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\ COLBY & RICH, j i <3,00 For Annum, , YOL, XXXYII. t Publishers and Proprietors. $ BOSTON, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1875. In Advanoo. NO. 6.

Witli her early lifo we do not profess to be fa­ But it is likely we may hoar more about tills last, she is by no means least In that household % Pigfelai Iulcnstin0- (Ingimil Slorj), miliar ; though the bins of religious training and affair, for such sins w ill come to light, you know. hut 1 am at a loss how to describe her, to do hor tho influence of creednl authority nro obvious. Complete in Two Numbers of the Banner. Yes they will—though it ’s just like tiie Doctor’s justiee. I wisli you, dear reader, to know " Aunt Sho was no longer young when she married Sam­ folks to shield her nil they can.” Dorcas”—as every one called tier—well enough uel Sharp ; ami in those earlier years we do not “ You-nre sure she is not married?" questioned to love her, for I very much fear tlml you will know wlmt blight or dlsappolntment.may have Mrs. Barker, anxious to discover tiie extent of not find such a pure, loving, unselfish character chilled the joy and'*hope which belong to youth­ her friend’s knowledge. more than once in a life-time. C U A W t T . ful henrts. For clearly-this marriage of the dull, “ Oil, as.sure ns can be, for I took particular 1 cannot tell you why 11 Aunt Dorcas” chose a OR, plodding widower of fifty and the angular maid­ notice when she was introduced. Yim see, 1 single lift", for rhoiee it must have been, and en of thirty-eight was more a matter of economy stepped right Into the sitting-room without any doubtless fora good reason. She was fair, with than love. warning, and there she sat In the great ensy- AYJIOS - WA.K TO BLAM • E? . features regular and pleasing, and must liavo . I . nr_. r_ _ . ._-_^_-r^-rvr-r Then, too, tho softening influences of a mother clmir, liy tiie hack window, and though she at been attractive In her youth. Indeed, at middle Written Expressly for the Banner of Light, lovohad never dawned in Mrs. Sharp's heart. first made a movement to leave the room she age, she was more limn ordinarily good-looking ; No baby face and tiny form had over nestled concluded to stay. Well, you know how very add to this the beauty of soul, and we limy safe­ BY MRS. ELIZA M. HICKOK, there ; no little dimpled hands thrilled her with precise and proper spoken Sarali Harmon is ly cnll her 11 handsome." But 1 fancy the reason Antliot*or“ X«cldn’B Trial*'* “ Clnlro Devine;” -“ The ArllHt'A Hopc'l or, Tli© Inspiration or a R oup,** their caresses ; np sweet baby voice and innocent (used to he a school-teacher, I believe), ami she that this worthy lady always bore her maiden etc., etc., etc. ways imd reminded her of Jesus’ love. So we never'says Miss for Sirs. So, though she spoke name, was because she lmd never met with one know tiiat she had missed one of life’s highest, tho name as lightly as she could, 1 am positive whom sho could lore, according to her ideas of C H A P T E R I. As,the families of Priam were in comfortahio best experiences, although she was the very last that she called tiie strange woman Miss Darien. wlmt wedded love should lie. Ami from the Down by tlic Sen. circumstances, flenrly every one owned a horse person to realize it. Sho saw nothing to admire Beside, I should know by watching her face and sweet, satisfied expression which always rested Blank and dreary and gray; 'out by the wide, and a carriage of some kind; so distance was or love in childhood, and never dreamed of the manner, which I did pretty closely, that some-. upon her placid countenance, and - from tho cold sea. Only a barren sand-bill on one side, a hut a slight barrier, especially in going to church". holy, blessed, baptizing influences which come to tiling was wrong witli her. She’s very young?t-dreamy, expectant look .which.'sometimes stolo few leafless trees, with a. rough road, stretching But, while we note these few simple facts re­ a true mother. She was just a smart, busy, prac­ apd handsome, I must say; hut there—what is into her soft, dark eyes,:!, think that by some away from view, on the other; while far back garding the people in question, tlifclr surprise tical woman, who, having no family save herself beauty—wliat is beauty,'Sister Barker?—only a mysterious, intuitive'-power .(which'might well . lay the track of the iron horse, which hnd just was rather increased than lessened by seeing Dr. and husband (lie usually came last), could brisk­ danger uml a snare; and nil the worse for her, be given to such a pure soul) .the knowledge lmd •stopped at the lonely place here briefly sketched. Ilarmon—their ono physician—and a highly re­ ly accomplish her own household work, and then no doubt, it lias proved. More than all tills, I come to .her that,her. lofty;Ideal—her true soul-' And overall the desolate scene hung the pall spected man, rather past middle age, drive rapid­ find considerable leisure time. So it was not went in tliero tiie very next day, and Mrs. Har­ lover—had missed her in the changing, nonfusing' rof a clouded twilight, while low and sad to the ly up to the depftt, and, without pausing to se­ strange that she interested herself, to sopm ex­ mon being alone I asked her tlio question; plain­ drama of life, hut waited for her on the, other ear of the listener came the moan of the ever- cure ills well-trained horse, hasten directly to the tent, in her neighbors.' nffairs. ly, If tho young woman lmd a- husband? And Hide;'- ; ; '■ ' restlcss sea—the grand old sea, so terribly sub­ waiting-room. Ills usual genial smiles and nods Perhaps it never occurred to her that the world she very coolly told mo that she did not feel at Ill, religious,faith, Aunt Dorcas differed from- ; lime when its hoarse murmiirings rise to wildest of recognition were freely dispensed as lie pass­ lmd any claim on her—that she might sometimes liberty to speak of tlio stranger’s lilsti>ry,V»ly tiie other members of her filthily,-.being a member cliantings as the breath of thestorm-king sweeps ed along, but did not slacken his brisk foot­ perform a clmritnble act or kindly ofllco for an­ that she lmd seen great sorrow and. ought to lm of tlio ."Society.-often styled "Quakers,’’' blit • over its broad surface, so gloriously beautiful nsj,,steps. ^ other. Why'should these thoughts trouble her ? . pitied. Well, ain’t that proof enough* that all's more properly, from their prueeful proclivities, " it smiles and sparkles beneath tho loving glatree * A" ey®s e r enough were intently watching Had she not experienced tho wonderful power of not right? As I said before, I)r. Harmon’s folks “ Friends"; and certainly no name could imvo of the sunlight, but ever telling, in its tliunder- him as lie advanced toward the veiled lady, who regeneraUng^raco ? • was sho not a strict church- seem bound to shield that woman, and wliat .better, suited her character limn, the latter. A ous surges, of the Almighty Power which fixed arose at his coming. There was a little hesitan­ member with a strong faith in tho atoning prin­ their motives are I cannot tell. But.I do think,” friend she truly wits, to nil'who. crime within; tlio: ;i§ its limits in the.years agone. cy in the manner of each, as when two strangers ciple? Of course, then, her eternal salvation added Mrs, Sharp, more emphatically, “ that it is ‘ circle of her Influence;- Her large sympathy ivent It is possible', my dear reader, that thoughts meet for the first time and are not positively cer­ was well secured. Alas for those'-blpsphemers a sin and a shame for respectable people to up­ out to every suffering; unfortunate one. Her like these had never Intruded themselves upon- tain of each other’s identity; and this fact ap­ who think to buy their way to heavcir by good hold such characters.” ■■■.,: great charity never paused to question causes, or \ the of the g<>6d, practical people of this peared more singular still. But as the Doctor ad­ deeds and consistent lives! by following out the “ Oh; weli, tills Is a sinful, deceptive world!’’ ferret oiit past deeds. - \ small settlement, which for a convenient name dressed a few words to.,the lady,'in a very low s p ir it of tho teachings of the lowly, loving Nrizn- sighed Mrs. Barker, with tlio air of a martyr to Even a stranger who was at -. ail•-susceptible, wo will call Priam,.situated, as It was, far out tone, she bowed: hi response and replied briefly, rene !. ■■ :- . all its sin and deception. .would fed the .calming-power ofher presence-at- . ; upon a point of. land, which a short distance be­ when they at once made their way to the Doctor's' As I have said, Mrs. Sharp-found ample timo “ Yes,” declared Mrs. Sharp; “aiid lirfw is It once ; and Dr. llarhuui often'declared that Dor­ yond'lost Itself In the boundless ocean. \ close-covered carriage. to'acquaint herself witli her neighbors’ affairs; ever going to lift made better, I would like: to cas by her gentle tmieli could, quiet a restlesB, But one passenger in tho single car which had Dr. Harmon carefully adjusted the warm robes and it did seem as though curiosity must.bo,her know, when such evil - is countenanced even in •excited patient wlien all medicine failed. to do so." . left the crowded city In company with a long, about his silent companion, engaged a friendly besetting sin;'she was so persistent In her efforts tills , small respectable plqcc ?—wlien a perfect Wherever she went, she was. as weleonie'as tlio well-filled train—one silent, closely-veiled, pas­ neighbor with more commodious vehicle to take in that direction. stranger can come out hero, from the great wicked' sunshine; and she often visited a brother nnd ■ senger felt the force of every, surroundlng-^one the large Saratoga trunk to his residence, then, Wo may judge, then, of wlmt slip endured for city and hide her sin and shame from all'who know sister in -another State, though the-'physician's house was her permanent home, heart echoed over and over again, ns the twi­ taking Ills own plriceinliis carriage, drove quick­ a few weeks after the ndventrif .x stranger, about, her, arid he. as kindly cared for ns thpugli sins light deepened and 'darkened, these.words— ly away, and the neighbors were left to talk over -whom'appeared to linger.'something mysterious', was honest arid respectable; and then perhaps To sueli a retreat as this—peaceful, restful, ge- ' • " blank and dreary and gray j" so like my own the strange affair at their leisure. to say |he least, now mnriy calls, timely 'and go back-anrt-pnss-herself off .for n good virtuous, lilni—lmd the sorrowing stranger enme on tho . untimely, she made at Dr. narmon’s ; ihow many nigl.it of tier iii'st inlioiluelion. Weary,’, nil so wrecked life!’’ Beforo a week had passed every resident of woman. But I shall give Sarah Ilarmon a piece . There were few arrivals at this little station, Pi;iam who had readied the years of understand­ excuses she invonted.for dropping in wlien least of mymiiid about it some day, and I tiiink it weary in body and spirit, site - hail"shrank, from tiie curious ga/,e. of nil those who were gathered and of course a stranger would attract universal ing (including the minister, who was n o t a resi­ expected, It is useless'to enumerate. y 1 y o u r duty'too, Sister Barker."- at the little station; ami felt that she only-wished ■ . . attention, more especially a lady, so closely veil-, dent,) was thoroughly acquainted witli.the facts But one sunny afternoon in May bel)cld her Alas l kind’render, there was not in all tlio con­ cd and enveloped in,^disguising water-proof. here related, and had nearly exhausted conjec­ rapidly making lior way toward the house of versation of these Indies one expression of fo'.getaway from every human faee, asking np sympathy, inditing-no friends ; her oiily liopo . And as it was Saturday night, quite an un­ tures, suppositions and questions,-without liav-^ Mrs. Barker, her ff-iend and crin fi d nn t i n m utters womanly pity or Christian sympathy—only stern of importance, licr countenance and hearing ex­ that in tiie earning- ligoliy she-- .might

ling. The younger, also fair and lady-like in ap­ ;Jmd notilieen. I take not his message to you be a lie? Yet you do not There linil been silence for si few -moments, let the past be as though it-Jmd not for that reason doubt tlie fact of tlie, message-... •when Hellene said, as if resuming a conversa­ pearance, but echoed the wishes of her mamma, this method of informing yqn, to gpard against a linving been sent from him. tion : nnd seemed, to rely wholly upon her superior scene. You had best leave your address with my You say: If my dearest friends can communi- “ I never expected to find sneh njiome as this, judgment. mother, who will remit you,a sufficient allow­ * (From The Spiritualist, I.omlon, Eng., March 19th.] cnK*, why do they not come to me direct? Why After a good test of patience find an unusual ance. But I warn you not to seek for me. MRS. COLLIER’S MEDIUMBHlF-A SE­ must I go to a paid medium ?. As well might you or-such i.YiV ;<-/.« siniom: st'raneeis ; I do not know nsk : Why can I riot send a telegraphic message how to tliank yon all for your l^inflness ; I speak nnlount of display,, some purchases were made, Doubtless you will not care to, for with your ANCE WITH CHILDREN-WHENCE on a clothes-line? I say to you who thus object of tliis now, food Aunt Dorcas, because 1 can and instructions given to send the delicate fabrics beauty and talent for gaining friends, life will be CAME THE BON-BONSP tlmt, in the first place, you may be so constituted but hope that it may tie for me to'lay down this and flowers (which were to result in a stylish plensant anywhere. Once more, make no at­ Sin—Will you kindly grant me space in your tlmt tlie spiritual power is uiinule to control your weary’burden of life before loti)?; for I have and costly hat) to the'address indicated by a tempt to see or address nie, ns it will be useless. widely-circulated newspaper to draw'the atten­ magnetism, or your religious views may be such tion of its readers to tlie fact that in a few weeks tlmt you place your whole will-power against it, nothing to live for.” card, which the proud lady carelessly threw L. D.’ and thus produce nn antagonism which is out of upon the counter. we in Birmingham shall lose the services of one " Nay, my dear child," came the;soothing tone “ And oil, Aunt Dorcas,” moaned Hellene, of our best mediums? harmony. Do we not know how sensitive are of Aunt Dorcas. "1 cannot allow thee such It was Hellene Darien's lotto deliver the ele­ with quivering lips and anguished face, “ do .Those friends who have been privileged to sit tlie indicators of tlie telegraphic instruments to gloomy fancies and rebellious thoughts. Don't gant ^atTair at the promised time, ns she was by you blame me for feeling utterly-crushed and de- with-Mrs. John Collier will agree with me that tlie electric fluid ? Just so must it be in spiritu­ tlie phenomena through her are far al communications; and a stubborn or detor- forget, Hellene, that a wise Father's love is over far tid4 prettiest, most lady-like girl in the estab­ ! sphiring? Aside from ail my blighted love and lriined resistance to the controlling influence will lishment.' * beyond suspicion, and lire sometimes of a most a l l ; nnd if lie wills that through much suffering | wrecked happiness comes tlie terrible knowledge sta’rtling character. Xot unfrequently, tests of prevent any manifestation being given. and anguish we shall he called up higher, let us When Hellene rang the bell at the stately resi­ | that tlie world /at large will scorn me, though I spirit identity are given to tlie circle. Mrs. Col­ Since tlie time tin's incident occurred I have re­ trv to hear it bravely, and await his own good dence, she was rather startled to see answering am as innocent as tills unfortunate little being, lier is not a professional medium, hence I can ceived many remarkable manifestations of spir­ have no other object than 'to give “ honor to itual intelligence, but nothing in my experience time. Thou art indeed urn-t >cvcrdy tried, and j the summons, instead of a servant, a handsome, j whn-can never benr nn honorable name. Few so plain, so simple and conclusive as the one just hast great cause for - o r m w , no doubt; but thou,| courteous young gentleman, who in turn nppear- whom honor is due.” A large circle of sincere | will believe me, even though I wring my heart friends here feels great regret at the parting, as narrated' ' Respectfully yours, slialt never want for friends or comforts while ed to have been expecting to meet some friend of | by declaring, again and again, how completely I Mrs. Collier is a lady whose kindness of disposi­ 52 Kilby street, -B oston. C h a s . H. Bnowjir til is little home evi-t-. ” i liis own. was deceived. Even here the neighbors slum my tion and open-henrtedness at once win over all “ Oh, Aunt Korea-1 1 know Hod was very) . There was, however, nothing of his mother's i presence, save as curiosity prompts them. I who have the privilege of her acquaintance. . ; NOTES BY THE WAY. gfiod to' direct me here in my wild- grief; but ( cold hauteur'about- him (for this was tlie only Some little time ago, when Mrs. Collier was on | think there is not another family in this place a visit at my house, she very kindly promised the BY DK. E. C. DUNN. ' how Can 1 accept patiently this lot! Anything j son of tlie proud house of Darrell)—nothing who would have received me as you have done, children that she would sit for them, especially but this.!—oh: any thing hut th is I might rise, which indicated his supposed elevation above i I shall never forget It, nor cease to pray God to. as they had not been admitted to our general cir­ We left our iiome at Rockford on tlie last of nbove! tint now 1 shall always be crushed to, his fellow-mortals—nothing,-in fact, hut invol­ \ bless you all, wherever I maybe. But my future cle ; they were considered too young. They January to fill our eiigagements-in the West. Our earth ! No, I ran not be. willing to live! Hut untary admiration expressed on his handsome looked forward with anxiety to the time, as not first stopping place was at Topeka, Kansas, at looks dark ; I eanhot see one gleam now. Oh if one bit of fear of spirits disturbs them. They which point we found tlie times hard and money now,” Hellene continued, making a great effort face, as witli deferential politeness lie invited i Lyon Darrell had but died, leaving me-nn honor­ were arranged in a circle—four of them, myself, scarce, owing to tlie crops of the last season be­ to speak7 more calmly, "it is due you that 1 , her to enter. able name, how cheerfully 1 could work and care mamma, and Mrs. Collier, seven altogether. ’Pres­ ing a failure, from drouth and ravages of the should give a part; at-least of my painful liis--| Mrs. Darrell hastened to interpose with her for his child—how happy I could be with only liis ently, loud sonorous raps were heard, then tlie grasshoppers. Tlie Spiritualists, however, are of tory. You liaye. all been'so kind and forbear- j most frigid mien, fur she was not well-pleased at bell on tin* talde commenced ringing, and several good cheer, and are $till hopeful. A good soil, a memory, dearly as I loved him. But I have-not articles, ineluding a large inkstand, books, &c., fine climate, willing hearts and ready''hands, are ing, believing without ipie-tinn when 1 told you her son’s visible admiration of tlie beautiful girl. told you of my interview with his mother, who, which were on the table, became animated and sure to bring them prosperity. We spoke to tlio that 1 Was innocent of guilt or wrong, though I She coldly bade Hellene wait until she procured strangely enough, came to see me on the next moved about. Our esteemed spirit friend, Mr. friends-there for five Sundays; hail large anil tint doomed to he’a mother.Without the title of tlie money in,payment (if tin* accompanying bill, day after 1 received tlie note, niul really seemed Ii. Hawkos, late of Birmingham, soon gave un­ intelligent audiences—some of the time crowd­ wife. Oil < bid ! how can 1 help the prayer that not even inviting her'beyond- tlie threshold'of mistakable proofs of liis presence; lie held a ing tlie hull to overflowing. Notwithstanding moved to pity by tlie suffering I could not con­ lively conversation by means of raps on the ta- tlie lmril times, I was supported well and with a vve both tuny die,!" 'the spaeious halt. ceal,” continued Hellene, with a weary sigli ns | lilc." One of my daughters said, “ Mr. Ilawkes liberal hand. “Do,not distress thyself to recall anything But Lypn Darrell's .cheek Hushed, and some- though she would complete her painful narrative. used to bring as something in,his pocket when While the people of Kansas are warm-hearted painful just tiowdncilcnc," said Aunt Dorcas, tiling of his mother's'scornful spirit gleamed in "But thou hast told enough for to-day, my j lie camemu* to sec us, did n’t he, pa ?” “ IV.-f, ” rapped and kindly, they have a scattering element of laying aside her work, and pressing with’ tier h|s'keen black eyes, as lie threw wide open the dear,” said Aunt Dorcas, very gently. "Thou j out Mr. Ilawkes. “Yes,” said I. “ Do you think binotry. We encountered one of this species of parlor door, and drawing fortli one of the sump­ liccould brinu us sbiiietliinu n o ir .'f asked the himmnity in the person of an Episcopal clergy­ soft, magnetic hand tin-.pain contracted brow of art much fatigued now, and disturbed by thy sad same child. “ )' V' thundered Mr. Ilawkes on man, tlie Rev. Mr. Bakewoll, who, just previous the young girl; o Wc are hot iiYcr-a'tixious to tuous chairs, with courtly grace invited the young recollections; and I will hear the rest to-morrow, tim table. I then imt tlie question, “Mr. Ilawkes, to our arrival, had preached a sermon against know of thy past ; when thou-hast ''gained more lady to lie seated. Tlie lady mother’s look m igh t when I will give thee my judgment, if agreeable, will you try to bfiuq the children something to- Spiritualism, and liis parishioners requested him strength we \y'ill hear it, if thou so desirest; but linve.uniiiliilated them both, but did not. And for l think I linve an impression regarding tlie nijiiif?” “ Y es," caiiieacain in loud knocks. We to publish it in pamphlet form for tlie benefit of now fear tiot; thou wilt beas,tenderly’'cared for waited about three minutes, when there came the “heathen.” Of course it was tlie old story, and tills, in brief, was tlie commencement of Hellene’s young man, but do not feel at liberty to speak of such a crash upon tlie table,- and crowds of little the text was, “ Thou slialt not consult familiar as a sister." acquaintance with'Lyon-Darrell. it just now. But of . one tiling I must assure lights of a'luo.it brilliant description; but so soon spirits.” “ The word of God!” Hence there was "Well, I will, tell ymi all to-morrow,” said Very delicate were; all his attentions — very thee, Hellene, thy night of darkness lias nearly as tlie articles readied tlie table, all was darkness no such tiling, because God forbade it. Forbade Hellene, closing her eyes wearily, soothed at gradual tlie way in which lie won her heart, un­ passed.” . „ nunin; in another instant tlie same was repeated. nmn doing wlmt lie knew could not be done I once, by the loving touch. “ Oh my dear, good Mrs. Franklin, myself, and children saw the what a foolish God ! But they did do it, and lie til tlie friemlloi^hljM’edhim with a worship­ “ Oil, dear Aunt Dorcas, I know you would stream of lijilit as’ it flashed from the corner of forbade it, as lie did the rounding the corners of frignd,” '.she'continued,“ it seems almost :ns if ing, ftbsoriifii^nffection. She was perfectly in­ give me comfort; but wlint dawn enn there be on the ceiling. Thus came seven lots of bon-bons, the beard, cutting tlie hair, sowing of different my own mother was near whenever- your '.hand nocent of guile, ignorant of deceit, and, knowing earth for me?” of a superior description, of about one pound in seeds in tlie same field, mixing woolen and linen, rests upon my head.” . , ‘ tlie great gulf Mixed by society betweefltlicir so­ Aunt Dorcas smiled a sweet, encouraging weight, altogether. As there were seven sitters, eating pork, fish without scales, or anything tlmt . " Ami even so; thy mother may not he so very cial positions, knowing, also, of; his prond, dis­ one lot came for each. When the gas was turned may die of disease, though they might sell it to . snide, so full of faitftvnnd hope that Hellene ■up, the children were in ecstasies at the-sight tlie stranger within their walls tlmt he may ‘eat far away, in this thy hour, of need," replied dainful mother and sister, she .often questioned wondered what idea “could have-come to herns presented, tlie table being literally covered with of it, for all this is an abomination unto tlie Lord. Aunt Dorcas, with a'sweet smile. him regarding the wisdom of pursuing their ac­ she replied— sweets. During the sitting, my youngest child, By request we reviewed liis sermon, and many of < . . “Ok! do you think that possible'.’” question­ quaintance. She had' learned ''enq.ugh" of .tlie “T will tell tliee to-morrow, when I have a little blue-eved seven-year-old, said—“ 1 feel his church'members .were present. Their only ed her young eoiiipanion.. * world to fear a little for her own security, yet it some.one'touching my face and head ; now they comments were tlmt “ it was too bad that I should -thought’ upon thy story.- Now, dear, compose are patting in'y back.” ‘j Do you feel afraid?” spoil such a nice sermon.” He (the “ rever­ " Yea.verUy, my child ; I have'the strongest was: hard to doubt his fervent protestations of thyself, and attend to the sweet little one; who “ Oh dear no! pa; the band feels so soft; nnd end”) sighed, and said lie was sorry lie had faith 'tlmt it is so ; 1 often feel tlie Influence of love; harder still to crush down her own strong -Wonts to be noticed, while I assist Sarah a few' they touch me so gently and stroke my face so preached the sermon. . . ministering Spirits, who I- think the dear Lord al­ love for him. moments about the.tea.:” - . ' lovingly;” ' She liiiglit’weil be without fear, for From Topeka we went to Denver, Colorado, a lows to return to us. Sometime I. will tell thee - “ Hellene, darling,”'lie said to her one .evening, it was the touch of her spirit-sister, "Lucy,” who thriving city of twenty thousand ..inhabitants.' A nd as Aunt Dorcas proceeded down the stairs so frequently visits our circle, bringing flowers We remained there four Sundays.- Spoke in the more of this belief; it will comfort thee, 'dear! when lie had persuaded.-: her to drive out into tile Hellenti murmured to herself— for her mamma, and “laying her gentle hands in old Theatre, not a very inviting fllnce, but the And. now; Hellene, 1-will leave’ thee in their lov­ surrounding'country, “ do you think Hint I mean “ What impression ca n she linve of him, save' mine.” The children "thought it was^delightful best that could be lmd at this time. Prejudice ing hands for a few moments, while I go down less tlnin honorable nmninge l>y you ? 1 ask this wlint any one would be obliged to have after to be so close to. our spirit friends, rind to feel against the;hall kept some away at first, but to prepare thy tea and toast,” question plainly, because I think our pleasant hearing pf my .cruel treatment. But she is a them s.o close tous. I wish every family could before closing our course we were' forced to And. as Aunt Dorcas softly closed the door, be so. blessed, witti the tangible presence of the send many away, for want of room. Denver, is acquaintance of'more than a year and your own saintly, • biessed woman, unlike others, I . do lo?ed ones gone before. • alive to the cause of this new dispensation, and Hellene stili rested with closed eyes ’neuth the- evident anxiety at times justifies it. But, Hel­ believe. She seems to find some good in every On an’other occasion, under strict test condi­ there are some fine mediums there. Prof. II. A. power of spine calming influence, which' seemed lene, before God, I do.not; and I only desire you one.; But oil, Lyon—Lyon Darrell, I ought never tions anil through Mrs. Collier’s mediumship, Straight, the celebrated spirit artist, formerly of to lift her-.sad "heart and quiet her: troubled to name the day when I may be empowered-to', to breathe your name; but how can 1-forget? .linlf a sheet of note paper was held under the ta­ Chicago, has taken up his residence here, and is thoughts for the-time. , "-7 take you from the menial life so little suited to ble; when.instantly was written on it— ^"Dear truly, a wonderful medium. I. saw him, in the : Father above, .h e lp me to forget him. Come, Mamma—Your loving little girl, Lucy." This presence of several gentlemen, produce a fine oil your taste and intellect.” baby darling, I will t r y t o live bravely, for you; was a note from onr child who passed away from painting, sixteen by twenty inches, a mountain CHAPTER IV. "But yourmother will never sanction it,” re-' sweet innocent; your lot will be hard efiough at earth some fourteen years ago, at the age of landscape scene of most intricate design, in thir­ The Hitter'W oe.. plied, the. young girl, though her heart thrilled best, I-fear, but if you live you will sometime be four months. We then became deeply interested. ty-'one miijutes’time all told, tlmt would have with joy at, his earnest .words and tender glance. One friend was anxious to learn what sort of a taken one of our best normal artists at least six - Hellene Darien was not able to'give-her story a m a n . 