and with

ousarachou. storms.

Page 66 St George & St Joseph Church 8Ebolxiten +8smh@ 8nte xansalpiggos@ Through the sound, of the trumpets, He

naf+8sbw qen ouxo+@ 8nnh8et8oxi 8eratou. was teaching, the people standing with fear.

8Ncof on af8i 8epesht 8ejw@ qa pitwou He also descended on you, O speaking

8nlogikon@ qen oumetremraus@ nem mountain, that spoke with humility, and oumetmairwmi. love of mankind.

Ouox on 8mpairh+@ af[isarx 8nqh+@ qen And likewise, He took flesh from you,

oumet8atsib+@ 8nousarx 8nlogikh. without alteration, a speaking body.

8N8omoousios neman@ esjhk 8ebol@ 8eouon Coessential with us, and perfect, and also

8ntas 8mmau@ 8nou2u,h 8nno8hra. has, a rational soul.

Af8oxi efoi 8nNou+@ qen vh8enafoi 8mmof@ He remained God, as He is, and became, a ouox afswpi 8nrwmi@ 8ntelios. perfect man.

Hina 8ntefbwl 8ebol@ 8mpara8ptwma So as to abolish, the iniquity of Adam, and

8nAdam@ ouox 8ntefsw+@ 8mvh8etaftako. that He may save, those who perished.

8Ntef8aif 8mpoliths@ 8n8xrhi qen nivhou8i@ And to make him a citizen, of heaven, and

8nteftascof 8etef8ar,h@ kata pefnis+ restore his leadership, according to His

8nnai. great mercy.

Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will, and the pleasure of

8mPefiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came

afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.

Pi8etioou Part 5

8Ptaio 8n+Parcenos@ ouatsaji 8mmof pe@ The honor of the Virgin, is unutterable, for

Kiahk Psalmody Page 67 je 8a8Vnou+ ou8ass@ af8i afswpi 8nqhts. God desired her, and came and dwelt in


Vh8etwop qen piouwini@ 8nat8sqwnt 8erof@ He who abides in light, that is

afswpi qen tesneji@ 8m82ht 8n8abot. unapproachable, dwelt in her womb, for

nine months.

Pi8acnau 8erof@ pi8at+cws 8erof@ 8aMaria Mary gave birth to, the Invisible, and

masf@ esoi 8mParcenos. infinite One, and remained a Virgin.

Vai gar pe pi8wni@ vh8eta Danihl@ nau For this is the rock, which Daniel saw, 8erof 8e8ausatf@ 8ebolxi outwou. which was cut, from a mountain.

8Ete 8mpejij 8nrwmi@ [ox 8erof 8e8pthrf@ The hands of men, never touched Him, for

8ete vai pe piLogos@ pi 8ebolqen 8Viwt. He is the Word, of the Father.

Af8i af[isarx@ 8ebolqen +Parcenos@ He came and took flesh, from the Virgin,

a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. without the seed of man, in order to save


Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will, and the pleasure of

8mPefiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came

afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.

Pisoou Part 6

8Areswpi 8nou8klados@ 8nte pitoubo@ ouox You became a branch, of purity, and a

8nkumillion@ 8nte pinax+. vessel, of the faith.

8Norcodoxos@ 8nte nenio+ ecouab@ 8w Of the Orthodox, our holy fathers, O

+semne 8mmasnou+@ 8ettaihout chaste Mother of God, the honored Virgin.

Page 68 St George & St Joseph Church 8mParcenos.

Je 8aremisi nan@ 8m8Vnou+ piLogos For you gave birth for us, God the Word, penCwthr Ihsous@ af8i afsw+ 8mmon. our Savior Jesus, He came and saved us.

Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will, and the pleasure of

8mPefiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.

Pisasf Part 7

8Nco 8cmau 8mpiouwini@ ettaihout You are the Mother of Light, the honored

8mmasnou+@ 8arefai qa piLogos@ Mother of God, you have carried, the

pi8a,writos. uncircumscript Logos.

Menensa 8cre masf@ 8ari8oxi 8ereoi After you gave birth to Him, you

8mParcenos@ qen xanxws nem xan8smou@ remained a Virgin, with hymns and

ten[isi 8mmo. blessings, we magnify you.

Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will, and the pleasure of

8mPefiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came

afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.


Tuesday Lopsh Lwbs 8Adam 8ejen +ceodokia 8mpisomt

8Ere as 8nlas 8nsarx@ na8s8erpinoin 8mmo@ 8w What bodily tongue, can describe you, O

Kiahk Psalmody Page 69 +Parcenos ecouab@ ouox 8mmasnou+. holy Virgin, and Mother of God.

Je 8areswpi 8nou8cronos@ 8mbasilikon@ For you became, a royal throne for the 8mvh8etoufai 8mmof@ xijen ni

Enna8sermakarizin@ 8mmo 8nas 8nrh+@ je By what means can we bless you, for you

8are[isi 8enivusis@ 8nno8hron etsa8pswi. were exalted, above all the highest, and rational natures.

Ce8er8vmeu8i 8mperan@ qen gene8a niben@ 8w Your name is remembered, throughout all

+8[rompi ecnesws@ ouox 8cmau ages, O beautiful dove, and Mother of mPi8,ristos. Christ.

Ounof 8mmo Maria@ +bwki ouox +mau@ je Rejoice O Mary, the handmaiden and

vh8et qen pe8amhr@ ni8aggelos sexws mother, for He who is on your lap, the 8erof. angels praise.

Ouox ni

nem niCeravim@ qen oumetatmounk. befittingly, and the Seraphim, without ceasing.

Eu8erripizin qen noutenx@ je vai pe They flap their wings, saying ʺThis is the

8Pouro 8nte 8p8wou@ vh8et8wli 8m8vnobi King of glory, who carries the sins of the 8mpikosmos@ kata pefnis+ 8nnai. world, according to His great mercy.ʺ

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of



Page 70 St George & St Joseph Church

Psali Adam on the Second Canticle "ali Adam 8ejen pimax8snau 8nxws

Apaxht nem palas@ xws 8e+8trias@ 8agi8a My heart and my tongue, praise the

8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. Trinity. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us.

Bon niben sexws nak@ ouox seerbwk nak@ Everyone praises You, And worships You, 8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Ge gar 8ncok Pennou+@ penCwthr ouox For You are our God, And our Great

pinis+@ 8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. Savior, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Despoude kurion@ af8I afsw+ 8mmon@ The Master Lord , He came and saved us,

8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Ecue nekxap 8mmhi@ matsaboi For the sake of Your true judgments, 8enekmecmhi@ 8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. Teach me Your justice, O Holy Trinity,

have mercy on us

Zeos pe peknai@ jem pensini qen Many are Your mercies, Grant us Your

pekoujai@ 8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. salvation, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on


Ys xhppe 8anok@ ei8evwt xarok@ 8agi8a I am here before You, I took refuge in You, 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Kiahk Psalmody Page 71 :wk te +jom nem pi8wou@ 8w piouro 8nte Yours is the power and glory, O King of

8p8wou@ 8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. glory, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Ihsous pe tenxelpis@ qen nen8clu2is@ Jesus is our hope, In our tribulations, O

8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

8K8smarwout Uios :eos@ naxmen qen You are blessed, O Son of God, Deliver us nipirasmos@ 8agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. from temptations, O Holy Trinity, have

mercy on us

Laos niben sexws nak@ 8w 8pouro All nations praise You, O Christ the King, Pi8,ristos@ agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Moi nan 8ntekxirhnh@ matal[o Grant us Your peace, Heal our sickness, O

8nnenswni@ agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

8Ncok ourefsenxht@ ouox 8nnaht@ agi8a You are the compassionate, And You are

8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. the Merciful, O Holy Trinity, have mercy

on us

3marwout 8ncok@ tenxws nak 8smou 8erok@ You are blessed, We praise and bless You,

agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Ounis+ 8nta8vmhi@ piref+xap 8mmhi@ agi8a Truly great, Is the Just Judge, O Holy

8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. Trinity, have mercy on us

Pekran et8smarwout@ 8w pilogos Your Name is blessed, O the True Logos

8nta8vmhi@ agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. (Word), O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Rwis 8eron 8wPi8,ristos@ qen Guard us, O Christ, With Your Goodness,

tekmet8agacos@ agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us 8hmas.

Page 72 St George & St Joseph Church Cwtem 8enirefernobi@ qen nou8anagkh@ Hearken unto the sinners, In their

agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. tribulations, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Ta2u,h nem panous@ 8wlou 8eouranos@ My soul and my mind, Lift them up to

agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. heaven, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Uios :eos Pennou+@ moi nan 8nousw+@ O Son of our God, Grant us Your

agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. salvation, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on


8Vnou+ pinaht@ piref8wou8nxht@ agi8a God the Merciful, The Long‐suffering, O

8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. Holy Trinity, have mercy on us


"u,h 8nnenio+@ ma8mton nwou 8w The souls of our fathers, Give rest to them,

pirefsw+@ agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. O Savior, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

8W pennhb 8aripenmeu8i@ qen tekmetouro O our Master remember us, In Your

8nna nivhou8i@ agi8a 8trias@ 8ele8hson 8hmas. heavenly kingdom, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us

Loipon ansancwou+@ 8e+8proseu,h@ And whenever we, gather for prayer, let

maren8smou 8epiran@ 8nte Pa[ois Ihsous. us bless the Name, of my Lord Jesus.

Je tenna8smou 8erok@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ We bless You, O my Lord Jesus, deliver us naxmen qen Pekran@ je anerxelpis through Your Name, for we have hope in

8erok. You.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 73 Ecrenxws 8erok@ nem Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ That we may praise You, with Your Good

nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ ke ak8i aksw+ Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have 8mmon risen and saved us.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agi8w Pneumati@8 Glory be to the Father and the Son, and

ke nun ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto, 8e8wnwn 8amhn. the age of all ages. Amen.


Page 74 St George & St Joseph Church

The Second Canticle Pimax8snau 8nxws@ 8h,os 8Adam

Ouwnx 8ebol 8mP[ois je ou8,rhstos O give thanks to the Lord for He is good:

ou8agacos pe allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. sa 8enex.

Ouwnx 8ebol 8m8Vnou+ 8nte ninou+ O give thanks to the God of gods: Alleluia,

allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. His mercy endures forever.

Ouwnx 8ebol 8mP[ois 8nte ni[ois O give thanks to the Lord of lords:

allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

Vhet8iri 8nxannis+ 8n8svhri 8mmauatf To Him who alone does great wonders: allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

Vh8etafcami8o 8nnivhou8i qen ouka+ To Him who by wisdom made the

allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. heavens: Alleluia, His mercy endures


Vhetaftajro 8mpikaxi xijen nimwou To Him who layed out the earth above the

allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. waters: Alleluia, His mercy endures


Vh8etafcami8o 8nxannis+ 8nref 8erouwini To Him who made great lights: Alleluia,

8mmauataf allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob His mercy endures forever. sa 8enex.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 75 8Vrh 8eouersisi 8nte pi8exoou allhloui8a@ The sun to rule by day: Alleluia, His

je pefnai sob sa 8enex. mercy endures forever.

Piiox nem nisiou eu8exousi8a 8nte pi8ejwrx The moon and starts to rule by night:

allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

Vh8etafsari 8ena


Ouox af8ini 8mPisrahl 8ebol qen toumh+ And brought out Israel from among them: allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

4en oujij es8amaxi nem ouswbs ef[osi With a strong hand and with stretched out

allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. arm: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

Vh8etafvwrj 8m8viom 8nsari qen To Him who divided the Red Sea in two:

xanvwrj allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. 8enex.

Ouox af8ini 8mPisrahl 8emhr qen tefmh+ And made Israel pass through the midst

allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. of it: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

Ouox afborber 8mVara8w nem tefjom But overthrew Pharaoh and his hosts in

thrs 8e8viom 8nsari allhloui8a@ je pefnai the Red Sea: Alleluia, His mercy endures

sob sa 8enex. forever.

Vh8etaf8ini 8mpeflaos 8ebol 8n8xrhi xi To Him who led His people through the

8psafe allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa wilderness: Alleluia, His mercy endures

8enex. forever.

Vh8etaf8ini 8noumwou 8ebol qen oupetra To Him who retrieved water from a rock: 8nkox 8nswt allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

Page 76 St George & St Joseph Church sa 8enex.

Vh8etafsari 8exannis+ 8nourwou To Him who smote great kings: Alleluia, allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. His mercy endures forever.

Ouox afqwteb 8nxanourwou euoi 8n8svhri And slew famous kings: Alleluia, His allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. mercy endures forever.

Chwn 8pouro 8nte Ni8amorreos allhloui8a@ Sihon, the king of the Amorites: Alleluia, je pefnai sob sa 8enex. His mercy endures forever.

Nem Wg 8pouro 8nte 8:basan allhloui8a@ And Og, the king of Bashan: Alleluia, His je pefnai sob sa 8enex. mercy endures forever.

Af+ 8mpoukaxi eu8klhronomi8a And gave their lands as a heritage: allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. Alleluia, His mercy endures forever.

Eu8klhronomi8a 8mpefbwk Pisrahl A heritage to Israel His servants: Alleluia, allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. His mercy endures forever.

8N8xrhi qen pencebi8o aferpenmeu8i 8nje The Lord, who remembered us in our low P[ois allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa estate: Alleluia, His mercy endures

8enex. forever.

Ouox afsotten 8ebolqen nenjij 8nte And has redeemed us from our enemies: nenjaji allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. 8enex.

Vhet+ 8qre 8nsarx niben etonq Who gives food to all flesh: Alleluia, His allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. mercy endures forever.

Ouwnx 8ebol 8m8Vnou+ 8nte 8tve O give thanks to God of heaven: Alleluia, allhloui8a@ je pefnai sob sa 8enex. His mercy endures forever.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 77 Ouwnx ebol 8mP[ois 8nte ni[ois je O give thanks to the Lord of lords for He



Explanation of the second canticle "ali8a Adam ejen pimax8snau 8nxws

Marenouwnx 8ebol@ 8mPi8,pistos Let us give thanks, to Christ our God, with

Pennou+@ nem piiero2alths@ Dauid David the prophet, and psalmist. pi8provhths.

Je afcamio 8nnivhou8i@ nem noudunamis@ For He has made the heavens, and all its

afxisen+ 8mpikaxi@ 8e8xrhi xijen nimwou. hosts, and established the earth, on the waters.

Nai nis+ 8mvwsthr@ pirh nem piiox@ These two great stars, the sun and the

af,au eu8erouwini@ qen pi8sterewma. moon, He has made to enlighten, the firmament.

Af8ini 8nxanchou@ 8ebolqen nef8axwr@ He brought forth the winds, out of His

afnifi 8nsa ni8sshn@ sa8ntouviri 8ebol. treasure box, He breathed unto the trees,

and they blossomed.

Afxwou 8noumounxwou@ xijen 8pxo He caused the rain to fall, upon the face of

8m8pkaxi@ sa 8ntefrwt 8e8pswi@ 8ntef+ the earth, and it sprouted, and gave its 8mpefoutax. fruit.

Af8ini 8noumwou@ 8ebolqen oupetra@ He brought forth water, out of a rock, and

Page 78 St George & St Joseph Church af8tso 8mpeflaos@ 8n8xrhi xi 8psafe. gave it to His people, in the wilderness.

Afcami8o 8mpirwmi@ kata pef8ini@ nem He made man, in His image, and His tefxikwn@ ecref8smou erof. likeness, that he may praise Him.

Marenxws 8erof@ ten[isi 8mpefran@ Let us praise Him, and exalt His name,

tenouwnx naf 8ebol@ je pefnai sop sa and give thanks to Him, His mercy 8enex. endures forever.

Hiten nieu,h@ 8nte piiero2alths Dauid@ Through the prayers, of David the

P[ois 8ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w 8ebol 8nte Psalmist, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness nennobi. of our sins.

Hiten ni8presbi8a@ 8nte +ceotokos ecouab Through the intercessions, of the Mother

Maria@ P[ois .. of God Saint Mary, O Lord...

Hiten ni8presbi8a@ 8nte 8p,oros thrf 8nte Through the intercessions, of all the

niaggelos@ P[ois .. heavenly hosts, O Lord...

8K8smarwout 8alhcws@ nem Pekiwt Blessed are You indeed, with Your Good 8n8agacos@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ je ak8i Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have

aksw+ 8mmon. come and saved us.


Hymn after the second Canticle

Let us sing with David And thank the graciousness of God For His merciful and kind Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Thank the Lord for He is good Sending His rain from heaven above Upon the righteous and the wicked Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Thank the God of gods For He is good and long‐suffering To Whom is due glory and honor Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Kiahk Psalmody Page 79

Holy, Holy, Holy One and Only God Thank the Lord of lords Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

The earth is filled with His glory As He is glorified in heaven Maker of all wonders Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He created the heavens And established it by His Word The stars move in their orbits Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

In wisdom, He created the earth And spread it over the waters He filled it with creatures Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He created two great stars To illuminate the heavens The sun and the moon orbiting Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He made the sun for the day In its celestial sphere The moon and the stars for the night Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He poured His wrath on Pharaoh And destroyed all His enemies And chose Moses and Aaron Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He made miracles for His people In Egypt with Mighty hands And struck them with heavy plagues Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

The Egyptians and their horsemen Were hit by a Mighty hand And saved His people from them Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

The sea was split in half And Pharaoh was drowned in it While Israel passed through it Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He gave them water from the rock Quenched His people and drank In the dry wilderness Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He sent them to Canaan And killed Sihon of the Amorites And Og, king of Bashan Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He gave their lands to Israel His servant and His child He remembered our humble souls Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He saved us from our enemies For You comfort everyone Let us profess to the Lord of heaven Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Unto Him is due all honor And worship at His feet Thank Him for His graciousness Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Page 80 St George & St Joseph Church Let us proclaim the Name of Christ And thank Him for His grace Praise Him and exalt Him Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He saved us from Satan And the rational Pharaoh was disgrace And we crossed the water of baptism Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Weʹre baptized in holy water, Freed from the bondage of tyranny And assure us of the promised land Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Christ split the sea of Hades And threw the devil in it And lifted us from it in great mystery Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He resurrected us with His people To His heights and happiness And called us ʹbeloved ʹ Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

Instead of manna and quail He gave us His body for food And the gorgeous Church Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

He sprung water from the rock And we drank His blood And quenched our weary souls Je pef‐nay Shop Sha‐eneh

We reached the promised land And received the new promise Which is the Kingdom of heaven Je pef nay Shop Sha‐eneh


Kiahk Psalmody Page 81

Wednesday Psali "ali8a Batos 8m8p8exoou 8mpi8ftoou

Marouounof 8ntoucelhl@ 8nje nh8etkw+ Let them rejoice and be happy, those who

8nsa P[ois@ nh8ecmhn 8ebol 8nshou niben@ seek the Lord, who are constantly, calling

qen 8cmeleth 8mpefran ecouab. upon His holy name.

Nai ne ni8sshn 8etafsaji ecbhtou@ 8nje These are the trees, that David the

pixumnodos Dauid@ je eurht qaten Psalmist spoke about, for they are planted

nifoi 8mmwou@ eu+karpos efjhk 8ebol. by the rivers of water, bringing forth perfect fruit.

}foi 8mmwou pe penCwthr@ Pen[ois The river of water is our Savior, Jesus

Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ nh8ecnaswpi eumhn Christ our Lord, and the souls of those 8erof@ senawnq 8nje tou2u,h. who abide, in Him will live forever.

Ce+8sbw nan qen ni8gravh ecouab@ ninifi They teach us in the holy books, to be like

8nte 8Vnou+@ ecrenswpi enoi 8nna8ht@ the breaths of God, merciful to the

8eqoun 8episwnt 8etafcamiof. creation, which He has created

Ouox on je +8agaph@ 8mpasxei 8ebol 8enex@ And also that love, will never fail, as said

kata 8psaji 8mpisovos@ Paulos by the wise, Paul the Apostle. pi8apostolos.

}8agaph 8etafsaji ecbhts@ 8nje The love that, the holy Apostle speaks of,

pi8apostolos ecouab@ 8ete vai pe piran is the name of salvation, of our Lord Jesus

Page 82 St George & St Joseph Church 8noujai@ 8nte Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos. Christ.

8Eswp ansanmenre piran 8noujai@ 8nte When we love the name of salvation, of Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ 8ntener pinai our Lord Jesus Christ, and have mercy nem nen8erhou@ sanjwk 8mpinomos thrf upon each other, we fulfill all the Law. 8ebol.

8Ebolxiten +mecna8ht@ af+ma+ 8nje Through mercy, was pleased, to

Abraam@ ecre 8Vnou+ jwili 8erof nem host God, and His holy angels. nef8aggelos ecouab.

8Ebolxiten +mecna8ht@ afnoxem 8nje Through mercy, the righteous Lot was

Lwt pi8cmhi@ 8ebolxa pikundinos saved, from the tribulations, that came ecnast@ 8etaf8i 8e8xrhi 8ejen Codoma. upon Sodom.

8Ebolxiten +mecna8ht@ afer 8pem8psa 8nje Through mercy, Cornelius was worthy, to

Kornhlios@ ecref[i 8mpibaptisma@ qen be baptized, at the hands of our father nenjij 8mpeniwt Petros. Peter.

Isje gar tenoi 8nqa8e@ qen ni8,rhma 8nte If we are needy, for the money of this paikosmos@ 8mmon 8ntan 8n8xli 8mmau@ world, and we have nothing, to offer as ecrenthitou 8mmecna8ht. alms.

Ouon 8ntan 8mpi8anamhi@ pimargariths Yet we truly have, the precious pearl of ecnasensouenf@ piran etxolj ecmex great price, which is the sweet name full

8n8wou@ 8nte Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos. of glory, of our Lord Jesus Christ.

8Eswp ansanmoun 8erof@ qen penrwmi When we continue to keep Him, in out etsaqoun@ 8fnaaiten 8nrama8o@ sa8nten+ inner being, He will make us rich, so we

8nxanke,wouni. can give to others.

Ni8,rhma an 8nte pai kosmos@ ecnasini We do not ask for, the wealth of this

8etenkw+ 8nswou@ alla 8vnoxem 8nte world, but for the salvation of our souls,

Kiahk Psalmody Page 83 nen2u,h@ qen 8cmeleth 8mpefran by calling upon His holy name. ecouab.


Hymn Watos for Wednesday’s Theotokia

All the hosts of the heaven And the angelic soldiers Cry out in beautiful voices Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

In the tunes of the heavens Everyone says let us praise And shout in wonderful languages Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

The Father looked from heaven and did not find Whoʹs like your purity in all rank He sent His Son to take flesh from you Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Came with good tidings as a messenger Gabriel, the Told you happily without delay Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

He dwelt with His Holy Spirit in you And the Lord Jesus appeared from you You became Mother to your Creator Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

The salvation of Adam and his race And his return to Paradise Has appeared from an ever Virgin Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Youʹve been called, ʺBest of flowers The pure and golden censer And the holy and blessed flowerʺ Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

The Lord of glory chose your beauty As the words of the Psalmist The Lord of lords became your Son Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Ezekiel saw in his vision A closed door, guarded in the East The High King entered by it Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

A ladder seen by Jacob Surrounded by angelic hosts Worshipping the revered King Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Moses witnessed and prophesied And likened you to a planted vineyard A green bush aflame with fire Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Page 84 St George & St Joseph Church

Zephaniah said concerning you And prophesied concerning Jesusʹ birth Heʹll come down as rain and dew Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Daniel said in his vision ʺI have seen a great Throne On it sat the great High King.ʺ Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Moses asked to peak and see As you saw O Mother of the Holy One And could not bear His Light; Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

He came from you and fulfilled the promise To Adam, by entering Paradise And freed his offspring from all ties Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Precious and sweet is your praise As the sweetness of Paradise Who tasted it will not like otherwise Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

You are honored and privileged Above all the angelic ranks By having the Creator in your lap Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

If one praises you all the time He will attain his wishes By receiving the Holy Lordʹs pleasure Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

All my life I wanted To praise you O, Ti‐Parthenos So you will be my help when I depart Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Who can explain the honor of Mary Or liken it to the moon and the sun She is even greater than the Throne Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

You bore the Lord of glory Thus, became above all the hosts Your rank is elevated and increased Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Without you, O Mother of Light Who could have seen Jesus’ glory Revealed so clear to the world Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Who received, O Mary, what youʹre granted Or who resembles you O Theotokos Which tongue can actually explain Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

We ask of you, O Virgin Remember me before my Lord Jesus So He may forgive my sins Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Your servant pleads to you Do not forget me, O Mother of Christ For I ask for your protection Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

The honored father, our shepherd Abba Shenouda Pi‐archi Erevs With his prayers on our behalf Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Kiahk Psalmody Page 85 And his partners in the service Our holy fathers the bishops Help them O pride of the human race Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

Do not forget all our priests And all the Christians And all the ranks of our Church Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

O pride of the human race The pearl of all the hosts and ranks Help the Christian people Blessed are you, Virgin and bride

And the Orthodox believers The chief and the workers All the seven ranks of the Church Blessed are you, Virgin and bride


Wednesday Theotokia }ce8odoki8a 8m8p8exoou 8mpi8ftoou@ 8h,os batos

Pisorp Part 1

Nitagma throu 8nte nivhou8i@ sejw All the heavenly multitudes, declare your

8nnemakarismos@ je 8nco te +max8snou+ blessedness, for you are the second 8mve@ etsop xijen pikaxi. heaven, upon the earth.

}pulh 8nte nima8nsai@ te Maria The door to the east, is the Virgin Mary,

+Parcenos@ pima8nselet ettoubhout@ the honored bridal chamber, for the pure

8nte pinumvios 8nkacaros. Bridegroom.

A8Viwt joust 8ebolqen 8tve@ 8mpefjem The Father looked from heaven, and

vh8et8oni 8mmo@ afou8wrp 8mpefmonogenhs@ found no one like you, He sent His only

8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. begotten, who came and took flesh from


Page 86 St George & St Joseph Church Pi8snau Part 2

Ausaji 8nxantaio ecbh+@ 8w +baki 8nte They spoke of you with honor, O city of 8Vnou+@ je 8nco petere 8vma8nswpi@ God, for you are the dwelling place, of all

8nnh8etounof throu 8nqh+. the joyful.

Ni8ourwou throu 8nte 8pkaxi@ semosi qen All the kings of the earth, walk in your pe8ouwini@ ouox ni8ecnos qen peviri@ 8w light, and the nations in your brightness,

Maria 8cmau 8m8Vnou+. O Mary the Mother of God.

Ce8ermakarizin 8mmo@ 8nje nigene8a throu@ Every generation calls you blessed, and tenouwst 8mvh8etare8jvof@ tenerxou8o we also worship Him, to whom you gave

[isi 8mmof. birth, and we exalt you.

A8Viwt joust 8ebolqen 8tve@ 8mpefjem The Father looked from heaven, and vh8et8oni 8mmo@ afou8wrp 8mpefmonogenhs@ found no one like you, He sent His only

8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. begotten, who came and took flesh from


Pisomt Part 3

8Nco te +[hpi etasiw8ou@ You are the light cloud, that has lead us to,

ch8etas8ersummenin nan@ 8mpimounxwou the rain of the coming, of the only

8nte +parousi8a@ 8nte pimonogenhs 8nNou+. begotten God.

8A8Viwt erte,niths 8ero@ 8api8Pneuma The Father created you, and the Holy

ecouab 8i ejw@ oujom 8nte vh8et[osi@ Spirit came upon you, and the power of ecna8erqhibi 8ero Maria. the Highest, overshadowed you O Mary.

Je are8jvo 8mpi8alhcinos@ 8nLogos 8n0hri For you have given birth, to the true

8nte 8Viwt@ ecmhn 8ebol sa 8enex@ af8i Word, the Son of the ever‐existing Father,

Kiahk Psalmody Page 87 afsotten qen nennobi. who came and redeemed us from our sins.

A8Viwt joust 8ebolqen 8tve@ 8mpefjem The Father looked from heaven, and vh8et8oni 8mmo@ afou8wrp 8mpefmonogenhs@ found no one like you, He sent His only

8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. begotten, who came and took flesh from


Pi8ftoou Part 4

Ounis+ gar te +timh@ 8etakem8psa 8mmos Great is the honor, which you are worthy 8w Gabrihl@ pi8aggelos 8mfaisennoufi@ 8ere of O Gabriel, the messenger Angel, your

pekxo sou8o rasi 8ebol. face beams with joy.

Akersummenin nan 8mpi8jvo@ 8nte 8Vnou+ For you announced to us the birth, of God 8etaf8i saron@ akxisennoufi 8mMaria@ who came to us, and you declared to

+Parcenos 8n8atcwleb. Mary, the undefiled Virgin.

Je ,ere ch8ecmex 8n8xmot@ ouox P[ois Saying ʺHail to you O full of grace, the sop neme@ 8arejimi gar 8nou8xmot@ Lord is with you, you have found favor,

ou8Pneuma efouab ecnhou 8ejw. the Holy Spirit shall come upon you.ʺ

Oujom 8nte vh8et[osi@ ecna8erqhibi 8ero For the power of the Highest, will

Maria@ teramisi 8mvhecouab 8pCwthr overshadow you Mary, you shall give

8mpikosmos thrf. birth to the holy One, the Savior of the

whole world.

A8Viwt joust 8ebolqen 8tve@ 8mpefjem The Father looked from heaven, and

vh8et8oni 8mmo@ afou8wrp 8mpefmonogenhs@ found no one like you, He sent His only

8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. begotten, who came and took flesh from you.

Page 88 St George & St Joseph Church Pi8etioou Part 5

Ousai 8mparcenikon@ etcwxem 8mpenlas A virginal feast, today inspires our 8mvoou@ ecren8ereuvomin@ 8n+ceotokos tongues, to give praise to, Mary the

Maria. Mother of God.

Ecbe vh8etaumasf nan@ qen 8cbaki On account of Him who was born, for us 8nDauid@ penCwthr Ihsous@ ouox in the city of David, our Savior Jesus,

Pi8,ristos P[ois. Christ the Lord.

Amwini nilaos throu@ 8nten8ermakarizin Come all you nations, so we may give 8mmos@ je asswpi 8mmau@ ouox blessings to her, for she has become both

8mParcenos eusop. the Mother, and the Virgin.

af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. came and took flesh from you.

etjhk 8ebol. virginity.

Pi8,ristos@ vh8etafswpi 8mmax8snau who became the second Adam, for the

8nAdam@ ecbe Adam pisorp 8nrwmi. sake of Adam the first man.

8natvwrj@ 8nte nivusis etau8i euma ausop@ natures, that came together in one place,

qen oumet8atmoujt. without ever mingling.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 89 e+metrwmi. united with humanity.

8n8xli 8ntas. did not burn any of it.

vh8etxijen ni

4en nai tenrasi tener2alin@ nem For this we rejoice and sing, with the holy ni8aggelos ecouab@ qen oucelhl enjw angels, and we joyfully proclaim, ʺGlory

8mmos@ je ou8wou qen nh8et[osi 8m8Vnou+. to God in the Highest.ʺ

Nem ouxirhnh xijen pikaxi@ nem ou+ma+ ʺAnd on earth peace, goodwill toward qen nirwmi@ je af+ma+ gar 8nqh+@ 8nje man, for He who is glorified forever, was

vh8ete vwf pe pi8wou sa 8enex. pleased with you.ʺ

A8Viwt joust 8ebolqen 8tve@ 8mpefjem The Father looked from heaven, and vh8et8oni 8mmo@ afou8wrp 8mpefmonogenhs@ found no one like you, He sent His only

8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. begotten, who came and took flesh from


Pisoou Part 6

Ounis+ pe 8ptaio 8mMaria@ para nhecouab Great is the honor of Mary, above all the

throu@ je asem8psa 8nswp 8eros@ 8m8Vnou+ saints, for she was found worthy to

piLogos. receive, God the Word.

Vh8etere ni8aggelos@ erxo+ qa tefxh@ The One feared by the angels, Mary the 8aMaria +Parhenos@ fai qarof qen Virgin, has carried, in her womb.

Page 90 St George & St Joseph Church tesneji.

8C[osi 8eni

8ebolqen }8Trias. temple, for the One from the Trinity.

:ai te Ierousalhm@ 8tpolis 8mpennou+ She is Jerusalem, the city of our God, the te@ 8ere 8pounof 8nte nhecouab throu@ sop joy of all saints, abides in her. 8n8qrhi 8nqhts.

A8Viwt joust 8ebolqen 8tve@ 8mpefjem The Father looked from heaven, and vh8et8oni 8mmo@ afou8wrp 8mpefmonogenhs@ found no one like you, He sent His only

8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. begotten, who came and took flesh from


Pisasf Part 7

}galile8a 8nte ni8ecnos@ nh8etxemsi qen The dignitaries of the nations, who sit in 8p,aki@ nem 8tqhibi 8m8vmou@ ounis+ darkness, and in the shadow of death, had

8nouwini afsai nwou. the great Light shine to them.

8Vnou+ vh8ecmoten 8mmof@ qen nhecouab God who rests, within His saints, became

8ntaf@ af[isarx qen +Parcenos@ ecbe incarnate of the Virgin, for our salvation. vh8etevwn 8noujai.

Amwini anau 8ari8svhri@ xws celhl qen Come behold and be amazed, joyfully sing

ou8slhlou8i@ xijen paimusthrion@ on account, of this mystery, which was

etafouwnx nan 8ebol. revealed unto us.

Je pi8atsarx af[isarx@ ouox piLogos For the One without flesh was incarnate, af8qcai@ pi8atar,h aferxhts@ pi8atshou and the Word took body, the One with no

Kiahk Psalmody Page 91 afswpi qa ou8,ronos. beginning began, and the eternal One

became temporal.

Pi8at8staxof aujemjwmf@ pi8acnau 8erof The Incomprehensible has been touched,

senau 8erof@ 8p0hri 8m8Vnou+ etonq@ and the Unseen has been seen, and the

afswpi 8n0hri 8nrwmi qen oumecmhi. Son of the living God, truly became the Son of man.

Ihsous Pi8,ristos 8nsaf nem voou@ 8ncof Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today

8ncof pe nem sa 8enex@ qen ouxupostasis and forever, in one hypostasis, we 8nouwt@ tenouwst 8mmof ten+8wou naf. worship and glorify Him.

