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( COLBY 4 RICH, ) t (3,00 Per-Annum, >' YOL. XXXYJII i Publishers and Proprietors, j BOSTON, SATURDAY, '--DECEMBER 11,. 1375. ( In Advance, j •'NO. 11.

Banner Content**. records of its characteristics inscribctim ilhe scenes but you disappeared suddenly before our eyes,' for some years hnd been a practicing physician lady then present. During tin- medium's en- ' ‘F irst Page.—44Spiritual .Gifts,” by Emma Ilardlngo gf its earthly career, which, under certain condi­ when I had got nearly to you. nt Milwaukee. Shortly after tills addition to our traneeim-nt she'said in the UcrnmiUlnngungo Britton. many tilings which Miss Brant'declared wero tions, can be perceived by sonsijire seers. According to the letter, tho accident mentioned party, 1 experienced tlui usiml sensations attend­ Second F a c e,—14 Psychopathy, ” by It. I*. Wilson; Po­ hnd occurred on tlie same day and hour. ing tlie near approach of a spirit who Wnsnnxlnus known to tin human being save herself and her em—44Johu Grccnleaf W h ittles” by E. Louisa Mu- The existence of these societies is little known, to communlcafe. through liiv niediumshlp. For niollier. At tlie close of the dialogue, Miss Brant ---- tbcr; “ Manifestations In Ilion, N. Y,;14 “ An After­ perhaps even undreamed of In America. Tlie Professor S. B. Brittnh, whilst conducting the nearly a quarter of an hour I tried to resist tills lining herself a seeress, exclaimed witli gicnt as- noon with Charles Foster* tbu Great Medium;” 44 Min­ author of “ I^nnd” was liimself an.initi­ editorial department of the Spiritual Telegraph, influence, finding such control in private circles toiilshmcnt that she actually saw b,er mother anil nesota—State Mass Meeting of Spiritualists and Lib­ ate of thoir body, and it is to their opinions nnd In 1850, makes mention of a uuinber of cases in Injurious to my public efforts ; but although the recognized her fully in the spirit tlmt tiad ad- erals. ” • **’ *■ which, under circumstances of Indisputable au­ force affected mens If from a great distance, and dr eased-her through 'the. medium, As far as she practices tlin^ he alludes in tho following ex­ with a sensation of extremedebility, it conquered lmd any knowledge of her mother's condition;' Third P age.—Banner Correspondence; “ Things ns I thority, tho spirit of persons still "in tlie enrtli- - Keo Them,” , by Lois Walsbrooker; “Aiding Dis­ cerpts: . my reluctance to yield sufficiently to compel luc Miss lira lit affirmed her belief that she was alive- i charged Convicts;” List of Spiritualist Lecturers. "Ever since the. practices of Mesnierhnd be­ form have been seen nnd even conversed witli. to nppriso the physician that a sjdrlt friend was and-well ; slie hail been so, at any rate, when come familiar to them, they hnd delighted in pur­ Tlie following Incident is selected from Mr. Brit- near him—(me wlm regarded him with-great af­ last slie had heard from her, mol tlie ieiu lest this F ourth Page. — “ The Religion of Spiritualism,” by spiritual visitation gave token of lo-r mother's _ suing them in support of their favorite theory, lan’s re p erto ire of facts, and is furnished''by the fection, ami bearing the mime of Anna. She sub­ George A. Bacon; “ The Natural and tho Supernat­ .decease omisioin-d the young lady tin* inosl pain­ ural, ” by Robert Cooper; Leading Edltorlalson “ Scl- which wns that tlie soul essence of man could ap­ celebrated seer and test medium, Mr. E. V. Wil­ sequently added a second name, which, though ' cnee and Religion,” etc. pear, make signs, sounds, ami disturbances, in spelled ‘incorrectly- at Jirst, was sufficiently ful. anxiety. Before niauy months lmd elapsed, places distant from tlie body -, that at times when son : . strange and definite in somid to identify tlie however, all acquaintance of Miss Brant's ar­ ~~FIFTirTAOK.—4‘Splendid Holiday Books;” “ Brlof P ar­ these:8oul-essences__wero .dissipated suddenly, “ On Friday, tlie 10th of May, 1851, 1 was at spirit as one of tlie Doctor’s patients, between rived from (iernianv, and rolled upon tier, lie agraphs,” New Advertisements, etc. as in tlie action of violent death,they inher-ed- my' desk Writing all at once L fell asleep, leaned i whom mid himself laid subsisted nil affectionate knew nothing of tspiritimiisin, hut in reply to Sixth Page.—44Spirit MessagtTiJepartmeut;” 44Spirit­ to earthly tilings nnd places, and f o r a tim e my bend down, and remained thus for half or i-frtendship of many years'-standing)-’-In proof-of Miss .Braid's Jniiniry. nbmiL her mot her stated ualism In Baltimore,” by.T, B. Tajlor, M. I),; Poem— could maintain a sort of vague, shadowy exist­ three-quarters of an hour. While in tills situa­ j her identity, and entirely unsought for on the Unit in February, 185s, just at the time when ” Not Faith, but Works,” by Ellen I. LePoo; “ Apoth­ ence, which at length melted nwny, and became tion 1 thought I was in tlie city of Hamilton, part of the Doctor, the spirit proceeded to give a lids circle was lield, In-r mother, to all appear­ eosis;” ‘‘Electricity and Spiritual MeUluinshlp;” dissipated in space, to be taken up from the forty miles west of Toronto, and’that 1 called oil j great many singular tests, making me destine ance, died, and was- ulioid to ...... al lied to tho “ To-I)ay;” Obituary a;id Couveutloii Notlees, etc< grand reservoir of spiritual essences in other several parties in Ilnmiltou collecting money (as a 'number of pictures in her house', its furuime, grave, when slie showed slight signs ol life. She "B eyenth Page.—“ Mediums In Boston;” Book and oth­ souls. Now the brothers insisted tlmt those soul 1 .thought). After I lmd finished the business the situation of a certain tree near the lujusc- was kept in Uiis state for two w eeks, occasional­ er advertisements. ^ essences, which they called tlie double yoer, nnd transactions, I concluded tlmt 1 would call on a (lonr, together with the leading trails in her own ly showing signs of iininm'tinii. When'lie rmmi . E ighth P age.—“ Prof* AVllUatn Denton on ‘Revivalsof more frequently the‘atmospheric spirit,’ by its friend who lias taken a deep interest in spiritual character, a.ml allusions to one- of her deceased out of this eOndilion slie stated tlmt she lmd seen Religion;4 41 “ The Alleged Eddy Exposures;44 “ Now occasional nppenrnnecs, both before nnd after tlie manifestations. At once I dreamed that 1-vvas'• children,- and various fits of sickness,during her daughter in America, in a large room, sur­ Publications;44 “ Movementsof Lecturers and Medi­ dentil of individuals, covered the whole ground nt her house and rang the hell, when a servant which she-had been under tlie Doctor’s treat rounded liy a uiimhcr of- people, nnd lmd talked ums,4 4 etc. * of spectres, , appnrithms, hauntlngs, and came to,tlie door and informed me that Mrs. D -s meet; all .of which mimithe brought home tlie witli her. 'The German related several tilings, supornnturnlisni in general. was out ami would not ho in for an hour.’ 1 Identity of the communicating spirit with start­ also, that Miss B. lmd said to her mother, wldlo The fnet that tlie ‘ ntinospheric spirit' often called for a drink of water, which the servant ling precision. in tlie circle. The above facts cun be attested to bv a number of persons of the highest respecta­ #rtjgtniil fosn])s. lingered’ round tlie enrtli after tlie deatli of tlie gave me, and I left my compliments for her mis­ Tim manifestation occupied quite an hour, and body, nnd could he seen, heard nnd felt, did not tress,’ and stnrtcd, ns I tliougm, for Toronto. concluded by tlie vivid appearance of tlie spirit bility. - ' milinto against their theory tlmt immortality was Then 1 awoke, nnd my dream passed out of my herself’ upon tlie wall ojiposite to where I sal. Some years ago a gentleman by the name of . A few dnys after, a lady residing at my Had any question existed upon previous points Dnhnll, residing In New London, ('mill.,and who SPIRITUAL jGIFTS. a fiction, and that the soul died witli the body. was reputed to possess a faculty of seeing things * It was m erely the ntinospheric'spirit; a shndowy house ill tills city, received a. communication of .Identity,' this appearance would have settled NUMIlEll SEVEN. remnant of tlie soul,’ they snid, ‘ which hnd ever from Mrs. D—s, of Hamilton, from which 1 make it, as there were some perulinritieAii the shape in distant parts of the i-ou-ntry, wn-j applied to been seen or manifested-!!! the realm of ghost the following extinct: of the lady’s head, her inode of dressing her hair, for inl'ornmlion respectingn scii captain and ves­ BY EMMA HAltDINOE BllITTEN. land, and this was not n permanent intelligent ‘Toll Mr. AVI Ison that he Isa flue follow, nml tho n»*xt audits color,’which marked her with striking sel which had sailed from tlmt poll, and coiieerii- Mine that ho culls at my house to leave hp* will nos, ami not characteristics. ing whose fate there was some uneasiness. Thu existence, hut Tjierely a temporary relfc of the caiiHr iiu> t<* i-nii lo aU\liu li|iU‘ls In town ami ih-n iiot llml 0 1 gentleman n-tired, and shortly afterward re'. - The Double; or, The Apparition of Still broken orgaiiiSln, like tlie perfume which lingers him. Mr. W. called at myliouso on Krhlny, uskuil for a Then came tlie Doctor's avowal tlmt all these Embodied Human Spirits. drink of water, left his name and compliments, 1 think presentations were identical witli a person who, turned and said lie lmd seen the captain at a cer­ about tlie spot whore tlie (lower lins been.’ By he. inlulit have spent the night with us, knowing the Inter­ tain porler-lioiise at New Orleans, in the net of [Continued from No. (!.] repented and patient experiments witli their mag­ est that t lake In spiritual manifestations. 1 •'hall give to the best of his belief, wns MW an inhabitant him a tfOod scolding the next time J. see him; nnd then <>ur o f e a rth , ami the hesitancy with which tlie first drinking a bowl of punch, and tlmt In- ivie then netic subjects, they found tlmt they could send on tlie eve of sailing lor home. The eircum-tunce In 1850 Emma Ihirdiiige, then a resident of the ‘double’ or ‘atmospheric spirit’ abroad in friends wero so disappointed In hlu not stopping over night part of the nmnlfestaUoiis were received, arose the somnambulic sleep, nnd that it could he seen, with us.4 from.tlui fact tlmt he recognized no such descrip­ was noted down, together witli the day and ihe London, England, loomed from two German lihard and felt precisely liko tlie spectres tlmt When Mrs..J-r (the lady tlmt informed me of tion as applicable to any om-.tlien, to Ills knowl­ hour of the oliservntioii. Iirdife time tin- cap­ gentlemen of her rtcqnaintanco some remnrkablo wero claimed to'have been manifested in talus of the aliqve) gnvo me tills statement I laughed at edge, in tlie spirit-world. While his thoughts,, tain returned. Inline, witli his vessel, and was details of a society which held its sessions at the supernatural,” her, and observed Hint Mrs. D—s and her friends therefore, were fixed upon .disembodied spirits, questioned respecting his w lieiealimifs on tho day must lie mistaken or crazy, ns I lmd not been in tlie idea of his still living friends-never occurred above referred to. He. said, among oilier things, Hamburgh and Berlin, tho chief object of which Tho author of “ Ghost Land’’ was himself a Hamilton for n month,, and tlmt I was asleep at to him — ptiicing the hackneyed solution of ‘ ndnd- Unit he was at a certain pniter-lmiise in New Or­ •was the study and development of tho occult clairvoyant of most' remarkable lucidity nnd my desk In my shop at tlie particular time men reading ’ out of the pale of possibility—at least leans, and tlmt lie was •regaling liim-clf witli a forces latent in Nature. power. Being associated brdntimnte relations tioned by Mrs. D—s. Mrs. .J—replied tlmt there until after tlie name lmd hern given. Imwl of punch; lie plainly saw-old Mr. Daholl Amongst other practices of tho society In ques­ must he a mistake somewhere, as Mrs. I)-s was Three weeks later I)r. Greaves met me in New come In tit oiiedoor mid go'oiilnt another. Many. -with the President of the Brotherhood,'.who was of our readers will .....illeet an almost, precisely tion were experiments on Abe naturo and power a lady tlmt could be relied upon. Remembering Orleans, nnd showed mo a letter from one of the indeed his tutor in early youth, whilst little more all nt once my dream, I half laughingly observed relatives of the communicating spirit, nniinimc- similar ease .related hy .liing-Stillitig about an of tho “ Doppel Giingor,” or “ Doublo Goer;” ns- than a mere child lie was employed ns n magnetic tlmt it must have hern my spirit. 1 then requested j ing the fact of timitidy's deatli-nn event,-how- old seer who resided in solitude on the hanks of tlie apparition of tho human spirit was tormed subject, and some of tlie narratives of ids expe­ Mrs. J— to write to Mrs. D—s tlmt 1 would lie , ever, which did nut take place till one. weel: a fu r tin; Delaware, near l’liiladelphia." ■ When it was. seen apart from the body. Emma riences in this direction are of thrilling interest' nt. Hamilton in a few days, tlmt sifvcrul other i' the period of the above-named manifestation. 1 Ill 1857, Slime few- years before the stupendous Hardliigo’s friends were professed materialists, and profoundly suggestivo. persons woiild-accompnny me, nnd tlmt we would i know I shall lie told liy many of tlie savnn s who changes ensued In tlie political economy of call at her house ; also tlmt it was my wish tlmt i undertake to reply to, but not erjditi.ii, these phe­ and, being officers in tho Prussian army, men of. Tlie following passage will doubtless bo pe­ slie should not mention to her domestics tlmt she nomena, that no doubt tlie liuly’s mind was at -Amotion which euluiiimled in the abolition- of-- culture nnd ability, they were accustomed to rused witli incredulity by somo, nlthough tlie au­ expected me or any company from Toronto, nnd this time fixed upon tier old friend, and in view slavery, Mr. Hen-Joy, a very well-known and'Re­ strengthen their own disbelief in tho soul's con­ thor, from an Intimate knowledge of the narra­ tlmt when we came, to direct her servants to sec of hempproiicliing dis.-ipliition she was deploring liable citizen of Louisville, Ivy., gave tile follow-' tinued existence after death by quotations from tor, his noble character nnd indomitable veracity, if either of tlie parties in tlie parlor was tlie Mr. tlie absence of her accustomed medical adviser, Ing item of Ills experience to his friend, Mr. Wilson who’called on the Iflth," etc. many of - tho most renowned literary authorities emphatically Vouches for- tlie truth of every On.tlie 29th of May, I, In company'with sev­ The question however arises; Is thought then so Charles l’artrhlge, from whom tin- .author re­ of thoir own country. Their principal basis of syllable. Recounting his boyish experiences eral others, went, to Hamilton. Wo cnlled nt m a te r ia l as to magnetize a medium into a p3y-" ceived it with abundant assurances of its unqiies- belief (or rather unbelief), however, consisted in with the Association, whom lie terms tlie "Ber­ Mrs. D—s’s house; were met nt tlie door by the chologicnl state, compel from her pantomimical tioimlile truth : their experiences with the society to which they lin Brotherhood,” Austria, lie says : lady herself, nml ushered “into tlie parlor. I j representations, and produce the apparently oh- “ Last week," says Mr. Iletish-y, “ I went to asked her (it once.to call iier servants and see if 1 jeetive representation of a well defined shadow lied one night wry rally, nml fell into a dream belonged, and the evidence's they thus obtained "On one occasion the Berlin Society having they codld remember mo. Mrs'. I)—s directed | on the wall V ' which seemed wonderfully real. I llioivglil Unit that the still embodied spirit of man could quit thrown me into a profound sleep by tlie aid of tlie servants to gome in nnd see if either of I I liiuy, however, add Hint the - influence of 1 wns searching for'a runaway negro of mine on vital magnetism, and the vapors of nitrous oxide the gentlemen was the one that -called from ] .these nmnifcslntiqns generally differs from tlmt tin-track of tin- New Albany find .-siit.-m Itailroild. tlie form, travel to distant places, make its pres­ gas, they directed my ‘atmospheric spirit’ to ence visiblo to tlie material eye, and, under fa- Toronto. Two of the servants identified me I of ‘the. spirits,’ inasmuch as it “produces seiisa- it appealed to no- tlmt I hint 1....11 looking for Uiu proceed, in coinpntiy witli two other lucid sub­ ns the poi'sYm who called on tlie tilth,'and I tions of coldness, and- sometimes a slight faint- fugitive all.night, and tlmt I w.is'lifed nnd worn . vorable conditions, knock, move niaterialubjects, jects, to a certain' castle in Bohemia, where gave tny name ns Mr. Wilson. I never saw | ness, while the disembodied spirit brings it pecu­ out; Imt 'just ahold daylight 1 found a wagon speak, and even answer questions intelligently. friends of theirs resided, nnd then and there to either of these girls in my life before^- nnd every liar feeling of exhilaration'nml strength.- Also going towmd New Alimov, and I a-lted.Uie make disturbances by throwing, stones, moving word of tho above can be supported by tlie tes­ i in tlie above,'mid some oilier eases of a similar All tills, they argued, sufficiently explained the ponderable bodies, shrieking, groaning, and farmer who wns driving it 1o let no- ride, The naturo of those appearances which superstition timony of tlie girls, ns; well as tlie lady nt whose nature, the manifestations have, been succeeded wagon, 1 noticed, lmd oiie spoke in the wlu-el . tramping heavily, etc., etc. 1 here state emphat­ house the occurrence took place. very rnpidlyOy tile death of the persons' whose broken, and the word ‘ Fillmore ’ was painted nnd legendnry loro assigned to the spirits of the ically, and upon the honor of one devoted only Yours'in truth, E. V. Wilson. Spirits were presented. upon tile side. ’I'lie Jilttin-r was a tall limn, with dead. * . to tho Interest of truth; that. these disturbances Under the head of Riycholoi/ical Phenomena, 1 beg to state tlmt 1 offer no inferences on this a swallow tailed Jean coat, lie said his name was wero made, nnd mnde by tlie spirits of inysylf and point, especially as it is not tlm general experi­ They alleged that the members of the society, two other yet living beings, a girl nnd n boy who Rev. William Eishbough, in writing to tlie New James Hudson. " We entered into conversation ' being resident partly at Hamburgh nnd partly at ence of those who have witnessed these phenom­ upon various subjects, till we npproai-hed the were subjects of tlie society; nnd though we, in York " Phrenological Journnl,” gives the follow­ ena. / myself, it appears, have frequently been suburbs of New- Ailniny, which is all I renlcmber Berlin, were nccustomed to meet at stated peri­ our own individualities, remembered nothing ing Incidents in relation to tlie well-known and seen in distant places, nnd yet I still live. of toy dienm. Now eoiiu-s the mystery : The day1 • ods, when one of their number would magnetize whatever of our performance, wo were shortly philanthropic Spiritualist, Mr. Joseph Dixon, of In tlie mouth of February, 18iil, the' author nft’rr, while standing ennver-iiig w ill: a Irh-nd liy afterwards shown a long and startling newspa- was engaged to deliver a course of throe lectures another, nnd as soon ns the magnetic sleep was er account of the hauntlngs in tlie castle of Jersey City. The writer states that about tlie tlie side of file Market House, liet w eeii.Thiid ulid Induced, tlie company present would will tlie S nt Dixon, III. Here she was hospitably enter­ Fourth streets, before' Hoiisah's bonnet store, ' aron von L— of which we were the authors. year 1822, Mr. Dixon suffered an attack of bilious tained in the house of Mr. Bacon of tlmt city, and will) should 1 see lint.the hlcntinil mail, with tho 6 0 ul of the sleeper to go forth, visit the associa­ In a work devoted' to tho relation of occult fever, and during the worst stage of tlie disease whilst there the following incident occurred same wagon tlmt r lmd behold, in my- dream, tion of members in tlie distant city, make bis facts, I have myself in my library at this moment wns for a portion- of tlie time, as it was thought, One morning, when, as usual, Mrs.* Ilardinge with Hie spoke broken, mid ' Fillmore ’ .on the presence known, and bring back some message, an account of tlie, ‘manifestations,’.as they were lmd boon receiving a number of visitors, feeling side ! I was horror struck, and stood grazing at termed, which occurred on three several occa­ delirious. While in a state thus characterized by sign or token of his aerial flight and the success of herself particularly fatigued, she begged her the driver as lie came up the street, till lm got sions, nt a certain Castle in Bohemin. Tlie writer the members of ills family, lie one day described guests, to excuse her for a short time whilst she opposite me, when, happening to turn his head bis visitation. Sometimes tho members of “the attributes these disturbances to disembodied his father, who wns then at sea, ns being en­ retired to her room to recruit her strength by toward ml-', he exclaimed, ‘Wln-n- did you get off association at one end Of the liiio- would assume spirits, but in the particular case in question, I gaged, witli others, in a battje with tlie crews of half an hour's quiet repose. Thc'itpiirtuiciit oc­ at'.” Upon receiving no answer, lie again ex­ masquerading costumes,* and such strange dis­ insist tlmt the atmospheric spirits of tlie Berlin cupied by tlie lecturer was a parlor adjoining the, claimed, ‘Are you not tin- man that was limit­ Brotherhood wero the sole authors." two pirntienl vessels. He described the parly guises ns, if deaorlbed to tlie other party, would room in which the visitors reninined, the window ing a nigger, hack of New Albany, yesterday,’ This gentleman, now n warm Spiritualist nnd who attacked tlie pirates as being drawn up in of which looked out upon the show-covered mid took a ride witli me'.’’ As tlie mmi was a prove a test of the spirit’s having been there iiy four boats .before thoir vessels, and his father ap­ believer in the power of disembodied spirits to prairie. On entering, tills chamber Mrs. 11. felt j stranger to me, and evidently loo uneducated a tho correctness of his descriptions. 11 1..1 effect what ho once attributed to tlie spirits of - peared to be aboard one of these boatij, nnd he impressedi i..to i..i...take a- seat immediatelyi...... opposite'-“ person to comprehend tin- possibility of one's Sometimes the “ Doppel Ganger ” was charged tlie window, and liy-nn impulse she could not ac­ making nil iieqiiaiiilanee spiritually, I simply as­ mortnls only, still affirms his faith in the superior seemed to bo standing by his side. lie saw ids by Ills mngnetizer to upset a glass of wine, over­ count for looked at her watch, which told the sured Him lie was mistaken,,and that I lmd never force of the embodied human soul to perform father struck in tlie breast by a bullet which hnd liour.as twenty minutes to one, mid'day. imme­ seen him Indore lie passed on, but his incredu­ turn a fa u tie u t, create disturbances, or do some­ feats of ponderous strength, nnd reminds us tljat passed through a mail's head who stood-before diately on replacing her watch, a vision appeared lity was manifested Hy his muttering as lie went, thing of a material character, so as .to bring con­ no disembodied spirit can net upon matter until liini in tlie same boat, and immediately exclaimed, before her, representing a largo man. with dark 11 believe now yo u was tlie man Unit rode in my viction of the substantiality of the soul’s nature. luyir nnd eyes, broad shoulders, short neck, and wag n Iasi night, but how on airtb-yeigiTt-aw'iiy it has become saturated, ns it were, witli tho vital “ Oil, my father is shot!” He said his fattier The gentlemen who related these circumstances seemed immediately to_ nnsw rhim, saying, "No, | altogether a person of marked and .rather reptll- from me is-tlio-puzzlc.’. Such are tin- facts, friend Partridge, but as to the fa tio n a lit of (lie tiling, I to the author also brought to her notes of the st­ force of a strong earthly medium. j sive appearance. This figure instantly drew out As in every other plinse of spiritual manifest- my soil, I nm not injuied on saying which, lie j a parving knife or razor, and appeared to cut his leave you to study tlmt out for yourself." ances, which it seemed had extended oyer a peri­ atlonsj.we might re-duplicate testimony almost took tlie bullet from liisbrea l and put it intohis thuipt-with it. Tlie head fell buck, nml so dis­ The above narratives nt;e selected from a mass od of several years. The results th ere recorded vest pocket. At tlie same in -Unit a brutish-look­ tinct were tlie details of the vision tlmt tlie seer- of well-attested cases, sufficient in number to (ill in fin itu m on the exercise of will-power in pro­ ' ess could plainly perceive nil the anatomy of the were truly most extraordinary, and such as to ex- ing man appeared on the gu .wale, of one of tlie a quarto volume ; \ve shall litily 'refer now to-tj. ; cuso the participants in these scenes forbejteving jecting the spirit forth from the body. The I throat, displayed in ghastly proportions by tlie illustrations nlready presented in this nnd the piratical vessels, flourishing a broadsword, and j frightful wound. few incidents in which, the appearance of tho they covered the ground of supernatural appear­ preceding paper, must suffice for tills portion of challenging tlie boats’ eiew.vlo come aboard. His After remaining stationary for tlie space of .“ Double” was tlie result of will, rather than ances, hauntlngs, &c., &c. Those who were sub­ father immediately seized a' loaded musket and full flirifo minutes, tlie whole representation slow­ .our subject, nnd we shall now offer some exam­ '•'unconscious cert bra! actipjt," as tlie sa ea n s des­ scribers to Mrs. nardinge Britten’s magazine, fired, nnd tlie man fell, pier.ed by half-n-iloz.eii ly "incited out and disappeared. The languor ples of the appearnce of the " Double," indepen­ ignate Spiritualism generally. j “ The Western Star,’’ will remember the thrill­ other bullets, Which were directed to him at the which lmd before overpowered the seeress now dent of the will or in many instances of the com became succeeded bv tlie most lively excitement At tho time when tlie famous mirachycirclo ing nnd wonderful narratives, entitled “ Gho§t same time; the pirates, .seemingly disconcerted at sciouEness of tlie person whose apparition is and interest, and she immediately returned to was Holding! it's sessions in New Yolk, thcTatu Land,” the contributions of a highly distinguish­ the loss of a leader, immediately set sail and es­ tlie sitting-room, where she related the vision to highly esteemed aud.

