'More lnsulin Successes . Problems of Nlodernization . Normon Bethune .The Manchus Australia: A g 0.40 New Zealand: NZ g 0.40 U.K.: 25 p U.S.A.: g 0.50 Faticat mot!:er iil a Shangl'iei' park, Zirairy SlttLicltcitg Articles of the Month PROBTEMS !N CHINA'S MODERNIZATION \D Advontoges ond shortcomings. Deueloping the Chi- i\ nese to'sks model. Selt-reliqnce ond imports. Current ond priorities. Noted economist Xue Bood,ing gives down-to-eorth opinions. Poge 2 PUBLISHED MONTHLY. lN ENGLISH; FRENCH, SPANISH, ARABIC AND BIMONTHLY IN GERMAN BY THE CHINA WELFARE INSTITUTE MEMORIES (sOONG CHING LING, CHA|RMANI OF DR. BEIHUNE Bottle-front stories of the greot Conodion internotionolist, the 40th vot. xxv!il No. 11 NOVEMBER 1979 onniversory of whose deoth comes this month, movingly recolled by well-known novelist Zhou Erlu, CONTENTS outhor of o widely populor book obout hi'm in Chinese, ond by China's Modernization: Some Current Problems Xue Bethune's lormer bodyguord Yong Baoding 2 Yoolo. Poge 16 Shanghai Window on Chinese City Tan Manni 5 - l-ife After lrrsulin Synthesis: Progress Research in Peptide SHANGHAI _ Niu Jingyi 13 wrNDow oN A Second Lile-ln Memory oJ Dr. Norman Bethune on 'His the 40th Anniversary of Death Zhou Erlu Itl CHINA'S CITY IIFE Memories of Bethune Yang Yaota 1B The post ond present of City Co-ops: More Jobs for Youth Lu Zhenhua and Liu Chino's lorgest metrop- olis, ond the multitude Chuang 21 of things the visitor con Miniature Trees and Landscapes 24 see there. Poge 5 China's Manchu Nationality Aisin-Gioro Pu Jie 28, Cooperation, Friendship and Results Joint Research with a Danish Scientist Zou Shichang- 32 The Photography of Chen Fuli Huang Xiang J+ How A Farm Family Gets lts Income Liu Chenlie 40 New Rail Artery Serves New lndustries Liu Hongta. 42 APPROACH, The Glay-Figure World of Zheng Yuhe Zhang Fenggao 46 IO The Way Every Teacher Should Be Zeng Xiangping 50 IHE Sri Lanka Dances Come to China's Stage Jiang Shimei CO Noted Japanese Orchestra in Beijing Zhao Jinglun 54 SECRET Carto.ons 56 OF Chinese History - XIV' tIFE The Glory Thal -Was Tang: 3 High Point in Culture Jiao Jian - 57 'Yang Scenes of Tang Court Life Hong 60 Lightrng Up in Xinhui County Qiu Jian 66 Do You Know? China's Currency: Renminbi 68 Language Corner: Lesson 11: Visiting West Lake 71 PEOPLE, COVER PICTURES: MY THE MANCHUS Front: Niu Jingyi (center), Gong Yueting (right) and Du Yucang who have scored new breakthroughs in Aisin-Gioro Pu Jie, brother of .l biochemical science (see article on p. 3). Chen Yi Chino's lost ertperor, tells the present situotion Back: giant panda per- history ond Wei Wei, the first ever trained lo of Chino's once-ruling, Monchu iorm, does his stuff with the Shanghai Acrobatic notionolity of which he is o I roupe. Zhang Shuicheng noted member. Poge 28 Editoriol Office: Woi Wen Building, Beijing (37), Chino. Coble: "CHIRECON" Beijing. Generol, Distributor: GUOZI SHUDIAN, P.O. Box 399, Beijing, Chiho. Chima's Modernization : $ome Gurrent Prohle $ XUE BAODING qINCE the decision to shift Chi- agriculture, light industry, heavy tricity, seventh place; and in tJ na's focus to socialist mod- industry. petroleum ninth place. China now ernization, foreign visitors have Second, there were serious has more machine tools than some noted some economic and techni- setbacks beginning with the cul- industriaiiy advanced countries. cal problems involved and won- tural revolution in 1966, during These are the achievements and dered whether we wiII be able to ten years of interference and advantages. cope" When I visited the United sabotage by Lin Biao and the However, since China started States with the delegation of gang of four which brought from such poverty and because of the Chinese Academy of Social China's economy to the brink of her large population today, she is Sciences earlier this year, Amer- collapse. still behind the first hundred of ican friends asked if we had a Third, there has been a decided the world's 150-odd countries in practicable plan for moderniza- turn for the better. since the national income per-capita. Our tion. Below I give some personal downfall of the gang. Great people's livelihood has improved vrews. efforts by both government and too slowly. They are still rather people have restored social order poor in food, clothing, daily from the recent chaos, dnd savod necessities and housing. These are .A Four-Point Evaluation industry and agriculture from the the lags and lacks. Most important is a realigtic planlessness they had fallen into. The f our modernizations, pro- overview of China's basic eco- The rapidity of recovery is re- posed by Premier Zhou En1ai at nomic situation today. Broadly, flected in the economic statistics the Fourth National People's there are four