COLBY & EICH, i 83,00 Por Annum, Y O L . X X X Y . Fublishers and Proprietor*. ) B O S T O N , S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2«, 1874. In Advnnco, 1 N O . 2().

Itanner Contents. We must exercise the largest charlt-yfot' the moral weak­ properties, avails nothing, although everybody can satisfy whose credibility must lie well known ill tlmt city nt least, First Paafi: “ Tho l*roof Paljmbloof Immortality,“ by KpesSargent, ness that led to such an attempt by theoiediums. Only lie himself upon these points as I did. lie came to tlie Eddys' in May, expecting to remain only ft !' Tin* Hist iinpiesslmi-is that there ts some trickery ; for to continued. iVecorui: ltanncr Correfpomlem’o from various localities; who has experienced the suffering of extreme destitution Is few days, tint his experiences have been so satisfactory Hint “ Hook on Mediums;” ” l'rof. Tyndall’s Address beforo tbo Hiltlsh /?«• think otherwise is to do violence to tlie world's traditions I lie is still here, lie first saw till1 Spirit of his brother's sou, poclatlon.'” Third: Same concluded; ‘‘SpIrltuallnveRtjgatlons In Cal­ qualified to estimate their temptation. from the beginning until now ; besides which tlie feeling of. ! whn.was hilled in tlie army, ami afterward Ids mother, Ills cutta;” Poom—” Demoerltus at Itelfast.” FourtK: heading Kdltorlals In a letter to the N. Y. Sun, dated Chittenden, Vermont, terror is lessened by the apparition being seen by eacli person sister's husband, two of tier’sons and one son-in law, ami ids on “ Hollef nnd Unbeller,” “ Gold and Indians,” etc. F ifth : Itrtef the vlllnge where the Eddy family reside, Sept. 2, 1874, Col. in.-oiiiiipsny'wlth numerous oilier mortals like himself, and brother's miii. lie lias seen 'four or live female spirits eari y- Paragraph«, Now Advertisements, etc. Sixth: Spirit Messages; Poem— Henry S. Olcott, a well-known journalist of New Y'ork, gives thé locked bauds nnd touching shoulders on eaeli side soon ing children in their anus', and, setting them on tin* Iloor, ” T)ie sbaltbo Free,” by William Ilrunton; “ InehUmtsof Travul- beget confidence. If th e.shape is recognized it hows nnd re­ lead them about by tile Imnd. lie lias seen the children, ill A Down Grade,” by Warren Chase; Public Meetings, etc. Seventh: Hook an account which carries internal evidence of sincerity, com­ tires', sometimes niter addressing words In an audible whis­ some eases clasp their arms about tlieir mothers* necks. Once and other advertfsements. Eighth: “ Pearls;” “ National Mass Meet­ petency, nnd careful observation of the phenomena. The fol­ per or a natural voice, ns tlie case .may be, to its friends, an Indian woman brought in her papoose, swaddled-in the ing of Hadlcals;” “ New Publications;” “ Spiritualist lectures and lowing dingrnm will give an idea of the ropm where most of sometimes not. Indian fashion, nnd lie heard it cry. An Indian girl brought Lyceums,1' etc. ' the occurrences which lie relates took place: “ After an interval of two nr three minutes the curtail! is in a robin perched on her finger, which Implied and chirped again lifted, and ¡mother form,-quite different in sex, gait, as naturally ns life. ' . . costume, complexion, length and arrangement of Imlr, height “ Mr. 1’. saw a inollier spirit wall: In tlie front of tlie plat­ THE PROOF PALPABLE OF IMMORTALITY. ■ r " T ii] and breadth of body, nnd apparent age, comes forth, to lie form and hold imr Imlie over (lie railing toward the audience, . I i» i f followed in torn by others and others, until after an hour or so Dial they could see il kick its little legs, move its amis anil BV EPESMIHIENT. II so the session Is brought- to il close, ami the medium reappears hear it crow. Again, on anolher evening,'three little girls, witli haggard eyes ami nppnrenlly much exhausted. appareully four, six and eight years of age respectively, stood [ Continued from our Inst issue. ] “ In the three séances 1 have attended I have seen shapes side by side ill tlie iloor of tlie cabinet, mid the eldest calling J of Indian, men* and women mitli white persons,.old amt to IierTuotlier in the audience, spoke Iter own name, “ Min­ . ~ ■ CHAPTER XI. „ young, paeli in a different dress, to tlie iimnlicr of thirty-two ; nie." No William Eddy in this instance, surely. Mr. Pritch­ The lato Robert Chambers, the well-known Scottisli pub­ IK . K l and I. am told by respectable persons who lmve been'here a ard 1ms heard the spectres speak in all voices, from the fainU IK "• K 1 long while tlmt tlie number averages about twelve a night. est whisper to a full, natiiral voice. As regards costumes, lie lisher and author, was a thoughtful investigator of the spirit- i* Tlie Eddys lmve sat continuously for nearly a year,-and are ims seen tlie foniis clot lied In what appeared to.lie silk,'cot­ 1 .' ■ . - 1 ' tial'phenomena. During his last visit to America, I Introduced l . .wenried ill body and mind by the' incessant drain viipon tlieir ton, merino, and tarletun, soldiers in iiiiiforiii, one navy cj)l)- him to the séances for physical manifestations, given by Miss . 4-. , ' !• , ' vital force, which is said to lie inevitable in these phenomena. tain in full uniform, and wearing! ids side arms, women lit Jenny Lord,* and lie was thoroughly satisfied as to their re­ ii * ; “ For want of a better explanation I limy as well state tlmt plain rolies nnd-richly embroidered, Indian warriors in a they claim that tlie manifestations are produced by a hand of great variety of costumes, some barefoot and others shod In markable ami genuine character. - spirits, organis'd' with a special director, mistress of eereimi- nioceasins. Once a pipe was lighted and luvndcd 16 llonto, In his introduction to the autobiography of Mr. I). D. ■ 0 nies, chemist, assistant chemist, and dark and light circle op­ who walked aliout smoUing,it, and at eaeli whiff.her bronze nome, the well-known medium, Mr. Chambers lias the fol- erators.” face was illuminated so tlmt every lineament.was shown. t lowing pregnant and suggestive remarks: “ The idea is now Col. Olcott describes these spirits, and of one of tlmm, an She came mid smoked in ids very face to give him .a perfect It Indian girl, lie says ; r ' . . . view’of her own.' arising that the cause of ilio undlminished darkness overhang­ ft Out of- tlie mass of testimony.I lmve noted in my memo­ ing all that relates to a state of existence after this life, may “ Ilouto is about five feet five, Inches high, awell-made, randum 1 will oiily quote In addition wlmt Mr, Itncoii says,ns be, that the right track has never yet been entered on ; that the MM buxom girl, of dark copper complexion, atjd with long black iliis, luidi’il'tii wliat, Ims .preceded, should sullice to nt least hair. Slit! is very agile and springy lu gait, graceful in move­ facts really affording in this direction materials for inductipn clear William Eddy from the suspicion of^-producing tlie phan­ ment, and evidently a superior person of her class. '• At. my tom shapes by changes of Voice and dress. John llitenii 2d.of have hitherto been disregarded ; that they nevertheless abound ; ■ A ' second séance, site in my.presence."readied up to the,hare .St. Jnhnsbury, Yt ,.is an associate Justice of tlie county cmlrt ‘and tlmt a higher enlightenment will cause attention tobe, while, wall and pulled out a piece of gauzy fabric, about four A—Kntrnneo door: 11 11 It—Windows: C—l'latform: 11—Chimney; of C'aleilonia emmty. . lie came, hero August 22d, 1S74, to see turned to them-and reveal their profound significance K—Cabinet: F—Window; (i—liliiilr where medium sits; II—Ulialr out­ ynrds long, which parted from the' plastering with a click, us 'the phenomena; The first evening lie saw the Hjiirit of liis If tho end lintl been glued to it; Site hung it over tlie railing IIow true is all tills ! In ancient times, before the positive side ealiluel: 1—Taille; J—Slips; K K-Cl Kill's; I, 1,—Two lienches; father, wlio died fnrjy-eight years ago. lteeognKed llini'by M—Small stand on -which a kerosene lamp »lands. •to show iis iis texture, and then threw it into tlie cabinet* At Ids shape.; The1 form was. dressed in dark dollies, with a and Inductive sciences, which the nineteenth century has de- Tills npnrtment is forty-eight* by sixteen feet, with three either end of the platform site plucked, as if from tlie air standing siiirt. collar ami while shirt.' -lit* was ImreJiemted. ■ vclopcd, had opened new reaims of thought and discovery, itself, knitted shawls,, which she opened and-shook,' and Vlpdows on each side. At the west end Is a raised platform .Standing erect lie towered to .theheight of six feet ope inch, men hardly discriminated between the ordinary phenomena passed behind the curtain. Then descending tlie steps io the and called.his son by his tJhiTstiun imme, speaking in liLs fa­ the width of the room, about twq feet high by four broad, iloor of tlie room, she pulled another from under lioralio Ed­ of Naturo and. those which indicate a direct spirit origin miliar innos. 'His lii'eailiing Was 'distinctly perceived in tins reached by three steps of about ten inches rise. Butwcon the dy's, chair,-.where I lmd seen nothing hut, -the hare Iloor a / Both classes of phenomena being equally mysterious to the ae( of speaking. Besides him. tlie Judge Ims seen .one sister, kitchen chimney, which*Is in theiniddle, and the right hand moment before. Then returning .to the plat form, she danced fifty-three years (if age at Ihe time of her decease, and anoth­ ignorant, a misleading superstition, fatal to all scientific pro­ to tlie accompaniment of the violin, after which site reentered wall is a small cupboard or closet, lathed' and plastered, with er of only three years ; ids wife's father ami mother (tlie lat­ gress, drew men away from the rational exploration and the cabinet and was gone.' Let it be noticed that tills creature ter wore a light dress .mid a - white, cap; she .Is a very short a very narrow door; six feet and one-inch high, opening from study of occurrences indicating spirit power and prevision. lmd the shéuldcrs, bust and. hips of a woman, a woman's hair woman, not aboVo live feet in lii'lglit); mid finally ills own tlie platform, and a single window for purposes of ventila­ ànd féminine ways, and that .she least four inches Wo must except such great thinkers ns Plato, Aristotle, Cice soil,(whose (lyntii Ims elsewhere'been alluded to. By.actual tion. This closet is till) 'cabinet in \Vhich the-medium sits. A shorter tlinn William Eddy,'who measures five feet nine count kept, he lias seen sixty-six different spirits to date (tjept. ro.and Plutarch; but the general scientific culture was not inches, and weighs one hundred and seventy-four pounds. light hand-rail runs from side' to side of the room at..the edge 2d, 1874).” . , / ' sufficient to make their, explanations level to tlio'popular un­ “A very estimable old lady of the neighborhood, a Mrs. of the plgtform'. According to Col. Olcott lie lmd an interview with Andrew derstanding. : • Cleveland, told me .that- one evening, some doubt being ex­ . The Eddy family, originally, twelve in number,, arc now pressed ns Pi Honto’s sex, she beckoned my informant to the. Jackson Davis before going to Chittenden,mid In reply to In mcdltovaT times, when witchcraft was rampant, men reduced by marriage.,and death to five—three sons and; two platform, opened her own dress, and çnusèit lier to place lier Col. Olcott’s question how lie could neenunt fortho lmpnrln- were no better off. A narrow hut imperious theology, and a ii'aiid upon'{jin naked bosom, and feel tlie .heating of lier heart.. 'daughters. The gfèat-grandmntlicr pit the female side was tion'of life. to. these temporary1'organisms, so tlmt tlie heart' state-craft, bound in priestly fetters, made It dangerous for a Mrs..Cleveland certifies tlmt shifts indeed a woman, and in condemned to death in Salem in 1034, for witchcraft. Site es­ can, tic felt to heat and tlie oilier physical operations lie car­ man to prosocuttf researches' Into thé “ ill-famed land of the tlie action of her hen ■ i Urn inspiration and tlie expiration of caped tlie.gnllows, however, by being rescued from the jail luir lungS, iiivl temperature of iter skin, as substantial and ried on, Mr. Diiyls said he had no explanation 16 offer, and marvelous.” by lier frie ds. lifelike twi/hv woman site over laid lmnd upon; Itw ill nlso left tlie riddle for,the diselples of Comte and Tyndall to solvo, If even In óur own day, so enlightened a man as Professor bo recollected that' Mrs. Florence-Marryutt was Chittenden, where the Eddys reside, is soven miles north lie said tlmt Vnrley-, the English electrician, wrote to him re­ Tyndallf is yet so besotted with prejudice as to attempt to warn permitted to feel Katie King’s body in like manner In Lon­ from;Rutland, and tlioy live in a gloomy furm-housç a cen­ cently to ask where was tlie connecting link between matter off investigators by denouncing Spiritualism as “ degrading” don, and tlmt corroborates Mrs. Cleveland’s. tury old, shaded by trees whose dense foilngo makes the dark “At m y . third' séance, tlie same old lady -being present, nnd. spirit, lie replied tlmt 11 was just uppnjjie plane of (as if thè knowledge of, any .fact of Gòd!s universe were de­ brown structure appear more sombre nnd Inhospitable. liante .called lier up, and instantly forming one of lier shad­ these'hmterinliza(ion.s, where spirit (lescernleil toward matter, grading !),ho\v can we wòilder at the persecution which '“ There Is nothing about the Eddys or tlieir surroundings,” owy shawls, pulled it apparently from thiiback of Mrs. Cleve­ and matter ascended toward spirit, the point of contact would checked all rational inquiry into spiritual phenomena two land's neck. Blie-also, it almost seemed as if to answer the says Col; OlcOtt, “ to inspire confidence on first acquaintance. he found.: 'There-are cl,solids-;.2, fluids; 3, atmospheres; 4, centuries ago ! ’ -doubt in my mind, stood beside tlmt lady, who is of the aver­ The brothers Horatio nnd William,-who arc thé present, medi­ age height of lier sex, and showed that she (Ilonlo) is jiist pthers; 7b essences '(the imponderable (lisMIled out of tlie There t/ulyTms not been,« time'.in. the world’s history till ums, are sensitive, distant; and curt to strangers, look more about five feet four qr five-'inches' high. .Before' retiring oil; whole’.universe of matter). Matter is at its oiinmx of progress now when it wats "wholly safe for h man to investigate the like liard-worldng,' rough farmers than prophets or priests of tills occasion, she danced witli Mrs. Clevqlaiidas a partner. there. Then takes: place the alliance o f -spirit, and at tills facts, really affording, as Robert Chambers remarks, mate­ “ One of the most amazing sights J lmve beheld'in this a new dispensation, have dark complexions, black hair and sensitive place oeenr. all ■these apparitions. The spirij lifts rials fo r induction in relation to á state of existence after this memorable vnention visit was the appearance of an aged lady, eyes, stiff joints, a clumsy carriage, shrink from advances, and clad in white,'who''emerged from Ih'c cabinet,mailed lier son matter tip to tills 'point, mid by'reducing it's-'temperature and life. make dew-comers feel ill at ease and unwelcome. The house to lier, met him near tlie steps, put lier svniis about Ids neck, motion lie evolves tlie apparition.- The reversal of- this action Bear in mind, and learn humility from the fact, ye scien­ is dark, rougit, and uninviting, tiio appurtenances of the kissed him so audibly tlmt everybody in Ihe room cniild heal', produces-tin? vanishment: of the .shape.; All forins.nml piiten- tists of the year 197S, that, .'even in our day, the-four lending it, helped 1dm clear; across the platform to The chair II, one cies''exist ill (lie nl niosphei'e, and by the 'notion of spirit upon rudest, the astounding stories ofwlint the Eddys do cxcito arm overhis-shoulder, and The other hand, holding Ids hand, professors of*Harvard University tried to put a stop to all in­ suspicion and invite distrust, and it Would not be strange if a whispering some private matters into his ear, anil again em­ tliemiill these and any other 'desired results lire attained. vestigation Into these astounding and now established phe- majority of persons attending only one séance should.:.leave, bracing him before retiring into the cabinet. The gentleman, Mr. Davis is disposed tii regard all these;lnateriiillzatiou phe­ ‘ libmena by denouncing “ any connection with spiritualistic ns did a gentleman who came here with mo, persuaded that it Mr. E. V. Pritchard, "of Albany,-says he saw ..«very wrinkle nomena ns “ feats of jugglery by expert spirits, numbers of circles, so-called ” as corrupting the morals and degrading the in his mother's face, (lie color and sparkle of lier eye, (lie color whom are deeply versed hr chemistry itful the other nature) was a colossal humbug. of her comnlexkin and lmir, anti every detail of her dress, to intellect; as tending “ to lessen the truth of man ami the “ I thought aboutas much myself at first, find it Was not until tiie very rinbulfin Iter old-fashioned clip. Fancy, for one mo­ sciences.”:—'The -phenomena, -lie tliiiiks, are “ necessary to . purity of womanjV'Tfmt Professor John Tyndall, as late as a second nnd third opportunity.had been afforded me to enter ment, being witness to a meeting between n son and ills moth­ convince niiie-tchlliS ofTlie world's people,that '.death, does not 1874, spoke of Spiriftmfisni,"(a veritable science, by the testi­ ,the circle room, to inspect the cabinet beforo nnd after the er, who comes from beyond tlie grave to see him after a lapse kill a man.'' lie considers Katie'Kihg and Ihe Eddy. of'several years! Tlie same tiling occurred to himbhfore, mony of such men ns Wallace, Fichte, Flammarion, Vnrley, performances, and I had informed myself front perfectly ns of no Importance as - individual identifications,; they are and Hare,) as “ degrading;” nnd that Professor T. II. Hux­ and tin tlmt occasion his mother having apparently overstayed simply •important ns establishing tlie general doctrine of im­ trust-worthy sources as to their antecedents, that I became her time and exhausted the force, whatever it may he, that ley, as late ns 1889, wrote ft letter to the Dialectical Society, willing to put my name to" this tale and say that, whatever materializes lier hotly, turned suddenly to leave him. mortality,-'; ' • in which lie says : “ Supposing the phenomena to be genuine, tlie source of the marvels may be, it Is certainly not the chi­ -“ As she receded-toward the curtain, site began to sink t<> But Mr..'Davis docs not regard' himself or any oilier seer ns tlie floor, ‘as,’ to use-Mr. Pritchard’s own words, ‘ a piece of they do not interest me.” canery or legerdermain of a pair of expert tlinumalurgists. infallible. His opinions m ust lie taken; for wlmt they nre If learned professors, in the full blaze of the science of the butter would melt down if placed on a hot plate,’ a'nd having worth iti view of all 'the facts. There are niuiiy-Intelligent' It suffices to leave eacli to form ids own doctrine and join with barely strength to push aside tlie shawl,'she dwarfed until latter half of the nineteenth century can he so befogged by Cicero, who in describing tlie different kinds of magic says : she was not above eighteen inches in height, when her son witnesses who wholly dissoni from tlie nolionjlmt there lire their petty prejudices and preconceptions, ns to try to blot out ‘'What we have to do with .is tlie fnets, since of tlie cnitse we -finally lost sight of iter. Onco Mr. Pritchard saw; a like ca­ no “ imlividiiar identifications ” in these' nmteriiilization pile-. the facts of Spiritualism, surely it will be easy for iis to find tastrophe happen to 11 onto, wfto ventured. t<><> far nwuyJrom nomena. l.-see no reason why tlie proofs of. identification are know little. Neither are we to ’repudiate these plienoiitcim, tlie cabinet, and entirely dissolved before she could regain it. charity in our hearts for the clerical and legal authorities who because we sometimes find them imperfect.’ ” not,as strong in tlie case of materialized spirits ns in the case As a further evidence, if any.should be required, that.Willinm (if those spirits who themselves 'oiily to the clairvoy­ advocated the slaughter of witches, hut little more tlinn a cen­ Col. Olcott says : Eddy and the Indinn girl are not identical, I again quote .Mrs; tury ago ! " The Eddys can get no servants to live in the house, and '■Cleveland,'whose word none who hinny lier will dispute, and ant'vision. Tlie question of identification is equally difficult Before concluding the testimony of our day as to the materi­ so have to do all tlie housework—cooking, washing, nnd every- who says tlmt once, when on the pint form at Ilonto’s bidding, in all its phases. :; alization phenomena, I must not omit an account of.the Eddy tliing—themselves, and as they charge nothing for séances, she grasped lier by the hand, nnd chancing, to puss the other' " Vain is it,’’ says l)r. Joiin I’. Gray,; " to.rely'hn the integ­ and but $8 per week for hoard, there is small profit and much .hand along Honto’s arm, she found,.to her liorrpr, that it iras rity and eiiildlike hhnesJ-y of the seer’s outer-life character family. Some ten years ago I satisfied myself liy personal ontg yartialtg materialized, the lmnd.s alone being perfectly work in taking boarders. They are at feml witli some of • as a protection against illusion on- this .topic of Identification ; investigation of the genuineness of their , and my their neighbors, and as n rule, not liked either in Rutland or solid. ' ■ • ; . ■ ' : convictions were not Impaired by subsequent reports that two Chittenden. lain now satisfied, after a very careful sifting "Of tlie thirty-two spirit forms I, have seen,, more than the world’s liistoiy'is full to overfiowing of tlie recorded con- of them had turned against Spiritualism, and were professing of thp matter, that tills hostility and tlie ugly stories told about three-fourths were recognized by persons present as .near rela­ trndiotlons.of seers,'” ' them are tlie result of tlieir repcllnnt manners nnd the ill tives. Tlie first evening, my eyes not liiTiigaceiistonicd to tlie There' is still a Ij'mg distance, it would seetn, bet ween tho to make antagonistic exposures. light, nor my powers of observation-trained-to watch details, name that their -room lias among a simple-minded, preju­ highest spirits nml the' .infinite intelligence; mid it is time It appears tlmt in some Western town, finding themselves diced people, and not to any moral ’turpitude on-the part of (lie spectral shapes entile and went in a confusing .manner ; utterly destitute of money and of the means of raising it, the mediums. They are in fact under the ban of a public hut the second and third séances found me prepared to sertw ' that we were iimde to realize this important tnitli.^ ln ex­ friendless and longing for home, they were tempted by some opinion tlmt is not prepared or desirous to study tlie phe­ tinize the phenomena with deliberation. posing (lie error .'of the cominhn notion ns to the infaifiliifity nomena as either scientific marvels or revelations from an­ " Tlie reader will please remember tlmt owing 16 my inhos­ of men' when’ they have passed out of tlieir. earthly surround­ unscrupulous-adviser to give exhibitions for the "exposure ” pitable reception, tin! suspicions excited by the place,.and ils - of the phenomena of Spiritualism. This they did, and they other world. ings, Spiritualism, is doing a service next to'.that.of. proving “ Many points noted in my memorandum book ns throwing sTfri'oumlings, and the astounding claims put forth-l>y. tlie got audiences and funds from the foes of Spiritualism, which suspicion upon the Eddys l ’obmit, because upon sifting them spiritual press as to the Eddy manifestations, I was on tlie immortality; The lijiitiis caused by passing from the mortal thejTcould not get from the friends. But the poor mediums I found there was an easy explanation, and I .-cheerfully ml alert todetect fraud and expose-it. As each.phantom came to tlie spiritual state is not so serious ns is generally supposed. were as helpless ns was the ancient heathen medium, Balaam, mit that my impressions of the brothers, as to tlieir honesty into view I observed its height against the door jamb, its [To be continued.'] probable weight, its movements, apparent age, style of wear­ when called upon to curse : “ now shall I curse whom God in tlie matter of tlie manifestations, ns well ns tlieir personal worth, have steadily improved since the first-day. 1 am satis- ing tlie hair, and beard if a niau, tlie nature and elaborate­ hath not cursed, or how shall I defy whom the Lord liatli not xfled, moreover, tlmt they lmve hot tlie nbilty to produce them ness of its costume, and tlie external marks of sex, as regards Spiritualism I hold to he the alone science-or philosophy defied?” if they should try, which they do not, nor tlie wardrobe nor pro­ form—nil tlie while having in mind tlie square, Dutch build tlmt is adequate to the reconciliation of nil such speculative Xo one of the marvels wrought by spirits could he exposed perties requisite to clothe the multitude of forms (estimated nt nnd heavy movements of William Eddy. 1 saw men, women opinions [referring to the cited.views of Haeckel nnd liueck- and children-come one after another beforo. me, and in’ no one, or explained by any practical exhibition of trick or skill on over 2,000) tlmt during tlie twelvemonth last past lmve ort and llusej in naturalism, theology or religion ; nay, more, emerged from the cabinet and stalked the narrow platform. instance detected tlie slightest evidence of trickery. adequate to The adjustment of the Dirmoi, uf Snc'rntes, the tlieir part ; and those persons who had hoped to see Spiritual­ “ After Some singing and dancing, the persons present nt “ Among the remarkable tests of identity coming under my fdea of Plato, the A««*'of Aristotle, the Arche of Paracelsus, ism finally shown up and exploded, went home in a sadder the seance nre invited to seat themselves on the benches, and notice was tlie appearance of a young soldier of about twen­ tlie Antmn of Stall!, tlie Cm/ito ergo sum of Descartes, nnd, to -but wiser moàd. ■\Villiam Eddy hangs a thick shawl over the door of tlie cabi­ ty years of age, the soil of Judge. Bacon of St. Johnslmry, Vt., come nearer home, the vital principle of Pritchard, tlie pri­ net, wliic.h lie enters, and sits on the chair G. The lamp is whose dentil occurred under .painful circumstances in tlie. mordial genn.of Darwin, the polar molecules of Tyndall, tlie * Now M rs. J: !.. Webb, .mil resident In Ohleajço. Sbo glvos rem ark­ turned down until only a dim light remains; tlie sitters in army, and whose name or existence even lmd not been men­ protoplasm of Huxley, nnd tlie Dioniiin carnivorous plant of able tests or spirit power ami Identity. I bave myself received some front join hands, and a violinist, placed at the extreme right tioned by ids father to any jierson about tlie place. Tlie H o n k e r dust Hint trustworthy sense-knowledge does Mod­ through her quite recently; Mr. S. S. .iones, of the Méllalo-l’lillosnplilciil Spirit was clothed in a dressing-gown, light trousers, nnd a Journal, relate* the following:' “ On tito arenine of Jimp tatti. 1874, we of tlie row and.nearest the platform, plays oil ills instrument. ern Spiritualism now demonstrate to enfli 'faithful disciple, w ith others attended ono of Mrs. W elili’s stances. Through tier m cdlmn- All is then nnxious expectation, Presently the curtain stirs, white shirt witli turn-dmvn collar. lie was instantly recog­ that the philosophers of Germany lmve hitherto lacked, to re­ Bhlp a spirit wilt materializo a hand, and w rite by It Visibly. D uring tiro nized. The night tlmt Mr. l’ritclmrd was sitting on the chair assure their hearts and of tlie everlasting spirituality of s6ance a spirit by our side wrote a communication on paper, folded It up is pushed aside, nnd a form steps out and faces the audience. and placed It In our Itami. Immediately, another spirit controlling Mrs. “ Seen in tlie obscurity, silent and motionless, appearing in II,1 two of ids nephews, dressed differently, wearing their die soul of man. Without demonstrable objective snirit- W ebb’s organs of speech, addressed us byname, saying. ’Therelsa spirit tlie character of a visitor from beyond tlie grave, it is calcu­ beards,in different ways, differing in height and appearance fornis. philosophy lias no science of soul. 'Spiritualism, there­ standing behind you; he looks as If he was seventy or eighty years old when- in a marked degree, stepped fortli and shook hands with him. ho died. Ho was alargo man nnd a mcsmcclzcr. Ho It was who wrote lated to arouse tlie most intense feelings of awe and terror in fore, however unjustly regarded by.some, as furnishing to tlie and placed the communication In your hand Just now.’ We held It until tiro minds of tlie timid; but imnniiv tlie idea is so incompre­ I sat within five yards of them, nnd saw them with entire dis­ world only a wilderness of weeds, needs tint the diligent n|V- , the gas was lighted, and then, to our loy, found It was from our old and hensible, tlie supposition so unwarrantable, even absurd, tlmt tinctness. pliratinnof scientific culture, in prineipleand practice, shortly esteemed friend, Dr. Underhill ” (with whom Mr. Jones had bad some “ The, gentleman of whom mention 1ms been previously - slight differences of opinion, resulting In ono or two unkind letters and a at first most people choose to curiously inspect the tiling as a to realize not only a garden of (lowers for the present genera­ coldness, about a year heforo the doctor’s decease). “ It read ns follows: masquerading pleasantry on the pnrt of the man they saw a made, Mr. E. V. ITitclinrd,t of Albany, is a retired merchant, tion, hut to blossom in the coming ages of peace, purity and ‘Hood evening, Mr. Jones. Ynji will pardon a fow orrors In the past. perfection as tlie Paradise of Humanity.—Dr. William Hitch- You remember. Success to you. Bamdkl UNDEnini,T..’ The commu­ moment before enter the cnbinet. -That the window of his • “ Quito a number of I ml Jan spirits,” rhvr Dr. <», L. Dltsnn, * mato- nication was given under absolute test conditions, such ns would admit of closet is twepty feet from tlie ground ; that no indderenn be torlatlzii themselves every niKht at tlie KtltlyH’ : tor Mrs. Kthly "'fis. It is man [of England).- no fraud or collusion on the part of any person present, and not only that, found about the premises; that there is ho nook nor corner of said, a noble, Kon'*rous*heartetl woninii, who rherlshed the most rriemily butnoonopi escht.know of any letters of unpleasantness having been re­ Intercourse with these r**cl men when1 In tho flesh, ami one «pvero w inter ceived from Dr. U. by us.” tlie house where a large wardrobe can be stored without de­ kept in hor house a whole family of them tlmt might otherwise have per­ t “ The overbearing minister of Nature,” snvs titolato Yrnf. DoMor- tection ; that the medium totally differs in every material par­ ished.” , r \ Stimulants do not create nervous power; they merely en­ gan. “ who snaps you with unphllnsaphtcal /“ . unscientific !■ d e o r a d - ticular from tlie mnjority of the phantoms evoked ; that tlie t D r. Gl I*. Dltson. of Albany, th well-known wrlU rand Spiritualist, able you, as it were, to use up that'which is left, and then i n o I “ as ttio clergyman once rrlplitfliied you with I n fi d e l, Inutili a recog­ family are barely ricli enough to provide themselves witli tho Bays of Mr. Pritchard, in vs hose company lie witnessed the phenomena at nized mimber of society, wants lamino, and will oet it. He wears Hie tho Eddys1: “ Ml« veracity and good Judgment no one will Q »estlun who they leave you more in need of rest than before. priest’s cast-off garb, dyed to escape detection.1' necessaries of life, let alone a multitude of costly theatrical knows him.” —E. 8. SEP T E M B E R 26, 1874. 3 B -A . .TST N- K I t O P L I G H T ;