\ ” "■* ...., 2 BANNER' OP LIGHT. v . . De c e m b e r 11, m s . nltiR sii omtpation which had pos- ! ents, all strangers to her, detailing her appear­ Of I.ove, Truth, Liberty ! in “ the communion of sulnts” think they see immediately recover himself nml resume a natu­ Bossed him the whole evening. Knddenly this ! ance amongst them, and describing the dress she A prophet of tlie coming time portions of the dresses of materialized spirits cut ral appearance. 'His Golor would change fro- Millennial, when the sword, quently. Once, while endeavoring to obtain a cloudy'condition passed away, ami'' from ' that'f lirnl worn, on the very morning when it came To plow-shnre beaten, shall haste on out; which makes them- think, they still have response from a spirit, lm seemed to be under time he entered into the proceedings of thi^circle I 'fresh from the hands of the dressmaker, nml was The garden of tlie Lord. possession of such pieces ; which makes the most some overpowering Influence, tho blood rushing to iiis face, and he placing Ids hands firmly, to his with his aeeustouieil Interest and clearness. .putnn for tlie first time fora New Year's recep­ A nrie.st, with vestments white and pure, experienced dealer in fabrics fail to recognizo Hut now for the scene that was passing in 1 heart ns if his circulation were too strong (or Idm. tion at the house of her friend, Mrs. Eliza Neal, To minister of good, the material; which makes the microscope fall to He smoked almost constantly, frequently rising Troy. Here, as in New-Vork, a circle hail been ' at Cincinnati. Miss I.nura Edmonds,' Mrs. ;\nd on Humanity's broad seal represent it ; they would have us believe Hint abruptly and going to the adjacent mantelpiece established, of which the Itev. Thos. Henning .Sweet, Mrs. Kellogg, Miss Ken bring, nnd several l’o stamp (ts brotherhood. mesmerism makes us plunge ourlmnds and faces, for a match. At intervals lm would referto Ida was a member. The circle numbered eighteen- I of tlie Dost New York hiedi.ums who were cotem- A king, amid tho human ranks, witli open eyes, into limited .paraffine floating faculties as a spiritual medium, clniming that lie persons, nnd as Mr. Henning often visited Troy 1 In kindness and in love, hnd unlimited prophetic power, nnd could furnish poraries of tlie nuthnr’s when she eominenced upon tlie surface of water at a boiling heat, and a horoscope for any person wldcli would be as for the purpose of giving Sabbath lectures, It was ! Witli trumpet blast 'gainst Error’s hosts, her spiritual experiences, some seventeen years Yijt gentle as the dove ! think all tho time that it is from materialized certain as fate. To him ami to. tlm spirit-world, decided to hold seances on the Sat unlay, at which since, endeavored to trnnqtiilizc her mind,' when spirit forms Hint, we obtain tlm molds ; mesmer­ lm said, there wns'no division of time. The past, A poet, tender, sweet ami pure, present and future were the same. Wlmt was to time it would be entirely convenient for Mr. Hen- 1 she found that slu* was constantly annoyed by With zeal against tlie wrong, ism Hint prevents our eyes from being burned ning to attend. On the evening in ijuiiatinn j us. the future was to him the present, inasmuch being made the unconscious medium of commu­ Wlmt wnrning tofios his lyre breathes forth, out by tills molten bath, and mesmerism still Hint ns Ids clnirvoyant vision verifies coming events , seventeen'of the members assembled in session, 1 nications from tlie spirits of still living persons, Wlmt pathos in ills song! makes those who sec the chst recognize in it tho ns certainly as actual experience does.present oc­ but Mr. Henning, who was confidently expected ; by tlie assurances Hint their experience was (if a Wlmt mounts of verdure do wfl’gain features of loved ones long gone before. Verily currences, , from the fact that he was engaged to lecture,nt ! similar character.- “ For my part,” said Mrs. To vjejv the sounding sea; “ a Daniel hath come to judgment." Tlm taps .indulged in ,by tlm spirits wero quite Troy on the morrow, failed to put in an appear* | Sweet, one of the best ami fmist truthful of tlie Wbirtn>iessed sunshine, ceoling tlew, Now that tlie smoke of battle has cleared away curious, and not at all like thecommonplace raps Anil fountains gushing free! we. arc accustomed to hear around tlm medium’s ance. * ■ early mediums, “ I am always uncertainwhether wo find that there-is an increasing interest in tlio table. Tlm sounds seemed to eseapo from tho Tlu> hour appointed for the commencement of , the spirit I am ciiinmuiiienting for is in tlie Like breezes of blest Arnby, - • subject of .spirit-communion, and a very urgent carpet, generally In tlm vicinity of Mr. Foster’s Our fevered soul they cool, clmir, lint often they came several feet distant thu' seance had passed some, thirty minutes,, form, or out of it, until some test facts reveal tlie And gird us with new strength to bear demand for opportunities to witness other phases true state of tlie ease.” If these reinaikalile phe­ of mediunisliip. from him. They were low, but quick and dis­ when the usual signal knock announcing a mem- , Our part in sorrow's school'. tinct, and came only in response to questions tier’s approach was heard. The circle sat in a nomena complicate our researches into the realm They lift'us up from earthly lmte,1 from the medium. of tin* spiritual, they prove most clearly, on tin; ttpprhitcil froip tho,St. Louis (Mo.) Ulobr-Democrat for hired room on the second liner. It was the cus­ From envy, fear and thrall, Nov. 2M. Tlm effect upon the visitors is not- easily de­ oilier band, that all tlie powers and possiliilities Unto otir Father’s love, whose sun scribed. All expressed themselves nstnnished tom of the members to give a signal .k nock at. the An AOernoon with ( lias. Foster, the which belong to the soul enfranchised from its Doth beam alike on all. beyond measure, and felt tlmt they were indebt- street door, so that none hut themselves should (Ircat Medium; Marvelous li.vltikf erl to tlm medium for tlm most wonderful per­ be admitted, or ushered up stairs. When the mortal tenement, also belong to it here; that it Drop down, oh tender skies of blue ! lion ol’ Clairvoyant Powers; . Mon- formance they lmd ever witnessed. All lmd gone is our ignorance of that soul’s capacity and qual­ Upon ids latest days; there -thoroughly skeptical; all went away pro­ well known signal sounded, therefore, the one Sing, breezes, gently to his heart, Hagest‘~df I.ovc from Disembodied Whose oltiee'lt.was. that night lo be doorkeeper , ity which hinders its expression, limits its exec­ foundly impressed tlmt Mr. Foster 1ms powers of Ami lilt it with (ied's praise. N ldrits. tlm most-extraordinary chnrncter, such as justly ran down stairs, unlocked and opened the street utive functions, anil narrows it down to.the cir­ entitle him to the claim of being the greatest liv­ cumscribed attributes of its. material body. And wlien lie nears the other shore, Undoubtedly, tlm most wonderful medium door, and there beheld standing in the clear His angels shall lie meet— which this age has produced is Charles II. Fos­ ing medium. He will re.nmin at the Southern moonlight Mr. Thos: Henning. Mr. A., the door- , Whatever we may tie or can do hereafter, we These hived ones, who made earth's home dear, - ter; Eminent mental scientists have made, ills during the present week, nnd those who do not keeper, immediately began to repioaeh the de- , may anticipate and measurably lie and do here ; SimII make th a t home most sweet. clairvoyant powers a subject of careful study, see him will deny themselves much pleasure, as linqinnt for his tardiness, and urged him to come we need oiilynn earnest, thorough and rational Old Parsonage, Hadlyme, Conn. and none have ever discovered aught Hint would well ns profit. system of investigation, carefully conducted ex­ justify tlm suspicion of trickery. On. tlm con­ In quickly, as he was impatiently wailed for. To trary, so for as appearances go, bis claim that his.surprise, however, Mr. Henning made no show periment, and a lofty nspiration nfter spiritual tlm unusual power which lie exhibits is derived ' MINNESOTA. of entering, hut hailed on I lie-threshold, ns if un­ tilings, to make us brings of a higher mold, no­ Spiritual benamena, from Hie disembodied spirits who conic and go at fttnte Mniw Moulinjf of NpIrllnnlUtnnnd ldberftl*, willing either to go or stay, and muttered- in an bler poffprs, and mightier achievement than we,, his bidding, isTnanifestly well founded.'''Thou­ A large nmlititico assembled at Harris hi’m Hull, Minneapo­ have.ever dreamed of in our wildest flights of sands of people in every city of tlie Union pan at­ ca undeitono some words about hisjnability to lec­ Munifo.stutioiis in IIion,N.Y. test tlm fact that lie possesses some sort of occult lis, Nov, 12lh,-pursuant to II. Tim mooting wan called to ture the text day. Somewhat provoked by this prophecy..' Spurning nil mean, self!;Ivor petty order by K. V. Wilson, President pro tem, Tho othrers A correspondent, “ E. W. II.,’’ writes ifnder.n or odiu force, which is not only mysterious nnd clmsen Tor 11m Mass Convention won* as follows: President* strange lelieeiie.e, Mr. A. 'gras)>fd. the other's aims in Spiritualism, sternly ignoring all per­ inexplicable, but apparently-preternatural. Ho Mrs. I>r. Hevevnnce, of Milwaukee; Vico President, .1, 3. formances-which savor of clmrlotnnism, nnd cast­ recent date, giving his views concerning certain' gave a private sconce yesterday- afternoon in his shoulder, pulled him forcibly in, at thi^.same.timn ■ phases of spirit mediunisliip, anil his experiences Wains, of Minneapolis: Secretary, Mrs. M.C. Marston, of complaining of the extreme cold occasioned by \ ing out from our mid.-t all that can deform by pariqr, at tlie Southern Hotel, to three gentlemen St. Paul; Ilpsdness CommUten, Mrs. F. W. llunsrom, E, with Dr. Slade, of New York City. From his whom ho had courteously invited to call upon the open'door, which he tlion closed, and smile- j trickery, imposture or Impurity, all that tends Ip T. Hovering, Minneapolis, ami Warren timlWi, of Uraham narrative we select tlie following passages. Cer­ him, nnd eaclt of tlipm were startled at tlie mar­ ike. what hrusi|uely-pushed nr impelled Mr. Henning : lower or degrade lids noble religious science, xve tain occurrences -having created nn increased de­ velous revelations that ho mnde. Tlie writer was The oflleerB proved tbemRclves both prompt and cITIclent, may, and w k m u s t if we.wiu.ji'take the king- one of tho trio, and thinks hu is doing nothing Tlm work was well laid out for cnch, and performed with up the narrow stairway heforp him. llclnn* as-j mand for knowledge of spiritual tilings in Illon, cemiing .Mr. :A. hastily locked' the' door, anil as ' diiin (if heaven liy violence,” ent anew .of tlie more titan, justice to the cause of Spiritualism in tlie utmost harmony, nnd with the cooperation of both vis­ Trait of tlie tree of knowledge, and become ns the O.B. Heals, whom the writer designates as “an relating tlm miraculous tilings 1m witnessed. ible nnd lnvlslblo.workers and thonudlenco. Tlm speakers the custom- was when all tho eighteen members , There is nothing particularly noticeable about from abroad wore K. V. Wilson, of -Illinois, and Mrs. J, gods ; the fabled paradise forfeited by sin nnd Inspirational' speaker of very rare merit,” by re­ were assembled, lie put the key in his pocket; ' quest gave two lectures to crowded audiences in Mr. Foster's countenance, lie bus'nothing of II. Severance, of Milwaukee, Thoso speakers are too well meantime I lie circle above stairs becoming impa- [ ignorance will'thus lie regained liy innocence tlie ilroamv, s)nrituelle look peculiar to tlio ordi­ known to need mention, nml yet we should not do Justice -nml knowledge. 1 i tlie place, which, us mink! bo expected from ills nary medium. Tlm traditional long hair is miss­ to public opinion heredtd wonnt commend them. Meeting tlent of the long and unusual delay, sent two of j and hearing them lor the first time, we wero hardly pre­ Our next pnper will include,a brief analysis of efforts, largely augmented tho lively Interest al­ ing. On tlm contrary, his rich suit, of dark hair Its members to inquire what was the matter. | ready felt. is closely cropped and closely combed. He is pared* for tho pure, chaste language from tlm exhaustlcsa Somnambulism, Clairvoyance, nnd other kindred mental storehouse tlmt Mrs. Severance seems to possess, These persons both encountered Mr. Henning on Tito writer then goes on to sny; Wo soon quite stout, and' apparently possessed of great Urn landing,' and began simultaneously to re­ states. vital foreo., IIis look is benign and gracious, and nor the stanch Independence of E. V. Wilson. Ills pow­ Opened correspondence with Dr. Henry Slade, of er of delineating character* giving names, dates, amiclr- proach him with being so late. To both Mr. ids brown eyes full of gentleness, though they oc­ New York, .with tlm view of obtaining his ser­ cumstances-ln fact, hlspoworasa test medium caimot bo Henning excused himself in the same low mut­ PSYCIHH’ATJI Yi casionally give forth a humorous twinkle, sugges­ rlvnlcd. ^ - vices for two days, and were successful in secur­ tive of tilings of the enrtli, earthy. Ills head is tered tones, hut instead of apologizing for file Minnesota prides herself upon her homo talent, and at 11Y It. I*. WII.SON, OP NEW YORK. ing the same. Agreeable to arrangements, Dr. large and round, tlm moral faculties being quite prominent. His wny of talking is short and impul­ this Convention all parts of tho State wore well represent­ present occasion, said indistinctly enough, but Slade came here on Friday evening, October 29th, ed. Woro wo to touch upon tho merits nf tills home tal­ still sufficiently plainly to lie heard by all three Tlie power to utilize tin* elements of nature is sive, though exceedingly well bred. While talking ent, wo would not know whore to begin nr end: but wo nnd during the follpwlng two days gave 21 stances must, however, speak of Warren Smith, as ho Is just now of his associates, that he could not lecture on the tlie lending elinracleristlc of the human mind. under spirit Influence, lm assumes the inspira­ filtering upon the work ns public lecturer. Mr. H. Is a man to 43 persons. Wo. kept a tabular statement of tional way, yet sustains a pleasant naturalness of culture, of line tale nr. Is a good speaker, and zealous In morrow. 11 Well, come In, come in, mini,” cried Our “resources” lire tlie earth, the air, the water, the cause of reiortn. Wo bespeak a warm welcome for him the manifestations, of which tho following is nn at all times. wherever ho may go. The only difficulty we experienced the cheerful voice of Mr. W.; 11 you’ve kept us the imponderable substances evolved from our abstract: Tlm three visitors found Mr. Foster alone, and at our mootings seemed to be a want (if time: tlm sessions waiting long enough.” In saying these words immediate surroundings. Moved by the arm of executing some melodious nir upon a piano wero not long enough for the expression of earnest, honest 43 persons heard raps. thought that would surge up and overflow in wnnL of chsor he put-out- his liaml and laid it on the arm of the labor, mind Is fast converting tlm whole earth" which stood in his parlor. He is reputed to be nnd encouragement to each other, ami pledges of holp from 43 persons saw pomloralilo objects moved. nn accomplished performer on tliis-nnd other mu­ many who tor tho first thno identlfloil themselves with absentee, hut to his great surpriqp Mr. Henning into one vast laboratnryJfnr human uses. Hut, sical instruments. reform movements, accepting the Spiritual IMillpsnphy as .10 sitters and their chnirs wero moved upon the basis of all truth, embodying the principles of liberty drew hastily away, and pushing by both his Oth­ vast ns 1ms been human progress, our achieve­ the floor, After a courteous reception and a brief desul­ nml progress for the whole human race. Tho mooting was er associates, ran down stairs, anil passed out at ments nre yet in nil endiryotie state. Necessity tory conversation, the visitors were requested to largely attended, and highly commended nsa mass conven­ 33 porsnrfi^felt touches of invisible hands. tion, where no distinctive Ism nr creed wns made the basis tho front door, slamming it violently nfter him. forces mind into external conquests; the true seat themselves nrouril a varnished pine table in of the call; net a note of discord wnb heard within or with­ 2 materialized hands were seen. tlm centre of the apartment. - A- number of out,tho walls. Tho rollnvring preamble nmV resolutions Astonishment..at the unaccountable conductor sphere of nllml Vs with mind, not merely ns an 33 persons heard music, tho accordion being sharpened pencils were on the tablo ; also n card wero unanimously adopted by the Couventlonasan expres­ their much-esteemed friend formed the prevail educating motor, hut as nn elevator. Tin* power containing a printed alphabet and figures, and sion of opinion under present development and conditions: held by Dr. Slade. several strips of soft white paper. Each-gentle­ Whe.rtaa* Tho spiritual element of our State having re­ Ing topic of conversation amongst the members, of mind to act upon nilml. nnd thence down upon 4 persons heard music, the instrument being cently presente I condltlonsof Inharmmiyntidconflict: and the body, is a matter of fact of every day’s expe­ man was requested to write tlm nnmes of such WherenSi We deem these conditions to be the outgrowth of the circle (luring the remainder of that even­ held by sitters ; ono tune called for mentally was nf underlying muses antagonistic to the teachings of Spir­ rience. persons whose spirits they desired to communi­ itualism: therefore be It ing. The whole scene was written in the min­ played. — cate witli. Tills was complied with, each writ­ 1. Ttesnlvedy That wo accept the Hartnonlnl Fhllopophy Tlie mental constitution of tlie universe is ns embodying all truth; and ns truth Is itiflulto In extent utes nf their proceedings, hut none of them could 32 persons witnessed writing, tho slato lying ing tho different nanm on separate slips of paper, and vnrlctv, Spiritualism, as Its toprcsentatlve, cannot bo folding the papers tightly and placing them In a offer the slightest shadow of an explanation. It such Hint mental conditions, ns well as material on tlm table. embodied In a creed or confession of faith, was not until they broke.up their seance, and elements, nre graduated according to tlie spheres heap in the centre of tho table. This was done 2. Resolved^ That tho right to Investigate nnd criticise 38 persons witnessed writing, the slato partly in such n manner as to defy detection. Almost all subjects, political, religious or social. Is sacred, and wo slill locked ef manifestation. Jesus said : “ In my Father's pledgt* our best efforts to presorvo tMs right Inviolate, descending tile stairs found tin* door under tlie tablo. - immediately thereafter a gentle tapping on tho 3. Resolved. Tlmt human organization Isof Infinite di­ as Mr, A. had left it, that the slightest suspicion house nre many lnnnsions.” lienee, degrees versity, amlglvcs an lufltilto variety of human eharactor: 22 permits witnessed writing, tho slato lying floor was heard, and Mr. Foster announced that nnd hence we freolv accord to tho Individual ad liberty of occurred to their that something of a mere of progress: one “ mansion,” house; sphere, a',spirit was present. One of the gentlemen wns thought, word and action compatible with the rights of on a sitter’s head. directed to run over tho alphnltet witli the medi­ others. ; weird character than Hint of mortality lind been world, system or pique, differing from all others. 22 persons witnessed writing, tho slato held by 4. Resolved) That the relation of the sexes finds Its high­ Yet such is tlm unity (if tho whole Hint we nro um, nnd to write down tlm letters indicated by est expression in monog irnic unions founded on love, and amongst them. tlm sitter alone. tlio spirit’s tap.9, which were to occur when tlm that motherhood Is the iilghest and holiest office incident Tlie next day several of the party repaired to no more “ strangers,” hut fellow-citizens of tlie to human Ufa,’ f>9 names and facts woro written unknown to desired-letter was reaclifed. In this way a. name 5. Resolved) That It la our duty to disseminate that the lecture hull, imping to obtain front Mr. Hen­ household of Hod, no matter what part of the uni­ Dr. Slade. was spelled,out, which was that of a brother of knowledge of thu laws of generation that will euahto pa­ verse wo mny for the time lie in. one present. Sir. Foster then took up the folded rents to transmit to posterity butter phvsical const!tutlous ning himself some clue whereby to fathom 28 persons saw tho tablo suspended without nnd n higher order or Intellectual and moral endowment, tho mystery. Of course tho absence of the good In approncliing tlie inner temple of human nn- papers one by one,- and placing them at tils fore­ 6. Resolved) That withholding the right of stiffrago from contact, except Angers on tho top. head, as if reading them with his mind’s eye, in- women Is a stlgnm upon thu wisdom andjustlco of the prenehcr only served to make 11 confusion worse turc we travel over and in very line lines of.sym­ i dicated correctly' tho name1 which had beep nineteenth century. 0 persons saw it suspended entirely without 7. -Resolved) That by precept and examp’owo should do confounded." Here they learned that in conse­ pathetic substances. The spiritual ntmosphero contact. ’ - spelled. Subsequently, he told correctly where all in our powor to secure thoearlyoradlcatlon of lutetnpur- quence of n detention on. the line, the letter of permeates tlie universe. No point.ef space hut this individual had died, including tlie (lay, month anco from our mblst. 3 times the tablo was placed upon tho heads of and yenr. Tlie date was December 25,1859, and 8. Rennlvfd) That our public schools should be strictly Mr, Henning had .been delayed till after ten at what is filled with, God—who is All-in-All. Hence aecnlar in character, and the introduction nf awutartan the sitters; ’ the place an obscure town in Louisiana. One of teachings then-in Is an outrage and an insult to tlio Intelli­ night; hut as the words “haste nnd Jim lediate” the ennobling principle of s y m p a th y can lie ex­ .1 0 persons sa'w a chair suspended without con­ tlie gentlemen, who lind, several years ago, been gence of the nineteenth century. ercised liy all. Tlie extent of tlie manifestation 9. Resolved) That tho exemption or four hundred million were written on the envelope, the postmaster tact. engaged to bo married to n young lady who died dollars* worth of property from taxation is gross Injustice lad kindly sent it round to tin* hull on the Sun­ of tills principle nml its effect .upon each other In California, wrote her name on a strip of paper, to tho taxpayers of our Union, and c ills loudly for reform. 6 persons saw it suspended by request. 1 in the manner described above, and ncconipanied 10. Resolved) Tlmt wo Invito thuerdporation of all men day morning. Still it was- not delivered until | forms a part of the history of tlie world, hut tlie and women, rcgardles1* of taste or opinions, In applying Tlm cover of a dressing-case twelvo feet from it witli a written desire to know if she hnd loved these principles or practical reform to thu elevation of the some twelve hours after tlie mysterious visitor of \ unwritten history'of influence will only he made tlie medium was opened, nnd pebbles taken out him while on earth. Without apparent effort the race. known ns tlie evolution of the ages unfold tho 11. Resolved) Tlmt tho unjust and miserably partial laws .the preceding night had anticipated tlmlntelli- j and thrown at tlm sitters. medium selected the right paper from among tlm recently enacted by onrState authorities. In relation to tho pence it contained. The author'not only heard unseen records of the past to future growth. heap, and wrote out tho name in full; without dowerof women, should be annulled; and to secure that Tlie report of tho sitters was taken with great examining the paper. In addition to this,-he end we should petition our coming Loglslntuioatuu early this .narrative from tin* honest anil'truth-loving If we could dwell os we sh o u ld in these bodies dav after Its organization. enro as they left tlio sdance room, and with one or wrote out tlm name Santa Barbara, as the place 'tills mass meeting has proved a complete success In overy subject; Mr. Henning himself, hut site tins also j of ours, we would he positive to all forms of dis­ two exceptions all Joined in making tlm report, where slm died. Tills nanm hnd never been sense. Many have accepted tho truth of thu spiritual Phi­ received tlie testimony of. two of tlie gentlemen ease, and we would never be sick ; hut through losophy who wero unbelievers bofore. Harmony lma been cnch one being cautioned not to mention any­ written by the gentleman, nor bad it been men­ established In the. liberal nml prog’GMlvo ranks. Never who saw, recognized, ami felt the ghost on the our cares, anxieties, labors nnd fears, we throw thing of which lie doubted the genuineness.. In tioned in any wny, yet it was admitted to be cor- before has the ‘pross published tho dally proceeding* of a off our spiritual forces'andofteji become nega­ 1 rect. In answer to the question propounded di- liberal convention with such mhrked courtesy as luiBheon stairs; and liy them site was assured, that how* [ -this why we secured, as we believo,..a correct re­■ reetly to tlm spirit of the deceased lady, Mr. Fos- manifested at these meetings. Willing hearts a'U «n«n tive in our feelings. At this point wo nro at­ hands wero ready to meet all reasonable demands. " ho OvVr spiritual might have been the character of ; port of the manifestations. , ter wrote, under her inspiration, that she did expenses wero %180,2-V and tho-receipts 4180,^5. Officers their visitant j-his grasp was powerful enough to \ tacked with some condition which fm tiler dis­ , love her affianced while on earth, and loved him were waited upon by prominent citizens for the purp-woof Among several interesting incidents of tho continuing tho meetings for ono week, but all.that could throw one out of his path, and nearly hurl the j turbs tlie spiritual circulation, ami the result is visit of I)r. Slade which were not of'a character. yet, and that slm also loved tlm lrtdy lm was going -bo done at this time was a pledge given to meet again In other down stairs. a cold, or feyer, or some kindred malady, takes to marry. - Mr. Foster informed, tlm interrogator Juno next, when either a much larger hull nr a grove will to he put into tlio tabulnr statement, I will men­■ tlmt lie was engaged, and would ho. married have to bo secured to accommodate the people who nre iv x- Mr. llarrisoiVfireen, of Hrotherton, Yorkshire, I possession of tlie body; nml temporary disaster, Iouh to know tho truth. On tho last evening, between two tion one: A gentleman who is well known in thisi shortly, an impeachment which the interrogator and three hundred wore turned away fet-wuntof room, England—n gentleman of. distinguished, social ! or complete shipwreck, is the result. When thus j did not gainsay or deny. By request, the medium and that, too, w lthnn admission fee or twenty-five cents,, community, and who for many years was in tlio and Messrs. Whittle nml Itllss wore proclaiming the beau­ posit-inn-, nnd one wtio as a visitor to the United j out at sen, in a storm (diseased state), people confidential employmentof Mr.Singer, of sowing, imitated the’ signature of the -lady, and it was ties of.'tho bloody atonement near by; In fact, our audience States will he remembered liy 'many Americans generally call a doctor to right ship and aid them ’ admitted to he n most clevor comiterfeit. Tlm was. largely increased by the gratuitous advertising they machine!fame, took with him to Dr. Slade’s room1 same gentleman called for the spirit of his father, gave us, in choice language, nuchas ‘‘those hlasph mans as a worthy nnd truth-loving person—belonged . to, gain the hnrhor of health. In many cases a reprobates, the Spiritualists, who neither stand itifearor a double slato which did not leave his possessioni whoso name the medium readily transcribed on God nor the Devil.** Wo sincerely hope that tlm gospel to a circle in the neighborhood of his own estato ! physician is necessary ; lint in most cases a better for a moment, nor was it once touched by Dr. paper and announced that his father was pres­ meetings will be In progress when we next meet In conven­ tion. for It helpsytn’awakcn thought* and, when onco m ...established chiefly for tin) purpose of investigat- | and cheaper. niethod_ would he to got buck into Slade ; a bit of pencil was put between the slates, ent, nnd nlso tlmt his .mother, Sarah, was there. earnest, thepeoplewlll come to the liberal Told for spjpliu* ing the phenomenon of.tlie “Double.” Tlie records- ■yourself. -Summon all your energies of soul, ' The mother hnd not been called for, nor had the a! food. With a voth of thanks to Prof, Ludwig for ihejfeo which.were then placed out of the reach of the.’• name Sarah ’ been mentioned, and that the me- of a fine organ, the Convention adjourned to nmetagalnrin of this circle, although far too voluminous for concentrate your mental forces, and if possible Doctor. As soon as hands wero joined the slatoi ilium should so readily pronounce her name was Juno next. M. O. MaUbtom, quotation in this pnper, furnish a most profound secure mngnetic assistance from some positive began to move; it opened a little and closed sev­. a matter of special wonder. and interesting chapter in occult philosophy. mind, nnd restored health will soon be the result. eral times, and then writing was heard within It. One of the gentlemen present lost his father A Cheerful Wife* On several occasions Mr. Ilarrisrin Green, ldm- '' many years ago in Pesth, Germany, but did not What a blessing to a household \s a merry, On opening it, it was found to contain a commu­' remember witli certainty tho year in which lm cheerful woman—one whose spirits are not af­ sclf a good seer, nml a young lady of romnrkably ISyThe Wellington correspondent of tlie Cross nication from Isaac M. Singer, of a personal andI died, lie wrote the name on a slip of paper and fected by wet days or little disappointments, ono fine clairvoyant powers, Miss Chapman, one of writes in feeling terms of the dentil of Mr. Tol- j mie, nml adds: “ Tlie predecessor of Mr. Tolniio very interesting character. placed it, folded up, with the others. This name whose milk of human kindness does not sour n the principal mediums of the circle, saw the nu- * was Mr. Cantrell, of whom, (luring tho session Later in tlie afternoon-two gentlemen were sit­. air Foster picked out in a brief space, nnd in­ tho sunshine of prosperity. Such a woman, in thor of these papers hi.spirit, conversed with her . of 1873, a curious story is told; and, as it is ting with Dr. Slade, one of whom had taken a formed the gentleman that he" hnd made a mis-, the darkest hours, brightens the house like a as-with other spirits, -and heard from the lips of | vouched for by tlie persons named, I give it here. i, tnke as to the year; that his father died in 1857, piece of sunshiny weather. The magnetism of new slate with him, and both of whom had'no-• instead of 1858, as lt‘ had been written. The her smiles and the electrical brightness of her * the phantom Emma Ilnrdinge an announcement ! Mr. Cantrell had, like Mr. Toledo, been detained I by Illness from arriving in Wellington at the ticed particular marks on the frame, so as to> same gentleman furnishedAhe name of a young looks and movements infect every one. of her Intention to return to England some weeks opening of the session. Some weeks afterwards know it ngain if it should leave their sight; butt lady for whom he lmd a tender attachment while children go to School with tho sense of something before tlie mortal Emma Ilardingc bad even de­ Mr..O'Conor said-in tlie House one evening to it did not for a moment leave the possession of• in tlm flesh, and desired to know if her spirit great to be achieved; the husband goes into tno cided upon such an armngemetit. Tlio appear*' were present. Mr. Foster had some difficulty in world in a conqueror’s spirit. No matter m»w Mr. Swnnson, who was an intimate acquaintance ono of tho gentlemen, or the sight of either ; nor.r selecting her name from the many that lay On ance and dre.ssps of this phantom were so clearly of Mr. Cantrell—‘Oh! I’mglnd to see old Can­ people annoy and worry nlm through the day, trell back again. He's within the House, in his was it touched by Dr. Slade, except with hisi the table, and failed a number of times, unfold- far off her presence shines,-and he whispers to seen and described by Miss Clinpmnn that, old corner.’ ‘ I must go and see him,’ said Mr. thumb to assist in holding it partly under tho3 ing or transcribing tho wrong o n e s .F in a lly he himself, M At home I shall find rest !M So day by though she had never seen her except thus spirit* Swnnson. ‘When* is he ?’ -‘ There he is, in Hint table-leaf. ' „ said that the spirit desired the name written in Ger­ day she literally renews his strength and energy* Daily, no portmlt could have been more accurate, cornerjjeat,’ rejoined Mr. O’Oonnr. Mr. Swan­ man, her native tongui. Her name, with several And if you know a man, with a beaming-face, a As soon as hands were joined writing com­■ others, was written in German, aha. indiscrimi- no m odiste's description more correct.' A marked son went, nml found the place-empty;--Next kind heart and a prosperous business, in nine menced, nnd, on examining the slate at thecloso,i nately mixed in one heap. The medium readily cases out of ten you will find he has a wire oi change in the style of roiffure too was observed, morning came a telegram stating 'that Mr. Can­ trell had died the previous night. This-story Is a message was found, signed by Isaac M. Singer,t selected the proper one, indicating that . the spirit this kind.. and Just at the time when a,row days before em­ verified by the two interlocutors. Spiritualists advising all mankind to live true-lives If they. was present. • ' - ’ One of tho visitors called for a comrade who barkation Mrs. Ilnrdinge bnd her hair cut short, may make of it wlmt they like.”— Otago (N ew wished to be happy in tho spirit-world, freely \ A Cord. 1 *v the phantom presented .itself in Yorkshire for Zealand) Daily Times, Aug. 2GIh. 1 bad been killed at‘tlm battle of Shiloh. It was Wo, the undersigned, having Ustened with gre't aatis- acknowledging that he was himself UDhappy att impossiblefur Mr. Foster to have seen the name, (action to tho oarleBuf lecture, Ju.t olowil, dJil*6r 'J “' the first time with a closely.cut head of short, ; ana, without touching the paper, he took a pen- Abble W. Tanner, of Montpelier. Vt.. take ihl» “PP ’ A bock ngent called on a fanner m ar Orlskany the other present, by reason of what had transpired during nlty to express our appreciation o[ her «ert or tno loot ami raise a hook agent,” and he did. lie ralseiftlio times, and that she carries wllh her wherever ehe niay u.i -communications, entertained the circle with her l*-ok agent about four feet. hypotheses offered by skeptics In explanation oft visitor called for his mother, and her name and our warmest wishes for her welfare. ■■ I Weird performances for over half nn hour. This the existence of the spiritual - phenomena, our presence were announced by the medium with- O. B. MARSH, Mbs. 1) A. T.vOJfABD, l The Il'mloos extend their hospitality to their enemies, r out touching the paper. Mbs. a H. Mabsk, H. K. Stoddabd, . J phantom was habited in a dress not even then in G. S. CABVXn, 1.. M. 8TODDABD. saying: " ‘The troe does not withdrew Its’shado even from correspondent remarks: Oh, what a pitiable ex­ One feat of spirit-writing occurred during the MBS. M. A. UAbYXB, M.‘0. KBXIBTOtt^ existence, but one the materials of which were the wood-cutter. - ' hibition of learned ignorance. I knew of no ar­• stance. Desiring to get a name which had been . 1. W. Lsonabd, ■■■’ Mbs. E. h*. DECEMBER 11, 1875, ;'BAN:Sr EH OF LIGHT.