A8Viwt joust 8ebolqen 8tve@ 8mpefjem The Father looked from heaven, and

vh8et8oni 8mmo@ afou8wrp 8mpefmonogenhs@ found no one like you, He sent His only 8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. begotten, who came and took flesh from



Wednesday Lopsh Lwbs Batos 8ejen +ceodokia 8mpi8ftoou

Iezekihl pi8provhths@ ws 8ebol efoi Ezekiel the prophet, has witnessed saying,

8mmecre@ je ainau 8eoupulh 8nsa ʺI saw a gate to the east, sealed with a

nima8nsai@ estob qen outebs 8n8svhri. mysterious seal.ʺ

8Mpe 8xli se 8eqoun 8eros@ 8ebhl eP[ois8 8nte ʺAnd no one else entered it, but the Lord

nijom@ afse 8eqoun af8i 8ebol@ as8oxi of powers, He entered and went out, and

essotem 8mpesrh+. the gate remained sealed.ʺ

}pulh gar te +Parcenos@ ch8etasmisi For the gate is the Virgin, who gave birth

Page 92 St George & St Joseph Church 8mpenCwthr@ ouox on menensa 8cresmasf@ to our Savior, and after His birth, she

as8oxi esoi 8mparcenos. remained a virgin.

8F8smarwout 8nje pekarpos@ 8w ch8etas8jve Blessed is the fruit of your womb, O who

8Vnou+ nan 8epikosmos@ sa8ntefsotten gave birth to God for the world, so as to

qen nenjij@ 8mpiturannos 8nacnai. redeem us from the hands, of the unmerciful tyrant.

Tesmamat 8etjhk 8ebol@ 8w ch8etasjem Blessed and perfect are you, O who has

,arisma niben@ 8mpe8mco 8m8Pouro 8nte found all grace, before the King of glory, 8p8wou@ pen8alhcinos 8nNou+. our true Lord.

8Areem8psa 8ntai8o niben@ para ouon niben You deserved all honor, more than any

et xijen pikaxi@ je a piLogos 8nte 8Viwt@ one on earth, for the Word of the Father, 8i af[isarx 8ebol8nqh+. came and was incarnate of you.

Ouox afmosi nem nirwmi@ xws mairwmi And He walked among men, as a caring

8nrefsenxht@ sa8ntefsw+ 8nnen2u,h@ Lover of man, until He saved our souls, xiten tefparousi8a ecouab. through His holy appearance.

Marenouwst 8mpenCwthr@ pimairwmi Let us worship our Savior, the good Lover

8n8agacos@ je 8ncof afsenxht qaron@ af8i of mankind, for He had compassion upon ouox afsw+ 8mmon. us, as He came and saved us.

8n8alhcinh@ ,ere 8psousou 8nte pengenos@ queen, Hail to the pride of our race, who

8are8jvo nan 8nEmmanouhl. gave birth to Emmanuel.

Ten+xo 8aripenmeu8i@ 8w +8prostaths We ask you to remember us, O our trusted

8etenxot@ naxren Pen[ois Ihsous advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, Pi8,ristos@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 93

Thursday Psali "ali8a Batos 8m8p8exoou 8mpi8tiou

Loipon gar 8w namenra+@ marenxiou8i Once more my beloved, let us keep away,

8ebol xaron@ 8nnen8ouws 8nxht etxwou@ the evil inclinations of our hearts, that lead etswk 8mmon 8eqoun 8evnobi. us to sin.

8Nten8smou 8epiran 8noujai@ 8nte Pen[ois Let us incessantly, bless the name of

Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ qen ounis+ salvation, that is for our Lord Jesus Christ, 8mmet8acmounk@ enws 8ebol enjw 8mmos. proclaiming and saying.

Je Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ pimisi O my Lord Jesus Christ, who is born of the

8ebolqen 8Viwt@ qajwou 8nni8ewn throu@ Father, before all ages, have mercy upon nai nan kata peknis+ 8nnai. us according to Your great mercy.

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ vh8etasmasf O my Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of

8nje +Parcenos@ qen Bhcleem 8nte the Virgin, in Bethlehem of Judea, save us

}iode8a@ sw+ 8mmon ouox nai nan. and have mercy upon us.

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ vh8etaf[iwms O my Lord Jesus Christ, who was

qen piIordanhs@ ek8etoubo 8nnen2u,h@ baptized in the Jordan, purify our souls,

8ebolxa 8pcwleb 8nte 8vnobi. from the defilement of sin.

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ O my Lord Jesus Christ, who fasted on

vh8etaf8ernhsteuin 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ 8n8xme our behalf, forty days and forty nights, 8n8exoou nem 8xme 8n8ejwrx@ sw+ 8mmon save us and have mercy upon us.

Page 94 St George & St Joseph Church ouox nai nan.

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ vh8etau8asf O my Lord Jesus Christ, who was 8epi8stauros@ 8ekeqomqem 8m8pCatanas@ crucified upon the cross, crush Satan sapesht 8nnen[alauj. down, under our feet.

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ vh8etau,af O my Lord Jesus Christ, who was placed qen pi8mxau@ ek8eqomqem 8n8qrhi 8nqhten@ in the grave, trample under us, the sting of

8n+souri 8nte 8vmou. death.

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ vh 8etaftwnf O my Lord Jesus Christ, who rose from 8ebolqen nh8ecmwout@ afsenaf 8e8pswi the dead, and ascended to the heavens,

8enivhou8i@ ek8etounosten qen tekjom. raise us with Your power.

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ vh8ecnhou qen O my Lord Jesus Christ, who will come in tefmax8snou+ 8mparousi8a@ 8ariou8i 8n8agaph His Second Appearance, deal with us neman@ qen pekbhma etoi 8nxo+. lovingly, as we stand before Your fearful


Je qen pekouws 8mmin 8mmok@ nem For by Your own will, and the pleasure of

8p+ma+ 8mPekiwt@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ Your Father, and the Holy Spirit, You ak8i ouox aksw+ 8mmon. came and saved us.

Eswp ansaner2alin@ marenjos qen And whenever we sing hymns : Let us say ou8xloj@ je Pen[ois Ihsous Pi

8ari ounai nem nen2u,h. mercy upon us.”

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agiw Pneumati@ Glory to the Father : And the Son and the ke nun ke 8a8i ke istous@ 8e8wnas twn Holy Spirit : Now, and forever : And all

8e8wnwn 8amhn. the ages. Amen.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 95 The Burning Bush


The burning bush seen by Moses The Prophet in the wilderness The fire inside it was aflame But never consumed or injured it

The same with the Theotokos Mary Carried the fire of Divinity Nine months in her holy body Without blemishing her virginity

I open my mouth and proclaim And utter hidden mysteries Praising saint Virgin Mary Blessed is the pride of the human race

Because of your Son we became Free from after the bondage And from Satan we are saved Blessed is the pride of the human race

Gabriel, the messenger, came to you With the incarnation of the Logos The Lord will dwell in your holy womb Blessed is the pride of the human race

The Holy Spirit will come upon you The Most High will overshadow you And you shall bear the Son of God Blessed is the pride of the human race

His Holy Spirit came upon you And took from you the humanity A true human you did carry Blessed is the pride of the human race

He saved Adam and his children And cured them from the serpentʹs venom And returned him to Paradise Blessed is the pride of the human race

David your father spoke of you And prophesied about the birth The God of gods became your Son Blessed is the pride of the human race

You became a Mother of your Creator For the salvation of mankind He came and dwelt in your womb And your virginity is sealed

The Lord of Glory chose your beauty And adorned you with his Divinity And took from you humanity Blessed is the pride of the human race

A plant sprouting without seed He appeared without watering In a pure and undefiled field Blessed is the pride of the human race

The righteous fathers did call you The second heaven on earth The Almighty Lord dwelt in you Blessed is the pride of the human race

Ezekiel witnessed and spoke of you In the east he saw a door In it entered her Creator And the door was tightly shut

Page 96 St George & St Joseph Church

Zephaniah proclaimed saying About the coming of the Divine He will come as rain without cloud Blessed is the pride of the human race

Daniel in a vision saw The Throne Surrounded by hosts of angels And upon it sat the Holy King Blessed is the pride of the human race

He bowed the heaven of heavens And descended to the earth While still in His Fatherʹs bosom Blessed is the pride of the human race

We saw wonders and miracles In the books of the Christian Church The Virgin held her Creator; And her virginity is sealed

You are higher than all ranks And above the heavenly hosts And also the archangels Blessed is the pride of the human race

He forgave the people their sins He is the bestower of all good things He took our form and loved it Blessed is the pride of the human race

You are above all the world And the ranks and the soldiers And higher than the upright &righteous Blessed is the pride of the human race

All people declare; ʹShe is blessedʹ Our Lady, saint Mary Intercede and pray on our behalf Before Whom you gave birth to

You held the Lord of Glory The Creator of the world You are resembled with the Throne of the Father Blessed is the pride of the human race

He took from you the humanity Uniting it with the Divinity You held the One from the Trinity Blessed is the pride of the human race

No one obtained what you received In all the generations Among the nations and people Blessed is the pride of the human race

We declare saying blessed is she And also praise day and night To Him Who chose your beauty To dwell and incarnate from you

Guide me to repent, O, Mary Before time catches with me And wake from the slumber of days And rise from my laziness

I like to prepare myself before traveling And carry a light load Help me please, in this void earth Through you, O Lady of us all

For I am lame and have limited effort Yet carry a heavy burden Time has come to depart this world And I have no refuge but Mary

Kiahk Psalmody Page 97 We have no other intercessor but her And we ask her day and night We shall endeavor to please her And her luminous vesture

I say Hail to the Mother of Light Mary, the help of all Christians Through her salvation was revealed To all Christendom

To protect us from all evil And from the times of temptations And help us all in every aspect We, the Christian nations

Everyone praise her And ask of her morning and vespers Before Whom she held in her womb To intercede for us all

The honored father our Pope The Patriarch of the Orthodox The archpriest and true shepherd Shepherding his flock in wisdom

The father of fathers who was chosen For the priesthood according to Melchizedek In true faith and steadfast hope Full of love for Orthodoxy

Keeping his flock from the foxes And all the diabolic traps Protecting them from any foreign acts And all the heresies of Arius

Shepherding his people in calmness Along with his spiritual teachings Let him enjoy his priesthood Give him long life and tranquility

The father who is keeping the laws And all the holy commandments Abba Shenouda Pi‐archi‐Erevs The pillar of Christianity

And our honored fathers the bishops His partners in the Apostolic service Accept their prayers, so we may Become the children of the Kingdom

Install and keep all the presbyters Priests, and all the deacons And keep our holy Church By offering acceptable sacrifices


Thursday’s Theotokia }ce8odoki8a 8m8p8exoou 8mpi8tiou@ 8h,os batos

Pisorp Part 1

Pibatos eta Mw8ushs@ nau 8erof 8ebol xi The bush which Moses, has seen in the

Page 98 St George & St Joseph Church 8psafe@ ere pi8,rwm mox 8nqhtf@ oude wilderness, and the fire that was in it, did

8mpourwkx 8nje nef8klados. not burn its branches.

8Foi 8ntupos 8mMaria@ +Parcenos This is a symbol of Mary, the undefiled

8n8atcwleb@ eta piLogos 8nte 8Viwt@ 8i Virgin, which the Word of the Father,

af[isarx 8ebol 8nqhts. came and took flesh from her.

8Mpe pi8,rwm 8nte tefmecnou+@ rwkx The fire of His divinity, did not burn the

8n8cneji 8n+Parcenos@ ouox on menesa womb of the Virgin, and after she gave

8cresmasf@ as8oxi asoi 8mparcenos. birth to Him, she remained a virgin.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came

8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe 8Vnou+ and became the Son of man, for He is the

8mmhi@ af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pi8snau Part 2

8Psousou 8nniparcenos throu@ pe Maria The pride of all virgins, is Mary the +masnou+@ ecbhts on afbwl 8ebol@ 8nje Mother of God, for her sake He has

pisaxo8i 8n8ar,eos. revoked, the first curse.

Vh8etaf8i xijen pengenos@ xiten Which was pronounced upon our race,

+parabasis@ 8eta +8sximi swpi 8nqhts@ through the violation, incurred by the first

asouwm 8ebolqen 8poutax 8mpi8sshn. woman, when she ate from the fruit of the


Ecbe Eu8a aumascam@ 8m8vro Because of Eve, the door of Paradise was

8mpiparadisos@ xiten Maria +Parcenos@ closed, and through the Virgin Mary, it

auouwn 8mmof nan 8nkesop. was opened to us once more.

Aner8pem8psa 8mpi8sshn 8nte 8pwnq@ We have become worthy to have, the tree

Kiahk Psalmody Page 99 ecrenouwm 8ebol8nqhtf@ 8ete vai pe of life to eat from, which is the body of

8pswma 8m8Vnou+@ nem pef8snof God, and His true blood. 8n8alhcinon.

Marenouwst 8mpenCwthr@ pimairwmi Let us worship our Savior, the good Lover

8n8agacos@ je 8ncof afsenxht qaron@ af8i of mankind, for He had compassion upon ouox afsw+ 8mmon. us, He came and saved us.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came

8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe 8Vnou+ and became the Son of man, for He is the 8mmhi@ af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pisomt Part 3

As 8nnous ie as 8nsaji@ ie jinswtem Which mind or which speech, or sound

ecna8sfai@ qa pipelagos 8natsaji 8mmof@ can attain, the unutterable expression, of

8nte tekmetmairwmi 8Vnou+. Your love for mankind O God.

Piouai 8mmauatf 8nLogos@ 8etau8jvof The One and Only Word, begotten before

qajen ni8ewn throu@ kata +mecnou+ all ages, as the divinity without body,

a[ne swma@ 8ebolqen piou8ai 8Viwt. from the only Father.

Ouox vai on 8mmauatf@ au8jvof And He himself also, was born bodily,

swmatikws@ qen oumet8atsib+ nem without change or alteration, from His

oumet8atvwnx@ 8ebolqen tefmau mother only. 8mmauats.

Ouox on menensa 8cresmasf@ 8mpefbwl And also after she gave birth to Him, she

8ebol 8ntesparcenia@ qen vai afou8onxs remained a virgin, and thus He has 8ebol@ je ou:eotokos te. showed, that she is the Mother of God.

Page 100 St George & St Joseph Church 8W 8pswk 8n+metrama8o@ nem +sovi8a 8nte O how great is the wealth, and wisdom of

8Vnou+@ je +neji etauxits 8e8pxap@ as8jvo God, for the womb under punishment, 8nxanshri qen ou8mkax8nxht. gave birth to children with deep pain.

Asswpi 8noumoumi 8nte oumet8acmou@ He became the source of immortality, she

asmisi nan 8nEmmanouhl@ a[ne 8sperma gave birth to Emmanuel, without the seed 8nrwmi@ afbwl 8ebol 8m8ptako 8mpengenos. of man, to revoke the corruption of our


Vai marenws oubhf enjw 8mmos@ je Let us proclaim and say unto Him, glory pi8wou nak pi8at8staxof@ pimairwmi be to the incomprehensible One, the good

8n8agacos@ 8vrefsw+ 8nnen2u,h@ af8i ouox Lover of man the Savior of our souls, He

afsw+ 8mmon. came and saved us.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came

8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe V+ 8mmhi@ and became the Son of man, for He is the

af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pi8ftoou Part 4

8W +timh 8nte +jinerboki@ 8nte +neji O what an honor to the conception, of the 8mparcenikh@ ouox 8nceotokos ouat8jroj virginal womb, that gave birth to God

te@ afermecre 8nje pi8aggelos. without seed, as the angel witnessed.

8Etafouonxf 8eIwshv@ efjw 8mmos When he appeared to Joseph, he likewise

8mpairh+@ je vh gar etesnamasf@ ou said that, the One she will give birth to, is

8ebolqen ou8Pnauma efouab pe. from the Holy Spirit.

8Eti de je ne piLogos 8nte 8Viwt@ 8i For the Word of the Father, came and took af[isarx 8ebol 8nqhts@ qen oumetatsib+ flesh from her, she gave birth to Him

8e8asmasf@ aftouxo 8mpai,et efjw 8mmos without change, the angel said to him.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 101 Je es8emisi 8nou0hri@ euemou+ 8epefran ʺShe shall give birth to a Son, and He shall je Emmanouhl@ vh8ete sau8ou8axmef@ je be called Emmanuel, which means, God 8Vnou+ neman. with us.ʺ

Ouox on ek8emou+@ 8epefran je Ihsous@ And you will also call, His name Jesus, for

8ncof ecnanoxem 8mpeflaos@ 8ebolqen He will save His people, from their nou8anomia. iniquities.

Isje de anon pe peflaos@ 8fnanoxem So when we become His people, He will

8mmon qen oumetjwri@ ef,w 8ebol save us with power, He will forgive us our 8nnen8anomia@ marensouwnf qen outajro. sins, let us be confirmed in Him.

Je 8ncof pe 8Vnou+ qen oumecmhi@ For He is God in truth, He became man aferrwmi qen oumet8atsib+@ 8ere pi8wou without change, glory be to Him, both er8prepi naf@ isjen +nou nem sa 8enex. now and forever.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came

8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe V+ 8mmhi@ and became the Son of man, for He is the af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pi8etioou Part 5

8W ninakxi 8nNou+@ ouox 8nsouer8svhri O what mysterious emissions, of God that

8mmwou@ 8nte +:eotokos Maria@ etoi are for, Mary the Mother of God, the ever‐

8mParcenos 8nshou niben. Virgin.

Nai ete 8ebol 8mmwou@ 8e8au8i euma eusop@ For she is where, two were united, the

8nje ouparcenia 8n8atcwleb@ nem undefiled virginity, and the true birth. oujinmisi 8mmhi.

Ou gar 8mpe ougamos@ ersorp 8epijinmisi@ For marriage, did not precede birth,

Page 102 St George & St Joseph Church oude on 8mpe pijinmisi@ bwl 8ebol neither did the birth, loosen her virginity. 8ntesparcenia.

Vh gar etaumasf xws Nou+@ 8apachs For He who was born is God, born

8ebolqen 8Viwt@ aumasf on kata sarx@ without pain from the Father, and He was

apachs 8ebolqen +Parcenos. also born according to the flesh, without pain for the Virgin.

Ouai pe 8ebolqen 8snau@ oumecnou+ nem One nature out of two, divinity and

oumetrwmi@ qen vai seouwst 8mmof 8nje humanity, wherefore the Magi silently, nimagos@ eu,w 8nrwou eu8erce8ologin. worship uttering His divinity.

Au8ini naf 8noulibanos xws Nou+@ nem They offered Him frank‐incense for He is

ounoub xws Ouro@ nem ousal eu+mhini@ God, and gold for He is King, and myrrh 8epefjinmou 8nreftanqo. as a sign, of His life‐giving death.

Vai 8etafsopf 8erof ecbhten@ qen What He accepted was for our sake,

pefouws 8mmin8mmof@ 8nje piouai through His own will, the One and Only 8mmauatf@ pimairwmi 8n8agacos 8vrefsw+ good Lover of mankind, the Savior of our

8nnen2u,h@ af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. souls, He came and saved us.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came 8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe V+ 8mmhi@ and became the Son of man, for He is the

af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pisoou Part 6

8W +nis+ 8n8svhri@ ch8etas8[i ejws 8n+bht@ O what a great wonder, He took a rib,

8ebolqen pi8svir 8nAdam@ from Adams side, and created a woman sa8ntouer8plazin 8mmos eu8sximi. from it.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 103 Piou8wsem thrf 8nte +metrwmi@ asthif She gave all the form of humanity, with

qen oujwk 8ebol 8m8Vnou+@ pidimiourgos@ perfection to the Lord, the Creator, the ouox 8nLogos 8nte 8Viwt. Word of the Father.

Vai etaf[isarx 8ebol 8nqhts@ qen This is He who took flesh, from her

oumetatsib+ 8easmasf@ xws rwmi without change, she gave birth to Him as aumou+ epefran@ je Emmanouhl. a human, and He was called Emmanuel.

:ai on marentwbx 8mmos@ xws :eotokos Let us also entreat her, as the ever‐

8nshou niben@ ecreser8presbeuin 8e8xrhi Theotokos, to intercede on our behalf, ejwn@ naxren pes0hri 8mmenrit. before her beloved Son.

Je 8staihout gar 8emasw@ 8ntotou For she is greatly honored, by all the saints

8nnhecouab throu@ nipatriar,hs je as8ini and patriarchs, for she has brought to nwou@ 8mvh8etoujoust 8ebol qajwf them, the One whom they were waiting


Nem ni8provhths de on 8omoiws@ And likewise all the prophets, who vh8etafer8provhteuin ecbhtf@ qen ouco prophesied about Him, in many ways and

8nrh+ nem oumhs 8n8smot@ je 8fna8i various analogies, saying He will come

8ntefsw+ mmon. and save us.

Nem ni8apostolos eusop@ je 8ncos pe And all the apostles, for she is the Mother,

+ref8jve@ 8mvh8etou8erkurizin@ 8mmof qen of the One they preached about, all over

+oikoumenh thrs. the world.

Ni8acliths 8mmarturos@ je af8i 8ebol The struggling martyrs, for out of her

8nqhts@ 8nje pou8agoinoceths@ 8mmhi came, the Founder of the true struggle,

Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos. our Lord Jesus Christ.

Vai maren+8wou 8n+metnis+@ 8nte Wherefore let us glorify, the greatness of

tefmetrama8o etos@ nem tefsovia His wealth, and His endless wisdom,

Page 104 St George & St Joseph Church 8nataurhjs@ en8eretin 8mpefnis+ 8nnai. pleading for His great mercy.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came 8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe V+ 8mmhi@ and became the Son of man, for He is the

af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pisasf Part 7

Afwrk 8nje P[ois 8nDauid qen The Lord has sworn in truth to David, and

oumecmhi@ ouox 8nnefjolf je@ 8ebolqen did not turn from it, that from the fruit of 8poutax 8nte tekneji@ +na,w xijen your body, I will set upon your throne. pek8cronos.

8Ocen etafcwt 8nxht@ 8nje pi8cmhi je 8ebol So when the righteous one, asked with all 8mmof@ sena8jvo 8mPi8,ristos kata sarx@ his heart, that Christ be born there

afkw+ akribws. according to the flesh, he asked earnestly.

8Ejimi 8nouma8nswpi@ 8mP[ois 8Vnou+ To find a dwelling place, for the Lord God piLogos@ ouox vai afjokf 8ebol@ qen the Word, and this was completed, with a

ounis+ 8n8srwis. great mystery.

Ouox satotf afws 8ebol@ qen And he instantly cried out, through the

pi8Pneumva efjw 8mmos@ je ansocmes Spirit saying, ʺWe have heard it in

qen Evraca@ ete Bhcleem te. Ephrathah, which is Bethlehem.ʺ

Pima 8etaf erkataxioin 8mmof@ 8nje The place where our God Emmanuel, has

Emmanouhl Pennou+@ ecrou8jvof 8nqhtf chosen to be born, according to the flesh,

kata sarx@ ecbe vhete vwn 8noujai. for our salvation.

Kata 8vrh+ on 8etafjos@ 8nje Mi,eos As the Prophet, also proclaimed pi8provhths@ je nem 8nco xwi Bhcleem@ saying, ʺYou also O Bethlehem, the land of

Kiahk Psalmody Page 105 8pkaxi 8nEvraca. Ephrathah.ʺ

8Nco oukouji an 8ebol@ qen ʺAre by no means the least, among the nimetxhgemwn 8nte Ioude8a@ ef8e8i gar rulers of Judah, for out of you shall come a

8ebol 8nqh+ 8nje ouxhgoumenos@ ruler, who will shepherd My people

vh8ecna8amoni 8mpalaos Pisrahl. Israel.ʺ

8W nim nai sumvwnia@ 8nte nai8provhths O what an accord, of all these prophets,

eusop@ nh8etau8er8provhteuin qen who prophesied with this one Spirit, for

pai8Pneuma 8nouwt@ ecbe 8pjin8i the coming of Christ. 8mPi8,ristos.

Vai 8ere pi8wou er8prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt He who is worthy of glory, with His good

8n8agacos@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab@ isjen Father, and the Holy Spirit, both now and +nou nem sa 8enex. forever.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came

8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe V+ 8mmhi@ and became the Son of man, for He is the af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pi8smhn Part 8

Piouai 8ebolqen +8Trias@ pi8omoousios nem The One of the Trinity, co‐essential to the

8Viwt@ 8etafnau 8epencebi8o@ nem Father, when He looked upon our

tenmetbwk etoi 8nsasi. tribulation, and our bitter slavery.

Afrek nivhou8i 8nte nivhou8i@ af8i 8e8cmhtra He bowed the heaven of heavens, and

8n+Parcenos@ aferrwmi 8mpenrh+@ saten came to the womb of the Virgin, He

8vnobi 8mmauatf. became man like us, save for sin only.

8Etaumasf qen Bhcleem@ kata ni8smh When He was born in Bethlehem,

Page 106 St George & St Joseph Church 8nte ni8provhths@ aftoujon afsw+ according to the prophecies, He saved and

8mmon@ je anon pe peflaos. redeemed us, for we are His people.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came

8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe V+ 8mmhi@ and became the Son of man, for He is the

af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.

Pi82it Part 9

Ainau 8eoumhini@ afou8onxf qen 8tve@ is I saw a miracle that appeared in heaven, a ou8sximi esjolx 8m8vrh@ 8ncos on 8ere piiox@ woman is clothed with the sun, and the

sapesht 8nnes[alauj. moon also, was under her feet.

8Ere ouon met8snau 8nsiou@ oi 8,lom ejen Upon her head was a crown of twelve tes8ave@ es8mboki es+nakxi@ esws 8ebol stars, she being with a child cried out in

esnamisi. labor, and in pain to give birth.

8Ete cai te Maria@ +ve 8mberi etxijen This is Mary, the new heaven on earth, the pikaxi@ 8eta pirh 8nte +mecmhi@ sai nan Sun of righteousness, shines upon us from

8ebol 8nqhts. her.

Pirh gar 8etesjolx 8mmof@ pe Pen[ois For the Sun that is clothing her, is our

Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ ouox piiox etqa Lord Jesus Christ, and the moon under her

nes[alauj@ pe Iwannhs piref+wms. feet, is John the Baptist.

Pimet8snau gar 8nsiou@ etoi 8n8,lom 8ejen For the crown of twelve stars, upon her

tes8ave@ pe pimet8snau 8n8apostolos@ head are the twelve apostles, who

eukw+ eros eu+taio nas. surround her, and honor her.

Ecbe vai nilaos throu@ maren+8wou Wherefore all ye nations, let us glorify the 8n+Parcenos@ je asmisi nan 8m8Vnou+@ Virgin, for she gave birth to God, and her

Kiahk Psalmody Page 107 estob 8nje tesparceni8a. virginity remained sealed.

Etafkhn an efoi 8nNou+@ af8i afswpi He did not cease to be divine, He came 8n0hri 8nrwmi@ alla 8ncof pe V+ 8mmhi@ and became the Son of man, for He is the

af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon. true God, who came and saved us.


Thursday’s Lopsh Lwbs Batos 8ejen +ceodokia 8mpi8tiou

8Vnou+ pi8at 8snau 8erof@ qajwou 8nni8ewn God the Invisible, who was before all ages,

throu@ afer8pem8psa 8nnau 8epef8wou@ 8nje Moses was worthy to see, His glory upon

Mw8ushs xijen pitwou. the mountain.

Afnau gar 8epibatos@ 8ere pi8,rwm mox For he saw the bush, and the fire in it, its

8nqhtf@ oude 8mpourwkx 8nje nef8klados@ branches did not burn, and its leaves were

oude 8mpe nefjwbi tako. not damaged.

Pi8,rwm men aferlampin@ qen pibatos Though the fire was aflame, the bush did

nafrwkx an@ je 8ere 8Vnou+ saqoun not burn, that is because God was within

8mmos@ efsaji 8ncof nem pi8provhths. it, and talking to the prophet.

Je 8w Mw8ushs 8w Mw8ushs@ 8w Mw8ushs Saying ʺO Moses O Moses, O Moses the

pe+mei 8mmof@ 8anok pe 8Vnou+ 8nte one I love, I am the God of your fathers,

nekio+@ 8mmon ke ouai 8ebhl 8eroi. and there is no other besides me.

Bwl 8mpicwou8i 8ebol@ vh8etoi Take off your sandals, which are upon

8enek[alauj@ je pima 8etek8oxi 8eratk your feet, for the place where you are

xijwf@ oukaxi efouab pe 8w pi8provhths. standing, is holy ground O prophet.

Page 108 St George & St Joseph Church 8Arinoin nak 8mpibatos@ 8ere pi8,rwm mox Contemplate on the bush, and the fire

8nqhtf@ oude 8mpourwkx 8nje nef8klados@ within it, its branches did not burn, and its oude 8mpe nefjwbi tako. leaves were not damaged.

8Foi 8ntupos 8mMaria@ +Parcenos This is a symbol of Mary, the undefiled

8n8atcwleb@ 8eta piLogos 8nte 8Viwt@ 8i virgin, from whom the Word of the af[isarx 8ebol8nqhts. Father, came and took flesh.

Ecbe vai tener,oreuin@ nem Iwannhs Wherefore we praise, with John the

piparcenos@ je 8souab 8nje taiselht@ Celibate, saying ʺPure is the Bride, 8etauselswls 8mpiHihb. decorated for the Lamb.ʺ

8n8alhcinh@ ,ere 8psousou 8nte pengenos@ queen, Hail to the pride of our race, who 8are8jvo nan 8nEmmanouhl. gave birth to Emmanuel.

Ten+xo 8aripenmeu8i@ 8w +8prostaths We ask you to remember us, O our trusted

8etenxot@ naxren Pen[ois Ihsous advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, Pi8,ristos@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 109

Psali Adam on the Third Canticle For the three saintly children "ali8a 8Adam 8ejen pimaxsomt 8nxws

Ecue pisomt 8n8alou ecouab

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You had je ak8iri neman@ kata peknis+ 8nnai. mercy on us According to Your great


}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You have je akouwrp 8mpek0hri@ sa 8nteksw+ sent Your Son Until He saved us. 8mmon.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You je ak[isarx 8ebol@ qne :hehouab Maria were incarnate From Saint Mary.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You

je aumask qen Bhcleem@ kata were born in Bethlehem. According to the

+8p+rovhti8a. prophecies.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For the

je aunau 8epek8wou@ 8nje niman8eswou. shepherds Behold Your glory.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You

je aksai nan@ qen tekmetsai8e. revealed to us Your Holy glory.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You have

Page 110 St George & St Joseph Church je ak8iri 8nxanmhini@ nem xan8svhri euos. performed Many miracles.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For the Jews je auer ouso[ni 8erok@ 8nje niioudai. Conspired against You.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You je auask 8epi8stauros@ qen +golgoha. were crucified Upon the Cross in Golgotha

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You je au,ak qen pi8maxu@ 8m8vrh+ were placed in the tomb Like those who 8nnirefmwout. are dead.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You have je menensa somt 8n8exoou@ aktwnk risen from the dead After three days. 8ebolqen nhecmwout.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You have je aksenak 8epesht 8e8amen+@ 8eqoun descended into Hades And the abyss. 8e+8proni8a.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You have je aknoxem 8n8Adam@ nem pefgenos saved Adam And his entire race. thrf.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You have je akxonxen 8etotou@ 8nnek8apostolos. sent Your apostles.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You je aksenak 8e8xrhi@ 8e8pswi 8enivhou8i. ascended Into the highest heavens.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You sat je akxemsi saou8inam@ 8mPipantokratwr. On the right of the Pantocrator

Kiahk Psalmody Page 111 }sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, For You shall

je ek8e8i 8e+xap@ 8e+oikoumenh. come And judge the entire world.

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, Grant unto

moi nhi 8nounai@ nem ou,w 8ebol. me mercy And forgiveness.

sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, Absolveِ and{ 8arisun,wrin@ 8nnenpara8ptwma. remit All our trespasses

}sep8xmot 8ntotk@ 8Vnou+ 88mPisrahl@ I thank You, O God of Israel, We glorify

++8wou 8mpekran@ ouox tenouwst 8mmok@ Your Name And we worship You kata peknis+ 8nnai. according to Your great mercy.

Loipon ansancwou+@ 8e+8proseu,h@ And whenever we, gather for prayer, let

maren8smou 8epiran@ 8nte Pa[ois Ihsous. us bless the Name, of my Lord Jesus.

Je tenna8smou 8erok@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ We bless You, O my Lord Jesus, deliver us naxmen qen Pekran@ je anerxelpis through Your Name, for we have hope in

8erok. You.

Ecrenxws 8erok@ nem Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ That we may praise You, with Your Good nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ ke ak8i aksw+ Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have

8mmon risen and saved us.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agi8w 8Pneumati@ Glory be to the Father and the Son, and

ke nun ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto,

8e8wnwn 8amhn. the age of all ages. Amen.


Page 112 St George & St Joseph Church

The Third Canticle Pixws 8mmaxsomt@ ecbe ni'g 8n8alou ecouab

8K8smarwout P[ois 8Vnou+ 8nte nenio+@ Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our

8kerxou8o 8smarwout@ 8kerxou8o [isi sa Fathers, and exceedingly to be praised,

ni8enex. and exalted above all forever.

8F8smarwout 8nje piran ecouab 8nte Blessed is Your Holy Name and Your

pek8wou@ 8ferxou8o 8smarwout@ 8ferxou8o [isi glory, and exceedingly to be praised and

sa ni8enex. exalted above all forever.

8K8smarwout qen piervei 8nte pek8wou Blessed are You in the holy temple of Your

ecouab@ 8kerxou8o 8smarwout@ 8kerxou8o [isi Glory, and exceedingly to be praised and

sa ni8enex. exalted above all forever.

8K8smarwout vhecnau 8eninoun efxemsi Blessed are You who beholds the depths

xijen ni

8kerxou8o [isi sa ni8enex. exceedingly to be praised, and exalted

above all forever.

8K8smarwout xijen pi8cronos 8nte Blessed are You on the Throne of Your

tekmetouro@ 8kerxou8o 8smarwout@ kingdom, and exceedingly to be praised 8kerxou8o [isi sa ni8enex. and exalted above all forever.

