I ,I ü ;K rl(,

What does the This exhibit presents the mean for today's people? beginni rrgs. development. A healthy passion? equipmerrts. connections and A spectacular and hard results of the alpirre skiing struggling sport? using postal issues and Spectacle of the wonderful services belongirrg to surroundings? plrilate11,. An expensive but much giving back spor1? Yes, these can be told about A felr rure tlrlctttttcttís this marvellous sport, tttctrket] R

^1 t,rl7.1 ell Ferettc Helbittg \ \ILlll1p,/cligil íltur tltc (l1,Il\t al,€LlTltl ctr rlte tir.-t ski strtttt1l tll rlte ltr,lrltl ,]9)5,

\\-hen \íatlrias Zdarski l]l.l]lilt-d the i:r>t Ji,,,i:t:lt]. ill l Sqi. on a sltrI]e in Lilienr!]d rr ith his t)\\,n ski-te.htlrque ln.j >l-, lla]l,, a,_-,:]a * -,a,..".]1]]a]]: ilc JiJ tl..t e\ !-Il kllrr\\

that he trp.lled J 1le\\ cil.rFte r :rl :il: ,. _. ," ...:] . , - _.] ,- J >|, _]] :. i-rlle.i alpine skilng





0. PLAN 2

1. HERoIc AGES oF SKIING AND TIIE BIRTH oF ALPINE SKIING 3-9 1.1. When, why and where was skiing invented? 1.2. The first significant ski club and expedition 1.3. The story of the first ski-postman 1.4 .The pioneer of alpine skiing 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski education 1.6. An example of the central support of skiing

2. EQUIPMENTS AND REsoRTs oF ALPINE sKtING 10-44 2,1. Alpine skis and bindings 2,2, Alpine ski boots 2,3, The role of ski poles 2,4, Clothing and safety equipments 2.5 . Ski lifts 2.6. Marked skitracks Z,7, Famous ski resorts 2.8. Ski accidents, methods and equipments of rescue

3. WHY IS oNE oF THE MosT POPUIAR WINTER SPoRTs? 45-57 3.1. Mass sport character of alpine skiing 3,2, It provides a determinative experience already in childhood 3.3. The spectacular view of ski tracks 3.4. Skiing is not only an individual but also a social sport 3,5, Disabled'people can also enjoy alpine skiing 3.6. Test of courage, the extreme skiing

4. AIPINE SKIING As AN oRGANIZED RACING sPoRT 58_84 4.]-, Foundation of the International Ski Association 4,2, The tasks and roles of the F,I.S, 4.3. Alpine ski racing disciplines 4.4. Racing history of alpine skiing 4.5. Great talented alpine skiers

Total84 L HEROIC AGES OF SKIING AND THE BIRTH OF ALPINE SKIING 1.1. When, why and where was skiing invented? portrait According to archeological research, cave drawings A skier s found in , skiing is estimated several thousand on a 4000-year- Norrvegian years o]d. It was used for fast transport, hunting, and, old cave drarving in sone cases, in warfare, Norway is the original homeland oí skiing.

T f a o o - z o É v ."í . 2-/

// / é*/*7l4


Tlio skiirrg \\al-Iit]rs of the 1]it6 \.lt-rlcglerl ciri1 i,a:. i-or.ight ttr seize tlre tluone cltt rltt'\1)cc'l'ili Ctl ,tltc,iltttit.lt1

S.\\l, Irvanov, Russian painter (1B64-i910 j Formerly the skiing technique originating , N,luscovites' campaign in the XVI. centurt" So]diers skiing on the picture can be seen from Telemark, Norway rvith equipnrent at the same time was applied on the slopes, but because ofthe long skis, it proved ponderous N!

\ @ L7i i ú Ai o .cú z il lr tr- (.) NoRcE )ltr 0) V @ lr tJr 1lO TELE,{^ARK5vlNc E Telemark A child skiing downhill on a 1846 paintlng of the technique ' Norlt,egian painter A. Tidemand (Oslo, National Galiery] Booklet often stanlps 1.2. The first significant ski club and expedition

The Norrvegian Kristiania Ski Club, foundeci ir: 1t-- -s :i:É,,,,l]L. s 1-1l,si ski club, It rvas named after rvhat the capital Oslo tvas ca..€: *::;. -J]l A first c]ub-founder, Fridtjof Nansen, the Nobel-prized zoologist, macie an exploratory- scr entific route across 'r-l , Green]and by ski together w,ith his team

,/ in 1BBB, rvinning ,\ internattona] fame /4-/z . z. *,-, ;1, -,,t. 4 ,:, z,a. , 1'a . bv thls


(: )*

The organizer and guide of the firstworld famous ski endeavour in his old age


o Jara.d1

x F F PocZT / no/(a íő A (nazua l nr plecóoki Pocztouej)

,ro*rorJ"u Í,rulhe , ?aruL&L

This kind of clothing, appliances and ski technique \vere used for crossing Greenland in 1BBB by Nansen arid his team 1.3. The story of the first ski-postman

The legendary John Thompson, nicknamed Snowshoe Thompson. w,as the ski pioneer of USA. At the age of 10, he came to California rvith his famil,v from Nonvay,, He was the first semi-official postman uüo crossed Sierra Nevada u,ith his long skis in winter. From 1856 he worked on various roads in sno\D,seasons for more than trven§,years around California and in the.,r.estern part of Nevada.

Snovl,shoe Thompson is pictured around 1870


The picture shows Carson Valley, Genoa settlement rrhere John Thompson I 1,z4- lrorked for decades. The tomb of Thompson can be seen in the Probably one part of üe San Francisco-Wheatland route *-as passable cemeten, of Genoa town with ski-mail only in early March (l873 date is from üe letter) rrhich \^-as the first There is a private-but semi-oficial-ski-post mark on íhe coyer settlement in Nevada

\\}tat rras Snorrshoe Thompson's ski equipment?


Thompson's skis and the ski pole are similar to the ones in the picture, the old-time skis and the ski pole On the private postal stationery card are going equipments of military ntountain troops t 191 1 l 1.4, The pioneer of alpine skiing

Mathias Zdarsky from Lilienfeld, after many experit,.-.e:._j _::]-.É to the idea of s}rortening ,.,,e., the "Norwegian" skis, and providing itr,vith novel, par]:r,, _:..abie bi:rdlngs

J-l \{

The new "Lilienfeld" technique triumphed on the steepest slopes ofSchneeberg, on a Zdarskr's memor}, is honoured HIGH SNOW HILL, Llp to 11o\\,. first of all in in 1905. This was the first competition to prove L ilienleld. Lou,er the superiority of the new skiing technique

1.5. An earlier organized form of ski education

ln the 1 9 1 0s. Mathias Zdarsk1, and his trainees teached tlre basics of skiing to 1 .600 selected Hungarian soldiers. on the request of tile \lirristrr of Def-ence. _\tjer the beginning of \\'orld \\ ar I. gaine d e\ ell ntore itrlpot-tatrce. especiallr rll tlre nltrluttai],I {f1]ops. serr il-lg at the b,_lrdels

Sm íionrpi urn 5iroí ,,Si§ fietler - ilnb ttiü]t nreitel"

Hungarian soldiers took part in a ski education, organized by tlre Austro-Hungarian Arn1. on the northern slope of Wildseeloder, belonging to Fieberbrunn, near Kitzbühel Field postcards, one of the two is censored by the local. contnla.nd (l9l5-19l61 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski education

The gleatest centre of rrlilitarr ski edLrcatiorl irl tlre \e&ls rlt \\ \\ I \\ 3s _]l 1rlle lla] \ltstria

Berlinerhütte, built in 1879, at the height of 2042 metres, was the home of organized ski education for the soldiers from the Monarchy Field postcard (19l5)

A tation to high altitude conditions, including teaching and learning skiing, has played an important role in the fights of the WW I.


The military ski education was of palamount importance in tire years of WW I. Many private ski instructors r.vere also commissioned by the Monarchy's command . Field postcard ( 1 9161

Soldiers were trained irr high mountain conditions inZillertal, Tirol, Austria Field postcurd (] 916l 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski eclucation

\\'e11 trained nlilitarr skier i;.l:t.

K u. k" §kifoqlrnrJagnie 55. l. T, i; Feldpost

\fter tlle sc,.,;teJ :tlldiers riere phl sicalli tlt. lher 3i:.. ie]illr,c .! !Ni. -.ll,,.,.]. Ia]ill: 1]-1 ,; ?:,;:l .li.]Ier_1. ',.'j the ski conrpanieslli\lcltlarchi , r;.,,/,j1l, \i _|,1.1 ,Lr lll] :]],i.,,,,,,.,"1 ,_ ,, _

\1i these rrould not hare been realized rvithout the ktlt-,uled,,., l]t1.1 erperietlces tli\lrtlll:rs Zc:tsxr

REPUBL Her rn Sándor Kurdics 3i 80 Lilienfeld Halnalka u. 14 H-2011 Budakafász fiBÍ} b

Flor-tr Zdarskr's,,one-pole Lilienfeld" ski tecl-rrrique. todar's ski techniqtre u,as del eloped in se r eral stages. Later on. his rlairr ainr becane elaboration of racing. tlairring and coaching nethods 1.6. An example of the central support of skiing

Support of modern physical educatiot,i, essential for successful competitive sport, was helped by central efforts,

The 1925 sport set issued by Hungarian Post also had thís purpose, their price doubling the nominalvalue,

Skiing is among tl-re brarrches oi spolt _9etting suppol1. represented br a doun- ,$lI hill skier using Telerlrark technique, ""tr\r" tTltis is rltcJirst ski stutttp elt Tlte ytlrltlt

xOR 0N l(0RoNA

rhrs rs a represenLa|_L\,? aj the fitlcll 20a K -(ttll}?l, iesligtl ty,htch l.s I\ ,.,, ,; - j,., L'.Ll'1lI t/ll-ct? l lLl! an Indiarl ink sketch by Ferenc Helbing (1925) O

,/, rr,rry.

/ /7..l , ,/ ./ r z /r+,QJ 9-q4/ru4úL7 -ffin/-r-r/" ,fu4

Specíal utilization of the 200 Kvalue on an officia] document. Szór,29 )ctober 1925 2. EQUIPMENTS AND RESORTS OF ALPINE SKIING 2.1. Alpine skis and bindings

Until 20s were used shortened and very bended wooden Norwegian skis R Printed-to-private-order advertisement postal stationery band (Vienna, 1907)


Hrrrrft*,-, {

Dre§den zl

Arts oDer Skilauf' von Dr. Henry Hoek & Richardson

Completion and 75% copy-detail of the back side bÉRco 2.1. Alpine skis and bindings Jnnsbcud until the late 30s. bended wooden skis ronítOltunge and spring bindings, fixable in various 5 e eí e l wa,vs at the heel as ll,ell, were used

RUCK,22^ Feber í956 The most of the bended w-ooden skis made of ash

Earll,ashw,ood skis \\-ere coated rr-ith good quali§ lacquer because the u,ater protection lr-as needed these constructions

R Printed-to-private-order advertising postal staíionery card, Prague 1907 rXagto is, úi Bc in /Original and 50% photocopy ofthe address side) ] rvs en .i .E.E >. 3€ o=! 6 a3'o

Multi-layered wooden skis are typical of the s^ _-3J technology of the 50s, -E,o :l :-0 with them the racer o got closer to the gates -.E<í a§ E,o- n-5

asrardualq1 uOüun,;1rlsnqnagla1ll193g

(: ., tluq9JuaJeMJgq|l§rol.|

In the 90s, wooden/plastic skis of traditional geometry were still in use, but already together with fully safe, standardized bindings -} contrcs Today's skis, taking turns very well, are made with ANDORRA small radius, these are the "carving" skis 2.1. Alpine skis and bindings

