Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52 Wasur National Park Hall's Role In Raising The Local People's Income Wasur Village

1st Paul Adryani Moento, 2nd Nikolaus Unawekla

Departement of Public Administration, FISIP UNMUS Email: [email protected]

Abstract The welfare level of the population in Wasur Park village is still very low and most still hang its life by taking the result of the forest. This study aims to analyze the role of Wasur Park National Park in increasing local people's income. The method by which researchers use a qualitative approach, while the data collection techniques consist of library studies and field studies through observation, interviews. The process of data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and the conclusion of the empowerment of the National Park Wasur Park Hall is counseling to the local community in the framework of the Empowerment Program of local Kampung Wasur Park. In the empowerment, Wasur Park National Park is coordinating with local governments to see the development of local community data. The real evidence of Wasur Park National Park through empowerment is the establishment of a rural forestry Counseling Center (SPKP). The establishment of a rural forestry Counseling Center (SPKP) in Wasur Village, implemented after the implementation of education and training of village studies in participatory. Furthermore, Wasur Park National Park Hall conducts construction. The construction is a construction of small industry of eucalyptus oil refining, the manufacture of salted fish, medicinal plants, and the cultivation of commercial crops. Then the community in providing coaching through socialization by providing science about preserving the forest and protection and safeguarding the potential of Wasur National Park area. Then Wasur Park National Park Hall conducts supervision. Supervision conducted by the National Park Hall Wasur Park is monitoring against the hunting of many protected animals located in Wasur Park National Park area. In the Garden Hall program, Wasur Park is monitoring and evaluation of habitat and population. The Wasur Park National Park Hall conducts a regular patrol, preventing wild hunters from Wasur Park National Park. Then patrol is also done to prevent forest fires. Keywords: Role; Empowerment; Coaching; Supervision

Abstrak Tingkat kesejahteraan penduduk di Kampung Wasur masih sangat rendah dan sebagian besar masih bertahan hidup dengan mengambil hasil hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa peran Balai Taman Nasional Wasur dalam meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat setempat. Metode dimana peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari studi perpustakaan dan studi lapangan melalui pengamatan, wawancara. Proses analisis data meliputi pengurangan data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan dari Pemberdayaan yang dilakukan balai taman nasional wasur adalah penyuluhan kepada masyarakat setempat dalam rangka program pemberdayaan Kampung Wasur setempat. Dalam pemberdayaan tersebut, Balai Taman Nasional Wasur berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah daerah untuk melihat perkembangan data masyarakat setempat. Bukti nyata Balai Taman Nasional Wasur pedesaan (SPKP). Pendirian Pusat Konseling Kehutanan pedesaan (SPKP) di desa Wasur, dilaksanakan setelah pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan studi desa dalam partisipatif. Selain itu, Balai Tanaman National Wasur melakukan pembangunan. Konstruksi adalah konstruksi industri kecil penyulingan minyak kayu putih, pembuatan ikan asin, tanaman obat, dan budidaya tanaman komersial. Kemudian masyarakat dalam memberikan pembinaan melalui sosialisasi dengan memberikan ilmu tentang pelestarian hutan dan perlindungan serta menjaga potensi daerah Taman Nasional Wasur. Kemudian Balai Tanaman Nasional Wasur melakukan 44 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52

pengawasan. Pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh Balai Tanaman Nasional Wasur adalah pemantauan terhadap perburuan banyak satwa dilindungi yang terletak di area Balai Tanaman Nasional Wasur. Dalam program Balai Taman Nasioanal Wasur adalah Monitoring dan evaluasi habitat dan populasi. Balai Taman Nasioanal Wasur melakukan patroli reguler, mencegah pemburu liar dari dalam Balai Taman Nasioanal Wasur. Kemudian patroli juga dilakukan untuk mencegah kebakaran hutan. Kata Kunci: Peran; Pemberdayaan; Pembinaan; Pengawasan