1 am thnnkfnl for tlmt, since my lot can girl slie was; another was equally anxious to days to have produced.. .His spirit portraits are to her kind friends.on.'the following day, lior for “ Fortunately, my dear Hellene,-my'mother never be yours, and perhaps you can fight life’s know what she was doing. Another half-sheet lifelike, and 1 think the most beautiful of any I . many subsequent days ; for -then, commenced: the sloes not hold our, lives’ hiippiness-ih her hands,.. battle better than 1 have.” • ; v of note paper was placed, under the table and have overseen. They are.painted for_tlie friemls.of... weary struggle between the Opposing powers of I claim to be my own master." . ■ - - - [Concluded in our next issue.] . '» 7 lield as before, when tlie following was instantly tlie "dear departed” by simply sending name, Life nnd Death ; but care ami skill prevailed at “ Blit, Lyon, she does not even know of—of your 'w r itte n I hitte" learnt to sing, to play music, age and sex. Mr. Straight sees the spirit, describes and to dance. Mamma and papa will be proud." it, and reproduces it tin tlie canvas, life-size or last; and one more pure, innocent life dawned intentions, does .slii-?” pursued. Hellene, await­ /- ALRASCHID’S WEDDING. • These two direct spirit messages in direct spirit smaller, as the friends may desire. His summer- ’ on enrih. ' ' 7- ing with much anxiety liis.answer, writing, Mrs. Franklin and myself highly prize land scenes are simply beyond description, and .. where Tigris, like a silver-mailed knight, we liave sealed tliem up, so tlmt they shall not as works of art are unparalleled, lie is also pro- : ■ It was a most beautiful child,-one which sh o u ld “ No ; for I'feare.d she. miglit;niinqj-|you. JD Leaped glittering through the Eastern moon's is not necessary that sin; .should -know, at pres­ .sustain injury. ducing thesesummerlniul scenes in7 gem sizes;” have brought rare joy ami gratitude to a liiotli- rieli light, So I might go on, but 1 must draw tlie line, or six by nine inches, which he sells for six dollars er’s heart. But Hellene, though she loved it al­ ent. When we are married (if yoit will it so, And sung as ’mon'g the roses blooming near else you will. In conclusion, I would say we and twenty-five cents apiece, less than cliromo most to worsllipj-would gaze so sadly into its Hellene,) I shall tell her ; then, she can welcome It dashed ami kindled like a golden spea’r ; liave few good mediums in this country, while prices. sweet-little 'fnNtpWfUhVhel'jjigli.t' nipn* than once us if she chooses ; hut If Tier false, pride is strong­ Where boundless gardens,'smiling chaste delight, America can boast of quite an army of them; Mr. Peck, the materializing medium, is also in brought tears.to tfee>eyo> of Aunt Dorcas, er than lier love, slip can cast iis off. I shall be Sung o’er tlie plain a hymn to glowing night, lienee Mrs. Collier’s Birmingham friends deeply penver, and meeting with fine success in ills And tow’r ami-palace arches, lightly sprung, !■ regret tlie change she is about to make, and seances. He is a mechanic, an honest nnd un- " The good lady Ibved little children; though she content for,your sake, although I wisli tlmt our Like snowy clotuls of gracious incense hung— should slie find the land across the water not assuming man. Those who know him best lmvo, had never been much accustomed to them. . It relationship might-be pleasant, because she is There splendid Bagdad’s mighty Caliph sat,' congenial to her feelings or pursuits, site will implicit confidence in his honesty, though many was but natural that a heart like hers should wel- my mother.” ’Mid all liis court in softest .pleasures lapped, meet with a most hearty welcome among friends •would-be-wise skeptics have tried to detect him . come the helpless innocents, and so from her love IIpw could the young girl doubt his,sincerity Within a long and wondrous marble hail, ' Here if she will return. A a iio n F iia n k l ix . in fraud, but on each occasion have failed. He after tlmt?; And,-though she'was'troubled at Xo dove’s breast winter than the gilded wall. '--- ; Ilock-place, Tictoria-road, Aston-park, ) 'gave a public seance at tlie close of one of my" . and sympathy, she eould-*earc for them rchmrkip 7 ■■■■Birmingham, M arch 9th, 1878.- ( lectures, which was considered a success. . bly well. , . ' ' . ' the thought of marriage without iris mother's There airy groins and fretted arches bent, . Much excitement vet prevails here overtho .; So this little waif became li■rmspecial charge ; consent or knowledge, Lyon silenced every ar­ . And.Buhl-buhls sang in golden cages pent; A CASE OF SPIRIT-RETURN. purported expose of Mrs. Vail. The numerous and as Mrs, Barker (who bad ventured in once gument .in.liis loving way.atid, iii the end, liis Far Yemen’s odors, fainting, filled tlie air, accounts are so conflicting that it is hard to ar­ And Aiden’s lilies lent their beauty rare. It hasha been often said, by those who are not rive at a conclusion. Tlie evidences of fraud on • to see tlie cjdld, tmt by no. means, to take it in ’pleading mid her own worshiping love overcame Mrs. Vail’s part are more in her abrupt departure . her arms) declared, “ there was very littie pros­ all scruples, and they were quietly married—as Slow winding through a silver-columned maze, believers in the Spiritualists’ theory of. the pos­ A gorgeous pageant met tlie Caliph’s gaze: sibility of tlie return of departed spirits, tlmt if than any expose on tlie part of others, as slie was pect of. its dying, as no doubt its mother would she supposed—nml immediately took rooms in h Round-limbed Nubians, dancing, led tlie throng, spirits can return we should get information of caught in no trick or imposture'whatever. But be glad to have it,” pleasant, retired part of tlie city. There', though: And Hindoo mnidens raised tlie dancers’ song; ships which have been lost, and of the crews who after she had left the city, tlie building occupied have perished ; seeming to imply that siicli an by her as circle and cabinet rooms was leased And Mrs. Sharp was heard' to respond, " Oh, surrounded by strangers, and hearing never a A troop of Greek girls, fair ns Serbal’s stars, by a newspaper man, and was held with closed s-r/cA children always live, unless they are h elped word from Lyon’s proud , family, tlie presence of occurrence would place beyond tlie possibility of And Persian players struck gold lyres’ bars, doubt tlie truth of spiritual return. ■ i doors for about two weeks, after which time a out of the world!” . , ; ■ her heart’s idol compensated for all other socie­ These-In white silks and India’s jewels decked I will now write tlie account of an incident mutilated floor, a trench in the earth beneath, But when Hellene had grown strong again, ty, and Hellene's' happiness was oniy too rare to (Each jewel the price of a city wrecked) which took place during my first investigations and a trap leading to tlie cabinet, was exposed to and was trying to school her aching heart to pa­ 'liist-, and the blissful dream of her life in those But led a long and marvel-giving train ; of this subject, which, to my mind, proved be­ tlie public. This trap, however, was not discov­ yond a doubt tlie fact tlmt a spirit can return, ered by tlie scores of careful investigators who tience, and to be willing to live for her little rqseiite days but made tlie horror of the. awaking From ev’ry clime of earth tlie scene did gain ; lmd examined it during tlie seances, and was'* child’s sake, there came a day when she related more terrible to endure. , And armed eunuchs, blazing o’er, with gold, and tlmt it can communicate with those who are Awed timid.strnnger and constrained tlie bold. living in the .human form. only brought to light by this newspaper nmn to her kind frieiid—Auiit Dorcas—her history, Lyon had engaged in business “ in order to be In the year 1853 I was in command of the clip­ some two weeks after tlie Vails’ departure. I snreofan Income;’’he laughingly told her, “now These glories graced tlie Caliph’s wedding eve ; per ship’ Whistler, then loading in Glidden it liave been credibly informed that a certain party which we-shall sketch, a little more 'briefly, per-, Xo glory could of grief the bride relieve,: baps, and giye.ns follows , that he had someone to care for,” and through the Williams’ line,, and bound for San Francisco. (a laboring nmn) affirms tlmt he was employed Frpm Andalusian hills and husband torn, The.ship Wild Ranger was then on her way'to- to dig the trench several days after the departure Hellene.Darien' lmd been motherless for many day she was left alone; but every comfort and ner gentle soul kuew now but how to mourn. tlie same port, having sailed two or three weeks of tlie Vails. Hence the evidence of fraud rests years, and fatherless since the age -of fourteen, elegance surrounded'her, and in the joyful an­ “ When hills of Aiden kiss the rounded moon, previous to tlie time of which I write. as heavily on the shoulders of the exposers as at which time a distant relative gnvedier a home, ticipation of his return tlie hours passed swiftly When pearls of Oman show their lustrous bloom, One day, having a leisure hour, I thought I the exposed. Xo fairer they than this fair bride, oh king”— wuuld visit a medium, in order to see something We go to Boulder, Central, Georgetown, and poor enough, and grudgingly offered- Her fa- away. Lyon was still devoted, still unchanged, some of tlie mountain towns, nnd thence home 'tlier had been a man of much intellect, but, and so tlie happy months spud away, until one Tims Bagdad’s roval poets truly sing. of the then so-called delusion. I went to Miss . 1 Ellis, a young woman living with her mother on to Rockfoj-d, 111. Open for- engagements for the spending all. his money in vain theories and use­ evening lie informed Hellene tlmt business Faint as the night-flowers* breath at evening’s Hanover street. After sitting at tlie table for a fall and coming winter. less speculations, had left his only child nothing obliged him to leave early in the morning for a ' close, few'moments, she took up a pencil and wrote— Soft lute itnd tabor’s mystic music rose, upside down to her view but right side up to The Lyceum Stage: A Collection of Con­ but n thorough education and-a well-stocked • distant city where lie might be. detained for two A?’borne in pomp, while strauge li^fead eyes tributed, Compiled ami Original Recitations, library. or'three', weeks.' "By tlie way,” he added, “ I mine—tlie name of a person 1 did not know. 1 shone, * asked for particulars : she wrote that this man Dialogues, Fairy Plays, etc., adapted for the She was proud, sensitive, ami would not be de­ must go over to-mother’s house-’this evening to Tlie bride and cortege reached the Caliph’s throne. who was controllinc her had been a seaman on Children’s Progressive Lyceum and School Ex­ pendent. So there seemed no way but for lief to get a memorandum which I carelessly left there “ Oh King Alraschid ! thou,art .called The Just; board of the ship Wild Ranger, and lmd fallen hibitions. By G. Whitfield Kates. Part First. Then in my heart thy cruel dagger thrust, . overboard and was drowned. Bateson & Kates, Publishers, Toledo and Cin­ ear* her living with her own delicate bands; and and have not needed until now. I will return cinnati, O. 1875. Pp. 119,12mo. directly, my love.” But lead me not to thy unholy bed”— When I arrived at San Francisco, tlie Wild this her natural taste and pleasing manner en­ Thus flute-voiced Mona sadly pleading said. Ranger had left; but I learned from the Custom To do a task well the soul must be absorbed in abled her to do in shell a large city. The only He had left her tlie next morning with tender The Caliph, wrathful, fiercely looked around, House clerk who entered the Wild Ranger that it, and this is true' in a notable degree with G. danger.ajjending her situation, perhaps, was her words and caresses, regretting the necessity a nmn had beep lost from her during her passage W. Kates in liis devotion to the.Children’s Ly­ And jealous, then on Mona lustful frowned. to that port, thus corroborating the statement of rare beauty; but of this the innocent girl had which cqmpelied him to go, and at nightfall of “Thy lilied bosom,” low to her he said, ceum. For years he has sustained-the Lyceum never thought. the same day a note was handed her, in Lyon’s the spirit made to me through the mediumship of “This night shall pillow, soft, Alraschid’s head.*’ Miss Ellis (now Mrs. Little). at Cincinnati, almost, it-may be said, by his own After some experience in smaller stores, Hel­ handwriting, signed with his initials—a note so Swift, as he spoke, from out his blazing belt I have since seen the captain of the Wild energy and self-sacrifice; for although there lene obtained a situation in a large millinery es­ cold, so utterly heartless and cruel, that Hellene She plucked a dagger, and a blow,she dealt Ranger, J. Henry Sears, Esq., of Boston, and'he were equally unselfish assistants, all looked to tablishment—In fact, the most extensive and felt as though a fearful chasm had opened sud­ That left the jewelled hilt—a fla ming light— also condrme^tho account of the loss of the sea­ Soft flashing from her own pure bosom’s white. man, also the timeand circumstances of hisdeath. him as their leader. Xot content, he has recently stylish in tlie city. This was considered quite denly at her feet, to engulf her in desolation established a Society and Lyceum at Newport, and ruin. .! A strange sweet smi le illumed her shining face I also asked Capt. Sears whether he spoke any , desirable, as tlie wages were fair, and work com-' •homeward -bound vessel by which the news could Ky., over which lie presides as Conductor and ■ paratively light. Hellene paused here, and her sympathetic list­ As she fell dying in that royal place ; Her gentle life ran out, and crimson shone have reached port, and his answer was most em­ Lecturer. He is also tlie editor of a valuable But with Hellene’s sensitive spirit, her natural ener waited patiently for her to proceed, when phatic that th ere was no vessel spoken ! department in tlie “Lyceum ” of Toledo. Thor­ O’er all the snow-white steps of Badgad’s throne. The above is a plain statement of facts which tastes and inclinations, and a fretful madanie at she had sufficiently overcome lien deep emotion. E l'len Polk Stanley, -x oughly cognizant of tlie wants of the Lyceum, the head, it was a hard, slavish life for ljer. Yet ban be proved by any one desirous of investigat­ lie has prepared the first of this series, and his “ I lost that note,” she continued, “ though it ing the subject; and I would ask if there is any­ task must be pronounced well done. The origi­ the fair girl bore all bravely, ami gave sucli sat­ was of no consequence, 1 suppose, for in my ex­ Remcnekation of Coal Min e iis.—T lie question as to how much a coal miner makes has had a good deal to do thing in this incident tlmt looks like fraud, or nal matter which comprises the larger portion of isfaction that when she attaineiDher eighteenth treme anguish I had crushed and crumpled it till with people's opinion of the right or wrong of the existing which can be explained by mind-reading, uncon­ the book is contributed by some of tlie best riu- strike in tlie coal *eglons. The operators say that the birthday she had been two years in this fashion­ it would readily he taken for waste paper. I miners can make more than Js possible for men of the'snme scious cerebration, odicforce or mesmerism? thors in the liberal ranks, and is fully up to the able establishment, where ninny young ladies think no one would ever take tlie trouble to un­ skill In any other labor occupation. The miners are will­ Here was a woman wholly unknown to me, times in breadth and liberality of sentiment. Tlie ing to admit this fact. If they could obtain work (luring who in a little room on Hanover street gets a dialogues and operettas are pithy and charming. could not remain more than two months, so very fold and read it. > Beside, it bore only liis in­ the entire year, but they calm that the frequent Inter­ ruptions to work in the mines, such as temporary lack of communication from a person unknown to either Wlmt is most admirable, is the healthy moral particular were the employers. itials. But oh, my kiii^l friend, every cruel word cats, accidents to pumps, machinery* etc., reduce their of us, of an occurrence which took place off on sentiment which pervades all its pages. pay to a comparatively small coinncnsatlon whjjn the na­ the Atlantic Ocean, probably two or three thou­ But at this time one of those little events, is stamped indelibly upon my brain. I will re­ ture of thelremplovmcnt is considered. A correspondent We cordially endorse the enterprise of Mr. which do not seem wholly accidents, clmiigedall peat it, since I am telling you everything. It of the Philadelphia' Ledger who 1ms been examining into sand miles away, upon a single ship, which, soli­ Kates in supplying tlie children of Libernlists the subject says that the miners claim that in 1674. in the tary and alone, was plowing her way onward to­ and Spiritualists witli a pure literature, free from the tenor of her young life. * read-: " best regulated mines, they did not average more than 240 days' -work for tlie year, and that the average amount of ward the equator. sectarian dogmas and religious taints, ne should > One pleasant afternoon two haughty, fashion­ “ ‘Miss I)aiuex—I think it now about time coal cut by each miner per day was 11 tons. > or this he re­ To my own mind there is no greater proof of be sustained by tlie Lyceums, for whom he is de­ able ladies sailed into tlie spacious apartment that you should understand your true position. ceived 51*2 cents n«;r ton when .coal was selling for $5 at the .fact t|iat a telegraphic message can he re­ voting his energies. His labor is most difficult, Ellzabetbport or New’ York, ami l2M» cents additional if ceived from Europe than there is in the fact tlmt where Hellene was employed, with airs and I do not ask your forgiveness for a a m b ia n ce of coal readied to .^ , and a reduction at the same rate if the for it may almost be said with truthfulness that price fell below per ton. The average amount cut by the way is open for spirits to communicate with this literature 1ms to be created de novo, so little graces plainly indicating their self-importance. marriage, since I always have and stili in­ each miner during the 240 days was 2610 tons, which, at 5lj4 cents per ton, produced him 413C9.G0. From this flic miner mortals when tlie proper medium is furnished. exists adapted to this purpose. . , - Madame was ail attention, eager to please her tend, to provide liberally for you, or at least had to pay the wages of a laborer, amounting to and It may be said tlmt there is nonliability in the We notice that the Second Part, intended for richly-dressed customers. Tlie elder lady was also for powder, oil, cotton, tools, Ac., to the estimated truth of the messages often received. Granted ; until you agnin obtain a situation. 1 But I am amount of $1G0. making a total of $544, leaving as the aver­ the advanced groups in the Lyceum, and adults, very handsome in countenance, but so cold and weary of this farce, and wish to be free. I advise. age net earnings of the miner $825,60, or about $IG a week. but are you sure that you will always get reli­ composed exclusively.ofexcl ly.of dramas and dialogues, It Is for the maintenance of the wages of 1874 that the able information from your friend across the is already announced as in press. supercilious in her manner as to be utterly repel- . ou to seek some other home immediately, and id as in press. miners are contending. water? II that friend is playing you false, will Hudson Tuttle. MAY 8, 18*75. B A . N IST. E OF LIGHT, 3

Major Kraus and Dr. Neff, physical mediums. the higher spheres.' This is ethereal in its repre­ lmd not passed through V- -How could he express • SFIRITUXLIST MEETINGS. immcr They have a cabinet, nnd often reliable material-1 sentation, soft, beautiful nnd glorious. tile f u d f Did lie still retain his spiritual body, izations occur. These meetings are public—free While on a visit to these two brethren recent­ having been translated to eaitli ? (’iiki.ska. M ass.-- Tin- Ullil.-I’lirlstlnn Splrltimllstshnld to nil. On ■ Wednesday and Sunday evenings ly, Dr. T. B. Taylor, of Boston, was made the inn’lhiK* rvrry Sunday-in lla\vilif»rn slriTt < mtar BflllMKlmin Mh W, at a nml 7 »\ n . Mrs. M. A. Bicker, A Ntrungc Case—I>r. T ujlor RcqueHt- circle meetings are and have been held for the object of several pleasing surprises, some nmong Tlie various phenomena alluded to throughout lVKului h|icakfi'. Srats five. |>. J. Bicker, Sii|»’t. cil by u Dcud Mnn(?) to l'rcacli IiIh past .two years at David Stephenson's, corner I them lining of a substantial character, such ns her essay, and which she seems to think cnnnnt llAiiwu ii Bunr, M aSN.—T in*Childrcn’H l’j nK»vsslvo Ly- Third and Chestnut streets—cabinet manifesta­ valuable toilet articles nnd a benutlful-portt own- ccmii inrci.s Ht-Soflal Mallvvci> Suiiday ill r«‘-i r. m. <». D. F uneral IMNCour.se. . properly bo disposed of except on tlie supposition Sniall'M, < 'J'. Jl. Maker.' Conductors A correspondentpyrites: “ A-Kliort timo since tions off the most reliable character, materializa­ mile, each pocket of which contalnedfeofferings that her theory is true, may he very readily ac­ Mrs, A. JciiklitOiiiunllan: W. B/Kcllcj*, Musical hlroc- tions, &c., taking place; the Potts boys being ill " greenbacks” from tint friends present. tnri'S. Turner, l.lluailan; Mrs. A. Bobbins, Secretary,. Daniel D. Kimball passed on to.the' higher life counted for by a recognition of the well eslaliiislied from Lynn, Mass., and the next day, in ills own mediums.' Public lectures are also held in Odd Sai.km, Mass. - /,j/rcnm Jltill, —Tho iluniAiillarlan As- fact o f Impirotinn. H o iia tio N. S i’Oo n k h . Aoctitilou Im>M Hirelings cvoi y Sunday, at a nnd 7‘s r, u, proper person, he requested Dr. Taylor, now In Fellows and Barr’s Hnil." Vt’iNCOIINill. M. M. Boblnstiii. i Aii'lnver street. Secretary. ('hi.ltlrni'M l>rnprrx.iie» l.f/rritin. -Conductor, John Uan- Boston, to preach his funeral discourse. This New Y o rk . JANESVILLE.—Mrs. Elvira Wheelock Bug­ du.ll; Guardian, Mn, A. W’aieihouse; Llluarlaii, James was done to meet the demands of the relatives of gies writes, April 18th, 1875, ns follows : I wish UNITED BINGING IN CIRCLEB AND . 'Foster; Secretary. S. C. Monjier: Treasurer, K. B. Amen. the deceased, who are alj Methodists or Ortho­ ROCHESTER. - Dumont C. Dnke, M. D., S E A N G E B . r Conference Mndhik's connected with Hit! Ljcuiiin tms held to indite n few words in regard to the progress of dox people. They had manifested much opposi­ writes April 2-1: Truly the “ agitation of thought every Sunday at lluhon Mall, at | and :i P. M. Spiritualism In the South, In order that the pub­ !*i.ymoi't ii, M ass, — Meeting*, aie hold every Sunday In tion to linvinjj a Spiritualist attend the funeral, Is the beginning of wisdom.” A call Issued to IIV HON. A. 0. W.'CAllTEU. a')den lliitl.- F. W. Bobbins, <'orresiibndliik Seerctnrjr. and insisted that the officiating officer should bo lic may understand that almost everywhere tint W Children's Lyceum meet* at'll a. m. I. carver. Con­ Robert Dale Owen to spenk hero in Rochester, spiritual phenomena nro exciting an interest tliat I tjs often a question' in our spiritual tTrcles ductor; M rs. M. c. Bobbins, (iuai dlan: M l*s Mary Lew Is, a preacher. .They did'not care how liberal ho Librarian: Mr. Lewis Poleu, Mu-lcal Dheefur; Mi*. Titos, was, just so ho hnd the “ Rev." to Ills name. So nnd signed by lending citizens of tills city, was is unusual. A few months ago when I went to and seances, why the spirits desire us to sing— l \ Swill, Musician. published recently in our leading papers. This Savannah, Ga., there was but the slightest atten­ tiro departed brother controlled a medium and all to niny if practicable—so, ns they say, that'the Bock la n D, M ass.—T he < ’hlldren'.s I'rntrivqsl ve Lyceum said: "Send to Boston for Rev. Dr. Taylor;” brought out a hearty response from Dr. Jackson, tion paid to the subject. Inra short time the nieelsat D*.. r. M. In I'IiomiU Hall. F. J . Gurney, Con­ and it was so; the messenger was sent, and the Proprietor of “ Our Home,” Dansvillc, N. Y., manifestations of Dr. Webster awakened an lu­ manifestations, of whatsoever kind they may be, ductor; Marla Bciiiiell, liiiatillau; Hemy chase, Secro- who gave Mr. Owen a handsome encomium! creased interest, and soon mediums began to be may lie better, and more effective. One evening, tary. departed said to Mr. Taylor: “ I want you to at­ se n inokt ki.il MASS.--S|tlrlliia1lst nnd Llberallst So- tend the funeral and burial of my b o d y a n d it This called forth tlie uncalled-for attack from our developed in different parts .if tlie city for tlie sonic lime ago, at, a seance, held with the gift­ td«dy meets ai. Allen's Hall Sundays a l ’1'j and 7'-, j*. m, ,j bigots, and our reply by request from leading various phases of physical manifestations, and D. Sells, i’resMenf: J. D. Alien..Vlrr I'n-sMciti; Mrs. K. wasdone. The Doctor went the next day, found a ed medium, Gilbert G. Eaton, the wise spirit Dalle. Treasurer: \V. S. Vale, Seereiary. L> cynm i nee In goodly number present, to whom, with ministe­ citizens that I should answer the same. Here­ when I left—a month ago—tlie interest had be­ who speaks, for tlie most part, through him, ask­ at ll o’cloek A. M. * rial dignity, lie rend from the Bible. The choir with find said nrticles, which will no doubt in­ come almost universal. Wkst g incros. Mass. —The Liberal* Association hold sang a sweet piece, and tlio spealter said: terest your readers and all lovl-rs of truth and One medium in particular we cannot fnjl to no­ ed tlie circle to unite ill singing. I, having a meet Inns r\er-y Sunday In WI hi wood Hall. Leetuies at 2. liberty.” tice in tills brief letter, for ids manifestations and 7 p. m. M, K I'leticli. I’resldenl; II. M. Macliiilro, “ I have selected, as a text for this joyful occa­ beautiful large liiusic liox ready, asked the spirit SiMetaiy. Maty L. Fieneh. ri'Kttlai speaker. sion,' tile reported words of a heathen prophet, We also see in this moniing’s daily Democrat were indeed wonderful, considering the circum­ if the music of tlmt box would not do to produce ‘and Chronicle a savage, article, cutting to tlie stances of bis development. The medium is a l)r. so called. You will , find them recorded in the tlie necessary harmony and conditions? The Anhovkii, D, ('lilbhvii' a 1‘mKivsslvo Lyccninmootsat Book of N um bers, 2:1:10, ‘ Let me die the dentil bone these wouh\-be conservators of the rights of Slieftall. a young man nnd a resident of Savan­ Murlry 's 11 nil *'V*tv Sutnl;i\ at u*., ». ,|. s. Mnrhty, of the.righteous, and let my Inst end be like his,’ individuals and" thi) people, and thus the good nah, whom tho people know to be wholly igno­ pertinent reply was: “ No, it would not; it <'oinltirtor: Ml". T. A. Knapp, Himtihm: Mrs. E. T. Colo­ work goes bravely on, notwithstanding such ar­ rant of tlie philosophy of Spiritualism, or of the nial), A.vslstani Guanllan: Hanb-i Dojlmi, N-rrrlftry. ‘But,’ 1 nip-- asked, ‘ why call tills a joyful oc­ would do well, perhaps, but not so well as tlie Atlanta, Ga. -First AsNnfinti-m of casion, since here arc a bereaved family, a wid­ ticles ns tlie following: ' les of mediumshlp, except as lie lias been union of tlie. circle in song, each member doing tMIIi'its : .1. M. F.UK Atlanta, l*i. sblrhl: U.c. Km-, Mft- CFor the Union and Advertiser.] Instructed recently through his own manifesta­ rklt:). Win.CiilPiiiaii. Cuthb.-M, |t. |t. ah,,j,|, l.aliiantfO, owed mother, and orphan children ?' I answer: bis part in singing ; for-of nil tilings,” said tlie Vltp I’n-slin iits; Win. G. Fnisjth, Atlanta, rM-artary. There are several tilings that conspire to make AN Ol’KN'LETTEU TO I)H. .1 AM RS U. .JACKSON, OF tions. .Without the slightest warning or knowl­ ‘o r u HOME," DANKVILLK, N. Y. edge that lie possessed mediumistic gifts, upon spirit, “ tlie condition tlmt we desire each one of IlATI LK. CtiKt.K, Mil'll. Tin* Flfsl Siii‘|,‘ty of Spiritual­ this an occasion of joy, nnd not of sorrow or Jtachester.'April Klfft, 1875. ists hub) miM’Unt’s at Stuart's Hall to rn Snnilay. at )()>{ a, one occasion—for merriment more, than any tiling tlie circle to lie in is tlmt of negativity and-pas­ M.iui'17'... r. m. A. II. Avcrlll. 1'it'shh’iii; J. v.RpPiicer, grief. 1st. The house this mnn had lived in Dear Sir: I lmvo Just Been holding an indignation meet­ SePirtat >; W llllam Men It t, Ttfasmvr. some forty years- had got so much out .of repair ing over ydur jmldfslu'd letter In to-day’}* Democrat and else—lie entered a cabinet where there was ex­ siveness, and nothing can so well produce this Chronicle, Introducing Hubert Dale Owen to the Rochester perimenting of timt kind, and, to tlie astonish­ Hay City , Mtcil. -Tin1 SplrlhialM Sm-I.-H hnl.l mrot- that tlie best of workmen could hot make it ten­ public/tvd bespeaking Tor him a popular audience to listen condition an each imliridual ninyiny a common1 Inits in l.vn'iini Mali i':n-li Mtinlav at in'-,, a. M.'atnl 7'^ p. m. able any longer; so lie moved ‘out of the old MsjMwrtlu lavorof Spiritualism. I had, before, sln- ment of himself and all tlie witnesses, lie wns Hun, S. M. (iioi’in I'lvshhtnt; Mrs. J, A. WobsttT, S*t*t:ro- house into jhe new’—1 The liouso not made with ccrmyTrtJgrctUMl to see a notlcu of his appointment to lee entranced and securely tied, in a manner impos­ tony inanition. If tlm linisic-Iiox plays, no mat­ lary. turn Here, but that regret was greatly enhanced hvthls sible to perform with Ids own hands. Halti.mohk, Mlb- Itf/rir Hall.