Mas. Ai.M.n M. 11 .vi.I., liu MalantiL-ui, CnnilirlilKi'l-urL, of Frank,Ki;elar Threo K&incrsjinvii arc not all incarnate devils, nod hut fertile press­ Musk. ’ . |lam rtr Comsponfrcirrc. becu.hrid, nt which Interesting manifestations in a THINGS AS I SEE THEM. ure upon them mid tlie money controlled by m en Alii*. S. A. l(iKa:iis Htviii.ii,,tiafn. M, H all, 414 -«l uvi’Hih' N*-\v Ynrk. While tho mediums;were tied (hv spirits or a UY I.OIR WAISnitOOKEU. Mith, M. y. Ci’ilAM IItsMiLt., Cal., tarj Dr. V, litUer train JIImd Whiting. ' committee,) hells would he lung, Ac. After Mr. not lie there. 1 might go on taking up oilier K. C|Mi.thi. To (ho Editor of the Banner of Light: +o tlm Keillor of tlie llmimo of U rIiI: - rii Aiu.hu Holt, cilnioiu Onrl.la Co.. N. V. Keelnr was securely tied with u strong rope by a clauses of the eriti»i.-m, fefffTTorheart-. W m. a . D. lin n :, \\vm m .|.- |\ <>., ri,.>daml. O. fjoimi time has elapsed since 1 furnished any committee selected by the circle, and \yhilo in On leaving Boston, Oct22<1; I went as far ns And now, dear Danner, I hope to buyable to II. \V. Ill Ml.. 1. ’UK C|M.j N. V., Hill Juctura OH till* Iff tit Ills ftilihfrt.vl u tilt .KJ»| 11 mall hill. notes for the renders of the Hnnm-.r. My time the cabinet alone, the light was lowered, and 1m Providence, where I learnedtliat lire. L. K. Jos- send tills on tlie return ship that we expert to, /hi.i.a s. II asn Mi-, Ins|iti;»iinij.ti Kusi NVhiitely. Mjuu, lias been fully occupied, and, moreover, during mediately his coat was mysteriously taken oil, lin had just closed-tlie eyes of n lovely daughter, . It h V, .1. It. 11 A III I.H. A 'll'll! It, V. V . • and lie was found tied ns before. Hands were meet to-niorrmv ; If net, it will lie mailed nt As- Dll. K. MoI.HI.N , lus|t(f.tt i,.tia!, N'niTli ri;u( inlull,-V t. Hie summer, spent mostly in your immediate, vi­ shown qilitoplniiily. Anijceordion wassuspemled whose fu n e r a l (so we say) services were to lie plnwall, ami when I next write it-will lie from I Ml. .1. N.-llttlH.it, iitiiiv, t 11 • ■ n i \ st., K. lioMtiii. AIlUV- cinity, whore, ns at. the great camp meetings, Mils, F. < h 11 V /.i.i,, m l.. Il.li l mni i’st., Halt inmiv, Md. there were others ut lmnd to report nil events of by Invisible bands orer the tup of tlie .cabinet in j held the next day, Bro. Tooliey, of Boston, oiil- tlie laud of gold and grapes, ami 1 hope to get ’ Mils. I,. Ill H III "«»v. Insj.Jialh.Mal, DupiiivJIJi', Cu). plain view, while “ Heme, Sweet Heme" was eluting. I mnde some calls in the morning, after seme of tlie former, and eat many of tin- latter, Du; AiiKLIa III i.i., umim O ami iiis|iu.iUonu), *.2J K lnl interest. Now my course Is westward again played on it. A clmlr was elevated in the same htii-cl. I>< 111 I.i.. Hot lit’Mci Hall ll tlMiii,:, ;:n W.i-IiIukUjU testimony of inmnrmis witnesses. My sittings j On Sunday lmd a pleasant time at tlie Liberal Aiding DiNi'liurged Couviets. sliffi lit.slm.. .M is tightly with a cord, so that the indentation in Ids . . . * D. W. UtM.f,. 1’m'ht‘Nfn | l.'ill HulMltih'. VV.Ttihlug- jvith him, on thjs occasion, were, as usual, en­ ilesli was seen for a long time afterward, then i-.IIiili, niid.oii Monday lmd the pleasure of'meeting The State agent for aiding discharged convicts pea ...... iio.inn. M.,-...... tirely satisfactory, writing being obtained while put him into a sack seamed up with a sewing I tlmt lovely and venerable indy; Paulina 'Wright ’ 1 Mlv. M M). M. .loll v-.is, lt..\ TJ. Il.iv l llv, MUIl. I held the slate in my own-hand, including a makes tIn* following report:-Three -hundred and M Cm l,. .1 »,\v l. II , M. I>., Kalian,I. Vl. machine, nod tied it securely around his neck, J Davis, nml, nt tier house, Mrs. Isabella needier W m. F. ,1 a mi i> i is w ill livimt* In o lh<), I I., Doc. mil, message from my mother, who when 1 last visited hi less than half n jujnute ni ter tlie cabinet door sixty-live discharged prisoners have licrn aided i:»Ui an I h. Amli.-s, ...... ""tlie Doctor was with me in the flesh. Tills inde­ I Hooker, who Is recently home from Paris, ami in during the year ls7o. Two hundred and lilts - \N . I.. .1 \« h. I lav i’i lull. Mas, pendent slate-writing is to me one of the most was closed, his coat came Hying out from the top .Mm .s, |>(i,, M,|(.hv, HI. of tlie cabinet, and on examining ldin lie. was ! Providence on a visit. The hearty recognition nine have been inmhtes of tlio Massachusetts 11 a n v i.\ A. -liisi , t’.ui i n’t’a -! 111 ia 11 j HjH'uk on Hum- perfect tests of identity ever offered ns through : received from those ladies more than''coinpeiisa- tl.IV s Im 111)’ It leiiij,. Ill 111. \ lr lit H \ cif M i’.iinoii', 111,, OU external demonstrations. When I receive a let found secured exactly ns tlie committee had left State prison, and one hundred and seven were llif >|'!i Huai l'lit hi-. >| >|t \ ami \ t«»i in nwvi'iiifiiU of Uiy d*J« him, but no coat on. Considering tlie care taken | tW for the carping criticism of many who make Dll. r . W. .1 ,\i h -ii\. ii,u.d... ht’iiilull r..., U|. ter whieh bears nfue simile signature ami alludes discharged from tlie house of correction.' Idle- by tlie committee to prevent fraud," or to detect it much more pretension to Spiritualism, hut are M m. Maui ,\ \l. Ki m ,, liammmiimt. N. .1. to matters known to no other person but the one it practiced, tills test ivas satisfactory. ' ness, says tile agent, is the great source df rvH I*. I'. Ka i m .ii, M. D.. st. t hat;.--. Jit. not as intelligently ouch. ami crime. (Dose the dram-shops,, look nfler the Mm. >*. A. N'mvii.i.h K mim ii.i.. Hamm ami lijuulr** so signing, I am compelled to conclude tlmt that The. lyeelur m edium s, inlvu been* thoroughly t I'lIlUl, Nat k'*U * s | |ai 11.• t . .Ir Ih-i v *u I'ii., s . V. very Individual is responsible therefor, and it is 'I reached Philadelphia in time to lie at the lads and young men faithfully before’ they uiv iii.tiuiii; F. Km mu im.i,. ii itiaii.. s . y . . ■neither the work of magic nor any of the "tin* tested, nm l all w ho have w itnessed their m nidlcs- led into efime, lake them ns apprentices in all M ll1*. M. d. K I- I /. IlM-t v- , k 1.0,'. Mi. Ii. i tntions say they arc superior to any they have Radical Club, and present Mr. Densiiioie's pam­ the different trades, and see to iLtlml every ] Hi P...... t’.M*! ll.; nil, ill, A -lil.ilnil;, I•«., U. developed ” elrmentaries reeently’introduced to seen, and recom m end'tlieu.hum to ‘ earliest investiga- , M us. It. H, Kimn vi.i.. I,.- ...... V II. the piddle with such a flourish of trumpets. phlet, “ Economic Science”; sold some copies, young man is furnished witli soiiu*eVuplo.vuieut i M its. F it a s i. Hi.it) K *•'*" l.l>, ...... mi,-a. t o r s . whereby lie can earn an honest livelihood, before Mu**. Du. ll. 1C Ks \o(.* . t i.1,<• iM" iij. Mien, liy the way, a new Daniel lias lately “ come to nml expect it will form the basis of some future •lull.*, K. K i.i>i), M-ol' -t* judgment ” through the columns of the “ Detroit discussion. I find true souls everywhere—those lie is led into eiimmitling clime through idleness, , .Da. d. W. K i.sYos, la . Imivl, F. nt Dt-h M'llmii, Evening News." Paper No. li of a series on New Y ork. and in live yynrs’ time, tlie pris-liters in the differ- ] |o\va. who, In bihlo .language, "lmve not bowed tlie rut prisons and jails can lie reduced titty per I .Mu*. \ l I.MC.I, K i.W iiv. Mar;( VWo.l- mk. Vt. ", its Origin, Nature,'nml Tendencies,” POTSDAM.—SIC. Crane, in renewing ids sub- knee to Baal. f. Mil**. I.AIHA hi s 1 >u11 i,, 2o| M y ntrci’t, buu is devoted to a wholesale attack upon Dr; Slade, seription for tlie Danner of Light, writes : North-1’ cent uni. .-l/i inotanee i.s eitul o f a jmin;/ girl, ! Fiai.clM-o. Cal. Returned In New York on Friday, and had turned adrift in -a . couiitri/ rillny ami gimcing j d• i*i;i’ll ll. Ll.W'is, lii'i'h.it!• >ii i 1« Vdhi w ‘Mutin?. <>. and contains some premium absurdities For in­ era New York, like all other communities, lias M is** d i.n n 11. L m s,,Ju*piiiitmnal, N«, . - il Muiilri'mierj. stance, the writer charges tlmt Slado makes the some conversations with “ Madox of Maine.” 1 u p in rice, icho Ihraiie the illegal m et hi r o f u long s’.icel. **.m Fiaticlsco. Cal. loud taps by wearing extra large hoots a ml slip­ undergone a wonderful change in tlie past twen­ nice of criminals and puu/iero. ■ O f her poi'ei-tlg, j •W M, F. l.Vos. A.lil.m. Mleti. . ty years. Now no one scoffs at us or our reli­ wish that the renders of .the I! inner would l ead oi.r h u m ir n i a n d o. rentg thru', a rt hnoirn to hare ‘ lli.MiVi'. I.i 11 sticct, bo* ping iiis feet hack apd forth in them, while tho gion, nor speaks disrespectlully of our Danner of Ills'article on " Annihilation,” in Woodlntll A tw-c^-ll.lpiiiaii ;»m| Dmci. |i«>*i*ni, Mi-**. fact 1ms been many times stated tlmt lie always heel/ iiliihdoneil and iligradtit persons. I f this .YJuas.V latitii. Ill F i'' 27' I| -*11 ■ ei. New V-’ii k City, lec* wears alippers in his own rooms. He nekt "rises Light or spiritual books, A few years ago a Chitlin's Weekly of Nov. Oth ; lie referred to Mint, g irt hod lieen c u m l for; U v fo u n tr g icoiihl Inire t ill ) ** *.ii Aiodcnl ami M’«i<’i o II-'i ,i,i: I'm*, prominent man of our town siiid tlmt ** All winy 'and claims that our planet is.illegitimate, mil of hern sored this addition Units irorse than irorthhss Du. lihtinci. W. I.r.-n, l.** tuiei, l.atmi IfaphiH, Mit'li. to explain " the "accordion business," to llieef- believe, in Spiritualism are physically and men­ CM vim.k-* A. I.HiiMi i i.i.» i’.. 11ho c; lloi lev IIU’. nti'ttoij.) fect t)mt the instrument has a second set of keys harmony with the plane of tlie zodiac, moving in ponulution. The agent spoke of the necessity ill Mi:**. F. A. la ".an , “ akia el. cai. tally weak or diseased in some way.’’’ One day lairing tlie discharged convicts and of Ip'lphig ri.ni.is I). I.Yvn 1*< in i s, nj N V.miW nty during nt the bottom. He does not inform us, though, last week tills.same man requested the loan of an ellipse instead of n circle, and says Dint obser­ I ici c iii ha ; iii Pltliatli Iplila .Lm, l> atid stli, DT'). I'eujia-,. how it is Mint so many experts have (‘xamioed them to start anew in life; without it ..many iii ii athhess im ii rg I s, Mirii said accordion and failed to discover these appli­ our paper (the Danner), as’ he wished to lead vation demonstrates tlmt we are eight million would soon find tiieir way back to prison. - Mi:-. Anna M. M i hi>U.iiu< . Fourth a\e., New what Judge Edmonds had to sav through Mrs. miles nearer tlie sun than onejmndied years ago', The amount drawn from the treasury of tlie V"i k Pllv. ances, nor how oilier instruments brought in by Tuppaii. We of course 1'iirnisliei'l him with our i.r.'iit'.i. W. Mc N i.ai,, leiimcr, Nlit’s, Mich., caro o their owners—who never before discovered any­ and Hint lylien we swing Into the plane of har­ Coiiiiuoinvealtli for the past year lias been as d. Met 'lung. copy, nnd lie said to us on the following day follows; l’aid for. tools, $28!t,27 ; for Imaid.of I>n, llAJivnv .Mtiiio.t.’i, dance ami In-phathmal, )Uu- thing peculiar about tlieni—should immediateiy Hint lie sat up late the evening before leading our mony (the circle) this movement toward the sun didph. N.Y. develop the same wonderful qualities. Is it pos­ discharged prisoners while seeking employment, M. Mp .I.i sun. M. Clali. M t h. sible tlmt tlio.se "extra keys” spring forth mag­ paper to his wife—reading all, even to the adver­ will cense, but the change to tlie planet will lie so $2711,22; for clothing, $7Ho;22; for meals and lil.tt. Mtillti \ N, lli^pliailHii.ii, Villi'"''ll. Cal. tisements. lie 1ms changed his opinion in re­ lodging, $(o, till; for family stores, $20,25 ; tor t. F. .MAIl a N. (ru in ’. II dlv. 't.kltioM'n., Mich. ically at tlie touch of tlip medium, and vanish as great tlmt only those who are honest, true to , Mils. F. H. I'Tl.l.i.uMi K i s i.i v, -an Fiamtiwn, I7nl, mysteriously as they come ? gard to tho condition of Spiritualistic believers, tiieir highest, deepest convictions, in love with transportation of discharged prisoners to tiieir Pimr. H. M. M« conn, Ccnti.nia. III. lint tlds; sage’s exposition of tlie slate-writing and now thinks- that Spiritualists are n healthy hoin’P.s, and to other States to seek employment, KmMa .VL. M \HI I n, lu’-iiiialh'lt.t’, Ulimlngham,' Mich. class of people, quite on an average with other TUU'i'n for its own sake, can survive the shuck. $421,07 ; for lent of office, olli-c expenses, ami F. II. .V»sns. Ih^pltall'.it.il *p>-akei. N... C-.itwav. N. U, is tlie most' astonishingly absurd. After admit­ Fn a n n Air A 1.1*1 n i;. tnspli al Ion il. I >o wag Lie, M leh, ting that lie obtained, a communication signed ns sects. Crookes, Wallace, Sargent, Denton, Tut-' There is certainly something in this almost salary, $J237,03 ; tidal, $3053,00. P. c. Mills, ivonwav Ceirma*. N. II. from bis dead son, lie says, "Tlie slate is held tie, Owen, nml their compeers, have eaptured the universal looking for "tlmt which is to conic." Tlie average age of men when discharged’from .Mu**, s .wmh IIllln Ma itioi.w .-p»ingilehl, Vt., cars belter class of tlie American and European prison lms been thirty years eleven monthsdlis amiuml D. M. Smith. under tlm table with the thumb and index linger, A lady who is well known "nml would he re cog"-" Mus. Ll/./ir. Manciikstt.h. West Uamlolpli, Vt. thinkers nnd writers, nml although Hid ninny fifteen days: Of tlie whole number one i uml red ’ Mils. M Altv A. Ml li’IILLL, ,M. IF, w III L’etimr in ltllnoU thus leaving three lingers nt liberty. Mr. Slade may.not fully adopt tlie Haroionial Philosophy, nized hy the Banner -renders', huLwiiose name. I ami ninety-four hailed from Boston. amlMlss.mil. ■ Ad-lrc*-. box id. Himtlej, HI. - wears a coat with wide sleeves. Next time you do.not feel .authorized to give, said to me recent­ .XI ns. n i-irri f t ' o i, 11 in n XI ax NAiin. \\ bite Plains, N.Y. bavoa flve-dollar.sit ting with Dr. 11. Slade please yet tlie spirit of toleration nnd good wjll'ls-ui the M ii-, M a uy-*F.. XI \ UK-. 5H Fid too si., Hi »iokl> n, N. Y. ascendency. / ■ N ly, “ I wisii I could tell you all tlmt is being re­ \V. IL Mason. s »,hi|i HcmL'Jml, ’ peer up that right lmiul sleeve, and you. will Fifteen years ago intolcrntion nnd proscription LIST OF LECTUKEB8. d. W m. V / n S vmi k. XI. D.. Box 'dJi, New York. probably discover an elastic tape. There is a vealed to me, of wlmt is close upon us-mis near as d. M. P m .li>. Hamtminton, N. d bund on the arm above the elbow, to which one wns tlie prevailing spirit which, bulleted' us on [Tolm nsofnl, thin list should he reliable. It tht'iefote Miih, L. Plu m ns, n am f. KaiisasClty, Mo, every turn, nnd no sympathy, coiild be obtained 'the Centennial. I think much of it, or at least iH’liiDivt’sSm.’lMtlfH uml l.t'Uui'ej'H to p)oiii|tt 1y notify us of Mils. A.. PnlTS, M. IF, IcetOtcl. Adi lilti. .Mtch. end of the tape is attached;'" Dangling nt tho its .beginning, and of tlie power of those who arc • IlKNiiv \ .ckauh, :i77 ILnehcstcr hi.. W. V,, Mouth other end is a pencil. Tape, band nml pencil nre from any qunrter except from tlie faithful few ii|i)>uhilim*utst or chanKus of :ip]mlntnu’jits, wliijiievi’i'iintl B"st‘iii. Mass. who' thought " ,?ht as we thought, ' " and...... believed qs wo being prepared for Mint time, tested, tried." wlierovor I hoy mvur, TIiIn column h Hevolnl MM’liLsIvi'ly 'I’Hko. F. I’m t K. Inspirational, Momm. WhllcCo., Iml, of the color of tlie shirt sleeves nnd coat lining, believe. to lecturers, AVIthouKdianie. If tin* imme.of any |m*isdu nof Mlth, L. A. P kausai.L, In-pliatlouaL Disco, Mich. and to detect them you must peep close." hi * I do not ask you,” I replied, " lor it might in­ Mils. A. F. Mtismn**PlTN am. Flint. Mich. the language of the gamin, "Here’s richness I” We are ready to exclaim in the language of one a lecturer should by mlhlako HHteaf, wo denim to botm In­ Mi-h Doucas K P uvy, Augusta. Me, of olden time, "Now let thy servant depart in terfere with wliiit is necessary for niif to do, and formed.] Mlts. d. IT iTLHvJiAiire speakci, South H,mover, Mam. - 1 beg to return thanks for these valuable sug­ pence,’’ for I have grown gray in the service, what I should know will be shown me." Kr:V. Wt I.i.i a m Aia.'oif, trance and Inspirational Ice* B. It. I'iia ri‘. Iiisplratloiiai. FaltH-dd. Xli.’ti, gestions, and Inform all interested that. I profited turer, lluckland, Franklin To.. Mass, * lm (F AMns PhiiM K.Inspirational ami nam e lecturer, and have seen Mint my. perpetual prayer lms been 1 do not claim any knowledge of astronomy, so a cj I\ D. |lo\ s7. Ailhimi, Me. by them, hut, nlas 1 failed to find the very inter­ •I. .M MS .Y Ar.f.ttN, Alatlleld, .Mass. F. L. ItMii UtDsiiS, I ranee, Augosta, Mo. nnswered. My neighbors ere willing tlmt 1 shall M.miy A. AMriii.Knv Inspirational, '.7 North Halslod esting paraphernalia so graphically pictured. cannot say if tlie statement of Mr. Madox is cor­ street, ClilcaKo, III. f ...■" MHs. M. c. H rnhi.kit, So. l(n.»altoii, Vt. enjoy all Mint comes from Spiritualism j and still Allis. N, K. AVintoss, trancenpeaker, Delloii, AVIs, Hkv. a . B. Ka m m l l , Applet..... wi-* Like many other philosophers, tills one 1ms rect ; hut I wish tho readers of tlie Danner would Mus. J k n m k K. IHd»n, Lock B"X -r.*, Provhb nce, H.L more, they like to sit under tlie old Banner, nml a . Kannik Alia s , .Stoncha m Mass. Mus. ivu.iNAd. Honr.nrs', Caipciui’ivill**, m constructed his theory witlrn lofty disregard of rend, nml hear rend, tlie good .spiritual news of look into lids matter. Truth, like a diamond, 1$ bTKI'IlKN I'KAItl. A N DHKWS, "5 West ft II ll st.. New Volk. facts. He neglects to state tlmt the “ three fingers Allis. M. A. A ii A ms, trance speaker, llrattlehnrn. Vt. Mns. c. A. UiuiiHNS, 1111 t!allowlilll bluet, Philadel­ the day. My prayer is Mint our beautiful faith ninny-sided, and each, when polished, reflects a phia. Pa. at liberty’"are oil tho u n d e r side of tlie slate, Alits. IvMMA HAlcm-MiK IHcrrtKN, 2'G W estern elmd, (knowledge) limy not be perverted to selfish blaze of light. Tlie hosts of heaven seem prepar­ .New Vnik. Dlt. II. Hkkif (‘hlcopee, Mass. , die tho \vrltliig takes place on tlie upper side, ends; tlmt no priesthood may monopolize it; ItKV. .1. D. llAltltKTT, (Hen Iteillall, Wl ’ .1. II. Hasdai.i.. trance. Clxth*. n.. till further notice, which is pressed tightly against tlie table. IIu ing for some grand event, a n d ice ohall he there. ItKV. .tolls II. llKAI'll, III'irkxliilIK. N. ,1 WM. IHisk., M. D., Inspirational speakei, No. 72 (mtarlo that, no 'attempts may be imidc by designers to Allis. S. A. UYl(M>. WolfuMi ill llelj'hls, Mavs stl'-e(. ( levefami. < >. also ignores the fact Mint the writing frequently Mils. II x t u k K. BiiIHnsun, PI Carver hi.....I, Bontou, fossilize it into creeds; tlmt, the coming armies On Saturday, Oct. 30th, we swung out from MHs.N ki.u k .I.T. UufdllAM, Klin Dime, C'oleialh, occurs when the slate is laid on the table, wtyliin Mass. ‘ LY-sANI'Kh S. Uh iiauhs. Fa*a Mai -lilt hi. Mass. which- march under our Banner may nevuf go Pier 42, at tlie foot of Canal street, In New York, Alas. ll. \Y: Scott llttnms, West WluJloJd. HurfclMicr Mils. Kl.VlUA WlILKIan K Ht t.til.K*. dait.’sXllle, Win. foldingslntes.undin foreign'langiiages unknown* .lAMO SIImLL, insplialloiiat speak.’I, 2U North llth into fort or barracks, ami limy the eternal rights but lay in harbor till Sunday morning,, then set Co., S. V. to tlie medium. All these tilings nre too familiar Mus. AiuiY N. ltrusiiAM,Station Third avenue, htc’e't. Philadelphia. Pa. of private judgment be preserved intact, with no sail for Aspin wall. Tlmt and tlie two succeeding M. F. Silr.HM v s . tranee speaker. Box p>5. Adilan, Mich, to your renders to require repetition, but per­ "organization" which shall in tlie least curtail New Volk i'Uv. Mils. AniMK M. STLVKNs.lnspiiat lonal.i lan’iimni, N.n, haps one little incident of a rather different cliar- Mlis.S. K. Ulstluf will speak in W isliiimlon. D. M n-. It. K, >n*lH)AUi) w lit'In iuie on spii li nail sin, and tho freedom of tlie individual. They who paddle days were quite rough, tlie waves at times break­ dm lmk Dci-cinlter anil .laniiary, rieseiil addles**, Hi.l- acter will prove, interesting. ‘■Iliad long been demoiihti ate the truth ot -pull iciutn thF-ugh lid* infill* their own canoes on the Diver of Life learn liow ing clear over tlie sldp ; but last evening it calm­ lio ., Paliunct Do.. WlMondn. ' , nniship )>t In i son, DeXVtlf c. Hough, wl...... dcstrix? aware that Dr. Slndq posse-sed nt times the pow­ IlKV. Dll. Uahnahi>, Uatlle (‘reek. Mich. |*t-1'immoiit addle—. 2l«i Noi He F'l h •>!., Philadelphia, Px, . to navigate, and understand well tlie currents ed down, nml to day it is beautiful. )Ve were, itisiiiii’ A. Ukai.s, Vei-allies. ('attarai^'as (h»., N. Y. i;. W.SMtpuiuumi:,Salem.'Legno. er to read folded, nnd scaled manuscript, n gift Mus; K. T. MnoTlI, MlUord, N-. II. t . ___ and opposing Waves. Ami they are those who Hl.i Vi.n s \\vX'lu. In-pliatloiini. Flt/w U.lani, N. II. which seems closely allied to tlmt of dingnosing tlie most of us, sick of course ; but tlmt is past, to Mus. Pitis< i i.i,a Duty Uh.mhh'hy, Fali’lh;Ld, Ale. Ai.ni.nrsjK'iKMAN. Allegan. Mtcli. ‘ have been, nnd are, tlie world’s Christs. Cai*t, II. II. f1111>VYN« |oeiur«*r for the lowaStrife Asoi disense by a lock of hair, hut never witnessed so our great rcliefymd to the addition of tlie cook’s Hat Ion of Sph It iia!I -is. Will a< teml wctldhl^s and fuller* M ns. F an nil D avis km nil. Itiamlou, x F striking nn instance as the one to which 1 allude. it! labors. The bnlniy air of tlie southern clime tils and accept calls lu adjoining Slates. Address, Ct-dai .Xi ns. IF 'T. M K Miss. nan. I'.inj, Pa... box 712. A letter Was handed him which the postman Connecticut. Hapltls, Iowa. .X ns. P. W. s n i'UKVs. tiamv. VliglnlaCUy, Nev, sweeps through tlie open doors of tlie cabin as I Mas. K. lie Hit, Inspirational, box 7, Smithliird, Ct. ,v * HMIN .XI. si'f; v U. 'A'UP.Xi l.( J.’erm'M SF . PhlJa'J'*tpJ»Ja. hndjnst brought. lie took it’in ills lmnd and NEW HAVEN.—L. Robinson writes Novem­ Dll. .1 AS. K. ItAI I.KY. Slot lingville, .Iclfeisoii Do.. N. V. .Mns. *». a , SmI ill. traticelsp-ak' i. Athol, Musa, * , • write, nnd one feels as if autumn was going back (J 11.1 s It. S TKHUl ns, riel mil, M leli, was about to open it when lie paused nnd said, ber 20th : Will you, Mr. Editor, and your host of Apim k H, Hai.I.o i , Ihspnatlmial speaker, Itox GG'i, San Du. D. CLAUK NPKAUrK. Korhe4tci, N. V. “ I feel P---- [his spirit sister] so plainly I 1 be­ to Ids old love, summer, instead of hastening to­ Francisco, Taj. .M ns. C. M. s rnwK, San dost*, Cat. readers, nccept tlie fraternal greetings of the Mns. 11. F. M. IIiiown, National (‘lly, l?an DleguC'o., lieve 1 can read tills letter without opening it. Mus. S. d. sw asly. Inspirational speaker, N"ank,<,'oim. ward winter. Cal. Mils, ||. XFsiiaw . Itance Mii'akm, .Udlel. M ill Co., Ill, Please sit quietly a moment.” We did so—them Free Lecture Association of New Haven ? I'nnr. s. H. Him ita n , Newark, N ..!. And now,dear Banner, as T am not usually ili.NnvS/uAcn. Dowaglac. Mich. were throe persons present—when lie proceeded Our hall is crowded nt tlie Sunday lec­ W m.u a m Hit van. ho\ r»:i, ('aimlen I*. D., Midi. Du. H. It. tjioui.il. U Moiitgoim*iy place, loom fi, Hu*- H k-kvey llAiini.it. Warwick. Mas**. •to describe how the letter was written, on the tures, nml mir finances nre now III splendid personal; please allow mo a word witli my critics. W. S. liKl.l.v No, .V> Foster str-et, New H *df*u;d. Mas-., <,.Miisll,l. IF Sti i.i.vi a N 8 i:v lu a n< K, M. IL, Milwaukee, Tirst page, then on tho third, nnd back to tlie sec­ condition, our moral teachings are., unexcep­ Bro. Wilson, in tlie "Spiritualist at Work,” says will IcHtlK* ' ll lll«» fo'h/U'Ing Mihj.’CN ; I. Kloluthm. new tionable. To bo,good and to do good is our |ectute: 'J. Haiwlnl.iin. lieu ; Lire ami WrlljiiK-ol DIt. d . IF SLKI.V will leWnre on lIn: Selelicc of the Hotll, ond, reading it through from beginning to end, of “ Nothing- Like I t “ I have not lead it, but nel Tav Im: ruler Id g ■: I. Charles l.ainti’. 5. It .!»ert Itu i n- and even mentioning tlie position of ccrtnin in­ theme. Tims we greet our friends who are it, rii'ona- l'.ilii'". 7. chi i>tlaiilty opp ,s Milford street,-PlicUva, terpolated words. Oil opening tlie letter, tlie sit>: 10. The Ues.meetImiof .Jesii>; II. The Heing. ; J’J, (i - Mas-. rending wns fomid accurate to tlie niinqfais^nar- thenrto bury out of sight- all their conflicting so, I condemn it, for Iumopposedtoproinimiity.” Mns. .let.i \ A. IF Skivku. llmiMon, !• loihla, will an* opinions, ami weld together tiieir influence and ologv.' svver calls to l-’cluie on spiritualism aiol Udm ni subjeeU. ticulnr, It is very seldom, however, that liedoe3 I have not quoted exactly,-hut- in..substance, ex- Alns. F.m.ma F. J ay llrf.j.KNJ:. II CharJesst, New York. .lulls Iliiim's^Miill. Xinfn i't. .Ma-*-.. their means in battling for free thought nml a Mns. A. I'. Knows, s\, .lohiishiuy (viitie, Vt. Buell things, the drafts on his time and vitality in. cept tlie last clause, which, is in ids language. d v m i.s ll. Sil I i* \ i:l» w III am w ei «alts to lecture ami at- — free religion. It 1ms ever been tlie plan of our p; s. CAinv.Uil.\i»Kli will answer calls lo thdiver hi* lend liiumals. Addic-s soulh AcumMi, N. 11. other directions nre so great. People from all Bro. Wilson, you hail better read tho book, and new and piopliette lei tiue ** Monarchy the Hoad to a Fieri Mu-. XI. F, IF S vWYi.u, Uociicsier Hall Bulhltug, 750 > parts of this country, I'mjglit almost say from nil people to employ tlie.best talent in tlie field, ami Ucpu Id lean hovel iiinelit.*’ Also ot liei s on retjgjotis. social Wa ddngion *t i * et, post.-o. ami phl!> sophiial MihJectC Address, .VA'i West he.v.nlli^ countries, are. to be. met in ids parlors, all alike to pay them well and promptly; ami there is then you will /.'now,if it advocates promiscuity. - Mi:*. Ai.miua W. sm ith , 121 Cululterlan-I street, Port­ scarcely to-day n-prominent advocate of liberal street, Wilmington, Del. [ land. .Me. ' - ' % . seeking tidings of. the great beyond. Some, come It declares against legal niarriage, and claims AMikkt K\ c,\ni*KS"u;n wllJaiiswer calls to lectni'e any- a f n - thought wlio’lms not been henrd from tlie pint' ♦Svlieie. Addres**. CnH Washington street, Hoston. M;t*s ' FLl s I KriHiNH, p. Bor :»|s. Albany, N. X . _timidly, some, hopefully, some almost defiantly. witli Jesus that "love is the fulfilling of tlie law." A lilt AM AM) N FI.I.I k M. S vi 11II, (.Ullage Hanleii, Slur- They nre met by neither argument nor elaborate form of tins Association. Cenhns B. Lynn closed .Inns A. Cs\nri:s ri.n. r.hi Congress sired, Troy, N. V. Is love promiscuous, lewd, lustful? When will W A IlliKS". C|l AM., CoIhI |i. 411. ^'m hI'.'mahY LAShl'iN STlti'Mi. 721 lriFFM Street. Day- . theory, but by n few simple yet startling fncts. on Sunday last his three months’ engagement with Mns. M. f.. Cl.KAVks, tnsp|rathmal ami trance speaker, ns, nml In all tlmt time his addresses have ex­ tlie people learn tlmt those who plead the.eause I.nwelL^lass. ’‘'.Mus*. F. A. K. KW'a in , luspliatitmal.; Union Laket, Upon these facts they are invited, nay, urged, to |Lu/ | ) i:as Ci.ahkk, VU Kddy street. Kan Francisco,Cal. hibited an inexlinustiblb fund of new and spar­ te r m * Minn. bring to bear tho most thorough scrutiny and of love legality nre.not seeking to debase, "/is s i k J/OjijiCMAMnr.iu.Ai.v, Uko Wai ic'i ave., Ciiicago. Si-.laH V.\ \ Sit u |.r. Dr*’en)MJs)j, Mh li. draw their own conclusions. Many hearts com­ kling .thought, lie is one of the very ablest lint to elevate ? and can you not see, my brother, Alns. Amki.IA H. Cot.IIY, Tei rill. Kaufman Co. Texas. d. W. 8K.Wi.it. ln*pMatlonal.s|e’ahcr, Itvron, N. V. forted, ay, souls saved from despair, attest tlio- speakers in tlie field, lie closPTThis labors hero,' .Iamks M. ciioatk, Inspirational, No. 7 North l'im? dns. IF Si:n.l>. Montp*’llei. Vt., can* *»••••. U * Hlpley. on Sunday evening, with a perfect ovation from that tlie nnarchy which comes of mighty changes Htre'*i, Nilem, Mass. F.l.i lAll H. sw a» LIIA'ii’.H, let lmei, IH5 Falaveltu avy- power Mint dwells within that quiet sennee-room, HKTTIK Cl.AUK. (loanee speaker, .»7 Dover street, Hoston. nne, IHooklyn, N x . , , ,,, and bless tlie devoted-medium nnd his nngel- a crowded house, which'was followed on Mon­ is but transient ? •lolls Col.MKIi; Address,, lock box 157, Kpiinglh-ld, |)n. F. SI’UAHCK, Inspiiatlonal. Hen—.-o, 111. day evening by another gathering of the fuitlitiil i/Vnd;now a word to Bro. Tuttle concerning ids Mass. . - A r ST I.N F'. SIMM-1 NS. XV«MHMoik. X t. guides. nt tlie residence of E. It. Whiting. That occa­ M ns, S. F., Cjiossm AN, trance and Inspirational speaker. AMJMIT j:. ST\.NU-Y.«F)’ice>t«’l, Vl. I regret that fatigue and unpleasant wenther criticism in tlie Reli'gio-Pldlosopldcal Jodrnnl— Address,.Pavilion, Tremont street, lioston, Ma*s - s a n \n F. s*»ni • unv win an w.t call< to lecture. Ad-- prevented me from meeting numerous friends sion nnd its results must have satisfied Mr. Lynn, Dit, J. H. CtmiilKit. :«l Wall street, HoMon, Mass. ilirss 1-5 N. \Vj)-litnKt"N sln-i' . Ilndl.-nlf)-. N. V. if lie had'doubts before, tlmt lie lms a host of there is in it so much injustice, which I can but M ns. .1 KNNKtT .!« Ci.ahk will answer calls to lecture In Mil** d A sr\t'LHtN)i will ah ’Wer i alH to leciuto on whose hands I had hoped to grasp while in tiieir hope is not intentional, ns I wbiild like to retain any part of the State. Address, £7 Warien avenue. Hos* the vital HU-(.Otis of th .-’age. Addfe.ss dpi Mam aUeet, city, and shall look forwnrd to that pleasure some friends in New Haven. ton. Mass...... iV’or lec. Mass...... ys for him tlie genuine respect tlmt I feci for all Du. TIIOH, (’. CiinstaNilNK, lecturer, I liorntoii, N. II. c. XV. STKWAur. I.oal *vi'l'*. hy. • time in tlie future. At present I am homeward (Jkojikk W, <'a nJ’KNHKiu clalivoyant and Inspiration* Alns. M. s. T uwnsk.ni>, 8ton^h:in.i, Mass.?Tlll further bound, and correspondents will plense address Oregon and Washington Territory. sincere opposers. al speaker. Keiidallvllh*.-Hid, * DD. J. L. Y011K, writing from San Jose, Mns. LnitA S. C iu io , i:plM*r Falls, \ t. • ‘"d iki>"..W. T ayi.oh, t.awtoii's Station, l'.i h* f'lt., N. V, me at Albion, Mich. Yours very truly, Brother Hudson, I have never had the pleasure M. (,'. CoNNKi.t.Y, Louisville, Ky., InMili'iithnial apeak* d . 'li. W. Tnnin.X, '17 Itioa'ivvav, Cliclbea, Mash, N on. 25 th , 1875. E. 'AuausTA Whiting. Cal., Nov- 10th, says: During the last five of your personal acquaintance, but Imve read ur. wljlansweiM-atls to lecfuie. • Hri'^uN le t M.P." HcDln Jleighis. n, * Mhs.M aiuktta K-Chuss, trance.W . llaiupHtcad, N. II, D h.T. It. T ayi.uif H-l Wi st Baltimore htrdbt, care of months I have been on n lecturing tour'to Ore­ tlie “ Blossoms of our Spring" with genuine Mas. M. .1. C ol.urns, champlln, Hennepin Co,, Minn. Stratton'A ...... Md. K en tu c k y . gon and Washington Territory. . |jinve attended Iua ll. C rim s, Hartford, Conn. Mns. Auiiil. W. T t s sK.il. Montpelier, \ t. pleasure, and heaven grant Mint tiieir fruit may Mtig, ltcia ll. emvi.Ks. f-lyde, (». S. A. T iium \ s , M. IF. Peiiiivllle, Iml. . LOUISVILLE.-G. II.- Ivruder writes, Nov. two camp meetings, nml lectured in Pnrtlnnd,. am not be thorns. You say of “ Minnie Morris," one Mus. Hivt.hK A. On itKitl.A i N, Kureka. Cal. Mns. Hoiikht T immu?**s, -Mexico, A mil lan Co., Mo, 28th, ns follows: A movement is on foot among Oregon City, Salem, Albany, Eugene City, As­ Mus. .1. F. Coi.KS, trance, 7J« ltroadwa), New York. Mus. Cuha L. V. I'AlTAN, care Bannermf Llglit, Bot- toria, Victoria, (Britisli Columbia) and in Olym­ of .tile characters of .“Nothing Liko It" : "Min­ Dh.‘./a .mks f.’ooi’KM, lh*lli*fonlnlno. <»., winieclwreaml toii. .Mass. ,, reformers and the working clnsses to form a take subscriptions for tin* HandeFof Light. Mns. Sauaii M. T hompson; Madlwm, n. pia, Port Townsend and Seattle in Washington- nie Morris from a victim becomes a keeper of a Hojikut c«u,t|*KU. 4s7 Tremont street, Huston, Mass. Npk ncku'1'hmmas, Inspirational, slieet, ( harloi* Universal Brotherhood. Its objects wilbbe the Territory. In all, I delivered ninety-eight lec­ Kkv. Nouvwmiu Damon, VI Tyler btreet, Hoston, Mass. town. Mass. - ... . attainment of human rights, nnd the perpetua­ house of 111 repute, and finally starts n strange D u ..I. H. Doty, Covington. La. Mns. (iKoiror. A. T aiii it, trance, uill accept engage­ tures in tlie above places to largo audiences, nml W m. P knton. Wellesley, Mass. ments to lecture amwhen.* within a day's tide ()f homo. tion of them, and'in its work the amelioration I wns gratified to see so general an interest man­ homo where ten sworn sisters do the work" for Miss l.tzziK Dotkn, Pavilion. 57 Tremont st., Hostoti, Addiess, Host...... Ma**. , , ,,,,, . .. of the condition of humanity In every possible ifested,to learn tlie great truths of Spiritualism. ten male hoarders. It works charmingly until, i>K. K. Dun n. Jtockford. HI. . Tfjo.'iAs IL T ayidil liisiilTathmal, Milford, Mass. manner will bo sought. At first, we will seek to A n nn is w. Jackson Davis, 21 hast 4th street. New ^ ork. Bknm. T ohif Cliaihdle,.Mich...... Fate threw the Dev. Mr. Hammond, tlie revival; discovered by the world, when there is trouble.” Mns. N ki.i.ik L. Dav is, Washington street, Salem, V knkiuo Vui.l"), hihplratlonal, 515 lllghHlreet, Provl- bring tilt masses of the people nearer.to this idea 1M ll"*S, D'.'J* • deioe. IF I. ’ „ 1st, into the sanie field. He called on the,people Uiitil wlmt is discovered ? Not that they were piuk avis of a universal brotherhood, by inducing them to to accent Jesus, while I invited them to accept Mn«. A l \ D , Koittli Lowell, WaHn.*rCo..-AJa. Oi.i ZAIII.TII I.. U.u-Mix. I it n.) 111.'. I *-)jii. keeping boarders, for there was ho secret about d. Hamlin Dkwky, M. D., Iiipplrailoiial sp^vker, WIN 1'hTKU Wkst, trann* ami tn-plratloiial, Boston, Mass., cobpernte in tho purchase of tlie necessaries of common sense. Tlie clergy were bitterly op­ care Bannerol Light. • ‘ " • .. life; after they get-a taste of cooperation they posed to us, which only helped to fill our halls to that, and it is expressly stated that they did not ^ *A * K !* J > o T Y* xv 111 attend runeralsln Herkimer Comity, N. F. L. lr; xvn.t.is. M. IF...... a. Xates* o.. N. ^ . will naturally gravitate to cooperating in ail overflowing. I am to spealNin Eureka, Cal., lodge them. No, it was the manner of their for­ V and vlrlnllv. Address, Illon. Herkimer Co., N. Y. S FUANK WlllTK Will lecture dull tig l )eC»*lll h(T. ftlld branches of industry. A bloody conflictof labor Khank l)wii;HT. Montana. Iowa...... diiiiiAV) In 111I'lgcj'ort. conn.: Fehinaiyaml Maich.Tn.y, during December and Jnuuary, and in Saiitn mer lives tlmt wns accidentally discovered by the _ Jd u s. I.. K. D hakk, normals|M*aker, 1’lalnwell, Mich. N. V.; ApHi.AX inhlngioii. D, C. Applications for week and capital is imminent, and all good men desire Barbara in February. A. fl. DahhoW, Wayriesvllh*, HI. . , (> , evening* attended m, Add(i’*isasalM>\)'« to avert it.' IIow can it' be done ? By coopera: coming into tlie neighborhood of a'-moneyed A. Hniiuis Davi« will answer calls to speak on Spiritual* **i’-IK N ick klmfn XVHITK*. trance Mpcnker, Hid X\ eat Ism. the Woman Question and Health ltefoim. P. U. ad­ Itniuktllil- HI...... K.lllin. Mill)-1., M»»r. live industry—distributive nnd productive. If F lo rid a . wretch who lmd formerly known one of them. dress, i:V>.lay street, Uoehcstcr, N. V. •IamYs d. W ukklkh. ( *’*iar Lake, Horklmei t o., N .\ , tlie masses of the people can be induced to unite There was no fault found with wlmt they were Mus. C. A. D ki.a k o u k , Hartford. Conn. F V W ilson, Lombard, HI. on tlie Rocbdale plan of cooperation, I believe OCALA, WADKEN CO.—Robert n. Coleman Du. I). I). Davis, inspirational, w Leverett st., HuHton. .1 n K. It. WHKKLncK, I’leasanton, Kftii. to me, I will assist them in making arrangements! living secretly with those ten hoarders, than T homas Ualks Kous^fKH, 21 West 18lh street, New. Fl 11a11 Wooi'WniiTlF Inspirational, Feslle,.Mich. ing classes to become, in a quarter of a century which there was nothing further from my inten­ York d lv . r—*«. , ' «... F A XViikklkh, semi-tranec and liiHpItathmal, Utlc*, hence, the owners of nearly all the land and Ocala contains some people who aro anxious to Mus. fccsiK A. W i l u s -F letchku, 0 Montgomery N. V. •• _ Investigate Spiritualism, and would be willing to tion of saying, and there, is nothing in tlie book Place, lioston. Mass...... Mns V k t o u IaC. W o o n ilru ., .V) Broad nt., NewYnrk. property In America. If such a result is possl J. W.m. Klktchkk, y Montgomery Pliice, lioston. Mass. DanVki. WfiITK, M. D.. 7('.l Pim.‘Mif)*l, 8F Louis. Mo. ole, I think it a speedy solution of the problem contribute toward expenses. And as the people to warrant sucli an Inference/ I would imve peo­ | DU. II. P. FAlltKlKM)* |ass. A. C. atid Mus. KLl/.A C. WuulMU.FF, Fugle IUrboiv ‘ Hkv. d. F ha.ncis. inspirational, Ogdcnsimigh. N. 7. of capital nnd labor, as labor will then become are remarkably hospitable and liberal in senti­ ple live the lives they are willing to he accredited 1 Mns Claha A. F iki.h. Inspirational,'J Albion street, H u n k e r lllll District. Hoston, Mass. - NAjU . Sophia W nons, trance speaker, Burlington, Vt,, equal ownerAvjth capital.- Would be pleased to ment, I feel sure great good would come, of a with, that-which they believe to be right, and caie Col. 8. Sr Broun. visit by a good test medium, and I will guaran­ I CHAULKS D. F a u m n , Inspirational, l)eerllidd,-Mlch. . S. It. XVor.l MAN, BufTalo, N. Y. , hear from Fefbriuers and workmen on the sub­ I Mahy L. Kurncii, Towti-cml Harbor, Mass. tee .a pleasant reception and sojourn here during vyhicli they can honestly defeiul; and surely, lm F hkncH XVliisTKU. Manchester, N. II*. ject of a Universal Brotherhood, witli a view to ! (tKok^ k A. Fi'LLKH, nance and mmnaUpeaker,Kher- i’nor. K. WllllTI.K, 4 Concord -'limn*. Boston, Muss. go to work systematicaHy'for the accomplish­ our winter months. Our climate is‘genial, spring­ Hudson Tuttle, the philosopher, tlie poet, the M wtrKM's* H. K. W itloilT, MtddievUle, Midi., box IF ment of this object; in fact, would be pleased to like from December to March, flowers blooming Spiritualist, would not imve remanded .those 1 h Yi'ss A^mkiiia H. Fowlku, Inspirational, Kuxtouvlllc, N. M. W uioii r. lnsj)lratlonal speaker, w ill answer (ftll* freely, and the orange, lemon and entire citric I Hlchiand Co., Wls., « aie F. D. Fowler. to h'ilmd In the New England Stales., Address, Mo&toB* hear from any one, whether favorable or not to girls back to tiieir former conditions after, with Mns. M.,H. I* (r f. l.KK, 8 irntoga, SnutuClum Co., CaJ. Mass., can: Banner of Fight. * , ,, * ... organizing. Those desiring reply will please co- family flourishing finely.. A. II. Fhknch, Cl)de, O ...... XV xnni'.N NX ool.soN, in’-plcaM*inat, North Fay, N. i. tiieir leader, they had made sucli heroic efforts to P.UYAN (in ANT, caret'. N. D., H» Hioadwuy, New A ork Mns. MahY .1. AVIn.oxsiis will I.’emit* In Colorado for - operate a little with me, by enclosing Btamps for tlm b[t.*i’iil. Ad-Ires*-. Boulder, < «»L Ter. return postage. My address is No. 270 West M a i n e escape it. I ^ Afus. Du. (»ILiiKUT, tranre and iiisplralional speaker, dnitv It. W o l f f . r»m Pearl stoet. New Yolk, win lec­ Jefferson street, Louisville, Ky. BRADLEY.—James J. Norris,-in remitting ■You say further that, " the. characters aro will atteml funerals and lecture mi Kptrltualifiii, 'lemper* ture on tcforin siibh’Cts wlttllu •*a^y distancesol Ni-w » ork, j fttice, Ac. Address Indianapolis. Iml...... Mus. Mahy K; XV i r iikk. Marlboro*. Mass,, hox.Y«!, for a renewatnf his and two other subscriptions drawn from the imagination, and have norepre- Dn. ItofiT. (*ici.kh, Chieogo. HJ , lectuies on 1 he x I- KrP;XX11l.soN. Fast 77th street, NrwXofk. , lUitwouri. tal Ph»*iioim*na of Human Magnetism, ami Its \voudioii*> FhuiiGK XV> \\TitT,sKY, normal, IS4 Ci'an.'lua btree , to tlio Banner, says: -The paper we must nnd sentatives living in the world.” power over ll*.,:Ulli ami Dlseas.?.M' , , . KANSAS CITY.—J. F. Jameson writes, Nov. ' Du. C. D. (ilitMKs will answer calls In Michigan. Indi­ * Mics^lFicJiKilwAi.iaiTr, trance, -J) West Baltimore will -have, notwithstanding hard times. ‘ Our You aro mistaken, my brother.. There may be ana and Illinois. Addros P. o. IUix t52, Ktutgis, .Mich. llth: There 1s an increasing interest'manifested Lyceum and Society are doing nicely, nnd tlie K kunky U uavks. Ulehimmd, Did. ,,,,,, . , nonesuch In your world ; but the world of phi­ Mus. M. L. S. tiiLilAMS. ln*plc»Uon:d. Brighton, lud, ^ \ \ sa XVaiihkn, Inspirational spVaker, No. 101 Jullou uv-'iiu *. Dulmnue, Iowa. , . . . ^ here in regard to Spiritualism, although therels people are much interested. Tlie spiritual friends losophy and of fncts sometimes differ. T know CAI'T. iv. II. D ukkN. delfer.suovide, l»d. of Bradley and vicinity recently got up a levee N. K. (tUKKNLKAK, Lowell. Ma-S. Mus N ‘J.W u.LJs, fH \Vlndfo>rsi.,f.amhrldgiport,Mifc8Ji# no organization. Many come to Mrs. M. M. that age and wisdom do not alwUys go together, (lm . ('. W aitk, Soiltli Tnoimiston. Me, and dance, and cleared one hundred dollars, nnd Isa vc P. <*uukni.kai\ 27 Milfoid street, Boston, Mas*. „SAUAII A. ^'n.KY. Hoekluglmut. Vl Jameson’s circles, 815 Main street, for spiritual Mu. J. G. (Ht.KS. Prlncelon, Mo. : had a good time generally. Mrs. P. V. Bradbury, but-with nearly fifty years experience 1 know KAUAll (iu.WKs, tnsplratlonalspcaker, llerlln. Mlcb. Mils. J i m k t t e X kaw. Nortlilsoo . Mass. foodyarid go kway delighted with the proofs given Du. ('has Y kakkl. LvkeiK. Dauphin Co., la., Icc* by spirit friends tliat the dead live again and can of Fairfield, speaks for us one-fourth of tlie time, tlmt there, are sucli characters,, and Minnie Mor­ K. ANNK illNMAN. Wesl W lusted, Culin,, Box .fcJ, turps on TemiH‘taue-*-U)d SpIrAUinosiiu and has done so for nearly two years, to good ac­ LYMAN C. lloWK, Kredoiila. N. * . •n so.. l.1 VuViK San doso. Santa Clara Co.,-Cal. come back and identify themselves. For tlie first ris lms more than one representative, though- tlie Mhh. S. A. H uhton. (lalves.nn, lex. ■ _ Mu' ftftd Mus* XVM. J . VUCN(F Boise City. Idaho. ■ time in two years we have begun to hold sfiances ceptance. We consider her one of tho best speak­ M uh. L.$a. llEaKLTiNK, trance, 8 Ucunctt street, Bor- ers In Maine, and fine whose character is unques­ outworking may not take the exact form that Du* d o n s K. ZSLLXY, lasplratloual, Uormautowu, for'the materializations of hands, &c., nnd also for JJallock," 140 East 15lh street, New York. rtilladelphla, Pa. physical manifestations through the tionable and without reproach. I have painted. Keepers of houses of ill repute BA-ISTNER OF LIGHT. DECEMBER 11, 1875.

