2015 Geography Bee of Asia & Europe ROUND TWO

1. In 2003, this country faced mass immigration by refugees fleeing the Janjaweed, a religious militia in its Eastern neighbor’s region of Darfur. Its Southeast is home to the Logone River, which feeds the Chari River, which in turn feeds into a rapidly shrinking namesake lake. For the point, name this country that lies west of Sudan, south of , and north of the Central African Republic. ANSWER: Republic of Chad (RN)

2. The mayor of this city, Frank Jensen, banned city employees from flying with the airline Ryanair. The 2014 Eurovision Song Contest was hosted by this city in the B&W Hallerne, near the island of Amager. This city is famous for its Tivoli Gardens and is suggested to be the home of the mythical Little Mermaid. This city is mostly situated on the island of Zealand and is connected to Malmo via the Øresund Bridge. For the point, name this largest city and capital of Denmark. ANSWER: Copenhagen (WD)

3. This mountain’s name was switched with nearby Mount Townsend, so that a mountain with this name would remain taller. The native name of this mountain means “Table Top Mountain”, and indigenous peoples would live at its summit during the summer, surviving on Bogong moths. This member of the Great Dividing Range was named by Paul Strzelecki after a mound in Krakow. A Polish general is the namesake of – for the point – what tallest mountain in Australia? ANSWER: Mount Kosciuszko (DS)

4. This city’s Mohammad al-Amin Mosque opened in 2008, but is often called the “Hariri Mosque” by locals. The Line separated warring Christians and Muslims in this city. The Inman report condemned U.S. Marines for not adequately protecting their barracks in this city, where a truck bomb killed over 240 Americans. For the point, name this “Paris of the East,” the capital of Lebanon. ANSWER: Beirut (or Beyrouth) (JF)

5. This urban area’s name derives from a previous walled fort within its borders; that fort later became a densely populated Triad hub, and is now called Walled City Park. Argyle Street begins in this urban area, running east and connecting it to the local international airport, Kai Tak. As part of the First Strike DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops, this urban area is featured as a map. For the point, name this urban area of Hong Kong, famous for its lawlessness during the 20th century. ANSWER: Kowloon (accept Kowloon City until “City”, don’t prompt on “Hong Kong”)


6. The discoverer of this site initially suggested that it was a sanctuary for the Aclla Cuna. Religious buildings at this site include the trapezoidal Temple of the Three Windows and the Temple of the Condor. This site’s main plaza includes the Intihuatana sundial, and this place is believed to have been an estate of Pachacuti. This site sits above the Urubamba River valley, and was discovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham. For the point, name this “lost city of the Incas.” ANSWER: Machu Picchu (SH)

7. The cahow is a type of endangered seabird that breeds on rocks off this island. Visitors to this island often ride mopeds and can travel to Elbow Beach, which has the pale pink sand common to this island’s South Shore. This island is known for its insurance industry and its namesake style of shorts. For the point, name this island belonging to Great Britain in the western Atlantic with its capital at Hamilton. ANSWER: Bermuda (JF)

8. Early settlements of these people occurred at Palliser Bay and Waihemo, a river originating in the Kakanui Range. The English word “taboo” comes from these people’s word tapu, a mysterious or superhuman force often paired with mana, an impersonal, acquired life force. Creation myths of these people recount the demigod Maui fishing from a canoe, the South Island, and catching a giant fish, the North Island. For the point, name these Eastern Polynesian natives of New Zealand. ANSWER: Māori people (CP)

9. Visitors to this archipelago can overlook banana plantations from its highest point, the dormant volcano Mount Teide. A BBC documentary controversially claimed that Cumbre Vieja, a volcano on this archipelago, could cause a mega-tsunami to hit the East Coast of the United States. Productive islands in this archipelago, whose name comes from the Latin for "of the dogs," include Gomera, La Palma, and Tenerife. For the point, name these islands off the coast of Morocco, which are controlled by Spain. ANSWER: Canary Islands [or Islas Canarias] {II}

10. This man served as court cosmographer to William of Jülich-Cleves-Berge and his son Rumold continued some of his work. This man encouraged Abraham Ortelius to compile the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, the first modern atlas. One construct named for this man represents loxodromes as straight lines and whose linear scale becomes infinite at the poles. For the point, name this Flemish cartographer and namesake of a map projection. ANSWER: Gerardus Mercator