Introduction Country is a country that has mega known as a place that has a wide variety of natural life in the world, Santosa. D. A. R., & Ramadhan. E. P. (2008). Economics is a science that learns about how people meet the needs of their lives, whether primary, Sekunders and tertiary. The economic activities in question may include production, distribution, or sale and service activities to acquire property as a benchmark to determine the level of human welfare, WATI. A. (2018). The tourism sector is one of the potentials of the social economy that needs to be developed to improve community Welfare and regional development. This is done thoroughly and evenly so there needs to be directional and coordinated coaching. Also, the concept of tourism covers empowerment efforts, tourism businesses, objects, and tourist attractions as well as various types of tourism businesses. Tourism activities will also enhance the involvement, participation, and local community involvement activities in it, because the indigenous people are living around and or within the tourism object that is done, have the location in accordance His rights and intentions, his life still depends on the potential of natural resources in his territory, and the economic social life is still simple so it needs to be improved. The park is one part of nature which is a mandate to make good use of human beings, so that created a relationship of economic activity is fair for human beings, in this case, the relationship of economic activities that intertwined between Governments, Entrepreneurs, and the community surrounding the park. The development of tourism parks is expected to support the economic life of the wider community, especially the local indigenous people who are located around and or in the site of tourist parks. The park is associated with the utilization of natural potential in the area to be developed into a tourist activity or a place for leisure and release fatigue. Community development in search of income

45 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52 generation solutions that do not depend on the activities of forest utilization in vain, Matheus Beljai. M., et. all. (2014). The park has a variety of activities associated with water sports, fishing, sunbathing and touring the park. The activities of the tourism park are activities that require adequate place and equipment and sufficient knowledge about a park area. Community The park is one of the activities of the economic industry that is very promising, not only for the owners of the owner and park owners themselves, but apparently the existence of tourist parks also have an impact on the community economy Surrounding, with the existence of tourism park in an area it will directly open the job for the community in particular, besides the existence of the park will open opportunities for the community around to open a variety of Medium enterprises that are able to improve their economies. Tourism activities are activities involving various interests (multi-sectoral) and closely related to the development of the global economy. Also, tourism is an activity that relies on the utilization of the potential of the existing natural resources that exist in each object and tourist attraction by staying focused on the balance and preservation (without damaging the natural potential Owned). Also, it is necessary to increase promotion and marketing as well as improvement of tourism education and training, provision of quality infrastructure and smoothness of tourism maintenance services Wasur Park National Park is an asset that can improve the economy and welfare of the community around Wasur Park in particular and society in general even though it is located at the eastern end of Merauke Regency, but a visit coming to the National park Wasur tends to be stable. During this period, the dominant economic activity that took place in the Merauke area is an ecotourism activity relying on the appeal of the area beside there is also a visit aimed at improving people's lives. The ecotourism defendant relates a natural tourist plot that has the purpose of preserving and having a sense of environment. This can be realized because the income from the financial side that is gained from the cost of income of tourists can be used for natural utilization and improve the welfare of local people. On the one hand, ecotourism can provide consistency to the local culture as well as the terAvoidhidar of violations of human rights and population displacement, Satria. D. (2009).

