Louisiana Law Review Volume 45 | Number 3 The 1984 Revision of the Louisiana Civil Code's Articles on Obligations - A Student Symposium January 1985 The iH story of Claims Against the United States: The volutE ion from a Legislative Toward a Judicial Model of Payment Floyd D. Shimomura Repository Citation Floyd D. Shimomura, The History of Claims Against the United States: The Evolution from a Legislative Toward a Judicial Model of Payment, 45 La. L. Rev. (1985) Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol45/iss3/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Reviews and Journals at LSU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Louisiana Law Review by an authorized editor of LSU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. THE HISTORY OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES: THE EVOLUTION FROM A LEGISLATIVE TOWARD A JUDICIAL MODEL OF PAYMENT Floyd D. Shimomura* TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ......................................... 626 I. THE "LEGISLATIVE MODEL" (Colonial Period-Civil W ar) ............................................. 627 A. Development-The Colonial Legislative Tradition 627 1. The Seventeenth Century ................... 627 2. The Eighteenth Century .................... 630 3. Articles of Confederation (1781-1789) ....... 634 B. Triumph-Congress over Court in the Early R epublic ..................................... 637 1. Early Struggle (1789-1794) .................. 637 2. Congressional Adjudication (1794-1838) ...... 643 C. Decline-Inundation of Congress by Claims ..... 648 1. Dissatisfaction (1838-1855) .................. 648 2. Advisory Court (1855-1860) ................. 651 It. THE "HYBRID MODEL" (Civil War-World War 653 II). ................................. ............. A. Development-Congress Seeks Court Assistance.. 654 1. Congressional Request (1860-1863) .........