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Rí:Á ONE of the MOST POPULAR WINTER SPORTS ALPINE SKIING I I ,I ü ;K rl(, What does the alpine skiing This exhibit presents the mean for today's people? beginni rrgs. development. A healthy passion? equipmerrts. connections and A spectacular and hard results of the alpirre skiing struggling sport? using postal issues and Spectacle of the wonderful services belongirrg to surroundings? plrilate11,. An expensive but much giving back spor1? Yes, these can be told about A felr rure tlrlctttttcttís this marvellous sport, tttctrket] R ^1 t,rl7.1 ell Ferettc Helbittg \ \ILlll1p,/cligil íltur tltc (l1,Il\t al,€LlTltl ctr rlte tir.-t ski strtttt1l tll rlte ltr,lrltl ,]9)5, \\-hen \íatlrias Zdarski l]l.l]lilt-d the i:r>t Ji,,,i:t:lt]. ill l Sqi. on a sltrI]e in Lilienr!]d rr ith his t)\\,n ski-te.htlrque ln.j >l-, lla]l,, a,_-,:]a * -,a,..".]1]]a]]: ilc JiJ tl..t e\ !-Il kllrr\\ that he trp.lled J 1le\\ cil.rFte r :rl :il: ,. _. ," ...:] . , - _.] ,- J >|, _]] :. i-rlle.i alpine skilng /tpl loú rí:á ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR WINTER SPORTS ALPINE SKIING Sheets TITLE L 0. PLAN 2 1. HERoIc AGES oF SKIING AND TIIE BIRTH oF ALPINE SKIING 3-9 1.1. When, why and where was skiing invented? 1.2. The first significant ski club and expedition 1.3. The story of the first ski-postman 1.4 .The pioneer of alpine skiing 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski education 1.6. An example of the central support of skiing 2. EQUIPMENTS AND REsoRTs oF ALPINE sKtING 10-44 2,1. Alpine skis and bindings 2,2, Alpine ski boots 2,3, The role of ski poles 2,4, Clothing and safety equipments 2.5 . Ski lifts 2.6. Marked skitracks Z,7, Famous ski resorts 2.8. Ski accidents, methods and equipments of rescue 3. WHY IS oNE oF THE MosT POPUIAR WINTER SPoRTs? 45-57 3.1. Mass sport character of alpine skiing 3,2, It provides a determinative experience already in childhood 3.3. The spectacular view of ski tracks 3.4. Skiing is not only an individual but also a social sport 3,5, Disabled'people can also enjoy alpine skiing 3.6. Test of courage, the extreme skiing 4. AIPINE SKIING As AN oRGANIZED RACING sPoRT 58_84 4.]-, Foundation of the International Ski Association 4,2, The tasks and roles of the F,I.S, 4.3. Alpine ski racing disciplines 4.4. Racing history of alpine skiing 4.5. Great talented alpine skiers Total84 L HEROIC AGES OF SKIING AND THE BIRTH OF ALPINE SKIING 1.1. When, why and where was skiing invented? portrait According to archeological research, cave drawings A skier s found in Norway, skiing is estimated several thousand on a 4000-year- Norrvegian years o]d. It was used for fast transport, hunting, and, old cave drarving in sone cases, in warfare, Norway is the original homeland oí skiing. T f a o o - z o É v ."í . 2-/ // / é*/*7l4 lVN Tlio skiirrg \\al-Iit]rs of the 1]it6 \.lt-rlcglerl ciri1 i,a:. i-or.ight ttr seize tlre tluone cltt rltt'\1)cc'l'ili Ctl ,tltc,iltttit.lt1 S.\\l, Irvanov, Russian painter (1B64-i910 j Formerly the skiing technique originating , N,luscovites' campaign in the XVI. centurt" So]diers skiing on the picture can be seen from Telemark, Norway rvith equipnrent at the same time was applied on the slopes, but because ofthe long skis, it proved ponderous N! \ @ L7i i ú Ai o .cú z il lr tr- (.) NoRcE )ltr 0) V @ lr tJr 1lO TELE,{^ARK5vlNc E Telemark A child skiing downhill on a 1846 paintlng of the technique ' Norlt,egian painter A. Tidemand (Oslo, National Galiery] Booklet often stanlps 1.2. The first significant ski club and expedition The Norrvegian Kristiania Ski Club, foundeci ir: 1t-- -s :i:É,,,,l]L. s 1-1l,si ski club, It rvas named after rvhat the capital Oslo tvas ca..€: *::;. -J]l A first c]ub-founder, Fridtjof Nansen, the Nobel-prized zoologist, macie an exploratory- scr entific route across 'r-l , Green]and by ski together w,ith his team ,/ in 1BBB, rvinning ,\ internattona] fame /4-/z . z. *,-, ;1, -,,t. 4 ,:, z,a. , 1'a . bv thls 7" NoRSK HoTELCoMeAGNIE, GEI[-o (: )* The organizer and guide of the firstworld famous ski endeavour in his old age KARTKA POCZTO o Jara.d1 x F F PocZT / no/(a íő A (nazua l nr plecóoki Pocztouej) ,ro*rorJ"u Í,rulhe , ?aruL&L This kind of clothing, appliances and ski technique \vere used for crossing Greenland in 1BBB by Nansen arid his team 1.3. The story of the first ski-postman The legendary John Thompson, nicknamed Snowshoe Thompson. w,as the ski pioneer of USA. At the age of 10, he came to California rvith his famil,v