Skis are itnpror ed br tllatrLLliLctiit-e t-. l1t1-1..1.i c,rclt r e.tr. LEs TIMBRES_POSTE DE§ X\I[" JEtx O QUES D,EII\aER D,ALB LE o ,g ET DE LA E 6 l,a coilection REM/OYEZ VOTRE 9, complöte des timbres BON D'EXAMEN A: 8. frangais et étrangers des cEcoDI pru-erBrm - np +s ő jcux Olympiques de Savoie 91942 LEs ULIs CEDEX : I{éunissez dans une suporbe coliection tous les timbres-poste frangais et étrangers qui vont paraitre pour commémorer les Jeux Olympigues d'Hiver de SavoielVOt9 Qtllqui vontVOnt seSe dérou-GerOU- l Olpnpiques de §avoie á l'examen pendant 10 jours. l 3 Tous tis timbres suivants me seront plopo"és ái,exa_ ler á Albertville en ; § *"n de ma pai-t, Arrét des envois ,1 1gg2. Premier envoi i :u":,:_neucelTnt € l sur simpleslmDle oemanoe, l É 95 Fál'examengratuit EN MÁ,IUSCIJLES S.V.P. lA ; lH

The geometrical shaping of a dollnhil1 ski can be rr ell obserr ed at a skier. returning to the snorl Oílicitll Frcttcli prl;r.:tl l.,l-r,ic.l i 1)1,e)i,

Auí ffitsffiEssE- 0STERRtl Átteste skiíabrlk Xufstein/Tirol --.-^.----l )l!rínD!;,..;,,,.)r íl 1qn weltmeister v , Jv Kandaharsieger ll - CianO Pri" nili-*"r sa 6RüSIH li

The star oithe,50s and 60s rras the K\EISSL ski trorn Kut\tein

Older tlpe \1odern. rear ..Kandahar" binding uith binding ski-brake

ü+p 9tnkelnonntfubf' GrnbH §tdtlble,órertornva9 . Fostíach 26 55 59á3 Ahlen Eö^^, JJzzl _e,

iőill During and after \\-\\' II. the available products were in shortage. a- &a^+ If someone u,anted to bu1, such ski boots. he ulc{ could do tlris for example at this Noniegian

(See below) Original and 50%o copy-detail of the address s, The extra charge was not for a profit organisation, only formu

torbrukerens elternavnl Fornavn Fodselsár og datum Noye angivelse av yrke Arbcidsstod elJcr skole Noyaktig boiigadresse,. Der sokes om anvisnin§ pá ialt eit par 9ruppé slorrolse nr, (Hva sla9 skotay, se nedeníor 5e tlts| omst&endc idel Beholdning§oppgave - Alle linier má íyller ut. Éorov 9kötry lotcl ogp uonscit nör o9 pó hvllken máte rkotcyet cl mott€ti .lla' anrkoÍÍrt. sslovJor av leer .,....,I H,Taíler, alle slag .... lAnnet skotoy (ogsá urasionert) hva slag? ler,alleslag...... ll Kalosier,(lave).. ... l ,..,,.....,,.,.....,-:-....-.,:-,,:.,...... Hu"r.ndens beholdning av malerialer til slcotoY Turstgvler og lisn"nd" . l Snosokker, russersigvler .v 9uhmi. . !1 , av su]]i ir"nu""i", rv gunni {dancr oc botn| " l]*]*fl"' l' l u,,íi,i .",;ií;il; ;;, ikk; kr;;;;;;;;; i;;; ;l;;i) 5PorlslolloY av gumml . (Hva - lr , ldrettsskotoy rlag?) .,.,...... l Grovc arbeidssko Ílavc) av ler , ",l C:_' M' Trcbunn skaítestovJer . .,,...| Annet utslitt skotoy i;r;kü k"; ,";;.;;; iil;;;Üi) .-:Sporlssko(lave) avler,,... l _ ílóltl.,gl._ l ru Trebunn snoreslovler qun, qv'd,) (cv bckrtalv, ,;o",r." l.i .' Skinnsko : , . . ] il ;;,,;; ." D Ortopedisk §kolgy rvdd ltrcr nil ir."iry i"9 il"ril"irrvj ,";' k" l;;' (av bclrkalv. rievró o. l,j o , skinnrto"le; . . l íorbrukercn (hva slag)? P Trebunnsft6 |Íattlrr cl, guo, ovcrd,l §clskapssko, hva sla9 (beskrivelse) ' ,I , Hvit en annen i husstanden kan nytte delte skotoy E cl, | l R. Trebunn|6f|g7iRnlo'ler ilÉi|lcr 'l, lilnnrlinn evord,)ovoro,/ ,, I I oppsi dennes navn og alder (av Utpregede sommersko m. lersále,.. l Skinnsko kiopt med trehalvsále ISkor.y som Íorbrukeren har lánt hvem?} tresále ' ,i..a"]".19 sandaleiler , :.._ l, jU'TnuUo,med.sliv :Trebunnsandaler -sandalelter '----deq9 | l l9Uulr!lJollvql9l ogvY Jql19ols|l9l ,, | ,,.].,,, aí 3k§try Er í.rt .!l Dl ,kiantet l rlrn3vtr mlC rtgleír ll lngtiende rlde. Jas ljcnner lil .t dct rí !tí.rÍl.rtá !| eí villiE tll i ll kont.ollrrGl §ün viser írtE |.8ítimr3iín ...ioíerlngsmrndigist3tt€. ni og renare 9ndeí.rk. iY! iCí (torbftkorlr) | ílórbÉL.f!!] hllhlf'ra ttl, tlctar.rkatí. F_ylles ut av Anvisnin_g_ Forsynings" sendt. ,.,, ! ,. §l O.,o 191 -.a-Áv§l a 9 5iqnolu I Sskerens udcrshri|t. nemndo; l

D R P r in te d -t o -pr iv at e - ord et article-adverlising and -orderitlg postal stationery card, ]913 a 2.2. Alpine ski boots

Modem, mostly three- and four-clipped. plastic ski boots became _eeneral from the 80s in both racing and mass sport. Geometrical shaping of bottom parts- t-lfiing to bindings- \^'ere standardized.

Racers with modern ski boots

n;b.-.L,t cűi,;r,t,t trr]acfi p o:.t e 1, ú É1" tei]t;e t,J_; npic Vilii,e.,e

; , I.-! _J T , i,TjrT , ltaalJ l lJJ\ g!! ]-T r .\._. _e_.l'; ?ir/ _.

', írÁ The cable binding boots used by this t skier. as seen from the top, represented another. less popular method in the 80s. The special cancellation shov,s a three-clip plastic ski boot

'ü/inter Olympics and Paralympics Y Lillehammer F ró I994 DrILacr§.{ 9 ' 45c AUSTRALIA

Helen Hajba |.rve|24, Unit 4, 1 Phillip Street Wderloo N.S.W.2017 Australia

Such edge-led skiing is possible only with modern ski boots Postal stationery coyer with special cancellation 2,3, The role of ski poles

Ski poles are inportant appliances irr alpine skiing.

The four plrases of its use tr-iust be applied u,ell bl-the skier.

Specifrc lneaning '.,llthe place nanre

Ccn,er settt fr,ont Siboí, .\i ir.,t- ,ski pole itt Hungurían)

F e Jt é r c outt íy,, í oda1: Rotttctttict vi/ h tt ) /. )ILllllP i\sue(l b.l, rJte Hultgorian /^ * ' *l' l1{' Prlsí itt 1lte eur|.1, l eeks of it,s -- itttlellattclettc,e - ] 9 Jute ] E67

|, ,_'ta.kl ,:',]:l' ,r,:'.l_c :x_ l',',r'>


/_&.*|_ ll, t zo*4

Taking rhlthnr ibr turl-rirlg

Taking impulse Balancing at high at Stafi Fast elimination of tlre lar able gates ertrenlel1 speeds as barricrs at slalot-ll special 2.3. The role of ski poles

Dcsirn encl developntent .ll :kl p,_,i.,s

flero!d Weltmarke ! |0oítfartg

fil í

lH i= ;

\I. Zdarskr. the \\-ilere canpeople bur irro srLch monstrous ski poles atier \\-\\'I ? great piorleer cll alpirre Of course. at Herold Co.. tbunded in 1867 skrirrrI. u:c-.1 a single R Prin/etl-to-prit,uíe-ordct,tldlaríisittg ptlstill stttlic,ltteD,c,ttrcl lBta,ctt,ia,l9l9) rr ootlcn pule l: a relief to he lp turning

Tlre alpitle ski poles used after llle trie]ltic> are sti11 nluc]r longer thall ri e are ltsillg tltltr

In the 20s already two ski poles were used with big snow discs, § suitable even for deep snow

: Ü;"1p-J"i-,*\l

Br the _](]:. togetlrer i.ritil the tecimiqr-re olalpilre skiirlg. Excellent ski poles are made ol ski poles rrere der eloped. tlrey rrere niade of banrboo barnboo by,-the 30s ,7 coycr vith spe cial culcell0lioll 2,3. The role of ski poles Design and dei,e]opr:,LÉii- ci si"l. :1.1ies

Amtlich Oíficiel 6esundheit und '1- LebenpfrgUde durch ' WI,NTERSPORT


.'{errn 1. Stubenvtlll -l:Tagner,, Bartenshe{ merstr. 48, l

Thinner poles, made of metal, especially steel, 5 0'% r e cl u c t i c,ltt c opt,,/t, o nt t l t, were used already before the 70s, /irst ÍLl!l' rll'rlti: Lll1,o,!l,(lil1I1],:

second fold



This \tll.-rrcan tLee -tirlle skier i,r aIstl l_Lsirl,] thirr ski ptllc,s. 1it, tttttil der()gl,Lllllllll fi,rlttt L..S,,1


In order to nrirrirnize air resistance. tlre These days the slalom skiers are using doli,nhill skier is using cun-ed straight poles, made of aluminium alloy poles uitlr snrail discs nor.radal-s 2,4, Clothing and safety equipments

Between 1930 and 1950, the clothing of alpine skiers is simple and easy to describe. Both female and male skiers wore thick woolen pullovers, tight breeches. tight woolen socks, a woven cap, sometimes w,ith an ear-flap, and leather gloves. There is no special protecting equiprnent yet.

Female skier in breeches


:11 ,!*-

] l\]iJJj1 39,xll 2i Tlrc ,skier on íhe s iüFTH 193S Xl126;l5{U,1.5. spe c ial c att c el l ati ott .for tlte Kussct skiittg veek ís glso tectrittg breeche,s

2 Kős 14

./ r-/- '' L , l (

\ízlic'_l'ntrv lluJtiile ['il|[)Ll l-t,s Il:tsst^s'lir(t:-

i{fi,s;t't?í"t?"Ti$ 19 5 0

A skier in breeches 2.4. Clothing and safety equipments

gra}tlrtss>ara>+r§sr>)l sl.ov t]N s}i o - s LovA QU I It"


'*4-r ) ,r, nn@ tr

There is not too much difference in the clothing of the free-time (above) and the competitor skiers (below) in the 1930s. Postal stationery card hbove.1

§,parfoffe er Staöt §íoít eryríetrbrr rg


H. v. Harrrrenheim,


=!ili:==-=T3y=*39j: Paulwienerg. 8 Runl.nien

Einschreiben 2.4. Clothing and safety equipments

&1a rt in t 'Gra d y Zl j"rarlon Avenue- Sa Iina s UE lifornia

NEVY YORK _r_ t.l ELS| XK l Mr"J.s.A -í FlNLrlFD

Máinly men's ski clothing of the late 30s. Breeches are replaced by long trousers reaching the ski boots New York-Helsinkifirstflight, 1917. Special cancellatiott bv Post


In the seventies and eighties the GCDoR jet pants was fashion H Fashionable women's ski suit from the 40s on a New Zealand poster

Today's recreational ski clothings

Men's ski clothing at the time of the 1948 Winter Olympics

N & WELTCUPslEGERlN 2007 Monaco CM from 1918 Today's racing ski clothing 2.4. Clothing and safety equipments

§ EM I en

.Y \.) -/ ><,l\ 5., Kt?u t/- J

Vapour-free ski glasses are used by both professionals and amateurs

ry Specific meaning High quality ski gloves are of the place name The slalom skier is using indispensable, brake-proof This stamp sentfrom 9ISAK,l871 hand and leg protector helmets are compulsory (si s ak=helmet i n H u ng ari a n ) for laying the gates for alpine racing

r}í §ins chr eíb en7m. Rúc rs ehe in a,-.-.-,.-a-l-r-oir]r-a'-a-a ' \


FánÍrn jaldt t?alaq/4 l * ?