--Tin* “ FliM Spiritualist han d s,’ &c. 2d. Our. brother hnd been a true commendatory epistle from my much esteemed friend, Dr. ter how beautifully, each member of the circle is CuiiL’i'i’Kattun ul Baltiiimu:" tiiibl im*i‘iliiKs tm Sunday And nnd faithful soldier in the ‘Grand Army of the Jackson; and on reading Hand remembering vour avowed Again and again tills was repeated, nnd still or might be still engaged in thinking for himself, WnliiPMlay nvi-hlliK*. Republic,’ and lias now received his ‘honorable holler In the Bible, my mind instantly reverted toseveral more wonderful, when thus tied, Ids own coat hj/reum ll'ill. A*). Sfj H . Haltnnore at vet t. ■ ('lillilmt'S passages or Scripture, which I hutnblv beg leave to place In was taken off nnd the coat of another man put on ills own individual account—and so many . Pi'iiKfosslw Lyivum, No. i, niffts In thi* halliovr) Sunday discharge,’ nnd gone on with the recommends juxtaposition to one or two extracts from your letter. lr inontlnt;, at moYInck. and «'vrry Thursday.pvvitliu;. Luvl ' - tion of a good nnd true life to join the grand adventure the sharp emit vast may servo to, at least, raise upon him. Seated still, bunds and garments different thinkiny.n, on vtlie part of flic individ­ WVavi'r, Cunduclor; Mrs. Emily Frlsl, Guardian; Edward. . the question In your mind whether it Is nor a serious com­ were materialized, and distinctly seen by those Cuipruti'r, Librarian; Gcnruv Bloom, Mush-al I Hi prior. army on high. 3d. When tills man was born as promise or .Christian principle to aid In giving publicity to uals of the circle, would not conduce, to tlie gen­ a child into tills world, there was joy in the liouso such sentiments as are known to ho entertained by Mr. present. eral passive ‘harmony ; whereas, If each member Cleveland.O.-I.V i tMim im'fts ttvi’iy Sunday at Tom- Owen. There can ho no doubt (hat the .Spiritualism of the I hud the pleasure on two different occasions pointin' Hall. IM stipi'rlnr Mind, at 11 a. m.- CoiidiU'tnr, F. tiint a ‘man-cliild was born.’ But how much present day Is but a revival of the necromancy ot the out engaged in singing, and ail singing one song, C. Bleb; Guardian, MtssC. Tfioftipsun.’ Tivusitier, GVortfO renter joy should there bo when such an one as Testament; Indeed, this Is claimed by Spiritualists them­ of witnessing some of these remarkable mani­ G. M Usov: Sn'Kdai v. A. Dunlap .M \\ hitman slri'dt. ffie is born.into spirit-life or angelhood ! Hence selves. But hear what God,says about it: festations, ami do not hesitate to say tlmt l%v them would not lie much individual thinking, ( Hir.\ tni aiaoisnn si root, oviq v Sun­ I call tills occasion one of grent joy. any one that useth divination, or an observer of times, or day, at UP, A. M. and 7.‘«j V. >|. A. H. Williams, I'tos'ldont; But let us look at the text for a moment. If I an enchanter, ora witch, ora charmer, or a cnnsulterwith and assistance, develop into one of the most con­ in the harmony of which the manipulations ofs **• * **• l’iI'shlotil; S. J. Awry, M. !!., J . L. were going to offer a prayer or an ejaculation, I familiar spirit^ ora wizard, or a necromancer. Koran vincing and remarkable mediums in the country. Hunt, A. II. William*, W. T. Jmio*. Collins Eaton, Trus- tint do these things are an abomination untothe Cord. He is a young mnn of line presence, good tlie spirits would be. more easily accomplished, oos; E. F. Sloi’iim, Soi’ndary: Dr. A iiiIuom* Davis, Tivas- would change-the form of expression siiglitly, Lovltlcus, xx: «: “ And the soul ilint lurnoth after such and tlie manifestations more successful." m rr.' I'rttwnt sprakor, Samnol Maxwell. M. D. an d say : ‘ L et me lire, the life of the righteous, an havefamiliar spirits, • • • | will even set my face natural abilities, and appears willing to devote (fontl Tt inpfar's Hall, —Tho I’ro^r-Lsstvo Lyoeitm hnbls for then I shall die his death and reap his re­ against that soul, and will cut him ofT rrom among hlspeo- Ills best energies to the cause of Spiritualism, Of course I have put tliis comniunication of ils sessions P. Good Tvm|Har's Hall, i-ormar ty Sunday at r~' I' , <>.—Progrcsslvi ‘ Assoolatlon Imld mVoiltiKsisovory the ritual of the Order of which he was a mem­ called C'lu'lKtianlty of the present day; a liberalism which not fail, with such powers, to bring a knowledge Sundayday In Willis Mall. Children's I'n'KiyssIvo Lymum.yrmtm Ignores the stern and rigid theology of Christ and ids of tlie truth to the spiritually hungering mul­ therefor; nhd if wo- tjbey the injunctions of the nioidsln Klitio's...... Now Hall at H A. M. H. M Terry, Con­ ber. Ho stood close to the speaker the. most of prophets and apostles, and which odors as a substitute a ductor; S. Dewy, Guardian. the time, and seemed to.be pleased with the dis­ namby-pamby creed of convenient elasticity to embrace all titude wherever lie may go. Thus tlio light spirl'ts ill tills particular, wo will certainly havo sorts of thinkers and accmnmodato itself to all sorts of dawns brighter and mpro beautiful dayby day. 11 AM monton, N.-.J.--Meet lugs held every Sunday at 10)4 course as likely to do good to his surviving occasions. It would seem that the fru its tit Spiritualism; better m anifestations and '-much more satisfac­ . at the Spiritualist Hall on Third'-Hlreet* Mr. \V, neighbors." to say nothing of (he divine denunciations against It, tion at our spiritual circles and seances. . Whailon, President: G. Vulcnllnc, Secretary. Lyceum had thus tar been of such a character as to deter all'linn- O hio. at 1)S.-A. M. James <).; Hansom, (.'oiiduetor; Miss K. OHt-mtmicd Christians from lending any Influence wlmlso- Following the lead, of--tho spirit I m ight go Brown. Guardian. CLYDE.—Dr. J. II. Randall writes, April 19 : Moiltl.E, Ala.-S piritual Association: Prof. 11, A.Ta* Pennsylvania. over to Its extension. But there will doubtless nl wavs ho a on in an extended disquisition upon tills subject easy-going public teachers Dear -old pinner, your weekly visits give us tutu. President; S. Moore. M. p „ 1 st Vice President'apt, PHILADELPHIA.—A friend of free thought lngs~reaflydo cater to the p ,...... of singing to produce harmony ; lmt flic object . . ll. Miirphy. 2d do.; C. Barnes, Seeretarj and Tiejisurur; standing the absolute antagonism so palpably existing be­ 'pleasure, because'your course. Is always marked Olivers, 'lleers, Corresponding' Seereiary, lingular meet­ in this city writes as follows: On Sunday, April tween themselves nml tlio revealed wont of tlie Lord. Wo of .my effort is sufficiently accomplished,'! think; ings at 11 a. m. Sundays, and seanecsSumlay ami Tuesday 25th, the Philadelphia Liberal League received a will not Judge their motives, though at times itscemsdlf- by justice and “ charity for all,- malice toward evenings, at 7't; o'clock. flcult to refrain from It. w . n o n e.” in thus giving the views of the spiritupon it. Milwaukee, Win. —The First Spiritualists*'Society note from Rev. Mr. Group,' pastor of the Scots ANSWEU TO “ AN Ol'KN LETTER " (IN T1IK UNION AND This community was favored with d very We all at oneo recognize tho uses of music in hold mi'et lugs every Sundav at UyiVM. . In Field’s Hall, ADVERTISER, 2lfiT INST). Hit WIscbiisln Hlreet. E. \W Baldwin, President;, 11. L. ■ Presbyterian Church, kindly inviting the League able course of lecture's from O. P. Kellogg; last Barter. Seereiary, a Eds, U .andA.: Gentlemen—Wo, with many other'lib­ producing 'harmony—but what we .have been to hear a sermon on Spiritualism, in tlie evening. eral, unbiased minds, are readers of your valuable paper, month, and the liberal element here is in suffi­ lacking in.Is in tlie knowledge that ouch individ­ Milan, o .—Hu iw /n f Spiritualists and Mlicrallstft and Damon Y. Kilgore, Esq., who is chairman of the and, as your columns nro ever open for free thought, we cient force ta occasionally employ tlie best talent (’hlluicn'H Progressive LyceumHicolsaKJI a. M. Hudson ual,, by. taking part in tlie liiusie, renders himself Tuttle, Conductor; Eniinn Tuttle. Guardian. . executive committee,; made a motion that the in­ outer our honest nhd earnest protest ngalnst class legislat­ in tho. lecture-field. A short time since our more passively harmonious, and thus contrlli-. vitation of tlie reverend gentleman be accepted, ing as well as Individual Intimidation. This Is a free coun­ N e w 'Y ork City.— The Society of Progressive Hplr- try, and every Individual has the divine right to worship •genial friend, J. M. reeliles, spoke one evening, utes to tlie general passive harmony of the circle, 11 mu 1st a hold meetings every Sunday tu Bepiihllcan . with thanks therefor. On motion of John M. God Id spirit nud in truth from any stnnupolnt he may and.held his audience fortwo hours charmed and nnd opens wide tlie golden gates for tlie timely Hall. No.'.ViNV. :i;id street, near Broad wav,--at W»$ a. M. Spear, Mr. Kilgore was appointed.to reply to tlie choose. and 7'v i*. M. .L A. DozIlo, Secretary,.:»I2 \Vesi:V2d streot. The cross, the rack, burning fagots, prisons, have no In- enraptured by his descriptive eloquence. entrance and glad we{come of the inhabitants of (’lilMien’s 'Progressive Lyceum jneols at ‘2 r, .M. ,J. A, letter on behalf of the League. tlmtdutlon to America's brave sous. Progression Is the W e have here also one of tlie noble, generous, tho,better’world, who are so anxious Jo he with izllio, Conductor; 11- Dh'kliiHon, Assistant Conductor; In the evening n large number of our people order of the day, from tlio sands washed by the sea to the self-sncrlficing souls; that now and then are MrgjJL J. Cozlno, Guardian; Mrs.-Ada F.. Cooley, Ak<*|hU mountain-top kissed by the fog hank of heaven; rcfrtrMato- us, and do all they can for.us in-’our pilgrimage ant Guardian: u. W. -Hayes, Beronling Secretary; N. went to the church on Spruce'street, above Third, ry movements, freedom of thought nnd expression nro tlio found, among our progressive Immunity — Mr. here, nnd for our, journey .'hereafter.'’ j Winter. Corresponding Seereiary: J, B. sammls, Troaa- and were greeted with an old hymn'appropriated order of the day. Truth Is a mighty unit, and to-day the George Stewart. He is a healing medium, and New York, 187n. . nrer; Mrs. F„ J. Adams, Musical Director. by the church, in which their nntural depravity spirit of Investigation Is abroad and penetrates not only lias for many years been' called to visit all parts N ewauk, N. .1.-Spiritual meetings In Upper Library and superiority through their power to monopo­ the cultured mlmts In palaces, lmt the honest, Inquiring Hall each Sunday,.under the munagcoiont of Mr. Davlu hearts In colleges and hamlets nvo being warmed by Its of our State, to heal the sick, and raise many.of KT* Tlm.English Bishop of Lichfield is down \' aiher. Confercnee or lecture tu f.he aflem *ou; lectures lize Deity were fully set forth. It wns followed cheering light. Then It behooves.us. In our lnvestlga 'those given up by the medical faculty to dio ; nnd or tesl seances lu tlio'evening. Speakers and otherscan turns, tostaml Hrinly, llko-good-old Paul, to "droveall upon cremation. He lias ,no objection to the bv a very declamatory prayer, reaching the-ears tilings and hold fast to that which Is good." " ...... jnany. live' and. are free fronupain,‘through .the. -burning-oLnuui!s_HvJng-SQuls,.savs.-thi! Boston address Dr. L, K. Coonley, rui Academy sireet., of all Inside the church doors, but not making Anciently spirit mfiilHtiT flashed athw art tho dull, low medfumsliip of-tills trim Christ-like disciple. lie Traveller, but Jm can't stomach tlie burning of N k\v. i...... I aven, Co n. n ,—1'he The ““.Free Fro Lee turn Association" much impression on their hearts, as was evinced brow off rtirfirfiimtivu...... mnn...... ami with “tho 'iron .....hand of nti lenuo- has served suffering liumanity. for twenty years ntucis at Loomis Temple of Music, t Grangc nml Con- (last, broke their Idols of stone and brass, and invited them, their dead bodies. He is'reported assaying, in ter streets. K. H. W hit lag. Treasurer, Dl.vwellavo, by neatly all the saints as well as sinners look­ when done with earth's Inhnrmonles, to banquet In the without'money and without price ! and every day substance, that burial Isa Christian mode or dis­ Services cjleh Sunday at and 7,'a v. M. . ing up under their eyebrows to see tlie new faces love gardens of oternlty, “ wliuro moth doth not corrupt nor is devoted to tills work. Tlio means at his com­ posing of .the dead, and that all other mddeA are NKWi'ouV, KY. — Lyceum meets every Sunday at 2*^ P. present. After Mr. Group had told the Lord (King) thieves break through and steal. ’’ But cuf bono— M. nl Barnes Hal), No. fd York street. John Johnson, for what good to-day V They come to-day as ministering mand are sufficient to enable him to heed tlie in­ unchristian \•but:'no fact Is better settled tmm Conductor; Miss Mary Marsh and George Morrow, Ghar- what a delusion Spiritualism really was, and the spirits of lluht to bridge over the dark chasm of doubt dug struction of his guides, and a vast amount of this, tlmt buriitl (jf the dead—inhumation, that is diuus; Chas. Doiiahoxver, Musical Director; Wlllln Jolins- . terrible ravages it was making, and commanding deep by Infidel ami skeptical minds, ami to teach earth's good for our cause is being done through ills in­ —was in common practice thousands of years be- Ion,-Guard. Lecture cvciy Sunday evening at Hit nbov« him to put a stop to it, another hymn was sung, children that forms and ceremonies are costly hut poor strumentality. lull at 7Vj o’chyk. guide posts along the highway of life; that theology Is the fore*Ohrlst came\up,pn the earth, and tlmt peo­ Pilll.ADKLt’itlDELriuA,,a,.-P i a,-^-T. 1 nehc nFirst rsi. Association Assoelatlon ofor Spirit­npiru- commencing—, teaching of man; that religion is the teaching of God; and I continue to lecture occasionally, when "my ples who never heard of Christianity placed tlieir ualists hold regular ' ...... meellngs oq*Sundays,.... *...... at...... H),U a. M. 44 Sinners, the voice of God regard, that man Is Immortal and can nevcrdU*. voice will permit, and am now feeling quite weil dead in^he earth.l If It Is wrong not thus to di^ nnd Vi i’.I’. M., also on Thnixday eia^jlngs. 'al LhicdHr JJall» ’T Is mercy speaks to day,14 * We are surprised that any true Christian should seek to Cornel’ Of»f IBroadiiimu millfind «Coatesslreets. 11.nm ■ ,',-in. Win.ii to. II. «»■Jones, ruv-f,, Pres-i i^n- , try and draw a lino of demarcation between the “ New’ “ and strong; I am prepared to make engagements pose of the dead, what 1ms liecomoof flic million hlenl, No. li>21 Market street; E. Addin KuglOi-Secrctary. intended probably more especially for the in­ and the “ Old.” It is. In very truth, impossible, neither where friends desire my services, cither to lec­ who are in the ocean V Hundreds of .thousand* P.V) North tltli sircAl. I.yeeam No. I meeisover* Sunday at vited guests. with respect to tho method or the nature of theso extraor­ ture, officiate at funerals or solemnize marriages. 2‘*i r. m, J, W.'Stiller. Conductor.VNo. 2i'd Gaul street; dinary and ancient experiences. Bv tho aid of modern of the firmest hearts that ever heat have gone Mrs. K. S. Choate. Guardian,. No.' .mi:, Falnimmit ayo. After collection three young ladies were re- manifestations we-rend the Bible with a now light stream­ My lectures are delivered inspirationally. My down in storm and battle, with not even a .prayer! I.ycenm ’ No. 2.meets at Thompson-stiem Church, Thomp­ ceived into church fellowship, the youngest being ing In upon Its richly-laden pages. As your correspond?: permanent address is Clyde, O. My guild wife said over them as they entered the spacious sea. son.stre.t’t, below Frpnt. Sundays al’inbj a. m. Geo. Jack- ent " W ." has quoted the Bible, let its look Into the An­ son, Coiuluctor: Mrs, Hartley Guardian. sprinkled with n few drops of water on the top of cient Mirror In order to show the perfection of this par­ is slowly being developed ns a useful medium; Are they all lost forever? It does not matter her hair, without a drop penetrating to tlie skin, P latt/suuug, Mn.L-‘‘The United Circles of tho KrlenrtB allel—that the Past and tho Present nro brother ami sister: and when her guides inform us that she is ready how the'body is disposed of if the disposition be f Prog/i!ss.” Charles V, l.lvelv, President: John G. calling it Christian baptism, they all having said Itevolntlnn.H xxHIMO, “ Ami ho saltli unto me, Seat for the public work of proving tlie immortality reverent and decent ; and, surely, it cannot'be •‘I'legei/ Medium, Lecturer and Corresponding Secretary; they had found “ saving faith.” Poor girls! not the sayings of tho prophecy of this Book, for the timo of the soul, you shall Iienr from us. Miss j/u u y Lively, itocordlng Secretary; Cliax. I^letrlch, Isathand.’’ said that it is either irreveiit or Indecent to burn \ ■ * • ->•* • IIow we wish it were true. Next cnine the An angel tells tlio abandoned Hngar where to And water the shell of tlie soul. It Is the cleanest mode of sermon, from the text “ try tlie spirits,” from to save herself and hoy.—Gen. xxl: 17. L A N D, Me. — A rra a a /fall, .thingyess street,— Splr- An uugcl guides in tho choice of Isaac's wife.—Gen. G eorgia. removing the dead—better than leaving them to Bilal Fraternityraterntly meets every Sunday.'Sunday, at-It- at-:t- t\t'. m,. . .1 James which wns entertained some slight hope of hear­ xxlv:7. SAVANNAH. —Thomas J. Shoftall writes, be'eaten by worms or to be torn by fishes. But Kirrhlsh,Tblsh, Esq., President; William Williams.Wlllbms. ‘Vice Pres- ing at lenst one sensible remark. Not so. He Jacob has a vision of a ladder, etc.—Gen. xxxll. Idem;•m; George-(J.George- G. .French, French, Secretary: William ThThayer, Miriam sings nud plays by inspiration.—Ex. xlv. April 13th : Perhaps a few words from Savan as Lichfield means tlie “ field of tlie dead bodies,” Trqajmrer.daRurcr. . ' .' ' • \ ' . ' . showed that in ancient times ns well as now Physical demonstrations on Mount Sinai.—Ex. xix. we suppose the worthy Bishop thought he must .ions of Temperance. Ifall.X A'i Vnnares# street.—The there was no such .thing as spirits coming back. Bulanin's ass speaks, and secs an angel.—Num; xxll. nah may bo interesting to some of your readers, stand up for the honor of his diocese.. Mahome Splnltwal AHsochitldii inccts regTolarly every* Sunday. Ab­ ' He spoke of the superstition in England, de­ Balaam becomes a tranco medium, with Ills eyes open. Six months ago four of us commenced investi­ ner Shaw, Esq., President;'.George !!._ Barr, Secretary. . Num. xlv. taoism is down upon the huWlng of the dead Sant F rancisco, CAL.-r-Umier tlie p:Urailage of tho Han scribed by Dr. Dick and Macaulay, but failed to Jericho falls by Invisible power.—Josh. vl. gating Spiritualism ; to-day we can boast of at forbidding it altogether. Kranolsco Spliltmillsts' Union, a chlldrents .ProgresHlve tell his hearers that these superstitious were pro­ An angel cooks cakes nnd a kid for Gideon.—Judges least thirty circles and a large number of believ­ Lyeeupi Is held at 10.4 a . m., and a Conference at 2 i\ M.; vl:2l. also regular Sundav evening h’cluresare glveh at tho Now duced nnd fostered by the priests, nnd that Samson Is trained under angel direction.-Judg. III. ers. Glorious Philosophy ! people are not afraid Hall, till Market sireet. thousands of scientific and reasoning men were The child Samuel Is Inspired.—1 Sami.. 111. to investigate it now-a-diiys; anil when they do New l’nbllcutioiiN for Sale by Colby The San Franc.isra Spiritualist Soeictf/ nieeteveryHnn- slain by tlie Christian Church, because they did I Samuel, 28th, shows that when Saul had banished me­ investigate they always become believers. Somo A Rich, No. 0 Montgomery l'lnce, dayayat OJiaiterGak Half. Market street, near Fourth, Pro-. not endorse them. He said that Modern Spirit­ diums ho could not hear from Gqd; but ouo medium was of our best citizens have lately pronounced them . ItONtOll. n’HsIvelL'yeeuin at UiVj a. m., Mediums' UwifPrenco al found, ami Samuel came forth to meet Saul. fSo'elockU’. M., I.ccture\it7,'a I*, m. Mrs. Adaroyo, Proa- ualism contained all the old superstitions with all Elijah touched and fed by an angnl,—I Kings, xvl, selves converts. We are making new ones every Auound the W ould; ou, T ravels in Boi.ynksia u n is a. I ndia, akahia, syima, and other “ Heath blent, modern improvements, and was readily accounted Elisha makes an axe swim.—II Kings, vl. ‘ The heavens open, nml spirit hosts are beheld by Elisha. day. We have four mediums, nnd they nro doing e s “ Countries.. By J. M...IVkWch* author or “ Si’ors StocktL n, (!al. -Meidlngs are hold at Hickman's 1IMI,. fo r: -11 Kings, vl. much good. Go on, dear Banner, in tills noble of the Ages," etc. lloslon: Colby Bleb, publishers. on liuiitei\stn;et, each Sunday evening, by thcSplritiiallst 1st. As being deception of the imagination Eliphaz sees a spirit.—Job Iv. work, for tlie day is fast coming when Parson Tin; iimlinr of this hook Isa leading Spiritualist, ami Ills Society, of which Dr. Hudson Is President, Mr. A. M. Jeremiah accuses tho Lord of deceiving him.—Jer. xx. ol>|cet in making his extended jofirimjY besides pmonally Strong, \1lce I’resbleiit. and Messrs. Manchester and . caused by typhoid fever or some other disease. Ezekiel eats a spirit-book; hears great noises.—Ezek. 11. Talmago and tlm like will have to acknowledge Informing himself touching the dlirorenoo between life In Sturgeon, Secretary anil Treasurer. America nml life in the Orient, was to study and If prowl Si’mN(JFIELD, O.—The Spiritualist and Llberallst S o-’ 2d. As being deception of men and women, Angels savo Shadrach, etc., from the fiery furnneo.' tlie truth, and join us in spreading far and wide hie more fully understand the real condition of the heath lie said “ we know wo can't see a spirit” (see Dan. ill. this glorious pliilosophy. delv.of tills place meets at'Allen’s Hall,Sundays, at ll AiM, Splrlt-wrltlng and splrlt-hand on tho wall.—Daniel v. (>n. Sumo portions of-the bonk appeared In tho Banner of Atid7 p, m. Mrs. Mary A. lleurv, President; John P; Al­ 1 Cor. xii: 12,13). He argued that there were Daniel entranced nnd thrown on the ground, Is touched, Light, umler the title o f44 Letlersof Travel,’’ exciting len, Vice President: Mrs. It. Disc. Treasurer; Melvin .no spirits that returned to-day, and never once tho men quake.—Daniel lx. I>iHtrict o f Colum bia. much Interest. Thou havo been revised atidnewmattci Henry. Seerutarv.- The Lyceum .meets at U)^. M. Mrs. added, changing and improving the sanus,very much. Mr. Mary A. Henry,‘Conductor. referred to his text. Angels sing over Bethlehem.—Luke ill. Jesus calls legions of angels.—Matt, xxvl, WASni>ON-.—The following are the arti­ Peebles hi nisei I is a medium, ami besides speaks of a trance T hoy, N. Y.—The Progressive Splritnnllsls* SocletT’ The lifting of the tables, &c., be said science medium as being In his company, lie views every place Mighty miracles of humanity, and one by Jesus.—Matt. cles of agreement which furnish tlie basis of the and everything mol In his lournoylngs with theeyeof an meets every Sunday in Lyceum Hall, Nos, I2aud 14 Third had explained. Strange to say, his church list­ advanced Spiritualist, criticising the acts of colonists In street. Lectures at 10‘a a. m. and 7?v r. M. Tho Chil­ f t Tlio mediums of Pentecost speak in tongues, ami start­ First Society of Progressive Spiritualists in this dren’s Pr.—F ree lectures at Noble’sH all ench 005W alnut St., rnii.AOKi.riiiA. AprtlWith, 1875. All mortals havo within themselves tho elements of mc- activities of life wo will do as well as we canJ’ course he finds believers In Spiritualism, or 44 Spirit Isis," Sundav even lug at "Lj o’clock, before tin; First Spiritual As- • Rkv. A. V. G roup—Dear Sir: Your kind Invitation to dlmnshlp to commune with the spirit-world, and are more ns he expresses It, In every country, and contort* with them soelatlon. <’. W. Stewart. Lecturer. S. S. Bmnett, Pres-l tho Liberal League to listen to your sermon on Spiritual* or less In communication with the spirits in and out of tho at times, o f the Uidnese he says: blent; M. P. Ghee, Vice I’leshtenl; I). 11, llainakor, Sec- 4 Ism was read ami unanimously accepted, with thanks. form, and measurably Influenced by them either for good M METEMPSY CHOSIS, “ Naturally undemonstrative and seeVellvo, the higher relary. Tho League Ib composed of porsons'who do not bqllcve In or 111, whether they are conscious of it or not; and tho In- classes of <‘ldnumen seek to conceal their full knowledge of Spiritualism, as well ns those who do, church tm mherfr, i fluencos manifestations. Impressions and communications Mrs, Tappan’s Oration at GatendixK Booms, V in e l a n d ^ N, J . —The Society of tho Friends of^Pro-:.. ‘they receive, will. In a measure, If not entirely, corre- spirit lnter« ourso from foreigners, and from the Inferior gress meet at (.'osmopidltati'Hall, PluinstriHd.cvery Snn'*- efergymen and a few who call themselves Jii/hh raslesof their invn countrymen, thinking them no! siiffl- day, at JOS a. >1. and 7 r. m., for lectures, conference or "1 religious or political creed is necessary to members! upond with tho moral piano mortals occupy. Hence tho London, Sunday evening, Feb. 21st, 187V'*-when eieutly intelligent to use it. The lower orders, supersti­ all questions pertaining to human progress are fr need of a true life In order to attain a true harmonic free discussion. Louis Bristol, President: L\ B. (’amp- Spiritualism. - thoroughly analyzed, will be found minus a sub­ tious amt monev grasping, often prostitute their medium- hell, Lucinda I). Ladd. Vice Presidents; Nelson E.Shedd, 1 V cussed in its meetings with a view or dlscovcrlij isileglft.s to gain nnd fortune-telling. These clairvoyant Treasurer and Agent of hall; Dr., David W. Allen and S> I- The meetings of tho League are held every Su We opine that this " W ." a m t other members ?of tho stantial foundation, 'Vague and visionary, fab­ fortune-tellers, surpassingwanderlug gypsies In 4 hitting ’ noon, nnd l take pleasure, on behalf of- the Lea; would-ho gag indignation meeting, havo a big thing on vla Sylvcstqr, (’orrespoinllng .Secretaries,' Tho <’hlldr«n*» . their hands when they attempt to wipe out with their puny tlie jw f. Infest tlie temples, streeisand roadsides, prom­ I’rogrosslvu'"Lvceitm meets nt 12*4 I*. M-r^Un-Davld W .. tending to you, and through you to your china ulous and mythical, the theory, from the first to ising to find lost property, discover precious metals, and re­ Allen, ('ouducbn *. Mrs. H. B. Ingalls. Guardian: Lhclus ation,d k r a * kind* * * Invitation,• not * only * *to attend * ^ any of our pens tho works of God, the angels and humanity, and blot veal the hidden future. What good thing Is md abused V, publicic meetings, but also to becomebccumo members of tho \ outsuchproudnaniesasBobcrtDaleOwen'sfrointhehrlght the last, is utterly destitute of anything like con­ Wood, Musical Director: Miss Phillm Wlllmr. Librarian; aLongue..1 J 7 1 scroll of well-earned famo as a scholar In ancient and mod­ Liberty lives, though license prowls abroad In night-time. Elvira L. Hull, roiTespoudl'mr Secretary. Speaker* wish­ clusive evidence tending to establish the doctrine Christianity wme the laurels It wove, though Peter denied ing engagements will addr-'ss therorrespoudlng Secretary. You will excuso me If I add, on myrnvn behalf, tlmt In ern lore. D umont 0. Dakic, M. D. nml Judas betrayed. Spirit communion Is a reality, nnd, company with a largo number of our. members I listened to which she labored to promulgate. Let us take Williamsiu' hgii. N. Y.—The Assoclatlonof Spiritual­ your discourse last evening, and was not ft little amused. If wisely used, a mighty redemptive power, as well as a pns- ists will hold regularly every Sunday, at :i o’clock i*. M., a not Instructed. I failed to see the application of your text IflnssucIuiHettfs from the essay a couple of extracts and compare HlvedemonsDafion of « fill lire exlfdonre." conference mcetlngat tho “ Old School-House,” (2 •Let ...... us In conven­. enviable reputation for noisy egotism. surging tide, after some choice flowers. Losing form can recollect that which 1ms not be.cn in tion assemble lu that great i>inimorcl;il centre from whenco Faithfully yours, Damon Y. Kilgore. quisition, amUhe thinker will not care for the story which her balance, the child falls into the river and is the nature of its experience, and which the runs llkc'a narrow stream for the purpose or giving shorn our words will go broadcast over the land, and »K»t»■ «e* HARRISBURGII.—W. B. writes: " Though drowned; but Augureta—one of Dr. Jack's chief body cannot express because it lias not passed room for facts, philosophy ami simciilatlon. The book Is maud our recognition as self-govcnilng citizens, and again controls—next appears, a prominent figure, mag- through.” readable, and hrlminlngwUh holdl) uttered radical truth. press upon our country’s attention those great principle® thhre is ,no regularly organized Society in this Thn effects or Christianity are, compared with free thought of Justice upon whose foundations alone a true and perma­ j i ....netically...... , control!------llning a fairy * ’ barque, ‘ and...... In that now, then, could the clergyman referred to In a manner which makes the fonnerodlous, and the clergy nent republic can tie built. « cl(y, yet much Is being dQije^for the advance- appears the spirit or the little girl with the flow- nro shown un lu a way by up means enviable) Thelmql The speakers of the occasion wlllhe Elizabeth Lady »tan recollect' in his earth-form that which lmd pbt makes missionary labor among tho__“JIeathen Justly ton. Kev. o . B. Frothliighain, MatllilaJoslynGage, Cftrrio ment ’of the cause. CirciesVare held regularly ers In her band. Behind and above thechild and ridiculous, yet tho radical libcraflut will And it an excellent 8. Burnham and Phebo w . Couzens. onrWednes^ay evening ana Sunday afternoon the fairy boat is a beautiful scene In the spirit- been in the nature of his earthly experience, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, ^ missionary to send out among churchmon.^—Hudson Tuttle Chair'nEx. Com. X. IF. S. A .y Rochester) X. I* •and evening, at Spiritualist Hall, Broad street— | world. Then off, far to the right, is a scene in and which the body could not express because it in The Lyceum.

