Book Reviews

The Four Planes of Kama (the plane of desire), Rupa (the plane of form) and Arupa (the plane of Existence in no-form). It has been pointed out in the introduction that the Abhidharmatthasangaha uses a new term, By Sunthorn Na-Rangsi Bhumi, for Bhava. These four Bhumis are: Buddhist Publication Society Apayabhumi (the plane of misery), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2006 Kamasugatibhumi (the sensual happy plane), Rupavacarabhumi (the plane of The present work entitled ‘The Four form) and Arupavacarabhumi (the plane Planes of Existence in Theravada of no form). And also four types of births, Buddhism’ is a pamphlet originally Andaja (born from egg), Jalabuja (born published in 1976 on the subject of from womb), Samsedaja (born from . It has been moisture) and Opapatika (spontaneous republished by Buddhist Publication birth). Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka in 2006. Chapter one is plane of misery Dr. Sunthorn Na-Rangsi is a fellow of (Apayabhumi) which deals with hell the Royal Institute in Bangkok and is a (Niraya), the realm of animals specialist of the Center of Buddhist (Tiracchanayoni), the realm of the hungry Studies at Chulalongkorn University. ghost (Pretayoni) and the realm of Titans And also he is a Special Professor of (Asurayoni). In Buddhist cosmology hell Philosophy at Mahamakut Buddhist is divided into eight: Sanjiva, Kalasutta, University, Bangkok, Thailand. Sanghata, Roruva or Dhumaroruva, Maharoruva, Tapana, Mahatapana and The purpose of this small book is to Avici. give a lucid description of planes of existence in Theravada Buddhism. Before describing the nature of each hell, Basic material is taken from the early definition of Niraya is given according to , Abhidhamma and commentaries. Paramatthajotika commentary. Niraya is Early pioneering work on Buddhist the place where there is no happiness at cosmology was written by Dr. A. all. And it is one of the realms where MacGovern. There is a useful evildoers are born after death. All the introduction to the book where readers Nirayas (hells) are located under the realm find the mention made of other planes of human beings. Going by of existence apart from human world. Paramatthajotika, the commentary on This is the key point of the present work. Petavatthu, five Ussada Nirayas are also The term Bhava is explained as mentioned. These five are smaller ‘becoming’ or ‘state of existence’ or compared to eight great hells but suffering ‘plane of existence’. Sariputta’s is abundant in these hells. explanation of origin and cessation of Bhava is quoted from the Sammaditthi Next there is the description of great hell of the Majjhima Nikaya. In this in accordance with the Devaduta sutra of the term Upadana has been the Majjhima Nikaya. Roof, floor, wall translated as attachment. For the Pali and so forth of this hell are made up of word, Upadana, attachment is not the glowing iron. Five small hells (Ussada- right word in my opinion. It should be nirayas), Gutha-niraya (the Filth Hell), translated as grasping or clinging. In the Kukkula-niraya (the Ember Hell), Pali sutras Bhava is divided into three: Simpalivana-niraya (the Silk-cotton-tree Book Reviews

