/ * w • v * s > fp d X r ' IONENT i f & whT.;jV'.. 0 •" i fa - l > ^ . yy.-rpr;^,^ ( COLBY 4 RICH, ) t (3,00 Per-Annum, >' YOL. XXXYJII i Publishers and Proprietors, j BOSTON, SATURDAY, '--DECEMBER 11,. 1375. ( In Advance, j •'NO. 11. Banner Content**. records of its characteristics inscribctim ilhe scenes but you disappeared suddenly before our eyes,' for some years hnd been a practicing physician lady then present. During tin- medium's en- ' ‘F irst Page.—44Spiritual .Gifts,” by Emma Ilardlngo gf its earthly career, which, under certain condi­ when I had got nearly to you. nt MilwauKee. Shortly after tills addition to our traneeim-nt she'said in the UcrnmiUlnngungo Britton. many tilings which Miss Brant'declared wero tions, can be perceived by sonsijire seers. According to the letter, tho accident mentioned party, 1 experienced tlui usiml sensations attend­ Second F a c e,—14 Psychopathy, ” by It. I*. Wilson; Po­ hnd occurred on tlie same day and hour. ing tlie near approach of a spirit who Wnsnnxlnus known to tin human being save herself and her em—44Johu Grccnleaf W h ittles” by E. Louisa Mu- The existence of these societies is little Known, to communlcafe. through liiv niediumshlp. For niollier. At tlie close of the dialogue, Miss Brant ---- tbcr; “ Manifestations In Ilion, N. Y,;14 “ An After­ perhaps even undreamed of In America. Tlie Professor S. B. Brittnh, whilst conducting the nearly a quarter of an hour I tried to resist tills lining herself a seeress, exclaimed witli gicnt as- noon with Charles Foster* tbu Great Medium;” 44 Min­ author of “ Ghost I^nnd” was liimself an.initi­ editorial department of the Spiritual Telegraph, influence, finding such control in private circles toiilshmcnt that she actually saw b,er mother anil nesota—State Mass Meeting of Spiritualists and Lib­ ate of thoir body, and it is to their opinions nnd In 1850, maKes mention of a uuinber of cases in Injurious to my public efforts ; but although the recognized her fully in the spirit tlmt tiad ad- erals. ” • **’ *■ which, under circumstances of Indisputable au­ force affected mens If from a great distance, and dr eased-her through 'the. medium, As far as she practices tlin^ he alludes in tho following ex­ with a sensation of extremedebility, it conquered lmd any knowledge of her mother's condition;' Third P age.—Banner Correspondence; “ Things ns I thority, tho spirit of persons still "in tlie enrtli- - Keo Them,” , by Lois Walsbrooker; “Aiding Dis­ cerpts: . my reluctance to yield sufficiently to compel luc Miss lira lit affirmed her belief that she was alive- i charged Convicts;” List of Spiritualist Lecturers. "Ever since the. practices of Mesnierhnd be­ form have been seen nnd even conversed witli. to nppriso the physician that a sjdrlt friend was and-well ; slie hail been so, at any rate, when come familiar to them, they hnd delighted in pur­ Tlie following Incident is selected from Mr. Brit- near him—(me wlm regarded him with-great af­ last slie had heard from her, mol tlie ieiu lest this F ourth Page. — “ The Religion of Spiritualism,” by spiritual visitation gave token of lo-r mother's _ suing them in support of their favorite theory, lan’s re p erto ire of facts, and is furnished''by the fection, ami bearing the mime of Anna. She sub­ George A. Bacon; “ The Natural and tho Supernat­ .decease omisioin-d the young lady tin* inosl pain­ ural, ” by Robert Cooper; Leading Edltorlalson “ Scl- which wns that tlie soul essence of man could ap­ celebrated seer and test medium, Mr. E. V. Wil­ sequently added a second name, which, though ' cnee and Religion,” etc. pear, maKe signs, sounds, ami disturbances, in spelled ‘incorrectly- at Jirst, was sufficiently ful. anxiety. Before niauy months lmd elapsed, places distant from tlie body -, that at times when son : . strange and definite in somid to identify tlie however, all acQuaintance of Miss Brant's ar­ ~~FIFTirTAOK.—4‘Splendid Holiday Books;” “ Brlof P ar­ these:8oul-essences__wero .dissipated suddenly, “ On Friday, tlie 10th of May, 1851, 1 was at spirit as one of tlie Doctor’s patients, between rived from (iernianv, and rolled upon tier, lie agraphs,” New Advertisements, etc. as in tlie action of violent death,they inher-ed- my' desK Writing all at once L fell asleep, leaned i whom mid himself laid subsisted nil affectionate knew nothing of tspiritimiisin, hut in reply to Sixth Page.