it lifts, elevates, and strengthens, then it has to To IJook-Hnycrs. I’reNlilent Grunt on Free Nchoola anil The I'alne Hall hectare Coarse, THE HEEICIOX OF srilUTl’AI.lSM. do with relipion.. It has no creed thouph If At our new location, Mo. si Montgomery'Place, Churt-li Property. So successful during the month of November spiritmdi7.es all creeds. It' has not institutions, corner of Province street, lioston, we ltnve n fine We linve frequently expressed our opinion— llY GK.OUGK. A. 1IACON. ^ hut it enters all liistitirtions. is IFn relipion? was re-lnnugurated for December on. the after­ • It inspires the pure ami Indy; the worshiper iiookstore on tlie ground floor of the Building, and one which Is shared not only by the Spirit­ noon of tlie 5th Inst., by Prof. William Denton, Tii i hr K * 111 * • r i>[ t hr II.hhut "< l.lalit : I may how under any form of service, it matters where we keep,on sale a lnj^g stock of Spiritual, ualists ami free thinkers, hut by many practical ids remarks treating of the philosophy of relL In,till' Banner of Light of Oct. "nth appeared 1 not'sn long ns the conscience is satisfied. Seers •Reformatory atul Miscellaneous Works, to which business men ait over tlie country—that there ex­ gious revivals. An abstract of his discourse will l\n editniial headed “ Spiritualism lint a Reli­ ! have seen throuph it* livinp light : pnetshaveseen wo invite your httentiori. isted no cogent reason why property owned by be found on our eighth page. Next Sunday af­ gion,” w tii.-h, like point things generally, (-provo­ i and have described ill livinp rhythm the beauties ■ of the spirit-land. Is it a relipion? II makes Orders accompanied liy cash will receive prompt any church or religious organization should be ternoon Prof. Denton speaks on “ Mental Cul- cative of thought. Tin* view there taken is known its voice whenever death comes, and attention. Wo nro prepared to forward any exempted from bearing its share of the burden ture,” in tlie evening on “ WImt I Saw on the strongly fortified, anil many assertions therein j those loop schooled in the darkness of the past, of the publications of tb“ Hook Trade at usual of taxation, merely because of sucli o.wnershipby Pacific S lo p e o n tlie 1.0th inst. in tlie nfternoon made I'annot In* gainsaid; blit llierc is aiiotlior j when they thoupht there was no hope and no rates. We respectfully decline all business opera­ said party. It gives us great pleasure, therefore, j life, now lift up their voices and see there is life ho will disquss “ The Utility of Spiritualism,” view or aspect of tlie case which is equally in*- j tions looklngto tlie sale of Rooks on commission, to note ns a cheering sign of progress in this re­ and in thrioveniHg discourse on “ Tlie Races of cessary'tn lie stated in * 1 liis■ enimectinli, which ,• and there is hope. Is it a relipion ? . The AII- ' Father, whose ways we are now somewhat find- or when cash does not accompany the order. gard that tlie President of the United States, in Men and their Destiny’Vwliich lecture will bo seems more ju>t than tin* one alreinly presented, inp out, bendeth in loving care over his children, Send for a free Catalogue of our Publications. liis recent message to Congress, takes tlie broad­ rendered additionally attractive by some sixty and more in consonance with a larger and pram}- ■! and hv these various means, and throuph these est grounds regarding not only tills matter, but portraits, pictures, etc., illustrative of tlie subject I various forms of inspiration, he speaks In the- or comprehension of tin* subject. | t V InqHotIngfromthB Hannkii ok Uioiit. care should that also of secularizing to tlie fullest degree our matter; on tlie 20th, in tlie nfternoon Prof. Den­ With no desire, however, to specially rontro-Ij nations of the earth, and wind does lie say? l*o taken to distinguish between editorial articles and the ; That no ape is without its revelation, and no na­ conmiunlcatlonn (condensed or otherwise) of correspond­ common school system. In that instrument he ton will preach “A Sermon from the Buddhistic vert the positions taken in the aforesaid editori- ! ents. Our columns are open for the oiprosslon of imper­ tion without its divine and distinct inspiration; sonal free thought; hut wo cannot undertake toeudorsethe considers that tlie education of tlie masses lathe text, ‘Thoushalt not lie,’" anil in the evening al, we yet solicit space to present, it) a general ! that all apes and nations have had prophets, and varied shades of op! vion to which our correspondents give first necessity for tlie preservation of our national utlcnnco. will close tlie course by a conclusion of ids lec­ way, a different viewof thesanie subject. Truth j‘ seers,rand saviours, reared by the divine mind, existence, nnd tlie grand institutions bequeathed ture on'"The Rjices of Men,” etc. Prof. R. G. Is many-sided, and only a unitary view reveals, tlie in-truments-of his divine nfessenpers. The relipion,of Spiritualism has for Its assistants, to us liy tlie fathers of the republic, and this sys­ Eccles, from the West, will follow Prof. Denton her in harmonious proptn t ions. | hards anil seers, prophets and snpes,. It has for tem of education lie thinks can be best accom­ nt this hall in January. ‘ Why Spiritualism, in the present condition of I its mouthpiece llm-i* who an* humblesl in their IhimiM of H ijjlti plished by a constitutional amendment, making On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 10th, nt the close its development, cannot properly he termed a . labors, ami those who are the most exalted ; tlie It the cliffy of every State to establish and main­ of Prof. Denton’s lecture on “ The Utility of religion, as much as it can a philosophy, it would j king uiav he inspired, the eottaper may hear voices ; tlie liahe on its mother's knee may see BOSTON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1875. tain' free schools adequate to the education in the Spiritualism,” another platform stance for ob- he ditlienlt to tell. The mode of reasoning i tin* spit it and pive utterance to its voice ; the rudimentary branches of all tlie children, irre­ tabling paraffine molds of spirit lmnds will ho or line of arguiiieiit necessary' itf tin1' one-ease, i maii'in jirie-tly raiment,■'if liis soul lie humble, iTiu.u'ATioN iim n : a n d h o o h n t o h e , spective of race, color or sex, and forbidding the held, Mrs. Mary M. ITnrdy being tlie medium. is snllich-pt for the other. The chief dillieulty may so*, and helmld, and (pteslion. It I- indeed Xo. 0 Moulgomery l*ln(T, corner o f Province teaching of religious, atheistic or pagan tenets for This series is eminently .worthy of—anil will no the*solvent of all rclipions. It unites the past ■free! tlioiver i'foor), nppears 1o he eoinvrnilig tin1 agreement as to the benefit of any religious sect. To the mind of doubt receive, as did the past course—tlie patron­ what con-titnti'v religion. The lcxicographer- and the present.. AflENTRKOU THE IIANNKH IN NKW VOIIK, What before w’ns in the dark isexplained now. THE AM Kit 1C AN NEWS COMPANY, 119 NASSAU ST. the President, as well as to that of the Liberals age of tlie liberal public in Boston nnd vicinity. have one delini(ion, each of the several disput- Tlie lonp warfare beflveen tvlipion and seietieh-* in tills country;.there nppears to be much trou­ nnts his own, wIdle the ilitTereiit sects vary as is at tut end ; for where science leaves ns ami, - (Ml I, U Y A 11 I «• II. I'CHLISlIKlia AND l'ltoerui TOIIB. ble in store by reason of the'iiccutiHilation of vast “ People f’roin tlie Ollier World,” much as those who acknowledge no sect. Theo­ merges into Ibis spiritual life, thine does Spirit­ ualism tiepin I It unites, as with the key-stone amounts of church property not liable to taxa­ One of our esteemed correspondents writes as dore I’arker, in his epigrammatic way, Used to I.UTUKU Cm.UY...... KniTOn. of the areli,.the two conditions of mankind ; on Isaac It. Itie u ...... IlmUNKSB Manage!!. tion, and lie consequently advises such legisifi-. follows : “ I linve been surprised to hear that Col, say, " The highe-t morality is I hi* he-t religion.” one side is materialism, hound and shackled to 9 V l.uttem and coiiimiinli'nttonn apportalnlng tn the tion'ns will put'tin* burden of taxation upon a ll Olcott’s book lias not been largely taken. It While tin* two however are naturally allied, they the senses, reeeiviiip only Mint which sense call Killt'.'i la! Ile/rartirimit of tlilH paper slimihl no.-nlilrcs.scrt to property equally, whelhei' id churches or corpo­ seems to me to be (lie best exposition of tlie phe­ do not • represent * or date! for tin* -ann* thing. pive; oil the other side Is relipion or theolopy, l.cTiiiti! Coi.iiy; amt all ucpinksh i .kttehk to Isaac reeeiviiip only,that which comes from divine rev­ It. Hum, iiannku or l.tuiiT P ublish in g House, Hob- rations, with tlie exception of cemeteries, and nomena that I have read—exceedingl^thorough Quaint dolin Wi th, (bee -ays, "Religion is love ton, Ma ss.. • ...... - elation and divine prophecy. possibly, with proper restrictions, church edifices. and clear nnd interesting, Thavo myself wit­ with an upward twist." lie is a brother to Mat­ When Hie spirit liiil is attained, when.tlu* other, This action on tlie part of the President is a nessed a large portion of tho manifestations ho thew Arnold, who says, " Itelipion is morality side of the arch is reached, where sense leaves Ncioncc nml Kellglon. move in tin* right direction, upon which we hope describes, and, so far ns I can judge, 1m is re- snlTn-ed with eto'otion.” Mr. A Idiot, of the Index,. eff, and the life of the spirit begins, there tin* Because science lias pushed its demonstrations favorable Congressional notice will affix the ■ declare-, it to lie, "man's . I'foit to perfect hilll- eyes are opened, and we have the siplit of the mnrknhiy accurate In ids descripl ions.” Wo con­ sjiirit, and we eatl set** with it. And we can lie- up to Mint point at which it is able to formulate seal of national npproval. Self." In l’rotestant England, relipion is the Ks- a few oi' tin* Inws of creative energy, some of its cur fully in tin* opinion of our correspondent, nnd hold that broadcast and as with a Mattie of lire hope Col. Olcott’s work will he widely circulated, tahli-hed Church. In Spain anil France it is angids nre lighting tin* torches (in many an an­ votaries go so far ns to set up^lie claim that they The Itiiiinei* JIoHsnge Department. Catholicism. Tin* New Testament (.lames 1st, cient altar, and Die l’rometheati lire kindles ami have eillKTiliscovered tin* y which occasions large audiences assemhlo. Any by ininislerinp spirits, the impels ascend and de­ Mr. Parker, the President of tho Circle Room philosophy.” scend as of old, and once more tlie*teae!ier is ill the actual transcripts of creative power ns they communications for tlie society should he ad­ Band of Spirits, informs us that himself ami .-Is popularly apprc.hendtd, relipion has JgliG'- your midst, and blesses you throuph the mouths have been found li)*'science written upon tlie dressed to John W. Fox, Secretary, 111 .Union id little children. others aro preparing a suitable medium through cnee to that which stands to humanity in ttiere- framework of tlie earth. Aiql so with other, Place, Green, Point, L. I. H asten, D ec., 187.r>. whom all grades of spirits—Whether high or low, lilt inn of Deity or I’arent; ajyelief in a Supremy forms of blind fnitli, which are grouped under educated or uneducated — can communicate to Power, or faith in a Divine Source, toward which the nnmemf superstition. , ' Dr. .f. R, Xcwton, the Healer. The Xatifl'al anil Ou* Supernatural., theqipople of earth. When the opportune mo­ nr whom matt rests under certain ohlipatinns. It It is publicly understood that Prof. Richard We nro [n receipt of a letter from tills renown­ . further implies a reenpnition of the doctrine of To I tit* Edlliiriif tin*'llanncr "f l.lglit : ment nrrives to reopen tlie Circle Room, tlie fact A. Proctor, tlie 'distinguished English astrono­ will be duly announced in tiie.se columns. _ ed healer by laying on of hands- 'wherein he Immortality, with its corollary, a state invoivinp. I do not contend for the miracles of the Rilile mer, who lias for several weeks past, been deliv­ The spirit messages through Mrs. Dntiskin—if states that lie lias changed ids plans, and will re­ man’s neeoniitableness’, responsibility, \e. • in their entirety ; indeed, I should think Ulilt.AJie ering courses of lectures in lioston, on ills favor­ main in San Francisco, Cnl., for tlie present, By From 'facts, projierly arranped and system balance of probability is, that some of them nev- nothing in tlie meantime occurs to prevent—will ite study, lias 'abandoned tlie position in relation appear on tlie same page with those which may tarrying there until early spring he will escape ati/eil, we pet at the sc/, of Spii'il'millsm—' ' ('r *""'c place «t all, titid that otliers are greatly in religion'which was held by Agassiz up to the. tlie cold of tlie enstorn winter, lie now heals in plns-ilied knowledge and. science being cunverli- j exaggerated. Then* is, however, a thread of from time to time be given at tills office—thus date of ids death, and resolved, because it was doubly aiding those anxious spirits'who nre con­ public, nt Daslmwny Hall, oil Sundays, largo au­ lilt* terms. lly a eiuii]uvlien-n:il, Ids reverential nature. True,, ments in their entirety, or Whether he merely himself confesses to ah expansion of iris views-in tlie second volume of Dr. Eugene Crowell’s elab­ Christ, including Masonry nnd tlie Constitution these several branches are'ift yet not much more considers Modern Spiritualistic phenomena an respect to tlie connection between science and re- orate and exhaustive work* entitled “ The Iden­ of tlie United States, ought to he destroyed. No titan forms of expression, Humph even one year- argument for their possible occurrence, I cannot ligion-as objects of pursuit, yet ho is very far tity of PrimitiyofChristianity nml Modern Spir­ wonder tlie secular press repudiates such senti­ old Spiritu:ili-ts flippantly use them as jf they say; but greater men tlinn lie or myself would from admitting that .the more profound n man’s itualism,’’ is ntnjjrni tlie hinder’s hands and will ments, and remarks: “ Tills is the regular old were prufe-.-nrs in all three departments. We seem tii/-dii so. This is tlie ease, I believe, with knowledge of tlie laws and extent of the universe soon be ready for publication. Wo linve seen fire-anil fagot notion, and, therefore, altogether could wish that in esse might t ike the pktee of Mr. Willjuin Dewitt, nnd judging from his writ­ becomes the less disposed lie is to religious im­ proofs of the volume,-and from a brief examina­ unlike to anything that Jesqs Christ ever said or in p i.n *, but onlv-expeet its fullilttni'iij through ings was also the case with the date J. IS. Fer­ pressions. tion can confidently say Hint it promises to ex­ thought .of..’’ ^ the u-inil melhods. guson, Infill, whatever thejr credulity, men of Tlie secular press is beginning to look nt tills ceed in interest tlie first volume, good ns tlint While Spiritualism is a .matter of knowledpe, pleat intellectual capacity. There is this to he thing in-a jnster light. The Philadelphia Mortli was. The chapters on “ The Ministry of An­ E^“ Tlio annual message of Gov. Tlinyer of gels," “ Death,” “ Tho Spirit-World,’"'Spirit­ it is kin-hip will) n faith lluit finds lonLin Intui­ said about tin* matter, that, if weadmit the exist- American confesses that tlie fnct is not to lie lost Wyoming Territory says: “ Woman suffrage has tion. What else lint the religion iif ^pir-itua'llsm eiici'of,a spiritual force outside ourselves, it is sight of " Hint in every conflict between tlie sci­ ualism nnd Science,” are especially full of mat­ now been in practical operation in our Territory so elTi'etually ili-iiiini-.trati/.s—tIn* eimtiuiiity and- Impossible to draw a line ns to the extent of its entist and tlie theologian, up to a recent period ter of -tlie profonndest interest' riot only to tlie for six years, nnd lias, diiring the time, increased perpetuity of Immau love over death and the operation, if liquids can he transmuted, ns mod­ at least, tlie former has steadily advanced, while psychological student but to. the general reader. in popularity and in tlie confidence of tlie people. We have marked many passages for quotationr,' prave? JIu* essence.of Sjvi'rittialism, as nf.fi'-' ern experience goes tn prove, wnter can In* tlie latter lias as steadily retreated. The error In my judgment its results have been beneficial, nnd must defer to another week n more exteniled lipiun, is I.ove, S lid Titos. Dales Forster recently, changed to blood ; and tn ohnnge tlio water of a lies in consenting to identify religion with tlieol- nnd its influence favorable to tbebpst interests of notice. Dr. Crowell’s work will take rank as “ imt wit list Hiding the practical, tlu* intellectual river is simply a question of degree. I know a ogy. Science with its demonstration may go on tlie community. A right or privilege once grant­ tlie most\ comprehensive Hint has yet appeared and tin* philosophical departments of the subject, case where a person was covered with lice ns a -smashing old theology into minute fragments, ed is not easily surrendered. In this case it is Spiritualism is vet based ott tin* ufi'cetions.” Re­ premonition of dentil, which ns readily disap­ ’yet its pursuit, as Herbert Spencer insists, can­ on tlie subject of Modern Spiritualism. difficult to perceive any good reason why it ligion may exist without any special form—lie peared. If, then, insects'■nan'’bo produced-l>y not but malic men more profoundly religious. should bo.” entirely subjective, it is tin* n il! im, nr worship, some erentivo force in small numbers, it is mere­ The Eddy Family. This, we .contend, isthegood work which science f par Minnesota’s constitutional amendment, which is the outward expression or mode of man­ ly a question of degree as to tlie extent to which Is engaged upon. In breaking up the crust of We are informed by a letter from S. W. Jew­ ifesting the religious sentiment. they eati lie multiplied. Rut, as.I.hnve,already ett, of Rutland, Vt., dated Dec. 7th, that “ all which was adopted by a large majority at the re­ theology It is clearing n'way the rubbish of super­ cent election, provides that nny woman who lias Spiritualism is comprehensive and unitary—a said, I consider such occurrences ns those in ques­ stition. the Eddy family, but two, have this day left fact, a science, anil a relipion, corresponding to i tion extremely improbable; yet after hearing Chittenden for Greeley, Colorado, to settle there, readied the age of twenty-one mny veto at any Tlie journal just alluded to reminds us of tlie election for officers of schools, or on any measure the prartirul, the philosophical and lltcspiritiml Prof. Denton expatiate on tlie vast extent of tlie progress made in liberal opinion by the aid of having disposed of their landed estate here. department of man's being. Rut because It he- material universe, proving ^ lie does that tills' Ilorntio Eddy and Mary Eddy Iluntoon still re­ relating to schools, and may be eligible to any science with a simple citation. “ It is but little •office pertaining to. the management of schools. comes to one or to many n vital religion, there is ^arth is but a mere sand-grain ns compared with more than thirty years ago," it says, “that Com­ main-at the old homestead, where circles are no more danger of itsneci sarily becoming n sir/,1 tl\c mighty whole, I can conceive of the exist- stock incorporated into a school-book a long trea­ heid.” . p T We recently published an article from the in Die popular acceptation of that term, tlinn ence of a power in the universo adequate to the tise, or argument, nddressed to the task of prov­ t3 7 ~ Julius Leach writes us from Wamego, pen of our fellow-townsman nnd ripe scholar, there is of those who accept it as a philosophy be­ production of any or even all the marvelous oc­ ing that tlie universe wns created and the enrth Kan., Nov. 29th, that he has sent money to Mrs. Allen Putnam, on " Victoria Woodhullas a Medi­ coming Its exclusive guardians, nnd -ruling out currences recorded in the'Bible if any purpose rendered habitable for man in six literal-days. C. E. Morrison, of Boston, who advertises as a u m ," to which one of •our gifted lecturers on all* wiin do not philosophize .agreeably with their were to he served by their accomplishment. Wo \ And liis devotion wns highly applauded. It is henling medium in these columns, nnd that tlie SpiritrialfSm, Giles B. Stebbins, 1ms thought prop­ formula. It forever acknowledges no mail mas­ have much to learn as to the action of spirit in safe to say that such an argunient would,not ho only reply ho . has received for said money was er to comment. Ills “ Comments ” will appear ter. In tin* special keeping of no cabal, clique our world. Spirits may, for might we know, ex­ listened tn to-day. A great many orthodox peo­ in our next issue. ert an influence on tlie elements; and "the tlie statement that shehndgonoto,Oswego,N. V., or clan, it is intended for tin* whole family of ple of this day do not regnrd tlie Rilile ns a. text­ for ten days. Tho period having expired some ------r— ------— ------\ mnn. “ Mo pent-up i'tica contracts its powers.” spirit of the storm,” anil the "fire-fiend,” may book of science." “ Conceptions of the Al­ time since, he is restive under the delay, and 13T Rev. J. D. Fulton has been dismissed by Mo Chinese wall can cirenm-crilic its influence, lie something more than poetical fancies. mighty,” it adds,." vary ns men vary; and were* seeks to hold this paper responsible for his ill for­ his church in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was defiant no “ everlasting gates " prevent its entrance, no Without referring to any lexicon to ascertain it possible to get nt tlie conceptions of God eriter- tune. We liqve -only to sny that the lady is a. up to the last moment. When sucli men are se­ combination of man can stay its onward march. the meaning of the word “ miracle,” I take ifc tnined liy tlie individual mind, nnd to take in the lected to preach, is it any wonder tlie churches that its true signification is something wonderful practicing medium, and knowiKto tlie public as 'Universal ns nature, ami beneficent fur good as innumerable multitude of these conceptions at a sqcli, nnd as such we have regarded the announce become disintegrated ? Those who Inculcqte the infinite in range, how futile for puny man to (Vlmir'ai'li^iieed riot, then, presuppose an infrac­ glnijce, whnt a pantheon should we behold 1 ” * teachings of tlie Prince of Peace, should above tion of natural law—it is only apparently, so, ment of the fact as a proper business transaction. attenip'nii seetariaiiiz.i* it! , Prof. Tyndall has been publishing an essay on all otliers practice wlmt they preach. Tlie example 'that Prof. Denton gives is not a Concerning her movements, or method of deni Rrcanse it- does not work miracles nnd change this very subject, in which lie does more than fair case. A steam-engine, a barometer, a tele­ ing with her patients, of course we have no per­ In the course of a business note, Mr. J. A. till* character of certain media, wlm wliilcdemiin- lias 'hitherto been done to heat down and dissi­ sonal knowledge. JtiJey, of Tulare City, Cal., infornjs us thathigh- strating in their own persons particular phases of graph, a watch appear miracles to a savage, pate tills senseless cry against the religious con­ not'only because they transcend ills experience ly-satisfact.ory spiritual phenomena are occurring tin* pliiHiotiicrm of Spiritualism, nro reputed to lie victions of (hose who aro supposed to sacrifice t S T Bead Co). Olcott’s letter to the New York of actual law, hut because they are tilings alto­ in" his own family, through the medium.ship of unsafe guides' in matters of morality; because, their feelings in tlie pursuit of knowledge. Tie Sun'concerning tlie alleged expose at tho Eddy; forsooth, mtqliums are not "always persons of gether beyond liis comprehension—lie does not makes it appear to be purely a misunderstanding Iri the same number of that paper Dr, E. P. Mil­ two of his little boys who--have become devel­ saintly lives, great aims, and beneficent acts,” understand their nature; in fact lie knows noth on bptli sides. lie is far fro pi succeeding in the ler writes: oped ns physical media. . Spiritualism cannot therefore claim to lie a reli­ ing about them. That which we may fairly call task of reconciling the claims of knowledge and “ While I was there [at Chittenden] I saw a miracle is when a result is produced contrary Dr. T. B. Taylor tells of Spiritualism in gion ' This logic Is ns bud ns tin* predicated fact faith, but lie lias* led the way in introducing a William Eddy go into a new cabinet in a room Baltimore. See sixth page, j is lamentable. Such reasoning, however, refutes to all acknowledged experience. As an illustra­ new spirit into the discussion of the problem where he could have no connection with this chim­ n e y spoken of, nml ten or twelve materialized itself, in -pile nt their professions of religion, in tion, a balloon ascends in tlie air when inflated which will go a great ways toward its final solu­ - SSyLnis Waishrooker has arrived at San Fran­ witli hydrogen gas. Tills would he a miracle to spirits walked out of.tlie cabinet-. The same phe­ spite of their mi-culled snored .office ami itsdiities, tion.. So far as this whole dispute involves tlie nomena occurred nt tlie house of Edward Brown, cisco, Cal., and can he addressed care Herman Chri-tnin clergymen have bciih known to commit a savage who did not understand the cause of its question of finding out God, it will prove to be a1 brother-in-law of the Eddys, in a room where Snow, Box 117. Site is ready to accept calls to tlie most heinous of crimes, including'murder ; nscension, but it is not so to us. Instead, how­ there was no chimney, and where a rigid search .lecture, and lias also a choice lot of books on sale. both aimless and barren. By the utmost searcli had been riiade for trap-doors without success. yet it militates not against tlie idea that Chris­ ever, of using hydrogen,-let carbonic acid gas be it cannot-he. done. Neither Science nor Faith used, and if a balloon tints inflated ascetids it be­ The Eddys have also produced the materializa­ Our second page contains, ari interesting tianity is no' to in* regarded as a religion. can hope to do any such tiling as that, tion in a tent in an open field,, where it was utter­ comes a miracle to ns, for tlie-reason that we collation of the results produced hy.'a professional It is n-primal fact that the question of Medi- No school of science can justly pretend to have ly impossible to have either chimneys or trap­ know that carbonic nciil gas is specifically heavi­ umsliip is dependent upniv "organization, not tlie monopoly of truth, nor, on the other hand, is doors." _____ •• ______visit from Dr. Slade to llion, N. Y-. er than tlie atmosphere, anil consequently would character; nnd character iii iis turn is imiepend- nny belief wholly one of error. The .spirit of tend to keep the balloon down Instend of causing J3Y* By reference to our sixth page, it will be t S T We thank the friends named bpiow f6¥ . ent ofereed. Worthy and unworthy individuals fnitli and of investigatiori is all. Let that be rev­ it to rise up, and it is Just ns unnatural for n ta­ seen that tlie wife of Warren Chase has recently contributions in aid of our Public Free Circles: belong to, and are connected with, all faiths and erent, as it ever ought, nnd tlie old disputation M. c! noyle, $2; E. C. Welsh, $1,85; A. D. John­ denominations. Though a medium may violnto ble to rise as a balloon under these circumstances; obeyed the welcome invitation .of the angels ceases. The constant discovery and unfolding “ Come up higher." son, 85 cents. ' ' _ ' ail the commands of tin* Decalogue, tlie natural, and yet we khow tables do rise, and their doing of the facts of the universe ought "to kindle in so is to all intents mid purposes miraculous, at and inevitable tendency of tlie tacts, truths and the human souPmoro worshipful thoughts.'.It We learn of revivals of religion in various The friends of Lois Waisbrooker will find least from .our present standpoint; when we get teachings of Spiritualism, is to make tlie acceptor surely cannnt put one further nway from the localities and of frequent murders in' tlie same a letter from her on our third page. into the spirit-world we may understand tlie mo- or believer not only conform to imt illustrate in Creator to come into a wider and closer acquaint­ places. A very singular coincidence. dun opcramit',(and know that no infraction of law A terrible explosion oeeurrert tat Swalth's main colliery his or her life, the principles of the Higher Life. ance with ids secrets and to understand more in­ was involved in effecting such results. near Barnsley. In WestUUlltiff of Yorkshire, ^ A knowledge of the existence of a future life timately the laws of his universe. If religionita tST" Read the advertisement in another colufhn o’clock, on the morning of Monday, Dec. fllh, whereby lw As to the question of prayer, I do not suppose ennobles Hint of the present. It is nevertheless nn emotjo’h merely, it efinnot become less than of Dr. R. P. Wilsori ofNcw York, hended “ Heal miners lost their llveB,_nnd many more were injured* that Prof. Penton and myself are much at, vari- colliery is one of the largest in tlieSouthern p irt ofYorK- true that, the .recognition of a spiritual fact is that because the full light of expanding knowl­ the Sick—Psychopathy." arice; perhaps not in other matters when we shire. It Is Joined by underground worltlngB with one tiling—its-appreciation, often quite another.' edge has been turned on. Nor need the close round's main colliery, where twelve years ago over »» rightly understand each other. I think it cannot ^ “Father Beeson and CoL.Meacham have ’T is said, an undevnut astronomer is mad. Tlie followers of theology think that, if the devotees persons perished. Another disaster of a similar character is be denied that prayer is attended by a beneficial been of late presenting just views of the Indian reported a* occurring Doe. 7ih. In a coal mine-near l en» man, however, who lacks tlie . religious element of science fail to limit their speculations to the influence in some way or other; it mny be on the question-at Newark, N. J. tyrch. In South WhIcb. Twelve perrons were kllhnl and can't be religious though the heavens.full. rigid theological formulas, they are infidel to ten injured. On Saturday, 4fh, hy an explosion near Tred­ ‘—•In'.one of her inspired moments, Mrs. Tnppnn principleof the boomerang, ns suggested by John. those profound reverential emotions which are t 5 f Read the account on our second page of a egar, Eug., 20'mlnerd were killed and 10 wounded. once nski-d and answered (ids very question : W.ctherbeo. One thing is very certain, that what­ the religion in every henrt. ■ sfiance witli Charles J3. Foster, which we reprint ever response is elicited by prayer is in perfect Seven hundred Indians Intend removing from Oughna* Is SpMtiiaMsm a religion? If religion has to from a St. Louis daily. — ' waga,,the Canadian reservation, which 19 too thickly®® do witli tlie human soul; if rciigiop lias to do accordance with tlie laws either of the natural or 13?"The essay on our first page by Mrs. Emma tied, to the United States Indian Territory, when there-, with the. spiritual of "man’s nature; if, indeed, spiritual world. Robert Cooper. Hardlnge Britten deserves special attention. , ISTRead the Little Bouquet for December, qulslto treaty Is concluded. “ ■ * .DECEM BER 11, 1875. B A . 