Banner of Light V35 N26 Sep 26 1874
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COLBY & EICH, i 83,00 Por Annum, Y O L . X X X Y . Fublishers and Proprietor*. ) B O S T O N , S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2«, 1874. In Advnnco, 1 N O . 2(). Itanner Contents. We must exercise the largest charlt-yfot' the moral weak properties, avails nothing, although everybody can satisfy whose credibility must lie well known ill tlmt city nt least, First Paafi: “ Tho l*roof Paljmbloof Immortality,“ by KpesSargent, ness that led to such an attempt by theoiediums. Only lie himself upon these points as I did. lie came to tlie Eddys' in May, expecting to remain only ft !' Tin* Hist iinpiesslmi-is that there ts some trickery ; for to continued. iVecorui: ltanncr Correfpomlem’o from various localities; who has experienced the suffering of extreme destitution Is few days, tint his experiences have been so satisfactory Hint “ Hook on Mediums;” ” l'rof. Tyndall’s Address beforo tbo Hiltlsh /?«• think otherwise is to do violence to tlie world's traditions I lie is still here, lie first saw till1 Spirit of his brother's sou, poclatlon.'” Third: Same concluded; ‘‘SpIrltuallnveRtjgatlons In Cal qualified to estimate their temptation. from the beginning until now ; besides which tlie feeling of. ! whn.was hilled in tlie army, ami afterward Ids mother, Ills cutta;” Poom—” Demoerltus at Itelfast.” FourtK: heading Kdltorlals In a letter to the N. Y. Sun, dated Chittenden, Vermont, terror is lessened by the apparition being seen by eacli person sister's husband, two of tier’sons and one son-in law, ami ids on “ Hollef nnd Unbeller,” “ Gold and Indians,” etc. F ifth : Itrtef the vlllnge where the Eddy family reside, Sept. 2, 1874, Col. in.-oiiiiipsny'wlth numerous oilier mortals like himself, and brother's miii. lie lias seen 'four or live female spirits eari y- Paragraph«, Now Advertisements, etc. Sixth: Spirit Messages; Poem— Henry S. Olcott, a well-known journalist of New Y'ork, gives thé locked bauds nnd touching shoulders on eaeli side soon ing children in their anus', and, setting them on tin* Iloor, ” T)ie Mind sbaltbo Free,” by William Ilrunton; “ InehUmtsof Travul- beget confidence. If th e.shape is recognized it hows nnd re lead them about by tile Imnd. lie lias seen the children, ill A Down Grade,” by Warren Chase; Public Meetings, etc. Seventh: Hook an account which carries internal evidence of sincerity, com tires', sometimes niter addressing words In an audible whis some eases clasp their arms about tlieir mothers* necks. Once and other advertfsements. Eighth: “ Pearls;” “ National Mass Meet petency, nnd careful observation of the phenomena. The fol per or a natural voice, ns tlie case .may be, to its friends, an Indian woman brought in her papoose, swaddled-in the ing of Hadlcals;” “ New Publications;” “ Spiritualist lectures and lowing dingrnm will give an idea of the ropm where most of sometimes not. Indian fashion, nnd lie heard it cry. An Indian girl brought Lyceums,1' etc. ' the occurrences which lie relates took place: “ After an interval of two nr three minutes the curtail! is in a robin perched on her finger, which Implied and chirped again lifted, and ¡mother form,-quite different in sex, gait, as naturally ns life. ' . costume, complexion, length and arrangement of Imlr, height “ Mr. 1’. saw a inollier spirit wall: In tlie front of tlie plat THE PROOF PALPABLE OF IMMORTALITY. ■ r " T ii] and breadth of body, nnd apparent age, comes forth, to lie form and hold imr Imlie over (lie railing toward the audience, . I i» i f followed in torn by others and others, until after an hour or so Dial they could see il kick its little legs, move its amis anil BV EPESMIHIENT. II so the session Is brought- to il close, ami the medium reappears hear it crow. Again, on anolher evening,'three little girls, witli haggard eyes ami nppnrenlly much exhausted. appareully four, six and eight years of age respectively, stood [ Continued from our Inst issue. ] “ In the three séances 1 have attended I have seen shapes side by side ill tlie iloor of tlie cabinet, mid the eldest calling J of Indian, men* and women mitli white persons,.old amt to IierTuotlier in the audience, spoke Iter own name, “ Min . ~ ■ CHAPTER XI. „ young, paeli in a different dress, to tlie iimnlicr of thirty-two ; nie." No William Eddy in this instance, surely. Mr. Pritch The lato Robert Chambers, the well-known Scottisli pub IK . K l and I. am told by respectable persons who lmve been'here a ard 1ms heard the spectres speak in all voices, from the fainU IK "• K 1 long while tlmt tlie number averages about twelve a night. est whisper to a full, natiiral voice. As regards costumes, lie lisher and author, was a thoughtful investigator of the spirit- i* Tlie Eddys lmve sat continuously for nearly a year,-and are ims seen tlie foniis clot lied In what appeared to.lie silk,'cot 1 .' ■ . - 1 ' tial'phenomena. During his last visit to America, I Introduced l . .wenried ill body and mind by the' incessant drain viipon tlieir ton, merino, and tarletun, soldiers in iiiiiforiii, one navy cj)l)- him to the séances for physical manifestations, given by Miss . 