. * r \ j B A N N E R O LI GH T. If linnuer ConfentH, religioifs paper accuses another of linvlng passed . Farewell Testimonial tol Mr. and Public Social Meeting)*. Allan Kardcc’s Books. Kiust I'Aun.-Stury -*m Iu i Its ; nr, Who was to lllauir?*' all the recognized boundaries of Orthodox faith. Sirs. Hardy. (' . The week-evening assemblies at the residences To the Editor of the Banner or Light: Having just finished the reading of Allah t>y Mrs:’KU/a M. lilrv.-k. Another oispntes a neighbor’s sbtinduess in the­ Oil tlie evening of Monday, M^y 3d, the spa­ of the Boston friends continue, to be convened UKCoNP - >l«t;inlr\ : “ Mrs. Cu\\Wr'> Mnll. ology. A third accuses a prominent preacher of cious parlors of No. 4 Concord Square, Hoston, with pleasure and profit. Wo have occasion to the Frenclt by Emma A. Wood, and published uniMilp - A St-;miv w ilh i lilMi rit • Win-not auiie the lion* having swept away, in one of Ids discourses, all were filled to repletion liy a company of Indies chronicle two in tlie present issue. by Colby & Rich, Boston, I cannot forbear to >•3 boim?” hy Aaiitu Kr.uiUiii; ’“A (‘.h * of Spirit-K-turn, 'faith in t|u> inspiration of the Scriptures. And and gentlemen—friends of Mr. John and Mrsi The first transpired on tlie evening of Thurs­ d> ('has, 11. l>r<-'s n; • • Vui- •> t»y the W ay,' 1 hy h r. K. (*. express my opinion that tills excellent book so on through' this remarkable list of fellowship. Mary M. Hardy—who were assembled in obedw day, April 20th, at the homo of Dr. Charles 'Putin: * • The Kpvtim * * |>> Hinlvn Tuttle. ought to ho in tlie hands of and carefully studied T im m ivu.K. --.Hauuer rorropwithMin- from vai h»us P>- It all goes to .show that Old Theology is break­ once to invitation cards issued by Prof. E. and' kMuin, CO Dover street. Dr. Main is about to sail by every intelligent Spiritualist of this coun­ CAllth*?; •.* MeVinj.'.v. h.M'iV ' * 1‘ulLe.l > inning In O iv lo ing up, that its place may he taken in the minds’ Mrs. A.'Hope Whipple, to present their good jnr Europe, and the assembly of ids friends was jUul Seaiu !•*.," P> II.A. *«.’W. •'artei ; •• New l'nlillra* try. Tlie translator and tlie publishers deserve of m en hy something better. If its ndherents wishes to this hard-working tent and materializ­ eminently appropriate as in preparation for that tlotisfut s».iU* hy i 't.U.y A U hh;“ \M\ of SplrlUialUt Meet- tlie sincerest thanks of the whole Spiritualist INK*- ‘ ... “ • and advocates were engaged only in looking for ing medium and her husband previous to their de­ event, although tlie services were announced as Kul lt rH l,\» a v K'lltoi lalsnn vat hum luleitMliitf tople.s, the better themselves, and .were ready to hail parture for Europe. A.beautiful evening, ns to held for the purpose of consecrating ids resi­ community for tlie praiseworthy manner and . Ft Fill l'.vc k. Hi tef 1'araK'iaplm, New Atlvertlketneiit.s, style in which they have made this, one of the with joy the first evidences of its approach, we 'outside, weather, was well matched hy the social dence, and in honor of tlie spirit-world. The etr. principal works of the French Spiritist leader, should not he treated to these manifestations of harmony nmi good feeling which found expres­ parlors were crowded, and tlie speeches—mado y t\rn l'v « ;n . spirit Mes-a^e peparttneut; l W m ~ “ A accessible to those who linve no occasion for •Father*> < r \ “The l.ife of a Levtuin, ’’ hj K. liiave>; ill-will and unclmritahleness on their part, which sion within the dwelling. by J. B. Ilntcli (who presided), Drs. T .’B. Tay­ Obituary Suth-r*. et •. . would be a scandal to tbu “ world's people” John Wetherbee, Esq , called tlie meeting to lor, Samuel Grover, John II. Currier,,.II. B. studying it In Its original language. Whoever— Sl.v r.sut l'auk.- ih><-k auh between editorial arllde.s and the was furnished hy Misses Nellie Ladd, Nellie M. same author, Ills “ Livre des Esprits,” as well ooinmunleathui^ te.unletmed nr otherwise) of eorrospoml- without the power of radically changing their turn, as speakers, Dr's. II. H. St'orer ami Samuel King,„ Cora Hastings, Carlotta Williamson and ents. * Our column* are open for the expression of lni|>er- Grover, Judge Ladd, (of Cambridge,) Dr. T. B. as liis minor treatise “ Qu’cst ce que le Spirit­ soual free t h»■ u < 11 r: hut wo ran not undertake loentlor.se (he hearts. No atonement doctrine can ever come Miss Curtis; Miss Lizzie J. Thompson gave a Taylor, Moses Hull, George A. Bacon, Holiert traded shades of opinion to w hit h «mr ctirrespotuleutsglve home to human, experience to change human recitntion. Tlie happy meeting closed with tlie ism?” (What is ?) ought also to bo Utterauee. Cooper, (of England,) John W. Day, (of the partaking of refreshments... mado familiar to the English render. Tiie con­ chnrneter. Its conceptions are wholly inade­ Banner of Light,) La I!oy Sunderland, Mrs. E. On F riday evening, A pril Both, tlie friends of tents as well as tlie method of Kardec’s writings quate to the meaning of any such mystery ns the Hope Whipple, Mattie li. Sawyer, Hattie Wilson, J. J. Morse met at 27 Milford street, to bid him clergy would seek to have it understood. Spir- .). li. Hutch, Messrs. Hielmnls and Eaton, M. V. a "God speed” in ids labors in Connecticut, to nre eminently apt to elevate the cause of Spirit­ iittncv of itualism hni-i/ii.i airay nit these fays of faith at a Lincoln, Dr. Dillingham, Susie A. Willis Fletch­ which State lbs calls led liim for May. Tlie ex­ ualism to a higher plane, to vindicate its claims er, and Mr. Barker, (of California.) ercises partook more of^tlie nature of a social as a branch, nay, the crown of the highest science sinylt• sweep. It dears the sky and purifies the Mrs. llnrdy responded feelingly to the kind party, although remarks were made by Mr. and philosophy, to bring order and system into tlie BOBTON, SATURDAY,'MAY 8, 1875. atmosphere, so that people can make a reality of words wliich had been expressed by those preced­ Morse—who returned thanks for tlie kindness daily accumulating mass of startling and, for their sight ami inhale oxygen instead of ortho­ ing her, and? hoped that she should ever remnin with which lie had been universally treated— PVKlMi'ATION OVI IU ; AM) ISOOKSTOIUh doxy. The priests may resist the progress of worthy of the friendly esteem that prompted tlie “ Tho Strolling Player,” and I. P. Greeidcaf; many, bewildering facts, and to thus win for it utterance of .the same. This desire was also H o. 0 M

■ * • ' MAY 8, 1875. BANNER OF LIGHT. -<

Instantly given to release tho maniacs from their cells. W anted to Complete our FII c n . ADVERTISEMENTS. n ;o w r e a d y , BRIEF PARAGRAPHS. Ono Inroato, however, an ox-priost, refused to follow the We nro grently In want of No. 22 of Vol. I l l ; others, and c’uug to the base of Ids cell window till he was No. 14, Vol. X I ; No. 12, Vol. XX11I, and all tlio AND Siioht Beuhon. — Tho dog that continually barketh consumed hy the flames, which were so strong that tho & never bltcth.^.Iie Is ono of tho weakest of Bpanlcls. Thu firemen who attempted ;to rescue the poor wretch were In numbers of Vols. Ill and IV, to complete the C O LBY R IC H , sound of his voice squeakoth llko unto a penny trumpet. danger of their lives. Two other Inmates of the asylum — lllesof tho Hnnnerof Llnlitiiptodntc. W ohould FOR SALE BY COLBY & RICH, The biped of the dog genus Is not unlike his uncouth quad* a man and a woman—were burned. In their beds. The fool much pleased if nny of our subscribers wlm Publishers and Booksellers rupcdal brother. lie may be seen at the corners of the city water supply was very duilclont, and the engines were'ebn- mny be possessed of either of these numbers would N o . O M O N T O O JIK K Y 1*1.,U K , scquently all but usel-8S. •forward the same to our address, and in the event streets, and indeed In tho highways and byways all over BOSTON, tho land. Lot him bark. of their so doing we will recompense them well Col. Olcolt’s Great W ork, The Freneh Government has given Its adhesion to the for their trouble. . ■ KEEP A COMri.KTK AFSOltTMKNT OK Iko Hooper, condemned to sulfur death at Augusta, (In., international postal treaty, subject to (he following con­ for murder, was so much agitated by the fact, that In a ditions : First, that (he parties to the treaty .shall come to Spiritual, Progressive, Reform, single night, after tho passing of tho sentence, his hair some arrangement with respect to the standard of weights; BATES OF ADVERTISING. AND changed from black to gray. .■« second, that a uniform rate shall he established for territo­ rial and marltlmo postage; third, that the treaty shall go Knob line In Agate type, twenty cent* for the MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, flrat and llfteeu cents lor every ■tibseqticnl In- People from the Other W o rli. San Francisco recently lmd a fearful explosion of giant Into operation January 1, 1h7i(, instead of. July 1, 1875. * AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. powder, whereby live persons were killed outright or died a e rtlo n . NVEdUIi NOTICES.-Forty cents l>er line, of their wounds, and seven were severely Injured. .Much Mr. William Squares, of Mestoeton, Oregon, who Is Minion, eaeli Inacrllon. TERMS CAM II.-O rders for Rooks, to bo sent by Express, damage to property also attended the accident—If to It anxious that tho great trees of that State shall bo repre­ must ho accompanied l*y all or part cash.' When tho money CONTAINING m m IN ESN CARDS.-Thirty rents p e r lin e , soul Is not sulUcloiit to fill (ho order, the balance must be couhl he called, It being tho result of the gross carelessness sented at the Philadelphia centennial, has written to the Arnle. each Insertion, paid C.o. I), of ono of tho workmen, himself among tho killed, who wns centennial commissioners that ho will furnish at Slllamook frliyiuents In nil eases In advance. 99* Orders for Hooks, to bo sept by Mall, must Invaria­ smoking whilu In the $ict of making cartridges of the pow­ hay a fir plank one hundred feet In length and averaging bly ho accompanied'-by ca>h to (ho amount of each older. Full aiid’ IlIusliTilivfi Descriptions 99* For all Advertisements printed on the 5th -..Any Hook published in England or America, mHoutot der In question. * j twelve feet In breadth, provided that facilities can bo ob­ page, 20 cents per ljnc for earn Insertion. print, will be sent by mall oroxpress. Tho value of tho sugar estates recently burned In Cuba tained for forwarding it to Philadelphia. 4?"('iitiiloiriiei of Hooks I’uhlUlioil mul For n r tiik Is $25,000,000. 99* Advertisement* to be renewed at continued Nnl«* l».v <‘oll>.v *V Itlrlu iilM ) o f Itoolr* The Traveller says that a well-known Freneh Instructor rates m ust be left at our Olllcc before 1 2 *11. on by Niiiiiik R It. W cIIn. on IMircnolotr.v. IMiyslolo- A new Spiritualist journal has Just appeared nl Illo Ja- In this city has had all his teeth extracted, andean now talk M o n d a y . K.v, llyi;l«'ii<*. H om e liii|M<>v«‘iin*nl.»Vc., m*iiI tree. WONDERFUL SEANCES .nolro, In the Spanish language. M, Lleutaud, principal of seventeen languages at oneaud thesumc time. The trouble tho French college at Itlo Janeiro, Is an ardent Spiritist. Is that no one can understand him now in any Inuguage he Jos, John’s Works of Art. llchl l\y cm ,. (il.COTT.with thu speaks. _ SPECIAL NOTICES. April 30th completed tho eighty-sixth year since the ex­ isting government of tho United States went Into opera­ Major Georges. Merrill, Department Commander of the THI'. W ONDKRl'VI. llE,V I,rK AN 1> Grand Army of the Republic, In General Order No. :i. Is­ " The Dawning Light. Eddys, tion, as Washington became President on thosothpf April, CliAIUVOYANTI — Mus. 0. M. Mo u u iso n , This beautiful and Implosive picture represents the -'1780. sued to the Posts in Massachusetts, directs that Memorial JSro, 10‘2 llW wt/i.’tfcr street. Magnetic tivatments ‘ "Uirthyhu't uf M'lihm Syiritii'ili sin, ’ ’ in llydosvlllo. Day shall be observed on Saturday, jhu limb Inst. given Diagnosing disease by lock of hair, $ 1,00. N. Y. Amehe mo-MUigors descending through rifled The following succinct account of the shape and condi­ clouds, bathed in tlomhof celestial light, an* most -nreess- Holmeses, tion of tho brain of Ortwuln, tho Pennsylvania murderer, Tiro Director-General of tho Ceutculilal Exhibition at Give age and sex. Kennedies sent; by mail. ftilly linked ;md blended >\ till this noted house andSts sur­ Specific Tor Epilepsy and Neuralgia. roundings. or mad, yard, the well and Us oaken hmkot, ANIl Is derived from official sources: Philadelphia has been olllclally advised by tho’Seeretary of shade tiers orchard, the hlaekMiilth shop with Us tda/.lng • "T he left alaof tho thyrold-hyold cartilage was fractured the Koyal Commissioners for Victoria, that a preliminary A ddress Mus. (J. M. M o u u iso n , Huston, Mass., forge, and the Hyde mansion resting against the hill In the longitudinally one-third of (ho way from tho median pro­ lntor-colonlal exhibition will be held nt'Mellmurne, Aus­ Z?es, ami thoroughly well eslnlillsheil as fads, and whirl...... si soon­ weals the guardians uf t lie splt ll-wurld. er or laler revolutionise opinion on a variety of questions On the 28th or April thu Prince or Wales was Installed Rev, Dr. John J . Williams, tho long-tlmo popular Ro­ II e n h y S l a d e , Clairvoyant, No. 18 West 21st Inahoat, as U lay In .the swollen stream, two orphans j relating to tttemdure of man." Mastor of tho Grand Lodge of Free Masons of Great man Catholic Bishop of Boston, has been elevated to tho street, New York. Ai>.8. were playing. It was late In tin*''day, befumjhe stnrm Britain. vj(ere was a grand tlmo on tho occasion of mak­ dignity or Archblslinp-thls city being now declared by an cased, and (lie clouds, lightened of tlietr bufdensNshllled Tne w'ork forms it large I'.’nio volume of l!C pages, ami Is away before the wind, leaving ft clear, bright skyabmg I he- iiiunllleeolly ing such a Grand Master. edict of Plus IX. to bo a Metropolitan Seo—and was Invest­ J . V . M a n sim eld , T e s t Me d iu m , answ ers horizon. Uhholiced. tin* boat became detached from Its ed with the pallium in presence of the now American Car­ ‘astenlngs and Moated out from shore. (Julekly the eunont It is vain to call a school "godless " becauso it Is secular. sealed letters, at3(il Sixth av. .New York. Terms, arrled It heyoml all earthly help. Through tin* foaming A bank is not "godless"—provided it Is honestly managed dinal McCloskey, tho papal embassy, and a largo number $5 arid four 3-ccnt,stamps. REGISTER'YOUK rapids, and hy precipitous rocks, dashed the hark w llh Its IRustrated with some Sixty —oven If it Is not opened ami closed with dally prayer. A of bishops and the clergy, oti Sunday, May 2d. The services LETTERS. ' ■ Ap.3. precious charge.. As It neared the brink of the fearful shoemaker is not "godless" because he refrains from pro­ took place at tho Cathedral of tho Holy Cross, and were of eaturacl the children were stricken with terror, and I hough! nouncing the benediction in connection with tho delivery that death wu« Inevitable, Suddenly there came awou- Engravings, of apalr of boots to his customer. Enough that his leather the most Impressive character. I) r . F u e d L. II. W il l is will bo at the Sher­ drmis change In the llttleglrl. Fright gave'way to com- CimsIstliiK ‘J Is good, his thread strong, his work faithful, and—which, man House, Court Square, Boston, every Thurs­ insure and resignation, as, with u determined and reslst- unh ipplly, is not always the case—his promises aro punctu­ Miss Ida Greeley, eldest daughter of tho founder of tho day from 10 a . m. till 3 r . m ., and overy Friday ess impulse that, llullled through her whole being, she ally kept. A school-master Is not " godless" who teaches Tribune, was, on Saturday, May 1, united Id manlago to grasped tlm rope tlml lay hv her side, when to her surprise P o rtraits, Groups, Lantoiios, Interiors arithmetic, reading and tho othor branches accurately, and a m m General Nicholas Smith, of Kentucky, at tho rcsldencoof from 10 . . till 1 r. ., until, further notice. the boat t urned, as hy some unseen power, toward a quiet deals with his pupils In a truthful aud kind spirit.—New Address all letters care of Banner, of Light, (lily In the stream -a H ue haven among the rocks. The York Times. her uncle, J , F. Cleayoland, ^^l^2Si^Vest Twenty-second hoy, of more* tender age, and nut controlled by that mys­ . Diagrams, Fac-Similes, &c., Boston, Mass. : tf—-Ap.3. terious ihllueiice, hi despair fell toward Ills heroic ilstcr. Timber is being buried In the Consolidated Virginia streot, New York. Tho ceremony was performed hy the Rev. ‘"ather Farrell, tho pastor or. tho Misses Greeley for years Ills tittle form nearly paralvzed with fear.' But means’of all of which".add greatly lo the Interest of tho text. Tho mlue at tho rate of 0,000,000 fout per annum, and In all tho „ilEADACHE, NEUIIALOIA, NKHVOUSNESS. sal vat ton calmed the ."h e a rt's wild tumuli " and lighted styte Is animated, rrauk, engaging: and a cninulntlvodra- other initios In llko proportion. Tho Comstock lode mny past, and the liro-loug friend of their father. the angry waters as the ■■angels of rescue—they whowere Dr. J. P. Miller, a practicing physician at 327 their parents—came to the little voyagers oil waves of itn- malle Inluifst is given to ilm narrative of evonis hy tho woli bo said to bo tho tomb of tho forests of tho Sierras. Within,tho last ten days the flre-flond has been unusually Spruce street, Philadelphia, l’a., has discovered UK affection: when, through that low'which thrills literary skill manlfi*st In the preparation, .Still there Is n e the heart of parent and ehlld, a power was transmu­ attempt at sensationalism, A reason Is given for every­ Joseph Tleiiry Tuck, a celobratod Inventor—originator of active. The town or Oshkosh, WIs., has been almost to­ that tho extract of Cranberries and Ilemp.^ures ted (hat drew the ho.it aside from its Impending doom "Tuck’s steam packing " and . many other valuable addi­ tally destroyed hy fire, J obs about $2,000,000, and Montpe­ dyspeptic, nervous or Sick Headache, Neuralgia ami lodged il In the cruvlrc of tlm roeky, and they were thing: and even tlm stories of their past lives, got from tho tions to tlio powor of human skill-passed on from Wil­ lier, Vt., visited by a soveroconflagration which left forty, and Nervousness. .-Prepared in Pills. fiO’ cts. a rescued* Kddy famliy, though necessarily such as the.aulhoreouUl Size of Hhuet, 21 by 30 Inches; Engraved Surface, 15!voni bark, contatntiiff an agud l’ilKrlm. An AokpI ihtoih- and description , of tho building, giving tho figures of Its panics tlio boat; otiubaud rc.sls on I he liolin, ivhllo with tho ** •" " . “• Blit edge...... U.00 circulation, showing tho average to bo over fifty thousand engagements to lecture,'officiate at funerals, orsolemnlzo These Powders, by their unequnled Tonic Prop­ oUiorsho imlnts toward tlm o|hmi si-a-an uniblem of ctn - " H a lf Turko.v .Morocco...... 4 , 0 0 dally, ninrrlagcs.. He may bo addressed as ahovb. erties,_____f apreserve _ ...... from disease those delicate and nlty—reimudliiK " Llfo’s MoriilnK■" to Itv« ^ood amt pure IMMT.10E 2» CENTS PEIt COPY. Tlio address of Laura Kendrick, (iatb Laura Ciu»nrkco,nP1(!X Ol'Rnns, upon tho perfect'.'nnd healthy HV(?S, so - . T iik Allan K aiidkc Annivkhsary. — Tho 3ist of For sale hy COLBY A RICH, at No, 0 Montgomery > i l o o n , ___ nntlnn o f wliioli so irrnntlv ilnniMiii tin, u o n o rn l "T hat whim th**lr barks shall Moat.at rvoidtdt1, Smith,) la now Ml Montgomery atreot, caro or Albert Ken­ notion of wiiiuli so' greatly depend tlm general rx Far out iqain tho sea th at’s drop and wlm*,?’ March, tho anniversary of the RochesterMappings,.Is also health and happiness of all women. Sent hy Plan*, corner of -Province street (lower Moor), Heston, tho. anniversary of tho transition of Allan Karilec. The drick, San 'Francisco, Cal. they may, llko ** Llfo’s KvunHig," ho tilted for tho "crown •Muss. ’ : Mra, Itaclioi Walcott, trance apeaker, la now lecturing In mail, $1 per box. Address Du. J. E. Bniaos* of immortal w o rth ,". event Is generally commemorated in Farls by a gathering Co., Box 82, Stntion D, New York. l3w*.Ap.3. A liandor (\uKu1sar<^ sratturlnff llmvors, typical of God’s of French Spiritualists at his tomb, where they aro re­ Baltimore. Will answer eolla to Iccturo claewlierc. Ad- Insidrud toachlnus. Ono holds lo Ids Imml a llowery ajiw u. SPIRITUALISM AISD SCIENCE! ceived by Ids faithful widow, now .In her eighty-second ilrcaa, care of Lovl AVeavor, 220 West llaltlmoro street, or light. A llltli* Mnwor-wrciilhcd >i‘i;iiilt, flollird In ro*«(* Baltimore, Md. . M b s . N e l l ie M. F l in t , Healing and Develop­ tint atid wh|tu, drops rosusaud buds, whlchlnthi'irdcscmit year. , ■, • assunu'othu form ol h*tt(,rs ami words: ••//«' Kind;" D r.T. B. Taylor addressed the Spiritualists of Plymouth, ing M edium, oflldfeNo. 200,Joralemon st., opposite "(/ad is //oiv“ " "(Vifin/// **— "Faith " ami Wo need free bodies and free minds—free labor and free " RESEARCHES Mass., on Sunday, May 2d, at.Leyden llall. His lectures C ity H all, Brooklyn; N. Y . Front 10 to 4. Mng- "hives a/f/rml Mm;" “ .S'o Lire," utu, ...... thought—chainless hands and fottcrlcss brains. Free labor /hetized paper, with instructions, mniled to those Tlm hoy, playing with his lov hoar, am) his sister stand • will give us wealth. Froo thought will give us truth.— weroeloseiy followed, and much /admired. Ho has been fog m*ai ‘ vlow' with astmdslitmMii tho passing sn*no, Ingersoll, ■ • earnestly requested to revisit Jills Society scon. He speaks who desire to be developed, oirreceipt of $2, Slzo of tshuot, 2(P«j hy 22 Inches; Kngravcd Mirfaiah 20^ T i I K rP J I t v N O AT V) N A President Thiers gave a private dinner on I2tli of April, at Springfield, Mass., Sunday, May Dili, arter which time Ap.24.4w* :. by 15 Im-hcs. ' lie can be found at hls onice, No. -to Beach streot, Boston, T Steel l’hito Kngravltig, if;t,00; . when ho completed iSls 78th year. h e ii 99* The ulmvo ICi gravlugs can be sent by mall securely where die successfully treats tho sick, having associated T Magnetic IIealeu, D . J . 15. B riogs, Is also a Practical Physician. Olllcc 24 East'Fourth on rollois, SPIRITUALISM. Tlio " Nothing .to. W ear" controversy bids fair to be with himself hi practice ou'o of tlio best clairvoyants 111 the - For sale whotcsalo and rein!) by DOLBY A RIG1I, at revived In tlio.publication by G. W . Carletoii A Co., of city. . . / , • st. Address Box 82, Station D, New York City No. U Montgomery IMuci*; corner of Province street, (lower BY W ILLIAM filiflOICKS, FrHrS.- another book by tho young lady who claimed tho author­ Mr.27. : . ' Moor,) Boston, Muss. Mrs. M. J . Uphaiii Ilcndco, formerly of San Francisco, ■ I'AIIT I. ship of that clover poem. Tho new work; which Is entitled can-now ho addressed at Dixon, Cali, care Dr. Fi F. liOl’I.PKH, COI.OUAIM). "T ho Woman Zoo, " carries the samo stinging, satirical Se a l e d Le t t e r s A nsavebed by Iln.L A I'HAxinr.iM.Ats : Upliam, by parties desiring hor services either ns .lecturer 374 W est 32d street, N ew Y ork. T erm s 12 nnc F igknds— N*clitg (hut you proposepublishinga ('Imiliir Spiritualism Yiewwl l).v tlio Light of rebuke as did the poem Nothing to W ear." or medium. Sho.was, at last advices, speaking end giving or Testimonials, wo solid to you a true statciutuil of our three stamps. Money refunded if not answered, dnui'hier’s case, thill you may use It IT you wish. Sc,i(mcfi,.aiul Exporinmntiil Tnvos- Ten natlvosof Ixtacalco are on trial for a horrible out­ sd-iinces at Sutter Creek, Cal. M y.l.4w * Win'll our daughter A lire was three and a halt years old, rage. They are charged with burying three n\en nllve, Susie A. AVIIlls-FIulchbr and Mr. J . 'William Flolclier she bad a dreadful.Lung Fever, which .lasted, shim*six tigations on Psychic- - Force. mouths. • In all that timeshe mold not stand or walk. The leaving only their heads above ground, anil then dispatch­ will address the Spiritualists of Laurence, Mass., at Well- • Public ICcceptioii Itooiu for N piritu consequence was H lelt her an.Invalid, with tlm right limb /To-SIxteen lltnsirathuisaiul Diagrams; ing them with hatchets aiid knives aftor prolonged torture. star's llall, on Sunday, May Dili, ulistiN.—The Publishers of lhe Banner of Light drawn up, so that she has always had to walk on her lues, . Price, 50cents;, poslage free, . . have fitted up a suitable Room in-their Establish' and has'1 suffered much pain. Hho ls now I!) yeaisold, Yunr There nro so many solfish Rings all over the country Bov. AV. S. Boll has no engagements for Slay. Soclotlus Pamte.rs have, cured her. Hie can now walk or ,stand oil controlling railroads, coal-fields, lauds, Indians, and Po­ will do Well to secure the services of . tills able and sound ment'expressly fob the accommodation of that loot us well as the other. While formerly it'nsed to . ' • • . PARTIL tlilnkcr and eloquent speaker, ills address Is caro of this Spiritualists, Avliere they can meet friends, palti hoy severely to stand or walk, she cun now stand or litico-Religious Associations—that Btgby thinks nothing walk for hours, aud it does not hurl hor. She saysshecan­ . wlllbo done on the squared'honest people don’t soon move office. Write letters, etc., etc. .Strangers visiting the not remember ever having a well day sluco Iter.earllesl ; Psychic Force and Modern Spiritualism: In tho right direction. rotor AVcst, trance and Inspirational speaker/ will apswer city are invited to make tills their Headquarters, childhood until since she look your Powders. A Reply fo llie tluiirtcil.r Itcvinr. and oilier Room open from 7 A. m. till G p. st. • rI have suffered severely from sick huidaohe. for 40 years, • calls to lecture within a radius of ono lqimlred miles or and cotild find no medicine to relieve jpe util U I found your Ci'lflr*. to tvhleli In added ('oreeNpondeneo The monument which Is soon to bo erected on the grave Boston. Subjects given by tlio audience. Tests given Magnetic, a id KUu trle Powders. They have entirely cured . tipmi De. L'arpentee’N iiNNeeled Iteliifn llou of I*oo will bo surmounted by. a raven in marble, and will from the rostrum. Address earo of Banner of Light. A CostPETENT P hysician.