1ST I N " E R O F LIGHT. __ Splendid Holiday.BookH—For Sale by of life and duty. No# that this faithful toller (JinrHy OotiutiouM C olb y «Jfc R ic h , Bfo. J) M o n tg o m ery . BRIEF.. PARAGRAPHS. ADVERTISEMENTS. hns been emancipated from the keen mental and Km*lvP/ corded, ■Johnson. Him tel Kddv, AI,h5; O. N, Raiicndt, Publishers and Booksellers lar, to pay visits from this to Christmas to the Kzeklcl Th.ich« r. f-\< P ooiiih or Progress,' and Poems from Two earthquake shocks were keenly felt .In'Kerne, tho No, 0 MONTGOMUKV FLACK, BOOKSTORE OF THE BANNER OF LIGHT, NO. 9 Iftt IriKt., by several persons whoso crockery was mushed Fun TUU .KYMAIUL Fl'NIl. Knot) S. S. Todd, f|,^>. Lizzie D oten. the Inner Life, by Miss thereby. ~ • BOSTON", Montgomery 1-lack (street floor). Therejhey Two superb books, filled to repletion with spir­ Vice President Wllson’H will It* dated within a yiar, and Nplrttunl nml MlHcelltuieoiiH Periodi­ k e k i* a co m i’lktk a sso r tm en t o p .will not fnll to find a great variety of books to itualistic thought and fearless utterances. Tlio Is vriy fihort. Hr glvenull his property, leal, personal and cals for Sale at thin OHIcet . suit their tastes, either for themselves or their Inspired words of the authoress thrill the reader mixed—(hat Is tho phrase hr uses-to his nephew, William Tiik London tfrutiTRAL Maoazjnk. RrleeiiOeonts. Spiritual, Progressive, Reform, like the bhist-of file trumpet. 1—; L. Cooltdgo, of Nutl<;k, In trust for his moiher-lmlaw and , H pman NatimikwA Monthly Journal of ZolMJt science AND friends. Agiftof a good book at this Holiday sen- his adopted daughter, Tho total value of Ids properly will amt Intelligence. I'uhllsiicd in London. I’rlsifZAcnutft. Th© VoIccn, by Warren Sumner Barlow. TiikSPlitiTPALihT: A Weekly Journal of rDjchulogt- boii always leaves a deeper memory behiiuUt. It probably not exceed $I0,AVIS. On the shelves and counters of the Banner of ing public at tho Holiday hours. Over tiyo hun­ The steamer Snhnyslde was struck by Ire op jhe Hudson Chicago, Hi. K. V. Wilson. I’dltor, I'rlcc5cenfs. IHvrr, near West Park, early Wednesday .morning, Dec. TUB fill■ctlll.R. I’uhllslu'd in llostou. Rih’e i| cents. lion. linitLHT imex. . .. Light Bookstore there are works Hint are dred pages of poetic “ free thought ” nnd a steel 1st, and suuk.1 Kloven persons were diowticd^ T ub IIk h a u h ip Hkactk AMi.lointsAi.iir ruvhicAi. j a s . m . 1*11:111.i:s , CUhTUltK. I'uldlshedln New York. Pricel!Srents. IIEMIY IVIII.IIIT, suited to almost every age nnd capacity. Here plate portrait of the author nre offered for a rea­ T iik Si'ih it i’ai.-Maua/.ink. Puhitsind iimplhir in sonable price. Judge Baker, of New York, In Tho soldiers are leaving the Rlack Hills country for win­ 'Memphis, Trim. S. Watson, Kdljor. i’rlce 15 ceiffir. K IT M ISI i ... Is the alphabet of the" new faith and philosophy, ter quarters, while tho miners are 'going there to ho quar­ « i i . i :s n.sTi:iiiii.vs, his elaborate review of tills hook says : " Consid­ tered. ______. ,i>. a. n o iir. nnd litre are the records of its latest discoveries ered in Hie light of a controversial or didactic HATES OF ADVKimSlNO. T. II. II t/.tltl> , The descendants of .John Verinttyo are about to sue the ■ L E M arru x, and developments. To all -liberal persons such a poem, it is without nn equal In contemporaneous city of Now York for the round sum o f They Rarli line In Agnte (yno. twenty rrnta for the liternturo-rtlie birtlj of nn audacious mind, and Aral, tuul lineen cents lor every sabM‘<|ueu( ln- U Ti.i.iui ni'vnix, list of publications as we offer to tlieTeading pub­ state, through their representative cmmsel, that- in PM a le i'th m , ivAiini.v ( iiise. is destined to excite greater" and more wide en­ large tract nfjaud In tho upper put of Manhattan f l­ NOTU’KN. - Forty rents ^er line. lai.ii.ii.niivix, lic ought to be a boon, for tlio-opportunities are am! was granted to their Ancestor .and'.Houm others, by M inion.eneli liiM'rtlon. JiulurJ. W. LlinoM Is, circling waves of sectarian agitation than nny Richard Nichols, then Governor nf New Ymk, which, It lU'MINt.HS (A im s,-T hirty cents per line. few for finding so wide and rich a collection. Il­ Affiite.eneli Insertion. r i o l. N. II. ■ lltl'I I VN . nntl-credal work ever published.” 1 Is claimed, has never been.alienated, as the titleof Urn Pay m ents In nil ciises In ndvanre. A i.i.irv i t i .v i a . lustrated volumes nre profusely interspersed with Other fine poetical works nre offered, among heirs remained Intact am! valid. m s s n a m M ’, p r W. I'. EVANS. the others, tales with poetry, and essays with which are to he found: Itow to make Ice-crcam cheap: J’lace jour mllk-cau page, 30rent* per llnr fureiirh litisrrilon, out doors over night, ■ II IISO.V T I T T I.I2 revelation. The whole collection mny bo fairly Voices of tho Morning, by "Belle Bush. XT" A ilv e rfU ftiirn fa (o In* r**m*m*il til u o n lln u e i! A. It. C li ■ l.l). rates inuat he lell at our Oflt«;e lH‘lbre 13 M. on I*. II. It \ MM)1.1*11. said to form a library of Spiritualism. PoeniN, by Gertrude Mintuiin IIazaiid and At the golden wedding of Mr. amt Mrs. Oliver |)mv, i>f N o in fa y . ___ M'AllllHX S. IIAIM.OW, A nna Peace Hazard. . ■ Huston, Thanksgiving Day, Mrs. Dow'sniother, who has The public is freely invited to make an inspec­ reached her ninety-third year, was picmmiI. ami sat down . ' lt«>.T. Il.Tl vi.nu, tion of the contents of our Bookstore, to ex­ PocntN, by Aciisa W, S prague. with her daughter, granddaughters, great-grand laughter SPECIAL NOTICES, .i. o . i i \ h h i :t t . and great-great-grandson to the tlftli g< ueraileii. lli-l.lVM .llOl'NTI'im il amine our books nnd compare our prices, and to Home: Pemino Ilerolp anil Miscel­ Hr». i:niiA m v i i d i v l i : i i i u t t t i n , laneous rooms, by J essee II., Bu.tleu, Spvnk no harsh wonls y lork uf liair, mi» i.i /./.i i : iioi'e n , to the demonstrated truths of Spiritual Faith to ualism is presented,-among which may he noted Centennial pnein, and U Is to ho Impi-d that the Quaker ♦ l.ili). Give aiR'aml sex. ItciiU'dii-s i-imiI Ly lim it.. poet ..will give us a Whittier one. rlr» . .11AIII A ,l|. 14 IM J,-, do their part individually in spreading that the following works: Ill the hvn years Mrs. M onlsim’s .*le,!ii-al All-. !.. II tltl t M ill,!>. Cenlnil Ims iiiyen tiro tliionhunl our hoiiilrat mol All--. I.OIS IV A IS1MMMII4 i;il blessed Faith, silently but effectually. ItoiiEUT Dale Owen’s Debatable I-mid Spain gives a good showing for a future of peaceful deal- between tills World ami tlie Next; lugs with the United States. Iti the latest icpiy to out- Uov- sLi'ti/ si iv a (tiiii/iiosi .i, liy Idi'k uf liair; anal in tlie r:ie.. ia<-., i:i,-. The extreme length of tlio list of volumes for eminent It Inlaid that tlm gradual mnaiirliiaMnn'or slavery, Imsi year „r,'i- one (lionfmot jiotiriitn 'suffering , which still retains its hold on the popular esti­ greater freuduin . loin-M-iils:i|iri-SA, mation. IIHIhI t-e iin ompuiird J-\ ulf p;,t( « a 'h. U'hi'o (bo iniujoy sale by us precludes citing any considerable ruir redtess for foreigners and-oiher Imporiant reforms are cured witli tier niai;netized veuelalile teiaedles. sent is iu>t sullb li til lb .till (he ultb’i , tlit* Uilamv inn ,t bo Golilcn Memories of nn Earnest Life, pioinl&eit. JsW Npeeilie fur F.liilrpsy and XenrjlRia. paid t ’.o.D . her even by title at the present time, botany per-V 4A*Oldets f*.i R.Mik'*. be sent t - by R. A ugusta Whiting. . ' Address M rs. V . m . Morrison, Horton, .Vim.„ \u ) .Midi, inti'-i liuarlo- .. .. PIt'OM IMCATII TO 1,1 KK. Jdj be an nnquub-iU’V «’;i-b t'»tb«*aiii "illt of fjcli t it iter, son desiring to know of all, will receive a copy of Tlie Federal! of Italy, by O. L. Ditson, Jiojt ?!5B). • i:!w*t- N .i:!. : . AliyRonk pnbllrdtnl 111 ivngtiilMlt i" A inn b a, ool out of The thought of death should m t he one of gloom; joint, wlilti .•'-'Hi'*) mail orexpii-:*. our Cata logue, free, on applying to us by letter, M. D., which is n Thrilling Itomanoe. Tlio Inxly only lies wJthJn the loud*, A Vrgii'i'icil I'ounli, Sore CiiOihtgiie* or lb>olo l*uMUIied un«| For Alice Vulc: A Story for tlio TlmcH, by While Mm freed spirit In Its speedy Mighty Niih* hy Co IIq »V' H If Ii a«*u( fVei*. or by making a personal visit to the Bookstore, wliieli inijztit. tie etieeliejl tiy a simple Lois Waisuhookkr. Hoars to tho realms of Hod's eternal light. T liro iil, Tbe prices of the belo w mentioned works will be remedy, like "llroirn'r Ui'nnrhiol Trorln*,'' if al­ My Ailinily, and Other Stories, by L iz­ Kail River, Mass., had a jJcIAoo lire on ihceveulngof Dec. lowed to progress may tinniinate serimmly. found'd! the advertisements, or by reference to zie Doten. ^1. and l.ewtstou, Mo,, hudu$HX>tpu>(!rcat ihttes Mill, on tlm same night, ______■ Catarrh of 20 Years’ Standing Curod, Catalogue: T he S p iritu a l P ilg rim , (biography of J. Dll. F r e d . L. II. W ii.i.is limy lie addressed U ’illi In TIiio iH nltiiosl |sn*«. I.n i i.i i n u» Ar( u .: opfinsiteCity Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hours lOto l. l le-bb’ at Mam br>i«*i. N. It., and pi< vbm**ly revbb*d at as tlie immortality of the soul, tlio nature of pleted by tlie spirit pen of .Chaiiles Dickens A eahlo despatch ilateil Dee. 2d,'annmiiiced the death In llenntker. ami am a iiatlM’M Wrait*. Mil*. Mat.*. I lm\o* through the mediumsliip of T. P. J ames, Brut- Paris of Pauline Virginia Dejazet. the celebrated Knneh D .i. _ _ _ badi'alaiib t weiiD-ll\e \ rat«, ,v,* ...... I \\a- nlm-tn-ii spirits and tlitir relations with men, the moral tieboro, Vt. netress and .vocallHt. Him wan burn In Paris, Aug. 50th, jeaisobl. bail It L;id aHiim tiim’. It i nn all lhai p>*i b>d, law, tlio present life, the future lifb, the destiny 1703, bognu her slago earner at the age of five, and was con­ I’uhlh- Boom for Spirifu- iUiif i.lgllts t* Unllji! MU up and di <•)* ib w n in lti\ (tiioa Bible Marvel Workers, by A llen P ut­ allslN .—Tlie I’ulilislieis of (lie Banner of Unlit causing a iecilng n| « 111 K hg. **., t |;;«t I Ufill <1 r-pi (tig lip | of tbe Tinman race, etc., etc. The matter com­ tinually before tho public up (o IWi, npciM of itf yettr*, bed lo s u e m\*M*ll li.*m st i ng.Uat b-h. li a:!*(led ni nam, A. M. most of tlm time In Parlsaud tlm l’'iench provinces, liave fitted up a suilalile Ileum in their Kstuhlisli- beail Millial I lell * *• *' I n*-' d, ;nnl w ih 1 1 <1 v\ lib >-*ve posing the book was collated from the teachings ment Exi’RKssLY for th e accommodation of heailaelu’s at iiUcival- Im a ueek ;.l a (Him*, lal->*l>. - Here the render will find a book of tlio most pidli** 111 sli'Uitdej m. |,.i. k aiel Klibiex 'ii-iii m Im b I Hiitti'i. of a liigli order of disembodied intelligences 'Tho condition of Charles O'Conor continues to excite tho S im ritualists, when* they nm meet friends, immensely. Sn l-ad W. je ll.e\ ||i;,t a \»* i| agn ,;i,t >-iilh|||i*| entertaining nature, and he able to go over the nnxloty of hls friends, Ills hold on llf^ls very feehle. speaking through various media, by Allan Kau- write letters, cte., etc. Strangers-yisitiiiR tile l was i|[ged to lie In tied ibb-i , / tbe ...... fm* thi>•/> field of the Bible narratives, which ape perchance eity are invited to make this their iienilquurtors. imujih*., J Jm\e U led all UmD of *m.ll an*I * alai ill teme- pr.c, the celebrated French Spiritist, and our X^at Ross Tweed at last Is freed; illes u Itltno |mi I Inia i In ie lit. ai.d i * n* n J .1 * d i>h\ sl« |ju,h. dear to ills childhood’s memory, witli a clearer He *s gone away Tor good. Kooiii open fl'oni.7 A. M. till li )>. M. I began Jo Jake Ibe t '<>» ,n -// <’ »/b”*J u ") k ajj'■J l>'*ar from time’s enrliest moment hound tho two M r.97. til*’ gicat* St • \| o-nie. jo -l fr. I !!hr*«* 1 Iflt.llt (no much the work in tlio land of its birth. By all means worlds of physical and material life in ono. the Caucasus for debt and a disorderly life. :n favor ol *U»r i.C.ttnnh U' »<’-/»/. J. V. Manhfiki.d , T kbt Me d iu m ," answers MIU-. K. $1. FI. AND! ;us. secure a copy, peruse it faithfully, and appropri­ A reliptnva wnr—uu paper-Is ,being wagrd with.bitter­ ' Matichejter, N. H., Feb. I-TI. Chunters from tlie Bible of the Ages, scaled letters, nttltil Sixth av., New York. Terms, ate Its rich lessons to the full, iles teiiwnb ness In Nmvhuryjiorl, between the editor of dm Herald nml by G B. S . a Catholic priest located there. Jt! and fnur .'t-eent stainiis. KKGIHTEK YOIIli t'ttirK PER R*»T I t.K. S-i-Jfl l/V all- 1Jniggh t“. A Book on Mediums, or Guide for Me­ LETTEliS. 0.2. P;-in|.blel «>l :i2 t- 'g' s. g)\ ing ai l ic.i’ l "i* nil < jl;o 11i, ami This hook gives fourteen selected, chapters, ar­ loutalhlm; ttuiumerabie ohm-s ...f cm.*. N.'fjl, rni-j;. by ml- dium s mid In voculors, by A llan Kar- ranged In order to present to the public eyo in a A despatch to tlm Loudon Dally News from Rodin.says dic.vdiig tli'* Pi» ]»u« loi.s, It Is considered probable InHt. Petersburg that Russia will DEU. H e n r y S i.a d f., Clairvoyant; No. 1H West 21st LITTLEFIELD & CO., succinct manner somo of the brightest thoughts propose nn International conference oik the Hm z' (’anal This wonderful work from the pen of a gifted street, New York. • 0.2, tut film, cor. of H.tnoM t m ,, .Marc tie.ief, N, H, man, lias already found a most extensive sale in which each ago and nation 1ms added to the great question, and If her demand Is refused will claim freedom Biblu of free thought.- — - of action In the Hast. ■«....- S ea l ed L iVitkiib A nbw ered by it. W. Flint. Europe, and has crossed the Atlantic—a bridge Tlie Identity of Prim itive Christianity .On Saturday, Dec. Hh, William M. Tweed, tlm great ;t74 West ."i2il street, New York. . Terms f2 and to the English mind having been faithfully con­ tliree stamps. Money refunded if not answered. ^SEEIN'O CHVNTA LS.~ ami Modern Spiritualism, by E u g e n e “ ring ” criminal, In custody of a warden nnd keeper of structed by the translator, Emma A. IVooii—on Ludlow-Ntreet Jail, was p» rmllted to visit tlm residence of N.l;l.4w* rilWM'elegaiil “p. ehllehs Of S ’l lljg * ‘i \ ‘til's, III,. Jnrg4'St C r o w e l l , M. I). Vois. I. and II. • 1 m« .*!s)j|j|ig *. \. U»i bi>. in Jr* ^‘j*,»o; sin:dli*s|'4iii.*, nieas- a mission of good to Immunity. Tlio American ‘The title of the above-work gives a clear In­ his son-in-law, on Klfiy-nlnth street, New York. At Mils uring lIn c h e s . '| ho ('rv-'ai- an* |»’ifeet, edition is a gem of book-making in nil its charac place Mrs, Tweed was sojourning, and, icqncstitig a pri­ J57** Dit. J, fr. (In,man Tikiv, Kclrelic Pliysl- and .-tumid, e mmaud *)»»• ajjejiiloji of jin iliuins :.hd i lalr* ' sight Into, its contents, which nre of a highly vate Interview with her, It was nermded by tin* ofllrers. ciUn, No. r»7 Tn'iiiiiiit slri'ct, lio^t*)Rf Mass. vovaiits. May Im >cen at the If.v s s mi n i 'l .t i .n i b m u : , !* .Moiilgoim*i v Place, RimJmu. M i-*. D»e.*j|." teristics. - So niueh lias been said in praise'of this "valuable and interesting order. Taking advaittngo eltlier of their nver-rutindeitce or crimi­ volume in these columns, and elsewhere, that wo nal neglect, tlm culprit made good Ids escape. Cosmology, by Georoe M’Ilvaine Ramsay,: ...... BUSINESS CARDS.. • MAGNETIC PAPER. 7 will not now recapitulate its merits, but urge Its M. Dv Tho republic of lilherla Is reported to ho in great danger perusal upon the, public, that individual judg- on account of tlm wild tribes who have been Incited by ci‘y- T \I ( .‘J. WI L R I' Uv’.M agiiet b*J..lMi\ si elan, III Ibunbdtih This hook, which has reached Its second edition, M/TTF.IS I'llOM IlliV. .1. SALMON, W. l). J./^Ueel, Chbagi 111...... Magneib Pap. ot hv mall on mentmay make up its verdict. illitd traders-Kngllsh and others—to malm war on that elpt i f one dollar end Im ' in niar. ‘ fb-e. U. Is, ono of the highest importance as "to matter, government. All which Is a burning shaiyc. UlJJb.M't.S, (/l/KKN'H l.*d;\TV, N. IL Tlic W orld's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, and of the deepest interest as to treatment there­ MU. .JAMKH l. ‘F kI.UAVM \ V I T APATHY. . Mu" In the piacthe ol mhlh Im* 1 have ii-commcndcd ■ by Kersey Graves, (author of The Biogra­ of. Its motto, “First of all, learn to be just,” Tluvrovcmm of tlm Province of Ontario for I87fi Is esti­ A compi.kik it in .-I . ut.-. All M t-VhiK in-iiiili or phy of Satan, etc.) mated at 42,H-*>0,000; expenditure. $2,1:15,215; surplus, $2lf,- y*mr fNunpmmd Hyrup >l"ii. ;mM-Ini* sss-. w nil --Ianslairp 1'Rl IF. .1. U, is carried out practicnlly on every page. The Invariably the following results : ('AMl'Br.I.L, M...... I., i:i'i l.niiK«"illii't., .. , "lm-1 . 1.nail, o. In tills new work the writer gives many glimps- 7M. From this will ho deducted $100,000 for the railway In-.- II. grand Idea upon which the author bases his po­ subsidy fund. •______Greater freedom lu. the action of the Lungs, Increased • - es of tlio religious history of man before tho ami mom cji-y cxpertoiatlnji in ca.*.«*.H Imllcated by iljy li.S, GAB, it riTuiTili*" Ti'-I Mi-iUiiiu, run Im joski' ii tti’immb-riUNTKH I Christian dispensation, and aims to prove the sitions is ‘‘Atmospheric motion'the cause of diur­ cough, and deeldal augmcntiiXjoii of tone to the w hole ner­ CnliMlIted olHi bilsliM’*--, sb kiiCH-, Ac, 11<'llI'b fiuni | lu •) nal motion.” ’ Come what might conic, from man or clf» M)*. M,. HIUlJjg.N $1. (,'iJi’le.N TlH’-da) r\eullig-. 25 cents Ut Oriental origin of the cardinal points, as to doc­ He dared nor omirrel with himself, vous system. ) •*...... 21 Sawyer hlleel, Ibivlun. r ^ 1^.* 'Dee, ||. Nothing Like It; or, Steps to the King­ Nor stab tlwTntlli that In his breast I can safely ami ronslHtentiy-rc.rnmmeii*) your Invaluable trines,principles, etc., of the Christian New Tes­ Jljol found n warm and wcleome nest. preparation In a variety of cj*h* h, j-speclully for (’best dls* SOU1/.HEADING, dom , by Lois Watsbrookku...... , No terrors of the hurtling lake, tament. Tho numerous favorable notices which oases, having Kue*’cssfuPy .prescribed U In Rrouehltls, Or Payrlionu’lrloul lt*>lttirii(lon »r('fiitrar(<h or 1«m‘R of hair, Mu* will glvo sideration of the Sotciai problem, the condition of Trim to himself, hn lived nml died, * 1 atn, hlr, ymua truly, J AM KS SALMON, an accurate description of their leading tralthof character the favor of the general reading public, and in Not willful, nor elate with pride, Pnu llelng Phjsiclan and Hurgeon. ami peculiar!! lea of dl.qioMtloj); marked ehaugeji In iiHHt ninl the estimation of tho thoughtful; to the former woman uiuler the present system of marriage, Rut steadfast In his honest thought", future life; phynleal dlnease. wllh picscrlidbui tfierehir; etc., etc., tho whole being clothed with the rai­ Belf-jii’UMed, self-ruled, self-taught. what huHlnh.HH they are l>ej*t j»i)aj»*»’d lu julbsue In order to bo it Is a revelation of much hitherto undreamed of, The humble printer's mJgbtv art, • f im. i;. i>. MieeeaBful; the physical and mental adaiitntbin nf tlmso In­ ment of a story which burns and glows with in­ Though banned, will vindicate her son, So much ctfrhrHtui jur hin r*-.mttrktth{r. ettn/t, (olllceand tending marriage; *aml hln(H to (he InbannonlouMy mar­ . while the latter find in it a perfect treasure house And tell tnevery truthful hyarl. liHliicnc'’, hi*7 Wa>lmigt«»h stmet, Roston, Mass.,) may- ried. Yuli delineation, $2,no, ami four (i-cent slam|n*» terest from tho inception to the conclusion. While woods are green, -mid watorimin, be c*»nsiJlU’d on Abb tRseascu fr- e of chntgi;. or.by letter, A«Idre.H«, MRS. A. R. HKVKHANCK, of facts for reference. The amount of mental That lie who braves a despot's frmvn with stamp. Hefeicnees-TIm many lu New Fngland ami C’entre htreet, between (’hureli ami rralrlc NtreetH, Tlio works'of Theodore Parker, H isto ric Will wear at length the yletor's crown. elsewhere who have been Heated by him at different times Oct. isl( M illie Wider. Walworth (,’o.. Wl». labor necessary to collate and compile the varied (lining the past:«»years. Medical Hand Rook flee, seal by Americans, etc. r.Y K U Y m : i i > r ; n o f t i i i s p a i 'K i i Information contained In It must have been se­ Tho Chlpman mine In Newhurjport hns reeently hail a mail pii.iefxdpl of 10 cents, 2»5tcow— Nov. 27, HOf l.,D send addie.Nsoii posial i*.ud fm 1(1 pp. circular Eras Sargent, Esq., I’lancliette, The Wo­ vere and arduous'indeed,--and now that It is In plccoof ore nsvayed at tho iuslltutu of Technology, that S of “ TlIKFriKVCKor A N KW Likk." Nearly no,OOO man Who Bared, etc. yielded $4,GOOdo the Ion. rinL A D K I^lm HOOK I*EI*OT. eU. . II. KIIOliEH/BniniirliiKiiiii.liiii Mn-i-l. ITilladel- woman can jiirnid to be v Itboui, Agent** waiite*! nn salary A ndrew J ackson D avis, Principles of Jillln, I’ll.. Iiiih l.i-.'li iipjioluu-il HKCllt fur thu lliin u rr o l or commission. AddiosCOW AN A CO., Mil street, N,« Y. will not willingly allow It to go out of print. . N atu re, etc., etc., etc. ' * Tho Forty-fourth Congress of tlm (Jnlt'*rl States convened lilaht.iiinl Will wkmir.li ihfpr nil of f’oltiy A llkli'n Fuli- Mav ?■ -52w1.h______-______^______At the National Capitol. Mnmla}, Dee. Gth, both bianehcB Bc.itilnim. Hplrltuul nml I.Uiornl lloolis mi uni.; nn aliovi*. Bead it/ - )V,illiam Denton, Our" Planet, its Past at Lincoln Hall, corner llronit nml Contes strcctn, ami at 1 )]COK.LlhTKKt^^ AS'lTUjUlTilOliToan hi* nm- organizing promptly.' Tlm Senate was In session lesHthnu J. sulti’d by jublidsslng for a Cln*ular l’. o. Ilox t“i’2!». Around the World? or, Travels in and Future, etc. nn hour, transacting no pufillc business. In the Htmse, a all tiiu BpIiRnal im-clIngH. New Y<*»rk. -M yeai>‘ prai llbe. 27 In Roston. Hcieadaor A llen P utnam, N atty, A S p irit, etc. dftcqssJon of considerable warmHnm tlm question of nd- Writes from the position of the planets at birth. Polynesia, China, India, Arabia, CI.KVKMN’II.O.. HOOK DCI’OT. Or!. m.-I2wls « . . __ Egypt, .Syria, and,other “.Heathen” Henry C. IVrioht, A K iss lo r n Blow , etc. mlttlng tho member-elect fr* m Lmilslnlia orennetl, parti­ LF.K.H'S IIA/.AAR, lit W.«>.|uiii.l avenne, t'lcvulainl, (I. cipated In by Messrs. Wood, Rlalim, Inunar. Hotimm, i (INKS A. MILLS, Mrtlieul L'lniivoyniit mid Countries, by James M. F erules. Rev. S a m u e l Watson, All tlio Spiritual and I.llwral Ilmifca and I’niicr* kopt for Flock Struck One, Ranks, Cox and others. -^The tnemher (Morey), hearing a Halo. ______T o t Medium, No. Ijh« j . umaib*. ami tion," and deserves to reach its one hundredth Old Theology Turned Upside Down, by de on Sunday last, Tiilnu-en Prrpnrntkihs, !>■-. M iner's Nutrlllve continuing four days, between P u n r. *i. A. Lru*t»;* H, Ret. T. B. Taylou, A. M. t'o n ip o n n il. etc. Catalogues and rireulars mailed free. President N, \Y. < brPJian Pj/fteisliv, Indiannpoils, iml., Other fine volumes by this talented-author, such A jApaneso frigate is on Us way to the United States. ReinUtaiiees In U. B. cm rency and posiage stamps re­ and R. F. P^i>n:wiMit), Romoji. Mass...... as the “ S eers of the Aokb,” 11 Jesus—Myth, The Report on Spiritualism of the Lon­ ceived af par. Address, ll-ERMANBNOW, 1 . O. box 117, Cloth, iTi pin. ff.'u; pap' r, Wi’eii!*, iMiotage fjei*. don Dialectical Society. . What a nice lot vif hoys t he Prince of Wales Is meeting Ban Francisco. Cal. For sale uliolesale ami riet;ill by co|,R Y A RICH, at Man or God,’’ etc., are for sale at our counters No. a .Motifgofiiet \ PJae**, <;<*Mn*rof Province st»*e( (lower In India. There’»Hlr Jamsetjeo Jeegeetilmj-, tin* Jam of Hoot). Itostoii, Mass. Flaslies of Light trom tlio Spirit-Land. Popular Juvenile Books: Nowatiuggur, the Tlmkni Hall of IUn»w tmggnr, the Hao nf IKIt'IIKSTKIt, N. V.. HOOK DEPOT. A choice.collection of entertaining literature I). M. DEWEY, I'.te.kselh r. Arcade Hall, Ilmbesler.N. In this choice.-yolume Allen. P utnam, Esq. Cntcli, tiiu Dewar of Pahlanpore, the Nnw il**»»if Jutmgnih Y., keeps for aalo the N p lrlln n l n m l Iteliyrm W o rk s The ■ Pro a i Con, of Supernatural Religion; for the young is. also for sale, inchming hooks and Jtadhanpon*, .Meer All Morad Khan, of Klialrjmr, tlm published by Colby A Rich. Hive him avail. Or, A1' Aiisvit to ' he ()ues*lou : *• 1 ln\c we u Sn|wrmtt- has compressed a surprising amount of elegant Raj Salmb of Dhraugadra, tlm Rajah of Rijpeepla. tlio from the pens of “Oliver Optic,” P rof. De uml Revealed, [jifiiiiiidv Inspired, and .Mliaeulous'v At- . and practical citations .froro_the_utterances of Mahrajahsof Edar ami Mysore, aiulHJrHalai Jnng. -Rtf-' WASHINGTON HOOK DEPOT. tested Religion 111 tlm WotidV'' lu Foul Paris. Ily K. E. Millb, Louisa M. Alcott, Annie D enton RICHARD ROIIF.HTB, IliHikseller. Nn. KUO Seventh (tPii.t*. toRidhei with a .skeji h of Hie life of the author. the invisible Intelligences at the Banner of Light wareof-the loc-Jaw. Rio. Wales, for you should know, street,- ahove New Ynrk avenue. Washington. IM '., keens Cloth, 75 cents; paper, 4n cenis. poK-»k’eJr*v*. Publlc’Free Circles, through the mediumsliip of Guidge, Paul COrden, George .M. Baker, since your tcrrlhlo sickness, that ) on are not yet.wanted cimstantlvfor salethe Rann eh o f Lim it , and a full supply For sale wholesale ami ivlnll by Cdf.RYA Iff* II, at L, Maria Child, Adelaide F. Samuels, So- lu tho spiritual w orld. of the N p lrltim l n m l HrKorm W ork* publlshou by No. U M'liitgoiueiy Place, corner of Province street (lower the now translated Mrs. J. II. Conant.. The sub Colby A Rich. IIikm ). Rosto*', Mass. ject.matter especially deserves the attention of fh ie Mat, Rev; Elijah Kellogg, Slits. II. N. Our thanks aro duo to Mr. Hearlo, Steam .fob' P rim er,, Ff/l/RTH KUITION, 2J2 Washington street, RoMon, Mass., fur ^pechucns of VKHAIONT 1IOOK DEPOT. Greene Butts, H ans Christian Andersen, .LIE DARLING A c o .. I.unenhtirgh, VI.. keep for sals the student of the mental phase of spiritual truth, his calendar for 1876. F. SI. Lebklle, and others."- N plrllnnl. Reform nm l SIIscellnneous Books. pul>- .T lie SpiL-itiLelle; - The Proof Palpable of Immortality, llabed by Colby A llleli. Joseph John’s Flue Paintings (at It l»again announced ihat I’lulinastcr Burrs r-'SlRi n- 1‘ • • • - - on, ------. by Epeb Sargent, Esq. tlon has been tcnUurt-d tu the l’usl master- tieiu-ial. and llio IIAKTFOHD.l’ONN., HOOK I>Kl»OT. DIRECTlO.Xf? IN DKVELurMENT Our readers are familiar with the breadth and least many of them, as the public are well aware) lion. E. B. Tobey nonilnated as Ids successor at (lie Dosk.n A. RUMK. 55 Trnm*’»ii) Mn.ei, llarpoid, (hum., *:ecps RY ARRY M. LAF1.1N FKRUKK. have been engraved in appropriate monner for offleo.’ ______■ ■ constant Iv r**rnalo the lln n n e r o f and a lull supply Price25 cents, postage 2 rents, . ■ depth of this sterling volume. The ground, gone of tholVnlrltaul and flciorm U orlu puhdHb*Nl by For safe wholesale mid felali by tin* publishers. t’OLRY over, is of tho utmost. Importance, and the con ornamenting the home, nnd we offer a choice lino John Q. Smltli, ea-uu-iubur of Cnn({ress from Ohio, has Colby A Rich, A RICH, al No. I* Moutgoiiiet y Place, corner of Provltlco of them, including “ The- D awning Light,” beeu apiKiliited cumml-slouer of InUhin afTali s. * htre*d (|<(W!*r Iloor) Rost<»n, .M;»sx, V elusions arrived at by the erudite author are of E R IK , PA. , KOOK DKI’OT. “T he Orphans’ Rescue," “ Life's Morning OLIVER SPA KF<*RD,...... Hie veteran IkHtkM'IIcr and pub* the most cheering character. Those desirous of Gen. Kaufmaim.Informs the ltiisshin Korernmcnt that Usher, keens mi sale at hlsHtore.fim Knuidi street. Erin. ' WHAT AND WHEIiE ■ beiDg thoroughly acquainted with thejohenome- and Evening,” etc., etc., to the attention of our nnlessho receive*50.0U) lio n, wllh artillery. Iiccannnl rn- Pa., nearly all of the most |MipnlarNi»lrltunlUllcBook« patrons. IIcto the garrison or Kluknml. All his available troops of the times. Also, agent for Hull A ChHUibeilaiu’M Mag­ Is the Spirit-W orld ? . na of spirit materialization should/ead this book, merely BiifOce to prnlcci tin- frontier. netic ami Electric Powders. U.!I Photographs are also on sale at th e Book­ A Lecture delivered before the Hemb Annual Convention Biography of Mrs. J. II- Conant. Illus- Tho trial of Thomas \V. l’l|ier for tho lnnrder of-tho AUMTKAIjIAK IMHJK IlKPOT. ^ of thu,Michigan Association of Spiritualists at Hagl- store, among w hich may be found “ T h e S p i r i t L trated with a fine steel plate portrait. __ child, Mabel H. Young, on MsS ffld. In tho I/O ly or tho And AgeiK'V for tlm Rannku *>f Lioht. \ \ . H. TERRY* naw, June Dili, 1871, hy DR. UKURUK-Av LAT11ROP. O f f e r in g ,” “ S p i r i t B r id e , ” and many like­ No. M Rusaen street, MeltMiunie, Australia, has for salo all Price 15 cents, postage 2 cents. ; Read this interesting story of medlumlstlo suf­ Warren-avenuo Itapllat church, was l/egiin In lloslnn, the works on ftolrlta«l!«ik>. h iB H H A L A N D REFORM For sale wholesale and retail by COLHY A RICH, at • nesses of leading Spiritualists In this country and Monday morning, Dec. (Jib, befuro tho Massachusetts Su­ WORKS, published by Colby A Rich, Boston, U. H., may No. 9 Montgomery Place, coruer.uf Province street (lower fering and devotion. It is .as entertaining as a | at all times bo found there. floor), Roston, Mass. - . _ ___ romance, and Is also replete with solemn lessons Europe. * preme Judicial Court.

/ 0 DECEMBER 11, 1875 6 ‘ B A . LEGIST EE OF LIGHT.

