Aladdin Annual Sales Catalog: Spring 1909

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Aladdin Annual Sales Catalog: Spring 1909 _0len t~.. It![_ rGIIl&l T HE oriPoI .00 oody perfed 'yMaoI fu the <OD>Irvct>on 01 knochd do"", hou .... Manufactured Exclu';'dy by the North A merican Construction Company SAY CI1Y, MICHIGAN. U. S. A. WE SEND YOU A COMPLETE HOUSE, READY TO BE NAILED TOGETHER AND UVE IN FOR LESS THAN YOU CAN BUY THE ROUGH LUMBER FOR An Aladdin House at a Glance-What You Get. Fou~lio<> lirnoo.. Joist> ...uddin!! and ,.1, .... Sidin" Flooring. Roo! ohu~ Po,ch limb<n. joiots. n-inl. ,010""," ..i!it.g ond poll........ ldins. roof .....lhina ood "",.. " R.kroid rooIin8 (~il .,mmed). So"" for front and bo,k. Ooon lor a~ _"'p. with I...... and trim Uuid< ""d oot. W;"dows and I"' .......... with lllu. in pt.«.• nd ,rim i".;dt ."d "'"'. Moulded bo .. boon! I", ;,,~dt '00 .... W ... mool<Ln, for tn""';nll 011 ."uide doon and wi ......... A~ h.,dwo ... M""i<. loeb. knob< .nd h;";u. N.ik 0/ p"'!><f ~Z< lor ,nti" h_. p.;", lor , ..... _" oobid. and Wide (."y color). Pl."" boon! for Iir>in& .."i", h...... I ..."",ion. for doin,.U the worl:_ ~ __________~ -I ALADDIN HOUSES "Built in a Day" C"'lalog No. 18 Fall 1909 NMhA~ .. Eigh,,,,n eo...lrutlion:Compony Y•• " Bay City. in lhe M ic~.n.. u.s.A. ~'" L _...... ----l THE A LADDIN PLAN, Sa,. all c",' wh;ch adds no value, by selling "direct fro m the jorest 10 the home. " II ().d;.. .a,. ..... I>omt t,.,;1dn- po,.. ffOlll two '0 1_ ,_ ....."", 1 <001. 01 ~ I ;" * ..... ~ 0:>0«< of _ 1.... 1 ....' ..... ;.,to No....... rho ....... r... .... "'c:h <001. :.. ...., .... toodo _ "'-" .. IIWIl' t.udo. n.. '-be.. ...~ . ... witIo dot ~ wI.o< .............. Io .... IIIiII_.I_ .....1 _10 .... 1q~. In. .... ~ ....... pIo ...... '- .... '*-.. 10 .... Iou! Noobtt,..rd. £,.;,y. _ odcIo "" _ .... ....... .... ",,*.. AI "'- ... piI.d "II io ......... _ .......... bot paod ,. lor YOU. f: Aloddoo too- ....... ..., l-W-dow. .................teI I0<I0,_ Il "1\.0 1\_ A_.. c_"",.... C-.y ....... ~ .... ~k·cIown .,....,. 01 ....... .... ,;..,. _ (! Aladdin t.o.n...,. cIt..pM 10 110 , aIiI~ , ... ~ho ... uoed .1..- .h •........,... U... , .......... 100 ......... 10.... - '1 ..... <"'''"1 I. "'.... <>flood ! W. mII.:. w.~. In ...... ,.....,. down I" 10.. ,1.0. , .... p<' «nl_ Th.,', one ..._ ",'hy w< <On fu,n,'" No. I Huron Pi .... "'''Y ho ... ' ""h low "'u..... , ([ SLIW lobo. ...'-Iot..,. __'l'.'" PI"," ........_ .... ~ .. .. AJ..IdOo ""--ilo<._ ... ~ .... ~ I0I.0.. _ .... _ ... llIo ..... ....... Io.",.. .. k~ .......... f<....d.,.,. ([ All AIocIdOo ....... ..-tlJ Iik '" ... d -..Otd '- ........ io .... ,.... I, .-... IoU. ...... <>«pI .. _ wtooId ..., ...... _ ...,d ""-. II A ...., ..... ...dod io .., PA<I ...... __ of _ .. _ ....... \\_ ..... .... _ ....... ..d " .... ;. _ .... b,._ ......"-<, ..... Ih< ..... oloI.d 10 ..... ([ Ow.ill ......,«1 ,;p.. io .... tw..... "'" "'., 10 .... M"hopa. 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"100 ,,"y, '" .... k ... ,... "'" mo. ",100 doe.', ...,. WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU BUY AN Au\DDlN HOI..I&. II I:".a<I> pn.:< .. r.-. io "'" ~ ..." lor .... <-"'" ...... II A ...... r.-_ •• ~ ..... k_.....vIor ... I_................ .... .......... ...r ,or......................... : ......... '-'-- -.. ........ .--.,..... _: .... ~ ................. : ....... W ..... Ior ........ ud-.w lor .. ........ wo.donn.. w..r. """ • pio.:.: ............... -* ...r _ ......... ,rill ..d -* ...................... -":led boo. boo..:f _ --..... ......w....,... ',,-" ...... ...r ............... 11oudw .... _-..I Io<b kot.1 -* ...... : ~ b.niohod.n bo .. Io<b.nd Ioiat<o IOf _"'" _: ..... lot ...... roo-...... , lot ,,,.. , .... .nd "" pia"" boord I... 10 ..., ..~ .. roo- ""' .... THE LUM6£R WF. USE. tJ I:...,. __ .. """"'" io ...., AIacIcIio r- r... r.- u.d..,. Mlt<1td f_ .... rup. .. If...... H_ Piooo. I,;, aM..,. _Otd b, ---' _ ..... ~ ........ ...........rd .. _..... 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""'" _ ....u- .. .... ...,.he.o .......... pIo" ... I•• --.I....! ..... __ ..................... ~. porI«. bo.orcl. Ilif, ........... ~ II h wiI _ "o<k WM .... _ Ioootto r_ c!._ •• ....JI .... oodiNo'1 ""'.... ~c __ ;" ..... }2 . 36 ..... io ......... ...iltclcIin<lIT ................ 1110 ...... AIocWio ...... """"'.~;" ........ '- .......,. ............ .... ___low I.".... c..w...d.01 wool 1.11 ... _ ............ ....."'_ .. -" ....... "-..... ..d t.oiW. f y .. _cIitoctly ............... ~ THE WAK~ITH OF AlADOI .... HOI.JSIOS.. II W.!.o...... """" of _ -""<I ,u.,_ ..... AIoddio '-'" "'.. _ ,NoD .., houo. .......... 01 ~ __.y. w. "" •• Itt,.., r_ ...., ___ 0/ Aloddio ........ io .... ~ __ 01 .... u...«1 So ..............., ........... WAHMER ..... _ ............... ...,. .... '-1 ilL THE ADVANTAC£S TO YOU IN BUYINC AN AUl.DDIN HOl.ISE. (f y .. boo .......,1)1 who, )'OM , .......... '- will _, Ih«< ......."n E'<fJ+ ....... ;.~ ...... 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