(§arrs verf,o$n, bltte naehsendenl

As soon as the skis have been accelerated and skiing technique has developed, the use of helmets to avoid accidents has become necessary 2.5. Ski lifts Ski lift is a mechanism for transporttng skiers up a hill. Ski ]ifts are tipically a paid service at ski resorts, \\Ie knoiv many skl]ifts.

2 Kös


Vysoké'I'atly l3rrcorile'larllru Ll]s HautIsTatr) (

i{iÉRi'd|ü"li'+Hi 19 5 0

Poles of the surtbce. so-called T-bar litj (_iee the p3l tllarked br tlre arro\\ tbeside the aerial rope\l-a\- lift ori the 19,10 postul \tLlIi()lle r\ e ctt,d í::ttetl ítlt, Ilte 2 ]"' Turl ils Ctp

Trial colottr pt,ot1.1 Aeriaj rope\\a}- ski lift R C'tllottt-proof yiíh ]120 as colou,tlttntber 2.5. Ski lifts


Orr the tracks cllPontlesilla. near St. \Ioritz. a T-bar 1itj rias itr opelatiot-t a]leadl iri tlie 30s

The most widespread type of ski lifts is the . It is used for touristic purposes, and not only in winter.


where the cable has no more role. Condola T-bar Attention, heliskiing is not cheap! 2,5, Ski lifts {dr-ertisings of ski liftl

\ personal one chairlift in Schriaz (,\rrstria. Tirol) Garmisch-Partenkirchen' s ski lift (Germany)


ötscher l -* "-* Vv i N TER Spo RrzENTR t, MTR \/\;Á.- 50MMERFR|S6HE O\t\\ A\ / 6 LIFTE ,t ,Lo,^/álíffi\ -t! \ l ,]J _ÁCKENHOFluilTScxER*> - _\

\t-t intere sting chairlili The Otschel, skl ie stlrt \\.i\ I]trpll]errzeJ rr itil sil, ."i iins jrl Porana-Brasov ,,ti lit: \/l.'r Itlc tti.it' .trh,:t,rtrittg \lr.'.i,l/ . L1l7r r,il',1Ilr,ii

(Rorllania) rLacke rlhot. ,\Lrstria. 19t] l

#|€fl lZ

Besuchel Osierreich ! Visiíez l' kart rte pc

\\? sJ e,

{ BERGSTADT ZELL AM SEÉ, Salzburg, Austria Ausgangspunkl der GroB9lockner-HochalpenslraBe, Alpenseebad und Winlersportplaíz in den ósler- reichischen Hochalpen, Seilschwebebahn auí die § Schmillenhöhe (2OO0 m), 3 Skiliííe Startin9 poinl lor lhe Grossglockner High Alpine Road; l § Alpine lakeside resorl and winler-sporís ceníre in the Auslrian H e railway lo lhe |L , Schmilíenh (2OOO metres). 3 ,Li.lilt. .ft, Poinl de d uie de haule-monlagne du lli - § Grossglockner; slalion balnéaire de monlagne el cenlre ra de sporls d'hiver dans les Haules-Alpes aulrichiennes; a§censioíi de la Schmittenhöhe (2OOO mélres) par léléíérique;3 monle-penles (8estimmungslond Poysde de§tinotlon)

hoto lloidlnq.r, zell om see

There are very popular and great ski tracks near Ze|| am See. This ski resort lrad a cable railr,ra) alld tluee other ski lifts in 1958 Express posíul .síttí ionet,I: cűrd 2.5. Ski lifts

The most popular ski lifts are named in Austria. For example, one of the ski lifts connecting the ski resorts of Flachau and Wagrain is called ,, Flying Mozart". This lO-person ski lift takes Flachau-Wagrain ski skiers in two stages from connection on the 917 meters to 1814 meters ,ial cancellation



oLFGAr. úADEUS l\,,i oZART

The world-famous Viennese classicist musician, W. Á- Mozart is almost flyrng on the wings of music Booklet of six self-adhesive stamps

(: liiqraq6 -l,.lcbni.!, Llnee) F6r 6]}71 ) Te! Addreegl-|'SlGNALLy, AVE,,, LoNDoll ePSá"re"lrDoN B/Alrl,í4 í58s/i tií.) TFlriLEGRAIV 6.,n3p11qft*',,',...L.t IlrsUELi tRi-lF eABtE §TÁTION{.- flOül;t], I,li

ێ.Tiez 8z#.fue die--

lfxuinquiryrorpcctingühiaTe1egramceribeattendedtcwit.hoiit Exa!Examr,ia3| Pw=a..i5 F,m, Soe back oí lorn lot ligt oí Oomlx,ny'r Süailonr in i,oridon enri

xGA 2safi $ALON!ca ea 6 () PML

LFG eT l{) {\l SFf{üE LN =


The marked words----cable station-mean the building of the cabin-system ski lifts in interpretation of our days This telegram is a tlt,pe of thefamous telegraph company (19.02,19]9.) 2,6. Marked ski tracks

The development, safeguarding and mana_uement of alpine ski tracks. their preparation ior use requires exper- tise. Tracks accredited for racing are taken in public use after the racin,s. üerefore the appropriate infrastructure is important.


10 frimerker á kr 3.50 Kr 35.

When er-en skiers and sledgers could use a common track. This u-as in the past.


ft,*r-,,n)9,eo , .?l*É*4*Z,*,e*<,

On the high-altitude ski slopes marked the edges of the tracks as early as the early thirties. So, for example, in Andermatt, Postal stationery card (19311

Innsbruck venues for the mountain Alpine World Downhill wreath with Championships tracks famous and the winter marked Olympic Alpine ski tracks Ski Events

Slalom special and giant slalom tracks

Olympic tracks near Bjelasnica Alpine olympic tracks near Grenoble and , 2.6. Marked ski tracks

itíarking of a ,,real" racetrack and a normai ski slope


oLYNl PlASTADT 6020 lNNSBRUCK Tiro österreich 570-2641 nr Abfahftsslrecke vom patscherkoíel Technische Daten slart 1950m (1850m) Zie 1080m, Höhenunterschied -5 870 m Lánge 3145 m Wielands 11 Photo: R FrischaUí, lnnsbrUck 137 AUflage/'13 StroBe, Hou5nummer, Sciece und Türnummer oder Posr íqchnumme.

Absender: 195a Posrleirzohl Bestimmungsorc Po§rleiEzq}

The downhill track oí , near , was modernized for the 12th \\/1nter 011,mpics. The 1964 and 1976 men's dor,vnhi]] racing w/as held here

"r-,b, :l,

ÉJvttt,q KRia_, uR.E

,\1-1lateurs 3l*sti 1131r, otl tile tracks assigncd for skiing

_1 lurrlter 1 -a R(,B ccltttpleíiott t,ltt ílte buck sidt,cll'1lte coyer 2,6. Marked ski tracks

ski irlstrlrctiorl is allorretl otllr, otl tire designated ski tracks

Designated alpirie ski tracks generaliv run Route olthe Badgasteirl aipine u orld clratl-lpitlnship tr acks ilr under the l9,i8

The ski tracks are preparetl daiIr b1 Sno-Cats

Dorr nhill and slalom e\ ents of the 1Oth Winter OhnTpics rrere l-reld in Cham rousse. near

Grenoble í 196E )

CJ- v l tLL GLYMP|OuE l908 22 FEv,67 . Qov\'

Route oitlre ol1mpic a|pine races on the startrp. and tlre sigrlature ol Bétenlps. the designer. ot-l the die proof Die 1lrooJ lriíh cclttít,ol scl! ,sigttecl br G, Bétetltlls, desigtter utcl ettgruver (l96E1 2.7. Famous ski resorts 2.7.I. Most popular European ski resorts

Though Norway is the original homeland of skiing, by fast spreading of alpine skiing, snow- proof skiing resorts with excellent tracks and infrastructure were founded one after another.

switzerland and the skiing! Really!

On the snowy slopes of uri canton there was an intensive ski life at the end ofthe 1BOOs. In the middle, the snowy peaks of Uri- Rotstock %';*r)-a,^! C^,k" - #zaí, r^t^U,

Swiss jubilee postal stationery card from 1B93, Posted over validity, in 1,900. (Oríginal and 50o/o copy of the address side)


view of the kitzbühel tracks h,l<-o- _ today

Kitzbühel, the 1st rank Austrian ski resort is the Mecca of alpine skiing. It is traditionally the favourite place of richer skiers, an exclusive sport and recreation centre, and the home of the alpine ski world cup, the Hahnenkammrennen. 2.7.L Most popular European ski resorts


Herrn Heiss August, Kanzleirat 1.R.

6. Internationales GroBglockner Skirennen Gr az/Steierne.rk. ó. Juni 1946 Th, Körnerstr. V9/lt

Heiligenblut, near Grossglockner, the highest peak of Austria, is also a popular ski resoft, where international ski racings were held already in 1,946 and 1948

One of the popular ski resort of Austria is the track system of the Kitzsteinhorn glacier fmarked by an arrow). It has an important role in the so called,,summer training" of professional skiers, and is usually named simply,,Kaprun" Completed postal stationery card sent by air mail (1929) 2.7.I. Most popular European ski resorts

Again, the amazing view of the winter-summer ski paradise above Kaprun, the glacier Kitzsteinhorn

Distant view of the Austrian ::.i-Á+ J ski paradise IIerrn (marked)

Burgharilt T,rost Schülen

Zeppelin post Kutte ,lan boi cover delivered through the Sud,eten8&ü. - tnaiden voyage oJ the airship LZ-] 30 to the sudetenland

óE §KosLoaDNsIio + rcHÉcosr,ovAQurE '&F9





The High Tatras with their snow-proof tracks are also regarded as excellent alpine ski resort long ago, The skiing track of the outstanding ski resort,.§olrsko on a postal stationery card, from the time of the 1935 FIS racings 2,7,I. Most popular European ski resorts

Germany also has a world famous alpine ski resort.

Garmisch-Partenkirclten was the home of the alpine ski races of the 4ü winter olympics 4"fu8"y? ?TfrF' ,? q, '"xl4r"?o (\----_-' L9 HEi LK Li Kr'rln -

Garmisclr-Partenkirchen later became the ltr;ttle of tlre Alpine World Cup, downhill and slalom races known as kandahar

MoiN í il li POF TS , ,s cc _l



i *


li li !i -/r.*, ll %- Above visible cancellations focus the attention fronr time to time on alpine skiers from , the centre of the first winter olympics, with a skiing resort operating around a year *---=-**-* ,:*-.:;:::;:;;§;:

2.7.L. Most popular European ski resorts

switzerland abundant with better and better ski resorts


lnl,tl íl,/u ú/;,^/1,(. /';,/4 / Íh1ru,t/a,^ Zi.l,*n \;t yu'r ilrr*e "^.,


Arosa, Swirzerland, with its a|most 3000 m high peaks, and ski tracks making up together 100 km, is one of the favourite alpine ski resort today


/""*r"U b"o't.1,1§

]] The 4478 m high Matterhorn, Switzerland, which cannot be confused with any other peak, on the green cancellation At its foot, a more than ].00 km track system was developed with 107 ski lifts. R Zeppelin Post,7933 2.7.L. Most popular European ski resorts

Two excellent ski resorts ,*,hich for a r.lhile belonged to Germany: Spindelmühle and Bad Hofgastein

!.et nt .E eu tíóí anb te nnenl o [í talle § F


Bpilrbclnalble iltt íltbct nb.ut|'ó(n §icí.n$birgt lDintcrfportplaB 73o-1/íoo m g..b6bc grí§bi'abr!8baDncn Robelbo!nen - u 6prung1'


Ö"b*t; ilitp"rii.i ";ó 3;ii;|i:',i,i 6iiir,, aái.i p.tiörj]biltiii,ii. "iiii,ó,'tiiliiiii, öt"ii',,iió,


Spindelmühle. toda1- §pindlerúv Mtj,n. w ith 20 tracks is a most frequented ski resorts in the Krkono§e mountains in . R Specimen postal stationery card

Lernt Deu tschland kennen! postkarte Nur im Inlaird zugelassen

i::i i:i i..i i., i,i. i", i:i i::} !:i

D.d lroftestci4 870m (Gau Sahburg)

PLoto E woüNdorf.tl Eof3ei!