from Nonvay,, He was the first semi-official postman uüo crossed Sierra Nevada u,ith his long skis in winter. From 1856 he worked on various roads in sno\D,seasons for more than trven§,years around California and in the.,r.estern part of Nevada. Snovl,shoe Thompson is pictured around 1870 ?O The picture shows Carson Valley, Genoa settlement rrhere John Thompson I 1,z4- lrorked for decades. The tomb of Thompson can be seen in the Probably one part of üe San Francisco-Wheatland route *-as passable cemeten, of Genoa town with ski-mail only in early March (l873 date is from üe letter) rrhich \^-as the first There is a private-but semi-oficial-ski-post mark on íhe coyer settlement in Nevada \\}tat rras Snorrshoe Thompson's ski equipment? -{} Thompson's skis and the ski pole are similar to the ones in the picture, the old-time skis and the ski pole On the private postal stationery card are mountain going equipments of military ntountain troops t 191 1 l 1.4, The pioneer of alpine skiing Mathias Zdarsky from Lilienfeld, after many experit,.-.e:._j _::]-.É to the idea of s}rortening ,.,,e., the "Norwegian" skis, and providing itr,vith novel, par]:r,, _:..abie bi:rdlngs J-l \{ The new "Lilienfeld" technique triumphed on the steepest slopes ofSchneeberg, on a Zdarskr's memor}, is honoured HIGH SNOW HILL, Llp to 11o\\,. first of all in in 1905. This was the first competition to prove L ilienleld. Lou,er Austria the superiority of the new skiing technique 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski education ln the 1 9 1 0s. Mathias Zdarsk1, and his trainees teached tlre basics of skiing to 1 .600 selected Hungarian soldiers. on the request of tile \lirristrr of Def-ence. _\tjer the beginning of \\'orld \\ ar I. gaine d e\ ell ntore itrlpot-tatrce. especiallr rll tlre nltrluttai],I {f1]ops. serr il-lg at the b,_lrdels Sm íionrpi urn 5iroí ,,Si§ fietler - ilnb ttiü]t nreitel" Hungarian soldiers took part in a ski education, organized by tlre Austro-Hungarian Arn1. on the northern slope of Wildseeloder, belonging to Fieberbrunn, near Kitzbühel Field postcards, one of the two is censored by the local. contnla.nd (l9l5-19l61 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski education The gleatest centre of rrlilitarr ski edLrcatiorl irl tlre \e&ls rlt \\ \\ I \\ 3s _]l 1rlle lla] \ltstria Berlinerhütte, built in 1879, at the height of 2042 metres, was the home of organized ski education for the soldiers from the Monarchy Field postcard (19l5) A tation to high altitude conditions, including teaching and learning skiing, has played an important role in the fights of the WW I. 9 The military ski education was of palamount importance in tire years of WW I. Many private ski instructors r.vere also commissioned by the Monarchy's command . Field postcard ( 1 9161 Soldiers were trained irr high mountain conditions inZillertal, Tirol, Austria Field postcurd (] 916l 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski eclucation \\'e11 trained nlilitarr skier i;.l:t. K u. k" §kifoqlrnrJagnie 55. l. T, i; Feldpost \fter tlle sc,.,;teJ :tlldiers riere phl sicalli tlt. lher 3i:.. ie]illr,c .! !Ni. -.ll,,.,.]. Ia]ill: 1]-1 ,; ?:,;:l .li.]Ier_1. ',.'j the ski conrpanieslli\lcltlarchi , r;.,,/,j1l, \i _|,1.1 ,Lr lll] :]],i.,,,,,,.,"1 ,_ ,, _ \1i these rrould not hare been realized rvithout the ktlt-,uled,,., l]t1.1 erperietlces tli\lrtlll:rs Zc:tsxr REPUBL Her rn Sándor Kurdics 3i 80 Lilienfeld Halnalka u. 14 H-2011 Budakafász fiBÍ} b Flor-tr Zdarskr's,,one-pole Lilienfeld" ski tecl-rrrique. todar's ski techniqtre u,as del eloped in se r eral stages. Later on. his rlairr ainr becane elaboration of racing. tlairring and coaching nethods 1.6. An example of the central support of skiing Support of modern physical educatiot,i, essential for successful competitive sport, was helped by central efforts, The 1925 sport set issued by Hungarian Post also had thís purpose, their price doubling the nominalvalue, Skiing is among tl-re brarrches oi spolt _9etting suppol1. represented br a doun- ,$lI hill skier using Telerlrark technique, ""tr\r" tTltis is rltcJirst ski stutttp elt Tlte ytlrltlt xOR 0N l(0RoNA rhrs rs a represenLa|_L\,? aj the fitlcll 20a K -(ttll}?l, iesligtl ty,htch l.s I\ ,.,, ,; - j,., L'.Ll'1lI t/ll-ct? l lLl! an Indiarl ink sketch by Ferenc Helbing (1925) O ,/, rr,rry. / /7..l , ,/ ./ r z /r+,QJ 9-q4/ru4úL7 -ffin/-r-r/" ,fu4 Specíal utilization of the 200 Kvalue on an officia] document.
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