Banner of Light V38 N11 Dec 11 1875
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/ * w • v * s > fp d X r ' IONENT i f & whT.;jV'.. 0 •" i fa - l > ^ . yy.-rpr;^,^ ( COLBY 4 RICH, ) t (3,00 Per-Annum, >' YOL. XXXYJII i Publishers and Proprietors, j BOSTON, SATURDAY, '--DECEMBER 11,. 1375. ( In Advance, j •'NO. 11. Banner Content**. records of its characteristics inscribctim ilhe scenes but you disappeared suddenly before our eyes,' for some years hnd been a practicing physician lady then present. During tin- medium's en- ' ‘F irst Page.—44Spiritual .Gifts,” by Emma Ilardlngo gf its earthly career, which, under certain condi when I had got nearly to you. nt MilwauKee. Shortly after tills addition to our traneeim-nt she'said in the UcrnmiUlnngungo Britton. many tilings which Miss Brant'declared wero tions, can be perceived by sonsijire seers. According to the letter, tho accident mentioned party, 1 experienced tlui usiml sensations attend Second F a c e,—14 Psychopathy, ” by It. I*. Wilson; Po hnd occurred on tlie same day and hour. ing tlie near approach of a spirit who Wnsnnxlnus known to tin human being save herself and her em—44Johu Grccnleaf W h ittles” by E. Louisa Mu- The existence of these societies is little Known, to communlcafe. through liiv niediumshlp. For niollier. At tlie close of the dialogue, Miss Brant ---- tbcr; “ Manifestations In Ilion, N. Y,;14 “ An After perhaps even undreamed of In America. Tlie Professor S. B. Brittnh, whilst conducting the nearly a quarter of an hour I tried to resist tills lining herself a seeress, exclaimed witli gicnt as- noon with Charles Foster* tbu Great Medium;” 44 Min author of “ Ghost I^nnd” was liimself an.initi editorial department of the Spiritual Telegraph, influence, finding such control in private circles toiilshmcnt that she actually saw b,er mother anil nesota—State Mass Meeting of Spiritualists and Lib ate of thoir body, and it is to their opinions nnd In 1850, maKes mention of a uuinber of cases in Injurious to my public efforts ; but although the recognized her fully in the spirit tlmt tiad ad- erals. ” • **’ *■ which, under circumstances of Indisputable au force affected mens If from a great distance, and dr eased-her through 'the. medium, As far as she practices tlin^ he alludes in tho following ex with a sensation of extremedebility, it conquered lmd any knowledge of her mother's condition;' Third P age.—Banner Correspondence; “ Things ns I thority, tho spirit of persons still "in tlie enrtli- - Keo Them,” , by Lois Walsbrooker; “Aiding Dis cerpts: . my reluctance to yield sufficiently to compel luc Miss lira lit affirmed her belief that she was alive- i charged Convicts;” List of Spiritualist Lecturers. "Ever since the. practices of Mesnierhnd be form have been seen nnd even conversed witli. to nppriso the physician that a sjdrlt friend was and-well ; slie hail been so, at any rate, when come familiar to them, they hnd delighted in pur Tlie following Incident is selected from Mr. Brit- near him—(me wlm regarded him with-great af last slie had heard from her, mol tlie ieiu lest this F ourth Page. — “ The Religion of Spiritualism,” by spiritual visitation gave token of lo-r mother's _ suing them in support of their favorite theory, lan’s re p erto ire of facts, and is furnished''by the fection, ami bearing the mime of Anna. She sub George A. Bacon; “ The Natural and tho Supernat .decease omisioin-d the young lady tin* inosl pain ural, ” by Robert Cooper; Leading Edltorlalson “ Scl- which wns that tlie soul essence of man could ap celebrated seer and test medium, Mr. E. V. Wil sequently added a second name, which, though ' cnee and Religion,” etc. pear, maKe signs, sounds, ami disturbances, in spelled ‘incorrectly- at Jirst, was sufficiently ful. anxiety. Before niauy months lmd elapsed, places distant from tlie body -, that at times when son : . strange and definite in somid to identify tlie however, all acQuaintance of Miss Brant's ar ~~FIFTirTAOK.—4‘Splendid Holiday Books;” “ Brlof P ar these:8oul-essences__wero .dissipated suddenly, “ On Friday, tlie 10th of May, 1851, 1 was at spirit as one of tlie Doctor’s patients, between rived from (iernianv, and rolled upon tier, lie agraphs,” New Advertisements, etc. as in tlie action of violent death,they inher-ed- my' desK Writing all at once L fell asleep, leaned i whom mid himself laid subsisted nil affectionate knew nothing of tspiritimiisin, hut in reply to Sixth Page.