8K8smarwout qen pi8stere8wma 8nte 8tve@ Blessed are You in the firmament of

8kerxou8o 8smarwout@ 8kerxou8o [isi sa heaven and exceedingly to be praised, and

Kiahk Psalmody Page 113 ni8enex. exalted above all forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois ni8xbhou8i throu 8nte P[ois@ Bless the Lord, O you works of the Lord, xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Praise Him and exalt Him above all


8Cmou 8eP[ois nivhou8i@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o Bless the Lord, O heaven, praise Him and [asf sa ni8enex. exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois niaggelos throu 8nte Bless the Lord, all you angels of the Lord,

P[ois@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nimwou throu etsa 8pswi Bless the Lord, all you waters that be

8n8tve@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. above the heaven, praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nijom throu 8nte P[ois@ Bless the Lord all you powers of the Lord,

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois pirh nem piiox@ xws 8erof Bless the Lord, O sun and moon, praise

8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nisiou throu 8nte 8tve@ xws Bless the Lord, all you stars of heaven,

8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois nimounxwou nem niiw+@ Bless the Lord, O you rain and dew, praise

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois ni[hpi nem nichou@ xws Bless the Lord, O you clouds and winds, 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him

Page 114 St George & St Joseph Church forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois ni8pneuma throu@ xws 8erof Bless the Lord, all you spirits, praise Him 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois pi8,rwm nem pikauma@ xws Bless the Lord, O fire and heat, praise Him

8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois pi8wjeb nem pikauswn@ xws Bless the Lord, O cold and heat, praise

8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois niiw+ nem ninifi@ xws 8erof Bless the Lord, O you dew and winds, 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois ni8ejwrx nem ni8exoou@ xws Bless the Lord, O you nights and days, 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois piouwini nem pi,a,i@ xws Bless the Lord, O light and darkness, 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois pijaf nem pi8wjeb@ xws Bless the Lord, O frost and cold, praise

8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois +pa,nh nem pi,iwn@ xws Bless the Lord, O snow and ice, praise

8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nisetebrhj nem ni[hpi@ xws Bless the Lord, O you lightening and

erof arixouo [asf sa nienex. clouds, praise Him and exeedingly exalt

Him forever.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 115 8Cmou 8eP[ois pikaxi thrf@ xws 8erof Bless the Lord, all the earth, praise Him

8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nitwou nem nikalamvwou Bless the Lord, O you mountains and all

throu@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa hills, praise Him and exeedingly exalt

ni8enex. Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nithrou etrht xijen 8pxo Bless the Lord, all you things that spring

8m8pkaxi@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa up on the earth, praise Him and

ni8enex. exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nimoumi@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o Bless the Lord, O you fountains, praise

[asf sa ni8enex. Him and exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois niamaiou nem niiarwou@ xws Bless the Lord, O you seas and rivers, 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois nikhtos nem en,ai niben Bless the Lord, O you whales and all that etkim qen nimwou@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o moves in the waters, praise Him and

[asf sa ni8enex. exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nixala+ throu 8nte 8tve@ Bless the Lord, all you birds of the sky, xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois nichrion nem nitebnwou8i Bless the Lord, all you wild beasts and

throu@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa cattle, praise Him and exeedingly exalt

ni8enex. Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nishri 8nte nirwmi ouwst Bless the Lord, O you sons of men, 8mP[ois@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa worship the Lord praise Him and

ni8enex. exeedingly exalt Him forever.

Page 116 St George & St Joseph Church 8Cmou 8eP[ois Pisrahl @ xws 8erof 8arixou8o Bless the Lord, O Israel, praise Him and

[asf sa ni8enex. exeedingly exalt Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois niouhb 8nte P[ois@ xws 8erof Bless the Lord, O you priests of the Lord,

8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois ni8ebiaik 8nte P[ois@ xws Bless the Lord, O you servants of the Lord,

8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. praise Him and exeedingly exalt Him


8Cmou 8eP[ois ni8pneuma nem ni2u,h 8nte Bless the Lord, O you spirits and souls of

ni8cmhi@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa the just, praise Him and exeedingly exalt

ni8enex. Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nhecouab nem Bless the Lord, O you holy and humble of

nhetcebihout qen pouxht@ xws 8erof heart, praise Him and exeedingly exalt

8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois Ananias Azarias Misahl@ Bless the Lord, O Hananiah Azariah

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. Mishael, praise Him and exeedingly exalt

Him forever.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nhetersebesce 8mP[ois Bless the Lord, O you who worship the

8Vnou+ 8nte nenio+@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o Lord, the God of our fathers, praise Him

[asf sa ni8enex. and exeedingly exalt Him forever.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 117 Watos Psali for the three saintly children "ali Batos 8mpisomt 8n8alou 8n8agios

Ari2alin 8evh8etauasf@ 8e8xrhi 8ejwn O sing unto Him who was crucified,

ouox aukosf@ aftwnf afkwrf 8m8vmou buried and resurrected, who trampled and

af+ sosf@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. abolished death. Praise Him and exalt Him above all.

Bws 8mpirwmi 8mpaleos@ ouox jwlx Take off the old man, and put on the new

8mpiberi eu8kleos@ ouox 8eqwnt and superior one, come closer to the 8emega8eleos@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. Greatness of mercy, Praise Him and exalt

Him above all.

Genos 8nni8,rist8ianos@ ni8presbuteros ke All you Christian people, the priests and

di8akonos@ ma8wou 8mP[ois je ouxikanos@ the deacons, glorify the Lord for He is

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. worthy, Praise Him and exalt Him above all.

Deute xaron 8w pisomt 8n8alou@ eta Come to us O three children, whom Christ

Pi8,ristos Pennou+ 8olou@ afnaxmou our God has lifted, and from the devil 8ebolxa pidi8abolou@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o delivered, Praise Him and exalt Him

[asf. above all.

Ecbe Peknou+ Masias@ 8vref+ For the sake of your God the Messiah, the

8neuergesias@ 8amou saron Ananias@ xws Giver of all god things, come unto us O

8erof 8arixou8o [asf. Hananiah, Praise Him and exalt Him

above all.

Zhlwte Azarias@ esperas ke 8prw8i ke O Azariah the Zealot, morning and noon

meshm8brias@ ma8wou 8n8tjom 8n}8trias@ and in the evening, glorify the power of

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. the Trinity, Praise Him and exalt Him above all.

Page 118 St George & St Joseph Church Yppe gar is Emmanouhl@ xiten mh+ 8w Behold Emmanuel our Lord, is now in our

Misahl@ lali qen ou8smh 8ncelhl@ xws midst O Mishael, proclaim with a voice of 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. joy, Praise Him and exalt Him above all.

:wou+ +nou kata,in throu@ saji nem Gather now and persevere, and proclaim

ni8presbuterou@ 8smou 8eP[ois nef8xbhou8i with the priests, Praise the Lord all His throu@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. works, Praise Him and exalt Him above


Is nivhou8i sesaji 8m8p8wou@ 8m8Vnou+ sa The heavens declare the glory, of God 8eqoun 8mvoou@ 8w niaggelos 8etaf8jvwou@ until this day, O you angels whom he has

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. made, Praise Him and exalt Him above


Ke nun dunamis tou kuriou@ 8smou Now all you powers of the Lord, bless His

8epefran tou timiou@ pirh nem piiox nem honored Name, O sun and moon and all

nisiou@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. the stars, Praise Him and exalt Him above all.

Loipon nimounxwou nem niiw+@ And also you rain and dew, sing praises

euvhmisate Penrefsw+@ je 8ncof pe unto our Savior, for He is the God of our 8Vnou+ 8nte nenio+@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o fathers, Praise Him and exalt Him above

[asf. all.

Ma8wou 8mP[ois 8w ni[hpi euma@ nichou Glorify, the Lord O clouds and winds,

nem ninifi nem ni8pneuma@ pijaf nem together with the souls and the spirits, O

pi8,rwm nem pikauma@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o you cold and fire and heat, Praise Him

[asf. and exalt Him above all.

Nuktes ke 8hmere rw pe@ vwske 8skotos You also O nights and days, light and

ke as8trape@ je doxasi vilan8crwpe@ xws darkness and lightning, glorify the Lover

8erof 8arixou8o [asf. of mankind, Praise Him and exalt Him

Kiahk Psalmody Page 119 above all.

3ula ke panta ta vuomena@ en th gh ke You trees and all that springs on the earth, panta takinoumena@ xi nimwou nem and all that moves in the sea, mountains

nitwou nem 8drumona@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o and the forests, Praise Him and exalt Him

[asf. above all.

Ouox on 8smou 8nat,arwou@ 8eP[ois 8pouro Praise without ceasing, the Lord the King

8nte niourwou@ ni8amaiou nem niiarwou@ of the Kings, O you rivers and seas, Praise

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. Him and exalt Him above all.

Pairh+ anon tennau 8erwou@ marenjos And we also seeing them, let us say with

nem nai wn throu@ 8smou 8eP[ois nixala+ all these things, Praise the Lord all you

throu@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. birds, Praise Him and exalt Him above all.

Rw 8nnipa,nh nem ni,iwn@ ke 8kthnwn O snow and ice, cattle and wild beasts,

nem nichrion@ 8smou 8eP[ois twn kuriwn@ bless the Lord of lords, Praise Him and

xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. exalt Him above all.

8Cmou 8eP[ois kata 8vtwmi@ 8erof ke ou mh Praise the Lord as befits Him, and not like

paranomi@ 8w nishri 8nte nirwmi@ xws the heretics, all you sons of men, Praise

8erof 8arixou8o [asf. Him and exalt Him above all.

Timh ke doxa 8w Pisrahl@ in8i naxraf O Israel offer before Him, honor and glory

qen ou8smh 8ncelhl@ niouhb 8nte in a joyful voice, all you priests of

Emmanouhl@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. Emmanuel, Praise Him and exalt Him

above all.

Uphretwn 8m8Vnou+ 8mmhi@ nem ni2u,h You servants of the true God, the souls of

8nte ni8cmhi@ nhetcebi8hout 8nrefmei@ xws the righteous, and the humble and the 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. charitable, Praise Him and exalt Him

above all.

Page 120 St George & St Joseph Church 8Vnou+ Panou+ 8egw@ petenrefsw+ ek God my God is the One, who saved you

ton 8agw@ Cedra, Misa, Abdenagw@ from danger, O Shadrach Meshach and xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. Abednego, Praise Him and exalt Him

above all.

throu etafais@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. made, Praise Him and exalt Him above


"u,os ke 8anapausis@ moi nan thren Coolness and repose without ceasing,

,wris 8crausis@ ecrenjw qen grant unto all of us, that we may joyfully

ou8apolausis@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. proclaim, Praise Him and exalt Him above all.

Wsautws pekbwk pi8ptw,os@ Carkis And also Your poor servant Sarkis, make

8aritf efoi 8n8eno,os@ 8esaji nem nai xws him without condemnation, that we may meto,os@ xws 8erof 8arixou8o [asf. join all those and say, Praise Him and

exalt Him above all.


Psali Watos on the Third Canticle

God existent before the ages Sent His chosen Angel To deliver the youths from the furnace Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Nebuchadnezzar the king made a golden image And told theministers and all people When you hear the sound of the trumpet Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Immediately come out and fall down To worship the golden image Or youʹll be cast in the furnace Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Then came forth the Chaldeans And worshipped before the image Except for the three saintly youths Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Kiahk Psalmody Page 121

O come Ananias and praise With the voice of salvation And praise your God the Messiah Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Men came and informed the king saying There are three men in the city Who do not worship the image Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The king gathered the leaders The authorities and all ranks And ordered the furnace to be hotter Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

They bound the hands of the three youths And cast them in the midst of the furnace But to them it became as dew not heat Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The angel of the Lord came unto them And quenched the furnace and strengthened them And they rejoiced when they saw Him Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Azarias started to praise and pray Faithfully without defilement And gave glory to the power of the Trinity Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Misael likewise proclaimed With the voice of rejoicing Bless the Name of Emmanuel Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The king was amazed and surprised There were only three in the furnace But now there are four walking freely Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The king truly saw all of them free Four men walking in the fire And praising with the voice of rejoicing Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The king was greatly amazed And proclaimed’ saying The fourth looks like the Son of God Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Praise our God, O you people The angels, the thrones and the powers Praise the Lord God of heaven Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Praise Him and glorify Him In the congregations exalt Him And above all the elders bless Him Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Praise your God O Sedrak Abdenego and the praised Misak For He saved you from destruction Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Praise Him all you nations The free, the slave and the servant For He saved you from annihilation Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The fiery furnace O Ananias Was quenched by your God the Messiah O bless His honored Name Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Page 122 St George & St Joseph Church The youths proclaimed with rejoicing Bless the Lord God of Israel And remember Him in all generations Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

An undefiled sacrifice was offered O Azarias the praised Praise the honored Name of God Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Emmanuel quenched the furnace So rejoice and praise O Misael And offer to your God praises Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The three youths praised with glory And proclaimed in a joyful sound Holy is the Beloved Son Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Seven times hotter the fire was lit And forty nine full breadths But the youths did not fear this Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The three youths overcame The fiery furnace And conquered the enemy saying Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The king proclaimed in a heard voice Ananias, Azarias and Misael The servants of the Most High God Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Come out from the fiery furnace For your God is powerful The performer of wonders Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Honor and glory O Israel Offer before God Emmanuel The sound of rejoicing and praise Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Before Him all the nations worship And all tongues and languages They praise the Lord of Sabaoth Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

There is no other Lord like You Who is powerful and feared Your dominion is eternal Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

The furnace became a cool mist Therefore the youths proclaimed saying, Praise you the gracious Lord Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Rejoice in the God of Jacob For He is a powerful and feared God And praise His Holy Name Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Praise Him also with hymns Bless the Lord O you three youths Praise the Lord at all times Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

For the Lord our God is greatly praised And feared above the other gods By His might He delivered the youths Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf

Kiahk Psalmody Page 123 To Him are due glory and worship Before the Creator and feared God The Gracious God, Bestower of Life Hoce Erof Ari‐Ho‐oo Chasf


Greek verses for the three children

Tenen ocen ousian ke thn logikhn We therefore present an offering and

latrian@ 8anapempwmen seautw shmeron rational worship; we send unto You this 8w das@ 8pros doxa sou swthr 8hmwn@ day psalmodies for Your glory O our

Ananias Azarias ke Misahl. Savior; Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

Trion paicon 8nje melin natou peros When they were raised to take glory in doxa 8m8psatetou swmatos aggelos gar their bodies, the angel came down,

senasel cede@ autokicon 8vligarths@ stopped the fire and it became cool for

8eleuse8wn 8hmwn@ Ananias Azarias ke Hananiah Azariah and Mishael. Misahl.

Euxws eu8smou 8e8Vnou+ 8nshou niben. They praise and worship God continually.


Page 124 St George & St Joseph Church

Psali Watos for the Three Saintly Children "ali Batos 8mpisomt 8n8alou 8n8agios

Tenouex 8nswk qen penxht thrf@ We follow You with all our hearts, and we tenerxo+ qatekxh@ ouox tenkw+ 8nsa fear You, and we seek Your face, O God

pekxo@ 8Vnou+ 8mper+sipi nan. do not forsake us.

Alla 8ariou8i neman@ kata tekmet But rather deal with us, according to Your 8epikhs@ nem kata 8p8asai 8nte peknai@ meekness, and according to Your great

P[ois 8aribohcin 8eron. mercy, O Lord help us.

Mare ten8proseu,h pennhb@ 8i 8e8pswi May our prayers ascend to You, O our 8mpek8mco@ 8m8vrh+ 8nxan[lhl 8nte Master, like burnt offerings of lambs, and

xanwili@ nem xanmasi eukeni8wout. fat calves.

8Mperer8pwbs 8n+di8achkh@ Do not forget the covenant, which You

ch8etaksemnhts nem nenio+@ Abraam have made with our fathers, Abraham

Isaak Iakwb@ Pisrahl piecouab 8ntak. Isaac and Jacob, (Israel) Your saints.

8Cmou 8eP[ois nilaos throu@ nivulh Bless the Lord all you nations, the tribes

niaspi 8nlas@ xws 8erof ma8wou naf@ and all kinds of tongues, Praise Him and

8arixou8o [asf sa ni8enex. glorify Him, above all forever.

Twbx 8mP[ois 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ 8w pisomt Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O three 8n8alou 8n8agios@ Cedrak Misak saintly children, Shedrach Meshach and

Kiahk Psalmody Page 125 Abdenagw@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. Abednego, that He may forgive us our



The Commemoration of the Saints

Ari8presbeuin 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ 8w ten[ois Intercede on our behalf: O Lady of us all 8nnhb thren +ce8otokos@ Maria 8cmau the Mother of God: Saint Mary the Mother

8mPenswthr@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. of our Savior: that He may forgive us our


Ari8presbeuin 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ 8w Intercede on ou behalf: O holy archangels:

niar,haggelos ecouab@ Mi,ahl nem and Gabriel: that He may forgive

Gabrihl@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. us our sins.

A'r'i'p .. @ 8w niar,haggelos ecouab@ Intercede .. : O holy archangels: Raphael

Ravahl nem Courihl@ 8n't'e'f... and Suriel: that He ..

A'r'i'p .. @ 8w niar,haggelos ecouab@ Intercede .. : O holy archangels: Sedakiel, Cedakihl Caracihl nem Ananihl@ and : that He .. 8n't'e'f...

A'r'i'p.. @ ni8cronos nimet[ois nijwm@ Intercede .. : O Thrones, Dominions and

Ni,eroubim nem Niseravim@ 8n't'e'f... Powers: the Cherubim and the Seraphim:

that He ..

A'r'i'p.. @ pi8ftou 8nzwon 8n8aswmatos@ Intercede .. : Ou four incorporeal beasts: 8nlitourgos 8nsax 8n8,rwm@ 8n't'ef' ... the ministers fervent as fire: that He ..

Ar' 'i'p.. @ niouhb 8nte +mecmhi@ Intercede .. : O priests of the Truth: the

Page 126 St George & St Joseph Church pijwt8ftoou 8m8presbuteros@ 8n't'ef' ... twenty four Presbyters: that He ..

A'r'i'p.. @ nistrati8a 8naggelikon@ nem Intercede .. : O angelic hosts: and all the nitagma 8n8epouranion@ 8n't'ef' ... heavenly multitudes: that He ..

Twbx 8mP[ois 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ na[ois 8nio+ Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our

8mpatriar,hs@ Abraam 8Isaak Iakwb@ masters and fathers the patriarchs: 8n't'e'f... Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: that He..

Twbx 8mP[ois 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ 8w pirwmi Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O perfect

8ntelios@ pi8cmhi Enw, pidikeos@ 8n't'e'f... man: the righteous and the just Enoch: that He..

Twbx... @ Ylias picesbiths@ nem Eliseos Pray .. : O Elijah the Tishbite: and his

pefmachths@ 8n't'ef' ... Elisha: that He..

Twbx... @ 8w Mw8ushs piar,h 8m8provhths@ Pray .. : O Moses the archprophet: and

nem 8Ysa8has nem Ieremias@ 8n't'ef' ... Isaiah and : that He..

Twbx... @ Dauid piiero2alths@ nem Pray .. : O David the Psalmist: Ezekiel and Iezekihl nem Danihl@ 8n't'e'f... Daniel: that He..

Twbx... @ Iwakim nem Anna nem Iwshv Pray .. : Joachim, Anna and Joseph the

pi8presbhteros@ nem pi8cmhi Iwb nem elder: and the righteous , Joseph and

Iwshv nem Nikodhmos@ 8n't'e'f... Nicodemus: that He..

Twbx... @ Mel,isedek nem A8arwn@ nem Pray .. : O Melchizedek and Aaron: and

Za,arias nem Cumewn@ 8n't'ef' ... Zachariah and Simeon: that He..

Twbx... @ ni,oros 8nte ni8provhths@ nem Pray .. : O choirs of the prophets: and all

ni8cmhi nem nidikeos@ 8n't'ef' ... the righteousand the just: that He..

Ar' 'i'p.. @ 8w pi8prodromos 8mbaptisths@ Intercede .. : O fore‐runner and baptizer:

Kiahk Psalmody Page 127 Iwannhs piref+wms@ 8n't'e'f... John the Baptist :that He ..

A'r'i'p.. @ 8w pise 8xme 8ftou 8nso@ nem Intercede .. : O the hundred and forty four piparcenos 8neuaggelisths@ 8n't'e'f... thousand: and the celibate Evangelist:that

He ..

Twbx... @ na[ois 8nio+ 8n8apostolos@ nem Pray .. : our masters and fathers the 8psepi 8nte nimachths@ 8n't'e'f... apostles: and the rest of the disciples: that


Twbx... @ piar,hdi8akwn et8smarwout@ Pray .. : O blessed archdeacon: Stephen the 8Ctevanos pisorp 8mmarturos@ 8n't'e'f... first : that He..

Twbx... @ pice8wrimos 8neuaggelisths@ Pray .. : O beholder of God the evangelist:

Markos pi8apostolos@ 8n't'e'f... Mark the apostle: that He..

Twbx... @ piaclovoros 8mmarturos@ Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyr: my

pa[ois 8pouro Gewrgios@ 8n't'ef' ... master Prince George: that He..

Twbx... @ :e8odwros nem :e8odwros@ nem Pray .. : Theodorus and Theodorus: Leontios nam Panikaros@ 8n't'e'f... Leontius and Panikarus: that He..

Twbx... @ Vilopathr Merkourios@ nem Pray .. : Philopater Mercurius: and Abba

8apa Mhna nem 8apa Biktwr@ 8n't'ef' ... Mena and Abba Victor : that He..

Twbx... @ kuri 8Klaudios nm :e8odwros@ Pray .. : master Claudus and Theodorus:

nem apa 8C,uron nem 8apa Isaak@ 8n't'ef' ... Abba Eskhyron and Abba Isaac: that He..

Twbx... @ Basiliths nem Eusebios@ nem Pray .. : Basilidis and : Macarius

Makarios nem Viloceos@ 8n't'ef' ... and Philotheus: that He..

Twbx... @ Abba Pisoura nem 8apa 8Pswi@ Pray .. : Abba Pisurs and Abba Epshoi:

nem 8apa 8Ysi nem :ekla tefswni@ 8n't'e'f... Abba Isi and his sister Theckla: that He..

Page 128 St George & St Joseph Church Twbx... @ niaclovoros 8mmarturos Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyrs:

Ioustos nem Apali nem :e8okli8a@ 8n't'e'f... Justus, Apali and Theoclia: that He..

Twbx... @ abba Iakwbos pifersis@ nem Pray .. : Abba Jacob the Persian: saint

pi8agios Cergios nem Ba,os@ 8n't'ef' ... Sergius and saint Bacchus: that He..

Twbx... @ niaclovoros 8mmarturos@ Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyrs: Kosma nem nef8snhou nem toumau@ Cosmas, his brothers and their mother:

8n't'e'f... that He..

Twbx... @ 8apa Kir nem Iwannhs pefson@ Pray .. : Abba Kir and his brother John: nem Barbara nem Iouli8anh nem Barbara, Juliana and : that He.. Dumianh@ 8n't'ef' ...

Twbx... @ niaclovoros 8mmarturos@ kuri Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyr: Apathr nem 8Yra8h tefswni@ 8n't'e'f... master Apatir and his sister Irae: that He..

Twbx... @ niaclovoros 8mmarturos@ Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyrs: Julius

Ioulios nem nhecnemaf@ 8n't'e'f... and those who were with him: that He..

Twbx... @ niaclovoros 8mmarturos@ mari Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyrs: Mari

Paxnam nem Carra tefswni@ 8n't'ef' ... Pahnam and his sister Sarah: that He..

Twbx... @ abba Carapamwn pi8episkopos@ Pray .. : Abba Sarapamon the :

nem "ate nem Gallinikos@ 8n't'e'f... Psate and Gallinikos: that He..

Twbx... @ niaclovoros 8mmarturos@ Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyrs: the

pi8xme ecouab 8nte Cebaste@ 8n't'e'f... forty saints of Sebaste: that He..

Twbx... @ abba Pirwou nem Acwm@ nem Pray .. : Abba Piru and Atom: and John

Iwannhs nem Cumewn@ 8n't'e'f... and Simeon: that He..

Twbx... @ niaclovoros 8mmarturos@ 8apa Pray .. : O struggle mantled martyrs: Abba

Kiahk Psalmody Page 129 8Pswi nem pef8svhr Petros@ 8n't'ef' ... Pishoi and his friend Peter: that He..

Twbx... @ 8apa Kloj pi8presbuteros@ nem Pray .. : Abba Eklog the priest: and Abba 8apa Pjol nem 8apa Kau@ 8n't'ef' ... Epgol and Abba Kav: that He..

Twbx... @ 8apa Iwannhs piremxarakli8a@ Pray .. : Abba John of Heraclia: master nem kuri8a Pivamwn nem Pi8stauros@ Piphamon and Pistavros: that He.. 8n't'e'f...

Twbx... @ Yshdwros nem Panteleon@ Pray .. : Isidorus and Pantaleon: Sophia

Covi8a nem Euvomi8a@ 8n't'e'f... and Euphemia: that He..

Twbx... @ kuri Apanoub nem Pcolomeos@ Pray .. : master and Ptolemaeus: nem Apa8kragon nem Cousennios@ 8n't'e'f... nem Apa Ekragon and Susinius: that He..

Twbx... @ 8w pinis+ 8nar,h8ereus@ abba Pray .. : O great high priest: Abba Peter, Petros ieromarturos@ 8n't'e'f... seal of the martyrs: that He..

Twbx... @ 8w niberi 8mmarturos@ Pi8stauros Pray .. : O new martyrs: Pistavros and nem Arsenios@ 8n't'ef' ... Arsenius: that He..

Twbx... @ 8w Mi,ahl pixhgoumenos@ nem Pray .. : O Michael the hegumen: and

Mi,ahl pimono,os@ 8n't'ef' ... Michael the : that He..

Twbx... @ ni,oros 8nte nimarturos@ Pray .. : O choirs of the martyrs: who

8etausep8mkax ecbe Pi8,ristos@ 8n't'e'f... suffered for the sake of Christ: that He..

Twbx... @ na[ois 8nio+ 8mmainoushri@ Pray .. : our masters and fathers who

Antwnios nem Abba Paule@ 8n't'e'f... loved their children: Anthony and Abba

Paul: that He..

Twbx... @ pisomt ecouab abba Makari@ Pray .. : O three saints Macarii: and their nem noushri 8n8staurovoros@ 8n't'ef' ... children the cross bearers: that He..

Page 130 St George & St Joseph Church Twbx... @ na[ois 8nio+ 8nxhgoumenos@ Pray .. : our masters and fathers the

abba Iwannhs nem abba Danihl@ 8n't'e'f... archpriests: Abba John and Abba Daniel: that He..

Twbx... @ na[ois 8nio+ 8mmainoushri@ abba Pray .. : our masters and fathers who

Piswi nem abba Paule@ 8n't'e'f... loved their children: Aba Pishoi and Abba Paul : that He..

Twbx... @ nenio+ ecouab nrwmeos@ Pray .. : our saintly Roman fathers:

Maximos nem Dometios@ 8n't'ef' ... Maximus and Dometius: that He..

Twbx... @ pi8xme 2it 8mmarturos@ Pray .. : O forty nine martyrs: the elders of

niqelloi 8nte 0ixht@ 8n't'ef' ... Shiheet: that He..

Twbx... @ pijwri ecouab abba Mwsh@ nem Pray .. : O strog saint Abba Moses: and Iwannhs pi,ame@ 8n't'ef' ... John Kame: that He..

Twbx... @ abba Paqwm va +koinwni8a@ Pray .. : Abba Pachomius of the Koinonia:

nem :e8odwros pefmachths@ 8n't'e'f... and his disciple Theodore: that He..

Twbx... @ abba 0enou+ piar,h Pray .. : Abba Shenute the Archimandrite:

man8driths@ nem abba Bhsa pefmachths@ and Abba Besa his disciple: that He.. 8n't'e'f...

Twbx... @ abba Noufer nem abba Karos@ Pray .. : Abba Nopher and Abba Karus:

nem peniwt Pa8vnoutios@ 8n't'ef' ... and our father Paphnutius: that He..

Twbx... @ abba Camouhl pi8omologiths@ Pray .. : Abba the confessor: and

nem Ioustos nem Apollo nefmachths@ Justus and Apollo hi sdisciples: that He.. 8n't'e'f...

Twbx... @ abba Apollo nem abba Apip@ Pray .. : Abba Apollo Abba Apip: and our nem peniwt abba Pijimi@ 8n't'ef' ... father Abba Pigimi: that He..

Kiahk Psalmody Page 131 Twbx... @ abba Eukin nem abba 8Hron@ Pray .. : Abba Evkin and Abba Ehron: nem 8apa Hwr nem 8apa Vis@ 8n't'ef' ... Abba Hor and Abba Phis: that He..

Twbx... @ abba Parswma nem Evrem@ Pray .. : Abba Parsouma and Ephrem: and nem Iwannhs nem Cumewn@ 8n't'ef' ... John and Simeon: that He..

Twbx... @ Epivanios nem Ammwnios@ nem Pray .. : Epiphanius and Ammounious: Ar,hlliths nem Arsenios@ 8n't'ef' ... and Arshillidis and Arsenius: that He..

Twbx... @ na[ois 8nio+ 8naskhths@ abba Pray .. : our masters the ascetic fathers:

Abraam nem Gewrgh@ 8n't'ef' ... Abba Abraham and George: that He..

Twbx... @ Acanasios piapostolikos@ Pray .. : Athanasius the apostolic: Severus

Ceuhros nem Dioskoros@ 8n't'ef' ... and Dioscorus: that He..

Twbx... @ Basilios nem Grigorios@ nem Pray .. : Basil and Gregory: and our father peniwt abba Kurillos@ 8n't'e'f... Abba Cyril: that He..

Twbx... @ pisomt se mht s8 mhn Pray .. : the three hundred and eighteen

8etaucwou+ qen Nike8a@ ecbe pinax+@ gathered: at Nicaea for the faith: that He.. 8n't'e'f...

Twbx... @ 8w pise tebi 8nte Pray .. : the one hundred and fifty at

Kwstantinoupolis@ nem pi8snau se 8nte Constantinople: and the two hundred at

Evesos@ 8n't'ef' ... Ephesus: that He..

Twbx... @ abba Hadid nem abba Iwannhs@ Pray .. : Abba Hadid and Abba John: our nem peniwt pinis+ abba Parswma nem great father Parsouma and Abba Roweis: abba Teji@ 8n't'e'f... that He..

Twbx... @ abba Abraam pixhgoumenos@ Pray .. : Abba Abraham the hegumen: and nem peniwt abba Markos@ 8n't'e'f... our father Abba Mark: that He..

Page 132 St George & St Joseph Church Twbx... @ ni,oros 8nte ni8staurovoros@ Pray .. : Ochoirs of the cross bearers:

8etaujwk 8ebol xinisafeu@ 8n't'ef' ... perfected in the wilderness: that He..

Twbx... @ na[ois 8pouro Kwstantios@ nem Pray .. : my master king Constantine: and

8Ylanh +ourw@ 8n't'ef' ... his mother queen Helen: that He..

Twbx... @ ni8alou 8nsabe 8mparcenos@ Pray .. : O wise virgin ladies: the brides of niselet 8nte Pi8,ristos@ 8n't'e'f... Christ: that He..

Twbx... @ nhecouab 8nte pai8exoou@ piouai Pray .. : the saints of this day: everyone

piouai kata pefran@ 8n't'ef' ... according to his name: that He..

Wsautws ten[isi 8mmok@ nem pixumnodos Likewise we glorify You: with David the

Dauid@ je 8ncok pe piouhb sa 8enex@ kata Psalmist: You are the Priest forever:

8ttaxis 8mMel,isedek. according to the order of Melchizedek.

Twbx... @ peniwt ecouab 8mpatriar,hs@ Pray .. : our saintly father the pontiff:

abba (...) piar,h8ereus@ 8n't'ef' ... Abba (…) the highpriest: that He..


Hymn for St. Anthony the Great, the Father of All Monks Arabic Original by HH Pope Shenouda III

In the Church of the virgins In the pure assembly Living in piety Peniot Ava Antonios

You are in a glorious state In the habit of the eschem In the rite of the Seraphim Peniot Ava Antonios

With spiritual prayers Living a godly life You consecrated the desert Peniot Ava Antonios

With struggles in prayers For many decades And tears in the metanias (prostrations) Peniot Ava Antonios

Kiahk Psalmody Page 133

In ascetic fasts For days at a time With an unfailing spirit Peniot Ava Antonios

With meagerness in pleasures Concerned in godly matters And spiritual meditations Peniot Ava Antonios

You were given the spirit of Elijah And Hanna the prophetess And John, the son of Zacharias Peniot Ava Antonios

The devils feared you Because of your upright heart And your constant prayers Peniot Ava Antonios

They fought against you daily They tried each possible way Using many tricks Peniot Ava Antonios

They reminded you of your sister In order to worry you So you may return to the world Peniot Ava Antonios

They scattered gold and silver Before you on the mountains Glittering in the midst of the sand Peniot Ava Antonios

They came with chants and songs And images of women To make you fall in temptation Peniot Ava Antonios

They came with fierce visions Of lions, tigers and leopards And with sounds of thunder Peniot Ava Antonios

They came with their malice So you may fear their visions Your humility cast them out Peniot Ava Antonios

You proclaimed and said to them, ʺO you strong ones I will return to dust and sand Peniot Ava Antonios

I am surprised at your gathering In my weakness and appearance I am the weakest of you all.ʺ Peniot Ava Antonios

O strong and high tower You are an example for us all And your humility before Satan Peniot Ava Antonios

You are a powerful example Throughout the generations O dweller of the mountains Peniot Ava Antonios

You are great in struggles O the wise in counsels Pray on behalf of your children Peniot Ava Antonios

Page 134 St George & St Joseph Church We have not practiced your life Nor acquired your likeness Remember us in your prayers Peniot Ava Antonios

Pray for our iniquities And the weakness of our nature For we are strangers in this world Peniot Ava Antonios


A Praise of our Fathers Sts. Maximus and Domadeus

In the Name of God Our Lord Isos Pichristos Presenting the life of Maximos and Domadios

They took off their crowns And cast them off their heads For the love of the Heavenly King Maximos and Domadios

Praised with hymns and songs In the love of the Holy Lord Became two great soldiers Maximos and Domadios

Our father Abba Macarios Described the brothers as ʺThe bride of monasticismʺ Maximos and Domadios

Defeated all evil By the Name of the Holy Lord And lived with joy in Paradise Maximos and Domadios

Left worldly reign And Satan was deeply grieve Finally rewarded everlasting joy Maximos and Domadios

Blessed be you, our fathers The children of Macarios The stars of Shiheet And the light of Baramus

Just like Paradise You the Valley of Natroon The kingʹs children dwelt in you Maximos and Domadios

A great mountain you are Similar to Paradise The home of our fathers The monastery of Macarios

The righteous dwelt in there Proclaiming and singing Agios Watching night and day The children of Macarios

Home for barbarians you were And shelter for the thieves But Macarios converted you To be like Paradise

Kiahk Psalmody Page 135

Blessed be you Abba Makar Blessed be Macarios The father of Shiheet Cleanser of rusting souls

Hail to the three Macarii And all the head fathers Dwelling in Shiheet, The monastery of Macarios

Hail to Abba Youanis The hegumen (protopriest) And to Abba Pishoy Pi romi ente leeos

Hail to Abba Daniel And to Abba Isidore And the exceedingly honored Abba Arsanios

Never forget our Pope When praying to the Holy lord And his partners our bishops And all the holy orders

Please remember O Lord The ranks of monks And all the Christians Grant them Your mercies

Hail to Saint Mary The intercessor for all people The great honored name Our guide to Paradise


Page 136 St George & St Joseph Church

Doxologies of Kiahk Doxologi8a 8nte pi8abot

Ke gar aisansaji ecbh+@ 8w pixarma When I speak about you: O cherubic

8n,eroubimikon@ palase naqisi an 8enex@ chariot: My tongue will never be Weary: tenermakarizin 8mmo. We bless you.