Hell), Asipattavana-niraya (Sword- leafed-forest Hell) and Vetarani-niraya There is a short description of Titans (Caustic River Hell) are situated next to (Asuras). This is the last category of each gate of the Great Hell. It has been beings born in the plane of misery. A pointed out that altogether there are one distinction is made between Asuras hundred and sixty eight hells: eight (Titans) and God-Asuras (god-Titans). great hells and one hundred and sixty God-Asuras are said to be a kind of gods small hells. who live in Tavatimsa heaven. Vepacitti is the king of this class of Asuras. According The questions asked by Yama, the ruler to Paramatthajotika commentary, both of hell, from each being who came to Peta-Asuras and Niraya-Asuras live in a hell depending on bad done by miserable state and they are called them are included in this chapter. And Kalakancika Petas. then the procedure of punishment has been recorded according to the Chapter two describes the nature of description of the Devaduta sutra. sensual happy planes of existence (Kamasugati-Bhumi). This plane is also Next there is a short description of called Kamavacara-bhumi. Dominating animal realm which is a part of the factor of this plane is diverse worldly plane of misery. Quoting from desires. Sensual pleasures are derived Mahakammavibhanga sutra it is stated from six sense faculties. First the reader that those who kill animals are born as finds many classifications of this realm in animals in the animal kingdom. Even terms of commentarial description. There the gods may be born as animals after are twenty realms of sensual happy planes the exhaustion of their good karmas, if and they are divided into three groups: the they have negative karmas done sensual happy plane (Kamasugati Bhumi), previously. Animal kingdom is nowhere the plane of form (Rupavacara Bhumi) else but it is in the human realm. and the plane of no-form (Arupavacara Referring to Jataka, the stories Bhumi). The sensual happy plane includes regarding the Buddha’s previous seven realms: the human realm and six existences in the Samsara, it is heavens: Catummaharajika, Tavatimsa, emphatically stated that the Bodhisatava Yama, Tusita, Nimmanarati and was born in the animal realm many Paranimmitavasavatti. Birth in these times. realms depends on meritorious karmas done by people in their previous lives. The realm of unhappy ghosts (Pettivisaya) is considered as unhappy The first human realm is considered as a according to Buddhism. The beings in happy plane even though many unhappy this realm are called Peta. There is no states are found to exist. To be born in the separate realm for Petas and they live in human realm, good karmas are necessary the human realm too. They are invisible factors. In the description of the human to human eyes but visible to plane it is stated that even though the clairvoyance (Dibbacakkhu). Four kinds human world is the lowest of happy of Petas have been mentioned: realms of existence it has many good Paradattupajivika-peta (Petas live on characteristics that cannot be found in what was given by others), other happy planes. To be a Buddha one Khuppipasika-peta (hungry and thirsty has to be born in the human world. The peta), Nijjhamatanhika-peta (petas who completion of perfections (Paramitas) is consumed craving) and Kalakakancika- possible only in the human world. peta (black-eared- peta). Some stories from Pali texts are quoted to illustrate The description of Catummaharajika the state of Petas. heaven is taken from Paramatthajotika

343 Hsi Lai Journal of commentary and Atanatiya sutra of the enjoyment already exists. But in the case Digha Nikaya. The heaven of the four of Nimmanarati plane the objects are great kings (Catummaharajika) is so created by those who live in that realm. called due to the fact that this realm is governed by four great kings. The god One criticism made with regard to birth in king Dhatarattha rules over the eastern heavenly realm is that Buddha used the direction of Catummaharajika. same explanation for in all Dhatarattha is the king of Gandhabbas pleasurable heavens. In Buddhist (musicians). Virulhaka is the king of cosmology heavens are classified in a Kumbhandas and rules over the hierarchical order. The opinion expressed southern direction. Virupaksa rules over is that Tavatimsa heaven is superior to the southern region and he is the king of Catummaharajika heaven with regard to Nagas. Kuvera or Vessavana is the king sensual happiness. of demons (Yakkhas) and he is in charge of the northern region of Chapter three is on the plane of form Catummaharajika. (Rupavacarabhumi) according to Abhidhammattha Sangaha. The four The heaven of the thirty three planes of form (Rupavacara) correspond (Tavatimsa) gods is so called due to the to four Dhyanic (Absorption) states. A fact that Magha and his thirty two brief description of Dhyanic levels and friends were born in this happy realm. their factors is given next. There are In their previous lives, this group sixteen levels (Bhumis) of form and no- accumulated good karmas. A form realms. Those who attain to various description of what they did in their Dhyanic levels from the first Dhyana to previous existence in the human world Neither perception and no non-perception is given in this section. through the practice of Smatha method of meditation are born in the form and Heaven of the Easeful (Yama) is ruled formless realms. Particular plane of by the god king called Yama, therefore existence corresponds to the Dhyanic this realm is called Yama. Readers are level one has achieved. Those who are told that regarding this heaven there is born in these planes are called Brahmas. It no much material found in the Pali has been pointed out that there is a scriptures. A comparison of days, hierarchical order among the beings born months and years in the human world in these planes as Brahmaparisajja, and heavenly realm is given in terms of Brahmapurohita and Mahabrhama. Those Pali scriptures. who have attained to four formless Dhyanas are born in the four formless Tusita heaven is described as a realms. Only the consciousness exists in contended and happy realm in the these four realms without the support of heavenly plane. It has been mentioned corporeal body. that Buddha’s mother was born in this heaven after her death. And also In conclusion it can be said that even Abhidhamma was preached by the though the book is small sufficient Buddha to mother god and other gods of materials have been drawn from sutras, Tusita heaven. and commentaries. One cannot see much investigation and The next description is regarding the criticism regarding the material drawn heavenly realm called Nimmanarati from sources. Theravada traditional (Delight in Creation). One noteworthy approach is visible throughout the entire point has been mentioned in the book without a critical outlook. At the end description of Nimmanarati realm. In of the book there is an appendix in which other pleasurable planes, the object of a chart of planes of existence and also one