have been a participant with ldui..(ere lie left the S o c ia l , II k m o io u b nnd P o l it ic a l , and 1ms - TO-DAY. D U to : $ 0 0 lIi .8:._ cssugc. Department. body) In experiences of spirit manifestations tins been a most faithful wife anil mother, gaining Only from day to day^?^!^r“5? tlmmitit nf .which even- now fills me witll joy. the esteem of ail who knew her, and the love nnd t Time ami space would fail to describe the.Klorios The life of a wise Ilian runs of thc.y spiritual feasts. All that mortals could protection of hundreds of spirits who have now Wlmt matter if seasons far away ' Immortality Demonstrated JSTT.lii' fnllmviii” Spiri.t M,-s.nt>i>s wore n'm-n welcomed her to a brlglitcr,nnd better world ,r Have gloom or have double suns? attempt to do, was to sit calmly and drink in the. THROUGH THE MKDIUMBHIP OK through it■■well Known |>nl>)ie mi-ilium who visit- joy-stream that poured toward us ill,way,iand where she lias long desired to. go, because her Ttf climb tlm unrenl path, . C<1 our Circl'’ ...... ntly : methods past deserihini;! feeble body nnd sufferings in-re prevented her.- We lose tlie roadway here, In all your, work, that of befriending- the slif-. We swim the livers of wrath MRS. J. H. CON ANT, Deacon Moses Grant. fering media is the mildest. I’Vw can guide, care from being and doing wlmt lierambition prmiipt- Aml'tumiel tlie hills of fgar. .- (WHO PASSED TO THE HIGHER LIFE AUG. SpIrifiiali'Mi is unt il mi-take 1 was i|iiiekeiieh>*iclun; joyous reality to the ci.i-e.dist or Hie skijptie. I'.loHrtcUy.umlSpiiilual .1Ee(liuinttlil|». . ‘ To-morrow forever Hies, selertlonafroni Idler*received verity* records iii human he^i I- where I.am remembered. 1 remain, with fiill-este'eiu nnd regard, n work­ To the Kdtt rof the Ihtnuerof Light: To-day is tlie special test. lug spirit coromnnleutlonn ^l%*en through I InVed the religion l pmfe-sed, Imt 1 loved this . her orsrnnUiu at theU aiinerof Light Free Cir­ er In tin; Southern Lodge'of the.Temple, The vast ni|mberof letters which l receive nsklng for Like a sawyer’s work is life : universal liu'ht mure. The same devotional ele­ . ItniiKiiT C. Mmuki.uou. cles; nnd spirit mcminirc*, eunyi and Invoca­ (nrormatton on (he subject of electricity as a means of un­ Tim present makes tlie llaw, tion* lYOtu various Intelllgences lu theother111 , ment that char ieteri/eii my earthly life charac­ i S a rd is , .1 firni., Abr. lNI/i, lSTfi. folding nicdinmshlp, the great Importance of developing And the only field for strife | 1 .have, at last got settled in uiv new homo ;Mrs. medliimshlp In private family circles, and thus of avoiding Is the inch before the saw. Tho whole being prefaced with Opening Remarks by tho terizes my spiritual !it‘< close stmlyut ami astute scholar, the many dhenmugements wlMch. attend the search for —[John Hoyle O'lieilly, in the Independent. .Spiritualism is tru and I want tliis little mes- I Taylor and our little ones are here. I shall or- spiritual light through the public .circle, would have In­ ALLEN rUTNAM, ESQ. sane put in your paper. Sav that it came from j gnnize a circle of first-class material next week. duced me long nlnrp (o add to wjiat l Jdvo already written This Important Work presents to tho skeptic, In a can* bile of the- spiiilu.il im-diums in your Circle Koom. ! I ki.otc \hnt grand results are awaiting us, nnd.of on tills subleet, had I not feared-that my entering anew ' To tlic Liberul-Mlmlcil. doused ful fil,, I simply wanted to add ruy testimony to tin* j 1 shall .keep you advised. A second Cora upon a tli'-me or a somewhat personal nature, nnd especial­ As tlm “ Banner of Light Establishment" 19 An Earnest, Unequivocal and Individual trutli of Spiiitii.i'.ism an t spirit communion, its j S.-ott is coining upon tin- stage, of whom more ly one which points to a method of action bordering on thu not an incorporated institution, nnd ns we could dread realms of occult force, perhaps even of the bug- .Exauiple of the Good wrought b y ]dulosophy and its facts,'its theory ami its prac­ anon. In the healing department 1 have, ns a co-^ beared a!i jjropriffNfre'bjdrtluuil’dfl, m(toftfllself, mlgiitex- not therefore leakily hold bequests made to us in tices That is why I have linen helped tn come, worker I'romaliroad, Dr. D. A. Drown, of Spiing- pose mengaln to the charge of being In a “ censplraoy" to tlmt name, we give below the form in which such Spiritualism. Mnsc tlrant. 1 lived on Cambridge street, lios- licld, Mass. .Mrs.,Julia M. Cai'penler, of iioston, upset all the religious Instil itlmis of the United States, n bequest sliould be worded in order to stand tlie Its perusal cannot fall to No.- m*:t Washington street, .occasionally, with and to “ dominate “ Splrltuallsiu. Tim wonderful suc­ ton. •('mod morning Dec. 1. cess which lias of lute attended n7foi/i*m, that I have shrank back aglmsffrom the n-llii'i'i-nr of Spiritualism Kill (Inti lu tlilff voluiuu much city, it is a great city—three hundred and fifty, eternal progression.” Unit will li.-uil lo oliL-m lho lienrt uml fortify tho conclusions middle totter is ".I." 1 have hi-en pronii-ed Unit ie.sjtonsHitluy of urging Ihe aeci*ptance of nnothr.r nno already arrived at by mature deliberation. 1 shall conic again... I find Hie spirit-world''very 1 tiipusami souls, and many of them In the homi- thing, and that too of the terribly-occult character of age of superstition and priestcraft. Iiy all means eleetro-magnetlsm. In thtMidd-d of my doubts and'fears— ?UnLIC MEETINGS, ETC. ' Circulate it, for wherever it goes it will plcu-unt, very lienu*ifill,'iiHVT very; rail I, and tin- doulds how far I* ought to allow such successes as have, let \ \< stir therh nunt*. ’Better dwell in tin-midst carry with it an example teaching' method-- of oilui-ation as langilijii^L tliey are been achieved in (he above mentioned direction to p iss un- of a storm than-stagnate amlstille in the midst of To the NiilrltunlUt* ami Free Thinker* o f Win* upoMN,nrth. They are tal;--u largely from tie- niflltvd, and fears lest either I or,my nmlaldeeiltlesshould eoiihln. •higher uses for the life that now • earth fur tin- very young. I have been here he dead air. have t<* resort (o the aid of (tie law, I to presecute some Tlm NorMiorn Wisconsin hpliltunllsf (’onfuioncc will is, and a grand prophecy of Mr. Montague Connelly, one of the clearest one for libel, or they to Indict m * for a Conspiracy against hold Its next hunrtorly nicotine In Ulpnn. WIs., on tho fore, ami have tried to eoimmmieate—Imt I have the pence of thunaltou, Ac,, Ac.L|u the very heart of my 17»h, !S?li :ind tilth ot n.'coinhor, 1.875. Mrs. l)r. S-tvorunoo, that which, is to he!. legal minds in the county, the law reporter for of Milwaukee, Is already omflitfod; other prominent Hp’*nk- been admitted as a comer at la-t. My name is dilemma comes testimony from an outside source, the ors will b • st'cuivd. L 'tull coint* up to tho work, nnd not I.uther ,1. Il.irt, ami 1 came to thespirit-world by the Daltimore American, lias published a little publication of which, Mr, 1-Mi tor, 1 should esteem as a h'nvo tho tmrdon for tho fow. Thu m**otln« will bo called 324 pp.; Cloth, $1,50; full'gilt, $2,00; postage tu order m twojiVlui’k r . M.t Friday tho I7tl». 24 oontB, " , an accident. My fattier lived in Cambridge, work, “worth its weight in gold,” which I would great iiet of courtesy on your part, nnd would proven con­ |)H. J. (J. PlMtiUlM, la- glad to see ill every family in' the land.' Par­ siderable relief tome. 1 wImIi to urge upon my Spiritual­ Rfc'i/ \orthern Wisconsin Spiritual Conference, A Finio Stool Plate Portrait of tho Medium adorn where 1 came from. Cooil by. Dee. 1. istic friends ihe value of electricity In circles, not only as' O/nro, 2-t, 1B75. I saac OflVis, Pres* tho work. ties wishing it can have it sent by mail, if they an agent for unfolding whatever latent medlumlstlc pow-» A t*eo|»lc’* Convention For sale wholosalo and retail by the publishers, will i nclosi- twenty cents to me, at'No. ;t!i North erk may exist In the system, hut also as a healthful tonic COLBY,& RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, comer Mary Breese. vitai.izkh, w hleli by Imparting life, vigor and magnet­ Of ilm Spiritiiallsi.Hof Michigan will convono ntStnjU't's Strieker street, Daltimore, Mil. This little work Hall, In tho chvof Hnttlo Crook, Friday afternoon, Jan. of Provinpefistrcot (lower floor), Boston, Mass. My name is Mary llrees.e. 1 lived in Saugerties, will do immense service for the truth. ism. berore thu system Is taxed with the depletive action Mill. All Int rested In jthe g ’od of tho cause are respect* N. Y., I was eleven years old. I am now sixteen. of medlutnsblp, will prevent that weariness, exhaustion fullv solicited to ho present. Th'*ro will ho no paid apeak* ¥ u r m EDITION-JUST ISSUED, Fraternally, T. 15. T-AYi.oityM. D. and Injurious reaction which so often deters private medi­ erspresent, hut theineotltiR will mko tho form of amass convention of the Llhorallsis and SpIrltuullHtsof tho Btato, My father's name, was David llrecse, my moth­ Baltimore, M di, A br; 2-lf/i, l.K7fl. ums from the exercise of their gift, find deprives public Tho Suclet v at lhittle (.’reek will do all they conveniently Tho Work having hecn out of print er's Margaret'llroese. I eame to the stdrit-world mediums of their power ere half ihelr.eareer of usefulness can to entertain the friends coming from abroad. several years. liy reiwin of brain fever. Is there any way that Hrun. F hok. Wm. F. Lyon, President, Wiltti-n fin-llu- mimii-i of l.lglit. For many weeks past a strictly private clrcle-not the Miir. L. E. Hailey, Necntury* I ran reaeli my friends'.’ [We ran print your NOT FAITH, BUT WOBKB. terrible Theosophlc society, or any member of It, ('or this ., of Detroit, Is engaged M ind on tlxo B ody; l heir owji families ami friends—have mot to'gethbr under they can, ns speaker. All Interested In the cause of human progress TIJK K el ATKINS OK THE FACULTIES ANDAFFECTIONS TO -Auiit Kli/.ahetli came tu the spirit-life about n my direction, employing tlm “ Houm-Uattery" as their The best of creeds Tor- fai th or hcaveri Is love to God and aie cordially Invited io attend. - THE ORGANS AN1) THKIU FUNCTIONS, AND TO T1IE year after I did, and we have lii-en together enii- means or development. - Their method has been th is: Tho ELKMKNTH, OII.IKCT8, AND 1MIKNOMENA OF titan, < l tiuuou.sly. She was forty-three years old. flood one whom 1 deemed to bo the most medlumlstlc held tho Nplrlttmllftt Convention. THE EXTERNAL WOULD. Ami though the sternest church (hat htamljT'WItliln our negative polo \ tho ono evidencing the most magnetic There will ho a Spiritually Convention held-at tho Court HY IMtOF. 8. B. RR1TTAN. * morning. Dec. 1. midst to-day. power, held ihe positive pole. llouso in Corning,* N. Y., on December 18th and 10th, 1875. D u. Buittan grapple*earnestly with the facta.thdt havo Will hurl down curses on the head that dares its rules gain­ The meeting: wlh begin at 2 i\ m. on Saturday and continue puzzled the brains of the philosophers of every ago aud Tim rest of tho company (twelve In nil) joined hands, Suuday morning, afternoon and evening. ,, • country; and has grasped In his masterly classification.the . say. and the mngndtlc How was kept upisteadlly for from fifteen J. V. Mai'KS, President, .N |>iri(iiitlism -in IDi 111 in ore. Vet-from Its bottom hard and cold it feeds Its babes unveil greatest Wonduhs of the Mental w ould 1 to thirty minutes at each h6:iuce. When any of tho mem­ In this respect hJs remarkablo book Is a collection of To th«* Kdltor of tin* Banner of Light: They oft outgrow their early faith—In woiks of good cxrel, bers of the chain exhibited strong signs of Influence, I re­ Hahk Curio sities, and must attract universal attention. Ami many times to urge them on, It shows, In prose mul Pn^ed to Spirit-IJIe: At the same time, tho studentof VBaH.hemistry. Fhysloi* quested them to slop the battery, and It la for Ibis reason, ogy aiul Mt'dlelne, tho Divine and thu Moralist, tlm Meta­ There is n great deal of Spiritualism here ; tlmt song, From Lake Village, N. H,, Nov. 13th, Mr. Alvnh Tuck­ nnd because at every fibuuceone or more nnd finally nil tho physical Philosopher, and thu Political Reformer, will And . is, there are many wlu> have nil inkling of the How holy deeds to,heavenly gaUTt-mnst hear their souls er, aged 72 years. It replete with profound nnd profitable instruction. members have come under Influence, that 1 liavo advised phenomena, and some undcrstaiid well the phi­ along. Mr. Tucker was ono of the oldest Spiritualists of New 4 9 * 0 iiu largo 8vo, white paper, doth, beveled boards, It tolls of oiie, a pious monk, who dwelt in Theblan cave, they should not continue the full tlmo set. Up to fifteen Hampshire. He not only believed In the theories of Spir­ with steel engraved portrait of author; $1,60, postago20 minutes tho sittings with the baftery should always con­ itualism. hut dm nl- West Paltiinere street, is packed every tn preference to many similar onesT have received, but that Ids death Is new life and liberty for all his puro soul's .Sunday night, to its utmost capacity; standing' thinm-j where initials inshatl of the. fu ll name would hn'yo de­ powers, with no thwarted love, but only purer, freer and LYCEUM STAGE: Dropped frum lls li.ind lliu sceptre, M-/H—forgot to claim stroyed half the value of the witness. In obedience to (he fuller for alltlio true alius antf activities or life. - ' A COLLECTION OF room Is at a premium, and hundreds are reported Its nu n; .. . U. K. CkOSUY. expressed wish of many persons desiring to try this noble Contributed, Compiled and Original .as going nwny not being able to get even .stand­ Wliljo I" Ills wnlllni! splrll nuntti.-r seemed In say, magician, Electricity, In the connection ;in which .ijid V From Ids* homo near Cardlngton, Morrow Co., Ohio, ing room. Sueli an awakening augurs some­ " ih- dipivn tu ymider vlllaite; iali.o up lliy stair straltwhy, write, 1 -purpose on the first day that I can command a leis­ Nov. 2<1, 1875, Jonathan Southwlck, aged 77 years ! month Ami ttpd a eerlaln m|.ris!rel ivlm heps from door to door, thing, undoubtedly. It may be possible that- ure hour, t«i write out a few concise directions for the uso nnd *1 days. * * Fairy Plays, Etc •Uf virtue ;iod of sunellly he run old.-tin thee more. of circles and send to yourOfllce, Mr. Editor, to Issue as a\ Deceased has taken the Banner from tho start, and al­ ADAPTED FOR THE CHILDREN’S PROGRESSIVE hitherto unknown oppo-itiou to our work is going Then rl-lmt op iistonlslu-d, the holy mini went down, little tract. I have.been kept so busy writing directions of ways loved to peruse It, aud when not able to read had It LYCgjJM AND SCHOOL EXHIBITIONS. to break out; I can hear muttering'thunder in And found Ihe.Wnndimis minstrel within the busy town, read to him by one or the family. Ills suirerlngs were very this kind that 1 believe 1 shall have to economize time and sovero tho Iasi threo years of his life, yet he hpre-them pa­ BY G. WHITFIELD KATES. the distance,-lint it is must likely designed sim­ Atol liemllni; h-w lit-lore him as he stooil In mule umn/e, labor by printing: and this reminds mu that I must econo­ tiently, looking forward to death as a welcome messouger. Willi his viol nlyd Ills llute, tin* Inwmll meekly says, _ . D. E. a. TliU la a much needed and vuliuiblo contribution lo tho ply to scare—something which will fail of its ob­ mize your space, hence I conchule by appending the follow­ oxerclsea of the Lyceum. Tlm lessons Inculcated by tho •ITell me, 1 pray you, hrolher, what K«od work hast thou ing letter recently addressed to, yours for the truth, ject wlien directed toward the disciples of free done, " ... . From San Jos6, Cal., Nov. 13th, Frank E. York, boh of recitations nml plays arc tmictlcat nnd moral, null thodla- E mma H audingi: Huittex. Dr. J. L. York. i logues sprightly and entertaining. Selections can readily thought. Or liy what prayers and ponam-esa eroivn of ipory w on?'’ 2iG WentWh'stred, M w York, , . he made from thlsvolumo sufficient to constitute an even­ -*Oh! moek me"trot, my father;-no good works liavo 1 Ho was horn''In Batavia,,pf. Y., In March, 1850, nnd had ing’s exhibition, and children of all ages will And appro­ There are in my audienee every Suiiday scv- resided in California atiOut fourteen years. Ho never pos­ priate pieces for recitation. dime. — ■ - <)ai.vi:kton\ T kx., Kov. n//i, 1875. sessed a strong constitution, and about a year ago ho con­ Prico 50cents, postage 5 cents; paper25 cents. . eptl clairvoyants, and often they see the same Andsinni-r (ha! I .Hn, would prayers avail from such n Mm?-. E mma Haudinge Ukittkn, *:oo ire.vf33/fc utrtd. tracted a severe cold, while at Virginia City, Nevada, For sale wholesale and retail by COLBl & RICH, at oni-V" AWe York: , - which he found It Impostdhio to shake olf, nnd which finally No. 9 Montgomery Place, coruer of Province street (Iowor vision at tin- same time in the hull. For exam­ My Dkail?M ah am—Please accept my thanks Tor the copv brought on that fell disease, consumption. Frank's life “ Come, tell me or thy wayward life -. In all thy evil days of the spirit liiMruetlons sent with tlm Ilmim Hatterv. I floor), Boston, Mass. . 4 _____ ple, last'Sunday, one week ago, no less than f o u r from that time was not marked by a single gleam of sun­ . Tlimi.- may-si have done some anion that worthy wairnf use the battery In my home circle ami find it makes a circle shine, but ho bore bravely up, and never lost spirit. He SECOND EDITION. parties in tin- audienee saw about the following : praise,. of three persons equal hi magnetic power to one or six or* believed that there was a rest In store for him. where he eight persons without it;.and while It Increases tho power would be compensated Tor the pain nnd suitering lie had un­ N'ear a little (icnnnn girl in the audience, wlm is Why waoderest Ihouu minstrel? IlasI thouspent thy her-, it brings no inhonuonlmisolciuchts. and is never unpunc­ dergone on this earth, and where ho would moot the dear Uane- . . tual, as Is spot ten the case whore tho larger number of per­ MAYWEED "BLOSSOMS. being rapidly developed as a medium, tln-re arose sons meet.1 Believing tlmt the small nnd ever ready and ones gone before. A few moments berore he died ho rose Willi the riotous and'wicked where voluptuous orgies up in bed ami conversed rationally, appearing then In no BY LOIS WAISBBOOKER. n- wliitc, eiomi-Iike, fleecy vapor in the form of n harmonious home circle Is the best for truthful Investiga­ worse condition than he had for several days past. As he rage tion, it seems to me that liy Introducing the battery, you attempted to lie down a spasm shook his frame, his breath Prose and verso make up these fair and sunny pages,dn large, white crape shawl, lilllt limited f11rWllyX* ~^\Nay, my fattier ; Imt a.woman Rohldng wildly oncel met, have dune for spirit power here what W att Uld fertile la­ which Hie beauty and glory of "common things" is;bq bor forces of England by.Introducing the steam engluo came short and quick, and In a moment all was over. The Both 1h;i* children and In r husband had been sold to,.pay a funeral took place frbmrthe family residence on Monday the happily revealed. The common overy. day subjects which to tin- platform, and settled down oil nnd over me there—multiplied Its power niauy fold. For this, too, I do- loth n t2 1\ m.— M ercury.' most writers pass hy are here gathered like the blossoms of while in Hie midst of the lecture, and from somu — - debt; . . Mre you to accept my thanks. tho humble Mayweed, and the humdrum experiences of Many sons of Hellal sought hw, seeing she. was'^ery fair, Yury respectfully yours, I. S,.Tiiiiasiiek. life are turned to happy account. • of them hid me entirely from view. They" heard [obituary'Hotices not exceeding t wenty lines published Cloth, 81,23, postage 10 cents, ...... l led lier to my dwelling that I might protect her there ; gratuitously. When they exceed this number, twenty For sale wholesale and retail hy tho publishers, COLBY the voice Imt saw no man.” Then the cloud parted Then 1 brought her to the city, gave her all that 1 possessed*, cents for each additional line is required. A lineof agate G F Tho Banner'of Light, tho advertisement of type averages ten words. 2 A HIGH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Provlnco in front from head to foot, and the spirltual form To restore tu her. the children and thu man ’she loved the which we print, this week, is now nearly twenty street (lower floor), Buston, Mass. ______iflime was seen. Soon after this vision and ns a best; years old. Its publicatiion reaches well hack to Surely In tills there Is nothing that of good deserves the the time when Modern' Spiritualism (so.teamed) The Bible in the Balance. part of it, another saw tin* speaker with a bright nam e; - made its advent through the.Fox family in a coV IVTew M usic. and glittering scythe, cutting a wide nild furious Is there, father, person living yvho could not liavo done tlio tage in a njrpl district in Rochester; N. Y. TI\o A TEXT BOOK*FOR INVESTIGATORS. • - swath. Wlmt the interpretation of these things .jj:imuS'“ . Childhood’^ Happy Hours. Weeping bitterly tlm hermit rose, and as ho turned to go, paper lias grown up with tlm spread of the devo­ 27»e Bible weighed in the Balance with History, Chro­ .should lie, 1 am not 'able to say; but something tees of the Spiritual Philosophy, until now its Song mul Chorus. 'Words by George C. Irvin; musloby nology, Baience^Xiterature and itself, Said, “T dearly read the lesson that the Lord would have B. Sin-all. l’.rlco 35 cents, iiostago 2 cents. HW* mustrations. of the kind is seen every'Sunday, and it is con­ im*liiiow:^\_ . , . subscribers are found in nearly all parts of the cfvilized world, and it is, without doubt," the best spiring to increase the interestalrendy aivakened. So much of gooil/l'Vo never done, nor had such.bumblo Home is Heaven on Earth. , BY KEY..J.G. FISfl. * heart, v..V ■ . ’ as well as the. oldest paper published under the An able work, sotfiriang'jd in its several departments and , - Frank T. Kipley Is giving many good tests to the Yet 1 am called a man of tied, and thou a wlnstrol a r t." particular patronage of spiritual believers. It is Bong and Chorus. By B. Slirnli. Brice 30 cents, postage index as to form a most perfect, desirable ami useful hand­ regarded, by thousands of patrons as one of the 2 cents book for tlo Investigator; aud Its material, drawn from people, tjipre my last letter was published In LviccU, Max*,. s .. v_ . the highest living anil pxat historical aud scientific author­ the Banner of Light, I have received many very best miscellaneous and family papers in the coun­ Moonlight Serenade.. ities, is most reliable. try. AVe believe Spirilunlists do not claim to be Song and Chorus. AVords hy George C. Irvin; music by Cloth, 312 pages, f t,50, postage 10 cents. ■ . marked letters, one of which I send for publica­ For sale wholesale and rotall by COLBI & RICH, at Apnlkcosis. a sect, yet the Banner to them we suppose,to be B. Slirafl. Frlco 35 cents, postago 2 cents. No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner ol Province street (lower tion ns a sample. The Banner of Light Is called the same as tho best papers published by the re­ floor), Boston, Mass.______■ • “ the medium’s friend," and all true media will, At our home in Cobiicn, 111., my wife, Mary P. ligious sects are to those who are their immediate My Home Beyond the ..Tide. Chase, aged sixty years, a native of Newport, N. FOURTH EDITION. be made happy by perusing tlie warm sentiments patrons. Let all Interested read the advertise­ Song and Chorus. By 8. W. Tucker. Price 40 cents, II., nnd dmiRhterof Enoch White, formerly of that ment, and see to it that they do tlieir duty in re­ postago 2 cents. , of tills Southern brother, . - gard to the patronage of the same.— The Journal l.ETTKlt F1IOM A SOl'TlIKUN Sl’iniTUAI.IST. place,.left us and her body fora brighter and bet­ ter home among the wingless angels of a glorified of Industry, Orange, Mass. Tiny’s Spirit-Birth. Helen Harlow’s Vow. Dn. T. B. Tayi.ok—Your cheering- words, k "Words by GoorgcC. Irvin; Music by B. Shrafl. Price"30 BY LOIS WAISIIROOKEB. ns given forth hi the dear Banner of Light for spirit-life. It-was neither new nor strange to \cents, postage 2 cents. Danorh Sionalr. An address on the nsea and abUBes of An interesting and helpful story, graphically portraying Nov. 13th, impressed me to thank yon from my her; for she had often seen it and them in her. Spiritualism. Hy Mary K. Davis. New Y'ork: A. J . woman’s helpless and ondent condition, tnonunurous heart for the. sympathetic enconrageinent you many years of suffering. For over forty years D avla& Co. Battle of the Wilderness. • osnares tlmt besot her Jn every path she may seek to travel, This little flfteen-cent book has for Its motto, “ Provo.all wbat timely words and friendly nld will do to a despairing . civo to poor, toiling, dejected media'. They are she had been afllicted with a terrible cough and, tlilngHand hold fast that which Is good." I t accepts unre- A Descriptive Piece, composed by Laura Hastings Hatch and sinking woman, aud what obstacles a determined ana the cross-bearers in very truth at this period of Bcrvedly'the fact that spirits always have boon able to hold Prico 76 cents. .plucky woman may overcome. the influx of another pentecost, nnd tlm Getli- ulceration of the lungs, which lind often stran­ converse In some degree with mortals; but tells us also that Cloth. $1,25, postage 16 cents. ™,TT>v Modern Spiritualism Is receding Into an Egyptian dark­ Pearly Wave Waltz. F or salo wholesale and retail by the publishers, CULU x Semane sorrows tlmt have to lie home are re- gled and almost separated soul and body, and on ness. 11 Is an earnest protest against this abuse.—i/eraf d & RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery i’lace, corner of Province " ' lleved in very dj-rd Iiy a kind glance, nr encour­ the night of Nov. 27th it effected the separation, o f Health, By Laura Hastings Hatch. Arranged for tho Plano. street (lower floor), Boston, M a s s . ______aging word such as yours. Think hot that a to her great joy, ns she assures me, for three Price 30 cents. kind word ever loses its weight or momentum T h e Better W ay. This little volume. "The Better times before her bQdy twns buried she lmd con­ Way, an Appeal fo Man In Behalf of Human Culture Souvenir de Memoire. THE BATTLE FOR BREAD. though uttered from afar Dhow beneficial to the through a Wiser Parentage," bos many excellent sugges­ BY HILO A. TOWNSEND. trolled a'medium and talked with me, the sec­ tions, though Bomtfftt its conclusions.will be disputed by A'Waltie." iiy Laura-HastlngsHatch. Price 30 cents. recipient, how beneficent in tin-donor, the words those who agree with the general objects of tho author. A, This Is a rare little hook of 74 handsomely printed p*K0S. meaning the heart-action Hint lms set the brain ond and third times quite calmly, pud as famil­ E. Newton. The plea for a wiser motherhood Is well con­ Its style is clear as the tones of a bugfe. ■ It contains nnd hands in motion. As your words indicate, ceived, hut there mav bo some question as to whether there We’ll Gather on the Summer Shore. facts, arguments, appeals, truths of vital interest, ana iarly as usual in her lifetime. As the telegram should not he more mutuality between husband nnd wife should be icnd ana pondered by all. .... you are the medium’s friend., I say, Uoil llcsS than would he attainable under the conditions named, al­ Song and Chorus. W ritten and composed hy Marshall S ' Price 2-5 corns, postage Tree. _____ you! reached me Saturday evening,,it was impossible though thegeneiul view or hereditary aud other Influences, Pike. Price 40cents, postago 1 ceut. For sa’u wholesale and retail by COLBY A RIOHii at Glad nm 1 to learn of the bright prospects in for me to reach home in time foRlie funeral,' and as atfectlug human happiness or misery. Is a Bound ono. No. 9 Montgomery Placo, coruer of Province street (lower Koine of the author's views upon the. conditions of repro­ floor), Boston, Mass. ______- Baltimore of truth’s, progress ; may her wheels us she requested through Sirs. Sisson, the medium duction are certainly advanced, hut whllo.tho subject is an loved Ones are Waiting for Me. roll south, I pray, for the angels well know tin-re at Anito, Iown, I went on with my lectures, fully Interesting ono to students, It cannot he discussed In a Song and Chorus. Words aud Music by 8. AV. Tucker” is much necii of it here. I was much attracted by dally jourpal. The writer I* certainly In «»arnest. and his Prico 40 cents, postage 1 cent. 1 Isfi T U 1 T I O I s ” . the perusal of some of your former lectures, asre- nssured.it was with her approval. Slio became views deserve careful attention.—Boston Daily Globe. BY . • an early believer in Spiritualism, and has en­ * For sale by Colby* Rich, 0 Montgomery Place, Boston. ported in the Bannerol Light, and now 1 see yon Price 25 cents. The Bright Celestial Shore. MRS. FRANCES KINGMAN. staking out your camping grounds to succor anil joyed the' intercourse of the spirit-world largely Song and Chorus. Words by S. W. Tucker Music hv This volume of some two hundred and fifty naBes(1&jo| shelter suffering media, I feel as if you resemble RobertCoopor. Prico25cents, postagelcenh ** ought to havo been named "A Beam of Light." hwijj through her own medlumshlp for over twenty The wife of Uulbord, who died four years later than her certainly prove a star-gush to many a mind wandering m a very dear translated friend of mine; I nllude years, and ever most cordiallynnd heartily aid­ husband, was burled two years before him .' Her body lies Two Little Shoes. tho maze of old dogmas, and observing superstitious riura. to Rev. Jesse B. Ferguson, whose name and mem­ beneath thu layer or cement which forms the resting place Price$f,25, postage 16cents. . . , af ory are, as it were, a part of my every dav nsso- ed, assisted nnd sympathized with me in my Words and Miutc by.Mattle Sawyer. Price 25 cents. For sale wholesale aud retail by COLBY A RIL*L J* for Ills coffin, so that the relations of the pair while in life For sale by Cty?B Y A RICH, iH No. 0 Montgomery Placo. No. o Montgomery Place, corner or Provlnco street (lower • ciations, who, in reality, “ yet speaketfi.’i I vioWs and labors in all the departments of life, are cement n death, corner of Province street-don’er floor), Boston, M us. floor),' Boston, Mass. DECEMBER 11, 1875. BAKNEE OF LIGHT.