of money to lie made out of it, we can no is sliotTortli like an nrrow in the right direction tonner use snid hall for lectures and Lyceums. Just Published ! and adheres liy its viscid extremity, to the baclc fanner -Corrcsponticncc.. 1 therefore desire to seek a new lumie in of the bee.” In this way the fertilizing pollen is some city, tmyu or villuifc, where a hall can lie spread abroad. A Word lo ('liilrvii)iiiil I’riifUlloi»'^- controlled by Spiritualists and Liberals to hold PROF. TYNDALL’S ADDRESS It is tlie mind thus stored witli tlie choicest ma­ uieetiiif!s in once a week, nr twice a month. 1 terials of tlie teleologist tlmt rejects teleology' Tli.' hn-tiUly of the majority of tin* ¡.m 11KF0HK THE I1IUTI8H ASSOCIATION AT 1IKI.FAST, seeking to refer these wonders to natural causes’ desile a inuderate-sl/ed resilience, w ith pleasant ’S IllELAND ( WEDNESDAY, AUGUST *19, 1874). ,»rs nf tin -iliiM tu i liiii vi>y ;int phy-ii-iaii-' ami 'UirniinililiHS, fur iilyself mid u lovely and Invili)! They illustrate, according to him, tlie method ¿f Nature, not tlie “ technic ” of a manlike Artificer hi'iilim: mi'il¡itili-, i- a Iiiiut iMMcL anil it it w ife, anil tour jiruinisiii)! children. Ohio ur New ^ [Conchi.n'oii.] Jersey ivnnlil lie preferred. Can some friend aid GREAT PRACTICAL GUIDE The beauty of (lowers is duo to natural selection’ ivrit' in tlii'ir 1111 \v r r ■ 1111 * y uniiM ilqiilitlf-- -ii|' These papers.were followed in 1859 by tlie pub­ Those tlmt distinguish themselves by vividly com ini'--. 1'V Inaivi |i. nailii''. all nnnli"' "I Uii'ilKal me in limliii)! such a place '.’ K. (lltAVDS. ■—TO— ■ lication of the first edition of “ The Origin of Address me at ltlelimuml, Indiana. trusting colors from tlie surrounding green leaves jiiai't ii'i'" imi ...... il by tin' m ajority. 1J11 ' Species.” All great tilings come slowly to the are most readily seen, most frequently visited by vviili-'l'l'i-ai) i II 1111'• In*'*. Ima i*i' I', "t tin*, hiillii ii UlillOi.H. Experimental . birth. Copernicus, ns 1 informed you, pondered insects, most often fertilized, nuddience most fa- natili,*. .•.•I.'.'t il- ami i 11.1 •* i • i n I •• n t pliy-ifia ns. lias Ids great work for thirty-three years. -Newton vored by natural selection. Colored berries also t,H''Vi iii.'il tin' i-'l;i!'li'lini**nl "I odimi:, a mo CHICADO. — Until W. Seott linHHS writes, for nearly twenty years kept tin; idea of gravita­ readily attract the attention of birds and beasts nninilv ami n.i li u i'la timi ha- Ini-u limiti-il Sept. 7 : Since 1 left my home last Marcii 1 tion before his mind/; fir twenty years also he wliieli feed iipon them, and spread their manured to I't.iii¡"-lliiiu’ all ja a> tif l'in. I- til obtain a liivli'i' have attended two hirjîi' conventions, also the dwelt upon his discovery of Fluxions, and doubt­ seeds abroad, thus giving trees and shrubs pos­ or 1“ allelui a no tli.-al *•<*1 Mil'll in tin* rllret AnTt-Sluveiy Keiminn held here. Aller lmviii)! less would have continued to''make It the object sessing sueli berries, a greater clmncii In tho ,,f Ila- la'.V' a.lnpt.'rl ni III" I..-«i-latun-s .if Ni'iv Book on ledinms; of his private thought, lind lie not found that struggle for existence. Vnik ami lii iilih'liv at Un ir lii't -■•--¡ini dune suine missionary work in Milwaukee, 1 runic liei e, where 1 have spoken for tivù months. Leibnitz was upon his track. Darwin for two- With profound analytic and synthetic skill Ill tIn* la ii" l V u; il i- iinnlf u ini-ili'- s* OK and-tweiity years pondered tlie problem of the Mr. Darwin investigates tlie cell-ipnking instinct im-aiiiT j 11111 i - ! i u ! 111 • Inai lini' ni Itolo fifty tn tivn OntheÇ7th of Aiu;. 1 lett Cldruifo with Mrs. Snydain, the " Kire'Test mi'ilipin,” for Terre origin of s’pieies, and doubtless lie would have of the hive-bee. Ills method of dealing with it is h. ,1' I'm; I I'm limi nlli'imi', ami mm linn* continued i'o do so had he not found Wallace representative. He falls back from tlie nuno illiil In ifir I ■ ii ] ii 111 it ilnllari bn tlm MTniiil, with liante, link, to atteint a cam ]>- im-i-t i n^. 'file rain sturili prevented a lurjit* attendance. Deacon upon Ids track.* A concentrated hut full and perfectly to the less perfectly developed instinct iin|,i ¡'"iin.i'iii Im imi b - - Ilian tliiity day-, tn Guide for Mediums and Inmate, powerful epitome of Ids labors was the conse­ —from tlm hive-bee to the bumble-bee, winch niimli.'r iimil’mitm it it limit I'll-I i'btaimiiü a I ii-i-i i-i ■ Unni; and Dr. Pence put thelilselves to a Hleat expeiise anil lahur, lilliii); u)i in unticipatinn nf a quence. The book was by mi means an easy one ; uses Its own cocoon ns a comb, and to classes of . |ii >111 tlm lln.llcl nf ( 'l-II-i .1- nf :-lililí' Stilli', lli'lni'H CONTAIN INC and probably not one in every score of those who bees of .intermediate skill, endeavoring to show nr .I'nimti snrii-l.y, unii--- tlm piai*titii’in'i* lia.' a la I )!<■ audit-live. Mrs. Pence took u personal act­ ive interest, and did much to make it enjoyable then attacked it Imd read its pages through, or how the passage might be gradually made from diploma lull tally nlilaimil finit» mimic 11111 y a 11 - were -competent to grasp their significance if they the lowest to the highest." The saving of wax is t In »i i / 111 «'"Il '-v;i *.;. It i- iil-n m;nli* tin* iluty nt tlm for all. She is a superior woman, with whom The Special Instruction of the many parted with leeief. On my way to tliiselly had. I do not say this merely to discredit them ; (lie most important point in the economy of bees. t'i'll'i >1- tn linlify I'l.mtitinlii'l', Ii'H 11 i li 11 Li Clltllpli - Spirits on the .Theory of all for tliere were in those days some really eminent Twelve to fifteen pounds of dry sugar'are said (0 almi* it it Ir tlm lati uilliin tliiity (lays from lintlli.- I Slopped at ( Tawluiil'VlIle, I nil., and attended a,-private sealin' of Jennie Keiliier, scientific men, entirely raised above-the heat of he needed for the secretion of a single pound of . I'iilti'in Tlir.lii'iilimliy lait i- -iniiiar. kinds of Manifestations. popular prejudice, willing to accept, any conclu­ wax. Tlie quantities of nectar necessary for tho Tifai -m il ;i lait is an'anti ji'imlilicaii interferì' ni' wniiili'i fui powers. We sal in a dark l'irele ; I beino a 'traiiHi'i* was inlimlneeil In the eunlrul,' sion that science had to oiler, provldt'd it was wax must, therefore, lie vast; and every lm- cuco with, till' li'.'lit nl llm 1 ....p i tn'i'lniii'i; llieir who spoke thruiiuh a wry laine t inni pet wliieli The Means of Communicating duly hacked by fact ami argument, and who en­ provemont of constructive instinct which results nil'll piIV -h'inII l~' I'lyiLC— I'liV'llsih*. Tn In* I'nllil-t^ tirely mistook’ ML'Darwin’s views. In fact, the cut it .'limi,M I'lini'li llm pitf¡«'fit ivlm knowingly was intlcjn-nilciilly su-jii'iiileil in the center of w ith the Invisible World. ill tlie saving of wax is a direct profit to tlie in­ -tile circle;' 'file lliedluiii had rci'i'i\*i'iI a sealed work needed an expounder ; and it found one in sect’s life. The time that Would otherwise ho clii|'iny- .■-in'|i. ii phi 'iciaii, fur if thi'i'i* lie any Mr. Huxley. I knew nothing more, admirable ciinm tlm patient- aio tlm l'hii'f climi nais in'pat- ' letter-.frinii. Knoxville, Telili., In he read ami un- devoted to the making of wax is now devoted to The Development of Mediumship. in the way of scientific exposition than those tin1 gathering ami storing of honey for whiter . ..loiii/.iiu; flm pi i y - i i • i a 1 -. ; • . 'swi'ivd, ivliieh was dune by the euiitrul while it 1 early articles of his oil the origin of specie's; food. He. passes from tlie humble-bee with its Tlm.'i1 lait'; 1111 it i • v i • r ,• .will lm mforeed, anil (the let ter) nils held bet Ween tlm till nils nf two nf -'IIn' circle. A sóli nf Mrs. Speed,'the lady of The Difficulties and the, Dangers He swept the curve of discussion through tile rude cells, through tlie Melipomi: with its more '.. pruliiilily tin V may lie kI'pt ill! uim.'tatlltn lumi; ; really significant points of tlie subject, enriched ainl il tim. l'iiitii*' iim-t l'nimi'i inni .will take Hie the house, havliiL! prepared himself to write, re- that are' to be Encountered artistic cells, to Hie hive-lice witli its astonishing enrdcil Hie contents' nl the letter as it was read bis exposition with profound original remark's architecture. The bees plaee themselves nt equal • pmt» v- 1'iiui'i''.tin/ ri.'-iiîts may lm gémi rutiler in the Practice of mil reileellons, often summing up in a single distances apart upon the wax, sweep and exca­ • tlian evil. Tlir iiini'fii'aI i'lfirt will lie tn i'iun|n;Í by .the control,, liy whom it was answered. The letter will he 'returned umipi'iinl with the answer, pithy sentence an argument which a less compact vate equal spheres round tlie selected points. Milite itnilliy pm-nil' tu un i** IIf> Inr llm present Spiritism. mind would have spread over pages. Hut tliere '-(lie (Iiai'tii'i'nl.iimilii'iim, ill niiii'h llmy li.ll'e Imeli | unii jndj!ÌUf! from the iiiany.others I have heard Tlie spheres intersect, nnd tlie planes o f intersec­ is one,impression made liy the hunk itself which tion are built up with thin lamime. Hexagonal — lini ni; ui ii »! : lint in llm majority ol ..hum vs 1 t r ii.-t-J i;f I»,'111)! ri'iiil anil answered 111 the same way, 1 infer It .willhe îïiô.-t satisfactory. Four of'my . BY ALLAN- KARDEC. no exposition of it, however luminous, can con­ cells are thus formed. This inode of treating . ¡twill I'imipi'l timin'tn atti-nil a medical .sellimi, ; vey ; anil that is the impression' of the* vast inni ilius'ptiii'i' thi*ni-i‘l\',‘- en . mi equality ivilli spirit fiiiiinls were ilt'.serihed T'ni'reetly, ami full sueli questions is, as 1 liave said, representative, naines of two uiven, ami the fust name of the TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, amimiit .nf labor, both of observation anil ol lie habitually retires from tlie more perfect and fin-ir lu.-liiouablc 1-1 un]utilin*-. Mi as in liave a thought! implied in its production. Let us glance .limn* slieee'"lnl eat eel' llereaifter. I hn|ie’tliat other two, the Voice scemili)! .directly. In front BY EM M A A. W OOD. complex, to the less perfect and simple, nnd car­ ol ntr i t i l i 'spoke. This, unit a ''circle that 1 ut- it its principles. ries you witli him through stages of perfectiiii/, > —til* i ■ ry. 11 rtfi ■ I i t i n n i r \v 1 h i lia- lint.a diploma ivjll In' It is conceded on all hands Hint what are called fiiiiliil in atteiniaiiiT at a ineilieal selinnl tin,' com­ ti'iuled of Dr. Fellnws's in Y’ini'liind, X. '.L, two " Addressed to'those who see in Spiritism a se­ adds’ increment to increment of- infinitesimal" veal's¡u;n1 one of Annie L. CImnihellain'.s at her rious end, who-comprehend’'all.its gravity, and varieties are continually produced. The rule is change, anil in this way gradually breaks down me ii inter. probably -without exception. No chick ami no ITitniInnately, in lire majority of. medical col- inune, Pin Warren Ave., and oneof the JiaiiHS do not make communications from the your reluctance to admit that tlie exquisite cli­ .children's, ■lil.'iW. -Viiii liureii street, are privileges child is’in ail respects and particulars'the coun- max of tlie whole could be a result of natural — |er;i*.s 11 if ef alivi i*y it n t ni* metí i uni ivnnlil limi liini.'elf invisible world.” -' • terpaftof its lirother or .sister; and in such diircr- very liineli nut at place with the prejudices iif tile ' Ioni! to lu; reiiieiidiered liy me. , Never have 1 selection.' . ■- list’i'iii'd to such 'beautiful lmisie of various-kinds enees we have “ variety” incipient. No natu­ Mr, Darwin shirks no difficulty ; and, saturated fimiilty anil ehi" aiilnseil auuiiist linn, and could ralist could tell how far this variation could be o lianll.v i'\pent a tail* ami ruiirtoiuis treatment or as at Annie's séanèe. .My lieart is in this .-CONTEXTS:' as the subject was with Ills own thought, in; must nri'iit limiuin work, ami 1 am ever williii)! to carried ; lmt tlie great mnss of them held that linve known, better than his critics, tlie weak­ . lustle’e tn his claims. lie ivnnlil Imiti* Mieli as Part First. never by ¡my amount of internal of external limiseli spdUeii nt as impostors, anil 11 • l 1111111 i I i - labor in patience, anticipatili)!^in y reward iiç fu- ness ¡is well ns tlie strength of ids theory. This ture, All. eiills will reach nuisit my present CHAPTER• 1—Are there Spirits? m Clear And change, nor liy the mixture .of both, could the 'of course would be of little avail were his object .'ateil tirai In: litui ci1 ci eiifereil Un; walls nf sudi .Concise.Presentation of the Nature of Spirits, offspring of tlm-same progenitor so . far deviate an institutinii. abode, No. 5T.’ W. Madison strcefyUldeagb 111. a temporary dialectic victory instead of the es­ anil the Mode of their Existence; from eaeli other as to constitute--different-species. tablishment of a truth wliieli lie means to be ev­ ' Tliere are sovcrnUJiistitutinus, limvever, ill CHAPTER 2—The Marvelous and Supernatural, Tlie function of tlie experimental philosopher is which a Unire lilmral switimcnt.prevails, ill which . O h io . erlasting. But lie takes no pains to disguise the Considered iu the Light of Reason and Spiritual’ to combine tlie conditions of nature aiid to pro­ weakness lie lias discerned ; nay, lie takes every . a unni I nieilieal eiliieatiuii eaiulie hail, ami the nt- XK\V i'll I I.A DK1.P! 11 A.—A correspomleiit ■? Sideline. ' • * .' duce her results; and this was the method of ■■ tailinmilts nr nf a clairvoyant or medium writes, Sept. Ilth: Delieviii)! tlmt you would he CHAPTER 3—Trents upon the Various Causes pains to bring it into the strongest liglit. IIis Darwin,t He made .himself acquainted with vast resources enable him to cope with objections ivutilil lie reUai ileil as liniiui'tilile. I Ini]nf t hat mi "pleased to learn lmw the religious' (Hseu'ssion he; of Skepticism; sueli ns.Ignorance, Ill-will, In­ wimt could, without any maimer of doubt,' be .sill'll pi'iie.l it miter, will lie imllireil tn result tiltin' terest andTiisineerity, Pusillanimity,'Religious started liy himself and others, so as to leave tins’ tween (1. I;Tinker, M. D., ami two prominent done iii tlie way of producing variation. Ho as­ filial impression upon the render’s mind Hint, if (lisreputalile expedient nl purchasing a (Iiplinnn '■■Semples, Deceptions’;Ace. sociated himself .with pigeon-fanciers—bought, frinii parlies .ivlm ileal in simli articles. Suelea clergymen.of-this ¡dace teimumted, 1 take, this they 1ns -wit completely .answered, they certainly occasion'. In address you. Botti of file Doctor!« CH APTER 4—Presents the 'Various- Modes of begged, kept, and observed every breed that lie «nurse is nut ntilv ili.'Utiieelul In all concerned, Viewing or Accounting.for the Phenomena. are not fatal. Their negative force-.being thus opponents were very Icarnerl men, and one a conpl obtain. Though derived'from a common destroyed, you are free to be influenced by tlie - lint will inevitahly’Te.'iilt in ileteelinn ami heavy f . " * ' stock, tlie diversities of these pigeons were sueli ]tn ii i'll nil'll t. ( Titani iliplninn peilillers nlT’liiliP (•reek, Hebrew.and Latin scholar. AS to the Part Second—Spirit Manifestations. vast positivemass of evidence lie is able to bring del pina have Imeli sn ut.teii exposed in the public Doctor, he makes mi pretensions other than tlmt tlmt “ a score of them might lie chosen which, if before you. This largeness of knowledge anil press, that un mm wlmdeals with tlieui ean plead of being well educated as, a physician. Tlm CHAPTER 1—Trents of the Action of Spirits on ..shown to an ornithologist, and lie wel-e told tlmt readiness of resource render Mr. Darwin the • Iui'stion at issue iyiis upon the truthfulness of Mnttor^the.'iVm/ri'nLor Second Envelope of they were wild birds, would certainly lie ranked most terrible of antagonists. -Accomplished nut- ' . the excuse nf iuiinranee nl tlmir trim character. -by'him as well-defined species.” Tlie simple • . I eannnl speak very definitely op many iif tlie popular theology—not a yery ilesirahle (ine,stimi tliifSoul, The-.Knowledge.<>f tlm Perinpirit is uralists have leveled heavy'and sustained criti­ iM'hunls, luit in llm city nl Neiv Yurk tlm vilifica; for.liny clergymen to argue through the columns tlm Key to a Crowd of ProbleinS hitherto'Tnex- p’rineiide which guides tlie pigeon-fancier, as it cisms against ldm—not always with the view of tinti nl'.'spliituali.'in liy Dr. Ilainmnml and by of a ui'wspuper.ut this time'— is i|iiite prob* plieaidi'.... ’ does tip! cattle-breeder,-is tlie selection of some fairly weighing his theory) blit with tlie express Dr. Marvin, ivnnlil ceti ain I v he a .'iillieicnl warn­ ahle..Jtlmt .they coutil not liave been induced to 'CHAPTER- 2—Physical Manifestations—Noises, variety tlmt strikes his fancy, and tlie propaga­ intention of exposing its weak points only. This ing tii'Spiritualists tu amili tlm sehunls in wlticli writd'on snell ii subject Imil'they not almost mi- tlm Movement and Displacement of Solid tion of this variety by inheritance. ' With Ills eye does not irritate him. He treats every objection •they are i.'tiuaued. ( In Iho other liand the liheral eousehimdy lieen led into it l>y well direeted Itodies,ics, ivo.-ttowitc.—How Jt'.voiieil.Evoked. still upon, the-particular 'appearance.-which lie with a'soberness and tlioroiighiiess wliieli even ’■■.(.'purse nf the iieleetic .Meilleal ( 'ollogc must cnni- strategy oiVllie pint of the editors of the Ohio CHAP'’TER...... '1—Intelligent” Manifestations. wishes to exaggerate, lie selects it as it reappears Bishop Butler might'be proud to imitate, sur­ ineml it In all progressive minds. This .school Douuii'Vat *and I)r. Tinker. The over-coiifulent' C11A1 ’.TER’ 4—Presents Tlie Theory o f-,Physical ill successive broods, nnd thus adds*increment to rounding each fact witli its appropriate detail,, ■ lias ; du; iys npeimd its doors li'cely tn linlli sexes, priests were completely discomfited,'ami gnve up Manifilifestatioii«! tlie Universal Fluid, Contain- increment lintil air astonishing amount df'diver- placing it in' its proper relations, and usually giv­ the «pii'sl ion . In disgust.' The fovee ol'.AV'i'il- big tlie Vital Principle, Subject to tlie Control geiice from the parent type is effected.' Mail in ■ and is iu’all respects-'a lihcrafin-t il ut ion. Last' this ease does not produce tlm elements of tlie ing it a signilichnce wliieli, as long ns it was kept winter .Dr. ,h 1!. Iluehanaii, the Anthropologist, direeted trulli advanced liy. tini Doctor was more of Spirits. A -most Valuable and Instructive isolated, failed to appear. This is done without was mie nt the lucidly, ami mi ve a colli si' of loo- than tliey or Die indilie could resist. True reli­ Chapter. Variqtion. lie simply observes tliem,. nnd by a trace of ill-temper. He moves over tlie subject ; tares especially interesting tn all whn entertain gion—Modern Spiritualism—beams lirigliteV from CHAPTER’ ¿"Spontaneous Physical Manifesta­ selection adds .them' together until the required with the passionless strength of a glacier ; nnil ; mlvaneed and spiritual ideas. The UnUi-gp has our litiii/.im To-day. The liglit of living truths tions—Noises, Racket, and Disturbances; Ob- result lms been obtained. -“.No limn,” says Mr. Darwin, “ would ever try to make a fnntnil till tlie grinding of the rocks IS not always without n : recently received dniiatinns amnnntinu tn over 1ms lieen shed broadcast, and from, flic soul of jeets thrown; I’henumi.'ua of MuteHnlizutioii. counterpart in the logical'.pulverization.-of tlie__ ten tinni'iinil dnllafs, ami is at present the only many a doubting one a horrible incubus lms been Ac., with the Explanation of tlie Causes aiid lqrsaw a pigeon witlr a tail developed In some objector. But though in* lmndling this mighty representative nl lilmral nmilielne In N'eiv Ynik. removed; even the word Sini'tltiaUxni lms lieen ■ Methods of these Manifestations. given in Con­ slight'degree in an unusual manner, or a pouter theme, all passion lms been stilled, tliere is an ‘ I have mil seen llieanmilim'emelit nl the cnmiim raised to.a degree of respect freni out the mire versations yvitli.Several Sjiirits. - until lie saw n pigeon with a crop of unusual, emotion of .tho intellect incident to tlio discern- . .se.ssinn, lint those ivlm wish In he inl'orinnl ean of opprobrium into which It had lieen east by its CHAPTER n"*—visual Manifestations — Qiies. size.” Tims nature gives th e; hint, limn acts liient of new truth which often colors and warms ’ uponJtjvnmLby the law of inheritance, exagger­ nhtain all iieecs.-"hiy i 11 I'm lina! inn hv addle-sing enemies; ami the (iod-in-the-Conslitulion lAtsi- lions on Apparitions; Theoretic -Essays on tlie pages of Mr. Darwin. Ilis success lms been ^ l’rnf. I!. ¡s. Newton,' M. I t., No.. 1:17 West ITtll ness; in this section, lms received a direct and Apparitions, Ac. ates the deviation. great; and tills implies not only tlie solidity of street. New York. '-In.such an in-t it til ion liberal' crushing blow. This is encouraging to the work­ CHAPTER 7—Di-Corporeity and Transfigura­ Having tlms satisfied ''himself by indubitable his work, but tlio preparedness of the mi'lilio inimil d praetitinners wilMind teaehilius ill liar- ers b) a lady anil humane cause. tion-Apparitions of tlie Spirit of tlie Living ; facts, tlmt tlm organization of an animator of a plant (for precisely tlie same treatment applies mind for such a revelation. On this a re­ ninny tlmir nun sentiments, and if niy sag- Transfiguration, Ac. mark of Agassiz iinpressed me. more than any- >. • gestions Hie duly regarded, they will residt In ■ , New York. CHAPTER 8 — Laboratory of tlie Invisible to plants), is to’ some extent: plastic, lie passes tiling else. Sprung from n race of theologians, gi'piit heiielit. tnaivnrtliv class nf praefiliniiers, DltANLlt V ii, LIT—A -correspondent; write's ns > ''World-Clothing of Spirits; Magnetic Cura­ fromini variivariation ' under domestication to variation under Nature. Hitherto we have dealt with'tlie tliis celebrated man combated to the last tlie the­ wlinse niel ¡Is will lie heller appreciatedwhen follows: “ Wlio hnrght this rude, unlettered tive Action, Ac,, Treating of ■ tlie Spontaneous ory of natural selection. One of tlie many times they have a collegeriidnrsemeiit. -LniKliAb. Formation of Tangible Objects adding together of small changes by tlie conscious child to speak wisdom?” Some thirty, years I had tlie pleasure of meeting him in tlie United CHAPTER!)—Haunted Places. selection .of limn. Can Nature tint's select,? Mr. States was at Mr. Winthrop’s beautiful residence l’riMils o f I’r«u;i't'ss. • Since the people of an obscure country nelgldior- CHAPTER1'1 (• —.Nature of Communications— Darwin’s answer is, " Assuredly she can.” The at Brookline, near Boston. Rising from luncheon jiood were excited over, the strange performance Cross, Frivolous, Serious, oi‘ Instructive Com­ number of living tilings produced is far in excess I jjavc nntice several linnilhs ann, in tliivMail• we all halted as if by a common impulse in front of an uneducated liiiy of the place, Jiy his preach­ munications. of tlie number tlmt ean bo supported ; lienee at of a window, and continued tliere a discussion tier, that, heinumteiupniarlly ill Iclsiirej I would, ing in ills sleep, ,My truthful inl'onpant thus CHAPTER 11— Semntology and Typtology — some iierioil or otlier of their lives there must be wliieli had been started at table, Tlie maple was if ■ desired ami applied tn, nttniidiunive nieethiKS7r -dc'i'iihes ids jireaelnng: It would usually be Language of Signs and Rappings, Ac. a struggle for existence; and what is the .infalli­ in its autumn glory ; and tlie exquisite beauty of heard alter lie Inni lieen tinnì at work, nnd w'as CHAPTER 12. — Pimmmitogruphy, or Direot ble result ? If one organism were a perfect.copy Since that Jierind I have lint niily.attended meel in regard to strength, skill tvnil agility, external the scene outside seemed, in my case, to inter­ inti- of this chaiacter, hul' have, in euinplianee very tired—sometimes even during a'noonday Writing—Pnemimtoplmny. penetrate without disturbance tlie intellectual with - i n vi tat i< ms, lectured many tunes and in sev­ nap. No elVort could awaken him at these times. C1I APTI'jMkJh — Psycliograplty — Baskets and conditions would decide. But this is not tlie action. Earnestly, almost sadly, Agassiz turned, He would give out and read a liy mu, make n PhincheflSfiDt Direct or Manual Psyeliograpliy, ease. Here wo have tlie fact of variety offering eral places in huue halls—in siime eases owned itself to Nature, as in tlie former instance it of­ and said to tlie gentlemen standing round; “ I ■ by Sjdilliialist' ami Liberals, in nllier cases hired prayer, ani’oiinec a te,\f, and proceed to deliver ■CHAPTER™—Of'Mediums—Mediums for l’liy- confess tlmt I was not prepared to see this theo­ , at cnnsiileiahle expense lnr the occasion. In near­ a sermon, using good language,.amt tirimeli so '* sieal EITeets; Electrical Persons; Sensitive or fered itself to limn ; and those, varieties which are least competent to cope witli surrounding,.condL ry received as it lms been by tlie best intellects of ly every iiistaiicc I have succccdcil in invakcninu loudly tlmt lie could lie heard a great distance Impressilde Mediums ; Auditive '.Mediums'; our time. Its success is greater tlmn 1 could . For a long time Ids friends Would ¡not believe Speakiiig Mediums ; Seeing Mediums Sotn- tions will infallibly give way to those that are an interest lnr the cause, unciiualed lip my past, most competent. To use a familiar proverb, tlie have thought possible.’’ labors, -liverywhere 1 have leetured, tlie friends Hint Tie did it uneonsi'iou'ly, but after hearing nambulie Mediums ; Healing Mediums ; Pueti- In our day great generalizations lmvc been ■ liave expressed themselves liiuhly uratilii'd With him many times, anil failing to Wake him even nmtograjilile Mediums. ' weakest comes to tlie wall. But tlie triumphant by almost cruel means, they were obliged to ac­ fraction ngnin Weeds to overproduction, trans­ readied. Tlie theory of tlie origin of species is IIIV.labors; and at every place f have lieen inel CHAPTER iri—'Writing -or Psycliographie Me­ but one of them. Another of still wider grasp with persons whn snlieiti'd me to visit nllier lo­ cept the fact as real. Now the question conies diums— Mechanical, Intuitive, Semi-Mechani­ mitting tlie qualities which secured its mainte­ up, how .could lie use gond language in- tits sleep, nance,.'but: transmitting them in different de­ and more radical significance, is the doctrine of . calities In lecture—ueiieially |>t'i'snns llvlnu sev­ cal, Inspired or Involuntary Mediums, and Me­ tlie Conservation of Energy, the ultimate phi­ eral miles distant, and at a mimlirr of1 these. In- when the fact was tlmt lie eoulfP lint .understand diums for Presentiments. grees. Tlie struggle for food again supervenes, "shell language when awake? I cannot account aiid those to whom tlie favorable quality lias been losophical issues of wliieli are as yet but dimly . enlllie.s no lecture has yd lieen uiven. Here is CHAPTER ill—Special Mediums-Special Apti­ seen—tliat doctrine .which “ binds nature fast evidence.of a new aivakeiiinu. for it, except un the theory that sòme spirit took tudes of Mediums ; Synoptical List of tlie Dif­ transmitted in excess will’assuredly triumph. It pos'si'ssion of linn l'or the 'time being. TIC after­ is easy to see tlmt we have .here Hie addition of in faith” to an. extent not hitherto recognized, I atlcinb'd, by in vital inn nf l)r. l ’enee, the ferent Varieties o f Mediums. exacting from every antecedent its equivalent < . Terre 'lliiute l''nur Days’ Mass Mcctinu, wliicli ward, studied, and became a “ minister of-the CHAPTER 17—Formation of Mediums—Devel­ increments'favorable to tlie individual still more gospel of Jesus Christ." ■ opment of Mediumsliip; Clmuge of- Writing ; rigorously carried out than in tlie case of domes­ consequent, .from, every consequent its equiva­ was sn trcipicutly ilitciruptcd by slmiyci's anil lent antecedent, and bringing vital as well as thrcatcniiiu stmnis, that hut few were present Loss and Suspension of Mediumsliip. . tication ; fop not only are unfavorable specimens . West Virginia. not sclectecf' by Nature, but they are destroyed. physical phenomena under the dominion of that until the Iasi day, when tlm loiiu-lonkcd-lnr sun CHAPTER 18—Inconveniences nnd Dangers of law of casual connection which, as far as the broke tlirmiuh the elnmls ; vet uiticli emu I wasilnne ■AVilEELING.—Veritas writes as follows : Our Mediumsliip—Inlluence of tlie Exercise of Me This Is wlmtiMr. Darwin calls “ Natural Selec­ tion,” which “ acts by tlie preservation and ac­ human understanding lms yet pierced, asserts by the I'llicii'iil lalinivrs present, Imtli in private smoky city has been just lighted ujrby the benti' liiumship on'tlie Health, on the Brain, on Chil- itself everywhere in nature. Long in advance and pulilie. We had with ns the mild, pleasn'd dren. cumulation of small inherited modifications, each tifuj countenance of that'enrnest anil ncconi- profitable to tlie, preserved being.” Witli this idea of nil definite experiment upon tlie subject, tlie and eahn speaker, T. )!. 'I'aylnr, who ¡main did CHAPTER 1!)—ROle of tlie Medium in Spirit constancy and indestructibility, of matter; had somethin!! elfi'ctual,i.n tin- way nl "Turnin’)! old pushed worker In the cause, Mrs. Mossop Put­ ''Communications'— Influence of tlie Personal lie, interpenetrates and leavens tlie vast store of nam, who is-now hero on ¡i short visit to Mrs. Spirit of tlie Medium ; System of Inert Medi- facts tlmt lie and others have collected. We cannot, been affirmed; and all subsequent experience thenlnuy upside down,” anil 'the cccentiic and justified tlie affirmation-. Later researches ex­ erratic 1’. Ii. Itainlnlpli, whn is rather better cal­ Mielmel .Sweeney, one of imr Imrdest working •' unis; Aptitude of 'some 'Mediums - for Tilings without shutting our eyes through fear or preju­ Spiritualists.!' On .Sunday, Sept. T.'itli, Mrs. -P. they do not know, the Languages, Music, dice; fail to see tlmt Darwin is here dealing, not tended the attribute of indestructibility to force. culated to amuse than instruct; ihnimli lie nei'ii- This idea, applied in tlie first instance to inor­ shmally nml'es a pond hit .and pleases those who gave us two leetiires in hereloqueht and graceful Drawing, Ac.; Dissertation of a Spirit on the with imaginary, but with true causes ; liorean we style, and we must say tlmt she Is one of the lin- Ride of Mediums, ! fail to discern wimt vast modifications may lie pro­ ganic, rapidly embraced organic nature. Tlio love full. He appears to he a.well iimanini! hro- vegetable world,,though drawing almost all its •ther. At this ConvcnUon T encountered’tlmt- est speakers we have ever Imd the pleasure of CIIAPTElt,20—iiornl Inlluence of the Medium. duced by natural selection in periods sufficiently hearing. She speaks in an earnest, convinc­ CHAPTER 2f— Inlluence of tlie Surroundings. long. Each individual increment may resemble nutriment from invisible sources, was proved in­ (iooil lirother and able healer; Dr. (iridium, lif- competent to generate anew either matter or Kvansville,'wli,o exercised upon me his remark­ ing way, at the same time using perfect inn CHAPTER 22—Of Mediumsliip in Animals. wliat nmtlieumticmiis call a “ differential” (a able “ (lilt of the Holy (ilmst or Mime other. -gunge,', add magnetically enchaining her audi­ CHAPTER 23—Of Obsession — Simple Obses- quantity indefinitely small); butdefiniteand great force. Its matter is for tlie most part transmut- ence, so’ tlmt when, she stops all feel like ask­ : sion; Fascination; Sulijugation; Causes of changes may obviously be produced by tlie in­ edjut:; jts force transformed solar force. The : power, which had the elTcct to revive iimlrevivlfy animal world was proved to he equally uncreative, both soul anil Imily, uml lilt me apparently .to''a ing for more. We intend trying to'secure enough Obsession ; Means of Combating it, tegration of these infinitesmiulquantitiesthrough liililier plane id development'. And my labors,- ghoil lecturers this winter to keep supplied CHAPTER 24 — identity of Spirits — Possible practically infinite time. all its motive energies being referred to tlie com­ since tlmt period, seem to lie ¡nspiivd with a new; llm inei'easiiig, public demand for the beautiful Proofs of Identity; Distinction of Good and If Darwin, like 'Bruno;rejects the notion of bustion of its food. Tlie activity of eaeli animal life and a new 'power. Here, at West Lebanon, truths of Spiritualism. Our people are fast * Rail Spirits, Ac. creative power acting after human fashion, it, as a whole was proved to bo tlie transferred ac­ where my third lecture will lie Hiven fids even- awaking to the fact that there is some truth in CHAPTER 25—On Invocations — Spirits wlio certainly is not because lie is unacquainted with tivities of its molecules. Tlio muscles wire iiif!, 1 limi a small hand nf noble workers, ivlm the assertion that our friends do come back Ami may lie Invoked; Language, to hold witli the numberless exquisite adaptations on wliieli shown to be stoles of mechanical force, potential make.up in practical lite and a noble zeal what visit us alter leaving this world. Spirits; Questions on Invocations; invoca­ this notion of a supernatural artificer lms been until unlocked by the nerves, and then resulting ■they lack in numbers—llr.-l ami foremost of whom tions of animals ; Invocations of Living Per founded. His book is a repository of the most in muscular contractions. Tlie speed at wliieli are those ¿paid ivni lune brothers, S. M. (ircen ami .'Uussiicluisetts. sons, Ac. ' startling facts of this description. Take the mar­ messages liy to and fro along tlie nerves was de­ J. Tallis. SALENJ.c-S. (i. Hooper, See: of the Spiritual CHAPTER 2(1—Questions that may be asked of velous observation wliieli lie cites from Dr. Crii- termined, and found to be, not as had been pre­ As I was returning! to my Induinus one even- tlm Spirits—Questions on tlie Future ; On Past ger, where a bucket with an aperture, serving as viously supposed, equal to that of liglit or elec­ Society, writes Sept. 15 : The meetings for" the tricity, but less than tlie speed of a flying eagl,e- ini! after the lecture, ualkimi by the side nt' lire. fall term ol the First Spiritualist Society of this and Future Existences; On Moral and Materi- a spout, is formed in an orchid. Bees visit tlie Tullls, lm remarked, “ Urn. (iraves, you are net- , nl interests; On tlie Health ; On Inventions flower: in eager search of material for their This was tlie work of tlie physicist; then came till)! tlie people waked up here: you will have a place eoininetieed on Sunday, the lilh ¡list. Mr. ami Discoveries; On Hidden Treasure ; ,'-Gn combs they push each otlier into tlie bucket, the the conquests of the comparative anatomist and hit! crowd nut to hear you tn lnniruiv ei'i'llllii!.” John Collier, of England, gave the lir.-t four lec- other Worlds, Ac. , ..... drenched ones escaping from their involuntary physiologist, revealing tlie structure of every ani­ Another brother remarked tn me, on the street, jures, which were both iiitcrestingand profitable. CHAPTER 27—On Contradictions and Mystifi­ butli by tlm spout. Here they rub their back's mal, and tliefunction of every organ in the whole “ Mr. (¡raves, your facts, arguments ami lonj,, The people here generally liked him us a lectur­ cations. - against the viscid stigma of the flower and obtain biological series, from tlie lowest zoophyte up to are the must powerful ami euiivlneini! nf any I er, and found him to ho a true gentleman. IVe CHAPTER 2.3—Charlatanism and ju g g le r y - glue; then against the pollen masses, wliieli are man. The nervous system had been made tlie ob­ ever heard. Y'ou seem to he master nf your sub­ would cheerfully recommend him ns an able speak­ interested Mediums; Spirit' Frauds, Ac. * thus stuck to tlie hack of the bee and carried ject of profound mid-continued study, tlie wonder­ ject.” Ili'fure coniine here I lectured lit .Shelby- er, a .'ineere_ worker, and one that would please, away. “ When the bee, thus provided, flies to ful and, at bottom, entirely mysterious, eontrol- ville, where some of the fiiemls expressed llieih- any true Spiritual society In want of a lecturer. Tlie style of this Great Work is clear, its spirit another flower, or to tlie same (lower a second ling power wliieli it exercises over the whole or­ selves -tiiuldy gratified with my labors in tliat Mrs. S. A. Rogers llcyder, of Haverhill, Mass., time, and is pushed liy its comrades Into ^the ganism, physical and mental, being recognized lias also spoken, for us. Professor Whipple of admirable, its teachings of tITe most important more and more. Thought could not be kept place, and iminifesteil their'aiipreehition nf my character, nnd no Buok. in. tlie entire range of bucket, and then crawls out by the passagfi/the services by payinyi me mure than I chanted. At Cambridge is engaged to speak during tlie month pollen-mass upon its hack necessnrily-conies first back from a subject so profoundly suggestive. Terre llautisl fiuniil an indefallHahle lalinrer In of October. Spiritual Literature is better calculated to meet into contact witli the viscid stigma,” which takes .Besides tlie physical life dealt with by Mr. Dar­ tin* person of Dr. Allen I’l'liee, ivlm nuns the the needs of all classes of persons wlio are inter­ up-tlie pollen ; and this is how tlie orchid is fer­ win, there is a psychical life presenting similar hall nl tlmt place, and a lai'Hi' splendid hall it is. I.css tloin one Iminlreil years ay o -ln 17»u—a laity wrote ested in the subject. tilized. Or take tills otlier case of tlie Catasetum. gradations, and asking equally for a solution. ■ 'file cause will never die at any place where and lloisof her visit loSamtesa: --on reaclilna the springs at "Bees visit.these, flowers in order to gnaw the How are the different grades and orders of Mind while Ur. Pence lives. For In the appropriation Sarato-a we riminl hut three habitations, anil those hut IT IS PIUNTED ON labellum; on doing this they inevitably touch a to be accounted for? Wliat is the principle of of his means to promote the cause, In- (17» n’t. stop poor Ion houses on die high hank of the meadow, where Is Fine Tinted Paper, large 12mo., 460 long, tailoring, sensitive projection. This, when growtli of tliat mysterious power ivliieh on our now iho eastern Mile of the street on the ridge near the planet culminates in Reason? These are ques­ at pence, lmt often jpies to pounds. ;And Ids no­ pages, cloth, beveled boards, black touched, transmits a sensation or vibration to a> ble wife never sleeps ivliili' the cause is iimkill)! round rock. Tills was the only,spring then visited. Tliu certain membrane, wliieli is instantly ruptured, tions wliieli, though not thrusting themselves so demands upon her energies ami liberality. .Spir­ log-eahlus were almost full of strangers, among whom aud gold, $1,50; postage free. forcibly upon tlie attention of the general public, were several ladles and gentlemen from Albany, and we setting free a spring, by wliieli tlie pollen-mass had not only occupied many reflecting minds, but' itualism Is In «mid hands In Terre Haute; and. round 11 aluutst Impossible to obtain nreoimuodatlqiis even here at West Lebanon also. £ 5 f For sale wholesale and retail by tlie Pub­ • Till! behavior of 31r. AVallaco In relation to tills sutitcct had been fo’rmnliy broached by one of them be­ for two nights. “ At the present-time the elght'prlnelpal lishers, COLIsY, & RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery lias been (llguljleil In tlio highest degree. fore the “ Origin of Species ” appeared. As our fifty thousand dollar hall, nt --liicli- hotels of Saratoga have ample accommodations for six moiid, has passed into the hands of those who Place, corner’of Province street (lower floor), tTlieflrsi step only toward experimental demonstration With the mass’of materials furnished by tue thousand persons, not to mention s m a lle r .a n d board­ nas lieen taken. Experiments now liernn might, aconplo physicist and physiologist in his hands, Mr. Her­ seem to value .Spiritualism only for the amount ing-houses, i Boston, Mass. ol eenlnrh-s hence, furnish data of incalculable valuo, which ought to bo supplied to tho science o! Iho future. bert Spencer, twenty years ago, sought to' graft

