DAU'S DETROIT BLUE BOOK AND LADIES' ADDRESS BOOK ELITE FAMILY DIRECTORY OFFICIAL CLUB LISTS PUBLISHED ANNUALLY EDITION FOR 1 905 This book is the legitimate successor to the original Detroit Blue Book, published by the Free Press Publishing Company in 188s_. The public are warned against spurious imitations of this publication, and our patrons will favor us by bringing to our notice any misrepresentai.lcns by canvassers, etc. All contracts and subscriptions should bear our name. DAU PUBLISHING COMPANY, MOFFAT BLOCK, DETROIT, MICH. HEAD OFFICE, 54 WEST 22D STREET, NEW YORK COPVftlGHT 1904 8Y DAU PUBLISHING CO. THIS BOOK IS THE PROPE.RTY OF - R. --------------------- :QRRECT 4'v for Social Occasions, Recep­ - tion and At-Home C a rd s , NGRAVING Calling C a r d s, Wedding lnvitatic,ns ~ ~ ~ EVERY FEATURE OF SOCIAL ENGRAVING CORRECT IN EVERY LITTLE DETAIL ~en you order engraving and cards you -want the~ right. There'll be no little defects in the w-orh. done by us. All orders executed -with promptness and despatch. BOOB. AND STA"FIONERY DEPT., SECOND FLOOR ~HE J. L. HUDSON CO. r.', . :;ARD ·pARTIES • • • WHITE TABLES t\..ND CHAIRS ~ ~ FOR RENT~~~ ARTISTIC AND ELEGANT J:4""URNITURE l. R. LEONARD FURNirrURE CO. mcoRFORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF MICHIGAN Michigan Conservator.y of Music Washington Ave. and Park St. ALBERTO JONAS, Director Has acquired National Fame as the representative musical institution of Michigan, and one of the foremost, largest and most exclusive Conservatories in America. A faculty of forty-five eminent instructors, including world renowned artists. 'l'he very best instruction given in piano. voice, organ, violin, 'cello, mandolin, guitar and all orchestral instruments; in harmony, counterpoint. fugue. composition and orchestration: also in elocution, physical culture, dramatic art and modern languages. Beginners are taught only by compe­ tent. experienced instructors. Students are trained for the con­ cert stage, for high class teaching, also for oratorio and opera. Free cl~ses in harmony, sight reading, chamber music, concert training and history of music. A complete, thorough and artistic education in all branches of music. Unequaled free advantages to students. PRICES MODERATE. The Director, Associate Director and the entire Faculty will receive, examine and classify pupils daily. HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS ALBERTO JONAS, Piano ELSA VON GRAVE-JONAS, Piano MAURICE DE VRIES, Vocal DEZSO NEMES, Violin FREDERIC L. ABEL, 'Cello N. J. COREY, Organ J. H. B. VAN DER VELPEN", Harmony, Counterpoint and Composition ~ For new handsomely illustrated catalogue given free, write, 'phone or apply to FREDERIC L . .A.REL, Secretary. Phone, Main 526 WESTLEY, LADIES TAILOR PARIS LADIES TAILOR ,rr LATE OF PARIS OWNS, TAILOR SUITS, SHIRT WAIST G SUITS, made in the latest Parisienne style. Your kind patronage solicited. We make a specialty of EVENING GOWNS. ~ ~ ~"' .:,, PHONE 60 WASHINGTOI~ A VE., ROfM DETROIT. M. 4672- WESTLEY, LADIES T AILLEUR Established 1901 Incorporated 1902· R. F. SEmurn, Pres. F.'.J. MINER, Sec. &_. Tre,is. i ~--. .Seidler-Miner Electric · Company 207=21 l Jefferson Ave. CONTRACTING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS DEALERS IN ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Our work is represented in the finest residences and buildings in Michigan. We ···~· employ only the most skillful and reliable workmen, assur­ ing our patrons the best work for the least cost. Prompt attention given to all orders. ... ::-::::): .. 'PHONE Automobiles maintained. Automobile Supplies of MAIN an kinds. Agent for the QUEEN Automobiles. 2499 Oriental Rugs and Carpets Exclusively A PERSONAL SELECTION HAVING BEEN MADE BY ~IR. PAPAZIAN OF STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY HIGH GRADE GOODS ONLY YOUR INSPECTION INVITED K. T. PAPAZIAN & CO. WASHINGTON ARCADE, ~~~g:~¥gN~~;~~E STATE SAVINGS BANK CORNER FORT AND SHELBY STREETS CAPITAL, $1,000,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $850,000 DEPOSITS, $15,500,000 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS .FOREIGN EXCBAlfGE FOR SALE Alf]) LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS OFFICERS GEO. H. RUSSEL, President R. W. GILLETT, Vice-President AUSTIN E. WING, Ass't Cashier H. C. POTTER, JR., Vice-President H. P. BORGMAN, Ass't Cashier R. S. MASON, Cashier E. A. SUNDERLIN, Auditor DIRECTORS R. A. Alger Jas. H. Eckels H. B. Ledyard Geo. H. Russel W. T. Barbour C. L. Freer ,v. C. Mc~illan Henry Russel W. K. Bixby R. W. Gillett R. S. Mason Hugo Scherer H. M. Campbell F. J. Hecker T. H. Newberry Peter White Thomas H. Hubbard H. C. Potter, Jr. A.ttorney-BRYANT WALKER A special department for women's commercial accounts. The con­ WOMEN'S yenience of location with the separate facilities offered will com­ mend this department to women desiring to keep their own DEPARTMENT commercial or household accounts. EDUCATES young and middle-aged men and women to take care of their own business affairs, to engage