—Dr. J. T. Gilman me. . We would earnestly recommend them to all sufferers. ol* (lu» A u llior’* E vp ei’liiK’iifu l P r o o f o f hear this Inscription: " Edgar A. Poe, born January lOlli, We feel very grateful to you and' tie* kind angels who dl- D. AV. Hull would lie glad to make engagements In New P ike, Avhoso ofiiee is located a t the P aatlion, reel your work for the good they have done'mil! to us.ii: flic ExUfenee of a lillHerfd 1811; died October 7th, 1811); author of ‘The Raven.’ My England to lecture on Sundays during tho summer. No. 5 7 T uemont Street, (B oom C,) Boston, is^ ' Truly .yours, . 1.OF ISA MCMINN; Undetected Force. : tantalized spirit hero blandly reposes." cordially recommended to the Public ns one oy ini-Two lliiistratloiH. . , . Airs. .John Colllor has arrived from England, and Is locat­ tlio most competent practitioners in tlio State. Mailed IN w tim h tll 1 !<»x...... ,,,1.00 Price, 30 e'ents; postage free. ' ...••■•• When the wind Is adverse and It blows a brisk galo, ed at 21 New Bridge streot, AVest Springfield, Mass., at these l» ltl£ * :s :itf IIox«;h...... 5.00 And the ship has to tack and to shift every sail, where sho Intends to hold circles. He compounds ills own medicines, is a mjanner- Whiif, then, is she like, In a nautical phrase? izer, skillfully applies the electro-magnetic batr AflENTS WANTED EYEItYWIlEKE. , , PART III. W hy, a lady of fashion; she’s always In slays l Mrs. M. C. Uundlctt commences her labors with tho tery when required, administers medicines witli riUGULAUS, and Agents’ Term*', sunt FUF.lv, to nny '.NotuB''«if an Inquiry Into thu Spiritualists amt liberal minds, In llolfradc, Mo., tho third his own hands, 1ms lmd great experience as a address. PHENOMENA CALLED Thopcoplo of Mulno think, as that State was a part of Sabbath In Slay. Send yourmoney at our expense and risk, hv Post-office SPIRITUAL, Massachusetts at the time of the battle of Bunker Hill, that physician, and been very successful in his prac­ inonev order. Registered Letter, orD ratlsoii New York, during the years 1870 73. to which are milled three letters, Sirs. Nellie L. Davis will speak In Salem during Slay. tice. He gives close attention to nervous com­ All letters and remittances must In* directed to en.titled, " ‘.Miss Florence Cook*?, Medtuniship "Sidf'lt thoy ought to he w ell represented in tho approaching cele­ Forms:'* and "T'ln* Last iff Katie'King; the Photograph­ bration. 'The members of the Grand Army and the first Societies In New England desiring Sunday or week evening plaints. HUM, A Cll.lMKEItUI.V, lectures can address her In caro of Frank Tyler, 285 Wash­ 127 Lust inth Street, Non Yorlt Glf.r. ing iff Katie King hy the aid ol the Fleetrlc L ight." regiment of tho militia will ho present with the Governor Price, 80 cents; postage five.' and staff aud all the State officials. ington struct, Salem, Slass. Phcebo C. Hull, . I Annio Lord Chamberlain, OprifK, 127 F. Kith street, IIuantu i»ri'i(‘K, For salo wholesale and retail hv COLBY A RICH, ftt BUSINESS CARDS. New S’ork City. I 100 Warren Av., Chicago, HI. No. 9 Montgomefy Plan*, corner of Province street (lower In conformity with tho recent circular of tho Minister of Silver Luke Camp Meeting. April 21.—Itlseow ' • . 'Hour), Boston. Mass. Public Instruction, military mnnosuvres and exercises are ERIK, PA., BOOK DEPOT. being revived In tho government lyceums and colleges, In Tho Sixth Annual Camp Meeting of the Spir­ OLIVER STAFFORD, tho veteran honktioUer and pub­ DR. PETER WEST, Spirit-Photography. ^ France, where they have been for some years past allowed lisher, keeps on sale at his store, G03 French street, Erie, itualists of Massachusetts will ho held at Silver Pa., nearly all oT the most popular N n lrltnnllfttlcltooltH HF. Psvclmmeti lst, Trance.T«*st ami Buslm*ss Medium, to drop Into disuse. Lake Grove, Plympton, commencing on the 23d of tho times. Also, agent for Hull & Chamberlain's Mag­ T also Mineral Loealnr, has taken rooms ut 2^1 Kneohuid netic and Electric Powders. street, a few doors cast iff Washington street. Remember, The London Times says It Is expected that the arctic ex the Doctor positively cures Consumption, and long-stand­ ’HE PERSONAL EXPERIENCES' of July, and closing on the 9th of August. Tills ing Chronic Disease. Office hours fromliA.M. lo5l*. >t, pedltlonwlll be ready by the middle of May, but It will is in every respect the lnrgest and finest Grove, TFORl>, CONN., BOOK DEPOT. The Doctor will Icclure and give tests from the rostrum . OF probably not sail until tho end of tho month. As yet no AM Trumbull street, Hartford, Conn., keeps within a radius of loo miles of Boston. For this purpose, day Is known to havo been fixed for its departure. for social gatherings in New England. Tlio Lake, constantly forR alo th eB u u h ero riilR lil ami a full supply address Banner of Light. A , Mays. of the N p lrltn n l a m i lte f o rm Woi'Un imbttKlieo by WILLIAM H.MUMLER upon the banks of which it is situated, is a mag­ Colby Sc Rich. Russia, having exhausted her forests, Is looking to the nificent sheet of water, over seven miles in cir­ Chance for Business. IN coal-beds of Western China for fuel, coal being tho great­ R O C H EST ER , N . Y ., BOO K I>EK*OT. buy ml interest in a valuable aud safe est want of that immense country., cumference, of great depth, and abounding with D. M. I)KWE,Y, Bookseller, Arcade Hall, Rochester,N. maiiulaeiurlng .business well established. fish. In addition to a large numherof new sail and Y., Keeps for sale the S p ir itu a l a n d B c fo rm W ork* Good references given mid reijnlrcd. Address 11. P., Ban­ Spirit - Pli o t o g r ap li y. Lord North$ook, viceroy of India, has Issued a procla­ published by Colby & Hlcn. G lvohtm acall. ner of Light office, giving real signature. 2wls*~May 8. . mation deposing Gulkwar of Baroda, and declaring him row-boats, now owned by them, tlio Old Colony and his Issue precluded from all rights appertaining to the Railroad Co. have provided a fine steamer, to be PIlILADELriHA BOOK DEPOT. TEN BY HIMSELF. I)U. J, II. RHODES, 018 HprlngGnrdcu.street, Philadel­ Chas. H. Foster, Medium, sovereignty of the country. run on the Lake for the exclusive accommodation phia, i'ft., has been appointed agontfor the B a n n e r o l PA1IKKK IIOUSK;1T.OSTOX. of the patfontrofTfie Grove. In addition to the lj|{;tit,and will take orders for all of Colby A Rich's Pub­ The domapd for ibis work lias Induced the jmblldi'ers to Archbishop Manning, of England, is at tho point of (loath lications. Spiritual and Liberal Hooks on sale as above, Hours, 10 a. m. to I r. m. 2w—May 8. ' ls«m*ltln sirheap pamphlet form, antf-mril! be round to and Is falling rapidly. Ills sudden sickness Is attributed at Lincoln Hall, corner Broad and Coates streets, ami at large building containing the bakery, dining hall all the Spiritual meetings. FANNIE KE.IIH K be Just Hie ihliig to hand to skepHcsras It contains a mass tothosevero weather experienced returning from Rome, OULD Inform her Incinls that she will resume her of reliable evidence of the truth nf spirit-PlMogiaphy, whither he w ent to recelvo tho Cardinal’s hat at tho hands and restaurant, which is under the control of the such as no one can gainsay, ami places''the medium, Mr. NAN FRANCISCO, CAL., BOOK DEPOT. W Seances at No, I Concord Square, at the residence of Mumler. as the Pioneer Spirit-Photographer or the world. of the Popo, Railroad Co., there Avill be one or more experi­ At No. 319 Kearney street (upstairs) may bo found on Mrs. Hardy. ’-May*. Price , I5ernts, postage 2 cents. England exported last year 3,003,000,000 yards of cotton enced caterers, occupying large tents, ready to sale thollANNEK of Light, anua general variety of Nplr- ILS. KLIZABKTII J. COMTTOX, Test Me­ Forsalc wImlesaleand tcinil -by. tliepublMiers, COLBY ltnnllKt nml Reform Hook*, at Eastern prices. Also M dium. Havana. X. Y., five mluulcs' walk from the A RICH, at No. li Montgomery Plac», corner of Province cloth, equal to nearly 2,O17,4G0 miles, or enough cloth to em supply food to nil visitors at reasonable prices. Adams & Co.’s Golden Bens. Plnnclictfe*. Npenee’a Depot. Holds • Public Stances at her residence Sunday.street (lower Moor); Boston, Mass. . velope tho equator of tho earth over forty times. No monopoly this year in catering. An excellent Positive nnd Negative Powder*. Orton’s Anti- Tuesday and Friday evening1: of each week. Spirits are Tobneeo Preparations, Dr. Ktorcr’s Nutritive malerlallzcdat then** si-anccs so as to be recognized hy their T H E " : E. D. Babbitt, I). M., author of tho Health Guido, has band of musicians will be in attendance. Also C o m p o u n d , etc. Catalogues ami Circulars mailed free. friends, through tht^ new process of dc-materlallzlng the 99 * Remittances In U. 3. currency and postage stamps re­ medium. Admission one dollar. *—Mays. just moved to 5 Clinton place, New York. * it is expected that several of the best mediums ceived at par. Address, 1IEKMAN3NOW, 1 . O. box 117, NIGHT-SIDE OF NATURE; 3an Francisco, Cal. g e n t s w a n t e d . to sell the Craphlc Reprodnc- Dr. Rastoul and his companions, tho French Commun- will occupy tents upon the grounds during the ttonsuf Steel Engravings. Big pay. Send for terms. ** . OK, TAhe (tUAi'iuc Co., New York. eowtf-MnyH. lsts, who escaped from tho Island or New Caledonia, are continuance of the meetings, thus giving visitors NEW YORK BOOK DEPOT. GHOSTS AXD -SEERS.- " supposed to have perished In tho water, as no tidings of an opportunity to investigate the various phases A. J. DAVIS A CO.. Booksellers and Publishersof stand­ EVERY BEADED OF T H IS l*%l»EH them have yet been received, nnd fragments of tho boat in of the spiritual phenomena. Able speakers will ard Books ami Periodicals on Harjnonlal Philosophy Spir­ llOUl.D send address on postal card for 10 pp. Circular BY CATIIKIUNE CI.OWB, itualism, Free Religion, aud General Reform, No. M East S of "T iik Sciknckof a New Lik e ." Nearly ffo.ono which they got away have been fount). also be provided to interest nnd instruct.tiie peo­ Fourth street, New York. tf—Nov. l. ctqdes a’rcady sold, (.’onlalns Information that no man or Authoress of "Su.mu Ropley," ‘hilly Ihnrtom,' ‘Arts- ple. In short the managers avIII spare no effort woman can afford to be without. Agents wanted on salary, tad* ui ttc. Thirty miners were killed by an explosion of coal gas at to secure ev?ry convenience for the comfort and VERMONT BOOK DEPOT. or commission. Address COW A N A CO., Hth street, N. Y." a colliery In Staffordshire, Eng., April 30th.' MayJ.-52wls Contents. — 1. Inlroductlon; 2. Tho Dwellers'In tho. enjoyment of all avUo may visit the Grove. As J. G. DARLING A CO., Luncnburgh, Vt.^Keepfoifor sale Temple; a. Waking and Sleeping, and bow tin* Dweller In Nplrltanl, Reform nnil Nllscellnneons Books, pub- t he Totn pie sometimes looks abroad; -I. Allegorical Dreams, Mary L. Shaw, of Boston, recently left a bequest of far ns practicable, those intending to camp should llshed by Colby A Rich. EXCELSIOR SANITARIAN. Presentiments, Ac.; 5. Warnings: 0. Double Dreaming $2000 to provide for tho distribution of fruits and flowers furnish their blankets and camp equipments. COMPLETE bed-room KAHTH-CI.OSF.T for and Trance, Wraiths, Ae.: 7. Wraiths; s. Doppelgamjers, * among the patients of tho City Hospital. Tents and lodgings maybe obtained by applying LONDON, ENG.. BOOl DEPOT. A dollars. Sejml for pamphlet. SANITARIAN MAN- or Doubles: 9. Apparition*.: in. The .Future that awaits RURNtf, Progressive Library, to. 15 3uuthampton U FACTURING CO.**“ -It Courtlamlt street, New York. us: 11. The Powernf Will: 12. Troubled Spirits; El. Haunt­ by letter or in person to Dr. A. n. Richardson, April 17.— 5\vls* AN ew Method of Raising. F unds.—Last Tuesday Row, Blhomsbury_ Square, . Holborn, . , .C., London, Eng., ed Houses: 14. .Spectral Light*1, and Apparitions attached No. 38 Monument Avenue, Charlestown District. keepsns for sale the bannxuofB L ight hud other N p lrK u n l to Certain Families; 15, Appailtinns si'eklug the Prayers forenoon a gentleman from tho East arrived at tho Boston All Spiritualists, Progressive Liberals and Rad­ Publications. H OK. l i s t p h ^ a S t h o (ff the Living; IR. 1 he of the Germans, and & Maine Railroad Depot, ir. is said, with a coffin, to take P Pracllifflce, 27 In Boston, can be consulted at 329 tith av* Possession: 17. Miscellaneous Phenomena: 18. Conclusion. icals, are cordinlly invited, to unite with us. eniie, New York. Terms: Life-Reading, or Bilef Writing, home, as he supposed, the remains of a brother who had CLEVELAND. O., BOOK DEPOT. Price SI.50 postage 2n cents. . ' G a r d n e r & R ic h a r d s o n , Managers. $2; a full written Nativity. ?5. All letters must be ad­ For sal**- wholesali* and retail by (’OLBV A RICH, at juBt died, a telegram having been sent to the relatives an LEES’S BAZAAR, 10 Woodland avenue, Cleveland, O. dressed to P. O. Box 18211, New York City. Send for a Cir­ No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province streel (lower Boston, May 4th, 1875. All the Spiritual and Liberal B o o k s and P a p e r s kept for cular. 12wls—March 20, nounclnghls demise. On Inquiring at the hotel for the s a l e . ______lloor), Boston. Mans. __ body, what tho surprise of tho gentleman was can easily bo G r e e n f ie l d , Mass., April 26th, 1875. AGENTS "WANTED to canvass In all Imagined when he was Informed that tho *1 dead " brother NT. LOUIN, 910., BOOK DEPOT. 5_ 0 .. 0 _ ' parts of Die Union for THE New Gospel of was alive and well. Tho latter had telegraphed himself To tho Edltofor tho Banner of Light: H. L. KEMPER, ff20 North 5th street, St. Louis, Mo., t d i l l o Health, a book of great merit, of the Progressive. Phi­ keeps constantly for salo tho Banner of L ig h t, nnd a losophy, treating of tho recuperative principles of healing dead, It seems, In order to bring some one or Ills relatives N. Frank White has given us four lectures, full supply of tho Mplrltnnl nnd Reform W orks pub­ F o x * M a y . without drugs or stimulants. Inducements are such that hero, from whom to get money, well knowing ho could not which have been very satisfactory indeed. He lished by Colby A Rich. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, containing Beautiful II from $75 to $100 per month can he realized Applicants hy "raise tho w in d " without resorting to eomo such expert i lustratloiiB, Elucidation of the Truths of.. Spiritualism. letter must enclose postage stamp. A NDRKW STONE) v has decided to remain here two Sundays longer. M. D , Lung and Hygienic Institute, Troy, N. \ . exit. • ■ ■ ACNTRALIAN BOOK DEPOT. Sketches of Angelic Ministrations, Spirit Comimmlca* He can ho addressed at this place, “ caro Dr. A;Dd Agency forth© Ban n er of L ight. W. H. TERRY. tlonsv Ac. S. S. JONES, Editor. Per year, $1,00; single May 8.—tf The lunatic asylum of St. Pons, near Nice, was recently No,. 96 RuBseil street, Melbourne, Australia, has for Bale all conics, 10 cents. Beals,” until the middle of Mny. the------works----- on— S p . .i —r i t u aL l IB i s Em R . A______L AND REFORM ‘ For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY______A____ RICH, ,... at M US. JANE S. STOKELL, Trance Medium, destroyed by Are; only the four walls are left standing. WORKS, publlshod by COlby A Rich, B*eton, U. B., may No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower JjJL 93 Brook Avenue, opposite Mt. Pleasant Car Station, The fire broke out at three In the morning, and orders were Y ours truly, J o s e p h B ea lb . at all times bo found there. floor), Boston, Mass. Ward 1C, Boston. Hours9 a. M. to7 r. M. 4w*—May8. - . 6 B A N N E R OF LIG-HT. MAY. 8, 1875.

laud, to her mother; Mercy' Foster, of Hillsboro*, N. II.: hairs In my head. When in health I do not feel or realize yQuestions and Answers. ('uiollm1 Adams of Woreester. Mass.; Martha Fallens. of that my physical strength has much depreciated. It has fUbr $00 Its. Philadelphia: Tom, to Mi*. Mary Elizabeth Daumiers, of not been one year since I walked from-Thorntown (Indi­ cssagc. gepartmcnt. (Ji'KX;—Why do spirits discourage the pursuit t'harleston, s. C .; Sebastian Streeter. of wealth, when they must know, us well as wo Muwittu, Jan. -I. — n. 1). Hyerley, from Philadelphia, lost ana) to indlanopolls In a day, which 1 question If any on tlw Morning Star; Joshua Harrison, of Dover, N. H.; -speaker in the Held, young or old, can do—as the distance Each Mi'watfi' 111 this Department of tlu* Banner of Light do, that the crowning evil of earth-life is poverty, Colonel Tom Leavitt, to his .son-in-law; William Sauforil, T H E W O R L D ’S wo claim was spoken by the Spirit whoso name U bears ami that poverty is’the source of untold suiter- of UlaekMoue, Mass. Is forty miles. Hiother Chase says lie left me In the hands through the Instrumentality of ing—that it retards culture' and aspiration, and Ttc'mini/, Jan. 5. ^-Elizabeth to her sister, Har­ of good kind friends at Iowa Falls. Tills Is very true. HUM. J . II, CONANT, fills the hearts of millions witli despair'.’ riet KIb’n Peter.-, of Mlnin'sota; Char,otto Kendall: Thus. Ami those friends were Brother J . B. Thomas and his Sixteen Crucified Saviors; While In an abnormal cojeUtlou called tin* trance. These Hill: lla’pli .loliiiMiD, ol iio*tou: F.ih’ti Carney. of Huston noble wife. Never was 1 more kindly received or more on, Messages Imlleate that spirit* curry with them the charac­ A n s .—N o intelligent, well-poiseil spirit will Thurs'l'ut. Jan. 7.— Samoel Mason, of Hostoti, to his teristics of their earth-life t«> that beyoml-whether for. ehlblren: bury Pagi*. of Augusta. M»*.r to ht*r nuithrr; kindly entertained than hy thesestaudard-hcareisof truth, good or evil. Hut those,win* leave the earth-sphere In nil discourage one in the pursuit, of wealth. It is llunto, to Mr. Walkrr. of Nt?\v Orlrans; Henry W. l'owlcr, who expressed their highest gratification of my labors CHRISTIANITY BEFORE CHRIST. undoveloiKMl Mate, eventually progress Into a higher eon- New York City, to his father. there. It Isa matter of regret that such liberal supporters only tlie abuse of tlie blessing that, they talk T/ntruitii;/, Jnn, ’2! —Sam W.ver, of Chlehgo. Ill,: Jen­ CONTAINING ^'Ivo' ask the reader to receive no doctrine put,forth hy about so discouraglngly—it is only the getting too nie Walter*, of l.aurenee. Mas*., to her father. Falwanl of the cause should have nearly ail their means consumed spirits In these eohtmns that does not comport \\llh his Walter* of St. I,mils. Mo.: Dominic l.utlzl, of New York hy a devouring lire, such as occurred In that town last iVcio, Startling, and Extraordinary lierelatiom in or her reason. All express as much of truth as they i>or- much, the hoarding for selfish purposes. It is Cliv; Samuel Adams Pryor, of Hoston. / summer. Religious History, which disclose the Oriental COlve—uo more. TitPHtlnij, Jnn. ‘2n.-Margaret llarclay, of Boston; Paran not tlie getting, but it is tlie use, or abuse Stevens; llarry Smith: Black IMncc.'to Mr*. Sally Hen­ lielpg permanently In tlie field ns a lecluror 1 am ready ‘Origin of all tho Doctrines, Principles, derson: Margaret Callahan, her sister; “ ()no Who to receive calls in any direction, and would like to hear MltH. Ciisa n t teeelves no visitors at her residence nil rather, tlmt they speak discouraglngly against. Knows ’* (Anotiymous). from those friends who wrote to mo before I went West.- " Precepts, and Miracles of the Mondays. Tuesday* or Thursdays, until after six o'clock Q-—Will you please state the <-reasons why Thursitni/, Jnn. ns. — Angclla Sampson, to ln:r niotlier; p. m. She glv«omlents, Lewis B. W ilson, C/»iurm warship and adore thee, to Mmntnjf, Fth. Bennie Talbot, of Franklin, N .H ., to that name, we give below the form in which such tortile time being, an impassable gulf between Ids mother; Thomas,'to Francis 11. Smith, of Ballhnore, Author o f 44 The. Biography "of tiatnn." and i%Thi lose snmetiiiiiK of their own iunoraime, to «ain Md.: Hiram Blaneiiard; Natliauiel Amlrcws, of Danvefs, a bequest should he worded in order to stand the Bible of Bibles." (comprising a 'description of them—all communication is cut off, just us it is Mass,; Lydia Pet kins, of St. JoimsUuvy. Vt. tw tnty Bibles*) - -< solm-Uniitf of thy w.isdoni; to part with some-' test of law : between tlie sleeper ujul- Hie outw ard world d u r­ Tntxilnu, Frh. !). — Shuukazeewa, to spotted Tall: Kddlci thinn of their own darkness and nain sonndhiiiK Wilkinson, of New York Cltv, to Ids father; Sylvia Nor­ “ I give, devise and bequeath unto Luther Thif| wonderful and exhaustive volume by Mr. Graves ing the hours of sleep. man, of Syraeuse. N, Y.; Kllphalet Barrows, of Barring­ will,‘we are certain, take high rank ns a lu nk of reference of tliy liflht. 'l’iiiui who art the ever-ptesent ton. N. H.; Mary Emerson (iulld, of Boston, to her pa­ Colby and Isaac B. Rich, of Boston, Massachu­ in the field which he has chosen for It. The amount of Spirit of hove, Wisdom and l’ower, we implore () -When die breath leaves tlie body does the rents. setts, Publishers, [here insert tlie description mental labor necessary to collate and compile the varied spirit retain it ? . > of the property to he'willed] strictly upon trust, Information contained In It must havo been sevore aud thee to so lead us out of all darkness into all arduous indeed, and now that It Is In such convenient A.—The spiritual body leaves the natural body DonitOons in Aid of our IMiblic Free that they shall appropriate and expend tlio same shape the student of freo thought will not willingly allow lij'lit, tliatw e shall no longer stand tromhlinn, It to go qut of print. But the hook Is hy no means a mere by Slow aiid distinctive processes, if it leaves Circle illeeiiugN. in such wav and manner as tliey shall deem ex­ fearinu to take one step further onward in lite pedient and proper for the promulgation of tlie collation of views or statistics: throughout Its entire naturally, and it sometimes happens tlmt it lias Since our last report the. following sums have bcon re­ course tlie author—as will he seen by his tltle-pngo and lest we may fall. Oh Ureal Spirit, we are weak, ceived. for wlilch grateful acknowledgments are tendered: doctrine of the immortality of the soul and its chapter head*—follows a definite line of research aud ar­ partial control of that body for hours after tlie eternal progression." gument to the close, nnd his conclusions go, like sure ar­ ami ilion jut strong and mighty ; we are igno­ Albert Bauer...... $ 85 <) In Anns...... $1,00 rows, to the nmi k. body has ceased the function of breathing. A. Billions...... 8*' A It...... 1,00 rant, and thou art wise, (live ns of thy strength A Friend...... 2,no Mis. M. Sm ith...... 50 Q.—Will the controlling intelligence please in­ ('has. F. Manning 35 C ius. R. MeCiva...... 20 illnri'ied: CONTENTS. ainl thy mightiness and thy wisdom, and we will, form us of tlie best method of guarding ourselves Mrs. K. V ddv. 27 A T. Poole...... 25 In ohedienee to thy law and thy voice, come up Kllzah'Mh A. Illvcly. 55 A nasa Bailey;;...... 80 At Milford, Oakland Co., Mich., hy Mrs. Lydia A. Pear­ Prcfaco; Explanation; Introduction; Address to tho against the deception of designing persons ? Mrs. h. :1 Tiidcn.... 2 OU B S lira II...... M i sall. Mr. Volncy.Blanchard, of Livonia, toMlssGcnovlevo Clergy. higher and higher and higher in life, performing A.—First, then, be entirely honest and truth­ Phillips, of Milford. Chap. L—Rival Claims o( the Saviors. Chap. 2.—Messianic l,rnpheoU*s. thy will in', ohedienee to our. understanding of ful yourselves; for truth in an individual .is a For theHatiner of Light. * At 0 o'clock A. M., hy Miss Dr. M. A. Amphlctt, at her Chap. 3,—Prophecies hy the figure of a Serpent. thee. Father Spirit, tljou will hless us, we know, residence, No. 27 North Halstead street, Mr. William II. Chap. 4.— Miraculous ami Immaculate Conception of tho most excellent safeguard against the influx of A FATHER’S CRY. Gods. hut oil, make *us,conscious of the blessing, mill falsehood or/Inception, 1 know it is not always In memory of ,l'. i'tuf Wright, ohiit. April Wi. 1875. Pierce to Miss Ada F. Jakman, both of Chicago. Chap. 5.—Virgin Mothers and Virgin-horn Gods. Chap. Stars point out tho Time and the Saviors1 Birth­ leave us dot in temptation, for thine is the kiiig- to be relied upon, but? it is one of the reliant Kind angels, could you hot have left Idin to me, Passetl to Npirit-LU'e: place. tlimi and tlie power and the glory, to day and forces,-because it generates a mental atmosphere Chap. 7.—Angels, Shepherds, and Magi visit tlio Infant Tills richest blissing of my latter days, In February last, Mr. Jason G. White, aged 58 years, Savior. forever. Amen. Dec. -1. tlmt surrounds the individual, preventing the in­ To help with love and tender ministrations Chap. 8.—The Twenty-fifth of December tho Birthday of It was hut a few years since Mr. White became acquaint­ the Gods. ti uxof deception, shutting out error, keeping the My swift approaches to the subset ways? ed with Spiritualism, bul from Hie hour that lie became Chap. 9.—Titles of tho Saviors. Questions and Answers. convinced tlmt spirits could and did return to counsel and Chap, io.—'Thu Saviors of Royal Descent, but Ilumblo individual intact against it; hut it is not’alwaysa All pf my happiness was garnered In him— aid their friends in earth-life, lie has been an unwavering, Birth. CoNTitoi,i.iNo SeiitiT.—If you have any ques­ safeguard, nor do 1 know of anything that is, in From his young life my light of comfort shono; enthusiastic believer in the truths of our glorious gospel. Chap. It.—Christ's Genealogy. All my Iiest aspirations clustered round him, From the very first of his sickness lie s *emcd convinced Chap. 12.—Thu World’s Saviors 6avod from Destruction tions, Mr. Chairman, that 1 am able to answer, the absolute. . . that he should not recover. His sutrerlngs were feuTuI In Infancy. _ And now—God pity mo!—I am alone. ‘ to behold, but to the last his faith was clear, bright and Chap. 13.—The Saviors exhibit Early Proofs (/©Divinity* I shall lie glad to do so. Q.—Do not some individuals in childhood .have fervent. AM through Ids sickness he was subject to feaiTul Chap. 14.—The Saviors1 Kingdoms not of tills World. 1 ? a clear conception of'their future earthly life? / I know he Ishotdead; 'twaslmtthocastfet - laroxysmsof pain, in one of which hisphvsfchin thought Chap 15.—The Saviors are real Personages. Qria*.