\ __.T-


upon tills basis a system of psychology*; ami two tlons we have in those of Space and Time. As determines tlie order of their succession, but the nothing incompatible with the physics of Anax­ and progressi^ eternally in knowledge nnd hn- years ago a second and greatly amplified edition the substratum of all other relations of the Non- real nnture of'which we-can never know. In agoras, which. he so much scorned, lmt.which .lie. piiicss pi culiar to Ita licw existence." of his' work appeared. Those who Lave occupied Ego, they must be responded to by conceptions fact, the whole process of evolution is tlie mani­ would hardly scorn to day. And here 1 am re­ I sliiill write. yoii agalli. In thè meanwhile, themselves with the beautiful experiments of that nre the substrntn of all other relations in the festation of a 1’ower absolutely inscrutable to the minded of one amongst us, hoary, but still strong, wltb liest wlslies, I ri'iiiain frateriinlly nnd mosi l ’latenu will remember that when two spherules Ego. Heing the constant and 'lnfinitely repeated intellect of mail.,-As little in our day as in tlie whose prophet-voice some thirty years ago, far’ sincerely, •- l'KAKYl IIANI) MITTUA. of olive-oil, suspended in a mixture of alcohol and elements of thought, they must become tlie au­ days of'dob can man hy searching find this Fewer more than any other of this age,'unlocked what­ Calcutta, Jah/ l'K/i, 1K7-1, water of the same density as the oil, are brought tomatic elements of thought—the elements of oul. Considered fundamentally, it is hy the ope­ ever of life niid nobleness lay latent in Its most together, they do not immediately unite. Some­ thought which it is Impossible to get rid of—the ration of an insoluble mystery that life is evolved, 'gifted minds ; one lit to stand beside Socrates or i.r.nT.u i-'iiom .irnur, ,t. w. i'.iimon-iis. . thing like a pellicle appears to be formed .around ‘ forms of intuition.’ ” , ! species differentiated, lind mind unfolded from tlie Maecnbonli F.lcazar, and to dare and suffer I)i-:.mi Sin—Yonrs of thè Hth of May reachcd the drops, the rupture of which is immediately Throughout this application nnd extension of. tiieir prepotent elements in tlie immeasurable all that they suffered and' dared ; fit, as be once ine only hitoly, parli)' beeauseof my l'iaving re­ followed by the coalescence of the globules into the “ Law of Inseparable Association," Mr. pnst. There is, you will observe, no very rank said of Fichte, ” to have been the teacher of tfie ti red carly io tilt* su'mmer lo my collage nmong one. There are organisms whose vital actions Spencer stands on totally different ground from materialism here. Stoa, and to have discoursed of beauty and vij tuc Ilo* inoiintaiiis, ubere, away frolli Ilo* hiifflcof are almost ns purely* physical as that of these Mr. .John Stuart Mill, invoking the registered The strength of tlie doctrine of evolution cop. in the groves of Academe.” With a capacity tp city life l'or nwliilW 1 cali bave lime lo pender a drops of oil. They conn! into contact and fuse experiences of the race instead of the experiences sists, not in an experimental demonstration (for grasp physical principles which bis friend (I ortho munir ut no Ilo' Miblhiic trutlts urne lieing ìvvralcd ; themselves thus togettfer. From such organisms of the individual. His overthrow of Mr. Mill’s tlie subject is hardly accessible to t'.I* mode of did not posse-s, ami which even total lack of ex­ Ili IIS. The iiitere-l of Illuse trillila Is inereasing to others a stage higher, and from these to others restriction of experience is, 1 think, complete. proof), hut, in its general harmony with Hie ercise has not been able to reduce to atrophy, it daily, yrl, Iilei■ all of Cuil's leaeliiiigs, tliev conio ■ a shade higher still, and on through an ever as­ 'Flint restriction ignores the power of organizing -'method of Nature as hitherto known. From cop. is the world's loss that lie, in the vigor of bis lo us iii thè niosl siuiple forni, and so inoldi'd as cending series, Mr. Silencer conducts Ids argu­ experience furnished at the outset to each indi­ trust, moreover, it derives enormous roliitive years, did not open Ills blind and sympathies to 10 he w il bili t lo* rearli of ovoli Ilo...... omoliest.... ment. There are two obvious factors to he here vidual ; it ignores the different degrees of tills strength. Op tlie one side we have a theory (if science, and make its conclusions a portion of milid. 'l'he iiio-t siuiple fui ni limi w e bave-ex- , taken into account—the crentnrenml the medium power possessed by different races and by differ­ It could with any propriety lie so called), derived, his message to mankind. Marvelously endowed perielieed ili Ibis collidi')'-Ilio A 111', asii Wcl'O, in which it lives, or, ns it is often expressed, the ent individuals of the same race. Were there as were tlie theories referred to at tlie begin­ as he was, equally equipped on the side of the of olir uew selioi,I - is li\- Ilo- i.ìjipiiig ami laide organism and its environment. Mr. Spencer's not in tlie human brain li potency antecedent to ning of (ids Address, not from the study of Na- | lb-art and of the i'mleistanding, lie might have t i 1 >pilirr. Yel in Ibi- lui in C'i'iini-s ilio reiiou kable. fundamental principle is, that between these two nil experience,,n dog or eat, ought to lie as capa­ I tore, hut from 1 Ik* observation of 'mop— u theory ' done lniieli.lowanl teaching us bow to reconcile pbeiioiiieiioo of ¡miiiioiulc lualier, muviiig willl- factors there is incessant interaction. The organ­ ble of education as a man. 'These predetermined ! which converts tlie. Fewer whose garment is seeii ■ the claims of both, ami to enable them in coining oul limi lai rolli nel, airi ili'pl.iyiog io|.-lligeiiee — ism is played upon by the environment, and is internal relations are independent of tlie exp.-li­ | in the visible universe into up Artificer, fash- 1 limes tod-veil together in unity of spirit and in a inarvel, il appeal'* lo lue, as errai as uny ni- muddied to meet, thorequiroiiiontsof the environ­ enees of the individual. The human brain is the j ¡oped after the human model, mid acting by | the bond df peace. eorili il io ilio aiioals of liia11liiìni. Tliis musi; of ment.. Life hi1 delines tube "n continuous adjust' “ organized register of infinitely numerous expe­ I broken ofling* as man is seen to act, tip the I And now tlie cud is come. With more lime, or rollisi', Ile dulie hy some power olii-idi* of olir- . meat of internal relations to external relations." riences received during 'the evolution of life, or 1 other side tii1 leave the conception Hint all vfe see | greater strength and knowledge,.wlmt. lias been selve,, unii yr| ur liavé loiieli pi ilo willi it —at , In the lowest organisms we have a kind of Inrjp: rather during the evolution of that series of or­ ; around us, and all we feel within ns—tlie phe; hero said might have been holier said, while least lo thè exlelil of polline olil'-i'lvi's io a co ll­ rial sense diffused over the entire body: tlfcn ganism through which the 'human organism has Pomona of physical Nature us well as those of lworthy mailers here omitted might haver.....¡veil ii it 0 o i to l ei-eive il, alni a id illg il tu ru llìi' lo IIS. .through impressions from without and tiieir cor­ bt;en reached. Tlie effects of tlie most uniform the human min’d—have their nnscaiehuhle root's j lit ex pressino. Ihlt Birre _Wollld bave beco no 11 w;r want I...... in Engli-li or Frencli, we responding adjustments, special portions of the and frequent of those experiences have been suc­ til a eosniical life, if I dan* apply the term, an in'- | material deviatimi troni thè views set forili. As m u st he wb e re Eiigli,li a n d l-’ieniTi a i s p o k e n ; ■surface become more responsive to stimuli than cessively bequeathed, principal and interest, and liiillesinial span of which only i-offered to the regards myself, they are noi thè grow'lli of n day : aln i so, II' w e wisli lo bave (he manilestatimi of others. The senses nre nascent, the basis of all have slowly mounted *,o that high intelligence investigation of man. And even this -.pan is only and as regards ymi, 1 tliought yououulit loknów sp il li eolillnilll'oill, We Illusi p iare o lll'i'lv e s in il of them being tlmtsimple tactual sense w hich the which lies latent in the brain of tlie infant. Thus kimwuhlc in part. We can truce tlie develop­ thè enviidimienl wliicli, with or witlmut ynur situatimi lo coinè. Il is notto li" in a sage Demount us recognized twenty-three hundred it happens that the European inherits from Iwon- ment of a nervous system, and correlate with it consoni, is lapidty surrounding ynu, and in Vela- crowil aiiihl Ui’e liirmoil of biiimin passimi, bui

years ago as their common progenitor. The ac­ y to thirty cubic inches more of bruin than the the parallel phenomena of sensation and thought limi tuwldrli some adjii'tmeni pari tnay i|iiiel ly and rei ired—''fio'u'oriil *liut uni;’' not ES.-...-S—--» w r tion of light, in the first, instance, appears to be a 1‘apiian. Thus it happens that faculties, as of We see with uiidouhtipg ceitaiuty that they go ho necessari'. A bilitoi 1 laliilct 's, Imb ever, Icach- ili il and caviliug lemper, luil ealuily mere disturbance of the chemical processes in the music, which scarcely, exist in some inferior hand in hand, lint we try to soar in a vacuum es i'is all how thè Iroubles of common fife mny he and luiiiesily seeking trulli, inni nolbing else ; nnhnal organism,- similar to that which occurs in aces, become congenital in superior ones. Tims the moment we seek to rnthpielieiol tin1 cornier, emled ; ami it is perfectly pnssihlc l’or ynu'and lini for mere sidli-h gralifiealipn of idle wliim or tlie leaves of plants, liy degrees the action be­ it happens that out, of savages unable to count tion between them. An Archimedean fulcrum ine to piircluise intellectuid penne ut thè priee of enriiisiiy, bui eanieslly. realì/lug timi we are comes localized in a few pigment cells, more sen­ up to (lie number of their lingers, and speaking a is here required which the liunian mind - cannot inlelleetual < li ‘a t li. The World is noi witlmut comiiiiining willi ìbedead. Willi siodi feeling*, sitive to light limn tlie ■surrounding tissue. The language containing only nouns and verbs, arise command ; nnd the effort to solve tlie problem, to reluges of lliis descriplioii ; imi-is it wanting in lei frolli lllleelo six or srvrii persoli* gel logelber eye is here incipient. At first it is merely capa­ at length our Newtons aiid'Shukspeares." borrow an illustration from an illustrious friend persqns wbo soci; their slieltcraiul try lo persuade al I wilight lioiir, wlirii tlu* tiirmoil of" thè day is ble of revealing differences of light and simile At tli<* outset of this Address it was stated that of mine, is like the effort of a man li ving to lift ollicrs to do thè sanie. I wtuild exlimi ynu tnre­ oyer, and sii in a circle, witli Imnds jnin*'n 11 r*msudi 11 basei r»* j rcposc«•jnr*M , round, and in silence.. In.'these few Word* is the interception of the light is in almost all cases defived-liy a process of abstraction from experi­ here said’is to lie taken in connection with this too accept,nei if the .choice be forced upon you, com- CI lilla inni thè whole direetion of thè..mode in ■ by the contact of tlie closely adjacent opaque ence. It is instructive to note from lids point of fundamental truth. When "nascent senses’’are inlotion before stagnation, the leap of the torrent whieli llieeomiìlllliion is liroiight abolii ; bill even body, sight in this condition* becomes a kind of view the successive introduction of new concep­ spoken of, when "the differentiation of n tissue, before thè stillness of thè swiimp. In the uno Ibis is lioj alwnys suri* of success, nor will tira ‘‘anticipatory touch.” The adjustment contin­ tions. Tlie iilen of the attraction of gravitation ul first vaguely sensitive all over,” is spoken of, there is nt all evellts lite, alili lliereforc linpe; III imiiiifeslations iiliviiyscome al once. Toiiietimes ues ; a slight bulging out of the epidermis over was preceded by tlie observation of the attraction and when these processes .are associated with thè other, none. I bave Imiched un debatable there is un onllre laiiure and smnetimes we inivii- the pigment-granules supervenes. A lens is in­ of iron by a magnet, anil of light bodies hy rubbed "the modification of nn organism by its en­ questions, and led ynu nver dangcrmis ground ; lo wait quile a w'bile, but niosl geiierally It will cipient, and, through the operation of infinite ad­ amber. ‘The polarity of mngnetism anil electri­ vironment ” tlie same pnrallelisin, without'con­ and thispartly witli thè viow of lelling ynu, ami colile or 111*1. , : justments, n,t length reaches the perfection that city appealed to the senses ; and thus became the tact,. or even approach to contact, is implied. through yoti thè ‘i^nrlcl, timi as regards Illese Wlieii il éouies in (bis forni your ebmmiinion it displays in the hawk and eagle. So of the other substratum of the conception that alums and There is no fusion 'possible between tlie two questions Science ohiims iinreslrictcd righi of will he liy spelline out words frolli thè nlpiiabet; senses ; they nre special differentiations of a tis­ molecules arc endowed with definite, attractive, classes of facts—nn motor energy in tlie intellect scardi. It is noi to thè iioint to say timi thè ■ for instance, wlién you- obscrve thè tallio to sue which..was originally' vaguely sensitive all and repellent poles, hy tlie play of which infinite of man to carry it without logical rupture from views of Lucretius-and’llriiiio, of Darwin and move, express a w-lsli tbat il lini)’ niòve tlirea over. forms of crystalline architecture are produced. tlie one to t)ie other. Spencer, may he wrnng. 1 enuncile Ilio possibili-' tlinos for Yes, and once for No; or if you lièar With the development of the. senses the adjust­ Tims molecular force becomes .structural. It re­ Further, tlie doctrine, of evolution derives man, ty, (leeniing it ìmloed certain timi, these views thè rapa, lmve tlu* y.l'h.'utlercil Unii Ibrce'raps ments between the organism and its environ­ quired no great boldness of thought to extend its in his totality, from the interaction of organism wjll li adergo mndilication. But Ilio pollit i*, tluit, may In* Yes, and mie, No ; and tlini cali Ibi* ii.l- ■ ment gradually extend in space, a multiplication play into organic nature, nnd to recognize in and environment through countless ages past. wliethef righi.or wrnng, wd duini thè freednui (o liliabet, leller hy h'Iler, lllltll thè .sigimi for Yes of experiences and a corresponding modification molecular force the agency by which both plants The Human Understanding,: for example—that discuss llienr. The ground wlddi tliey cover is is given ili. Die sound of a piirtleul;ir leller,. of conduct being the result. The adjustments and animals are built up. Hi this way out of ex- faculty which Mr. Spencer lias turned so skillful­ seienliflc'grillimi ; and thè righi elalnied is nne wlieii*yiiii write thatdown and liegin tlu* alpha- nlso extend in time, covering continually greater icrieiice arise conceptions which are wholly'ul ly ronnd-upon.its own antecedents—is itself a re­ Iliade, gufai thrniigh tribnlutimi and inigulshj in- hot agiiiii, aiid go tliroiigh agaiii uni il Ilio next intervals. Along with this extension in space :ru ’experiential. sult of tlie play between .organism nnd’environ­ llicted’and eìidured in durkor llmmrTlTÌTTr'mii's; IrttTTd'vindicatedriiiid-siHiiir-iiiilll-vóii-get-Avords—- and time the adjustments also increase in special­ Tlie origination of life is a point lightly touched ment through costnic ranges of ‘. time. Never lini, rosulting in thè iiiimnrtal vidories wlddi inni srnlcnees. Il iva* in tliis maiiner Ilio eom- ty and complexity; passing through the various upon, if nt all, hy Mr. Darwin and Mr. Spencer. surely did prescription plead so irresistible a scieiice has won fui- tini lninian race. I wnuld initnibn wus hcgiin willi us, and yini will In* sur- grades of brute life, and prolonging themselves Diminishing gradually the inimher of progenitors, claim. Hut then-it comes to .pass Hint, over and set, forili cqimlly thelnexiirableadviincenf nian’s prismi, as we were, al Ilo* case 'witli wldeli you hito the domniii of reason. Very striking are Mr. Darwin comes nt length to one “ primordial above his understanding, there are many other umlerstandnigiii thè putii of kilnwledge, limitile will'coneért, a sel'of sigimi* witli Ilo* iiilellige’ncii Mr. Spencer’s remarks regarding the influence of form ; ” but he does not say, ns far ns I remem­ tilings appertaining to mnn whose prescriptive uiiqiiencliiilile diiiins nf lil.s oinntinlinl ualiiie tliat will he dealing witli you, l'iinl Vvhieli wlli, the sense of touch upon the development of in­ ber, how--lie supposes this form to have been in­ rights arc quite as strong ns that of the under­ wlilch thè iinderstandiiig Fannevei siiHsfy. The meet you more tInni hall' ivuy. Alinosi every telligence. This is, so to say, the mother-tongue troduced. lie quotes .with satisfaction tins words standing itself. It If a result, for example, of World, embraces tini, nnlv a Newton, Irti! il Slink-: ircle ìias ils own modus operandi: In .Spalili of all the. senses, into which they must be trans­ of a celebrated author and divine who lmd "grad­ the play of organism and environment that sugar spearo-rnnt; ci.iily"a Hiivlc, 'but a liaphuol ; noi wus lold of a novcl mode. The iilphaliet wns ro­ lated to bn of service to the organism. lienee its ually Jcnrnt to sen that it is just ns noble a con­ is sweet and-that aloes are bitter, Hint the, smell nnly a Kant, but, a Heetlioveli ; no.t nnly il 1 larwlti, lliceli to Iiveiily-lìuir b tlers, and cucii leller was importance. The parrot is the most intelligent ception of the Deity to believe lie created*1 n few of henbane differs from the perfunie of'arose. but, il (Jarlylo. Noi, in elidi iif these, liiit in all, nuiiiberpd Tuie, Iwo, Birre, l'oiir. If niiinber of birds, and its tactual power is also greatest. original forms, capable of selLdevelopment- into Snell facts of consciousness (for'.which,"hy. the is hiimiin niitaire-wliole. Tliey are lini njipnsed, mie nioved it. was A ; if niimlicr folli'nioved Tt " From this sense it gets_knowledge unattainable other and needful forms, ns to believe that lie way, ho adequate reason has ever yet been ren­ bnt supplementary ; imi nuitimlly rxelusivo, bill wiis I), and siToii. The jiarlicnlar forni of tlm by birds which cannot em jiloy their feet as hands. required a fresh net of creation to supply the dered), are quite ns old' iis the understanding it­ reooiieilable, Ami if, siili iinsiitidied, thè liiiman comìiiiinioii Is not, bowever, of so inueli monient. Tlie elephnnt is the most digaciousof quadrupeds voids caused by the action of his laws.” What self ; and many other things enn boast nn equal­ miiid, witli thè yeiirjilng of a pilgriimfor bis dis­ Tlu* importaiil dliiiig is to procure a ìmin'ffeslu- —its tactual range and Skill, and the consequent Mr. Darwin thinks of this view of Hie introduc­ ly ancient origin. Mr. Spencer at, one -place re­ taili lumìe, Will iam totlie"mystery fri,ini whlcli timi of tlu*'' presonee of'-power, li ir, ¡is'sooii as multiplication jof expmriences, which it owes to tion of life I do not know. Whether lie does or fers’to Hint most powerful of passions—the ama­ il has emerged, Docking sii to lì’ishinil il as tngive you gel tliut; you will lindi no dillirulfy in devisi Its wonderfuliymflfTpWole trunk, being the linsis does not introduce his “ primordial form ” by a tory passion—ns one. which, when it first occurs, unity tu tholifihtand fallii—solniigas tìris Is dolio, ing a 'mode mie of through the enormous extension of ids range of radically change our notions of Matter.' If we religions into the liigh-nnd-dry.light of tlie un­ ììfteFy(Tirnìul:l; like'strèaks of ìmiruing domi, hiirnidiiy-aiid ilevol ion ; ami si ligi ng and pi a ver ' experience, by the invention of instruments of look at matter as pictured by Democritus, and ns derstanding mny deride them ; lint, in so doing slmll iiiive niellisi luto thè infinite tizure uf thè are alW'àvs fmind to ho comhieivr firlhal. (III ! precision, which serve as supplemental senses defined for generations in our scientific, text­ you deride accidents of formmerely, nnd fail to past. how glint olir depili'imi.frieiids avidi tlieui- anil supplementabllmbs. The1 reciprocal notion books, the absolute impossibility of any form of touch the immovable basis of religious sentiment sélves (if this, to llictn, new molli' of anice agaiii of these is finely described nnd illustrated. That life coming out'of it woukLbe sufficient to render lii-tlie ein.oliohntmature, of man. To yield this SpiriliinliHl In vosi igni iniiN in Calcutta yislHngJ)u' dear mies loft liehind, and how-palli-' od lhe)' ofli'ii lire irlTIie lijlllng and. irreverent chastened intellectual emotion to which I have aiiy other hypothesis preferable ; but -the. delinl sentiment rcnsonnble satisfaction is the problem A L eltcrfrain I>ea'r.veliiiinl ili Dira, referred in connection with Mr. Dni win thins of matter given in our text-books were in­ of problems nt tlie'presont hour;' A ml grotesque imtnnei’-ih wliioli theiradvi'iil lo us iswclonuiml I should any, not absent in Mr. Spencer: Ilis’ll- tended to cover its purely physical .nnd'mechan­ in relation to scientific cultuie(as ntnpy of tlie re­ lÌNipi:(<) .1. M. IVclilcst .“ Tjie Noni" And how often do■tliey turji sailly away al Ibe. lustrations possess at times exceeding vividness ical properties.' And taught as we have been to ligions of tlie world have been and are—danger­ lYoni a Iliiutoo Nlaiidpoiiit : Lei ter Impaticiice tliaf ciiiinot vai! util il thè .rondi timi* nnd force; and from his style on such occasions regard these definitions ascomplcte, we,naturally ous, nny, destructive, to the dearest privileges of of Ailvice Troni Ilio I.ate .Indge .1. cali Ili: preparisi !’■ ignorant oiii'scIVos of wlial Hiose l'oiulilhms are, we are piteli nni'on*rious of it is to be inferred that the ganglia of this Apos­ and rightly reject the monstrous notion that out freemen nVsome of them undoubtedly have boon, IV, Kilinmiiis. ' tle of the Understanding are sometimes the seat of nick matter any form of life could possibly and would, if they could, be -qghiri—it will be ilio iuipmUiiìent* we plil'srlves put ili tbelrway, of a nascent poetic thrill. arise. . Hut are tlie definitions complete ? Every­ wise to recognize 'them as the forms of. n force, We have received finia J. M. Feeblos the fol­ and d'ijr'this .’persistimi patlenccis Ilio grcat romo- It is a fact of supreme importance, that actions thing depends on the answer to be given to tins mischievous, if permitted to intrude on tlie re­ ily. ' question. Trace the line of life backwards,,nnd gion'of hnoiclcdge, .over which it holds no com­ lowing interesting iet’ei's, which we oiler fór tlii' I! will die'qiiite nilt of my power lo givo you the. performance of which at first requires even consideration of-ouicroadél's.’ The lirst is from n painful effort and deliberation, may by luibit be see it approaching more and more to what we call mand, hut capable of being guided by liberal “ (lirectiolis IIS to thè seleclioll of tlu* media.” rendered automatic. Witness the slow learning tlie purely‘physical condition. We reach at noble issues-in tlie region of emotion leading,merc.biiiil, of Calcutta, in reply'tb certain WT'lcl wit li you, i conld. peiTiup* sav of thè per­ of its letters by a child, and tlie subsequent facil­ length those organisms which I have compared which is its proper sphere. It is vain to oppose queries uf “ The Filgrini." The reiimf'ks by The soli*. pri'sont..who\voul(l he must hkely to bea ity of rending in a man, when each group.of let­ to drops of oil suspended in a mixture of alcohol' this force with a view to its extirpation. Wlmt, writer, concerning “ The Soul,” -will lie fuund tn ìncdinin ; bui noi Olberwise. « ’ ’ : and water. W.e reach the protoymes. of Haeckel, we should oppose, to th e; death if necessary, is You ivi 11 liiiVo to try vour cirides uni il you fimi ters which forms a word is instantly, and without iié'of iiiipoHance'iis giving .the vi'il'w.s'of a .thinker effort, fused to a single perception. Instance in which we have “ a typedistingiiishnblefrom a every attempt to found upon tills eleineiital bias olle, uiui'wheii you do limi ime, lo* or she may he the billiard-player, whose musclis of hand and fragment of nllnmicn only liy its finely granular of mail’s nature a system .which should thereon. 'The.'second is a private letter (never dovelofied iiCa forili quile tinlike anylhuìg I eye, when he reaches the perfection of his art, character.” Can we pause here? Wo break.a despotic swny over ¡iis intellect. . T before piiliilshcd) writ,ten to sui'd Mittra by the diavi* alltldi'd to. Il.ut, bere ugniti.T repeat tbe ro- nre unconsciously coordinated. Instance tlie ningnet and find two poles in each of its frag­ I do not fear any such consummation. .Science lute. JeW . Edmunds, of New York Olty, some niìirk tbat, as sooii as you oliserve Ilio preselicc ments. We continue the process of breaking, has already to soiiie extent leavcni'd the world, df tbe power, whati'vòr its 'forni, you will bave musician, who, by practice, is enabled to fiiso'a twenty-three years ago. yThough years have, multitude of arrangements, auditory, tnctunl and but, however small jlie parts, each carries with and it will leaven it, more and more. I should no(lilllculty in (ijieiiing tbe i'oniniTuiion witli it. muscular, into a process of automatic manipula­ it, though enfeebled, the .polarity-of the whole. look upon the mild light of science breaking in elapsed since it ivas penned, its words, like tin ìVhen 1 l'iduni to town I will try to semi you tion. Combining such facts with the doctrine of And when we can break no longer, we prolong upon tlieoiiiimls of .the-youth'of Ireland, and juice of the grape, have improveij,with age, and some piildieatlondh.'it may aid yoù, for we bave, hereditary transmission, we reach a theory of Hie intellectual vision to the polar molecules. strengthening gradually to tlie perfect' day, iis a it would lie diflie.ult, at the, present day, with all nianv a olio now in olir lilirarles. Are we not urged to do something similar in the surer check to nny intellectual or spiritual tyfan­ ÌVisldng you every in yoiir parsili! of instinct. A chick, after coming out of the egg,' the additional light which - experience! has given * balances itself correctly, runs about, picks up case of life? Is there not a temptation to close ny which might threaten this island, than tlie this trae kniiwlmlge whichso pur’ilies and olino- food, thus showing that it possesses a power of to some extent with Lucretius, when lie affirms hiwsof princes or tlie swords of emperors. Where to the investigator, topen a communication which liles Ilio soni, I subseribe niyself directing its movements to definite ends. How that “ Nature is seen to do nil tilings spontnne- is the cause of fear ? We fought and won our should convey in more terse language so much Y.ery truly yours, did the chick learn this very complex coordina­ -nusly of herself without the meddling of tips battle even in the Middle A ges: why shouldwe valuable information upon the needed conditions . : ' J. \V. Edmonds. gods?” or with Hruno, when he declares that F. (,’. Mitila, Em|. tion of eye, muscles and beak? It has not been doubt the. issue of a conflict now? of spirit communion : individually taught; its personal experience is Matter ¡snot “ that mere, empty capacity which The. impregnable position of science maybe Chcondcroga, oh ¡.ale thorge, Jan - ‘£>th, 1851. n il; but it'lias the. benefit of ancestral experi­ philosophers have pictured her to lie, but the described in n few words. All religious theories, ,7, M. l ’KKW.rcs, Esq.—.!/)/ Dear Friend: 1 universal mother who brings forth all tilings as schemes, and systems, which embrnce notions of tlmnk you sincerely fur the B'unner of Light ynu ence. In its inherited organization are register DEMOCIUTUH AT BELFAST. cd all the powers which it displays at birth. So the fruit of her own womb?” The questions cosmogony, or which otherwise reach into its do­ were kind enough tpsend me, and fur your kind letter of the lililí May last. I-was indeed de­ also as regards the instinct of the hive-bee, al­ here raised are inevitable. They are approach­ main, must, in so far as 'they do tills, submit to r.SVc Bi nari of Profi suor TnndnU'H Inaugurai Discount ready referred to. The distance at which the in­ ing us with accelerated speed, and it is not a mat­ the control of science, and relinquish, nil-thought lighted to meet you and the worthy. Doctor. I S/of/i« iirUish Asmmuttun, J sects stand apart when they sweep their hemi­ ter of indifference whether they are introduced of controlling it. Acting otherwise proved dis- regret that your stay was not longer. 1 see you with reverence or with irreverence. Abandoning nstrous-in the. past, and it is simply fatuous to­ often in “ my ml lid's eye.” .Judge Edmonds Tywlti.ll, «ih SpecHliitloiiNMiminli, spheres nnd build their cells is “ organically re Muv lils mihimHmh lino in NutiiruVMviui, membered.” Man also carries with him the all disguise, tlie confession that 1 feel bound to day. Every, system which would escape the fate was truly of exalted soul, and 1 have tliehighest, Itnt ilm t kfF'*!it ili'up luvh dutiih'i Ih1.vomì hi* iihuinni't, physical texture of his ancestry, as well ns the make before you is that I prolong the vision back­ of an organism too rigid to adjust itself to its en­ respect for his memory.- It, was from hint that I Thu NpmiKs of luw and Ili'1, mimi, imitici', inolimi, inherited intellect hound up with it. The defects wards across the boundary of the, experimental vironment, must be plastic to the extent that the first received instruction on Spiritualism.- pmiioFrlhis IniiuMni'il limi tlu* mhiI of intelligence during infnncy nnd youth nre evidence, nnd discern in that Matter,'which woi growth of knowledge demands. 'When tills truth As to your questions, l would refer ynu to Wìih tiimlu ol nioms. •Nplmilr, Miiootii, and fk'ry; “ Wilson's lteligiuiis Sects,” which contains full Flato oonrelvùd It usa imllant uliolu - . probably less due to a lack of individual experi­ in our ignorance, and notwithstanding our pro­ has been thoroughly taken in, rigidity will lie A Imavuiily unii hafliiiiK maii's liKjUlry...... fessed reyerence for its Creator, have hitherto relaxed, exclusiveness diminished, tilings now information. The Hindus are chielly divided ence than to the fact that in early life the cerebral • Imloioiit (ìoils. liniucsisinalily IiommI, organization is still incomplete. The period neces­ covered with opprobium, the promise and potency deemed essential will he dropped, and elements into Vaishnavas and Vuelas. The .. former ab­ Rrvoml Hit-h];i't <.f lUr.-Jisaij'l Kurus, ■ sary for completion varies with tilo race, and with of every form and quality of Life. now rejected will be.assimilated. The lifting of stain from animal food, i There are certain classes Tj ’O l.'izv .Vati to jmnisli of icwanl; the individual. A sa round shot outstrips a rifled The “ materialism ” here enunciated may be, tin: life is the essential point; nnd as long ns dog­ who do not marry; they are chiefly hermits and Sudi wìih tlu1 lluavcn foiiffIvcI !»y. K|iU:Uni9. one on quitting the muzzle of a gun, so the lower different from what you suppose, and I therefore matism, fanaticism, and intolerance are kept.out., ascetics. ir. as tlm utili* ’vniil Darwin crave. your gracious patience to the end. “ The various modes of leverage may be employed to I told you when you were here that.I had writ­ Mai» Ih* ilnvolcl'UDHit <*r tlu* - race in childhood mny outstrip the higher. Hut •. M'‘t,l»lnl's hW'Kifai »Ii'ccIh auil ikìfUc (Iruains the higher eventually overtakes the lower, nnd question of an external world,” snys Mr. .1. S. raise life to a higher level. Science itself not nil ten a inivclTn Bengali, cunt led Aritdi, or Catho­ Hiusirnw'llh IiIn tnolluscous lic.-' You requested .me to give you a triinsliilion surpasses it in range. As regards individuals, we Mill, “ is the-ffireat battle-ground of metaphys­ frequently derives motive power from an ultra- Itiit; (>v(>n :ih MHloti*H(lFU)iins..|>FoWi\iji to^sml, do not always find the precocity of youth-pro­ ics."