points people for 1977-78 given by Premier Hua Congress in 1975 and reiterated by should be clear on: Guofeng in his "Report on the Premier Hua Guofeng at the Fifth First, there were remarkable Work of the Government" at the in 1978, are aimed precisely at achievements in our economic Second Session of the Fifth meeting the increasing everyday construction in the 1? yeais from National Congress*. needs of the people and making Fourth, not economy prosperous the f ounding of the People's this recovery has our socialist Republic of China in 1949 to the yet wholly eliminated the im- and strong. eve of the cultural revolution in balances of the past, Hence 1966. As early as 1956, Comrade the present policy of readjust- Seeking a Chinese Model Mao Zedong summed up initial ment, restructuring, consolidation is the choice of experience in his famous work and improvement. Its aim is to Very important "On the Ten Major Relation- advance in the course of read- a road for China's modernization ships." He explained the relation- justment, to better the people's conforming to her own situation. ships between industry and agri- livelihood and make our economy Foreign friends have asked which culture, between heavy and Iight flourish. model we shall pick, The Amer- west industry, between economic and ican? The Japanese? The defense construction, between the Advantages and European? Or the Yugoslav or state, the production units and the Disadvantages Romanian models? We recall Chairman Mao Zedong's advice on individual producer, and so on. In total output of several major Later these concepts developed into the point. He said we should avoid products China, as a result of from any t'wo principles for our national post-liberation progress, copying mechanically is now foreign example, learn from the economy. Agriculture was to be among the world's leading coun- experience of others, "make viewed as its foundation and in- tries. Our grain production is .good things foreign serve China," and dustry as its leading factor. The second only to that of the United study, digest, utilize and develoP order of its priorities was to be: States, We rank third, after the things useful to ourselves. Soviet Union and the United XUE BAODING, a well-known econ- States, in coal production. In omist in China, is Vice-Director of + See "Crucial Steps in China's Modern- the Institute of Industrial Economics of steel output we have reached ization," China Reconsttucts , October the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, fifth place in the world; in elec- 1979 issue. 2 CHINA &ECONSTBIJQTS, ?ii)'* d, :r ,l ,ii,'t- j ,-:r w. .,r ' l;".'t:, Electrification of the Baoji-Tianshui sectiorr of the Long- hai line. an east-lvest rail artery across central Chlna, NOYEMBER 1979 It yields, directly or indirec{ly, a good part of our national revenue. Such is the shape of things in China's economy. In its social organization our agriculture has , been transformed by the advent of the people's com- munes. But its production is still chiefly by manual work and sub- ject to nature's whims. Of China's 100 million hectares of cultivated area less than 40 percent is work- ed by machines. Some present averages: one h. p. of mechanical power for every 2/3 hectares, one tractor per 200 hectares of farmed land, 220 kilograms of chemical fertilizer used per hectare (with the proportion of nitrogenous, phosphate and potash fertilizers often not suited to different soils and crops as science requires). Grain production per agricultural worker averages less than one ton, low productivity indeed, as com- pared, for instance, to that in the U.S.A. and Canada, generally be- Coal cutting in the Datong mining area, Shanxi province. tween 60 and 100 tons. In the last decade, the chief Chairman Mao was the first to with external assistance as a sup- stress has been on farm crops, put forward the magnificent goal plement, enlisting both central which made up about 70 percent of China's four modernizations on and loca1 initiative, developing of output, by value. Forestry, the basis of the universal truths of large, medium-sized and small animal husbandry and fishery Marxism-Leninism and our actual projects simultaneously and con- were neglected, or damaged as situation. After the founding of centrating forces to solve major when some woods and pastures the people's republic in 1949, and problems one at a time. They were destroyed and lakes drained paiticularly after the basic com- sum up the Chinese people's to make tilled land, disrupting the pletion of the socialist transforma- experiences in long years of ecological balance. Within our tions in 1956, he repeatedly called struggle and construction.
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