Ca Sc [Ty Ch on Cl @
CA S C[TY CH ON CL @ ~.: Volo 7, No. 37 T~i-COUNT¥ OHRONICLE,EstabIIshedinl899tOonsollda~ CAS5 CITY, NI[CHo, FRIDAY, JANUARPg 3, ~913 OASS OITY ENTEEPRISE, Established in 1881 fApril'-~A), 1W',, l LOCAL ITEMS. , illll Alton Mark of Detroit was home I [I III[IIII =°"°°agenc'primal:Y,of they t"e ballotmust simplifyat the eleocurt IIII[¥ III[ III IIII i _~._~^~ ~;,~..... 1.... a ]~n~ihlv we] -- The election of officers of \Vinona for Christmas. - ; , ,, ~ " i ;GGtCZ. "V :i .... • .... t ...... bets of ~rnei'ica was held 'l"tlesday ~i- had the Aus~.ralian batlot system for i0ii i iiL QiLOii i ill, is able to be cue again. iii ternoon and ~he following wore elect- many years, but, as a matter of fact. ii Norman Emmons of Ellington trans- III[I IIIIII ed for the ensuing yea.r: such is not the case. It is elaimed SESSION OF STATE LEGISLATURE acted business in town Tuesday° Oracle, Lucy A gar. that the present party column ballot WAS SEVERELY INJURED IN BEGtNS THIS WEEK, Si:4mund Freiburger of Argyle -,,,,as Past. Oracle, Miriam Brown. COLLEAGUES IN COMMON SER- is easy for the ignorant voter to vot~ SHABBONA M~LLo a business caller ii&;n Tuesday. VICE FOR PEOPLE. the straight party ticket, but it is dif Vice Oracle, Fannie Tyo. Prank Lenzner and son, @roy, ~vor© ficult fdr the independent voter to Chancetor, Malt Hoagland. ~euienant-Governor Ross Wants in Gageto~vn Tuesday on business. split the party ticket. The double Accident Occurred While H~ Was Recorder, Carrie Rice.
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