*’'My. Mill himself reduces external phe­ scientific source. Whewell speaks of enthusiasm of tlie part having reference to the soul, which I . NV Iteli tln*v.Juul mM i Iif ìf !SIak«*r a.t iIMÌsitìfc, Stili •* fouiH'l tioeml. iti wamlei |m ; niaryh IonU*' - longed to mental power in maturity ; while tlie nomena to possibilities of sensation.” Kant, as of temper as a hindrance to science; lmt he means have now the pleasure-of subjoining: 'we have seen, made time nnd space “ forms” of the enthusiasm of weak heads. Therein a strong “ The existence, separate essence and immqr- KiH h It with « it it noi law huply luw K iw i/" eenth yenr lie went to Cambridge, and soon after­ causation which holds so rigidly in Nature, vio­ sight, that tlie lessening productiveness of men as the soul cannot rise above tin* material or ex­ Be.twlxt Kurdon ami Un1 portlfo. < • .. lently broke tlie. chain by making Nature, and of science in their mature years is to be. ascribed. ternal world, si,i long it, is confined. Tlie soul • ’l'itou, vacillai lui: .SVI vm-t, often IH Itesi, wards astonished his teachers by his power of Ann wiicii we seck ilo-N«Mo««’«»r dealing with geometrical problems. During his “ nil that it inherit,” an apparition of his own Mr. Buckle sought to detach intellectual achieve­ which is confined is phenomenal, nnd is thus tìlv ’.sl usa |tlira>e. “ Mirvlval-nt tlu* intesi. * ■ quiet youth his brain was slowly preparing itself mind.t A udit is by no means easy to combat ment from moral force. He gravely erred ; for seen. It is sometimes human nnd sometimes ani­ l*rav, wlio mav tu* tlie ntter' loMirviv** to be the orgnn of those energies which he sub­ such notions. For when 1 say 1 sec you, and that without moral force to whip it into action, the mal in its manifestation, or appears in combined TÌio spark of tlimmlii for emiilnu Itine to klmiu*, I have not the least doubt about it, tlie reply is achievements of the intellect would be poor in­ forms of the human nnd animal in varying ele­ Tlo* «acicil Ilio ot seieneo keepa'lv«*? sequently displayed. l’iato, AkusnI/, f 1 ninImDiII, Huxley, Tjinlall? By myriad blows (to use a Lucretian phrase) that what I am really conscious of is an nffect'ion deed. ments of both. The soul which is confined is limited in judging powers ; it bus special ...... Is, • If Tviolall'.s Irist word he imleed firn last the image nnd superscription of the external of my own retina. Aiul if I urge that I can check It.lias been said that science divorces itself oi'H ope ami Fidili, tienee wlihm eli r:nr ami talleri world are stamped as states of consciousness up lpy sight of you by touching you, the retort from literature: the statement, like so many special opinions o f good and evil, special ideas of A Maek eloml ...... ni" mii' future as e nian's tìod: Un? eidwd‘.s— no Mailer! on tlie organism, the depth of the Impression de others, arises from lack of knowledge. A glance — Punch, pending upon the number of the blows. When limits of fact: for wlmt I am really conscious of at the less technical writings of its lenders—of hell and heaven, of forms of prayer, of (led and is,"hot that you are there, but that tlie nerves,,of ills attributes. Tlie knowledge of (toil we derive two or more phenomena occur in the. environ­ its Helmholtz, its Huxley, and its Du Hois-Hey- T u r: D i v i n i : l!j;—“ Woiinui and Uie ment invariably together, they arc stamped to my hand have undergone a change. All we hear, mond—would show what breadth of literary cul­ from confined souls is very limited, because it and see, nnd touch, and taste, nnd smell nre, It clothes (toil Almighty with human attributes; for Divine liepidilic” is thè titleof a very rondatile the. same depth or to tlie same relief, and indis­ ture they command. Where among modern duodecimo volume of 'Jia pages just written hy solubly connected. And here we come to the would he. urged, mere variations of our own con­ writers can you find their superiors in clearness this reason the real-spiritual knowledge of (¡ofi dition, beyond which, even to the extent of a is so rare and opinions differ. Wherever the Leo Miller, forniei'ly known ns a leeturer mi threshold of n grent question. Seeing that he and vigor of'literary style? Science desires not Spiri! ualisin and, gviiiiia-lies. Tlu* vvork ¡spuli- hair’s breadth, we cannot go. That anything isolation; but freely combines with every effort ethical element is predominant, the knowledge could in no.way rid himself-of the consciousness of Cod must, be higher ; but it cannot lie sji high lislied hy Haas A Nanert, Buffalo, N. Y. The of Space nnd Time,-ICant assumed them to be answering to our impressions exists outside of toward the bettering o f. man’s estate. Single- ourselves is not a fact, but nn inference, to which as when the soul is emancipated, or l i-es above, malli idea of thè hook Is Hall, in governinoli!, as necessary “ forms of thought,*’ the molds niid handed, and supported not by outward sympa­ well as in evonlhitig else, (he mal.* and Iemale all validity would .be denied b'v an idenlist. like thy, but by inward force, it has built at least one matter. Ethics, the culmination of spii itiialilv shapes into which our intuitions are thrown, be­ through Hie-niind and the highest liuinaii element, elemeiits are cqimlly essential to perirci ion. longing to ourselves solely and without objective Berkeley, or by a skeptic like Ilumc. Mr. Spen­ great wing of the niany-maiisioned home which cer takes another line. With him, as with the is certainly belter than the u'liimal eleoieol : but This idea is pri'omiiiontly thè outgrowth of spirit- existence. With unexpected power and success man in his totality demands. And if rough walls, unlistic tiliilosophy, and tmvard it bave relbrm- uneducated mail, there is no doubt or question as pml pvotiiiding rafter ends indicate that on one whatever iloes not emanate from the soul ¡Leif is Mr. Spencer brings the hereditary experience phenomenal,.and whatever is phenomenal is dy­ ors generali)' heenTlrilting lor thè tasi tmi or lif- theory, as he holds it, to bear upon this question. to the'existence-'of nn external world. Hut lie side tlie edifice is incomplete, it is only by wise differs from tlie.uneducated, who think that the combination of the parts required with those al­ ing. The mission of the plcnomena^ (mind) is to teen years.’ The nutlioi"of thè hook, lonyever, “ If there exist certain external relations .which merge in the nonmennl (soul). V lien the soul views Ho* matler frinii nn. oarnest C'hrist.inn nre experienced by all organisms nt all instants world really is what consciousness represents it ready Irrevocably built that we can hope for to be. Our states of consciousness nre mere sym­ is free and separate from the world iff sense, stam lpoint, nnd says iiothing at wliicli nny Chris­ of their waking lives—relations which are abso­ completeness. There is no necessary incongrui­ tian cali tabe offence... Ili* argumciit* are co- bols of nn outside entity which produces them and ty between wlmt lias been accomplished nnd it is in its proper sphere, it a lamlons what is lutely constant and’ universal—there will be es­ mundane, ami feeds on what is spiritual: It fre­ gont,, seiitcnccs short and dear ciit, and style tablished answering Internal relations that arc wlmt renmins to be done. The moral glow of 9 Examination nf Hamilton, p. 1W. Socrates, which we all feel by ignition, lins in it ntes n world of its own, knows its own destiny, clear ami ciipHvatlng.— Womnn's Journal. absolutely constant and universal.' Suclrrela- f Beatimmung dea Jfenachen. i BANNER OF LIGHT. SE P T E M B E R 26, 1874

(■old and Indiana. K arilec’s Book on -lleiliiuns. Next Course o f SpirltuallM t Lectures. To HookOtiiyorN. the Archimedean lever, whose fulcrum is the brains of the human race' Theology -must The excuse ottered for invading the Indian res­ Tills finely-executed and richly-freighted work A s will be seen by announcement in another At our m*\v locution,. No. f Montg ¿niery IMikt, is now before the English-speaking public, and column, tlie Society of Spiritualists heretofore comer of Province Ntrcrt, Hu>ton, wo have a lino either move with it, or be left in tlie rear. If ervation known as tint Hlaek Hills country, is is eminently worthy oLHie widest perusal. Bead meeting fir'Music-Hall, Boston, will commence Bookstore on tin* igrouml Ilnur of tin* BuiMln^, theologians would have men believe, they must thnt there are gold-lindings in thnt Territory and tlie following1 article, which the Boston Trans­ its course of lectures for tlie current fall, winter when* wo keep un salo a lar^o stock of i'pii itual, preaeli doctrines which tlie most intelligent e.m the precious mineral ought to lie got out. As cript of Sept. 10th publishes under the head of and spring season at tho new Beethoven llall Reformatory ami Miirvllanrms Work.", tu which Accept and believe. _ Individually, men limy specie payments seem tu be no nearer now than “ Literary Matters": 413 Washington street (near Boylston), on the wo Invito your attention. have no clioiee as -to, their belief. Theologians they were ten years ago, it may he seriously ques­ should uiiiniestuiiiiihlv preaeli what they be­ tioned whether tlie jib'll is of the least value what­ “ Messrs. Colby & Rich, of tlie Banner of afternoon of Sunday, October lltli. Orilorsaooniii|iauinl by oa**li will roooivo prompt Light, have published this work in an clegupt Tim first anil second lectures of the course will attention. Wo aro propani to t’orwanl ai\> lieve—nothing more iind notliing less. Jhit in- ever. Hut whether it is gold in the hills, or gold volume of -loK pages, of which the title page is asiiiueli us all the ditferent religious dogmas are be delivered by William Brunton, formerly a of thn .publication*« ni 11«»* Hunk Trailo at usuili or curreney in the pocket of the Indian ngent or as follows: 'Experimental Spiritualism: Hook Unitarian clergyman, but who for many years rutes. Wo rosp.M'tfully il./rliuoall npora- now lieeome familiar to the general mind, and trailer, it makes lmt little or no difference so far on Mediums; or, Guide for Mediums and Invo- past lias been earnest and eloquent in htsoulvoca- tlons look i tu; tu tin* -alo ôf lïnnks on onium issimi, inasmuch, too, as all tlie classes of tile best ns any respect fer tile Indian treaties is concerned. eators: containing the special instruction of tlie ‘-spirits on tin; theory of- all kinds of manifesta­ cy of tlie Spiritual Philosophy. Mrs. Emma Ilar- or wliou oa-'li iloos nut iioouiHpany tho order. minds are indi.-'posed to accept siieli teachings as It is the love of money that precipitates these In­ tions ; tlie means of eoinmuiiieating with the in­ dinge Britten is to follow Air, Brunton. Tlie list of Soin! for a imo < ’atalnmio nf mir Publications. ci.mllict wit)t their ib-lilieriite judgment, would it dian wars and mas-aeres in any ease. “ With chnr; visible worlij-; tlie development of mediiimsliip; not .seem to lie wisdom,"on the palt of thcolo- aeteristie impatience with the requirements of the dilliculties and the dangers that are to he en­ speakers engaged embraces tlie names of Austen E. Simmons, of, Vermont, J. M. Peebles, Thom­ *t~. I 11 l¡ W 111 I I I kj ■ •ut th : Il as s mi V i.n UT. <*; ImuM ginlis, to carefully n examine wliat they so per­ treaty obligations," .-ays the New York Times, countered in the practice of Spiritism. By Allan :uItti. Ilio b) uktMi i.» «im i :ui'h • >i i;ii sistently solicit these minds to believe? Intelli­ "hundreds of men are prepaiing to srnsh into the Kardec. Translated by Emma A. Wood.’ as Gales Forster (who will fill an engagement in 0 nulli unl. ill'-n ' s , : \ n| M i., • U <•< Among the Spiritualists of France ¡ind the enti. nur »•»»lini fi•! liti- "Um f hu|»jr- gent minds are always open to conviction, to the reservation, law or no law. They claim, doubt­ tin; spring if his health, which we are glad to re- 0011At fi IIttnih* !« t Ul­ • t continent of Europe, Eunice's works have long port is improving, will permit), J. J. Morse, of T*rl«Sl •'»**» «if < .[.Iniuli lo r>|ri>ll<|t,hl!' reception of new truths, from whatever ipiarter less, that the territory is part of the United States, been esteemed as tlie best and most authoritative ut toi .li i «■«’. they may eoine, for they are satisfied that, no that the Indian is a scurvy fellow, and lias no on tlie subject of the phenomena and their teach­ England, and other able expositors of tlie cause. single truth cun possibly eontliet with any other right to occupy this favored land to the exclusion ings. He seems to have been acquainted with It is to be hoped tliaiOTe earnest labors of tlie all the phenomena claimed, by Spiritualists as truth. It is' past the time when a rational man of citizens of the republic, This sort of argument Lecture Committee m preparing a scries of genuine, including even the materialization of standard discourses on tlie Spiritual Philosophy may lie..condemned for being merely rational; is popular und'plausible, Hut,” adds;tlie Times, spirits in the full form; as now admitted by Mr. Ißamtci; of 'X iflht will be supplemented on the part of the public and therefore such terms as heresy and lien-ties ! with increased emphasis, ‘ a solemn treaty with Wallace, Mr. Crookes, Mr. Varley, and several no longer have power to frighten, imr indeed ! tlie Sioux declares that fo ■ certain peaceful con­ other fellows of the Royal Society. by a generous taking up of tlie reserved scat BOSTON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1874. lvardec accepts all 'these us natural phenome­ checks, which may be obtained for the course at any significance at all. When superstition was J siderations, that tribi“shall have exclusive posses­ na, which lie reconciles with tlie admitted laws .brought out of the mystery of its shadows by sion of a described tract of land including tlie reasonable rates. m ioN om n: a m > ium iiìstoiu :, of science. The miraculous and supernatural the simple cutting away of the underbrush, the arc excluded from ills teachings. He is t)ie most No. O JlnnliiomiT.T IMore. u i h u t o l l*ro vin ce Hlaek Hills country, and that they only Shall be The Finest Npirit I’icture Extant. •licci il.onci* Flood. power to punish heresy was gone, it is a sign | jierniittcd to pass over it, settle upon it or reside prosaic, scrupulous and. iinniystical of Spiritual­ ists. lie claims to have based his deductions on AUICNT- Knli rilk HANSKIt iS SKW YOKK, of intellectual imbecility for a theologian to call j therein. It is held by the Covernnient that a We slmll in a few dnys place on exhibition in information got by long and rcpcnted'questlon- our Bookstore—free to tlie public—one of tlie fin- THE AMERICAN N KU S n»M PA N Y. ll'J NASSAUS'!*. a man now a heretic. The childhood of limn- | military force limy explore the country ; or it iiigs of spirits of various degrees of intelligence. V O I. Il Y A H I < 1 1 . kind lias passed, probably not to return, unless 1 may enter the reservation for tlie purpose nf ex­ His style is dear, compact, and incisive; never est specimens of art in oil colors ever seen in'Ilos- l'I'UI.iSIltUH ASH l’IUJl'UI K‘fl Miri» i when tlie world may tall Into its dotage. The pelling intruders, whether they lie unfriendly misty nor dubious. Ills explanations, such as ton—the painting beingneitlier more nor less than they are, are always level with the average un­ l.UTHKIl Citf.llY. ....ElUTOIl. | theologian may elect to stand stfiliwliere lie is if Indians or interloping whites. There has been a full-length portrait of a Spirit Indian Araiden, I ba ac H. U n n .. li t> inks Manaukh. derstanding. One great reason for his immense known by the name of “Si’KINofloweii.” This i lie pleases, ami see the world'go by; ¡twill lie fair warning on both sides. The Sioux say they popularity in France may be found in this fact. * l.uttt'i.h »lui ruimimnlnillniiN ...... lt»K.. t .certain to look buck at him, as his musty old spirit was seen by tho artist, Joseph John, in dtlros «■il lo will defend their .hunting ground. It is their Born in ism, Kardec, whose real inline was/Ri­ I m it o Kit : ;unl all IU n i.s k .-s I.i. it m is n» I saac tomes are ifow regarded by those who keep them last refuge, after they have been crowded to tlie val!, died in lWih. Allan Kardec was wlmt tlie a vision, dressed in lier unique hunting costume. II, U n ii. Rannkk of l.iunr l‘i h m m u n o lin i> k, Dos* on their shelves but never read them. French call his nom de jilume; lmt lie gained for Remembering vividly lier appearance, in form, TOM. M ans; extremest West." Tlie_re|igious degeneracy of. some of tlie great it such distinction that his widow now goes by face nnd dress, lie'has faithfully—according to And now let us proceed with the confession of tlie name of Madame Kardec. . ‘ A Superb Story.' minds of (¡eriniiny, as well as of England and the Times, tlie same wliieh is making continually The present is Kardee's first appearance in an competent clairvoyants in this city who have tlie United States, is inounied over by tlie pulpit inglisli dress. The ‘ Book on Mediums’ lias often seen and conversed with “ Springfiuwer"— \Vo slmll eoinpicni'e in mir next Issili1.—No, 1 of by the more fair and intelligent portion of tlie advocates and defenders, but instead of lament­ press of tlie country. It admits Hint “ the (!ov- been very accurately and admirably translated transferred to canvas a correct likeness of her. volume XXX VI—n tlinlling story.of Ufo ami its ing it would lie more profitable „to look for tlie by Emma A. Weed, who says, ‘The work of In our next number we slmll speak more defi­ erninent lias hail infinite and fiwlty.,.experience, translating lias been a labor of love, to lie fully trials, outitjfil : cause. It will not lie found to lie ill cunseipience with lehite ¡/trader.« of reservations. Within a repaid to me by the good I nm sure it will per­ nitely of this elegant painting and its subject, ac­ T I I K : of any antagonism lo tlie foundation principles few weeks Indian disturbances have been precipi­ form among our own people.’ Messrs. Colby & companying our remarks with a fine descriptive of real Christianity, or to the noble .principles tated by these lawless encroachments. ..The light Rich have exhibited much enterprise in getting Poem, (written for tlie occasion, by request,) LIGHTS AM) SHADOWS drill.control tlie lives and eondiieCof so many of out tills volume in so handsome a style. Lady from tlie pen of our reporter, Air. John W. Day. At Wichita-Agency’ was the natural consequence Caithness is about to publish, at her own ex­ OK • • its followers, or to tlie moral precepts and excel­ of an attempt to force a white settlement on the pense, translations of Kardee’s complete works lent measures they would inculcate. TllPre is, reservation. A similar outrage of treaty rights li England, but tlie American publishers have Notice to Subscribers. in truth,- no such necessity for anta'goni*m ns is resulted in hostilities on tlie Republican Fork. anticipated her, though not intentionally, in the Tlie present number closes Yol. XXXV of the ONE WOMAN’S LIFE. most famous of Kardee’s productions/. It is full hastily alleged, and it can therefore exist only f t ¡» notorious that a ym iter part o f the so-called Banner. Those, of our patrons whose time of - - BY MRS. ANN E. PORTER, of interest not only to Spiritualisjts, but to all through theological opposition to scientific facts. fndiiin wars are justly chargeable lo offences by persons interested in tlie occult, ns well as the subscription expires with said number will find Author o f 11 Dorit .\ioorr;" "Country ;\< ighbors; The facts cannot lie changed",.like tlie forms and white men who invade the territory o f their red admitted phenomena of tlie human soul. It can­ tlie fact registered upon their papers by tlie in­ , or, > The Tiro Orjihiin» “ Ilucl.y Nook— .1 dogmas of religion. That religious faith -is weak­ neighbors, and then call lustily, fo r the protection not fail to nttrnct attention at tlie present time, scription, “ 2(itU Sept. ’74” printed upon the top when strange reports are coming to us from all Tale fo r the Time*;" " Jhrlhit"i.ce' er than any unbelief Itself.which permits tlie one ofjhe Government:" There is the whole, truth of margin.: Such are respectfully and earnestly quarters of inexplicable phenomena.'’ '‘Mi/ Husband's- .Si m l ; ” ‘‘.Jessie professing it to-tremble at the advance in knowl­ the case respecting these-Tndinn wars in a-nut-' requested to renew their patronage, and so edge which is making everywhere'among-men., Uri iff “ J’letiiren of Ileal Life shell.' It is precisely wliat the Banner was the ICutic King. strengthen our hands for the uncompromising Is it either the province* or policy of true Chris-; first, or almost the first paper in tho country to in aVrir York.;"- ■“ The, Tiro . Bliss field, near Adrian, Mich., is. the present issue with error in which we.are engnged. Contili»; or, Sunshine tlanily to check and restrain it?...Christianity, declare, and it called down tlie just ’penalties of field of operations chosen by Mr. nnd Mrs; Those wlio intend to renew will ^onfer a great and 1\ mjie»t," ete. already claims to have taken thelend In tlie edu­ such a deliberate crime on tlie bends o f its perpe­ Holmes, (formerly of Philadelphia) forvthe hold­ favor on our mall clerk, by forwarding names cation of mankind. Is to withdraw trators. But it received only maledictions in Mrs. 'Porter Is a writer whose reputation was ing of those remarkable materialization sfiances and money as soon asposslblef in order that ho from that leadership? She must either,.do thnt certnin quarters for its enndor and love of justice, spared much labor in revising nnd cor­ established years ago as a touching and faithful for.which, they have been so justly celebrated. and take all tlie consequences,'or go forward and while its.benevolent intention was sneered at as Oil September 10th a seance was held by them at recting the printed list for our mailing machine! limner of every-day. scenes and circumstances, take a stand herself in the front lank of progress­ tlie proof of pusillanimity; How stands tlie whiclwa reporter of .the, Detroit Times attended, especially as met with In the'.married state. Her ive thought; Tills is tin* alternative that lies case how ? The Peace Commissioners appointed and his experiences, as given in that paper, were O u r A ge . before tlie Christian theologian.-.'-.It-is not, what by tlie President threw up their places because portraitures of domestic affection and the endear­ satisfactory in the,, extreme.. As a .culmination Is not dead, hut w ill be resumed in January, so will the world, do?..fur the world's motion-enmiot they were opposed in their work so strenuously ments of home are of irresistible attraction ; and of tlie phenomena witnessed on the evening in says the; editress, Lois Watsbrooker, who is in he stoppeij; but, what w ill the Christian theolo­ by tlie Indian lting near tlie Government. It Is she lias, In the current Instance, thrown ground question, “ Katie King ” appeared.? She walked Boston, and will receive calls to lecture in New . gian do? The I mm air race is-not to be wholly the; fortunes that' arc to be made by swindling nround the room, and touched the guests pres­ England for the' next three months. . Address in. her story a dramatic interest-which will unfail­ ruled by abstractions ; it tins become too practi­ the Iiidians put of their lands tlmt. tempt the ent. She was dressed in the traditional white, care of this office. • . ingly lead the reader on from chapter to chapter, cal for that. It is not abstract, ideas and dogmas cupidity of tills Ring and its adherents far and anil her form was artistically molded, ner that will lead men away from wrong doing into near. As a civilized people wo are committed even unto tho end. Those who leave perused the countenance was almost, transparently white, . Egr iL W. Beecher’s address .before, the an­ tlie paths of virtue. by every possible obligation to demand a cessav 'grand works from her pen which-we have enum­ Tlie announcement of tho presence of theso- nual Cnledonia Agricultural.Fair, at St. Joliris-. ... ■■What men need to he continually'taught am}' tion of this infamous wrong and robbery, , bury, y t„ Sept. 22d, was one of the pleasantest erated above, and which .have from time to time mediums has created much interest In Detroit, have Impressed upon their minds'; is practical be­ and yet tlie most pointed public 8peeches_thi3 ; and the indications are that Blissfield.will.become appeared in oRr columns, will not accuse us of nevolence, intelligent .charity, dove for their talented orator ever uttered, li e -Kept, during its R c-incariitttioii. a point of convergence to inquirers for some time undue enthusiasm in thus commending Mrs. Por­ .neighbors;a-hatred of double dealing, of hypoc­ delivery tho vast throng of tho very . . While the..British scientists nt Belfast have in­ to come. -. ter as ail authoress to the public ; and those who risy, of cheating ami lying—in fact, Christ’s best of humor, lie himself—according ■ to tlio pulí . own -simple principles. A distinguished .theolo­ vaded ami disturbed firmiy-grouudedtheories of diave not--wiil'fimi in the 'present'story—which all : YSK - Crude Alatter ’’ and. other subjects are dished reports—11 appearing tobé in the-very best-.— gian . say.Sj ..perhaps coniplulniiigly, lliat "all spiritual tilings, says the Boston Post, another discoursed Upon by.the controlling intelligences of good health arid spirits.” Sobering down should read—a line exponent of ■"her:, scope .of nvonuesof communication with tlie people—tlie organization has been coming iiito harmony,upon oil the sixth page, présent issue ; Gebrgie Davis,, from the jocose as lie neared tlie end of his felicl-' . treatment and style of ilieliim. . . • press, tho lecture-room, the lycouih— nrc now the-question' of the nature, range and being of of South Boston,, speaks to his mother.; Ilenry toils remarks, ljé adverted evidently with earn- - freely open to apostles of modern unbelief, ‘tlie spirit, itself; Prof. Tyndall may feel toléra, Francis Adams, of Boston, “ telegraphs ” tlmt est feeling to -tlie terrible civil war in this coun- . M ini of V olum e YXX V. and wherever they present their, views, by voice lily well 'contented, if in five "years lie finds his i t ’s all right with nie’.’; Samuel Gerrish,: of try, nnd the late commotion in .New Orleans, . .The present-number (Jiti) completes the tlilily- nr pen, applauding throngs-nrc.-sure to gather." views accepted- liy as many intelligent people as Portsmouth, N. II., calls upon his nephew Joseph concluding as follows : fiftli volume of the Banner of Light, and we are Hut tlie reason of this is, not tlint scientific men have in that time adopted'Those of the late Allan to investigate ns to whether there is any good to “ Tlie North and the South shall clasp hands jn ' about to go, forwarllylo another semi annual di­ seek to oppose tlie dogmas'.of certain religious KArdce, tho leading Spiritist of France, and it comefrom tlie “ Nazareth of Spiritualism ; Alary recijirocal unity, and the East and West join to­ vision of our. labor, with earnest purpose to-do- •believers, lmt,. .because they present truth in' an may be said of Europe.' To tlmt portion of tlie Jane Willetts sends message to her mother; Jon­ gether' their acclamations,: ami tills great innd is yet to stand before all other'lands ; and she Is ‘serve the continued patronage of old friends, and attractive light, and because Hie people lire in­ world-which reads deeply, ids theories on re-in athan Hamlin, of Maine, wishes his children to carnation are not unknown, though new to the to ncldeve this not for the sake of sitting down. • tin* added favors of new-ones. 'The path trodden telligent -enough to receive and appreciate the inquire into tlie liew truth which lie so earnestly in fat idleness, not to make arrogant and to op­ by those who seel;, .whether from press or ros­ truth. No good Christina need trenibie.or fear majority of mankind, to most of whom they will combated while in mortal ; Jane Elliot, of Wor­ press tlie; weaker nations, but tlmt she may hear trum, to aid tlie onward movement of reform, in on tills ncuount.t Cod is still over all. The ad-: doubtless appenr strange ; anil a'fèw cester, Afass., -assures her soiv and daughter that .witness to the longing-race of ..mankind tlmt everywhere are languishing for that knowledge, whatsoever department, Is—we, have learned by vaneenient of knowledge which ¡wo witness, is they may seem absurd,-there will be no general lier mental health is restored in the land of souls ; denial that they are intéresting. Kardec holds freedom, morality, love of country and love of . loll)' experience — a ruined and thorny one, just ns'much n part,.of Cod’s plan ns is tlie reli­ Judith Gates, of Portsmouth, N. IL, bears wit­ God, which makes nil things fruitful and nil wlieiein steep inclines'.uud-. sharp angles stand gion of Christianity r'and if it were,not con­ tlmt tlie soul lins a past as well ns n future, and ness to the,truth of the scriptural promise: things strong.” ^ prominently'before tho mental, and, mayhap, in sistent with Ills grand'ultOrior designs, no such that the soul of each one of us may lmve inlmb- “ Knock, and it shall be opened unto you,” in the n pecuniary sense, tlie physical vision,, hut the advancement would ever-have -been’.permitted, iteditpil many, iiïuiiv successive bodies.hollies. But the innsmost curl matter of spirit communion ; Senator.Lane an­ ¡SIT It gives us great satisfaction to state that voice of Unseen Counselors, is ever the hot our-Christian.friend hold tlint ous feature of tills belief Is that the soul may swers the question of n friend concerning tlie Prof. Seelye, of Amherst, the worild-bc-God- • ; pauses of eiToit, bidding them "no forward,” in which lie beliem tilt* truth, and leave the; have long intervals of rest and 'recreation in the feelings of .Charles Sumner in the spirit-world in-the-Constitutioii-delegato to Congress from obedience to-the call of duty, knowing of firm rest to Ids Maker. In such: hands- there is'no- spirit-land, or it limy only take a few hours’ ab­ George W. Olney, of Auburn, N. Y., presents Western Alassncliusetts, has after all had his assurance tlie truth-thnl*though, limn dies, ills sort of occasion .for fear. Hut nny faith thnt sence: from- animating duty In an earthly tene­ words of comfort to his mother; and Theodore prospects for election virtually annihilated by the ’ work fur liunmnitytsweal goes on. needs strengthening simply needs, to undergo ment.' Tlie European Spiritists, according to Parker offers up hn earnest prayefttlmt strengtli overweening confidence of his friends. It will And so we ngaln gird our loins, and prepare to the processor -spiritualizing anew. their owii estimate of themselves, number seven may be granted tlie pastor of Plymouth Church be remembered that a few weeks since wean- . movemi tlironglrthe “ lied Sea "of Trial, to whose fuillibns, mid the theories of Kardec are now-uni­ to bear the present "assaults of time.” liounced that a movement was on foot to urgo waves, in tlie past, wit have not been a stranger, Wuniaii'M Political am i Social Rights. versally accepted by'them; In this number are him for the nomination; and agreeable to call -with firm trust in the Angel-tiHides wlio.lmvclicen A lecture by tills title,'from John Scott, of Eng-' included sonic of tlie names tlmt jihilosophy E3F- From all quarters we continue to receive some thirty-five men assembled in “ Convention ” to us thus far pillar by.night- and day, land, a distinguished chemist, and; author of reckons ninong her cherished children.- The kind notes complimenting the course of the Ban­ at Greenfield, anil instead of taking steps to se­ . knowing that a victorious end is sure ! , "Tlie Philosophy of the Iplluchccs of the Sur­ American Spiritualists do not accept re-incarna­ ner of Light, and expressing for it the highest re­ cure delegates to the Republican Convention roundings of Men,-” lies before us with its riches' tion to a grciit extent, but tlie extension of tile gard. One of our correspondents says, recenU they carried out the true creedist programme, a9 , B elief m ill T nbi-liol’. of. reflection nnd argument;on a .subject which is theory so rapidly shows'that it lias afforded a )y : “As tlie very best means of obtaining a proposed in said call, and nominated tlie gen lie- commanding wide attention iii-tiiu mother coun­ satisfactory conclusion to "ninny psychical invest­ knowledge of Spiritualism, its facts and phases, When1 these two^"opposing terms are employed, 111 an outside of parly limits entirely. The church ■ try, ns .well ns here. He sets out with asking tlie igators. for. tlie least.amount of money, I recommend the they commonly refer to the. Christian creed its candidate will now be obliged to fight itnout as questions: " Are women (it for politics?" "Are Banner to all inquirers;” nnd another, writing standard ; if one accepts that, according tu the best he may, nnd we trust that the liberal-mind­ politics fit for women V” and his answers to these A. J. Davis's Latest Book, from St, Ileienn, Cal., to our-agent in Sail Fran­ prevailing ecclesiastical interpretation, it is call­ ed voters of tlie district wherein he is nominated. timely queries are thorough and satisfying; Tho Entitled "Conjugal Love,” which is for sale cisco, tlms expresses his view s: “ I fear my sub- ed belief; if one questions it, with whatever: ■will see to it that his defeat, which is sure, will matter is discussed from every side, nnd all the by: Colby & Rich, No. 9Montgomery Place, Bos­ .scription for tlie Banner of Light may expire be­ motive, it is called unbelief. .The lattef is re­ also be overwhelming, so tlmt the zealots who current objections to the equal education ami the ton, is calling forth encomiums in all quarters fore I again visit the city. , I like tlie jmper so garded to tie something opposed to the gen­ endorsed him may not mistake the voice of the enfranchisement of woman are handled with, and is meeting, with an extensive rending, as it much better than formerly, that I wisli to receive eral belief of-religious Christians; tlint is, of people. candor nnd ability. A supplementary lecture to deserves. Tlie voice of tlie secular press is unan­ it always. Please regard me ns a regular sub­ such ns profess .in form the doctrines of I the tlie foregoing is one entitled “ Woman's Natural imous in its favor, notices of a commendatory scriber. Will make nil right when I come down.” V3T We have received a kind letter from our Christian religion. But there is a vast mul­ nnd Social Rights,” which is made to accompany nature being contained in tlie Daily Graphic, Arid these two are but specimens chosen at liap- old and faithful co-worker, Thomas Gales Fors- titude who do not- come within 'either limit, the others. By. the jicrusal of both these -very Orange (N. J.) Chronicle, Golden Age, etc. etc hazard as indices, from tlie multitude. .ter, of Philadelphia, wlio sometime since with­ wlio are nevertheless styled Christians in the able productions, from a mind so thoroughly Tlie Chronicle says: "The vital questions in drew from the lecture-field on account of ill health, lump. They, are members of no Christian trained and so widely informed, the reader will volved iiiiCoiijiigal Love are treated in a delicate ¡S T The Dorchester, Alass., Woman Suffrage wliieh gives us the pleasant assurance tlmt this "Church or body, and still it would give tlicui a lie ntile to obtain a just view of the whole field and straightforward manner, and the argument Club unanimously passed the subjoined resolu­ fine trance-speaking medium will again return to pang not to be considered Christians. There is and to comprehend the question in its length, of tlie book carries conviction to every heart, tions at its meeting held Alondny evening, Sept. tlie rostrum. Fifst, however, with bis beloved a strange meaning in the phrase, "the preva­ breadth and depth. Did space allow, it would be holds tlie attention with peculiar interest from 14tii : wife, lie will pay a visit to England. Probably lence of unbelief.”