344 Book Reviews hundred twenty nine end notes are surveying the state of his empire. included. uses his computer to search the world.

– Kottegoda S. Warnasuriya First he checks various heavens within his domain. This is the worlds of pleasure where gods and goddesses enjoy in various ways. They move around in their Letter from Mara heavenly chariots clothed in gorgeous raiments and bedecked with garlands and

jewels. Then Mara clicks the unicorn Ven. Punnadhammo ivory mouse of his computer and watches Buddhist Publication Society the animal realm. From animal realm he Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2006 comes to ghost realm which is shadowy Letter from Mara is a pamphlet written and dark. From ghost realm he comes to by Ajan Punnadhammo and published hell where the pain and unspeakable by Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, suffering prevail. In the meantime Mara Sri Lanka. This pamphlet contains a gets his cup of coffee from his secretary. new approach to the concept of Mara, While sipping coffee he watches what is the evil one in Buddhism. This is not a happening in the human world. research on the concept of Mara, but it is a fiction which dramatizes the evil The letter is addressed to all squadron one. In the acknowledgement it has leaders of his army. Letter starts in the been mentioned that the basic theme of following way: Mara to his Minions. the Book was taken from the Screw From: His Supreme Excellency the Mara Tape Letters written by C. S. Lewis. Namuci, To: All Squadron Leaders, Operations Area: Planet Earth, Solar The book begins with a quotation from System, The Human Realm. The subject Padhāna sutra of the Sutta Nipāta of the letter is regarding the present situation and status of current projects. (Vagga, III. Sutra 2) which describes th Buddha’s great striving (Mahāpadhāna) Date is given as 26 century of current for attaining to the enlightenment. This Buddha-period. sutra mentions that Mara, the mythical figure representing the evil side of the First Mara greets all his hard-working world, had ten battalions. The book minions and reminds them that all starts in a narrative form. A short strategies are working fine. It is poetical description of Mara’s mythical mentioned ironically that the Great realm is given at the beginning in Samsara as the play ground and the beautiful words. Mara, who has been Buddha as the clever fish who escaped the personified as the god of death and evil, net laid by Mara two and half millennia has a gorgeous mansion full of all ago. Mara mentions in this letter further modern amenities surrounded by that not only he tried very best and also beautiful nymphs who are very his three beautiful daughters too could not conscious of their beauty. The tall and budge him. Mara sends ten letters to his handsome Mara sits comfortably on the ten armies respectively urging them to be chair of his office with his wife and vigilant in carrying on the projects secretary thinking of sending messages assigned to them. to his ten battalions in the form of letters. Before dictating letters to his The first letter is to the first army, the secretary he wants to have a cup of Host of Sense Desires (Kama). In his coffee. He requests his beautiful letter to the first battalion, Mara mentions secretary to prepare coffee while he is the human nature regarding sensual pleasures. He tells the squad to be vigilant