Vohnorq auó Zutcll- odcr llitposamt

StnBc,Hau*Nr.Góiudcril,Sro&wcrk od.PossdJie8faó-Nr, Sra8e, Haus-Nr., Gebiudereil, Sto&wcrk oder PospólieBfaó-Nn

+z,Lv_t -B l

Bad Hofgastein town is located in the Gastein Valley in Austria. his surroundings are large ski resorts belonging to the Ski Amadé network. R Specimen postal stationery card 2.7.2. Popular European ski resorts

\ott,, here is a sma1] but verr-rnteresting ski area.

\ I i l t, i i..' tJ t l l,.l I i (.)t l ]) :',l . ]) : ])l:

Prenj on ,S.1{,§, lssz;e

j,,e O rl th e stail] p li]c ilig]Lúst i]e.j ( ol t nlo .tniain Prenj, Bosnia-Herzegovina ZeLena Glai,a (2155 mJ rlhlch ls an apprecjated startin8 point of extreme skiers ior a several km Jong dorvnhill r,vith a great level difference

Tri(l talllt,ll_t_s _sl,i 19591s lvlrere alpine ski,,iolld chainpionships have bc-c,tl ot,tatlizec]

Gastein Valley with four different resorts is a winter paradise for skiprs Bad Gastein, Bad Hofgastein, special cancellations (1948,195B) Bormio. Solldrio. ski traccs 1rr the street

Tél. 04 50 51 40 34 BP 2451 74011 ANNECYcEDEX

There are four French ski resorts near Annecy, Hig}r Savoy [La Clusaz, Le Grand Bornand, Manigod, St. Jean de Sixt]. The F.F.S. lvorks in Antrecv 2.7.2. Popular European ski resorts Nou. here is a special ski resort in the small Alpine principaliry. Liechtenstein

ffi§ 'F"b, J,---/*r,u-,I /É'^^uŰ,'/u e- Vrr^ "-k. %.r"_- 4,"n- 7/Z fu(lu"^"*J E MalbunLlS a famous ski resort today. We can see ski traces near an alpin hotel or tourist hostel R A cover forwarded by Zeppelin air nlail with the ,,ski trace " stomp (1931)

í *


( ,,r -^,,,7( q*1


The Malbun ski resort can be approached from the nearb1, village of Steg. Most skiers here rent accommodation and participate in the ,.aprés ski" programs. Letter back to the sender 2.7.2. Popular European ski resorts

The famous ski resort is Zakopane, Poland, the home of many recreational and racer skiers

From the 20s, the organized Hungarian skiers founded some ski resorts One of them was an excellent ski resort near the capital at Normafa.

LEVE LEZÓ_LAP M[N[I BUDAPEST, SYÁBHEGY A székesfóváros menedékháza a Normafánál Schutzhaus in den budapesler Gebirgen N0


7/, B,Idil pp.L sz,lIesfóvnro§.arioy"*a.Frh .rn -

After its completion, Normafa Menedékhóz got the name "Normafa Ski House", where ski deposit, lending service, resting place, and a tea house awaited skiers,

An advertising completion cancellation used by the occasional post olfice operating at the new Ski House Z.7.2, Popular European ski resorts

\\trat about alpine skiing in the Iberian Peninsula? ivEf Uten7,

or' VALDEZCAF Ii \trx

ESTAclON - =._.í nFli l M cornides sandor B.p.V. Kiralyi P. V. 9 Budape st Ilongrle \-aldezcara1. the adv er t i s ing c anc e I l ation, with 61,,f,"%

ski resort. i Spain, in the Iberian Cordilleras

Pal-Arinsal and many excellent ski resorls operate in Andorra. These are mainly locales for youth ski meetings

...and again the alpine skiing and Srvitzerland!

The repeated mention of Su,iss skiing is not a coincidence, As early as 7944 there were hundreds of ski tracks and ski lifts arr aited the skiers. (Today there are 3 3 5 ski resorts, 7 07 3 kín ski tracks and 1822 ski lifts in Sr,lizerland. \o other country has these possibilities.)

!.- - ío - (r.É ÉéQDeu. §l /é: :\ . - \ " }l-!"\ +_ 3!qd'<1- They're shooting on the

3? t?63 Iberian Peninsula, there is warfare everywhere, but switzerland is a calm island where people are skiing mainly during the 1944 Christmas season.

This is a pictorial airgraplt, not an individually drcrwn. (] 944)

Micr ofi lme d o rig inal lette r in WW II which was reproduced on % size of phoío paper and delivered to the addressee.

The airgraph service between ]91] and 1915 is íhe result of partnership of British Forces Post Office and Kodak Co.

llr * üd B !. tl, 2.7.3. Famous ski resorts overseas

Lebanon, with its mountains reaching above 3000 m, 6 track systems, 46 ski lifts, has the most excellent ski resorts. Even among these, Cedars ski resort is the number one, where one can enjoy alpine skiing among severa] thousand year old cedars.

cedars ski resort R Stratight standing machine Magnified cop_v, otl the around 1936 set-off on the stickíng side otller stde

In South Amertca, tte iiil]utls ski resorts of Chile and Argentina often receive leading skiers lrotn Europe as weli, ll:,..,.--.-.;...;:.;---,_ its 60_ Portillo. Chile. with >! !m : 1ear experience. is the oldest o! mc : ski resofi of South America. +|-zlF _ the honre of an alpine rrorld za ( . clranlpionship 1966 ) 3oPESoS

Las Lenas. the .\rgerrtirliall ski resL)l-t. built near \íerrdoza. tltle of the 11lost pt)pLllar ski rest-lt,t ir-r South Arnerica rr he re er err thitls tioll educatiorr tbr children to ],ieliskiirig is possible


I54a ]9.t8


Beside the excellent ski tracks of Chile and Arger-rtina. Chacaltaya. Bolir.,ia. is another good ski resort. u,here the {f|' South American Ski Championship u-as held in 1948 2,7.3, Famous ski resorts overseas

Lake Placid ski resort in U.S.A. (Ski Resort Whiteface, NY' Premier Ski Resort)

\\triteface Mountain ski Area is located a short drive from the torrn. that is Lake placid, which is a famous and excellent ski resort up to now. In 1932 the 3rd rr ere held here.

This surroundings has a great number of constructed tracks In ]932 the American Posí issued the world's second ski stamp

This resort is known for its beautiful panoramic mountain scener}-uith fantastic ski tracks. Well-knorvn. the snorr- cannons rvere used here for the first time in l980. rrhen Lake Placid organized a Winter Ol1.mpic Games a_sain.


iY 1 i

l n,-,*, l -28.4,r".-"^ (L i- LRf ?t?r ii.*l:u* rna"r|

Original artwork for the winter olympic stamp with in two separated layers: graphical and textual (]980) Z.7.4. Interesting ski resorts overseas

The distant New Zealand also has outstanding ski resorts.


Wrong script

The resorts on these stamps, in this order: Mt. Hutt, Coronet Peak, Turoa, Whakapapa

And what about the alpine skiing in Antarctica? There are loads of snou, and slopes but ski lifts are not yet. Still you can see tw,o really alpine skiers on the 2d stamp. \\'e are looking for this place.

b{=" t-{^'ltrlú tJ/* lV-, 5*-l ll_, l,- -J GÉ" l_*J l-é, L_!l!JtJ rl,fil L-_,J lL1 .lf,1 \

Signed pencil sketch on tracing paper with recommended color before engraving (Ex Goanlan archive)

Thefinal issue stamp Overprinted issue of the British Post with currency exchange 2,B. Ski accidents, methods and equipments of rescue

Unexpected accidents occur both at professionai events and anlateur skiing, Like any accident, these a]so have causes [fall, hit, natural catastrophe etc.)

Let us look at the two possible precedents from the area of ski racing :


l.rJ l{J F- =l- QD QD a 1- tlJ ,ul _A.iier the M L l- t-all. the Incorrect landing after the jump. The ;\ skier gets skier's centre of gravity got behind irlto tire ."""""*{ )e defending 1992 LlJ net ,4l- tD-

Dolinhill skier has nrissed tlre grtc, The h,,.l) trr irts


l{ien 1, Wr. Int. friiü- j atrsnms r (Hessepatrst)


T' n U a; }> snUBAR rJ Ogza nf; lft 5 íű w ',YIES, LL, tÍl iTl ":§;i;;;;;il 3{L"

Severe. tragic accidents rr-ral,be causec1 hr natulal catastroplres (al,alanclre. glacier rift). In many cases the skiers therrrselr,es cause avalanche Charity s,tamp isstte,for the ]951 Vorurlberg uyultutc,he cutuslrophe, uffecrittg,skiers us v,ell (marked| 2.8. Ski accidents, methods and equipments of rescue

ski lift accidents AlthoLrgh the nodern ski lifts are equipped ,,r-ith saíét1equiplrrents and are pror-ided lr,ith nlultiple saf-et1- s\ stem. accidents are rale but the1- can 1rappen. Here are t\\,o eramples Íionr the rrorld olski litis:

Chairlift accident: Nassf-eld. Austria. Tlre cable jLirlped of tile glride rrheels. -{ dead. 9 in jured ( 1 992)

'/i,/{\ §9*



: Expeditor: L Raionul Reg,

c-Jc l34-B.T il|,l9ó5-10oco..,. N.1,17 c"a126

Chairlitt (like the \assfeld) irr Poiarra ski resort neal the tolrn Brasor (Ronanra)

Funicular accident: Kaprtrn. Ar.rstria, ] j-i people lost their lir es as a result of a fire in the funicular-tunnel (2000)

Fur-rictrlar ski 1ili (iike the Kaprurr) ilr \ieserr ski resort (Srlitzerlarld) 2.8, Ski accidents, methods and equipments of rescue

I w górach zaWsze zachowai R.escuing of an ostro2no§ó injured skier. Orre ol tlre anrbulance lnen 1rolds the Korzystaj ambulance sleigh using his ski edges z rady i pomocy

ratowników Áerzy Eoszewíecki Training of the GoPR mountain rescue kartka pocztowa _ sen,ice on thc 7ljlloloV l ton2 ss skr. 29 ski track P P T iT l)( 79 150 000

iral:latia'_'__itllij!!,,:i_l:tccitií'_i,i_i,e_j1-t_,l___:,;_i__i- _'-e:o;l;(:r_:sclir_i*._iir]l+urna* urnőnpi, j ,,:|:,í, ,:';, _'i_t.i:;,,l_, riÉ_:] §l].l'i :j ú,*L L _', . l' .