11. This nation’s highest point, Gaizinkalns, is located in the eastern part of this country, where ethnic Russians make up about one quarter of the population. Christian missionaries to this country traveled along the Daugava River looking for converters. One city in this country is home to a busy port in the Baltic States named Ventspils. This country’s largest city and capital lies on a namesake gulf that also borders Estonia. For the point, name this European country, with its capital at Riga. ANSWER: (Republic of) Latvia (WD)

12. This city’s first major sports championship was earned in 1996 over the Florida Panthers. Barack Obama officially became the Democratic nominee for president in 2008 in this city in the Mountain Time Zone. This city is found at an elevation of 5280 feet, which gives it its nickname, the Mile High City. For the point, name this US city, home to sports teams named the Nuggets, Broncos, and Colorado Rockies. ANSWER: Denver (EK)

13. The Marquis of Pombal helped rebuild this city while serving as a minister for King Joseph I. Dr. Pangloss insists a disaster that kills thousands here is for the greater good in Voltaire’s book, Candide. In 1755, this city was almost totally destroyed by an earthquake. For the point, name this city on the Tagus River, the smaller of the two national capitals on the Iberian Peninsula, but the largest city of Portugal. ANSWER: Lisbon {III}

14. To the south of this island lie the Paximadia where Leto legendarily gave birth to her children. This island famously produced kamares ware pottery in antiquity, and was also home to the unusual sport of bull leaping. This island’s archeological site of Knossos is found outside its capital and largest city, Heraklion. For the point, name this island and center of Minoan culture in the ancient world. ANSWER: Crete (RN)

15. The Ottoman-era Ayjad fortress formerly stood in this city. An edifice found in this city is cleaned twice yearly using brooms dipped in rose water. The world’s largest clock face is found on a hotel in this city, which also contains Umm al-Qura University. One artifact in this city is found in the Masjid al-Haram and is circled seven times in the ritual of tawaf. For the point, name this pilgrimage site that contains the Kaaba, the holiest city in Islam. ANSWER: Mecca, Saudi Arabia [or Makkah, Saudi Arabia]

16. This country’s dictator once had his security forces dress up as Santa Claus before they gunned down his political opponents in this country’s main football stadium on Christmas. The mainland portion of this country is called Rio Muni, while its main island in the Gulf of Guinea is named Bioko and contains the capital, Malabo. For the point, name this small African country that borders Gabon and Cameroon, and is named in part for its proximity to 0 degrees latitude. ANSWER: (Republic of) Equatorial Guinea (WD)


17. The tallest cast-iron one of these structures was built as a replacement for the first federally-funded one of these structures in the United States; those two structures sit a mere 357 feet away from each other at Cape Henry. The Statue of Liberty briefly served as one of these structures during the late nineteenth century, but proved ineffective and was extinguished in 1901. Ruins of a famous one of these can be viewed underwater in Alexandria, . For the point, name these structures built to guide ships safely. ANSWER: lighthouses (CP)

18. This biome can be found throughout the southern half of the Sakha Republic. North American cities that lie within this biome include Whitehorse and Yellowknife. This region is usually characterized by coniferous forests, and most of Canada and Russia is included in this biome. For the point, name this biome located at around 50 to 70 degrees north, which lies between temperate forests and arctic tundra, the world’s largest terrestrial biome. ANSWER: Taiga (WD)

19. This country is home to historic monasteries such as St Stephen on Daga Island in a famous lake in the Amhara Region. Clashes with Christian emperors drove members of this country’s Beta Israel into its Semien Mountains. Erta Ale is an active volcano in this country’s Afar Region. A lake in this country, Lake Tana, is the ultimate source of the Blue Nile. For the point, name this country led from Addis Ababa. ANSWER: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (RN)

20. One example of this commodity produced on the island Sardinia undergoes a fermentation process brought about by intentional introduction of fly larvae, that variety is called casu marzu. A South Asian type of this foodstuff is called paneer, while British forms include Stilton and Red Lester. Feta is a Greek type commonly used in salads. For the point, name this commodity that also comes in Parmesan and Mozzarella varieties. ANSWER: Cheese (accept varieties of cheeses such as “blue cheese”) (RN)

21. The lowest band on the of Mauritius is this color. This color could be found on the flying in Tobruk and in 1999. Most of the in North Africa and the Middle East feature this color, due to a common religion. Until 2011, the flag of Libya was entirely made up of this color. For the point, name this color, often associated with Islam, which also denotes environmentally-oriented political parties. ANSWER: Green (WD)