. It might lie regarded ns an a source of sincere gratification to supply a series first to last, ami appeals to all tlmt is truest and Whereas, The Legislature has enacted n law his first reappearance before an American audl-, epidemic, lu|t that is not it. It is something affirming tlie right of women to serve on school of pertinent extracts from the pages of these two best in tlie human soul.” ence will be at Beethoven Hall, in this city. Our whose originating cause must be sought for lie- committees ; and, whereas, tlie presence of wo­ essays; hut in lieu of that privilege we must con­ Tlie Golden Age in reference to tlie book re friends in England must'send liim back to us low the surface: Neither belief nor unbelief can men in sucli committees is greatly needed ; there­ tent ourselves with referring to them and to their marks: fore, well, for we cannot yet afford to lose so able, an be a matter of deliberate choice by the individu­ author in the tone of laudation for his efiicient “ Afr. Davis has no faith in free-love notions Resolved, Tlint tlie Woman Suffrage Club of expounder of the-Spiritual Phii’osopliy. a l himself. It must have come to hiiiwthcough service in a cjlfisc that is certain to triumph at Dorchester respectfully'invite both political par­ and no patience with ..their nilvocntes. lie finds ties to nominate ladies of suitable qualifications some educational process. For the Inst fifty tlie last, and excite the universal wonder nt its tlie way of life in a wise self-control, nnd insists J5y Dr. Sexton, with whose brave words our years education lias advanced with more rapid to fill tlie vacancies that will occur in said boards having been so long and unjustly opposeiL.', “.In­ tlmt woman slmll lie the mistress Jof her own per- tliis fall. readers have ere this become acquainted, and strides in Germany than in any other part,of tin- asmuch,” concludes Prof. Scott, “ as woman is son, hut tlmt marriage should bwAourtship imlefi. whose recent lectures at Alarylcjbone Music Hall, world, nnd it lias helped to give to the world tlie nitely prolonged. But he favors divorces for tlie . 5®* Prof. Tyndall’s Inaugural Lecture before have created-so much interest among Spiritual­ tlie builder of tlie foundation of society and na­ niis-mnted, when there is no crime as well as results of a great deal of high scientific thought. tions, she should he furnished with sound nnd when there is ; indeed, it is a crime for persons tlie British Association, at Belfast, Ireland, is ists and skeptics alike, is (so says tlie London Within tlie above period theology 1ms been sub­ pure materials, ns a kind of compensation for,(lie who repel and irritate encli other to coiitiime re­ now issued in phnVphlet form, and may be ob­ Aledium and Daybreak) preparing an elaborate jected to great change, and is destined to under­ work she performs.” These are a just represen­ lations in which each mnkcs't/ie other miserable tained at the bookstore of Colby & Rich, No. 9 answe*6»to the strictures laid by Prof. Tyndall go still more. Once the priests were also the po­ if not wicked. Separations can he regulated ns Montgomery Place, Boston. See, advertisement. tation of her interests, a good matrimonial rela­ well as marriages, though if men and women upon Spiritualism, anil the general drift of the litical leaders, and because tliVy were powerful address to-which that scientist lias lately given tion, a complete education, counsel—not com­ were rigidly .matched in the first place .-they CST" Tlie American Woman Suffrage Associa­ they set up their authority against physical would grow together instead of falling apart, tiil utterance. “ The Reply” will be a strong work mands, and honor—not patronage.' tion will bold its sixtli annual meeting for the truths and, for tlie time, overpowered them. separation were impossible.” from a steady hand',’ and cannot .fail to redound y election of. officers and the transaction of busi­ Tills can tie so no longer, however. Tlie people 1ST We have received No. 1, Vol. 1, of tlie to the credit of the cause of truth. are too generally educated to be thus imposed Northampton (Mijss.) .tournai, A. M. Powel(edi- subscriber, writing from Wonewoc ness, in Detroit,.Midi., Tuesday and Wedne§^ day, October 13th and 14th. upon. Botti in Germany and tin- United States tor (formerly conductor of the New York Stand­ P. O., Ji'i\nneau Co., Wis., Sept. 18th, says . ISy nenry T. Child.M. D., writing from Phil­ adelphia under-date of 21st inst.j says: - - they aro educated up to that point where they ard) ; Airs. .Elizabeth Powell Bond, assistant “ God bless tlie dear Banner of Light! Afny its V3T Colliy & Rich have received and offer for “ AIessks. Cqliiy & Rich—P lease send joe, at will not knowingly permit any truth to be sacri­ editor. The Journal is issued on good paper,, folds be borne around our globe, and may angels sale nt their bookstore, No. 9 Alontgomery Place, your enrliest convenience, fifty copies of ficed. with clear, typography, nnd is filled with matters aid it in doing Its duty In giving good news to Boston, tlie London Spiritual. Magazine for Sep­ dec's Book on Mediums.’ It Is a grnn(L8,, The world is in constant motion. Education is of interest. the multitudes. Am en!” tember. . ' cess, and I'thlnk.we shall sell many of them. SEP T EM B ER 26, 1874. B A. N IST E R O F L I G- H T,. /-:41 5

Joseph Currier. Nplrltuul and MlHccllnneoiiH I’erlotll- J r nod M oiuliiv, Sept. 7tli, ch n COLBY & RICH, BRIEF PARAGRAPHS____ "(The following spirit message was -received at our Public I for Nale at thin tjlllcci IlHITTAN'H JoiiUNAI. of Spiritual Hclom-o.-r.llemturo, ...... A I. la A N K A U l> KC’N Free Circle, Monday afternoon, .Sept. 21st, through the Art ami (mqilradoii. rulillslic! In Now York. Prlco ail Publishers and Booksellers A woman In England was scnt«.*nce«l to ten years’ penal medlumshlp of Mrs. J. If. Conaut, with the request to cunts. •crvltude and seven years’ police supervision for stealing a print It in advance. ] T 1IK I.o n Iion SeiitiTtiAi. Ma o a z in k . Price:io rents. No. » .llONTiiO^IEKY I'U C K , "' G roat W orlx, piece of lamb. Verily the ways of the law are past tlmllng T u b'P m.vKKlt ok P ito o n n ss, pnailsln-il In 1.melon. Gooil iluy, I'uptnln-Kpnunil. [flood Afternoon, Price :i cents. BOSTON, KXl'ERIM ENTAI, S p I it I T ISM.. out. NVhat a comment upon hum an Justice l llt'MAN N ati-iik : A Monthly Journal of /.nlstleSelenre sir.] An old .si-honlmato of mine Is bolnj? misled amt InlelltKern-e. Pulillstunl In I.melon. Price Z'i eente. KKKP A COMPI.KTK ASSOHTMKNT OP l.oril Byron Is reported to have said "that ho would and made very unhappy by three knaves, who T ub ItKI.Uiio-Pilii.osoeilH Ai. .loi'itsAi.: Devotee to rather have» nod from an American than a Miull-box from Spiritualism, Pnlillslieil In t'hlcnso, III. Price h cents. have sent her tiie-nhws, falsely, of her husband's T iik I.itti.b ¡iurgree. PuMIslicil In fhleu^u, ill. Spiritual, Progressive, Reform, I500K ON MEDIUMS; an emperor!" ______Price -Jn eetlls. The Inst word Istheum.Mdangcrimsof hifernal ina»d»lut*s. death. The fact is, he has left them, and their T ub I.yi bi m. Puhlisheil monthly hy P. Il.-.llatesen. „AND Husband ami wife should no more tight to K«t 'j *V.iiV-i.v.i? affairs are somewhat mixed up, and they desire Tnlctln, 11., ami i!i‘»!ciii-il for tie* elllMren of the Pii.n'less- should struggle for the possession of a lighted munushh i. lve I.yeenms. Pi le.- 7 cents per e»ipy; 7.‘i cents n yenr. MISCELLANEOUS }BOOKS. Married people* should study each other » weak points, as to j>et her signature to certain papers, that will, T iib t'neeini.K . Price n cents. GUIDE FOB MEDIUMS AND INVOCATOES: skaters look out Tor the weak parts of h'e, In 11‘ I’ll K I t Kit AI.II OK II KAI.TII A N U .fo t’lt N A1. OK PlIVMCAl. AT WHOI.KSAI.K AMI ItllTAII.. ni.NI.U MMi otf them. Ladles who many for love.should nnumiMi if they are smarl enough to get them soon ci'u iiik Ii, CL'LTL'ItB. Puhlisheil In New York. Price l.'i cents. give them several thousand dollars, and release A.MOMI mi: AC riloas AUB ; Tho Spoclnl Instruction of tho Spirits on, them from some, obligations to her husband. RATES OF ADVERTISING. AXmtKW J.U'IINON d i v i n : tho Theory of jell kinds of IVfnnifosta- Now, the faet is, Miranda, he is n't dead, and lio n . H O IIl:i!T !>A1,K O W EN. tlons ; -tho Moans of Commun lea- Sugar Is the Hubsiance must universally dllfused through I, your old friend and schoolmate, Joseph Cur­ Karh Uno In Affilie Ijjm *. Iwenly oonfa for lie* VVII.I.IA’1 » i :\ t o n . ah natural products. Lot mairled people takca hint fioiu first tint! fifteen coula fur every *iit>*e<|tieitt In- jA N .ii.i’r:>:iii.BN. ting with tho Invisiblo World; this production of nature. ftorffon. rier, have eomebaek from the spirit-world to up­ NPCUAI j NOTKT'.S. — Forty routs l>er lin o , ■o :\ i i y n 'liiim r . tho Dovolopmontof Medium- A dlspatclnfroin Honnsuya that the Old CaDmJle Confer- set their plans nml to befriend you. Now, my 31lnl»n. ruoli tutei'f Ion. E.'lNEST ItUNAN, Itl’NIMJSM CAItHM, — Tlilrfy cent* p e r lin e . ship; tho Difficulties and ence lias come to an agreement on all Important points of advice is : pay no attention whatever to anything Affûte, elicli litucrtlmt. ILNTKIIIIIVN, VVAItnEN «'IIANE, tho Dangers that aroto dogma. «!...^ ______t -i yon may receive from them ; for in due season K*ny monts In n il 011*01» In ntlvnnco. I». I». i i o jo :, bo Encountered In V, T. Harmtm was married In New York, Sept. lGtlr, to you will luar from yonr husband, and will then # 9 * For nil Ailvertlsements nrluto»! on the öth T . It. IIA'/.AHI>, puffo, 20 routs per line Tor enoh Innorilon. tho Practice of adaughterof John Fisk, of Southport, Knghmd. know of this fraud-; but if you hurry up, as they , A. K. NEW TO N. S p iritism . A llttlo four-year-ohl girl looked at the rainbow with expect you will, and sign those papers and return A3“ A d v e r tisem en ts to ho ren ew ed nt c o n flit tied ltev. M. II. CIIAVEX, rules uiiut be loll nl our Ottico.before 12 H ,on Jllilse J. W. EDMONDS. great attention, recently, and then suddenly exclaimed, .them, as they are very sure yon will.-why, yon M o n d a y . “ Mamma, 1 dess Dud Is doing to play croquet ; he’s dot I’l-ol. N. H. ■Iltri'TAN. I Î Y AU,AN KARDKC. • AI.I.EN 1WTNAU, his w icket set I” ‘ ______will make trouble for him, and will he giving them just the inside track. I happen to know- E l’EN NAIKJENT, Translated from tho French, by Fnimn A, Wood. Whether thralled orexlled, SPECIAL NOTICES. W .T. EVANN. W hether poor < r rich thou he, just what's going to lie done, and knowing it, Whether praised or reviled, III'IINDX Tl'TTI.B, - Vv CONTENTS: Not a rush It Is to thee: and having the power to come hack here, I have Du. Kurd L. II. Willis will In* in X’liolsoft, A. II. « T lll.l» . /utreitmt'ioii. This nor that thy rest doth win thee, come. I ask no reward. I only ask that yon Tuiwiay, OctolicrfRIi, at. Dca. Sargent's, MClurk IM I. IIANItOEIMI. VAiir riu*>r. llut the mlud that Is within thee. WAltKEN N, ■tAIII.OW, ______-\V ithtry licri. will occasionally think, In kindness, of lfoor Joe A wimp, .from 10 till 4 , ami at the Nlmrumn Prolimnmry Idcua. House, Court Square, lb»ton, Wmlni'silay ami Itev.T. Il.TA Vl.Olt, A female bill poster does a thriving business In New To Mrs. Miranda Emerson. J. O. IIAllltET'r. It A (’ l iai I •• J n tto n Sfiit tf t> / - ' riiursday October Till and Nili, Hie same boms. ’ 11 .\ I* 1 K H - Th’. Mnvvl Ion s it ml So ]>i vnnt tint l, Y ork. •S.-Jii. Kl-V. W.VI. .HOI!NTEOItl>, 'H.\rI a•'ï'heptph Imul Igmniuiee, (tout Ill-will, from The Next ('mirNC «rSpiritual I.eetureN., Mr*. KAMA IIAItIHNUE lutereht and loslmeiny,.fmm Cmlllaiilmlty, iiniii Ke- The Portsmouth (N\ H.) Times says some of tho oM ¿¡1(1 tn tinnii invested in Stocks and Gold pay’s Ur>.J.N.AIIA)IN, ItgluilH hernples..t Mini Di-eepllonv, Ae, Shoalers still llveat the Isles, and mieof thorn, viewing with *11A I* 11-. It l - l Mtreji’iii Modes id View Ing hpli It Imi», Suhi- Thu Committee <>C .“ the Music I Tail Society of gliU tu qUUUu .Jon per cent, a niniitli. Send for AdlNA W:sl'HA<.«i banihulle, resslm lst, 'DlalHdte o r Meiunntae, (iplluntst, . . critical eyes a yacht moored at Star Islam), spied Us name, Spiritualists ” is making arrangements to resume particulars:-TuM iminui: A Co., Hankers, 2 Wall IIEI.I.E Itl’NII. Psyche, tfpclt/hc old man slowly, P-s-y-c-h-e. “ Wall, ' I'Atii f-'y.t itW . ' . •’ - * '* ’• the regular series of free meetings in the new ami st., N. Y. Hfvv*—S.23. Ml«» I.l/./.IE ITOTEN. * if th at nlnt the durmlest way l ever did sue to spell list»!’ .lira. MAItIA M. ItlNCi. Spirit MimifoHtntioMH; elegant Hkhthoven IIai.l, 41» Washington, near said he. . - ’. ______- Bay tini Eureka Machine twist, and take no Mr«. !.. MAIIIA t'llll.O . 'lUl'Tl.ll I : «oi Matin’. : . Oh. yet'wo trust that somehow* good lioylston street, Boston, the second ¡Sunday after­ other. For length, strength, smouihness and Mr«. I.OIN WAINIlllOOKEII ’'TUi •i- l'St/f’ical Mtnnjt*ta(iouji 'riiriilng Tuh!»'**, W.. ill 1 ho tho “ final...... goal of 11). EH’.. E lf., E lr. UAl'i nn 3 hit* Ihift ut MitnihhtiiUunx, To pangs of naturo, »ins of will. noon in October, ltev. Win. lirunton (formerly lastioity, it is unequaled. 'II.M'Jl.n I ‘ ThtGt'H ttf ..ifniti/ttfillfiiti/l-r MmVO- Defects of douht and taints of hhifnti,.At„ inenls and Le\ iialhms; Nuises; lueiease and iHmliiu- from Englaiitl),an earnest ami talentetladvoeate TKKM8 (’ASH. -1 »nlns for IIumKh, !o h«*si'iit by IvTprt'SH, II.-n «»r tie- W.'JkIiI id Ib’die.. That nothing walks with aimless foot; ^ Dit. W. F. 1C vans, Author of " Mental Cure'" imiHi Id* jnTiini|i;mlt‘il by nil or juui cash. Wlu'ii tho momq . That not one Itfo shall bo destroyed, of the spiritiml pliilosopliy, will lecture- October ■R.vrTKU *> SjftHlthinniM i'UijxivitI , Mnnif.thUilit*«* — nnd."Mental Metlirine-,’' lias removed to ;P.j Ilea- soul Is not Mitlldvnt to (III tlio o| i|.‘t , tlio balanoo mu«t \m- Ni Im's, Raehei. aiid lM.-»uib:un'e>,; nbjerls thluwn: IMie- t)r cast as rubbish to tho void« HahM’.O.D. ^CVhcn Clod lutili lipide the pilo complete. 11 anti IS; Mrs. EmmaIlnrtlinge liritlen October on .street, Boston. Iw—S.5.. . nniuennu ni Mateila’I/alloji. A•*. ^3* DJ'lors for Ibioks. to bo sont by Mall, must Invaria­ 'll.VI'l hli , VìahuI Muni/tAhtUouM-- GuestInn.H on Al»p.i- Other lecturers of known ability, will lie an­ bly In* aooom|>;uitoil by oasb to tlio amount of oaob onlor. iltb*n*«: Tlieniette Essa» uii.A np:u || h>ns Ac. ’ . _ A philosopher says that a tree man never frets ahmit his nounced hereafter. A quartette of accomplished « IIA K l.E S II. I-'ONTl-iK, No. I I West 21th Any Hook iiiibllslioil In KukIhihI or Amorh a, not out ot 1II.M‘i i.H 7 Ui-1-’•frp»«r> if// qm/ Trnn^injii.rutinn -A ppa- place In tho world, hut Just slides Into It hy tho gravita­ prJnl, will lnt.sont by mail oroxjirfSs. * r ii’un.s of Die Spun «»I Dm* Living; Tian-UgmàilMN. ,te. tion of his nature, and swings there as easily as a star. vocalists will add interest to (lie services. street, New York. • tf— Au.TJ. Ai)* Ch IiiIdkiu1« o i It ooLn, fflvlnir itrlcc**, «tre, n iA rn .H h l.oKnralur}/ »/!)„ Invlsilh H’orM Clidhtng «out Irt't*. td.>|di1ls; Magnelle < ni.itlve Aellnn. Ac. '4 1 A monument to Laurent Clorco, the well-known In* In order to raise more funds to help sustain the TIIK WONIIKKFKIi IIEAI.l'.U AMI IIAITKH 9 Hountnl I'l'/fM. ___ II.M'I t it Id .Saturi •>/ t’utiiinuntcutiuuH--Grehs, Fl'lvo- itructorof deaf mutes, was unveiled nt Hartford, Conn., meetings, the following prices will he charged for KAIUVOA'ANTI — Mils. (!. M. Mokuibon. tun-. .Set Imih nr Insti m-five < <.inhi»»n .. Sept. 10th, at the grounds of the American Asylum In that season tickets, muring rcnerrcdsatin: f 10 and ?•">, Diajiiinsinjr disease by lock of Imir, $1,00. Give BAYARD TAYLOR Cim*n;n Jl Smoit»li>uu ' nn»l Tmrtal>‘OU--I.angnhge ot city, as a tribute of the deaf m utes In America to the m em­ * IN IgiiMind UapphiKs. ,vu? according to location. These moderate rates ace anti sex. < il a e I l.u 12 - ibi»- duuib/ V hIìhuìm. -.Medimi..*. Un IDoshal EtreetNj these meetings; nnd it is hoped all such,will-¡call S e a l e d L e t t e k s -A n s w e h e d by It. W. Flint. 11. TAYLDICS riM-(.;frVÜ7t»ytt'qpttiTs froin thè Valh*y of thu * Klertiteul Pefntns;. bensHlve i*r Impressible MedlntUH;' Boston, on Thursday, Sept. 17th', for a season of tlfceo Audit Ivi* Mediums; ->p«*akhig- Mediums i-s.-elng Medi­ weeks. ______• nt once on the nianngyr nnd look at a plan of the 39-West 24th street, New York. Terms $2 niul M' n ih1, and ih'.scrJblnK !)»•* Mlllunnlal Ci'lebtathm In um*; SMinnaiiDuiMi’ Medlimis; Ib-allng Mediums; Pnen- lmll, selecf seats, and purchase one,or more tlck- tliree stamps. - Money refunded if not nnswereil. ie^land, nre tiow imbibimi complete lo malngraplile M<*dlntns. *. . ' A C .„TIII$ WOODLAND BROOK. ' ' , * 3,20. CH ArTKUl'.. H 'n/ini; .*>»• fVpefu.i/rniJih* .Uidbon# Mo- 'ets. Lewis B,. Wilson, Manager, rlianli'.'«). InliODve. >eml«me<'haoi(-a), lit>( ir««l nr inv«»)- A rock-lined, wood-embosomed nook— untary Mmllums, ami Mediums (nr Piesenilmeiits. . Dim cloister of the chanting brook ! Public Hccention Itoom for NpirUu- THE TRIBUNE EXTRA No, 22 . A chamber within tho channeled hills, 7 " 9 Montgomery Plttco, Boston, I S SIIK ET FOHM ONLY. l'rlce lO.i-enls. CHArrKU lit- Sjù eint Mi »/(n mu- Special Aptitudes òf Me» Whore the cold crystal brims and spilla, iiIInIs.—The Publishers of the Banner of Lijrlit dlilins; .Symqdlral J.lst ni Iho DlllerertJ. V.trlelle.s of Bv dark-browed caverns blackly flow», liave fitted up n suitable Room in tlieir Establisli- ALMO R E A D Y : Mediums. Fall* from the cleft like crumbling snows. M ovements d r I,ectnrers nnnsi*enshjn- h i. .f,; W entworth w ill lecture In Stockton, Mo,, Sumliiy, S pibitualists , or Medluinslilp. : . . . A soft, Bultnslng mist o i sound. where they can meet friends, THE TRIBUNE EXTRA No. 21 <* Il Acridi ls ■ ¡nconvinti hcm nntf Ihiut/tvxo/ Mtdium- ■, * » . . • September 'J7tli. ; ’ write letters, etc., etc. Strangers visiting the ONE TEAK OF tttTEXFE, • aititi- In/ltienee of lite K u’irbc nl Mcitlumshln uu tini Here, lyltig beneath this leaning tree, William llrimtoniocturos at Stafford‘Springs, Ct., Ibis city are invited to make this their Headquarters. Health, un (he limili; un i :li1 dien. 4 CONTMNINCS : ; C haim idi 111- Hoh-o/tln Multimi in Ajiint Cnummnlcn“ . On the stnt bank, It seems to mo Room open from 7 a . M. till (i p . m. ■ The wlmls that visit th is lonely glen , " month, and the first Sunday In October: the second anil SCIENTI EH! V1EWS OF (*OM KTS. Itomi rluiUU’tmi ni Dn* ■ IVisunal >fdiit uf Die .Medium; Klum'd south!! the souls of sorrowing m en— third Sundays In Octohor at Boston, Boetlinven Hall .CHKM rsTItY’S CKNTKNNIAL. hjsiem nr 1 neri Mediums; .Aptitude of some M.-dlum* The waters over mese lodges curled , ■ Would bo glad to hear from friends for further engage­ Mbs. N e l l i e M. F l i n t , ileiiling nnd Develop­ fur Things they durimi know, the Language^, Mmde, . Might coni the bearlo/ a fevered world / ■ iMUI.OLOGICAL CONVK.VTKJ.V AT liAKTKOKD. DrawDm. ,Ve. ; Dissertation nt a hpirtt on llieRuloof —[J. T. Trowbridge, in Atlantic Monthly for October, m ents. ' ■' -■ : . . . ing Medium, tifiicc No. 2qo Jtiralemon st., tine AMERICAN SCIENCE ASSOCI ATIO.V(Meeting of Alt • Mediums, floor from Couit st., opposite City Hull, Ilitiok- CllAPTKU 20 Morti r hill ni nn off hr Mulinili, Mrs, A: P. Brown, of Vermont, will lecture In Balt! gòffi, 1*7-1.') f *11AI'TU-U 21- iutlm ucs'ufthr Sot'cnttniftut/x. At a festival party of old and young, the questioii. was lyn, N. Y. From 10 to 4. J 4w*-S.lL». more, Md., during Octohor. •' Will answer,other calls to Urico In slieet forni IO rent» per copv; ip painphtel, 25 ClIACn.ll ’-E t>J ,Mr(/iomA/o;» »0 AntouilM. . • asked, whlcli season of life Is most happy It^ After being lcctm-0 while south. 'Address for tho month caro of Lev) (’ll A l* l'Ml ‘.¡I D/ ti't/n ft,stun -Miopie Obsession; Kasejna- cents. Seht hy nmli (oany addrefs.ln thè United Siate» ou linn; Snhjugatlon; Causes of Obsession; Means of Com- ' freely discussed by tho guests It was referred to the host, Weaver, Esq.; 220 West Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md, D n . II e n h y S l a d e , Clairvovant, gives special reculpl of prive.. upon whom was the burden of’fourscore, years. lie asked bating It. ■ 4» ' Mrs. Jchnctt J. Clark has removed to 25 Wiirreuavenue, attention to tlio treatment o f disease, at N o.-2,I Adflress (’ll A I* I Ml 21- l ih lit it Jj of Np» r Dw- - Possible Proofs of Ideil- If they noticed a grovo of trees before tho dwelling, and Boston. , , ■ E. 21st'street, near,Brondwny, N. Y,\ Jy.4, Sept. 20.—2\v lilv: DlsIliieOolud 1 Sixtli av.. New York. Terms, Geo. Woods & Co.’s Parlor Organs . Pei sons. \ e. Bummer comes, and covers tho trees with lls heavy foliage, Those who have listened to bls.dlscourses on the Spiritual These Instnim ents have created girai IntercM by the CHAP 2d ■ (luifilinntt thu( mnj/ ht nskt it of Ihr .S'piriM— $5 and four ¿-cent stamps. REGISTER YOUR (Juestloio on tlie I* ut nit*: On Past and ’I'ulnie Extst- and singing b|rdB tire all am ong the branches, I think tinyv Philosophy report lilni to bun gontluinaii of raro ability, of i 1 great capacity for mnslcnl elTcuts of their pleasing and forcible address, fluent and loglcnl, full of wit LETTERS,'...... ■■■; J y . l . • t*nees; On Monil and Maieilal Inieresis; On Die Health; tcnutlfnl Is summer! When autumn loads them with COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. : On Iuvenilen* and iDsroveites; On Hidden .Treasure; golden fruit, and leaves bear tho gorgeous tint of frost, I and pathos, which oxcltot and retains the attention nnd On oilier Worlds. Ac. • sympathy of Ids hearers In a wonderful degree. Adilreis A Competent P hysician.—Dr. J. T. Gilman VOX HUMANA I - AEOLINE ('ll APTt-.U 27 •• (.'a Cnulvinfii'fintiM anil Ml/xttflcntinnM, think how beautiful Is autumn! And when It IS severe Pike, whose office is located at the P avilion, ( ; 11A P'f t.H ’¿s • C/ior/oronism «nid Jvggiiyy- lm»rehted- winter, and thisro iB'neltlier foliage tier fruit, then I.look him as Above. A baritone solo not a a «oft hreulhlng No. 57 T kemont Street, ( Uo()M C,) Boston, is J___uin or tremi». . 1 Hb»p. ■■ . Mediums; spilli Frauds, Ai\ . up, and through the leafless branches, ns I could never igi- M rs. S. A. Hogors Ilcyder Is reengnged tospcak lii Saleiii, cordially recominended to thc'Public ns one of tll now, 1 see tbo starB shine th ro u g h ." Mass.-, next Salilmtb, Sept. 27th. - She would llko to make PIANO. Ov' TIiIh w ork is jirlnted «hi lim* tluted paper. largì* l'Jmo, engngeniontswlth ottier Svcletlcs.needlngliorservices. Shu tho most competent practitioners in the State 4d() p|». (.Molli, bcvéh’d boards hlaek and gold,- . : *. He compounds his own medicines, is a niesmer- A Him toped Rhino never requiring tuning. Business men In New York rogarti, thó trade prospects will give psychometrical readings from the rostrum, In TheirHKAi’Tii?!'i*t o n i:, k.i.kuant ih .s k in , T iionoro Vvlcv 81.30 ; |>o*fiiffo Creo. with'much satisfaction, anti predictions of n-soutid and Salem, also In otlior places If required. - ...... izer, skillfully applies the electro-magnetic bat Co n st it cot ion ami f in is h . All Interested In music healthy autumn aiid whiter trillile are becoming universal. tery when renuired, administers medicines with F.or sale Wholesale ami telali hy tlu* ptilillshcrs, COLHY J. Wliliatn Fletcher lectured In Lawrence the month of should address for"paitleulars, OEO, WOODS A CO .V RK.’M, at No. UM««nlg"ineiy l’iaie, corner of Provtnctì his own hands, has had great experience as a - CAMnimuiiirnitT, Mass., and Chicago, 111. September strews tlio woodland o'er September, lie speaks In Nassau Hail, Boston,’tho. first ihysicinn, anil been very successful in ills prac­ stiiM'l (lower lloor), Itnslon, Mass, wiVltli ••• many a------lirtlllsiiWolnr;-- Sunday of O ct.: on the 2d and ltd In Lurllne Hall. .. Sept; 2fl.-4w * jo world Is gayer limit before— Mrs. Susie Willis Fletcher will speak In l’lyiiipton tlie ltb tice. lie gives close attetention to nervous cöm- PHOTOGRAPH W hy Bilimbi our hearts bo duller V plnlnts Sorrow and I ho scarlet leaf, Sunday of Sept.; In Manchester, N. H .. during Oct. ¡ Ilrst CASCADE, o r t iiK- . . Sadlliooglitsand sonny weather: | Sunday In November In Lawrence. P. riimnent address No 3Voai’ M oravia, JST. Y . M atorlallzod. S j p i x - l t , Ah lmt! this glory nnd this grief I) Montgomery I’kico, Boston, wlioro they can ho coiisult- U. K .8. CLEVELAND, late or Itouhesler, N. V..lm s Agree not well togotficr, .eiyis trance mediums during tlio week. x BUSINESS CARDS. D leaded this tlesliable nrepei tiy, and Is now irmly to entertain guests aiiil hivalidsat reasonahe prlees, ; “ I i A T I l i l i T N O . ” ‘ Edmund Burko Itoclie, Baron Fcrinoy, Is dead, I,aura Ouppy Smith will lecture In Fraternity Hall (cor NAN FRANCISCO, i’AV».. HOOK I>EI*OT, .Magnetic Treattm ni, t, IIonie Cumini ts, Heating, Iicr of Berkeley and Appleton H'troetsj, on Sunday, at. J and At No. 319 Kearney street (un stairs) uuiy be fotimlon Ilathlng ami FlshJng. * ^ Head the follow ing g/aplDc dosrrJpDim ; . Bcv. Hr. Falsenllinl, tho learned Jewish ralibl, says that 'ExamlnallfHi hy Inek of. halt*. $l.oo. This arrangepnmt 7.36 k. M. Subjects, afternoon : "lte fo rm and.Its Olillga- sale the Hannkh ok L ig h t , ami a general variety or N|»lr relieving Hie meillmii. Mrs. Mary Andrews (latent Mo­ This photograph, an enlarged copy of the original taken “ a drunkard among tho Jews Is a very rare and a vory ex­ tlbns.” Evening, “ The Vices of our Best Society;” ItanlU t m ut Reform Hook*, at Kustorn prives. Also ravia, ) from ail rare, iherr Is a rem aikable.ehange and Iti rLomloii by the magnesium light, («‘presents the full- ceptional poison.11 - ______Adams A Co, ’s Ooldon Fen*. Planchette*. Nnence** l m prove meni in the niaulfes'.atloiiH, Twn Circles fur imi- materialized-spirit, Katie King, olUtti 'Annl«*.^|f»r- • Positive nnd Ncffntlve Powilei**. O rloiri Antl- gan, who for Him»*» \cais, ending Mav 2lst, ls7-1, ciinio Tito Into Miss Mary I). Brown, of. Philadelphia, bo-| Tobneeo Preparation*. I>i*. Ntorer’* Nutritive tei laM/.lug and one fur development ilally.* ihrongh the media lush I per M Is* Fioifticr Cook In t h«* pr«‘S- . . . . The (Colclicutcr-Day I-'u ik I. Rememwr, the .Sud! hern Centi al Railroad traJns'stnp at queathed $130,000 to tiio charitable Institutions of that city, Conipounil, etc. Catalogues and Clietilars mulled flee. Ihedunr. . 4w* -Septi 2d. eimo of sneetatoi*; 'I'ln* gi*nt(euian holding her. Imud N ÄS“ HeinitUuiees In U. S. eurreney and postage stamps re­ Dr. d* M. dully, wi*ll Knouti ion,Amerlratts who havo $50,000 to tho hospitals, and $15,000 to the Soldiers’ and ] It will'bo romomboml Hint sometime sluco wo opened op to ceived a t par. Address, HKltMAN' SNONV, .1 .0 . box 117, visited the \v»tcr-cuie «‘slabllshmriit at fiicat Malvern. Sailors’ Home. the public the ease of Mr. L. Day, nor» Multi street, Uiif Sau Francisco, Cal. Man-li. Is71. Mr. c . F. Vailev, l«\ |{. s ., the ideeti (clan of falo, N. Y., who advanced some $800 to pay the flno and 2 5 ,W ar*‘enA.v. lh«! Atlantic cahte, ami Pud. Cro«ik«.*s, F. R. S,, c«>t«*lirateil ' Of one hundred and fifty postmistresses In -Pennsylva­ expenses unjustly Imposed upon the medium Colcheslcr PHILADELPHIA HOOK DEPOT. as a elieinbt, proved hy elect! h at tests Ituil MlEl*OT. tuuiet hcr dicss-ielt her bean beating rapidly, and can vY theholpofGod and the Invlslh e tntelllgenees," In testify that,.**lf she be j»s//chic foyer, psychic force Is has placed nt tlio disposition of tho Cubans tlio sum W . L. K EM PER, d2d N o rh r»tli street, St. Ia»ulfi, Mo., miring Cliionh: IMseases, with Nature's aid and remedies, w God’* Poor. Fm ul. keeps^'constantly fpr sale the Hannkh ok L iu iit , ami a whleh'hasand can (estllle d to by many Imtiorabe citi­ . very like a woman.'* ” 1 must not omit In relate, ” sho of $20,000 for tlio purpose of carrying oh a war against full supply or the Splrllim l unti notoria W ork* pub­ add’s, “ that'w hen sin-(Kjitie) had n it, hefuie our cy«*H, 1?. Rolhwtdf,lToijnd Mountain, siiastorCo., Cal...... $ 1,00 zens, Dr. Grldtey, Ineomjillanre with theexpress-d desire twelve or llft«TH «Uir«*ient pieces nt- eloili fi«mi the front Spain. ______\ . A. W . A...... IJM) lished uy Colby Jc Rich. oT Ills medical coni lolling I »■ Hue tires, u (ft tuioLii their pte- of her white tunicas fniovtuim lor her friends, tlorr ton a The Danbury Nows man says’: " Ono English dinner In C. Dodge, Corfu, ST. Y...... serlptlotis, which are. couqioHed of purely vegelahlo feme- imt tt1 huh: to hr xr>it in it. /.itntiiitr it which Wit]/ you Miss K. Koumues. San Francisco. Cal...... * ...... CLEVELAND. O., HOOK DEPOT. dims for curing, with seldom a failure, when llavdlrretions icnutil. It was tin* same w ith lu'f vnll. ami I .have s«*en tbo Inexperienced American stonmeli will produce-that 11. nnd H., Idaho Springs, Colorado...... 5,00 LE ES’S HAZAAR, Iti Wmsllaml avenue, Cleveland, U. are stiletty followed.’any. one of the following diseases: hertlu.tlie saim* tiling>«*vi*ral Dnu*s.’’ Thedlsapiy-aranco night twelve cross eyed lions: eight bears with calico tails; In the letter enclosing tho live dollars the wrlter says All tho Spiritual and Liberal Rook* and P u p e n kept for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, A^hmn, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, of the inatetiallzcd spirit, alter «mining tho cabinet, salo, * • ______- Bleeding or Wf‘ak Lungs, Biliousness, Bronchitis. Giavcl. would In* generally almost iustantane«ms. eleven giants will: Illuminated heads: one awful dog with 4 Last spring, about tltc end of planting season, Mrs. H Nervous - I’rostintlon. -alt Rhe>un. Plies, Janmlict*. Kry-, twelve legs, nnd fourteen how-legged rufllnns clmscd hy a ‘ 'Price 50-onnts, discovered a few peas which had been mislaid null nearly VERMONT ROOK DEPOT. slpelas, Kidney ami Hhubler Dllllcultles. Price $l,r*o; age. host of piratical cauliflowers, mounted on saddles of beef, Hex, ami how onganilcteil requlied. “ Spec.lailiy,” pre­ Fnrsaleby CiD.HY A RICH, at No. 9,MontgoiiH*ry Place, spoiled. However, sin? proposed to plant them for 4 God J . G. DAKÌjING A CD.. Lunenlmrgh, Vt., keep forsalo scribing for the ruling of complicated Chronic Diseases. TTssT5" Five hundred farm laborers sailed, Sept. 10th, from Liv­ Col. The peas produced well, nnd were sold lit the pod RO€llESTER, N. Y„ ROOK REPOT. HENDRICK INSTITUTE, erpool for Quebec. ______. which accounts for so large» sum being obtnlucd-^’he re D. M. DEWEY,'Hooksi,ller, Arrado Hall. Roehester.N. No. 25 W est 26th street, Now York. A n d O tlU T T .(’C it TITOS. suit of a more handful of seed.’ ’ Y., keeps for sale the Spiritual nnd Reform W ork* Frond». German nmf Fiiff isli Roardlnff uml I(Y IIOIIKIIT U. ■ M iiai’IOl.l,. " An’ even should misfortunes como, published by Colby & Rich. Give him a call. Day School for Toimir Ladle* and Relleale 1 who lioro sit ha’ m et w i’ some, • iiiildron. An's tlmnkfn’ for them still. ISP Read the call for the Second Congress of WASHINGTON ROOK DEPOT. K flllE ooursi*of instruction In extensive and thorough.. This edition contains lecture* on Dm followdng^iubjocts: They gio tho w it of ago to youth, Women, to be found on our sixtli page. The pur­ RICHARD IK)HERTS, vHuokHoller, .No., ittifi Seventh X Health Is I lie basis of power. Therefore our purpose' TliK(5(H)S — An Honest t?tn| Is the Noh.esl Woi k of Man. They let us see tlio linked truth, street, above New York »venue, Washington, D.C., keeps is io unite the hlghrfrl »hJucai imial advanlageswIDi jdiysl«*»! . DrMnui.t»!—The Universe is (loverned by Law. Tho real good and 111. l-poses set fortli arc of a nature calculated to bene constantly for sale the hannkh ok L ig h t , and a full supply culture, ami while maklnlTThorough scholars, to also make, stim ig, hi-a!th\ women. Parents need have no fears lor T homas P ain.i-:- WIHi his Nanp* left 7*L Speakifg fiom 12 to.'t 1», if. Dftticlng PholograTof Ref Henry Ward 1Beecher. look over a paper, the sender of which lias neg­ j rum 3 to 11 i’. M. Mu>le by Gilbitri’M Hand. Eighth ave­ A Nil I.TlIElt FOItMS OK That there has been serious blundering, ami reprehensi­ lected to mark what he expected we should see nue ears pass near l*aik. Tickets50cents. Iw*—?*epl. 20. We have received froin-Gco. K. Warren's PIholographic ble Incapacity in some quarter, seems to be the unanimous Studio an excelienMikene.s* of this renew ned pr earlier. — JijX, — Cartc-de-Visile, ijc-nis. Useful and Liberal Instruction, voice of tho resident population nnd tho press despatches, REMOVAL. F<»r sale wlmh'Side and retail hy COLB5 A RICH, at and it Is to ho hoped that tho coroner’s Jury, in whose No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of J*n>vinco street (lower IIV JIILS. I.O l lSA (illK l'A Itn. |g * Mr. J. J. Morse will snil for America on RS. MARGARET FOX KANE, (of the \ hands thp Investigation o.f the case has been placed, will fix Thursday, October 15th. lie can receive no 1 Fox family,) has removed from her formerVeshlenco lloor), Boston. Mass. ■ ______the fault where It belongs; atid that th o sorrowful lesson MNo. C95Seventh avenue. New York City. S\pl. 2*1. Till» work Is lm rtkii'ni ly n.lnjit.-.l KiClillilron-» l’rdgrcss- more engagements in England prior to ids de­ lvt? I.yeenms. and will be found to contain a varJetyof will bo conned carefully hy the general public, that a repe­ parture, his time being fully engaged. All let­ J. WILLIAM AND SI SIE W ILLI^ ROOraSTOLET, pieces suitable for all grades ami classes In tlio Lyceum. tition of this scene way not occur in other localities, WO SPACIOUS ROOMS In the new Building No.9 Cloth. 50 cents, ]H«stage 4 cents. ters to he addressed to him at Warwick Cottage, FLETCHER, T Montgomery Place, corner of Provinco >t. Have the For Wile wholesale and retail by COLBY A RICH, at .A New York gentleman had his coat stolen In church Old Ford Road, Bow, London, E.—Pioneer of USINESS, Test aiid Medical Mediums, No. ÌTMoht- modern conveuloncos. Apply at the Bookstore of COLBY No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower1 last Sunday. The motyU Is obvious. Progress,.. B gomery Place, Boston, Mass. Sept.^Oj A R ICH , on the first floor. la-N ov. 1. lloor), Boston, Mass. SEP T EM B ER 26, 1874, 6 BANNSiBi OP LIGHT.

