Legal Consultant (Pro Bono) : JunHe LLP Foster Civil Society A Fair and Just Society Where Every Heart Carries Hope A / Room ����, Tower C, Vantone Center, No. � Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, ������, China T / ���-��������-��� Narada Foundation E /
[email protected] P.C / ������ Annual Report /01-02 /03-05 /06 Foreword About Narada Foundation Board of Directors Mission and Vision Board Members and Supervisors ����-���� Strategic Plan /08-47 /48-51 /52-53 Programmes Audit Report Our Team Sector Development Scaling Up Social Innovation ○ China Effective Philanthropy Multiplier Social Enterprise and Impact Investment Other Programmes ○ Ginkgo Fellows Programme ○ New Citizen Programme ○ Quantitative Historical Research Project ○ Funding Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation XU Yongguang ,Chair of the Board of Directors PENG Yanni , CEO In Chinese culture, twelve years is a full cycle in life and history. Narada Foundation passed its ���� marked the third year of Narada Foundation’ s ����-���� strategic plan. We have furthered our first �� years in ����. three work areas, namely sector development, scaling up social innovation (China Effective Philanthropy Multiplier) and social enterprise and impact investment, in all aspects, addressing In the past �� years, Narada Foundation upheld its mission‘ foster civil society’ and strove to fulfil the needs and underlying problems of grassroots non-profit development, and accomplished our its vision‘ a fair and just society where every heart carries hope’ . Narada has been growing and original goals set at the planning stage. strengthening philanthropy infrastructure and improving the non-profit and philanthropy ecosystem in China together with our non-profit partners, an example of ownership and The China Effective Philanthropy Multiplier continued to perform efficiently in ����.