Potentials and Recommendations: Agrarian Botanical Data From

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Potentials and Recommendations: Agrarian Botanical Data From POTENTIAL AND RECOMMENDATIONS: AGRARIAN BOTANICAL DATA FROM WESTERN NORWAY POTENTIAL AND RECOMMENDATIONS: AGRARIAN BOTANICAL DATA FROM WESTERN NORWAY Kari Loe Hjelle University Museum of Bergen, University of Bergen [email protected] Lisbeth Prøsch-Danielsen Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger [email protected] Eli-Christine Soltvedt Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger [email protected] ABSTRACT Palaeobotanical sampling in relation to legally required rescue excavations from agrarian contexts, has been carried out for half a century, with increased effort since the introduction of mechanical top-soil stripping from the 1990s. Development instigated excavations have increased our knowledge of the agricultural history of Western Norway, and highlighted the importance of systematic palaeo botanical sampling. Samples with charred seeds and other macro scopic plant remains, as well as in-context pollen samples, are only available through archaeological excavation. These data represent the primary data set for understanding the development of farming, cultivation and land-use practices. Each site is a step towards greater knowledge of the development of agrarian societies. In this paper we present samples from house remains, cultivated fields and clearance cairns found in the collections of the University Museums of Bergen and Stavanger. The time periods covered are the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age (2200–1100 BC), Late Bronze Age (1100–500 BC), Early Iron Age (500 BC–AD 550) and Late Iron Age (AD 550–1030/50). In Rogaland, samples from house structures dominate the record, whereas samples from cultivated fields are more numerous further north. This is discussed in relation to natural resources and collection strategies, and gaps of knowledge related to archaeological periods and geographical distribu- tion are identified. Effort has been made to highlight the potential of botanical sampling. INTRODUCTION by the University Museums of Norway. One of the The Agrarian Network is one of three subprojects aims of the Joint Research project was the activation associated with the Joint Research project, conducted of material/data collected during rescue excavations, 293 Agrarian life | Kari Loe Hjelle – Lisbeth Prøsch-Danielsen – Eli-Christine Soltvedt as suggested by the Ministry of Education and the implementation of the Cultural Heritage Act Research (2008). Another aim was to strengthen the in 1905. Samples for botanical analysis have, on the collaboration between the University Museums of other hand, not automatically been collected and Norway and emphasize the potential of the existing stored. At the University Museums of Bergen and material. The Agrarian Network was designed to Stavanger, interdisciplinary collaboration between focus on the traces found within settlement areas. archaeology and palaeobotany has been distinct and Specific focus has been placed on house structures, a broad competence within pollen analysis and plant cultivation layers/soil profiles, and clearance cairns. macrofossil analysis in relation to archaeological Botanical samples from these contexts contain excavations has developed. This has resulted in a information on economy, land-use practices and large amount of samples in the storerooms of the environment of people in the past. The data produced respective museums available for further research. from these samples are presented in publications, Holmboe’s (1927) analysis of plant macrofossil reports, or as lists in topographical archives at the remains recovered during the excavation of the respective museums together with lists of unpro- Oseberg ship in Vestfold was the first archaeobo- cessed samples. This paper, as a product of the tanical investigation in Norway. His work was ahead Agrarian Network, will focus on samples collected of its time. In the late 1960s, sampling of charred from different agrarian contexts and their potential seeds from the prehistoric farm at Ullandhaug for future research by: demonstrated the potential of integrating archaeo- logical and botanical data for investigating the • Presenting a compilation of botanical agrarian economy (Lundberg 1972; Myhre 1980; material (both macro- and microfossil Rindal 2011). In contrast to plant macrofossil ana- remains) sampled and stored from archae- lysis, pollen analysis became an important method ological contexts in western Norway for understanding the development of agriculture already by the 1940s and 50s. • Giving a brief review of the differ- Knut Fægri, one of the pioneers in develop- ences in botanical sampling strategy ing the method, collaborated with archaeologists and methods between the University and contributed