—|B y .1, II. V., California,] Is mar­ Wo laid away for Nature to destroy, io must die. About nu hour previous to Ids death, at his Chap. 16;—Sixteen Saviors Crucified. riage in.eonsanguinity n yinhithm of natural-law? • A.— Yes, they do, because Some are-largely I know Ills spirit lives hi light and'gladness— request his wHe and family held a circle by his bedside. Chap. 17.—The Aphauasla, or Darkness, at tho Crucifixion. Ills wife (who Is a medium) was Immediately entranced, Chap. 18. —Descent of the Saviors Into Hell. A ss.—Yes; as has been proved in instances gifted in clairvoyance Or power to perceive tilings But oh! my tortufed heart! I want lity boy. and clasping his band-bid him be of good courage, for Chap. It).—Resurrect Ion of the Saviors. almost jyithimt number. tlmt linye nil existence other than in tlio present. though tho sands of his mortal life were most run out, he Clutp. 20.—Reappearance oml Ascension of the Saviors. Icravothedailysunshlnoofhlspresunco— should lie sustained and upheld while walking through tlio Chap. 21.—Tho Atonem ent: Us Oriental or Heathen Ori­ q .—Why is.it that persons often dream of , Q.—Gan astronomy, ns applied by astrologers I listen for his footstep on tho stair; valley and tlie shadow of death hy tho -nine power that had gin. tilings in uueoiiseious sleep, that they nrvt-r had MiearavoicoIn Joyoustonocall,“ Fatherpv over guided and protected him through hlsearlliiy pllurlm- Ch>ip?22i—Tho Holv Ghost of Oriental Origin. to the life Of an individual, lie relied upon ? age, and that lie should pass gen tlv and quietly away. Then, Chap. 23.—The Divlno “ W ord11 of Oriental Origin. thought of and very likely never would think A.—Yes ; provided t|io astrologer understands' Hut when I scare!i for him he.Is.iiot there. after a few questions from Mr. AVIilte io the medium, tlie Chap. 21.—'Tho Trinity very anciently a current Ileathon of when conscious ? circle wasclosed with a most beautiful and affecting prayer. Doctrine. the science, and knows how to make correct- ap­ tlo;was so fair, so young, so full of promise, The promise of his spirit friends was fulfilled, and ho Chap. 25.—Absolution, or the Confession of Sins, of Hea­ A.—Dreams are sometimes the result of spirit- Of courage high, lit temper gay and glad, lassed easily ami quietly away. A few moments previous then Origin. plications. o Ids death he asked those around him, “ l)o you not hear Chap. 20.— Origin of Baptism hy Water, Fire, Blood, and impressions. These impressions limy he gained So getlerous and brave, so good and truthfui, ' that beautiful music?” . * Q.—Are the mind ami the soul tlio same, or is He was my treasured .‘idol-all l had. the Holy Ghost. from circumstances and. conditions that the sleep- Those who witnessed Mr. W hite's death-bed scene will • Chap. 27.—Tlie Sacrament or Eucharist of Heathen Origin. the soul the sum total of the individual; and the not soon forget It. That solemn circle, held hy tho side of Chap. 28.— Anointing with Oil of Oriental Origin. cr has'never before, been brought, into rapport tulml tlie expression of tlmt soul? - Thuscrle.smyhunianhenrt.fentanddlvldcd— one for whom “ tho boatman pale11 had come, wlthone 2J.—How Men, including Jesus Christ, came to be But my soul rises up ulert^ml strong; hum! clasped in that of the uiiseoti messenger and the other worshlpcdas Gods. with; ’ . ■ .1 Dec. til. A.—The soul is tlie'imlestructible, uiiclmnge- Lwoiild not call him back to earth ami sorrow, in that of the beloved wife of his bosom, Ids earnest eyes Chap. 30.—Sabred Cycles explaining ,the Advent of the .able power tlmt beldiigs to tlio Individual,' find nnd pate Ups questioning of the passage across tlmt river Gods, the Master-key to the Divinityity of Jesus Christ. To hcai^ perhaps, as 1 have, grlof and wrong. whose waters already washed his feet, w hoso munnurlngs Chap. 3I.T-Christlnnlty derived from\ Heathen1 and Oriental Mary Adelaide' Gaines. nets upon the organic life, producing thought or filled his envs with music from that better land, was an Systems. No I every day is one step nearer to him— event long to bo remembered. His wife, who feels Hie loss Chap. 32.—Threo Hundred and Forty-six striking Analo­ My name was M ary Adelaide Gaines. I was mind in all its various reflections, and producing . Each night, another stage or darkness past; of his visible presenco most keenly, has tho sympathy of gies between Christ and Crishna. And I shall fed Ills gracious presenco near tno liumernns friends. 1*. AV;0. Chap. 33.—Apollonius, Osiris, and Magus as Gods. born in Montgomery, Alahama. 1 died iii.New objective'.conditions under nil phases. It Is tlio St. Allans. Vt.. April 1!)M, 1875. Chap, 34.—'Tho Three Pillars of tho Christian Falth-> power, tlio life, tlio God of the Individual. it Jins . . Unseen—butoh! how/prcciotts—to the last, Miracles, Prophecies, and Precepts. . " York City, where.my mamma lmd taken me to From Rockingham, VtM Nov. 12th, 1874, Forclla, wlfe'of Chap. 35.—Logical or Common-sense View of tho Doctrine see if .an operation could be perfoniied on my had an existence in alt tlio past; it is-in the pres­ , And when I castaslde this iqortal garment, the late Zeba Brockwny, aged 73 years, of Divine incarnation. The Summer-Land11 can give no higher Joy, ent, and will exist in all the future. It Is .that Bhe wolcomed the change with Joy, trusting In a happy Chap. 30.—Philosophical Absurdities of tho Doctrine of knee. I fell and .hurt It, and tlio Montgomery . Thnn when l hear his loving voice cry, 14 Father l" reiinlon In tlie land of spirits. ^ \ * the Divine Incarnation. « e ' power Hint acts upon matter and d6termines C'/mp. 37;—Physiological Absurdities of tho Doctrine of doctors said I must lose my leg ; but mniimin took And once moro In my arinsl clasp my boy I . From Bartonsville, Vt., Dec. 31st, .1874, G. Norman the Divine Incarnation. lhe to New York to see doctors there, and they concerning matter. . Dec; 22. ’ • M. L. It. Gould, aged 33 years. • Chapi 38.—A Historical Vlow of'tho Divinity of Jesus Christ. I- said they thouglijt ail operation could he perforins He was one of the few that all love, and Ids presenco will Chap. 39.—The Scriptural View of Christ's Divinity. The Life of a Lecturer* ; missed hy his gontle wife, little Child, aged parents, niul Chap. 40.—A Metonymic View of tho Divinity or Jesus eil successfully; hot I never got well. I was David Garrison. large circle or acquaintances; 14 Wo shall nieot aud Christ. More than fifteen years have elapsed since I first attempt­ seven years old. Mamma should know I live, : I lived on this enrth eightyrfour years. 1 was know him there.11 . , . . Chap. 41.—Tho Preccptsand PractlcalLlfeof Jesus Christ. ed to defend the claims ami set forth tho truths of Splrltu From Goshen, N. IL, Jan. 28th, Emollno, wlfo of Gil­ Chap. 42,—Christ as a Spiritual Medium. because slie wants me to so much ; and at some, a believer in the Christian religion-. My.nnme alism In public; and since that period I have lectured moro Chap. 43.— Conversion, Repentance, and “ GottlnglRell- bert Word, ageosc, It is destined to make deeper inroadsamougsectarlan' would, live happy after death I would advise that pass from this to the other world. They wiir From Rockingham, V t., April 25th, Fannoy R., wife of Hgots than any work that has hitherto appeared. they pay some attention liow to tlie concerns of . true several of my efTorts to siviak In public have been Im Eliot Adams, aged 53 years. ' * The author has revised and enlarged The Voico of Prayor, come within, the year, at any rate,'and I 'want paired by the, influence of disease, ami this Is the only A companion and threo sons, an aged mother and broth­ and added tho whole to this Edition without Increasing tho their souls—the more Important needs of tlio true them to hear from me, aiid to know that the cause which has prevented my complete success on every ers and siBtcrs, mingled their tears together. Friends met [nice. His criticism on tho 44 Parable of the Prodigal's n hushed tones spoke of their loss, for Son,11 of vicarious atonement, &o., lu this part oi tho m nn; for, if they do n’t, they will regret it, th at’s world they fire coming to isn’t, anything at all occasion. AYhefi in health I havo always succeeded in bust of wives amt mothers, neighbors work, Is of especial Interest. a ll; tliey will come to me paupers, and ignorant like what-they *ve been taught to believe. X do n ’t plenstug tho friends, mid myself, too, on most occasions aud friends. We are only reconciled by the glorious truths T ub Voice of N ature represents God In tho light of In tho month of November last 1 went to Minnesota to of Spiritualism, which wore so near and dear to her, and Reason and Philosophy—in Ills uuchangeablo and glorious of even the first principles of life. 1 should bo want to see any of my relatives coming htire so we know she Is not lost to her family or friends, hut we attributes. aid Ilro. Potter in his missionary labors. But having Just ...... shall miss her form. . Her spirit waits and watches, ami Tub Voicb of a Vebble delineates tho Individuality of glad to communicate.'with them-privately and supremely ignorant even of the first rules of,good been raised from a sick bed, and travoMng. nfostly in the willIll never forget hhernflllcted er...... family. 5. A. W ilky. Matter and Mind, fraternal Charity and Love. night, I acquired a cold which Impaired my speech to such Rockingham. Vt.. April'frth. T ub Voicb of Sutbustition takes tho creeds at thole personally, 'giving tlieui all the. light 1 may be .society in the spirit-world. That’s what,brings word, and proves hy numerous passages from tho Bible that able to, if they desire it; but if they do n't de­ an extent as to render It almost impossible for nio to speak the God of Moses has been defeated by Satan, from the Gar­ me here to-day. I. am disgusted .! W hy ! three- In public with 8iiflicleut intelligibility or clearness of ar­ From 17 Staniford street, Boston, April 23d, after a brief den of Eden to Mount CalVary I sire it, -t.ls useless to-thrust it upon them, for a have coiiie within the last four years—every one ticulation to lie understood by a portion of mynudlenco, sickness, (consumption,) MissGeorgleParks,aged27years T ub Voice of P rayer enforces tho Idea that our pray­ wise one-said,.!' He tlmt ’s convinced against his After continuing to lecture for several weeks In this crip and 7 months. ers must accord with Immutable laws, olso wo pray for ef­ of ’em seeking for Christ and the old apostles In She was patient nnd resigned to whatever tho change fects, independent of cause. will Is of the same opinion still, ” and I believe the most absurd way. I was ashamed of; ’em plcd^ondltlon, often speaking almost In a state of misery, might be, trusting In the power able to save; and when tho Printed In large, cloar type, on beautiful tinted paper* and the cold winter setting In, which §unk the thermomo messenger came, she calmly passed through gentle s'cep to bound in bevcleiTboards, nearly 250 pages. it. Good day. Dcc.'ffl, myselfMo think they had come right.out of the ter fifty degrees below zero, 1 abandoned tho field and wake In that better home where Her parents and kindred Price $1,25; full gilt $1,50; postage 16 cents. weio waiting for her. One sho fondly loved, who hoped For sale wholesale and retail by the publishers, COLBY light here, and never had so much as a reflection sought a temporary home among the noble, kind, gcucr soon to call her his own, was constantly hy her bedside, A RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, comer of Province Nathan Harding. of it on themselves. I am tired of it, I do n’t ons ami hover-to-be-forgotten Spiritualists at Long Lako. hoping that tlie disease might bo stayed, hut awaited the street (lower floor), Boston, Mass. Say that Nathan Harding would bo glad to Here I continued to lecture occasionally for several weeks, result with resignation. May ho now ho comforted by tlie want any more of ’em to come in that way. I am whenever my heallh and the woath Cr would permit me to blessed assurance of her spirit-presence, and feel that ho communicate with Ids friends about wlmt they has another tic that will draw him to the spirlt-iand. His THE FEDERATI OF ITALY. ashamed of it. Good day, sir. . ^^D ec. 22 do so. Before I left the friends expressed their apprecia­ loving mother was untiring In her attention, nnd faithful A Romance of Caucasian Captivity. are anxious to'.learn about, if' they wil| give him tion of my labors by some laudatory resolutions, which have to every want, scarcely leaving tho gentlo sufferer during her last days. BY G. L. D1TSON, M. D., 0 the opportunity.. . Dec. 21. appeared In tho Banner. My health Improving, m-y second May they, when their change comes, find ready hands and Member of the American Oriental Society. New York His­ Simon-Brown. ... campaign In Minnesota proved to bo moro successful thnn willing hearts to minister to their wants, and may the torical Society. Albany Institute. *tho messenger, but had grown weary wait­ For sale wholesale and retail by tho publishers, COLBY come to thee this hour through tlie sacred in­ steamer at nil; he’s coming home another way, In our lamps, 1 depreciated In physical vigor to such au ing for deliverance, ns ieswaa only through this that rest & RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province lie ’s alive, and l want her to take the money extent that I thought best to abandon the field and leav could come to tho tired, anxious watchers about her. When street (lower floor), Boston, Mass. eow fluence of prayer and praise, asking that we nmy my many appointments unfulfilled—Just at tho time, too, told that her daughter, from a distance, who was herself PRICE REDUCED. she would have spent for mourning, and give it almost nu invalid, would come to her, she said, 44Poor be m ade stronger and better, and so come one when the friends everywhere I wont were congratulating child,11 and thought only of the fatigues consequent upon step nearer to thee, that new light may be shed to the poor, because tlmt will be doing the most moon being triumphantly successful In my efforts topic a long Journey for her youngest horn, who could only hope good, and I like to have it said my mother is sent tho grand truths of Spiritualism to the people. Near­ to arrive in time to witness her triumphant release. Al­ Lessons for C M l t a a M Themselves. upon our pathway, and we, tlie living and tlie though passed on, she will come to you at tho homestead, BY A. E. NEWTON. a good woman, and is doing good. It makes ly every discourse called forth the highest oxprcssloitBOf nnd sit lu her accustomed chair, and listen to your voices, dead, nmy join hands in holy works of love, in pleasure and gratification from the friends, and many were ami watch your lives, and also mako her spirit pilgrimage A Book for Children's Lyceums, Primary Schools and honor of thy name and thy holy being. Thou me feel nice. You do n’t know me, do you? [To the Invitations to return. to the scattered nlncnt ones free from the Inconvenience Families, designed to impart a knowledge of the Human the Chairman.] [No, 1 don’t.] I am Nellie Having received several applications to lecturo as mis­ of physical exhaustion. Services conducted by tlio writer, Body and tho Conditions of Health.- — hast taught us to love ancLserve thee. Thou hast . E. Anne IIinm an. 44 Hotter than a whole library of common medical works. sionary in the West, I shall probably Teturn to Iowa, Illl mapped out unto us thy beautiful creations, and French. I got acquainted with Mr. W hite before Without delay, let all Children's Lyceums provide their liols, or Minnesota, before long, to labor in that capacity, From Rochcstor, Minn., Feb. 27tb, of scarlet rover, Car­ groups with tnese Lossons.''—A, J . Davis. everywhere we seem to hear thee calling us be died, and I know him now a good deal better. lu the meantime I am ready to receive calls to speak any Price (in cloth) 50 cents, postage C cents. Usual discount rie S. Dodge, daughter of Cyrus B, and Eliza S. podge, to tlie trade. . ^ nearer and nearer to thee—sometimes in the ; [Where did you live?] In New Hampshire. where within one or two hundred miles of Richmond; In aged 9 years and 8 months. For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY & RICH; at * darkness and sometifnes in the light; sometimes Dec. 22. dlana, cither by the day or by the mouth, and. with my Also Sept. 15th, 1874, Florence E ., daughter of Emerson No. 0 Montgomery Place, corner of Provln f all kinds; Dlart tn«*a, D jz ru tc ry , Vom­ porlenco can accomplish, will ho employed as heretofore In I Morals, and Religion, , - iting. l>yn|M>piilit, Klatuleuce, \Viinm»; all iV ttiiilo curing- —'-- r the sick. 1 ...... rangements; FIL. Tramps, Nt. VI ind Broma. Patientsciith Inin tho country, and all portionspo .. ordering D . R.. , tun* Dniice.Hpasms; all high grades of F etor.Sm all Pox, STOREU'S NEW VITAL REMEDIES, J[or Chronic ’ BY EPICS SARGENT, Egypt, and other. “ Hea­ Measles, Scarlatina, Krys!|>el;is; all InM ntiim ittlfnn. Its standard ofexcellence nml purity lias won for It a and Nervous Diseases, will address -world-wide roptitatliin, nml tliulr vnrlona pronnrnllnns Author of “ Plnnohotto, a History of Modorn acute or chronic diseasesof the K liliiey i, l,Ivor, Lungs, lmvo received tlio IIK U IE N T M KItALS at tliu I 'n rU Jan. 3. n it. ii. II. MTOIIKR. then ”(!) Countries. H e n ri, Bladder, or any other organ of the body; ft’iiUtt rli, n n d V ie n n a E x p ii.ltlo iiii. nml nt nil tliu rrlnulpnl Ex- , Spiritualism/” &o. (’oiiHiniiptlon, Itro iirh llla , rough*. Ccihls; N e ro ftIn , lil til I limn or tin: W mill, overall rointo't ltnrs. NeivoiiHiii-sH, AmIIiiiii». NlwpluMiiru, Ac. * Tliny now make the FINF.NT VAN! 1,1.A Cliocolato Dr. Main’s Health Institute, Now ready, forming a volume of 240 pages; with a Table The NEGATIVE* t’liio l*ikriilynt». or Palsy, wheth­ Will tlio U c rin n n S w eet C lioeotnle. Tliulr. AT NO. CO DOVER STREET, llOSTON, of Contents, an Alphabetical Index, ami mi engraved like­ 11 Y .T. M 71*13 E D L K ft, er of tlie mu*rtes nr senses, a* In Itllm liicaa, ness of the spirit Katie King, never before published In tills lo** of ta*te, Hineil, ft^dlng or motion; all Low Fever*, HOSE requesting examinations by lotter will please on* I country. 'Author » /-“ .SVf,T.v o/'the .1yts,'' ** Spiritualism Ih-JIned bucIi a* the T yphoid and tuoTyplifia. T close $l,oo, a lock of hair, a return postage stamp, and 1 Price, In paper rovers, 73 cents; bound in cloth, ft,00. and Defended," “ Jenna-Myth, Man or dod," ttc. "SRdh the l»OHITIVE AND .NE4JATfVE are needed Breakfast Cocoa thp.address, and state sex ami age. Sent by mail at these prices. InVDHlaund Eovcr. Dr. Main’s office, during his absence 4n Europe, will li« Is the great desideratum of D yapcptlcaand those aflllcted From European nnd American Spiritualists the warmest This intensely Interesting volume of over four Inuidn/d A relming to the man­ by HruRiin New Vol k, nr by E*i»r«»iui,driluetlijg from tho ners, eus'.mis. laws, religions and spiritual lustlnetsof umimut to he sent, ft m ils if \mi M*mi ;i Bust ollleo Money In nn excellent food for Invalids, nml unrivalled Indelicacy. Mrs. Dr. S. E. dtiroren' nations, this Is aliogether the most Important QLAIUVOYANT ANI) MAC Never to be Re-published. Older, or 1ft eeiit* If yon send by Registered Letter, Drift, All l ho aliovo nro for sale by .Grocers and Spicu Dealers and Ht'rilug luiok that has appeared from the nutlutr’s or Express. If you mmhI a Pom oiltce U o n n O rdoi . tell throughout tlio country. _ also Trance Medium. Removes nil Cancers ami Tu Detiomlnal lonal seidai ists w ill doubt It- saeetise tin1 wi lt'-r mors by cleansing the blood. Examines nt any distance. the Post-master to nmUr ll |>uj utile ixl NInilon II. Terms *2,00. Sealed letters the same. Also midwife. 57 of studied ellortH to ttnpeaeb (lieChristianity of (heCliureli. New York City. Harmouial 'Philosopliy and Suipitaalism atul unduly extol Bralimhilsm. Coufuelaidsm. Budilh sin Addreaa, W ALTER BAKER & CO., Tremontstreet, Heston, Roam 19. Magnetic Puper'25ets. and other Via tern religious. Sirletures of this eliarauter May 1.—2w* OOMBI3NTED. he must expert to meet at the hands of erilles. PKOF. IMYTOIV Sri:\<’K, HI. I>M DORCHESTER, HASS. MR. AND MR*. N. I». MOUSE. During this round-the-world voyafce, Mr. 1’eetdes not I»S East Kllli nIim-H. SI.-k York I'ily. Feb. 27.—law AGNETIC PHYHlClANS, 46 Hearn street. Hoston, ! By special purchase wo possess nil the remainder of the only bad the advantage of previous travel, together with Manipuhillon, Magnetized Medicines ami Paper, 1 first nnd only edition of that highly-prized volume the use of his own eyes, hut the valuable asststanee of Dr. For Bale tiUo at tlio Itnnnor of I.lcht Oftlce. 0 MElectricity, Klecuo-Meulcaled Vapor Baths, allot which Dunn's elalrvoyanee and lranee h lluenees. Tliese, in the MoutKHHiei'.’i l*luee. Itonton. .Hiihn. tf-Apr, it. (STANDARD WORKS will bo applied to patients ns their eases niuv require. Pa* •MU of splrlt-eointnuideations. occupy many pages, and tlents at a distance treated successfully. Those desiring a BY ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS, III deeply Interest all wi o think in Hie dhvelbni of the —^-ON------home with us can be accommodated. 2w*—May l. Irltual Philosophy and (heam-lent elvlll/atlons. E. D. B AB B ITT, DT m TT Comprising a remarkablo series of twenty spontaneous dls* l’rliltcd on lino wliito >S Yt'lloM lSTaud Kl. L t’TlU r 1 A N, Is having rmuat'k- J . W llilil A M A NI>S U NI 11 W ILLIS courses delivered by the llnnmmlal Philosopher In tho Riiimr, Inrun Bvo, 1 able Mirre'-s In .Mtgnelle IL'alng uheje all-other city of New Vork, In lwtu, eniilled 1 pnnos, f>ilt side and back. IlietliedH lull. I(In'lliiuiMm•■•*•*n, Piitalysk:*. Servouo, Eemalt) Anatomy, Physiofogy, FLETCHER, :ind III..... Dls. , healed uiili skill, and exhausted sys- USINESS, Test and Medical Mediums. Examinations l I*riw ! H2,(ll>, |»o n ( i i (j;o 1(1 o n i l s . hnuHtmiUup, made by lock of hair. 9 Montgomery Place, Boston. For siilo wliolosiilo and retail by tin* l'nbltsliors,- ••Then* Is no heller Magm-lle Healer, in' New York than B MORNING LECTURES! IM'* •<* IL Ihthhi11,*• J. M. I*i:i itr.i-.s. Physiognomy, M ayl, ()Id!Y A- ItlCII, at No. !i Monti’oniory I’liun*, Best judges pronounce these Inspirational lectures among Ilahhlir.-, Ihiiltli (i tilde >rtit ]M»|.]i;ihl for §1. "V ila 'ornor of Province ■street (low er lloor),H oston, Magnet Imii ' ’.for 2j rents, imth lor +1,15. Pliyslelans and the finest of the author’s productions. It Is well to bear in Olliers ll;tve spoken as h-llnus aheiil the )|e:illh liiihltt: Phrenology, Psychology MRS. JENNETT J. CLARK, mind that 'uss. ••W oith+5.” •• Worth+m,*’ ‘Mil limn* value than all - —*mUAL CLAIRVOYANT, gives sittings dally from j till? old seliool meitlciii I...... ever | oi til (sited. " .1.11. MVil- IUA.m. to-il'.M., at.23 Warren avenue. No more Copies oi* (Ills Volume' will d'lihall, til** leehiier. says he has nireil h\ Its rule* .•k litH, ’i 27.—8\v* 1 ever be Priuteri, Eating for Strength. fevrts, lelons. ete.," and i-omplrtelx rrsiun/.d his daughter &c., Ac. after (wo einiiieni |.|i\ 'h ,l;ni' n:nl derlaied she • • could not A UGUST1A DW1NELLS,Clairvoyant ami Mo* j tho plates having been destroyed, In ... part...... nnd other- wise appropriated;. . ___ , so that nmo is the lime ‘fur all 11 Vi* IS hours." A«hln*ss o» apply to Tho entire works published by SAMUEL It. WELLS, ■xY diuni. Phases: Medical, Business, Trance, Test and j eutlcrs A New Health Cookery Booh, E. R. R\RRITT, Prophetic. Mental Questions answered; accurate Dlagno* I of Mr. Davis’s works to purchase copies of •Mari'li 20, sw Earn 2dd N|., \ . Y. of New York City, aro for sale wholesale and retail by Bis given of Disease. Distance makes no inference. ' 15Y M. L. IIOIdiliOOK, M. I)., COLBY &R1CH, 9 Montgomery Place, Boston, Mass. 1009 Washington street, Rooms Nos. riandlli, Hoston. The Last Edition of a Bare Book. Wlileli should he In the hands of everv person ulm would PATENT OFFICE, AS" Send for a Catalogue. April 17.— Iw* -at to regain and retain health, strength ami beauty. It Price, bourn! In paper, reduced to "5 cents, postngo -ontains, besides the selcmv of eating ami one hundred an­ 94 Chainbors street, (P.0, Box 4544,) Now York, \ | US. A. C. SYLA N DS, T e st and Clairvoyant cents; lummitnciuiu,* 1 ’ (U, *1,50,*i,r>o, postage.....‘...... is cents. swers ip questions whleh most -people are anxious to know, ILL Medium. Test Circles every Sunday, Tuesday and ^For sale wlinlewilr iui'1 ictiifl by I lie |mbllsliers,('OI.in • -arly title hundred pagesdevoted to the best healthful U.S.PATRNT RIGHT ASSOCIATION, Dr. Fred. L. H. Willis. Thursday evening! lit 8 o'clock. licvdoiiliiK Circles bvery * II1CII, at ho. ! Montgomery I'lacc, corner ot I’rovloei rlpes tor roods and drinks, how to .....I one’s self, feeble Monday mill Friday afternoon, nt a o'clock. Admittance street (lower Hum), Hoston, .Mass. ______tf iihe.s and delicate rhlldien •*(> as to get (lie best bodily dc* HENRY CERNER, Pros. Address fill farther notice:» 25cents. Hitting* from 9 until 11 a. m. and from 1 until plopiuent. '.Mothers who eaniiot nurse their child ten' will 0 i». m. IK) Pleasant street,1 Boston. « 4w*—April 17. SECOND THOUSAND. Ibid full directions tor reeding them, and so will mothers United State* mid Foreign l*ttfeiiii» promptly Care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass. who have delicate children, nnd.luvullds who wish tu know Nconred. nu«l nluo «l of. Mil*. E. B. CHASE the best foods. - INFRINtil^lEM S ndjindod. Feeitlinr I'aellltles lt. WILLIH may ho addressed as above. From AS groat success in all cases of Nervous Debility, Llv. ‘Price 4LW, postage free. uiut thirty ,veur*‘ experience. D point ho can attend to tho diagnosing of disease by 1 H er. Bilious, ami Female Complaints. At home Mon- For sale, wholesale and retail bvCOMlY...... A RICH, at and handwriting. He claims that his powers lnthfslluodays; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, rroin to to 2, BOOK ON MEDIUMS ; No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province .street (lower Publinhors of tho aro unrivaled, combining, as he docs, accurate scloutlflc No. 37 East Brookline street, Boston. tf-Aug. ao. on, lloor),'Boston, Mass. tf knowledge with keen ami searching C’lairvoyance. S. IIAYWARD, Magnetic Physician, No. 7 Patent Right Gazette. Dr. Willis claims especial skill In treating all diseases of Mnreh l;t.