Je ontws gar +nasenhi@ sa niaulehou For truly, I will go: To the courtyards of

8nte 8phi 8nDauid@ 8nta[i 8nou8smh the house Of David: To take a voice by 8ebolxitotf@ ecrisaji 8mpetaio. Which: I will speak of your Honor.

Je 8a 8Vnou+ 8oxi 8eratf@ qen nicws 8nte For God has stood: At the borders of

+Ioude8a@ af+ 8ntef8smh qen oucelhl@ Judea: And has called joyfully: And the 8a8tvulh 8nIouda sopf 8eros. tribe of Judah Accepted Him.

8Tvulh 8nIouda te +parcenos@ The tribe of Judah is the Virgin: Who gave

ch8etasmisi 8mPenswthr@ ouox on birth to our Savior: And after giving birth

menensa 8cresmasf@ as8oxi esoi To Him: She remained a Virgin. 8mparcenos.

Ebol gar xiten +vwnh@ 8nte Gabrihl For through the voice: Of Gabriel the

piaggelos@ ten+ ne 8mpi,eretismos@ 8w angel: We give you greeting: O the Mother

+ce8otokos Maria. of God, Mary.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 137 xitoten@ je ,ere ne ten[isi 8mmo. we exalt you.

Piaggelos ecouab Gabrihl@ The holy Angel Gabriel: Announced to the afxisennoufi 8n+parcenos@ menensa Virgin: After the greeting: He

piaspasmos@ aftajro 8mmos qen pefsaji. Strengthened her with his saying.

Je 8mpererxo+ Mariam@ 8arejimi gar “Do not be afraid, Mary: For you have 8nou8xmot@ qaten 8Vnou+ xhppe gar found grace With God: For behold, you

teraerboki@ ouox 8ntemisi 8noushri. Will conceive: And give birth To a Son.”

Ef8e+ naf 8nje 8P[ois 8Vnou+@ 8mpi8cronos “The Lord God shall give Him: The throne 8nte Dauid pefiwt@ 8fna8erouro 8ejen 8phi of David, His father: He will reign over

8nIakwb@ sa 8enex 8nte pi8enex. The house of Jacob: Forever and ever.”

Ecbe vai ten+8wou ne@ xws :e8otokos Wherefore we glorify you: As Mother of 8nshou niben@ ma+xo 8e8P[ois 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ God at all Times: Ask the Lord on our

8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. Behalf: That He may forgive Us our sins.

are8jvo nan 8nEmmanouhl. bore for us Emmanuel.

Ten+xo aripenmeu8i@ 8w +8prostaths We ask you to remember us: O our trusted etenxot@ naxren Pen[ois Ihsous advocate: Before our Lord Jesus Christ:

Pi8,ristos@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. That He may forgive us our Sins.


Second Doxology of Kiahk

Ere 8psolsel 8n+parcenos@ Maria 8tseri The adornment of the Virgin: Mary the

Page 138 St George & St Joseph Church 8m8pouro Dauid@ saouinam 8nIhsous daughter of king David: at the right hand

Pi8,ristos@ 8Pshri 8m8Vnou+ pimenrit. of Jesus Christ: the Beloved Son of God.

Kata 8psaji 8nDauid 8pouro@ pixumnodos As king David the Psalmist: has said in the

qen pi2almos@ je as8oxi 8erats 8nje psalms: “Upon the right hand of the

+ourw@ saou8inam 8mpi8cronos. throne: did stand the queen.

Te[osi 8eNi,eroubim@ 8w 8cmau 8mVnou+ You are exalted more than the Cherubim:

va pi8amaxi@ tetaihout 8eNiseravim@ qen O Mother of the Mighty God, and

8tve nem xijen pikaxi. honored more than the Seraphim, in heaven and on earth.

8Wounia+ 8nco Maria@ je 8are8jvo Blessed are you O Mary: for you have

8mpi8alhcinos@ estob 8nje teparcenia@ given birth to the True One: while 8ere8oxi 8ereoi 8mparcenos. remaining a virgin: and your virginity is


Kata 8vrh+ 8etafjos@ 8nje Ysa8has qen As Isaiah has said: with a voice of joy: ou8smh 8ncelhl@ je is 8alou 8mparcenos@ “Behold a young virgin will conceive: and

es8emisi nan 8nEmmanouhl. give birth to Emmanuel.ʺ

Ten[isi 8mmo 8mmhni 8mmhni@ enjw 8mmos We magnify you every day: saying with nem Gabrihl@ je ,ere ke,aritwmenh@ 8o Gabriel: ʺHail to you O full of grace: the

Kurios meta sou. Lord is with you.ʺ

8mmo@ nem Gabrihl piaggelos@ ouox with Gabriel the Angel: the Lord is with

P[ois sop neme. you.

Ten+xo aripenmeu8i@ 8w +8prostaths We ask you to remember us, O our trusted etenxot@ naxren Pen[ois Ihsous advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ

Pi8,ristos@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 139 Doxology for the Great Lent and Kiahk

Neknai 8w Pa[ois +naxws 8mmwou@ sa Your mercies O my Lord I will praise,

8enex 8nte pi8enex@ ouox isjen jwou sa forever and ever, and from generation to

jwou@ +najw 8ntekmecmhi qen rwi. generation, I will declare Your truth out of my mouth.

Na8anomia au[isi 8eta8ave@ ouox au8xros My iniquities have covered my head, and

8e8xrhi 8ejwi@ swtem 8Vnou+ swtem have overburdened me, O God hear my 8epafi8axom@ xioui 8mmwou 8ebolxaroi. sighs, and cast them away from me.

Aritt 8m8vrh+ 8mpitelwnhs@ Make me like the publican, who has

vh8etafernobi 8erok@ aksenxht 8e8xrhi sinned against You, You had compassion 8ejwf@ ak,a nefnobi naf 8ebol. upon him, and forgave him his sins.

Aritt 8m8vrh+ 8n+pornh@ ch8etaksw+ Make me like the adulteress, whom You

8mmos 8ebol@ aktoujos aknoxem 8mmos@ je have redeemed, You have saved and asranak 8mpek8mco. rescued her, for she pleased You.

Aritt 8m8vrh+ 8mpisoni@ vh8etauasf 8nsa Make me like the thief, who was crucified

tekou8inam@ afer8omologin 8mmok@ upon Your right‐hand, he confessed to 8mpairh+ efjw 8mmos. You, and likewise said.

Je 8aripameu8i 8w Pa[ois@ 8aripameu8i 8w ʺRemember me O my Lord, remember me

Panou+@ 8aripameu8i 8w Paouro@ aksan8i O my God, remember me O my King,

qen tekmetouro. when You come into Your kingdom.ʺ

8Ncok de 8w Paswthr@ akswp 8erok For You O my Savior, have accepted his

8ntef8omologia@ aksenxht 8e8xrhi 8ejwf@ confession, You were compassionate to afouorpf 8epiparadisos. him, and sent him to Paradise.

Anok xw qa pirefernobi@ Ihsous Panou+ Likewise I the sinner, Jesus my True King

paouro 8mmhi@ sana8xchk 8e8xrhi 8ejwi@ and God, have compassion upon me, and

Page 140 St George & St Joseph Church aritt 8m8vrh+ 8nouai 8nnai make me as one of them.

}swoun je 8ncok ou8agacos@ 8nrefsenxht For I know that You are Good, ouox 8nnaht@ 8aripameu8i qen peknai@ sa compassionate and patient, remember me

8enex 8nte pi8enex. in Your mercy, forever and ever.

}twbx 8mmok 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ 8mpersoxi I ask You O my Lord Jesus, do not destroy 8mmoi qen pekjwnt@ oude on qen me in Your anger, and likewise also in

pek8mbon@ 8mper+8sbw 8ntametat8emi. Your wrath, do not chasten me for my


Je 8,ouws 8m8vmou an 8mpirefernobi@ For You do not desire the death of a

8m8vrh+ 8ntefkotf ouox 8ntefwnq@ sinner, rather he returns and lives, have

sana8xchk qa tametjwb@ 8mpersoms 8eroi pity upon my weakness, and do not look qen ou8mbon. at me in anger.

Aiernobi Ihsous Pa[ois@ aiernobi Ihsous I have sinned O Jesus my Lord, I have

Panou+@ paouro 8mperwp 8eroi@ 8nninobi sinned O Jesus my God, O King do not etaiaitou. count the sins, which I have committed.

}+xo 8erok 8w Paswthr@ mare I ask You O my Savior, let Your mercies

nekmecnaht taxoi@ 8ntounoxem 8mmoi qen come to me, and save me from the ni8anagkh@ et+ oube 8eta2u,h. troubles, that come to my soul.

8Mperxi 8,rwm 8etametatswoun@ 8m8vrh+ Do not send me to the fire, for my

xwf 8nCodoma@ oude on 8mpertakoi@ ignorance like Sodom, and likewise do not

8m8vrh+ xwf 8nGomorra. destroy me, like Gommorrah.

Alla Pa[ois arioui nemhi@ 8m8vrh+ But O my Lord deal with me, like the

8nniremNineu8h@ nai 8etauermetanoin@ people of Nineveh, those who have ak,a nounobi nwou 8ebol. repented, and You forgave them their sins.

Alla mare nekmecnaht@ taxoi Pa[ois But may Your mercies, come unto me

Kiahk Psalmody Page 141 qen ouihs@ 8ntaws 8ebol nem pailaos@ qen quickly, that I may proclaim with those

ou8smh 8nat,arws. people, with an unceasing voice.

Ecbe vai +twbx 8mmok@ 8P[ois 8Vnou+ Wherefore I entreat You, O Lord God my

Paswthr@ 8mper8iri 8nouxap nemhi@ 8anok Savior, do not judge me, I the weak and

qa pijwb 8nrefernobi. sinful.

Alla bwl 8ebol ,w nhi 8ebol@ But rather absolve and remit, my many

8nnapara8ptwma etos@ xws 8agacos ouox iniquities, as a Good One and Lover of

8mmairwmi@ nai nan kata peknis+ 8nnai. man, have mercy upon us according to Your great mercy.


Doxology for Saint Mark

Abba Markos piapostolos@ ouox O Mark the Apostle, and the Evangelist, pi8eu8aggelisths@ pimecre qa ni8mkaux@ the witness to the passion, of the only‐

8nte pimonogenhs 8nnou+. begotten God.

Ak8i akerouwini 8eron@ xiten You have come and enlightened us, pek8eu8aggelion@ ak8tsabon 8m8Viwt nem through your Gospel, and taught us the

8p0hri@ nem pi8Pneuma ecouab. Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Akenten 8ebolqen 8p,aki@ eqoun You brought us out of the darkness, into

8epiouwini 8mmhi@ aktemmon 8mpiwik 8nte the true Light, and nourished us with the

8pwnq@ etaf8i 8epesht ebolqen 8tve. Bread of Life, that came down from


Au[i8smou 8n8qrhi 8nqhtk@ 8nje nivulh All the tribes of the earth, were blessed

throu 8nte 8pkaxi@ ouox neksaji auvox@ through you, and your words have

Page 142 St George & St Joseph Church sa aurhjs 8n+oikoumenh. reached, the ends of the world.

Markos picewrimos. Beholder of God.

Twbx 8m8P[ois 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ w picewrimos Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O beholder 8n8eu8aggelisths@ Abba Markos of God and evangelist, Saint Mark the

pi8apostolos@ 8ntef ,a nennobi nan 8ebol. Apostle, that He may forgive us our sins.


Doxology for Saint Georges

0asf 8nrompi afjokou 8ebol@ 8nje has completed, seven whole

vhecouab Ge8wrgios@ 8ere pi8sbe 8nouro years, while he was judged daily, by

8n8anomos@ eu+xap 8erof 8mmhni. seventy lawless kings.

8Mpou8svwnx 8mpeflogismos@ oude They could not change his mind, nor his

pefnax+ etsoutwn@ oude tefnis+ upright faith, nor his great love, for Christ

8n8agaph@ 8eqoun 8e8pouro Pi8,ristos. the King.

Naf8era2lin nem Dauid@ je aukw+ 8eroi He was singing with David, saying ʺAll

8nje niecnos throu@ alla qen 8vran the nations encircled me, but with the

8nIhsous Panou+@ ai[i 8mpa[i 8m8psis Name of my Lord Jesus, I took revenge

nemwou. upon them.

Ounis+ gar pe pektaio@ 8w pa[ois 8pouro Great is your honor, O my Master Prince

Ge8wrgios@ 8ere Pi8,ristos rasi nemak@ George, for Christ rejoices with you, in the qen Ierousalhm 8nte 8tve. heavenly Jerusalem.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 143

8ngenneos@ ,ere pi8aclovoros@ pa[ois courageous hero, Hail to the struggle‐ 8pouro Ge8wrgios. mantled, my Master Prince George.

Twbx 8mP[ois 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ 8w Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle

pi8aclovoros 8mmarturos@ pa[ois 8pouro mantled martyr, my master Prince Ge8wrgios@ 8ntef ,a nennobi nan ebol. George, that He may forgive us our sins.


Doxology for Saint Pilopater Mercurius

Vilopathr Merkourios@ pirem8njom 8nte Philopater Mercurius, the strong one of Pi8,ristos@ af+xiwtf 8n+panopli8a@ nem Christ, put on the helmet, and the whole

piqwk thrf 8nte pinax+. armor of faith.

Ouox af[i qen tefjij@ 8n+shfi 8nro8snau@ And he took in his hand, the two‐edged ch8eta pi8aggelos 8nte P[ois tajros@ qen sword, which the angel of the Lord,

tefjij 8nou8inam. placed in his right hand.

Afsenaf 8epipolemos@ qen +jom 8nte He went to the war, with the strength of Pi8,ristos@ afsari 8eniBarbaros@ qen Christ, he smote the barbarians, with great

ounis+ 8nerqot. wounds.

Afernumvin 8ebolxa na 8pkaxi@ ouox He refused the earthly, and sought after

afkw+ 8ena nivhou8i@ af[oji qen the heavenly, and he fought in the

pi8stadion@ 8nte +metmarturos. stadium, of martyrdom.

Af+sipi 8nDekios@ piouro 8n8asebhs@ xiten He embarrassed Decius, the impious tefnis+ 8nxupomonh@ nem 8pqisi 8nte emperor, with his great patience, through

nibasanos. the pain of the sufferings.

Page 144 St George & St Joseph Church 4en nai afervorin 8mpi8,lom 8natlwm@ With this he wore the unfading crown, of

8nte +metmarturos@ afersai nem martyrdom, he celebrated with all the nhecouab throu@ qen 8t,wra 8nte saints, in the land of the living. nh8etonq.

Vilopathr Merkourios. mantled, Philopater Mercurius.

Twbx 8mP[ois 8e8xrhi ejwn@ 8w Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle pi8aclovoros 8mmarturos@ Vilopathr mantled martyr, Philopater Mercurius,

Merkourios@ 8ntef ,a nennobi nan ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.


Doxology for Saint Joseph

8Vnou+ afswtp 8nIwsev@ xina 8ntef arex The Lord chose Joseph, with a hevenly

+parcenos@ qen pef8xi qen xanmhnu@ sign, to take care of the Virgin, in his

8n8epouranion. house.

Asouwnx 8nje ou8[rompi@ ouox asemton A dove appeared, and rested on his stick,

8ejen pef8sbwt@ tote afths naf@ 8nje so Zachariah the priest, gave her to him. Za,arias piouhb.

Af[isanis 8nje Iwshv@ qen tesparscenia@ Joseph doubted the virginity, so the angel,

ouox piaggelos afjos naf@ je Iwshv announced to him saying, “Oh Joseph son

8pshri 8nDauid. of David”

8Mpererxo+ 8esep@ Maria tek8sximi 8erok@ “Do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for

vh gar etasnamasf@ ou 8ebol qen the one whom she bears is conceived by

Kiahk Psalmody Page 145 ou8Pneuma ecouab pe. the Holy Spirit”

Mariam pe pi8axo@ 8etafsopf 8nje Iwshv@ Mary is the treasure, that Joseph brought, afjem pimargariths@ efxhp qen and he found the jewel, that was hidden

tefnh+. within.

Af8i 8nje Iwshf pidikeos@ nem Maria Joseph the righteous, came with Mary the 8cmau 8mPi8,ristos@ aucami8o 8m8pjwk Mother of Christ, fulfilling the law for the

8mpinomos@ ecbe pialou nswth8 r Ihsous. sake of the Child, the Savior Jesus.

}parcenos Mariam@ nem Iwshv nem Mary the Virgin, and Joseph and Salome, Caloumh@ auer8svhri 8emasw@ ecbe were greatly amazed, with what they saw. nhetou nauerwou.

Twbx 8mP[ois 8e8xrhi ejwn@ 8w pinis+ Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Oh great ecouab@ abba Iwshv pidikeos@ ntef ,a saint, the righteous Abba Joseph, that He

nennobi nan ebol. may forgive us our sins.


Page 146 St George & St Joseph Church

Friday Psali "ali8a Batos 88m8p8exoou n8+paraskeu8h

Alhcos gar ai+ 8mpa8oui@ 8eounis+ For truly I approached, a great Prince,

8nkevaleon@ 8ete vai pe piran 8nougai@ 8nte which is the name of salvation, of our

Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos. Lord Jesus Christ.

APen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ + 8noumhini Our Lord Jesus Christ, gave a sign to His

8nnef8ebiaik@ nh8eterxo+ qa tefxh@ servants, who do fear him, to escape from ecrouvwt 8ebol qa8txh 8m8pxo 8nouvi+. the face of the bows.

APen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ + 8noumhini Our Lord Jesus Christ, gave a sign to His

8nnef8ebiaik@ nh8eterxo+ qa tefxh@ servants, who do fear Him, to shut the ecroucwm 8nrwou 8nnimou8i. mouths of the lions.

APen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ + 8noumhini Our Lord Jesus, gave a sign to His

8nnef8ebiaik@ nh8eterxo+ qa tefxh@ servants, who do fear Him, to put out the ecrouw8sem 8n8tjom 8nte pi8,rwm. power of the fire.

APen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ + 8noumhini Our Lord Jesus, gave a sign to His

8nnef8ebiaik@ nh8eterxo+ qa tefxh@ servants, who do fear Him, to cast out the ecrouxiou8i 8nnidemwn 8ebol. devils.

APen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ + 8noumhini Our Lord Jesus, gave a sign to His

8nnef8ebiaik@ nh8eterxo+ qa tefxh@ servants, who do fear Him, to prevail over ecrou8er[ois 8ejen noujaji. their enemies.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 147 APen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ +8noumhini Our Lord Jesus, gave a sign to His

8nnef8ebiaik@ nh8eterxo+ qa tefxh@ ecrou servants, who do fear Him, to heal every tal[o 8nswni niben. sickness.

Ecbe vai maren+8wou@ 8mPen[ois Ihsous Wherefore let us glorify, our Lord Jesus

Pi8,ristos@ nem Pefiwt 8n8agacos@ nem Christ, and His good Father, and the Holy pi8Pneuma ecouab. Spirit.

Ete vai pe piran 8noujai@ 8nte Pen[ois This is the name of salvation, of our Lord

Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ nem pef8stauros Jesus Christ, and His life‐giving cross, 8nreftanqo@ vh8etauasf 8e8xrhi 8ejwf. which He was crucified upon.

8Wouniatf 8mpirwmi@ ecna,w 8nswf Blessed is the man who forsakes this life,

8mpaibios@ nem nefrwous ecmex 8nqisi@ nai and its vain pleasures, that are full of etqwteb 8n+2u,h. suffering, that kill the soul.

Ouox 8nteffai 8mpef8stauros@ 8n8exoou And he who carries his cross day after

qa8txh 8n8exoou@ 8nteftwmi 8mpefnous nem day, and keeps his mind and heart, on the pefxht@ 8epiran 8noujai 8nte Pen[ois name of salvation, of our Lord Jesus

Ihsous Pi8,ristos. Christ.

0af8ounof 8nje penxht@ safcelhl 8nje Our hearts are happy, and our tongues penlas@ 8eswp ansan8ermeletan@ 8epiran rejoice, whenever we sing to the name, of

8noujai 8nte Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos. salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Eswp ansaner2alin@ marenjos qen And whenever we sing hymns : Let us say

ou8xloj@ je Pen[ois Ihsous Pi

8ari ounai nem nen2u,h. mercy upon us.”

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agiw Pneumati@ Glory to the Father : And the Son and the

ke nun ke 8a8i ke istous@ 8e8wnas twn Holy Spirit : Now, and forever : And all

Page 148 St George & St Joseph Church 8e8wnwn 8amhn. the ages. Amen.


Praise Watos to the Virgin Mary From Friday Theotekia

I begin with the name of the Lord Jesus And ask from His goodness in awe, To raise my mind to the heavenly To praise the daughter of Zion.

Beginning of my sayings and rhyme I greet the first born, Because all my maladies Through her with the pain are cured.

My soul longs for her And I am in between her hands, Because I depend on her To be save from the evil one.

Come to our help O’ Mother of Light Please Mary from all evil, Who from her came the well known The Creator of all flesh.

All my thought became like night Because I could not see the light, A virgin without spouse Carried the hidden mystery.

Creator of the seen and the unseen How could the womb contain, Ye all wise and learned Tell me how it can be.

She is called the mother of mercy And also the full of grace, The mother of the Logos Many about her prophesied.

Let me praise you and say Blessed are you Celibate virgin, From whom came the well known And the savior of all flesh.

The spirit of truth the Advocate Came as intermediary and with the good news, To Him Praise Lord and Savior Knowing of what was and what will be.

Adorned Mary with His Advent And Completed what the witnesses said, Magi’s came and worshiped Him And with precious Gifts they were introduced.

Our Lord accepted suffering Died, was buried in the tomb and He arose, And Mary was filled with joyful peace And He also appeared to the Apostles.

You were likened to ’s Ark You healed our wounds, And you made Adam to be in joy With unexplained tribute.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 149 Mary, you became a lamp And Your Light in the world showed, The one, whose aroma spread And by all the righteous smelled.

When the speaking sheep lost his way the Shepherd sought the lost one to redeem, When He completed His true promise And appeared to us in the flesh,

Blessed are you O’ Full of Grace Who became like a lighthouse, And you became like a fishing hook To the intellect of the earthly.

You were covered by the Cherubim O’ Mary daughter of Joachim, Truly it is a great mystery not understood by the orderly.

Our Lord Emanuel Meaning God with Us, He came and saved us And to God we became children.

The unseen how could we see The unlimited how could he be contained, The unspoken how could they see With the eyes of the humanly.

Jesus opened the door of paradise And with Him all souls were pleased, He brought back life with His Holy Name And Gave to us His body as proof.

You became a mother to your Lord O’ Ye High, blessed are you, Your elegance and glory O’ Mary Are beyond our poets to explain.

All tongues could not speak And I a sinner put my hope in you, My mind could not contain you And My thoughts are just so weak.

I am still begging you To lead me to your Son’s way, We all Bless you Because you became to us Zion.

I need a wise and rational one To help me to be able to say, Praise and hymnals worthy of you So I can in you feel safe.

The Lord so the lost sheep And to David He gave a promise, From your seed will be The Promise and He did not retract.

The promise He did complete In the fullness of time He came, From the House of David He appeared And walked on Earth Like the humanly.

I am the sinner made noises Asking for joy exceeding, Abu Al‐saad from Abu Teig The Servant of all who write poetery.

My mind with guilt made me write Because in the Psalms I did read, If the Lord does not build Vanity is the work of who builds.

Page 150 St George & St Joseph Church O’ Jesus Our Savior Protect the life of Anba (..) the Patriarch, And His Companions our Bishops And our gathered brothers.

And the peace of the Lord be with you O’ Ye gathered all together here, And His Pleasant Voice shall you hear On the day of Resurrection you all will be.


Friday Theotokia }ce8odoki8a 8m8p8exoou n8+paraskeu8i@ 8h,os batos

Pisorp Part 1

Te8smarwout qen nixi8omi@ 8f8smarwout Blessed are you among women, and

8nje pekarpos@ 8w Maria 8cmau 8m8Vnou+@ blessed is your fruit, O Mary the Mother +Parcenos 8natcwleb. of God, the undefiled Virgin.

Je afsai nan 8ebol 8nqh+@ 8nje pirh 8nte For the Sun of righteousness, shone unto

+mecmhi@ 8ere pital[o ,h qa neftenx@ us from you, with healing under His je 8ncof pe pirefcami8o. wings, for He is the Creator.

8Ncof af[i 8nnh8ete noun@ af+ nan 8nnh8ete He took what is ours, and gave us what is

nouf@ texws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt ten8erxou8o [isi 8mmof. Him.

Pi8snau Part 2

Te8smarwout 8exote 8tve@ tetaihout You are blessed more favored than

8exote 8pkaxi@ tesa8pswi 8mmeu8i niben@ nim heaven, and more honored than earth, you

pecna8ssaji epetai8o. exceed every thought, who can speak of your honor.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 151 8Mmon vh8ettencwnt 8ero@ 8w Maria No one is like you, O Mary the Virgin, the

+Parcenos@ ni8aggelos setai8o 8mmo@ angels honor you, and the Seraphim niCeravim se+8wou ne. glorify you.

Je 8a vh8et xijen ni

8ebol8nqh+@ sa 8ntefxotpen 8erof@ xiten and was incarnate of you, and He united tefmet8agacos. us with Him, through His goodness.

8Ncof af[i 8nnh8ete noun@ af+ nan 8nnh8ete He took what is ours, and gave us what is nouf@ texws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt ten8erxou8o [isi 8mmof. Him.

Pisomt Part 3

Te8smarwout 8nco Mar8ia@ 8f8smarwout 8nje Blessed are you O Mary, and blessed is pekarpos@ 8w +Parcenos 8cmau 8m8Vnou+@ your fruit, O Virgin Mother of God, the

8psousou 8nte +parceni8a. pride of virginity.

Vh8etsop qajen ni8ewn@ 8i af[isarx 8ebol He who existed before all ages, came and

8nqh+@ pi8Apas 8nte ni8exoou@ af8i 8ebol qen was incarnate of you, and the Ancient of temhtra. the days, came out of your womb.

8Ncof af[i 8ntensarx@ af+ nan He took our body, and gave us His Holy

8mpef8Pneuma ecouab@ afaiten 8nouai Spirit, and made us one with Him, nemaf@ xiten tefmet8agacos. through His goodness.

8Ncof af[i nnh8ete8 noun@ af+ nan 8nnh8ete He took what is ours, and gave us what is nouf@ texws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt ten8erxou8o [isi 8mmof. Him.

Page 152 St George & St Joseph Church Pi8ftoou Part 4

8Aoumhs 8n8sximi [itai8o@ 8are[isi 8nco Many women were honored, yet you 8exote erwou throu@ je 8nco pe 8psousou exceeded them all, for you are the pride of

8nniparcenos@ +:eotokos Maria. virgins, O Mary the Mother of God.

}polis 8m2u,on@ 8eta vh8et[osi swpi You are the souls city, where the Most 8nqhts@ vh8etxemsi 8e8xrhi xijen@ 8pxarma High One lived, who sits upon the throne,


NiCeravim se+8wou naf@ 8aretalof 8ejen The Seraphim glorify Him, and you held ne8jvoi@ vh8et +8qre 8nsarx niben@ xiten Him in your arms, He who gives food to

tefmetsana8xchf. all flesh, through His great compassion.

Af8amoni 8nne8mno+@ 8are+ 8erw+ 8eqoun He held to your breasts, and you fed Him, 8erof@ je gar 8ncof pe Pennou+@ ouox for He is our God, and the Savior of

8pCwthr 8nte ouon niben. everyone.

8Ncof pecna8amoni 8mmon@ sa 8enex 8nte He shepherds all of us, forever and ever, pi8enex@ tenxws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ we praise and glorify Him, and exalt Him. tenerxou8o [isi 8mmof.

8Ncof af[i 8nnh8ete noun@ af+ nan 8nnh8ete He took what is ours, and gave us what is

nouf@ texws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt

ten8erxou8o [isi 8mmof. Him.

Pi8etioou Part 5

}Parcenos Mariam@ +masnou+ 8nsabh@ O Virgin Mary, the wise Mother of God,

pikupos 8nte pi8scoinoufi@ +moumi ecouab the garden of fragrance, the holy fountain

8nte pimwou 8nwnq. of the living water.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 153 Apikarpos 8nte teneji@ af8i afsw+ The fruit of your womb, came and saved

8n+oikoumenh@ afbel +metjaji the world, and He abolished all enmity, 8ebolxaron@ afsemni nan 8ntefxirhnh. and granted us His peace.

8Ebolxiten pef8stauros@ nem Through His cross, and His holy tef8anastasis ecouab@ aftasco 8mpirwmi resurrection, He restored man once more, 8nkesop@ 8eqoun 8epiParadisos. to the Paradise.

8Ncof af[i 8nnh8ete noun@ af+ nan 8nnh8ete He took what is ours, and gave us what is nouf@ texws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt ten8erxou8o [isi 8mmof. Him.

Pisoou Part 6

}Parcenos Mariam@ +:eotokos ecouab@ O Virgin Mary, the holy Mother of God,

+8prostaths 8etenxot@ 8nte 8pgenos 8nte the trusted advocate, of the human race. +metrwmi.

8Ari8presbeuin 8e8xrhi 8ejwn@ naxren Intercede on our behalf, before Christ

Pi8,ristos vh8etare8jvof@ xopws whom you have born, that He may grant

8ntef8erxmot nan@ 8mpi,w 8ebol 8nte unto us, the forgiveness of our sins. nennobi.

8Ncof af[i 8nnh8ete noun@ af+ nan 8nnh8ete He took what is ours, and gave us what is nouf@ texws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt ten8erxou8o [isi 8mmof. Him.

Page 154 St George & St Joseph Church Pisasf Part 7

}Parcenos Mariam@ ws 8ebolqen The Virgin Mary has proclaimed, in the pi8ervei@ je pa8aspasmos 8anok@ 8Vnou+ altar, saying ʺMy peace, God does know.ʺ pet8emi 8erof.

}swoun gar 8n8xli an@ 8ebhl 8e8t8smh 8nte ʺFor I know nothing, other than the voice pi8aggelos@ efxisennoufi nhi 8nourasi@ of the angel, announcing the joy, coming efnhou nhi ebol8 qen 8tve. to me from heaven.ʺ

8Ncof af[i 8nnh8ete noun@ af+ nan 8nnh8ete He took what is ours, and gave us what is nouf@ texws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt ten8erxou8o [isi 8mmof. Him.


Friday Lopsh Lwbs Batos 8ejen +ceodokia n8+paraskeu8i

Ainamou+ 8ero je nim@ w +pan8agia What do I call you, O pure Virgin, who

8mParcenos@ ch8etasfai qa pi8at8staxof@ gave birth to the incomprehensible, and ouox 8n8a,writos eusop. infinite One.

Ceos gar 8nje ne8euvomi8a@ w ch8etselswl Many are your praises, O who is adorned qen tai8o niben@ je 8areswpi 8nouma8nswpi@ with honor, for you became a dwelling,

8n+sovi8a 8nte 8Vnou+. for the wisdom of God.

8Nco pe +wimi 8nno8hte@ ettaxo You are the rational net, that catches

8nni,ristianos@ es8tsabo 8mmwou Christians, and teaches them to worship,

8e+jinwoust@ 8n+8Trias 8nreftanqo. the life‐giving Trinity.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 155 8Nco tetarefai qa pistullos@ 8etaunau You are the one who carried, the Pillar

8eros 8nje Mw8ushs@ 8ete vai pe 8p0hri which Moses saw, who is the Son of God, 8m8Vnou+@ 8etaf8i afswpi qen teneji. who came and dwelt in your womb.

Areswpi 8noukibwtos@ 8mvh8etafcami8o You became the Ark, for Him who created

8n8tve nem 8pkaxi@ 8arefai qarof qen heaven and earth, you carried Him in teneji@ 8m2it 8n8abot 8n8hpi. your womb, for nine full months.

8Nco on te 8etautenxouts@ 8e+ouhssi 8n8tve You were also entrusted with, the fullness

nem 8pkaxi@ 8areswpi nan 8noulwiji@ of heaven and earth, and you became our 8epima8mmosi 8e8pswi 8e8tve. reason, to progress to heaven.

Te8erou8wini 8exote 8vrh@ 8nco pe 8psa You are brighter than the sun, you are the

8n+8anatolh@ 8ere ni8cmhi joust 8ebol east, toward which the righteous look, qajws@ qen ou8ounof nem oucelhl. with happiness and joy.