—44Spirit MessagtTiJepartmeut;” 44Spirit to earthly tilings nnd places, and f o r a tim e my bend down, and remained thus for half or i-frtendship of many years'-standing)-’-In proof-of Miss .Braid's Jniiniry. nbmiL her mot her stated ualism In Baltimore,” by.T, B. Tajlor, M. I),; Poem— could maintain a sort of vague, shadowy exist three-quarters of an hour. While in tills situa j her identity, and entirely unsought for on the Unit in February, 185s, just at the time when ” Not Faith, but Works,” by Ellen I. LePoo; “ Apoth ence, which at length melted nwny, and became tion 1 thought I was in tlie city of Hamilton, part of the Doctor, the spirit proceeded to give a lids circle was lield, In-r mother, to all appear eosis;” ‘‘Electricity and Spiritual MeUluinshlp;” dissipated in space, to be taKen up from the forty miles west of Toronto, and’that 1 called oil j great many singular tests, maKing me destine ance, died, and was- ulioid to lied to tho “ To-I)ay;” Obituary a;id Couveutloii Notlees, etc< grand reservoir of spiritual essences in other several parties in Ilnmiltou collecting money (as a 'number of pictures in her house', its furuime, grave, when slie showed slight signs ol life. She "B eyenth Page.—“ Mediums In Boston;” Book and oth souls. Now the brothers insisted tlmt those soul 1 .thought). After I lmd finished the business the situation of a certain tree near the lujusc- was kept in Uiis state for two w eeks, occasional er advertisements. ^ essences, which they called tlie double yoer, nnd transactions, I concluded tlmt 1 would call on a (lonr, together with the leading trails in her own ly showing signs of iininm'tinii. When'lie rmmi . E ighth P age.—“ Prof* AVllUatn Denton on ‘Revivalsof more frequently the‘atmospheric spirit,’ by its friend who lias taKen a deep interest in spiritual character, allusions to one- of her deceased out of this eOndilion slie stated tlmt she lmd seen Religion;4 41 “ The Alleged Eddy Exposures;44 “ Now occasional nppenrnnecs, both before nnd after tlie manifestations. At once I dreamed that 1-vvas'• children,- and various fits of sickness,during her daughter in America, in a large room, sur Publications;44 “ Movementsof Lecturers and Medi dentil of individuals, covered the whole ground nt her house and rang the hell, when a servant which she-had been under tlie Doctor’s treat rounded liy a uiimhcr of- people, nnd lmd talked ums,4 4 etc. * of spectres, ghosts, appnrithms, hauntlngs, and came to,tlie door and informed me that Mrs. D -s meet; all .of which mimithe brought home tlie witli her. 'The German related several tilings, supornnturnlisni in general. was out ami would not ho in for an hour.’ 1 Identity of the communicating spirit with start also, that Miss B. lmd said to her mother, wldlo The fnet that tlie ‘ ntinospheric spirit' often called for a drinK of water, which the servant ling precision. in tlie circle. The above facts cun be attested to bv a number of persons of the highest respecta #rtjgtniil fosn])s. lingered’ round tlie enrtli after tlie deatli of tlie gave me, and I left my compliments for her mis Tim manifestation occupied quite an hour, and body, nnd could he seen, heard nnd felt, did not tress,’ and stnrtcd, ns I tliougm, for Toronto. concluded by tlie vivid appearance of tlie spirit bility. - ' milinto against their theory tlmt immortality was Then 1 awoKe, nnd my dream passed out of my herself’ upon tlie wall ojiposite to where I sal. Some years ago a gentleman by the name of mind. A few dnys after, a lady residing at my Had any question existed upon previous points Dnhnll, residing In New London, ('mill.,and who SPIRITUAL jGIFTS. a fiction, and that the soul died witli the body. was reputed to possess a faculty of seeing things * It was m erely the ntinospheric'spirit; a shndowy house ill tills city, received a. communication of .Identity,' this appearance would have settled NUMIlEll SEVEN. remnant of tlie soul,’ they snid, ‘ which hnd ever from Mrs. D—s, of Hamilton, from which 1 maKe it, as there were some perulinritieAii the shape in distant parts of the i-ou-ntry, wn-j applied to been seen or manifested-!!! the realm of ghost the following extinct: of the lady’s head, her inode of dressing her hair, for inl'ornmlion respectingn scii captain and ves BY EMMA HAltDINOE BllITTEN. land, and this was not n permanent intelligent ‘Toll Mr. AVI Ison that he Isa flue follow, nml tho n»*xt audits color,’which marKed her with striKing sel which had sailed from tlmt poll, and coiieerii- Mine that ho culls at my house to leave hp* will nos, ami not characteristics. ing whose fate there was some uneasiness. Thu existence, hut Tjierely a temporary relfc of the caiiHr iiu> t<* i-nii lo aU\liu li|iU‘ls In town ami ih-n iiot llml 0 1 gentleman n-tired, and shortly afterward re'. - The Double; or, The Apparition of Still broKen orgaiiiSln, liKe tlie perfume which lingers him.