4-. , ' !• , ' vital force, which is said to lie inevitable in these phenomena. tain in full uniform, and wearing! ids side arms, women lit Jenny Lord,* and lie was thoroughly satisfied as to their re ii * ; “ For want of a better explanation I limy as well state tlmt plain rolies nnd-richly embroidered, Indian warriors in a they claim that tlie manifestations are produced by a hand of great variety of costumes, some barefoot and others shod In markable ami genuine character. - spirits, organis'd' with a special director, mistress of eereimi- nioceasins. Once a pipe was lighted and luvndcd 16 llonto, In his introduction to the autobiography of Mr. I). D. ■ 0 nies, chemist, assistant chemist, and dark and light circle op who walked aliout smoUing,it, and at eaeli whiff.her bronze nome, the well-known medium, Mr. Chambers lias the fol- erators.” face was illuminated so tlmt every lineament.was shown. t lowing pregnant and suggestive remarks: “ The idea is now Col. Olcott describes these spirits, and of one of tlmm, an She came mid smoked in ids very face to give him .a perfect It Indian girl, lie says ; r ' . view’of her own.' arising that the cause of ilio undlminished darkness overhang ft Out of- tlie mass of testimony.I lmve noted in my memo ing all that relates to a state of existence after this life, may “ Ilouto is about five feet five, Inches high, awell-made, randum 1 will oiily quote In addition wlmt Mr, Itncoii says,ns be, that the right track has never yet been entered on ; that the MM buxom girl, of dark copper complexion, atjd with long black iliis, luidi’il'tii wliat, Ims .preceded, should sullice to nt least hair. Slit! is very agile and springy lu gait, graceful in move facts really affording in this direction materials for inductipn clear William Eddy from the suspicion of^-producing tlie phan ment, and evidently a superior person of her class. '• At. my tom shapes by changes of Voice and dress. John llitenii 2d.of have hitherto been disregarded ; that they nevertheless abound ; ■ A ' second séance, site in my.presence."readied up to the,hare .St. Jnhnsbury, Yt ,.is an associate Justice of tlie county cmlrt ‘and tlmt a higher enlightenment will cause attention tobe, while, wall and pulled out a piece of gauzy fabric, about four A—Kntrnneo door: 11 11 It—Windows: C—l'latform: 11—Chimney; of C'aleilonia emmty. lie came, hero August 22d, 1S74, to see turned to them-and reveal their profound significance K—Cabinet: F—Window; (i—liliiilr where medium sits; II—Ulialr out ynrds long, which parted from the' plastering with a click, us 'the phenomena; The first evening lie saw the Hjiirit of liis If tho end lintl been glued to it; Site hung it over tlie railing IIow true is all tills ! In ancient times, before the positive side ealiluel: 1—Taille; J—Slips; K K-Cl Kill's; I, 1,—Two lienches; father, wlio died fnrjy-eight years ago. lteeognKed llini'by M—Small stand on -which a kerosene lamp »lands. •to show iis iis texture, and then threw it into tlie cabinet* At Ids shape.; The1 form was. dressed in dark dollies, with a and Inductive sciences, which the nineteenth century has de- Tills npnrtment is forty-eight* by sixteen feet, with three either end of the platform site plucked, as if from tlie air standing siiirt. collar ami while shirt.' -lit* was ImreJiemted. ■ vclopcd, had opened new reaims of thought and discovery, itself, knitted shawls,, which she opened and-shook,' and Vlpdows on each side. At the west end Is a raised platform .Standing erect lie towered to .theheight of six feet ope inch, men hardly discriminated between the ordinary phenomena passed behind the curtain. Then descending tlie steps io the and called.his son by his tJhiTstiun imme, speaking in liLs fa the width of the room, about twq feet high by four broad, iloor of tlie room, she pulled another from under lioralio Ed of Naturo and. those which indicate a direct spirit origin miliar innos. 'His lii'eailiing Was 'distinctly perceived in tins reached by three steps of about ten inches rise. Butwcon the dy's, chair,-.where I lmd seen nothing hut, -the hare Iloor a / Both classes of phenomena being equally mysterious to the ae( of speaking.