Au8erkata8krinin 8nEua@ je teramisi qen Eve was sentenced, to give birth with

ou8emkax8nxht@ 8nco xwi 8areswtem@ je deep pain, while to you it was said, ʺHail ,ere ch8ecmex 8n8xmot. to you O full of grace.ʺ

Aremisi nan 8m8pouro@ P[ois 8nte +8kthsis You gave birth to the King for us, the Lord

thrs@ af8i afsotten 8ebolqen nennobi@ of all creation, He came and redeemed us xws 8agacos ouox 8mmairwmi. from our sins, as a good One and Lover of


Ecbe vai tener,oreuin@ nem Elisabet Wherefore we sing, with Elizabeth your

teseggenhs@ je tesmarwout 8nco qen cousin saying, ʺBlessed are you among

nixiomi@ 8f8smarwout 8nje 8poutax 8nte women, and blessed is the fruit of your

teneji. womb.ʺ

Ten+ ne 8mpi,eretismos@ nem Gabrihl We hail you, with Gabriel the Angel

pi8aggelos@ je ,ere ke,aritwmenh@ 8o saying, ʺHail to you O full of grace, the

Page 156 St George & St Joseph Church Kurios meta sou. Lord is with you.ʺ

Ten+xo 8aripenmeu8i@ 8w +8prostaths We ask you to remember us, O our trusted 8etenxot@ naxren Pen[ois Ihsous advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ,

Pi8,ristos@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 157

The Saturday Psali "ali8a Batos 88m8p8exoou 8m8psabbaton

Af+ 8m8pounof 8nnen2u,h@ 8nje 8per8vmeu8i Remembering Your Holy Name: Brings

8mpekran ecouab@ Pa[ois Ihsous joy to our souls: O my Lord Jesus Christ: Pi8

Bon niben se8smou 8erok@ na nivhou8i nem Everyone blesses You: The heavenly and

na 8pkaxi@ Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8

Gegar 8ncok 8mmauatk@ 8ke8mpsa For You alone are worthy: Wherefore we

8nten8smou 8erok@ Pa[ois ... bless You: O my Lord …

Dikews ke axiws@ 8kem8psa 8mpi8wou nem Truly You are worthy: Of the honor and

pitai8o@ Pa[ois ... the glory: O my Lord …

Eu8e8smou 8ePekran ecouab@ 8nje nivulh All the tribes of the earth: Praise Your

throu 8nte 8pkaxi@ Pa[ois... Holy Name: O my Lord …

Coou 8nxudri8a 8mmwou@ akaitou 8nhrp Six pots of water: You have changed into

efswtp@ Pa[ois ... wine: O my Lord …

0asf 8nsop 8mpi8exoou@ +na8smou 8epekran Seven times everyday : I will praise Your

ecouab@ Pa[ois ... Holy Name: O my Lord …

Ydews ten8smou 8erok@ anon thren qa With delight we praise You : All of us,

Page 158 St George & St Joseph Church peklaos@ Pa[ois ... Your people : O my Lord …

8:metsai8e 8mPekran ecouab@ qen rwou The glory of Your Holy Name : Is on the 8nnhecouab 8ntak@ Pa[ois ... lips of Your saints : O my Lord …

Isjen swrp sa rouxi 8mmhni@ +na8smou Morning and evening everyday: I will

8ePekran ecouab@ Pa[ois... praise Your Holy Name: O my Lord …

Kata sennifi niben@ 8e+na thitou With every breath that I breathe: I will

+na8smou 8ePekran ecouab@ Pa[ois... praise Your Holy Name: O my Lord …

Lwiji niben 8nte 8vnobi@ xitou 8ebolqen All the causes of sin: Cast away from our nen2u,h@ Pa[ois ... souls: O my Lord …

Meu8i niben 8nte pijaji@ marououei sabol All the thoughts of the enemy: Let it chase

8mmoi@ Pa[ois ... away from me: O my Lord …

Nifi niben se8smou 8erok@ kata 8psaji Everything that has breath: Praises Your

8mpi8provhths@ Pa[ois ... Holy Name: O my Lord …

3a8pswi gar 8nar,h niben@ 8ncok pe 8pouro You are above everyone: You are the King 8nte niourwou@ Pa[ois ... of kings: O my Lord …

Ou8wou nak nem Pekiwt@ nem Pi8pneuma Yours is the glory with your father: And

ecouab@ Pa[ois ... the Holy Spirit: O my Lord …

Pekran xolj ouox 8f8smarwout@ qen Your Name is blessed and sweet: On the

rwou 8nnhecouab 8ntak@ Pa[ois ... lips of Your saints: O my Lord …

Rwi gar na8smou 8erok@ ouox palas My lips praise You: And ny tongue na+wou nak@ Pa[ois ... glorifies You: O my Lord …

Ce ontws ten8smou 8erok@ se ontws Yes, indeed, we praise You: Yes, indeed,

ten+wou nak@ Pa[ois ... we glorify You: O my Lord …

Kiahk Psalmody Page 159 Tennaqisi an 8enex@ tennakhn an en8smou We shall not get weary: Forever and ever

8erok@ Pa[ois ... we will praise You: O my Lord …

Umnologi8a niben 8n8smou@ tenouwrp All the praises and the blessings: We

8mmwou 8e8pswi xarok@ Pa[ois ... ascribe unto You: O my Lord …

Vwk pe pi8wou nem pitaio@ nem Yours alone is the glory: The honor and +eu,aristi8a@ Pa[ois ... thanksgiving: O my Lord …


Panou+ qen oumecmhi@ Pa[ois ... my God: O my Lord …

"u,h niben se8smou 8erok@ keli niben Every soul praises You: Every knee bows

sekwlj nak@ Pa[ois ... to You: O my Lord …

8W piran ecmex 8nwou@ w piran ecmex O Name full of glory: O Name full of 8n8smou@ Pa[ois ... blessing: O my Lord …

0a enex 8nte pi8enex@ tennakhn an From now till eternity: We will not cease

en8smou erok@ Pa[ois ... praising You: O my Lord …

8Fentak 8mmau 8nje pi8smou @ nem pi8wou Yours is the blessing: The honor and the

nem pitai8o@ Pa[ois ... glory: O my Lord …

4en ou8smou ten8smou erok@ qen ou8wou With the blessing we bless You: With the

ten+wou nak@ Pa[ois ... glory we glorify You: O my Lord …

Hos enonq ten8smou 8erok@ xos ensop As long as we live we will praise You: As

ten+8wou nak@ Pa[ois ... long as we are here we will glorify You: O

my Lord …

Jwk 8ebol 8n8smou niben@ se,h qen The perfection of all blessings: Is in Your

pekran ecouab @ Pa[ois ... Holy Name: O my Lord …

Page 160 St George & St Joseph Church qi 8nnen+xo 8ntoten@ anon qa Receive our prayers: From us the sinners:

nirefernobi @ Pa[ois ... O my Lord …

}nan 8ntekxirhnh 8mmhi@ ,a nennobi nan Grant us Your perfect peace: And forgive

8ebol@ Pa[ois ... us our sins: O my Lord …

Eswp ansaner2alin@ marenjos qen And whenever we sing hymns : Let us say

ou8xloj@ je Pen[ois Ihsous Pi

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agiw Pneumati@ Glory to the Father : And the Son and the

ke nun ke 8a8i ke istous@ 8e8wnas twn Holy Spirit : Now, and forever : And all 8e8wnwn 8amhn. the ages. Amen.


A Praise to the Virgin St. Mary From Saturday Theotekia

I begin with the name of God the Holy Our Savior the Worshipped King, And Praise the Virgin Mary geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

With your goodness we became free And alive after we were deceased, And were freed from all bondage geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Ye all come to me To cry with the highest voice, And I the poor scream with you geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Help us O’ Mother of Light Who became tabernacle and censor You Carried the Son the Unseen geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Ezekiel saw a door to the East Kept closed, protected, and sealed, The Lord of Lords entered and did leave geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

He exited and the door remained closed As it was before He came, You remained the Celibate virgin geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Kiahk Psalmody Page 161

You were called mother of your creator For whom the thrones and ranks kneel, And Your carried Him in your hands geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Thousands of thousands and more Tremble in His presence In rags you carried Him geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

You erased the curse and shame O’ Mary daughter of David, O’ Pure and Chosen seat geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

A Ladder to heaven Jacob saw From Earth to Heaven Straight, Celibate Virgin, a vision of you geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Moses saw and openly perceived A bush burning like with fuel, And the branch was not harmed geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Cried and spoke about you And moved the strings of “Daoud”, Listen O’ Daughter and understand geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Solomon told in his proverbs And spoke in his songs rather loudly, My sister your are the choice of creation geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Blessed are you O’ Daughter of Joachim Because from you came the one born, And he saved us from the punishment of hell geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

From you appeared the like of man Divine united with Human form, And He pushed away all sorrow geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

High and Mighty in the Glory of His Father Above the tribe of “ all‐Daoud”, Appeared from you and you carried Him geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

You became higher than all the heavenly o‐ti eros tattis etenhoot and all the ranks of the lightly geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

You received all praise Your remembrance is well known, Greets you all the regions (of the land) geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

A chair you became for the Highest Our Worshipped Savior and Lord, Blessed art thou in all generations geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Without your coming to the world The paradise would have remained closed, And Adam would have stayed away geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Through you he became happy And returned after he was castaway, And we were delivered from the slavery to satan geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Page 162 St George & St Joseph Church We all because of him became Encircled with the death ordained, And by you we became joyful geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

We are all gathered together To offer you our thanks, And to off to you our praise publicly geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

And I the one who advanced Boldly to praise the daughter of David, I am the lowliest in the Christians geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Do not forget my Lady O’ You Jewel precious, “zomorod we yacoutt” O’ Temple unto the Lord you became geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Mary keep for us always The life of our Holy Father, “peniot ethouav ava” (Shenouda) geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

And his companions from all ranks and positions Keep them O’ Lord of Hosts, And keep your people the Christians geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

And the one who wrote these rhyme Cries loudly from his heart in awe, To his Lord is his desire geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

He cries asking Him forgiveness To come to his help at the hour of demise, And for you to assist him in the day of judgment geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

Mary, I ask intercession In the presence of the Worshipped Lord, So, He may forgive us with your prayer geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot

My Lady, I ask your bequest O’ Daughter of the righteous “daoud” To save us from the ghastly fire geh sheeri si‐esmeh en‐ehmot


Saturday Theotokia }ce8odoki8a 8m8p8exoou 8nsabbaton@ 8h,os batos

Pisorp Part 1

}atcwleb 8nsemne@ ouox ecouab qen O chaste and undefiled, holy in

Kiahk Psalmody Page 163 xwb niben@ chets8ini nan 8mVnou+@ everything, who brought God to us,

eftalhout 8ejen nes8jvoi. carried in her arms.

8Crasi neme 8nje +8kthsis thrs@ sews The whole creation rejoiced with you,

8ebol esjw 8mmos@ je ,ere checmex proclaiming and saying, Hail to you O full

8n8xmot@ ouox P[ois sob neme. of grace, the Lord is with you.


P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pi8snau Part 2

Tenermakarizin 8ntemetnis+@ 8w We are elated by your greatness, O +parcenos 8nsabh@ ten+ ne prudent Virgin, and send unto you

mpi,eretismos@ nem Gabrihl piaggelos. greetings, with Gabriel the angel.

Je 8ebolxiten pekarpos@ 8apioujai taxe For through your fruit, salvation came to pengenos@ 8aVnou+ xotpen erof 8nkesop@ our race, and God has reconciled with us

xiten tefmet8agacos. once again, through His goodness.


P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pisomt Part 3

Hws ma8nselet 8nattako@ 8api8Pneuma Like a bride without blemish, the Holy

ecouab 8i ejw@ oujom 8nte vhet[osi@ Spirit came upon you, and the power of

Page 164 St George & St Joseph Church ecnaerqhibi 8ero Maria. the Most High, overshadowed you O


Je 8are8jvo 8mpi8alhcinos@ 8nlogos 8n0hri For you have given birth, to the True

8nte Viwt@ ecmhn 8ebol sa 8enex@ af8i Word, the Son of the Ever‐existing Father,

afsotten qen nennobi. who came and redeemed us from our sins.


P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pi8ftoou Part 4

8Nco gar pe pigenos@ nem +nouni 8nte You are the offspring, and root of David,

Dauid@ 8aremisi nan kata sarx@ who has given birth for us according to

8mPenswthr Ihsous Pi8

Pimonogenhs 8ebol qen 8Viwt@ qajwou The Only Begotten of the Father, before all

8nni8ewn throu@ afsouwf 8ebol 8mmin ages, emptied Himself and took the form

8mmof@ af[i 8noumorvh 8mbwk 8nqh+@ scbe of a servant, from you for our salvation. penoujai.


P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pi8etioou Part 5

Areswpi 8noumax8snou+ 8mve@ xijen You became a second heaven, on earth O pikaxi 8w +masnou+@ je afsai nan 8ebol Mother of God, for out of you the Sun of

Kiahk Psalmody Page 165 8nqh+@ 8nje pirh 8nte +dike8osunh. Righteousness, shone upon us.

Are8jvof xiten ou8provhtia@ a[ne 8jroj You gave birth to Him according to the 8nattako@ xos demiourgos@ ouox 8nlogos prophecies, without seed or corruption,

8nte 8Viwt. for He is the Creator, and the Word of the



P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pisoou Part 6

}8skhnh ch8etoumou+ 8eros@ je checouab The Tabernacle which is called, the Holy of Holies, which contains the Ark, 8nte nhecouab@ 8ere +kibwtos 8nqhts@ overlaid roundabout with gold. 8etosj 8nnoub nsasa niben.

:h 8ere niplax 8nqhts@ 8nte +di8achkh@ Wherein are the Tablets, of the Covenant, and the golden pot, wherein the manna nem pi8stamnos 8nnoub@ 8ere pimanna xhp was hidden. 8nqhtf.

8Foi 8ntupos 8mPshri m8Vnou+@ 8etaf8i This is a symbol of the Son of God, who

afswpi qen Maria@ +parcenos came and dwelt in Mary, the undefiled

8natcwleb@ af[isarx 8ebol 8nqhts. Virgin, and was incarnate from her.

As8jvof 8epikosmos@ qen oumetouai She gave birth to Him unto the world, in unity without separation, for He is the 8natvwrj@ alla 8ncof pe 8pouro 8nte King of Glory, who came and saved us. 8p8wou@ af8i ouox afsw+ 8mmon.

Piparadisos 8e8slhlou8i@ je af8i 8nje Paradise rejoiced, at the coming of the Lamb, the Word the Son of the Ever‐ pixihb@ 8nlogos 8n0hri 8nte 8Viwt ecmhn existing Father, who came and redeemed

Page 166 St George & St Joseph Church 8ebol sa 8enex@ af8i afsotten qen us from our sins. nennobi.


P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pisasf Part 7

Aumou+ 8ero je 8cmau 8m8Vnou+@ piouro You are called the Mother of God, the 8mmhi menensa 8cremasf@ 8are8oxi 8ereoi True King, and after He was born from

8mparcenos@ qen ouxwb 8mparadoxon. you, miraculously you remained a virgin.

Emmanouhl vh8etare8jvof@ 8ecbe vai Emmanuel whom you have born, has kept af8arex 8ero@ 8ereoi 8nattako@ 8estob 8nje you, without corruption, and your

teparceni8a. virginity remained sealed.

P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pi8smhn Part 8

Aretencwn+ 8e+mouki@ cheta Iakwb nau You were likened to the ladder, which

8eros@ es[osi sa 8e8xrhi 8e8tve@ 8ere P[ois Jacob saw, rising up to heaven, with the

xijws qen ouxo+. awesome God standing above it.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 167 8mparcenikh@ ouox essotem 8nsasa niben. virginity, was sealed from all sides.

Areswpi nan 8nou8prostaths@ naxren You have become our intercessor, before 8Vnou+ penrefsw+@ vhetaf[isarx 8ebol God our Savior, who became incarnate of

8nqh+@ ecbe penoujai. you, for our salvation.

P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Pi82it Part 9

Hhppe is P[ois af8i 8ebol8nqh+@ 8w Behold the Lord came out of you, O chet8smamat etjhk 8ebol@ 8enoxem blessed and perfect one, to save the world

8mpikosmos 8etafcamiof@ ecbe which He has created, according to His

nefmetsenxht etos. many tender mercies.

Tenxws 8erof ten+8wou naf@ tenerxouo We praise and glorify Him, and exalt Him

[isi 8mmof@ xws 8agacos ouox 8mmairwmi@ above all, as a Good One and Lover of

nai nan kata peknis+ 8nnai. man, Have mercy upon us according to

Thy great mercy.


P[ois sob neme. given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.


Page 168 St George & St Joseph Church First Watos Lobsh (Sherenes) Pixouit 8n,ere (lwbs Batos)

8natcwleb@ pikumillion etswtp@ 8nte virgin, the chosen vessel of all the world. +oikoumenh thrs.

Pilampas 8nat[eno@ 8psousou 8nte The shining lamp, the pride of virginity,

+parceni8a@ piervei 8natbwl 8ebol@ ouox the unbreakable temple, the rod of faith. pi8sbwt 8nte pinax+.

Ma+xo 8mvhetaremasf@ Penewthr Ask of Him whom you have borne, our

8n8agacos@ 8ntef8wli 8nnaiqisi 8ebolxaron@ good Savior, to take away our afflictions 8ntefsemni nan 8ntefxirhnh and accord to us His peace.

8nkacaros@ ch8etasfai qa pilampas@ stand carrying the Lamp that is the Divine pi8,rwm 8nte +mecnou+. Fire.

thrs@ ecbh+ gar anerremxe@ 8ebolxa earth. Because of you, we were set free pisaxou8i 8nte Eua. from Eveʹs curse.

Ecbh+ on anerma8nswpi@ 8mpi8Pneuma For your sake, we have become temples

ecouab@ vai 8etaf8i 8e8xrhi 8ejw@ for the Holy Spirit, who came upon you

afer8agi8azin 8mmo. and sanctified you.

je ,ere checmex 8n8xmot@ ouox P[ois saluted, saying: Hail to you O full of sop neme. grace, the Lord is with you.

A8p+ma+ gar 8mViwt@ swpi qen For the Fatherʹs joy was in your

Kiahk Psalmody Page 169 pejinerboki@ a8tparousi8a 8mPishri@ swpi conception and the coming of His Son

8n8xrhi qen temhtra. took place in your womb.

A Pi8pneuma ecouab@ mox 8mmai niben The Holy Spirit filled every part of you:

8nte@ te2u,h nem peswma@ 8w Maria your soul and your body, O Mary the

8cmau 8m8Vnou+. Mother of God.

Ecbe vai tenersai xwn@ qen ousai Therefore we also celebrate both a

8m8Pneumatikon@ ouox 8m8provhtikon spiritual and a prophetic feast, crying with

eusop@ 8enws 8ebol nem 8pouro Dauid. king David.

Je twnk P[ois 8epek8mton@ 8ncok nem ʹArise, O Lord, to your resting place, You

+kibwtos@ 8nte pima ecouab 8ntak@ 8ete and the ark of Your strengthʹ, that is you

8nco te 8w Maria. O Mary.

Ten+xo 8aripenmeui@ 8w +8prostaths We ask you, remember us, O our faithful

8etenxot@ naxren Pen[ois Ihsous advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ,

Pi8,ristos@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.


Second Watos Lobsh (Sherenes) Pi8snau 8n,ere (lwbs Batos)

8natcwleb@ +8skhnh 8n8acmounk 8njij@ virgin, the Tabernacle not made by hands,

pi8axo 8nte +mecmhi. the Treasure of righteousness.

Page 170 St George & St Joseph Church ch8etasxisennoufi nan@ 8n+xirhnh 8nte declared to us, the peace of God, toward

8Vnou+@ ch8etasswpi sa nirwmi. mankind.

pefouws 8mmin 8mmof@ nem 8p+ma+ His own free will, and the goodness of His

8mPefiwt@ nem Pi8pneuma ecouab. Father, and the Holy Spirit.

8nqhtf@ nem pi8sbwt 8nse 8mpeukinwn@ 8eta manna was hidden, and the almond

Mw8ushs mes +petra 8nqhtf. wooden rod, with which Moses hit the rock.

8m8pneumatikh@ et+ 8m8pwnq 8nouon niben@ table, that gives life to everyone, who eats ecnaouwm 8ebol 8nqhts. from it.

+mecnou+@ etevaqri 8nouon niben@ Divinity, which heals everyone, who ecnasw 8ebol 8nqhtf. drinks from it.

Ainaerxhts qen ou[isswou@ 8ntakim I begin eagerly to move, the strings of my

8m8porganon 8mpalas@ 8ntajw 8m8ptai8o 8nte tongue, and speak of the honor of this taiparcenos@ nem nessuggwmion eusop. Virgin, together with her analogies.

Je 8ncos gar pe pensousou@ nem For she is our pride, our hope and

tenxelpis nem pentajro@ qen 8tparousi8a confirmation, in the Second Coming of our

8mPennou+@ Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8

Ten[isi 8mmo qen ouem8psa@ nem We magnify you worthily, with Elizabeth

Elisabet tesuggenhs@ je te8smarwout your cousin, saying ʺBlessed are you 8nco qen nixi8omi@ 8f8smarwout 8nje 8poutax among women, and blessed is the fruit of

8nte teneji. your womb.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 171 Ten+ ne 8mpi,eretismos@ nem Gabrihl We send unto you greeting, with Gabriel

piaggelos@ je ,ere ke,aritwmenh@ 8o the Angel, saying ʺHail to you O full of Kurios meta sou. grace, the Lord is with you.ʺ

8nalhcinh@ ,ere 8psousou 8nte pengenos@ Queen, Hail to the pride of our race, who are8jvo nan 8nEmmanouhl. gave birth to Emmanuel.

Ten+xo 8aripenmeu8i@ 8w +8prostaths We ask you, remember us, O our faithful

8etenxot@ naxren Pen[ois Ihsous advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, Pi8,ristos@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. that He may forgive us our sins.

Conclusion of the Watos Theotokia

W Pen[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos@ vhet8wli O our Lord Jesus Christ: who carries the 8m8vnobi 8mpikosmos@ opten xwn nem sin of the world: count us with Your

nekxinhb@ nai etsaou8inam 8mmok. sheep: those who are to Your right.

Aksan8i qen tekmax8snou+@ 8mparousi8a And when You come again: in Your etoi 8nxo+@ 8mpen8crenswtem qen second fearful appearance: may we never

ou8scerter@ je +swoun 8mmwten an. fearfully hear: You say I do not know you.

Alla marener8pem8psa 8nswtem@ 8e+8smh But rather may we be made worth: to hear

ecmex 8nrasi@ 8nte nekmetsana8xchf@ the voice full of joy: of Your tender

esws 8ebol esjw 8mmos. mercies: proclaiming and saying.

Je 8amwini xaroi@ nhet8smarwout 8nte “Come unto Me: O blessed of My Father: Paiwt@ 8ari8klhronomin 8mpiwnq@ ecmhn and inherit the life: that endures forever.” 8ebol sa 8enex.

Page 172 St George & St Joseph Church Cena8i 8nje nimarturos@ eufai qa The martyrs will come: bearing their

noubasanos@ sena8i 8nje nidikeos@ eufai qa afflications: and the righteous will come: noupolhti8a. bearing their virtues.

8Fna8i 8nje 8Pshri 8m8Vnou+@ qen pef8wou The Son of God shall come in His glory:

nem va Pefiwt@ 8fna+ 8mpiouai piouai@ and His Father’s glory:to give unto kata nef8xbhou8i 8etafaitou. everyone: according to his deeds which he

has done.

Pi8,ristos pilogos 8nte 8Viwt@ O Christ the Word of the Father: the Only pimonogenhs 8nnou+@ ek8e+ nan Begotten God: grant us Your peace: that is

8ntekxirhnh@ cai ecmex 8nrasi niben. full of joy.

Kata 8vrh+ 8etakthis@ 8nnek8agios As You have given: to Your saintly 8n8apostolos@ ek8ejos nan 8mpourh+@ je apostles: likewise also say to us: “My

taxirhnh ++ 8mmos nwten. peace I give unto you.”

Taxirhnh 8anok@ ch8etai[its xiten “My peace which I have taken: from My Paiwt@ 8anok +,w 8mmos nemwten@ isjen Father: I leave unto you: both now and

+nou nem sa 8enex. forever.”

Piaggelos 8nte pai8exoou@ etxhl 8e8p[isi O the angel of the day: flying up with this nem paixumnos@ aripenmeu8i qa 8txh hymn: remember us before the Lord: that

8mP[ois@ 8ntef,a nennobi nan 8ebol. He may forgive us ou sins.

Nhetswni matal[wou@ nh8etauenkot The sick heal them: those who have slept

P[ois ma8mton nwou@ nen8snhou et,h qen O Lord repose them: and all of our

xojxej niben@ Pa[ois 8aribo8hcin 8eron brothers in distress: help us my Lord and

nemwou. all of them.

Ef8e8smou 8eron 8nje 8Vnou+@ tenna8smou May God bless us: and let us bless His

8epefran ecouab@ 8nshou niben 8ere Holy Name: and may His praise

Kiahk Psalmody Page 173 pef8smou@ naswpi efmhn 8ebol qen rwn. continually be: always upon our mouths.

Je 8f8smarwout 8nje 8viwt nem 8p0hri@ For blessed is the Father and the Son: and nem Pi8pneuma 8ecouab@ }8trias etjhk the Holy Spirit: the perfect Trinity: we

8ebol@ tenouwst 8mmos ten+8wou nas. worship and glorify Him.


Page 174 St George & St Joseph Church

The Fourth Canticle Pixws 88mmax 8ftoou

"almos 'r'm'h Psalm 148

Cmou 8eP[ois 8ebol qen nivhou8i 'a'l@ 8smou Praise the Lord from the heavens Alleluia:

8erof qen nhet[osi. Praise Him in the heights.

Cmou 8erof nefaggelos throu 'a'l@ 8smou Praise Him all His angels Alleluia: Praise

8erof nefdunamis throu. Him all His hosts.

Cmou 8erof pirh nem piiox 'a'l@ 8smou 8erof Praise Him sun and moon Alleluia: Praise nisiou throu 8nte piouwini. Him all you stars of light.

Cmou 8erof nivhou8i 8nte nivhou8i 'a'l@ nem Praise Him you heavens of heavens

nikemwou etsa 8pswi 8nnivhou8i. Alleluia: and you waters above the heavens.

Marou8smou throu 8e8vran 8mP[ois 'a'l@ je Let them praise the Name of the Lord

8ncof afjos ouox afswpi. Alleluia: For He commanded and they

were created.

8Ncof afxonxen ouox auswnt 'a'l@ He has ordered and they were created

aftaxwou 8eratou sa 8enex nem sa 8enex Alleluia: He has established them forever 8nte pi8enex. and ever.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 175 Af,w 8nouxwn ouox 8nnefsni 'a'l@ 8smou He has made a decree and it will be

8eP[ois 8ebolqen 8pkaxi. enforced Alleluia: Praise the Lord from the earth.

Ni8drakwn nem ninoun throu 'a'l@ All you dragons and all depths Alleluia:

ou8,rwm oual ou,iwn ou8,rustallos fire and hail, snow and vapor, and stormy ou8pneuma 8nsarachou nhet8iri 8mpefsaji. wind fulfilling His word.

Nitwou et[osi nem nikalamvwou throu Mountains and all hills Alleluia: fruitful

'a'l@ ni8sshn 8mfaioutax nem nisensifi trees and all cedars. throu.

Nichrion nem nitebnwou8i throu 'a'l@ Beasts and all cattle Alleluia: Creeping

ni[atfi nem nixala+ etoi 8ntenx. things and flying birds.

Niourwou 8nte 8pkaxi nem nilaos throu Kings of the earth and all people Alleuia:

'a'l@ niar,wn nem niref+xap throu 8nte Princes and all judgesof the earth. 8pkaxi.

Hanqelsiri nem xanparcenoc 'a'l@ Both young men and maidens Alleluia:

xanqelloi nem xan8alwou8i. old men and children.

Marou8smou throu 8e8vran 8mP[ois 'a'l@ je Let them praise the Name of the Lord af[isi 8nje pefran 8mmauatf. Alleluia: for His Name alone is exalted.

Pefouwnx 8ebol sop xijen 8pkaxi nem His glory is above the earth and heaven

8n8xrhi qen 8tve 'a'l@ 8fna[isi 8m8ptap 8nte Alleluia: He also exalts the horn of His

peflaos. people.

Ou8smou 8nte nhecouab throu 8ntaf 'a'l@ The praise of His sains Alleluia: the

nenshri mPis8 rahl pilaos etqent 8erof. children of Israel, a people near unto Him.

Page 176 St George & St Joseph Church A'l 'a'l 'a'l Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

"almos 'r'm'c Psalm 149

Jw 8mP[ois qen oujw 8mberi 'a'l@ je 8are Sing unto the Lord a new song Alleluia: pef8smou qen +ek8klhsi8a 8nte nhecouab. and His praise in the congregation of


Marefounof 8nje Pisrahl 8ejen Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him vhetafcamiof 'a'l@ nenshri 8nCiwn Alleluia: let the children of Zionbe joyful

maroucelhl 8ejen pouoro. in their King.

Marou8smou 8epefran ecouab qen ou,oros Let them praise His Name in the chorus 'a'l@ qen oukemkem nem ou2althrion Alleluia: let them sing praises unto Him

marouer2alin 8erof. with timbrel and harp.

Je P[ois na+ma+ 8ejen peflaos 'a'l@ For the Lord takes pleasure in His people 8fna[isi 8nniremraus qen ououjai. Alleluia: He will raise the meek with


Eu8esousou 8mmou 8nje nhecouab qen Let the saints be joyful in glory Alleluia: ou8wou 'a'l@ euecelhl 8mmwou xijen let them sing aloud upon their beds. nouma8nenkot.

Ni[isi 8nte 8Vnou+ et,h qen tou8sbwbi Let the high praises of God be in their

'a'l@ xanshfi 8nro8snau et,h qen noujij. mouth Alleluia: and a two edged sword in

their hands.

E8pjin8iri 8nou[i 8m8psis qen niecnos 'a'l@ To execute venegence upon the heathen

nem xansoxi qen nilaos. Alleluia: and punishment upon the


E8pjinswnx 8nxanourwou qen xanpedhs To bind their kings with chains Alleluia:

Kiahk Psalmody Page 177 'a'l@ nem nhettaihout 8ntwou qen and their nobles with fetters of iron. xanpedhs 8njij 8mbenipi.

E8pjin8iri 8nqhtou 8nouxap ef8sqhout 'a'l@ To execute upon them a written pai8wou vai afswp qen nhecouab throu judgement Alleluia: this honor have all

8ntaf. His saints.

A'l 'a'l 'a'l Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

"almos 'r'n Psalm 150

8Cmou 8eVnou+ qen nhecouab throu 8ntaf Praise God in all His saints Alleluia. 'a'l.

Eferanaf 8mPennou+ 8nje pi8wou nem Unto our God is due the glory and the pi8smou@ 8Cmou 8eP[ois Pennou+ je nane praise. Praise the Lord our God with a ou2almos. joyful psalm.

8Cmou erof qen pitajro 8nte tefjom 'a'l. Praise Him in the firmament of His power

Eferanaf ... Alleluia. Unto …

8Cmou 8erof 8e8xrhi xijen tefmetjwri 'a'l. Praise Him for His mighty acts Alleluia.

Eferanaf ... Unto …

8Cmou 8erof kata 8p8asai 8nte tefmetnis+ Praise Him according to His excellent

'a'l. Eferanaf ... greatness Alleluia. Unto …

8Cmou 8erof qen ou8smh 8nsalpiggos 'a'l. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpt

Eferanaf ... Alleluia. Unto …

8Cmou 8erof qen ou2althrion nem Praise Him with psaltry and hary Alleluia. oukucara 'a'l. Eferanaf ... Unto …

Page 178 St George & St Joseph Church 8Cmou 8erof qen xankemkem nem Praise Him with timbrel and chorus

xan,oros 'a'l. Eferanaf ... Alleluia. Unto …

8Cmou 8erof qen xankap nem ouorganon Praise Him with stringed instruments and

'a'l. Eferanaf ... organs Alleluia. Unto …

8Cmou 8erof qen xankumbalon 8enese Praise Him with loud sounding cymbals tou8smh 'a'l. Eferanaf ... Alleluia. Unto …

8Cmou 8erof qen xankumbalon 8nte Praise Him with cymbals of joy Alleluia.

ou8e8slhlou8i 'a'l. Eferanaf ... Unto …

Nifi niben marou8smou throu 8e8vran Let everything that has breath praise the

8mP[ois Pennou+ 'a'l. Name of the Lord our God Alleluia.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw ke 8agi8w 8Pneumati Glory be to the Father, the Son and the 'a'l. Holy Spirit Alleluia. Unto …

Ke nun ke 8a8i ke istous 8e8wnas twn Now and forever and unto the ages of

8e8wnwn 8amhn 'a'l. Ages, Amen Alleluia.

A'l 'a'l Doxa si 8o :eos 8hmwn 'a'l. Alleluia, Alleluia, Glory be to our God,


A'l 'a'l Pi8wou va Pennou+ pe 'a'l. Alleluia, Alleluia, Glory be to our God,


Praise to be chanted before Sunday Psali

I praise the Mother and Virgin With her help I will exclaim And praise her name aloud Hail to you O Mary

Gabriel announced to you The good news About the miraculous Birth Hail to you O Mary

Kiahk Psalmody Page 179

Come on all Christians Let us rejoice today And I will sing with you Hail to you O Mary

The elect people who once sat in darkness The Light of the Lord shone on them Hail to you O Mary

The Lord sworn to David And will not relent Through you prophicies fulfilled Hail to you O Mary

He saved Adam and his children From the eternel fire And restored them to Paradise Hail to you O Mary

David rejoices today Together with all of us His prophesies were fulfilled Hail to you O Mary

The chosen vessel A wonder to the faithful Fruit borne without seed Hail to you O Mary

Our father Abraham Was delighted when The Lord promised him Hail to you O Mary

We were granted forgiveness After condemnation and shame Through the incarnation from St Mary Hail to you O Mary

You are likened to heaven To all Christians Till the end of the days Hail to you O Mary

Isaiah saw a vision The Son will incarnate And will take flesh from you Hail to you O Mary

The star in the past Led the wise men To our Lord Emmanuel Hail to you O Mary

The wisemen saw its light And knowingly followed it And also confirmed to Herod Hail to you O Mary

Herod made a request To kill the new born Child Because he is the king Hail to you O Mary

The wisemen took with them Gifts to offer Him Myrrah, Gold and Incense Hail to you O Mary

My mind is wondering And my tongue cannot explain But I definitly believe Hail to you O Mary

Page 180 St George & St Joseph Church I am thinking day and night Of Him who saved us How did He run away Hail to you O Mary

Our early fathers prophesised With the guidence of the Holy Spirit And they explained to us Hail to you O Mary

The Lord our God Came to save us all From the bondage of the enemy Hail to you O Mary

Moses saw the Lord On the moutain of Tabor And He gave him the tablets Hail to you O Mary

The ten commandments Written with the finger of God As a guidence for us Hail to you Omary

Do not forget our Pope And all our clergy Bless them with your goodness Hail to you O Mary

O Lord our God Save all your people We are Your sheep and flock Hail to you O Mary

Kiahk Psalmody Page 181

Sunday Psali "ali Adam 8m8p8exoou 8n+kuriakh

Aikw+ 8nswk@ qen 8pswk 8mpaxht@ Pa[ois I sought after You, from the depth of my

Ihsous 8aribo8hcin 8eroi. heart, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Bwl 8ebol xaroi@ 8nni8snaux 8nte 8vnobi@ Loosen for me, all the bonds of sin, my

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos 8aribo8hcin 8eroi. Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Genthi 8mbo8hcos@ ecreksw+ 8mmoi@ Pa[ois Be a help to me, so that You may save me, Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. my Lord Jesus, help me.

Dekmetagacos@ marestaxoi 8n,wlem@ May Your goodness, come speedily to me,

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Ekerqhibi 8ejwi@ qa 8tqhibi 8nte nektenx@ Overshadow me, with the shadow of Your

Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. wings, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Coou gar 8n8exoou@ akcami8o 8n+8kthsis In six days You have made, all the thrs@ Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin creation, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me. 8eroi.

