Lake Peipsi, Lake Võrtsjärv Estonia 8 th Living SurveyLakes Conference Communities, entrepreneurs and NGOs: different points of view and expetations regarding tourism development Jaanika Kaljuvee, Lake Võrtsjärv Foundation, Estonia E-mail:
[email protected] Location of the Lake Võrtsjärv Non regulated shallow lake system HELSINKI ST. PETERSBURG rich in natural values STOCKHOLM TALLINN Narva Natura 2000 (pSCI; SPA) Pärnu Tartu 7 local authorities around the lake RIGA Surface area – 270 km2 Lake Average depth – 2.8 m Võrtsjärv Catchment area – 3374 km2 Population – ca 20 000 VÕRTSJÄRVE PIIRKONNA PÕLTSAMAA OMAVALITSUSED JA VALGALA PIIR VÕHMA Objectives of the Survey JÕGEVA MK Põltsamaa SUURE-JAANI Puurmani to collect data with regard Olustvere Kolga-Jaani to the contribution of Laeva Saarepeedi different sectors in the TARTU VILJANDI Viiratsi Puhja development of tourism: Pärsti TARTU MK VILJANDI MK Rannu Konguta Paistu ELVA their motivation for Halliste Tarvastu Rõngu cooperation, problem s or ABJA-PALUOJA satisfaction with the current Palupera KARKSI-NUIA Põdrala Puka OTEPÄÄ developmental activities, Polli l ig Pühajärve ik which are based on a u TÕRVA d Helme n Sangaste e Õru Regional Management va lg a la Hummuli RUHJA p VALGA MK Plan. iir (RUJIENA) ANTSLA LÄTI VALGA 0 5 10 VALKA KILOMEETRIT EP'99 Who were involved: Four interviewees from different sectors and from every seven local authority were selected (28 in total): representatives of local authorities, entrepreneurs, NGO-s and observers. Age-wise, the distribution was from age