46 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52 Wasur National Park (TNW) is a national park which is designated as the Minister of Forestry DECREE number: 282/KPT-VI/1997 with an area of 413,810 ha. This park area is an area that has the function to maintain the integrity of the biodiversity representative of the eastern region of Indonesia, the protection of traditional culture of indigenous peoples and the improvement of public welfare in In and around the forest, either through the activities of science, research, cultivation, or engineering bio-technology of the Plasma germplasm resources are available, as well as increased business opportunities and work. From the above understanding, it is necessary a pattern of use region forest that can be sufficient economic needs of local people, along with it can be the National Park Preservation Program, Satria. D. (2009). Wasur National Park (TNW) is a national park which is designated as the Minister of Forestry DECREE number: 282/KPT-VI/1997 with an area of 413,810 ha. This park area is an area that has the function to maintain the integrity of the biodiversity representative of the eastern region of Indonesia, the protection of traditional culture of indigenous peoples and the improvement of public welfare in In and around the forest, either through the activities of science, research, cultivation, or engineering bio-technology of the Plsma germplasm resources are available, as well as increased business opportunities and work. From the above understanding it is necessary a pattern of use region forest that can be sufficient economic needs of local people, along with it can be the National Park Preservation Program, Ekayani. M., et. all. (2014). Wasur Park National Park area certainly stores great potential to support the activities of the Community economy, indeed the potential of natural resources and ecosystems in the National Park Wasur Park is a grace, which is the trust of God Almighty One, which was created for the welfare of mankind all the time. Therefore, in any condition and situation, the existence and integrity of natural resources of Hayatai and the ecosystem must remain in guard, protected and preserved by all parties in order to preserve the function and its benefits remain assured. According to the forestry service of Merauke Regency (1999) around Wasur Park Merauke National Park, there is a village called Kampung Wasur Park, which is selected by the government as one of the villages or the village of Wasur Park National Park area, in Wasur National Park area, occupied by local 47 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52 indigenous Papuans who are entitled to land Ulayat in Wasur National Park. The people consist of Marind tribes divided into several sub-tribes namely Marind Kanum, Marind Kondo, and Marind Maroni Men Gey, spread over 12 vilage. The Marind community is located in the coastal area of the Highlands Haryanto. D,. et. all. (2019). The community itself is seen as able to engage and or support the activities of a tourist park by foreign and domestic tourists in the provision of food and beverages, residences (Homestay, Cottage), Guide (Guide), traditional massage, Transportation facilities, the provision of tourist equipment, entertainment in the form of dances, and other activities. Community involvement and participation in tourism activities are expected to be able to provide adequate public income, in addition to income from other development sectors. Tourist attraction becomes a commodity that is widely used by a country. Because with the tourism object, the potential of the economy is very large, such as the presence of merchants who sell a variety of food and beverages, the provision of transportation, and various other services. Thus the tourism sector can also be influenced by economic conditions such as conditions. The welfare level of residents in Wasur Park is still very low. Most still hang his life by taking the result of the forest. While in the Kampung Wasur Park There are community efforts that have been developed in a groups white wood distillation and orchid breeding but can not be managed properly so it is necessary to develop with the establishment of centers of rural Forestry Counseling is expected to empower the community in the village of Wasur Park later, with the presence of Wasur Park National Park, it needs to engage people to use the tourist areas to Increase its economy. This is supported by the Forestry Department's policy on the development of active participation of the community in every conservation and preservation efforts of nature. Research methods Qualitative research is a study conducted by describing the research results obtained. The research was used to get a real picture of Wasur Park National Park's role in increasing local people's income. Moong explained that qualitative research is an attempt to understand the phenomenon occurring within the community. Then the informant is a person providing data about the research 48 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52 intent. Data can be both primary and secondary data. In this study authors data collection using interviews with the objects being researched. In conducting research data analysis refers to several phases consisting of: data reduction, data presentation, in the final stage is the withdrawal of conclusion or verification (conclusion drawing/Verification), Moleong L. (2014). Results and discussion 1. Empowerment Personal In particular, the economic development of the Community carried out through the process of economic empowerment of local communities has the target to produce a business that is done independently in terms of regulating economic income to be more To conduct a real process of human capital to the individual community, Oja, H. et. all. (2018). National Park Hall Wasur Park of Merauke Regency Empowerment in the development of the local potential of Wasur Park village, Merauke Regency. The empowerment is counseling to the local community in the framework of the local community Empowerment program. In the empowerment, Wasur Park National Park is coordinating with local governments to see the