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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62095-6 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839: Volume 3 Edited by Suraiya N. Faroqhi Index More information Index Abaza Hasan Pas¸a, 51, 191 markets, 43; domestic, 386–9; export, 389, Abaza Mehmed Pas¸a, 47, 48–9, 92 390 Abaza Siyavus¸Pas¸a, grand vizier, products, 37–2; see also individual crops 253–4 see also individual products, animal ‘A b b asˆ I, Shah, xvii, 47, 91 husbandry; c¸iftliks; peasants; and under ‘Abd al-Ghaniˆ al-Nabulsˆı, 196 individual regions and taxation; workforce ‘Abd ul-Kadirˆ Gaylanˆ ˆı, 47 ahidname, see capitulations ‘Abd al-Rahmanˆ Kathuda,ˆ 473 ahis (urban brotherhoods), 349, 351, 354 Abdal Han, library of, 429–30 Ahizade Huseyin,¨ s¸eyhulislam¨ , 221 ‘A b dˆı, 491 Ahmed I, sultan, xvii, 48 ‘A b d ulahad¨ Nurı, 502 architectural patronage, 419, 450–3, 454; ‘A b d ulbaki¨ Arif, 502 mosque complex, Istanbul, xvii, 15, Abdulbaki¨ Nasır Dede, 399 416, 419, 448, 450–3, 455, 456;in Abdulhamid¨ I, sultan, 251, 444, 478, Topkap Palace, 454, 455 479 Hungarian campaign, 412 Abdulmecid¨ I, sultan, 113 hunting, 424 Abdurrahman Pas¸a, Kadi, 185 legitimisation, 459 AbuHanˆ ˆıfa, 47 and literature, 424, 454 abuses, 71–4, 139, 310, 384 and pictorial arts, 419, 420, 421, 422, 431, see also corruption and under: ayan; 437 desertion and resettlement; kadis; and Safiye Sultan, 449, 450 notables, provincial; political culture; throne, Arıfe Tahti, 437 provincial power-holders; taxation Ahmed III, sultan, xviii Acre, 199, 335 architectural patronage, 15, 464–5,
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