? t /í-, l,,l. p

:}íi3" ,sz 1§31, lll 7á la G J

The precautious majority of skiers begin their route with a ski insurance. (Baleset biztosítás : [ski] accident insurance) R Meter can.cellation, 1932 3. WHY IS ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR WINTER SPORTS? 3.1. Mass sport character of alpine skiing

Afteralpine skiinghave become rt,idespread, and the masses have lellrned its technica] elements, it is quite understandable that nlore and nlore people \l,ant to ski in organized forms or individually. Amongworkers, so]diers and scouts, amateur racing soon ernerged anci took organized forms.

In 1,924, sclll{EE§cHllIl=llERElll namely before KRUlllllYl}llJBEL the year of the first Riesengebirge winter olimpic games, the races, ski national Betrilft: ski championships were absolutely Deutsche skimeistenschaít amateur masS Sport events. The German ski championship in 1-922, what was organized in Kr mhübel, '??v?2fu today Poland, was /./ an amateur mass ski racing, too.

Special cancellation Eilige on a specíal themotic cover,14-15 Janttary Drucksache l 1922

Gcseqnctc Wcillr-raclrten und eirr Ner,rlalrrl y'.,,l5I.ickliches ' JL;-Í^, +zr.t-.*?z, 17 Írn l l,/ll -, -no*,-'an+Lu-- ;/3

\\/inter ol1,mpics in 1931 in Mürzzuschlag? According to the cancellation, yes, but this internationa1 rrl.-etitrg lvas organi zed for workers, and included high level skiing events, Preliminary , uch,ertisittg speciul cLllltlll Llti()ll

WliliiBÉrJ |50 llHit UNl!tRS[i]lAt|t

There were olganized ski competitions lor1,oung pioneers in Schierke. 1953 (East Gernran1-) 3.1. Ivlass sport character of alpine skiing

It is widely known that branches of spcrt rnvolr,ing masses are always popular. 0f course it is so with alpine skiing, the most popular branch of ski sport. For the scouts, an internationa] team racing \ryas organized in Kandersteg, Switzer]and in 1,929, After successiul preparations, Hungarian scouts returned home as rvinners.


: ,t

The nleetins ,,li aipine skiing and sctll_tti1-1g

\ 1Lrltrtirde .li nlass sport equip-l11131115 catl be seen. Tlrere is a ski equipnlellt

, ,ll tIle \ oLIl,]l Il]all 5 sholrlder as rrel1

The 26th international ski championship of bank employees, Ltenz, 1986

The mass sport character of the II. Maccabi \ilorld Winter Games, held in February 1936 in Banská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia, is shown by the fact that 270 competitors from 15 countries took part in it. This was areal ski mass sport event. 3.1. Mass sport character of alpine skiing

Sr.rppor1 of ski sport gave an it-llpulse tLr ra.illg as riell. espectaLlr iron the end of 1938. wherl due to the territories returnedtoHungar,v.thecircun]:Iirllce>rreLe .iletl The HurrgarianSkiAssociationorganizedalpine ski races in the franrework of the \\-inter Spr_lri \\..1 in the Ktlilce \Itrtlntains (: Kassai havasok). There ivere spectacular mass sport ski er-ents (]6 1] l9:c)'-t]t5 t l. _}1|r

Horvever. it is krro,.ln that ilc.1 clnlr competitors. but schools and other bodies har e a[so par-tici|rated.

zim CrZ--r*' A

!núelietésihely i, ,ieu de dlstination l Jtoza, házszáh vaqy utolsó posta l, 'le ct numéro ou bur?au'de poste í , Pbstai előjegyzések; - qUx. U.lapok hlin- don postah v.:a|- úlv \ Parto nál kaphatók. l;g §, 'cÍrts i É,rt. v. kezb. dij ányitás l chemínement )

lr! ozimn9k 19ljosen m€0 k9ll clleznlq jára a csomag §ön!yöletórs lrni. -, A osomaqra ó§ a szállitól8vélr9

. K].§§-1 1" l

sp e c i cl l c anc e l l ct t i ot t The ll itlte r sp.l11 rr e e k u;,l: itl the ..Ka:sai Her astlk" (Krtiir.r, h rlte Rolcll Htutgcll,icttt Post llalllc,d after Kassa t Ptll e ti tctt,| po:111| dttt,ittg rlte llttlrr i!rttl (:,,.ii ,)LLll})llti()lt t]9]9l Á Elrrlot'tlittrtl'.) }l1l:1,1j ftt,r,,t,.\,j,,,1,,,1i, 7,J

lru n fiaér,


É F -"*rr/vút-

Feladó l

Spectalcancellatiotl of ,,KASSA 2'with greeting the wínter sportweekon o postalstationeryl6c]rd 3.2. ltprovides a determinative experience already in childhood Basics of alpine skiing can be learned on ski school courses. organized each t,ear at man} places. Instruction for children at ski schools is r en, important



+R l Yl =* T y, ?-a +* }'. -O y -EJ? E l §- J? G É_ 4)L q y at -^ .í\5 =ol- 'l B- -z tA t 642 o v iF o üü Y hv jET bB ,E-lf 9 h? 7.

EáE=í=E#^,r,i A child skier must not miss New BS Year's greeting telegram! Japanese telegram, 1 January 1954 3.3. The spectacular view of ski tracks

Alpine skiing is a branch oí sport in rvhich nature is always close to us. At a dorvnhill from the peak into the valley, the beaLrtilul panorama changes in each second.

a önsxosl,()\/ENslio TctlEcosLovAQUlI],.-,: -



\ resting skier lr atches stlo\\l peaks oithe High Tatras Pt.,rrcll \ILlli()tler\ cur(l /],()lll tltc :ki . (/i /gi-J\ s t ]9,]5l

ln sK() 5 LOVENs lio i i iín;( o5J.o\,.\Q1,1}j I DOPISi{ICl] CAIII,E POSTAI-F,

MEzlNÁR()DNl L\ 2t.?aKÉ z^VoDV Fls 1 3,--1a. ll. 1935 ci)NcoURs INTERNAT|oNA VYsOKts TÁ]RY l Es H fule"4 ftL'nez.(, r

View of the High Tatra ranges."taken" front a ski track. at tlre tinle of tlre ski congress coordinated b1 FIS (i935)

n Po.síal slcltionery card ,s,ení bt, ctir ntctil ft,clnt Lttcenec ío Cltor:ow lrith a Prugue "fattc:1'"cttttce lluriott 3.3. The spectacular view of ski tracks


: ffit -€,-, -,__,)Hfl.il: ffii:.]öltflj: : lHffi Fr*iÍlÍr*r.trmwmtzul : lRl FlTTIsYvFRL§ll4lili] :

This young amateur skier is rejoicing in the San Marino w-inter landscape. Probably such a big snow is rare in San Marino. but if it is. then the landscape is very nice

öEsKosLovENsI(o. rcrtÉcos1-ovAQg Y


MEzlNÁRoDNí LY2AÉSKÉ zÁvoDY Fis í3.-1a. ll. íess * coNc oNAux DE sKl 9 VYSOKÉ T S HAUTES TATRAS }) DebT

Létadlem : Uc€erE En avio-n

The skier shown in the picture immediately reaches the top of the slope from where he starts his downhill while watching the beauty of the surrounding winter landscape Postal stationery card with addedfee 3.3. The spectacular view of ski tracks

The Suiss skiers can enjo1 the vieu of sunshin1, peaks er-en during dorrnhill This is not about ski glasses, but the beautiful panorama, watched by the skier. The Polish range of the High Tatras

[n the springime skiing. the gentian The New Zealand skier is watching the Tasman is often seen near the track Glacier and the surrounding peaks Embr o ide d s e lf- ad he s iv e s tamp Change ofcurrency can be observed on the stanlp value


View of the surroundings of Ngersheim, Switzerland, from the ski track (1935) Postal stationery card .i __ .:

3.4. Skiing is not only an individual but also a social sport

The alpine skier reaches the peak b1- a ski-lift or by foot. u ith his skis on the shoulder, to staft downhill then. But first. he looks around. enj o1 s the beauty of the landscape in tront of him, and, in most cases, consults with his gul,s. triends about the track and stl le (smaller or rvider curves) for the downhill. Presence of the compan\,. the team makes sport even nore happ) and nremorable.

A ski team is facing The Bucegi Mountains, €^&,[ E Southem Carpathians, Romania Postal stationery card W@e@

Pe mosirul Buceg,

Alpine skiers in a team from Georgia

i{aximilian C zern.l üralter d en 5p o'rto'fí" §rT,F. to§t §í Lttg

iTohlgeboren Herrn *] ,,,\l Hannenhe /,l 3 .J Bankbeamt er H +n§zi ,=i §ibiu - Tlerrnannst adt.

Paulwienerqasse,Idr. B Einschrei oen Runánien

On t|e marked stamp illustration, Austrian alpine skiers climbing upu,ards can be seen. Their aim is to make sport together in a team 3,4, Skiing is not only an individual but also a social sport



b,,N \t ,fu #- t\ $ ; t i ^*. t í. I I t ,h \ \ i * l, ]ll I l } r .t \ $ Jh tr" '§ I I J. I '\ Y t ) § r

The plroto-picture r,r as made ol a team of skiers in the thirties Clans-sur-Sierre is located near Crans-\íontana. uhiclr is a famous alpine rrorld cup ski resofi in \-alais. Stritzerland Ccltttpletecl posíLll 5tLltiotlen curtl. ] 93E

z lMNÉ st-ETovÉ HRy örs

\\'e see orre of the slopes of the Higlr Tatras. Altlrough there is no skier in tlre pictule. there are some ski-traces of a team of skiers Posíal síuliotter,v cord is.suetlJbr the ]918Il'ittret,Glntas in High Tatras 3.5. Disabled people can also enioy alpine skiing

Skiing is very popular among disabled people who are other,,vise healthy, and able to do sports, and, moreover, to participate in world competitions. Paralympic alpine ski racings are organized at the place of winter olytnpics, at the tjme it ends.

Paaalympl c G ame5 Vénao UVel 201 0

Skiers with one leg and one ski. They use special ski poles with mounted short skis


skier with Olynrpic circles are broken,,. one hand Separate rvorld races were organized for the disab]ed

cAi,lADA dl potTEs po5T cANADA =

Porolympic Winter Gomes Voncower 20'10 (l Yancouver 2o1o 20t0.03.í2-21 ALP|NE sKllNc sKl ALPlN lililllllil hl}|lsTL€R BC M +ss ?z RED z 4. 2010 -03- 1 g § KLAUS F|NK -b vancouver 2oto 349 West Georgia St. PO Box 3025 "urouuagf Vancouver BC V6B 3X5 Canada

A skier tt tlhour one leg Pa rct ly ttl pl c sp e ci aL c ance i l a tt orl 3.6. Test of courage, the extreme skiing

Níanr skiers are constantlr looking for a challenge in tlre alpine ski-sport. Generall1-the1 are erceptionall1 brar e and rre1l-trained skiers.

x. v§esoxorsK\' sLET .j|qNL' l]Ét i - ilJ_ ll ]jlllJ V/soxl] lATllY


\n earlr . bt-ar e ertreme skier starts o1l the slclpe bctu cen the spectacular. sllt]\\f c]ili: olthe Hich Tatras. Soko1-\Ieetirig. \\'inte r Ganle s. 19 j8 Pllstttl \I.1riOtlel,\ cLlt,Ll ]1,iíl1 dLtLl(Ll laf


Krivói (lóó9 m] DoPlsNlcA

ll,,t X,nl H Fl-Árzkóv

Three extleme skiers are gettirrg ready to dou,nhill in the Little Fatra near Martin town in Slovakia near the 1669 meter high Maly Kriváö D Postal sícttionery card, ]957 ) 3.6. Test of courage, the extreme skiing

Tlrele are alpir-re skiers looking for extraordinary challe1l$c,s I .]l..se .lll .ltil]ete u ith a utlique períbrnrance. Davo Karniöar is a fanrous Slo,n,ene extreme skier and alpinlst H: r,, .r: Il-ie tirst persot-l riho decided to l isit the highest mountain peaks of all continents and tllake a contplete rki descent tl,tlrll these. Atler cettirrs 1llt]nev he started its succestirl sir-r ear progralll,