0asf 8nsop 8mmhni@ +na8smou 8epekran@ Seven times everyday, I will praise Your Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. Name, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Page 182 St George & St Joseph Church Ys +8kthsis thrs@ se+8wou 8mpekran@ All the creation, glorifies Your Name, my

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

:wk te +met[ois@ nem +8exousi8a@ Pa[ois Yours is the Lordship, and the Authority,

Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. my Lord Jesus, help me.

Iws 8mmok Panou+@ ecreksw+ 8mmoi@ Make haste O my God, so that You may Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. save me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Keli niben sekwlj@ 8mpek8mco 8ebol@ Every knee, bows down before You, my

Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. Lord Jesus, help me.

Las niben eusop@ se8smou 8epekran@ All the diverse tongues, together bless

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. Your Name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help


Matasco 8mpekxo@ sabol 8nnanobi@ Pa[ois Turn away Your face, from all of my sins,

Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. my Lord Jesus, help me.

Na8anomi8a throu@ 8Vnou+ ek8eswljou@ Blot out, O God, all my iniquities, my Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

3ouwn 8nnameui@ 8kqotqet 8nna[lwt@ You know my thoughts, and You search

Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. my depths, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Ouxht 8efouab@ ek8esontf 8nqht@ Pa[ois Create in me, a clean heart, my Lord Jesus

Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. Christ, help me.

Pek8pneuma ecouab@ 8mperolf ebolxaroi@ Your Holy Spirit, do not take away from

Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Rek pekmasj 8eroi@ swtem 8eroi 8n,wlem@ Incline Your ears, make haste and hear

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 183 Cemne nomos nhi@ xi 8vmwit 8nte Set before me a law, in the way of Your tekmecmhi@ Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. justice, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Tekmetouro Panou+@ oumetouro 8n8enex@ Your Kingdom O my God, is an eternal

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. kingdom, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Uios :eos 8ncok@ ainax+ erok@ Pa[ois You are the Son of God, I believe in You, Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. my Lord Jesus, help me.

Vhetwli 8m8vnobi@ 8nte pikosmos nai nhi@ You Who carries the sins of the world,

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. have mercy upon me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. iniquities, my Lord Jesus, help me.

"u,h niben eusop@ se8smou 8epekran@ All of the souls, together bless Your

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. Name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

8Wou8nxht nemhi@ 8mpertakoi 8n,wlem@ Have patience with me, do not hasten to Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. destroy me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

0aitwnt 8m8vnau 8nswrp@ 8nta8smou Early in the morning, I will rise and bless epekran@ Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos Your Name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help aribo8hcin 8eroi. me.

8Fxolj 8nje peknaxbef@ teketvw 8asi8wou Your yoke is sweet, and Your burden is

Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. light, my Lord Jesus, help me.

4en oushou efshp@ 8ek8eswtem eroi@ In the accepted time, hear me, my Lord

Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. Jesus Christ, help me.

Hws ousoumenritf@ pe pekran ecouab@ Oh how beloved, is Your Holy Name, my

Page 184 St George & St Joseph Church P[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. Lord Jesus, help me.

Jwr 8ebol xaroi@ 8ndi8abolh niben@ Disperse away from me, all of the devils, Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin 8eroi. my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

qo 8n8qrhi 8nqht@ 8m8poutax 8nte Sow within me, the seed of Your

tekmecmhi@ Pa[ois Ihsous aribo8hcin 8eroi. righteousness, my Lord Jesus, help me.

}nan 8ntekxirhnh 8mmhi@ ,a nennobi nan Grant us Your true peace, and forgive us

ebol@ Pa[ois Ihsous Pi8,ristos aribo8hcin our sins, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me. 8eroi.

Loipon ansancwou+@ 8e+8proseu,h@ And whenever we, gather for prayer, let

maren8smou 8epiran@ 8nte Pa[ois Ihsous. us bless the Name, of my Lord Jesus.

Je tenna8smou 8erok@ 8w Pa[ois Ihsous@ We bless You, O my Lord Jesus, deliver us naxmen qen Pekran@ je anerxelpis through Your Name, for we have hope in

8erok. You.

Ecrenxws 8erok@ nem Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ That we may praise You, with Your Good nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ ke ak8i aksw+ Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have

8mmon risen and saved us.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw@ ke 8agi8w 8Pneumati@ Glory be to the Father and the Son, and

ke nun ke 8a8i ke is tous 8e8wnas twn the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto,

8e8wnwn 8amhn. the age of all ages. Amen.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 185 Praise on Aikoty

I open my mouth with praise And say with a broken heart O my Lord Jesus Christ Grant me a praising tongue

That I may praise Your Name And thank You for Your grace O my Lord Jesus Christ Teach me Your statutes

Holy is Your Name and wonderful And glorified in Your saints O my Lord Jesus Christ Have mercy on me

Worthy and right are You To be praised and glorified O my Lord Jesus Christ Your praise is sweet and good

I cried unto You all day I raised my hands to You O my Lord Jesus Christ Your Name is sweet to me

I cast my cares on You O Lord, neglect me not O my Lord Jesus Christ Do not forsake me

Your Holy Spirit Cast not away from me O my Lord Jesus Christ With Your might help me

The enemy has injured me And has deeply wounded me Give me Your Body as ointment And Your Blood as bandage

Seven times daily: Every day I praise Your Name O my Lord Jesus Christ Grant me as Your portion

My soul has long waited For You as a barren land O my Lord Jesus Christ In your mercy, remember us

Do not forget our Church Fill it with Your goodness O my Lord Jesus Christ Establish it in Your laws

Your laws are sweet on my lips As honey is sweet in my mouth O my Lord Jesus Christ Cleanse me from my sins

Let us thank the Beneficent And worship the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of hosts In fear we bow unto Him

Confirm us in Your statutes Establish us in Your oracles O my Lord Jesus Christ Raise the state of the church

Page 186 St George & St Joseph Church

Raise the state of the Christians In all the world O my Lord Jesus Christ Embrace and support them

If we live in poverty Your Name shall sustain us O my Lord Jesus Christ Your goodness shall make us rich

Unto You is due praise Unto You is due blessing O my Lord Jesus Christ The Fountain of Goodness

O Lord save Your people And bless Your inheritance Raise their state in Your Name And grant them Your kingdom

Your Kingdom O my God Is an everlasting Kingdom And Your Lordship O my King Is an everlasting Lordship

Everlasting and exalted And wonderful are Your deeds O my Lord Jesus Christ You are the Master of kingdom

All kingdoms shall perish And the money of the world O my Lord Jesus Christ Your Kingdom is everlasting

May the kingdoms perish And the money of the world O my Lord Jesus Christ For the poor, Youʹre their treasure

The poor make them rich And the sick please heal them Comfort all the widows O Lord make them rich

O please make them rich And aid those who are in debt O my Lord Jesus Christ Youʹre the Treasure of the poor

If weʹre ever in need We have the Precious Gem The Rock of great value Jesus the honored One

Precious and honored From all things in the world His Name is Jesus Christ The Forgiver of sins

The Forgiver of our debts Who hearkens to him who pleads All the nations confess Him And all the kings praise Him

Praise Him O you people Glorify Him all nations O my Lord Jesus Christ Grant us to do Your will

We ask for Your Kingdom And Your never‐ending mercy O my Lord Jesus Christ O You the Powerful

Kiahk Psalmody Page 187

You are powerful and honored There is no other like You O my Lord Jesus Christ You are all‐observing

All‐observing Who hearkens Unto us according to Your plan O my Lord Jesus Christ Cast us not away from You

We know no other but You In Your Gospel, we trust You are the Son of God Confirm us in Your faith

Confirm us in the faith And raise us up from idleness O my Lord Jesus Christ Your praise enlightens our soul

We rejoice with hymn We chant with psalms O my Lord Jesus Christ Your praise is joy and delight

Our joy is in Your praise Our splendor is in Your glory O my Lord Jesus Christ To You is due all glory

I have sinned against You And have transgressed Your law You are justified in Your words And prevail when you judge

Your judgments are true and righteous And your mercy is never‐ending O my Lord Jesus Christ Have mercy on my soul

I humbled myself before Your glory And depended on Your words O my Lord Jesus Christ Cast me not on Your left‐hand

On Your left‐hand cast me not With the evil people I ask You to accept me As You accepted the tax collector

I cry out as the tax collector With a broken heart O Lord forgive my sins For Your servant is a sinner

The sin is of my nature And Your nature is goodness There is no slave without sin Nor a Master without forgiveness

Forgiveness is of You And Your mercy is endless O my Lord Jesus Christ Guide me to do Your will

I have forgotten Your way My life is far spent and passed away I ask You to accept me And give me repentance

Give me repentance and forgiveness And clean me from my sins O my Lord Jesus Christ Forgive all my sins

Page 188 St George & St Joseph Church Give me repentance and forgiveness And clean me from my sins O my Lord Jesus Christ Forgive all my sins

Your mercy O my God Is great and plenteous Your mercy O my God Is numerous

Your mercy O my God Is more than the plants of the earth Your mercy O my God Is beyond measure

Your mercy O my God Is plentiful Your mercy O my God Is more than the sand of the sea

Your mercy O my God Is as a fountain of water Your mercy O my God Is as living water

O Lord save my soul O Lord save me O Lord blot out my sins With Your goodness remember me

Holy, Holy, Holy, God the Lord of Sabaoth The Creator of the universe And its Provider

We ask You O Our King Preserve the life of our Patriarch And the bishops his companions Amen Alleluia


Sunday Theotokia }ce8odoki8a 8m8p8exoou 8 n+kuri8akh@ 8h,os adam

Pisorp Part 1

Cemou+ 8ero dikews@ 8w chet8smarwout@ You are called righteous, O blessed one,

qen nixi8omi@ je +max8snou+ 8n8skhnh. among women, the Second Tabernacle.

:h8etoumou+ 8eros@ je checouab@ 8nte Which is called, the Holy, of Holies, nhecouab@ 8ere ni8plax 8nqhts. wherein are the Tablets, Of the Covenant

Kiahk Psalmody Page 189 8Nte +diachkh@ nem pimht 8nsaji@ nai Whereupon is, the Ten Commandments,

8etaf8sqhtou@ 8nje pithb 8nte 8Vnou+. which are written, by the finger of God.

Ceersorp 8nersummenin@ nan 8mpiiwta@ They have directed us, to the Iota, the

piran 8noujai@ 8nte Ihsous Pi8,ristos. name of salvation, of Jesus Christ.

Vai 8etaf[isarx 8nqh+@ qen Who was incarnate, of you without oumetatsib+@ afswpi 8mmesiths@ change, and became the Mediator, of a

eudi8achkh 8mberi. New Covenant.

Ebolxiten 8vnoujq@ 8nte pef8snof ecouab@ Through the shedding, of His holy blood, aftoubo 8nnhecnax+@ eulaos eu8cmaiof. He purified the faithful, to be a justified


Ecbe vai ouon niben@ se[isi 8mmo@ ta[ois Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my +:e8otokos@ ecouab 8nshou niben. lady the Mother of God, the Ever Holy.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of mankind.

Nim pecna8ssaji@ 8m8ptaio 8n+8skhnh@ 8eta Who can speak of, the honor of the

Mw8ushs camios@ xijen 8ptw8ou 8nCina. Tabernacle, which Moses had made, on

Mount Sinai.

Afcamios qen ou8wou@ kata 8psaji He made it with glory, as commanded by

8mP[ois@ nem kata nitupos throu@ the Lord, according to the pattern, shown

etautamof er8wou. unto him.

:h ere A8arwn@ nem nefshri semsi Therein Aaron, and his sons served, the

8nqhts@ qen 8ptupos 8nte 8p[isi@ nem 8tqhibi example of the highest, in the shadow of

8nte na 8tve. the heavenly ones.

Page 190 St George & St Joseph Church Autencwni 8eros@ Maria +parcenos@ They likened it to you, O Virgin Mary, the

+8skhnh 8mmhi@ 8ere 8Vnou+ saqoun 8mmos. true Tabernacle, wherein dwelt God.

Ecbe vai ten[isi@ 8mmo 8axiws@ qen Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly,

xan8umnologi8a@ 8m8provhtikon. with prophetic, hymnology.

Je ausaji ecbh+@ 8nxan8xbhou8i For they spoke of you, with great honor, O eutaihout@ +baki ecouab@ 8nte pinis+ Holy City, of the great King. 8nouro.

Ten+xo tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ We entreat and pray, that we may win xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with

the Lover of mankind.

Seven Parts on the Interpretation of the Incarnate Birth

Interpretation - Part 1

I start in the Name of God Who dwells in light Who spoke to Moses Upon Mount Tabor

Saying O Moses Arise joyfully So I may show you a place Prophesied about

Arise O Moses And ascend to the highest mount There upon it build a dome To resemble a tabernacle

And all I say to you Immediately write down This is a testimony For the Israelites

Hasten, O Moses And observe the place Build there a dome With granite stone

Elevate its height And for it make four corners And gather what is needed For the builders

Make the outside of the dome And widen its hallway Overlay it, O Moses With pure gold

Kiahk Psalmody Page 191

Within and without Honor for consecration From the height to the base With the precious gold

Make the inside of the dome An altar for the showbread And around the altar Make four pillars

Make there upon it made out of gold With their wings spread Upon the cover

And in it place The overlaid ark of covenant And in it the golden vessel With the hidden manna

And in it Aaronʹs censor From the pure gold And the tablets of the covenant With Aaronʹs rod

And in it the lampstand With the chosen gold And the golden vessel Burning as the ember

Decorate it, O Moses With various lights Make also in it Seven burning candles

Refrain: Hail to you O Mary O you full of grace Who are engulfed in light O mother of the Merciful

Intercede for us On judgment day Your Son granted us salvation O daughter of Zion

Holy, Holy, Holy; a reading from the Gospel according to our teacher St. . May his blessings be with us all. Amen

Luke 1: 46‐50 46 And Mary said: “ My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. 48 For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. 49 For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name. 50 And His mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation. Glory be to God forever, Amen.

Page 192 St George & St Joseph Church Pi8snau Part 2

}kibwtos etosj@ 8nnoub 8nsasa niben@ The Ark overlaid, roundabout with gold, ch8etaucamios@ qen xanse 8naterxoli. that was made, with wood that would not


Asersorp 8n+mhini@ 8mVnou+ pilogos@ It foretold the sign, of the God the Word, vh8etafswpi 8nrwmi@ qen oumetatvwrj. who became man, without separation.

Ouai pe 8ebolqen 8snau@ oumecnou+ One nature out of two, a Holy divinity, co‐

estoubhout@ esoi 8nattako@ 8n8omoousios essential with the Father, an incorruptible. nem 8Viwt.

Nem oumetrwmi ecouab@ ,wris sunousia8@ A Holy Humanity, begotten without seed,

8n8omoousios neman@ kata +oikonomi8a. co‐essential with us, according to the economy.

:ai 8etaf[its 8nqh+@ 8w +atcwleb@ This which He has taken, from you O

8eafxwtp 8eros@ kata ouxupostasis. undefiled, He made one with Him, as a hypostasis.

Ecbe vai ouon niben@ se[isi 8mmo@ ta[ois Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my

+:e8otokos@ ecouab 8nshou niben. lady the Mother of God, the Ever Holy.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of


"u,h niben 8eusop@ 8nte nenshri All the souls together, of the children of

88mPisrahl@ au8ini 8nxandwron@ 8e+8skhnh Israel, brought offerings unto, the 8nte P[ois. Tabernacle of the Lord.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 193 Pinoub nem pixat@ nem pi8wni 8mmhi@ nem Gold and silver, and precious stone,

pisens etsa+@ nem pixu8akuncinon. purple and scarlet, and fine linen.

Aucami8o 8noukibwtos@ qen xanse And they made an ark, of wood that

8naterxoli@ aulalws 8nnoub@ saqoun nem would not decay, overlaid with gold,

sabol within and without.

Tejolx gar xwi@ Maria +parcenos@ You too O Mary, are clothed with the

8m8p8wou 8nte +mecnou+@ saqoun nem glory, of the Divinity, within and without. sabol.

Je 8are8ini 8eqoun@ 8noulaos efos@ For you have brought, unto God your Son,

8m8Vnou+ peshri@ xiten petoubo. many people, through your purity.

Ecbe vai ten[isi@ 8mmo 8axiws@ qen Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, xan8umnologi8a@ 8m8provhtikon. with prophetic, hymnology.

Je ausaji ecbh+@ 8nxan8xbhou8i For they spoke of you, with great honor, O

eutaihout@ +baki ecouab@ 8nte pinis+ Holy City, of the great King. 8nouro.

Ten+xo tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ We entreat and pray, that we may win

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of mankind.

Interpretation - Part 2

The Lord said to Moses In a loud voice to call him Arise and build an ark for Me And overlay it with gold

So therein may dwell My secrets And also my covenant From shittim wood And overlaid with gold

Page 194 St George & St Joseph Church You were likened, O Mary To the overlaid ark And in it the golden vessel With the rational manna

Your praise in my tongue Is sweeter than honey We offer praise to You O daughter of Zion

O shining star As a lit lamp You held the Son of God The Living Who is unseen

He saved Adam After the bondage And returned him and his sons Joyfully to Paradise

You enlightened the world After it was in darkness And you carried in your womb The Son; The Logos of God

You are the ark You are the wisdom You are our strength And the joy of the upright

In due time, God desired and chose you And sent unto you the Logos With the Holy Spirit in you

You held in your womb The Lord your God You nourished Him with your milk Like the rest of the humans

Ezekiel prophesied In a vision and said, “I saw an eastern door Closed at all sides

Therein entered and came forth The Most High King And no harm came to it And it was continuously sealed.”

Many witnessed of you In prophecies and proverbs He shall come forth from you The exalted Lord

He shall save His people At the end of days Your Son granted us salvation O censor of Aaron

Refrain: Hail to you O Mary O you full of grace Who are engulfed in light O mother of the Merciful

Intercede for us On judgment day Your Son granted us salvation O daughter of Zion

Kiahk Psalmody Page 195 Holy, Holy, Holy; a reading from the Gospel according to our teacher St. Luke the Evangelist, May his blessings be with us all. Amen.

Luke 1: 51‐55 51 He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 52 He has put down the mighty from their thrones, And exalted the lowly. 53 He has filled the hungry with good things, And the rich He has sent away empty. 54 He has helped His servant Israel, In remembrance of His mercy, 55 As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and to his seed forever.” Glory be to God forever, Amen.

Pisomt Part 3

Pi8ilasthrion@ 8etouxwbs 8mmof@ xiten The Mercy Seat, was overshadowed by, Ni,eroubim@ euoi 8nxikwn. the forged Cherubim, from all sides.

8Ete 8Vnou+ piLogos@ 8etaf[isarx 8nqh+@ Was a symbol of God the Word, Who was

8w +ata[ni@ qen oumetatsib+. incarnate, of you without change, O undefiled.

Afswpi 8ntoubo@ 8nte nennobi@ nem He became the purification, of our sins,

ouref,w 8ebol@ 8nte nen 8anomi8a. and the forgiveness, of our iniquities.

Ecbe vai ouon niben@ se[isi 8mmo@ ta[ois Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my

+:e8otokos@ ecouab 8nshou niben. lady the Mother of God, the Ever Holy.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of


euxwbs 8mpi8ilasthrion@ qen noutenx cover, with their wings, the Mercy Seat. 8nshou niben.

Page 196 St George & St Joseph Church Euerqhibi 8e8xrhi@ xijen pima ecouab@ 8nte Overshadowing, the place of the Holy, of

nhecouab@ qen +8skhnh 8mmax8snou+. the Holies, in the Second Tabernacle.

8Nco xwi Maria@ niana8nso 8nso@ nem You too O Mary, thousands of thousands,

niana8n8cba 8n8cba@ seerqhibi 8ejw. and myriads of myriads, overshadow you:

Euxws 8epourefswnt@ ef,h qen teneji@ Praising their Creator, who was in your vai 8etaf[i 8mpen8ini@ ,wris nobi xisib+. womb, and took our likeness, without sin

or alteration.

Ecbe vai ten[isi@ 8mmo 8axiws@ qen Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, xan8umnologi8a@ 8m8provhtikon. with prophetic, hymnology.

Je ausaji ecbh+@ 8nxan8xbhou8i For they spoke of you, with great honor, O

eutaihout@ +baki ecouab@ 8nte pinis+ Holy City, of the great King. 8nouro.

Ten+xo tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ We entreat and pray, that we may win

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of mankind.

Interpretation - Part 3

O Mary, you became An altar for forgiveness And on it the golden gifts And the showbread, which was the Body

It was the Son of the Living God Who gives forgiveness To every pure person Who lives in the paradise of Joy

You are the high altar Who is engulfed in Light And Its Light shines brightly And fills all the earth

Your light, O Mary Exceeds the sun and the moon Youʹre higher than all ranks And all the hosts

Kiahk Psalmody Page 197 You exceeded the elders And the four beasts And also the thrones The principalities and the powers

You held the Son of God The Creator of all things The Life Giver To every body and soul

O flower of incense The aroma of your incense spread O star that shines That shines as a lamp

O you full of grace O you who are our joy Your Son granted us salvation And the Paradise of Joy

Daniel prophesied In a vision and said I saw a Throne surrounded by Light And upon it sat the Lord of hosts

And around Him thousands and thousands, Myriads and myriads, While praising God, The Holy King

You were likened, O Mary; With the Throne of God the Creator You held the Son of God The living and unseen

The fathers called you The eastern door Many spoke of you O Virgin and bride

The Lord has chosen you From the root of Jesse From the pure and sanctified seed, The house of prophesy and rulers

You held Him in your womb O Virgin and bride You gave birth to Him and He drank your milk, Like all the humans

Refrain: Hail to you O Mary O you full of grace Who are engulfed in light O mother of the Merciful

Intercede for us On judgment day Your Son granted us salvation O daughter of Zion

Holy, Holy, Holy; a reading from the Gospel according to our teacher St. Luke the Evangelist. May his blessings be with us all. Amen.

Luke 1: 68‐72

68 “ Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited and redeemed His people, 69 And has raised up a horn of salvation for us In the house of His servant David, 70 As He spoke by the mouth of His holy

Page 198 St George & St Joseph Church prophets, Who have been since the world began, 71 That we should be saved from our enemies And from the hand of all who hate us, 72 To perform the mercy promised to our fathers And to remember His holy covenant. Glory be to God forever, Amen.

Pi8ftoou Part 4

8Nco pe pi8stamnos@ 8nnoub ettoubhout@ You are the Pot, made of pure gold, 8ere pimanna xhp@ 8n8xrhi qen tefmh+. wherein was hidden, the True Manna.

Piwik 8nte 8pwnq@ 8etaf8i 8epesht@ nan The Bread of Life, which came down for

8ebolqen 8tve@ af+ 8m8pwnq 8mpikosmos. us, from heaven, gave life unto the world.

Ecbe vai ouon niben@ se[isi 8mmo@ ta[ois Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my

+:e8otokos@ ecouab 8nshou niben. lady the Mother of God, the Ever Holy.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of


8Ftwmi gar 8ero@ ecroumou+ 8eperan@ je It befits you, to be called, the golden Pot, pistamnos 8nnoub@ 8ere pimanna xhp where the Manna was hidden. 8nqhtf.

Vh men 8ete 8mmau@ sau,af qen +8skhnh@ For that was kept, in the Tabernacle, as a

8noumetmecre@ 8nte nenshri 8mPis8 rahl. testimony, to the children of Israel.

Ecbe nipecnaneu@ 8etafaitou nemwou@ Of the good things, that the Lord God, did 8nje P[ois 8Vnou+@ xi 8psafe 8nCina. unto them, in the wilderness of Sinai.

8Nco xwi Maria@ 8arefai qen teneji@ You too O Mary, have carried in your

Kiahk Psalmody Page 199 8mpimanna 8nno8hton@ 8etaf8i ebolqen womb, the rational Manna, that came

8Viwt. from the Father.

Aremasf a[ne cwleb@ af+ nan You bore Him without blemish, He gave

8mpefswma@ nem pef8snof ettaihout@ unto us, His honored body and blood, and

anwnq sa enex. we live forever.

Ecbe vai ten[isi@ 8mmo 8axiws@ qen Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly,

xan8umnologi8a@ 8m8provhtikon. with prophetic, hymnology.

Je ausaji ecbh+@ 8nxan8xbhou8i For they spoke of you, with great honor, O eutaihout@ +baki ecouab@ 8nte pinis+ Holy City, of the great King. 8nouro.

Ten+xo tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ We entreat and pray, that we may win xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with

the Lover of mankind.

Interpretation - Part 4

O precious golden vessel Which concealed the Manna It was a symbol of you O Theotokos

O the precious gem O you the ship of our salvation Blessed are you O Mary The daughter of Zion

O ladder of Jacob You held the Judge And He dwelt in your womb You gave birth to the Son of Man

He healed all the sick, And opened the eyes of the blind And raised the dead After their burial

You are Aaronʹs rod That blossomed O the dome of Moses That is filled with light

You are a planted vineyard That bears the Fruit Your Son granted us forgiveness O hidden gem

Page 200 St George & St Joseph Church

David said in the psalm, While playing on his harp “The Lord chose Zion And came and dwelt in her.”

These are all symbols Signs that resemble you O Mary O daughter of Zion

The Lord chose your beauty And God dwelt in your womb You gave birth to Him And He drank your milk

You are greatly exalted You became the highest heaven You are above all ranks The righteous and the saints

Youʹre above the Cherubim O the pride of virgins And higher than the Seraphim Which are full of light

O daughter of Joachim From the upright seed Your Son saved Adam After his bondage

O you full of grace More pure than everyone O mother of the Merciful O you brighter than all light

Your Son illuminated the darkness, And made us free We inherited the kingdom Through baptism and Holy Myron

Refrain: Hail to you O Mary O you full of grace Who are engulfed in light O mother of the Merciful

Intercede for us On judgment day Your Son granted us salvation O daughter of Zion

Holy, Holy, Holy; a reading from the Gospel according to our teacher St. Luke the Evangelist. May his blessings be with us all. Amen.

Luke 1: 73‐77 73 The oath which He swore to our father Abraham: 74 To grant us that we, Being delivered from the hand of our enemies, Might serve Him without fear, 75 In holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life. 76 “ And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways, 77 To give knowledge of salvation to His people By the remission of their sins. Glory be to God forever. Amen.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 201 Pi8etioou Part 5

8Nco te +lu,ni8a@ 8nnoub ettoubhout@ You are the lampstand, made of pure etfai qa pilampas@ ecmex 8nshou niben. gold, carrying, the ever‐burning lamp.

Ete 8vouwini 8mpikosmos@ piat8sqwnt That is the unapproachable, Light of the

8erof@ pi 8ebolqen piouwini@ 8nat8sqwnt world, that proceeds from, the 8erof. unapproachable Light.

Pinou+ 8nta8vmhi@ 8ebolqen ounou+ The True God, out of true God, who was

8nta8vmhi@ 8etaf[isarx 8nqh+@ qen incarnate, of you without change. oumetasib+

Hiten tefparousi8a@ af8erouwini 8eron@ qa By His appearing, He gave light to us, we

nhetxemsi qen 8m,aki@ nem 8tqhibi who sit in the darkness, and in the 8m8vmou. shadow of death.

Afsouten nen[alauj@ 8e8vmwit 8nte And He guided our feet, in the path of

+xirhnh@ xiten +koinwnia8@ 8nte peace, through the communion, of His nefmusthrion ecouab. Holy sacraments.

Ecbe vai ouon niben@ se[isi 8mmo@ ta[ois Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my

+:e8otokos@ ecouab 8nshou niben. lady the Mother of God, the Ever Holy.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of


Uios niben etqen 8p[isi@ 8mpou8stencwnou All the ranks on high, cannot resemble

8ero@ 8w +lu,ni8a 8nnoub@ etfai qa piouwini you, O golden lamp stand, that carries the 8mmhi. True Light.

Page 202 St George & St Joseph Church :hmen 8ete 8mmau@ saucamios qen That was made of, pure and chosen gold,

ounoub@ efswtp 8nkacaros@ sau,as qen and was placed, in The Tabernacle. +8skhnh.

Ceerkeberniths 8eros@ xiten xanjij That was managed, by the hands of men,

8nrwmi@ 8eu+nex 8nsa neslampas@ who brought oil for its lamps, by day and 8mpi8exoou nem pi8ejwrx. by night.

Vhet,h qen teneji@ Maria +parcenos@ He who dwelt in your womb, O Virgin

aferouwini erwmi niben@ ecnhou Mary, gives light to every man, who 8epikosmos. comes into the world.

8Ncof gar pe 8vrh@ 8nte +dike8osunh@ For He whom you have born, is the Sun of

8aremasf aftal[on@ 8ebolqen nennobi. Righteousness, and He has healed us, of all our sins.

Ecbe vai ten[isi@ 8mmo 8axiws@ qen Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly,

xan8umnologi8a@ 8m8provhtikon. with prophetic, hymnology.

Je ausaji ecbh+@ 8nxan8xbhou8i For they spoke of you, with great honor, O

eutaihout@ +baki ecouab@ 8nte pinis+ Holy City, of the great King. 8nouro.

Ten+xo tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ We entreat and pray, that we may win

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with

the Lover of mankind.

Interpretation - Part 5

The Lord spoke to Moses Upon the mount saying Arise, build a lampstand Overlay it with the chosen gold

And upon it seven candles To shine by day and night From the inside of the dome And from the ark

Kiahk Psalmody Page 203

He made it according to the plan And built the lampstand Out of precious gold Blessed are you O chosen

Blessed are you, O Mary You gave meaning to the symbols Your light dawned upon us We the Christians

You are the lampstand That is filled with light And its light shined Upon all the earth

O Mary, you are higher Than all the upright fathers His Holy Spirit came upon you The Holy Lord

Moses did see you Upon Mount Tabor A planted tree Engulfed in light

Through you O Mary We became victorious No one has received What you have been granted

There is no one like you On earth or in heaven The Lord favored you Above all the creations

Many spoke of you In prophesies and proverbs The fathers called you The fair dove

David your father In the psalms did say, “The Lord choose your beauty And increased you in splendor

He dwelt in your womb, Nine full months You gave birth to Him& He drank your milk According to the angelʹs decree”

He likewise said O mother of Man A Man dwelt in her The Most High King

He Who overshadowed her And sent her His Holy Spirit You gave birth to the True God The Creator of souls

Refrain: Hail to you O Mary O you full of grace Who are engulfed in light O mother of the Merciful

Intercede for us On judgment day Your Son granted us salvation O daughter of Zion

Page 204 St George & St Joseph Church Holy, Holy, Holy; a reading from the Gospel according to our teacher St. Luke the Evangelist. May his blessings be with us all. Amen.

Luke 1: 78‐79 78 Through the tender mercy of our God, With which the Dayspring from on high has visited[e] us; 79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the way of peace.” Glory be to God forever. Amen.

Pisoou Part 6

8Nco te +sourh@ 8nnoub 8nkacaros@ etfai You are the censer, made of pure gold,

qa pijebs@ 8n8,rwm et8smarwout. carrying the blessed, and live coal.

Vhetou[i 8mmof@ ebolqen That is taken, from the Altar, to purge the

pima8nerswousi@ saftoubo 8nninobi@ sins, and take away the iniquities. 8ntef8wli 8nnianomi8a.

Ete 8Vnou+ pilogos@ 8etaf[isarx 8nqh+@ Which is God the Word, who was

afolf 8e8pswi 8nou8scoinoufi@ sa 8Vnou+ incarnate of you, and offered Himself as

Pefiwt. incense, to God His Father.

Ecbe vai ouon niben@ se[isi 8mmo@ ta[ois Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my

+:e8otokos@ ecouab 8nshou niben. lady the Mother of God, the Ever Holy.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of


Tote 8alhcws@ 8n+swft an 8n8xli@ Wherefore truly, I do not err, whenever I

aisanmou+ 8ero@ je +sourh 8nnoub. call you, the golden censer.

:h men 8ete 8mmau@ sautalo 8e8pswi For therein, is offered, the chosen incense,

Kiahk Psalmody Page 205 8nqhts@ 8mpi8scoinoufi etswtp@ 8mpe8mco before the Holies. 8nnhecouab.

0are 8Vnou+ 8wli 8mmau@ 8nninobi 8nte Wherein God takes away, the sins of the

pilaos@ 8ebolxiten pi8[lil@ nem pi8scoi people, through the burnt offerings, and

8nte pi8scoinoufi. the aroma of incense.

8Nco xwi Maria@ 8arefai qen teneji@ You too O Mary, have carried in your

8mpiat8snau 8erof@ 8nlogos 8nte Viwt womb, the Invisible, Word of the Father.

Vai 8etafenf 8e8pswi@ 8noucusi8a esshp@ He who offered Himself, as an acceptable xijen pi8stauros@ qa 8poujai 8mpengenos. sacrifice, upon the Cross, for the salvation

of our race.

Ecbe vai ten[isi@ 8mmo 8axiws@ qen Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, xan8umnologia@ 8m8provhtikon. with prophetic, hymnology.

Je ausaji ecbh+@ 8nxan8xbhou8i For they spoke of you, with great honor, O

eutaihout@ +baki ecouab@ 8nte pinis+ Holy City, of the great King. 8nouro.

Ten+xo tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ We entreat and pray, that we may win

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of mankind.

Interpretation - Part 6

You are Aaronʹs censor Who carries the Amber Its incense and aroma Filled all the universe

Your presence O Mary Has saved us from hellʹs fire The promise was fulfilled through you As was prophesied

You are the censor In it are the ointment and incense You held the Son of God Light of Light

Page 206 St George & St Joseph Church

He dwelt in your womb For nine months You gave birth to Him and He drank your milk Like all humans

You are Aaronʹs censor In it is the incense Amber O daughter of David O precious stone

You held the worshipped And He appeared from you He freed those in bondage And trampled down Satan

You are the censor The aroma of your incense spread And filled all the earth And through you we received joy

We offer you praise In the eve and in the morn O pillar of faith For the Orthodox people

Solomon spoke of you In the Song of Songs, “My sister and my friend The Lord favored her

Your sweet aroma spread From the Amber and increased.” He gave symbols of you In many prophecies

Blessed are you, O Mary O the mother of Jesus Christ O pure sanctuary And the shelter of the Holy

Protect your Sonʹs people Deacons and presbyters And all the lay people And those gathered together

Hail to you O Mary O sanctuary for protection Your Light dawned upon us And filled all the earth

You held the Creator The Son of God, the Judge You gave birth to His Humanity With the united Divinity

Refrain: Hail to you O Mary O you full of grace Who are engulfed in light O mother of the Merciful

Intercede for us On judgment day Your Son granted us salvation O daughter of Zion

Holy, Holy, Holy; a reading from the Gospel according to our teacher St. Luke the Evangelist. May his blessings be with us all. Amen.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 207

Euaggelion kata The Gospel according to

Loukan 'b@ 'k'c - 'l'b St Luke (Lk 2: 29 – 32)

}nou panhb 8,na,a pekbwk 8ebol@ qen Lord, now You are letting Your servant

ouxirhnh kata peksaji@ je aunau 8nje depart in peace, according to Your word; nabal 8epeknoxem@ v8etaksebtwtf for my eyes have seen Your salvation

8mpe8mco 8nnilaos tchrou which You have prepared before the face

of all people,

Ououwini eu[wrp 8ebol 8nte xanecnos@ A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles,

nem ou8wou 8nte peklaos pIsrahl. and the glory of Your people Israel.