. - MESSAGES TO BE PUBLISHED, IlO W O n e '-S t IUKE VrAB. T E U M IN A T F.D ~ A t Out tlicr«1 ’s ime, n nepliew of mllift.' wlio ¡-ays if Jane Elliot. _____ ' itunday, Man 4.—Jiiliu Urntinin, ol lie' l’eiin. Ueserve least one. practical and immédiate good Ims’comn ® c ss a gc gcpar t ment. liny one of tlieir fumtly could come luiek, nivinc My name was Jane Elliot. I lived in Worces­ (’(tips; Suorlmi Jiuiieson, of Uticn. N. Y.; III..1 Iininss from tlie meeting of tlie British ' Association for (ilIrlulHt. of Ciui.iiia Fast; Tmnmlt' M 'Caim, nJ,')Ilt' eviili-nee flint tliere is any power after ileatO to ter. I have been cone thirteen years. I lefia 7'umdnj/, Mo y 5. —.lûmes riolt.s, or Alban' « N. 1 .5 .**A* tlie Advancement of Science at Belfast. Tliere ' E ach M«*»»a«.'ln thl» im partm .-ut nt the Batni«*r of ry KnlgliiH, of old Town, to her inolher: Ihvvltl Ames; liiid been a strike aiid lock-out in that place for return, lie wimlil look Into the subject at least. « ntw l r»« n .. Al... tx Ol w o cUUn \\¡i?* ?q«"W«*n I»V tl.f s p irti uh«»-«.* nurm> Il Unì«» son and a. dauehter, and. i eiiine hack to find Kltza ( lane, of rortsmunth, N. H.; John Dllloway; Lzia through U*'* Inali iimi'tiUUl) of Well, now, .losepli,,! have come. 1 ilon’t expect S. (tanneK. * . them, if possible. My dauulder’s minie was 7'hur*i*w n ils. J. ll.fO.ViNT, to up-ctyour unlielief in these (liincs, nor to os- Harriet; niy smi's name was .Janies. York, lo her inolher; William Dennett, ni rwrtsmDuth, N . II.; lt«-tsey C arter, of Boston, to her son; ( omfort white tu an abri'Oiual t'<-lj« 1Ut< u »:il 1«*<1<-«1 Ih« Ihctr• tram-« Th»*** tahlisli your faith jn the eliureli, iior to e.stahlish Now 1 want them to know that their mother .«»a««-» huilent«*imlliat«* aj.liH-M-lrlt.» «atrvcatrv "Ith\wu« thethem th i'haruc* S'tuikwi'uthor, to her daughter; (’apt. Win..Hacker. to profit by tlie wisdom which might be evolved^ terMtia of «aith-iife l" t tilt !■»•> -ml uh «•Dut for ymir faith in these tilings, hul I'do expect that lives, and that she’s all riulit here [pinntini; to Monday, May 11.-»-Ben Watkins, of Mls-amrl; Matthew g.*Ht nr evtl, lint ...... " Ilo l«*a\.* the «*alth*'|’h • In an you will dons you said you would, that you will IVrkuis: .lames Irwin, to his, frlmuls In Tenuesset*; Mar­ Some suggestions were made of such a practical umlcveh*!*«! Mate, «•sclitiull) plogieaa llit* hlgb» the medium's forehead ] in the other life. They ’ll garet Kl'en Brown, of Nashvith*. Tenu., to her mother. and timely kind that both delegations were ini invostiuato, and if there’s any ('nod in Nazareth Toendoy. May PJ.-.J.ilm 1*. Allen, to his friend tt heeler; \V«»sk 11 1...... I" rn i'lv.' .... il.ii trim' l'ut furili <;V understand it. (¡nod day. April ¡10. (Tarenee Wall.T, of (’allforula; l.tilu l»rentlee, of Nash­ pressed with them'; and by means of tlie hints Spirit* Iti tin*»«* i «'•limiti** that il<*«'s n»*t roinpott utili hl» you will find it out. 1 take up this .cross and ville. T enu.: «lames (.»onion Bennett, to his friend T hum­ tlius given, coupled witli tlie direct and friendly Or her »e.tM'ti. All «’ipr«*.».* a» much of.truth a**-lht*) jh?i* as: William Seliouler. , „ , ,A intervention of soiiie members of tlie Association ’ „ coivu-JJo tijuie. coine in this way, because I feel it to lie my duty. Judith Gates. Thurmlny, May IL-Kdward I-. Stevens, of Brighton, If 1 did n't do it, it would tie a curse resting upon Muxs.; .MissSarah Salter,’of Portsmouth N. II.; 1. Big«- an understanding was nrrived at by which tho My inline, sir, was Judith Gates. I was horn low LawreuV«-; Caroline llersehel, to friends In London. difficulties in tlie way of an amicable settlement TlM* Itan li or of Mirili l’ri‘«\«ïrcl«* Meri Inga Monday, June I5.-Ihilieri Owen: Uol.ert liarridt,'«LHo». my own soul, (iornl day, sir. ' April ton ; Klsle Patten, of-New «Jersey, to her mother, Joseph well; reiuoyed, and flic longstanding quarrel \<-ag Art-b-M -• t-.V-u ,1/. ntg o'itruTLt ('/, (s...-!) .1 »t«.n.)«'"!■• and lived and died in M’óilsimiuMi, X. II. I was ner »( l’ii- •« ltd «< *• 111 « • t, «•«. i M«iSIi.O , ‘11 ).»|i.\V »11*1 sixtv-seven years old. 1 have been none twenty- adjusted. The very-next day tlie wheels of in- Tlii'i:-!' ' \ Ar ! 1-li S‘".N. I b.* II.1,-1 vv ill t. * e|>ctl at tun Turxdny, Jnrtu 10.'—.John Von Zlielkle. of Niiw (Jrleans, dustry were set again in motion, and masters oVI.>«■«.: *•«•i « t« « «•'¡ a! i». •Cl'l'll till11 «*. al u lildi Mary Jane Willetts. nine years. There's a iioud many o f my friends to his vvlft* and son; Marietta Bead«*; L. .Indd j aruee, to u III 1 " «le’»••d. 1.1*11|}- r alleu Io« «•IltlHlHV his friend (Jeorge; Warren Favor, to his mother In Lowell, anil men went happily back to ilieir employ, tlm** tbr «I---I » inline n«»r«’g» - U h ! 1 !tlu lil­Ich .'f t lit• -i i \ in*». . . luca».* My was Mary .lane Willetts. I was that have come hack in this way and reported Mass.; Kittle Buss, of Lo«;h Lone, Scotland, to incuts, glad to have seen tlie last of a strike of a!—l •. !..•( ts. LieiId Mil 1, • l 'luit: n.1 a i ;. \\l.’•n i“'i m i­-¿Dll Will I'«* themselves to friends they had left, so I. thought Tlturfuftiy, June IS. —H arriet U. ANasldmrn; Hiram gia 't' J I*• (•(IK • aft.'i th«’ .•\|iii;illc li et lt\C IIi H, n t ••». our come hen- if 1 could, hut 1 hardly know what fo 1 'd try. If you can do any^ooil, it seems to mi1 Paine, of Freilerlektown, Pa..: Mary .Jennlson, of New lars. l’rnfossor Tyndall, ill his closing words to' If.i'i'/i* !• ; !!.(« \v1 1- ...... ! • S il.)}» te' «• \ «• j \ j i’ 1!.. tu«* mitili. York City; Alanson Abbott, of .Fluthiiah, N. ^ t o his tlie. Association, lin’d tlie happiness of announiiug { n .lu ll!; ^ 'll,!! (..*•» plu 'III''.* ihl I,l| lucll) . alci tin» "io say to her. In this new life, altliomth every­ wherever you are you ouuht to do it. Now if father; opawaHah, (an Indian chief.) . . • ,, r i !• ! lì' 1.n ¡le il.» 1 D ,,h !.. ascM. li p.«»- •Monday, June lames llallburton. of Boston, to his this satisfactory conclusion, and Mie meeting ► A* ! i.-’-- « iH’ «•» ai«' ' f’|.’«*.,\Mi * lias p* H" 'lcUM"\ Istlppl.» thin!: is beautiful, amp everythin}: is done to there’s anythin}- I ean do for any of my kindred son; Cant. -John Williams, oi N«-w Bi*df/)i'd, to his son»: broke up with tlie feeling Mint Belfast would win i.-.Kli: « « "li '"i tu !(• <>¡11 J- .|U- »! h, 1 U1 » [ •' :i iilar. m ake urn happy, I eaii't say that I am very -who are-left here in Ihe darkness of a mortal . F.ln*nez«,r Wallae*?, to his wife; Kmma Alhro, of New >ork bold tliis much, at least, of its proceedings, in « r* i L**'•! Vi-’-l 1. « HUMS .‘H'*** a? 'II,esc »..Il ce» ai.* cflcii CHv, to her mother. ,,, -p|‘ l • Hilft* «1 1 ‘V 1 i\ binai» ¡.»mot«« tl ».•aiulc*!(^c. T h " / n*a l happy, heeaii'c she is so unhappy, .»lie ties me lile I S.luill he elail to do it, hui.lhey must call for Tutxthty, i/i/iu ‘it. — Cliarl«iHSumner; Maggie Hatnmlll, grateful remembrance. - i«r til.* .*««11( !«•;! 11i« tiit.-lllg' •m‘t t»> (lu* 1 hait Hianprrti«*-»fHt of Brookl) n. N. Y .; Freddie Carson, of New D )ik City; In l.\ rein ■» 1" *1}'1 • * !i ( ». to her, and keeps me in the shadow. me and give me a chance to do it. Good day, lloury Wright. ' . , . , x, ,. 4«** Dmiail-’ii» «if IB pu *‘i ■. f--r ciir rin l.-lt« ...jii JUlli-IB*.!. Mother, 1 think when 'Uncle Albert comes sir , April ¡10. 7'hurfida y,‘Ja n»'2Ô. — Jane French, of Hlllsboio , N .H ., Ymillifal slnip'lclty Is licimtlful, Imt iWinay livening cx- Mit». C« IS \ s 1 I.’l'I'l V*’» m> s 1 »11 *•t» at li* r 1.• »l. To«-.»«l.o.»««i riivu»)|.i\.». un t il ait. r >Ix (»*rl«p«k from California, lie will ash you to j^n hack with A ndrew .laek»o’n. . , , . , tn have a cji'ai' lilca of fallli. illusliaU'd II. th u s: “ IL 'roij . lu Monday, St pt: 7f-- A t kins Clark, of Boston, to his friends; r ; u . >b«• « D r i* pi U ;«!«• »LUhg- him, and you'd better }:o. You will seehicw Mark Smith, (Ihe actor); .Matthew lUgan, of Klltou, an apple—yen see 11, and tlieivforo kmuv that It Is there M * till’ )■! D 11r*c«*«p.r. plachi« Senator Lane. SKAI.EI« L eti !-». t»lt» l » li.lVt Ireland. . , • . hut when I place li under this tea-cup you have faith that peal» «1 l«‘!t« 1 »'«•!;> 11i«-.MM,* Ícl l'i h t ;UlsSU'l l»> »pilli»’, Fh»t things; you wilj’eet somethinitto lake your mind 1 am here, Mr. Chairman, to answer a ques­ 7'A’ffdny, S> ]>t. s. - Jeiinle -l«-Lnson. to her, parents; V> I Ite ohe i»t tuo pio|»‘r <|lb*»t li-li?*. a"l. Mass.; M«»sesClark; II Is Iherc. though you no lunger see 11. V The.lads seemed - Qne>tlon«-il la hl.» « r 'lu i tuli naine; then pu) them In an uwav 11 mu me, and I shall he happier. I tion which I have received from a friend in -lolneTaibot. !.. his brotln r. In Wank. gan. III. . to understand perreelly, and the next time Ihu teacher (Miielt pe.M-al It, atul w rite \mu own *.ul,Ut’-*'«'u'ltic nut- . haven't seen father. 1 don't know why. 1 7'Uursthiy, P'.-Pe sam‘a .\s]dnwah, toher moth­ Utile. At tin*. Hum1 «¡f the -/am «« th«- < halt man will rcUiNt-f Washington, 'flic question is this; Tell me, er: Kph lia'«-»; .1 « tinny Mansur, t«» his mother. asked them. “ What Is faith V they answered, with one th e letter til ihe.u I Iter, tVur»tl"ln*r» <*Ìn«litd hot plan* lot- heard, mother dear, that lie was restrained some­ friend Lane, if you can, is not the recently Montiay, 'S>ut, ll.-Maigaret 'limier, nl Bum. Me accord, “ An apple under a lea-cup!" . ters.f«ns.f«»r atiNuer aiiM\ er up«.ntq tin-Uo nr«:l«* taM e expertltijJpg lengthy ro- Capt. .loi» Wheeler, oi Bristol, Me.; Minnie Appleton, of pile», ut he I v> l.»o tl :) will k illsl»app«.|ht**«l. where in the spirit,wnilil, because he was dis­ translated Senator made unhappy by what is go­ N«-w Y«-ik CHv. # LKW I?*?» B.W in. f.Vnifrmitn. posed to do evil things, hul I don't know, I 've Tnmday, S> pf. lÔ.-Charb'S !.. Abbott, of Portland. ing on at Washington'.’ No, he is n ot; he Is too Me., to h's illicit* .lames; Klizabeih Carsmi, to her daugh­ PUBLIC MEETINGS, ETC. never seen him. Whenever I do, if 1 call,. I 'll ter Hattie, of Bo»t«»ii; Capt.-Lick, to Sluishoiie. • Invocai ioli, well used to tlm nonsensical bickerings of an Thursday. Sent, 17.-D r. Stephen Ball, to a friend; Ma- come ami lei you know., Good day, sir. . American.-'Congress to be sorely troubled about ,1,111««siapb'». <«f Kxeter, N. IL; Minnie Tappan; Hen* X S eo o m l C'onRroM* o r W o m e n . Minhly Spini, tinnì who ilì lnealhe opini April L’s. . ■ ‘ : jàmln F. Maeremly; Kmma Burger, or New York City, Of f ic ia l No tic k .—A Surnml CmiKrosaof.'Womomvni it in his new life, lie takes it as a matter of' to lier mother,; lu*.|it*la in <’hlratf". October I5ih, lOth ami 17th; In tho Hau ■ -Ktcniity, ami lo, lune was himr; and, aj>iiin, course, and is only surprised that it is no worse. op-tin» Mt'lliotlfsl Olmrch Blouk. Three dally sessions will thrmi};h Time, jolned love and wisilom in ime bo Belli,- eommenoliitf at 10 A. M., 2 r . M. ami 7 i\ m. vj Séance comincici! by lyimn See, a-.Chinese So, my dear friend, don't give yourself any un­ • Written fur the llmincr of Light. Board at ntdncod rates will bu furnished to mem-* o.lcnuil power, and lo, Ihy ehildreli were boni; bersoi the C'oiiKnsss who m ake early application to tho -philosopher.- ■.■ - easiness on Ills account, lor, I assure you, lie ' THE MIND SHALL HE FREE! Local Committee of Arrangements, viz.: .Kate N\ l)oK. (Iioii, lite Ineomproheiisiblc, thè pnét all fin«Uup; imtt. BIO Mich. ave.fOhJeflBo, 111.: Frances K. Willard.- won’t lose sight of-a single bright thing in his Kvanstbn, 111.; Carolina F. Corbin, 1U N. tiiatost,, (*jiB oul,mal yet thè One Power over near, ami never | . Inyocation. ■ . 11Y WILLIAM llKCN'TON. new life because of the .shadows that conic up cauo, jil. < ^ ‘ , . foisaklm: ps, we usi; thy hlesshn: lo resi tiponns | ■■ Mi^lity-Spirit, shed tlmu llut sttnshinc of thy ' . y M aiiY'A. Livkhmohk, President. occasionally from the land he Inis so recently em­ Ye churlish priests, away witli chains, (JHAKLOTTE H. W iLiim in, Chair'n Ex. Com. wlnle wv worship Ilice, tlils lioiir. - We.'tisk,oli ) wisdoin upon tis, that we wnmler noloncer in Mie u A l ic e C. F lktciikh. Sraritary, igrated from. Good day. April ¡10. Wherewith ye seek ojir soul to bind, • ■ " - 2.’i Stuyvemn’t Ntio York, Michty .»pil li, timi, as we timi Mie pn^cs of lim e i ìii^lit of our Ittnoranee. Wasli titoli ns in thè The mind of mail its right retains —thy liyly scriptiiios—wo iiiay remi aricht, we | elear ivaters of thy trulli, that we liiuy (titubi no Cik culak letter o f in v it a t io n . George W. Olney. To hum and be, and flash with mind. . 1)E AH Fill ENOS—The announcement of a Woman's Con- ' tiiay letun Ihe lessmis tlmu, thè jjreat Master of | more, Imt iimy sili}; thy soli}; of trulli ns it Is cress, Iasi year, «avo Joy to many neopl-, Tho fact and . My name was George W. Olney. I was eight Your (iod was never for tlie race, , 1 ■ life , hast set for us, we'll, ami limy perform all understood by thee. Mighty Spirit, thou who sCharacter of ttu VniiKre'ss itself did not disappoint the* years old. I lived with my mother in. Auburn, Anil lias no lot in tliis our earth-;. , hopes conceived. ThemeuM»«‘held In NewYoiK.Jnueto- our tasks (|uietly, (ruthlully, wisely, and to thine walkcth in the earth and relcnelh in the lieavens, her last, was all that a first meeting of the kind could havo N; V., and she wants to bear from me, anil Belrfw lie leaves 110 single trace . . . been. The assembiai?« itself was a vcr> general expression entire salisfaetlon. Miiridy Spirit, there is Sad- we pray thee Mint we may.receive; Mils hour, an oi the desire oi,many.IjiteUlgent American women, to wants niu. to find fallier, and wants nip to find To call obedience into "birth. tiess and inouiniii}: ill! over the world, anil not especial blcssiniffrum time, (live unto thy suf­ meet together for tho mutual henelll of Imparted thought - Uncle Joe,, and wants me to find mj? cousin and experience, while tho papers and discussions which alone in this world, Imt in mlllhms o f ' other ferin'): sotrs and;' health, spiritillil Tlie God Mint gave tho mind its light, - oeeupleil the atlentloiMd the Congress were of a nature Carrie, and the baby.- Father's here, and he c (ciliated do raise the standard of hope and endeavor ' woiIds ; teach us to tiiider.staiid that these shad-, mid physical. Give unto them-spiritual' triilli, And made our hearts so, hold nnd free, among women. In view of Its record, no studious wpinan says lie 'hopes 1 will be able to com­ need work In »liter Isolation, no philanthropic.woman la­ ows al e Imt the lower steps in the staircase of in - that shall lead them out of darkness into lifchl, That God shall he our shield and right, boring for tlie redemption of her race need despair of help mission well, and If 1 do, lie'll think I am smart. finite |u'aee—of a perfect .heaven.' 'I’eaeli us to that shall show them that they stand, to-day, In Annulling every foul decree. ami fellowship from other women. . Well, I have n’t found anybody, only; Uncle Joe, •Hul,•creditable as this Congress was, a second one should . understand that whether thou dost work in dark­ the presence of the Infinite, iitid surrounded .by IVe scorn your hooks npd hells and frowns, show an advance, made by the profU of the experience It- father aiiil the baby ; but the -baby is n’t a.bahy seir. It should evince a'growtng discrimination In tho ness or - in liulil, Hi sorrow or in joy; ive are safe, their dead, whose lovinc faces (hey cijnnot see, . Your sleek and sanctimonious-air, ..' - chViccof subjects, and aiporedeflnite ham lllngdf the needs at all, but slie’si. tlie one you mean, mother, .since thoifmt workiii^iwho art wise ami under- because of the darkness and Mm thickness of YVo scorn your mitres.and'YOiir crowns',• and capacities of women. It 'should bring Into notice all You ■ won’t know.tier at all, aiid you ask me to th at favors, and all that seems to forbid, a closer and more -Staudest al all limes what Is best for every in- time. And.tinto thee, oh Mlchty Spirit, bu all And inind and manhood rather share. extended union among Ihe thoughtful women of the world, bring ’em to you if 1. mill. Wejl, you won’t ami especially among those of our own country. «lividiml.soul, l.eud 'us, oil. Holy Spirit, lead us praises, to-ilay ami forever. Amen. In this view we solicit the cooperation of thoso who took know it unless you bring me a nieilluin. Fatlicr Y"e have no place in tliis our world, part In the Congress of last year and of all earnest and mhenTThe waters are clear, where the skies are April .'ID...... - . ■ . - ■ Your doom is; sealed to pass away, thoughtful women. We beg |liat they will do all that in fail', where-the llowjus hloom iviliioiit dentil. says that's' just like a woman’, asking for ¡nipos? them lies 10 make the coming Congress an occasion of In­ sibil Hies. - Tlie flag of Benson is unfurled, creased value ami Interest, as well as to secure for It a largo And unIo thee, uh (iodof the Iiviii}'¡mil the dead, - Questions and Answers, , and trulv representative attendance. Now mother, that's him that’s snrciiig'you; The nge of Benson shall have sway. ■ All voiuntary'contrlhullons to the work or tlioCongrcsB • be all our praises, now anil forevermore. Amen. Quits,—[Krom .1. I...M.] it would ,scent, ac-. And man Is strong to do his task, In the shape of letters or papors, not over*long, will receive April ns; i • 't atilt ni(i. ■ If you ’ll bring ine. a medium yon ’ll the prompt attention of the Committee on Topics ami Pa­ cnriiiiij; to the tcachlnitsol the ooiitnilliiii: inleljl-' Aiid nfakehis home witli’gladness bright, pers. They wlll he carefully read ami preserved, and Hitch • lienees at your seances, that.spirit's,: after they see. whether'I can let you know .Mint they are use will he made of them us the needs and limits of tho have left (lie body,- lose all t’ojinizanc'e (;f crude Hiere or not,. I f you 'do n’t, I can bring them-to Y'oiir (larkness we no longer ask, — Congress will allow. Letters on the subJertYif thoCdngress - .-.’-'Questions and- Answers. . may he addressed to any of the Committee whoso names matter, (lui crude pliysicul forms aS (hey (“Xist on you, but, you woiEt know anything about It,'so ’’ : For Jo ! in Freedom tliere is L ight! are given below. Vapers should he sent to Miss Alice C. Coktkoi.uxo Si-hut;—If- yon bavé any.ipies- tills earlli, (Irude nialler is. ¡imiihllated to ilieir Fletcher. Secretary, •¿'iStuyvesant street, New York City. you w on’t be any betteiyitT. Father says wait a- Ye churlish priests, away with chains, Wishing to receive many suggestions, nnd a frlomlly and. tiens to propound to me; : I am. ready to bear senses, ami they perceive (inly the spirit of the generous ivsponse to our appeal« we remain yours truly, . forms with which they limy opine in contact; the. bit, Mil he gets up his courage, to collie through Away with mumblings old and dead, them. . ■ . •IULiA W ahi) Ilowic. 20 llroinjicldst.) Jtoston^ - . . ., , spirit ol thctmiuiuet^thctaiihstheiimnor woman," this inili;hint lie’ll seijd you something that’ll Tlie mind its birth-right now regains, Ma ria MiTCiiKiir.,1Poughkeepsie. N. r „ 'Cries —Is II possltrle for tli e spii it inliiibit inn a | the house orjnlidseaph, the mountains and valleys make you laugh. So, do n't cry any more, moth­ Mary A. J.ite u m o r e , Mtlrtme. MdHS,, , mortal form to clic a lamimmi . Aiid may no more by you he led. C a t h a r in e K. Bk kciikr,// nr//orii, Conn., tinieal.ioiHhioiioh a j of Mie earth. M'lie spirit only is tlie real, the laii(5i- er, because it aliit any lisc, you know, and I ’ll K ate N. D oc.hett. Chicago, III,, medium wh o is at Mm time 1 hundreds ' '■ 1 of r ' mill '' hie to them. Jloiv is it, then, that they can pass •.'Our-God shall shame your lying looks, . H e n r iet ta W. J o h n so n , do n[l I can for 'you. If I can do just what you - • Ch a r lo t te 1). W il iio u u , 22 Old Brand . away, and yet he 'unconscious ol lmviii)- ibme Miroii}:h these, to thein.and us, solid stihstances? Your creeds aiid prayers that foolish be, London, Eng.y SO V ' : . ' A ss.—I am at a.loss to kitoyy.tipw,yoti'r corro- ■want me to, I will. Good day; mister. Shall buriv to .ashes; church arid books,,- J Aupust Wy 1871,- Committee of Invitation, A ns.v-TIuiI it can he done,we know ; hut in April ¡10. ; # ' ■ . , j And set tlie Mind in glory free! TOl’ICS FOR p a pe r s a n i> d isc u ssio n . spdudeut bus (>iiined such n Micmy frdm wlmt has 1. Financed—Wlmt Monetary K nterprlse can Women • order to't'ive u proper :cxpimmtioii, we must also been taunht at this palace. I am -not aware that Troy, N. Y. • Y "... -’ V safely undertake? What new Klement c.'in Women bring give n demonstration, which Is impossilil«: under . Séance conducted by lialiniohun lloy. into the Field of FlunuOe? The part of Woumn In the any spirit has ever sold that' spirits, do not take, llimndal good or III of the Country. the circumstances. 2. Crime.—!The Geneslsof Crim e: Fallen W omen: Prison fiitinizanoc of crude iimtteiyfor ( know to the IN C ID EN TS OF T.2ÀV ¡EJ L . ; Ibiforni for Women: Intlncnce of Literature on Crime. U-—Why Is It Unit so la rite a porlion of Spirit­ coiilriiry. i know, also, that they have a clearer ¡¡Invocation, y-fc—True Standard* of Useand lieauty.—Household Art ualists arc id a class Miai are not admitted lido 0A1 tlio. stoiiro liulil Tiiesiljiy'nricrnnoti', Sept. lStli. tlio ■ ' HY WAHllEN CHASE. and 'Decoration: Cooperative Housekeeping: How to com- ■ sioht ol the spiritual than of-the external'body','', blue'Intellectual Culture with Household Management ahd re.spceialde sucielv, Indili: inelined to licentious- coiili'nllllis iiiti'lllis'inT, Tlieuilimi l’arker, ollornl tlie fol- Family Duty: Dress Reform; The Defects of tlie National ' ness aud'kiudied vires'.’ Do iml umli'l’sluml me of Mint which is.lhe real, the Inst(ii);. I know al­ low Ii»k i ■« Yoent tun; ]. ' ". .. ' A D own; G hade.—Starting from tho Missouri Cuisine, ami how to remedy them. 4. Education. — Kindergarten; Physical. Education of to 'convey the idea Mint tlnfse evils do nut-.uet into so that erode limiter ean only he dearly’discerned Oh Thou who art that blessedness' which river nt Omaha, nnd crossing Iowa, Illinois mul (iIris; 11t«lustrial ami Selentlllc Kducatlon for Women— the elmrehes, lor I kiiuiv lull well they do ; hut j by tlit-iii only tlirmtiili material senses, hut Duty etli into every human life, and'by--its own divinity Michigan, \ve .came down the Grand Trunk Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Ac.: What careers of Prac­ .Mhy.slmuld .»pii ituulists, as a.body, he second or tical SclenceaieopentoWolnen? Woman’s KighttoKqunl Hurd class society '.* have facilities innumerable,’all over,the world, leadetli tiiiit life out of darkness ¡lito Jiglit,' out of spoke to the Hub,’"which is yenliy,.whatever may Control in the Kdncatlonal Work of the Nation, for takliin eoniilzance.of erode nuitter. • 5. Mivcellani.ouii. —'The Physical Status of Woman as It A.—Your sacred hooks tell us that (.Mirisi came all the grosser '.conditions of liiattcr and mind, lie,said to tlie contrary, tlie radiating centre-of is, and should he; Our Inheritance, with reference to pre­ ,Q.—[I!y Mie .saiiie.j 1 C.'nn spirits pass throuch even unto the kingdom, of heaven, thou Great natal Intluences; W oman’s p art lu «luiinmlism; llovv can not to call the righteous, blit sinners, to repent­ literature and intellect of America.; Stopping in Women best oppose Intemperance? The latest and best solid in.ill'lltnins, and penetrate to the earth’s cen­ Spirit, father amU mother o f us all, \yocQ|iie to tlie-Queen’s dominions to give a few lectures, wc Efforts of progressive European Women. ance; limi t tell you that this Modem Spiritual­ tre, as well aw to. remote ref-ions,of space V thee again , witli our song of ' thanksgiving, .and fouiid ns good order, quiet people, and efficient ism is the second eoinini:of the(Jluisl spirit ; and i ...A .-(Y es, they can ¡.because there-Is nothing The Northern Illinois Awiocint ion ofSpIrltnnlhla our petitions in behalf of those wlio lmve need. ''government under the reign o f a woman, as we. npiiin it mines-not to call the .righteous, hut sln- alisolutdv solid m nature.’ Spirit can ns easily W ill hold their N inth Quarterly M eeting in Glow’s Opera We praise thee, oh, our- Father , and our Mother, have under a distinguished’general, and so faras House. 517 West Madison street, Chicago, III., on Friday, inns, to repentance.; and’ how-well they have re- f |,asS through- the intei.sljcei of limiter as your Saturday ami Sunday, October 2d, .Id and 4th, 1874. Tho . for iill the blcs.-icdness of thyself that hath enter­ tin; two are concerned we believe the female tlie spnii'deil to Mie rail I need not tell you—your bodies can. go through your doors or your win­ meeting will he called to order at lU1^ o'clock Friday, A. >1. • ed ¡lili) our lives, and led us near, sometimes, un­ best, and wq hope tlie time is not distant when The platform will be free, and all subjects germalu to hu­ records will show you. .They have come up from dows. Spirit, as spirit, understands.the laws of manity are debatable on our platform. The strictest order to the kingdom of heaven, aiid wo praise.thee no pur country will try n female for'President. will be maintained. Our constitution is to be revised and out of the hells of earth everywhere ; I rein out of matter fur better when it lias ascended to the sec­ accepted. Every attention will be given to strangers from less fiir those shadows Hint lmve been flung across Many are being educated for the place. a distance It Is possible for us to show. Chicago Spiritualists Mie dens of infamy they bave coinè, like so ninny ond state than .when here; and understanding our Doing by-nud .through, which ..we were to gain One o f the places at which wc lind engaged to will do all they can to care for thoso present. Tliere will rats Irimi tlieir-boles, and.Imvc received Mie light them, takes advantage of them, and can pass ho >a lunch and dinner table well furnished witli the good’ lessons o f value -Mint should lead, us higher mid lecture was Oshawn, a plensnnt, well built town things of life, for the use of tho Convention, under tho gladly, " ’bile others-win»'"are standing afar, through what seems to your senses to lie solid management of Bro. A. II. Williams, freo to all. A col­ bless us still 'more-.perfectly.' Oil, we ask tliée, on the;north shore o f Lake Ontario, witli about lection will he taken at each meal to moot tho current ox-. folded in tliemantie of .their own ignorance,-fall granite, just ns easy as you pass through the at­ pensesof the table. ■that through tliy niiiiistering angels the sick and three thousand inhabitants, nnd adjoined by Ce­ to receive these spiritual/ truths, Illese of tlie mosphere of this room. Spiritualists of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michi­ tlm afllicted everywhere limy be comforted aiid dar Dale, with its very extensive manufactory of gan, comeup to our Convention; bring with you blankets lower si rata of society have received them;. Christ Q-—[By llie'snnie.j Does the spiijt of tile,bou­ and hutralo robes. Let us have a feast of reason and a How blessed. May they see tlie silver lining to tile scythes, forks, Ac. -Wc were/invited by tlie three of soul. Come to tills Convention, tho only ono in the ugaiiijhas conip to call sinners lo'repentance’. quet- or’t lie table, disappear or dissolve into noth-, West that has survived two years. Coine ono, como all, The common people, your'.sacred-bunks tell you, ing will’ll it is destroyed by iire,.or goes through cloud (if darkness, aiid by it be strengthened and Whiling.brothers, formerly of Winstead, Ct. Tlie and sec and hear for yourselves. the-natural course of. decay cheered to bear witli that which presses heavily O. J. H o w a r d , M. D ., President. beard him gladly in oilier days; and I tell you,■ elder;JA. S. Whiting, with.whom we stopped, E . Y. W il s o n , Secretary. and your records tell .you, Mie common-people A.—No; tlie llower lliat is decayed here is upon them, and may thy more favored children, was tlie founder of tlie business that built up the blooming in beauty tliere, because tlie llower 1ms who have liot si> much of sickness, be liigli unto town of Osliawa, and is now principal owner of The Sixth Annual Convention ■ bear him gladly in these (jays.. April L’8. Of tho Iowa State Spiritual Association will be hold In the a threefold—body; .spirit and soul; therefore them, witli tlie blessing of benevolence and char­ Cedar Dale and its shops ; and although Osliawa Uiilversallst.Church in Des Molucsou Friday, Saturday it is projected on from one sphere of. existence to ity and love, casting ever a mantle of peace iuid is a most bigoted anil priest-ridden place, and lie and Sunday, Oc.tober Oth, 10th ami 11th. The following Geòrgie Davis. named persons havo beon invited to attend ns speakers: fmotlier,1...... changing...... n'-'n forms, however,'ns -1 it pomes r-.-v."' holiness''around the suffering one, Mint will make was never even a Christian, but an old Investi­ Warren Chase, K. G. Eceles, atul Dr. Samuel Maxwell, of My name was Geòrgie Davis. I was nine years Chicago, who Is also an excellent clairvoyant mid test me­ underir newrjew lawlaws, nnd yet preserving through ail even the bed of pain oiie not altogether comfort­ gator limn, yet to show how the’-'people esteem old. 1 lived in Simili.Boston. .1 want my mother dium. The State Ml&slonarlesmul several other mediums, its own-wii-Vspechi especial identity ns a (lower. less. For the benighted spiritually, everywhere, him, on Ills return from England last year over embracing the different phases of medlumshlp—materiali­ to know that 1 can..come hack nnd speak to her. zation, Ac.—have been invited to attend ami add to'tbe- (j.—[Bv tin! same.] Is spirit which is actuated we .pray, asking that thine angels wlio are throng­ one thousand' of the best citizens met him at tiie general Interest. I want Her to-go up to Mrs. Hardy’s...IVilliesays by miiuh'h.v reflection and intelligence, and which We expect a very largo attendance, and would suggest to ing the earth limy reach them witli tlieir songs of station, with band of music and torch-light pro­ the friends who are able, to bring with them welMllTed bas­ lie will help nle if I go there. 1 want ti) speak to we may call tlm consciousness, superior to—lms joy, and may take the scales from tlieir eyes, limy cession, to escort him to Jiis beautiful home. He kets of provisions. Come, then, let us rally onco again la her ami tell tier tilings that will comfort ber. I it any power over matter devoid of,"soul or intel­ full force. E d w in C atk, Pres. ligence? unstop tlieir cars so that they .shall see and hear procured the hall for us, and no mayor interfered M r s . J . Sw a in , Sec'y. “ have been gone most two years, and I have learn­ • A.—No, certainly not. The mind is but the and be blessed by the coining o f tlie angels. And on Sunday, and all wffS'piet and orderly through­ ed n good many tilings. l 'veliceli to school, nnd drove Meeting In Orcfjon, mirror through.-which tlie soul reflects ■ itself. oil, our Father and our Motlier God, we ask for out. But wc reached tlie place in a violent fit of I ’ve learned a good deni. Mother will he sur-' The Spiritualists of Oregon will hold a Grovo Mooting at Tile reflection corrcspoljds to tlie capncity of tlie nn especial blessing from thy ministering spirits ngue, and a very sick and severe time we had— Gervals, fourteen miles north of Salem, commencing Fri­ prised to know timi 1 ani living ; she thmightT day, the Othof October next. . Good mediums and speak­ mirror. .- of charity aiid love and power , to 'test oil our whether caused by orthodox prayers or not wo ers will be secured for the occasion. ' was dead. Tell herHint Uncle iiolicrt'sends bis Q'—[By the sifiiie.] Is the crudematter which brother, tlie pastor of Plymouth Church. Going never knew ; but we did manage to get through Per order of tho Committee, E. C. Cooley, love, and w ants to know what she sold that cimili J. S. HAWKINS, is alone tangible to our human physical senses, a ms lie is, through the'darkness, so thick that he the course by taking tiie alternate days. (J. A. REED,’ for. He says he. gave her a chain, and it got to D. H. llENDER. nonentity to spirits?. can scarce see or feel the w.ny, lie has need, oil We lind good, quiet nnd attentive audiences, be a little unfasliionafile, so'she.sold it aiid got A.—No.. i ' ■ April 30. Lord, of tlie ministrations of angels of power, mostly men, for the priests could scare the womeil St« Louis Liberal Union. one more fashionable, lie only tells her this so „wlio shall strengthen him to stand up in the dig­ At a meeting of Spiritualists and others, held In this city slm may know that it is him that sends his love, awnyi and as1 they control the press also, it could on the 12th «lay of April last, an Association was organized Jonathan Hamlin. nity of his own divine mafiiiood, lighting for tlie under the above title, for inquiry Into tho nature and des­ lled o n't want her to think lie ’s so far away lie be used to aid them, and for that purpose they My lining when here was Joimtlmn Hamlin. 1 right. Wc ask thee, uh our Father and our tiny or man as a moral, Intellectual and spiritual being« do n’t know what's going on.' Good diiy, sin- quoted from the World’s Crisis, a paper and re­ ami more especially Into the pli uiomcna and philosophy oi am from tlie State o f Maine. I lmve-been gone Mother'God, for strength in his behalf, lie is Spiritualism. The olllcers of the Society then electedaro April .’S. ligion they have no fellowship with, except when as fnllmvH : Geo. AY. Peck, President; Alex, ltobbins, L. twenty-two years. I was seventy-seven years weak ; lie falters in tlie way. Oil, strengthen C. L ittle and T. I. l)e,an. V ice-Presidents; H. C. O'Blcn- they can use it, as they would poison, to injure ills. Secretary; F.,L. ttouque, Treasurer. These gentle­ ■ old at tlie time of my dentil. Mv object in com­ him by a new baptism, that lie limy stand and an enemy. men constitute the Executive Committee of tho,Associa Henry Francis Adams. not fall, and tlmtMiis owe. angel of light and tbm, ami as such aro entrusted, for tho time being, wild ing here is partly to thst the tiling, to know AYliile at Osliawa we learned that tlie action of the control of Us operations. ■Myiinme, sir, was Henry Francis Adams. 1- whether 1 could come or not, and partly, if this truth may guide his hark safely into an haven The Society has no creed or platform other than the ex­ Mie Mayor at Bowmanville, the Sunday before, pression of Its objects, asabove stated...... was twenty-seven years old. My manner of tiling were n definite reality, fo enlighten my of peace aijd rest, ami though the church for­ in closing, tlie hail ngainst us, was so strongly The Executive Committee propose to gecuro a sultan« death, -consumption; time of-death, about' hull lu this city, and Institute at once a series of nubile lec­ children, who certainly lmve need of being en­ sake him, and all men turn against him, so that lie condemned by tlie people, that lie had threatened tures on Spiritualism by some of the ablest and mo t elo­ eighteen months ago'; place, Boston. I thought lightened in'these tilings, because they lmve no is consciousof speaking tlie truth, lie may be safe to resign, and that the council had decided that quent advocates or that philosophy, and they appeal to u j it might be-well for me to just fling a word or friend*, of tho cause for such pecuniary aid as will enamo idea of wlmt tlie other life is, and " ill lie ns much —snfe with tlie angels and his God. May we be it should he opened for lectures on Spiritualism thcm .tn place the project upon a safe and eHlcIont basis. two over tlies’ll spiritual wires to my poor old All moneys subscribed for that purpose will be appucu astonished, and in some respects disappointed as aide to teach him, oil our Fattier and our Mother on Sundays and evenings, when not engaged, solely to the payment of the expenses of the lectures pro­ mother, saying that it's all right with me in it is possible for any humans to be, when they God, that it is better to cast mammon aside rather posed, ami may bo paid either to the T reasurer or to any oi hereafter ; so it seems revolutions do not go back­ tlm Committee, or to Mr. Hitchcock, at the Liberal Uook- heaven. She need givelierself no further anxie­ come to change worlds. I was a Christian, or than to lose the love of even one angel, than to ward, even in Canada. storo, No. 603 Pine street. ty. It'sail right with, me there. ¡She 'll under­ lly order of tho Executive Committee, tried to lie. I made a profession of religion, nnd cast out even one blessed one Mint prompts him We had to ride horizontally most of tlie way to G e o . W. P e c k , CAoirma». stand it. ■ April t!8. was a member of the Baptist Church ; but 1 have to right and righteousness and truth. Father Boston, being too sick to sit upright; but on to say that my religion did n’t avail me much in nnd Motlier, by thine angels he thou specially reaching the city, and Dr. Storer’s office, both Passed to Spirit-IJH'e: • Samuel Geirrish. this new life. The question is not of what re­ near .him during the coming month, and may lie chill nnd fever left us, under the treatment of our • From Orion, Henry Uo., III., A ugust lOtli, Job S. Stan- ligion are you? but, How much good lmye you trust no longer to false friends, hut put his hands loy, aged 67 years. Good afternoon. My name, Samuel ;Gerrisli. old friend, whose face we longed to see from the lie was formerly a resident of Putnam, Conn., his native 1 lived in Portsmouth. I want to send a message done? Who lmve you made happy ? Who lmve confidingly in those of his angel attendants, feel­ place. For some years his health had been falling, obt ns hour we were first taken sick. A t tho “ Huh,” last severe Illness lasted but five days. He wasa nnn «t* . to my kindred"who are in just as great darkness you made -miserable? These are tlie questions ing sure that they will lead liiiii safely through in tlie office of the dear old Banner, in the store Hever In the Spiritual Philosophy, and a constant reader that come up iiefore you and demand,a hearing, tlie darkness, and bless him with thine own light of the Banner or Light, from which ho derived muc j ns they can possibly lie in, aiid I nm to, blame for nnd the tmndum we found all business running profitable Information ami pleasure. H is mind was so wen some of it. I was n rigid member of tlie Baptist nnd won’t give you any pence'mitil yoil lmve set­ of truth and justice. Though lie fall in the es­ enlightened bythe truths of Spiritualism that lio was rojjjj, like clock-work ; and like a child coming home and anxious to enter upon tho bright realities of the higner church, and I sent out ail inllucnce to my .family tled them. Now, if my children will investigate timation of his fellows, let him rise, oil God, in for a visit, we gladly meet and sorrowfully part Ilf«». Ills exit from the mortal casket was as serene nun this .»natter in a «print, rational way, I will do all tlie estimation of his own inner life, which is ids quiet as di opplng asleep when tired nature requires repost. and friends that lias lind nti effect to make Miem witli our^o-laborers tliere. We-face about im­ lie was truly a good man aud an esteemed cltlzou. A. o. almost as rigid ns I was, and’they have shut their 1 call to aid them, and I am sure it will be for God ; ami may.ho never worship nny other. And mediately fur Iowa, where we shall be at tlip unto thee, oil Spirit of the Hour, he all praises, I Notices for insertion in this Department willhetxoenty eyes and tlieir ears and all tlieir senses to any tlieir everlasting welfare. Good day, sir. State Convention, in Des Moines, Oct. Otli, 10th cents per line fo r every line exceeding ftoenfw—D y j j j new trulli, saying they, are satisfied witli tlie old ; April 30. now aiid forevermore. Amen." lines or less inserted grata itously. No poetry printed tin an nth. ,, l der the above heading.} SEPTEM BER 26, 1874. BANNEE OF LIGHT.