/Áf ía &C.-+- X. ) *s-'-r-ée->

( "T ObrioLrs. tlre "reatest \entllre rras skiirlg dr_l\\l1 titltll ihe SS-.iS nl irilh }lount Ererest. October 7.2000. The c,-ltltilll.lt)Lis. ct]t-I1plete ski descent to tile _i18l,) nl higl^, Rongbuk Base Camp ttltrk i-tre hclltrs (.{sia. Tibet) Ptlstcttt,tl litltpriruí. RrlttghukBu:L (ctttItl ,i.li.,lrl iTitL.rlxI.ti t:ltt:Ji|.tIttllt']9]Jt The other tirltll1rllcnts oi Dar t-r Karnió:,l-:


Kilimanj aro 1 _i 89-i trr ) \Iount Elbrus t56-{] rlri \concagua t6960 rll l ski t]escent ski descent ski descerlt .l ltlLtarr ]ttii:. tSouth ,\lllericat \or enlber 2001. (Atiica) \1a1 2002.1Europel

Mount McKinley (6194 m) ski descent June 2004. Q,Iorth America) l, Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m) ski descent Vinson Massif (4897 m) ski descent August 2003, (Australia) November 200 6, (Antarctica) 3,6. Test of courage, the extreme skiing Ski mountaineering is a kind of extreme skiing. The task ts c ,lllb Ltpl 1o ,1-,. nountain destirration ri itlr 1or-rr raised brrlJ,ll: ;1:ine skis orr the base side joining upl s..' :^',, ,,,, ilrr se:l tirr), Afier reachirrg the top goal. the highest F,trilli. tl.,.l.jiIlcate tlre bindirrgs. take doun the sr,.l, i.Lls il ,.li]] },.lir ski s ar-rd slide dorvtr. It-trportant: hare a backpeck li iiil ;ir alanche sensor!


Feldpostkorresp on

S.i 1,1l..Llt-itairreerirrg was developed and exercised previousl}' dr-rring \\:\\'l in alpine conditions at nilitalr fbrces. Fieltl posíccu,d t]ctuil.íj,ont utt ctlpitte L,ollr,se itt Zillertul ,;1ttslria (]9]6l

A nlolintaitleeril-Ls skler l he seal fu r pr.,,. ellts llotll \elt Zealan.] .krJJil,], L.t.kri,rt J: Su iss 111t]Lllltailleerillq skiers itl a tei,Lnl

,-\&{:f"{"t ofíciu posto! o= tt: i l.orotitotu, JŐ.llZ1l-,,l,, ,; i Regiunea ...,... Raionu[,_

3 r*"o"€*ho-a_;J,;M4*" N,. {u MUNIIl FAGÁRAS_V"l"" Bilu", ll voie bunó in excu.siiIe Je sfir5it Je Apcrt._. Bloctzl __ Et"iul

D e s t i na ta ruI .il.Úrr* Í..a"*(,*. O.l* #oait 41 - B.T- l 19ó3,28.000 ax l B s "-J" 1174

Lone11 mountaineering skier irr tlre s]lo\\l Fágárag. The Fá_eála; ]\,lourrtain are a \ er1 popular skiing destination irr Tlre Southertr Carpathians. Rotllatria. It,íarr1 choose the ski lloltntaineering here. Prlstul ,\tillioller| ccu,d ( ] 963l 4. ALPINE SKIING AS AN ORGANIZED RACING SPORT 4.1. Foundation of the International Ski Association In 1924, beside the winter sport events, an international ski congress was held in Chamonix. 14 countries founded the International Ski Association [FIS). This organization - with 123 member countries - coordinates ski sport of the world. Based on experiences in organizing, racing and judging on international competitions, it brings congress resolutions,

Le L'nso (cóli l.ut) n. iloil cofi:at!.t Llcilk! itscf;?lioll lianusc -- eARAR TAT-t'^ ,d -1 j cHntloruix 23

io _ l IAl\|\/!l -JA|!ViFR_-"_--- fo"^ilr* ue,*/ h=, bmdn_".-

Special cancellation for the sport events now known as the first winter olympics commemorates the foundation of FIS as well



The 19Z5 Prague International Olympic Congress decided about winter olympics to be organized each 4 years. By this, skiing became an olympic sport With occasional stamps completed special postal stationery card with special cancellation moreover a special machine cancellation 4.2, The tasks and roles of the F.I.S.

Competence and task of F.I.S. is not only coordinatjon of skl racing sport. It is also responsible for the effective specia1 education, and its continuor-is n,.odern:zation At the same time, FIS issued the 10-point regulation for traffic on ski tracks. FlS organizes regular courses and trainings. The mentioned illustrated f \- " ie,,,, e\;mp.es

CoURS ES FIS 15 au 17 n-P3+ ST,MORiTZ-

FIS further education course at the time of the 4th Alpine Ski Championship, St. Moritz, 1934

The main purpose of FIS, is to regulate activities of skiing organizations and conlpetitions in rules in the respective parts of the r,vorld.

---. +\ _/ / '\_.- -{11/4- ,,,.\!. \, , '.. :_-,, - _ i§ t4EZlNÁRoorví lr zaisr i .i5-T? í*:PJ.I.-, F l s )..l3r-2? LEs HAuTEs yalga§gil}r1!8, ll. Wt coNcoURs 1935 d t |\lTFpNATlör\l AtlY n- c!4 l t]"ll);,'iii", e l s | ,. ,_l ,] F§ íAíDl4

In 1935, the ski congress organized by FIS took place in the High Tatras Preliminary advertising specíal machíne cancellatíon

r,l- '|XÚilcná, ,i {a,4,r,:u coh, "r? frern'*r7% l

fu \7 / +nrrr2 K/- 44.g. e!,

Spectal tnanual cancellatiotl at the tLttle cj the,io/1]p l/laaf }iattona|,skt collqress 4,2, The tasks and roles of the F.LS.


'. i, _' I,l RENl,| 15;1Z ]l Si, i,4űR

AOELE)ODEN Oberland bernois -

\l, ?;áurr-r, /f--é,?b/ \.t t Ny f úr,-/á*,n- í,*le i iN s.. l l D .\

The 1934 world championship in St, Níoritz,,r,as held under the auspices of FIS Prelimínary advertising special cancellation of rhe vorId champíorlshíp

ilfr:itfrLLoT T{:aET -5B 16 ll 38.lB '-'§RiF{/ hí-

!.jffr"! i

*,,, "li,!l; -] -,-, :.":;i',_':-: í],],-i", t, , . "]

-_ -f ,- Spe;:actllar- pre llnllnat1, F/S _spe crcl trl.;il ,,. ., t , .l] t l,ie i,, clrid chtltttplotlship itl Fittlattd (193B)

/it{)iBí\ F K .|a 'a/\ú'(t! arctl c P P F Fl U U S n s K P K I I o E} E trl I I S íö0} s

l J

FIS congresses alc hclci r-rot cltlll jn the coittltrics of the,\lps 4.3. Alpine ski racing disciplines

When motion elemen[s, condrtions for teaching, and appliances olalpine became known and the necessaryinfrastructure tvas developed, alpine racing soon started. Jn accordance with FlS regulations and rules for raclng, the branches of racing\\/ere developed. The different types of nlovements have created separate discipline-s lor alpine skiing. The follolving classifrcation is made according to the indiv,jduaI disciplines, such as...

wINTERsPlELE 19ó4 z z o tD F ö

^ "H

REPUBLlQUE FEDERALE tsLAMIQUE Pósl€ aérlenn€ DEs COMOREs -,:^ 1.1.;§;;irJ s- t í+. zziig.a § 1v i "JQrrrr*us\q 1,

',t ',..downhillIDH] ], ., slalom special (SLJ ... giant slalom IGS)

_3.1l,s-j ;,i? a.i} ap>/§\,

,,. super giant slalom (SG) This branch of racing is bet,uveen downhi]l and giant sjalom

DE vlTEssE 'Kl at v, -4 3s EPUBLl

>Jtes lRC9 l_

... freestyle ...speed skiing faerials, mogui, ski crossJ (extretlle speed r.iith extrene equiprnents) 4.3. Alpine ski racing disciplines

The goal in the branches of racing introduced on the previous page - except for freestyle skiing - is to pass the track in the shortest time. For purposes of contro], electric-optica]time measuring equipment is used with a hundredth second accuracy. r

Since 19BB, time measuring become more and more accurate, than]

Track: -2.B km length, 750 m level difference, -. bigger arc in curves, two or three bigger waves, double [or triple] defender net, TAG DES hard snow quality Ll SA BETH )> LlzZ << t:.óF.GL Gates: Two flexible plastic rods with red flag Ski: Length min, 2 m, min. 40 m radius, o',,erall hard + LLU, Speed: Can reach 130-140 km/h \Qrll 0bligatory: Helmet, backbone defender raro u@;

Downhi]l style of the 30s on the photo Postal stationery card (wíth a Matterhorn label) 4.3, A|pine ski racing disciplines 4.3.1. Downhill Challeng ng to the beginner and expert, pUtS a premiUm on style and lt,lain of downhil] : characteristics Speed l1 requlres great skill a5 dlnletes ía.e around flagS called gates, on a zlgzag, downhiIl course

In the curves, the skis nlust be ]ed on their edges to ar.,otctr leaving the rt,ack

0n the straight sections, the so-called ,,egg position" lor reaching the highest speed



R Misprint, the red colour is displaced tí? oo §l N



Because of some downhil] track waves At the wave, the skier must return the racer sometimes flies 40-50 m to the snow to keep the speed )fficial issue in the shortest time (The ,,Office des Postes d'Haiti" is the member of UPU since 1BB1) 4.3, Alpine ski racing disciplines 4,3,2, Slalom special 2.ío J1 Track: -B50 m length in average, 250 m level difference, hard Gates: One rod, red and blue flags alternating,60-65 gates nlade of non-brittle plastic, flexible at ground levei Ski 1.55-1.65 m length, 1,2-14 m radius, hard in the iront, soft behind the bindings Obligatory: Backbone, hand, and leg protector, helnlet Ear]ier there were small flags on the gates

Specific meaning of the a dv e rti se nl e n t of meter The gates on the track callse obstacles

S]a]om skier of the 50s on different issues

4@=ro., A MfiGYAR BÍrIIGGYűII1]K oRszÁGos szo}xTsicx ,,,,: , ,,:,,,.?,

Imperforate stamp four of block Special browtl pritlt otl cctrdboard

R Slalonl skier on the tnlperJorateci phase print 4.3. Alpine ski racing disciplines 4.3.2, Slalom special

Sinceuntil the1950sgatesrverelessflexible,madeoftrood poleandfoottechniqueofthetime was quite different from that of today,,.

wlNTÉRsPrELE |9ó4

z z until the sixties, the skier ú knocks the gates, made of thinner wood or bamboo, The in the left skier lvith his upper arm, but the sweeps curve almost skier's route is stil] far from gates his left the with the gates shoulder

PR \ia!P{T !i\Daf,R\ ,:iJ5, -A,as-.,93r frt5t? 2.5a Tin -Jl w

ALBERTvl LLE 92. o R ,\íis;llt,ittí C,IECHTE\,§rÁ1\ JoCs ol/MP/Cs DH/rERx

More advanced versions of the earlier motion technique

torino eoo6 oQo *21 Tag des Sports 29.9,20av.. NIKI HosP 5LDVENS K TER|N & WELTCUPslEGERlN 2007 1010 Wien

The skier knocks t},re $ates w,ith po)e rn opposite hand, rt,ith hand and leg protector

