The Book of Irish Poetry
PstiHm liiiill 111 THE BOOK OF IRISH POETRY Drawn 6y] iceo. Morroxv Raftery, the Blind Poet of Connaught Every • Irishman's • Library General Editors: Ai^FRED PercEvai, Graves, m.a. William Magennis, m.a. Douglas Hyde, ll.d. THE BOOK OF IRISH POETRY ior..;<j j"»o.iaii'y i '^ EDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ALFRED PERCEVAL GRAVES, M.A. T. FISHER UNWIN LONDON: ADELPHI TERRACE LEIPSIC: INSELSTRASSE 20 Printed by Thk Educational Company OF iRKirAND Limited AT The Tai^bot Press Dubinin ; 2?eliicatt0n . To . Douglas Hyde, ll.d., o.utt. Pr*»ident of the Gaelie Leaaue Because, alumni of one Irish College^ And sons of fathers of the self-same Church, Striving to swell the sum of Irish knowledge. Dear Creeveen Eevinn, we unite our search And each of us an Irish Bardic brother In ''Songs of Connachf and "The ' Gael ' has found, This Poem-Book is yours—for to no other By such a kindly friendship am I bound. A. P. G. Of«^o<jy.^ INTRODUCTION. Of anthologies of Irish verse there have been many. Miss Charlotte Brooke's " Irish Poetry," a volume of translations of her own from the Irish, led the way in the year 1789, and was followed by Hardiman's " Irish Minstrelsy," in 183 1 , with metrical translations by Thomas Furlong, Henry Grattan Curran, and John D 'Alton. Both these volumes contained the Irish originals, as well as the translations from them, and both volumes were extremely valuable for their preservation of those originals, but suffered from the over ornate, and, indeed, often extremely artificial English verse into which they were translated.
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