Called-In Decision: Shell Centre, 2-4 York Road, Lambeth (Ref: 2205181, 5 June 2014)
Victoria Du Croz Our Ref: APP/N5660/V/13/2205181 Hogan Lovells LLP APP/N5660/V/13/2205182 Atlantic House APP/N5660/V/13/2205183 50 Holborn Viaduct APP/N5660/V/13/2205185 London Your Ref: C2/DUCROZVI/MG/4127998 EC1A 2FG 5 June 2014 Dear Madam, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 – SECTION 77 PLANNING (LISTED BUILDING AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 1990 APPLICATIONS BY BRAEBURN ESTATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED AT THE SHELL CENTRE, YORK ROAD, LONDON APPLICATION REFERENCES 12/04708/FUL, 12/04699/FUL, 12/04701/LB AND 12/04702/CON 1. I am directed by the Secretary of State to say that consideration has been given to the report of the Inspector, John Braithwaite BSc(Arch) BArch (Hons) RIBA MRTPI, who held a public local inquiry which sat for 11 days between 21 November and 12 December 2013 into your client's applications in relation to the Shell Centre, York Road, London as follows: Application A (APP/N5660/V/13/2205181): a planning application for the part demolition of Shell Centre comprising Hungerford, York and Chicheley wings, upper level walkway, removal of raised podium deck, associated structures and associated site clearance to enable a mixed use development of 8 buildings ranging from 5 to 37 storeys in height and 4 basement levels to provide up to 218,147m2 of floorspace (GIA), comprising offices (B1), residential (C3) (up to 877 units), retail (A1-A5), leisure (D2) and community/leisure uses (D1/D2), parking and servicing space, hard and soft landscaping together with the provision of a new public square,
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