22. This body of water contains numerous artificial islands created by the Uros people, as well as the island of Taquile, which is noted for its textile production. The city of Tiwanaku is located southeast of this body. One of the largest vessels in this body of water is the Manco Capac, a railroad car float owned by PeruRail. For the point, name this highest navigable body of water, which straddles the border between Peru and Bolivia. ANSWER: Lake Titicaca (EK)

23. The Harding Icefield, up to a mile thick, is located in a national park named after these features on the Kenai Peninsula. The unmarried Seven Sisters, all waterfalls, cascade into one of these features along with a more-distant Suitor Waterfall near the village Geiranger. The Chilean coast is indented by these features. For the point, name this narrow deep inlet characterizing the coast of Norway. ANSWER: Fjords (JF)

24. This region which is located directly east of the geologically related Vosges (pr. Voezh) Mountains, is home to a type of earthworm that can grow to up to five feet long. This region is famous for a namesake chocolate cherry cake. Roman emperors, such as Caracalla, took advantage of springs in this region's town of Baden-Baden. This region contains the source of the Danube River. For the point, name this wooded region in southwest Germany. ANSWER: the Black Forest [or Schwarzwald; prompt on Baden-Württemburg until "Baden" is read] {II} 25. In 1897, a pioneering Suspension Bridge near this locale, designed by John Augustus Roebling, was taken down. Attractions at this location include Goat Island and the Cave of the Winds. In June 2012, Nik Wallenda crossed this structure near its “Horseshoe” portion on a tightrope; Annie Taylor was the first person to travel over it in a barrel. The “Maid of the Mist” ferries people near this object on its namesake river. For the point, name this waterfall located on the New York-Canada border. ANSWER: Niagara Falls [or Niagara Gorge until "Veil" is read] {II} 26. The composition of an executive body in this nation is governed by a “magic formula” which was unchanged from 1959 to 2003. Six of this country’s subdivisions elect only one member to the Council of States rather than two. Its “inner” Appenzell did not grant women the right to vote until 1991, and a close relative of Friulian is spoken in Graubunden in this country’s southeast. For the point, Romansh is one of four official languages in what Alpine confederation of 26 cantons? ANSWER: Switzerland [or Swiss Confederation] {II}


27. One museum in this city was originally built as a shelter for orange trees. Architects Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano employed brightly colored exterior tubing for their design for a modern art museum in this city. A museum in this city was converted from a train station and is now home to works such as Luncheon on the Grass. Another of its museums is a former palace that now is topped with I.M. Pei- designed glass pyramids. For the point, name this site of the Centre Pompidou, the Musee d’Orsay, and the Louvre. ANSWER: Paris, France {II} 28. Martin Strel swims the length of this river in the documentary Big River Man. Alfred Russel Wallace explained the diversity of animal life along the course of this river with his River Barrier Hypothesis. The bloodsucking candiru fish is native to this river. It is sometimes referred to as the Solimoes River before it vividly converges with a darker river at the “meeting of waters.” This river flows through the controversial 2014 World Cup host city of Manaus. For the point, name this river whose basin is home to a massive rainforest in Brazil. ANSWER: Amazon River {II} 29. This city's close ties to Finnish settlers in Russian Alaska led it to sign a treaty for shipments of Alaskan ice, which all melted en-route. This city's Fillmore Street was the site of the first public reading of the poetic line "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness." This city's City Lights Bookstore and Haight- Ashbury neighborhoods were centers of mid-20th-century counterculture. For the point, name this city on a bay with the same name in northern California. ANSWER: San Francisco, California {II} 30. This country contains the Upper Seletar Reservoir near the world's first nocturnal zoo, known as the Night Safari. Mount Faber in this country is a tourist attraction connected by cable car to this country’s resort island of Sentosa. This country underwent a period of mourning in 2015 which was reported on by the Straits Times. Michael Fay, an American student accused of vandalism, was famously caned here in the 1990’s. For the point, name this city-state on the Malay Peninsula, the largest port in Southeast Asia. ANSWER: Singapore [or Republic of Singapore; or Xinjiapo] {II}

Backup Question – Only Read if a question is botched!

31. Petoskey stones can be found only on the beaches of this body of water, near Warren Dunes State Park. Saugatuck Dunes State Park also contains the “singing sands” of this lake. The Boardman River flows into the Grand Traverse Bay of this body of water, which contains Rock Island and Gravel Island. For the point, name this Great Lake that separates the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of the state of the same name. ANSWER: Lake Michigan (DS)