Doxa si Kurie.. Glory be to God forever, Amen.

Pisasf Part 7

ch8etasmisi nan@ 8m8Vnou+ pilogos. gave birth, to God the Word for us.

8Nco te +8xrhri@ 8nte pi8scoinoufi@ You are the flower, of incense, that has

chetasviri 8ebol@ qen 8cnouni 8nIesse. blossomed, from the root of Jesse.

Pi8sbwt 8nte A8aron@ 8etafviri ebol@ The rod of Aaron, which blossomed,

,wris [o nem 8tso@ 8foi 8ntupos ne. without planting or watering, is a symbol

of you.

8W ch8etasmes Pi8,ristos@ Pennou+ qen You who gave birth to Christ, our true

oumecmhi@ a[ne 8sperma 8nrwmi@ esoi God, without the seed of men, and

Page 208 St George & St Joseph Church 8mparcenos. remained a virgin.

Ecbe vai ouon niben@ se[isi 8mmo@ ta[ois Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my +:e8otokos@ ecouab 8nshou niben. lady the Mother of God, the Ever Holy.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too, hope to win mercy, through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions, with the Lover of mankind.

Cemou+ 8ero dikews@ 8w checouab Maria@ You are called righteous, O Saint Mary, je +max8snou+ 8n8skhnh@ 8nte nhecouab. the second Tabernacle, belonging to the


:h8etou,h 8nqhts@ 8nje pi8sbwt 8nte Wherein is placed, the rod of Aaron, and A8aron@ nem +8xrhri ecouab@ 8nte the holy flower, of incense. pi8scoinoufi.

Tejolx 8mpitoubo@ saqoun nem sabol@ 8w You are clothed with purity, within and +8skhnh 8nkacaros@ 8vma8nswpi 8nnidikeos. without, O pure Tabernacle, the dwelling

of the righteous.

Nitagma 8nte 8p[isi@ nem 8p,oros 8nte The hosts of the high standings, and the

ni8cmhi@ seereudoxazin@ 8nnemakarismos. chorus of the just, glorify You, and Your


Ecbe vai ten[isi@ 8mmo 8axiws@ qen Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly,

xan8umnologia@ 8m8provhtikon. with prophetic, hymnology.

Je ausaji ecbh+@ 8nxan8xbhou8i For they spoke of you, with great honor, O

eutaihout@ +baki ecouab@ 8nte pinis+ Holy City, of the great King. 8nouro.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 209 Ten+xo tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ We entreat and pray, that we may win

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of mankind.

Interpretation - Part 7

You are called, O Theotokos The daughter of Joachim You became the highest heaven Youʹre higher than the Cherubim

The Fountain of Life came forth fromYou He healed all the sick He returned the lost sheep To the Paradise of Joy

You are the dome of Moses That is filled with Light You are the ark of covenant Containing the secrets

O the flower of incense Your aroma filled the earth O precious treasure O Aaronʹs rod

O golden vessel In it the hidden Manna O pure sanctuary Wherein God was delighted and dwelled

He who believes in Him Shall live after death O you pure altar Carrying the hidden secrets

Hail to you O Mary O favored above all virgins The fathers called you, “The golden lampstand”

Many spoke of you With symbols and proverbs O the aroma of Amber In Aaronʹs censer

O sanctuary and protection A dwelling place for the Trinity O Throne of God the Father The Lord of Hosts

Through you O Mary we were awarded The kingdom of Joy Blessed are you O Mary The sister of Solomon

Do not forget your servant For I am a poor sinner I plead for your intercessions On judgment day

Before Christ your Son Be unto me a helper and provider So He may forgive me The multitude of sins

Page 210 St George & St Joseph Church

Refrain: Hail to you O Mary O you full of grace Who are engulfed in light O mother of the Merciful

Intercede for us On judgment day Your Son granted us salvation O daughter of Zion

Praise for St Mary

Hail to you O Mary I start my praise Hail to you O Mary Words from my heart Hail to you O Mary I cry out and say Hail to you O Mary A rhythmic song

Hail to you O Mary Every needy one Hail to you O Mary Rejoices and feels calm Hail to you O Mary You brought all joy Hail to you O Mary To every living soul

Hail to you O Mary O sweet fruit Hail to you O Mary Apple of my eye Hail to you O Mary No one can deny Hail to you O Mary You are from on high

Hail to you O Mary Gabriel came Hail to you O Mary With tidings and name Hail to you O Mary Emmanuel became Hail to you O Mary In your womb the same

Hail to you O Mary The Logos dwelt Hail to you O Mary Able and shined Hail to you O Mary You became heaven Hail to you O Mary Fruitful and green

Hail to you O Mary Savior of the world Hail to you O Mary Became in your womb Hail to you O Mary Was born of you Hail to you O Mary The Holy Spirit in you

Hail to you O Mary David in the Psalms Hail to you O Mary Said you are the bride

Kiahk Psalmody Page 211 Hail to you O Mary Offerings and gifts Hail to you O Mary Was given to the One

Hail to you O Mary Myriads and myriads Hail to you O Mary Around the Throne Stands Hail to you O Mary Hosts and ranks Hail to you O Mary Many martyrs

Hail to you O Mary You are beyond Hail to you O Mary Above all codes Hail to you O Mary You are purity respond Hail to you O Mary Any questions

Hail to you O Mary Witnessed by Salome Hail to you O Mary The Virgin from the Womb Hail to you O Mary Gave birth to Whom Hail to you O Mary While sealed by the One

Hail to you O Mary Isaiah had said Hail to you O Mary That, your Son, Jesus Hail to you O Mary Was born of you Hail to you O Mary In the right season

Hail to you O Mary Zephaniah proclaimed Hail to you O Mary That Jesus appeared Hail to you O Mary As rain and dew Hail to you O Mary Surrounded by numerous ranks

Hail to you O Mary You are blessed Hail to you O Mary You confused them all Hail to you O Mary By the water and Spirit Hail to you O Mary We conquered Satan

Hail to you O Mary Many thought in you Hail to you O Mary That this was illegal Hail to you O Mary Till He raised Hail to you O Mary The dead and healed the sick

Hail to you O Mary The fathers said Hail to you O Mary A dome in a cloud Hail to you O Mary The dome of the Church Hail to you O Mary Your support we search

Hail to you O Mary Many before came Hail to you O Mary Praised and did not find Him

Page 212 St George & St Joseph Church Hail to you O Mary Many came after Him Hail to you O Mary But the Mighty was down

Hail to you O Mary My heart rejoice Hail to you O Mary For you are my choice Hail to you O Mary O Mary we praise Hail to you O Mary We cry with voices

Hail to you O Mary You are Moses dome Hail to you O Mary Ornamented all Hail to you O Mary In all four corners Hail to you O Mary With instruments and arts

Hail to you O Mary God has in the dome Hail to you O Mary Many prayers and calls Hail to you O Mary The can is the love sign Hail to you O Mary Were the manna in it

Hail to you O Mary A pure censer Hail to you O Mary Holding the aroma Hail to you O Mary You are the Ark of covenant Hail to you O Mary Carrying the True Word

Hail to you O Mary You carried the Light Hail to you O Mary Like seven minarets lit Hail to you O Mary Youʹre Aaronʹs rod Hail to you O Mary Which alone blossomed

Hail to you O Mary You are the altar Hail to you O Mary With incense offered Hail to you O Mary Many prophesied Hail to you O Mary And were fulfilled

Hail to you O Mary All what they said Hail to you O Mary In the dome they found Hail to you O Mary As your purity showed Hail to you O Mary Her virginity sealed

Hail to you O Mary We ask of you Hail to you O Mary To ask your Son Hail to you O Mary O blessed Mary Hail to you O Mary To forgive us

Kiahk Psalmody Page 213 Pi8smhn Part 8

0asf 8nsop 8mmhni@ 8ebol qen paxht Seven times everyday, I will praise Your thrf@ +na8smou 8epekran@ P[ois name, with all my heart, O God of

8mpie8pthrf. everyone.

Aier8vmeu8i 8mpekran@ ouox aijemnom+@ I remembered Your name, and I was 8pouro 8nni8ewn@ 8Vnou+ 8nte ninou+. comforted, O King of the ages, and God of

all gods.

Ihsous Pi8,ristos Pennou+@ pi8alchinos@ Jesus Christ our true God, who has come, vh8etaf8i ecbe pensw+@ aferswmatikos. for our salvation, was incarnate.

Af[isarx ebol@ qen Pi8pneuma ecouab@ He was incarnate, of the Holy Spirit, and

nem 8ebol qen Maria@ +selet ecouab. of Mary, the pure bride.

Afvwnx 8mpenxhbi@ nem penxojxej And changed our sorrow, and all our

thrf@ 8eourasi 8nxht@ nem oucelhl troubles, to joy for our hearts, and total

8e8pthrf. rejoicing.

Marenouwst 8mmof@ ouox Let us worship Him, and sing to, His

8ntenerxumnos@ 8ntefmau Maria@ +[rompi mother Mary, the beautiful dove. ecnesws.

Ouox 8ntenws 8ebol@ qen ou8smh 8ncelhl@ And let us all proclaim, with the voice of

je ,ere ne Maria@ 8cmau 8nEmmanouhl. joy, saying Hail to you Mary, the Mother

of Emmanuel.

','e... @ 8cmau 8mpima8mvwt@ ','e... @ 8pcelhl father Adam, Hail..., the Mother of the

8nEua@ ','e... @ 8pounof 8nnigene8a. refuge, Hail..., the rejoicing of Eve, Hail..., the joy of all generations.

Page 214 St George & St Joseph Church <'e... @ 8vrasi 8nAbel pi8cmhi@ ','e... @ Hail to you Mary, the joy of Abel the just,

+parcenos 8nta8vmhi@ ','e... @ 8vnoxem Hail..., the true Virgin, Hail..., the 8nNw8e@ ','e... @ +atcwleb 8nsemne. Salvation of Noah, Hail..., the chaste and


<'e... @ 8p8xmot 8nAbraam@ ','e... @ pi8,lom Hail to you Mary, the grace of Abraham, 8naclwm@ ','e... @ 8psw+ 8nIsaak pecouab@ Hail..., the unfading crown, Hail..., the

','e... @ 8cmau 8mvhecouab. Redemption of Saint Isaac, Hail..., the

Mother of the Holy,

<'e... @ 8pcelhl 8nIakwb@ ','e... @ xan8cba Hail to you Mary, the rejoicing of Jacob,

8nkwb@ ','e... @ 8psousou 8nIouda@ ','e... @ Hail..., Myriads of Myriads, Hail..., the

8cmau 8mpidespota. pride of Judah, Hail..., the mother of the Master.

<'e... @ 8pxiwis 88mMw8ushs@ ','e... @ 8cmau Hail to you Mary, the preaching of Moses,

8mpidespoths@ ','e... @ 8ptai8o 8nCamouhl@ Hail..., the Mother of the Master, Hail..., ','e... @ 8psousou 88mPisrahl. the honor of Samuel, Hail..., the pride of


<'e... @ 8ptajro 8nIwb pi8cmhi@ ','e... @ pi8wni Hail to you Mary, the steadfastness of Job 8n8anamhi@ ','e... @ 8cmau 8mpimenrit@ ','e... @ the just, Hail..., the precious stone, Hail...,

8tseri 8m8pouro Dauid. the Mother of the beloved, Hail..., the

daughter of King David.

<'e... @ +8sveri 8nColomwn@ ','e... @ 8p8[isi Hail to you Mary, the friend of Solomon,

8nnidikeon@ ','e... @ 8poujai 8nYsa8has@ ','e... @ Hail..., the exaltation of the righteous,

8ptal[o 8nIeremias. Hail..., the redemption of Isaiah, Hail...,

the healing of Jeremiah.

<'e... @ 8p8emi 8nIezekicl@ ','e... @ ,aris tou Hail to you Mary, the knowledge of

Danihl@ ','e... @ 8tjom 8nYlias@ ','e... @ Ezekiel, Hail..., the grace of Daniel, Hail...,

Kiahk Psalmody Page 215 pi8xmot 8nEliseos. the power of Elijah, Hail..., the grace of


<'e... @ +ceotokos@ ','e... @ 8cmau 8nIhsous Hail to you Mary, the mother of God,

Pi8,ristos@ ','e... @ +8[rompi ecnesws@ ','e... Hail..., the Mother of Jesus Christ, Hail...,

@ cmau 8nUios ceos. the beautiful dove, Hail..., the mother of the Son of God.

niprovhths throu@ ouox aujw 8mmos. all the prophets, and they said.

Hhppe 8Vnou+ pilogos@ 8etaf[isarx Behold God the Word, was incarnate of

8nqh+@ qen oumetouai@ 8natsaji 8mpesrh+. you, in an undescribable, unity.

Te[osi alhcws@ 8exote pi8sbwt@ 8nte You are truly exalted, more than the rod, Aaron@ 8w checmex 8n8xmot. of Aaron, O full of grace.

As pe pi8sbwt@ 8ebhl 8eMaria@ je 8ncof pe What is the rod, but Mary, for it is the

8ptupos@ 8ntesparceni8a. symbol, of her virginity.

Aserboki asmisi@ ,wris sunousi8a@ 8m8pshri She conceived and gave birth, without a

8mvhet[osi@ pilogos 8naidi8a. man, to the son of the Highest, the Word


Hiten neseu,h@ nem nes8presbi8a@ 8aouwn Through her prayers, and intercessions, O

nan P[ois@ 8m8vro 8nte +ekklhsi8a. Lord open onto us, the gates of the


}+xo 8ero@ 8w +ceotokos@ ,a 8vro I entreat You, O mother of God, keep the

8nniek8klhsia@ efouhn 8nnipistos. gates of the church, open to the faithful.

Maren+xo 8eros@ ecrestwbx 8ejwn@ Let us ask her, to intercede for us, before naxren pesmenrit@ ecref,w nan ebol. her beloved, that He may forgive us.

Page 216 St George & St Joseph Church A Coptic hymnal for St. Mary.

Rashi OʹMaria Adam Became Free Rashi OʹMaria. After He Was Sad Rashi .. He Disobeyed and Sinned Rashi ... By You He Defeated the Head

Rashi ... You Are the Sacrifice of Aaron Rashi ... You Are the Crown of Israel Rashi ... You Are Given Praise Rashi ... Because Praising Helps

Rashi ... The Happiness of Ibrahim Rashi ... That Isaac Is Safe Rashi ... Jacob Was a Leader Rashi ... Came Joseph With Vision

Rashi ... David Sang and Said Rashi ... In You Explained Rashi ... Also In the Proverbs Rashi ... The Wisdom of Solomon

Rashi ... Your Are The Seat Rashi ... Like the Arc of Noah Rashi ... Blossom With Good Aroma Rashi ... Branches of Olive

Rashi ... The Chariot of Cherubim Rashi ... The Wings of Seraphim Rashi ... The Daughter of Youakeem Rashi ... The Censor of Aaron

Rashi ... The Intercession of Peter Rashi ... The Wisdom of Paul Rashi ... The Delight of Philip Rashi … The Purity of the Confessors

Rashi ... The Salvation of Mathias Rashi ... The Confession of Thomas Rashi ... The Holy of Holies Rashi ... The Jealousy of Simon

Rashi ... The Crown of the Martyrs Rashi ... Happiness Starts With You Rashi ... Conquered Our Enemies Rashi ... You Defeated Satan

Rashi ... The Mother of the Incarnate Rashi ... The Seed of Our Father David Rashi ... Completed the Plan Rashi ... You Are A Protected Tower

Rashi ... After You Borne Him Rashi ... On Your Shoulder He Rested Rashi ... Thirst and You Nursed Him Rashi ... How Can We Explain That!

Rashi ... It Is A Sealed Secret Rashi ... For The Universe to Ponder Rashi ... It Was Revealed Rashi ... After It Was Sealed

Rashi ... Who Has an Understanding Rashi ... Can Easily Understand Rashi ... Light From Light Rashi ... Without Any Doubt

Rashi ... If I Say I Know Rashi ... All Its Meanings Rashi ... I Can not Tell All Rashi ... To The High and Lowly

Kiahk Psalmody Page 217 Rashi ... If the Poet Wrote Rashi ... He Was Honored to Say Rashi ... A Few Things Rashi ... With Your Continuing Help

Ya Mariam

O Mary, Lady of virgins, you attained greatness, from the True Light, You are exalted, by the Lord Himself, you bore the Creator, O what a great marvel!

Wondrous among nations, wisdom to rulers, a hidden gem, and the gospel spoke of you: They give you blessings, in all generations, O daughter of Joachim, exalted above the Cherubim.

You attained what no one could, O Mother of the Mercy, and you became, filled with grace, To the Divine you became, a veil for the Word, and greatly marveled, were you among the scholars.

O tabernacle of the covenant, O censer of Aaron, O spirit of glory, O daughter of Zion, O the light of eyes, with you we rejoice, and abide in grace, O full of grace.

O full of grace, the fortifying fortress, the jewel of mercy, the aid of the poor, Your son has purged death, O the intercessor of saints, intercede for us, O Mother of Mercy.

Hail to you, O Lady of virgins, O daughter of Joachim, the chosen throne, Righteous is your Son, He purged our shame, the glorious God, the Creator of ages.

The adornment of virgins, the holy Mother, the purity of the pure, O light of lights, O jewel of grace, O Mother of Mercy, truly you are the vine, filled and bearing fruit.

O daughter of Joachim, you attained greatness, you are Jerusalem, glorious and honored, You are Zion, O precious jewel, you released the captive, from the Deceiver’s hand.

Your son saved Adam, the repentant sinner, humanity He set free, from all adversaries, The Lord from your childhood, witnessed your purity, and therefore has blessed you, before all nations.

He sent you Gabriel, the Messenger of His words, and greeted you saying, “The Lord has chosen you, His Holy Spirit, filled and dwelt within you, blessed are you O Virgin, throughout all ages.ʺ

The Unseen and Holy, was born from you, and was called Jesus, for all eyes to see, Moses saw the bush, blazing with fire, its branches flaming, yet the bush was not consumed.

The blazing bush, which Moses had seen, was indeed Mary, the adornment of virgins, The fire is Jesus, the Holy Lord, who gave us the Law, engraved in stone.

Isaiah prophesied, about the birth, of Emmanuel, the Almighty King, Ezekiel saw a door, through which the Lord entered, He sealed the door and claimed it, highly exalted.

Page 218 St George & St Joseph Church Highly exalted are you, and your Son Jesus, when He was born of you, the earth was adorned, And also Daniel, prophesied and said, “I saw the high throne, highly exalted.

In the firmaments high I saw, one like the Son of Man, who has dominion, over all the earth, He is the Lord of Hosts, around Him are the ranks, thousands and myriads, glorifying in reverence.”

O daughter of Joachim, you are exalted above, the Cherubim and Seraphim, and all righteous fathers, The Lord was born from you, and David praises you, with his harp he sings, playing its ten strings.

The sound of the first string, is in honor of your name, the Virgin will carry, the Almighty King, And with the second string, David rejoices, chanting with hymns, while playing his harp.

And the third O daughter, because you were faithful, you were filled with light, and the Lord chose you, The fourth string is sounded, so that all can hear, of her who is praised, all over the world.

The fifth is a sign of hope, as a dove she appears, with Ophir gold, upon her shoulders, With the sixth he sung, praises I will not hide, but I will praise with him, and proclaim to all.

With the seventh string he said, O mountain of the High God, the High took flesh from you, without a doubt, And with the eighth he sang, to the Virgin Mary, the Great chose her, and crowned her with honor.

With the ninth string he said, from her will surely come, God her son, who sealed her virginity, With the tenth he sang, the Powerful God, in Zion he appeared, the dwelling of the righteous.

There isn’t in all ages, anyone like you O Virgin, for you released the chains, and shame of Adam, O Lady of the creation, the pride of faith, your servant is in need, drowning because of sins.

Highly exalted are you, do not leave your servant, O Mary ask your son to save me, from the fire, For your intercession, is heard and accepted, and defends us from the attacks, of the adversary.

Arise O poor one, and clothe yourself in faith, and say Amen Amen, for she intercedes for us, And the abject composer, who always praises her, has no one on the day of Judgment, but the Lady of virgins.

Pi82it Part 9

Aumou+ 8ero@ Maria +parcenos@ je You are called, O virgin Mary, the Holy

+8xrhri ecouab@ 8nte pi8scoinoufi. flower, of incense.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 219 :h8etas+ou8w 8e8pswi@ asviri 8ebol@ qen Which came out, and blossomed, from the

8cnouni 8nnipatriar,hs@ nem ni8provhths. roots of the patriarchs, and the prophets.

8Mvrh+ 8mpi8sbwt@ 8nte Aaron piouhb@ Like the rod, of Aaron the priest, which

8etafviri 8ebol@ afopt 8nkarpos. blossomed, and brought forth fruit.

Je 8are8jvo 8mpilogos@ a[ne 8sparma For you gave birth to the word, without 8nrwmi@ esoi 8nattako@ 8nje tesparceni8a. the seed of man, and your virginity, was

not corrupted.

Ecbe vai ten+8wou ne@ xws :eotokos@ Wherefore we glorify you, as the Mother ma+xo 8mpeshri@ ecref,w nan ebol. of God, ask your Son, to forgive us.

Psali Adam on Teoi-enhekanos (Ainahos)

Ainaxws qen oujom@ Pa[ois Ihsous I give praise with power, to my Lord Jesus

Pi8,ristos@ P[ois 8nte nijom@ Christ, Lord of hosts, you are more

teoi8nxikanos. worthy.

Bon niben eujos@ Maria ch8et8smarwout@ Everyone says, O blessed Mary, you are

semou+ 8ero dikeos@ teoi8nxikanos. called righteous, and you are more


Ge gar +8skhnh@ 8eta Mw8ushs camios@ qen For you are the tabernacle, that Moses has

ounis+ 8ndumh@ teoi8nxikanos. made, with great honor, you are more


Dumiorgos pe@ 8etafswtp 8mmos@ The Creator is the one, who chose her, the

8nouVnou+ 8nte 8tfe@ qen nenjij camios. Lord of heaven, made her with His hand

Ecbe vai aferxhts@ qen peforganon@ For that David, has started his organ, and

Page 220 St George & St Joseph Church Dauid afsaji ecbhts@ je 8aP[ois swtp spoke of her, the Lord chose Zion. 8nCiwn.

Za,arias afnau@ +8agia Maria@ qen Zechariah had seen, Saint Mary, in that

pishou 8ete8mmau@ 8m8vrh+ 8noulu,ni8a. time, like a lampstand.

Ysa8has afjos@ qen ouxht efcelhl@ 8nje Isaiah has spoke, with a joyful heart, about +parcenos@ 8cmau 8nEmmanouhl. the virgin, the mother of Emmanuel.

:h8etoumou+ 8eros@ pi kumellion@ ouox Which is called, the vessel, the pot, and

pi8stamnos@ nem pi8ulasthrion. the Mercy‐Seat.

Ierousalhm 8nte 8tve@ 8tpolis 8nteni8cmhi@ The heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the

8nco 8exote 8tve@ Maria qen oumecmhi. righteous, you are above the heaven, truly

O Mary.

Kata ni

niCeravim@ ni8ana8nso. greater than the Seraphim, by a thousand


Loipon +sorh@ etfai qa pijebs@ Maria And also the censer, carrying the live coal,

auermecre@ 8nje ni8provhths ecbhts. Mary which the prophet, witness for her.

Maria +masnou+@ etfai qa pi8,rwm@ 8nte The Theotokos Mary, the carrier of, the

+mecnou+@ teoi8nxikanos. Divine coal, you are more worthy.

Nim pecna8ssaji@ 8m8ptai8o 8n+parcenos@ Who can speak of, the honor of the virgin,

ch 8etasfai qen tesneji 8Vnou+@ who carried God in her womb, you are

teoi8nxikanos. more worthy.

3a8pswi 8emasw@ 8exote niaggelos@ You are greatly exalted, more than the

8areswpi nan 8mvoou@ teoi8nxikanos. angels, for became for us this day, and you are more worthy.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 221 Ou8skhnh 8nxoui+@ 8e8pnous etsaqoun@ The first tabernacle, in the inner mind, and

+8skhnh 8mmax 8snou+@ 8Vnou+ saqoun the second tabernacle, God inside it. 8mmos.

Piwik 8nte 8pwnq@ 8etaf8i 8ebol 8nqh+@ 8etaf The bread of life, who came out of you,

+ nan 8mpiwnq@ ouox pe pirefsw+. which gave us life, He is the Savior.

Ran niben et[osi@ 8nte ni8aswmatos@ All the names on high, of the incorporeal,

8mpou8svox 8m8p[isi@ 8nte nemakarismos. did not reach the height, of your


Cemou+ 8ero@ +selet 8nkacaros@ Maria + You were called, O pure bride, the mother

ourw 8cmau 8nUios :eos@ teoi8nxikanos. of the Son of God, for you are more


Tote 8alhcws@ 8Vnou+ saqoun 8mmos@ For truly, God has sent, his Logos inside

afouwrp 8mpefLogos@ teoi8nxukanos. her, you are more worthy.

Uios :eos vh8etsop@ qajwou 8nni8ewn@ The Son of God, who is before the ages, P[ois vh8enafsop@ af8i afsw+ 8mmon. the Eternal Lord, came and saved us.

8Vtomi gar 8ero@ ecroumou+ 8eperan@ je For it befits you, to be called, the golden

pi8stamnos 8nnoub@ teoi8nxikanos. pot, for you are more worthy.

8neulogi8a@ teoi8nxukanos. full of blessing, you are more worthy.

"epi 8nnanobi@ 8Vnou+ jorou 8ebol@ nem O Lord disperse, the rest of my sins, and

8pespi 8nna8xbhou8i@ P[ois ,wnan 8ebol. the rest of my works, O Lord forgive us.

8Wou 8nxht Panou+@ 8e8xrhi 8ejen pekbwk@ Be patient O my Lord, with Your servant,

,wnhi 8ebol 8nnanobi@ P[ois ,wnhi 8ebol. and forgive my sins, O Lord forgive me.

Page 222 St George & St Joseph Church Your love embraced me (Amdah fel batool)

Refrain: Your love embraced me O pride of nations Moses have seen you Surprise and marvel And the lamps are bright With golden crosses O Mary, Moses’ dome O Aaronʹs censer.

I praise the Virgin And explain and say O, the origin And the hidden Pearl Through your Son, our Lady Cause of salvation We reached the goal And you brought us joy.

Was truly Incarnate From a Virgin girl Crucified and died For us at Golgotha The fruit of my pledge O, daughter of Zion To love your Son And proclaim and say.

Gabriel came With tidings and sayings You accepted his word In calmness and wisdom He dwelt by His Word In strength and power You became like heaven O, daughter of Zion.


He saved Adam After his sorrow And has freed the world We rejoice in you He is glorified And promised His Apostles To save His people From Satanʹs bondage.

Concerning you, David said The King rejoiced in you And took flesh from you The Lord on His Throne Myriads and thousands Standing around the Throne Ranks and orders Saints and martyrs

Sorrow was taken away And weʹre comforted Through you O, Mary The pride of the human race Salome witnessed That the Virgin gave birth She believed and confirmed Theʺ mystery of mysteries.


Solomon your father Praised in hymns and songs And Jacob saw you An upright ladder

Kiahk Psalmody Page 223 The chiefs had proclaimed O fruitful vine Youʹre a Virgin and a bride As they prophesied.

Zephaniah proclaimed That Jesus will appear As rain and dew While her Virginity is sealed Eve caused Adam to stray In tears he cried Naked he was exiled Without you they would not return

Your rank is up high And great is your glory The Lord honored you O, Aaronʹs censer Many praised you Youʹre the cause of all joy You comfort everyone Whoʹs sorrowful and humble


My heart rejoice in you O, Virgin Mary Ask your Son Jesus To protect me by His Might Existent before the ages Suffered and was crucified He rose from His sleep And the Disciples preached.

The righteous Apostles And the Preached in all nations The tidings and rejoice Glory is due to you O, daughter of Joachim You bore a great mystery And gave birth to the Most High.

Moses and Daniel Said many parables And you fit all that Mysteriously and more You caused the world to shine O, the pride of faith All the creatures were free Because of you, Mary


Gifts were offered in faith To the King of kings By the great Magi Myrrh, gold and frankincense They worshipped the born King The Lord of lords And Herod was terrified And his soldiers marveled.

Do not forsake at that time A poor and humble sinner Your plead on Judgment Day And for all the Christians We ask of Him forgiveness Faith and repentance To be in calmness We the believers

Page 224 St George & St Joseph Church Pimht Part 10

Teoi 8nxikanos@ 8exote nhecouab throu@ You are more worthy, than all of the ecretwbx ejwn@ 8w checmex 8nxmot. saints, to pray on our behalf, O full of


Te[osi 8emasw@ 8exote nipatriar,hs@ You are exalted, more than the patriarchs, ouox tetaihout@ 8exote niprovhths. and honored more, than the prophets.

Ouon te jinmosi@ qen ouparrhsi8a@ 8exote And you have a seeking, more special,


8Nco gar alhcws@ pe 8psousou For you are truly, the pride of our race,

8mpengenos@ ouox +prostaths@ 8nte and the intercessor, of our souls. nen2u,h.

Aripresbeuin 8ejwn@ naxren penswthr@ Intercede for us, before our Savior, that He

xopws 8nteftajron@ qen pinax+ may keep us firm, in the upright faith. etsoutwn.

8Ntefer8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w 8ebol 8nte That He may grant us, the forgiveness of

nennobi@ 8ntensasni eunai@ xiten our sins, in order to win mercy, through

nepresbi8a. your intercessions.


Pimietouai Part 11

Ran niben et[osi@ 8nte ni8aswmatos@ All the high names, of the incorporeal,

ni8ana8nso 8naggelos@ nem thousands of angels, and archangels.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 225 niar,haggelos.

8Mpou8svox 8e8p[isi@ 8nte nemakarismos@ 8w They did not attain, your high chetjolx 8mpi8wou@ 8nte P[ois sabawc. blessedness, O who is clothed in, the glory

of the Lord of Hosts.

Texiaktin 8ebol@ 8exote 8vrh@ teoi You are brighter, than the sun, and more 8nlam8pros@ 8exote ni

Nem niCeravim@ na psoou 8ntenx@ And the Seraphim, with the six wings,

seerripizin qajw@ qen ou8e8slhlou8i. which are joyfully, hovering over you.


Pimet8snau Part 12

Pe8wou Maria@ [osi 8exote 8tve@ tetaihout Your glory O Mary, is higher than heaven,

8e8pkaxi@ nem nhetsop 8nqhtf. you are more honored than the earth, and its inhabitants.

8Nco gar 8alhcws@ te +strata 8mmhi@ etoi For you are truly, the real path, leading

8mma8mmosi@ 8e8pswi 8enivhou8i. up, to the heavens.

Are+xiw+@ 8m8vrasi nem 8pcelhl@ You are clothed, with joy and gladness,

8aremor+ 8noujom@ 8w 8tseri 8nCiwn. and girdled with power, O daughter of


W ch8etas+xiwts@ 8n8txebsw 8nna nivhou8i@ O who was clothed, with the garments of

sa8ntesxwbs 8nAdam@ 8n8txebsw the heavenly, so that you covered Adam,

8mpi8xmot. with the garments of grace.

Page 226 St George & St Joseph Church Aretascof 8nkesop@ 8eparadisos@ 8ptopos And restored him, to Paradise, the place of

8m8pounof@ 8vma8nswpi 8nnidikeos. joy, and the dwelling of the righteous.


Pimetsomt Part 13

Ou8skhnh 8mmhi@ te Maria +parcenos@ A true tabernacle, is Mary the Virgin, eu,h qen tesmh+@ 8nje nimetmecreu placed in its midst, the true testimonies. 8etenxot.

}kibwtos 8natcwleb@ etosj 8nnoub The undefiled Ark, overlaid roundabout 8nsasa niben@ nem pi8ilastrion@ with gold, and the Mercy Seat, of the


Pi8stamnos 8nnoub@ 8ere pimanna xhp The golden pot, where the manna was 8nqhtf@ is pilogos 8nte 8Viwt@ 8i af[isarx hidden, behold the Word of the Father,

8nqh+. came and was incarnate of you.

}lu,ni8a 8nnoub@ etfa8i qa piouwini 8mmhi@ The golden lamp stand, carrying the True

8ete 8vouwini 8mpikosmos@ piat8sqwnt Light, who is the unapproachable, Light of

8erof. the world.

}sourh 8nnoub@ etfa8i qa pijebs 8n8,rwm@ The golden censer, carrying the live coal,

nem pi8scoinoufi etswtp@ 8n8arwmata. and the chosen incense, with a rich aroma.

Pi8sbwt 8nte Aarwn@ 8etafviri 8ebol@ nem The rod of Aaron, that blossomed, and the

+8xriri ecouab@ 8nte pi8scoinoufi. holy flower, of incense.

Nai throu eusop@ seersummenin nan@ All these together, direct us to, the

Kiahk Psalmody Page 227 8mpejinmisi 8n8svhri@ 8w Maria +parcenos. miraculous birth, O Virgin Mary.


Pimet8ftoou Part 14

Aksolsel 8nnen2u,h@ 8w Mw8ushs You decorated our souls, O Moses the

piprovhths@ qen 8ptaio 8n+8skhnh@ prophet, by the honor of the Tabernacle,

8etakselswls 8ebol. which you have adorned.

}8skhnh 8nxou8i+@ 8eta Mw8ushs camios@ The first Tabernacle, which Moses had

8nouma8n,anobi 8ebol@ 8nte nenshri made, was the place of the forgiveness, for

8mPisrahl. the children of Israel.

Afcamios qen ou8wou@ kata 8psaji He made it with glory, as commanded by

8mP[ois@ nem kata nitupos throu@ the Lord, and according to the patterns,

8etautamof 8erwou. shown unto him.

Ouon oukibwtos@ ,h qen +8skhnh@ There was an Ark, in the Tabernacle,

eslalhout 8nnoub@ saqoun nem sabol. overlaid with gold, within and without.