\\-it-tner str le ! This This is hor.v the skier ag_rressil elr slalorn skier sees knocks dorr n all tlre track "from the _sates inside" 4.3. Alpine ski racing disciplines 4.3.3. Giant slalom Track: -1.3 km length in average, 350 m level difference, one or two waves, continuous curves with big radii Gates: Double gates with flexible rods, red and b]ue alternating flags,45-50 gates Ski: 1.B-1.95 m length,27-35 m radius, soft in the lront, hard behind the bindings 0bligatory: Backboneprotector,helmet


The giant slalom good technique is fundamental to alprne skiing! C ,,,^, il, hől,C!,:iCtL. _r, !_-

t/ ni Blocul - _ Scara - Eta iul_- Apart. ^ -

Expedito = Localitatea

Raionul {b-. ,|_Yrtmte L___ The gate setting of the P.l .-J. i]4,s.T líl 19ó5-1ooo0o eÁ N | 17 -c"a123 giant slalonl race can be fol]olved Prei,iously with the "straight" skis farther a\va\l froni lhe gates \\,ere u,elI ]ess used the edges Super giant slalom, SG

The nlain dilferences compared to tlre "iant slalonl: 1onger rac-it-lg track. higher 1er e1 ditterence. t)ne run. l,iigl-ier speed. longer skis u,ith bigger radius

Perfirr ri ith specific nreaning, ,,S.G." (Super G) ,.T;, S ej' ,S.: ll ; i;c,e Given u,ith generul post licettse jttlv 1886l Vai peúin posrul i:l, ,síclíionen, card inclutletl the settder's nlonOgrul)l

(] 909 t 4.3. Alpine ski racing disciplines 4,3.4. Freestyle skiing

Racing disciplines: acrobatic jumps (aerials], skiing on waved mound-track with jumps [mogul), ski-cross Main characteristics are various ski]ls, courage, struggle Ski: special length, specral rvidth and hardness


vancouver 2o1o 20l 0.02. í 2_28 FRÉE5TYLE sKllNG; A€RlALs SKl -.\tROBATIQUE : SAUTS UúEsT uANcouV€R Bc CANADA POST - POSTES CANADA

Spe ctacular acrobatic jumps af e popular [aerlalsJ Fjeld jump at mogul


Olvmorc Flct - Fatoympique; '

Did you know? canada Post s the t t e sponsor oí the canad aI Freestye 5k Team The team Wi be compet|9 n the aer a , mogU and ski ..o55 eventj ai the Vancolvel 20] 0 o ymp c V,i lter Gdme5

Acrobatic ]ump ,,Iron cross'figure

Le saviez-vous ? poSies canada est commanditaire en titre de l éqU pe canad enne de 5k/ acrobat qUe L'éqUipe patrc pera á de5 .ornpétitions de saUts, de bo55e5 et de 5k clo55 aux Jeux o ymp ques d'h ver de vancouver 2o1o 20] 0 á Vancouver 20 1 0,02.1 2-28

í,REISTYLE 5KIlNG; SKl CROSS (. PHo-o f,l R ieL!..d 5Kl cRoss DE5]CN ]o. ] E. 5 e Ko!i! T5_"!eIa 5Kl AcRoBATiQU€ LLú!TRAT oN ].]h r ae ! e U,l€sT \rANC§UVER BC F^*^ e\ **l |!l|lJl \] clrnoa CANADA POST, POSTES CANADA . U]ll]lli l i",, I

Mogul, skiing L]t1 \,c-f\ mounded track Booklet of ten self-odhesive sro/?lps Chasing race of four skiers on a special track ond copy-detail from this booklet (ski-cross) 4.4. Racing history of alpine skiing

The aim of this chapter is to give surveyabout the nlemot"able races, representing a stage of development in alpine skiing, in chronological order ti11 19B7.

4.4,L, Racing of early times (r924-I94I)

During this period, the development of the alpine ski racing was observable day by day and the enthusiasm was a]so enormous.

After the first Winter Olympics in 1924, the alpine ski competitors of FIS member countries met more and more often at professionally prepared and organized races.

The first Winter Olynlpics Alpine skiers was commemorated b1. Special cancellatiorl the jubilee for on the stamp the post of nrany 1st Il'ítlter 0!1,tnpltc Game



An issue celebrating the 5Oth anniversary of the first Winter Olympics with a downhill skier as well The anniversary was renlembered not onl_y, b,the post offices of the Alpine countries Die proof with control seal signed by C. Junlelet, desígner and engraver 4,4. Racing history of alpine skiing 4,4,L Racing of early times (I924-I94I)

PoíTKonTe Corte portol Cortolino poí BerghausJUNGFRAUJOCH

On the 1925 international dort,nhi]l racing in Jungfraujoch, Srvitzer]and, the Hungarian Anikó Eleőd ,"von. The history oí t}ris cotnpetition also includes the organization of a British skr club, notthe Swiss. D.H.0, (Dorvnhill 0nlySki Club) was formed also here. Postal stationery card (1925)

" it,*'*p, Deutsche §kl- und Heeres - Fdeistorschaíten im Schneelauí 1929 PO$TKARTE,

In 1929, Klingenthal-Aschberg, Cermanv, \\/as the honle of t}re international German ski championship, where the best Austrian and Srviss conlpetitors took part as well Special cancellatiotl of tlie Germatl Post on the finol doy of the championship 4,+, Racing histor1, of alpine skiing 4,4,1, Racing of earlr, times (79Z4-I91I) Tl,.anxs to lhe su:cessiL:, .::r,:Ci.c:ior oi alpine skiing, according to the decision oi FlS a skring ,,i ol]i] c;,.:.::l:.clsl,,lpl ,",,as he]o :rrnll]1r,- until the outbreak of \\/orld \\Iar II.


IEg. IiermagaÁ§"toE

ZeEe EB€T l frrrrsbrrrclr Orrc$ Exprös 6u5ufteííen -

1933.3rd Alplne Skl \\-o:-]d Charllp:onshLp jn Innsbruck The .eusirlar,. Seel,],i Lre.a]lle trioiold rt,inner ..(;le cint F/_l rni;ceiiiliiol],§ Oll the ,egisler€o ú\.l],-É]_!_.,.] ,i- POSTKABTE CARTE POSTALE CARTOL| NA POSTALE -fi- ,ts'


LAV EY_ LE s_BAl N S fr*,úaO/e f?ll1 a

/ü_ b?yí€j2_-q

193{, 4tlr Alpine Ski Clrampionship St. \Ioritz. The Siriss Zogg arrd the German cranz were the stars. y. P r e l i ttt itt tlrl tl tll, e rt i s i t t g s pe c i tt l C ttl l c, € l l ctí i t l l l L ll l tlrc po.srttl stutitltten c(,rrd vith port payment stampings 4.4. Racing history of alpine skiing 4,4,L Racing of early times (I924-I947)

In 1936, skiers competed on two rvor]d races at the same time, the olympics and the world championship.

1936.4th Winter 0lympics, Garmisch- partenkirchen. The combined results of downhill and sla]om special was regarded on the alpine races. The most successful competitor was the German /' nflli \_"' l,,{{enhif{t 7í20] christl cranz

!l íIttl,, t tr




brrrck 2 B65

1936, 6'h Alpine Ski Championship. Innsbruck. New names among the winners, the Swiss Rominger and the Austrian Kneissl

Spec ial FIS c anc el l at iotts 4.4, Racing histor1, of alpine skiing 4.4.L Racing of earl1, times (192+-794I) In1937, Chamoni.x i,,-:::lt:,eht to organize the -' - :- . . S.: \\',lr]d Charrlplonshlp

s, A. G. N, 1580 w

,Tl =e_) .= <- = =,j F .>< '-í) , :E= S=n {-" 1ü /r9

{ö r: cr3

Th.ll_igil ihe st.ltllp is:,.ied b,l the Fretlch P.l51 5}1prrs ,r :iii .l tLttlpct. that rias lllainll atl alpine ski rrlrlC ch:lllpitltl:hip The pronlirlent \\,11l11ers. the CJernlan Christl Cranz (2 gold ltledaisr:ll.j lhe Ficllcll Elrlj]e {11,ris r3 sold rlredals) .§rlll.'l.t1 r17.,,. l;j,l;., aLltlL-eildIiOl1 rllt rlte c,over.ft.lt, ti;,-.. ,,.. t ,..,-. 1 ,'., _i;.,7711,i ;1,1'7,,ll


1938. The CzecJr,,,slor ák \\iinter Ganes U,{"// in High Tatras. It llas also an olrrlpic sol-ting racirrg. (The 19-10 Oli rtrpic Games \\ere not held)


§ ,xa , § r'r- -: ltt ,1 |]l:(óZ :_ -,4J, ,| -1- S P ! ?Tiii:T 19 3 9,X |1,2 6;'lg 40.1.5 t i 9_18 I :l., ,\L;.trilll \lpirlc :ki ['1l.rrl:l.i\_," . i] 1939. \\-jnter Sport \\-ee|_ irl tilc Krliice }Iorrntains \\.i]- i-,L,ld \]1l the ptrplllar 5l6pe tli Bttt-.,er-ri:ll. jril rii The rluttlber of ski racers rr as ]l ill _r . disciplines rie.ri- .\flCnZ 1,í]e tt:-Kurtl|[, \])t,t ltlt| L t/i.l_ ( i..]L, 4.4. Racing history of alpine skiing 1.1.1. Racing of earll,times (1921-19]1)

Special Gernran ski races in occupied territories


por!íqilríiroó]lunln.r 5ilúf c, 9duán!rl!n.ú, ó.bó[§elrl|, stodÉeílo!

August tsaungart

Winter fighting games in tlre Austriar-r Villach, l939 \\ illieltn \\-alch rl,as tlre uinner of the alpirre cotlbintitiotr Prl.srul .síttlítltterl,curd vilh specitll c,ctttc,ellctrir.,tt

DEq T§chE PosT os T E N

Easter ski races in the Polish Zakopane,,1940 Hellmut Lantschner and Josef Jennewein were the winners of the alpine races

,S1l e c, i u l c utt c e l i ttr i ot t tlt t sp e c i tl l i s : t t t,

German Military Ski Championship in the Czech Spindelmühle, Sudeta territory, 1941 There were exciting alpine ski races where Rudolf Cranz was the winner Special cancellation on the posí corcl +.+. Racing history of alpine skiing 4.4.2. The second impulse of racing (1948-19B0) The winners of the nine winter olympic games organized in the years after World War II -until 1980 - got at the same time the title world champion.

Ferenevarosi Torna CIub Budao691, TX, Ullo1-Ut 12g, Eudapest.


1948. Winter Ol1,mpic Games and Alpine Ski World Championship, St. MoriCI. The races rvere called "games of renewal". German and Japanese skiers were excluded

KJ.adeasUá, 3+tl56

- -!-r-e-E-e- J9E99ig9: -

1950. Tatra Cup, High Tatras There were made several educational films about the competitions Cancellation is on the day of the slalom special race -1.1. Racing history of alpine skiing -l.].1. Racing of earlr- times (192]-19]l)

Gemlan Ski Chanrpionship in Altenberg, 1937 The Cranz brother and sister (RudoLf and Cltistl ) \\ on in alpine combination }ice specictl ctlttcellctriotts ott rlte coler


l^ l ]t /^ , NARCIARsKIE t- it i:'l,L ' o N4ISTRZ_OSTVc S\Y/IAT opANE 19 ll 919 fua!