-2nw the blood and nervo us system. Cancers, Scrofula In all Its A • Montgomery Place, Boston. Hours from IMo 5. At other hours will visit patients. Also sends Magnetized GUIDE FOR MEDIUMS AND INVOCATORS: THE HOLLOW GLOBE; fortnB. Epilepsy, Paralysis, and all tlio mostdeltcatoand OONTAl.NINd “ Beautllnl Frenchr training, sent* piMpphl tor O IK K Dr. Willis Is permitted to refer to numerous partleswho A pi ll 3. T he Special Instruction of the Spirits on 1> O Ki l« A I t . liiiuoh'St i huine ever, offered' have been .cured by his system of practice when all others XZ to'Agents. Fi(4'p.irUnmirssend stanm Addiess had failed. All letters must contain a return postage stamp. the Theory of all kinds of Manifesta­ The World’s Agitator and Reconciler. I’. I1. Bend fo r Circulars and Referencea, tf—Apr. 3. MISS S. F. NICKERSON, T RANCE and BuaIiichs Modium, 028 Tremont Ht. Hours, tions; the Means of Communica­ A Treatise on the Physical-Conformation <»f (be Eurtli, No. 2i Purchase street. New Ih-dimd ..Mass. 9 to 5. PuhMcS6ancusSutidnyovo’g. Admission 50cts, ting with th e Invisible World; resented through theorgauisin of M. L. Slmrman, M. I)., May l.-52w $5,000 Reward. April 17.— iw* ami written by Win. K. i,yun, the Development of Medium- The author sjivh : "W e are deeply. Impressed w ith (he O UMA IT I R ib C M HOMOS. ....5(M V THE MRS. JENNIE POTTER ship; the Difficulties and thought, and venture to predle . that this hook will do very MONEY-MAKINC RECEIPTS, l V the Dangers that are to much toward aiding humanity In their toilsome progress aof Lite and Tliomp-ounm U' lin db'**. prepaid, for 50 cents. « RANCE MEDIUM, ll OdWtreet,kvfftreet, 3 doors from (H8 from the (larknesK of mental Slavery to the broad sunshine Addiess, DANFDBTII ,V B ltlsTnl., No..iHiy- Iti'imdway, T Washington Bt. d a . m to ‘ .9...... 1*.m., Sundays2 to.... 9 1*. m. ■ be Encountered In of enlightened Freedom, for which they have so long SUMMERLAND MESSENGER May l.—5w* struggled* hut .struggled apparently In vain," New York. ^ lu # -Aprll2t. OES not offer Us subscribers any such reward, but it the Practice of P rice^2,00, postJige2()eents. ' . i n k s a n d s t o (.:k s —m r s . <;. h / k r o s 'i\ D does give llioiu each month what Is worth more than W. A. DUNKLEE, Spiritism. For sale-wholesale and retail-by .COLBY* A. RICH, at Positive Business Ti-anee Medium, (lives reliable money by publishing in lts48 columns Snirlt-Dickons’s new a g n e t ic ; p h y s i c i a n , i . y d ia e GLOVER, No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower adviceM eoueejutng Storks thefr rlse aud tall; also other Story, “ ROCKLEY WICKLEII^AIV1 together with a Assistant, 94 Tremont street. Room 10. tf—May 8. BY ALLAN KARDEO. lloor), Boston. Mass. tf business tuattels. Prospects suri'i'.s.sfully fi»r minerals; Ae. great variety of Interesting miscellany under tho heads M Fee *5. Addiess 45 Ptaspect place, cor, Ksvsl *i2d M,, N. Y. of "Bumiuerhiml Whispers," "Mother’s Department," Translated from tho French, by Emma A Wood. William Denton’sWorks. April 17.-In* ______"Children's Department," Foreign and Domestic Notes MARGARETTA SUNDERLAND COOPER, relating to Spiritualism, Poetry and Short stories especial­ No. 38 Milford street. Hours 10 to 4. 4w*—April 17. 49* This work is printed on flno tinted paper, lnrgpl2mo, THE SOUL OF THINGS; OR, I’SYC'HOMET- ■II flFlVT-SKG A It 1*11'K " (I'lll.) il t'l’l r.ii-t IcmklllK Hn- ly adapted to the Family Fireside. Back numbers can be | 460 pp. Cloth, tievelcd hoards, black and gold, HIC RKSKARCllK8 ANI) DtSCOVKKtKS. By William gar and other sq;w Novelties. Agnits wanted, supplied to subscribers until further notice and Elizabeth M. F, Denton. Tins truly valuable and ex­ SIMl'MtN ,v (Til, tiff Uoritainlt Ktretil, New York* Until further notice we shall continue to give "T H E 1V/TKS. FRANK CAMPBELL, Medluni, No. 14 Price 81,50; postngo free. ILL (Room 5), Indiana street, leading from Washington ceedingly Interesting work lias taken a place among Hie .. AplH2t. lllw MYSTERY OF EDWIN DKOOD" as a premium with For Rale wholesale ami retail by the publishers, COLBY standard literature of (he day, and la fast gaining In pop. street and Harrison avenue, Boston. ours from 10 to 5. AUSTIN KENT- ON I.OVl-f AND TI aTT- tho "M essenger." at the following rates: April 24.—Iw* & HIC11, at No, 9 Montgomery Place, corner of 1'rovlnco ulur favor, Kyery Spiritualist and all seekers after hlndeii Messenger nnd EdwInDroud, incloth...... $2,25 I Btvcet (tower Hour), Boston, Mass. \ truths should read it. Price tot,50, postage 20 cent*. 1 Y 111 Ml E. - 1 nvUI mall m : Honk, " Lotu," in imiHtr " " " " in paper...... 1,50 rover, my Pnuinlilrt, ".1/r**. Wnwlhnlt and Utr ftWifaJ The subscription price for the "Messenger" alone is JULIA M. CARPENTER, (108Wash­ THE- SOUL OF THINGS.' Vols. II. ami III. Freedom," my Tiaii, "f.'oujuyitl J.ore; Thr Trut anil the 41,00 a year. Subscriptions should he addressed to ington street. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays PRICE REDUCED. Containing over 800 pages, l2mo.. Illustrated by more F ahr," with one or two oilier Pamphlets nr Tracts, ami Fell. 13.— tf T. P. JAMES, Brattieboro*, Vt. and Fridays. Medical examinations only. Terms $2,00. than 200 engravings. Price per volume V-d*), postage 20 my Photograph, all for *l.iio. or for so cents with the Pho­ May l.-2w* cents: the two volumes *.’1.50. postage ao cents. tograph letl Mil. 1 much nod nml shall ht. grateful for the THE SPIRITUALIST NEWSPAPER. LECTURES ON GEOLOGY, THE HAST AND money. Address AUSTIN KENT, htoekliolm, st, Law­ M. A.'POUTER, Clairvoyant. A dvice KUTUKKOK N.ANI-’.T. A (irent Srldiitltlu Work. rence Co.. New York. ' * tft--.Mny30;— ^^R E C O R I) of tlio Progress of the yclonco^ and Ethics by mall $1,00. 28 Kncelnnd street, Boston. (lint . of Spiritualism. Established In 18L9. The Spiritual- M ayd,—4w*_____ ■ HultliiK ruplilly. l*rl<-.* 4n..r>o, |kisI:>k>' ““ ‘T llll MACS KTIC T It 11 AT>1 F.NT. Istlilst is tlie^ recognized_ weekly organ of the educated Splrit- RADICAL RHYMES, a routicul Work..Price' r: N 1 > T W K M V -l'lV h CKN IS to |»|t. ANDREW uallstsof Europe. C A M U E L G RO V ER, H e a l in g M e d io m , N o, A Novel it) the Deepest Sense, (fd.25. postage 12cents. STON E, Troy, N. V., ami obtain a huge, highly Illus­ kj 50 Dover streot (formerly 23 Dlx place). Dr. O. will af- R Animal subscription to residents In any part of the Unit­ Its pages being fyled with RADICAL DLSCOURSKS ON RELIGIOUS trated Book on this system of vitalizing treatment, ed States, three and a half dollars In gold, in advance, by tond funerals if requested. l.mr—Marcli 0. HUIU.KCTSr delivered in Music Hall, . Boston. Price Apiii;i.-if Post Ullice Order, payabloto E. W. ALLEN, 11 Ave Maria A1.25; postage 16 eenls, A/TRS. C. II. WILDES. No. 17 Hayward place, RADICAL THOUGHT, r s . i i a r y e y , nnsiiu- nml Mrilicnl Clair- Lane, London, E. C. Oct. 10. 'HEIUKECONCILARLK RECORDS; or,Gt»n- 1VA Boston. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, frmifrom On tho treatment of existing social evils; M- voyanl. Examinations...... made by leek of hair. 260 9 to 3!*. Jan. 16. estsand Geology. W) pp. Price: paper, 25 cents, postage Cat roll sited, below Smith, South Biooklya, N. Y. SOUL READING 2 cents; cloth, 50 cents, postage h cents. May". - ' . • OrPaycbometrlcal Delineation or Character. A/TRS. L. W. LITOH, Clairvoyant Pliysician SPIRITUAL GRACE, IS SIUIUTUALJSM TKUK7 Price 15 cents, RS. A. B. SEVERANCE would respectfully announce and Tost Medium, 169 Court street, Iiostou. Circles Fraught with Influences of tlio highest go»il to those iwistnge2contH.' M to the public that those who wish, and will visit hor in Sunday nnd Tuesday evenings. \ Mays. who may road; . WlIAT IS RIGHT? A Lecture delivered in person, or send their autograph or lock of hair, phowlll give Music Hull, Boston, Sunday afternoon, Dee, 6th, 1868. COSMOLOGY. an accurate description of their leading traits of character ATRS. S. DICK, Trance Medium, Hours !l to 12 GEMS OF WISDOM, Price It) cents,-postage2 conts. II v and pecul larittes or disposition; marked changes in past and 1’A anil 2 to 0. Stance Sunday evening. 0871* Washing­ future life; physical disease, with proscription therefor; ton street, Itooin 6, Hoston, Mass: . •Iw'-Mny 1, ' Which cannot fall of fliKlIrig loilgmcnt In ap- COMMON SENSE THOUGHTS ON THE GEORGE M’lLVAINE RAMSAY, M.D. what business they are host adapted to pursue in order to be preclatlvu hearts; ami BIBLK. For Common t>ou*n People Third edition- successful; the physical and mental adaptation of those In­ enlarged and revised, Price ineents, podage2eents. CONTENTS.—CiiaI'TI.it l.—Matterwlthmil Origin; 2— tending marriage; and bints to the Inharmonlously EARNEST LIFE LESSONS CHRISTIANITY NO -FINALITY ; c»r, Spiritu- Proiierth's ot M altd: :t - Nehulons Ttieoi y; I-- < ll*.l Theory rlod. Full delineation, $2,00, and four 3-cont stampB. ntlsm Superior to Christianity.. Price 10 cents, postage of Phinetatj Motion: 5 Planetary Motions; 6 Oilglti of Address, " ’.MltH. A. ]i. miVEHANCEj A New Medical Discovery. Calculated to attract attention and 2 cents. . 1 Motion; 7Can-" ami Origin ot oi t>ltal..Motion; s Sneclul , Centro street, between Church nnd Prairie stroets, awaken Interest. Lawsiit i h hltal Mot Ion: 9 Krcimt i hdiy, lldlon r.-jid Vlqut- Apr. 3.—tf Wldto W’ater, Walworth Co., Wis. DR. COOPER’S MEDICATED ORTHODOXY FALSE, SINGE SPIIUTUA-L- iioetlal Point**; in Limit and Results ot A xlal I mil nut Inn; ■1: BY MRS. jTs. ADAMS. ISM ISTU11K, Price 10cents, postage2cents, . II <• Result of a IVipemlh-uliir A \ N: 12 t»M P.otar. (’enters;; T H E D E LU G E IN TU E L IG H T OF M ODERN .13—Causenful Origin of- lee.raps ami BE LT . Sr- IVE minutes1 walk from the Magnetic Springs, and plaints arising from impurities of the blood. floor), Boston, Mass. tf CONSTITUTION. A Lecture given In MusicHall, Bos­ hltal (’diligniailon ol Comets; 22 Planets and Ohl Ooin- near the HAVANA (JLEN and Conk Academy. Five ton, on Sunday afternoon, Muy6lli, 1872. . Price. 10cents, els: *J;t—Iiiltntly. Fminutes1 walk from MBS. COMPTON’S, the most re­ HE Pad is designed to bo worn upon the hack, between postage*2cents.' • The hook Iseteganllv pr'luted tind supi’rhly hoinid. markable medium for materialization yet developed. In T the shoulders, tho flannol side next totlmskin, this The Health Bvangel, For sale wholesale atid retail by COLBY & RICH, at Price'*L5n. postage is e mis. this country. locality being nearest to the vital organs and nevvoeem* BEING A No; 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower -S*’iir sale wholesale ami retail hv lit jiubllshcrs, COLBY tro; or the belt may ho applied arou'nu the body above the lloor), Boston,-Mass.- •_ ___ eow . A RICH, at No. ti .Montgomery Place, coruerof Provlnco hips, especially Iti all cases of Klduoy Complaints, Lame sticot (lower lloor), Boston;vMass. tf GORDON N. SQUIRES, Back, Ac.; also to he applied on any part of the body where Key to Dutton’s School Charts. Works of J. M. Peebles. Aprlfto.—Gill MANAGER. pain exists, in addition to the Medicated Pad a Chest Pro* lector may he attached; this, also, may he medicated, and This little volume contains all (lie essential principles on TIIE SEERS OF. THE. AGES. Six til Edition. Spiritualism Defined and Defended: will he very important in all affections of the Throat and whleh health and tong life depend. Tim churls (contained This work, treating of ancient Seers and Sages; of Spir­ Being an I nthoiuttoii Y- Lk< tit*.('.delivered In tlmTem­ Lungs. In the hook) show plainly the conditions of health nnd the itualism In India, Kgypt, China,. Persia, Syria, (Jrecce B. C. HAZELT0N, This medicine contains no poison whatever. It Is com­ perance Hull. .Mdhourne, Australia, ny.t. M. PEEBLES. causes «C disease,“ all comprised I.. (1 in sixty ..I* hflu words upon 1* theI .. and Home; of the modern manifestations, with the doc­ Thu author says : "^pl ritual Isis have no creed, to cramp pounded from the purest ingredients known to medical char is, and fully explained In a work ol fifty pages; 1It Is trines of Spiritualists concerning Ood, Jesus, Inspira­ ami crush .-the tntcllert. 'I'liey aekimWIedge no infalllhlo science, perfectly free from odor am rsta|n, and all who the free-will olferlngof an earnest physician, nnd Isstrlc tion, Faith, Judgment, Heaven, Hell, Kvll Spirits, Love, oracle, honor no image, trust to. no sacrificial ’scapegoat1 Specialty Photographer, give this new treatment a fair trhilrwill pjrjze It of inoro scientific ami reliable. It hears (he Impress or an origin;.,■IS the Resurrection and Impiortallty, has become a stand­ to screen them from Justice; nor would they how down to 140 Washlngton.street, Boston, Mass. value than Its weight in gold. . x. mind, and was doubtless written under the inspiration of ard work in this and other countries. Price ^2,00, post­ pope, cardlimt, bishop'or priest, though the. Ingots wore April 3. (Patented Nov, 4th% 187s!.) suiierlor intelligences who love the human race. age 21 cents. : • kindled aud the cross rebuilt. Trampling upon caste, and Pad for back and shoulders...... $1,25 . Cl<.doth, 50cents. - Pad for chest...... 1,00 / JESUS—M YTM, MAN, OR GOD? Did Jesus admiring Individual sovereignty toned by. education amt a PSY 0 HO 3VXETBLY. For sale wholesale nml retail b; COLBY- it RICH, at Christ exist y What are the proofs? Was he man, begot­ high moral principle, they consider each man a fretnunn, " " and hack, double, medicated...... 2,00 No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner ol Province street (lower inheriting the OM-glvcn right to think, we, hear, lines- OWER has hcOn given mo to delineate character, to Bolt ...... 1,00 floor), Boston, M a s s . ______tf ten likuother men ? What Julian and (Msussaldof him. P describe tho mental and spiritual capacities of per­ " large slzo...... 1,50 The Mora! Iulluctiee of Christianity and Heathenism ligate, ami Judge of all subjects for himself,11 _____sons.______and sometimes___ tojllcate indicate their their future future and aud their their best Postage 3 cents each. compared. These and other subjects are critically dis­ Price 15cents, postage tree, locations for health, harmony and business. Persons do- A N OPPORTUNE BOOK! cussed. Price 50 cents, postage 4 cents. ' For sale wholesale ami retail bv the publishers. COLBY siring.... aid .. of .... this sort . will ■’*pleasosondmethe*“* pleasosond me their handwriting, For sale'wholesale and rfetall by COLBY & RICH, at WITCH-POISON ; or, The Rev. Dr. IJitldwin’s ft RICH, at No. 0 Montgomery IMaco, corner of Province f,*°toage nnd sox, ami If able,ihk-, enclose $2,00. No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner o f Province Btrcut (lower AN Sermon relating to Witches, Hell, and the Devil, re­ streot flower lloor). Ronton, Mas*. tf JOHN_____ ..l.S M. SPEAR, l’KAIt.2'’ 2210Mt. -----Vernon sti, Philadelphia. floor), Boston, Mass. viewed. This Is one or the most scVcieand caustic things Jan. 17.*—t published against the orthodox system of religion. Price A STIRRING BOOK—-JUST ISSUED.- " BEAVTIFUI. PICTURES. Exposition of Social Freedom, 35 cents, postage 4 ccuts. FRANCIS J. LIPPITT, SPIRITUAL HARP. A fine collection of vocal O ouA sollor At Xiaw, THE SPIRIT OFFERING. Monogamies Marriage the Highest Devel­ music for the choir, congregation and social circle; Is especially adapted for use ai (trove Meetings, Picnic*, 13 PEMBERTON SQUARE, *iThls picture represents a half life-size figure of a most opment of Sexual Equality. etc. Edited by J. M. Ptchlcsand J. O. Barrett. K. II. BOSTON, MASS. *lovely • child • ” • Just""“‘blooming blooming Intoo girlhopd.girlhoiK On her head, Bailey, Musical Editor. Cloth, *2,00, . Full gilt, $3,00 which Is enveloped ln a wldto veil, laNia wreath of white Uy tuo Author of VITAL MAGNETIC CUKE ami postage 21 cents. Abridged edition *1,00; postage 8 roses, and In her hand she holds a cluster iof lilies. NATUIIE'S I.AWd IN HUMAN LIVE, cents. Card Photograph copies, 10 bvb; 12 Inches size, carefully Spirits in Prison. enveloped In cardboard, mailed to any address on receipt Naturc’BTiaws, Principles, FactsandTruths, arecternal SPIRITUALISM DEFINED AND DEFEND The Sick Healed. and Inunutahlo. Society, Customs, Conditions, Circum­ E l); Being an Introductory Lecture delivered In Tem­ A(POWERFUL band of spirits, through tho organism of SOceuts. perance Hall, Mtdhoumc, Australia. Price 15 cents, /XSnr ono of tho Eddy Mediums, Airs. D. M. Eddy stances nnd Opinions, are constantly changing: therefore, 1$Y J. O. IiAHRKTT AND J. M. PEEBLES.- Biown ami Edward Brown. Clairvoyant examinations to be consistent, we should weigh nnd Judge both sides or postage 2 edits. iven. Send lock of hair nnd $2.00. Letters addressed to THE SPIRIT BRIDE. tho subject. THE SPIRITUAL TEACHER AND SONG­ Tho fascinating teachings aro contrasted with their op­ STER, designed for Congregational Singing. Prlco 25 The. ni(d loon his critical work Indicates Its general drift— gDWAR1) BROWN. Chittenden, Rutland Co., Vermont, posites, the curtain Is drawn,-their effects shown, also tin TRY THE SPIRITS: care or H ohatio G. Eddy, (Enclose stamp for answer.) Tills Is the name of the beautiful crayon picture which cents, postage free. It demonstrate* the moral ratios of life, the parallels of April 3,—I3w*______- ■ y,. • ______attracted such marked attention In the Banneuof L ight causes which produce lnhannony; tho remedy is suggested For salo wholesale ami rotall by tho publishers. OOI.U'i Fr e e Chicle Room. Itw asdraw n by spirit aid through " Social Freedom" teachings nro either beneficial or det­ A RICH, at No. o Montgomery Place, corner of Provlnco ancient ami modern ohsejvsions. nml the uses and abuses of the mcdlmnshlpof Mr. E. Howard Doane, of Baldwins- rimental. Which? Every family should know for them street (lower floor), Boston. Mass. eow jiiedlumslilp. - It covers a vast extent of religious ami sci­ MAGNETIC PAPER vllle, Mass., a gentleman who hud had'no Instruction In selves as to its moral tendency and practicability. entific history. II Is merciless to evil, charitable to tho URES all kinds of complaints. In many cases it has as drawing previous to the time the spirits commenced using It Isdcslgncdasa "two-edged-sword" rejoinder, to send Works of Moses Hull. good, forgiving lu Its spirit to the fallen. It |Hilnts nut tho great an effect as personal treatment. Price onedollar Ills hnnu for that purpose. At the solicitation of many ad­ Individuals who accuse Spiritualism of leading to the doc wayaif refeas>* from oh*os*lng Intlunifes, and pleads for a C imiiHHmiring iiiuuuh.friends, w HU'iiuvu ^luive hadmm photographic|iiiuuif,iii|Fiui, copies vo... of m.this trine. Send them broadcast. higher older of Inspiration ami culture. It Invites the per paper, whh-h.wni last ten days. Send for Circular. . . . — •--- *•------‘ ~3 II QUESTION SETTLED ; A ^CAREFUL COM- thoughtful mind to the eternal registry of life’s events, to DR. J. A\ ILBUR, 444 W. Randolph street, Chicago, 111. duo picture mado, which will he forwarded, postage paid 72 pp. Price 25 cents, postage free, PARISON OF BIBLICAL A N1) MODERN SIM RIT­ May l .—law*______1 a t the following prices: Largo size, 8x10, 50 cents; Carto arb For sale* wholesale and retail by COLBY’ .t RICH, at tlie beautiful ami solemn relations of the earthly and heav­ do Vlslte size, 25 cents. No. induutgomiY£4*focu, corner or Province street (lower UALISM. Cloth, beveled hoard*. *1,50. postage 16 cents. enly worlds, and hi tho meaiisof attaining tho ever-longed- ALL PERSONS desiring t For sale wholesale and Tctall by the pubUshcra, COLBY floor), Boston, Mass. eow CONTRAST: EVANGELICALISM AND for rest of soul with the wise ami holy of angel ministry. XX FAMILY at Chlttemlcn, Vt., will And It to their ad & RICH, at No. 0 Montgomery Place, corner of Province Sl’lKlTUAl.ISM COMI’AIIKD. A*comp.-inion tu tho vantngo to correspond with or seo Mr. Albert Frost, at street, (lower flogr,) Boston, Muss^ Theodore Parker’s Writings. “ Question Sottlocl.” Itevotal hoards, $1,60, postage 10 Bound lu cloth, 232 pages. *1,25; postage I I cents. Rutland Depot, Vt., who will see to getting conveyance runts. For sale wholesale and retail by the publishers, DOLBY from Rutland to our home, and all other information re­ NEW EDITION. WHICH: SPIRITUALISM OR CHRISTIAN­ A RICH, at No; U Montgomery Place, coruerof Provlnco quired. HORATIO & WILLIAM EDDY. FLOWER Srooner’s Prize Flower Seeds, | ITY? A Friendly Correspondence between Moses Hull, streot (lower lloor). Boston, Mass. eow Mav 1.—2w A DISCOURSE OF MATTERS PERTAINING Spiritualist, and >V. F. Patker, Christian. Cloth, 1,00, postage 12 cents: >aper, 550 cents, postage 6 cents. NINTH EDITION. IS. K. COLLINS, Clairvoyant Physician Spooner’s Boston Market TO RELIGION. Fourth Edition. 1vol. 12mo, cloth and Healing Medium, has removed to Somerville, SEEDS. W OLF IN ' S E P ’SS CLOTHING. An inp>e- M Mass., corner Concord Ave. and Springfield st., (formerly Vegetable Seeds. I ADm^rio’^AL80 speec h es, - a d d r e sse s, nlous Interpretation (if the symbols of the Book of Dan­ Poems from the Inner Life. 9 East Canton st., Boston,) where she will ho happy to see Dcscrlptlvo Priced Catalogue. AND OCCASIONAL SERMONS. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth, iel and the ApnealyiyUff Price 10 cents, postage ! cent. 1 her former patients.. and public. Tako cars rs at Fitchburg VGETABLE with over 150 Illustrations, mailed Price $3,oo, postage 40 cents. SUPREMACY OF REASON. A Discourse de­ .u y m s s i j z z i i : d o t k n . Depot: stop at Prospect-street Station. 13w*—Fob. 27. free to applicant. ■ SPEECHES, ADDRESSES, AND OCCASION livered at (he dedication of the Temple of Reason, Chat­ IV. I I . NI-OON EIt, I AI, SEItMONS. 3 vols. 12ino, cloth, l’rlco ,1.50. pc3t ham, Mass. Paper, to cents, postage 2 cents.' The exhaust bin of eight editions of these beautiful Pnoms ______in SEEDS, 4 B e a c o n Nt.,lSoKlon, 3InfiN. THAT TERRIRLE QUESTION. A radical lit­ shows how well they are appreciated by the public. The pe­ $ MONEY ^VAUENTS/ Novelties; Justout; ln our needed ten In Jan. 30.—8teo>v CRITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WRIT- tle wink on love and marriage. Paper, 10 cents, postngo culiarity and Intrinsic merit of these Poems are admired by everv house; sample and circulars free by mail. II. B, 2 edits. unintelligent ami liberal minds. Every Spiritualist In the W HITE & (JO., 441 Broad street, Newark, N. j . 1NOS, 1 vol. 12ino, cloth. Prlce$1,50, postage 16cents. land should 'have a copy. ,• , , April 24.—4w ______Catarrh, Diptheria, HISTORIC AMERICANS—Franklin, WasliinR- THE GENERAL JUDGMENT; OR, GREAT The edition ts printed on thick, heavy papetv Iselegantly ton, Adams ami Jefferson. With an Introduction by Rev. OVERTURNING. Price 10cents, postage five* * hound, aud sold at the low price or $l.ftO. postage 16 cents. And all Throat l>lsenses curable, by the use of O. 11. Krotidngliain. l*rlce $1,50. postage 16 cents. LETTERS TO ELDER MILKS GRANT. Being Also, a new edition on extra paper, .beveled boards, full ‘ Spiritualist Home, THE RELIGIOUS DEMANDS OF TIIE AGE it Huvluw oT i#*Spieltimlistit Uuvelli-d." l’npur, S6 cents, gilt. Prleo fc2 .no, postage 16 'ru ts...... A BEACH STREET, BOSTON. Conducted on the 1>R. J. E, IlRI««S'f* THROAT REMEDY. A reprint of the preface to the London edition of the postage 2 cents; cloth, 50 cents, postage s rents. For sale wholesale and retail bv tho publishers, (O L L i tf c o European plan. S. P. MORSE, Proprietor. M r. Andrew J ackson Davis writes: "I)r. Briggs collected works of Theodore Parker. By Frances Power For sab; wholesale and retail ny CtjLBY A RICH, at A RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner or Provlnco M ayl.—2w* ______• Throat Remedy for the Throat and Catarrhal Affection*, Cobho. Price 25 cents, postage 4 cents. No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Provlnco street (lower street (lower floor). Boston, Mass, cow ;A MONTH — Agents wanted everywhere. Including Dlptherla, 1 know to be equal to the claims in For sale wholesale ana retail by COLIIY A RICH, at floor). Hoston. Mass. ^ ______cow 1 Business honorable and first class. Particu­ Ids advertisement." No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner or Province street (lowi .. Two Radical Pamphlets by W. F. Jamioson. lars sent free. Address J. WORTH & CO., Prlco 50 cents per hottlo. *-- floor)* Boston, Mass. ______cow A TALE OF ETERNITY, 236 Honth 5th streot, St. Louis, Mo.______20w*—Feb. 13. A3* Never sent by Mall; by Express only. J For salo wholesalo aud retail by COLDY &RICH, at | A DISCUSSION Tlio Clergy and our Common Schools. A N D O T H F , U 1> O E M S . r n ir r n e v OR FITS Cured by the use of No. 9 Montgomery Place, Boston, Mass. L n L L F J I Ross’s Epileptic Remedies. T rial Between Mr. E, V. Wilson, Spiritualist, and Eld. T. M ^jj.*rlce 10 cents, postage 2 cents, BY GERALD MASSEY. P ackage fukk. For circulars, evidence o' success, etc., QUAKER TRACTS FOR THE TIMES, JNo. 1. ' Harris, Christian. Subject discussed—Revolved, That the These beautiful Pokms arcpvlntcdon tinted paper. In addrehs BROTUER3,257Main St., Richmond, lnd. O TllUBLOVE: WHAT1T18, ANDW11ATIT1S NOT.' Bible, King James’s version, sustains tho Teachings, tho A m orloaTe Foos. one volume, lOmo., cabinet edition, prlci\j*jff^, jmstago 16 Jan, 30—lsteow* ^ By A. B. Davis. W ith an appendix, Phases, and the Phenomena of Modern Spiritualism. Prlco 5 cents, postage l cent. Prlco 25 cents, postage 4 conts. Price 10 cents, postage 2 cents. ClVor salo wholesalo and rotall by COLBY A 'RICH, at R. J. R. NEWTON. Cosmopolitan Hotel, For sale wbofesalo^and retail by COLBY A RICH, at For sale wholesale and rotall by COLBY A RICH, For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY A RICH, at No. D 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Provlnco street (lower No. 9 Montgomery Place, coruor of Provlnco streot (lower San Francisco, Cal. P. O. addfess, care of H. Snow, No. 9 Montgomery I'lace, corner oiif*...... Province street (lower No. 0 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower floor), Boston, Mass. Box 117. April 10. floor), Boston, Moss, floor), Boston, Mass. eow floor), Boston, Mass. a ■ BANNER OF LIGHT, MAY 8, 1875.

