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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Dure 1142 CON.GRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY. 15 The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there IN THE NAVY REVISION OF CRIMINAL CODE be no fw·ther reports of committees, the William B. Young to be a pay director 1n Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, I ask clerk will proceed to call the nominations the Navy with the rank of rear admiral, for unanimous consent to insert a brief state­ on the calendar. temporary s«4rvice, to rank from June 1, 1942. ment at this point in the RECORD. THE JUDICIARY IN THE MARINE CORPS · The SPEAKER. The Chair cannot To be brigadier generals for. temporar'V service, entertain such request .if the statement The legislative clerk read the nomina­ from January 20, 1945 exceeds 300 words. tion of John F. X. McGohey to be United David R. Nimmer - Mr. KEOGH. It will not exceed that States attorney for the southern district William W. Rogers limit, Mr. Speaker. of New York. PosTMASTERS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the request of the gentleman from New objection, the nomination is confirmed. MICHIGAN Henry J. Stein, Clinton. York? POSTMASTERS There was no objection. The legislative clerk proceeded to read MINNESOTA Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, pursuant sundry nominations of postmasters. Joseph C . ..Berg, Leroy. to the unanimous authority of the Com­ Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous SOUTH DAKOTA mittee on Revision of the Laws, I have consent that the postmaster nominations Helen B. Hoven, Hoven. today introduced, as a reported bill, H. R. be confirmed en bloc. 2200, a bill to revise, codify, and enact The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ into positive law title 18 of the United out objection, the postmaster nomina­ States Code, Crimes and Criminal Proce­ tions are confirmed en bloc. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dure. This bill is the result of intensive work over a period of a year in which THE NAVY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1945 distinguished members of the bench and The legislative clerk read the nomi­ bar of the country participated. During nation of Rear Admiral William B. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the progress of the revision, the commit­ , Young, Supply Corps, United States Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor tee sought to keep the entire member­ Navy, to be pay director in the Navy. of the Gunton Temple Memorial Pres­ ship of the House currently informed and The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ byterian' Church, offered the following sought always to invite suggestions and out objection, the nomination is con­ prayer: criticisms from the Members, as well as firmed. Eternal God, our Father, who hast any citizens interested in the work. We THE MARINE CORPS been our guide and companion in all the renew this invitation with respect to the pending bill. It is our hope to place the The legislative clerk read the nomi­ yesterdays, we pray that the memory of Thy goodness may inspire us to enter bill on the Unanimous-Consent Calendar nation of David R. Nimmer to be brig­ shortly, and I should be deeply obliged if adier general. faithfully and courageously upon the tasks and duties of this day. those of the Members who are interesteJ The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ would be good enough to advise us ot out objection, the nomination is con­ Fortify us against those specters of their reactions to the measure. This firmed. fear and cynicism which come to us in work is in furtherance of our committee's The legislative clerk read the nomina­ our hours of perplexity. Sustain us by ultimate objective of enacting the entire tion of William W. Rogers to be brigadier Thy grace when our minds are baffled United States Code into positive law and general. and our hearts are burdened. When we in conformity with our established slogan The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ are tempted to surrender to futilitr and defeatism, may we seek. more eagerly the that "Making the laws understandable out objection, the nomination is con­ is as important as making. the laws." firmed. counsel of Thy wisdom and the consola­ Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous tion of Thy love. EXTENSION OF REMARKS consent that the President be im­ Enable us to keep a clear and steadfast Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. mediately notified of all confirmations vision of that day when the whole earth Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to today. shall be illumined with the radiant extend my own remarks in the RECORD by The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- · splendor of .the Prince of Peace and His printing an address delivered by my col­ out objection, the President will be noti­ spirit shall be triumphant. To Thy league the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. fied forthwith. name we shall give all the glory. Amen. BROWN]. ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to terday was read and approved. the request of the gentleman from Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative ses­ Massachusetts? sion, I move that the Senate adjourn CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC There was no objection. until 12 o'clock noon on Monday next. WORKS BY THE NAVY Mr. POWERS. Mr. Speaker, I ask The motion was agreed to; and <at 8 Mr. VINSON submitted a conference unanimous consent to extend in the o'clock and 58 minutes p. m.) the Sen­ report and statement on the bill <H. R. RECORD a sermon by the Most Reverend ate adjourned until Monday, February 626) to authorize the Secretary of the William A. Griffin, bishop of Trenton, at 19. 1945. at 12 o'clock meridian. Navy to proceed with the construction the pontifical mass honoring the heroes of certain public works, and for other of Warsaw, Sunday, January 28, 1945, at NOMINATION purposes, for printing in the REcORD. St. Hedwig's Church, Trenton, N.J., and EXTENSION OF REMARKS I also ask unanimous consent that I be Executive nomination received by the allowed to insert in the Appendix of the Senate February 15, 1945: Mr. LANE asked and was given permis-. RECORD a sermon delivered by the Right DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY sion to extend his remarks in the REc­ Reverend Monsignor James H. Griffiths, DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND REPORTS ORD and include therein an article on S. T. D., chancelor of the military ordi­ small business. Capt. Ezra G. Allen to be Director of nariate, at the pontifical mass for the Budget and Reports in tile Department of Mr. O'KONSKI asked and was given victims of Warsaw at St. Hedwig's the Navy, with the rank of rear admiral, !or permission to extend his own remarks Church, Trenton, N.J., January 28, 1945. a term of 3 years. in the RECORD. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. TALBOT asked and was given the requests of the gentleman from New permission to extend his own remarks .in CONFIRMATIONS Jersey? the RECORD and include an editorial. There was no objection. Executive nominations confirmed by· Mr. WELCH asked and was given per­ Mr. DONDERO. Mr. Speaker, I ask the Senate February 15, 1945: mission to extend his own remarks in the unanimous consent to extend my re- . THE JUDICIARY RECORD and include an editorial from the marks and Include in the Appendix of UNITED STATES ATTORNEY San Francisco Call-Bulletin. the RECORD an address on Lincoln deliv­ John F. X. McGahey to be United States Mr. PLOESER asked and was given ered by the gentleman from Minnesota attorney for the southern district o! New: pennission to extend his own remarks [Mr. KNuTsoN] last Sunday at Ford's York. ·ln the RECORD and Include ·a letter• . Theater. 1945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1143 The SPEAKER. · Is there objection to 5-minute rule. At the conclusion of the able to control him. Perhaps they will the request of the gentleman from consideration of the bill for amendment the not, because he is a man who beli_eves Michigan? Committee shall rise and report the b111 to in justice and fairness; a man who will the House with such amendments as may give the common people an opportunity There was no objection. have been adopted and the previous question Mr. BENNETT of Missouri. Mr. shall be considered as ordered on the blll and to live and to exist decently. So I feel Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that amendments thereto to final passage without we should not add insult to injury and my colleague the gentleman from Ten­ intervening motion except one motion to adopt the amendment that will be nessee [Mr. JENNINGS] may be permitted recommit. offe~ed. to insert iri the Appendix of the RECORD Of course, I am reminded that a sim­ Mr. SABATH. Mr. Speaker, I would ilar political movement was undertaken an article published in the Chattanooga appreciate it if the Speaker will notify News-Free Press on February 13. many years ago, even longer than I can me after I have used 10 minutes, because remember and longer than I have been The SPEAKER. Is there objection to I have promised time to other Members the request of. the gentleman from ·a Member of this House. You may re­ on the rule. member that President Jackson ap­ Missouri? · · Mr. Speaker, this resolution or rule There was no objection. pointed Van Buren Minister to Great Mr. GRANT of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, makes in order the billS. 375, which has Britain, and the Senate refused to con­ I ask unanimous consent to extend my been unanimously reported by the House firm him, but within a few short years own remarks in the RECORD and include Banking and Currency Committee. It is Van Buren became the President of the not a gag rule nor is it a closed rule.
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