to our understanding of human Museums in Stavanger and Bergen impact on vegetation history, using pollen dia- grams from lakes and bogs (Fægri 1940; 1944). • Identifying knowledge gaps in west- The importance of integrated archaeological and ern Norway related to the actual palynological studies, although still based on peat archaeological contexts, either geo- and lake sediments, became clear through the work graphically or chronologically on early farming in Hordaland by Egil Bakka and Peter Emil Kaland (1971). With the excavation of • Presenting the potential of the botan- the farm at Lurekalven in the 1970’s, the potential ical material and providing some ideas of pollen analysis of agrarian contexts was shown and recommendations for the future (Kaland P.E. 1979; Kaland S. 1979; Kvamme 1982). From the 1980’s, an increased focus has been on Archaeological data has been protected by law, and the collection of pollen samples from archaeological stored at the responsible institutions/museums, since sites in addition to sampling from bogs or lakes in 294 POTENTIAL AND RECOMMENDATIONS: AGRARIAN BOTANICAL DATA FROM WESTERN NORWAY their vicinity (see Høgestøl 1985; Danielsen et al. archaeologists and botanists are organised in common 2000; Prøsch-Danielsen 2005; 2011; Kaland 2009, units, whereas these disciplines are organizationally for more detailed history and references therein). separated in Bergen. With the exception of Ullandhaug and a few others, it was not until the 1980s that archaeobotanical STUDY AREA AND ENVIRONMENT sampling in general, gradually became a regular part Our study area covers the counties Rogaland, of rescue excavations of prehistoric sites in Norway, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane and Sunnmøre (south- strongly associated with the adoption of mechanical ern part of Møre og Romsdal) (Fig. 1). This is the topsoil stripping. There are, however, considerable area for which the Museum of Archaeology/UiS differences between the museum districts regard- and the University Museum of Bergen/UiB have ing sampling practices, which is also visible in the administrative responsibilities. In the following we following presentation of data from the University will use UiS/AM and UiB/UM for these institutions, Museums of Bergen and Stavanger. independent of the institutional name at the time The histories of the two University Museums are of sampling. quite different. Stavanger Museum was founded in The bedrock is mainly of Precambrian age, both 1877, but it was not until 1909, with the hiring of in the southern and northern study areas. Rocks of archaeologist A. Brøgger, that the Department of Caledonian orogeny constitute a broad field from Archaeology and Cultural History was established. the Boknafjord area to inner Hardanger and from Sampling of botanical material started in 1967. In the coast north of the Hardangerfjord to the inner 1975, Archaeological Museum in Stavanger (AmS) Sognefjord. An area along the northwestern coast was established as a separate museum which, in 2009, contains Devonian sedimentary rocks (Sigmond was fused with the University of Stavanger (UiS/ 1985; Moen 1999:Figs. 13 and 14). In the southern AM). Bergens Museum was founded in 1825, with part of western Norway, areas with phyllite, mica focus on collections both within cultural history schists and limestones contain nutrients valuable for and natural history from the very beginning. In plant growth while in the northern part the basement 1914, the museum got five professorships, one of rocks are comprised of thrusted and folded gneiss these being awarded to archaeologist H. Shetelig, and granites with poor nutrient value. However, it another to botanist Jens Holmboe. With roots in is the combination of the bedrock and overlying Bergens Museum, the University of Bergen (UiB) Quaternary deposits which determine the properties was established in 1946, and the museum depart- of the actual soil cover, and hence influence plant ments included in the faculties. Bergen Museum growth and suitability for agriculture. In our study (BM) was re-established as a faculty within UiB in area, thick Quaternary deposits are found especially 1993, and since 2002, BM has been an independent in the Jæren region in Rogaland and western parts of unit with two scientific departments – Cultural Sunnmøre (Fig. 1) (Moen 1999:Fig. 15), areas that History and Natural History. The name Bergen were ice-free during the Younger Dryas stage (Olsen Museum was changed to University Museum of et al. 2013:Fig. 22). Large terraces and moraines are Bergen (UM) in 2011. also found within the fjord systems. Today, one basic difference exists in the organi- The data represent four climate sections; O3 (t and zation of archaeology and botany at the University h), O2, O1, OC from west to east (Fig. 2) (Moen Museums in Stavanger
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