—44Spirit MessagtTiJepartmeut;” 44Spirit­ to earthly tilings nnd places, and f o r a tim e my bend down, and remained thus for half or i-frtendship of many years'-standing)-’-In proof-of Miss .Braid's Jniiniry. nbmiL her mot her stated ualism In Baltimore,” by.T, B. Tajlor, M. I),; Poem— could maintain a sort of vague, shadowy exist­ three-quarters of an hour. While in tills situa­ j her identity, and entirely unsought for on the Unit in February, 185s, just at the time when ” Not Faith, but Works,” by Ellen I. LePoo; “ Apoth­ ence, which at length melted nwny, and became tion 1 thought I was in tlie city of Hamilton, part of the Doctor, the spirit proceeded to give a lids circle was lield, In-r mother, to all appear­ eosis;” ‘‘Electricity and Spiritual MeUluinshlp;” dissipated in space, to be taKen up from the forty miles west of Toronto, and’that 1 called oil j great many singular tests, maKing me destine ance, died, and was- ulioid to ........al lied to tho “ To-I)ay;” Obituary a;id Couveutloii Notlees, etc< grand reservoir of spiritual essences in other several parties in Ilnmiltou collecting money (as a 'number of pictures in her house', its furuime, grave, when slie showed slight signs ol life. She "B eyenth Page.—“ Mediums In Boston;” Book and oth­ souls. Now the brothers insisted tlmt those soul 1 .thought). After I lmd finished the business the situation of a certain tree near the lujusc- was kept in Uiis state for two w eeks, occasional­ er advertisements. ^ essences, which they called tlie double yoer, nnd transactions, I concluded tlmt 1 would call on a (lonr, together with the leading trails in her own ly showing signs of iininm'tinii. When'lie rmmi . E ighth P age.—“ Prof* AVllUatn Denton on ‘Revivalsof more frequently the‘atmospheric spirit,’ by its friend who lias taKen a deep interest in spiritual character, a.ml allusions to one- of her deceased out of this eOndilion slie stated tlmt she lmd seen Religion;4 41 “ The Alleged Eddy Exposures;44 “ Now occasional nppenrnnecs, both before nnd after tlie manifestations. At once I dreamed that 1-vvas'• children,- and various fits of sickness,during her daughter in America, in a large room, sur­ Publications;44 “ Movementsof Lecturers and Medi­ dentil of individuals, covered the whole ground nt her house and rang the hell, when a servant which she-had been under tlie Doctor’s treat rounded liy a uiimhcr of- people, nnd lmd talked ums,4 4 etc. * of spectres, ghosts, appnrithms, hauntlngs, and came to,tlie door and informed me that Mrs. D -s meet; all .of which mimithe brought home tlie witli her. 'The German related several tilings, supornnturnlisni in general. was out ami would not ho in for an hour.’ 1 Identity of the communicating spirit with start­ also, that Miss B. lmd said to her mother, wldlo The fnet that tlie ‘ ntinospheric spirit' often called for a drinK of water, which the servant ling precision. in tlie circle. The above facts cun be attested to bv a number of persons of the highest respecta­ #rtjgtniil fosn])s. lingered’ round tlie enrtli after tlie deatli of tlie gave me, and I left my compliments for her mis­ Tim manifestation occupied quite an hour, and body, nnd could he seen, heard nnd felt, did not tress,’ and stnrtcd, ns I tliougm, for Toronto. concluded by tlie vivid appearance of tlie spirit bility. - ' milinto against their theory tlmt immortality was Then 1 awoKe, nnd my dream passed out of my herself’ upon tlie wall ojiposite to where I sal. Some years ago a gentleman by the name of mind. A few dnys after, a lady residing at my Had any question existed upon previous points Dnhnll, residing In New London, ('mill.,and who SPIRITUAL jGIFTS. a fiction, and that the soul died witli the body. was reputed to possess a faculty of seeing things * It was m erely the ntinospheric'spirit; a shndowy house ill tills city, received a. communication of .Identity,' this appearance would have settled NUMIlEll SEVEN. remnant of tlie soul,’ they snid, ‘ which hnd ever from Mrs. D—s, of Hamilton, from which 1 maKe it, as there were some perulinritieAii the shape in distant parts of the i-ou-ntry, wn-j applied to been seen or manifested-!!! the realm of ghost the following extinct: of the lady’s head, her inode of dressing her hair, for inl'ornmlion respectingn scii captain and ves­ BY EMMA HAltDINOE BllITTEN. land, and this was not n permanent intelligent ‘Toll Mr. AVI Ison that he Isa flue follow, nml tho n»*xt audits color,’which marKed her with striKing sel which had sailed from tlmt poll, and coiieerii- Mine that ho culls at my house to leave hp* will nos, ami not characteristics. ing whose fate there was some uneasiness. Thu existence, hut Tjierely a temporary relfc of the caiiHr iiu> t<* i-nii lo aU\liu li|iU‘ls In town ami ih-n iiot llml 0 1 gentleman n-tired, and shortly afterward re'. - The Double; or, The Apparition of Still broKen orgaiiiSln, liKe tlie perfume which lingers him.
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