¿Ubcrtis merits, ïteto ^oohs. Sooks.— fleto 'IJotli "Abbcrtìscmcitts.

HULL & CHAMBERLAIN’S Clairvoyant Medical Practice! PRICE REDUCED. W illinm Dpnton’H Works. S P E N C E ' S ^ THKSOri.OK TMI.VO.S; Òli, CSVCIIOMKT- BIC RESE A l(( ' Il F.S AND DlSCOV.KBl KS. Il) William MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC and Kll/aheth M. F. Dentoii. Tlils tvuly vabialileaml c\- Positivo and Negative DB. STORER’S OFFICE eeedliigly liib'i'estlbg wmk has taki'ii a place anmug (lui (Fornu-rly at 1:17 Harrison avnuii-, ) Is now tu ilio l.cautlful staudanl llteialure of thè day, and Is tasi galnlng In p«hmild ivad It. Prlee $1,50, jHisiagi- 2»> cents. POWDERS. A Novel in the Deepest Sense, T in i, SULL <>F TIIINGS. Vols. 1). and IH. NO. 9 MONTGOMERY PLACE. Cmitalutng over suo pages, I2im*., lllustiale'l by mnn* rplIK muirle om ilrol ,|! Un- l>«NITI VK ANO NBO. GREAT NERVINE, REGULATOR, 1. ATI Vi! ro,V ltl-:ilN nv-r cll-n-nn. uf nllkliuls, Il M l « . m a IK. N T O llK lt will personally- att«*ml patients, nml _On the treatment of existing social evils; Sei lug rapbllv. Pi bv $t,;,(>1 potage *ju eenm. ! nuUIiiii. Paimol alt klmls; Dlanlo«>a, l>yM*ii(<'r.v, Vom- I whatever spintimi Insidili ami practical Judgment am! ex- SlMUITlTAL_(HtACK, A Complete and Reliable Family Medicine, pei iencti «-an accomplish, will ho employed uh heretofore In RADK AIj U1I\ MKS. A i’orticai Work. I’ric«* ; titng. DyspepHlu, Fiatuieuni, Worms: tilt iVmnlc curing t lu; «lek. Fraught with Inllueucesof theblghest good to those +l,'2rt. puvtage 12 cciiIh,’ ' and'deniTigeno-nts: Yll», (‘rainps, VI* PURELY VEGETABLE. Patients In ihn rountrv, ami all personsordering DH. wlminay read; RADICA L DISCOFRSES ON UELIGIOCS ; (Ub'.Diuico.spaMi.s;------all blgbgiadeVddghgr; Frvop.HihaB l’ox, STOHKlfS NEW VITAL ItK.UKimkH, for Chronic SI'BJ F.CTS, dellNeit-d In Music Hall, Boston. Plico' Mi'.isb’s, >r;tit.ttliiA. Ki > bljK-la-, ; ail In n iiiiiiim llo n s « ami NervumyDlseases, will address GEMS OF 'WISDOM, . f,.liin-ul-.. ¡»rut«* or cUiDDlf dt-i’AM’si.f tin* lild ii e ;« , l.ivt r, i.ungt, Magnetic and Electric Uterine Wafers! Which cannot fall *>f Gliding lodgment )i> — *-* L”’.1 l1 » * p'i* s. ' Itladder. m'anv **t tiri oi gali of ito* tM»-ly' ; ( 't d n r r n •fan. 3. DU. II. II. M O ItIJt. •'-1 appreciative hearts; and TIIK Il i liK( '( ).\('I I,.V 1»i • K KM < Hi I ir» ,* <>1, » »eli- ('mtsmnptimi, K roiiclilfU , rmigtis. Colds;. M creA il» t‘M> and GmUig}. n> pp, l*i p;iprr, Ni‘i vii.n i i "-s, Aulltttm. Slerph^tiMiirfta/A'V. A I.««-»I IteiiMMly l« r re m a le Disease.s. EARNEST LIKE LESSONS, 4 rillt*: i’bitb, .'¡iici'hlN, pii*tngi‘ .*» ri-ul*. The M:<-ATI>1.S t un* I'nrnl*»la. of I'alsy, wlioth- ‘Ilailed l'oNlpnldl I Ilox.... .1.00 Calculated to attract attention to IS SIMIUTfAI.ISM TKl'KV l’rin- in ct-iils, ero i the iniiM'In or rtrijM"*, In Ilih ttln e M . O eufkirM At those O Hoir». .3,00 MRS, M, SUNDERLAND COOPER, ami awaken lu ten -t in that iMistagr 2 ri'iit*. loss of tasi«1. siio-H, (i‘«*IIhi> or. mol Imh; all Low Fovun, rplIK original New England Medium, No. as Milford «urli ;r, (be T.» ;ind I Jo- T» a u f . n t .n w a n t e d kvkkyw iiiihk , _l. street, Boston, Hours tu a. m. to t p . m . WIIAT IS KKHIT? A I.i-i-lurt-^tli'livt-ri'il in Both tbf r o s i r i V K A M > N K G A TIV K are tieodod Music liuti,’ BmnIiiii, Sutitl;i> a ltrim«iit, lb*''. 6tb, In;*. CIRCULARS ami Agenta1 Terms sent FICEE to alij­ Sept. 12.-4W ADVANCE • MOVEMENT I'lli-r to « rnis, )n»stagi‘ 2 rriitÑ. hi < iillU aiid F«*««*r. adores» upon application to proprietors. COMMON SKNSK T I lo n illT S ON THE AGKMS W AMK» I.VEUYWlllllti:. Mailed y l I t o * ...... $1.00 Address IIUUdA- CIIAMllDICLAIN, Which forms the chief characteristic of tills active epoch. BJIH.E. Foj• '< i.Miinoji SfU'-»1 Tblnl edition CIRCLES cnlarurd and ivvIm-.I, | ' i D «- to n-nis. imsing.- 2 n'iits. oiu iii‘'in‘y at our rlu li any I ?. with a powerful magnetlzer, held every Wednesday IHvs. *T. t*4. -¿Yxlsnivs. Post o'JIri* lionet Oriler, "i l^*ftrr, or PhœbeC. Hull, [Annio Lord Chamborlam, evening, at S o •lock, at 2-» W arten avenue. allsm Supcilm- to (‘lirDtlanlty, l'iter bMa-iiD, poMago 2ct,nis, t»y IM*uU dii Ni-v\ ^ ni k. orlo K-j*|iri*»M,d«-diii Uog troni the Magnetic Physician, -J Branch otiin», wo Warren Sept,.26.~4w Well k,m»wn, by her works, to the liberal public, Is Its aiiiouiii in In- MMit, 3 . «‘tits it > tut --‘ini a I'oM »iitb-i* Motief onice, 127 East 16 h st., . avenue,(ncar Union Park) author, widen fact alone Ls a snlllcJcnt gnaramyof Its In­ ORTHODOXY FARSE, SINCE Sl'IlilTCAE- Gnli'i, or 13 t'i’Hii l( j mi M-iid i»\ t.’i.'il i.i*u«-r. Uraft. (Near Union scj.) New York.' terest. 4 ^ ■ , - ... . Chicago, ill. D. C. DENSMORE, The startling revelations of spiritual vMtauts; the sweet ISM IS TB U E. I'l I« ** lo e«-nt iM.siam* 2 « '‘lit *». or F.xpii-si, |f you s.*iid a l*”‘-t ottin1 ilm ie y O rd e r, tell t o r aale wholesale and retail by (MILHY A H K 'll, at Joys of true domesticity; the sharp social trial-, which lead THE DEI.HOE IN THE E10I1T OF MODERN tbi’ l'o**t•iua*'t«,i to iiiiihe l| |»n>ul»t«*iU K la|lonl>., No. 0 Montgomery Place, corner oí Province streeteel (lower (lowei T >SY(‘I10PATHU’ PHYSICIAN, 5 Dwight street, (near the struggling heart upward to angeiu- pmlih itih'ii. while SI 1 K N r I'.. I'l Ire |o „.ills, New Yoi'U.t'ltr. Horn), Poston, Mass. ______duly-L_ .JL tout av.,) Hi>>|mi, Mass., where he will attend to A«t«lrei»», the slek who have (ailed to (imi relief, timi are favorable to they workout upon Hie wrong doer a sure i emmpense of HE Tl IYSEEE. A Discimisi-. 1’i ict- Hi ct-iits, Ids system of cure, consisting of Medicated Vapor Baths reward*, the M alting glare of passion am lthe gb>r\ of love posliigr 2 i rlit’'. PK O I\ PAVTO\ SIT.Xn:, n. IK. Now Lite lor the Old Itlood ! Manipulation, Elect riel tv, Swedish Movement * ’ and are all embodied in this elmrmlug volume, ihe'ilioitghi n iK <;o d iMioi’osKD F ononi n a t i o n a l “ Bunuchldtlsiu." Ills unparalleled success tn removing llmllng expression at all times In (dear, nuo lse and chaste ro N S T i rU l B»N. A I....tun-lit Mu-tc Hall. Bos- i;ts r.ust tulli Htrovl. Non YorU < lty. I ttie cottyr.v of disease for the past twenty, live years, both language-many passages being pmtia\e.t uhleh the sym*. ton. on Simd;i\ attcriioun, Ma> Mb, 1*72. I'rlvi* in cents, For imi«* iti*«» ut (lie ltuiiiter 6l' I.Igiit 'Oftlee, 9 1 If» (Ms ('«miitry and Eitri'pe, w anuuls him Iti giving hope- paibette soul will read through a iiii'tof teats, yet upon losingi* 2 cents. ^I«mtir«Mm*r,> I*l«tee, ItOKton. ^Iiun. If .tut) 4. INCREASE YÔÜR VITALITY. I fill words «f cheer to the most despairing sutferer. Booms whlehtheauthor's genial, hearty H um in tlieeveutunl good F»*r sale wholesale and retail by <'OLBY A BH' ami hoard at reasonable rales to patients at a disturna;. of alf, and the divine unity whieh Is yet to bless the world, n.» Mont g< >inei'y I'lace, corner id I'rov ture st irrt (louer TUB .71 A4iM7lT(' III'.IBBU, [ U Bl.'I SB Bad leal. Spi i it natisi le ami He foi matory Tract h bright da>light of bettered condition.-, b,i Immaiiil) Is toadvam• a 1 ’o 'rt*****t**t»i ‘ <»f HhhmjIii. HS II. S. SKYMOUU, Husiness nnd MVst N utritive Compound, Magnetic Treatment, breaking along Die plain of time. t, •Tin* Bilde a Fai**«* wMtne 1»y Win, Denton; MMedium. Ib'.i Kotu I h avemu*. east siile, liear I2th Street, I . ^ I 1 H>T 4 I 1Hamilton I .. ... I I I.... >.1...... place, Boom t1, ' \fM. MillO U lX VtIV B Y nud * Th"mas 1‘aiiteS I.etter to a friend on the imlilt- New. York, iìoiiik fi «mi 2 imi ami from 7 («* 9 f. m. C lr'lea HOULD now.lie used by woak-nervod and poor-blooded A II. B. COOLIDGE. (Mllce hours from 8 a. m. to S Circulate it, Spiritualists and Friends oi eat Ion oí the * Age of Rea*»« h i'** : Tuesilay and Ttnnsday l’Vi'iilugs. • l;tw*'— Ang. 15. S people everywhere, as the best restorative of nerve-cells •, m. Patient!, visited at their resiliences when desired. ‘The Ministration of 'Heparted spirits,” hy Mrs. ami blood-globules ever discovered. Sept*. 5.--4U* Free Thought, ’Harriet Beei’her St«>v\e; ' UAHAII K. SOMKliltV, Tr:iiiii-i’ anil lli-alin^ MBd and soothing In Its nature, the feeblest child can For B Is calculated to win Its way as an active mlsslonar) ‘ Human Testimony In lavnrof Spiritualism,” hy O Medium. read ehaiaider and «b’veiop medluin- take It. Constant and steady In Its nutritive power, the In Helds where more direct polemical publications might Geo. A. Baenfi,; shlpat 2.1 Hvlng l'Iaee. >feu York, 2u * Se(»t. 26. worst forms of disease yield to Its power. Mrs. S. E. Crossman, fall of obtaining entry. •M'atrehumen,“ TraiiHlathm from Vollulre; ‘ Send for it to DU. H. B. STOKER, No. 9 Montgomery “ Humanity v*. C h ils tla u lty ,” by Henry C. 1\1V. A. IJÀiiTIIAN, Mituiirlii' IMiysìrìitn and LAIUVOYANT AND .MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN; lOO imgCM. 12ino. ' r Wright; • .. . - Place, Boston, Mass. . also Trance Medium. Removes all Cancers and Tu­ .1.' Kb'i'tib'lan. «« /eov. “ tu i>a|kir Former price $2,50. ” 9, “ Spirit Mnnlfeslatbms,” by Win. Howllt ;; «•oy«‘;\ m y l’anildilel, WnùdhuU 'and //» r Snr(nl IviAG:^ 9 9 “ W hen »ent by mull, 23 cent» extra for pout- ” 19, “ History of-David," .Extract...... * 'from...... /•Viq/nm," my 'i'ia«:l, t%t,nnJ.uyaJ /.•»e« ; Th> ’Trnr'and thtf AND PHYNHAIi TKST .MLDItM. HaH- l'aht, " .wlth mii' or tuom lu’i l'.iinplilet’* m 'Tiai t’*, ami Dr. Fred. L. H. Willis. For sale wholesale and retail by (.’OI.BY A UK7II, at “ 11, “ Modern Plieunmena. V by Wtn. Lloyd Garrison; m \, Vfkotoyrayh, all for $l.oo. or (or « riiis wttli tln* l'ho- RS. T. YOUNUS pays part leul fr at lent Ion to all class-' AddreM, nftcr Juno 20lli* (111 furllior notice No. »Montgomery Place, cohicror Province street (lower “ 12, “ Clirlsllanlty—What Is It?:” by K, s. Wheeler; to g iap b lett olii.' 1 ni m»’/i io» >/ iitiil ‘•luill he gialtTuAfor tho M os or disease, either at ottlce or patient's residence.' (tour), Boston, Mass. . ■ . tf “ 13, “ Tim Bible Plan of Salvation,” by Rev. E. liar- money. - Addr«*i*s A l’STlN K ENT, >to* kle«lni. ’'t. Law- Hours from 9 to 6. She will also give her remarkable piano ' riMôu;' rene«* f ’o.. New Y iqk. . IM May.:». Glenora, Yates Co,, N. Y. manifestations at private houses by engagement. No ios;i *M4, “ The Proh’siant Im|Ulsltlon,” by Rev. Charles Washington street, Boston. 4w't—Sept. 12. Never to be Re-publishedT Beeelter; m olith fo ;ig«‘Mls lt. WILLIS may bo addressed as abovo. From this “ 15, “ The I'erseetdlng spirit of our Sunday Laws,” $100 T0 200 Í”',i\ulo*ie, io. ‘•••Il oin Im tr. D .1«...... point he can attend to the diagnosing of dtseaso by. hair hy Rev. W. Callieart; MÌi’iH*!Ibi«* 1VIi M«‘ 1% Ir«* Flntli«*« I.I ih ’«. s.iiiip'i' tiee, ami Handwriting. Ho claims that his puwers In thissiine MRS. JENNIE POTTER, “ 10, “ The t h*< liti« Im iii IV I r e .11 II In, D ' Manb’h I .i\im*. N, are unrivaled, combining, as he does, accurate scientific 1 RANCE MEDIUM, 1I Oak street, 3 doors rroiiiw* Harniouial Philosojliy aui Siiiritualism turber of the Public Peace,” by Rev. L. L. Y., or i« Cl;irk >t.-..« blurch:ise we possess, all the remainder of tilt* S N. Y., and obtain a hug«*, highly Itbniliated Book on racllcallv." bv A..K, Newton; this system of vitalizing ireatmeni. if - .July 4. complicated diseases of Iioth sexes. MISSS. F. NICKERSON, first and only edition of that highly-prized volume * UK “ TheC«»mipiliig Inlluencenf Revivals,” by Rev. Dr. Willis Is permitted to refer to numerous parties who rpKANCEaud Business Medium, 35 HoverSt. Hours, 9to T...... r «tan HKing; have been cured byldssystem of practice when all others X 3. Publie Séance Sunday eve. Admission flu cents. “ 20; “ Wlmare...... A ll Ithe Saints?” by ilmmillmr of “ Exeter bAd failed. Alt letters must contain a return postage stamp. Sept. 12.— 4w* BY ANDREW JACKSON. DAVIS, , HHall all” ; . A N I ’AV W’o l i l v Send/or Circulars unit Jiefere.nce.H. tf—July 4. “ 21, “ The Great 1'livslclati only a (¿uaek,’.J liy W il­ Comprising a remarkable series outwent}* spontaneous dis­ liam D«,iitoiiP From a former Apostlo of M ethodism. courses delivered by the Harmoidal Philosopher In the M 22, “ Pel»*»* McGuBT. or Nature ami Grace,” by Liz*, DAY’S EXCELSIOR Mrs. Clara Deàrborn, city of New York, In iwiil, entitled • LAIRVOYANT Practlcal Physlclan and Mldwlfc, 663 zb* Doteti; V C Washington Street, In Nassau Building, Room 3. Uf- •“ 2:1,' “ t'ontradb’tlotiK’of Hie Bible,” No. I; lice honrs frolli 9 a. si. io r> i*. m. 4w*—Sept. 19. '•'21; “ (.’ontrailietlons «>f ili«* Itible, '* No. 2; THE CLOCK STRUCK THREE; BUTTON-HOLE CUTTER. MORNING LECTURES ! “ 2’», DA Pious Fraud,“ by Rev. Edward t . Tmvim; X I«. I). II. niAMG Also, “ 'j'heA geof R««ason,” by Thomas Paine, 2l2 j>P* Boing n Review of " CLOCK STRUCK ONE," and . PATENTED FEB. 18, 1873. AS great success In all cases of Nervous D ebility, Liv­ Best judges pronounce these Inspirational leeturesamong mo; price $l,ui, single, it copies $5,06;. the tlncst of the author's productions,, It Is well to bear in Are now ready, hud will bes«*nl mi reeehit 'of «irders.. Other HIS CUTTER excels all others In simplicity, strength,■ H er. Bilious, and Female Complaints. A t homo Mon- Reply to it; and Fart Second, showing tho ' I days, Tuesdays, Thursdays ami Fridays, from 10 to 2. m ind that tracts are In’ presH.- Contr'Ibullons of llb’iaiv m atter oi T safety and utility, made of the best material and In the NV*. 37 East Brookline street, Boston, tf—Aug. 30. money are solb’lled from nil who favor tin* olije«*ts of tho Harmony hotwoon 'Christianity, most perfect manner, with a plamilshed tlucaSe; maybe No m ore Copies of this -Volume will Soelely, A sample 'package of twenty-five assorted or se- Sciouco and Spiritualism. carried In the pocket with safety, and is agrealconve­ .MItS. IIAItDY, ever be I'rlnie.l, led tracts will he sent postpaid on recelpl of - (wonty-five nience; userul for Ripping, Cutting Thread, Twine or rp R A N C E M EDIUM , No. 4 (Jonewrd Square, Boston, cents. • Selvage. Just the thing to open envelopes or cut the leaves I. Ottico hmuatfinin 9 to l and 2 to 3. Ifm’ -S cpt. 26. the plates having been destroyed, Jn part, and other? Price of tracts, nn cents per |(>o, +5.69 per IDiKi, postage ltY REV. SAMUEL WATSON. • of Periodicals, May bo sharpened same as a knife. To wise apinoprlatcd; so that now is the lime, for all readers free. A. discount <*f 26 per cent, mad«' «m all.orders amount- canvassers it odors the advantage of occupying only one- X I«. VAKIilNLK IRELAND, - uf MivlJavls’s works to puiThasu cnplusof I tig' to $tn and upwards. No orders will hclilled untess cash CONTENTS. ’ ' fourth the space of any ether C utter. Rut up In a neat box EST, HuslnessamlClalrvoyaut 1’liySlelaii. Ifoursfrom IsenehiM'd. Make I', G. Orders, parable, to «»filer of Secre­ of one dozen each. * T 9 to 12* and I to 5. 94 Cam den street, Boston. i .The Last Edition of a Bare Book. tary. '.Send'orders t«i “ AMERICAN 1.1 B Ell A L TRACT (*n avtku i. - Universal Communb'alton — Swedenborg — single Cutter sent post-patd25c6nts; ouo dozen planished Ang. 22. • ___ . SOCIETY,” P. (). BoikNo. 51s, Ibiston, Mass. Wtislev- Import ant DDcoverles Magnet Imii-'S u print l* tin. $1,00, by mall 25 edits extra. Drive, bound In paper, reduced to 75-cents, postage b > WHIAil AM DENTON, PltKMhKNT. tlon--1‘auauetsm, For sale by COLBY & RICH, at No. (l.Montgomery DR.O.W . XeliliLIiAN, cents; bound In clntb,.$B50. postage 18cents. M.T. DOLE, S kcuktaV y* riiA i’it u n , -Im ptiitant (Questions -Personal Invesllgiw Place, corner of Province st. (lowe r door), Boston, .Mass. Ti JTAUNETIC'- PHYSICIAN, has taken rooms at.261. For sale wholesale ami retail by the publishers, COLBY For sale wholesale and t'elall bv COl.RY A ltlCII, at th»ns-( ’«‘I lain ' Farts-- iltilal Gilts • Ndencr- Malet l- JVl; Shawmiit avenue, Boston. 13wV-Aug- If A RICH, at,No, 9 Montgomery Flave, com er oT Uro vince No. 9 .Montgomery Place, corner of Ptovlm t* sticet (lower alh m -P in > leaL Maiillestiit i««i«s • B««t]i Miles mean saiuo street (lower llooi), Boston, Mass. tf jloorN Boston,.-Mass. row • May 16. tiling In Both Worlds Just Rewind - I’oweih Increased— " MERCANTILE" SAVINGS INSTITUTION." AJltS. N. J. ami MK. S. P. MOKSE, Electro- PraviT. 1T_L Magnetic Physicians, 46 Beach street, Boston. Treat- FOURTH THOUSAND. FIFTH“ I’il>ITION-ItKVISED AND 'CORRECTED, <' 11 a l'l'r it m i. • Bibb* 'IVsHnmny Nothing. Taken B ack - 307 W uwlilngton Ntropf, Bouton* ! ment by Magnetism, EleetrleJty, Medicines and Eleoiro- With' a Stool-Pinto Portrait of tho Author. Nations possessed It l nlveisd Iteliel •Deumml ol.lliO Mudlcated Vapor Baths. Oltlee horns from Oto 12 A.M., Ag<* • .‘»kepficlsm in Euro/ie Nalinal- Means-- Pr»qdury of J«*cl ‘-\\'eslev’sT«‘sllniony- No'Ncw J{«*Velat1oli. LL deposits nmdo In this. Institution on or heforo Oc­ I and 1 to 4 r . it. Patients visited a t their résidences in oth­ er hours. ______. 2w*~Sept. 26. SCIENCE TO T h e R E S C U E ! c it a r r tm tv. - .Sian a 'I i In it v - Natmal . ami Npl ritual-. A tober 1, 1874, will draw Interest from that date at the THEVOIC3ES. ItcHly—Judge EdmoinN'sanil Wesley's opinions-M an's rate or 0 percent, per annum for all G months peilods they TV/JRb. J. A. CRAFIS, Clairvoyant Physician, int«!il«’Cti|ftl aml .M'iial Dignity. remain in Bank. Deposits remaining forluss than/)months T hree I’oom s. Dimr'lllllces . |{:iilimai, Molai ami K«*llg|< wllldtuw Interest at the rate or r> per cent, forall full cal* I tA 132 Princeton st., East Boston, gives particular at­ r iM i- n m v. - tention to the dlseasesof women and children. Medicated A. D E P E N T O E VOTG li O F N A TUllh). ' C uAPir.u vt. - Med lit mist ie I'm By Physical Manifesta* emlnr immthK they remain in Bank. Bath at an hour's notice. 1’utlcnts boarded lf: desired. I tons—Mission «»f spirttuailsin I’rogressbm — Not Ail- The Institution has a guarantee fund of $205,000, for tho MRS. A LLEN , Musical Medium, will alko give s6ances v o iu ia o f -a T u n n r .n . t li«»1 llallve- P resent L ite >ee«l 'I hu*’ T iirm llig < tid ies— express protection of its depositors. 2wv-Scpt. 19. Tuesday evening of each week. lw*—Sept. 26. OP ; V O W DO /’’ H UPERSTITION. T«’silm onyo( Senses- ?*i'lemT Mat«‘i lallzatloji. ( ’ll A I* 1 tilt VII., Sa«’| Uhl’S I«» be ligule-- I b'sli «• to know — A. DUNK-LEE, M a g n e t ic P h y s ic ia n . ’- -. Ily ^VartTii Niiiiiiiei* llurlow* Bishop» Doggi’tt's ami Mr'l vcln-’s n u iiu m is- \\ csley'B Hom e for Invalids?[ w. LYDIA F. GLOVER, Assistant. 04 Tremont st., Vlewsol III«* lnt«,nm,'llaie Slat«’. ‘ Modern Spiritualism This volume Isstarlllug in Its originality of purpose, and i'l l a rr Kit vm . 'Splriiuallsm fumi a Selentlfir Stand-, T DR. ABIDE E.CUTTER'S, 711 Tremont street, Room ‘ 10. Will visit paticulb at their residences. Ik dost hied to make deeper Inroaih among sectarian bigots A Boston. Cancers removed from, the stomach ami Sept. 26. ' '• than anv work that Inis :*«ltlip*4iTapp«‘aie«|. point Ri'poi l ol tin* < - orniliItti’d to the. Lololoii IMab-etl- - womb, as well as other parts of the system, without tlm I cal Soeb’tv. RS. M. A. PORTER, Medical and liuslnm TflK v iu ce o f S.\TCUf: repre.sentN Hud tn tho light ol ('ll a i x. - [n11«>•!tn-ifun ronimunleuttnus received knlTe. Obstetrical cases receive special attention. 1 By Alfred B.dVnllsice, F.K.S., Etc. Reason afnl Plutosophy -"lu ills um hangeahle and g'orlous' Sept. 12.-4W* .______•______M 'Clairvoyant.-' Rooms closed Wednr.fidau ami ibmiigh a m«»st i«’llabb‘ MimIIiin i. ‘ u ii l«ai b Hi s at home, N e w Y o ik a n d WITH AMERICAN PREFACE BY EUES SARGENT, THK Voter or a Pr.uui.K delineates the imllvh'.t. By of Aug. 29.-5W* „ N ______M atter ami Mlml, fraternal Cliarltv ami Love. Lom bm . * B. C. HAZELT0N, TttK Vojei:oririo.v lake.«, (be ereeds at heir (111 a l’i'K-tt v t. —Coin In un leal bins from D r. Borni, A. Du- S. IIAYWARD exercises his Powerful Jfai7- This exceedingly-interest lug, most Important and truth pr«*«*, W. 'I . AmlerMm, . Aodo'i o| Review;. Dr. ^IcMa« • nctic Gift in healing the sick from 9 to 4, at 5 Davis Words by uutneimis'passagi-s fr«»in tlm Btl ’e that A the God of Mosi*s has been ib’feated by Satan, froli the Gar* 'lion, bis Daughier, ami Alolll«*.' Specialty Pliotograplier, street, Boston. At other hours will visit patients. Also ful essay, has attracted tho attention of tho whole civilized < ' 11 -\ r r nit m i . (•«»mmiinb,atb*nsr«‘n ‘lv«’d February First, sends Mnpnetizid Paper,. Paper25ccnts or more, optional den of Eden to Mount Calvary! without asking any «iiiestlom*, «*r for any iu*isoti. 140 Washington street, Boston, ¿lass. «) illy 4*—tf * •______• world, ami the secular pt'c.sii everywhere speak Incompll Printed In targe, d ear type, on heaulllul tlul-.d pa|>or. Jt'nlge Edmondsis Aiblress, . Sept. 12. biJiiml In beveled Imanls. nearly 2txi pages, • llb’. CHANCES, Business and Clairvoyant m entary term s of the exhaustive argum ents of Its talented Price $L25; rull gill $L«56; jiostage 16 cents. . For sale wholesale and retail by the publishers, COLBY. “ THIMTAMTi STIU 'Cli TIIK K K ** contains a very PSYOHOMETHY. M Physician. Answers questions, tests, sealed letters. author. abb* tevb’w of the first hook by a mast« r-tnlml, ami a reply 3 0 WEU has been given mo to delineate eharaetor, to | 217 Harrison ave. Hours 9 to u. Seance Friday evenings A RICH, at .Nii. 9 Miiingoiuery Place, coi ner of Province . describe the mental and spiritual capacities of per­ Sept. 19.—4w* ______._____ - Price 25 cents; poslago free. street (lower lloor), Boston. Mass t oow to the same by Dr, Watson,- 1sons. ami'.sometimes to indicate their future and their nest 50 copies, $V«i. • Tlnle«l paper. Prlei* $1.5«. postage fir«*. locations for health, harmony and business. Persons de­ A/TliS. L. \V. LiITCII, Clairvoyant Physician 100 ” ‘ $10,00. . - ‘ Works of Mosiw Hull, w |-'nl' s;iir \vliotes;ite and retail h\ < iil.BY A I'tCH, at siring aid of this sort will please send me I heir handwriting, ILL amt Test Medium, hns removed to 169 Court street, N o. 9 M ontgomery Pia« «’, eoim -r «d Piovine«.* street (low ur 8tatouge and sex, ami If able, enclose $2,00, Boston. Circles Sunday and Tuesday evenings. For sale wholesale'and retail by the publishers, COLBY QUESTION SETTLED: A OARl-'.FULOOM- llo«»i ). Boston. Mii*>**, JOHN M. SPEAR, 2210 ¿It. Vernon st., Philadelphia. Sept. 26. . _ . . A RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province PARISDN DF BIBLICAL AND MODERN SPIRIT* J a n . 17.—t IJALISM. Cloth, heveh’«! boards, $1,56, p«»stage 16cents., ■TIIK T IZZIE NEAVELL, Trance Mpdium, Healing, street (lower (loot ), Boston, Mass. CONTKAST: KVANOKMCAMKM. A NI) JJ 'l’est ami Boklmiss Clairvoyant. Examines from luck Ju st Zssuodl. TBilSRAPHS of bss lizzie boten. of hair. Terms, $2,00,*...... 31 Winter.street, Boston. SPIRITUALISM (O.MPAuEl). A conipanlon to Urn P S A L M S - OF'. L IF E s Sept. 12.-3W - “ QiiesilonSettled.” Beveled hoards, $1,56, postage 16 We have received some very line Carle-do-VIsIto Photo- eon i s. - .4 (Jompihttioo of Pmluis, Ih/miis, ('hunts, An- graphs of Miss Doten, tlie talcnud Uoctic-ilcdiinn, author A TRS. E. ,.S Cl^n’HlNU. An in«»- Place, corner of i'rovineo street (lower floofj, Boston, HS. C. II., WILDES, Xo. 3 Bullincli place, nlotis Interpretation oT the symbols of the Book of Dan­ jBjr lTolui S. A d am s. Muss.______M Boston. Ttiesdajs, Wednesdaysand.Thursdays, from BY J, O. BARRETT, iel and tlie Apoealvpse. Price 16 cents, posing«’2 cents. I 9 to 3^. Aug. 8. SUPKKMACY OF REASON. A Discourse lie- Thlssi'lcrilm iiif tini.-li- will li” riT'.ifiiOi-il liy all wholiavo PATENT OFFICE, A u th o r o f “ Spiritual'Pilt/rim,’' “ Loohing De- QAMUEL CUOVEK, Heauno .Medium, No. livered at the dedication of the Temple of Reason, Chat­ b;t«l e.\pi,il',ne«* In singing, to «•otutulsejtines with which ham, Musk. Paper, 10 rents, postage2.cents. they have bitfore met, ami at on ml ulib-lr associations gath- 40 SCHOOL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. O 50 Dover street (formerly 23 Dix place). Dr. G. will at­ ' yow l" “ SoehU-Freedom," ¿Co. ♦*r that have established fln-m as favorite*. Hi aiblhbqi uT BROWN BROTHERS, SOLICITORS. tend funerals if requested. • ___ >. Hept. 12. THAT TKKRIM jI*; (^;KS'noX. a radical Jlt- these an* .several ti cable, and n paper and premiums wort!» moro tJinn the subscription For sale wholesale ami retail hy COLIH & RICH, at N<». 1 'i tK K •ulnitiliiK Individual soveteignty toned liy education ami a price, and lienee confidently asks an examination of the 0 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower SAN FRANCISCO. m erits of T he L yceum by all liberal parents who desire high iinaal pt'liH'lpIc. tlu‘y consider «'¡o ti man a freeman, RS. ALBERT MORTON, Clairvoyant Business Me- I their children to grow up tree from the bondage ami super- floor), Boston, Mass. « tf Inbetitltig tli«* (iml-glven light Hi think, s«**-. hear, Inves­ M dlum and Psychometrlst, No. 11 O’Farrell street, stitlons of church creeds and . III. I . IMTIJVOX.II FtihlUhcr, ST A R T L IN G f a c t s IIY A. K. NKWTON, Pi In* 15 < «*iits, p«»stag«’ tiee. June 27. Tol<*ellnrn. W ithout d«dav. -l«*l all Children's Lvcmniis provblu tlieh American public. Rare chance and Inducements. Address M to the pulille that those who wish, ami will visit her In groups with tin’s«’ L«‘ssons,**—A. J. bavin. IB IB RUSSEBL, Publisher, 55 Cornhlll, Boston. person, or Heml their autograph or leek or hair, she will give Tho au th o r RayN : “ I have Him honor of placing bn record some startling ami significant phenomena occurring In Price (In cloth) 50 « «*nts, postag«! 6 rents. Usual discount Sept. 19.—tw an accurate description of ihelr leading trails of character to tlie trade...... The Mystery of Edwin Drood ■ and peculiarities«! disposition; marked changes In lias! nod' Mlxlern Spiritualism, which,-tb my mlml. herald the dawn For sale «Imlcsil«* and retail by C(>.LB\ A RICH, at E. A. DIUKINbON, Ulairvoynnt and ruturo life; physical disease, with prescription thereror; of a new and Important cm to the world. That Is why I give thetiithe promhumce Ido, What direct tld» record No. 9 M»»iilgom«o'y Phi«'«*, c«»rner <*« Province street (lower . Trance Mr.Hum. 38 Kliiunlrd Btreet, Cnmfiiidgeport, what business they are host adapted to pursue.In enter to la) tloor). Boston, Mas*«. Muss. Sealed letter«answered. Terms$2.00and two3-cent successful; the physical and mental adaptation of these In­ will have tt|>nn tin.* public mlml. gtvos me little concern. .1 HY TIIK SPIRIT PEN Ol'CHAIlLEM DI4 KFNN. stamps. Money refunded if not answered. tending marriage; and hints to the Inlmrmonleiihly mar Truth has a good charact«.*r, and can take cart) of Itself, ^IIAKKU TllAGTS FOB THK TIM KS, No. 1. Sept. 12.—3w* rled. Full delineation, *2,00, and four 3-ceut stamps. People who entertain opinions which aru at all valuable, 0 TRUK LOVE: WHAT IT IS, AND W HAT IT IS NOT In order to meet the Increased demand for this work, tho Address, alltti. A. II. yh\ EltAhCE, do not easily part with them ; those who have noopinloiis ByA.B. Davis. With an uppemlix. publishers have Issued It In paper covers,: at the extremely Centro streot, between Church ami l’ralrle streets, will hardly boJiifliiem «*d hy anything 1 have w ritten .” Price «5 cents, pnsfago I vont...... low pi Ice of $1,00; postage JOcents. Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers July 4.—tf White Water, Walworth Co., WIs, Price $2,50, postage :ri cents. For sale wholesale ami retail hy COLBY A RICH,- t For salo wholesale and retail by COLB1 A RICH, at of every kind. Send stamp for Illustrated I’rlco List to For Bale wholesale amt retail by COLBY' & RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of l'rovlnce street (lower No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province street (lower « r e n t W e s te rn CHIN' W O R K R 7283 L i b e r ty « tre c t, R. J. R. NEW TON. Tubbs’s Hotel, Oakland. No. 0 Montgomery Place, cornor of Province street (lower tloor), Boston, Mastà. ll«K»r), Boston, Mass. ■ July 18.-13W FltUbargli, Fa. D Cal. July 4. lloor,) Boston« Mass, • v • --_-.eow. SE P T E M B E R 26, 1874. 8 BANNER OP LIGHT.