in useful life and profitable employment. Superior methods of instruction. Large corps of able men teachers. Occupies elegant building erected especially for its use. Has had oYer 37,000 Students in attendance now profitably emplored in different parts of the world. Has more Students in attendance and furnishes more situations to graduates than all other business colleges in Detroit combined. DAY and EVENING SESSIONS. Individual instruction. Best time to commence is now. Handsome illustrated catalogue presented on request. WILLIAM F. JEWELL, President PLATT R. SPENCER, Secretary BUSINESS UNIVERSITY BUILDING 11= 13= 15= 17= 19 Wilcox Avenue Schneider Tent and Awning Co. WE RENT CANOPIES(Side­ walk Awnings) and WHITE CANVAS FLOOR COV­ E RINGS for Weddings, Re­ ceptions, etc., at very low rates for f i r st-cl a s s work. Fhone MAm 4664 and we will send a representa­ tive to give you esti­ VIEW OF OUR CANOPY IN USE mates. 56 and 58 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. ... PREF ACE ... E believe this edition of our Society Directory to be the best book of the kind in the world, regardless of price. W The information has been accurately compiled by high salaried men and carefully revised by the persons ,vhose names are entered herein. We trust the result ·will meet ,vitrt the approval of the public. Each successive edition of this book is a great improvement over its predecessor, and this improve1nent will continue in future. We recommend our advertisers to our subscribers, and trust the Blue Book may be of service to them in their business as well as their social affairs. DAU PUBLISHING COMPANY 222 Moffat Block, Detroit, Mich. HEAD OFFICE 54 W. Twenty-second Street NEW YORK CITY ... Ube ... <rommercfal 1Ratfonal :fBanh DETROIT, MICH. ESTABLISHED 1881 U. S. DEPOSITORY CAPITAL - - - $1,000,000.00 SURPLUS - - - 500,000.00 OFFICERS MORRIS L. WILLIAMS, President GEORGE HENDRIE, Vice-President CHAS. L. PALMS, Vice-President F. A. SMITH, Cashier H. H. SANGER, Asstt Cashier W. A. McWHINNEY, Ass't Cashier­ ]. H. HART, Auditor DIRECTORS JOSEPH H. BERRY GEORGE HENDRIE ]. D. STANDISH Dr. J.B. BOOK ROBERT HENKEL A. E. F. WHITE J. S. FARRANDt Jr. GILBERT W. LEE H. KIRKE WHITE WM. P. HAMILTON M. J. MURPHY M. L. WILLIAMS CHARLES F. HAMMOND CHARLES L. PALMS WM.C. WILLIAMS SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS EXPLANATION O avoi~ i_ncreasing the si~e of thi~ b~o~ b~yond T the hm1ts of a handy directory for ladies use, and at the same time include all information d~sirable and valuable in a Blue Book, necessitates the use of a system of abbreviations to which some slight explanation may be necessary. The figures in parentheses represent the clubs to which the party belongs, the index to which will be found in the first pages of this book. 1'1rs., nee Jones, signifies that the maiden sur­ name of the lady is Jones. The receiving day is given where such a day is fixed. Qther members of the family, if of the same name, are added in small type. If of a different sur­ name, they are alphabetically arranged without refer­ ence to their relationship. N OTE.-You are requested to make a careful examination of this book and immediately communi­ cate all errors of whatever nature you may find, so that the correctness of future editions may be secured. Please send any information you may gather that will aid in keeping the records correct to DAU PUBLISHING CO. 222 Moffat Blockt Detroit A Suggestion GOODYEAR'S to the Ladies..... When in doubt what to buy your RUBBER STORE husband, father, brother or lover for a Christmas or Birthday Gift, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL visit our Cigar Store and select a box of our celebrated All-Havana Cigars. RUBBER King Edward rlartello GOODS Ben Hur AND UMBRELLAS Orders by telephone neatly wrapped and delivered according to instruc­ tions. Phone rlain 579 204 WOODWARD AVENUE Wm. D. C. Moebs & Co. PHONE MAIN 1779 Wholesale Cigars 92 Woodward Ave. DETROIT, MICH. S. F. DENNY, MANAGER Detroit Riding School REAR 728 CASS AVENUE ENTRANCE 0~ ALEXANDRINE OR WILLIS JNSTRUCTIONS given in the Art of Riding. High­ class saddle horses for sale or hire. We have closed car­ riages and light livery in connection. J. W. MAGEE & SoN PHONE GRAND 321 CLUB LIST 1 ACANTHUS CLUB. 18 COUNTRY CLUB. Organized 1881. President, Henry Organized 1898. House and grounds~ M. Utley ; Secretary, Rev. Paul Zieg­ Grosse Pointe. Office, 218 Hammond ler, 178 Henry street. Bldg. President, Franklin H. Wal­ 2 ALPHA DEL'l'A PHI. ker; Vice-President, Sidney T. Mil­ 3 AMERICAN MINING ENGINEERS. ler: Secretary, James C. Smith; . 4 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Treasurer, Strathearn Hendrie. OF AMERIC •.\. (Detroit Society). 19 D. A. R. President. Hon. William E. Quinby ; (Louisa St. Clair Chapter). Vice-Presidents, Prof. Martin L. ::\leets in Century Building. Regent, D'Ooge, U. of M., George '\Villiams )l~·s. Leartus Connor: Vice-Regent, Bate:;;, Col. Frank J. Hecker, Dexter )llss Clara A.
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