plaster. The third one was flesli-llko in color, At the i^questof Dr. Child nnd of Mrs. Holmes Nltirituallnt Lectures nnd Lyceums. Card from Dr. Garduer. bat looked ns if made of wax. 'A ll three lind a she repeatedly showed us her entire arm, bare to MEETINGS IN BOSTON. To tlio Editor of tbo Banner of Light: i u t n c t o f £ i < \ h t . fixed look, and with tlielr unwinking eyes and Hie shoulder, putting it entirely out of tlie win­ The Boston Spiritualists' Union hold regain:'' weekly As I have seen in recent issues of your paper stiff movements appeared to me like puppets, dow. An involuntary murmur of admiration meeting, at Rochester Hall, Ml WiiHliIngton sireot, every notices forwarded by correspondents to the ef­ lint tlie next fnce was a perfect contrast to these, always greeted tills exhibition ; for tlie arm was Sunday evening. Lectures and Conference. H. H. Wli- fect that tlie Lake Pleasant Camp Meeting is to and was greeted with nn involuntary buzz of a perfect model for a sculptor; cast in oneof Na­ • John A. Andrew Ifall, — Free Meeting*.—Lecture by commence on tlie 4th of August, and the first BOSTON, SATURDAY, MAY’?, 1875. surprise nnd admiration, it was that of a lovely ture’s finest molds; gracefully rounded, dnz- Mrs. 8. A. Floyd, at 2^ awl 7,4 P. M. The audience priv­ public” service be held on tlie 8th, under the ileged to oak any proper Questions on spirituality. Ex­ young girl, whom it was Impossible to believe for zlingly white, but yet of-Jhe whiteness of flesh, cellent quartette singing. Public Invited. auspices of that Association, I desire to state [ Krnm Tin* lia!ax> for Hei'i'iuliw. KI.J one moment not to be a living person of flesh and not of marble. At the Doctor's request she Rochester Hall. M-i Washington street.— The Children1? tlmt, owing to a misunderstanding between the WAS IT KA^IE KINQP blood. Her complexion was exquisitely delicate, afterward allowed several of us to go up to tlie I’rogreKstvo Lyceum, No. I, which formerly met In JohL parties concerned, an error lias found publicity, A. Andrew Hall, will hold Its rghhIous at this place overy though without mqeli color. Her eyes were large window to fee) Her hand. I placed my own, tlie 3umlav, a tin ^ o ’clock. Geo. H. Lincoln, Sec'y. which I desire to rectify. I have corresponded - BY r. .1. l.ll’lTlT.- -and gray, her hair 'dark brown, covered witli a palm up, on tlie lower edge of tlie window, and ; The. Ladies' Aid Society will until further notice hold Us with Ilarvey Lyman, Esq., Chairman of tlie Com­ tasteful little white cap, from which it fell in on feeling her own palm in mine I closed my meetings at Rochester Hall, on Tuesday afternoon and evening of each week. Mrs. C. C. Ilajward, President; mittee of Arrangements of tlie Lnke Pleasant Th»*n* Is a natural body il U rto b a spiritual hoily. — / ringlets. Tlie face wns round ratlier than oval, blind on hers, slowly nnd firmly pressing it. It C or. xr: II. MIkr m . L. Jbirrott, Secretary, Camp Meeting Association, nnd nlso had a per­ suggesting a plump but graceful figure ; tlie wns a perfectly nnturnl feminine hand, of solid- Mediums' Meeting at Templars1 Hall, 280 Washington sona! inverview with liiin, nnd, as a result, feel > .‘Whilt* in riiiladt'lpliia, in May last, I witnessed features perfectly regular, except that the nose llesli and blood, nnd of a pleasant warmth. I street, at 104 a . it., each Sunday. All mediums cordially some smpri'iiiK oeiMinviicea in Mr. ami Mrs. invited. „ authorized to state, in his name, tlmt tho afore­ li.nl Hint slightly abrupt termination we are apt should here observe Hint Mr. Holmes, tlie medi­ L nrline IM L N o . 3 Winter strbet.— Public Free Circles said Camp Meeting will not commence its official llolmcs's little parlor. Tlmy heloiic to Unit mys­ to associate witli saueiness. Tlie”whole expres­ um, is a tall mul slender man, with a long and are held in this hall every Sunday morning at 104 o'clock. terious mill somewhat suspicious ehiss of persons Good test mediums nnd speakers linattendauce. Lectuies sessions until tlio 12th or 13th of August. Tho sion of her face, especially when she was speak­ masculine hand and fingers. every Sunday at Hand74 »\ M. by well-known speakers. misunderstanding arose, Itliink, by ununnounco- know n ns “ m edium s." As they liiul been <1 uito ing, was Hint of a sprightly young person, some­ In answer to a question, Katie told ns she had The People's Spiritual Meeting* every .Sunday at 24 famous in I.ondon, wheiiee they hail lately ar- ment made in substance at the Springfield Con­ what given to good-mitifre'd ridicule; nnd yet been showing hersolf in London that very even­ p. M., nt Investigator Hail, Paiut\Memoriai Building, vention, April 1st, that all parties desiring to lived, 1 uliully availed luvself of Dr. llenry when she was not speaking, the faee had a ing. Ileing asked by Dr. Child how long she was Appleton street, nearTremont, Good speakers always in Child's courteous offer to admit me Into a private attendance. camp oat at tlie Lake during tlie first week of slightly sad or wearied look. .She spoke always in coming hither, she nnswered, “ Just ns quick Trimountain Hall. Fo. & Boylstan street.— Developing August could do so by providing for themselves circle of his friends, alumt twenty-live in mini- Circle, fur mediums exclusively, on the morning of each ill a whisper,-which was distinctly audible all ns thought.” She ndded, “ They arc killing my tiumlay; afternoon, conference and tests; ovenTng, test as to tents nnd equipnge. Tlie Association has tier, which had been formed for the purpose of over tile room. 'When speaking her lips moved medium in London. I wnnt you to write to Mr. circle; each Wednesday evening a test and social clrclo. witnessiui: some exhibitions of their strange rented tlio tents owned by myself and Dr. Rich­ naturally, disclosing occasionally two rows of Hlaekburn nnd tell him to.send my medium here. ardson', for use at their Camp Meeting, which . powers. The circle contained a goodly number pearls ; nnd eyes and mouth, and every feature They '11 kill her if she stays there. They nre not Boston.—Rochester Hall.— The session of Children's of skeptics as well as of believers. The sittings Progressive Lyceum No. 1, on the morning of Sunday, tents, dnring tho first week in August, will of of her face and movement of her head, corre­ so skeptical here as they nre there.” May 2d, was fully attended, and of much interest. In ad­ course be in use at the Silver Lake Camp Meet- were mostly held in the evening. sponded to wlmt she was saying, which was most A t the sitting of May l(>th tw o or three fnces T he / e r e in //w was the front room of the sec­ dition to the regular services of tho manual, readings wero often something playfully satirical. appeared, which were recognized at once by Iriiis statement is made for the information of ond lloorat No. fit) North Ninth street. This furnished by Lucy A. Osborn, li. B. Johnson, H. A. John­ ] wns then told by J)r. Child Hint this wns friends or relatives present. Then came Katie son, Miss Frank Wheeler, Mrs, Hattie Wilson; declama­ persons’who may wisli to attend both meetings. . room had hut two doors ; one opening on the "Katie King," (whom 1 liad never before heard King, appearing, talking, nnd behaving as usual. landing at the head of the stairs, the other on a tions by Rudolph Borttescn, Ester James, Miss Lizzie J. I desire to state tlmt the feeling between the o f;) Hint she had-been and was still showing her­ Again she showed Her arm on request, again Thompson, Ernestine Eldrldge, and Benjamin Weaver; management at Silver Lake nnd the Lake Pleas­ liedroom, which was the only other room on that self to Professor Crookes in a series of experi­ took oranges from some of us, tin!'little hands floor. Doth rooms were directly over a station­ Miss Cora Stone sang; anti remarks wero offered by N. 8. ant Association is one of perfect harmony, and ments lie )iad been making In London, with a then appearing under hers, catching some of Greenleaf, of Lowell, and Henry C. Lull, of Boston. that everything will ho done by myself and Dr. er's shop. The passage into, the bedroom was certain medium named Florence Cook ; that she them, and again she allowed her hand to be taken Action concerning the resignation of Mrs. Mary Ann entirely dosed l>y a hoard partition nailed across Richardson to advance tlie interests of both en­ wns the daughter of a famous pirate known as nnd held by several persons present. Taking L ang.—At a regular monthly meeting of tho Children terprises. Respectfully yours, the door opening, secured above and below to John King, nnd had died over a hundred years one of Her ringlets in her hand, she showed it to regressive Lyceum No. 1 of Boston, held In Rochester II. F . G a r d n e r . tin; door frame by iron clamps lirmly screwed hi- ago, nt tlie age of eighteen, and that this wns the Mrs. Holmes, saying, “ 'Hint’s n good curl." Hall Friday evening, April 2d, 1875, it was unanimously Boston, Mass., May 6th, 1875. to the wood. On the bedroom side tins partition third sitting of tlie circle nt which she had Siie allowed Dr. Child to handle it, who again voted that the thanks of the Association bo tendered to was found to he the front of a closet or box, some appeared. 1 said to her, “ Katie, is it true you pronounced it perfectly natural human hair. Mrs. Lang {nie) Sanborn, for the earnest and long-coutln ten inches deep, standing vertically against the died a Hundred years ago?" “ Yes, nnd more Among other tilings, she said to Dr. Child, “ Pro­ tied labor which she bad put forth as Guardian of tho A Card from Mrs. Holmes. door opening, nailed to the Hoof at bottom , and too," she answered. Mrs. Holmes asked her to fessor Crookes is a humbug. He will kill my me-, School—the feelings of the members finding expression in T o t h e Spiritualists o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s : tlie top of winch was closed by hoards lirmly nail­ show her hands. She did so, and at tlie same diuni if she-don’t come away. Write to Mr. the following Preamble and Resolutions: Dire- necessity compels me to appeal through ed in. Through both the front and rear of this moment several other delicate hands, one' pair lilaekburn, care of Willie Harrison.” In an­ Whereas. Mrs. Mary Ann Lang, who has been for eight the Banner for pecuniary assistance. My hus­ upright box, from the top to near the bottom, (S) years our beloved Guardian, finds it Imperatively ne­ of them at least being n child's hands, appeared swer to questions, she said siie used to go to Mr. cessary that she take a season of reposo from her long-con­ band is an invalid, now undergoing surgical treat­ linger holes were bored, through which one could under hers. Katie’s were ratlier short, and per­ and Mrs. Ilolmes’s sittings in Quebec street, tinued and arduous labors for the benefit of tills School, ment for hemorrhoids, from which lie lias been bee from one room into tin1 other. and has therefore tendered her resignation of said office; fectly formed. .London; Hint siie, had been in tlie spirit-world therefore, bo it a sufferer for years. He needs my constant at­ The cabinet or sanctum in which spirits were ■Like all the other faces th a t appeared at these over one hundred years ; tlint siie was eighteen Resolved, That while reluctantly accepting the same, tention ; still 1 Have, by tho help of tho good said to clothe themselves in mortal forms, con­ sittings, her appearance ntsHio window was not years old when siie went there ; that her father we, tho oflicers and mombers of Children's Progressive angeis, vindicated my niediumship and character sisted of the following simple arrangement: The Lyceum No. 1 of Boston, deeply regret tho fact of the continuous. Slic was freqiiantly withdrawing was a pirate captain, known as “ tlie pirate Mor­ withdrawal from active duty—even though It may he tem­ against one of the most powerful nnd malignant •bedroom door was left open at an angle of sixty her face for a few moments, in order, it was said, gan," nut whoso real name was King, and that porary—of one who from tho earliest inception of this combinations ever set on foot to crush out Spirit­ degrees'; on the opposite door post a second door to renew her materialization, Impaired by tlie tills was her name. Siie asked Dr. Cliiid to write School has In Us behalf and that of the rising generation ualism. Were it not for the few noble and de­ was attached, which came out to meet it nt the accomplished so much good work. But as tlie grand phi­ light. We rarely saw it, I should guess, for to Robert Dale Owen to come and see her. losophy of life—In whose service wo are—teaches that we voted friends who so generously stood by mo in same tingle ; and when the two doors thus met, more than a m inute at any one tim e. M ost of tlie After she withdrew, a man’s fnce passed twice must, while in the physical form,.endeavor to conserve tho-hour of trouble and persecution, I should tile recess formed was obviously an equilateral ntnl economize the forces thereoL-as careful tenants, wo others were withdrawn every ten or fifteen very rapidly by tlie window, fixing its eyes, ns it can but feel that our sister, In taking the reposo she so have sunk weary and exhausted by tlie wnyside. triangle, just large enough to comfortably con­ seconds. , passed, on me. I have special reasons for be­ much needs, Is only obeying a law imporativo on all. Wo Wlmt little means we had saved prior to tlie lato tain the medium,.Mr. Holmes, seated in a chair. hoving that 1 know who it wns ; hut ns I ennnot therefore wish Iter "Godspeed” in her efforts to rocupcrate onslaught, have been used up to sustain us, while ■Whenever this little sanctum was to he.used, the Once, turning her head round, and taking one her health, and hope that our loss, severely as It Is felt, of her ringlets In Her lingers, she said to Mrs. speak positively, I will not here enter into par­ will he. In tills, her gain. we wero gratuitously devoting our time and light was excluded from above by a triangular ticulars. It was the last face seen that evening. Hesolvtd, That the many kind words and labors of lovo strength to Col. Olcott’s crucial investigations. piece of wood laid across the tops of the two Holmes, " You see my hair curls here.” ' Dr.-Child asked Her if she would like nn At the sitting of May 10th, two new faces ap­ which she lias spoken and performed In our midst will im- I think I have fought a good fight and won a doors. Tills cover was lined on the inside with peared. They were quite indistinct, and were perlshahlypcrishably endear her memory to our hearts luIn this world, glorious victory against tlio enemy, who boasted black cloth, as were also the insides of the two orange. She said, “ Of course I would," and andud constituteronstltu' bright ' ' ’ ' links In tho chain...... of that sympathy " immediately took in Her hand omi that lie offered not recognized. They looked anxiously round w hichIilcii in the world to como shall bind together ull kindred of their ability to ride down nncf crush out our doors. The air being thus shut out from the souls. her, and that was the last seen of that orange. tlie room, as if expecting to find some friend. Jlesolved, That copies or theso Resolutions bo forwnnl- cause in Philadelphia. I remained in their midst little closet, the necessity of tlie air holes through Hut the next one, which was very distinct, was and’commanded a hearing. * the wood partition was apparent. Through tlie To questions put to her by Dr. Child and ed, Tor publication, to tho spiritual press throughout tho Mrs. Holmes, it seemed to amuse her greatly to recognized at once by a Mrs. Mi— , who sat near country. As soon as the result of my husband’s treat­ one of three two doors which''faced the specta­ me, as Her husband’s. Another lady recognized (Signed) Ai.onzo Dankoiith, Conductor, ment is ascertained, and my present necessities tors, at Hie height of some five feet from the reply, “ Yes, you stupid,” or; “ No, you stupid,” Mits, Sarah H autsen, Guardian. or "You stupid Dr, Child,”-or “ You stupid him also. Entertainment.—This Lyceum gavoafliio exhibition of relieved, I shall once more to tlio breach and do lloor, was a circular aperture of window, about Then came, for tlio first time, a very striking battle for tlie cause, against all gainsayers wlmt- ten inches in diamet'er, at which the faces were Jenny Holmes." , A' tlio histrionic and musical powers of Its members on tlio fnce; It was that of a man.Witli a black beard, evening of Friday, April 30tli, at Rochestor Hall; soever. to bo seen. A bhiek'eiirtiiin hung on the inside Dr. Child told me she had appeared for tlie first time two evenings before, announcing Iier- 1 and moustache, and witli a fierce look about the 1 which occasion * vocal harmony was. furnished. . . by the I, wiio could never say no to tlie needy, now in of it, which was drawn aside just before a face eyes. It was oval in shape, witli considerable turn ask that wiiieii I was ever ready to mete out presented itself, • . self as “ Katie King,” saying, “ Flora Cook, m y Misses Saunders, Cora Stone and Cora Hastings; a fine color, and, excepting Katie King’s, was tlio most series of tableaux was executed; W. II. Partridge and to others. I do not ask you, friends, to give, hut The most, searching examination o f: this sanc­ medium in 'London,' is sick to day, but not very ill"; tlmt the next evening she came again, anil life-like and real in its appearance and move-1 Lizzie J. Thompson gave recitations; and two farces: to loan out of your abundance what you can tum, which was -usually made by invitation just ments of all that we had seen. Tlio face was not Tho Dolly Vnrden 11 antT “ The Value of Domestic spare, until such time when I can once more before tlie sitting commenced, both on the par- asked liiin to "write to Willie Harrison of tlie London ‘Spiritualist,’ and tell liiin she wns Here indicative of much culture or intelligence. The Knowledge, ” wero-well performed—characters by MIbscs labor and repay dollar for dollar. lor and on the bedroom side of the board parti­ head was covered by a white turban, nnd a white S. M. Adams, Cora A. Stone, Cora Hastings, Eva Pratt, Fraternally yours, tion, failed to detect tlm.. slightest Indication of in Philadelphia, nnd tlmt lie (Dr. Cliijd) lmd seen her twice.” handkerchief .wns round his mouth. No one re­ Helen Klttrcdgo, Lizzie J. Thompson, Belle Perkins, J e n n ie F e r r is H o l m e s . any trap, wire, or other arrangement for the use cognized him, and lie retired. Presently -we Bertie Lovejoy, nnd Mrs. May Biggs, and Messrs. W . II. Vineland, N. J., April 27,1875. of machinery!or fur deception. The first two or Dr. C,—"Katie, I have written a letter to Mr. Harrison, as you desired.” : shall see who lie wns. ‘ Partridge, W. S’. French, Benjamin P. ‘Weaverand Geo g<) three evenings I attended, 1 made a careful ex­ Thun-came Katie King, as pretty, sprightly J I. Pratt. ;The occasion ended pleasantly by dancing, amination myself, and on i one occasion jointly, ,Katie—“ 1 ‘thank you for writing to him. I wish you would write to my medium and tell nnd amusing lis ever. She was presented with Jcpsou's Band furnishing tho music. The attendance -'Willij i ..professional magician, a pupil of Blitz, O N MIRACLES ( her to come here. ; Tell her I 'in.'here. Direct.to five oranges in succession. As usual, several of was good, and everything passed off well as todetnllB. who tidil me .lie. ivav perfectly satisfied th a t‘'there them ..were caught by little hahds'suddenly thrust | Poston Spiritualists' Union.— On the evening of Sun­ AND was no chance forilii v lrick'lhere.” Miss Flora" (sic) " K. Cook, No. 0 Brace, villas, day, May 2d, the usual conference w*as held by tills Society Richmond road, London, Last.” out of tlio window. ; dust before. tho W tting commenced skeptics . I liad written my name on a blank card, which a t Rochester Hall. Speeches wore made by Miss Lizzie were invited to 'examine the bedroom, which She then, at Dr. Child’s request, allowed him Doten, John Wetherbcc, Dr. 11. B. Storer, Mr. Rhoades to 'handle' a curl of Her linir. lie told, us it felt I linnded to Her, requesting lier to write on it. Modern Spiritualism. done,.tlie only door leading into it, that oh the In one of lier reappearances, a few initiates after­ and others, Tho attendance was good, and tho interest stair-landing,‘whs Melted by Mrs. Holmes, who precisely like fine, silky human hair. clearly, sustained, * ' Dr Child asked her how siie liked Professor ward, she returned it to me through Dr. Child. retaini'd the key, anil Who then took her seat in John A. Andrew Hall,— The regular servlcos occurrod at BY ALFRED B. WALLACE, F.R. G. 8., FiZ. 8., Ac., Crookes. Siie answered, “ lie ’s' all nonsense. The following was writteh in pencil on theblank thlsplaceon the afternoon and evonlng of Sunday, May 2d, . front of tlie sanctum, remaining there in full side.: . ■' ".! Author of “Travels on the Amazan and Rin Negro," view during the'entire'sitting. The other parlor He's an old maid. He lias been plaguing thy Mrs, Sarah A. Floyd officiating ns trance medium. medium! I don't like him, with his; -wires “ Very truly, ., Investigator H all,—-‘‘My Creed” was the subject upon “ Palm Trees o f the Amaeon,". “ The MaTtiv door, opening, on the landing, was then locked ? Katie King.”. Archipelago," r salo wholesale and retail by COLBY & RICH, at Dr. head, and a white hnndkerchief round his mouth. ” No. n Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower opened: the doors, wiiieii 1 always found un­ t'.—“ Mary, did Dice expect to sec tliy.fa- was commenced In this hall Sunday evening, May 2d. lloor), Boston, Mass,______• ' ‘ hooked, immediately on its being announced by tlier and mother this evening?” Tlie Doctor told her he had written to Mr. Quttonlargo audience assembled; Dr. A. II. Richardson raps from the inside that the exhibition .of. faces Mary nodded yes. Owen, as she requested, but had not yet heard made the opening address or the evening; after which THE ■ was over, ntnl''invariably found-him thus sealed, Dr. 6'.—They were obliged to go home before from him. Shesaid, “ lie hasn’t received your Mrs. M. C. Bagicy, who Isa great favorite as a medium, ■ with ids head bent down, and apparently just tlie face-sitting began. They were very sorry to letter yet.” spoke and'gave tests, entertaining the audience for nearly L Y C E n n s t a g e :: Tlie moment tlie sitting was over, I asked Mr, waking from a sound sleep. In niiswer to my leave before seeing time, but they will be here one hour and a half very acceptably. Singing was furnish­ A COLLECTION OF without fail at tlie next sitting." Holmes to write tlie words “ Very truly, Katie , inquiries lie said that usually lie was.entranced ed during the evening by a quartette choir, w ho kindly Contributed, Compiled and Orlglna^ immediately on taking ids seat, and was never ■Mary bent lier head with a sad and disappoint­ King ” on a piece of paper. Ho did so at once. volunteered their Rorviccs for tlio occasion. Meetings will < conscious of wlint took place around him till lie ed look, and withdraw‘for a moment. On reap­ On comparing it with the same words on the bo held In tills -hall every Sunday evening through the Recitations, Dialogues, Eairy Plays, wits -waked at the close of tlie sitting. pearing siie accepted with visible pleasure a card, Mr. Holmes’s writing was found to be more month of May, with Mrs. Bagley as medium. The sitting for faces followed the dark one for iarge 'bouquet-, in paper, from the hand of Dr. carefully done ; but the general form of the two Mrs, M. C. Bagley and Frank T. Ripley, trance test me­ etc., “ physical-manifestations,” to which tlie first Child, thanking him with.a graceful nod. She capital Ks wns tlie same in both. On tlie other diums, will held circles, for tests only, at Room 84, W aver- ADAPTED FOR THE CHILDREN’S PROGRESSIVE part of the evening was devoted, and was al­ appeared once or twice again, showing, the bou­ hand, “ Katie” was spelled by Mr. Holmes ly House; entrance at No. 7 (ladles' entrance). Circles LYCEUM AND SCHOOL EXHIBITIONS. “ K a ty ." ways ill the light. Hut the single gas burner was quet in her hand. every Tuesday evening until further notice. BY G. WHITFIELD KATES. . turned partly down ; it being found that tlie Her face wns very distinct, and it lmd more The sitting of May 20th was at four o’clock r. m . Dr. and Mrs. Noble were present, and tlie Tills Is a much needed and valunblo contribution to tlio faces were seen more plainly, in this Half light; color than Katie King’s. Hut there was a rigid N e w first face that appeared was ‘the lovely one of Publications. exorcises of tho Lyceum. Tho lessons inculcated by the and moreover,It was stated, a full light would ity in tlie features that contrasted strikingly T he Atlantic for May—It. O. Houghton & Co., cor- recitations and plays aro practical and moral, and tho dia­ be painful, to the “ spirits,” besides rendering with the mobility of Katie's.' At the subse­ their daughter, who nodded to them both, and logues sprightly and entertaining. Selections can readily afterward kissed lier hand to lier mother, who ncr Beacon and Somerset streets, Boston, publishers—Is be made from tills volumo sufflefent to constitute an even­ their ‘.‘materializations” imperfect. quent sittings of this special circle her parent. filled'with a choice array of matter^ in which both prose ing's exhibition, and- children of all ages will find appro­ The first sitting I attended was oil tlie eveniiig •Dr. and Mrs. Noble, never failed to come and liad brought lier a large bouquet, in the centre of and verse appropriately combine. John G. Whittier's priate pieces for recitation. which was a lily. "M ary,” said Mrs. Noble, Prlco 50cents, postage5 cents. ______. of May 14. 'There were over twenty-five persons bring her flowers, of wiiieii Mrs. Noble told me poem—” Lexington, 1775'’—which wo gave our readers In For salo wholesale and retail by COLBY & RICH, at present, among them a few ladies. A few mo­ siie lmd been always very fond. Siie said also, “ does thee see thy grandmother on the other our last issue, “ The Pino and the W alnut,” by Thomas No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner b f Provluco street (lower ments after Mr. Holmes had entered the cabinet in answer to my inquiry, that she could not be side?” She nodded yes. “ Will thee give her B. Aldrich, and "A m alfi,” by H. W. Longfellow, aro lloor), Boston, Mass. ‘ • •______< the curtain' was drawn aside, and tlie face of an mistaken as to her .daughter's identity. She tills bouquet?” Mary made some signs not at specimens of versification which will meet tho unqualified Nominis Umbra. elderly gentleman with a gray heard presented added that she died two years ago, at tlie age of first understood, but it soon appeared that siie approbation of all lovers of the beaut!ful in language; itself at tlie window. A Mr." Wilson who wns eighteen. wished to give lier only tlie lily. Mark Twain still details tbo trials attending tho "cub present .recognized liiin at once ns His father. The next face was that of a boy, rather indis­ “ Will thee take the‘lily out to give to her?” pilot” on tho Mississippi; John Brown's " Virginia Cam­ T H E I j IFE. . Several other persons .confirmed this reeogni- tinct, nnd very much bandaged. Dr. Child re­ Mary intimated tlmt siie would, and then with­ paign” Is continued by F. B, Sanborn; and William M. Tho main object of this little volumo 1b to give to sug­ '.' tion. Oil being'asked if it ivas mft Mr. Wilson, cognized it. as tlmt of II. Ashe, who had died drew. But in a minute or sOsSlie reappeared with Baker, Celia Thaxter, S. J. Barrows, Henry James, J r ., gestive teaching a recognition and a force (In the domain of the bouquet, intimating that) she had not power religion and morals) greater than dictation has. It an­ the head nodded assent, and soon after with­ very recently; whose aunt, who was present, W. I). Ilowells ami others contribute to a supply of good nounces a system of lire. I t announces a few primal prin­ drew. .Tills face-appeared repeatedly at subse­ seemed to recognize Him also. enough to extract tlie lily from it, and assented things, which Is fittingly set off by tho regular depart- ciples which can hardly bo denied by any one, and endeav­ to her mother's offer to extract it for her. Mrs. mentsof "A rt,” "Music,” and "Education.” ors to show how, from adherence to those principles, every quent sittings, and wns invariably recognized ns Tlie next face, a man’s, was recognized by sev­ life will grow Into sj inmetry—Into harmony with itsoJr in . that of Mr. Wilson by more or less of the persons eral-persons present. It was distinct, but rigid Noble took the bouquet (mm lier daughter and T ub Galaxy for May—Sheldon & Co., 077 Broadway, this life and in the great hereafter. It Is sent forth to tho present. and white, like plaster. attempted to draw out thelily ; but she tried in Now York city, publishers—contlnuo9 "Leah,” by Mrs. world by its author aud his associates, as the profaco Indi­ vain to accomplish it, and was finally obliged to cates, without the hope or possibility oC pecuniary profit to Tlie next face was very distinct. It,was that Tlie next was a very striking one ; the-head Annie Edwards, "Dear Lady Disdain,” by Justin Mc­ them—small fruit of soinQQf the-principles it alms to in­ of an elderly man with gray whiskers, and was and features remarkably large, and of a dark unwind the wire witli which the bouquet was Carthy, and "A Norseman’s Pilgrimage,” by Hjalntar culcate. recognized at once by a gentleman present, ashen color. Tills person, Dr. Child said, Had bound. Mary then took the lily and disappeared. Hjorth Boyesen; Its miscellany Is or marked value and Price50cents, postagoGcents. . t Mrs. Wilson’s father then appeared; then a Mrs. For sale wholesale and retail by the publishers, COLBY nam ed W ntford, as his brother, to wlio.se recog- appeared at a previous sitting. This evening, attractiveness —Do Forest, Bourdillon, Piatt, Mary B. & RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province . nitioli lie nodded in assent, before withdraw­ being asked his name, be whispered very audi­ X ----- , a cross-eyed person, wns recognized by Dodge, and other favorites, giving of their best. Tbo de­ street (lower floor), Boston, Mass. ing lie answered several questions by nods of the bly, “Bahmohun Roy.” lie also, at the Doc- Mrs. Dr. Noble, and by others. Then came Mr. partments aro up to tho usual hlglrstandard. bend. This face also reappeared repeatedly at tor'srequest, stretched hislmnd out of theaperture. Watford’s brother. Finally came tlie face that A. M’illiamb & Co., 135 Washington (corner School) subsequent sittings. At tlie last but one 'Mr. Next appeared a face distinct, but quite color­ lmd appeared the evening before, and which sticct, Boston, forward us ScuinNKH's I llustrated BANNER OF LIGHT:. Katie King lmd told us was her father’s. Dr. Watford'brought a photograph of his deceased less, which was immediately recognized by a and St. Nicholas for May, which they offer for sale. A PO rlllAR FAMILY PAPER, Child asked Him if he could not speak to us. He Both of theso excellent magazines are brimful of pleas­ brother, dressed in uniform, and taken daring lady who sat next to me as that of her husband, AND AN EXPONENT OF THE ______ami who exclaimed, “ Jam es!” Tlie face nodded said, “ Yes, sir, I am just ready for that now.” ure for their readers. "Tho Baltimore Bonapartes,” illus­ the war. Although tlie face nt the window wns SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE NINETEENTH paloeven'to whiteness, it was .impossible not to to Her in assent, and withdrew. He spoke in His natural voice, which was gruff trated, leads off the table of contents of the first-named see an exact resemblance between.the twp, not Then came tlie sprightly and attractive fnce of and old-sailor-like. In answer to questions he monthly, and many fine articles follow—that on "T h o CENTURY. . only in tlie features, but in tlie expression, which Katie King. She talked with us a long time, said lie was really Sir Henry Morgan, though Elder Myths” being especially worthy of mention; St perhaps half nn hour; though, ns before stated, generally known as John King. “ Would he Nicholas has for a frontispiece "Tho Knight and tho PUBLISHED WEEKLY was peculiar. Castle,” from adoslgn by Gustavo Dor6, and follows it up Tlie next face was rather long, pale, and continually withdrawing her face for a few mo­ come out into the room?” “ He would when­ AT NO. 0 MONTGOMERY PLACE, BOSTON, MASS. ments, and presently appearing again. As usual, ever tlie circle was just right.” Some of us ex­ with many choice engravings, serlousand comic; tho illus­ COLBY & RICH, sunken. It was that of n young man with brown trated article on heraldry Is ono eminently worthy tho liair’and blue eyes, the mouth ami chin and top of she repeatedly called -us^* stupid,” smiling'mis­ pressed a wisli tlint lie would do so then ; but Dr. m bM iheri and Proprietors* Child-thought it would not yet be prudent, as attention of old as well as young readers. th e head covered w ith a neatly-folded w hite band­ chievously, and putting up her chin whenever usiness anager T he Herald of Health for May—Wood & Holbrook, I saac b . Ric h ...... B M . age. He looked about among tlie spectators and she said th is or anything else, amusing. any. nervous sltock among members of the circle Luther Oolby...... ed ito r, then fixed his eyes on me. Questioned by l)r. “ Will you have some oranges?” asked the might reiict injuriously on tlie medium. publishers, 13 and 15La!gbt street, New York—has.come to Aided by a large corps o f able writers, Child, lie answered by nods that it was to me lie Doctor. “ Of course I will, ” she answered. Before leaving lie said, “ Katie will not be here hand. This lively monthly Is, as Its namo signifies, de­ today; she is engaged at a sitting in London voted to tho spread of hygienic Information, and In this THE BANNER OF LIGHT Is a first-class, ciglit-page came to show himself. I told him I did not rec­ The Doctor then produced six oranges, and ITe- Family Nowspaper, containing forty columns of in - gan putting them into Her hands, which she held In fact, it being then about five o’clock r. m in connection assumes advanced reformatory ground as to ognize him. He then raised Ids hand and pulled medical remedies, dietetic laws, etc., etc. TEItKSTINO AND INSTRUCTIVE HEADING, em bracing down the bandage a little, disclosing a dark out to receive. Hut all at once appeared several Philadelphia, it must have been about half-past LITERARY DEPARTMENT. T he Rapid W r it e r , for April, put forth at Andover REPORTS OF SPIRITUAL LECTURES...... moustache. I still failed to recognize him, and other pretty and delicate hands, under hers, ten in tlie evening in London ; and tlie sittings ORIGINAL ESSAYS—Upon Spiritual, Philosophical an d . witli a sad expression lie withdrew. These some of which evidently belongedKtd very'Jittle there nt wiiieii siie appeared usually lasted, we Mass., amt Chicago, III., by a company of the same name, Scientific Subjects. _ were informed, till eleven. gives much matter of Importance concerning-that most EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. heads,'and-nll those subsequently seen (with one children. These eagerly grasped the oranges, SPIRIT-MESSAGE DEPARTMENT—Mrs. J. H. Co- exception) were covered in a greater or less de­ securing three or four of them; when oranges [Concluded in our next issue.] worthy- Bystem of short-hand invented by David Philip gree with a white-bandage. On inquiry I re­ and’ hands at once disappeared. Afterward Lindsieyi which is denominated tachygraphy; among tho Ou1?/iNALllCo‘NTRIBUTIONS from tho mosttalonted ceived this explanation: That tlie process of ma­ Katie reappeared and linnded out to Mrs. Holmes contents of tho present number will bo found twelve writers In tho world, otc., etc. Another Triumph in Materialization pages of engraved tachygraphlc excrclseB which will bo of terialization is a chemical one, requiring on tlie one of (lie oranges, and also a bouquet of pnlpa- TERM8 OF, SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE. nly earthly flowers,fbut whence obtained no one We have been informed that, at Mr. Ronald’s special interest to the Btudont. part of the spirit much practice and skill; Hint P er Y e a r...... tlie first attempts are generally quite imperfect; knew. seance, witli Messrs. Bastiau and Taylor, on N ew Music.-W o have received from tho publishers, Nix H o n lln ...... tlint the utmost that can usually be done at first Two of us were looking at her through opera Tuesday evening, tlio spirit-form led out the W. H. Kwald & Bro., 130 Newark Avo., Jersey City, N Three M on th ...... 70 is to materialize only such parts of tlie face as J ., tho following choice compositions by Harrison Millard W Postage fifteen cents per pear, which must accompa­ glasses. “ Tell those stupid men, ” she impa­ medium, Mr. Bastiau, so tlint both appeared in to wit: "Tho Flower's Decision,” "I Lovo Thee, ny the subscription. would,aufflee to make it recognizable, tlie parts tiently snid to Dr. Child, “ to put away those full view of the audience, rendering tlio te s t of tlie "Tho Gardcu Gate,” "Only Mine,” "My Galloping In rem itting by mall, a Post-Ofilco Money-Ordor on Bos­ Imperfectly materialized being covered from things they are looking through.” The Doctor ton, f.r a D raft on a Bank or Banking House In Boston or genuineness of the manifestation complete. The Steed, ” "W ho Knows?” Bongs, and "A yo M arla,” sa­ New York Ulty, payable totho Order of C othY ft RICH, is view ; anil moreover,, that tlie parts of tlie body explained to her that, being near-sighted, we cred music. not perfectly materialized are painfully sensi­ preferable to Bank Notes, since, Bliould the Order or Vrnii could not see her plainly without them, nnd nsk- medium was not tied, and the spirit gave its own From the publisher* F. W. Ilelmlck & Co„ 278 West 0th bo lost or stolon, It can bo renewed w ithout loss to tne tive to the light, which disorganizes them. ed if she would not consent to let us use them. test—a much more satisfactory one than could street, Cincinnati, Ohio, we have received "Sadie Dar> ft Tlie first two faces were wholly destitute of a Subscriptions discontinued at the expiration of the time “ Yes," she replied, with good-humored toBS of he otlierwise devised.—London Medium and Day­ ling,” song and chorus; words by J. T. Rutledge, music paid for. ... color, and might have been taken for beads in her head. i break. by Charlie Baker. Specimen toptee tent fret.