Ouon ou8ilasthrion@ ,h qen +8khnh@ There was a Mercy Seat, in the Tabernacle,



Ouon ou8stamnos 8nnoub@ ,h qen +8skhnh@ There was a golden pot, in the Tabernacle,

8ere ousi 8mmanna xhp@ 8n8qrhi 8nqhtf. and a measure of the manna, was hidden

in it.

Ouon oulu,ni8a 8nnoub@ ,h qen +8skhnh@ There was a golden lampstand, in the 8ere pisasf 8nqhbs@ 8erouwini 8ejws. Tabernacle, and the seven lamps, shown

Page 228 St George & St Joseph Church upon it.

Ouon ousourh 8nnoub@ ,h qen +8skhnh@ There was a golden censer, in the 8ere pikunamwnon@ etwtp qen tesmh+. Tabernacle, and the chosen aloe, was in its


Ouon ou8xrhri 8n8scoinoufi@ ,h qen There was a flower of incense, in the +8s,hnh@ euswlem 8eros throu@ 8nje na Tabernacle, smelled by all, the house of

8phi mPis8 rahl. Israel.

Ouon ou8sbwt 8nte Aarwn@ ,h qen There was the rod of Aaron, in the +8s,hnh@ vai 8etafviri 8ebol@ ,wris [o Tabernacle, this which has blossomed,

nem 8tso. without planting or watering.

Ouon ou8trapeza 8nnoub@ ,h qen +8s,hnh@ There was a golden table, in the 8pwik 8n+8procesis@ ,h 8e8xrhi 8ejws. Tabernacle, and the oblation bread, was

placed upon it.

Ouon ouar,h8ereus@ ,h qen +8s,hnh@ There was a high priest, in the Tabernacle, efensouswousi 8e8pswi@ ejen ninobi 8nte offering sacrifices, on account of the

pilaos. peopleʹs sins.

Afsanswlem 8erof@ 8nje When the almighty, smelled the aroma, pipantokratwr@ saf8wli 8mmau@ 8nninobi He lifted up the sins, of the people. 8nte pilaos.

Ebolxiten Maria@ 8tseri 8nIw8akim@ Through Mary, the daughter of Joachim,

ansouen pisouswousi@ 8mmhi 8n,anobi we learned of the true sacrifice, for the

8ebol. forgiveness of sins.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 229 Pimet8tiou Part 15

Nim pecna8ssaji@ 8m8ptaio 8n+8skhnh@ Who can speak of, the honor of the 8etafselswls 8ebol@ 8nje pi8provhths. Tabernacle, which was decorated, by the


Etaunau 8eros@ 8nje niswtp 8nsaq@ 8nte When the chosen scholars, of the Holy ni8gravh ecouab@ au[i8svchri 8emasw. Books, saw it they, were greatly amazed.

Aumokmek 8ebol@ qen pouka+ etsom@ They thought with, their enlightened

auermhneuin 8mmos@ qen ni8gravh ecouab. minds, and explained it, through the Holy Books.

Aumou+ 8eMaria@ 8tseri 8nIwakim@ je They called Mary, the daughter of

+8skhnh 8mmhi@ 8nte P[ois sabawc. Joachim, the True Tabernacle, of the Lord of Hosts.

Auen +kibwtos@ xijen +parcenos@ They likened the Ark, to the Virgin, and

peskenoub etswtp@ xijen pestoubo. its chosen gold, to her purity.

Auen pi8ilasthrion@ xijen +parcenos@ is They likened the Mercy Seat, to the Virgin,

Ni,eroubim 8nte 8p8wou@ seerqhibi 8ejws. and the Cherubim of glory,

overshadowing her.

Auen pi8stamnos 8nnoub@ xijen They likened the golden pot, to the Virgin,

+parcenos@ pefkesi 8mmanna@ xijen and the measure of the manna, to our

Penswthr. Savior.

Auen +lukni8a 8nnoub@ xijen +ekklhsia@ They likened the golden candle stand, to

peske sasf 8nqhbs@ xijen pisasf the church, and the seven lamps, to its

8ntagma. seven orders.

Auen +sourh 8nnoub@ xijen +parcenos@ They likened the golden censer, to the

Page 230 St George & St Joseph Church peskunamwnon@ xijen Emmanouhl. Virgin, and its aloes, to Emmanuel.

Auen +8xrhri 8n8scoinoufi@ xijen Maria They likened the flower of incense, to +ourw@ peskescoinoufi etswtp@ xijen Mary the Queen, and the chosen incense,

tesparceni8a. to her virginity.

Auen pi8sbwt 8nte Aarwn@ xijen 8pse They likened the rod of Aaron, to the 8nte pi8stauros@ 8etaues Pa[ois 8erof@ wood of the cross, which my Lord was

sa8ntefsw+ 8mmon. crucified upon, in order to save us.

Auen +8trapeza 8nnoub@ xijen They likened the golden table, to the pima8nerswousi@ 8pwik 8n+8procesis@ xijen Altar, and the oblation bread, to the body

8pswma 8mP[ois. of the Lord.

Auen piar,h8ereus@ xijen Penswthr@ They likened the high priest, to our pisouswousi 8mmhi@ 8n,anobi 8ebol. Savior, the true sacrifice, for the

forgiveness of sins.

Vai 8etafenf 8e8pswi@ 8noucusi8a esshp@ He who offered himself, as an acceptable xijen pi8stauros@ qa 8poujai 8mpengenos. sacrifice, upon the Cross, for the salvation

of our race.

Afswlem 8erof@ 8nje Pefiwt 8n8agacos@ His Good Father, smelled Him, in 8m8vnau 8nte xan8arouxi@ xijen }golgoca. evening, on Golgotha.

Afouwn 8m8vro@ 8mpiparadisos@ aftasco He opened the gate, of Paradise, and

8nAdam@ 8etefar,h 8nkesop. restored Adam, to his authority.

Ebolxiten Maria@ 8tseri 8nIwakim@ Through Mary, the daughter of Joachim,

ansouen pisouswousi 8mmhi@ 8n,anobi we learned of the true sacrifice, for the

8ebol. forgiveness of sins.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we also pray, that we may win

Kiahk Psalmody Page 231 xiten ne8presbia@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi mercy, through your intercessions, with

the Lover of mankind.


Page 232 St George & St Joseph Church

Conclusion of the ADAM Theotokia Neknai 8w Panou+

Neknai 8w Panou+@ xanat[i8hpi 8mmwou@ Your mercies O my God, are countless, seos 8emasw@ 8nje nekmetsenxht. and exceedingly plenteous, are Your


Niteltili 8mmounxwou@ se8hpi 8ntotk All the raindrops, are counted by You, throu@ pikesw 8nte 8viom@ se,h naxren and the sand of the Sea, is before Your

nekbal. eyes.

Ie auhr mallon@ ninobi 8nte ta2u,h@ nai How much more are, the sins of my soul, ecouwnx 8ebol@ 8mpek8mco Pa[ois. manifest before You, O my Lord.

Ninobi 8etaiaitou@ Pa[ois 8nnekerpoumeu8i@ The sins that I have committed, do not

oude 8mper+8xchk@ 8ena8anomi8a. remember my Lord, and do not count, my


Je pitelwnhs aksotpf@ +pornh aksw+ For You have chosen the publican, and the

8mmos@ pisoni etsaou8inam@ Pa[ois adulteress You have saved, and the right

akerpefmeu8i. hand thief, my Lord You have


Anok xw Pa[ois@ qa pirefernobi@ And I too, the sinner, teach me O my ma8tsaboi 8nta8iri@ 8noumet8anaoi8a. Lord, to offer repentance.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 233 Je 8,ouws 8m8vmou an@ 8mpirefernobi@ For You do not desire, the death of a

8m8vrh+ 8nteftascof@ 8nteswnq 8nje sinner, but rather that he returns, and that tef2u,h. his soul may live.

Matascon 8Vnou+@ 8eqoun 8epekoujai@ Restore us O God, to Your salvation, and

8ariou8i neman@ kata tekmet8agacos. deal with us, according to Your goodness.

Je 8ncok ou8agacos@ ouox 8nnaht@ For You are good, and merciful, let Your

maroutaxon 8n,wlem@ 8nje compassions, speedily come to us. nekmetsenxht.

0enxht qaron thren@ P[ois Vnou+ Have compassion upon us all, O Lord

Penswthr@ ouox nai nan@ kata peknis+ God our Savior, and have mercy upon us,

8nnai. according to Your great mercy.

Nai 8k8iri 8mpoumeu8i@ 8w pennhb Pi8,ristos@ Remember those, O Christ our Master, be

ek8eswpi qen tenmh+@ ekws 8ebol ekjw among us, and proclaim and say. 8mmos.

Je taxirhnh 8anok@ ++ 8mmos nwten@ My peace I, Give to You, the peace of my

8txirhnh 8mPaiwt@ +,w 8mmos nemwten. Father, I leave with you.

8Pouro 8nte +xirhnh@ moi nan O King of peace, grant us Your peace, 8ntekxirhnh@ semni nan 8ntekxirhnh@ ,a render unto us Your peace, and forgive us

nennobi nan ebol. our sins.

Jwr 8ebol 8nnijaji@ 8nte +ek8klhsia@ Disperse the enemies, of the church, and

8arisobt 8eros@ 8nneskim sa 8enex. fortify her that she, may not be shaken


Emmanouhl Pennou+@ qen tenmh+ Emmanuel our God, is in our midst, with +nou@ qen 8p8wou 8nte Pefiwt@ nem the glory of His Father, and the Holy

Pi8pneuma ecouab. Spirit.

Page 234 St George & St Joseph Church 8Ntef8smou 8eron thren@ 8nteftoubo May He bless us all, and purify our hearts,

8nnenxht@ 8nteftal[o 8nniswni@ 8nte and heal the sicknesses, of our soul and nen2u,h nem nenswma. bodies.

Tenouwst 8mmok 8w Pi8,ristos@ nem We worship You O Christ, together with

Pekiwt 8n8agacos@ nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ Your Good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for je ak8i aksw+ 8mmon. You have (risen) and saved us.

Your Mercies O My God

Your mercy O my God Is plenteous Your mercy O my God Has no boundaries

The drops of rain Are counted in Your hands Also the sand of the sea Is present before Your eyes

How much more are my sins My trespasses are before You And all that I have done Are present before You

The sins of my youth Remember it not O Lord Do not contemplate On my sins O God

For You desire not The death of sinners But You are ever pleased That they return to You

The tax‐collector was chosen The adulteress You forgave The thief You remembered Your mercy is boundless

I am a sinner too O Lord teach me To offer repentance Like the adulteress accept me

Return us O God unto Your salvation For You are good and gracious Grant us Your salvation For you are our Savior

If You judge us in Your uprightness We shall have no excuse We await Your compassion And plead for Your mercy

Your mercy O my God Is beyond all measure Your mercy O my God Is as the countless sand

Kiahk Psalmody Page 235 Your mercy O my God Is more than the stars in heaven And the plants of the earth The mountains and little hills

O King of peace Grant us Your peace Confirm Your peace unto us And forgive us our sins

Disperse the enemies Of Your Church Fortify her stronghold That she may never be shaken

Emmanuel our God Is now in our midst With the Glory of His Father And the Holy Spirit

May He bless us all And purify our hearts And heal the sickness Of our souls and bodies

We worship the Father the Son And the holy Spirit Both now and forever And to the end of ages; Amen.


Page 236 St George & St Joseph Church

The Morning Adam Doxology }doxologia 8nte sorp 8h,os Adam

Tenouwst 8mViwt nem 8p0hri@ nem We worship the Father and the Son: and Pi8pneuma ecouab@ ,ere +ek8klhsi8a@ 8phi the Holy Spirit: hail to the church: the

8nte niaggelos. house of the angls.

her the good news.

nitagma throu@ 8n8epouranion. Seraphim: hail to all the hosts: of the


,ere pimet8snau 8napostolos. the: twelve apostles.

pirefjwr 8ebol@ 8nte ni8idwlon. destroyer: of the idols.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 237 ,ere Gwergios@ pisiou 8nte xanatoou8i. George: the morning star.

Makarios. Macarii.

8mp[ois. pleased the Lord.

Hiten noueu,h@ Pi8,ristos Penouro@ Through their prayers: O Christ our King: ariounai neman@ qen tekmetouro. have mercy upon us: in Your kingdom.


Piouwini 8nta8vmhi@ vheterouwini@ 8erwmi O true light: that gives light: to every man:

niben@ ecnhou 8epikosmos. that comes into the world.

Ak8i 8epikosmos@ xiten tekmetmairwmi@ You came into the world: through Your

8a+kthsis thrs@ celhl qa pekjin8i. love for man: and all the creation: rejoiced

at Your coming.

Aksw+ 8nAdam@ 8ebol qen +8apath@ aker You have saved Adam: from seduction:

Eua 8nremxe@ qen ninakxi 8nte 8vmou. and delivered Eve: from the pangs of


Ak+ nan 8mPi8pneuma@ 8nte +metshri@ You gave unto us: the spirit of sonship: we

enxws en8smou 8erok@ nem nekaggelos. praise and bless You: with Your angels.

4en 8pjin8cref8i nan 8eqoun@ 8nje 8vnau When the morning hour: comes upon us:

Page 238 St George & St Joseph Church 8nswrp@ 8w Pi8,ristos Pennou+@ piouwini O Christ our God: the True Light. 8ntavmhi.

Marousai 8nqhten@ 8nje nilogismos 8nte Let the thought of light: shine within us:

piouwini@ ouox 8mpen8crefxobsten@ 8nje and do not let the darkness: of pain cover

8p,aki 8nipacos. us.

Hina 8ntenxws erok@ 8nno8htos nem That we may praise You: with

Dauid@ enws oubhk@ ouox enjw 8mmos. understanding: proclaiming and saying:

with David.

Je auersorp 8mvox@ 8nje nabal 8m8vnau My eyes have reached: the morning

8nswrp@ 8eermeletan@ qen neksaji throu. watch: that I might meditate: upon all

Your words.

Cwtem 8eten8smh@ kata peknis+ 8nnai@ Hear our voices: according to Your great

naxmen P[ois Pennou+@ kata mercy: save us O Lord our God: according

nekmetsenxht. to Your compassion.

8Vnou+ pifairwous@ 8nreferpecnanef@ O caring God: the maker of all good

pireferoikonomin@ 8nnefswtp 8nkalws. things: who governs well: with His chosen


Pirefer8xemi etjor@ 8nnhetauvwt xarof@ The strong governor for those: who take

8vref[isswou 8nte ouon niben@ noxem refuge in Him: who longs for the

8ntououjai. salvation: and deliverance of everyone.

4en tekmet8,rhstos@ aksob+ nan Through Your goodness: You provided

8mpiejwrx@ ari8xmot nan 8mpai8exoou@ enoi for us the night: grant us to pass: this day

8nacnobi. without sin.

Ecrener8pem8psa@ 8efai 8nnenjij 8e8pswi@ That we may be worthy: to lift up our

xarok 8mpekmco@ ,wris jwnt nem hands: before You without anger: or evil

Kiahk Psalmody Page 239 mokmek efxwou. thoughts.

4en tai xan8atooui@ soutwn nenmwit At this dawn: make straight our coming 8eqoun@ nem nenmwit 8ebol@ qen 8pounof in: and our going out: in the joy of Your

8nte tek8skeph. protection.

Ecrenjw 8ntekmecmhi@ 8n8exoou niben@ That we may proclaim: Your 8ntenxws 8etekjom@ nem Dauid righteousness daily: and praise Your

pi8provhthis. power: with David the prophet.

Je qen tekxirhnh@ Pi8,ristos Saying “In Your peace: O Christ our Penswthr@ anenkot antwoun@ je Savior: we slept and arose: for we have

anerxelpis erok. hoped in You.”

Hhppe oupecnanef@ ie oupetxolj 8ebhl@ “Behold how beneficent: and how 8e8p+ma+ 8nxan8snhou@ eusop xi ouma. pleasant:it is for brethren: to dwell

together in unity.”

Euersumvwnin@ qen ouagaph 8mmhi@ United: in the true: evangelic love: like the 8neuaggelikh@ kata niapostolos apostles.

8M8vrh+ 8mpisojen@ 8e+8ave 8mPi8,ristos@ It is like the fragrant oil: on the head of

efnhou 8ejen +mort@ sa 8e8qrhi Christ: running down the beard: down to 8eni[alauj. the feet.

Efcwxs 8mmhni niben@ niqelloi nem That anoints every day: the elders: the

nialwou8i@ nem niqelsiri@ nem children and young men: and the deacons. nidi8akonisths.

Nai etafxotpou eusop@ 8nje Pi8pneuma Those whom the Holy Spirit: has attuned

ecouab@ 8m8vrh+ 8noukuhcara@ eu8smou together: as a stringed instrument: always 8e8Vnou+ 8nshou niben. blessing God.

Page 240 St George & St Joseph Church 4en xan2almos nem xanxws@ nem By psalms and hymns: and spiritual

xanxwdh 8m8pneumatikon@ 8mpi8exoou nem songs: by day and by night: with an pi8ejwrx@ qen ouxht 8nat,arwf. incessant heart.


Ecbe +parcenos For the Virgin

8Nco 8cmau 8mpiouwini@ ettaihout You are the Mother of Light: the honored

8mmasnou+@ 8arefai qa pilogos@ Mother of God: you have carried: the

pi8a,writos. uncircumscript Logos.

Menensa 8cremasf@ 8are8oxi 8ereoi After you gave birth to Him: you

8mparcenos@ qen xanxws nem xan8smou@ remained a virgin: with praises and

ten[isi 8mmo. blessings: we magnify you.

Je 8ncof qen pefouws@ nem 8p+ma+ For of His own will: and the pleasure of

8mpefiwt@ nem Pi8pneuma ecouab@ af8i His Father: and the Holy Spirit: Ha came

afsw+ 8mmon. and saved us.

Anon xwn tentwbx@ ecrensasni eunai@ And we too: hope to win mercy: through

xiten ne8presbi8a@ 8ntotf 8mpimairwmi. your intercessions: with the Lover of



Kiahk Psalmody Page 241 Ecbe +parcenos on Also, for the Virgin

Api8scoinoufi etswtp@ 8nte teparceni8a@ The select incense: of your virginity: afsenaf 8e8pswi@ sa pi8cronos 8mViwt. ascended to the throne: of the Father.

Exote pi8scoinoufi@ 8nte ni

niCeravim@ Maria +parcenos. and the Seraphim: O Virgin Mary.

af,as 8nouma 8nemton@ 8mpef0hri has created: and made a place of rest: fo

8mmenrit. His beloved Son.

8mmof@ xijen ni

Ari8presbeuin 8ejwn@ 8w checmex 8n8xmot@ Intercede on our behalf: O full of grace:

naxren Penswthr@ Pen[ois Ihsous before our Savior: our Lord Jesus Christ. Pi8,ristos.

Hopws 8nteftajron@ qen pinax+ That He may confirm us: in the upright

etsoutwn@ ouox 8ntefer8xmot nan@ faith: and grant us the forgiveness: of our

8mpi,w 8ebol 8nte nennobi. sins.

Hiten ni8presbi8a@ 8nte +ce8otokos ecouab Through the intercessions: of the Mother

Maria@ P[ois ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w 8ebol of God saint Mary: O Lord grant us: the

8nte nennobi. forgiveness of our sins.


Page 242 St George & St Joseph Church Ecbe niaggelos For the Angels

Hananso 8nso@ nem xan8cba 8n8cba@ Thousands of thousands: and myriads of 8nra,haggelos@ nem aggelos euouab. myriads: of archangels: and holy angels.

Eu8oxi eratou@ 8mpe8mco 8mpi8cronos@ 8nte They stand before: the throne: on the

pipantokratwr@ euws 8ebol eujw 8mmos. Pantocrator: proclaiming and saying.

Je 8,ouab 8,ouab@ 8,ouab qen oumecmhi@ Holy Holy: Holy in truth: the glory and

pi8wou nem pitai8o@ er8prepi 8n}8trias. honor: befit the trinity.

Hiten ni8presbia@ 8nte 8p,oros thrf 8nte Through the intercessions: of the whole niaggelos@ P[ois ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w choir of the angels: O Lord grant us: the

8ebol 8nte nennobi. forgiveness of our sins.


Ecbe niapostolos For the Apostles

Nennio+ 8n8apostolos@ auxiwis qen Our fathers the apostles: preached unto

niecnos@ qen pieuaggelion@ 8nte Ihsous the nations: the Gospel: of Jesus Christ. Pi8,ristos.

Apouqrwou senaf@ xijen 8pkaxi thrf@ Their voices went forth: into all the earth:

ouox nousaji auvox@ sa aurhjs and their words have reached: the ends of

8n+oikoumenh. the world.

Hiten nieu,h@ 8nte na[ois 8nio+ Through the prayers: of my fathers the

8n8apostolos@ P[ois ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w apostles: O Lord grant us: the forgiveness

8ebol 8nte nennobi. of our sins.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 243 Ecbe nimarturos For the Martyrs

Han8,lom 8natlwm@ afthitou 8nje P[ois@ Unfading crowns: the Lord has placed: xijen 8p,oros thrf@ 8nte nimarturos. upon the whole choir: of the martyrs.

Aftoujwou afnaxmou@ je auvwt He saved and delivered them: because

xarof@ auersai nemaf@ qen tefmetouro. they took refuge in Him: they celebrated with Him: in His Kingdom.

Hiten nieu,h@ 8nte 8p,oros thrf 8nte Through the prayers: of the whole choir of

nimarturos@ P[ois ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w martyrs: O Lord grant us: the forgiveness 8ebol 8nte nennobi. of our sins.


Ecbe nhecouab For the Saints

Nhecouab 8ntak@ eu8e8smou 8erok@ 8euesaji Your saints bless You: and they speak: of

8m8p8wou@ 8nte tekmetouro. the glory: of Your kingdom.

Tekmetouro Panou+@ oumetouro 8n8enex@ Your kingdom O my God: is an eternal

ouox tekmet[ois@ sa nigene8a throu. kingdom: and Your Lordship: is unto all


Hiten nieu,h@ 8nte 8p,oros thrf 8nte Through the prayers: of the whole choir of

ni8staurovoros@ nem ni8cmhi nem nidikeos@ the cross bearers: the righteous and the

P[ois ari8xmot nan@ 8mpi,w 8ebol 8nte just: O Lord grant us: the forgiveness of

nennobi. our sins.


Page 244 St George & St Joseph Church Ecbe nipatriar,hs nem ni8provhths For the Patriarchs and the Prophets

Eliseos@ pefswtp 8mmachths. and Elisha: his elect disciple.

Pinis+ 8nrefxiwis@ qen +,wra 8nte The great Evangelist: of the land of Egypt:

8Nco te 8cmau 8m8Vnou+@ Maria You are the Mother of God: O Virgin

+parcenos@ twbx 8mmof ejwn@ ecrefnai Mary: ask Him on our behalf: to have

qa pengenos. mercy upon our race.

Pinis+ 8mpatriar,hs@ peniwt abba The great patriarch: our father Abba

Ceuhros@ vheta nef8sbwou8i ecouab@ Severus: whose holy teachings:

8erouwini 8mpennous. enlightened our minds.

Peniwt 8n8omologiths@ abba Dioskoros@ Our father the confessor: Abba Dioscorus:

afmisi 8ejen pinax+@ oube nixeretikos. defended the faith: against the heretics.

Nem nennio+ throu@ etauranaf 8mP[ois@ And all of our fathers: who have pleased 8ere pou8smou ecouab@ swpi nan the Lord: may their holy blessings: be a

8nourefrwis. guard unto us.

Hiten noueu,h@ ari8xmot nan 8Vnou+@ Through their prayers: O God grant us:

8mpi,w 8ebol 8nte nennobi@ moi nan the forgiveness of our sins: and give us

8nousw+. peace.


Kiahk Psalmody Page 245 Tar,h 8mpinax+ ecouab Introduction to the Creed

Ten[isi 8mmo 8cmau 8mpiououwini 8nta8vmh We exalt you, the Mother of the true Light, ten+wou ne w chehouab ouox 8mmasnou+ and we glorify you, O saint and

je aremisi nan 8m8pswthr 8mpikosmos Theotokos, for you brought forth unto us

thrf af8i ouox afsw+ 8nnen2u,h ouwou the Savior of the whole world; He came nak pennhb penouro Pi8,ristos 8psousou and saved our souls. Glory to You, our

8nniapostolospi8,lom 8nte nimarturos Master, our King, Christ, the pride of the

8pcelhl 8nnidikeos 8ptajro 8nniekhsia apostles, the crown of the martyrs, the joy 8p,w ebol 8nte ninobi tenxiwis 8n+8trias of the righteous, the steadfastness of the

ecouab esqen oumecnou+ 8nouwt Churches, and the forgiveness of sins. We

tenouwst 8mmos ten+wou nas proclaim the Holy Trinity in One Godhead. We worship Him. We Glorify

Him. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Lord bless. Amen.

Pinax+ 8nocrodoxon The Orthodox Creed

4en oumecmhi tennax+ 8eounou+ 8nouwt We believe in one God: God the Father,

8viwt pipantokratwr vhetafcamio 8n8tve the Pantocrator, who created heaven and nem 8pkaxi nhetounau erwou nem nhete earth, and all things seen and unseen. We

8nsenau erwou an. Tennax+ eou[ois believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only‐

8nouwt Ihsous Pi8,ristos 8pshri 8m8Vnou+ Begotten Son of God, begotten of the

pimonogenhs pimisi ebolqen 8viwt qajen Father before all ages; Light out of Light,

niewn throu. Ououwini ebolqen ououwni true God of true God, begotten not

ounou+ 8nta8vmh ebolqen ounou+ created; of one essence with the Father, by 8nta8vmh oumisi pe oucamio an pe whom all things were made; who for us

oumoousios pe nem 8viwt vheta xwb men and for our salvation came down

niben swpi ebolxitotf. Vai ete ecbhten from heaven, and was incarnate of the

Page 246 St George & St Joseph Church anon qa nirwmi nem ecbe penoujai af8i Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and

epesht eblqen 8tve af[isarx ebolqen became Man. And He was crucified for us Maria +parcenos ouox aferrwmi. Ouox under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was

auerstaurwnin 8mmof 8e8xrhi ejwn naxren buried. And, on the third day He rose

Pontios Pilatos afsep8mkax ouox from the dead, according to the scriptures; aukosf. Ouox aftwnf ebolqen He ascended into the heavens and sat

nhecmwout qen pi8exoou 8mmaxsomt down at the right hand of His Father, and

kata ni8gravh. Afsenaf 8e8pswi enivhou8i He is coming in His glory to judge the afxemsi saou8i nam 8mpeviwt. Ke palin living and the dead; whose kingdom shall

efnhou qen pehwou e+xap enhetonq nem have no end. Yes, we believe in the Holy

nhecmwout vhete tefmetouro Spirit, the Lord, the Life‐Giver, who 8nacmounk pe. Ce tennax+ 8epi8Pneuma proceeds from the Father, who, with the

ecouab P[ois 8nref+ 8m8pwnq vhecnhou Father and the Son, is worshipped and

ebolqen 8viwt. Ceouwst 8mmof se+wou glorified, who spoke by the prophets, and naf nem 8viwt nem 8pshri vhetafsaji in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

qen ni8provhths. Eou8i 8n8agia 8nkacolikh We confess one baptism for the remission

8napostolokh 8n8ekklhsia. Tenermologin of sins. We look for the resurrection of the 8nouwms 8nouwt 8e8p,w ebol 8nte ninobi. dead, and the life of the coming age.

Tenjoust qa8txh 8n+anastasis 8nte Amen. nirefmwout nem piwnq 8nte piewn ecnhou amhn.

Then they chant Kerielycon 41 times, the Lord’s prayer, the absolution, followed by the following:

Ending of Midnight Praising

8Vnou+ nai nan O God have mercy on us.

8Vnou+ swtem 8eron O God hear us.

Kiahk Psalmody Page 247 8Vnou+ soms 8eron O God behold us.

8Vnou+ joust 8eron O God look to us.

8Vnou+ senxht qaron O God have compassion on us.

Anon qa peklaos We are Your people.

Anon qa pek8plasma We are Your creation.

Naxmen 8ebolqen nenjaji Deliver us from our enemies.

Naxmen 8ebolxa ou8xbwn Deliver us from inflation.

Anon qa nek8ebiaik We are Your servants.

Uios ceos 8ncok You are the Son of God.

Annax+ 8erok We believe in You.

Je ak8i aksw+ 8mmon For You have risen and saved us.

Jempensini qen pekoujai Visit us with Your salvation.

Ouox ,a nennobi nan ebol And forgive us our sins.

Page 248 St George & St Joseph Church Synexarium of Kiahk

Day Synexarium of the day Departure of St. Peter El‐Rahawy, Bishop of Gaza Kiahk 1 Consecration of the Church of St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Kiahk 2 Departure of Abba Or the Monk

Kiahk 3 Admission of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Temple in Jerusalem

Kiahk 4 Martyrdom of St. , Brother of the Apostle Peter Departure of the Prophet one of the 12 Minor Prophets Kiahk 5 Martyrdom of St. Victor (Arabic, ʺBoctorʺ) Martyrdom of St. Isidore Martyrdom of St. Anatolius the Priest Kiahk 6 Departure of Abba Abraam, the 62nd Pope of Alexandria Kiahk 7 Departure of St. Matthew the Poor Departure of Abba Hercules (Heraclas), the 13th Pope of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saints Barbara and Juliana Kiahk 8 Martyrdom of Saints Esi and his Sister Departure of St. , the Abbot of Qualamon Monastery Kiahk 9 Departure of St. the Confessor Relocation of the of Abba Severus, Archbishop of Antioch Kiahk 10 Departure of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra Kiahk 11 Departure of St. Pijimi Commemoration of the Archangel Michael Departure of St. Hedra, Bishop of Aswan Kiahk 12 Commemoration of St. John the Confessor Assembly of a Council in Rome to try Benates (Novatus) the Priest Martyrdom of St. Kiahk 13 Departure of St. Abracius Consecration of the Church of St. Misaeal the Martyrdom of Saints Behnam and his Sister Sarah Departure of St. Christodoulos Kiahk 14 Martyrdom of Saints Simeon of Menouf, Abba Hour and Abba Mina the Elder Martyrdom of St. Ammonius, Bishop of Esna Kiahk 15 Departure of Abba Gregory, Patriarch of the Armenians Departure of St. the Righteous Gideon, Judge of Israel Kiahk 16 Martyrdom of Saints Harouadj, Ananias and Khouzi Consecration of the Church of St. James the Persian Kiahk 17 Departure of St. Luke the Stylite and the Relocation of His Relics Commemoration of the Transfer of the Relics of St. Titus to Constantinople Kiahk 18 Commemoration of Saints Hercules (Heracleas) the Martyr and Philemon the

Kiahk Psalmody Page 249 Priest

Departure of St. John, Bishop of El‐Borolos who collected the Biographies of Kiahk 19 the Saints (the Synaxarium) Kiahk 20 Departure of Prophet , One of the 12 Minor Prophets Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God Kiahk 21 Martyrdom of St. , One of the 70 Disciples Commemoration of Archangel Gabriel Kiahk 22 Departure of Abba Anastasius, the 36th Pope of Alexandria Departure of the Prophet David Kiahk 23 Departure of St. Timothy the Anchorite Martyrdom of Abba Ignatius, Patriarch of Antioch Kiahk 24 Departure of Abba Philogonus, Patriarch of Antioch Commemoration of the Birth of St. Takla‐Haymanot the Ethiopian Kiahk 25 Departure of St. John Kama (Khame) Martyrdom of St. Anastasia Kiahk 26 Commemoration of St. Juliana the Martyr Kiahk 27 Martyrdom of Abba Bisadi (Psote) the Bishop

Kiahk 28 Martyrdom of the 150 Men and 24 Women

Kiahk 29 Feast of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus (Christmas)

Kiahk 30 Departure of St. John, Archpriest of Scetis Desert

Page 250 St George & St Joseph Church The Coptic alphabet

The Coptic alphabet consists of 31 phonetic characters, a special numerical character (Sou), and a vowel point (jinkim). The first 24 characters plus the special numerical character come from the Greek alphabet. The last seven characters are Demotic characters, modified to match the script of the first 24 characters.

Capital Small Name Pronunciation Letter Letter A a Alpha ʺAʺ as in Fan, Adam

B b Veeta ʺBʺ if not followed by a vowel. Beeta ʺVʺ if it is the first letter of a word, followed by a vowel. G g Ghama ʺGʺ as in God if followed by the following vowels (e y i u) ʺghʺ as in ghali if followed by consonant or the following vowels (a o w ou). ʺnʺ if followed by (g k x ,) D d Zelta ʺDʺ in proper noun. Delta ʺZʺ in any other place E e Ei ʺEʺ as in Pen

^ Sou It is number ʺ6ʺ

Z z Zeeta ʺZʺ as in Zone

Y h Eta ʺEEʺ as in Meet

: c Theta ʺTʺ if preceded by (s c) ʺTHʺ in all other cases I i Iota ʺIʺ as in Did ʺYʺ if followed or preceded by vowel K k Kappa ʺKʺ as in Cook

L l Lavla ʺLʺ as in Look

M m Mei ʺMʺ as in Mother

N n Nei ʺNʺ as in No

3 x Exee ʺXʺ as in Ax

Kiahk Psalmody Page 251 O o O ʺOʺ – short as in Not

P p Pee ʺPʺ as in Pen

R r Ro ʺRʺ as in Room

C s Seema ʺSʺ as in Same ʺZʺ as in Zone – when followed by m in Greek words. T t Tav ʺTʺ as in Tak

U u Epsilon ʺVʺ if follows A or E ʺOʺ as in Loop if follows O ʺEʺ the rest of the situations V v Fee ʺFʺ as in fish or elephant.

< , Kei ʺKʺ in Coptic words ʺShʺ in words of Greek origin when followed by (e i y u) ʺKHʺ in the rest of the situations with Greek origin.S " 2 Epsee ʺPSʺ as in Coptic word Psalmos

W w Oo ʺOʺ – long as in Board

0 s Shai ʺSHʺ as in Shake

F f Fai ʺFʺ as in fan

4 q Khai ʺKHʺ – as in cucumber in Arabic Khiar

H x Hori ʺHʺ as in Home

J j Ganga ʺJʺ as in Jim if followed by (e i y) ʺGʺ as in Go in all other situations q [ Cheema ʺCHʺ as in Church.

} + Tee ʺTʺ as in Tea

8 8 Jinkim Adds the sound ʺeʺ before the letter. For example `n is pronounced as ʺENʺ

Page 252 St George & St Joseph Church