i n JUto ^fijohs. iJclu J.)ovh ^bbcrtiscmciite; — - , 4 - cbiums Boston. B, New Life for the Old Blood! Tilt* mni;lp I'nntrnl nf " N P K S fC E ’S Clairvoyant Medical Practice! x W ORKS OF1 P. B. RANDOLPH, Life—Health—Happiness. rONITIVK AM) M IUITIVK One of--the mo«t wonderfully (nupirfd find eccentric IM M V O D ItS , >vt*r dlM-ases of aiL,kinds Is wondorful writer* and Ucturer* that hue appeared in the A* w Spir­ Mental Medicino: beyond all picnsb iii, INCREASE YOUR VITALITY. DR. STORM’S OFFICE itual Km,' Since hi* pa**ua* tothenpird world, which Huy the rO M ITIV f-S f..r .my and nil manner of dls- had btcome fa m ilia r to him bit frequent abnormal vu it« THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL TREATISE i*ak«*h, •■xrep- l‘.»rai>hi>, ,ir PalM*y, Hllmlhcvs, Deafness, (Formerly at 137 Harrison avonua,). Is tiow^ln tho lieautlful by trance, and innpiration. hi* works will be rtud with Typhus and Tvtdo*bl F- “ The, Blood is the Life.” and commodious Haulier or Light Building, ltooms Nos. peculiar interest by the public. ON Huy tin* NKUATIVKS fm I’.ir.ahsl-. m Pabey, Hllml- 6 and 7, „ MEDICAL I’.SVOIIOLOUY. iicns, Deifm **, T'phu** !»nd T\plodd F**vi*ra.. H iv n Hon of 11.11,5' IMIN1TIYKH AND H A L F NO. 9 MONTGOMERY PLACE. AFTER DEATH: THE DISEMBODIMENT UY KtiV. IP. F. m ’.4.V.V, N K fM T IV tX 'm riui.^ut.i hever. DR. STOKER’S Author of “ The Mental rtira.** 1*A.If l*lf I.KTM u l:h . foil explanations mailed free. ■ HBS. HA««IE J.roiNon. OF MAN. One of the Ih'nI. cbarcNtaml moht practical treat Inch uimui AW and eip.-iiM* hy Reglhtero>l THE DH. NTOHKK will personally attend patients, and Supernal Universe. New edition; revised,cor­ jilt upon thlH great Mibjccl ho could obtain from uemt- ?.••tn*r.' it hv Puii idhee Mom*> Order inade-p.ayablo at whatovor spiritual Insight and practical Judgment anil ex­ rected and enlarged. ' jdo sources, and hurcln so Illuminator UiG 'shlijcct that ftfhtfon IL, NVw York r» n . perience can accomplish, will he employed as heretofore In This work nf l)r. Hnmlolph’s Is byfsr.lho best that has arsons of ordinary Intelligence cannot only underniand (ho A.i.ire^, |»|tO F. IM YTOX S P i:x n :, im 'K. curing the sick, yet fallen from his pen. It dlscuascH quant Ions concerning Iiobry; butbul iK'coiiieIkm'oiiic tpiallfied«|uiillficcl to practice Iho hcajlnghealing art, lflih street. New Y«h k.t’lly.* Nutritive Compound, Patients in the country, and all persons ordering DR, our state and doings after death. .For tnMuuee-do wo cal, enablingnablliig parents lo bo theirtholr own landly iiby?«lclan.Kphy»lclan.K And lo Hold h 1m» til (lie llrutnei* of I.lglil Oilier, No. 0 NTOREB'N NEW VITAI. H F Jlkl)ll», fur Chroulc drink, dress, sleep, love, marry, beget our kind, aft*r (boMMVtio desire to lift tho lu*a\y burden of sIckuchKaud Montgomery l*lsiee. Itoafon, Jlftw. net^t. HOULD now tie used by wenk-norvud and poor-blooded and Nervous D isease, w ill address dcAtbV These and many other mtorcsttug subjects are debility from tholr siiffoviiig feBow-lHdngH. (ids book Is as a S people every where, ns the best restorative of nerve-cells Jan. 3. treated in this volume. Price $2,00, postage Cu cents. litfht hulnlug in a dark place, And a guide lo usefulness, ".JU ST Ih.SU El). nntt blood-globules ever discovered. DR. II. R. NTOREK. Tho naturo pf (he forceemplo)nl—thoi|iiaUficalhms ol the .Mlldnnd soothing In IIb nnture, the feeblest child can practllhmer—Iho melhmls of applyliu tho force-and the- take it. Constant and steady in Its nutrltlvo powor. the Mrs. Jennie Lord Webb, . PEE-AD AMITE MAN: lesults to be obtained .under varied conditions —are clearly — rrh(. rlVnth Kditimi ol worst forms of disease yield to Its power. EDIUM for Independent Statu Writing, No. 8.1 West­ Demonstmtlnu tin* exlstcnco nf thu human race stated, and in a manner I hut lender* (In* treatise a stumtaid Hend for it to Hit. II, 11, 8 TOKEU, No. 0 HJoutgoinery minster street* Itoston. Office hours trotfi 10 a. m. to work i\f study and reference by students of practical pay- Place, Heston, Mass. M upon this earth 10(M)00 years ago. hology; I*, m. vWlli also give SluKlcal b6um vs every Tlmiwliiy The author’s researches among the monuments of the THE ELECTRIC PHYSICIAN;: P ric e 8 I.OO1 Nix Package., 85,00. veiling at 8 o'clock. Tcnns tp each of these Blltlngs, one l’rleo $1,25, postage 8 cents. OH, Kor sale wholesale and retail uy COI.1IY 4 ItlCH, at No, dollar. Persons"bus atnat n distancedlklanco wishingwlNblug messagesmemgeh from theirihdr past are especially rich In results. His book Is filled with 9 Montgomery Place, corner or Province Btrcot (lower spirit friends by liidepcmleut1 ...... writing, i an obtain ' ...... them by ecological, phrenological, chronological, blogtaphlcal, his- Sell-Cure Ity Kloelrielly. floor), Huston, Mass. addressing Muhkh...... Wi.nu,.... enclosing u lock of hair, one dul- nrlral and jddlosophlcal facts, that otH>n the Way to mental Tho Mental Cure. Hold In Now Yotk City by J . It. NICKLE3, 097 Ilrnml- larnnd two3-cont stamps. ” •»w*-l>cr. li. light and spiritual freedom. Price $l,5or postage 1G cents. way, cor. 4th at, . , dan. 10. B Y K B P. IP. F. B Y A KB. BY EMMA HARDINCE BRITTEN. LOVE AND ITS HIDDEN HISTORY, AND The Hhllositphynf Life:'Illustrating the Intlucnroof the Dr. Main’s Health Institute, Mind on tin1 Ibxty, both tn health and disease, and the 1'sy- A Plain Ruble to ijie iiw of tin* Klcctio-Mugmdlc Rat­ Science and Health. AT NO. GO DUVEH STREET, HUSTON. THE MASTER PASSION. liologlcul Metho’d of Treatment. :t>H pp. Tho work has re­ ter), with lull dlivethois ft»r lit** tr*'atmeni of every • A book for men, women, hmhnudN, wlve.s-tho loving ceived tho eticomluins of able crlUci, and Is considered ono foi in of dlseaseoti ih<« hew and blgbl> Mii-ivo-fful F rrn rto HOSE desiring a Medical Diagnosis of Disease, wUh and the unloved. In this curious and original lusik the of tho best lMM)ks In the KngtUh language, adapted to both nml VlniiH'Mo Mynlom* ol* ffi'itlnd t'.lccli'iclty, us T directions for treatment, will p]ca*o unclose $1,00, u author offers to the public a powerful argument in favor sick and well, also the physician, and shows bow persons ;t< 11 ii 1411 > i • * mm I l*> -1S i >. Win. amt Lmma Hi LI«mi in tlielr HOOK or about 500 page«, by SIAltY BAKER« f.OV- lock of lmir. a return postage stamp, and the address, and of loVK Uioijreal passion that rules tin* world; and ho sets an ward off and eradicate disease without medicine, ft own pnndfce. A Elt, of N. II., the discoverer of a new system of sci­ stale Hex and age. law*—Oct, 2J. forth Irs manifold charms and necessities with keen wis­ ontaltis more sound philosophy In regard to (ho laws of life' This excellent little wmk Is ** .peelally,*leHtgue \V* sl 3sth >t reel, New York. ment; .Marriage; Physiology; Healing the kick. M Oftlc<»bour«2 till5. llotuis to i’blncas Ouy and others. Love-Sfurvulhm, Airerflomil Healtli, Ho* limud Secret, corne a Htandaut work, as tlieso ualurai forces arc eternal Cliculars M'id on a|iplb‘alloii. Aug. 21. Price .«2,V>9, . . . Deo 4.—2\v* Mngneilc Leeching*, (ioodatid Kvll Kireetsof Varied Mag- and universal, imtlhiitH, the liifermiHsmsof Mtslern (so-called) k,l*hitoso- l'llce $1,^)0, iMjstage lOeeids. R. H. MACY ft CO., PabllsliedliyOHHISTTAN SCIENTIST riltll.-ISllINU pliies.1 ’ l’i leu $2,00, postage 20 cents. CO., P. O. llox 1011, Boston, For stile In Ilnston by MRS. JENNETTJ.CLARK, •MA 14th St. & G th A v o .. N EW Y O R K . i'Y CJPIMTUAL' CLAlItVtlYANT, Will tell Splllt Me*, Niituro’s Laws in Human Life. M A Ilo’ nlgesl i III !'Ol .'•* .s ami l< III if i > III A 111 • * l Ha ol cy t o sitges$2. Exainliiatleiisfl, mid Billings *1; 1(1 A. M. m 5 MA D-M . Tots, an,} Fan*) »It> s»dlnble f,u IlierY ithOi'KirOM), lIROOIIk 4 CO., THE NEW MOLA.—The Secret of Medium- Tho IMiHnsophy oftiapplness: or an F.xposltlon of Spirit­ Nov. 27.-4W till AViisliliigluii stre e t. l'. M. 25 Warren uvo., near lierkeley-st. riiurch, llostoii. MAlb'lblav Ti.iile. Wr «neup\-the ui«*b* hloekcY Oct. no.-l'w- ship. ualism, embracing (bo various oplnlniisor eMieiolsts, pro M \.ibimigb 11om IHh to t:;ih.>’ie'-l. a d f"i 17 jenrs c Y ‘ A’ Hand-Hook of White Magic, Magnetism and Clair­ and con. Distinguished Theologians, ITofossuis D.D.s, M V have m;ch* Holbl.iv (ioiaha spei |.dli>.N $4* Cal- CY DAY'S EXCELSIOR J. WUL1AIH AND Nl'NIt; WILLIN voyance. Tho new doctrine of Mixed Identities. Holes and others In opposition to Ms truthfulness; Normal, luspl- >1 A ab'gims ami llliinh a led Cetilenblal i aids *. ui fi eo i Y for obtaining tho phenomena, and the celebrated rules of ratioriuluud Trance .speakers,and W rlterslu favor. ;*wpp. .\i A (** an\ address, iq d -1 s.-itfemii d I** u jUi -pt i .iJ rare, r Y Asgill, a Physician's Legacy, and llu Aiisaliutlo Mys­ Is Immortality Universaly Knowledge of Nature's laws MA' V* MM Y MAi Y M At Y .MACY MART FLETCHER, tery* Price GO cents, postage free. - , . and thcdestlny of Jin* human race result In happiness, also 'Nov.27. Iw BUTTON-HOLE CUTTER. UHINKH8, Tost and Medical Mediums, examinations uovesan antidote to “ Free t,nvi‘*'f.vm. Tin* treatise Is den- B niado by lock of hair. U Montgomery Place, llustun. lued todo a great woik, lna*mueh as ll deals with pi hid­ . PATENTED EEB. 18, 1873. Dec. 4. • "THE GHOSTLY LAND; The Medium’s den .and Ians that rebate to the material and spliil-Bf»», “ Ileal tliu N ick'’---I-h.vUiopalh.v. • Ivlug different persons* views as no-other .work lias, the r p l l F. “ Cetitm Ion “ said, “ Speak tin* >\oid oul> atid tuf HIS CUTp’KH excels all others In simplicity,'strength, Secret;" subject should interest humanity more than all others, I sei vaol shall la* lie.iled." Tbe spl111nal at o ospln io safety nnll^umity, made of the best material am! lu the MRS. JENNIE POTTER, Being tho Mvstery of tho Human Haul; Its Dwelling, l'rlce $1,50, postage 10 cents. Mim.umpng ourVaiUi s.a jnor.tr bo go^d ihat but few T most purled maimer, with i\ plannlshed tlucnsu; may ho KAaNCK MKD1UM, 11 Oak street, 3 doors from 782 Nature, and Power of Materialization. ADo, Tito Com­ * oi I l/i*. II uMng al a <1 slatin' ma> In m»*-i Iniain'M i>e ai carried In tho pocket with safety, and Is ngroat conve T Washington st. KoursO A.ai. tobr.M ., Sumlays2(oy. ing Woman and tint new Divorce Law. TlVp above bonks ate for sale wholesale ami .retail by the e.fljeaelonsas tln.oign In Un- pia s< ...... i-.»11< nt. My sue. nlence; useful for Hipping, Cutting Thread, Twine oi Dec. d.vdw* ' This Monograph |H supplementary lo the “ New Motu" publishers, COLBY A RICH, at No. tl Montgomery lvlaco,. ie s In tieailng path tils l.\ nn-atm of M \«i n i. it c Papi.ll Selvage. dust tho thing to open envelopes or cut thu leaves and “ Kulis;’* Tim lllsloryand IMnlosophv of Love. The ornerof I’rovltiei! street (lower tlooi). ltoston, Masst or letters, lias tna-n Ye!) gl-al. >,el'nl ih’sf i |pi hoi of *Li- MHN, IIARDY, « ase, age, x. Ai-., ciodo-lng IIU\ i .-nis to one «l"llar. of Periodicals. May he sharpened same as a knife. To m UAN’CK MKDIU.M. No. 4 (.'uncord Square, Hoston, Theory of Immortality, and Solution of Hie Darwto prob­ - ' T H E canvussera it infers tho advantage of occupying only one- X Ofilco hours from 9 lol and 2 to 3. Sliaucn for material- lem therein; and to tho third part-of said vo nine concern­ Piionpt aiisw'o s Ib liet mav at once be r.vpceird, Aibln s* fourth tho space of any other Cuttor. Put up In a yeat box Izatlon In Urn light every Friday evening. Tickets fl,oo. ing Magic, Thnitmitf orgy, and tho rationale of Modern JL P, Wll.M IN, 2*Ti Fast 77lh st i*-et, N« w Y**ikCll). . - of ono dozen eaeh. Deo. 4.—13W* Clairvoyance. Price 50 cents, postage free. Dee.-■!. Iw__ ...... _ ___ Singh* Cutter sent post-paid 25conts$ one dozen planished PROOF PALPABLE tin, $1,00, by mall 25 cents extra. V j l l S . L. W. LITUH, Clairvoyant Physician SEERSHIP 1-:THE MAGNETIC MIRROR. MRS. J. W . I) ANFORTH, Kor sale by COLBY ft RICH, at No. 0 Montgomery' JJX ami Test Medium. Now remedies, compounded by Place, corner of Province st. (lower floor), Heston, Mass. spirit direction, constantly on hand. The llaiiery applied A Practical Uuldo to those who aspire lo Clairvoyance- OF IMMORTALITY: Tranco and Wlagriotic Physjclnn, when needed. Circles Sunday and Tuesday evenings ltilt Absolute. Original, and sebeted from various Kuropeau Court streot, Hoston. Novt 10. and Asiatic adepts. Price $2,00, postage 12 cents. lOU U'cM Afltli *«(i'«*i i up tot ruHtui t Jumi­ T cal newspaper in the Uniteit Static; the special advo­ attic I)u*r'UHpe.VHtn.....' '*t'ure. and •***'-"** Magnetized * Paper** 1 sent by mull Its womlrous Magic, (Miomlstrv, Hiller, Laws. Modes, Relations of tho Facts to Thoology, le, (Ugiuitr, and Idle n tn ill lc I liMitM's, Inal !*•«! pi« pa Id on nv- cate of (lie Interests of J.abor ns against Coin blued Capital;on recoi Moods and Rationale; being the Third Revelation ot Hun) Morals, and Religion. Legal Tender Paper Money as against Hank Issues and thu Ipt.of $1,00; i he paper alone, 50 cents, "tf-Oct. 9. umlScx. Also, U< ply lo “ \Vliy Is M:m liummiar/''' The ceipt ot $l,u bleuce, of readers. Nov. 20. I\n • Tern s $1,75 per year, postpaid. Susie Nickerson-White, Second Edition—Revised and Corrected. Now ready, forming a volume nf 2-lfl pages; wRhaTafjle IES. M . T O W N ! : , in n w ily o l *rr>. I M J i r a t Sample copies sent free on application. “ mltANCE MEDIUM, 130 West Hiookllne stivet, Ht. »f (.’ontents, an Alphabetical Index, and an engraved llke^ ,b 'henstree:, has teunoeil to '.I'l’cllnlon PI tee, a few • Address,- INDIANAPOLIS NUN COMPANY. X Klmo, oulte 1, BO.sion,’ Honrs O to-h Dee. 4. ness of the Rpli'11 Katie King, never before piibRnbed In tills tbtoisM west'ol Fifth aveimi*, N'-w A oik. Magnetic Phy­ Oct. 2,—htw Im lln n n p o lla , I n d . THE ‘W ORLD’S country. * sician and Lleel i Irian, Inr.iims tbe nutiilr that sliectilt'9 M j^FKANK 1J A^KLi; and Price, In paper covers, 75 cents; bound In clot In $1,00. the S'. Ylltis Dance wlUnoil lull. \o no pt>;ai.d Send Fiity Ceilts <■, J.fJL Medium. No. 14 Indiana street, suite 4pi, leading from Hent hy mail at these prices,. also neats all «*tliet tn'i voiis diflicuides and g«*n«oai *fD- Washington simst to Harrison nv.. Boston, 4\\*—Nov. 27. Sixteen Crucified Saviors ; From Kuropeau ami American Spiritualists the warmest cases, Kpllrpslrs inelmled,' _ „ „ *" N'1*. G. FOH THE commendations of this remarkable work have been re­ \/|KS. JENNIE UOLDSMITII,-Clairvoyant, OH, ceived. » - ELEGANT AND FASCINATING CAME I'-L IIiisImossuikI MskhuIIc I'liyslrlan, 241 Blmwimu uvu- For sale wholesale and retail by the publishers, <’OLH\ mio. Hours horn 0 A. it. to51*. .u. Doc. 4. CHRISTIANITY BEFORE CHRIST. ft UH^H, at No. l» Mojfigoniery Place, corner of Province D r . Fred L. H. Willis A UGUSTIA DWINELLS, Medical and Bus!- HtreeU ower tber), Hoston, Mass. May hr AiblrckM'il (111 I’uitln'rtiollret XX ness Clairvoyant ami Test Medium, 17I.S Ticmont st. CONTAIN1NO c p n ■ w t , * ♦ Ocl.o.-lSw- New, Startling, and E xtraordinary Rerdationti in G -lojiora, Y a to o O o., W . Y . • HE most : musing and oxciting game in tho world. AilISS S. lIAKlUNCrTON, Electric anil MnR- Religious H istory, which disclose the Oriental NOTHING LIKE IT li, WtLI.In may <>e addiessist (SY^.iImho. Ftotn tills T Sent by mull, postpaid. W. K. IJOULD. Successor XiA untie Physician, 3 Maiden street, Boston. 'Honrs Origin of all the Doctrines, Principles, Ott, D point ho can attend to Urn diagnosing of disease by hair to the WK.ST ft L k K («AMK (M)„ 47 ami 49 Main street, 9" A. ‘ M. “ to‘ 5...... I'. M. 4\v-—Nov, 20. Precepts, and M iracles of the am) handwriting. He claim,h that his poworn In this lino Worcester. Mass. Send 3-ct. stamp for catalogue of games. aro unrivaled, combining, as In* duet*, acnirato McbuiUfio' Oct.'S).—J3w CAMUEL UIIOVEH, H k a l in q M k d iu m , N o. SteDS to the Kingdom. kiiowli*dge with ket'ii ami sear*'-Itlng Clairvoyance, 601)over8troot(forinorly23Dtxplaco). Dr.G.wlllat- Christian N ew Testam ent, D r, W'fills claim setqiccfai skill in tre atin g all otsc;uw*fiof HEALING ATA DISTANCE. teud funorals If requosted. ....Dee. 4. nd furnishing a Key for unlocking snany of i the itlood and tmrvnii.H syHtetn. (.'ancers, Hcrofula In all its UY LOIS WAISimOOKKK, for on. F.idlejisy, Paralysis, ami-all tho most dcllcattfund R. J . H. NEWTON possesses the power of heating tho AIRS. C. II. WILDES, No. 61 Bedford street, Sacred M ysteries, besides com prising the Author o f llarloxo'* Pofo,” "Alice. Pn/c,” “ .Vfiy- compllcafcMl dlseaMU of botli rexes, ^ ~ i - sick at a distaue* in a degree Mover equaled.1 liy means i.”JL ltoston. Tuesdays, Wodncsdnysand Thursdays, from Dr. WIlllklK permitted to rclei to nninerotis partien who D of magnetic letterr, ho performs cures as rcmarknhlo as9tn3!f. Jan. IB. History of Sixteen Oriental Crucified Gods. toted'HlomunnH," "Suffrage for U’otntti^ ’’ liave heoticored,by Iilssystetn of pr.-trtlew when all other* any made hv personal treatment. To do tills, Dr. Newton etc,% etc,,.tie. bad f "c*!. All letters m ust eon lain a te iu iii postage stam p, ' occupies as much time and tunkes the same effort as though BY KERSEY GRAVES, St ntl for Circular* nn know not what they cured. Children are more surely cured at a distance than Bible of Bible#," (comprising a description of ask. Christians, read “ Nothing LIku It,” and see U you “MONTOUR llOUSl^ by personal contact. In urgent cases, Dr. Newton will re­ tm n ty Bible*,) can afford to liave vour prayers answered; and, IT not, lieve pain Instantly, and enro disease on receipt of a (NASBY’S PAPER.) make preparation, for t lie answer Is sure to cornu in Its own telegram. Persons desiring to aval) themselves of this This wonderful and exhaustive volunio by Mr. Graves Tnoper time. It A VAN A, N .Y ., mono of cure, will address tho Doctor In a short letter, wIR. wo nru eorfniti, take high rank as a b« okof reference. Hound in cloih, J2mo. .TWpages, $1.50: postagu 1H cents. giving age, sex, and a description of the case, enclosing a The Largest and Best Family Newspaper JMVK inluofes’ walk from the Magnetic .Spring!*, and In tno field which ho hns chosen for it. Tho amount of For sale wholesale mid retail bv the publishers, (M)LHY . no -i the IIAVA'N A U I.LN ami Co«al. l.ungs. Lhei amt Kidney Kant Hiookllne street, Boston, Mass. Price $1,00. Hcnt Webster’s National Dictionary and Hindu, one year... 5,00 street (lower floor), Boston, Mass. nearly one hundred puge^Mevoted to the'best healthful Aflecllous B b a.-* 4 sal ti ,• It o*h| am) >kln. Female 1M Ui - by mall to anv address. tf—Aug. 28. recipes lor lomls mid il Hnks, howto feed ontds self, feeble cult lea a h|iccialliy. Fa Dents mu ec.^ltidy Uiale• mii’onis, ag«\ m-x, and autograph. eight Inches by throe fe-t four Inches, retail prlco velopment. Mothers who cannot nurse theirdilldren will Ciicularsellt flee, 4 I'lifaltitiu telnai k.ibje cun s. < »/hcu and THE MASTERE0N; find full directions tor feeding them, and so will mothers laboiab«rv. l'.il I’iiuei- ILil.ding, Rotlu^tM, N. Y. B. C. HAZELTON, $3,00, and Blade, unclear.'...... 3,00 OH, who have delicate children, and Invalids who wish to know N. It. MagimimTn Mb\rmeiit t'liK1 ll'Mllb I.IH -:ihjhi- the best foods. dalliy. . ‘ «iet.:»>, rTUlKHK prices rovf*r nil expanse In nlilipr case. Tho Price $1,nu, postage free. Specialty Photographer, L books and ump^delivered without additional charge.. Reason and Recompense, . For sale wholesale and retail hyUOLRY ft RICH, at AUSTIN KK.NT ON LOVK AND iMAlf- For a club of ton subscriber.* at $1,(15 each, we will forward New mimlKsr, 294 Washington street, formerly 140,"opposite A UKVELATION'CONUEKNINH TDK LAWS.' No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of I'rovtuco streej (lower i V RIAL K. - 1 will mall my Rook, "Krt»l,>i re, “ In nn|H*r acopyof Smith's Bible U lcthm uiy/m . Specimen copl b floor). Boston. Mass. ■ if covs*r. my Pamphlet. "Mr*. Wntntholl on>f U*r Social School street, Hostoti, Mass. May HI, of tho Bladk* Lockk' s National Maoazjnk nnd ' OF MIND AND MODKItN MY8TK- Frtulitm," my fillet,."t’.nujuyol hurt; Thr Trutandth* AinuucAN F aum J ournal sent free on application. ltlOUS l'HKNOMKNA. Jesus Christ, the Real Manner of his Death. Fa hr ." with one or tvvoothei I'ampliteth or Tract*, and Addrt S3 my Photography all for +l,to, or for n» rents u If h tho Fho- Agents Wanted. The CENTENNIAL aUY 31ARCENUN H. K. WRIOIIT, (ogratdi 1**11 out. I murh nnd ami shall )•« gcueful for IhQ GAZETTEER "f thn HAITI.I> STA TES. THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. Tho delf-M4adu Author and Seer. money. Addia’an A Ur? 11N K KNT, Mocklinlui, it. t.aw- Shows itio uiatiil r.suli' of loo T e a r, of Ftoeitom and Nov. 27.—4w* Important Concealed Information, runce.co.. New York. - *tf»- M.ayno. Progress. New am! complete. (Ivor tceo ayes. Iliiis- The author says in his dedication : “ To those who sock uiiT.tiNKi) ritnii en Tili^liAtTN^LTlVTlti^'lT'TIINT.' tra til. Kveri liudy hit) s It, and agents make from 8100 The Scientific Wonder! for kiowledge. wlm love iHluetlon, who enjoy freedom QKNI) TWKNTY-FIVI t ’l.Nl.s to DR. ANDKKW to 8 2 0 0 it month. . . . of though . are unhlu*cd in mind and unprejudiced In h’loNK, T it.j , N. Y.. amt obtain a huge, highly illuc*- Address J . system ol Vnad/lng iieaimeut. delphla. l’n. ______I3w-8i'iit. 18, coniforMible lnlullcetuallty 'and all associative olrcum THE PLAjSCIIETTE. sjDTtboi in life; to tlms^who aro ministers o tholr own WHICH sDOwii THAT Dct.2. . . . _1_ PSYOXX OM BTHY. incmullly and hold ton studied eonslKiency In all dealing, 's ,tlnl Mr.Meal t ’III r- OWER lias tieen given mo to delineate eliaractcr, to aucesof this wonderful little instrument, which writes abuse of conscience, and who labor for tinsgeneral gon, N. V. Discan-s bods, andsometlmes.to Indleato tliotr future and their host man, tills, the first votunio of tho ‘Mastert o n / is must In a irance wtinhik^n tUnonfrum llw crn.i*i-Lrbooht tn lift cxaintnud by lock of bull-, hw* DeC. I. locations for health, harmony and business. I'crsqtls de­ tally. Those unacquainted wlih it would be astonished at respectfully dedicated by the author.1 ’ again, and in rmlitu >h>d *•.£■ month* n/Ur within a some of the result* that have been at tallied through its Price $1,2.7, postage 12 rents. siring aid of this sort will lileaso send me their handwriting, agency, and no domestic circle should bo without one. Ail etcrel rtligiouK*urU>u rot ltd • • K**trr Brtthren state age and sox, amt tr able, enclose $2,00. Investigators whodestio practice in writing mudlmnshln For salo.whoh*Mrlo..AIpl retail by COLBY ft IlfCl!. at o/io5(c/i h* wo* a mt.tnbtr, l’UICE RKDL'CKD—FOiatTII EDITION. JOHN M. KI'EAK, 2210 nit. Vernon st., 1‘lilladelphla, should avail themselves of thoso “ IMancht ties,’’ wliich No. ({'Montgomery PbaceVcbrnoror Province street (lower Jan. 17.—t ___'- • may be consulted on all miPRiions. as also for communica­ floor), Boston. Mass. THK tions rmm de'eased relatives or friends. THE ESSEER BRETHH AMONG THE JEWS The Plnnehetto Is made of black walnut, with metallic SPIRITl AL TIvACIIEll __xPAT^NT OFFICE, pentagraph whoels, and ISufiunlsbed complcto in a hand­ Glimpses of the Supernatural; A MANUSCRIPT Fo r KU'k K MASONS. 40 SCHOOL STREET, BOSTON, MABB. some Im»x, with pencils and directions, by which anyone - A N P ' can easily understand how to use it. ^ BEING FACTS, RECORDS AND TRADITIONS Thl« work eonfalnsa lithograph llkenesaof Jesus Christ, SONG-STEH, BROWN BROTHERS, SOLICITORS. Black walnut, pentagraph w heels.;...... ^,...... $1,00. BELATIKO TO DlitJAMB, OMENS,' MIRACULOUS which Is i he oldest known, having been found on a tomb In Cherry, on rollers...... 73 cents til* catacombs. - it:> n;nkh rrtir,' * BOW N BROTHERS havohad aprofesslonalexperlenco . Hostage freo. OCCURRENCES, Al’I’AUlTIONS, WRAITHS, Flexible emth cveis, 119 paged. .V)c**nl«. postage free. of fifteen years. Bpnd^pr pamphlet of Instructions, For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY & RICH, al BDec. 30.—cow ‘ WAIININOS. 8KCONI) SIGHT, WITCH­ For sale wholesale ami retail by COLBY A RICH, at : Conmi’e^jujoiml Sim^infr. No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower CRAFT, NECROMANCY, ETC. No. f) Montgomery PmOe, cornerof Province struct (lower floor), Hoston, Mupb. ______floor), Boston, Mass, . _____ . » V. EDITKD 1IY 1JY J. M. PEEBLES.- MAGIC LANTERNS. THE SPIRITUALIST NEWSPAPER THE REV FREDERICK GEORGE LEE, D. C. L THE MASCULINE CROSS; HE ARTOPTK’ON Is the most powerful Coal OH Lan­ BEOORDof the Progress of tho Science and'Ethlcs Thn'autlmr says In Ills i.ieiaci*: “ These remllngis ro- T tern, especially adapted for ttuuday.gcUools. Slides of Spiritualism. Established In ISS!). The Bptrltual- V icar of A ll Saints', Lam beth. siKUiM's, ami eodeetbm.s uj byiiiiiH and Hongs are offered to roduced. Catab gues sent on receipt of stamp. ^ AIst Is tho recognized organ of the educated Spiritualists of Or, Ancient. Sex-Worship. n cut, tcinporatll>, a want b-li liy circles and sorlettoaor W M . Y . McALI.INTC h , >ptritu:vllsls tn (ledr niclal and luliglous gailierlngs.” Nov. 13,—IteoAv 7>W C h w tn n t at., P h ila d e lp h ia , ^Anuukl subscription to residents In any part of the Unit­ Twovolnmca In ono. Ueprlntod from tho London rd A curious and remarkable work, containing tho Traces Piles b'» cents, postage 1 rci*. ed Ststes, In advance, by International festal Order, tho tion. Beautifully buuml in clulh. Price $2,oo, postago of Ancient Myths In the current Religions of To-day. ’ For hhiu wlmioab* anti retail by DOLBY ft RKHI, at fee for Which Is 25c., payable tn Slit. \V. It. tlAltlUrON. free.. 6.5ih».. 26 Illustrations, ifinro: paper.‘wiia'iits: p______' Dec. 4. floor),.]los|,on. Mass. ______floor), Hoston, Mass. tf Dec. 4. • ______a Lyceum Serles^JJo. I, Danger Signals; HARD TIHEN PRICE lifJDUCICD. AM ADlillESB ON Oil Agents to make a iivlng that are not selling our MERCANTILE SAVINGS WSTITOTIOH, 1...... ’-----1------~ id- Fmen, .—- whole or... spare .. time, -______at homo or traveling. The 581 Wnahlngion Ntrect, Bouton. Stories for Our Gliildreii grandest i haitee ever offered, samples 85 cents. For I !.• \ LL dcpoelto made in this Instllutlon commence draw- Religion and Democracy. The Uses and Abuses of 'Iiern Sniritnalisin. LUBTHATF.I) Catalogue, send stamp. Address IM i \ . lng Interest on tho first day of each .mouth. Interest la BY HUDSON AND EMMA TUTTLE. A lecture delivered lH*for« the "Society of Spiritualist*, PORTKItS' UNION, 807Parchaae at.. Mew Bed. paid on deposits for all full calendar months they remain In iMRCinblud at Robinson Hall, New York, Octoliur 19th, 1873. BY MARY F. DAVIS. fbrd. Mum. ______38w-Oct. 2, Bank, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. ____ _ by 8. IL Bril tom M. D. n a r e ;’. Nelnptlron and Lantern Hllde*. The Institution has a guarantee fund of $205,000, for tho This Is the first of a series of storin'' for our children, by Mr. Brtttan has ilomted tbe receipts n'islng from the Thin clnjupnt i ml c» inpruliunRlve patnphlot U especially New and brilliant effects. Circulars freo. protection of Its depositors. . - )3w—Nov. 27. these able radical writers. These ventures are designed saio of the aln*ve pamphlet to thu Bannuj of Light “ l*oil’s pW'fhfd lu «bo piexent * crl>I.H, “ Ublle it rovenli the sub­ to lie tho beginning of a publishing business which hliall INKir Fund.” •* lime Inner lire of u uo Spiritualism, It most poltite ily and SPECIAL OFFER TO SUNDAY-SCHOOLS make liberal and unscctarlnn literature for tho young a Price 2f» centK, jmstage free. compactly portrays the uoots and abmes that alxniud. Do Your Own Printing speciality, ami tho publisher earnestly solicits tho Interest For' aale wlmlewite and rutalp.bv C()LR\ ft RU’ll, at Mis. llavts'M eff cliye utieraucesutoucu piotect thefrlemiJ L. J . MAHL'Y, WIOUilhSTNUT Bt iie e t , Philadelphia. nnd patronage of tho liberal public. No. ft Montgomery Placo, rbrnuror Province atreet (lower and enllglii*-!! itie en-mles of truth and .pregrans. Her Oct. 23.—I3w ____ - '___ for Catalogue Outfits from $1 up. Paper* 25ccnt«; po-tage free. . • , „ „ „ . floor). HosUm. Mw*. timely dlM'otn.se should and will have a very extensive cir­ Go!dlnr4fcCo«, Manuf's, Waehington 8q.% Boston. For aale wholesale nnd retail by CuLBY ft IMCil. at culation, It Ikfeoiuethlr g yon. can Bale))’hand toankcptl- U. J. I. ELLET, Moffnetic Healer, No. 216 Nov. 20,-3mi* No. »5lonlgomeiy Place, comerof Province street (lower D North 13th sr.. Ht. Louis, Mo. D a. E llet treats c;i‘ nelghlior. Chronic iilsea esof almo t every natute maguetlcally and ZtXI/fl ENCYCLOPEDIA. __ • floor), Boston, Mass. ______R ead. B oth Sides. Price, single copy Rjrents, Hco|iies for$1.00; postugo free. wl th wonderful success. He has practiced the gl f t Tor more New and Bevlwd edition. 150,(Xkj articles, 3000 en­ For sa'e wbo'csti’e nnd retail bv ruLHY ft RICH, at than 35 years, and his testored patlcntB are numerous gravings. and 18 -plcndld Maps. The boat book <>f univer­ AH<*r reading Pmf. Brit Jin’* “ Religion nnd Dmmrra- No. !i Monigninei y Pace, comerof Province street (lower sal knowledge In the laugnngo. Now In course of publica­ Honrs' mat Shine onje- Dial of Freedom, cy,“ plenm* read Jain!e**«* Rcpiy« “ Was J umis Christ n floor), Hoston, Mass. throughnul tho West. Ho treats by letter as well as con­ Democrat?’’ PiJcoSVeeniH. . . . tact. Patties wishing his services by letter may send a fee tion. Agents wanted. Specimen with map sent for 20 cts. ‘ • BY BUYAN J . BUTTS. . 1 Kor KHlo amt retail by COLBY ft RICH, at of from tin en to live dollars, as they feel able to pay. Baker, Davis A Co-, 17 and 10 So. 0th st., Philadelphia. No ft Montgomery P lac\ comerof ProvineuHtroct(tower NEW EDITION. Nev. 20.—4w* Nov. 13.—Ow A racy llttlfl rocm, witty and wls-. In which the token, of practical progress aro noted Inachoorfid .plrlt. mlngle.l floor). ItoMfi.M, M»m«. ______1_I______( | t ( k F A A MONTH - Agents wanted everywhere. TAMM A STEELE, M. I)., permanently located with a velu of irony and sarcasm appropriate to tho modern BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY: V Business hnnorablo and first class. Partlcu X J at GOO Third stroet, San Francisco, Oal. WlP diagnose foales who acoklo block the wheels of progress, ADVANCEMENT OF SUIENCK. lam sent free. Address J. WORTH A CO. and prescribe for thq sick pialrvoyantly. Send age, sex l’npor, 13 pp., 15 cents, poslago 1 cent. Contrasting the Chronological Comjmtatlonsof tho ITo- • 238 SnmhSlh street, Bt. Louis, Mo. 13w-—Oct. 9. aiid leaning symptom. Fee $3. Mngnmlzed Taper, with Kor sa'o wholesale and rclall hy ut>LBY ft RICH, at hruwand tsepinnglnt versions (rein A*iam to Christ; Criti­ - anil Morphine habit absolutely . and dircil^nsior development of Spiritual Gifts, $t. No.o. 9 Montgomery____ Place, corner of Province ayrot (lower Inaugural Address of cal Ks.say on the Geographical J.oral Ion of thu Garden ol /V D T T T U f s tw e a m cured. Painless; no publicity, N ov. 27.—13w* floor), Hoston. Mass. Kden, ' „ X U iT IbBenil <‘nU stump for particulars. Dll. OAKL' . H ATIO N Ali . PB0F. JOHN TYNDALL, D.C.L., LLD., F.R.8., BY M. B. CRAVEN, TON, 137 Washington st., Chicago, 111, QUAKER TRACTS FOR THE TIMES, No. 1. Delivered iHifore tho British Awwciatlon for tho advance­ Author of Criticism on the Theological Idea of Deity, Bepr. is__t.Tw' REVIEW OF THEOLOGY. O TKIIE LOVE! WHAT IT 18, AND WHAT I f 18 NOT ment of Science, atTlclfa*L Aog. I9th,jf(7-I, Mediators of thu World, etc., etc. By A. B. Darts. With an appendix. _ Prlco 10 cent!unta, pohudpoHfage2...... cents...... As fonndetl on the fall of m in. By M. B.' Craven, l’rlce VrUeScents, postage 1 cent. . Paper, wltli portrait, 25 cents. , For nale wholesale and letatl by COLBY ft RICH, a tv For sal, whowmle and retail by COLBY ft RICH, at Kor *a e wholesale anti retail bv COL^^ ft RICIT, at MRS, M, SUNDERLAND COOPER, 5 cents, postage 2 cents. No. 9 Montgomery P.a«.c, coruui of Province streot (lower No. 9 Montgomery Place, comerof Province street (lower: ^^STMala street, Concord, N. Hi Honrs, i to 5. * For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY A RICH, at No. • Montgomery Place, corner of Prorlnoe street (lower floor), Boston, Ma**«| / Mo. 9Montgomery Place, (lower floor,) Bo.too, Hass. floor), Boston, ” — floor), Boetoo, Maw. . ^4