proving the conditions of-mothers ; and also cm- entitled "T h e .AiifiOi.i’TE Su f f ic ie n c y of N atural Hell- In the abstract, said ‘IiCggettraiiil I willreduce It Kluii as a revi'latlim fi-nm riiHl. L'inmliied ln tlie light of PHOTOGRAPH to practice, if loan." Wo need tooritielseevery- braced some novel and remarkable ideas con­ OF l p c ; u ; l s . rviiHonnml the Bible." thiiig, in a proper spirit, and existing ideas and cerning tlie improvement of the race by-direct HKKAi.1t o r, Wood A Holbrook, publisher«» Institutions nnd practices are lcgitmnte subjects spirit inlluence. - These were founded upon mod­ 13 »ml IS Lulght street. New York (Mt , for September. MRS. J. H. CONANT, of eritieism, that we may improve upon them.. ern phenomenal manifestations, as corroborative Vic k ’ s Klohal E, No. 4, H74, published by .lames And quutM ode*», Mhl fly«* «..r«U long, Medium of the Danner or L ig h t Free P u b lic Th^t. on Un* strotrlivU fui»Mhigi*r of all time, us learn why there are so many premature of tlie Christian idea concerning tlie paternity of Vh’k, Rochester, N. Y. tìl^arklnfurl•vt•r.', deaths among ehildren. Jesus. Circle«, and her aplrlt- friend, the little Mkimcak Miiih o h , for August—A. K. Butts A Co., Indian girl, l’rof. J. It. \V. Tooliey said, we have been I)r. Joseph Treat and Lois Waishrooker ad­ publishers, M I)»y street, .New York City. m i l s ».»:. beating the hush for several years under the gen­ dressed tlie audience, occupying twenty minutes SmiiTUAUSM—What it Is and what it does. By 8. E In Mli-tui* might) Ihing- ;»ro urm jghl- eral cry for freedom. The next chapter in our each. 1 Caldwell, M West Seventh street, St. Louis, Mo. T a s h t i . Mkhtl) bull.1. .1. lh"iiglil un Ihmiglit, history must he, not only talk for freedom hut In tlie afternoon tlie conference was addressed KUward o . Skelton’s IIanphook ok t h e B oston and Truth's it-ififl- (¡p t I' th<*-ky;' The iilinmnt, spxrkllng, xml at tlio srirmi tlm o tractable a demand for culture. A Spiritualist in philoso­ by A.*E. Cotton, of Vinchuijl, N. J., who was Ma in e H.ui.itoADto the Seashore, Lake and White Moun­ ami Intiilllifi'iil Intlui'iioe ili'iik'tvit at the Bldoof Mr«. Co- A lid, like ;» - l w Uh b>v\ n s , phy anil in fuel, 1 affirm that until you get a opposed to commiiniMii, believing tlie mono­ tains ^ ______naiit In tills iiliiiIiiKraiili, dr»! controlleil that medium In ' Tin« ? u lti, tifi Mii.vMl.Uil lowers. scientific ba>is for Spiritualism it will he rather gamie relations tlie highest. He also presented 1H70, as she was slowly recovering from a sovero Illness l*> ...... I • Ili-Ut!) . a discord than an education. We are all going a series of resolutions, as follows : 1st, That it is NplrUuuIfHt I.ectures and I.jeeuius. Thu cjrenmslani'es attending Va s h t i’h birth were ns fol­ lows : A wlilto woiiinn, .lino from tnirikik nilnols, tielermno crossing lm tli„ tho I., Plains.n * — III* \s li“t l'Un " 1." .•hlM,’, but In* li I.II-* who,inizili to school to learn whafis radical in thought and tlie duly of nil reformers, when they ean witliout MKETlNOK IN UOfiTOS. with an emigrant party,.'was taken prisoner by the Indians fundamental to organic unity. When sliaU'we violating conscience, to conform to law, and spend Htfthavtn Mill.-"T h e Music Hall Society of Spiritual­ and fell by loi tnthesliaro of ‘'l!lg lliiffnln, " of the t'lcnan be b«*t 1er ists” has secured the above-named newand elegant hall, Irlhe. ns Ills wife. Tho Indimi wife of the chief failed to hear from all Spiritualists, what I recently heard effort and force in laboring to alter.statute liuv so relish her new (hmiostW*.,0*1.1 lioelllflwpartner, miriami HCmlused everyAllow.* means_ to . a i n M N. 413 Washington street, near tlu* coruer or Hoylstmi street, from an exceptional one, an eager cpiest'ibn as to ns to conform to tlie higher law. 2d, That those for its eighth annual course of Lectures on the Spiritual exhibit her hatred. It» time said squaw gave birth toa Tin* M.'ft, r:ilm 'la> - "t A utumii '-U«*<* RK.Till when nml where tin' last address of Tyndall wlio practice promiscuity are to lie commiserated, I'hllosophv. Meetings will, commence Sunday afternoon, child, which, (in direct obedience to tho law of prenatal ll.ui« hr.-ugM »*1 s in--!.inch.>h «.well, might lie found published in lull, su that the last- lint condemned, us it is a condition of the earth October 111 h, at quarter to 3 o'clock precisely« and V'Ulniue inlluence,) by reason of ltsimdher’8 continued thought of WM. li blu.Min- b.-.ut« < f UfUikii.g, 't.-i but'h 1 li.g k.-n of that great organic- unity, whose sun is .rosy gress into higher conditions of sphit life. ¡id, tober'¿i. The Committee are engaging other speakers or m other detested It lit consequence, from the moment of Its WM. li. If U Ini' !... filini.- ub- b- t**lî, known ability and eloquence, whose names will.he an­ birth, culled it “ V onshtl,” (the captive) In derision of tho upon the hills of morning with Us promise (if ■That wlien woman Is fully emancipated nnd edu­ prisoner woman, and endeavored to kill It on several occa­ M.i> tin !i lut" f"i ^ . 11 « • 11 I'.t«:. and dwell nounced hereafter. Singing by a first-class quartette. light for the working • hours of man, and whose cated, the evils of the monogamie relation will in Tickets securing reserved scats for the season can he pro­ sions, hut w as prevented by the while woman, who took 1 Mi nil U* MTii'-* "Í J-.) nini pli-a.-urr limn. evening splendor is peaceful with the promise of 1 time he rectified, and until this has been tried cured at the graduated price of $10, .$:> and $3. according to pity on the oppressed little me. “ Yooshtl” when about location, on application to' Mr. Lewis B. \\ llsoii. t hair- seven years of age, was, together with her father, “ Bltr Manner b> »•>n ; tiling u Uh «••un • pt-opln nini Ai.nn“tiling a well earned rest, 1 commend to your earnest mil ' foundm-'fiiilure, ’ ...... it is unwise and next to man ami Treasurer, at tlie Banner of Light ofllce, .» Mont-, ■*llutralO'...... •* ’ slain * i atfit. the tlm massacreinassaer« of thetlio PlegnnsPleating onn„ tho*».? With ovrrjtwHl), Huh..)/ Mid t 1» (■ study the results which science lias already criminal to go hack to a plurality of wives or se­ gomery place, where a plan of the hall can he seen, Yellowk'ellow Stonefc River by the troop* of JJmi.bheridan, InDo- ‘John A. Andrew Hall.-Fret: -Lecturo b> eember, IWÜ). Her iinine, “ Vooshtl, being difficult of . T II t. *us. achieved, lieenme acquainted with the best lection on the principle of so-called communities Mrs. S. A. Floyd, at 3 and 6 i\ m. The audience priv­ pronunciation bv white lips, became gradually...... modifiedm< to A rnu«b'il rnlnb.»M "V.-ih'M'l works on physiology, temperamental adaptation, for stirpieiilture. ileged to ask any proper ouestlons on spirituality« Ex- “ V ashti,” by those who attended Mrs. Conant*;“ 8 privato and transcendental anatomy, before you talk of lie was followed by Mr. Horlherick in favor of cellent(|uartette singing, ruhllc Invited. , seances, and by the latter name she is now’ known. l(.-tsib»\i u t " n.utli II s vni) log t li irmi; ftnchttittr Mill, .V»l Wtuthhit/lon xtrtet. — I ho Ch ldren s The picture, of which this sketch Is the accompaniment |."V««S blu.«, j»*j N gold, nini fulr b'-livrf tlie glory of an indiseriminate freedom. tlie intellectual and social companionship of the was taken hv W. H. Mumlor, 170 West Hprlnglleid street Progressive Lyceum, No. I, which formerly met In John Boston, In September, 1871. Tho artist was not aware that !*ldfUlig Ughi ni l'iUi-ialil gliTU, Mr. tleorge A. Fuller, of Natick, tlieiulelivered sexes in schools, and in tlie arrangements of A. Andrew Hall, will hold Its Hesslons at this place every an address upon " ltadieal Spiritualism," follow- ¡ home life. Sunday, at 10‘* o’clock. <»eo. H. Lincoln, Sec’y. Mrs. Conant was coming for a sittin g until she arrived ami f W ttli ¡‘lrli« r Mdr In ih,«*|» rcltef The. M,ston SviritunliHts' Uniun will resume meetings ** . A i rhns'.n p.iln, n'vl'.b-t g rifi, ed by Mr. Daniel W. Hull, on tlie --.Sexuality of ' l ’rof. J. II. W. Toohey delivered tlie first reg­ at Rochester Hall formerly Fraternity). Wl W ashington . And l»t: tìimi miiv vJ kiI tini suuVr -Religion." ular address, presenting an eloquent and scholar­ street, on Siimlay, Scp|. 13th, and continue them every -* Tini bnikt-n i;iys b* tn-ntb' iiuiy \\**:»r, Silt'd *y afternoon and evening, at and 7!«'* o’clock. 1 lie d, “ Dove Eii'hUiH Sm.tiiin.—After a conference of one ly historical-view of tlie progress of ideas con­ liuldlc arc cordially Invited. 1LS. W’tlilams, l resident. ìt lu-t-ih tinnii all, bmad.and llgjit linin'", upon the general sujiject of Stirpieiilture, cerning socialism, in the church, the drama, and Mrs. C. replied that she did. Mr. M. then said, “'Sltsilll The Lndten' Aid Society will until further notice hold Hs and I will tak»» you as you m e.” The picture here given la (ttHph invi* ln;i\ WfJlVf tb f |M«| f«-t;t whltO. ;which was participated in by I,. K. .loslin of in literature, which can nt last only he settled by meetings at Rochester Ifall, "ii Tuesday afternoon and the result, and one of the strongest proofs or Its honesty of I’loviilelioi', .Muses Hull, Col. Will. 1). Crei'li, science—not by tlie church or by s'ciitimentality. evening of .each week, Mrs. (J, llajward, l resident; origin ts the fact that certain decorations shown In Itabout - A gri*nt soni Ivkin.u n by Its •>ul;irgt«i). strung nini t'-b'bT Mrs. Klin M. M-adc. Secretary. . „ . , ,, the neck of “ Vashit” had been exhibited to theclalrvoy- . 9) inp.ttblf?. Tim- »*1 »-\ ;t11<«ii ni mimi il'»-' not taki- a brlng Mrs. Dr. Cutler of Huston, anil Isaiah C. liny of Mrs. Dr. Cutter followed upon the nation’s AVw Fridernitu //////.-Council No. 1 of Boston holds nut sight (»f Mrs. Conant for the first time only a few eve* I New I it'll fiiril, (lie lirst regular address ol the need of educated mothers—the improvement of meetings every bundav al this hall, corner of Ih-rkeley and ' out or tln* d irle pi tln-M* u in* ;in- bt*lo\v III in, luit blinh blm Appleton streets. Lectures afternoon and evening. nlngs before; of theexlstetice of which Insignia tho artist astor t*i tln-in, ami gl\ilo-m athautagus fui :u ln,v| ut • evening was given by Mrs. Marion Todd of our homes—nnd tlie elevating inlluence of asso­ I.urline Mill.-F ree Public Test Clrelesnt 10'a A. M.aml could by no apparent human possibility haye become aware, ac infili uml t-onfoi tnltV 1«. bini. • J>r. rhanning. Michigan, upon " Despotism r.i. Kreedoni." She ciation by ehildren of both sexes in their studies, 7».. 1«. m.. Frank T. Ripley, medium. Fnie Spiritual Ly­ Price 50 cents. ceum Conference at l i*. >i. for young and old speakers, ... For sale by COLBY Sc RICH, at No. o Montgomery Place, thought tIn'll' could lie no intermediate steps be­ plays, and home life. Her suggestions were all declamations, Ac. Ac. Noadmlttancefee, IhomasCook, tween them, and that popular ideas of virtue practical nnd elevating. corner of Province street (tower fioor), Boston, Mass. Nntiomil Muss Meeting of ltiitlienls. were according to eihieaiiun. K. II. Haywood, of Princeton, Mass., followed C //flr/’ion*r/ Mill. -Free Splrltiml Meetings are held every Sumtav at ibis hall, 18 Boylston street, at I».'* A. m .. and J .. in aeeonlani'e 'with tlie ('onsjitiftion of the Anthony Higgins; dr., gave .the, concluding ml- in an eloquent review of remarks made by sever­ aiul7'«i v. M. Mrs. Lltch, Mr. Ripley and other mediums, The Summerland Messenger, Universal As'iu i.itii.n of Spiritualists,■ adopted dr''ss mion the general methods of progress, and al of tlie speakers, taking high ground 'against will be present. T. P. JD IF 4, (Dlckcna’N Medium,) Editor nnd in answer to the question, " Are you going to do aiiy resort to brute force to resist evil, but trust­ The Children's Independent Lyceum meets at the samo l^ubllMlicr. at Chicago last year, the lTovisiunal National am thing practical V" No reform ever , came ill hull even* Kundav. at l‘t P. M. The publicare respect fully ing everything to tlie power of truth and right­ invited. * Dr. <\ C. York. Conductor. ,• The SuimncrhuHl Messenger Connell, of which Mrs, Victoria C.iWoodlinll is advance of Hie needs of the people." There is no eousness" in the life—in eritieism of the relations Medium*'- Meeting at Templars’ Hall, 2*0 Washington such tiling as a cessation of motion, either in the of property to labor—nnd generally in high com­ street, at 10.'«j a . m., each Sumlay. All mediums cordially (sit fli-st-doss i.lKlit-(jq,no. Back numbers will ho a future harvest of ennobling ideas. It is ours to soine.of their neighbors. s.diool disclaimed all connection wlmtover with the views sent to those wishing to commence the volume, Samplo The:ConventionTherefore, by special provis- ,2. That In all countries where so-called Christianity pre­ and Ideas set forth by the recent ’Free Lovo add Free »pies 10 cents. Liberal Inducements to Local Agents. lake from the gods of nntiouity tlie authority'we vails, selfishness anil not liberality Is the principle that dilressT. P. JAMES, publisher, Brattleboro’, Vt, lon, 'became not a Spiritualists' (Convention,-hut never delegated to them, it is imperative upon characterizes the masses; therefore Lllieralists. to prove Speech Convention,* held in Parker Memorial Building, Sept. 5,-tf ______*______us Hint we learn a law ndnpfed-To the needs of themselves superior to professed Christians, will have to B oston.” a limits meeting ef Radicals iimbEcforim'is. he judged not ny their earnest and persistent advoelicy or Antiquarian Concert.—This hall, was crowded1 on the Tlie. meeting was railed to order by,Dr. L. K. the Caucasian of tlie nineteenth..century,'mid not the lights of man, hut hv their exemplification In actual A' Boole for EYerytiofiy-—Married or Single, for the .lew of three thousand years ago ¡ trust­ praoCpo. . “ By their fruits ye shall know them.” evening of Monday, Sept. 2Íst, Ijy a happy company who met to listen to the sweet strains of tlio 4*01d Folks,” Coonley, of Newark, N. J., at iny; a, m. ing to a progressive intellect, rather than the . Mr, Jamieson then mnde a scathing speech in This new, searching, timely hook, Is entitled Tlie Secretary, \V. T'. Jamieson, read tlie call, conducted by Charles W\ Sullivan. The orchestra (of some limits even of our own statement of truth, or in­ regard to the conduct of reporters and journalists twelve pieces) was from T. M. Carter’s Band, and furnish­ nnd the articles nf llic Constitution under which, stitution's of our own making. Hut, to day, if for years past in regard tic such conventions, The Genesis and Ethics ed standard music to tho gratification of all; while the of .. it was iiuule; after wlih'li the meeting proceeded you seraleli a .Spiritualist, you will lind a-Chris­ and‘Anthony Higgins and Moses Hull followed, programme of. old hymns and spiritual songs interspersed tina underneath.- So long ns Christianity inter­ in the same strain, after which the Resolutions by ” siinUi)e worhUJe ditties” by “ Dnmsels” Etta llrng- •To organize by the election of the following ofli- prets the'American idea, so long you will lie de­ were unanimously adopted. CONJUGAE* XjOVE. Oers: don, Nan Barrows, Cora'Hastings, Cora Stone, ” Uood- frauded of your inheritance.'- Ilb picture of the Hon. Warren Chase then made n sterling wlves” Lnhg nnd Barlow, and Deacon C. W'. Sullivan, BY ANDREW JACKSON' DAVIS. J'p.n't/inf, L. K. Coonley; - ITcn PrcuiiU'hts, American soldier, returning from succcssfid war­ 'speech upon Tho ignoble conduct of the public (and also enlivened hy a clarionet solo, by “ (Jramlslro ” W e liavo the pleasure to announce the recent publication Anlliony Higgins, Susie WillisTTetoher, Marion fare to preserve tlieJTiion of tlie Republic, and press—tho conflict bctwt-cn tlie organized tlicolo- Baldwin,) was indeed pleasant to the ear. After tho con­ of a fresh, new hook, of peculiar interest to all men' and* - Todd ; ,Si. Horton Sjdrttualist Union,— The conference held at this Demand of Conjugal Love; etc., etc. . jeetsi'm wliieli tlie of tile race is involved, New IMibUcutioiiH. hall by this society on theevenlng of Sunday, Sept; 20th, was Price, In paper covers, 50 cents; in handsome cloth, 75 That, sexual and social relations are the true well attended ami entertaining. As previously stated, Dr. cents; in‘ full “ .Ujgllt gil and— extra.... - ...... binding, $l,t. n. Postage free. ' therefore that \ye coniine ourselves-to the discus­ foumhition on which to build institutions timt T h e . H oneym oo n, by tho Coimt do Medina Poivinr, la For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY & 1UC11, at professedly a mhombraiice of a bridal tour through Scot­ H. B. Storer liad acceded to the request of tho members to No. 0 Montgomery Place, corner of Province streot (lower sion of 'subjects, not persons ; .-principles,- not have .the welfare of humanity In view. .n. That give answers On ?ald occasion while in a trance state, to floor), Boston, Mass. 1 . . tlie instincts of true wommihoodnre against bear­ land, and appears from the press of Llpplncott Si Co., of -■-111)011 or women; ami that any.'departure from I'hiludi'tphin, in two vory handsome volumes. The scenes quesiionsbearlugon tlie Spiritual Philosophy audits eliici ing children for the .State, and handing them A N OPPORTUNE BOOK! tills •parliamentary rule, by any speaker, will lie visib'd uri? familiar to the readers of Scottish history and dation, and the replies which were made on that evening over to its care, while it is so stupidly, ignorant through his organism to the queries of the audience wero declared out of order. • 1 the ears and eyes of tourists, but they are described with a of tlie best modes of moral and spiritual culture, «freshness, a piquancy of reflective capacity, and presented of the clearest usefulness and practicality, giving cntlro A.N During tile arranging of business by the Com- ns to turn over its moral offenders to the, prison. to the reader In the setting of such delightful associations satisfaction to all. At the conclusion of this service, which mittee a conference .was aiimiunced. ’ Dr. Coon, and tlie gallows for gorreetion. 0. That com­ that ho will not cease from tho perusal imtli ho reaches tlie lasted about one hour, remarks in conference, In further Exposition^ Social Freedom, ley spoke-sif tile general progress of liberal ideas munal life, according to congenial groupings, cud of the second yohune. (.Jlasgow, Loch Lottiond, consideration of the subjects started by t|ie questions, Monogajiic Marriage the Highest Devel­ —that even theologians were '.beginning to lind furnishes tlie.only proper conditions''for tlie prac­ Dumbarton, legends of localities, the Kyles of Bute, were made by Dr. 1L F. Gardner, H. S. Williams ami something divine jn Nnl me and in mao. tice of .stirpieiilture,-and'that this next step in moonlight walks, take sunrises, lit tie romances of history, others. The style of meeting now,adopted by the Union opment of Sexual Equality. ■„ Mr. Walter Wood,-- of New. Jersey, presented social progress ought to be thoroughly, discussed tpo passage of Loch Tav, a railway Journey to Perth, Is found by its meininirsand visitors to bo of tlio highest By tlio Author of VITAL MAGNETIC!'CUKE otld twocommiinientions puipniTlng to lie from the by tliis Convention. , Edinburgh, together with tetters on metaphysical and reli­ attractiveness, and the form will he continued, Dr. Storer NATUItE’S LAWS______IN HUMAN« LIFE. snirlt-world, predicting a terrible and bloody rev­ '.’Dr.- Slorer moved-.that the. resolutions offered gious themes—ihakc up a very pleasing, picturesque and serving as medium on the evening of the 27th. Nntftre’sLaws, Principles, FaetsandTruths, aroeternal olution in .this country, and highly eulogizing by tlie committee lie not voted upon, hilt .accepted Instructive record, that will beyond with delight by a large John A, Andrew Mill.— Mrs, Sarah A. Floyd continues ami Immutable. Society, Customs, Conditions, Circum­ Mrs. Woodliull. for discussion only. A vigorous debiite ensued circle. For sale by LcotS: Shepard. the course of freo meetings at thlsplacc with excellent sue* stances and Opinions, are constantly changing; therefore, to ho consistent, we should weigh and Judge noth sides of Daniel Hull spoke of tlie great and increasing; upon this proposition,-which wnsndvocated on the FlStlKUMKN”£_ ItAU.ADS ANI) SONC78 OF THE SKA.— cess. Her lectures on thoafternoon and eyenlngof Sunday, gonthet-.between-social • , .* * ...... reform. . .« and..«. .. Christianity, ...... ground timt minorities in a Convention for dis­ Those enterprising publishers, the Proctor Brothers, of Septcmher20th, at traded Inrge audiences, and tlie harmony Tho fascinating teachings are contrasted with their op- nfliimini;n(II fellIt thatlifti \vc w ith slinqiinf! !«l on a viilcano, If lia- of the sessions was enhanced by good slnglug from .the . »sites, the curtain Is drawn, their effects shown, also tlie cussion only, ought not to lie-compromised by tlie. -(iloucester,-Mass'., have, under the Inspiration of the causes which produce Inhuim ony; the remedy Is suggested; hlt) lit anyTimt'to a violi'iit oiitlni'iik. . action of majorities, mid that .the'''truth of tlie fresh breezes and wild scenery of their home, complied a quartett. "Social Freedom ’ ’ teachings aro either beneficial ordet- ,: Mr. Jamas Atkinson, of I’ltiliuhTphin, hiTipv- (impositions stated- might safely he left to make, volume of poetry which Is destined, we believe, to a wider Liirline Hall.—S. II.. Atkinson of Philadelphia, and rlmental. Which? Every family should know for them­ oil 111 Tim crisis timt liail lici'ii annouiipcil, imt Thomas Cook of Boston occupied the time by remarks on selves as to Us moral tendency and practicability. its own way to the convictions of the people with­ use than merely, that o f affording cheerful companionship It is designed as a “ two-edged-sword” rejoinder, to6ond vvoultl mi'i't it witlrmoral torep, ami not lilooil- outdicing supported by'the- possible Incidental to the sailor In hours of leisure—when that time comes tp the moiulng of Sunday, September 20th. Iq the afternoon Individuals who accuse Bplrituallsin of leading to the doc­ slii'il .or iiliysipal foifli'. NTfqtrp.sprVation, tlie fact'that tlie majority of the -people him. The hook, which contains some two hundred pages, G. L. Barker of San Francisco delivered an address, also trine. Beml them broadcast. furnished music, In which latter service he was aided by a 72 pp. Price 25 cents, postage free. lirst law of Nailin', was an ohl-foffy.iloi'trinp. These' views wore advocated by Dr. Storer, War­ offers a compilation of near one hundred and twenty five' For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY & RICH, at No man or woman lias that power,,but I nllinn ren Chase, .Anthony Higgins, Isaiah' Hay and Al­ pocins, some of them of a high order of artistic excellence, sister. He will speak agitlnnt this hall on Sunday afternoon No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner or Province street (lower timt there is a ]imver that can protect me ami all fred K. (Dies. and others full of that .Huff heartiness and carelessness of September 27th, at three o'clock. floor), Boston, Mass. ______U men,'ami that power is Love. Tie hoped the. \V. F. Jamieson vigorously 'advocated voting expression which Is so attractive to tho impulsive children ” To the general public, however,” ''writes a correspond Convention would redound to spiritimj ascend­ upon tlie resolutions, that we might deline bur of the sqa. The hook Is one which will make frlcuds wher­ cut “ the most Interesting fcatureof the afternoon and even­ Woman andtheDivineRepublic. ency only, and lie so conducted that the oiilside position as a Convention of Radicals, anil make ever Jt may go. v ing meetings, was the wonderful manifestations on tho piano through the mcdlumship of rfrs; Youngs, the instru ID LEO MILLER. world would see n power tor m>ud ill Spiritual­ a positive-impression, as a body, upon the public T h e C’oMiNri W a v e ; or, Tlio Hidden Treasure or High ism timt was not in the Church. mind; and tlie President, Dr. Coonley, also fa- Rock, is the captivating title of the new volume In Oliver ment keeping time to the music will» even six men seated The author says, in Ids preface: “ This W ork Is not an upon It. Mrs. Youngs will b&present at tlio meetings and Essay on what Is technically understood as Woman’s Seward Mitchell, ol Maine, believed-in “ pence vored-flie same course, afllriuing that'this was a Optic’s “ Yacht. Club Series;” its incidents being located give her wonderful manifestations ni this half next Sun­ Rights. One could hardly do more than glean In such a tbld, after It had been harvested by reapers like Mary if possible, hut. truth at any rale." Harmony “ new departure*’ from Uie uniform custom of on Penobscot. Bay, ami the characters being entirely new d a y ,” . and fresh. iLXorms the fourthand nn Independent Issue In W ollslonecraft, Jo h n S tu art Mill, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, would not- free the slave by*peaceful measures. till preceding Conventions. Mr/Cotton, o f.Vine- A Musical Treat.—Oil tlio evening of Thursday, Sept, George \V. Curtis, Lucy Stono, Busan B. Anthony, and tills popular serle^. It Is full of lively descriptions of " No tyrant was ever known to let kp the throat land; Daniel W- Hull and Mr. Atkinson, also fa­ 17th, a num ber of the friends or D r. John II. C urrier met many others. breezy sailing, denso fogs, and a smallish hurricane; yet Bui, notw ithstanding so much has been w ritten nnd Balds of ids victim except by force." The people are vored voting. • : ‘ j at ills residence, 36 Wall street, Boston, for social converse, the plot takes the young reader upon tho laud as well ns on tho particular subject of Woman’s Rights, thoWunnn slaves because educated in the bosom of tlie .-Tim question being then referred to the Con­ to consider the remarks of such as might choose to address question is by no means exhausted. There Isa whole sluo upon the sea,“and. develops the same quality of excite­ Church, which-is n. jiiKiintlt! system of slavery, vention, it was decided, by a. large majority, not the company, and to listen to the music of the Arloti Quar­ of the question of her enfranchisem ent (and It seems to me and the history of the. last llih'e years demon­ to vote upon the resolutions.' j ■ ment, heroism,, blunders and repentance which the skilled much the larger side,) which has been but Incidentally no­ author knows so well by this time how to present. Leo ,l* tette, of Somorvllle—W. R. Bateman, 1st tenor; F. G ticed; ami that Is, Its moral bearlngsam l relations* Giving strates timt tlie Churches mean to use coercive Tlie regular addresses of the morning were full weight to the legal claims of woman, which are as sa­ Shepard, publishers.". \. . . . KlncaUl, 2d do.; E. B. Bateman, 1st base; E. B. Lacount, power To. accojiiplisli their desimis anahist tlie then given by.J. AVni. Fletcher, on the general 2d do. Tho music of the Club was fine, and was furnished cred and Inalienable as those of man, I am confident It win Modeun OinusTiANiTY, a Civilized Heathenism. By yot bo found lhat thoiJo aro special nun ai interests wrapped liberties of tin* people ; anil yet 1 have no doubt subject of practical Spiritualism, one with the In libera! amount, and the speeches by Dr. Samuel Grover, up In th is Issue, which far transcend, in point of impor­ they have done Die best they could, and by these interests of muunhity; followed l>y h. K. «Joslin, the author ofn” The^FIght at Dame Kuropa’s School.” ■Hr.''Currier, James S. Dodge and others were appropriate tance', any and every other consideration.” • coidlielsThe people are educat'd. of Providence, who read a carefully prepared This Is a little brochure, embodying sumo exceedingly and well received. Price $1,25, postage 10 cents. „ * crisp thoughts, going to demonstrate that revealed religion For sale wholesale and retail hv COLBY & RICH, at Mr. Clapp, of Seitiiate, believed that the sijjns address upon “ Sexual Freedom and Knowledge, No. I) Montgomery. Place, corner of P ro v in ce street (lower of tlie times indicated revolution. The work­ vitally connected witli all Reforms.” Ison Its trial’before tho world, not on account of trilling floor), Boston, Mass. ______ing people are n conquered., people, with nothing The afternoon session was occupied by confer­ Imperfections but for its very life. And the author Is of Annual Convention Urn candid opinion that ” If the clergy« -Its natural defend­ Tho Vermont State Spiritualist Association will hold Its SECOND EDITION. , • to do, and ninny of them .not knowing Imw- to ence, and addresses by Mattie Sawyer, on the next Animal Convention at St, Johnstmr.v, on Friday, Sat- get tliroiiHh the winter. With liiM.vy taxntion, “ Rights of Children,” and by Moses Hull, on ers, can show* no Intelligible reason why it should stand, urdayand Sunday, October iflth, J7th and J8th, 1874. Good jin employment, and the protection of the, Co'v- “ Tlie Prophecies of tlie llible fulfilled by Spirit- common sense, in this country at least, will very speedily speakers will be In attendance. Board at the Avenue J E X T J L * I S ! <■ decide upon'Us merits after n somewhat rough amt ready House at one dollar per day. Return checks Issued to ernment given to tlie strong against the weak, lie ualiM n !” those who pay full fare one way over the Central Vermont believed' timt revolution in the interests of tlie Tlie evening session occupied one hour in con­ fashion.” \vhat Christianity is; what it teaches; and how R. R. to attend the Convention. A cordial invitation ex­ THE HISTORY OF LOVE: common people was inevitable. • • It ii taught and practiced—these are the two sides of tho tended, I er order C/ommlttee, Its Wondrous Magic, Chemistry, Rules, Laws, Modes, ference upon tlu* fifth resolution, and the general question which the writer undertakes to'discuss. And ho Ajltriwon S't.iitirt. — Mrs. Susie Willis Fletcher subject ol family culture, and social lift*; preced­ Leicester, Sept.îM , .874, > ' K" STA!,lEY’ Moods and Rationale;