development of local community data. The real evidence of Wasur Park National Park through empowerment is the establishment of a rural forestry Counseling Center. The establishment of a rural forestry Counseling Center in Wasur Village, implemented after the implementation of education and training of village studies in participatory. As for the implementation, the stage is to do multi-party dialogue led by the village head which is represented by Secretary Wasur Village. In the center activities of Rural Forestry extension is conducted the selection of the Board of Trustees and the members of the Rural Forestry Counseling Center, then in the organizational structure of rural forestry extension, there is one Women's empowerment. The results above said that Wasur Park National Park Hall has been empowering the local community in increasing revenues. According to Chamber in Munawar Noor explains community Empowerment is an effort to increase the economic community that instills the value of life in society to acquire new principles in the improvement that leads to Participation and sustainable empowerment. Furthermore, the development efforts with the empowerment model make efforts to get an alternative to local economic enhancement, Noor. M. (2011). Some aspects that need to get attention in 49 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52 community empowerment, among others: (1) development of organizations/communities that are developed and functioning in the dynamization of productive activities of the community. (2) The development of strategic networks among groups/community organizations that formed and play a role in community development. (3) The ability of the community to access outside resources that can support their development in the field of market information, capital, and technology and management, including the ability of economic lobbying. (4) Guarantees of community rights in managing local resources. (5) The development of technical and managerial capabilities of community groups, so that various technical and organizational problems can be solved properly. (6) Fulfilling the necessities of life and the increasing welfare of their lives and able to ensure the sustainability of the environmental support for development, Karsidi. R. (2001). 2. Construction Coaching is done to improve trust, support, and community participation. The construction of Wasur Park National Park Hall is by conducting participation in the community. The construction is a construction of small industry of eucalyptus oil refining, the manufacture of salted fish, medicinal plants, and the cultivation of commercial crops. Then the community in providing coaching through socialization by providing science about preserving the forest and protection and safeguarding the potential of Wasur National Park area. Development and improvement of small businesses implemented by authorities, businesses, and communities. The process is done independently as well as in groups and implemented in a structured and sustainable way to achieve a small business that is strong and independent and can rise towards medium enterprises, Glendoh. S. H. (2004). Furthermore, therefore, the process of building a dim set in a good and neatly arranged can suppress the economic development of the community. The emerging innovations of the cultural richness will result in extensive employment, so that community relative income increases, Kambo. G. (2016). 3. Supervision According to Sondang in forwarding explained that supervision is an effort to observe the process of activities carried out in real, to give a guarantee about the activities by the objectives that have been set from the beginning, Teturan. E. Y. (2014). [13]. Supervision conducted by the National Park Hall Wasur Park is 50 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X Tersedia online di https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/fisip Volume. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 44-52 monitoring against the hunting of several protected animals located in Wasur Park National Park area. In the Garden Hall program, Wasur Park is monitoring and evaluation of habitat and population. The Wasur Park National Park Hall conducts a regular patrol, preventing wild hunters from Wasur Park National Park. Then patrol is also done to prevent forest fires. Regulation of natural resource preservation is a process of law enforcement in regulating a natural environment and resources. The involvement of indigenous peoples who reside and reside around the forest protection area is very hoped that the process of supervision of natural resources can run efficiently and optimally, Katili. A. S. (2009). Conclusion In the empowerment, Wasur Park National Park is coordinating with local governments to see the development of local community data. The real evidence of Wasur Park National Park through empowerment is the establishment of a rural forestry Counseling Center. The establishment of a rural forestry Counseling Center in Wasur Village, implemented after the implementation of education and training of village studies in participatory. Furthermore, Wasur Park National Park Hall conducts construction. The construction is a construction of small industry of eucalyptus oil refining, the manufacture of salted fish, medicinal plants, and the cultivation of commercial crops. Then the community in providing coaching through socialization by providing science about preserving the forest and protection and safeguarding the potential of Wasur National Park area. Then Wasur Park National Park Hall conducts supervision. Supervision conducted by the National Park Hall Wasur Park is monitoring against the hunting of several protected animals located in Wasur Park National Park area. In the Garden Hall program, Wasur Park is monitoring and evaluation of habitat and population. The Wasur Park National Park Hall conducts a regular patrol, preventing wild hunters from Wasur Park National Park. Then patrol is also done to prevent forest fires. Bibliography

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52 Copyright @ 2019, MJPA, p- ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X