
Post-Classical Mesoamerican and Andean America 600 to 1450 C.E. The : Blood of

 The oldest in was the (called the rubber people)which acted as “parent” for those that came after. became very important…squash, , peppers, tomatoes and . Began of and . Trade with the Anasazi in America on the Road.

 Mayans: , , Guatamala as far as north as Central (2400 B.C.E.-900 C.E.)

: Mexico (1427-1519 C.E.)

 Incas: and some parts of Ecuador, , Chile and (1200-1532 C.E.)

Mayans: In Search of More Slaves

Mayan Life

 The Mayans had a sophisticated system  They had the most accurate based off the stars in the world at the  War was typically not to conquer territory but to aquire slaves to work in agriculture because they had no large animals for work  was important in all aspects of life

Extent of Mayan Empire

Where did the Mayans Go?


 They had a long-term  Rapid population growth drought in 840 C.E. outstripped available and it caused the resources population to drop by  Results are deforestation 85 % in the Yucatan and erosion  Famine and fraticidial  Warfare became more warfare frequent as scarce land for cultivation became sharper MAYAN TRADE 2012

Legacy of the Mayans Mayan Calendar

 The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012  There are many predictions of it as doomsday and many say it will be a new beginning  WHO KNOWS??? AZTEC WORLD ’S EMPIRE

 The  Military campaigns  Empire ruled 12 million people and most of Mesoamerica  Tribute obligations  Empire had no bureaucracy

 Mexica gods  Quetzalcóatl: supporter of , crafts, and agriculture  Huitzilopochtli: the war god  encouraged by devotion to Huitzilopochtli  Large at the center of  Hundreds of thousands sacrificed to this war god



 The  Built a huge empire stretching 2000 miles from north to south  Ruled the empire with military and administrative elite  Inca bureaucrats relied on quipu  Mnemonic aid made of an array of small cords to keep track of information  Cuzco and Machu Picchu  Capital of the Inca: had 300,000 people in the late  Machu Picchu hidden in mountain, jungles: last retreat of Inca  Inca roads  Two major roads linked the south and north  Runners carried messages across empire


 Inca gods: Inti and Viracocha  Venerated god called Inti  Also honored the creator god, Viracocha  of animals, agricultural products, not SPEC Charts over Mayans, Aztecs and Incas

Social Political

Economic Cultural Prompt: Compare the Aztec and Inca Empires

Paragraph Structure:


Aztecs Incas