9'}'Alpine Ski \\'orld Char-npiorlsirip in Zakopane, l939 Tlre alpine races were domirrated bl.Gernrarrs. thev r,l,ot-t t-tre in sir races again under the leadership of Chr.Cranz Spe c ill F]S c attc e l l utíott s Alpine ski championship, Schleching, German alpine ski championship Bar-aria_ 1949. The downhill track was in 1952 was held in the most popular one of üe longest in Germany in that time ski resort in Bavaria, in Lenggries

vr, o lYMpI s l§E \riNT-T- R tBjKE R 1,'L OLYMPI§T{É 1,,'l

osI,o, 7952 , O SrO, 14-25. l.I9En". 1?,i 2 ',. c

1952. Winter Olympic and Alpine Ski World Championship, Oslo Giant slalom appeared as a particular race in the progranrme of ski racing events

Machine special advertis ing mac hine c anc e I latiott

IIerr Tom Gullfeld.t Skulptör,vágen 26

ajap , l os Lo 1952 E

1952. Oslo On the special issues of the Norwegian post, ski-sport was represented by ski jumping 4,4, Racing histor1,of alpine skiing 4.4,?. The second impu]se of racing [1948-l9B0)

;2 2 iUb,l6{

q x-/ c ű 'rula


,, T R o F E o D E L L' E T NA, tNTERNAzloNÁLE Gara Sci,Alpinislicö a Pattu9lie Km lJ

Etna ]3-3 1955 Vll EDlzioNE

%rvLW \J.l,o, Cunr,a, fuúa,qüb 1 Jrnlrr+

\tr ertrenle ali:,ine skr race ill tlre Filiies In Si.l r. iilth ]_i ktll Llp-d,_r\\Ll ski mountaineering racc on the sLope tlithe Ettla l olcatlo. ,t. 1'ir,'ei-l,/L1/lrl l] ':i1 l]lg'll.il'..ili..'r'l.irl,,iil ,ri 9_i_'i, 4,4, Racing history of alpine skiing 4,4,2, The second impulse of racing (194B-l9B0)

:_1--,=-- '!Kr,- 195-1. 13'r' Alpine Ski World t C l-rarllpr onslrip. Áre. Sw-eden. After '. Lorlg tirrle. tlre Noru,egian S. Erikserr il a. the t-rrst Scarrdinaviatr competitor _ SVERiCE tt] beconle an alpirre skiing rrorld - The gold-nleclal-rr illtle r Eriksetr Special slalor-ri skier chanlpit-ltl nloreo\-er. a triple olle.

Aíier the Are rrorld chanipionsliip. Garmisch- partenkirchen lras the = honle ol the traditional. Él, l'aIttous llpirre ski lacirlg. o o tlre Kandahar. o n F + - -|z O-) ; > rF ü_ I = E= =T r7rN N =- c = FrB l956. 7'h \\-irrter OI1nrpics. and tlre 1-lth Alpirre Ski z- \\-orld Chanlpionship at the e Sall]e till1e. Cortina D',{mpezzo i,.,ii.,]a,l 1].L//lL,,iitttitlttlt,,t tltt,()l.,tttt.it,1,777i1.,.,lll)'

§c \\-hat. or lvho rvas Collll1lt)t1 betrr een the next trr o ,,r orld racins e\-ent? An eritile11- nerr alpine skiilrg technique and its perfomer. the triple ol1-rnpic u,inner and r.rorld champiorr . Winter Olympic and Alpine Ski World \lpirle Ski \\ orld Chanlpiorlsilipl. Championship, Cortina d'Ampezzo, 1956 Bad Castein. 1958 4,4. Racing histon,of alpine skiing 4,4.Z, The second impulse of racing (194B-l9B0)

E" \\-inter O11rllpics and 16'l'Alpine Ski \\ tlrld CJrarrlpionship. Squarr Yalle1. Calitbrnia. 1960

_\t the sir alpirle races S,ulitzerlatrd rr as the rr inler rr itlr two first places. Their eiant slalorrr racers u,on both lllle atld ttrllale races, * {,l,,r.-r'

Downhill skier holding a torch on the special machine cancellationfor the olympics German Alpine Ski Championship

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1 96 1


\\-orld chanlpiotr of-dorrnhill in ] 96]. 18'l' Alpine Ski \\-orld Charllplip15]l1p. the tleu star. k. schranz Chanronir,1962 The Austrians \\ere tlrst rr itlr 1_i nedals

€ 2,48


l-1iarrks to s i grl i t-i c allt sLlpport tio rll u e l l -kno\\,l-) rrorld nreet Alpirre Ski \\'orld Clralllpionship. Spol]Sors. the best alpine skiers of the otr a series of racirlg evellts l966. Portillo (Chile). 1966. atlltallr since At the errd of tlre seasotl. the u,inners in eaclr branch The French .I. C. Kilh arrd G. Perillat get the globe. the \\'orltl demonstrated theil ercel ]ence of racing crystal Cup. 4,4, Racing history of alpine skiing 4,4.2. The second impulse of racing (194B-l9B0)

10,r] \\/inter 0li,mprcs ar.c ] _l .{'l.ne Ski World Championship Grenoble, 196B The teler.,ision carlreras ...L-,a.i:ea a jj er ents from alpine ski cotllpetitions

Doiirrhill skier irr egq poSLtlon Tlro dil/erettt írial c,tllou, proofs uncl íhe.fhtctl i,ssue ,\tonp R Die prclol'l itlt c,l.f t he,\ Iott ttc o P cls í conírol settl. Signed by G. Bétentp,s, engralter (l9ó81 aR9

l1th Winter Olympics arrd 22nd Alpine Ski World Championship together. Sapporo, l972. Downhill skier in front of the Fujiyanra Slalom special skier Special cancellaíiott d the (J. C. Killy) Japanese post Sapporo olytltpic issue, ]972 4.4. Racing history of alpine skiing 4.4.3. Modern racing w,ith advanced technical background (19B0 -)

The ]_3,nWinter Olymprcs ln 19B0 rras the last racing event since 194B r,vhen olympic champions oí alpine skiing became alpine skirng charnpions as well, without another racing.

o-) lú ?< r \' \ \

\\-irrter O11rrrpics and Alpine Ski \\-orld Tlle trrolbld o11mpic and riorld Clrar-npionship. Lake Placid, l980. chanlpiot-t. tlre Slr-edislr I. Stenmark. Frorn tlre eighties rvith adl anced equipnerrts. rr inner in slalon special and _eiarrt slalorn the speed of skiing is increasing. on the 1980 olyrripics, Since then Dtl lthill skiet, ott rhe special c,attcelltlíiott Stetrtllart's perí-ect stlle becarrre the norn.

anw n0 ilOnsndla


Stenmark on íhe oyerpriní ,Stetttttttrk ott tlte ittverlatl tl €t,llt,ittI

?rL o rte

LERNT ÖSTEFBElCH KENNEN! 554r ALTENMAHKT-ZAUCHENSEE, Land Salzbur9, 850 m-21 50 m t V,Jrrtt Wi ntersporizentrum u, Sommererh kt tu1;u ü,-rl Z t^ror,r* agen, Langlaufschule (50km TaU teníahrten, geheiztes Frei- u. Spo Te"nlsna,le, 7 -enl,Sf,elplátze, He| ,159 Auíla9e/1 l :-l dergarten la'j,-/1 ._L l1 l J mme und y' oder post- J!4<44 H*.-c)Lr.rc.( A - E-rwvltn tr e4+ 4 Z VőQL![ ct6 -llob,_ Besrimmun9sort

,nvere In the year of the 13th Winter Olympics the racing e\ ents olthe Alpine Worlcl Cup continued. Women's downhill and slalom special racing were held on tlre tracks of Alterunarkt and zauchensee 4.4. Racing history of alpine skiing 4,4,3, Modern racing with advanced technical background (19B0 -)

One of the philate]ic salutatiol]s lo the alpine racings; r FtIrel9B0 Lake Placid Olympics

R .\íctttuul sketch b.v rhe exc:ellent Hutt gttt,i tttt \l unlp des igner, Púl íhrgu, [or tlte vulue y,ith íhe alpitte

ski:r of tlte Lttke Plttcid,scl,ias C_]

Á .síatttp issue itttpletll.rlteti Lj(c()rLlillg í0 the.fittal cle-sigtt h.: F',il I-ut,gtt

Éa wz / 03

An die B ez irkshauptmanns chaf t Korneubr:rg

2100 Korneuburg

1982. Schladming and Haus, alpine ski world championship in Steiermark. Schladming (Planai) is the centre of men's, Haus im Ennstal is the one of wornen's races. What's new in this competition? Great races with great racers, absolutely new race techniques and equipments, The Swiss Erika Hess won the slalom special, giant slalorn and combination, Meter cancellation with the fficial insurance compan) of this alpine ski championship (l9B2) 4,5, Great talented alpine skiers

oSTERREICH 55 3,00r *O*í"Ou

christl cranz, the most T. Sailer. the great rrinner of J. C. Kilh. tliple rvintrer successful alpine skier of the the Ki tzbtiile1 Hahrrenkarnn-i olthe 1968 Grerroble 30s, olympic and twelvefold Iaces. triple clranrpion of the rvinter olr n-rpics world champion of Germany alpine racings orr tlre 1956 rr inter o11rnpics

l1 al .

o É ó a ) o- p 6 { uÉ § E:--JiLElr] - KLE|NARL _

The,se s7:ecictl cuttcelluticltts ott tlte 19-6 ol)tttpic clolltltill srlttt1l isstte o./ ílte,1ttstt,icttt po,sl c,0lllDlelllol,Ltíe ílte bigge.sr c,rl,stttl globe wott bv A. }Ioser-Pröll. :isrtlltl tnerctll II'orlcl Ctt,p lt iittter

6§,tr§X1 \a N MAlER T c U P s l E c E,"B a) t l 9) a i\ l ^§' l §,

Tlie "L- neqr.ralled ' Sti edish "Herrninatof", H. Maier, the l. Stenmark has an astonishing series pride of Flachau was, despite his of o11mpic arrd rrorld charnpionslrip restafted career, one ofthe best successes.86 liorld cup victories ever with his 54 world cup victories 4,5, Great talented aIpine skiers

5524ANNJABERG The Norrr e_sian 29.4.2o78 _\nother giant. the Italian Kjetil André Aanrodt Alberto Tomba. cornpeted anong rrorld ..I'nl in the tbotsteps of ltlgenal"- His r-rnique practice in slalom u-imers íor 15 \ears, said atter the r-ictorr ol77th \\-orld teclrnique brought him many With his 4 _sold rrredals. Cup. tire Austrian NIarcel Hirscher ol1mpic and world he is the alpine skier kin_s rrho ll,as born in Annaberq. chanrpionships. -l ol rr inter olr rrlpics Eightfold Overa11 Tomba has 50 u,orld World Cup rvirurer. cup victories olr.mpic chanpion. { the ..Best Alpine Skier of A1l Tinre" titie holder

l9,.1:, t:,t;l,.t;^,. Női lesiklás: 7 helyezés slo(5l 11 talented A Hungariatr Miklós Edit 2ü'l4 ;,:..,, : l.:,,;] Tlte specíci ctlttcel l ati on doririhiller rr ho stopped c onl lll e nl 01, ű ritt g t h e lTer racing anloní] the MP Szarvas, 20]t ápritis 2ó best cott.ferettce o,/ ílte hecause o1- iIl_iirI,r . Huttgaricut Olt,npic Edit \Iiklós .7cacletln t2()]]l

|_ YV Post E OSTERRE|CH|SCHE POST AG 9 Bar f rel gemacht/Postage paid É, 5541 A|tenmarkt im Pongau o" Osterretc h/Ausirta

Who is the nultiple uorld cLlp \\iruier. uorld chanlpiotl dounhii1 skier rrho gcrt a streei natlle it-t his louth irr Austria? Tlre ansrrer is. \Iichael \\-ajchofer O,ílicitti c,ol,er prittreJ b.l,po:t lt,ith pret,iL,,tt\ll p05tLtge p(lic]

Four d ifferent designs TWen iy 39c 5e f,adhesiVe stamp5 ,loW §7,80

I i:iul l

And firrallr another qlleStioll: rr 1rat cart be thc tlbjcct ttlr lihich both proi-essiona1 and begiruier skiers

can be happ1'? This is nothing but tlte S\O\\ ] Btlokler cf fu etth,, self-uclltesit,e \lulllps