revivaDnpprntor,-|usf the same as the mesmericr [Reprinted from tbeNew York Sun of Nor. 301 h.] trlbuted liberally to support him, and also filled tbe ball lins.learned that he Seeds tills harmony to draw The Alleged Eddy . Exposures — Col. wltb earnest bearers, so wo are informed by Sidney Howe. anna of v£ight. strength from. The experiences of La ltoy Sun­ W. F. Jamieson Is lecturing In tho WeBt, The,Quincy Gifts for the People, derland, well-known to the liberal public as a Olcott lias a Word to Hiiy on the (III.) paperasre glirlng dally reports of hlsloctnres. The lecturer on mesmerism, etc., who for many years Nubject—lie Agrees and Disagrees,. Dally Whig says he “ glvesevldenceof being very familiar At No. 9 Miinlpisrf Plate, Boston, Mass. BOSTON,' SATURDAY, DECEMBEB XI, 1875, before was a powerful revivalist, were cited as To the Editor of the San: with his subject,” Speaking of his lecture otDec. 3d, It proofs of the identity of the influence in both When my eyes caught the head line "Exposure says, "T lie discourse was listened to-Wlth markdd atten­ I’rof. Wllllinn l»**nlon ou “ ICevivulH cases. For seventeen years the most wonderful of the Edays,” In to-day’s Sun, I said to myself tion from the commencement to .the end.” The Quincy BEAUTIFUL effects were produced by the sermons and exhort­ that the grand exposure of the Eddy spiritual Dally Herald says, “ Mr. Jamieson 1b a pleasant, fluent «. o f K ellg lo ii." v ations nf Mr. Sunderland—people, were stricken manifestations whlcli, in common with the whole speaker, and holds tho attention of his hearers from the down by what the Methodists called “ the falling public, I have been patiently waiting for, had opening to the close. He Is extremely radical la his views, Reported for tin* H;uhht uf Light by 'b'lin W. Day. Power,” (hut wlilpli was-really a state of mes­ come at last; but upon reading the narrative, which lie asserts plainly and boldly.” He Is called to return HOLIDAY BOOKS! meric catalepsy) people' were brought down to through, I was sorry to find one more added to to Kansas; hut during December will remain 111 Quincy. On Siuuhiy ftftrmoon, Drcemhor MR, th<;soc- tlie altar for prayers from the congregation in many 'antecedent unsatisactory explanations of J . Frank Baxter has been lecturing In Worcester, Hass. oiul i’imr»i' of Spiritualist looturps in l’liino Hall, scores, (which was only the .repetition on a a provoking mystery. A correspondent, J . II., writes: "W e have been favored Appleton struct, lloston, was cnmniuncuil under larger scale of the drawing forth by tlie mesmeric Your correspondent writes as though he had wllha series of lectures liy J. Frank Baxterof Winchester, The Spirits’ Book. Mass. M r. Baxter was listened to with Intense and grow­ Contalnlngthel’rlnclnlosof Spiritist Doctrlnoon the I iq» nianiipciiicnt.iif I)r. II. 1’. Gnrdiicr, by l’rof. Wil­ operator of subjects from ids audience,) all tlie examined the premises and detected William mortality of tho Houl; tim Nature of Spirits and their lie* various types of excitement attending the revival Eddy ami his confederates at work; whereas the ing Interest by people both outside and wltlila tho ranks latlons with Mon; the Moral I*aw; the Prewnt Mfev the liam Denton, ills theme above nameil being per­ system were made manifest, and it was supposed -most superficial knowledge of .the “circle room” of Spiritualism. Ills language was choice and often elo­ Future Life, and the Destiny of the Humnn Race, accord- tinent nt the present time, when it is sought by tout the Iainl had visited-liis church and was do­ lmd its surroundings would have shown him the quent. He afforded qutto a number of satisfactory tests, g to tho Teachings of Spirits of High Degree, transmlt- by giving the names, prominent traits of character, former q through various Mediums, collected and set In order by f ertain tlieoloj,'ie agitators toilistnrti tin: moral nml ing a great work for souls. These occurrences Insufficiency of either’of the points in ills theory. Allan KaiideC. Translated from the French, from tha in presence of Mr. Sunderland were known to he He makes It appear as if the cabinet floor could place of residence and business of persons not now lit the Hundred and Twentieth Thousand, by Anna Blackwell. me-.tal atmos]>liere of vnrioiis eoimnunities, nml form. Mr. Baxter has a very fine voice, nml his singing Is Printed from duplicate English plates on fee tinted paper, verities by some people who were now alive, and lie raised and confederates gain access to the large 12iuo, 438 pp., cloth, hoveled hoards, fHnck and gold, inaugurate tin- tbnmler ami the whirlwind, for­ Possibly present in the audience to-day I Hut closet from William’s bedroom below, by mount­ charming and Impressive. 'W e are to have lilm again In atm containing a tine steel-plate portrait of Allan Kardoc. getting that Die prophet of old finally found the iiy-nnd-hy, through a series of studies andexperi­ ing n pailded stalrease built in a chimney flue. January.” - "rice | 1,75, puntago tree. truest expression of hist’mil in the “ still small ments, Mr. Sunderland became convinced that tlie The faet is, that not only once, hut several times, C. 11. I.ynn lectures In Now York during Docembor— voire.” The persons eoinposing the audienee on occurrences which were tlie result of tlie ‘Tower" I examined the flooring of the cabinet and plat­ address care of A. J. Davis, 21 East till street; In l’lilla- Book on Mediums, or Guide for which accompanied him wherever lie went, and form-from below, where I could not only seo but dolphin during January. Engagements solicited In any this orea-ion must Ijnve gone away with a yet those witnessed in presence of tlie mesmeric op­ actually tested the solidity of every hoard and part of tho country. Mediums and Invocators. firmer rooted (‘onvietion not only of the fnllaey erator were really one and tlie same ns to their joist, and did this once in company with n Mas­ The course of lectures delivered by James M. Techies at Containing tho Special Instruction of tho Spirits on tbe Sturgis, Mich., upon “ Travels, and tlio Spiritualism of Theory of all kinds of Manifestations; thpjdeansof Cora- of these “ ievivals,” so called, hut also of the fact cause — that mesmeric influence nml revival sachusetts inventor, who lias taken many patents mmlcntlng with the Invisible YVorld; the Development of that tile causes which underlie and make such "power" were only different phases of tin* same for mechanical contrivances, and who was not a the Eastern Nations, ” were largely attended, the church Ilufiluni.siup;Ip; the" Difficulties" " " ------and ' "the ------Dangers that are to seemingly nbnormul disturbances of the elements identity. And he'hecame wlmt the world called Spiritualist; and mice with a Hartford architect. being crowded (luring tho seven evenings. Mr. 1’eehlcB 1h) Encountered______In the ______Practice of SplrltliSpiritism. By...... Allan lectures In Memphis, Turn.,' during Docembor. Address Hardee. Translated from tho French, hy Emma A. Wood. "possible were far from being rightlv understood, an infidel, and took tlie field ns a lecturer on The whole surface of tlie chimney, from basement Second thousand. Printed on fine tintedited paper, lnrgol2mo, or if understood, of being acknowledged by the mesmerism, nml, strange to say, tlie same phe­ to circle room, enn he examined by nny one who lu care of Dr. Samuel Watson. 400 pp. Cloth, beveled boards, black and gold. Price $1,50, 11 revivalists" themselves, to say nothing of the nomena which when lie was a preacher were held enres to explore tlie dustjmle or pot closet, and I W. S. liell lectured last Sunday In^I’ulne Memorial Build­ posiage free. ______people upon whom they operated. by the people to he the work of the spirit of the assert, after careful sounding and scrutiny of tlie ing and lu Iiochester Hull, Boston. In commencing, the speaker remarked that he Lord still followed him, as powerfully ns ever, mason work, tlint there is no opening through The World’s Sixteen Crucified had often been denounced as nil infidel, and pos­ and lie thereby learned by act nil experience which a mouse could creep into tlie flue. Spiritualist Meeting* iii Ro*ton. Saviors; or,, Christianity sessed, of no religious sentiment; tills was not Hint, "revivals” were produced by the same iu- Again, your correspondent says that the female 1*aink Mkmouiai, H alt*. — Prof, Wm, Dtnton will true, fur he lead a stronghold on religion..though tluence thrown by the- revivalist upon ids con­ spirits arc personated by two of tlie Eddy girls, continue htH course of lectures In this Hall. Appleton street, before Christ. to .him tlie word might have n meaning not strict­ gregation lis that’ thrown by the mesmeric op­ .who live near the place, hut are never seen by each Sunday at2:4.» nnd 7:45o'cluuk until further notice. Ily Kersey Graves. This work contains new and start­ Dr. II. F. Gardner, Manager. ling' revelations In religious history, which disclose tho ly ill accord with that attaelied to it by the erator upon'Ids aiidien’e-that eacli was hut tlie tlie hoarders, they dressing in William’s room iloiix A. ANDUKv/ It am ,.—Tho meetings at this lmll, Oriental o il. In of all tlie doctrines, principles, precepts churches. 11 is- conception nf religion, was, that it shnplcctl'eet produced by an eijually simple cause. where the costumes nre kept, and passing thence 114 Cliannry street, are tree to the pulmc. Mrs. S. A. and miracles of the Christian New Testament, and fur­ was that which caused men to lead purer, truer As hel'ore stated, tlie mesmerist could make ills to tlie masked staircase. This is the most absurd Floyd, trance speaker, will lecture and answer questions nishing a key for unlocking many of Its sacrcil mysteries, from any persons In the audience at ‘2^ und7M. Quartette busld -s comprising tho History of Sixteen Oriental Cruci­ lives, which taught them thelov.eof their neigh­ subject believe anything he.chosc, ami the speak­ j of theories. In tlie first plaee, 1 have seen nil tlio winging. ' • ✓ . fied Gods. Second edition, revised nnd corrected. 12mo, bor, to lie honest in all their dealings with their er quoted a ease mi record .where at a lecture on ! Eddy family (except the brother who lives in ItnciiK^TEii H all.—The. Children's Progressive. L y-' 380 pages. Price $2,00, postage 20 cents. kind, and which by this preparation in the mun­ this science- the operator caused a number of tlie | Minnesota) in the circle room, when tlie per- ce.um .Vo. 1, which formerly met In .John A. Andrew Hull, will hold Its HosslotiB at Rochester llall, 7;j() Washington dane fitted them to take all advanced position on most respectable men in tile town to imagine that I formnnocs were going on; Vcondly, 1 have street, every Sunday, at lOtf o’clock. Julia M. Carpen- tluiMiigh road of progress when they reached the they had ropes attaelied to the moon, and at his ' searched Williams room, aml*lie costumes are . or, Cor. Sec’y. I.eeturers on the subject nf Spiritual­ Around the World; or, Travels spiritual side of life's experiences, Such was ids bidding they by great, ex ■rtions dragged it down 1 lint kept there ; thirdly, n'o.oitd could pass from ism or lilhenillsm mv notified that this hall Is op.'n for engagenn-uts during the week, or on Sunday afternoons in Polynesia, China, India, view of religion,.and to this lie stretched out a from the sky, aiid further, proceeded tneut off and William’s room to (lie preteiiiMl secret stalrease and evening-*. Fai lles wishing.to secure It should corre­ welcoming hand, and for its advancement among ! cut slices from it (iii'p'iiiitomimc) ou his assuring ! without passing ,tl).e length oft tlie dining-room spond with Alonzo Danfoi th, nddres lng him at tlio ha I. .Arabia, Egypt, and other the people lie .would earne-tly devote 11is dearest them that it wasaifter all made of green'cheese i and buttery, in sight of any one who might he in The Ladies' Aid Snctetu will until further notice hold Its energies ; his life hud been Spent in holiest en­ [ Laughter.] Hut singular as this might appear, tlie sitting room, ns they sometimes nre; fourth­ meetings at Rochester lull, on Tuesday afternoon and “Heathen” Countries. veiling of each week. Mrs. . C. _ C. Hnjward, President; By .1. M. Peebles. This thrllllngly Interesting voltimo- deavors to "revive" this true religion- among- tlie same state of mind was also produced iiv the ly, in summer, when tli’e windows are open, tlie MIskaM. L. Hnrrctt, Secretary. deserfidng the Maimers, Customs. Laws, Religions and men, and to exhibit in his daily walk tlie fruits revivalist; tiffs worthy, taking liis'Iiemiiling silence is so (lend that tin* chirp of every cricket I.l’h m n k 11 am*.—free Public Circles are hold at this Bpl i-ltunl-Muni festal Ions or thu Ui lentals-ls the author’s of its influence, II is'great •objection to the so- convert by tlie hand, painted to him a blazing can he heard, and the. slightest movement of Wil­ Hall, No. :t Winter street, every Sunday1 at 10»£ a. ji, and iijiistorjiluci*, StM’oiifl wllilon; largit 8v<»« bvvelud boards* p .’m. hy many of tho nest test mediums nnd sneakers Kilt side ami back, l’lloc §2,00, iiostnge'32 cciUb. called "revivalsof religion "its he filet with them liell, and tin* liorror-stricki'ii subject saw it plain­ liam inside the closet would he betrayed. Tlie in the city. Uuod music provided. All are Invited to at­ among the churches and in various communities, ly, and then lie.showed him tlie’arms of Jesus, cabinet is only two by seven feet, and tlie hoards tend. lay in'tin-fact that-they brought no'change to which, like a '.thick-bussed buckler, were spend in no one plane nre cut so that n trap could he Bible Marvel-Workers, the individual "revived ” or converted ; lie’ was out to .shield him' 'from Satan's rage, -mid ex­ raised anil leave'William and his rocking-chair IIoston.—Jhchester //«?/.—The Children’s Progressiva .ycemu met as usual nt eleven o’clock, a. m., on Sunday, And tlio Power which Helped or Made them perform not called Jipon to change ids,inode of life', to aim claimed to him “ Conic to Jesus,“ and the fear- n place to stand. Materializations even better Dec. 5th. Mr. Hatch, the conductor, was obliged to he Mltfhty Works, ami utter Inspired Words; together with to lie a hottor man, to'hruadoii tin- seupe of his “ L m d , wii i some personal traits andcharartcrlstlcsof Prophets, Apos­ sick subject cried out, 1 . . ” Wlm than nny seen upstairs occurred in the room be- absent, hut his assistant, Mr, Frank Union, filhul Ills tles, and J osi\h, or New Headings oT ’’The Mlraeles.11 By usefulness—not oie.il- to make an effort to lie iruuUI ii't, under the 'circumstances[Applause.] lo\y tlie cabinet, where I searched the room and place creditably, and the exeyclsesparsed olT-pleasantly. Allen I’utnonr, A. M. The character and merits of this ireef/i.v'to believe on JeMis, tint only to express Hut Imw ninny, many persons, when this lemim- the medium just ns tlie latter entered, and where book need only acquaintanceship to make It a popular fa­ Recitations were given by H. H. Johnson, Julia M. Car­ vorite. Cloth, 1)1,25. postage id cents. a blind faith in him—Jesus, wlm would pay every rary excitement wiis removed, discovered tlint tlie seance wns held nt my own suggestion, made penter, 1,Inwood llirkok, Johnny Hatch, Rudolph Hurtle-, debt of sin, and who as a 'vicarious sacrifice iii they had made ft mistake, mid, afraid of public live minutes before tt began. e"' sen, Jennie Kills, Mabel Kdson, Jennie M iller,‘Frank da'vs long pa-.t had hii.rM.the bonds of death and opiiiiiin, passed tlie rest of their lives in keeping The murder is not out vet. Dr. Heard confessed ItakcF, Alice Dodge and HoIlmi M ,Dill. Thero was a good Startling Facts in Modern Spir­ hell for whosoever'would call upon Ids name ! up an outside show of religion, and trying to in­ tlie whole battle, lmd to lie fought nt the door of attendance, npd an Interest manifested by both children "Come to Ji mis ! ” Hut where Jesusmid duce other people to walk into the same I rap in that cabinet, not inside ; that it wns a simple al­ and spectators tbatwas cheering to thoso who havo tho ad­ itualism. • * tli'e answer to tlie query could lie found in the which they had been caught, a system of hypoc­ ternative of personations by. William Eddy or an vancement of the hyeimm at Heart., Tills Is a record of startling and nr rns blgnltleant phenomena occurring In Modern Spiritualism, [lresonre of the revivalist while lie i present risy In their case from which none but evil fruits occult force. Anil 1 agree with him. I don’t J ulia M. Cahi’Kxteu, Cor. 8*6, which herald the dawn of a new and Important era lu the In the church—and when the revivalist had gone could be expected. '•ij'ny Hint' those Edily manifestations nre not partly, The Mediums' Meeting In the afternoon, and the lecturo world. Price $2,00, postage 32 cents. on Ids way the pastor of 'the lloek would stand The revivalist worked in the same manner ns or even wholly, fraudulent; lint 1 do sav Hint I byAv. S. Hell In the evening of the same day, drew togeth­ for Jesus, fiid'-r tlicliillueiiceof this system we tlie mesmerist with the people; looking down. do not believe tlint they are the latter. There is er good audiences. Next Sunday afternoon the regular could find ii’i community revivals of tear, revi­ Irom his pulpit lie could mark the effect of tils one point upon which, however, I am hot left in medium's meeting will take place at this halt, and will bo The Identity of Primitive Chris­ vals of halo, revivals ot' cnvy'nml nil iincliuri- words ; if lie saw any persons affected lip would tlie slightest doubt, viz.; tlmt a more .churlish continued during tho evening. tableness, hut little of the pure spirit of brother­ at once call sueli up to the altiir as sacrifices to and backbiting set of people tlinn tills same fam­ tianity and Modern ly love nml upward aspiration for belter things superslit ion, mid they would come—mid one would ily 1 never encountered. And, in general, I have Tho steamship “ Deutschland,11 from Hronien for New Spiritualism. ,and conditions.- The speaker cmifit tell when a bring another, nml the hazy mist of excitement no reason to differ witli your correspondent rts to York, was wrecked on Kentish Knock In the North Sea, By Eugene Crowell, M. D. The author, In his dedica­ "revival" was in progress wherever lie went, liy would all at once Hash into ilanie.! Hut if lie did their shrewdness and general characteristics. at 5 o’clock ou Monday morning, Dec. Clh. As near as can tion, says : 14 To all liberal mhids In the Christian churches who nre disposed to welcome new light upon tho spirituality the way Hie pious people looked lit him, us if lie not see any, lie would step out from his pulpit, H enry S. Oi.cott. ho estimated, about 60 lives were lost. of the Bible, even though it may proceed from an unortho­ was a child of the devil, a,stumbling-block jn tlie perhaps go down among tin* people and lay his ■ New Turk, Nov. Sfff/i, 1875. dox source, and who dare weigh and consider,,even though iiand.iipoii those lie Imped to influence. And, i hey may reject, the claim herein made for the unity of the path of'tlie car of religion, and worthy the ex higher teachings of Modern bplrltuallsnl with those of tremest woes of liell! like tlie mesmeric operator,-tlie said revivalist New Publications. early Christianity, this work Is respectfully dedicated.11 In his present discourse lie proposed to tell demanded that there should lie no disturbance One largo octavo volume, handsomely printed and bound how these revivals were-gotten up, or mmuifac- to lessen tlie effect, or break up the current-of T iikSIIoly T r u th ; or Tlie Coming Reformation Uni­ T H E S P I R I T S ’ B O O K ; In cloth. Price 82,50, postage free. versal and Eternal, because Founded on Demonstrable Also, Vol. II. Just issued, $2,50, postage free. |urcil; for 'they wore tlie legitimate fruits of a law tlie liilhienee. In proof of this the speaker elteil • CONTAINING well known to advanced thinkers, and" perhaps n'ense where.nn eminent revivalist, going down Trutli, Is tlie comprehensive title,of a noble volume, writ­ also to many who made use of its provisions mining thu people, found two voting men who ten liy Ilughjiiuor llrowno, and published In London hy Poems from the Inner Life. Arthur ltall and Company. It Is the sltnple truth that while professing to tie Ignorant thereof. Eor were evidently pnssing under Ills influence.; to By Llzzlo~T?bten. Tenth edition. This volume contains this purpose lie drew the following sketch : Tlie them lie addressed Ills most fervid appeals, and the author nf tilts volume attempts to demonstrate, and by Tfie Principles of Spiritist Doctriue the gems of the Inspirational utterances given clilolly be­ .church nt "Jonesboro" is loaded with a heavy lmd the satisfaction to note tlie look of tenor II to reconcile the differences tlint nt present exist between ON fore public audiences, under direct spirit Inthumco. Cloth, debt, its members nre few, and Hie payment of the stealing over their faces ns jie painted the horrors science and religion. Ills key to the whole mystery ts tlie full gilt, $2,00; cloth, plain, ?l,5Q, postage 18 conts. nnnmil interest money is a very great burden upon in store for the uiiregenernte soul; hut while lie spiritual philosophy, whleli ho employs with marked skill, TIIE IMMORTA LITT. OF THE SO UL: THE prudence and elfect. The essay on the reconcilement of ilieijt; so tlie deacons in council decide that 'some­ was in tlie height of his harangue a shutter of .science and religion Is especially deserving of perusal NATURE OF SPIRITS AND THEIR Poems of Progress/ thing must lie done for the relief of the society— tlie church suddenly closed with a violent crash, “ S|il ritualism Is nanew religion,’’ he says, *' It Is tint tile By Miss Lizzie Doton, nutliorof 4‘.Poems from tho In­ they must have n " revival- of religion ; " they and to ! the young inen avVoke with a start from . RELATIONS WITH MEN: THE ner Idfo.11 Illustrated with a lino steel engraving or the lioli’l converse with tlie pastor, and lie at once de­ the fearful nightmare which was so rapidly be­ angel sent to trouble the waters Into whlrli we must phmgo inspired author. Cloth, plain, |1,50*, cloth, gilt, $2,DO, clares that a revival will lie just, the tiling, ashy numbing their faculties. The practiced eye of the spirit of division prevalent mining nil sects and parlies MORAL LAW: THE PRESENT postage 20 cents. ^______1 -■ it tlie souls of men will lie saved, while,the num­ tlie revivalist saw nt mice that-nil was lost, that- before wo can expect to seo any cordial unity." Again says the author, “ Spiritualism Is destined tohe-omolho LIFE,-THE FUTURE LIFE, AND THE The Voices—Poem in Pour Parts. ber In help pay tlie.expi-nses of. tlie church will they had escaped from Ids control, anil in his one grand event of the world'' history. l'Vumled on eter­ By Warron Sumner Barlow. Part I—The Voice of Na­ also lie increased. Hut the worthy pastor'and anger and fury he shook his clenched list at the nal I nub. It must supersede all religions, based as they are DESTINY OF THE HUMAN RACE, ture; Part ll-The Volceof a Pebble; PartlU-Tlio Volcp his iiid'/i find their efforts'vain to bring? object which Imd created the disturbance and nn fear, demoralizing In their nature, nml productive of of Suporstltlon: Part IV—The Voice of Prayer. Sixth about tin* desired resuU ; they and the shouted in stentorian tones, “ -Tiro nu n d a m n ed nearly ns much harm as good.’’ • .* * “ IVearoon ttioevo edition'. Just Issued; new and elegant steol-plato portrait ACCORDING TO TIIE TEACHINGS OF of author. Cloth, $1,25; cloth, gilt, $1,50, postage lGcents. pray earnestly that the spirit of Hod will oinm hi/ lhe nlnm m ii);/ o f a w indow b lin d ! ” of some great change—Is tlie burden nf most of the essays, down nml dwell in the community nml bring “ Let there tie no discussions among the breth­ lectures, sermons, anil even poems', of tlie day. That SPIRITS OF niO II DEGREE, TRANS­ souls into tlio fold, hut nothing comes of it. If ren,” says the revivalist.-it Let us have lio dis­ change will come through ami by tho nt pro'sent despised Home—Femme Heroic and Mis­ tlie Lord is so anxious to do good, as they be­ turbance or argument,” says the mesmerist.. mal ridiculed Spiritualism." It Is tho niulu'i reverence MITTED THROUGH VARIOUS,. ' lieve, why does lie not do it without those" Jrantic Hotli are aiming to hold in abeyance for tlie time fdrthcpasi that lilnderstts progress now, and likewise tlie MEDIUMS, cellaneous Poems. appeals—'much more, why should these'appeals, being the reason and will of the individuals they utter repudiation of the active, living principle of God's COLLECTED AND SET IN ORDER ByJcsseolI. Butler, of San Francisco, CM. HOME, tho be made iii vain . Finally as a last hope they hope to'cnntrnl; the revivalist ('specially abhors over-ruling providence. A booked this character Is.thrice longest poem. Is, as Us name indicates, a tracing of human . BY . lire in this sphere, nnd also (by the use of awakened splrlt- send for Lev. lehahod Wak'em, nml alter some the reason, nml docs not seek to awaken thought, welcome, nt a time, too, when every fresh furco helps in slght) a portraiture of 44 ourHome In Ileavon.11 preliminary (•iivrespiindcliei^Jie nun os to come to hut blind and infatuated faitli. A subject once spreading the truth Hint makes us all free Translated from tho French, from tho Hundred and The work contains a flue steel engraving of the author. Bound In fine cloth, gilt shlo and hack, $1,50, hostage 14 their town I or two weeks for (stun, “mid sec what 'controlled liiesmerieally was alwrtys easier to eon- , I.iri; and ...... Ahvr.N'ruitKS ...o f ..A Q ,c.uaker ...... among...... tiie.. Twentieth Thousand, cents; full gilt, side and back, beveled boards, $2,00, post­ tin* Lord will do for the church.” And lie comes, trill a Second time ; just SO with * tin* church ; it ; Indians, by Thomas 0. Unties', collies' f rcslily from tlie llY’ ANNA BLACKWELL. age 14 conts. ______and prays, and shouts, mill exhorts, mid tin* peo­ was a notable fact Hint tin* b a c h liile m from (lie jii'hsh of it S!u*i>ar», wood —- cuts ------and ) l-i'inanci'. All sorts of characters, Incidents nml ndven- text hooks for old 111 searching out knowledge concerning graphic plates, aylo i.lldly primed on tinted paper, with to thoir little town (when they professed to be­ weMmuld have-"converted it long ago!” The j lures arc liilenvdvon, amt tho reading becomes fully as oil life and Its belongings, botq now and to come, are turning extra flue binding. Cloth, ft,75, postage 48cems, lieve lie was everywhere, mid was therefore with lecturer Was of opinion, however, that woman tertalnlng as- tr Is Instinctive. It Is, moreover, an argu thelratteiitloii to the claims of tho Spiritual Philosophy, Abridged edition, containing all but engravings, $1,60. them all the time,’) torevive.liis work mining the would one day develop out of the condition of ment fur tlie peace policy all jho way through. this sterling voluino Is calculated to fill nn Important place people; the' spirit of Hie. Lord thus being held ignorant** and subjection in which' tlie church In tiie,popular demand, anil to do much good by tho en T he C heat Honanza Is an cntlroly new lltornry veil- to he lacking in power to penetrate tlie hidden strove to keep her, and emerge into the glorious llglitcnnuqit or the Inquiring. Chapters' from the Bible of the lure. It Is a hook, with .two hundred Illustrations, con doings of his servant. light of truth.- I t Is also a'work which thooldest nnd most confirmed dis­ tnlntng narratives of ndventure and discovery In gold Ages- "^Ihit the lecturer held a different view concern­ If tlie mere production by the. revivalists of tlie ciple of tlvo Spiritual Dispensation can consult nndmentally mining and silver mining, among .the rnftsiuon. In tho oil Fourteen Chapters, Soleetcd from Hindoo Vedas, Bud­ ing this Jonesboro case nod its compeers wher­ phenomena of mesmerism were all tlint followed regions, whaling, hunting, Ashing, and AglitliTg.'-""Tho digest witli profit. - _ . ■ dha, Confucius, Mencius, Zoroaster, Egyptian .Divine By- . Tlio translator’s preface, hy Anna Blackwell, giving as T - _ n._. J _ 1. Il.l l. Ill.lln I.i.tnnun l ll.nl lOIID l'lflf/l. ever met: The whole body of phenomena attend­ these revivals tlie speaker would not consume tlie writers are Oliver Optic, U.'M. llallantync, Capt. Clias ant upon the revival system was .substantially time of his audience by considering the subject,' IV.- llall, C. E. Illshop and Frank II. Taylor, besides It does a fliI8?lnt(Lreadablo. skotcli of Hlvnll’s (or “ Kar- dec's” ) experleiifws^ atul -the exquisitely finished stool- the same as that attendant upon mesmerism,'anil hut tlie efforts of these'men operated to put hack others equally well know n/ Those who would llko to en­ anil compiled byG. B. Stebblns, Detroit, Midi. 400pages. to mesmeiic influence alone cmrirrall the singular every effort of reform in man’s condition. A plate portrait of this celebrated gentleman, are of them­ Cloth, {1,60, postage 24 cents; fluted paper, bevoled hoards, joy a fireside dasli of adventure will do well' to possess {2,00, postage 24 conts. results produced at the revival he successfully vast system nf delusion wns sought by these re­ Ihemselvcs-of this thesaurus of wild, out-door oxporlenco. selves worth almost thoeutlre price of tho book. attributed.'' Wnk’cm was a strong mesmeric oper-, vival iqterntors tolie impressed liiesmerieally upon I.ec & Shepard are thu publishers. ator, and so were fill his kind ; it was a truth tlie minds of their converts—an.ilnpressioi’i more Trlntcdon lino tinted papor, largo 12mo, 433 pp., cloth, T he N u itSKiiY I* ill me it.—One of tho most charming lit­ hoveled hoards,, black and gold. l*rfco 91,75, p o s ta g e Biography of Mrs. J. H. Conant, ' which experience established, that the mesmeric lusting wlien given them in tliis condition, just as One of tlioYVorld's Mediums of tho Nineteenth Century. operator, If lie had faith in his own iiower, and tlie ideas expressed by tlie operator were more last- tle hooks for a child beginning to,read. Is “ The Nursery free. This hook contains - . illeddiudn------Him was the one wanted; when he came the"re­ bodied also in the Moody nnd Snnkey hymn hook, lisher, F. W. H''lmlckr278-West Sixth street, Cincinnati, ISSUED WEEKLY O., ft march entitled, “ She’s ns. Bright as the Stars In vival begnn ; when lie want (or when any re­ and sung by excited thousands in Europe and AT? NO. 0 MONTGOMERY PLACE, BOSTON, MASS viuuruuKuui u m jiu i vivalist went away from the field of Ills tabor,) America,'and- showed Hint professed.Christinns Heaven,” n.waltz, “ Itemouihcr Deeds of Kindness,’’ entitle disquisition, theologm explication, both .by J. Wyniond, and a comic song, “ Who's dat scrlptlon and spiritualual revelation. lOlotu, $1,60» postage the revival went down, w tla vi there was left be­ .failed to follow tlie direct-teachings of Hie Nnza-- COLBY A RICH, 24 conts. hind, In ids stead, some man possessing a portion rene in* the shrinonon the Mount, npd that their Knocking stile Old Back Gale V ’’ words by Harry Wes­ Publisher* and Proprietor.. of tliis power whereby the work could he kept tern, music byS. E. New. From W. H. Ewald & Bro., statement of the condition of man was not 13d Newark Ave., Jersey City, N. J., wo have received a I saac B. Ric h ...... Businesb Manager. The Federati of Italy. up.. Wherever these men went “ the Spirit of LUTIIEH COLUY...... E ditob, home out by tlie fnuts of history or science; and song, “ Darling Little Kosehud,” words by Arthur Wclls- A Romanco of Caucasian Captivity. By Dr. tlie Lord ” went, too, and.when they, changed further said that were Christ on earth to-day, - Aided bifa large corps of able writers. son. This Is a romance of the most eicItlng charac'C ' their location thither also went the circumscribed by. -music by W. W. Keenan, ond“ Dobut W altz,” by anil full of stirring Incidents. -It Is skillfully conceived the heartiest opponents to ills severely practical •S. T. White. ' THE BANNER Is a first-class, eight-page Family News­ and constructed, Its wide variety of characters affords M spirit of the Lord, hastily dropping the work In teachings would be found in the churches whlcli paper, containing fokty columns of interesting and stant excitement anil pleasure. Cloth, |l,W, postage the old locality, that it might be on hand at call nre founded in his name I - inbtiiuctive iikaDin g . embracing . Movements or Lecturers and Mediums. A LITERARY' DEPARTMENT: - cents. ■ ■ In the new. -The speaker quoted the case of the l.In tlie evening Prof,JDenton gave a highly in­ REPORTS OF SPIRITUAL LECTURES: revivalist Earle, ns one Inpoint, and later that of teresting address, based bn nrcliicologlc nnd geo­ N. Frank W hite speakB In New Boston, Mass., on the ORIGINAL ESSAYS-Upon Spiritual, Philosophical and Ijnmortelles of Love. ovcnlngs, of December 14th, 15th, and 16th. During tho Scientific Subjects. ------, Moody and Snnkey, who were pursued by the logic testimony, and illuminated by the light of EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. ■ By J. O. Barrett. The author expresses an exaltedaiD spirit of the Lord across tin* Atlantic, to Liver­ nsychometry, concerning “Ancient America—Its Sundays of December andJanuaryhelecturesinBrldge- SPIRIT-MESSAGE DEPARTMENT. predation of woman ami her dlvlnost needs, and nerewim pool, London, etc., and hack again to Hrooklyn Mound-Builders and Copper-IVorkers.” port,'C t., whero hejnay bo addressed. CONTRIBUTIONS hy the most talented writers In tho Beems gifted with rare Insight as to tho Interior life or ma ■ world, etc., otc. ■ hood smf womanhood, as related to each other. Boim „ and other places—the excitement in everyplace 1 J . M. Allen spoke in E&9t Concord, Vt., Nov. 21st, 28th, tinted psper, beveled hoards, (1,60, postage 10 conts, pu“ “ dying down ns soon as tlie exciting cause, the To tlie Editor of the tlaiincr or Eight: . ^ •' ] / ' and Dec. 4th. He wouldllke to make further engagements cloth, ,1,00, postage 12 cents.______presence of these worthies, wns removed. I believeJt is a doctrine of rc-inearnntion that Address as usu.it MatGcld, Plymouth Co., Mass., or care TEBHB OF .SUBSCRIPTION, IN A2VANC& - Tlie necessities following mesmeric -control, For Year...... V...... '...... *3,00 human spirits having survived on'd body on earth Banner of 9Bight. •* • Nix Month...... 1,50 The Spiritual Pilgrim. - 6ueh as passivity on the part of the subject, faitli reappear lieie, sooner or inter, afiiL'ln the same’ Mnrgarct Sunderland Cooper Is now Rested at 37 Main Three Months...... 75 A Biography of Janies M. reeblos. Thin! eM’SS* Si on tlie part: of tlie operator, harmony on the part manner as before .If such be the ense, hqw can the street. Concord, N, II,, whore she will ronTaln for the next J®"'Postage fifteen cents per year, tchlcA must accompa- vised and corrected. By J. O. Barrett, rreface h> Emms Of the audience, etc., were pointed out as being earth's human population lie-increased ? Let us three months. . ;; . ny the subscription. • ' Hardlngo Britten: with a fine steel portrait of Mr. l <*uiw In remitting by mail, » Post-Ouica Money-Order on Bos­ Perhaps none of the phenomenal lwraonages.sf the spu 4 also concomitant necessities of the ’ revival suppose there are one thousand millions of human : GilesJlAStcbblnB .will speak,In Chicago. Dec. 19th and ton, e ra D ratt on a Bank or Banking House In Boston or ual movement can furnish a more striking, Instructive work. " A united Cliuroli ” wns the demand of beings on earth .to-day. If these he but repeti­ 2fiih. ” / ■'< ■ i •*. ' ' NewYortc city, payable tothe order ot Colby-A R ich, Is Interesting tbeiho lor the biographer than J. M. reeu". the operator then* as in. the lecture hall. Why'-? tions of those tlint have passed away before, * ’1 *• . • i referable te Bank Notes, slnco, should tlie Order or Draft Cloth, ,1.60, postage20cents. ' would the Lord do" more for two men .than for Anthony Illgglnshashocnlecturing In Marlboro’, Mass., Eo lost or stolen, It can be renewed without loss to the wlmt is tlie solution of this apparent .dilemma ? .theslx Sundays JuBt nassedj and gavesuCtrgeneral satis­ sender. . , one? jy.ouJd lie henr tho prayer of one hundred, An explanation of tills matter would oblige me. 'Subscriptions discontinued at tbe expiration of tbe time Ail the above hooks (or sale wholesale and raj*1'. and slight that of fifty pious hearts? Oh, no, the faction that niaiiy wish to* retain .(him fuV/lh6 rcst'or the paid for. COLBY A RICH, at No. 8 Montgomery Place, corner » . • ; J. v . n. winter. Notwithstanding the bard times, the poople con-1 ; A®- Specimen copiessent free. Province street (lower floor), Boston, M ass.. .* ’ ' .M, ■ ■■