Aladdin Annual Sales Catalog: Spring 1909
_0len t~.. It![_ rGIIl&l T HE oriPoI .00 oody perfed 'yMaoI fu the <OD>Irvct>on 01 knochd do"", hou .... Manufactured Exclu';'dy by the North A merican Construction Company SAY CI1Y, MICHIGAN. U. S. A. WE SEND YOU A COMPLETE HOUSE, READY TO BE NAILED TOGETHER AND UVE IN FOR LESS THAN YOU CAN BUY THE ROUGH LUMBER FOR An Aladdin House at a Glance-What You Get. Fou~lio<> lirnoo.. Joist> ...uddin!! and ,.1, .... Sidin" Flooring. Roo! ohu~ Po,ch limb<n. joiots. n-inl. ,010""," ..i!it.g ond poll........ ldins. roof .....lhina ood "",.. " R.kroid rooIin8 (~il .,mmed). So"" for front and bo,k. Ooon lor a~ _"'p. with I...... and trim Uuid< ""d oot. W;"dows and I"' .......... with lllu. in pt.«.• nd ,rim i".;dt ."d "'"'. Moulded bo .. boon! I", ;,,~dt '00 .... W ... mool<Ln, for tn""';nll 011 ."uide doon and wi ......... A~ h.,dwo ... M""i<. loeb. knob< .nd h;";u. N.ik 0/ p"'!><f ~Z< lor ,nti" h_. p.;", lor , ..... _" oobid. and Wide (."y color). Pl."" boon! for Iir>in& .."i", h...... I ..."",ion. for doin,.U the worl:_ ~ __________~ -I ALADDIN HOUSES "Built in a Day" C"'lalog No. 18 Fall 1909 NMhA~ .. Eigh,,,,n eo...lrutlion:Compony Y•• " Bay City. in lhe M ic~.n.. u.s.A. ~'" L _...... ----l THE A LADDIN PLAN, Sa,. all c",' wh;ch adds no value, by selling "direct fro m the jorest 10 the home. " II ().d;.. .a,. ..... I>omt t,.,;1dn- po,.
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